Here are a couple of photo's of BHRR's Angel Noelle from the PV PAWS Event Weekend! She came out with us on the Saturday(the 12th) and, Race from Hot 89.9 LOVED her! Tweeted & took photo's of her throughout the day also.

We continue to be patient for that right matched forever loving home to find her and, she has a special 1-on-1 Date coming up from our recent 3rd Annual Online Auction that we hosted! πŸ™‚

BHRR's Angel Noelle – April 12th, 2014
*photo's courtesy of Race of Hot 89.9


We are at PV Hazeldean – 457 Hazeldean Road on Saturday May 3rd from 10 AM – 3 PM!

This is s ONLY our second Community Education & Public Awareness Event for 2014 and, we are ONLY doing a total of 4!

MORE Details HERE!

In attendance representing BHRR shall be:

BHRR's Ethel
BHRR's Groves
& I will be bringing my own GD Matrix – I am neutering him on Friday and, so, he is going to be on Gwennie watch!

UPDATE: Below is the lovely board that Bre of PV Stittsville has put together in support of PAWS for BHRR!
Total of PAWS/Event Sales/Donations as of April 30th, 2014 – THANK YOU to all of the supporters: $5,140
*The goal that PV Stittsville has set for the month that includes the April 12/13 activity weekend: $5,000

We shall be bringing: Saturday April 12th, – BHRR's Flint,  BHRR's Noelle and BHRR's Leroy
We shall be bringing: Sunday April 13th – BHRR's Torque, Mr. Bubbles and BHRR's Treasure

AND, the councilor shall be at PV Stittsville for around 11 AM – 12:30 PM along with the paper!

AND, we will be doing doggy tattoos for a $5 donation!
**Blow pens and stencils and non toxic materials to be used


ON Saturday April 12th – BHRR will be at their Store from 10 AM – 3 PM with BHRR Dogs TBD!
ON Sunday April 13th – BHRR will be at their Store from 11 AM – 4 PM with BHRR Dogs TBD!

MARK your calendars! HERE is the poster for PV Stittsville's annual PAWS Event! BHRR was so incredibly touched to have been chosen again in 2014 to be the recipients of this event! πŸ™‚ If anyone wishes to have a copy of this poster to help crosspost and share this event, PLEASE EMAIL

We would be so grateful for all the assistance in getting the word out!

For the whole month of April, PV Stittsville(1250 Stittsville Main), for your kind and giving donation, will have 'PAWS' that your name OR your pet(s) name will be written on and put up in their store in BIG appreciation. Funds from this Event will be used to help pay for BHRR's Purse Puppy, Coach who has been diagnosed at this time with at minimum, a congenital heart condition AND BHRR's Porridge, diagnosed with a nasal tumor.

BHRR shall only be making a maximum of 6 Public Awareness & Community Education appearances in 2014 and this is our first! πŸ™‚ We are booked for four to date, and, one more is in the works! COME on out, visit with us, some of the BIG DAWGS of BHRR and, have some fun! πŸ™‚

BHRR shall be at PV Stittsville on Saturday April 12th(10-3 PM) & Sunday April 13(11-4)!

FOR more details of this MUST ATTEND Event, please visit HERE!

Thanks to BHRR BOD member Barry once again, for hammering out with me this incredible poster! So talented!!! AND, thank you being publicly extended to our much loved extended fam at PV Stittsville for inviting us back again in 2014!!! πŸ™‚

petvaluPAWS2014 (Medium)

UPDATE #3 For Today:
UPDATE: OK! The Vet has now seen this classy lady. FINDINGS:

1) Her eyes are not as bulging today as yesterday so, they most likely were bulging more due to no leash manners plus stress and, I am relieved to note that we can officially rule out glacuoma at this time. It is most likely something similar to PRA(Progressive Retinal Atrophy). The Vet shall research further. She is already doing great with her nose, so shall give her some scent training to help her plus touch training for quality of life enhancement. Her hearing is limited and we also checked for infections.

Heart and lungs are great.

2) The Vet agrees that she does NOT have a spay incision and that she is not spayed. We will spay when she is healthier.

3) We are going to hold off on rabies as she is so painfully skinny

4) We will repeat bw and look closer at her eyes when she is spayed – when she is more healthy

5) We are discussing switching to Clav & Baytril for her UTI and will be adding Deramaxx to her protocol for she is very uncomfortable. Odd results with the UA as her urine is so acidic. We will repeat now that she is with BHRR by cysto and also culture

SHE is so so so freakin' awesome! So affectionate, bonding already and, so nosy and, full of beans!

OH, the Vet also thinks between 5 and 6.

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Ethel’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Ethel's Angels Bills To Date: $989.07
*Before PayPal fees

UPDATE #2 For Today:
I am suspecting her age to be between 5/6. She has the clear masking gene that may give people the feeling that she is a lot older yet, her teeth, body condition(even despite being so skinny), energy level etc., does not scream senior to me…she is not a spring chicken yet, she is feisty and bouncing and also exhibits the behaviour of a dog that had been tied up for years….strong muscles in the buttocks from jumping up yet, is extremely wobbly when trying to walk or trot and, that comes from not being able to do so….. So, she was most likely tied up or penned in a small space. Once we get those nails trimmed up, she will also have better movement.

I have her at work with me today and she weighed in at 77 pounds. In looking through her records, she was picked up at 64 pounds, reached 68.2 pounds by April 24th and is now 77 pounds as of April 28th.

So, based upon her weight today, I would like to see another 20 pounds on her and, that would put her around 100 or pounds at ideal. So, since she was picked up as a stray she has put on 13 pounds and for those that have seen her, you know how uber skinny she is still.

So, from where she was to where I want her to be, that will be 36 pounds of weight needed. Poor thing…

The scar that the shelter feels is a spay scar, I think perhaps it is a c-section scar possibly. The chances that this dog was spayed in a first nations community is not high. Possible, not likely yet, we will all get a better look – I have not yet looked myself as of yet either.

We will look closer at a few of her nipples…they are not normal looking yet, dogs that have been over-bred can have them look this way.

Her eyes and hearing will also be further assessed.

Poor thing has anxiety issues and so, she is in boot camp for that.

AND, she had a surprise visitor today at KAH, Auntie Margaret Aris dropped by and, got to visit with BHRR's Ethel!

BHRR's Ethel WUVED Auntie Margaret!!!

The only thing I am looking for her right now are pillows and fuzzy/soft bath mats with the good underside that 'sticks' for her balance

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Ethel’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Ethel's Angels 
*Before PayPal fees

UPDATE #1 For Today: She is coming to work with me today as from the very first time I saw her shelter photo's, I suspected eye issues and now, that she is here, getting her in, is even more urgent. I also suspect hearing impairment. She was sent with simplecif for her UTI that was discovered with an UA done at the shelter yet, it is so bad that I think I want her switched to a Baytril combo with Clav and want to do a culture. She is a bit of a hot mess and love her already!

One very needed nail trim coming up also plus a nice oatmeal bath.

She is a feisty wee thing!

Below is a photo of her on the transport leg that Mason & I did.

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Ethel’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Ethel's Angels 
*Before PayPal fees

BHRR's Ethel – April 27th, 2014

On April 21st, I received an email asking if we would consider helping a 'skin and bones' Senior GD, picked up as a stray and brought to their shelter on April 8th, 2014. They estimated her to be around 7 years of age. With BHRR's Torque being adopted on April 22nd, we committed. This Great Dane is ONLY the 2nd dog that BHRR has committed to in 2014. BHRR's Leroy, on April 5th was the first. We were told that she is a very sweet and a gentle girl. She is a Mantle Great Dane.

Her weight was 31 KGs(68.2 pounds). Emaciation cases is something, BHRR is very experienced plus knowledgeable in handling rehab successfully. 

With one more BHRR dog adopted – BHRR's Torque very recently and three more dogs under a pending adoption, we were comfortable taking one more special dog in and, she was the next in need after Torque was adopted.

She is ONLY the second dog in 2014 that BHRR has been able to commit to as we work to bring down our numbers. So, 7 dogs out and two in is good statistics to accomplish that, though, losing them to health reasons is not how we want to see our numbers go down …..and, we continue to network with other groups to save as many dogs as we can and, help dogs out in other means…..

By June, we are hoping to be able to be to be in the position to help one more dog.

