BHRR's Reese's blog is updated to July 27th, 2013. MORE to come! 🙂

BHRR's Dyson's blog has now been updated to August 15th, 2013. 🙂

More to come! 🙂


(You do not need a PayPal account either)

People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Dyson'. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

BHRR's Dyson's 'DARLING' Angels  $35 donated to date & Bills $467.54
From Anna's 'Where in the World Wedding Quiz' – Bre in honour of BHRR's Kringle

**IF I am forgetting any ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

Thank you from my soul and beyond for any possible consideration to his care……even a $1 donation is super!! :)

UPDATE: BHRR's Promise has put on another 7.7 POUNDS!!

Since her arrival to BHRR, she has NOW put on 29.36 pounds of muscle mass and weight!!

AND, there is a home that is really interested in her to adopt and soon, BHRR's Promise shall be ready to be adopted!

This is the GD that was emaciated and was left alone for over 16 hours a day crated and would scream if anyone went near her or tried to touch her!!


UPDATE: It is BHRR WOLFIE Day at KAH – well, not for BunkerDude yet BHRR's Prince Eggo Belfast is hanging with me today – weight is a skinny 65.4 Kgs(143.88 pounds) – for his own Vet visit – thanks again to Joy, Debbie, Jenn & Jon for their invaluable assistance to help get him to me safely!

AND, OMG! THIS is the best news EVER!!!!!! BHRR's Nessie made the 'good' turn at some point in the night AND she is more alert, no more bleeding at this time(the Vets will still keep investigating), ACTUALLY ate a bit of food, had a pee and showed some love!!!

I am JUMPING UP AND DOWN?!! DO YOU SEE ME?!!! PLEASE feel free to jump up and down with me in HAPPINESS!!

Her weight is down to 67.9(149.38 pounds) yet, not surprising….she has a bit of edema going on, temp is back to normal and she is sharing the kisses with all!!!!

THANK YOU SHOUTED out to all of her well wish angels plus to everyone for the much needed donations AND, adding to her rescue angels list are:

Laurie E.

NEW TOTAL RAISED TO DATE: $1,061.47 FOR her care!! AND, NEW TOTAL of best healing wishes sent her way to date: PRICELESS!!!

Her Vet Bills for BHRR to date are: $2,283.11 AND we have yet to add Thursday plus Friday's charges and then Saturday's…..

THANK YOU! THANK YOU! So grateful to ALL of you!! Never, would I ask or beg or plead for myself, yet for dogs like Nessie, anything….I have no pride or ego and want to do the very best for her!

I am sorry that I did not get photos posted last night….I was soooooo tired by the time 3:30 AM rolled around and had to be back at KAH again for 7:30 Am that I just snuggled up to some Wolfie and special guest love and had a snooze!

BHRR's Dyson also has some AMAZING news to share himself!!!

HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE! More updates soon!!!

Some photos and a VIDEO of her below.


August301 NessieAugust302
BHRR's Nessie – August 30th, 2013

BHRR's Kaden – August 30th, 2013
*He is still quite nervous of strangers BUT he shows curiosity and if the stranger passively ignore him, he will come right up to them and if they drop their hand down quietly, *IF* they are lucky, he will nudge it gently….

There is NOT much I cannot do to him(HE gives me the BEST of kisses/nuzzles!) and when it came time to do his vaccines, the Vet had me do them for there was no way, he was letting anyone else near his rump….he is just so scared of strangers around his butt and still a bit around his head and this is going to be a long journey for him….BUT, he is better than he was and when he is 'ready', he will let me know…no rush…never any rush!

He has to be ONE of the softest dog that I have ever touched…he rivals BHRR's Amazing Gracie in that regards! OMG! He is so soft…….AND, the weight plus muscle mass that he has put on!! WOW!

AND, when he came up on the bed in this video and snuggled, I was not going to turn him away, EVEN if I had been up almost 24 hours straight…whatever he needs, he is going to get! 🙂

He made my voice choke up, when he did so…..


