BHRR’s latest BBBBB to be adopted!
BHRR’s Cherry – ADOPTED!
February 28th, 2015
She waited so patiently, as all of us did for so long for her right matched home to find her!
She originally arrived to BHRR barely 65 pounds, emaciated and terrified….
She is now ~100+ pounds and, fit, social butterfly, wonderful glossy black coat and, healthy plus happy! ”
Due to the privacy nature of the family, their faces are taken out, in respect of them.
Joy, it took a long time, but her time has come!!! We are so missing her already…..
Congratulations, Cherry-BOMB!


Tonight's CUTENESS Factor!
February 26th, 2015
Skor & BHRR's Herbie – The Love Bug – Two very special Great Danes!
They are having a post-dinner snooze.
You can see BHRR's Gretta behind in the crate relaxing after her own busy afternoon at CWW.
The Vet said last night that he did not look as red/raw as he did when he first arrived and, that was wonderful to hear….
I will bring him in weekly.
We switched him from FROMM Whitefish(did not like) to the FROMM Salmon. He is eating it so much better.


BHRR’s Gretta had her second CWW session today!
Love this place and, the lovelies that work there!!
Since we were last there on Sunday February 22nd, she is doing a bit more than the toe touching(tons of praise when she follows the ‘use your leg’ words) and, going to and, from the car from our home and, to and from CWW, she is improving!
Yet, in the water, she stills wants to tuck it right up and, yet, she is getting better and better…Bambi Babe she is!
She is just so uncoordinated just like baby bambi and, still trying to figure her balance out……
Fergie the pug provided much morale support on the side of the pool to her today!
Right now, we are still trying to break through the mental part of her resistance…she is strong minded(like all the FREEDOM Danes we have assisted over 15 years from this byber) and, aso knows her own mind….
Trust is hard for her, understandably and, she shall get there…..
We are back on Tuesday March 3rd…I am trying to get her there at least twice a week.
At home, she will use it outside, if you walk her on a leash, yet, inside the house, barely toe touches….we continue to keep working on the mental behavioural barrier…..we have been down this road in 2010 with BHRR’s Apollo and, she will get there…..we are right there by her side, encouraging her, supporting her and loving her along with some ‘tough love’ necessary to keep her moving forward…..
So proud of her….gosh…she just makes me so proud of all of her accomplishments since she was first busted from hell…..
I have photo’s and video’s to update on her blog from Sunday and, again today…..I hope to get that all done tomorrow.

VIDEO BHRR’s Gretta #1 CWW
VIDEO BHRR’s Gretta #2 CWW
VIDEO BHRR’s Gretta #3 CWW
VIDEO BHRR’s Gretta #4 CWW

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AND, the story goes on…… tongue emoticon
I took Mr. Bubbles AKA Lord Cambridge to his annual tonight and, BHRR's Herbie – The Love Big came with me to get a new weight( he was down .2 of a kg…BOO!frown emoticon YET, he is more active here and, eating was great yet, now he is distracted and would rather play…and hog the couch! tongue emoticon ) to KAH.
When we got back, and, all kids plus dogs were fed and tucked into bed(kids, not dogs yet…..), I thought, 'Hey, here is my chance! Grabbed a fresh hot cup of mint tea' and, are you kidding me! LOL
By the time I got to the loveseat, Skor had BHRR's Herbie the Love Bug already up and snuggled and snoozing! 
My NO Couch rule is being seriously challenged by HQD and, clearly all of her fans! tongue emoticon grin emoticon
So, here I sit at my computer, and, the story continues!grin emoticon
AREN'T they precious though? Makes all the bad things in the world just fade away……….if, only for a wee bit of time…… 


To carry on the story…….. wink emoticon
So, after getting pushed out of bed, I think, well, ok…..I will go grab a nice cup of mint tea and, sit on the loveseat for a wee bit and, 'wake up'….
Well, by the time my tea was made, I head to the loveseat and, THIS is my sight! LOL tongue emoticon
Ice and Skor have moved from the bed, collected BHRR's Herbie – The Love Bug on their way and, all are nicely settled and, having a nap…..I mean afterall it is god awful x time in the AM. I have the lights on as it is so dark inside the house…even, the sun is still sleeping!
I am then off to find a new place to sit….and, wake up properly myself! grin emoticon
THANKS HQD!!! Your bootcamp is really effective with the Gwennie's NO couch rule! tongue emoticon


BHRR's Oakley(Deaf) decided that he was not 'just' a Great Dane and tall enough on his own. tongue emoticon He had to be the tallest greatest of Danes today and, stand on our bench and view the world from that perspective! grin emoticon

What a character!


It is official now as HQD says so! tongue emoticon
HQD, BHRR's Salma showed him the couch, she tried to cover him with a blanket and, BHRR's Herbie, The Love Bug has officially been welcomed to the BHRR Fam as HQD clearly has put her stamp of approval on him! 
HQD's boot camp is clearly alive and well…..mine is struggling! LOL
I think he liked his HQD care and 'initiation' into the BHRR fam! wink emoticon
This boy has never known a kind word or hand or the comfort and softness of spoiling until he was liberated…..
AND, his personality is just as Sean called him 'The Love Bug'
He is going to melt so many hearts……..
Welcome to BHRR Herbie! 
smile emotico

Donations can be made via PayPal ‘gift or ‘family and friends’ option or by email transfer to 

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals' office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: Hercules under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON


**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Herbie’s Great Angels:  $70.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $790.67
*Before PayPal fees
Joan – Costco Dog Bed


BHRR's Merlin – ? – January 21st, 2015

*Victim to Food Contamination*

Tragically, he is the first of several dogs deeply affected at BHRR by food sent our way by a group. 

We have learned a lot more than we ever did before about food contamination and, how easy food can be contaminated once it leaves a manufaturer's hands and, the more hands it touches plus transfers from, the higher the risk of problems occuring. 