Here is the additional information that we received after we stepped up. It matter naught to us what she looked like(we committed before even seeing photo's), medical status etc. She was the next in need and BHRR, is here to help the next one. They believed that she would not do well on their adoption floor.

"Our vet of record is going to be in house tomorrow(April 24th) so she is going to take another look at her to see if she is spayed and to make sure everything else is good with her.  She is 31kgs in weight. As of April 8th, she will be weighed again tomorrow. She had a booster and a nasal vaccination on April 8th and will be getting another booster before she leaves.  She has been heartworm tested and had some other blood work done as well that we would send copies with her.  She came to us on April 8th  from around 6th Nations.  They just found her wandering around the road and the kind finder brought her into the shelter. "

We began to try and work on transport for the weekend of the 26th, otherwise, she was going to have to wait another week.

I am surrounded with such generous and caring plus giving folks for, we mobilised and fast and, had this transport filled in short order! She had bw (normal and HWT is negative) and a UA and, she is battling a nasty UTI. She is on Simplicef 200 mg SID yet, I may get her switched over to something like Baytril. Her UTI is nasty. πŸ™ Thank you SO much to the shelter for doing all they did for her. Per her paperwork, they wrote there is a 'spay scar'. We will also check. She has at least one nipple that is enlarged, poor thing and, I will have my Vet team look closer. The Shelter Vet did not note any concerns though. :). I am already proactively de-worming her, after she arrived safely to us on the 27th of April. Will make another blog post with input from the angel tansporters that helped me get her closer to BHRR!

I am calling her BHRR's Ethel – meaning 'noble' and a version of Ethel means 'wise advisor', 'noble & strength' & 'intelligent'. When I posted seeking name suggestions for her, 88 posts made! WOW! – Charlotte made the suggestion that she needed 'a classy older lady name'. πŸ™‚


(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Ethel’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Ethel's Angels 
*Before PayPal fees

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BHRR's Ethel – @ Shelter April 2014

Unfortunately, in trying to book a hv for BHRR's Jetta's possible future adoption, the home is extremely busy up to June and, we do require all members of the home to be present. We continue to try and figure out a best date/time for all so, that we can determine if this is the right matched forever loving home for BHRR's Jetta. Patient is what all parties remain! πŸ™‚

OK! We have a date! May 9th, it is! BHRR's Reese shall head to her possible future adoptive home, this time for three nights and, if all continues to go well, she shall remain there and be officially adopted! Please think good thoughts for her and, the home. πŸ™‚

Will update her blog as we can.

E. White, Ottawa, ON

Thank YOU, for everything you do and being such an inspiration. I wish that I could give more, and one day (hopefully soon) I will!


BHRR's Porridge wants to SHOUT out a thanks to Elizabeth! She won a date with one of our BHRR doggies in our 3rd Annual 1-on-1 Special Date Auction and she donated an extra bit for her " favourite boy Porridge ♥." Thank you! πŸ™‚

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Porridge’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Porridge Angels  $845.50* donated to date & Bills are close to $4,000
*Before PayPal fees
PV Stittsville Nail Trim/Grind Event
Pam – PayPal took $0.59 in fees
Bob & Hazel – Pred donated on behalf of their RIP dear Eddie
BHRR's April 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House – Donations and 50/50 (split between BHRR's Porridge & BHRR's Coach
Wendi – 'Vegan Cupcakes To The Rescue' Easter Fundraiser

BHRR's Nessie's perma-foster home contacted me to say that, her latest battle with cellulitis was not responding well to the Cephalexin prescribed by their Vet. BHRR's Nessie has confirmed chronic cellulitis and has had this medical condition since we brought her into our program.

I drove part-way and the home drove part-way to meet-up, and, when I first saw BHRR's Nessie, it crossed my mind to almost take her right to emerge and not wait until to see my Vets. Her one foot right up to the hock looks truly terrible. πŸ™ Yet, the home had confirmed that she was eating well(IS she ever! She weighed 89.10 kgs/196.02 pounds today!), drinking, normal bm's and urinating fine. She is sleeping great and quite playful. I took her temperature, which was repeated at the Vets'  today and, it was normal.

Most likely, she has developed a resistance to the cephalexin yet, we did take blood, took cultures to send off, the FNA's/slides show lots of cocci, urine and also did x-rays(just to rule out a break/fracture in the foot, toes etc.) and, shaved the area, did half of her nails and, it took very little to sedate her. o.4 ml is what she received of the Dexdormitor(she was drawn up for 3.2 ml) and, then, it took five of us to lift her to do x-rays. She also had a full exam and her heart plus lungs are normal.

At this time, she has been placed on Clavamox 3 x 375 mg BID and, Doxy 100 mg x 7 BID. Giant dog, requires giant meds. We are also giving her Deramaxx and Gabapentin. I also am soaking her feet(her other leg is only very mildly affected) in Germi-stat and, bandaging the bad foot/lower leg.

Will update her blog as I can. Any considerations to her cause, is, as always, so appreciated. Since we first committed to assisting her, so that she would not be pts, her Vet Bills are close to $6,500 and growing and, they shall continue to grow for the rest of her life as she is a permanent resident in our Haven Program and being perma-fostered in a very private location, to keep her safe plus BHRR members, per a post made in September of 2013.

Below are two photo's of her. One from December 24th, 2013 and one from today.

Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Nessie'. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services C/O Gwendilin Boers 2425 Totem Ranch Road West RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option)


This is also an excellent opportunity to also post a bit more about what BHRR is all about and to impart some community awareness plus public education. BHRR is a special needs Rescue. More than that, we are also a Giant Breed Rescue. All r/q's rescues are out there doing the best that they can, most are all Volunteer, and, their mandates, procedures plus policies are put in place in the best interest of the animals' in their care.

To compare one special needs group to another, or one groups' numbers of adoptions or to say that, 'x' group is always posting happy news(some groups ONLY take in highly adoptable, non behavioural or medical dogs and that is the niche they fill in the community) yet,'y' group always has a dog in need is not looking at what makes a group truly r/q. Are they full vetting(many do not), are they pumping them in and out, are they doing proper behaviour assessments/evaluations, are they doing a very thorough adoption process, are they staying within their resources, are they giving all approved temp foster and adoptive homes info. packages and being there for them….so many points that could be made here.

BHRR also, only does four planned fundraisers a year and attends very few community education/awareness events. We are not out there every weekend, hands out asking or demanding money. We are so appreciative be it a $1 or $10 that comes our way. The rest of the monies raised for our dogs comes out of the pockets of Sean/I. We are not 'dabblers' in rescue. We have been around since 1996 and, do this to help one dog at a time and to do it the right way each and every time.

BHRR's focus is to take in the 'next in need' and that entails many highly unadoptable or harder to adopt dogs and, also we take in very deserving dogs into our Haven Program(Palliative and/or Behavioural) AND, one must also realise that, it is not 'us' turning down people by the thousands. People need to realise that many people do not want a BIG BLACK dog or, a dog with behavioural issues or one with medical reasons and applications are not flowing in like a rain shower. To cast negativity, on any group, without knowing what their mandates are and, their success rates – we were 100% for 10 years of operating, and, now are 99% as we go through year 18 – and, so much more about them, is shameful. There are so many groups and causes out there and, just as not every Breeder is equal, neither are the rescues. Most groups are happy to explain things, yet, they will not defend their programs. BHRR is the same. Should you not believe or support the processes or 'x' or 'y' group, there is sure to be one out there that does meet 'your' standards or lack of them.

BHRR was never founded to adopt high numbers. That is a bonus reward each and every time we do have an approved adoption. We take the 'next in need', always into BHRR – dogs that others will not or cannot assist. Dogs that would have been otherwise destroyed – the BHRR's Emmett's, the BHRR's Promises', the BHRR's Ava Marie's, the BHRR's Nessies', the BHRR's Maverick's, The BHRR's Cosettes', The BHRR's Emma's, The BHRR's Groves', The BHRR's SuzieQ's and on and on. We do not take in puppies often(we have done 8 over the last year+), record for us. Puppies are so much more highly adoptable, even special needs ones. We also do not place puppies up for adoption until they reach a certain age, as we do specialise on the giant breeds. We are always going to have a dog in need, be it a new dog or one that is already in our programs, such as BHRR's Porridge and BHRR's Nessie. In reviewing, the last 6 months of posts on our BHRR FB page, there is almost a 85-90% posting of GREAT and positive news, yet, we also post the 'reality' of rescue and, our group is very much in the trenches or reality of r/q rescue.

