I have had to reschedule BHRR's Ani's drop off to her temp foster home to next Friday September 7th as she cut her pad slightly and I put her on antibiotics.

I have to reschedule BHRR's Dozer's date walk with his 'man' last night as I was still at Liston Animal Hospital with BHRR's Concert.

He does have the following dates, coming up in the near future and I am working on two more dates for him:

September 4th
September 6th

He made a new friend yesterday too, my BUNKER! 🙂 YAY!

BHRR's Jersey & BHRR's Scarlett have had their vet appointments cancelled and I shall reschedule them when I am at work on Saturday. With the pressing case of BHRR's Concert, I have just postponed their visits for a wee bit.

August 30th, 2012 – This is BHRR's Concert's second journal entry of her my wish for her 'warmth and love from caring people', a celebration of the life that she is going to be living for as long as we can give it to her in quality!

*This photo(thanks to M. Bird) really shows the comparison between her feet

She only has a few weeks left and unfortunately, as much as Dr. Liston wished he could have reduced the size of the tumour to give her more time; it is just not possible. It is so large and growing aggressively and even attempting to try and remove part(she would also need to lose at least two toes and that was the same thing we faced last Saturday that with her size – even as a small female at 101 pounds today; the weight bearing and balance would not be possible) would only have the tumour coming back and fast within a couple of weeks and she would have also lost valuable quality time in the process as she would be healing and need to be kept quiet. She would be missing out on life…..

Dr. Liston had hoped to even maybe do a skin graft after removing part of the turmour(the largest part) yet the one part of the tumour is already growing up her leg and has worked its way through the second toe and is into the third toe.


As was discussed last Saturday with her Vet at KAH, a leg amputation would be the 'best' option *IF* the Cancer was not already in her lungs and per Dr. Liston; if the Cancer is being this aggressive on her foot; you can guarantee that it is doing the same in her lungs and she already now has one cancer lump on her one side visible.

Dr. Liston supports that as this Cancer(fribrosarcoma) is fast growing, that we should just 'take her home and love her' and give her as much 'life' as we can. He encourages us to celebrate her life and show her love and felt truly disappointed that he could not do more for her.

He said that if this was his dog, he would just let her live the life she has left and enjoy it.

AND being the exceptional being he is, he did not charge for any of the consults I have had with him this week nor today's exams.

He is amazing!

Thank you to Margaret & Maggie for coming with me and Gloria, I so wished you could have been there and I am glad that we had the conversation we had tonight.
AND when it is her time, as I posted before and promised to Gloria again, Gloria is going to come with me and we are going to hold her tight in our loving arms and kiss her and whisper in her ears how much she is cherished.

Here are two videos of her night:


Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Concert'. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

"CARING FOR CONCERT" ANGELS     $814.55 donated to date & Bills $1,129.73

Anna & Peter
Penny – PayPal took $3.20 in fees
Edina – PayPal took $3.20 in fees
Heather – PayPal took $2.25 in fees *Donation to buy personal items for BHRR's Concert's comfort and enjoyment
The King Family – socks & canned food
The Bird Family – special Santa items
Margaret – Costco dog bed, brown rice and fresh salmon
Simone*Donation to buy personal items for BHRR's Concert's comfort and enjoyment in honour of BHRR's Atlas'/Emma's names

August 30th, 2012 – Outside of Liston Animal Hospital – just relaxing and being loved on after her appointment
*Photos courtesy of M. Bird

*She is wearing two VERY special collars worn by other amazing dogs to give her lots of positive vibes and great karma energy.

This is BHRR's Concert's first journal entry of her my wish for her 'warmth and love from caring people', a celebration of the life that she is going to be living for as long as we can give it to her in quality!

We started off on our adventure with a stop by Timmie's, the same one that I used to bring BHRR's Atlas too! THEY were totally enamored with her! Who wouldn't be!! She was given her own plain donut and a partial BLT – sans the tomato and lots of bacon!

I told BHRR's Concert that I would carry her with my car and arms if need be to ensure that she did not walk any further than she had too and I would put on as many kms in my car as I could to cover as much distance I could to give her as much time of being able to have life and adventures and experiences and enjoyment!

She had a lovely visit tonight at the Bird's nest(THANK YOU!) as did I on Thursday night. We were there for a few hours and she was a bit worried at first for she is deeply already bonded to me(something said to me as well by the Bird's nest) and thought I may be leaving her. The longer we were there, the better and more relaxed she got. She was initially worried about a hat that one of the Bird's was wearing and definitely is not comfortable when it gets dark but better and better and she began to ask for love and that melted my heart.

She stopped worrying about rejection and trusted. A dog that one or more people treated with such disrespect and disregard for life, gave her trust out to others. What a gift!

She drank lots, had some chicken and Fromm snack and other treats and snoozed and was cuddled and had lots of photos taken and two videos taken and was loved and surrounded by warmth and kindness(this home leant her a very special collar and we just know that it shall bring her lots of positive energy!) and is also her early special Santa home and I promised BHRR's Concert that I will fill up her days and nights as I can and as she is able with such amazing experiences and enjoyment as Thursday night was.

It was a very special time for me. BHRR's Concert has given me a gift and I know that for each person that touches her and is touched by her; she shall given them something very special in gifts/lessons too. Many gifts/lessons of forgiveness and trust and respect she shall pass along. Gifts/lessons of bravery and dignity and kindness she shall also pass along yet; she possesses an aura and she is going to give each person something extra special. For me, it was a continuation of what BHRR's Snowball began to teach me many years ago; to stop and smell the roses and it goes from there.

For all my friends and family that have wanted to have that cup of tea, lunch, dinner, just get together for a few hours; and my schedule has been slammed(it always is as it also is for many of them!), BHRR's Concert has taught me that there is no better time than now! No one knows what tomorrow may bring and how much we all may have left and so, BHRR's Concert, THANK you for that….thank you for helping me to re-balance my life and to take enjoyment even more from dear friends and family!!!


What a lovely time she had, truly and I am just so grateful for the hours that the Bird's nest gave to her for in that time, what they really gave to BHRR's Concert is another glimpse into a world that can be so wonderful. Your home gave her memories of kindness and gentle touches of true caring.

THANK you for helping me to fulfill my wish for BHRR's Concert!

Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Concert'. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

"CARING FOR CONCERT" ANGELS     $689.55 donated to date & Bills $1,129.73

Anna & Peter
Penny – PayPal took $3.20 in fees
Edina – PayPal took $3.20 in fees
Heather – PayPal took $2.25 in fees *Donation to buy personal items for BHRR's Concert's comfort and enjoyment
The King Family – socks & canned food
The Bird Family – special Santa items

Here are some photos of last night!

August 29th, 2012

BHRR's August 29th, 2012 – unfortunately, it is much larger than it was. 🙁 It is growing at an alarming rate….

BHRR's Ani & BHRR's Jetta came to do a hv tonight!

WHAT fabu girls! FABU extreme! BHRR's Jetta's coat is now almost completely shiney black and she has put on even more much needed weight.