This memorial posting is only being made now for a number of reasons. 

1) I wanted to touch base with the animal control person that I have worked with for well over a decade saving amazing dogs such as BHRR's Licorice, BHRR's Thor, BHRR's Ava Marie, BHRR's Potter etc….they entrusted this amazing GD to our care and, it was important to converse with them directly and, not for them to find out on a blog or a fb post that he was no longer with us. Many tears were shared over his loss… frown emoticon

2) I and the control officer finally made contact on Monday February 16th after much tagging back and forth and, it was like ripping a fresh scab off a very raw enormous wound and, I needed a few more days.

3) We have been in contact with two food testing and analysis companies – both in Mississauga and, it has been extremely informative plus educational. One could have a 1,000 bags of food, it only takes one bag to be contaminated to affect a life and, a whole bag also does not need to be contaminated for a life to be negatively affected…

We had been told that no other org.'s donated this food by this group, were affected. Then a group did reach out to us to say that they also had dogs affected. 

We do sincerely hope that no more deaths or even vomiting, diarrhoea, lethargy, excessive gas etc. occur to any of the groups involved. No one should go through our experience. 

We went through 72 hours of the worst hell imaginable with vomiting, diarrhoea, lethargy, gas and, now loss. 

We are even now still trying to get weight back on, after purging their systems and, re-introducing food slowly – many witnessed at our February 1st BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' mini open house, the new thinness of many of the dogs.

Each day is better and better for most of them now. Thank goodness…..

Yet, sadly, we have a number of other dogs including BHRR's Porridge, BHRR's Braveheart, BHRR's Oakley, BHRR's Salma(HQD), not to mention one of our own Caffrey(though she was not fed any of this food, she does like to eat vomit and sometimes dog poop) and, at one point we were cleaning up over 52 bouts of diarrhea/vomit – lost count after that – inside and out of the house) adversely affected.

We have spent much money on exams, blood-work and UA's to see how the internal organ functions have been affected and, how much if so. 

At our recent BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' mini open house, it was so sad to learn of not one but two other groups that were in attendance that have experienced their own losses over the years due to contaminated food – it is so easy for food to become contaminated – how it is stored, how it is transported/transferred, mouse droppings, moisture, birds, freezing and thawing etc. No one's intentions were ill with the donation of this food, yet, the results have been devastating to BHRR.

We began to feed the food the same day it was donated – January 17th and, it was mixed appropriately and, the food bags were stored properly.

Since learning even more about food contamination, we are taking even more precautions on our end re: food donations and storing and, handling.

We have operated BHRR for over 19 years and, we have never gone through an experience like this and, may we never do so again. 

Our wish would be for no organization or group to do so. frown emoticon

We did inform the group that donated the food – they originally wanted us to take food back in December, we did decline as we had just bought food and, had some donations sent our way – SS etc. and, we never wished to see another group do without. 

In January, we were contacted again and, this person was quite insistent to assist our group with food for they did not wish to see it go to waster/bad and, we then accepted with our grateful appreciation 8 bags. 

We also had two dogs in foster care also affected and, not just the rescues residing here at BHRR. 

We showed the proper due diligence in informing this group about the food as were were aware others had also received some. 

We respectfully request that any posts made in this thread be made in BHRR's Merlin's honour plus memory…..

If only we could turn back time…….we tried so hard to save you, you were getting healthy day by day, putting on the weight slowly, your skin issues were resolving, did blood-work and UA's and, we even saw a specialist for your eye, biopsied all your lumps and bumps and, yet, your poor special needs neglected broken abused body just could not handle the food………

BHRR deals with extremely compromised immune and digestive system medical cases such as severe emaciation and, these special needs dogs could not deal with the food.

BHRR believes in full disclosure and, the BHRR BOD can be reached at

RIP BHRR's Merlin……..we will miss your special 'purring'….


~ 6 month old Merlequin Great Dane Puppy with severe skins issues – Skinny, Demodectic Mange and Skin Infections.
He was an investigation case and, then was 'liberated'. A severe neglect and cruelty case.
It breaks my heart to see him so scared to go outside as he worries if he is going to be allowed to come back in. Door-ways and doors make him so stressed. When he first arrived, you had to go out with him for he would not go to the bathroom alone. 
He had a skin scraping at the shelter and, we did another one upon arrival to BHRR – February 19th and, he is extremely positive. frown emoticon
At his Vet Visit On February 19th:
Temperature was normal, lungs normal, heart normal. Weight 31.2 KGs(68.64 pounds)
Took 2 more weeks of Cephalexin for his skin infections(total of 19 days in meds as the Shelter kindly provided 5 days).
Special ordered more 10 mg/ml Ivermectin to carry on his medications – We will re-visit around March 5th
**The Shelter has also had him on medications since February 5th, 2015**
He will be on medications for at least 12 weeks. 
He will be de-wormed on Panacur for his paperwork mentioned parasites(the shelter kindly began his de-worming protocol). 
He is a very small, neglected Great Dane boy, still skinny
Very affetionate, wants to please, already knows sit 
When his skin is better, we will do bloodwork(to learn more about if there is any underlying auto-immune disorder and not just neglect/cruelty for his conditions) and nails. He is like a RAW wound right now. frown emoticon Bleeds easily….
He is a Merlequin and, they 'can be' prone to skin issues and, if not properly cared for, develop skin issues. 
No picture will really show how bad his skin is, he is bald on at least 50%-60% off his body, small patches of hair elsewhere. Feet and ears very swollen along with his muzzle. It is so hot to the touch.
I took a couple of video's also….
He will go on a proper diet of FROMM Fish as, he could well have food allergies also. 
He is lacking in muscle and, has bleeding areas's plus scabs all over his body. He is so itchy.
Yet, he remains so happy and, I do not find him a bull in a china shop at all.
He is also terrifed about being left outside. He is so reluctant to go outside.
I will put him in a dog coat and, when it is warmer, give him a nice soothing medicated plus oatmeal shampoo.
Even his wee butt is raw….
When he is healthy, he will receive the proper vaccines – we follow Dr. Jean Dodds Protocols and, be neutered.