We adopted 13 dogs last year, 17 the year before that and the previous three years before that were 6,6, and 6. This year, to date, we have adopted 2 and we have two more under pending. We do not hide our statistics. We are quite proud to say that 362 dogs have been adopted since our inception. We are even prouder to say that we have helped hundreds upon hundreds and hundreds more via our Haven program etc. We are the whole picture, not a piece or part.

Our 2014 Statistics To Date:

2 adoptions – BHRR's Prince Eggo Belfast & BHRR's Torque

2 tragic losses – BHRR's Breen & BHRR's Zara

1 has come into BHRR in 2014 – April 5th with BHRR's Leroy

2 are under pending adoption – BHRR's Reese &, BHRR's Jetta

3 more in our BHRR program, shall be placed up for adoption shortly – BHRR's purse puppies & BHRR's Maverick

Any successful adoption is a two way street. It is relationship building, it is mutual trust and respect and listening and communicating and working together.

At the end of the day, it does not matter if a BHRR dog is adopted. That is not what is most important based upon the reasons as to why BHRR was founded. What I care about is continuing to make each dog the best dog that they can be. We committed to each dog in our program, we are here for life for these dogs, be that with them living in our home, in a perma-foster home or in a forever loving adoptive home. No dog will do without.

Every r/q Rescue can improve. I have said that for 26 years now. Yet, to be part of the 'improvement', it is best to talk and converse with the group directly. Words hurt not myself or Sean or any member of the BHRR BOD. What the words of people riddled with the wrong understanding of the workings of any r/q group, do is hurt the animals in said group that these groups are working so hard to help in the first place. This post is being made not because someone has sent me a note or message. No one has done so. It is being made based upon what is being witnessed out there in the rescue community and, a comment mentioned, while several of us deep in the trenches of r/q rescue had been together and discussing our organizations and the concern we have for what we are witnessing out there in these trenches plus the lack of r/q rescue. At the end of most people's nights, they go to bed and sleep. To those of us that have dedicated our lives to the animals in need, we sleep little to none. So, get out there and help r/q groups, be it BHRR or not. As posted above, there is bound to be a cause for almost every person out there. Yet, to speak about things, you know naught about, remember, it is the very animals' you think you are trying to help by your words, that you, are in fact, really hurting.

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BHRR's Nessie – December 24th, 2013 & April 24th, 2014

BHRR's Reese is now back from her latest playdate with her potential future adoptive home. It went fabu well! πŸ™‚

Below is a photo from the home. ISN'T it precious?

At this time, the home is pretty much 100% certain in that this is meant to be. However, as their next two weekends are going to be super busy for them, the next plan of action that we are all in agreement is: around May 9th – Date to be confirmed, BHRR's Reese shall go for another play visit – this time three overnights and, if things are going as great as, we have worked to set-up things up to be, she shall just stay and be adopted. πŸ™‚

I thank them for their continued honesty and candor re: everything going on in their home/lives and, also, have deepest respect that they are equally wanting to ensure that this is right for BHRR's Reese also! πŸ™‚

We will touch base over those three days and, go from there.

Patience between all parties is really doing the right thing by BHRR's Reese and the home.

Her blog will be updated as we can!

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BHRR's Reese – April 2014
*photo courtesy of her possible future adoptive home

BHRR's Torque is now ADOPTED! I finalized it tonight. No, family shot as I just dropped him off not even a week ago, for his extended play date, and, he had a hard time with me going, even, after, asking the home to distract him and, trying to get away quickly/quietly, it was quite hard. It will be hard for me too to see him so soon again also. πŸ˜‰

I will send out his adoption info. package and, after once his adoption fee has been received, it shall be used towards the Vet Bills that BHRR has at Kanata Animal Hospital. This is how one dog adopted can continue to help others at BHRR!

With BHRR's Torque being adopted, we are going to assist by bringing into BHRR, what is ONLY our second dog to date in 2014, a senior, skin and bones Great Dane that we were asked to assist. BHRR's Leroy was the first dog of 2014 we committed on April 5th, 2014 and this senior shall be the second. We continue to network and, save dogs via other means, other than bringing into BHRR.

BHRR's Torque – April 13th, 2014 @ PV Stittsville – photo's courtesy of AMBD Photography

BHRR's Torque has been having a good play date visit and, the home is still very interested in proceeding to a possible future approved adoption. At this point, they will be temp fostering to possibly adopt as we work through the application process. I know Mr. Bubbles misses his bud as does many of the other doggies here yet, BHRR's Torque is no longer in need of us and, if there is a great home looking for a great matched personality fit dog and, we have that right great dog(this is the one that I had recommended to the home to consider), then, we are delighted should an adoption occur.

Will continue to update his blog as I can.

Below are two more photo's of him at the PV PAWS event! HE was a massive hit!!! My lap is where he finally had a nap. He was so tired yet, until he was all snuggled in my lap and arms, he did not let go to sleep. My legs made a great pillow for cuddles by P. Cody too! LOL

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BHRR's Torque & BHRR's Torque with P. Cody  Aoril 13th, 2014 – second photo is courtesy of AMB Photography

We are at the stage of scheduling a HV at a mutually agreeable date/time for BHRR's Jetta's possible future adoption. The home is also interested in BHRR's Dyson. A third choice was BHRR's Ani. We only place per right matched personality fit and, everything crossed! We shall continue to update the blog as we can.

The BHRR Purse Puppies were altered on April 16th. BHRR's Coco Chanel has finally passed BHRR's Coach in weight! She weighed 16.7 KGs(36.74 pounds) and BHRR's Coach weighed 16 KGs(35.2 pounds). They are now 6 months of age.

Both puked with the sedation prior to be intubated for surgery. Poor sweeties…. πŸ™ Both had really good surgeries! It was only towards the end of BHRR's Coachs' surgery that he began to throw some Premature ventricular complexes (PVCs) and, so, the surgery was wrapped up quickly and minimal sutures were used. YAY! For good surgeries!!!

Photo's below are from their altering journey at BHRR. BHRR's Coco Chanel had the harder time getting back up on her feet and, I kept her well medicated that first 24 hours. As they were in separate kennels post-surgery, each were given a blanket that had the others' smell and, they went from being mildly anxious to nicely settled and had a good rest. πŸ™‚

In a few more days, each shall have their own special announcements to make! πŸ™‚

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BHRR's Chanel(ABOVE) – Top left photo courtesy of Jenn – April 16th, 2014
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BHRR's Coach – April 16th, 2014

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BHRR's Chanel (Left) & BHRR's Coach(Right) – Post-Op Recovery – April 16th, 2014

BHRR's Reese had her latest play visit rescheduled to Monday. Below are two videos of her at KAH on Monday! πŸ™‚ I meant to get a new weight on her. πŸ™‚

This is an excellent opportunity to also post a bit more about what BHRR is all about and to impart some community awareness plus public education. BHRR is a special needs Rescue. More than that, we are also a Giant Breed Rescue. All r/q's rescues are out there doing the best that they can, most are all Volunteer, and, their mandates, procedures plus policies are put in place in the best interest of the animals' in their care.

To compare one special needs group to another, or one groups' numbers of adoptions or to say that, 'x' group is always posting happy news(some groups ONLY take in highly adoptable, non behavioural or medical dogs and that is the niche they fill in the community) yet,'y' group always has a dog in need is not looking at what makes a group truly r/q. Are they full vetting(many do not), are they pumping them in and out, are they doing proper behaviour assessments/evaluations, are they doing a very thorough adoption process, are they staying within their resources, are they giving all approved temp foster and adoptive homes info. packages and being there for them….so many points that could be made here.

BHRR also, only does four planned fundraisers a year and attends very few community education/awareness events. We are not out there every weekend, hands out asking or demanding money. We are so appreciative be it a $1 or $10 that comes our way. The rest of the monies raised for our dogs comes out of the pockets of Sean/I. We are not 'dabblers' in rescue. We have been around since 1996 and, do this to help one dog at a time and to do it the right way each and every time.