BHRR'a Ani, looking quite fine herself and both of them were very well mannered in the home.

Either one would do well in this home yet BHRR's Ani seemed to have 'chosen' the home and so as of Friday August 31st, 2012, she will be temp fostered by this home.

THANK you to this home for coming on board as part of our extended family!!!

BOTH of these Great Danes are still awaiting their forever loving adoptive homes to find them.

UPDATE: the news for BHRR's Concert is a devastating, heart sinking and crushing.Per Dr. Crews, there are at least 6 nodules of tumours that have metastasized to her lungs. She shall have palliative care for as long as we can keep her comfortable and will remain on pain meds. Her time is very short with us I am so saddened to say and I am going to make every experience for her over this next short while; one full of quality and heart and kindness.

Though, I may have not known her long; for those that have met her; all can attest to just how much of an impact she makes on your heart and soul.
I have had detailed conversations full of tears with KAH, Sean and Gloria and when it is her time to cross over; Gloria( her rescue angel) is going to come with me and we shall both hold her close and whisper in her ears just how much she really was loved and that our tears are a reflection of that love.
I want to thank each and everyone for their emails, calls, notes and posted words of best wishes plus thoughts for BHRR's Concert.
At this time, for those asking what can they do for her; she would love:
1) canned food – salmon, whitefish, tuna etc.
2) dog beds and duvets/comforters
3) very large socks for her foot
4) your continued blessings and well wishes
5) if anyone is open to having her & I just come and visit for a brief time to allow her the added knowledge of more loving experiences from others, please let me know contactbhrr@gmail.com Though her time is very limited; and I cannot take away the past of her previous humans leaving her medically untreated, suffering and then dumping her on the road like trash; what I can give her is time with others that equally care for her and want to show her that she is priceless and deserving of great things!
6) donations to her Vet bills remain so gratefully received yet; at, this time; I would rather her receive items of direct personal comfort to her for her to enjoy. I can personally pay off her remaining bills in time THANKS to each of you that so very generously donated to date. I remain humbly indebted by all of your support!! Immensely!! Please know that!!
For me, I am upset and angry that she could have had years if she had just been treated earlier…..These are the days in rescue that really hurt.
I am so very sorry dear sweet BHRR's Concert. 🙁
I am going to go hug her again….

*Two Vets have now reviewed her x-rays and it is initially believed that these spots are the beginning of tumours from the Cancer having metastasized.

We are awaiting Dr. Crews and Dr. Liston's opinions and her bw came back back with increased Globulin levels which is consistent with Cancer.

***Please keep those positive vibes coming! She is one of the nicest, sweetest and loveliest Great Danes I have ever had the absolute pleasure of meeting.

**She continues to eat and drink well and is sleeping so deep since her arrival to BHRR.

How unfortunate that her past owners did not surrender her to a r/q Rescue or bring her to a pound when all of this first started. Instead they dumped her on the road after many months of her suffering and she was picked up as a stray. 🙁

Poor dear girl…..

Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Concert'. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

***Depending where she has her leg amputation, if we are able to do that depending on the findings of her lung x-rays; I shall post that Hospital contact information in case anyone may consider donating to her Vet Bills as KAH would not be doing the amputation.

"CARING FOR CONCERT" ANGELS     $621.80 donated to date & Bills $1,129.73

Anna & Peter
Penny – PayPal took $3.20 in fees
Edina – PayPal took $3.20 in fees

Here is a VIDEO of BHRR's Emmett shortly after his arrival to BHRR.

He is doing well! He is full integrated with all the dogs here at BHRR.

He is such a real pleasure and joy! So happy and full of himself and just charges through life without any cares…..

It is all I can do to save him from himself some days! LOL :)-

He is going to have to go to a home that is busy and active. One that is not inexperienced as he is not a first time dog owner type of dog. A home does not have to have specific Giant Schnauzer experience yet, they must be dog savvy. AND they must be committed to his continued obedience(yes, it is in our adoption contract) for him to keep moving forward to being the well adjusted, balanced and behaved boy that he is becoming.

He will just as soon walk up to the face of BHRR's Dozer(WHO adores him btw) or a JRT or a CHI to tell them all what he thinks if he feels he has something to say. He is sooooooooooooooooo social and friendly yet; will not take guff from any misbehaving gooberhead out there!

I am loving him! Just loving him!

He has not had any return of prolapsed rectum issues and we continue to monitor and as mentioned before any future adoptive forever home shall have to understand that he may have a relapse and then will require surgery. If this happens during his time at BHRR, we shall do the surgery without a moment's hesitation.

AND though, two vets have already cleared his heart, we shall re-visit this on the 7th of September at his booster visit.

With the way that things are going, she should be available for adoption two weeks after his neuter, which is scheduled for the 11th of September.

He is having a bit of a relapse with the KC and so, giving him RAW honey and making sure he is resting(not an easy feat!).

I will also visit his reverse sneezing with the Vet for when he gets started, it is a  few moments before it settles down. Not uncommon yet; want to be sure that all i's are dotted and t's crossed! Part of BHRR's proactive and preventative Vet care and our full disclosure policy with all our dogs.

I would love to see him in a home with at least one other right matched personality fit as he and BHRR's Cosette, Sir Bounce A Lots and Bunker play and play and play.

For a dog to be truly and well behaved and happy, they should be properly mentall and physically stimulated. 😉

Have I mentioned already just how much FUN he is!!! He is go go go from about 5:30 AM to 4:00 AM the following day if I let him. He is just cramming all the life he can AND there is a lot of life at BHRR to be had…. 😉 into the time he has. He was in a shelter from at least July 26th to when he came to BHRR and who knows what kind of life he had before that and so, I am trying to get him to stop and smell the roses and flowers so to speak….something that BHRR's Snowball taught me many years ago(MISS that girl!).

He is getting there. He is great when it is time to go in his crate, sleeps well and let's me know if he has to go out.

He is learning to just take it easy and relax and not be a million miles a minute. He will now crash at my feet or near me and power snooze and nap instead of falling asleep on his feet as he just does not want to miss anything.

He is learning that life is still here tomorrow for enjoyment and lots of training(something that he is just excelling in! – that butt of his sits and wags and wags in happiness plus eagerness to please!) and play time with all his friends AND he has many at BHRR. He plays and interacts with all the dogs here! NOW, that is one solid puppy!

He has had his second dose of Revolution put on recently too.

You can contribute to BHRR's Emmett's Vet Bills by:

Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Rose' & 'Petal'. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

BHRR's Emmett's Angels    $156.80 donated to date & Bills $574.93
Anna & Peter
The King Family – PayPal took $3.20 in fees


BHRR's Emmett's WishList:
A Costco Dog bed
$ towards Vet bills
Dino Smoked Bones
Rope Toys


FREEDOM DANE BHRR's Peanut told me today that she is ready for her new forever loving home. So, she is NOW AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!

One that is going to be patient, kind, understanding and lovingly consistent to help her continue along her amazing foundation path developed at BHRR.