IMG_6601 IMG_6608 IMG_6609BHRR's Herbie – The Love Bug – February 19th, 2015

Now, that BHRR's Ivy is still long enough to get some sort of photo that resembles a BBBBB and not a black blur, tongue emoticon, she is ready to make her special announcement…..
She is NOW AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!! grin emoticon
She is spicy and sassy and, saucy and, a delightful handful! She is about 8 months of age now.
She reminds me so much of BHRR's Dana – minus the sitting on heads(Drift carries on that legacy!) and, Dana's famous 'Ice Time'.
She gives all of herself to everything she feels is important – and, then if you have her trust, she would lay down her life for you….affectionate and, loving, smart and, a thinker!
She is not a half measure girl…she needs an active lifestyle home and a job and, to be properly mentally plus physically stimulated. 
She needs patience, continued obedience and consistency and, even a home with a like minded dog or two and, this was a pup that came to me on meds for SA and was destructive and, I pulled her off all meds and, she does not require any drugs….she requires that right match forever loving home. She has never broken out of one crate and, loves her crate and, even takes herself to bed….
She is a very special girl…..
She would also do well in a home with children 8 and up….no young kids for this bouncy baby!
Cats unknown and, she is an absolute ball of fire of fun!
She can go to a home that works pt, ft, from home, semi-retired, retired etc., as she is another versatile BHRR dog!

BHRR's Ivy with Skor(NOT Available For Adoption)

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Posted in Ivy

February 15th, 2015 – Grooming For Gretta – Sweetheart Spa Fundraiser!
Thank you SHOUTED out to every single person who shared, cross-posted, donated baked goodies(Wendi & Margaret!), gave up their Sunday to come help out for we are nothing without our strong links of Success Of Beautiful Volunteers – Ashley, Wendi, Cliff, Margaret, Sean and Bruce! – AND, to each visitor, fan, supporter and, friend that came out to help us help BHRR's Gretta!

We could not have had a successful event without so many people, caring and sharing and, being there for this gorgeous Dane.
We had a line-up MORE than once and, people were so patient as they waited for their nails and/or washes etc. smile emoticon
Thank you also to Shannon from Chew-That for the Bag of FROMM!

Thank you's extended to Lianne/Cliff for the cleaning supplies and the dog bed!
Thank you Bre and Pet Valu Manotick for hosting us at your lovely location – all of you are WONDERFUL! 
Thank you to The Lord for well, being THE LORD!

AND, Skor, you took a few names and hearts yourself, you now miracle 15 week old GD baby!

I so look forward to going into LAH and, putting down the heart-warming, knee trembling, finger shaking, tear welling up $650.65 on to her Vet Bills. What a dent that shall make in what is still owed on her bills!

With my total sincerity plus appreciation THANK YOU again everyone!!! smile emoticon
Forever indebted to so many…………

$75.25 was in our donation box
Absolutely so generous of Gretta's Village!
All money was handled by Wendi and Margaret and, counted, re-counted and sealed in an envelope and off to the bank!

$575.40 was raised with nail trims(I did two complimentary, two others snuck in their donation anyway! :D), dog baths( I believe we did 5), 1 adorable frenchie was microchipped, 2 ear cleanings and, merchandies sold that including a SELL OUT bake sale!

I donated $78 and, Wendi also had raised $50 from previous cupcake sales that she gave for Gretta's cause. 

All money was handled by Wendi and Margaret and, counted, re-counted and then sealed in an envelope and, off to the bank!

Donations can be made via PayPal ‘gift or ‘family and friends’ option or by email transfer to 

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Dr. Liston's office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 591-0966 OR in person at Liston AH with cash, debit or credit card
4055 Carling Avenue,
Kanata, ON
K2K 2A4

**IF I am forgetting any of her ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Gretta’s Great Angels:  $1,078.65* donated to date & current bills are $4,874.09
*Before PayPal fees
Maggie on behalf of FREEDOM DANE BHRR’s Adele – Mama to BHRR’s Gretta

The Janzen Family
Lianne's Neighbour
Grooming For Gretta – Sweetheart Spa Fundraiser – $650.65

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The Lord had a GREAT day at the ‘Grooming For Gretta – Sweetheart Spa’ Fundraiser that PV Manotick helped us host on Sunday February 15th! Thanks to the BHRR village/community $650.65 was raised to go towards her cruciate surgery bills!

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I picked up The Lord today from his temp foster mom and, he was sooooooooooo excited to see me! I also was with him!

I took a look over his eyes and, they look fine. I looked at his chin and feet and, yes, they are definitely not great. I also looked at the one fold his temp foster wanted me to check and, it is slightly infected. 

I told his temp foster mom that, my plan was to take him back for about 10 days, heal him up  and, then bring him back. Should he react again, then we know for sure that the carpet, perhaps even laundry detergent, fabric softener, and, I did not even ask if they use anything like Febreeze, could well be the problem. We will know for sure then, that we do not want to see him in an approved adoptive home that has any carpets and, would have to be careful about other products used around him. 

Per his Foster mom, he went to her healthy and, as I said back to her, this may help us figure out even further what type of home he CANNOT go to and, that she is not a failure! 

It shall be good to get him back on nothing even close to salt or sand either.

His last nail trim was January 24th before he went to his temp foster home and, he really needs his nails done every 2 weeks yet, with his raw feet, they are too painful. So, all the work we did to get his nails looking great, will just have to see slide a bit for now. 

