Female Neo, ~4 years of age, spayed, weight ~102 pounds

O. was tragically killed – hit by a truck while walking and talking on the phone with her bf making arrangements for him to pick her up.

She came from a home with three dogs and a child – two of the dogs were sent to the shelter the day after the woman was killed….one dog was kept by the home and both shelter dogs have rescue commitment placement.

We were contacted to assist by another wonderful r/q group – Just Paws – Thanks Jane – we remain honoured and privileged to assist….

We do not as of yet know what her name is or further details and, she was not faring well in the shelter environment so has been pulled and is in boarding right now until arrangements can be made to get her to BHRR. She is so confused and scared.

She is doing so much better now that she is being boarded and is out of the shelter.

ETA: Being worked on right now……..

Such a tragic situation.


Tracy and BHRR’s Porridge having a moment at our latest BHRR Private “EXPERIENCE”.

This home won this amazing opportunity in an auction we hosted earlier this year.

We have hosted these days for well over 15 years now and it gives people the opportunity to come out and not just witness firsthand what it is that we do yet get hands on in the trenches with us.

Each EXPERIENCE turns out customised to each visit – some want more time with the horses, others want the dogs, some want both and some want more the administration side, others want to help clean stalls, repair fencing etc…..

Others just want to sit and be surrounded by the sounds of country life, sit by the pool and to see deer, other wildlife and watch all live in harmony and balance…..some want to learn more about training, especially with the special needs, or working with a ‘pack’!

We have even done bonfires plus marshmallow/weenie roasts! We feed each home a nice big dinner also including homemade dessert. 🙂

Always so much to do and never enough time!

From all of us to all of you, as always, may your Sunday be filled with friends, family plus health and happiness!

AND her feedback about her EXPERIENCE:
“I had an amazing time as always. Love everything about BHRR and your family!! Thanks for the amazing experience! Thanks Sean for the tractor ride and the awesome dinner! I would be more than happy to come out anytime to help fix whatever you need help with  Mason desert was great too! Thank you to all for a really great day that I will always cherish”

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Shawna and BHRR’s Raven having a moment at our latest BHRR Private “EXPERIENCE”. Second photo is of Tracy and her ‘moment’ with BHRR’s Raven – her own testimonial is on the BHRR’s Porridge blog. 🙂

This home won this amazing opportunity in an auction we hosted earlier this year. 

We have hosted these days for well over 15 years now and it gives people the opportunity to come out and not just witness firsthand what it is that we do yet get hands on in the trenches with us.

Each EXPERIENCE turns out customised to each visit – some want more time with the horses, others want the dogs, some want both and some want more the administration side, others want to help clean stalls, repair fencing etc…..

Others just want to sit and be surrounded by the sounds of country life, sit by the pool and to see deer, other wildlife and watch all live in harmony and balance…..some want to learn more about training, especially with the special needs, or working with a ‘pack’!

We have even done bonfires plus marshmallow/weenie roasts! We feed each home a nice big dinner also including homemade dessert. 🙂

Always so much to do and never enough time!

From all of us to all of you, as always, may your Sunday be filled with friends, family plus health and happiness!

From Shawna: “It was love at first sight!”

AND her feedback about her EXPERIENCE:
“Overall GREAT experience! Love the family, animals, food and the workout too! 🙂


Got her! The newest addition to BHRR!

A very late start to her transport this AM yet, she is in my hands!

She is a Bloodhound/Pyrx, about 90 plus pounds – needs muscle mass and is anxious which is understandable…..

We are calling her BHRR’s Waffle – great name suggestion Margaret!

Welcome to BHRR!

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Someone is having a great special picnic experience! 

BHRR’s Ivy, one of our gorgeous BBBBB’s who remains available for adoption!

Photo’s & Two Video’s courtesy of the Maracle Family!

BHRR’s Ivy Video #1
BHRR’s Ivy Video #2

AND here is their testimonial from their special picnic play date! 🙂

“Hi Gwen:

Just a quick note to let you know how things are going.

Ivy settled down well for the ride and it was all of five minutes before Sally and Ivy began to wrestle. They go in spurts with their play and seem to have a lot of fun.

We took them for a walk to the park to burn off a tad bit of energy. Ivy settled into a nice leash manner about ten minutes into it. She met several strange dogs and people, but was amazing with them. She did not react to any of the barking or hostile dogs and greeted the friendly ones very nicely.

She loves toys and has been cleaning out Sally’s toy bin every hour or so. She is such a goof! Sally tries to play tug a war with her, but it only lasts one tug!

She loves all the kids and guests and can be quiet calm at times. Hard to get a picture because Ivy has to check out everything.

Ivy did begin to bleed from one of her nails, so we put flour on it and that stopped it. Looks like just too much play.

She is so lovable! Lots of kisses and lap sits on the floor.

Having a wonderful time.”