UPDATE: BHRR's Nessie is listed as 'critically stable' by one of her Vets at this time. She remains on fluids, Baytril plus cefazolin…..

She continues to bleed and it is now a purplish colour.

We will not get the latest of her bw back until tomorrow….

We will get her bills paid off, we have faith….my biggest wish and hope for all of you, is to please pray and think of her…..

It will be another long and worrisome night….

My other pneumonia special guest had their own bw come back and he is not doing as great as we all would like to see right now….he is

I am staying so positive and they continue to lack for nothing and if anyone has any creative emerge fundraiser ideas, please do let me know!!

Thank you to everyone that has been there and keep up those great thoughts plus vibes!!!!!

Will update again as I can….

Good news is that BHRR's Prince Eggo Belfast is now safe in my clutches and thanks to Jenn for the transport help yesterday and to her and Jon for loving on him so well until I could get him today! He is typical Wolfie!!!

AND BHRR's Velvet has been ADOPTED!! Thank you to the visting Catalina for her help in getting this hv done for me!!

AND, I am going to now grab that elusive meal that I have been dreaming about all day and never had time to eat!!


UPDATE: BHRR's Nessie really needs your help…. Please send blessings…..
She is now bleeding bilaterally and throwing clots.
I am off to do x-rays now…will update ASAP.

UPDATE: August 29th @ 12:16 PM:
UPDATE: We are treating her for aspiration pneumonia yet, no explanation for the bleeding at this time. We have added Baytril to her med regime.

I have also brought in two of the dog beds I have in the car to help 'prop' her up to aid her in trying to get comfortable for she wants to lay on her side yet, cannot breathe well.

Two Vets are now on her case investigating the bleeding.

UPDATE: BHRR's Nessie made it through the night and as she had done a lot of vomiting bile during her emergency surgery, she was put on ampicillin (to help against possible aspiration pneumonia developing) and this AM, she is now having frothy blood coming up.
*In conversing with one of her previous O.'s who had me paged at KAH looking for an update, this had happened the last time she had an obstruction surgery when she was in their care last September 2012 and also developed aspiration pneumonia. The Vet team then reviewed her Vet records from that time period from when she was at Alta Vista AH.*

Her lungs sounds just a wee bit crackly and she had a pee. NO bm's yet. TPR will be assessed again shortly.

SHE is not out of any woods yet, and she is at KAH all day for monitoring and care….we are on to the next milestone of the first 24 hours post-op.

ANY consideration of possible donations for her mounting bills can be made direct to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 direct to her account of 'Nessie' under Birch Haven Rescue (613) 725-4279

OR to email transfer to

OR to PayPal 'gift option to

AND, please, please, please keep her in your blessings, thoughts and healing prayers……..

I will take new photos today…..some of her nose are below.

NessieAugust292013 NessieAugust292013.JPG1

BHRR`s Velvet went under a PENDING ADOPTION and as of August 29th, 2013, she moved under an ADOPTED status!

I do not have any photo`s to date of her forever loving family as I was not at the actual hv this time around as I was round the clock hands on with two critical dogs at BHRR. I DO have the two posted below of her waiting to be picked up to go on her hv! 🙂

BHRR's Velvet – August 29th, 2013

UPDATE: So sorry, that it is a wee bit in the making!!
'Nessie' was out of surgery just before 5:30 pm and thank you being extended very much to Dr. Wright of KAH and all my fellow team mates at KAH for being there for her!! We are taking the milestones in hours now….

I have two pre-surgery photos and all of her x-rays – yesterday and today as well to share. I will begin her own blog. To those that have met her to date and have seen the one photo, they will agree that her eyes just shout out to you…..

New total raised to date for her mounting bills are $896.47 AND adding to her AMAZING Guardian ANGELS from my earlier post are:

Bre & her team at PV Stittsville who are going to have a memory paws/nail trim event on September 21st to help raise monies for Nessie
Shirley & Nathan
Genesis Dog Rescue
The Twaddles
AND there was a $20 donation made at KAH between 2-5 pm that the CC nor reception at KAH have a note for and I want to also say thank you to this person who remains anonymous at this time (I know now that this kind soul is Margaret)

Thank you! OMG! I cannot scream out a thank you big enough to each of you!!