BHRR's focus is to take in the 'next in need' and that entails many highly unadoptable or harder to adopt dogs AND, one must also realise that, it is not 'us' turning down people by the thousands. People need to realise that many people do not want a BIG BLACK dog or, a dog with behavioural issues or one with medical reasons and applications are not flowing in like a rain shower. To cast negativity, on any group, without knowing what their mandates are and, their success rates – we were 100% for 10 years of operating, and, now are 99% as we go through year 18 – and, so much more about them, is shameful. There are so many groups and causes out there and, just as not every Breeder is equal, neither are the rescues. Most groups are happy to explain things, yet, they will not defend their programs. BHRR is the same. Should you not believe or support the processes or 'x' or 'y' group, there is sure to be one out there that does meet 'your' standards or lack of them.

BHRR was never founded to adopt high numbers. That is a bonus reward each and every time we do have an approved adoption. We take the 'next in need', always into BHRR – dogs that others will not or cannot assist. Dogs that would have been otherwise destroyed – the BHRR's Emmett's, the BHRR's Promises', the BHRR's Ava Marie's, the BHRR's Nessies', the BHRR's Maverick's, The BHRR's Cosettes', The BHRR's Emma's, The BHRR's Groves', The BHRR's SuzieQ's and on and on. We do not take in puppies often(we have done 8 over the last year+), record for us. Puppies are so much more highly adoptable, even special needs ones. We also do not place puppies up for adoption until they reach a certain age, as we do specialise on the giant breeds. We are always going to have a dog in need, be it a new dog or one that is already in our programs, such as BHRR's Porridge. In reviewing, the last 6 months of posts on our BHRR FB page, there is almost a 85-90% posting of GREAT and positive news, yet, we also post the 'reality' of rescue and, our group is very much in the trenches or reality of r/q rescue.

We adopted 13 dogs last year, 17 the year before that and the previous three years before that were 6,6, and 6. This year, to date, we have adopted 2 and we have two more under pending. We do not hide our statistics. We are quite proud to say that 362 dogs have been adopted since our inception. We are even prouder to say that we have helped hundreds upon hundreds and hundreds more via our Haven program etc. We are the whole picture, not a piece or part.

Our 2014 Statistics To Date:

2 adoptions – BHRR's Prince Eggo Belfast & BHRR's Torque

2 tragic losses – BHRR's Breen & BHRR's Zara

1 has come into BHRR in 2014 – April with BHRR's Leroy

2 are under pending adoption – BHRR's Reese &, BHRR's Jetta

3 more in our BHRR program, shall be placed up for adoption shortly – BHRR's purse puppies & BHRR's Maverick

AND, in the case of BHRR's Reese, is it not 'me' or the BHRR BOD that is holding back any adoption. Per the home even today, they are 90% sure they wish to proceed with an adoption. Successful adoptions are a two way street. It is relationship building, it is mutual trust and respect and listening and communicating and working together.

At the end of the day, it does not matter if BHRR's Reese is adopted. That is not what is most important based upon the reasons as to why BHRR was founded. What I care about is continuing to make her the best dog she can be. We committed to her, we are here for life for her, be that with her living in our home, in a perma-foster home or in a forever loving adoptive home. She will not do without. She is going to come away from these amazing visits, a better dog.

Every r/q Rescue can improve. I have said that for 26 years now. Yet, to be part of the 'improvement', it is best to talk and converse with the group directly. Words hurt not myself or Sean or any member of the BHRR BOD. What the words of people riddled with the wrong understanding of the workings of any r/q group, do is hurt the animals in said group that these groups are working so hard to help in the first place. This post is being made not because someone has sent me a note re: BHRR's Reese or BHRR. No one has done so. It is being made based upon what is being witnessed out there in the rescue community and, a comment passed along my way while several of us deep in the trenches or r/q rescue had been together. At the end of most people's nights, they go to bed and sleep. To those of us that have dedicated our lives to the animals in need, we sleep little to none. So, get out there and help r/q groups, be it BHRR or not. As posted above, there is bound to be a cause for almost every person out there. Yet, to speak about things, you know naught about, remember, it is the very animals' you think you are trying to help by your words, that you, are in fact, really hurting.

Back to BHRR's Reese, the home and I had a very good talk today – almost an hour! – and, I am so happy to have such homes considering to adopt from BHRR for by working together, it shall be best determined if BHRR's Reese is meant for this home and if, the timing is right. πŸ™‚ BHRR is a very different group than many and to have a BHRR dog means something special.

BHRR's Reese shall be coming back to BHRR on Wednesday April 24th and, we shall go from there.

VIDEO #1 BHRR's Reese April 21st, 2014
VIDEO #2 BHRR's Reese Aprl 21st, 2014


I want to SHOUT out a very special plus deep thanks to an angel who did an Easter 'Vegan Cupcakes To The Rescue' Fundraiser for her friends and had hoped to raise a couple of hundred dollars to go towards BHRR's Porridge's Vet Bills. Today, I received the following email….AND, it is at these times, that I feel such hope for the human race, knowing that there are REALLY good people out there! True, genuine, caring, giving, selfless people. THANK YOU! AND, BHRR's Porridge also thanks you! πŸ™‚ Angels, each of you are!

BHRR's Porridge continues to hold his own. His weight loss has slowed down immensely and with the medication, he is eating up to 3/4's of his normal ration. He was put back on the Doxy(that he originally only had one dose off and was advised to stop) and, it has made a HUGE difference!

Unable to get into a more local specialist for him, we are now wait-listed for Guelph and in the TO area. Will keep updating as I can.

"I hope you had a wonderful Easter with your family and enjoyed the great weather.

I have applied $408 to Porridge's account at KAH today. I was overwhelmed by the support and generosity of my friends. It was a great success."

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Porridge’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Porridge Angels  $835.50* donated to date & Bills are close to $4,000
*Before PayPal fees
PV Stittsville Nail Trim/Grind Event
Pam – PayPal took $0.59 in fees
Bob & Hazel – Pred donated on behalf of their RIP dear Eddie
BHRR's April 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House – Donations and 50/50 (split between BHRR's Porridge & BHRR's Coach
Wendi – 'Vegan Cupcakes To The Rescue' Easter Fundraiser

HERE is the poster for our 3rd ANNUAL BHRR 'Special 1-on-1-Date' With A BHRR Dog Online Auction –
ENDS Thursday April 24th @ 9 PM EST! Details HERE!

  • The BHRR Auction will begin at 6:00 AM EST on Saturday April 12th, 2014.
    Unfortunately, bids submitted prior to this time cannot be considered.
  • The BHRR Auction will end at 9:00 PM EST on Thursday April 24th, 2014.
    The highest bid on an item will be determined based on the time of the email sent as recorded by the time marked by our ISP

Winners to be located in the Ottawa, Kanata, Gatineau, Orleans, Kemptville, Prescott, Brockville, Kingston areas ONLY

THANK you BHRR BOD member Barry AGAIN for this awesome poster!!! So talented!

If anyone would like to help us crosspost this event and share this poster, please EMAIL!

picnic (Medium)

BHRR's Maverick is headed off for another play date on Saturday! We shall see how this one goes and, if it is goes as well as his last one, he may be one step closer to making his own special announcement! If not, he is scheduled for another play date the following Saturday and, we will go from there.

I want to see more weight on him….and, he is being so not co-operative in getting that weight on him! GOOBER! Praying for a good weight day on Saturday!

I am still holding off on that reality slide of his until he makes his special announcement post! πŸ™‚ I know there shall be cheers galore from so many! He has quite the fan club! πŸ˜‰ πŸ™‚

He really makes me so proud – the kanga-dane that came in with zero manners – to a really well adjusted and well mannered – even for a goober head! – boy. πŸ™‚ He is high maintenance and any possible future adoptive home will need to be made aware that he has zero interpersonal space and expects you to be the same! LOL

Our play date, play visit and day trip Visitation Program at BHRR remains such an integral part of the CHAIN OF SUCCESS here! THANK you to each person that makes this possible.

BHRR's Reese is headed off to her possible future adoptive home on Saturday, this time for a two night overnight stay. I will get her back on Monday. At that time, we will have a discussion with the home as to 1) if BHRR's Reese needs more time with a transitional adoption and 2) if the home, is even still interested in moving forward with said adoption.

