Back in December, Fran from Global Pet Foods Bank Street (1176 Bank Street) phoned plus emailed us to inquire as to our thoughts in being the rescue to benefit from the annual Global 'Show Us Your Heart' Campaign.
Fran said that they have been following some of the great work that BHRR has been doing and, wanted to direct funds raised during their annual campaign in 2015, our way. 
To say that we felt humbled and deeply honoured, was putting it lightly. We feel so privileged to have been chosen by Global Pet Foods Bank Street, out of so many out there in the community doing such much needed and essential work helping animals…….
This exciting campaign begins January 31st and shall run through to February 14th, 2015
If you visit their store, you can make a donation in any amount you desire, and, you can write your name or that of your beloved pet(s) on a beautiful red heart and, it will be displayed with such pride and thanks at their store!
All monies raised shall go towards BHRR's Gretta's Vet Bills – she took a bad fall at her approved temp foster home and, we have to now repair the cruciate in her back left leg. Her surgery is January 29th at Liston Animal Hospital. It was the first surgical date we could get…….
Thank you Global Pet Foods Bank Street AGAIN for selecting our small r/q Rescue to support……be it $5 or $50 or more that is raised during your annual campaign, it will mean the world to us!!! AND, to BHRR's Gretta!
Barry, thank you SO much again for working with me on this poster. It is gorgeous!

showusyourheart - new (Medium)

Someone decided to go into BHRR's Gretta's colossal crate to help play 'nursemaid' and, I guess fell asleep in the process! wink emoticon
January 30th, 2015
BHRR's Gretta had a good day…she is still barely putting those toes down and, we are working with her to encourage her to toe touch(she wants to keep that leg tucked up close to her belly….not good) and, do a small amount of weight bearing to start….we are massaging and, icing. The incision looks good and, the swelling is to be expected plus the bruising. I am monitoring closely……….
She is eating well, had a small accident pee in her crate(totally fine as she is slightly doped up!) and, then had her first poop outside with another large pee tonight. 
She is drinking well and, wants to stay close to Sean…she and her sister FREEDOM DANE BHRR's Peanut(adopted September 13th, 2012 ) were always so attached to Sean. smile emoticon His book-ends he called them!
She is taking all of her medications like a pro – I added Tramadol to her pain regime today to help make her more comfortable. 
We have a small area blocked off in the kitchen and, she has limited/restricted room to move around some on her own under our supervision(my computer is right there) and, also has access to her crate. 
Skor(now a miracle 12 weeks herself!) who eats her own 6 smaller meals a day, in the kitchen, had her supper and, then decided that a snooze was in order next to BHRR's Gretta. She gets tired fairly quickly and, nothing like a nice caring and warm fellow Dane to lay up against!
Gretta was snoozing also yet, camera's can still make her uncomfortable, and, she lifted her head up….
Still a lovely photo……. smile emoticon
Two very special needs girls' that are truly very special to many of us! smile emoticon


She and Sean arrived safe and sound around 7 pm last night due to traffic and weather! BHRR's Gretta had a really good night overall. She took her antibiotics and pain meds like the brave girl she is AND, rested fairly well. She had a small bite to eat a couple of hours ago and, is being such a wonderful patient. smile emoticon
There is a small area, when she arrived home where her sutures are really pulled yet, still are 'ok' at this time and, we shall monitor. 
She would not go out to pee etc. before I went to bed for 1.5 hours yet, just now she finally had a huge pee and, is back in her colossal crate relaxing…..
Today, we work on her getting to put her toes down to start. She is tucking up that leg right to her belly at this time. 
Thank you to everyone that sent her best wishes and, caring thoughts!! Thanks also to those who considered her cause and, made a donation to her own mounting Vet Bills. 
Another really loved BHRR beauty that means the world to so many of us! 


UPDATE: ~ 2 PM: Per Dr. Liston, everything went well with no complications! Yes!! I hope Sean & BHRR's Gretta are home safe and sound before the snowstorm really hits…..10-15 cm heading our way and, suppose to begin anytime now….

UPDATE: ~ 1 PM: Surgery is done. Phewwwww! She is just being woken up and, we will wait to hear what her surgeon Dr. Liston has to say. Sean is picking her up for 5:30 pm…..Thanks for the text update Becca!!