When I have the final total of her bills, I shall post on her blog and here yet, we are looking at between $3-4,000 and so, please know that your $1 and $2 donation considerations would mean not such the universe to me yet, help with the gift of life for Nessie!!

AND, I cannot say this enough, all of your words of kindness and thoughtful care are being passed to her, so, they are equally so important!!!

Thank you again!! I am also still slowly working on personally thanking each person for being there for her!!

BHRR's  Reese August 28th – BEFORE her emergency surgery

UPDATE: 'Nessie' is now in emergency surgery and I will update as I can!!

We have had an amazing, filled with warmth $495 donated and every consideration of even a $1 or a $2 would mean so much!! Her bills will be between $3-4,000 and I want to shout out my indebted thanks to her angels so far:

Sarah D.
BHRR's Lady Adele (her mummy too!!)
Karen R.
Karen S.
Andrea G.
Poet's Vision Aussie Rescue

AND just as needed and important are ALL those well wishes, positive vibes and healing energy being sent!!

For those who may not be aware, 'Nessie' is a 4 year old wheaten Irish Wolfhound that is in an urgent situation as she was o/s this AM and has an obstruction and needs immediate assistance.

She did vomit up a sock yet, x-rays (the barium is not passing properly) and per the interpretation specialist Dr. Crews, there is still at least one foreign body still there……

With a PENDING ADOPTION in the works, I have taken her without hesitation into BHRR and have known this IW since she was a mere pup! Her situation is reminiscent of BHRR's Barkley(the Dobie that was o/s with an untreated obstruction) and I have high hopes that 'Nessie' will also be successfully rehabbed.

She has had one surgery last year for an obstruction and has a history of ingesting and I was just typing yesterday on Bunkerdude's photo about the Wolfie at Alta Vista when I had Bunker there last summer and it was Nessie…..

I would never ask for myself, yet, I would do whatever I could for the animals and thank you everyone for everything!!!!!

This sweet Wolfie NEEDS that village to surround her and she is now part of the BHRR family!!!


BHRR has just been signed over an emergency situation Giant – A 4 year old Irish Wolfhound who needs surgery immediately.

She has an untreated obstruction surgery and we are prepping her for emergency surgery this afternoon.

IF anyone could even spare $1, or $2 to help us with her bills, it would be sooooooooo appreciative…..

You can call Kanata Animal Hospital directly at (613) 836-2848 and the name is "Nessie" under the account of "Birch Haven Rescue"

OR PayPal 'Gift'

OR email transfer to

I have 'known' this IW since she was a mere puppy and she deserves this and the home wants the best for her….THIS owner surrender is as difficult as it was to witness BHRR's Bobby's…

AND, JUST as important are well wishes for this Wolfie….she puked up a sock already yet, there is something still obstructing her bowels.

THANK you in advance to anyone that could assist us…..THANK you!

HAS HQD been 'replaced?' *GASP*

My sorta BHRR's Salma story……HAS BHRR's Kaden learned from her? OR is he 'showing' her up?

When I arrived home tonight, Sean was so kind as to be ok for me to have a bit of a nap….and, BHRR's Kaden likes to sleep in an open crate at night in the ensuite, yet, he has been becoming braver to sleep on a Kuranda bed or Costco dog bed in the masterbedroom.

Well………..I am laying there and the next thing I know, this wet and cold nose is nudging blankets around my feet, tucking them under and around the blankets…..

I like to rest with my feet outside of the blankets yet, clearly BHRR's Kaden has *issues* with this for every time, I moved my feet out, her was 'tucking' them back in….it reminded me of HQD and her tucking BHRR's Maverick's leg in a Rupert Wrap when I brought him home after his surgery on July 4th…..

So, rather than 'offend' or 'upset' him, I then layed for the next hour with my feet all wrapped up, and feeling quite claustrophobic and hot, yet, once, I stopped 'fighting' BHRR's Kaden on this matter, he layed down on a Costco dog bed next to me and slept quite rather from the snores I heard coming from him!