She says that she is still shy in new and strange surroundings yet in that right forever matched home, she knows that she shall continue to become more comfortable and brave…..

She will need a very patient, quiet, understanding and lovingly consistent home that will not rush her and will continue to build upon all the storng foundation she has had built up at BHRR; yet; she is ready…

She is shy and yet; when you earn her trust and respect; she is so loving and affectionate and you just cannot walk a straight line as she is always there and she loves to knock you from behind the knees and make your legs give!

She is playful and she will thrive in that right matched forever loving home. One that is not going to push her, yet; expose her slowly to continued wonderful things that life can give her.

She is only going to get better and better here at BHRR and we will work with the home that proves to be the right one for her for continued success!

I am going to miss her though…..she is a real real real gem!

She has had some really good social outings with myself. The car still worries her some and she is quite quiet in new surroundings yet; we shall continue to bring her out and about and have others have playdates and day trips with her to keep her going forward.

She cannot be rushed yet; the world shall be laid at your feet for that right matched forever loving home that is prepared to give her the time she needs plus deserves.

Here is a VIDEO of her very first out of BHRR social date!  Thanks to D. Bird and M. Bird for having us over!!

BHRR's Peanut

BHRR's Scarlett is now safely at BHRR. We are relieved to have her finally here. Here is my post of thanks to all those that assisted this weeked on the latest transport of many dogs to their new lives!

So Mallie(BHRR's Scarlett) has now arrived safely to BHRR! 

No issues at all upon arrival. Was very submissive coming in to our house and seeing/walking by a few of our dogs and she is now resting. Socialisation and training 101 shall begin. 🙂 The journey of her rehabilitation now starts towards a loving forever home future!

We are looking forward in getting to know her and from myself, Sean and Mallie; we want to thank EACH of you for all that has been done to get her and all the others gems to their destinations!!! 

Thanks for all the updates and Lucy; thank you for your magic once again in pulling this weekend's run together.

So many amazing people out there helping these deserving animals and I am so grateful to each of you.


Below are some excerpts on her journey. WHAT a long haul this was for her…. 🙁 It has been a very long week for us waiting for her arrival!

From Lauren R.:
I had Mallie in my car today(Saturday) and she was a sweetheart. She was a little growly when she got near some of the other dogs but it didn't take much to distract her away. 

She needed an alley-oop into my car and settled right in.

Diane Baxert M.:
She was an absolute doll!  No problem getting her into the car & quiet as a mouse during the drive.  I'm sure with a bit of socialization & her great disposition, she will be the perfect fur kid!  Good Luck Mallie to your new life in Canada!  

Renee C:
Mallie is just a sweetie – tired, slept all the way to Oshawa  to meet Julie – who had a liver treat so they are now best friends

So yes, Mallie's social skills could use some finessing. She has a lousy meet and greet. But she's got to be 90% black lab, which pretty much means in her world, liver 1st, people-attention 2nd and everything else including the cat third.
She did snarl and go after my dogs but was easily re-directed.  Initially she was curious about the cat but then decided she better chase and then slime it. No harm done. Have escorted him to higher ground.

At the moment she seems pretty playful, running around the yard chasing a ball (but doesn't seem to know what to do with it) and tolerating the other dogs fine.  She comes back to check in and get her liver every few minutes or so. Lovely girl 🙂

Nighty night..

A Costco Dog bed
$ towards Vet bills
Dino Smoked Bones
Rope Toys

August 24th, 2012 – you can sure see the Great Pyrenees!
*photos courtesy of Lauren


BHRR's Concert's one x-rary – Right foot

August 24th, 2012

She will require a leg amputation if her lungs are clear(three spots found on her x-rays of her lungs) and we are now waiting the results of her bw and the review of her x-rays by the ortho specialist and the x-ray interpretation specialist on her lungs and her foot/leg x-rays

Saturday's Vet Bills are from Kanata Animal Hospital for her exam, bw including hwt and fecal and x-rays and FNA etc.

Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Concert'. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

***Depending where she has her leg amputation, if we are able to do that depending on the findings of her lung x-rays; I shall post that Hospital contact information in case anyone may consider donating to her Vet Bills as KAH would not be doing the amputation.

"CARING FOR CONCERT" ANGELS     $521.80 donated to date & Bills $1,129.73

Anna & Peter
Penny – PayPal took $3.20 in fees

August 24th, 2012


BHRR's Emmett has his booster exam scheduled for September 7th and his neuter is scheduled for September 11th, 2012.

At this time, I know that he should go to an active home. He is one busy and fun loving boy at BHRR!

He is also Mr. Social and would do great in a home with children – 8 years and up.


BHRR's Scarlett is booked in for her initial exam on Monday August 27th 2012 and we shall hwt, booster DAPP, chip and do presurgical bw.

Her spay has been scheduled for August 30th.

The transport is running as scheduled for this weekend and I am so looking forward to her arrival.

It has been a long haul getting her here and I cannot thank those involved enough for their assistance!

The one thing that I have heard to date on her transport so far is that she does not mind getting into the vehicle, travels well and shallow steps are fine yet; steeper steps she is not comfortable with.

BHRR's Concert – ~ 3 years of age – female Merle GD

Special Needs – Huge growth on her right front foot

Thanks to Catahoula Rescue-Ontario for contacting us for assistance on August 23rd, 2012. We mobilized really fast and she is coming to BHRR tomorrow-August 25th, 2012 – her stay at the shelter is up tomorrow. Thanks to A. Gray-Henschel for the assistance in transporting!

She already has a Vet appointment at Kanata Animal Hospital scheduled for 2:10 PM tomorrow(August 25th) and we shall update as we can re: her wishlist of needs. We shall be doing an exam, bw, biopsy and x-rays as part of her Vet visit tomorrow.

She is scheduled for surgery on Tuesday August 28th and in discussing her case with the Vet, a toe amputation is very possible.

Thank you everyone in advance for you consideration in stepping up to be a 'CONCERT ANGEL' for her!

She already has an account set-up at Kanata Animal Hospital.

Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Concert'. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

AND I called her 'Concert' as the rescue of this beauty was like the orchestration of a beautiful concert. Very beautiful and smooth as to how it all unfolded plus fell into place. Additionally, it was the 'concert' effort of r/q people/groups that came together to make this happen for her. SOOOOOOOOOO, I felt it a most fitting name!


BHRR's Concert – August 2012 – At the Shelter

BHRR's Cosette has her ultrasound today to help determine if she has been spayed.

After a mild sedation, she was placed on her back and in shaving her(did not need much); her Vet suggested to shave her higher as she thought she saw a faint line. So, higher up she was shaved and sure enough, there was a very faint line. An old one that suggests that she was spayed quite young and was higher than one would normally expect to find a spay incision.

Her Vet still did an u/s to help confirm the spay and we are a THUMBS up!

Below are two photos taken from today.

Once she puts on a bit more weight and she is also coming with me to our next GD & Honourary GD walk/hike this Sunday; for another social outing; she will be placed up for adoption.

I would really close to 110 pounds right now.