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Posted in Ivy

As BHRR prepares for another big beautiful day, everyone’s fav ‘gimp’ Great Dane Puppy BHRR’s Kaos asked me to post this message to all!! 

Donations can continue to be made direct to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966 *They are open today from 9-2 pm and Becca is there to help you!

OR via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org(please consider using the friend and family option so that we do not pay fees)

He saw Dr. Philibert on Thursday and has his first leg surgery now scheduled for September 1st. We are trying to ensure that we have a fair surgery deposit put down on his account at Liston Animal Hospital under his name ‘KAOS’.

Thank you all angels for being there for him!! He is such a wonderful wee boy!! So many tears of gratitude for all that people are trying to make happen for him!


***URGENT*** ***URGENT***

BHRR’s Kaos is reaching out to all of his fans, aunties, supporters plus village…..he needs all of us more than ever now….

He has been scheduled for his first leg surgery with Dr. Philibert on Tuesday September 1st and that only gives us a few days to raise a surgery deposit for his account at Liston Animal Hospital.

I have $300 that I have put aside from my own latest pay check from my part-time work at the Hospital and we are trying to raise another $1,200 so that we have a fair surgery deposit put down on his account prior to his surgery.

We do not have enough time to throw together an urgent fundraiser and, though we know we can be considered for a payment plan, we do have to put down a deposit.

His current bills to date prior to this surgery have been close to $1,500 and, we have paid off over $1,000 of that so far between donations and last weekends mini microchip clinic. Thank you! Moving forward, we planned for monies raised from our end of September Fundraiser to go towards his bills, BHRR’s Raven’s(our puppymill Great Dane mama) and BHRR’s Bell’s(her platelet count was only 94 and she is back for more testing today).

Nothing, I would not do for the animals of BHRR and with our next event not being held until the end of September, I am bending down on my knees asking with my hands outstretched to our community, begging on BHRR’s Kaos’ behalf for any consideration to his vet bills. Just begging….BHRR has been around since 1996, we focus on the special needs for we believe that dogs like Kaos are equally deserving of a great future. At a mere 6 weeks of age, if he had been put to sleep, his life would have been over before it had even begun…..it is not his fault his leg was broken. 

AND, to all that have met him to date, I know you would agree and stand beside me to say that he is worthy of the love and consideration to help him.

You can make a donation, any amount directly to Liston Animal Hospital( Becca is so wonderful to deal with!) 613-591-0966 or in person there. The account is under his name ‘KAOS’

OR via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org 

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org (please use the friend & family option so we do not pay fees)

$5 is not too little….everything adds up together and I am so appreciative plus grateful for any consideration to his cause…..please and thank you….

Please and thank you again on behalf of the Great Dane puppy that came to us at 6 weeks of age with a broken leg…..and, then diagnosed that he also has a knee concern.

Thank you…..thank you everyone…..

For those who are also not yet aware, BHRR’s Kaos is cyptorchid which shall make his neutering more expensive and complex. Poor baby. 🙁 Let’s hope that the second testicle is just under the skin.

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: Kaos under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

OR to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966 over the phone or in person. He also has a file set-up there.

He has been to both KAH and LAH already to date and is back at LAH on the 27th of August.

**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Kaos’ Great Angels:  $1,123.73 donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $1,413.83
*Before PayPal fees
Elizabeth – Collar, Small Stuffie
Megan – Leash, Large Stuffie
Karen – + Fleece Blanket
Tracy/Shawna – 2 x Large Stuffies
Nairn Again
August 22nd Mini Microchip Clinic at Global Pet Foods – Hintonburg $876.25



This is BHRR’s Bells’ face when I told her as we snuggled in bed this AM that we had to go back to KAH today to repeat her blood-work for her platelet count!


I think someone is having a great vet visit!! Now, is that Becca or is that BHRR’s Kaos! 

X-Rays are done and waiting for Dr. P. to review once he is out of surgery.

Sleepy boy!


Purse Puppy BHRR’s Coco Chanel (Blind) appears to be having a lovely special picnic play date!

Sent my way from the home earlier was that she was a bit upset when I left and so they took her for a walk and were quite impressed with her leash manners. 

The home remarked on how much she loves the outdoors and she sure does!

She likes hiking and walking and just laying on the brick deck enjoying the wonderful weather. She also loves bed cuddles and for an honorary giant, she sure can bed hog for something ‘wee’! 

She has done some playing with their own dog and I am now on my way to get her as I leave work myself.

Yes, she has a mark on her head in this photo from running headlong into a branch on one of the trails…….

She is a fearless, risk taking, grab the world by the tail and run kind of explorer! 
She is so precious to my soul!

I am so happy that she had this special day and she does remain AVAILABLE for adoption!

Photo is courtesy of The Maracle Family

Note: One must never allow a brilliant dog like BHRR’s Chanel to get into a position of ‘power’. This means no allowing on the couches etc. for she will not want to share with other than who she feels is her ‘flavour’ at that time. She is a fabu dog. She needs her boundaries and structure and, she will be so respectful plus mindful.