I took him to KAH as I wanted to get an updated weight on him for he had dropped down to 19 kgs and, he was back up to 20 kgs, so giving him the extra 1.5 cups daily as his body fought these infections etc., has helped. He was 20.2 kgs the day he went to his temp foster home. 

I cannot stress enough about how I want to see him between 19.8 kgs and 20.5 kgs. He is not to become obese and, of course, we do not want him skinny. Lean and healthy! He is so fit and, looking like a Bulldog should, not what people' 'think' bulldogs should look like – rotund with stomachs protuding. 

Even per his Vet at KAH, that he is on Baytril and, that he is battling these infections, is a bit concerning. 

He has not had any incontinent issues since he was temp fostered as he is on the Baytril and that is wonderful news!!! 

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is also set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Stafford’. He has almost $2,000.00 in bills alone at Kana(Kanata Animal Hospital) right now.

They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Stafford's Angels  $2,768.32* donated to date & Bills are $4,566.73
Vegan Cupcakes to the Rescue(Wendi)
The Twaddles
Gracie Honalulu's Mom
Several Anonymous Donators – We may not know who you are, BUT, we thank you SO much for being there!
Micheline of Helping Ottawa FurKids
3rd ANNUAL 'GIVE It UP 4' Autumn -$1,076 – (FINAL TOTAL As of January 9th, 2015)
BHRR's last "EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House of 2014
PV Hazeldean 'Pooch Smooch' with Rose/Red Carpet & Community Education & Public Awareness Event $446.25
50% Donations from our February 1st BHRR "EXPERIENCE" mini open House – $83.12(split with BHRR's Maverick)


When I was at LAH today, I showed Dr. Liston, the x-rays and, what his Vet at KAH said re: their findings. He presented his own professional opinion that there was a growth plate issue that clearly experienced some form of trauma that caused the breaks. 

He agrees that amputation is a very viable option once BHRR's Hercules loses more weight. 

I am going to email over the x-rays for him to view in more depth.


BHRR's Gretta has her post-op check today and, her suture removal at LAH. smile emoticon

Photo is of her leg on the way into LAH. 

She is down a bit in weight yet, that is not surprising and, Dr. Liston agrees with me, her not using her leg is behavioural. JUST like it was with BHRR's Apollo.
Her leg got a big and wonderful thumbs up in the healing department and, looks and feels great according to Dr. Liston! smile emoticon
Last Thursday, in preparation that I want to nip this not using her leg in the bud, I left some messages with CWW. A few sessions should greatly assist her in realising that this is not a 'hurty' pain any longer and, it is safe to use it.
She is no longer tucking it right up underneath her belly yet, she is extremely rarely even toe touching. She has been like this from Day 1 and, I just knew she was going to be headstrong about it.
I keep saying that these dogs are survivors and, what has helped make them a survivor is their inner strength plus backbone. She is stubborn. smile emoticon
She was so awesome during her exam and suture removal. I just stroked her ever so soft face and ears and talked softly to her while Dr. Liston did his magic smile emoticon
She is doing so much better going to and from the car and, travels like a rock star and, what can I say about her leash manners?!
A typical BHRR dog. AMAZING! This was a dog that never even knew what a collar and leash really were until she was close to 1 year of age. 
So proud of this beauty!!!
Please do not forget her Fundraiser coming up this Sunday February 15th at PV Barrhaven PLUS the special Global Pet Foods – Bank Street "Show Us Your Heart' Campaign that ends this weekend. 
ALL funds raised in both events shall go direct to BHRR's Gretta's Vet Bills at Liston Animal Hospital. 
We are also still ISO: Two more approved BHRR Volunteers to help out on Sunday. smile emoticon Please email if you can lend a hand or two!

Donations can be made via PayPal ‘gift or ‘family and friends’ option or by email transfer to 

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Dr. Liston's office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 591-0966 OR in person at Liston AH with cash, debit or credit card
4055 Carling Avenue,
Kanata, ON
K2K 2A4

**IF I am forgetting any of her ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Gretta’s Great Angels:  $428.00* donated to date & current bills are $4,874.09
*Before PayPal fees
Maggie on behalf of FREEDOM DANE BHRR’s Adele – Mama to BHRR’s Gretta

The Janzen Family
Lianne's Neighbour


Tonight's post of my immense thanks of warmth felt is first sent out to Rachel for giving me notice at our recent BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' mini open house that they were some new Rupert Wraps available. wink emoticon

Then, I must send out my biggest and sincerest warmth of thanks plus appreciation to Fiona and Her mummy!

For, I had wanted to pay for this wrap and, they insisted on giving it as a gift to the BHRR palliative dog I wanted it for, BHRR's Porridge.
It is so important to me to give back when I can and, to help others and, long before these awesome Rupert Wraps became a 'hot' item smile emoticon, quite a few of the BHRR doggies benefited from gifts sent to them by Fiona and her Mummy – HQD and My Lion Kings just to name some….
Even more reason that I wanted to pay for this one…..we have been given a lot of kindness already in the past…
There are truly never enough words in a dictionary to tell some people what their generous, giving and caring selfless gifts/actions mean to me…..and, the animals of BHRR.
As soon as I saw this particular wrap, it just screamed out his name! Even though he is almost a miracle 7 years soon, his reminds me very much of a kid that loves playing construction games and demolishing also! smile emoticon
Fiona and her Mummy do a lot for the community far and wide and, please join me in thanking them for their big hearts, amazing talent and, this gorgeous special gift!
From the wrapping to the sticker of 'adopt' to the beautiful folding plus presentation of the wrap, these wraps are made with such heart and love…..
Thank you both again!!! I really am so thankful and, touched……so, is BHRR's Porridge!
It may only cover a section of him, because he is almost 41" at the whithers but, to him as long as his head is covered, he feels safe and protected. grin emoticon
Now to make sure HQD does not steal it! tongue emoticon
The world is full of such goodness and, I feel so lucky and blessed that the BHRR doggies have Angels amongst them….