I am sincerely hoping that this is a one time thing for….I am not sure how I am going to fair after decades of feet out of the blankets and if a dog wants to see them all nicely smothered in blankets! :p

BHRR's Maverick's blog is now updated to July 8th, 2013! 😉

I will add July 14th, August 8th and August 28th shortly. WITH photos…make it worth your patience! 😉



What was sent my way as an update on this IW…..

“Hey X, we received an Irish wolfhound for euthanasia on Friday.  X spoke to the guy and got info–I spoke to him and said I will find a place for the dog.  Joy and I found a rescue–the same person who has taken many of our dogs–Birchhaven–great place.  I put the dog for surgery on Saturday but wasn’t done.  PLEASE see if it can be done on Monday–Tuesday at the latest–he is leaving on Wednesday or Thursday.  Birchhaven is a proven rescue and an amazing rescue so the dog is going there. The dog has a serious skin issue that could be chronic that’s why brought in for euth.  Dr. examined the dog on Friday, put him on antibiotics and vaccinated him.  I told her I want to get the dog fixed so she said NOT to put the dog on cortisone until after the surgery and the wound has properly healed. “



On August 24th, BHRR’s Jetta came with myself, Matrix and several amazing approved BHRR Volunteers to The Doghaus in Montreal for another community education and public awareness event. 🙂 Great weather, great people and a great parking spot! 😉

BHRR’s Jetta was a very popular hit!!! Below are some photo’s of the ‘lovely BBBBB’.

August20132 August20133
BHRR’s Jetta – August 24th, 2013

What I received today:

“Hi Gwen,
Hope all well.
I have a sandy colored Wolfhound, male, unsterlized, 5 year old boy for rescue only.
He was brought in for euthanasia.  Owner says dog has severe allergies that they feel is seasonal (May-October).  Dog chewing his feet.  Cardiac good, tarter II all around good heath except skin and mainly feet.
The dog was apparently purchased from a breeder (unknown).
He gets along well with cats, dogs and people.
Breed the dog recently with someone in Ottawa.
Cannot sterilize and give cortisone at the same time.
He is a good boy and for this reason the shelter is seeking a rescue, and they were very specific about contacting you and only you. (You are loved it appears..:)).
If you are interested, please let me know.  Also, based on your experience:  Do we vaccinate this dog?  Do we sterilize?  The vet says that she cannot give cortisone and sterilize at the same time…
What is your advice for the above.
Please note:  the owner was very intent on not sharing breeder information nor was he giving any vet work up.  So basically we have to go by with what we have.
Please let me know if this boy interests you.  If so, what medically do you want done.  We do not want to further his discomfort and want to do what is best for him.


038 043
August 2013

So, BHRR's Zara-Bean, could use your positive words of encouragement to help her along her path and journey of bravery….
She really has DONE so well in her journey to date yet, her history and background is a hard one for her to move away from.
This sweet affectionate to those she trusts and knows, NEOx pup, was neglected and manhandled and when she was brought to the shelter, a pole was used and her already fearful nerves of collars and leashes, was just magnified.
She has allowed me to put a collar on her here and there and with a calm and passive ignoring approach, I can put a leash on her and she will trust me enough to follow me without panicking.
AND, we have been working so much and well since her arrival to BHRR on June 22nd with her severe anxiety and worries over anything around her neck. AND car rides, well, combine that with collar, leash and the car….sigh….my poor wee bean….
So, we have been building up the good experiences and working towards that big trip to the Vet and today, was suppose to be the day…so, we can get one step closer on getting those eyes addressed(now, that I have the eye infections under control) and she and I had a really sad moment of getting her collar on last night and then the treats, made things so much better and she was so happy and proud of herself that she conquered the nightmare of that 'beast' called a collar and the leash was almost a walk in the park and we ended everything on another really high positive note by taking a short walk out to the car and around it and opened up the doors, took treats from the seats and she almost followed me quite relaxed in as I climbed into the back…..
So, today, up we get, and looking forward to a good experience for her and collar on, leash clipped, out the door, taking treats and through the gate, down the stairs and into the open car door she follows me and then BOOM! WHAT are the chances a tree branch breaks????!!!
She panics, pulls back, slips the martingale and runs back to the gate to the house(gate was left open) and she stands there panting and looking at me….
I assured her that all was ok, passively ignored, handed off treats to Sean and let her be……
Inside, I was sad for her and bummed….we were SOOOO close yet, it is not all steps forward some days and so, I have rescheduled her appointment for the 30th of August and we will keep having positive experiences and after talking to one of the Vets I work with, I will give her some meds to relax her prior to going into the car if needed……
YET, can all her fan club and friends please send her words of positive encouragement and when you see her next, assure her that she is one very brave wee girl!!!