Today is another big busy day for BHRR!

Purse Puppy BHRR’s Coco Chanel has now been dropped off for her own very special picnic play date!! Have a blast!! This home is really taken with her. What is not to love though!! She is beautiful, brilliant, inspirational, a real personality plus filled lovely girl!

She also remains so surprisingly to so many of us as still AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!

AND, I have just dropped off BHRR’s Kaos at LAH to see Dr. Philibert for more x-Rays under sedation and an exam to help determine what the next step may be for that broken leg of his and the knee concern……he is now 11 weeks of age and 12.9 KGs (28.38 pounds) today!

In this photo he thinks he is going to ride shotgun! 

He just delights all that meet him!

We will post updates as we have them…..



UPDATE: We have been working on a transitional adoption with BHRR’s Angel Noelle, one of our incredible honorary Giants plus tripdods and to date she has had a play date with me at the home, one play date without me for a few hours which was a bit of a ‘tough love’ for her.

Then on Saturday August 15th she did an overnight date and on Friday August 21st she did a three night date….

I asked the home to please let her have some alone time to bond with him and not just her and it is working.

She is making the transition of bonding much more easily from Sean to them yet, with me she hunkers down and is quite resistive in ‘letting go’. I remain so humbled by her trust and honesty and heart plus soul that she has given me and, we want to make sure that we set all up for success so, in many ways, she is making this transition at a quicker pace than anyone may have thought yet, in a couple of other ways, she remains as I knew she would be so determined to stay ‘latched’ to me, next step, I want to try five nights and, have her come back again and, see if she is ready for the final move forever…..

I am so proud of her…..love her and I know that if I continue to do my job right, she will see me as a pleasant positive memory and experience and not feel her trust has been betrayed and that she has been abandoned….

Steps have been put into place since she became available for adoption to make her that well rounded plus balanced dog and she is showing her future community just how fabu she truly is! Leash manners, social skills, being a ham and so affectionate when she trusts…..

She is so dear to so many of us and patience is going to pay off…. 

Photo below is courtesy of her new forever loving adoptive home…..


I have many updates to post and quite a few blogs to update and so this page is going to be flying for a bit…. 

This is BHRR’s Maple, the untrained, fear and barrier aggressive Great Dane that was dumped at a shelter. Ignore the reno’s…..new baseboards are coming!!

She has been settling in well herself. I have a short video of the night I picked her up and, she is a far cry from that terrified dog….yet, she also likes to try to bully her way about things and that has also been a work in progress.

She bonded to Sean fast and took a day or so longer to be the same with me yet, Sean is still a clear fav for her. 

She has zero manners, like a beautiful Mack truck in a China store and is reactive if she feels a dog is posing a challenge yet also wants to make sure that she establishes herself as Queen B quick right from the start, especially with any girls. She is not a ‘dainty’ gal! 

She has not been integrated with many dogs and shall not be for some time and she is being mindful to back away and step down when told to and, she is going to be in Rehab a long time. She is totally fine with Lion King Pumbaa, BHRR’s Mavie, BHRR’s Comet, BHRR’s Pearl and BHRR’s Bell. She was a bit ‘off’ with BHRR’s Angel Noelle at first and also with my own 11 year old Female Cherokee. BHRR’s Hercules, she thinks is a loveable nut I am sure!  We remind her firmly at times to ‘be nice’ and she throws off the bully Cape and is great.

She does not know how to properly communicate, seriously lacks some social dog to dog proper skills and, yet, in just the short period of time she has been with us, she has made remarkable progress. With clear effective guidance and learning that no one is going to hurt or manhandle her – dog or human – boy, has she been coming around. 

As she understands more about what is expected of her and that we are gong to be very supportive, positive yet, balanced with her training with consistency, patience, time, understanding and lots of structure that includes obedience, she is responding. SO well.

Sean and I can both pretty much touch her anywhere now and she is sporting a rash on her lower belly that will be medically addressed.

She is a strong big gorgeous Dane and she is listening better and her true bestest of friends is BHRR’s Dune! Those two are a hoot!!

She and he are bff’s!!!

She lacks confidence in some ways and so we have been working with a calming word and signal(touch). She is relaxing more and we are seeing less hackles when strangers come by and barking also.

Her hackles go up yet no barking occurs around strange or new dogs.

She is eating well and drinking and is 100% housebroken. She is about 12 months of age and loves to ‘nest’ and ‘baby’ this one toy. She is not yet spayed and shall be as soon as we can get her comfortably able to handle the Vet visit.

Quite affectionate now to both Sean and I and thinks Mason is quite the teenager. 

She has a lot of potential yet, she has her fair share of triggers right now that ‘set’ her off with hackles right now and one day at a time….one baby step at a time.

Her beautiful face reminds me so much of our FREEDOM Dane, BHRR’s Gretta.

So much I could write here yet, mini Gwennie novel I shall end for now. 