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Porridge’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Porridge Angels  $985.50* donated to date & Bills are: $5,439.44
*Before PayPal fees
PV Stittsville Nail Trim/Grind Event
Bob & Hazel – Pred donated on behalf of their RIP dear Eddie
BHRR's April 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House – Donations and 50/50 (split between BHRR's Porridge & BHRR's Coach
Wendi – 'Vegan Cupcakes To The Rescue' Easter Fundraiser
Nairn again


Introducing BHRR's Riot – OMG! He is lovely!! His personality is not one of terror or being catatonic at all. He is a goofy, pushy, no manners, loveable, happy tail whacking, affectionate, barky hunk of love! 🙂
He weighed just over 42 KGs and, though, he is quite skinny, border emaciated and, he will fill out in time. Proper nutrition, exercise and keeping him growing nice and slow will assist.
He has a slightly raw right back foot and, we did a thorough exam and normal temp, lungs are clear and, as he is doing some snot flinging plus coughing, he will remain on Doxy for at least another week. He does not have pneumonia at this time.
His coat needs a good washing and grooming as it has dander plus dead hair yet, he is almost quite silver in areas on his body. Not a true steel blue GD.
He had a manicure plus pedicure and, he is playful, mouthy, jumps and, is almost borderline rude with his lack of manners. He will bark for negative seeking attention behaviour also.
Welcome to Gwennie's Boot Camp!
I would say around 12 months of age and, he does have some tartar on those teeth. Nothing that is urgent to address while at BHRR.
Karen said that loud noises tended to set him off with some barking also.
I can already tell that he is going to be a riot!!
When he is healthy, we will do his vaccines.
This boy is 100% awesome already and, in five weeks or so, he should have no issues making his special announcement!
Welcome to BHRR MR. Xl
Thank you again Karen!! You are a transporter angel!!

In the second photo, you can see his hip bones more than you like and, the lighting / his blue coat does not show just how ribby he is yet, as mentioned above, a bit skinny, yet, no longer anorexic like he was at the shelter and, not emaciated. 🙂


I received a call from Lord Stafford's temp foster mom tonight. Unfortunately, it may be the carpet, the laundry detergent, fabric softener or, any other number of things yet, the boy that was dropped off raring to go on January 24th to be temp fostered is now battling skin issues. 🙁 He is clearly reacting to something or some things in their home. These possible allergens were discussed during his first week with her and, we did a recheck last week, and, she is worried that he is even worse. The Vet said last week, that his eyes were finally fine and, that it was just his normal 'haws' showing up red – third eyelid. Yet, his temp foster mom told me tonight that one of his eyes is now running.

AND, his feet that were hurt in the salt, sand and cold after he arrived to his temp foster home, have gotten worse and, that compounded with allergy flare-up is making for an uncomfortable boy.

With him being on such a strong antibiotic as is, Baytril, this is not good. His foster mom and I only want what is in his best interest.

This affirms plus confirms that we do not want him adopted to a home that has carpeting. His foster mom has tried to be so proactive and do all they could for him and, you know that they truly love him and care for him when they, call and, discuss his situation with myself and, do agree that perhaps it is best that he come back to my home.

I am going to pick him up on my way home from BHRR's Gretta's suture removal and post-op recheck tomorrow and bring back to BHRR.

I know he is going to miss her!!!

SAVE the Date!
Saturday March 28th, 2015 5:30 pm onward!
FOR the "Helping Hercules: Games For A Special Dane' Fundraiser to help raise much needed funds for his upcoming leg amputation. He is the GD that has the untreated broken leg.
Thanks to an extremely creative and wonderful angel, Stephanie who has now become a partner in crime grin emoticon, plans are in motion behind the scenes organizing a wonderfully special and, fabu evening for BHRR's Hercules AND YOU!
This is a limited registration event – maximum of 40 folks ONLY and, more details to come shortly!
THANKS also being extended to BHRR BOD Barry for working with me on yet, another poster to promote this event in honour of a super magnificent Great Dane, BHRR's Hercules!
AND, yes, the man of the hour will be present at this event!

Donations can be made via PayPal ‘gift or ‘family and friends’ option or by email transfer to 

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals' office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: Hercules under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON


**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Hercule’s Great Angels:  $105.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $1,190.71
*Before PayPal fees


On February 10th, I received the following and how severely neglected and abused he had been. 🙁
"I got a six month old dane with wicked demodex, an inspection case that was liberated.'

We stepped up to assist and plans were made to bring him to BHRR on the 14th. Unfortunately, with the terrible weather that day, we had to reschedule(safety for all is so important to me) and, he then was schedule to come in on the 19th of February.

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BHRR's Maverick wants to say a BIG Thank You for helping to raise a hand tremling, amazingly generous and caring $1,025.00 in our recent 2nd ANNUAL 'BREAKING BILLS BAKE' Online Auction!