UPDATE: Soooooooooo, BHRR's Promise is hanging out with me at KAH today and her new weight is………DRUMROLLLLL!

50.2 KGs(110.44 pounds!)….she has put on another 19.14 pounds!! WAHOOOO!!! WTG!!!

She is having her hwt today, fecal tested etc. and I want to have that tail rechecked with all those pretty much now healed abscesses and she had one broken joint top of her tail when she arrived.

I have a short video to post from today of her and will try to snag some updated photos too!

In another 7 pounds or so, I will be very pleased with her weight!!

On the slightly sad side, she had a set back in her emotional and behavoural rehab for she was scared – not intentionally – by someone at the Hospital and she went behind me in nervousness and did a small bit of fear growling…..YET, she was great with everyone else at KAH throughout the day and even at PV Stittsville. She was indifferent to the cat there and did not bother with any of the dogs. THE only other time she showed fear was when two kids came into the store. I just re-directed and she was great.

YET, the huge plus is that this gorgeous BBBBB that was once left alone 16 hours a day and screamed when anyone went near her or touched her, IS no longer that terrified girl…..

So, we will continue to forge forward one step at a time and continue with doing our visits through our BHRR Visitation/Play Date program and she will get there…..

Considering that I have only had her over a month, HUGE thumbs up to her!


VIDEO OF BHRR'sPromiseAugust192013


(You do not need a PayPal account either)

People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Promise'. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

BHRR's Promise's PRETTY Angels  $60 donated to date & Bills $578.91
Vivian – Collar, Leash, Rupert Blanket & BHRR's JH Biscuits
Anna – $50
Nairn – $10

**IF I am forgetting any ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

Thank you from my soul and beyond for any possible consideration to her care……even a $1 donation is super!! :)

BHRR's Promise(Back, ribs June 28th, 2013 DAY of arrival to BHRR) & BHRR's Promise August 19th, 2013
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BHRR's Promise(PV Stittsville August 19th, 2013 visiting) & @ KAH August 19th, 2013

Today, BHRR's Dyson came to hang at KAH with me, got a throrough exam, his vaccines, hwt, microchipped etc. and he weighed 58.3 KGs(128.26 pounds). Getting that weight on slow and sure. 🙂 He was barely 100 pounds when he first arrived to BHRR.

HUGE hit! AND here are two photo's of him being my co-pilot on the drive in!

Vet1 Vet2
August 15th, 2013

On Saturday June 29th, BHRR’s Bishop has his own Special Picnic Date and below is a photo!

HE thanks the home for all the pressies and the only ‘bump’ in the whole experience for them is that he was terrified of the woman’s husband who had a beard and was wearing a baseball cap.

She mentioned to me that small children and other dogs have also had the same reaction to him and he really is one of the sweetest people!

I had the pleasure of meeting him at our 6th ANNUAL KAH/BHRR Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser on July 14th and I also met her husband again at our Dirty DAWG Wash on July 27th, at Critter Jungle.

NOT sure why BHRR’s Bishop was so scared of him as he has done really well with all the men he has met to date and has seen beards and mustaches etc. too, not to mention baseball caps. So, I have been bringing him around to deliberately meet more men with beards and hats and to date, he has shown not even one sign of nervousness. I wanted to blog about this experience for him so that any possible future forever loving home will be aware of how scared he was in this one incident.