7:00 AM: BHRR's Gretta is on her way to Liston Animal Hospital with Sean right now to have her Cruciate Repair Surgery on her back left leg…..people may remember her taking a really bad fall in her approved temp foster home on ice….frown emoticon

One wishes that they could explain to such a sweet shy girl that everything will be better soon….. unsure emoticon
She was so worried……AND, in turn, I always worry about our dogs until they are safe at home again…YET, as always, she could not be in better hands……
We have been contacted by a few folks asking if they could make donations to her impending bills and, why we have not posted asking for monies.
We feel that having asked for help with BHRR's Stafford's $500 deposit in November for his own airway assessment/evaluation and urgent Neuter and, having just come off our first annual Fundraiser(this year was to help BHRR's Mavie, our IronMan who began to suddenly reject one of the plates in his legs), that we should not put any pressure on our amazing village/community by begging for yet, more donations to help another one of our special needs Great Danes.
It was then pointed out to myself by quite a few that, we should be leaving that decision to donate or not, to each person that reads our blogs and posts on fb and, that asking never hurts………
We have two events coming up(Global Pet Foods Bank Street approached us to see if we would be beneficiaries in their annual 'Show Us Your Heart' Campaign) AND, we are working on another unique, creative Fundraiser to try and help her own bills that shall run into the several thousands……
For those that may consider her cause, here is Dr. Liston's contact information. They will take credit card over the phone and, credit card, debit and cash in person.
We have enough in our BHRR coffers to put down a $800 deposit today for her to even have this cruciate repair surgery and, $1, $2 or even $5 would be embraced by anyone that may wish to consider her cause!
Liston Animal Hospital
4055 Carling Avenue, Kanata, ON K2K 2A4
(613) 591-0966
We promise to update as we can……ASAP!
Keep her in your best of wishes and thoughts and blessings today!

Donations can be made via PayPal ‘gift or ‘family and friends’ option or by email transfer to 

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Dr. Liston's office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 591-0966 OR in person at Liston AH with cash, debit or credit card
4055 Carling Avenue,
Kanata, ON
K2K 2A4

**IF I am forgetting any of her ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Gretta’s Great Angels:  $380.00* donated to date & final Bills are going to be over $5,000(includes cruciate repair)
*Before PayPal fees
Maggie on behalf of FREEDOM DANE BHRR’s Adele – Mama to BHRR’s Gretta

The Janzen Family


BHRR's Salem's bw came back and her HWT is negative 🙂

The BIG surprise to all, and, this is why we are so proactive and preventative in our Vet Care, while she tested negative for Lymes & Ehrlichia, she did test positive for Anaplasma. Shocking! She came to us overweight(not indicative of a dog that is positive for Anasplasmosis), she has had zero problems clotting(another sign of Anasplasmosis)  and, she has zero other clinical signs.

In talking in more depth with her Vet at KAH, she could have just been exposed to it as opposed to actually having it OR, she could have had it at one point and, no longer does. We discussed putting her on Doxycycline as the proactive treatment and, her Vet recommended to do a CBC and and Anaplasma PCR first to determine if this is even warranted. 

Someone says 'I'z sleepies'……zzzzzzzzz….
BHRR's Porridge(Miracle DOG supreme!) was with me at work today for a recheck. 
His weight was down to 70.5 KGS(155.10 pounds) – we weighed him twice and, he was rock solid on the scale – from the 172.04 pounds that he was at his last check up(he goes in every three months or so) and, as he was one of the rescues that became sick from eating some dog food that came our way last week from another group, we are running blood-work and, a UA. THAT is a big weight loss.
I am also doing his yearly HWT as we were already sucking blood form him. 
He had a manicure, pedicure and, though, his ears are squeaky clean, I touched them up….. smile emoticon
Always a huge hit at KAH! 
This boy was not expected to live to see 18 months of age yet, he showed that MegaE would not get the upper hand AND, that seizures were not going to take him over AND, when he became quite sick last March, we were advised that he many only live a matter of weeks yet, he has more than fought the great battle with the then finally diagnosed Inflammatory Nasal Disease and, his 50 mg of Pred SID is working wonders….
He will be celebrating his 7th Birthday at the end of March!!! You keep it up buddy!!! smile emoticon
He looks forward to seeing many of his fans soon at our upcoming BHRR "EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House!