I feel it is a good match home, yet this is a very special needs Dobie and, I want the home to be really aware of what they are getting themselves into(AND, I know they have been so honest and upfront themselves with us also) and, this time has been so good for all of us involved, no rushing, no pressure to see if this is meant to be. The home loves her, what is there NOT to love, yet, I have complete respect for their own candor in wanting to be sure that they own dogs and current lifestyle etc., is of benefit not to just BHRR's Reese yet, their own home.

This has been a wonderful transitional adoption experience process to have gone through and, at the end of the day, BHRR's Reese will have had more beautiful memories and loving hands to have helped continue her growing along this great development journey she has had, from when she first arrived under our authority.

Will update her blog as I can!

BHRR's Torque is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION! I dropped him off last night to his possible future adoptive home, who is also an approved BHRR Volunteer home. They are having a long weekend play visit / date with him. I will pick him up on Monday.

I felt from when this boy first arrived to BHRR, that he could be a great match fit for this home and when they came to visit us at our April BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House and, we discussed a possible future adoption, this is the boy that I said they should look closer at. If he turns out not to be meant for them, so be it. He will have had a wonderful few days in the hands of an approved BHRR Volunteer home, building upon the excellent foundation built at BHRR. We want our dogs to be as well rounded plus balanced as possible.

THANK you to this home for contacting us to have this play visit and, in considering to adopt from BHRR……again! πŸ˜‰ We will update his blog as we can. Mr. Bubbles AKA Lord Cambridge is missing his buddy yet, I know that he would be very happy for BHRR's Torque if this was the home meant for him!


He can go to a home that works pt, ft, from home, semi-retired, retired. Another VERSATILE BHRR dog! I would like to see him in a home that has at least one other dog, male or female is not important. Right matched personality fit is what is important.

He is crate trained, housebroken and, really good with cats – integration with any new addition is key. He is still that 'old' soul. LOVE him!  He was SO popular last weekend! He is great with all dogs he has met to date YET, he does still resource over his kibble and any high value items – with other dogs, so NO set-up for failures happens at our place. He eats in a crate side-by-side with our Mr Bubbles, who also is a resourcer and, both being puppies, have learned a lot about 'sharing'. They share water bowls and toys with the other dogs without any issues.

His leash manners are heaven! THAT is due to lots of consistency, time, patience, proper positive reinforcement obedience at BHRR, love and understanding.

Below are two more photo's from the PAWS event from last weekend. These are two I took with my iPhone with the lovely photographer, who took his very first photo the day he arrived under our authority and got to see him after he was successfully rehabbed! πŸ™‚

photo 2photo 4
BHRR's Torque with Ashley – PV Stittsville PAWS Event April 13th, 2013

BHRR's Jetta is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!!!

The BHRR Purse Puppies are being altered later today! Keep them in your blessings plus best wishes! πŸ™‚

BHRR's Flint came to PV Stittsville with us on April 12th, 2014 as part of their weekend PAWS event! πŸ™‚ He has been a HUGE fav at the community education plus public awareness events that we go on and, he has been to many with us! πŸ™‚

So many remarked on how social and loving he has become and obedient! πŸ™‚ AND gorgeous AND, how large his feet are! LOL He was just shy of 111 pounds on April 3rd, 2014 at Dr. Liston. I was asked many times, how big is he going to get and, he is going to get as big as he is meant to be healthy and happy! πŸ™‚ He could be 130 pounds, he could be 150 pounds. All good! He is now around 9 months of age. Makes my heart so warm and proud of him! πŸ™‚ AND, I have a note from Dr. Liston that says that he DOES not require cherry eye surgery. He says that he thoroughly even checked his tear ducts and eyelids etc. and all is normal and healthy and his eyes are perfect for a Neapolitian Mastiff. He says that any cherry eyes that he had when he was younger has been grown out of and, I asked for his note to have for his file so that any right matched perfect fit home, and, their Vet can be assured that at BHRR, we remain full of honesty and in doing full disclosure and that NO dog does without.

His hips and teeth are good for now also!

Any Vet or home that would be approved to adopt this boy, can also discuss his eyes with Dr. Liston(an expert in cherry eyes with Neo's etc.).

I had felt they were now just wicked haws that the breed was prone to yet, wanted to cross all 't's' and dot all 'i's' and so………..on that NOTE, BHRR's FLINT is now AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION! YAY!

He can go to a home that works pt, ft, from home, semi-retired, retired etc. ANOTHER wonderful BHRR versatile dog! I would love to see him a home with another dog, that right matched personality fit one. Male or female does not matter. THERE is not one mean bone in this boy. He is actually quite 'soft' and, he will ONLY go to a home, as with all of our dogs that believe in positive reinforcement(he is so eager to please me and bonds fast plus easily). He is a bit of an excite-man at moments and, has to be reminded sometimes, to sit, take a deep breath and, he will get to see the other dogs or people when he is not going to splat them! He continues to be great with cats also. He is quite mindful and respectful. πŸ™‚ Most of the time, he is calm and quiet and just the best of companions. He has quite the bark on him when he does decide to talk!

He is 100% housebroken and, we still put him in a crate from time to time(he eats in a crate) so, that he remains comfortable for as many know, if more homes crate trained, more homes would be safe plus the dog. If the time came that he was injured or sick and, had to be on crate rest, he would be comfortable and, would not stress when at a Vet Hospital or home. He often will lay in a crate with the door open just as a safe spot.

He is a real character when you get to know him and, he makes my heart thud and thump with such love. From terrified quivering abused mass of jelly to this wonderful social and well mannered and even tempered boy.

I am not seeking a Neo experienced home specifically yet, a dog experienced home and, he is not a guard dog and he is a cherished member of our family and nor is he a status symbol. He is simply the magnificent BHRR's Flint! πŸ™‚

He was the last dog that we were asked to assist by a wonderful wonderful wonderful woman that passed away suddenly last year and, we were the last group to save a dog in her life and, BHRR's Groves was the first one she saved in her death. THANK you Debbie(RIP)! AND, Joy! Power Rescue DREAM TEAM! πŸ™‚ I still have four blog posts to add to his section and, am, slowly getting them done. I did another three updates just now. I like the blogs to be detailed and current and, I had fallen behind in 2013 due to the ft management of our BHRR Fb page etc. With that being unpublished for 2014(perhaps even 2015, we shall see), I am catching up immensely.

No other organization provides such detail, with photo's video's etc. of their dogs' and, I am hoping to get his finished shortly. BHRR's Flint also has quite a few holes still but getting there! πŸ™‚


BHRR's Torque was a GIGANTIC hit today at PV Stittsville's PAWS Event! His brother 'Tonka' came back to visit with him and, Tonka's mommy promised to send me photo's that she took and, he demonstrated his beautiful manners learned at BHRR and, people could just not get enough of him! πŸ™‚ People loved how soft his coat was and, how nice he smelled! πŸ˜€

The photographer that took his very first BHRR photo the day he originally arrived to BHRR on December 14th(covered in puke and poop) and, before he was all bathed and cleaned, was there and, she took more photo's of him and was able to see how gorgeous he really is all cleaned up and how wonderfully he has rehabbed. πŸ™‚

Below are two photo's of him below. πŸ™‚ I have some to add that I also took and, will do on another blog post.

Saturday April 12th – $1,180 RAISED! THANK YOU!
Sunday April 13th – $460 RAISED! THANK YOU!
Total PAWS/Activities Month To Date RAISED: $3,540.00

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BHRR's Torque – April 13th, 2014
*photos' courtesy of Melissa & Ashley

BHRR's Leroy's HWT is negative and his bw is normal…no sign of any underlying medical concern for his weight to be the way it is and, thankfully, no anemia due to be so emaciated right now. So, his weight loss/body condition is very sadly due to inadequate care.

We will take care of that!

He came to the PV Event today and did really well. He did have a tendency to want to pull one of our lovely BHRR approved Volunteers all around and, mannerisms 101 and boot camp shall continue. He did great will all people yet, one big and tall man scared him. He also had a tendency to want to resource slightly when another dog got to close to BHRR's Angel Noelle…interesting. He would lip curl a bit and, so he was positively corrected and, really enjoyed hanging out in the truck with all windows down 'supervising' Sean BBQing! The people that made the trip to hang around the truck, feed him treats and love on him was so special, while they ate their own yummy BBQ meals! HE was another HUGE HUGE HUGE hit! He thrived on all the loving MEANT for him!