We continue to wait patiently for that right matched forever loving home to find him! 🙂

BHRR’s Bishop – June 29th, 2013

BHRR's PotterMan AKA The Dude With The 'Tude had his annual tonight AND he weighed a super, fantastic, fabu, wonderful, well muscled hunk of handsome LOVE 29.2 KGs(64.24 pounds!).

He received A+ all around from cuteness to uber friendliness to well mannered to being told he was one healthy Boxer!

For those that have not yet had the absolute honour – his words NOT mine! – in meeting him as of yet, THIS is one boy that will steal your heart and your soul from how full of personality he is to the incredible and miraculous journey he has taken in his short life.

He spent the first 11 months of his life(he is a deaf boxer) running loose on the I-81 in New York. Finally Animal Control was able to get his very abusive and neglectful owners to sign him over. As no group contacted seemed to want a deaf, natural earred and natural tailed Boxer, BHRR was contacted as a last resort and well…..of COURSE we wanted him!

Just three months after his arrival, I noticed a small lump on his leg and two days later, I had the biopsy and AND just four days after that, I had his leg removed. At his young age, being a white boxer, I *knew* this was not good and yes, it was a MCT and the pathology came back as a Grade III and I was told that he had an 85% chance of the Cancer coming back within the first 8 months and that he most likely would not live out the year.

THIS boy went through his healing struggles from being smart enough to figure out how cold would 'freeze' his cone and when he came inside, if he 'bashed' it against anything, it would shatter LOL to having had to put buttons(yes, BUTTONS in his third surgery to try and get the stump to heal properly).

He survived a vicious dog attack as well(not one of ours) and he really has had NINE lives AND he is making the most of them!

HE has gone from being terrified of collars and being touched and fearful of cars to associating them with GREAT and FUN and delightful things AND anyone that has been to a BHRR 'EXPERIENCE Mini Open House' knows about his being an expert escape artist to the best lap warmer around!

BHRR's Potter, SO many are surrounding you and SHOUTING out a most wonderful 5th year of not just living life yet, MAKING a life so full of quality and 'on your toes fun'…..

THE boxer that was said to not live to see his second Birthday has turned 5 and had a great annual!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND yes, he did get ice cream!

HE is a HUGE fav for many at BHRR!

IMG_2165 (Medium)
BHRR's Potter – December 25th, 2012

BHRR's Bobby was adopted today and most sincere and genuine welcome to his forever loving home to the BHRR extended family! 🙂

Here is a short video below of him jumping right into the Koi/Goldfish pond making himself right at home! 🙂

VIDEO – BHRR'sBobbyAugust32013

BHRR's Bobby – August 3rd, 2013

BHRR's Zara's blog is UPDATED to June 24th, 2013! 😉 With photo's and videos! Patience pays off! 😉 AND, good things come to those that wait! 😀

I can also add that BHRR's Zara likes to chew wood and drywall and she is great with all dogs including our 9.5 pound Sir-Bounce-A-Lots.

Due to her extreme fear of strangers, she has not yet, headed in to visit a specialist for consideration for surgery on her eyes. EVEN, I can only hold and touch and love on her so much. AND, putting on collars and leashes STILL terrifies her…poor thing….

So, she is not wearing a collar at this time and I am working on positive reinforcement associated with the collar/leash. I am also working on her 'marking' and every time she *touches* the collar or leash, she gets a treat. I can now get her to put her nose partway into the very loose and large collar and she will also rub by it as she walks past.

She even will get up on the bed for snuggling before bed and she no longer sleeps in a crate and has not for some time. She is crated when we leave as she is still a puppy. She lets me know when she wants pets and she lets me know when she has had enough. She is not going to be going, when she is ready to a home that is not experienced for she is very much NEO!

She play really well at time with BHRR's Reese as well and at other times, she is a diva…..

*Magical Mastiff* BHRR's Titus – almost 10 year old Neo
Musculoskeletal issues. Severely dysplastic in both of his hips and elbows as well as having arthritis in his spine.
July 20th, 2013 was his first Canine Water Wellness session!
This is his first session as we have battled eye infections since his arrival to BHRR. YET, we are good to go and he was a SUPERSTAR!