She was so super sweet to everyone…..such a pretty 'wee' giant girl, inside and out!

BHRR's Cosette – August 24th, 2012 – after sedation and the ultrasound!

BHRR's Rose has a sweet and a bit of a shy announcement to make – She is now AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!!

BHRR's Rose is still shy yet for the right matched forever loving home, if you are patience and kind and soft spoken and consistent; BHRR's Rose will give you her heart and soul and beyond.

She is so sweet, affectionate, obedient and strangers still 'worry' her a bit and she can get shy for the first bit and so, she is not to be pushed beyond her comfort zone. She is to be given plenty of social opportunities to shine and to socialize yet; do not flood or overwhelm her. She will shut right down.

In new situations and settings, she tends to want to stay by my side at first and has not met a dog that she has not yet liked!

She is still putting on some weight from what she lost from her spay and then emergency surgery; but; that is not enough at this time to hold her back from being placed up for adoption.

If she has a right matched personality fit dog in her new home, that is great yet not necessary. As long as she has a network through that homes friends, neightbours and family, she shall thrive with doggie friends.

She can go to a home that works ft, pt, semit-retired, works from home, retired etc. FOR she is another one of those versatile homes.

I would not wish to see her in a home with children under the age of 9. She should be part of a quietly active home, not one with lots of fluttering and scattering of kids and voices going amok around her.

She is very sound and stable dog who has made miraculous leaps and bounds during her rehab with me at BHRR and she is very bonded, loyal and so caring.

May that right matched forever loving home see past that initial shyness and worry to the gem of gold and diamonds she really is!

The one thing that I do not believe that I also meant post is that when the Vet spayed her; she would not have given her an age over 18 months.

BHRR's Rose & BHRR's Rose & BHRR's Petal – June 29th, 2012

BHRR's Rose – August 24th, 2012

Anna has indicated that she shall take refill requests for BHRR's Journey's Heart Bisuits for the 'HELP HAILEY HEAL' FUND.

Anna's e-mail or you can call her at 613 993 2738 to order – Anna also has a Hypo recipe for those that have sensitive tummy doggies!

She is baking smokey bacon with cheddar heart shaped dog biscuits at $3/dz. Made with love, bought with love and every penny sent to BHRR with love to Hailey. She also has a hypo recipe for those with allergies!

THANKS to everyone for their consideration!

BHRR's Kyo was officially ADOPTED tonight! YAY!

Just beaming for all! Completely!


August 23rd, 2012

Posted in Kyo

YAY! BHRR's Dozer made two more friends today!! 🙂 BHRR's Rambo & BHRR's Freedom and one of his newest best buds is BHRR's Emmett, the almost 45 pound Giant Sch. Puppy!! WTG! BHRR's Dozer!! 🙂

BHRR's Cosette & BHRR's Emmett VIDEO from KAH last Saturday August 18th, 2012

BHRR's Cosette & BHRR's Emmett & Bunker VIDEO from last Saturday August 18th, 2012

BHRR's Jersey has been full integrated with all the dogs here.

She is slowly becoming more confident and sure. She is housebroken, very quiet and she is beginning to make some canine friends – she likes my 8+ year old Cherokee and she loves to trot after BHRR's Emmett and BHRR's Bunker – not really a prey drive; just more curious and getting excited about their fun.

She is also very slowly putting the weight on that thin frame of hers. Her coat is already looking better.

I have her scheduled to go into the Vet this Saturday August 25th. We shall do a HWT at that time as well.

This girl is going to steal some hearts! I know she has already done so to mine! 🙂

BHRR's Emmett's bw came back normal – he is a growing puppy and any small values just outside of the normal values have been explained by the Vet as him being a young giant puppy under excitement(a form of stress) at the time of the bw being taken. SO, after he has had his booster, two weeks after that; we shall neuter him.

Every time that he is going in, I shall re-visit his heart too; even though, two Vets gave him the all clear. His next Vet visit is September 10th, 2012

His wee butt looks great and we shall monitor and if he has another prolapse, we shall do surgery per his prior vet record recommendations plus his Vet at KAH.

His urinalysis came back as nsf yet; it was very dilute(he drinks a lot and pees a lot and this could just be normal for him) we shall take a first am sample in to see if there is anything found in that sample.

I just want to be sure and this is part of the BHRR preventative and proactive approach that we do with all of our dogs. Full disclosure as well!

He is being dewormed proactively and I am waiting for him to give me a nice present(that I see him do) to do a fecal. He is also now on heartworm preventative.

You can contribute to BHRR's Emmett's Vet Bills by:

Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Rose' & 'Petal'. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

BHRR's Emmett's Angels    $10 donated to date & Bills $538.79


BHRR's Emmett's WishList:
A Costco Dog bed
$ towards Vet bills
Dino Smoked Bones
Rope Toys

Here is a short VIDEO I took of BHRR's Rose in recovery after her emergency surgery on July 10th, 2012

Below are a slew of photos I took and both her and BHRR's Petal did not have the easiest of recoveries and it took almost a good 14 days before I felt like their incisions had healed enough for me to remove their sutures.

They have very very very very slowly been putting the weight back on. Being not the best eaters to begin with, has made it that much more challenging. 🙁 Yet, we have been getting there and thank goodness, I waited to spay for them to put on some much needed weight for they lost all that weight and a bit more. This is why I do not spay immediately upon arrival to BHRR if they are thin or emaciated for if they did not have this weight put on post arrival to BHRR; one if not both could have been lost.

BHRR's Rose – July 10th, 2012

BHRR's Kyo is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION! Will update his blog as I can.

Posted in Kyo

Before I left KAH yesterday; I was able to collect a free flow urine sample for BHRR’s Emmett for testing.

BHRR’s Dozer’s heartworm test was negative.

Donations to her growing Vet Bills can be made in the following ways.

Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Hailey'. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

"PLEASE HELP HAILEY HEAL" ANGELS     $1,003.19 donated to date & Bills $2,936.08
Anna & Peter
Credit transferred from BHRR's Journey Rehab Angels – $243.19
Judy – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
CJ Rescue Garage Sale – $247.50(50/50 split to help BHRR's Emma)
Alex & Karen
Eva & Robert

BHRR's Cosette weighed 41.1 KGs today(90.42 pounds). This means that she has put on 4.18 pounds since she has arrived and GOOD for her!

She needs a bit more yet getting there!

She had a HWT done and we microchipped her plus revisited her eye and checked further to determine if she had already been spayed.

Now, that she has been with us for a bit, she is definitely younger than 3. We are placing her between 18 m – 24 m of age.

Her teeth and personality/energy level etc. is all 'younger'. NOW, she could be three for we all know that there are some pretty spunky older dogs out there. My Ch. Dyce is almost 6.5 years of age and you would think he was half that age wit his energy level. 🙂

Yet, the Vet and I feel that she is younger than 3.

A recheck was done on her eye and the Vet determined that she has limited vision in that eye. Her lens is so small and it does not hold her back! There is no concern or worry that she has to have the eye removed, it is congenital and she motors along as if she had perfect vision. You would not even know there was something 'off' unless the light hit the eye in just the right light.