One of the families that came to visit, currently own a Dane and, they are very interested in him and, shall follow his blog. πŸ™‚ His story really impacted many and, I continue to have to say 'I do not know' in regards to when his tail was docked and, why…..happy tails do sometimes need amputation or a tail injury yet, he had his tail in the original photo's and, now does not.

I also cannot explain why he is so emaciated upon arrive to BHRR when those original photo's from the shelter show him in quite good body condition.

All we can do is move forward and the photographer today GOT some awesome photo's of him!! One I just have to have with him being 'King' in the truck like a regal boy! πŸ™‚

BHRR's Torque shall be having an extended play visit with approved Volunteers/Adoptive Home as of Thursday April 17th, evening and then I will pick up on Monday April 21st. We will also cat test him better at that time.

If all goes well, this 'could' also become his possible future forever loving adoptive home. πŸ™‚

Here are two photo's from our December 24th Traditional Christmas Eve Photo Shoot! I thought I had posted them already!

He has one small area along his neuter incision that was slightly irritated as of Friday night and, so, I held him back from the PV event today and, will bring on Sunday instead. I had the pleasure of meeting his one brother, 'Tonka' that had gone to SWM on December 14th. Sadly, I have had no updates on the other two brothers that were left in Quebec. He is a good 15 pounds heavier than his brother, BUT oh so, alike in many ways! and, they shall be turning approximately 7 months(could be a bit older based upon teeth) next week. πŸ™‚ They plan on coming back tomorrow to meet him. πŸ™‚

As per a previous post, as he is not a giant, I had no issues doing a neuter earlier and then placing him up for adoption so, that the right matched forever loving home does not have to wait for him for we alter all dogs prior to be made 'available'. He will be making his special announcement very soon! πŸ™‚ I am leaning strongly still towards a Great Dane/Cane Corso mix yet, once again, the genetic pool for DNA testing for Cane Corso's is slim right now. So, whatever he is, he is 100% amazing!

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BHRR's Torque – December 24th, 2013

I wanted to post a photo of BHRR’s Hailey from late last fall that I LOVE! She is doing well. She is now 6.5 years young and, fantastically affectionate with a glossy black coat that is admired by many! She still receives her regular cartrophen injections like a trooper and, loves holding down our kingsize bed!

The Vets have marveled that she has managed to keep that leg to date and, some days are a bit ‘off’ for her yet, overall, WOW! WOW!

She is what I call a very stately lady and, as with all the BBBBB’s here, we continue to be patient that her right matched home will see her for ‘who’ she is and, not some common black colour or a Dane that has battled some leg problems.

BHRR’s Hailey – Late Fall 2013

Here are some photo’s of BHRR’s Rose from her temp foster home(Jenn D) in March. As with her Flower Girl sister(BHRR’s Petal), we remain patient for that right matched forever home to find her!

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BHRR’s Rose – March 2014 – second photo is BHRR’s Rose with BHRR’s Petal

BHRR’s Leroy came to work with me last night and his weight is now 52.90 KGS(116.38 pounds). Since Saturday he has already put on 7.38 pounds. I meant to scan him for a chip and, will do that later as I want to keep bringing him on a regular basis to monitor that weight gain.

I had the Vet also look closely at his lymph nodes for the one on the right side of his neck is swollen. It is not hard, yet soft and, his other lymph nodes – including shoulders areas are fine. We will monitor and see what his bw says. I want to rule out any medical reasons for why he was so emaciated when I received him. Yet, in having put on 7.38 pounds in just four days, he clearly was not getting enough to eat.

We did blooodwork including a HWT and, despite having three pokes, he rocked! He is becoming more and more playful and, has an issue even, if I try to go to the bathroom without him – as with many dogs – he seems to think I am going to jump out some imaginary window and disappear! He just snuffled and huffed and puffed under the door until I came out and then, was like ‘Oh! There you are! I was fine, nothing to worry about!’ LOL He was awesome in his kennel run all day, not a peep!

He quickly won over all clients and staff alike! He is uber sweet and, I got a small video of him with his Vet tossing him treats and him catching them in his mouth.

He is still slightly dehydrated yet, getting there. He makes a great car companion also!

He is so nice. Such a nice boy. He had no issues with a cat being walked by him in a carrier yet, the bunny rabbit that ran across our path as Sean, myself and his Vet were talking after work in the parking lot, almost had him taking my whole arm off. NO exotics for him! He does not bother with our gippers though yet, he is still settling in!

VIDEO BHRR’s Leroy April 9, 2014

BHRR’s Torque is healing well from his neuter. We have an approved home that is interested in taking him for a play visit for about four days and, we are currently working on the details for that. We shall also cat test him. He will be making his special announcement later this week!

As always, our ‘Visitation’ program is a very key essential one for the important CHAIN OF SUCCESS of our organization. These play dates, play visits and trips continue to build upon the strong foundation that is put into place with each dog that comes into our authority. We believe in making each dog the best that they can be and, every positive experience makes these dogs more well rounded plus balanced. We have begun to see other groups begin their own programs similar to ours and, if set-up properly, the dogs and homes are going to really benefit!

This post is LONG overdue! πŸ™‚

HQD celebrated her 10th birthday on April 1st, 2014!!! YUP! 10th!!! Another one of our M&M’s(Miracle Mastiffs)! πŸ™‚ The Dogo that could not walk one week prior to coming to BHRR, not only walks, yet does her wobbly bobbly trot(in honour of BHRR’s Emma, I just KNOW it!) yet, is still alive LONG after any Vet or Specialist thought she would be. AND, for all in attendance at our most recent BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ Mini Open House, they saw firsthand how THRIVING this dog is doing!

LOVE her…gosh, she tests and trials me and we keep going back and forth between whose ‘boot camp’ is reigning supreme(AND, yes, I know whose side all of you are on! LOL) and, I love her….love love love her!

AND, she remains a very special dog to those at BHRR. She has been watching over BHRR’s Porridge…dragging her own bed over to him and only putting her head down to sleep when, he is finally able to do so. I think he almost feels she is smothering him for the number of times, he gets up and walks away and, then she is right back there, bed in tow(AND, god forbid I go to move it for her! Her looks would burn me to dust! LOL), and laying back down and watching him. I have to admit, it would make me a bit disconcerted also, having someone so close to me, watching and and watching and barely blinking until I went to sleep! Yet, it is HQD, that best nurse, therapist, doctor, EVER to the rescue again!

She is also proving her usual fabu inspirational self when it comes to BHRR’s Leroy, the newest addition to BHRR – the emaciated fawn GD. She will almost ‘herd’ him to the water bowl as, if telling him to drink. AND, no, I am not humanizing her. She is human ALL on her own. AND, when it comes to eating, she will eat her food and then, go over to his crate and let me tell you, if she could tap her foot, she would and if, she could cross her front legs as if they were arms, she would, for, until he is done eating – AND, he does not eat fast and not much at any given time as I am feeding him small meals up to 8 times a day, yet, also tends to pick – she does not leave. Yet, each time, he eats, she sits there and gives the look to all that cross her path to ‘back off’ and, making sure he eats. Welcome to BHRR, Leroy! You have been accepted and, are now part of Salma’s ‘mama’ ‘doctor’ ‘therapist’ ‘nurse’ heart/soul! πŸ™‚

I am going to have to see about getting more special blankets for her as, she has her current ones in special spots(in her mind!) and if I move one from one place, she gives me that special ‘oh gwennie, you sure are a mere human’ look of pity and that big sigh that she works right up from the depths of her soul, and moves her blankets back to where she wants. AND, when she obtains a new fav spot to add to her list(getting longer!), I have to search for a ‘new’ special blanket for her. She has three right now and, so, for all of her fans, if you think of any special blankets out there, let me know! LOL I will be sure to snatch them up….she has particular taste that is all HQD!

Below is a photo from when I was away and, laying on a recliner chair in the almost fully and newly renovated sun room. Photo courtesy of S. Dowler.

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BHRR’s Salma – Her Queenship Divine – March 13th, 2014

BHRR’s Reese weighed 43.56 pounds(19.8 KGs) yesterday. When she returned from her overnight play date, I weighed her at KAH.