Someone is very tired after an extremely busy day! smile emoticon
She crawled into an open crate with a towel and, is getting ready to have a well deserved snooze now that we are home…..
BHRR's Salem came to work with me today and, her new weight is 52.8 KGs(116.16 pounds). MUCH better than the 58.3 kgs that she first arrived to BHRR weighing. She looks great! 
Her Vet remarked on her nice shiny glossy coat and, her great body tone and muscle mass. smile emoticon 
She did really well! She was a little unsure and, did only minor sounds of fear growling a few times here and there yet, made friends fairly fast and, loves the treats!!! wink emoticon
She had a manicure plus pedicure, her final DAPP booster and, I am doing not just a HWT yet, testing for three tick borne diseases as well, considering where she came from. I am not worried that any results will be positive….this is just part of our proactive and preventative vetting protocol that we like to do.
This is the last of her medical work-up(she is utd on all vaccines, already on heartworm preventative, has been de-wormed etc.) and, once she is more emotionally rehabbed, she is going to be ready to make her exciting special announcement! 
Her obedience was just heavenly with me today…..manners befitting a young lady! 
After work, she came with me to do a home-visit and, they won her over quite wonderfully with patience, kindness and, yes, treats to start….she was leaning into them not long after and, even layed down by their sides for a bit. We even saw a tummy flip into the air later on!
She made herself right at home in their beautiful home by drinking the water laid out and, sharing it across the floor, on top of a magazine and, their one coffee table. tongue emoticon
There shall never be enough words to express to the lovelies I work with plus this caring home, what their kindness in taking some time to give her more great experiences and, memories means…….
It is a wonderful gift and, each time, she receives one, make her more willing to trust and, becomes faster to trust and, it was pitch black outside and, she was so brave conquering her worries…….
She could smell their cat, yet, showed no interest in knocking down any doors to get at their feline and, she rocked those stairs once she figured them out! 
We shall see what our upcoming BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House is like for her and, I am incredibly proud of this gorgeous beauty!!!


AND, The Lord has passed hands! smile emoticon He is safe with Auntie Margaret for his temp foster experience!! smile emoticon

He was really mad at me for he knew something was up yet, he will be totally fine….

AND, I did not bawl like a baby myself! tongue emoticon Only a very mild welling up and maybe a sniffle…. wink emoticon

So excited for both of them!! We will share updates and photo's on his foster journey and adventures as they come in. smile emoticon

I have one very sad daughter at home also missing him…..yet, she understands why we do what we do! 

Happy Foster Day Margaret and Lord Stafford!

We hope that within 6 weeks he wi be ready to make another exciting announcement!

I have been saving this short video from November 6th, 2014 when this kind lady(one of our valued approved volunteers) came with me to Alta Vista AH for The Lord Stafford's specialist consult with Dr. Bruce. 🙂
I was saving it to post for when BHRR's Stafford was ready to make a special announcement…AND, it is now that time! 
The Lord is going to his approved temp foster home tomorrow! 😀
He has to remain on Baytril for the next 6 weeks, for the Prostatitis as, the prostate flush revealed two micro-organisms that the Clavamox nor Doxy, that he was on, were not sensitive to. AND, he is on meds for yet, another eye infection, the poor wee boo YET, nothing that would hold him up for going to his approved temp foster home! 🙂
He will be sorely missed around our home yet, it is time….this is the next step towards his rehab and, eventually being placed up for adoption! 
Great experience for him and, for his wonderful temp foster mom! 🙂
We hope that within the next 6 weeks or so, he will be making another exciting announcement! 😉


Here are BHRR's Stafford's abdominal x-rays from January 14th, 2015

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BHRR's Stafford's Prostate Wash Results from January 14th, 2015
He has two micro-organisms
1) Proteus Mirabilis
2) Beta Hemolytic Streptococci

**They are sensitive to Baytril. So, The Lord is on Baytril 100 mg SID for the next 6 WEEKS. 
So, he is not going to be available for adoption until after then…we want to be sure that, we are finally getting this resolved.
The Clavamox resolves some of his issues, the Doxy others and, now, we are on to the next eastie beasties……
Being Neutered helped with the prostatitis and, over the next 6 months, this should be the END of his issues….everything crossed!

We are also treating another eye infection(Fucithalmic) and, an ear infection(KT Ear Treatment).

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BHRR's Stafford – 

Dr. Crews, X-ray and u/s interpretation report from his procedures done at KAH on January 14th, 2015

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Someone says that he had a pretty good play day overall! Lion King Pumbaa was understandably not quite himself yet, he was in familiar hands and, a familiar home with loving goodness. Thank you wonderful home of angels for doing this for him!!
After his play visit, Sean & I picked him up, and, we went off to visit his friends at PV Stittsville and, we know for sure that NO cats are in his future! Way too excited……did not help that the kitty was teasing him!
So, Calypso Farm and, also Brent's home, sadly, that rules out your amazing places for additional great experiences. Boo! 🙁
I want to really express from my heart what this means to me that so many are being there for him!
The photo below is of him telling me to stop trying to take his photo while we were at PV Stittsville!
The only thing that is so hard is seeing that incredible sadness in his eyes in this photo that I cannot simply make better for him…..


BHRR's Hercules Front Legs

January 17th, 2015

The Vet's Interpretation on the X-Rays:

"RF – Severe radius curvus and carpal valgus. Elbow joint is incongruent – there appear to be two radiolucent joint spaces? Suspect fracture of proximal radial growth plate. Severe osteophyte formation along the caudal olecranon and dorsal joint space. Severe osteophyte formation in the carpal joint."

*So hard to get a good photo of that untreated broken leg


Our 2nd ANNUAL 'Breaking Bills Baking' Online Auction' starts TODAY – Saturday January 17th, @ 7 AM EST!