We had 41 delightful items up for grabs and, thanks to everyone that shared, donated, participated and, sent notes/words of encouragement plus support, we have this unbelievable total to go towards his current Vet Bills that stand at over: $15,700.00

I sound like a broken record when I say that $5 is huge to us, what all of you have done for BHRR's Maverick in now raising over: $10,600 total to go towards his vetting that include three major leg surgeries, is beyond huge….
It touches us to our souls and, we are extremely filled with appreciation plus gratitude…..
Next year, we will host our 3rd ANNUAL one-of-a kind plus creative BHRR Breaking Bills Online Auction to assist another deserving dog at that time in need of an extra helping hand…..
I go to bed tonight, filled with so much warmth and light in my soul plus extreme thanks to ALL of you for making this happen for him!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)


People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Maverick’. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option)

BHRR’s Maverick’s Magnificent Angels  $10,640.58 donated to date & Bills 15,712.82
*before paypal fees

Rachel – Plus a Collar
TTP Basket
June 15th TTP donations from Lemon-Aid Stand by Chew-That
June 22nd, BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ Mini Open House
PV Stittsville Nail Trim Fundraisers x 2
July 14th 6th ANNUAL BHRR/KAH Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser
Julie/Sable – Anna’s “Where in the World Wedding Quiz” and selected BHRR to receive the $25 prize.
Kristin – PayPal took a fee
Nairn Again
Rachel – SS
Santa Photo's PV Innes and Belcourt – split between BHRR's Merlin, BHRR's Stafford also – $135.33
Santa Photo's PV Stittsville – $320 – One person paid by PayPal – $0.88 in fees taken
Amy & Family
Balsam Dental in honor of L. Evan
Sandra's MIL
50% Donations from our February 1st BHRR "EXPERIENCE" mini open House – $83.13(split with BHRR's Stafford)
2nd Annual "BREAKING BILLS BAKING' Online Auction – $1,025.00


GENTLE Reminder:
BHRR's Gretta's angels have been working quietly plus hard behind the scenes on a special Fundraiser event to help raise some much needed monies to help her with the bills from her cruciate repair surgery and rehab journey.
Thanks is appreciatively extended to Pet Valu – Manotick for helping us, AND, for hosting this event on Sunday February 15th, 2015 from 10 AM – 4 PM
This is the 'Grooming For Gretta – Sweetheart Spa' Fundraiser!
No APPOINTMENTS necessary!
BHRR is still ISO: two more approved BHRR Volunteers willing and open to helping lend a hand that day! 
This is not a community education or public awareness event for BHRR yet, we will have some merchandise for sale such as our signature leash sleeves plus magnets. smile emoticon
Please email
THANKS once again MUST be shouted out to BHRR BOD member B. Cole for such an amazing poster!

sweetheart spa (Medium)

This AM, I was so hoping to be able to sleep in, a rare treat and, then I feel my side of the bed dip down and, sounds of snuffling along with a very cold wet nose……

I roll over and, to my absolute delight and surprise, it is BHRR's Kaden!

It has taken how long for him to finally feel comfortable to climb up on the bed and not just ask for attention but 'demand'?!

Very very quietly and carefully, I reached over and grabbed my home to snap a photo of who is truly one of the softest Danes I have ever felt…..many of us who know him will agree!
We have made the decision that, he shall also become a Haven dog. This is where he feels safe, this is where his circle of success and chain of set up for success begins and, we always say 'should' that right match forever loving home find him, we would consider adopting out one of our Haven dogs.
He has had all the wrong folks interested in him.
To his family plus friends, he can be almost lethal in his affection – he also loves snuffling people's heads and, re-arranging their hair! In Sean's case, he is fascinated with his baldness…. smile emoticon
This is a boy that one can never rush…..when he is ready and feels you are not a threat, he will be one of your most loyal of friends. It is all about patience and trust and time with this super sensitive and gentle young man.
We had been thinking about this for awhile and, he will continue to mature and develop into the best dog he can be and, he shall do it with the strong foundation of support, encouragement, consistency, patience, structure and obedience that have seen him make huge strides and progress since his arrival.
Back on topic though, 'who' could ever resist this face and, so, my day began at 5 am, for snow romping and, rolling and, I could not think of a better way to spend my day!
Tomorrow, we shall do some more famous BHRR WinterWonderland Photo's and, Video!
We have another one of our well established(the oldest in the area!) and signature one of a kind BHRR & Friends GD & Honorary GD get togethers also planned! We have been hosting this for over 19 years now, never an incident as we are all responsible dog owners that believe in positive support, reinforcement and, we have such a blast in sharing, learning from each other and, spending time with other like minded folks! We are almost 200 amazing members on our email distribution list to date!
Happy Saturday to all and, as always, no matter what you are doing this weekend, may you be happy, safe and surrounded by loved ones. smile emoticon


BHRR’s Hercules was at KAH with me today. I picked up a last minute shift to help out a team-mate. 
He weighed 63.60 Kgs! When he arrived on January 12th, 2015 he weighed 71.60 KGs and that was down from the 75 Kgs when he was dumped at the kill shelter. 
Way to go!!! I need him to lose another 15-20 pounds before we can consider amputating that leg yet, if he leans down but also builds up in more muscle mass/tone, we would be on the shorter end on that weight loss.
He is developing some beautiful muscle in his body, especially hind end! His hair is starting to come in softer and be that gorgeous blue colour, not brown.
We gave him his final DAPP booster and I re-visited some marks he has on both sides of his rump(he does have one pimple) and, talked to the Vet about the happy tail injury he gave himself at our BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ mini open house on Sunday. frown emoticon
He is so happy and affectionate! We call him our Hubba Bubba Boy! smile emoticon
His posture is so much better as he is healthy and, his feet less splayed and collapsed in the pasterns and, his leg postioning is stronger with balance as he now has core strength appearing.
He is doing well with his SA and, still no cats or very small dogs in his future….way too interested!!
We are now working to figure out a special and creative Fundraiser so we can do his leg amputation……any ideas, throw them out!
As we were getting ready to leave KAH, I sat down in the car and wanted to get a new photo of him and, he smooched me and I him!
Wonderful boy….just so wonderful!!

Donations can be made via PayPal ‘gift or ‘family and friends’ option or by email transfer to

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: Hercules under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Hercules’ Great Angels:  $30.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $1,190.71
*Before PayPal fees


Though, BHRR's Gretta's leg is healing beautifully, she is still refusing to use it. I have made an recheck appointment plus to have her sutures removed on Wednesday February 11th and, I have also, given them a heads up that I would like a referral form to CWW(Canine Water Wellness). Just as BHRR's Apollo, many years ago refused to do for behavioural reasons, BHRR's Gretta is doing the same thing. We need to 're-program' her and, to get new people on her team for set-up for success.