She had a good visit. πŸ™‚ The home said that she is a great dog. πŸ™‚ She apparently slipped a few times and went down hard at the home and now is sporting a hygroma and, I will monitor it and drain(yes, not always the best option yet, we have had to do this more than once over the years and they have healed beautifully) and/or antibiotics if required. I will tensor it for now also.

Below is a photo from her night at this home and thank you for giving her this really wonderful experience. Thank you also to the home for sending it to me.

I am open to her going back for another visit, a couple of days this time and will discuss further with the home what their preference is. As always, no rush on our part nor on the home’s part and, if this is meant to be, great, if not, than that is fine also.

BHRR’s Reese – April 8th, 2014

BHRR’s Leroy is coming to work with me tomorrow to get a current weight, have a thorough exam, do blood work including a heartworm test etc.

Latest dogs that he has been integrated with are BHRR’s Torque, BHRR’s Potter and BHRR’s Nessie. He still does avoidance in any situation that makes him uncomfortable.

The counter surfing is in full swing and he has begin to nudge and bump quietly for affection while I am working on the computer. He has also begun to show me some spunk(WHICH I love!) for when it comes time for him to go back into his crate, he will play bow and trot away and then bounce, turn and face me and play bow some more…..He is fairly good with his manners and while he may trot away, he will let me take his collar and lead him to his crate.

He does yawn a lot right now to de-stress and, he is so good in his crate. Still not one sign of any SA. From the moment he came into our home, into the ‘Gwennie Boot Camp’ and the rules and, he has been so mindful and respectful. He did see HQD use my coffee table as a stepping stone to get to the couch(GOSH Forbid, it was in her way! – rollings eyes) and, he thought, ‘hey, she does it, I should try also.’ That was nipped in the bud pretty fast.

He LOOKS nothing like the photo’s that I originally were sent. He is easily 50 pounds less than what those first photo’s show….and, we shall rule out any medical reason for his current body condition.

He will be coming with me to the PAWS Event – just on the Saturday for people to see why it is so important for BHRR to exist AND, why your donations and support mean the world to us! He could use some bath mats for being soft and cushy plus stable(do not slip and slide like sheets and others materials do), I put them over the dog beds and piles of blankets for these emaciated dogsΒ  to help prevent hygroma’s and pressure sores.

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of β€˜Birch Haven Rescue’ for β€˜Leroy’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the β€˜gift’ option OR the β€˜friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Leroy’s AngelsΒ  $60.00* donated to date & Bills are $423.17
*Before PayPal fees

Very sadly, BHRR’s Dyson is the latest for this season for a coyote grab. πŸ™ πŸ™ Once again, just like last spring, we will be out with the neighbours ‘working’ on the problem and spending the spring and summer and fall, trying to continue to find ways to keep them away and from causing problems in the wintertime. This is the second winter now, that we have had big issues with the coyotes. πŸ™ πŸ™

Our Dobie Doll AKA BHRR Bambi is having her first overnight sleepover later today with her possible future adoptive home! πŸ™‚ At BHRR, we will not rush anything, and, we want to set up our homes and our dogs for maximum success and, a transitional adoption is what is in the best interest of all involved. This girl is extremely bonded to me….Mason too πŸ˜‰ and, baby steps! She is doing fabu though! When her possible adoptive home was here while I was away, they said they were pretty sure that BHRR's Reese remembered her and, as I did tell them before I left, I WAS sure she would! πŸ™‚

Sean and Mason loved on her while I did her mani/pedi Sunday night and, I shall give her an extra special bath today prior to bringing her to work with me.

Below is a photo of her taken in March while I was away. I am so happy to be home and with my animals again….

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BHRR's Reese – March 13th, 2014
*Photo courtesy of S. Dowler


Here are some photo's of BHRR's Petal from her temp foster home in March! All of us remain patient that her and her 'sister', our other BHRR Flower Girl of BHRR's Rose will be found by their right matched forever loving home.

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BHRR's Petal – March 2014
*photo's courtesy of Jennifer D.

The pictures are coming in from our most recent BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House and, here are some lovely photos' taken of BHRR's Treasure AKA TROUBLE! LOL

HE rocked the BHRR 'EXPEIRENCE' Mini Open House and, we had at least one home that attended, that is very interested in him.

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BHRR's Treasure with Shawna – Aprl 5th, 2014
*photos' courtesy of T. Barbe

So, I have always suspected that BHRR's Angel Noelle had Bulldog in her…CHECK out this photo below! This is from an ad sent my way of a 7 month old female 'Olde English Bulldog'. IS there not more than a passing resemblance to this female and BHRR's Angel Noelle?

I am leaning more and more towards a 'possible' bulldog/beagle yet, as always, she is who she is and, is 100% gorgeous! πŸ™‚


BHRR's Leroy is NOW at BHRR! Thank you to the ever wonderful Judy and Gracie for the assistance! Part of their reward….being chauffeured by  me in our truck with off roading up and down our spring thaw lane way! LOL

While I was at the end of our laneway waiting for them, and, I saw him come around some of the other parked cars for our BHRR "EXPERIENCE" Mini Open House, I was taken aback by his body condition. This boy had been with this particular home since September as a foster dog for the shelter and then adopted in November of 2013 and prior to September (confirmed he was a stray via the shelter paperwork), had been adopted out several times also by them. It never crossed my mind to find him emaciated. πŸ™ The Vets gave him a BCS of barely 2 out of 5.

There was more than one gasp from an attendee at our BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House upon his arrival to BHRR and, witnessing his poor body condition.

I would peg him closer to age 4 yet, when I can get better into his mouth, I will see…the masking on his face means nothing to me in respect to aging him as if it is a masking gene, he could have had that by the time he was 1 year of age, or even younger. He has been quiet, is not drinking well but is eating really well. I am feeding him up to 8 smaller meals a day right now.

He has been integrated with a few of the gang here. The BHRR purse puppies, BHRR's Gretta, Mr. Bubbles, BHRR's Bloom, HQD and BHRR's Rain to date. He has shown no signs of aggression or fear. He does 'avoidance'. He did not like the exuberance of my one own GD, Sir Maestro. He was fine with seeing my other two blue boyz GD's of TAIN and Big Blue Bronson.

Below is a photo of BHRR's Leroy(keeping his name for he has had so many names prior to coming here, to give him some consistency) on his transport to BHRR and two of his ribs as of April 6th, 2014(today).

He has started being de-wormed, has been put on heartworm/flea prevention and we will do bw, including fecal and heartworm testing.

He has not shown m3 one sign or symptom of SA to date. He has rested well in the colossal crate and, he lets me know when he has to go out. He did show lots of interest in counter surfing while I was making supper and, we watched carefully, and, corrected well. Being beyond skinny, can, explain at least part of this possible interest in counter surfing.

He showed mild interest in Mason's 2 gpiggers(very sadly, his third gpigger Burn passed away one day shy of his 3rd birthday on April 1st, 2014 – stroke and abdomen mass), yet, no prey drive.

The days are early yet though, and, lots of time to get to know him and, see him get into his own and out of the honeymoon period. πŸ˜€

AND, in those photo's posted(March 31st blog post) – they were from late summer/early fall of 2013 – HE also had a tail plus had a fairly good body condition. I am not sure why his tail in the end had to be docked yet, he is sporting a very small tail now.

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Leroy’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Leroy's Angels  $50.00* donated to date & Bills are $423.17
*Before PayPal fees

BHRR's Leroy – April 5th, 2014 – you can see how slim he is on face/body
*above photo courtesy of Judy
Leroy1april62014 Leroy2April62014
BHRR's Leroy's ribs – Body April 6th, 2014 –  Mason is holding his collar/head so I can try and snag some photo's
**these photo's are taken after him having 8 meals over the last 24 hours also**

BHRR's Porridge had a good BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House yesterday. He was naturally not as energetic as he usually is and, yes, I turned the 'blind' eye when folks were cuddling on our couch…. πŸ˜‰ At one time, he even laid down on his side and slept on the couch….ON his side! πŸ™‚ Yes, he is not his normal self yet, he is also looking and feeling well some days…..