We will have 40 extremely generously donated and, delicious items. THANKS to all the baking angels that are making this annual event possible!!!
All monies raised in this Annual Fundraiser shall go towards BHRR's Maverick's Vet Bills. His current Bills are over $15,300.00 which includes three leg surgeries.
To read more details about the auction(those darn rules!) and, to view the items up for grabs so far….please visit the below link and scroll down the page…….Our latest new delectable array of items include Rice Krispies, Macaroons and, at least 5 l of the special pasta sauce that we served at our annual September "DINE WITH THE BHRR DOGGIES' event.

If anyone else would like to donate a baked goodie or goodies, it is NOT too late…all items do not have to be made until the auction is over to ensure freshness for the winner(s), please do email

Already 2015 is shaping up to be another extremely busy year for the special animals in need of us, as we have the Male Blue GD with the untreated broken leg and, have another Dane – BHRR's Gretta that will require a cruciate repair(Surgery is on January 29th) NOT to mention The Lord Stafford and his continued mounting Vet Bills.

We were able to assist 16 dogs in 2014, and, 24 dogs in 2013. We will assist as many as we can responsibly take on with quality and, resources in 2015.

THANK you Barry for working with me on this gorgeous poster!!!!
bakingbills (Medium)

BHRR's Hercules Blood-work results from January 12th, 2015

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The Lord!
January 14th, 2015
Trying his best to stay awake at Kana(Kanata AH)
Today is the big day! Abdominal U/S, More X-rays and, a prostate flush plus another UA with Culture.
Per the previous photo in this album – his estimate is close to $1,000 before taxes.
Anyone that may consider his cause, can donate directly to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848
They will take credit cards over the phone and, in person plus cash and debit in person. 
We are not giving up! We will keep working hard to figure out what is happening and, to do out best to make him better!
Always a HUGE hit at work!!!


(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is also set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Stafford’. He has almost $2,000.00 in bills alone at Kana(Kanata Animal Hospital) right now.

They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Stafford's Angels  $2,685.20* donated to date & Bills are $4,409.34
Vegan Cupcakes to the Rescue(Wendi)
The Twaddles
Gracie Honalulu's Mom
Several Anonymous Donators – We make not know who you are, BUT, we thank you SO much for being there!
Micheline of Helping Ottawa FurKids
3rd ANNUAL 'GIVE It UP 4' Autumn -$1,076 – (FINAL TOTAL As of January 9th, 2015)
BHRR's last "EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House of 2014
PV Hazeldean 'Pooch Smooch' with Rose/Red Carpet & Community Education & Public Awareness Event $446.25