I left a voice message plus sent a message to CWW via their fb page, asking to have a referral form sent over to Liston Animal Hospital.

Below are two photo's from 1:21 AM on January 30th and, then the next two, below those, are from today of her leg.

IMG_6431 IMG_6432
Img_6506 Img_6507

BHRR's Stafford was in at KAH today for his recheck for his eyes. They are thumbs up! However, a few other things were discovered. 

His weight was way down to only 19 KGS, so advised his temp foster home to up his food per day by an extra cup. We want to see him between 19.8 to 20.5 Kgs. The day he was temp fostered he was 20.2 kgs.

Also, his feet have taken a hit on the salt/sand plus extreme cold in their area, and, so, he has some raw pads. He will have some anti-bacterial soap to clean them and, some Fuciderm cream to use.

Additionally, as this home does have two areas of carpeting(stairs and one room), he has been rubbing and rolling and, he has a flare-up going on with his skin. He will be washed again with his medicated shampoo. In conversing with his approved temp foster home, as, we do not have carpet here, and, they do, we both agree, that any future approved adoptive home, should not have carpet. With his seasonal and food allergies, it sounds like he reacts to things like dust mites and carpet fibres also. 

He LOVED seeing the girls' at KAH and, he had a good experience. If, his feet were great, I would have had the home get him a nail trim also. 

He still is having ZERO incontinent issues and, that is YAY! YAY! YAY! 

We are still on track for him to be placed up as 'Available For Adoption' in early to mid-March. Any future approved adoptive home is going to have to understand that he has those breed specific issues that will always be in the side wings, possibly ready to flare-up…..

Thank you to his approved temp foster home in really trying to do right by him and, loving him. 

BHRR’s Salem – says ‘pssssst, come closer….no, closer still……’
She has a special announcement to make!
She is a Great Dane/Mastiffx and, 100% amazing!

Her CBC and Anaplasma PCR results are back and, she is negative for any infection for Anaplasma plus Lymes & Ehrlichia. She does have antibodies towards the Anaplasma which means that she did have exposure to it at one point where she came from YET, does not have it, NOR is she infected and,she is 100% perfectly healthy! 🙂

We would like to see her in a home that is not necessarily Dane or Mastiff experienced, yet, a home that is dog experienced. A home that is calm and has routine, consistency, patience and, time to continue to to keep building up her trust and confidence. When you win her over, she is so affectionate and loving. She is so calm, and gentle and, her obedience has come along fabulously!

She so badly wants to love and be loved and, she is wonderfully affectionate. She had another great BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ mini open house and, as long as there were not major fast and flighty movements, she did not startle and step away quickly. She is a ‘flight’ sort of dog in uncomfortable situations, not a fight.

Treats really help show her that, people are helping and caring, not hurtful AND, as I keep telling people, it is not about her taking the treat, it is about her being shown that a friendly, kind gesture is being done and, not mean or cruel.

We really do not know how she is with cats, yet, she had no major prey or fixated drive when she came with me to do a hv fairly recently. Integration shall be key.

She is fine to be an only dog in a home yet, as, I also say so often, it is important for her to have her own dog social network and friends. Just as we humans do, it is also important for dogs. It shall also continue to remind her to share and, keep up her great dog-to-dog communication and social skills. She resides in a large multi-dog household and, she is has been totally super. Yet, we have rules and, we are positive effective leaders in enforcing them.

She will NOT go to a home that believes in prongs or choke collars, the way outdated and, completely inappropriate cruel method of alpha rolling, a home that wants a guard dog or a status symbol. YOU will NOT be considered.

She can be in a home with older children – 8 and up. She has had NO problems with younger children yet, she is an ‘old soul’ gal in some ways and, we also want her to be the focus in the home, which can be done with older children. NOT too much attention that SA is created yet, just that right amount between her having enough time to keep loving her own company and, independence and, quiet down time and, yet, still be active with walks/hikes, visit friends and, she is great in the car! She came all the way from KY, USA and, does wonderfully in a vehicle.

She has had free run in our home, while we are out without any problems for some time yet, we do strongly believe in crate training AND, we cannot stress enough the importance of crate-training for if she was sick or injured and required crate rest, she would not stress and, would also not panic in a Vet setting. We also do not believe in any dog receiving too much freedom to start.

As with all of the dogs that are successfully rehabbed to the point of being placed up for adoption, we are not about being desperate to place them. We are all about putting each and, every dog into their right matched forever loving homes, each and, every time.

To know ALL about her journey, scroll to the bottom of her blog and, read from the bottom up, skipping over any fundraising posts. All of our adoption policies and procedures plus processes are also found on both our home website plus PetFinder website.



Flowers sent my way by The Lord Stafford for my Birthday!

Whomever is 'adopted' by this amazing wee giant is going to be one loved home! wink emoticon

Was talking to his approved temp foster mommy(she calls herself his foster auntie!) today, and, we have scheduled a recheck for his eyes tomorrow and, it shall be good to get a re-weigh on him now that he is in foster care and, the great news is that the Baytril is working! 
Those two micro-organisms from his prostate wash and culture are sensitive to Baytril and, so, hopefully by the beginning of March, he will have a very special announcement to make!
LOVE my Birthday Flowers my 'snort'!
AND, thank you to his ever kind, thoughtful and generous foster auntie for delivering them on his behalf – he is not old enough to drive yet and, he cannot reach the pedals! 



Everyone together now….Jumping UP and DOWN…AND, Jumping UP higher and DOWN! 