I am so happy so many had the chance to visit with him and love on him one more time…………AND, I thought that my 'tears' for the event would have come from discussion of him yet, I held strong and it was BHRR's Jersey's story that reduced me to the 'baby' tears! YUP! Has to happen at least one time at our EXPERIENCES! πŸ˜‰

Below is an amazing photo taken by our special friend Dee of a very dear soul – Penny with our very dear dog – BHRR's Porridge in our still almost finished newly renovated sunroom! πŸ™‚ Dee loved our radiant floor heating! πŸ™‚ That is Caffrey's adorable butt in the corner of the photo! cheeky

Please do consider helping us give him the best in quality of life for the time he has left……

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Porridge’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Porridge Angels  $427.50* donated to date & Bills are close to $4,000
*Before PayPal fees
PV Stittsville Nail Trim/Grind Event
Pam – PayPal took $0.59 in fees
Bob & Hazel – Pred donated on behalf of their RIP dear Eddie
BHRR's April 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House – Donations and 50/50 (split between BHRR's Porridge & BHRR's Coach


BHRR's Torque was neutered today and he now weighs 37 KGs(81.40 pounds) at 6 months of age! πŸ™‚ That is another 9.68 pounds since March 6th, that he has put on. πŸ™‚ Another HUGE HUGE HUGE hit for all at KAH and sorry, while I tried to take photo's, they were blurry! πŸ™

Everything went well and he is now at home, snuggled in and resting. AND, needing his 'Mama Gwennie'!

AND, the more he matures, I am suspecting possibly some Cane Corso in him with that gorgeous look yet, I also suspect that with BHRR's Groves and, there are not a lot of DNA tests out there that have that breed reliably covered in their database. He is what he is and, 100% adorable!


So, BHRR's Treasure new weight is 57.6 KGs(126.72 pounds). A lean and muscled machine. πŸ™‚

When I went to work yesterday, I had a conversation with one of BHRR's Porridge's Vets. I discussed my questions of inflammatory nasal disease and nasal tumors and went back to asking about skull x-rays and more scopes etc….after conversing further, I have asked to have a referral to another specialist, this one at Alta Vista AH. I explained to his Vet this feeling I have in my gut and, they agreed with me, that by going off to another specialist, that, it could well be of some benefit. I said I do not want him to be a pin cushion and he has had so much in testing etc., yet, I have this worry in my gut….AND, I know that he is not a surgical candidate and, I know many things yet, I now feel I need to do this…and, I have thought it over long and hard and, I am trying to be objective and not subjective and, want to give him all that he deserves plus is worthy of and not, ever lose sight of the quality over quantity. So, I am setting up an appointment – his Vet already called in the referral and I just need to make the appointment – possibly as early as next week(they have some openings then yet, I do not know dates/times) – to sit down with another specialist and, will fax/email all that has been done to date, and, talk and see where that goes…….

I wish in my blog post that I could say that I am looking for this or that, yet, I cannot. What I am most looking for, most (AND, I know that I have gotten this from his three Vets already at KAH and other specialists etc.) is 'peace'…………to be able to look at this amazing dog and, know that I am giving him everything within my power and resources to give him and, that I am making the best informed decisions possible for him. Day by Day.

I also obtained more mirtazapine and pred for him for another week. He is eating about 1/2-3/4 of his normal intake. The nasal discharge has not worsened, his muzzle has not become more swollen, his energy level is a bit better as he is now eating and drinking more.

He had a WONDERFUL 6th Birthday! The walk/hike with friends of old and new and the messages and cards – AND yes, he even received some flowers! IS he not loved?!! He has made such a BUG impact over the years with so many and remains one of the top requests of BHRR dogs to bring to our community education/public awareness visits at Schools. πŸ™‚ At this time, he is obviously on a 'break'.

ALL of these people that took the time to text, call, email, etc., THANK YOU! THANK YOU! It was an emotional day and a very emotional time for all that love and care. TO each person that has also donated to his Vet Care, THANK YOU! Every little bit helps and, all donations that come in from our upcoming BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' mini open house shall also be used towards his Vet Bills.

This is JUST one message sent his way on Sunday by a real angel:
"Sending sweet birthday wishes out to Porridge today. Just want him to know that 24 people who have never met this sweet boy are sending him positive thoughts and love and will be contributing to his vet bills by buying cupcakes for my Easter Event. We all wish we could do more. Hugs and kisses all around."

Below are his x-rays and, two photo's from his walk/hike on Sunday. Our next scheduled walk/hike shall not be until May and please EMAIL, if you would like to be added to our almost 220 member list of responsible dog owners ONLY.

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Porridge’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Porridge Angels  $367.50* donated to date & Bills are close to $4,000
*Before PayPal fees
PV Stittsville Nail Trim/Grind Event
Pam – PayPal took $0.59 in fees

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BHRR's Porridge's Chest/Heart x-rays from March 19th, 2014

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BHRR's Porridge – March 31st, 2014 – His 6th Birthday @ our latest GD & GIANT AT HEART Walk/Hike

BHRR's Treasure was at the Vet today for his x-rays of his hips and Sean dropped him off. Sean said he took him right to the back and, he did not get a weight. BAD Sean! πŸ˜‰ I have been trying to see who may have gotten his weight for, the last weight I have for him is 112.64 pounds and, he is at least 10 pounds more than that now. I was not aware when I arrived for my own shift that he had not been weighed……I like to keep a good record of these dogs rehab journeys. πŸ™‚

Per his Vet today on the 6 views of x-rays taken:
'Looks pretty good. No concerns at all. No degenerative joint disease in joints. Not perfect. yet, about 70% – 80% coverage acetabulum in the femoral head, which is pretty decent. Everything looks pretty good. Could not get hips to luxate when he was sedated and he is such a nice dog!'

I also talked to his Vet re: why he could possible 'swim' on the floor to get his feet under him regardless of surface and his vet said that BHRR's knees and back also looks great, no concerns at all and, as to 'why', maybe because BHRR's Treasure can?! SIGH!….yup, that would be him! Mr. Trouble! I told him that he had been on Deramaxx as I did not like the stiffness and due to how straight his hind legs are and lack of rear angles, explains the stiffness – yet, could just be natural based upon his physical make-up as the x-rays prove that there is no underlying medical cause to warrant the NSAIDS and, there does not seem to be any real medical need for him to have any Deramaxx at this time…..

Soooooooooooooo, a Vet bill that was so worth taking on and being PROVED wrong!!!! Gladly, will take that badge of HONOR if it means that by showing continued proper due diligence that, the ONLY thing 'wrong' with BHRR's Treasure is………NOTHING! LOL LOL Just 'who' he is……..

So, big sigh of relief!!! THIS is not to say that he would not develop any problems as he ages, BUT not right now…..he just likes to 'swim'….BHRR's Autumn lives on! LAND-SHARK! πŸ™‚

Below are four of his 6 x-rays and, two of being at KAH and going under sedation for his x-rays. THANKS Chels for the photo's. She also sent me one of him and a really small 'heart' shaped poop pressie he gave us, yet, I do not think people want to see that! πŸ˜‰

Any, approved adoptive home that is the right match fit for him, can have a disc of these x-rays put on them and, they will be attached to his file.

Gosh, he was sooooooooooooooo loved at KAH today! HUGE HUGE HUGE hit! πŸ™‚

He also had a mani/pedi. πŸ™‚

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BHRR's Treasure – April 1st, 2014 – spine, hips, knees & back x-rays

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BHRR's Treasure – April 1st, 2014 – Getting sleepy and then 'OUT FOR THE COUNT' πŸ™‚

I have BHRR's Porridge's x-rays and shall post them shortly and, I want to update all on his 6th Birthday that happened on Sunday!

Yet, I wish to make this post to say that, I have thought and re-thought everything over, reviewed and re-reviewed all of his tests, yet, again to date, and, I feel the need(after further research and conversing even more with his Vets and Specialists) etc., to ask again some questions(I have two in mind right now plus to ask another Point of View one) and discuss other things…once again…in more depth. I just feel I have to re-visit this and have, what most likely shall just be repeated discussions yet, I look at him and, I am not feeling anywhere near any kind of 'acceptance' and 'understanding' of him dying and with how aggressive all of this has come on. πŸ™ πŸ™

I am most likely going to be going down the 'broken record' and 'beating the dead horse' path, yet, I feel strongly, that I need to break all of this down again step by step and piece by piece. I want to be as objective as I can, yet, who am I kidding…I am object with a subjective 'twist' in quite a few ways….we have been together for so many years….