SO YAY! Any future adoptive home must realise that she is limited vision on that side and be mindful of such.

We were unable to conclude decisively that she was spayed – no incision, no feeling of underlying scar tissue and so, I have scheduled to bring her back in(SHE had a great day today and I am ended it on a great note!) to be lightly sedated adn we shall do an u/s. We are aware that this too, may not prove conclusive yet; we are going to try.

She also had her DAPP booster.

What a social wee princess she was! So, sweet and friendly and no issues with any people or other dogs.

We will be taking her on our next GD/Honourary GD Walk/Hike that is upcoming and to see where were are now at with any strange male dog woes. She has not had any more quirks since Pet Valu yet; we shall continue to evaluate/assess.

I took a short video of her playing with BHRR's Emmett today and shall post ASAP. 🙂

LOVE LOVE LOVE this dear dog!

BHRR's Emmett came to work with me today and he weighed 19.4 KGs(42.68 pounds).

He was a HUGE hit the big ol' hunk!

We did presurgical bw in preparation for neutering, microchipped him and re-visited his heart, rectum and hot spot.

I also discussed how he drinks a lot and urinates a lot. I shall bring in a sample to be tested.

His heart was cleared as being normal, just as the second Vet that saw him prior to coming to BHRR.

His hot spot is great, his teeth, lungs all checked out lovely and the Vet was unable to locate the suture that had been put in place back in July. They felt that he most likely popped it as the medical notes from the other Hospital indicate that it should be exterior.

So, we shall monitor for diarrhea, tenesmus issues(he had a good normal poop today with minimal straining and no noted discomfort.) and also if the rectum does prolapse again.

If that is the case, we will have a surgical intervention. Per his Vet at KAH, it could happen again, it may not.. Just as what was in his paperwork. So, if he does not require surgery pre-adoption, any future adoptive home would need to be aware that this could be in his future.

He also was given a good ear cleaning. He was a very brave young man! 🙂

He showed all how well he sits and he was so social, happy and friendly.

We did take an initial look at his hind end and it is a bit hard to say how much is wonky puppy and how much may be something more serious and we shall re-visit that when he is older.

Thumbs up visit with Mr. Emmett!

I took a short video of him and BHRR's Cosette playing at BHRR today. CUTE!

His best friends are clearly Sir Bunker, Sir Bounce-A-Lots and BHRR's Cosette right now.

Unfortunately, there was an ;omission made in KY, USA and though the HC was signed, the Rabies certificate was not and BHRR's Scarlett and three other dogs were not able to continue on the transport for today and have had to board for the week in Celina, Ohio.

Not an expense that we wanted to be taking on and one we have paid as we committed to assisting her.

So, she is now hunkered down in a boarding facility and I have already been in touch with the boarding facility; adter being advised by the transport co-ordinator of this error. Thank you to those involved like the transport co-ordinator that worked so fast to guarantee these four dogs had a place to go and the sending facilities were advised by the transport co-ordinator and centre to ensure that the proper and signed paperwork is to be sent to the boarding place for the transport to happen on Saturday.

So, ;they made it as far as Celina, Ohio before someone noticed that their papers were not in order.

I asked the boarding place to please give her a hug for me and they said they would. They said she was super sweet! 🙂

Rest easy this next week my dear one…..soon! Soon, we shall meet! 🙂



BHRR's Dozer did really well for his exam. 🙂

No freak out yet; you can tell that if he did not want to do something, he wanted to 'toss' that weight around and wiggly and move.

BHRR's Journey Heart Biscuits really helped with that! 😉

Though, things could not be as thorough as we wanted, as we are still rehabbing him, this boy is making excellent progress!

He had his DAPP booster today as well. 🙂

What a big mush of love! He sat when asked, laid down when asked and ignored us when we asked to have him do other things like 'come' at times! LOL

The Vet felt that his heart and lungs sounded good, we checked his teeth as best as we could as he was a bit worried and I am very proud of him!!! 🙂

Any new forever loving adoptive home MUST understand that when you take him to the Vet, please have him brought to the back area and not in a small closed in exam room that will stress him. He needs space for his comfort zone. At least got now……

Also, obedience is so much structure for him and he will really need that and yes, it is part of our obedience contracts yet VERY VERY VERY important for him.

Just so proud of him!

BHRR's Dozer is at work with me today. He weighed a lovely getting nicely toned 68.9 KGs(151.58 pounds).

He was great to get into the car, travelled well – shared some drool on my scrubs LOL and had no issues with cars or people on the road as we travelled.

When I arrived, I took a bunch of BHRR's Journey Heart Biscuits with me and gave them to all the staff he met YET, no stranger danger! WAHOO! Now, they are calm and quietly confident and he responds to those types of people very well.

He stepped on the scale like a pro and has been very quiet in his run. Some 'sucky' sounds here and there when he sees me, yet; other than that a dream. I have had him out and in several times and though, he does not want to go into the run, he respects my wishes of asking him to do so. He would rather splash his water all around than drink it; so no more water in there with him right now. 😉

It took some time to put a muzzle on him for as lovely as he is; we were told by his previous home that he 'freaked' out at his last Vet visit and we needed to do bw etc. So, safety for all and no set-up for failure for him.

This is when things became very interesting. He felt that if he 'threw' his weight around, he would get his way and we would not do what we needed/wanted to do. He was not aggressive, he was bratty. VERY! So, I was patient and eventually, got the muzzle on and he kept trying to be wiggly wormy, so when he wanted to lay on his side, we kept that position and did his heartworm test which he did not even know was happening, microchipped him which he did not even know was happening and did both back and front nails. He was not happy that he did not 'win' and have his way and just wiggled here and there yet; he was not snarling, growling or being aggressive.

He shall need a lot more handling in these areas yet; HUGE HUGE HUGE from when he first arrived.

Let him up on his feet a few moments later, muzzle off, tons of treats and he was just fine…..

He still needs to visit with the Vet re: his heart, lungs, teeth and DAPP booster and we shall see how that goes.

So, word of advice to any future home, muzzle him, place on side if that is what is most comfortable for him and do not make a big deal out of things…do what needs to be done, praise appropriately; treat and then move forward in a passively ignoring fashion.

He saw one delivery man today, was 'a bit wary, yet more curious and I was proud of him. The man was busy and so, I just stood there talking to some of the lovelies I work with and kept an eye on him yet stayed relaxed. NO issues.

AND the only issue today was poor Dr. Javinksky who came to do an u/s. I took BHRR's Dozer out for a pee and came back in and spent a few moments with BHRR's Dozer chatting with the lovelies and I saw Dr. Javinsky come to the back. I was curious to see how BHRR's Dozer would react and it took him a few minutes and when he did; the 'stranger danger' mode was in full swing – big barks – about four or five – tail high, stiff yet relaxed over time into more of a nice wagging and the fur on the back of his neck was up in fear.