Welcome to BHRR, beautiful young lady!


Someone is settling in well, BHRR’s Dune! Here he is with Lion King BHRR’s Pumbaa, an awesome DDB in our Haven program.

He will receive his boosters within the next couple of weeks, we will do his bloodwork for heart-worm plus tick borne diseases and with a bit more training, he will be ready to make his own special announcement. Yay!

He has learned that we do not lift our leg in the house… He has learned that we share water bowls and also to share Gwennie…  AND, the jumping is to a minimum now. The muscle tone that he has been developing! He is one lean muscled stunning boy. 

For those who know the size of my four month old Great Dane ‘Salt’, BHRR’s Dune is the same height. He is a gorgeous, nicely in proportion boy and a poorly bred single breed Dane I think not at all, possibly Rhodesian Ridgeback in there also with the Dane yet, as always, it does not matter….he is affectionate, happy, loves everyone and, is bombing along his rehab!

He is hanging around 70 pounds right now and putting the weight on well and, maybe he top off around 80 pounds. He is about 18 months or so and truly has been a treat to have here!!

Any right matched forever loving home that applies to adopt him is going to be getting one heck of an awesome dog!



Here is the lovely Manager of Global Pet Foods – Hintonburg – Amanda with BHRR’s Kaos. He says THANK YOU for hosting us to help raise monies for my leg!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: Kaos under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

OR to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966 over the phone or in person. He also has a file set-up there.

He has been to both KAH and LAH already to date and is back at LAH on the 27th of August.

**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Kaos’ Great Angels:  $1,123.70 donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $1,413.83
*Before PayPal fees
Elizabeth – Collar, Small Stuffie
Megan – Leash, Large Stuffie
Karen – + Fleece Blanket
Tracy/Shawna – 2 x Large Stuffies
Nairn Again
Global Pet Foods – Hintonburg  – Mini Microchip Chip Clinic


All of us at BHRR wish to extend a big and deep thank you to Global Pet Foods – Hintonburg for the really special opportunity to be at their lovely location yesterday to have one of our popular mini microchip clinics!

From the wonderful helpful staff to our incredible approved Volunteers to all of our WOW visitors of humans, dogs and cats, the day was one filled with true warmth!

So much gratitude is felt in my heart for how a community can be so kind and generous to help a dog in need. Yesterday, we gathered together to make sure more dogs and cats were microchipped, a cause extremely deep plus personal to my own heart.

AND, BHRR’s baby Kaos, was the really lucky and fortunate blessed wee soul that is going to benefit from all the love shown yesterday.

We did 9 microchips – majority were cats also! Just so great to see!, 10 nail trims and 2 ear cleanings! We had donations of just shy of $240 placed in our donation box on the table and, the kisses plus smooches that BHRR’s Kaos gave in thanks, made his pooch smooch red carpet sessions a big hit!

Doogies’ face-painting and feathers are becoming famous and not just beautiful and so many were sporting fashionable accessories!! 

I need to send out BIG thanks to Dawn, Margaret(our treasurer fabu!), Sean, Doogie and Chelsea again for spending the day with me!! Chelsea, you did an incredible job educating plus informing the public in so many ways re: BHRR’s Kaos’ journey!! 

Lianne and Dawn and Mason plus Sean, thank you for making some baked goodies also! 

BHRR does not do many public events per year and when we do, we never cease to be amazed by how unbelievably outstanding people and their pets are!! So many people came out to talk BHRR, responsible dog rescue plus ownership, Danes, big dawgs, to hang, share some laughs, great conversation, Dane puppy snuggles and cuddles and, come together in a shared goal of camaraderie and wanting to help a wee pup in need! 

We met so many new people wanting to know more about our group that has now been around for just shy of 20 years and, others that have followed us for years and wanted to come out to meet us in person and give us such sweet words of support, goodness and heart!! 

The total raised yesterday to help BHRR’s Baby Kaos is $776.25 and I then also threw in my personal donation of $100 making a grand total of $876.25 raised for his ever increasing Vet Bills!

He is back at LAH on Thursday August 27th for more x-Rays under sedation, exams etc., and we will keep all of his fan club updated!!

Thank you from my heart and soul to so many that once again made yesterday possible. From sharing the poster creatively made by Global, to posting a word or two wishing us a successful day to donations of a baked goodie, to giving up a truly wonderful Saturday to volunteer, to visiting us etc. 

All of you made magic happen again for a BHRR dog in need!!! I am eternally indebted….

BHRR’s CHAIN OF SUCCESS lives strong!

This photo is of BHRR’s Baby Kaos thanking Auntie Margaret for all of her help yesterday being the treasurer……he wuvs her! We do too!


BHRR’s Kaos – 10 weeks now! WOW!

He has such a tough life…..

I am getting the ‘evil’ eye as it is time to do his nails and he wants to keep ‘lounging’. I like to do them weekly. 

BHRR’s Kaos’ would prefer that I do not do his nails at all!