Lion King BHRR's Timon – ? – January 14th, 2015

Victim to SAS

Dr. Javinksky, his cardiologist said when he did his cardiac u/s and exam on Februay 26th, 2013, that, we would be so lucky to have this boy for two weeks and, that with how bad his SAS was(Severe Subaortic Stenosis) and that he also had, aortic insufficiency plus mild pulmonic insufficiency – cardiologist report posted on his blog March 1st, 2013 – that he would not have the 'typical' fainting spells to 'warn' us that it was time to let him go.
He said that he would most likely just drop dead one day and, we worked to give this wonderful M&M the best that life could offer!
He had play dates and visits and, travelled to Montreal, New York, TO and even SWO. 
I am so glad that so many of his fans were able to visit with him at our annual 'CHAIN OF SUCCESS' potluck on December 20th, 2014.
I am also so happy that all could follow his last few days journey with cuddling and snuggling with Skor, Oatmeal plus basking in the sunbeams on the bench in our sunroom…..
This extreme cold weather has been very hard on him….he would go outside, do his thing, come back in and, at times, need to take a few moments to collect his breath and, then his world would be right again…..
He was having a bit harder time eating and breathing at the same time and, it took him a smidge longer to eat and, he dropped a bit of weight yet, nothing worrisome. 
He was still so affectionate, playful and, though, at times a bit more quieter than usual, he was having such wonderful experiences still of quality and love…..we knew though, that his time was coming.,….every night and AM, I told Timon, it was 'ok'…if he had to go, that all of us would see him again….that, he is so inspirational, a miracle, and, that he was a blessing to all that knew and loved him…..I told him how much he meant to so many….
His brother Lion King Pumbaa began to stay closer to his side, HQD also on Wednesday January 14th. 
Sean worked from home that day as, I was doing a 7:30 – 3:30 at KAH and, he reported nothing out of the ordinary. Timon had an excellent day!
He was having the best of days!!!!
I arrived home, all was normal, he had a perfectly normal dinner and, from 9:50 PM – 10:15 PM, he and, I had snuggles and cuddles and, loving….
The house was quiet, everyone was in bed and, I watched Lion King Timon get up from laying by his brother and, HQD and, he went from dog to dog to dog and, then around 10:30 PM, he walked to the water bowl – was not stumbling, off-balance or anything and, within inches of the water bowl, he dropped….
I almost screamed his name and, ran to him and, he was, as Dr. Javinsky tried to prepare us for, over the past 1 year, 11 months and, ~ 12 hours, dead……
I picked up his head, carefully and, gently and cradled him to my chest as the tears began to well up, spill over and, fall down my face, soaking me and him….
His brother, Pumbaa was right by my side…he sniffed his brother, he then stood over him and, cried such a mournful cry of such pain, that my heart just shattered all over again……
HQD lay by his side and, put her head on his feet….
After some private time with Timon, telling him what a gift he was, thanking him for all the experiences, kindnesses, lessons and, joy, not to mention the laughter, the happiness……I said, that he was a blessing like no other….that I would, as, I do with all those that crossed before him, see him in my dreams. 
I told him how much I was going miss him and, I went to get Sean. 
He was wearing an extremely special collar that had belonged to my own RIP CH. Dyceman and, I took it off him……
I want to thank everyone again for respecting our need for time and space, for stepping up on a moment's notice to help give his devastated brother, play dates and visits….as, the once confident, unshakable, Pumbaa is now depressed, unsure and clinging to me like a lifeline…..
I know I did the right thing in letting him say good-bye to his brother and, he can visit Timon any time he wants……
Joy and Debbie, thank you for my Lion Kings….1 year, 11 months and ~ 12 hours was NOT enough time with Timon….I do not care if he lived so much longer than the expected 2 weeks. I do not care if he was said to be a miracle….I want him back… frown emoticon frown emoticon
I want to be selfish and greedy and, I wanted more time….I wanted more days, weeks, months and years with him AND, I wanted Pumbaa to have the same with his brother…I have never met a much nicer, well bonded pair of dogs….in almost 30 years of my behavioural, training, rescue work etc. with dogs……
I wanted others to have more time with him also….
Sorry for the Gwennie novel….how does one express in words, what an amazing dog Timon and his brother, Pumbaa are and, what a loss to the world, that Timon is no longer with us………
RIP, my Timony!!!! I am so going to miss you smacking me around with that leg of yours….
You never felt sorry for yourself, you never lived a day any less to the fullest, you were always so happy and, mischievous and, you never met a dog you did not like! 
RIP……until we meet again……I will see you tonight in my dreams……..


Here are BHRR's Hercules X-Rays from January 12th, 2015
 We took 15 and, I am not going to post them all for the total picture can be clearly seen in several. We did both right and left legs for comparison and to see what may be happening in the left front leg. He is in excellent shaped considering how bad that right front leg is. Amazingly so! If you click on an x-rays, it will enlarge in another window for more detailed viewing.

Per his one Vet:

"RF – Severe radius curvus and carpal valgus. Elbow joint is incongruent – there appear to be two radiolucent joint spaces? Suspect fracture of proximal radial growth plate. Severe osteophyte formation along the caudal olecranon and dorsal joint space. Severe osteophyte formation in the carpal joint."

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BHRR's Lion King Timon 
January 13th, 2015
How Sean found him today at one point just basking in the sunbeams streaming in from the windows in our sunroom. smile emoticon
AND, no, he is NOT tethered to that leash…that is used to keep our door remaining open when we want it as, Sean took the stopper out for the winter. 
We are facing reality with him and, this terrible cold weather is 'killing' him…..he has one to two breathing struggles throughout each day that, just break my heart and, it really is bothering the arthritis in his leg that had been broken in the car accident and, never was treated before he was rescued. AND, by the time he was rescued, it was too late to be able to do anything for that leg AND, even if we could, his diagnosed heart condition(Severe SAS) prevents him from being able to have surgery. frown emoticon 
It has affected his eating a bit and, as a result, he has dropped some weight…
Yet, other than that, he remains playful, eating is overall ok, will smack you over and over with that leg of his to get your attention, affectionate, active and, himself…..
Please pray for warmer weather………
We work on quality of life for each day…..
I know he is already an amazing plus inspirational miracle boy YET, we want to give him even more life to live….it will be two years on February 14th, 2015 since he first came to be part of our BHRR Haven Program and, we were then told, we would be lucky to have two weeks with him and, he would just drop dead at some point……


AND, Skor says, if she gets the opportunity, snuggling and cuddling with BOTH big 'sis' and, The Lion King of BHRR's Timon is even better than snuggling with just one when it is brutally cold!
*That is my finger in the top left hand corner in the photo…it was hard to sneak up and get a photo without getting noticed!*
Monday January 12th, 2015