I told BHRR's Dozer no and said we do not do this and Dr. Javinksky said 'I guess apparently we do do this' and I could tell both sides were uncomfortable. So, I just turned BHRR's Dozer again, 'No and you are fine' and took my time walking him away from the prep area.

BHRR's Dozer is uncomfortable yet, he also takes some 'enjoyment' out of getting a reaction from those that he can. It is a tricky combination to work through.

So, BIG progress since he first arrived! He also walked by one staff members two pugs no issues when they were in the run; just curious and when they were outside and I brought BHRR's Doxzer; while showing curiousity, he was not focused or obsessed. EXCELLENT! EXCELLENT!

So, this is just amazing progress.

It is going to be very interesting to see how things go as the light fades and we drive. I have to put gas in the car and deliberately am waiting until after my shift when it is dark to see how he reacts and then we are off to pick up some auction winning items and I am going to be really observing his behavour and working to set him up for success.

From there, I shall be posting dates 'looking for men' 😉 I am hoping to find some of our male approved Volunteers willing to have us go visit, go for a walk etc., to continue to rehab this boy into the superstar he really can be.

So, if any of our approved homes with men, would like to have a date with a 151.58 pound tall, dark and very handsome dude with The Gwennie as a chaperone; please EMAIL 🙂  

We are now safely home and I have all his previous Vet records from the Vet who vetted him prior to the O. doing the dump at the Shelter.

He is a purebred Giant Schnauzer according to those records and was born April 21st, 2012. The previous O. only had him one month……

In doing a quick review of his file; he was seen for a prolapsed rectum on July 21st and the O.'s declined much of the recommendations made their way. He also had a hot spot. He was treated with panucur(diarrhea/parasites), given Metronidazole and lactulose along with a gastro diet.  The Owner declined to go to St. Hyacinthe for more treatments.

This puppy was having both diarrhea and also tenesmus isssues.

He ws given a hydro sedation and oxygen and the prolapse was flushed and manually administered to with sterile lubricant. There was no evidence at the time of any masses or abnormalities during the rectal exam. One suture was put in place. The Owners was informed on how to keep the area cleaned and to use an Elizabethan collar.

A recheck was recommened in one week to re-visit the suture and comfort level plus possible diarrhea(shelter did report that stools were soft yet that could be due to stress, food/water change and/or parasites etc.) If all was good, the suture was to remain in place one additional week. If there was difficulty or there was a prolapse reoccurance recommended to recheck immediately.

There was also a recommendation to vist a cardiologist.

The Owner was advised to watch for diarrhea or straining to poop. Either condition would require a re-evaluation.

The Vets said that this prolapse could happen again or never.

From the Shelter Records, he has been given DAPP booster and his rabies. He has been with them since at least July 26th, 2012.

On August 4th, 2012 – The Shelter put him on Doxycycline 100 mg tablets – 2 tabs SID for 14 days. He has 4 days left.

On August 12th, he was 18.4 KGs(40.48 pounds). 

BHRR shall not neuter him until he is older and done his medications and will not be given him any boosters until he is off his medications and doing better. I also want to look further into this prolapse and also heart. All shall be properly documented in his file at KAH. I already started a note section earlier Wednesday.

HE is a sweet boy. BIG clubber feet and we need to examine those hips of his plus he has one leg longer than the other in the front(could just be puppy growth), he is still teething and does submissive/excite pee(did when I picked him up and when I brought him to KAH and then when he first met Sean etc.) However, since I have been home with him and all snuggled up in Kinsley's room(I have not yet been cleared from my major sugery last November to re-enter the master bedroom with zee big dawgs!), he has not peed once.

He was very hungry, fed him a bit of food, he drank a bit and is now flaked out right by my bed.

Being a Giant Schauzer – socialization is as key as with any dog; yet; this is a breed very much calling for the socialization with strangers and dogs etc. He has been uber friendly to all people and my kids and when I picked him up from the amazing person who kept him after meeting his transport(they were bringing in three dogs to their own program) mentioned that he was right in the face of their DDB and yet; corrected well.

I was informed that he tested well with other breeds – Bouvier etc. at the Shelter and he is excellent with his sit! He is responsive to when I speak to him in French and has bonded very quickly to me. It will be important for Sean and the kids to handle him as well as get him out and about!

Once he is over his KC, I shall be seeking approved homes for playdates, daytrips etc. It has been many months since we have done our playtrip program! 🙂 This is usually something we do monthly yet; stopped in the spring as we hosted our special DATE AUCTION.

Time for me to take Mr. Emmett out for a bathroom break and as it is almost 2 am, and though, I have much else to do; I think it is nap time!

Later today, shall be a very exciting time FOR we have not one but two very lovely dogs that have a special announcement to make! 😉 😀

BHRR's Scarlett(Female) & BHRR's Rhett(Male) are two Great Pyrx's – could be with lab or GD or Newf. Will take a closer look when I meet them!

ETA to BHRR is this weekend. They are currently in KY, USA.


Hi. My brother and I were brought in here and we are scared and not really sure what is going on.  We are really sweet 1-yr old great pyr mixes, about 80 pounds,  and this is not where we wanted to spend our weekend! I don’t understand how our owner could just leave us here? Please help us – we are good doggies and just want someone to love us!  Love,

BHRR's Scarlett(female) & BHRR's Rhett(male) @ The Shelter

BHRR's Emmett-

16 week old – Fawn/Wheaton Giant Schnauzerx or Bouvierx or IWx – cannot wait to meet him!

He has prolapse, being treated for KC and one Vet thought they heard a Grade III HM(another Vet did not hear anything)

We shall fully Vet him.

ETA to BHRR Wednesday August 15th.

INFORMATION SENT OUT WAY by the Shelter Prime:

This boy is a large 4-4.5 month old puppy mixed Giant…….he is very big for 4 months.  He has no food aggression nor resource guarding.  He is not bad on leash, but will nip at your hand in play (again, no aggression at all).  He is a typical puppy who is an owner surrender because they said that he did not like the other dog in the home.  Hard to believe as he gets along well with dogs at the shelter. 

The SPCA did some further digging on the dog and contacted the vet where the dog was last seen.  The SPCA was told that he had a prolapse however no surgery required at this time and the SPCA has not had an issue.

However, he is on day 7 of meds for kennel cough (which is mild).  His stools are also soft.  He is vaccinated but not sterlized.

Because of the prolapse the shelter prefers not to put into adoption and seeking rescue or euthanasia.  As I met this boy, he has a great disposition and I think he does deserve rescue.  The only issue of course could be another re-occurance of prolapse.  All vet documents from the treating vet will be provided.
The picture does not do him justice.  He really is a very handsome/goofy looking dog.

By the way – one vet heard a grade 3 heart murmur.  The other vet rechecked and could hear nothing.  So please have your vet double check this.

BHRR's Emmett @ The Shelter


she is here and as those that saw her on Saturday can attest to – she is quite thin, a coat that needs some love and in sore need of a nail trim and has two healing areas on her body.