He is seeing Dr. Philibert on Thursday August 27th for further xrays, exams and to help best determine that next step for him for that leg (growth plate fracture) and knee(suspected meniscus damage or an OCD lesion). 

Any considerations for his bills can be made direct to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966
OR via PayPal ‘friends and family option’ to gwen@birchhaven.org 
OR via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

He will be hanging with us at Global Pet Foods – Hintonburg in his famous xpen on Saturday August 22nd from 10 AM – 4 PM! 

He has told me that he will do a special pooch smooch session per person for a $5.00 for all monies raised on Saturday will go to his ever increasing Vet Bills.

The weather is going to be glorious!

We are doing one of our ever popular microchip mini clinics, nails, ear cleaning, some merchandise shall be for sale, a few baked goodies shall be offered up AND, come visit us to talk Danes, Big DAWGS, BHRR, responsible dog ownership, and animal welfare issues plus more!

THANK you again Global Pet Foods – Hintonburg for this event!!! We are excited and feel privileged.

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: Kaos under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

OR to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966 over the phone or in person. He also has a file set-up there.

He has been to both KAH and LAH already to date and is back at LAH on the 27th of August.

**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Kaos’ Great Angels:  $247.48 donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $1,101.65
*Before PayPal fees
Elizabeth – Collar, Small Stuffie
Megan – Leash, Large Stuffie
Karen – + Fleece Blanket
Tracy/Shawna – 2 x Large Stuffies
Nairn Again


BHRR’s ???? Needs a name!
**Edited to add that we are aware of what she had been called at one point and she shall have a new name for a new beginning.**
It is official, BHRR is bringing her in! 
ETA Weekend of August 29th, 2015
This lovely lady is a 2 year old Brindle with white Bloodhound/Great PyrX. She was owner surrendered to the shelter and then was adopted by a farmer who then returned her as his other dog was beating her up. 
She is good with people, dogs and is submissive and very sweet. Weight at shelter was 92 pounds.
She is not trained and has a ‘barking’ problem at the shelter as she is bored. 
So thankful that we can assist her………just so thankful…….

7707_SADIE Bloodhound Great Pyr mix altered female_92 lbs SURRENDER

This Saturday!

Global Pet Foods – Hintonburg very kindly asked if we would do one of our popular mini microchip clinics at their location and we shall be at their lovely location

Saturday August 22nd from 10 am – 4 pm!
*No appointments necessary

*Microchips $40 includes registration
*Nails $10
*Ear Cleaning $10
*Face Painting and Feathers by the ever talented and kind Dee Dick
*Famous Pooch Smooch Red Carpet Sessions $5
*Merchandise from sale
*Some baked goodies

We are still ISO: Three approved BHRR Volunteers to help out this day! Please email contactbhrr@gmail.com if interested!

THANK you Global Pet Foods – Hintonburg for this great opportunity to see more cats/dogs(minimum 8 weeks of age) microchipped!

All monies raised shall go to BHRR’s Kaos’ mounting Vet Bills. He is the 6 week old Great Dane puppy that we were asked to assist that has a growth plate fracture and a knee concern.

AND here is the event page to join!


BHRR’s Raven’s Pathology report is in! YES! YES! YES!

They made a typo in the report and said she was ‘adopted’ yet, is recently into rescue! She has now had her booster and once she has put on more weight, she will have a special announcement to make! I am so relieved! SO so so relieved!!! Very detailed report…….

She is going to make a home an wonderful addition. She can be a wee bit ‘worried’ at first yet, settles so fast and is full of affection!!! With not having had much love in her live prior to rescue, this is understandable yet, she is learning BIG time about the great things life has to offer!

She is gorgeous and is the FIRST dog since we lost BHRR’s Dana – a legend of BHRR – that has figured out the ice cube maker! The looks on the dogs faces that knew that amazing dollface Dane. 😀

IMG_8202 IMG_8203

BHRR’s Raven and I are back for a recheck to see how things are going! I am hoping we can do her booster today also!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: Raven’s under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

**IF I am forgetting any of her ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Raven’s Great Angels:  $1,305.25 donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $2,389.03
*Before PayPal fees
Elizabeth – 2 x Collars
Lianne/Cliff – Dog Bed
August 8th’s Critter Jungle’s Dirty DAWG Wash – $1,165.25!

IMG_8171 IMG_8182

Someone is getting sleepy as he floats in the pool with Mason. BHRR’s Kaos! The eyes are closing and the head is starting to nod……
A great weather day to do some floating……no swimming,  just floating.


BHRR’s Oakley is doing well!

That startle reflex is eons better than it was and his space issues are better and he has so much more self-control.

He has been off all medications since he arrived to me and doing well.

Still like to see him fill out more yet that will come, he is so young still.

He is personality plus!

Here is a small video of BHRR’s Maple when I went to get her tonight at KAH.

You can see how fearful she is….she had huge barrier aggression at the shelter.