BHRR's Maverick got the all thumbs up just now from his recheck and, he can now come off 'Medical Hold' and be made AVAILABLE for Adoption again! 

Today's bills $142.38

Receiving the Official News That He is Healthy Again: PRICELESS!

He is a big fav to many at KAH and, he will be missed….

He first began to suddenly reject the plate/screws in his right front leg on November 26th, 2014 and, it has been another long journey for him(this is his third leg surgery….)
NOW, we remain patient for that right matched forever loving home to find him….. smile emoticon 
If a smile could truly lighten up a room, mine would be lighting up a whole building right now!
Though, we still have over $6,000 in bills left to pay in his overall medical rehab, GOSH, I would not trade one hair on his head if it meant that he would have been pts over, us being able to assist him! 
YOU did it BHRR's Maverick!!! AGAIN!!!! 
Jumping up and down….up and down….. grin emoticon

On February 4th, I received the following:
'I have another Dane in need too. The Dane has wicked kennel cough but healthy other than that. Very stressed and skittish, no aggression but not for adoption….he was really stressed, lots of freezing, but no aggression noted..'

We stepped up and, he is scheduled to arrive February 10th, 2015. Worried about pneumonia. He is on Doxy at the shelter right now. Though, the photo does not show it, the shelter vet has him also listed as anorexic. 


Someone is hanging with me at KAH today! BHRR's Mavie!
He has put back on another 6.38 pounds since his last weigh-in and, though, we still are a long way off from where he was from that one front leg pre-plate rejection, we are making the good fight back!
His other leg – the worse one that was done first remains solid and strong! smile emoticon
Today, I am hoping we can get the final sign-off on that leg to take him off medical hold and be placed back up for adoption!
If he is deemed healthy enough, he will have his vaccines updated and, regular HWT as he is due again for another. We will also do another manicure/pedicure.
Keep him in your thoughts and, everything crossed!
He is doing so well and, I remain so proud of our true Iron Man!!
His Vet Bills to date have been over $15,500.00 and, such a deserving dog!! All of his fans and village would so agree. smile emoticon
If it were not for what BHRR stands for and why we were founded, this amazing dog would never have have been rescued and, the world would have missed out on one magnificent personality filled Kanga-Dane!
He also would like to thank Bruce for the short visit this AM at KAH, the loving and, for taking him out for a pee! 😀


(You do not need a PayPal account either)

People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Maverick’. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option)

BHRR’s Maverick’s Magnificent Angels  $9,615.58 donated to date & Bills 15,591.05
*before paypal fees

Rachel – Plus a Collar
TTP Basket
June 15th TTP donations from Lemon-Aid Stand by Chew-That
June 22nd, BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ Mini Open House
PV Stittsville Nail Trim Fundraisers x 2
July 14th 6th ANNUAL BHRR/KAH Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser
Julie/Sable – Anna’s “Where in the World Wedding Quiz” and selected BHRR to receive the $25 prize.
Kristin – PayPal took a fee
Nairn Again
Rachel – SS
Santa Photo's PV Innes and Belcourt – split between BHRR's Merlin, BHRR's Stafford also – $135.33
Santa Photo's PV Stittsville – $320 – One person paid by PayPal – $0.88 in fees taken
Amy & Family
Balsam Dental in honor of L. Evan
Sandra's MIL
50% Donations from our February 1st BHRR "EXPERIENCE" mini open House – $83.13(split with BHRR's Stafford)


Winter Wonderland At BHRR
February 3rd, 2015
It was time for a new and updated Photo!
All of them are waiting for the kids to come home from school – what they do not seem to realize is Mason was already home! 😉
Part of how I got to spend my Birthday….many of our approved temp fosters have come to spend the day to play and visit – my own car would not start – darn cold! – and, so, instead of meeting at a local 'best kept secret' walking place, they came here to play on our 148 acres!


February 1st, 2015
She really loved Ben and also loved Steve!
AND, she loved that that I also looked away and pretended NOT to see her snuggled up on the couch! tongue emoticon
Thank you to our 50/50 winner Regan for donating her portion back to BHRR and, $30 went to BHRR's Gretta's bills! So kind!
$166.25 was raised in other donations to help with BHRR's Maverick's and BHRR's Stafford's own bills! SO generous!!!
It was a great day!
AND, here is an email sent my way of what one home had to say about their own experience! I said I would keep it anonymous and, they can reveal themselves if they want…. wink emoticon
"I am still trying to process everything we saw and heard today, I feel like
we were so fortunate to witness the love, hard work and discipline that goes
into those dogs every single day.
When I have my head together about the whole experience I will write a
proper thank you but believe me when I say we feel nothing but privileged to
have been allowed to share a few hours with your family and the dogs."
We host these EXPERIENCES for the benefit of those seeking to possibly support BHRR by Volunteering at some point in the future, provide material or financial donations or even by adopting and, we make a true commitment when we host these events to make them as positive and enjoyable as possible.
It is so important to us for people to witness firsthand what we do, why we do it and, why BHRR is needed in the community……


I brought BHRR's Salem to work with me today to do a CBC and a Anasplasma PCR to see where we stand with that positive result she pulled. 

Will post results as soon as I have them. 

Here are two photo's taken by a wonderful soul from our February 1st, BHRR "EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House:
*Photo's courtesy of Dee Dick

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BHRR's Hercules(Blue Male GD with the untreated broken leg) soaking up the radiant floor heating in our sunroom!
February 1st, 2015
This is his first BHRR "EXPERIENCE" Mini Open House and, he is not sure what it is all about, yet, the other dogs have been telling him lots of great stories! smile emoticon
We are continuing to get him as healthy as possible, so we can amputate that right front leg.
*Sorry, the picture is dark…with the sun streaming in behind him, he is showing up dark…BUT, you can be assured, that he is one handsome dude!*