When I picked her up, she was outside in their yard and when the gate was opened she took off in a playful youthful romp. I was told that she is not let out of the yard and I was worried that she would run on to the road. I called her back and she came back to me. The Owner did not seem worried and maybe I was being a bit too worried?

She happily came to me to the car and off we went. I thought that things would be more stressful for her and the home with good-byes; yet; nothing. She was quite content to leave with me and the home was content to see her come to BHRR.

In the car when I would reach back to touch her face, she would close her eyes and wince every slightly.  I shall also look into her mouth to be sure that all is ok on that front.

What really did break my heart though was when I did get home; I let her into the fenced in yard and when I called her back after a few minutes, she did come to me…………yet; she came to me crawling on her belly………….words just cannot come properly to tell everyone how that made me feel. She was drooling and crawling. One of those times that you just want to scoop a dog up and hold close and whisper so much into their ear. Yet, the best and proper thing was 'no glass bubble', calm word of reassurance, a word or two of praise for listening, a gentle pat and hooked on to the leash I brought with me when I picked her up and walk her in a passively ignoring position and style to inside the house.

She did not eat for me until a few hours later as I was sitting working on my main computer and from there she drank and relaxed. She spent some time just laying on a bed beside me as I worked and I took her outside a couple more times before I crashed for a few hours. Another one that bonded really fast to me and being careful not to create any SA behavours. She had a good night and good Wednesday.

Today, we shall do some integration. BHRR's Cosette and BHRR's Jetta seem to be the two biggies 'nosey parkers' with her! LOL BHRR's Jersey is just not sure of all things around her right now, so nice and slow…easy and baby steps. A whole new life awaits her and we have lots of time to go down the path of discovery of so many wonderful and exciting things for her future which shall then become her present. 🙂

I am going to keep her at BHRR for a bit, get her settled in and then take her to KAH for an exam and other vetting.

I shall add more later yet was talking to some that I work with at KAH about her on Wednesday.


BHRR's Dozer – July 27th, 2012

He is doing really great!

Last night, he made a new integrative friend – BHRR's Cobalt! Slow yet sure steady forward progress. He has yet to be integrated with BHRR's Freedom, BHRR's Rambo, my two bluez boyz, Sir Maestro, Brick and of course Sir-Bounce-A-Lots plus our Bunker. Getting there….. 🙂 He is becoming more the boy that will turn his head and if need be walk away and if it comes down to it; he will grumble at dogs like BHRR's Jetta that become too much for him. Nothing inappropriate with that behavour at all! 🙂 We want him to be ok to express himself and not to be silent as that makes for a very dangerous situation. AND the dogs are learning to respect his space and understand more about what he likes, dislikes and needs and it si so amazing to watch all of it unfold. WHAT a gift to be able to witness this transformation…like a butterfly(A BIG ONE! LOL) coming out of their coccoon.

He DOES not bark when dogs pass his crate when his food bowl is there, he allows Sean & I to take his bowl and give him his bowl and he is sooooooooooo much better about sharing the communal water bowls. He was 'reacting' in defensiveness and fear and he is learning that no one is here to take his food, high value treats and that we share and get along and live in that harmony that I speak off so often plus he is trusting and relaxing and just learning to not just be a lovely dog but a GREAT dog! 🙂

We are also now heading into the beginning of the end of the honeymoon period and that is bringing its own 'on your toes' moments!

He has lost weight, is toning up and he continues to want BHRR's Maggie May to be his best of friends! She is not so convinced! LOL

BHRR's Dozer – July 27th, 2012

It has taken me awhile to be able to post this VIDEO of my last car ride with BHRR's Emma. 🙁

BHRR's Kyo – August 11th, 2012

At the Critter Jungle DIRTY DAWG Wash Fundraiser

**Taken with my iPhone**

Sean had to leave with the kids after helping set-up yet; before he left he washed the very first dog; BHRR's Kyo!

THANK you Critter Jungle again for such an opportunity! It was so much fun! 🙂

As everyone can see, he is a dream!

BHRR's Kyo – August 11th, 2012 & BHRR's Kyo July 2012 with that photo courtesy of his temp foster home

Posted in Kyo

BHRR's Jersey – Approximately 4 year old GD with a partially docked tail from a tail injury sustained in December 2011. She was originaly adopted about 2 years ago by the one O. from a H.S. and as they are now expecting their second child, they would like for her to have a better life than what they believe they can currently provide for her.

*photo below is from her current owners*

Another BBBB!

Coming to BHRR the week of August 12th, 2012 – Plans have been made to bring her in Tuesday August 14th.

The home had contacted me awhile back asking for our assistance with placement and they wanted to be assured that she was going to a highly reputable/quality program. We gave them a lot of information to assist them with their research of BHRR(as we are so aware, there are some really disreputable Rescues out there); invited them to to join our BHRR FB page, the Ottawa GD group that I am the Rescue & Behaoural Advisor on and to pass along up to 300 references. The home was also encouraged to read our guest book enteries.

BHRR has been around since 1996 and we are a small Rescue and it never about quantity, it is about quality. Our adoption success rates were 100% for over 10 years of operating and we are now 99% in our 16th year.

We have Volunteers that have been with us since our inception and have quite a few that have joined us along our many years operating. BHRR only associates plus asupports where we can,whom we believe to be some other highly r/q and few plus far between organizations and offered up contact information to also help them research more on BHRR. BHRR feels it is very important for people to feel comfortable about the choices/decisions they make and believe in full disclosure.

I also invited the home to come on out to the August 11th Fundraiser being hosted by Critter Jungle to meet myself(Sean & Kids left to go back home after they helped set-up and after Sean washed the first doggie – BHRRs Kyo!) and I had the pleasure of meeting them plus this GD We spent some more time having a detailed discussion and after she received a bath, we began our first arrangements to have her come into BHRR.


COME ON OUT TO SEE US THIS SATURDAY AUGUST 11th @ the Critter Jungle in Ottawa, Ontario!

RAIN OR SHINE! We shall be there! So, bring your dirty dawg and we shall wash plus towel dry for you!

We shall also have some items for sale to help raise much needed funds for the animals in need of BHRR.

AND it looks like the rain is going to be there BUT so shall we! 🙂 We are all going to be wet anyway! 😉

BHRR's Freeze went to his new forever loving home tonight! This is adoption #336 for BHRR!

BHRR`s Freeze – August 8th with Sean as he says good-bye to his dear friend & BHRR's Freeze's new forever loving  family!

The photos below are from the Pet Valu in K-Town(Colonnade Road) – Educational & Community Public awareness event

She wants to thank ALL the BHRR Volunteers fabu for coming out today to help out and hang and to all the supporters for dropping by including BHRR's Holden! She did awesome with people, no issues with any female dogs and demonstrated some quirkness at first encounter with almost all males; yet; settled down after a positive correction and passively ignoring…a great first outside of BHRR social experience! She is also a serious contender for the 'K9 Kissing For Kash' at our September 29th "DINE WITH THE BHRR ANIMALS' Fundraiser! :)-

It was very interesting to note this 'male' quirkiness for she has had NO issues at BHRR whatsoever with males or females. In fact, many of her closest playmates other than BHRR's Bloom & BHRR's Jetta are male. Very interesting notation. Once she was positively corrected, she was fine. At our next GD & Honourary GD Walk/Hike, I shall be bringing her to continue to 'tweak' this.