Patience, treats and time enabled me to be able to put her on a leash and take her home.

I look forward to posting a video of when she is much less fearful and more comfortable.

VIDEO – BHRR’s Maple August 12th, 2015

So, Nancy so generously and wonderfully has picked up the female Fawn with Merle & White Great Dane! STILL nameless!

She says that she is a ‘sweetheart’, traveled well and I am on my way shortly……..

Nancy would not even accept any gas money from me. I am beyond grateful for the fast stepping up to assist us with getting this GD out of the shelter as she was so urgent and, I could not even get Nancy to take one dime for all of her time, effort, gas and kindness. She asked me to put any donation I would give her way to this Dane’s Vet Bills and I shall do so!

Nancy, never could I thank you enough for helping me to mobilize so fast to get this girl safe into rescue. I am truly one lucky person to know you……..THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

Soon……..she will be at BHRR soon………..

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BHRR’s Bell’s bloodwork has come back and while she is negative for Heartworm, Lymes and Ehrlichiosis, she tested positive for Anaplasmosis. The importance of heartworm plus flea/tick preventative cannot be emphasized enough. Where there are mosquitoes’ there is heartworm. Where there are fleas, there are flea problems, where there are ticks, there are tick borne diseases. All so easily preventable with monthly medication. We know prior to coming to BHRR she was not on any preventative medication.

BHRR keeps all the dogs on preventative yearly, not just the standard May – November, just to be extra cautious.

Now, we are going to be doing a Anaplasma PCR plus a full CBC to see if she was a ‘false positive’ on the snap test or is truly positive for Anaplasmosis. We will also see if she is anaemic, a big sign of Anaplasmosis. If she is positive, her special announcement shall have to be delayed while treatment is commenced and until she tests ‘negative’.

Keep her in your best thoughts………..

Some photo’s sent our way by Georgy on August 9th. You can see that one nasty scar on his head.

“Hi Gwen These pics aren’t the greatest but the best I could do at 6 am. LOL.  hates the camera. This boy is MAGNIFICENT ~~~~  I love him to bits !  He loves EVERYBODY~  What a fabulous boy !!!  I envy the lucky recipient of this fella!  Can’t say enough good things about him.  He was an absolute pleasure to spend time with.

Big sigh …….”

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BHRR’s Raven is in for a recheck – she has quite the seroma and edema in the one mass removal area. Not the area that has the drain. That is looking great.

Per the Vet, took out the drain and will keep the sutures in for a few more days and recheck. The Vet tried to drain some of the fluid yet it was quite difficult to remove much of anything.

BHRR’s Raven was amazing! As always!

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Needs a name!!! 
Female fawn with merle Great Dane.
She is arriving tomorrow or the next day. Poor girl has been in at least three homes to date, is only 12-18 months of age, extremely fearful, no training and, needed out of the shelter ASAP. 
Thank you to Nancy for her help in driving this transport as I am at CHEO all day tomorrow with my daughter and cannot drive to get her myself.


And note from a transport angel re: BHRR’s Dune:

“Man, I was in love with sweet Dodger. Can’t imagine how someone let him go! Thank you for taking the big lug!


“I only met briefly as he jumped up on Margaret to give her a kiss and a hug with enthusiasm!  Took a picture of this handsome boy with Helen.  He is easy to love!”

This photo and blurb above is from Leslie

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An update Georgy sent to the transport center about her experience with BHRR’s Dune;

“She says he is the very best dog she has ever had.  Someone is going to get one amazing furbaby.”


An update on BHRR’s Dune from Georgy who overnighted him the second night on his way to BHRR.

“My overnight couldn’t have gone better.  He is beyond adorable and well behaved.  He knows to go to the door when he needs out.  Cuddly, loving, sweetheart of a boy.  The recipient of this Angel is one lucky person – he is going to make an amazing family addition. An
He is very thin and has multiple small scars on his body.  A sizeable scar above his right eye.  Almost as if he had been cut pretty deeply and never been stitched?  But none of that stops his incredible personality and gentle nature.
He has a fabulous appetite.  I allowed him to eat until he was full.  I handled both and his food while he ate … had my hand right inside the food bowl and he didn’t think anything of it.
travels well in a car and seems to like joy riding. 
loves everyone that he meets.  He is extremely camera shy which makes it difficult to get his pic but I think I got a few of him while he languished in bed.  I will download them later and send them along.
Honestly Gwen I have yet to overnight a dog that is this easy to live with.  Despite arriving home from the transport last night only to find fireworks going off in the ravine behind my house – where they literally sprayed and boomed directly over my backyard …. which naturally terrified.  But we just stayed in my van until they were over and then we scooted indoors.  He was fine after that.  He has been an absolute pleasure to spend too brief of a time together.  We haven’t even left the house yet and I miss him already !  What a wonderful boy !
So, we are just about to get on the road so will leave this here.  Will send pics (if they turn out) later this afternoon.
My absolute congrats and envy of new family.  He is remarkable !
Thanks !”