Purse Puppy BHRR's Coco Chanel (BLIND) AND her new forever loving Mommy!
ADOPTED!!! January 12th, 2015
Our first adoption of 2015!
**She promised to send me a full family photo with Chanel's two new human siblings, her new Dad and, Canine 'big' sister!**
**It was in BHRR's Chanel's best interest to have her picked up from KAH again and, yup…I welled up!
Sean carried her to the car this AM(as if she did not have four capable legs) in his housecoat and slippers, with wetness on his cheeks…he says it was because of the falling snow!
We are so happy for all of them…this was a hard approved adoption in the letting go yet, we must….
We need to help the next one in need of us and, Purse Puppy Chanel YOU do not need us any longer!!!
So, looking forward to seeing how you ROCK your obedience classes (no matter how much obedience a dog receives at BHRR, we have a mandatory clause that all approved homes must go through a full round of classes) at the end of the month at FF. Highly recommend Cheryl Smith to so many!

BHRR's Hercules – Blue Male GD – ~4 years of age
*Owner Dump at Kill Shelter
*Obese – Was 75 Kgs(165 pounds) at Shelter Intake
January 12th, 2015 71.60 Kgs(157.52 pounds) upon arrival to BHRR 
*Untreated Broken Leg – Will Require A Leg Amputation – Per O. leg had been broken and, cast had not been put on correctly…..yet, clearly, *if* they did bring him in for the broken leg, they never brought him BACK in to get the cast issue resolved. 🙁

*Chronic pain from that untreated broken leg 
*Severe arthritis in that untreated broken leg
* Collapsed pasterns and splayed feet 
*Borderline Hypothyroid yet, has not required medications at this time and, may never – We did a T4(10) and a Free T4(9) – low normal
His Vet's Interpretation From The X-Rays We Did The Same Day He Arrived – Jan. 12th, 2015

"RF – Severe radius curvus and carpal valgus. Elbow joint is incongruent – there appear to be two radiolucent joint spaces? Suspect fracture of proximal radial growth plate. Severe osteophyte formation along the caudal olecranon and dorsal joint space. Severe osteophyte formation in the carpal joint."

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When your 'big sis' is not around to cuddle and snuggle with, a handsome DDB Lion King MAKES a great pillow and snooze buddy!
BHRR's Timon – he is not doing so well himself these days with the terrible cold with his heart(breathing and leg) yet, he is determined to live each day with quality and appreciation of what it may bring! As long as he can keep fighting and is happy, not in pain etc., we are going to be there fighting right by his side!
A TRUE miracle! He was not expected to live past two weeks when he first arrived to BHRR on February 14th, 2013! He has not just beaten the odds, he has blown them right out of the ballpark and, smashed them to smithereens!
His Cardiologist and Vet Team are not just in awe, yet deeply inspired……
January 11th, 2015


This is the next step for BHRR's Lord Stafford for his occasional incontinent issues. Estimate(before taxes) posted below.
His Vet at Kana(Kanata Animal Hospital) did a lot of research and, the most common thing that he 'could' have is Chronic Prostatitis.
It could resolve on it's own up to 6 months post neuter OR with specific antibiotic medications(if bacterial) yet, we need to be sure that this is what we are looking at instead of some of the other possibilities discussed with myself by his one Vet at KAH.
He is scheduled for these procedures on Wednesday January 14th, 2015 at Kanata AH.
As he was always leaking since he arrived to BHRR, and, he has been on antibiotics(however, neither the Clavamox or the Doxycyline treats Prostatitis), been treated for UTI's, had an urgent neuter to treat the enlarged prostate, we are resolving each medical issue as they are diagnosed. 
So, he remains NOT yet available for temp fostering nor for adoption…..
AND, this could come down to him just being born this way as we DO not know his history.  
Medications could or could not assist in that case……
AND, the x-rays(he is going to have been x-rayed from head to tail at this rate!), plus u/s should help us determine if there is a malformation or tumor(benign or malignant)

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is also set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Stafford’. He has almost $2,000.00 in bills alone at Kana(Kanata Animal Hospital) right now.

They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Stafford's Angels  $2,650.20* donated to date & Bills are $3,401.13
Vegan Cupcakes to the Rescue(Wendi)
The Twaddles
Gracie Honalulu's Mom
Several Anonymous Donators – We make not know who you are, BUT, we thank you SO much for being there!
Micheline of Helping Ottawa FurKids
3rd ANNUAL 'GIVE It UP 4' Autumn -$1,076 – (FINAL TOTAL As of January 9th, 2015)
BHRR's last "EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House of 2014
PV Hazeldean 'Pooch Smooch' with Rose/Red Carpet & Community Education & Public Awareness Event $446.25


UPDATE: BHRR will shortly be doing our first approved adoption of 2015!
Play date was an amazing success and, all of us feel that another visit(last night was #3) is not required.
We are just figuring out best timeline as they have family arriving tomorrow for the weekend. Should be sometime early next week and, transitional adoptions are so important for that right set-up for success for many dogs and homes!
BHRR shall have one less purse puppy shortly….Coco Chanel, the best things in life are so worth waiting for and, our patience and yours has paid off!
Your future forever loving home is absolutely wonderful!!!
Beaming for all involved right now…..