Thank you everyone for being so incredible today!

BHRR raised $370.03 today thanks to Pet Valu AND all of you!

ALSO, thank you AGAIN to Pet Valu for this opportunity and for the donation of much needed and lifesaving dog Food AND thanks to all the customers of Pet Valu that donated 12 boxes of dog treats and a bag of canned food to come to BHRR too! 🙂

AND the famous signature event BHRR Doggie Gift Basket Surpreme was won by Maggie Bird!

She has her Vet appointment tomorrow night and an update shall be posted ASAP.

BHRR's Cosette – August 4th, 2012
*Photos courtesy of M. Bird

BHRR’s Kyo is doing well in his temp foster home and plans have been made to have him come back to BHRR the second week of September should he not be adopted by then.

As always, we remain patient!! He is such an awesome dog!

He had a great short ‘dog in the park’ movie experience and came to visit us again briefly at Pet Valu this past Saturday.

Posted in Kyo


She is such an amazing dog!!!!! Just WOW!

Time has just flown by with her at BHRR and if anyone is looking for a playful affectionate partner that also is very well trained and understands house manners, SHE is the one! OMG! She is fabu supreme!!! She is mature where and when she needs to be and playful, outgoing and social where and when she needs to be.

She can go to a home that works pt, ft, works from home, semi-retired, retired etc. FOR she is another one of those versatile dogs!!!

BHRR's Ani – July 2012


Posted in Ani

Thank you to Margaret for purchasing BHRR’s Journey’s Heart Biscuits for her ‘HELP HAILEY HEAL’ Fund.

We shall be re-visiting shortly with the Vet her current status and Cartrophen protocol. Her Vet was very supportive with BHRR’s Hailey going back to weekly if needed for her sq injections.

We have maintained every two weeks until see is re-examined/re-evaluated.

Thank you to all her fans and supporters for caring as mich about her as we do!!

BHRR's Ani's HWT is negative.

She came with us on July 28th to the Parkdale Dog/Human Movie Night in the park and had a blast! She thought she had a the best of dates with one of our BHRR approved Volunteers. 😀

She shall be placed up for adoption within the week.

She is an FANTABULOUS dog! OMG! Just fantabulous!

May her right forever matched home find her for they shall see her in all her stunning, beautiful, glossy, black, shiny, healthy, black coat glory with the personality and temperament to match!

Posted in Ani

BHRR's Dana's hwt is negative and the results came back on July 6th from her latest biopsy results.

Per the report – 'calcinosis circumscripta – pressure point? No cells to indicate inflmammation or neoplasia.'

So, YAY! 🙂

Her actual weight then was 130.46 pounds and she really should be around 122-125 maximum. She is on a big nutriional/exercise regime. I have sinced learned that she has been opening our latest food bin and that is definitely responsible for some of this extra bulk. UGH! LOL

So, Sean has designed a new food bin and let the games begin on the brilliant 'ALVIN' to be able to figure out how to open that one! SHE loves a good puzzle this one!! 🙂

We continue to be patient waiting on that right forever matched loving home.

Once things settle down more at BHRR; we shall be beginning our playdates, day trips etc. back up with approved BHRR Volunteers with our doggies. 🙂

When we attend B&F in September, I am thinking that BHRR's Dana may be one of the dogs in attendance. Her right home is out there! They just have not found her yet!


BHRR's Cosette saw the Vet on July 18th, 2012 for an initial weigh-in and good experience Vet experience.

She weighed a slightly thin 86.24 pounds(39.20 KGS).

Her right eye did not seem quite right with the lens and it appears to be small and recessed. The Vet thinks possible microphakia, a congential condition. She seems to be able to see somewhat out of it; yet; even if she did not; she has compensated very well. The Vet was unable to look at the retina as the scope was not functioning properly and we shall re-visit when she goes in for her booster later this month.

No abnormal findings were found with her left eye, her heart and skin. YAY!

Her ears, respiratory, abdomen, lymph nodes, anal glands, and spine/back assessments were all normal. 🙂

She was given her first does of Revolution and we shall do a hwt when she comes back later this month. She was a bit shy and nervous and I did not want her to have anything other than a good positive experience.

We shall check to see if we can determine if she is spayed plus microchip at her next visit too.

THIS girl is AWESOME! Give her the structure, routine, consistency with a patient loving hand and she is just thriving!!! OMG! She is so affectionate!!

I ended up putting her on some BNP appointment on the 19th of July, as she had a bit of a green discharge yet; that has all cleared up.

My intent is to bring her out this Saturday to the Pet Valu in Kemptville – the new one – when we are there from 10 AM – 3 PM for her first real social outing as she is just blowing us away with how her rehab is going at BHRR.

She is soooooooooo loving, is not crated any longer except for feeding, loves everyone, is integrated with everyone and is playful and mindful and just a delight!

SHE is going to make a lucky home a fabu addition!!! 🙂

She is a 'wee' giant, and if she makes it to 95-100 pounds – no more than that, that is going to be more than plenty big for her. 🙂 She is a petitie frame and all personality of love.

We know that BHRR’s Dozer will not be adopted to a home (if they have another dog) that has a dog less than about 40 pounds. This may change yet; as of right now he is very fixated on both my 9.5 pound Sir-Bounce-A-Lots and the 25-30 pound Bunker.

He is completely fine with BHRR’s Rose & BHRR’s Petal and they are around 40 pounds. They are also female yet; he has proven really wonderful with male dogs like my PPSS, Guinness, JS, Drift, CH. Dyceman & Windsor to date.

He is not yet fully integrated with everyone here and the more high energy and social spastic dogs are to come. He just is not fond of ‘in your face’ dogs and he will grump – as is seen when BHRR’s Jetta was too rambunctious in the video. All manageable.

He does exhibit his ‘dog worries’ at dogs like BHRR’s Cobalt as BHRR’s Cobalt is wanting to be a gooberhead as a young adolescent male and BHRR’s Dozer is a young adult male, still maturing both of them. Brick, BHRR’s Rambo are also in the same categories and then you have Bleach who being blind/deaf is right in your face trying to understand and ‘read’ other dogs. It can be unsettling toany a solid dog; let alone to one in rehab.

He has been making amazing strides in the short time he is here and at this moment; we are aiming to bring him and also BHRR’s Cosette to Pet Valu – new one in Kemptville – this Saturday August 4th from 10 am – 3 pm for a bit. If he does well, he can stay the whole day yet: it is very soon time to bring him out and this Pet Valu is set-up well to bring him plus we are close to home if need be to bring him back and it is not as busy as those in the City.

If I get a different vibe from him by the end of this week, I will cancel him coming.

We have lots of time together with his journey and his potential remains fabu!!!