Transport Update from Georgy who over-nighted BHRR’s Dune on his way to us:

“…..curled up on the floor behind my seat on the drive home but wouldn’t you just know it – as I pulled into my driveway there were HUGE fireworks going off in the ravine behind my house – spraying directly over my backyard.  Poor was terrified and I had to keep him in the van until the idiots quit setting off the fireworks.  He is afraid to go outside now but I will give him some time to chill out – he is laying on my bdrm floor – eyes closed.  I think he is pretty pooped.  What a good boy he is !!!!
Hugs galore, great appetite.  I handled him and his food without any problem at all.  GREAT DAWG !!!
Lucky recipient of this boy tomorrow !”

A couple of photo’s from Molly and an update who helped transport BHRR’s Dune to us and overnighted him – the first night.

“Here are a couple of photos. 

He wasn’t easy to get to hold still for a photo but what a handsome dog!

I think he is pretty much a Rhodesian Ridgeback mix. That’s what he looks like to me. Knows how the command to Sit, so he has had some training. that is how I got a couple of good photos. I had trouble with him being overly affectionate and wanting to stand up and hug me, and almost knock me down. He is a super dog, just gorgeous, and I am sure with just a little bit of training to correct that wanting to jump on people, he will be great.

I was needlessly worried that he might go after the cats, but he was perfect with them. In fact, I think he tried to avoid them, knowing how cats can be.

He was very good about house manners, always peeing and pooping outside. I hope finds a happy home, gets some training, and has a good life.”

Dune1 Dune2




BHRR’s Kaos and BHRR approved Volunteer Sandra at the Critter Jungle Dirty Dawg Wash!

Oh my word!! Oh my……what a day! We are just driving home, well Sean is!

AND, I wanted to post HUGE thanks to each person that shared this event that Critter Jungle hosted, to Barry for the poster, to all that came out to visit, had nails, ear cleanings, baths, microchips, bought some merchandise, talked ‘dawgs’ with us etc.

To each BHRR Volunteer that spent the day with us, THANK you! Today, could not have been possible without so many coming together!

The laughter, the new friendships formed, the unscheduled ‘human’ baths(insert Bruce and Sean! LOL) the dogs from chi’s to pei’s to Danes and more, their humans, the one gorgeous well behaved cat, to the wonderful helpful staff at Critter Jungle, to every generous caring animal loving person that showed up, THANK you!!

You are what makes BHRR, your local Great Dane/Giant Breed & Equine Rescue stand so strong plus united almost 20 years later! BHRR CHAIN OF SUCCESS!!

We washed 30 gorgeous dogs, did 26 nail trims, 8 ear cleanings, 2 microchips, heart warming independent donations of $260.25 were received, $35 in merchandise was sold and, as our lovely treasurer, Margaret for the day told me as she and Bruce were adding and re-adding the monies, ‘walk away Gwennie from the table’ as my eyes welled up more and more with every kind generous bill, change counted….

For the grand total that I had to digest and read over and over again that each of you beautiful angels made happen for a very special Great Dane puppymill mama named BHRR’s Raven is $1,165.25!!!!!

This money is going to make such a difference in the bills that are mounting for this so deserving special Great Dane!!! I am going home to hug her and whisper in her ear that she is loved, that she is important and that so many are there for her!!

I am so grateful to so many and Ginnette & the rest of the amazing staff at Critter Jungle what you do for the community is humbling…..thank you for letting us have this day of memories and experiences that bring so much warmth to my soul!

Margaret, Cherie, Mason, Sandra, Sean, Dawn, Serena and Bruce, thank you for giving up your Saturday to spend the day with me!

Glorious weather and BHRR’s Kaos had a fabu day also!!

What a day!!! WOW! Just WOW…..love this event…….just love it! What an honour bestowed upon BHRR to have had this opportunity.

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BHRR’s Salma – April 2004 – August 8th, 2015
HQD(Her Queenship Divine)

As many know, BHRR is a rehabilitation and haven program. We work to make each dog the best that they can be and, we always take in the next dog in need of us. 

We adopt out those that we can and our focus is on making each dog the best dog they can be and adoptions are wonderful yet, if a dog is deemed not adoptable for medical and/or behavioural reasons, they remain in our Haven Program for life. We focus on the special needs and assist all those that we can, giving them quality of life from the moment they arrive…….. 

We have our ever popular and long-standing Visitation and Play Date program that enables each dog to experience the world in so many different fabu and beautiful ways, up and beyond what we do daily at BHRR. 

The hard part of rescue and in reality in general, is when a dog needs to be humanely crossed over…….the devastation, the overwhelming depth of pain over the hearbreaking loss of any dog or horse in our programs, is the part of the world that I would rather wished we did not have to experience or go through….for the animal and for the humans that love them…..

We live in a place that we can humanely cross over those we love, cradled warmly with so much adoration in our arms, blessing them in the fall of the teardrops filled with so much heartfelt emotion…..