AND, her HWT is negative(not that we were worried!)

So we are just leaving Liston Animal Hospital now and, confirmation given by the ortho specialist that yes, FREEDOM Dane BHRR's Gretta's back left leg cruciate is blown after she took a bad fall on the ice at her approved temp foster home. 

All bloodwork was done( she had bloodwork in March of 2014 yet, I repeated it to be sure she was still normal) when I had her in at Kanata on Saturday January 3rd and is normal and her latest heartworm test is also negative. Her weight on January 3rd was 45.30 KGS(99.66 pounds).
She is now scheduled for her cruciate repair on January 29th(first opening available) and, as always, we will figure out some way to cover her bills….she will remain on Deramaxx 100mg SID for now. 
The x-Ray showed some arthritis, development of some extra bone production yet, deep relief that there are not any bone tumours indicating osteosarcoma concerns. 
2015 has not been very kind to date……yet, we shall prevail!! 

Donations can be made via PayPal ‘gift or ‘family and friends’ option or by email transfer to 

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Dr. Liston's office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 591-0966 OR in person at Liston AH with cash, debit or credit card
4055 Carling Avenue,
Kanata, ON
K2K 2A4

**IF I am forgetting any of her ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Gretta’s Great Angels:  $95.00* donated to date & final Bills are going to be over $5,000(includes cruciate repair)
*Before PayPal fees
Maggie on behalf of FREEDOM DANE BHRR’s Adele – Mama to BHRR’s Gretta


**Photo is at Liston Animal Hospital today**


BHRR's Coco Chanel (BLIND)
January 8th, 2015
NAP time at her play date with her possible future adoptive home! It is so exhausting being so adorable and beautiful AND, after having some play, showing of her talents in being a pro of how to master their stairs and doorways again etc…., NOT to mention I know eating a number of the mini natural bit treats, she is settled in for a much deserving nap….
That pink harness was my one gift to her this Christmas… was time for her to have a new one and, she rocks it! 
*Photo courtesy of her future possible adoptive home!*


BHRR's Coco Chanel! – She is BLIND & 100% Gorgeous! 
January 8th, 2015
She is currently having a play date at her possible future forever adoptive home!
This is her third time there…this time without me and, per my recommendation, they took her without me this time(she kept wanting to track and focus on me the last time we were there) and, I think she is having a blast!
She weighed 50.16 pounds today at KAH!
WHAT nice white teeth you have our lovely Purse Puppy! 
THANK you so much to the home for sending me this photo! 

photo 1

Keep our delightful special needs(she is blind) Purse Puppy BHRR's Coco Chanel in your thoughts! 

She has now been picked up from Kanata AH for a play date with her possible future adoptive home. 

Her weight today was 22.8 KGS (50.16 pounds)! 

She will spend several hours with the home and, I will pick her up after work. 

I am sure all will have a really wonderful time!


We would love to see her in a home with another right matched fit personality dog. Male or female does not matter. She is a great dog yet, she does have backbone plus strength. She lives in complete harmony with the dogs in our home and, we have ONLY ever run into one dog in the public that she did not like – more that she did not understand as it was all matted and hard to even really tell it was a dog – at one of the animal hospitals. 

She barked and, was very focused on the dog and, though her tail was wagging, she was quite alert/intensive. She corrected quite well and, we left the Hospital after paying our Vet bill. I had no worries staying while I paid the Vet bill. I let her get a good look at the medium size dog and, observed her closely. 

We want any right matched forever loving home to understand that just as not every person likes all other people, not every dog can like other dogs and, very few dogs in the world are bomb proof. Could it have just been that one dog as it did not appear to be a dog? Could it be, that she may not like other dogs? To date, she has been around over 50+ dogs, resides in a large multi-dog home and, not one issue with any other than this one she saw. 

She is fully housebroken, crate trained(AND, we cannot stress enough the importance of crate-training for if she was sick or injured and required crate rest, she would not stress and, would also not panic in a Vet setting) yet, as she has proven herself 100% reliable in our home now, she has full run of the main floor when we go out or, even stays in the masterbedroom/ensuite of ours. 

She is quite quiet, extremely affectionate and, loves her food. She will resource over her food to other dogs if one is not vigilant. We have zero issues taking any items away from her. We make sure she is aware that we are approaching as, we do not ever want to set any dog up for failure. They are animals at the end of the day. 