AND for those wishing to contribute to his care, you can donate funds to go towards his Hydrotherapy SWIMS at Canine Water Wellness!

YOU CAN FOLLOW our four MAGICAL MASTIFFS journey on our BHRR FB Page where they have their own Album – HERE

BHRR's Titus' "DREAMS DO COME TRUE" Angels: Donated to Date: $77.00 & Bills To Date: $1,398.81
Anna from Mother's Day Treat sales to assist three local rescues for helping with PRU's dogs
Clo who donated 2 Hydrotherapy SESSIONS at CWW to help us help him

BHRR'sTitusJuly20132 – VIDEO #1
BHRR'sTitusJuly20132– VIDEO #2

AND here is a photo of his very first session! 🙂 HE did so well! 🙂

July 20th, 2013 – looking at me….those eyes!

On July 20th, BHRR's Ani had her special BHRR picnic date.

From her human 'dates':

"Thanks again for the awesome picnic; we had a blast with Ani. She is such a gorgeous dog, loves affection!"

Below is a photo of her with BHRR's Ani(Right) had her special picnic date today with a very lovely family and another gorgeous GD Black Beauty – Sadie!

July 20th, 2013

Posted in Ani

The home visit for BHRR's Bobby is scheduled for this Saturday. Will update as I can.

A short time ago, I received an email from the most talented and I want to say also, very beautiful and special Liz Bradley of The Ottawa Dog Blog.

As many are aware, there was a voting contest recently for the Most Influential Dog Blog online and the competition was quite tough AND, thanks to such an incredible surrounding community The Ottawa Dog Blog WON! By taking 60% of the votes!

HUGE Congratulations Liz & Jane!!! Extremely well deserved! Your blog is quite important and valued deeply by so many and you make a BIG difference daily with all your efforts! I have loved watching your amazing 'baby' grow plus develop!

AND, what so humbly surprised me(AND, made me grab yet, another tissue…this time with a welling up of good tears!), was that Liz/Jane was awarded a lifesaving generous gift of $500 donation to the charity of her choice AND they chose BHRR!! As they have posted about, there are SO many great r/q Rescues deserving and in need and, I am touched, humbled and feel privileged to have our small rescue chosen to be the recipient of such an incredible gesture……Just honoured! Immensely!

There really needs to be more words to express THANK YOU! I am MORE thank thankful! I am genuinely appreciative plus grateful and filled with intense gratitude…….


"It was a difficult decision as to the charity who we would pick to receive the donation as all of the Ottawa charities work so hard.

We decided on Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation to receive the $500 donation! BHRR is an amazing rescue who is in need of money to feed the large and giant breeds they rescue – this money will go a long way towards food and vet bills for them!

Thank you again to all who voted. I am so very proud to live in this great city surrounded by fellow dog lovers.

With love and belly rubs,
Liz (and Jane)"

**Could I please ask our fans/supporters/family/friends to take a moment and go over and CONGRATULATE Liz/Jane immensely and tell them HOW uber awesome they are with what they do daily!!!**

AND, here is what I wrote on their lovely Blog post!

HUGE Congratulations Liz & Jane!!! Extremely well deserved! Your blog is quite important and valued deeply by so many and you make a BIG difference daily with all your efforts! I have loved watching your amazing ‘baby’ grow plus develop!

As Liz/Jane have posted, there are SO many great r/q Rescues deserving and in need and, I am touched, humbled and feel immensely privileged to have had our small rescue of Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services chosen to be the recipient of such an incredible gesture……Just honoured! Immensely!

I also wish to publicly thank Camp Cookstown from my heart, for having such a great contest, for helping to get the word out regarding so many fantastic online blogs and for supporting the work done in animal rescue with this very generous and lifesaving gift of $500.

There really needs to be more words to express THANK YOU! I am MORE thank thankful! I am genuinely appreciative plus humbled and filled with intense gratitude…….