She can be so playful when she wants to be and, is at that age, where she has respect for house rules.

He obedience has come a long way and, per our adoption contract, she will be required to go through a full round of obedience from an accredited positive reinforcement facility/program. Training is one of the least regulated professions out there and, as someone that is qualified and educated(A Masters's and recently defended my PhD), we do not want to see our dogs ruined by getting into the wrong hands.

She can go to a home with older children – 10+, we may consider 8 – depending on the home/kids.

She is a great care traveler and, we have deeply enjoyed having her. 

We will not entertain applications or inquires interested only in her colour 'blue'. She is more than a colour. She has a personality, needs, wants and, deserves to go to a right matched home that cares about HER and, not the colour of her fur. 

On January 5th, I received an email from one of the shelters we work closely with that, they just got in a Dane – in fact, the intake was happening while I was on the phone with one of the Supervisors – and, they ended up running after the Owner as the Owner had not given any history. What we then got was: 

"intact male ears cropped, malformation on front leg. Owner says he broke his foot as a baby and the cast was not applied properly. No medical history, no documents."

We immediately stepped up to assist and, transport was arranged for the 12th of January to bring him into BHRR. 


UPDATE: The Lord Stafford went to Kana(Kanata AH) today to discuss his urinary issues further. His one specialist said to wait about 6 weeks post neuter before re-visiting this. 

This wee flirt had a great time – well, other than doing his nails!!  His nails are finally getting to a nice short length – even the one on his deformed toe. This will make walking and yes, he does run – especially to call shotgun in the car!! – so much better for him.

He was loved on royally by the lovelies there! I always know that when any of the dogs are at Kanata, they are going to be treated so kindly. 

As I was in the exam room with BHRR's Gretta(will make a separate post for her), he had no less than three beauties spoiling him! 

He weighed 19.8 KGs(we do not want to see him get over 20.5 kgs) and, the Vet remarked on how fantastic he looked.  

I explained that when we were at our last community education plus public awareness event in November, that some of us spent a considerable amount of time informing the amazing people that came out, that he is how a bulldog should look like. They should have waistlines, they should not be fat or obese and, here's hoping that there will be less obese dogs out there! It does them no favours being so fat….  

The Vet examined his prostate and while large, it was no longer enlarged(he had an urgent neuter in November), it was not abnormal and caused him no pain or discomfort upon examination. He happily munched on treats the whole time!!!

I was told how wonderful his skin looked and, how nice his coat now was and, him having his dental sure has made him more comfortable with eating! We really have to monitor now Mr. Snorts intake for he will try to sneak others food…. 

The Vet told me that incontinence in males is not as common as in females and, can be testosterone related, yet, that is seen in older dogs and, not dogs that were recently altered.

They are going to do some research on the product Propalin to see if it is safe for his breed. He does not have another UTI either.

If we can just figure out this sleeping dribbling of urine that he does, he will then be ready to go to his approved temp foster home and, also, go up for adoption.

All other medical issues that are treatable have been successfully resolved!

Getting closer! 

He will sure be missed at BHRR!! 

The more healthy he becomes, the happy he is and the younger he is appearing! 

He is suspected to be no more than 3 right now. 

A big fav for so many of us!

Here is BHRR's Ivy's Santa Paws Photo at PV Innes & Belcourt on December 7th, 2014. A bit blurry.

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is also set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘’Ivy".

They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Ivy's Angels  $110.00* donated to date & Bills are $189.67

30BHRR1-X2 (1)

Posted in Ivy

This is a photo of BHRR"s Mav's plate and screws from his plate removal surgery on December 16th, 2014.
It was put into the autoclave to be cleaned as, no one knew just what micro-organisms may be growing on it.
We are still getting the final touches put together on our 2nd ANNUAL 'BREAKING BILLS BAKING' Online Auction that starts Saturday January 17th, 2015!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Maverick’. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option)

BHRR’s Maverick’s Magnificent Angels  $9,531.45 donated to date & Bills 15,591.05
*before paypal fees

Rachel – Plus a Collar
TTP Basket
June 15th TTP donations from Lemon-Aid Stand by Chew-That
June 22nd, BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ Mini Open House
PV Stittsville Nail Trim Fundraisers x 2
July 14th 6th ANNUAL BHRR/KAH Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser
Julie/Sable – Anna’s “Where in the World Wedding Quiz” and selected BHRR to receive the $25 prize.
Kristin – PayPal took a fee
Nairn Again
Rachel – SS
Santa Photo's PV Innes and Belcourt – split between BHRR's Merlin, BHRR's Stafford also – $135.33
Santa Photo's PV Stittsville – $320 – One person paid by PayPal – $0.88 in fees taken
Amy & Family
Balsam Dental in honor of L. Evan
Sandra's MIL