BHRR’s Salma, HQD was one of the last dogs still fighting the good battle over contaminated donated by another group back in January. 

A Dogo and dog LIKE none other, boy, did she keep me rocking on my toes! 

She showed Cancer who was boss, and a dog that was expected to die shortly after her arrival into Rescue(February 2013) after being diagnosed with a MCT and having an emergency surgery, she took the medical world by storm…..

She took no prisoners this one…..she ruled the world and each day, took me on a journey of lessons that I will never forget, hands being thrown up in helpless laughter over and over due to her antics and the constant ‘selective hearing!.’

She was the best doctor/nurse any dog or person could have, she demonstrated to me many a time how to ‘properly’ tuck in a dog with one of her special blankets, how a dog bowl could never have even a drop of dog drool on it, how if a nano second went by and the dog bowls were not filled up, one would be dropped  at my feet as a ‘gentle’ reminder! 

The way that she would just sit there and look at me with that facial expression that screamed ‘ok, human, I know you have some potential and are NOT that stupid…..you will ‘get this’ make me feel more grounded than anything else I have ever experienced. I could always just picture her as if she had her arms crossed, eyes rolling and the one foot tapping as my brain frantically worked through all the options as to what HQD was trying to tell me.

No amount of formal education of degrees or work experience will ever have taught me more than this amazing Dogo did during her time with us…..

A Mama to the end………she taught these dogs in our programs more about trust, learning to live, being a dog, that it was ok to not be perfect, that mistakes are going to happen and you will not be beaten, screamed at or hurt…….than I could ever have done…..

Having lost our Dollface and main leader female dog, BHRR’s Dana is December of 2012, HQD coming in February of 2013 was what my home and programs needed…..she was the bomb……I knew as I was driving home and someone had called me on my drive home the day she arrived and was asking me about her and how I felt she woudl fit in and I said BHRR’s Salma is what was so dearly needed in my home….she would right order, help the confused, the worried, the stressed and the hurting……….she would be the perfect fit for what had been missing since BHRR’s Dana’s own tragic loss and bring her own flair, style and touch.

AND boy, did she ever!!! 

HQD, my heart shattered into a million pieces when it was your time to cross-over yet, I know you will always be there on my shoulder, that voice in my head and your legacy in memories, lessons and so much more shall live on forever….

You touched a world……..you came from the darkest of pasts and yet, your shining beautiful light was never squashed by any of that……

I miss you so much……..as I find myself sadly saying too much in 2015, I will see you in my dreams…….

RIP the one and ONLY HQD


BHRR’s Bell went in for her heartworm and tickborne bloodwork testing today. She weighed 40.4 Kgs(88.88 pounds). She still needs more weight and we are hoping that in a few more weeks, that she shall be ready to make a special announcement!

She did great overall with the exam, we even got a super great clean on her ears(she has let me do them fairly well at home), took treats gently and is getting much better about car travelling. She keeps wanting to either go out a window or into the front seat and tethering has been super important for safety for all.

I was able to do her nails yesterday without it being too stressful on her……..and me!

She is now rarely having any accidents in the house, her leash manners are improving and she is quite playful and affectionate. 🙂

She even pawed me today for the first time in play.

BHRR`s Kaos had a very busy day! It has been a very busy week at BHRR and today in particular, with three dogs alone today seeing Vets.

BHRR`s Kaos now weighs 9.1 Kgs(20.02 pounds) and just turned 9 weeks of age.

He is thriving and looking so handsome. Fit and a loving boy. We were at both LAH and KAH today and, so many had their noses stuck into his fur, loving the softness of it and how great he smells.

He is growing as Great Danes do, right before our eyes!

The Vet is pleased with the progress of his fractured leg at this time. Both of his back legs are growing fairly evenly and yes, he limps and at times, does not use it yet, his Vets biggest concern remains the knee and he left a voice message with Dr. Philibert, while we were there. He is hoping that Dr. P. may be able to scope that knee. The ‘clicking’ and ‘crunching’ of that knee, the discomfort upon manipulation plus exam on that knee, the inability to fully flex it, and the swelling, makes his Vet feel that the knee needs to be the first medical concern to address surgically and that we need to keep monitoring closely with continued regular evaluations plus assessments that growth plate fracture.

So, we are hoping to hear back from Dr. P. early next week as to the next steps for baby Kaos.

His Vet believes that baby Kaos could have a torn meniscus or an OCD lesion in that knee. He feels that his bad days is when the ‘flap’ gets pinched.

His Vet is now on holidays for the next month and so baby Kaos shall be in excellent hands with Dr. P and at KAH still.

He is fast asleep in my arms at reception in the photo below, as I spent a bit of time visiting with the staff before leaving LAH today.

He had his first boosters today also. We did discuss his stool again and, we are going to look at switching over NSAIDs in the next week.

He is doing great on his food, I have his increased dosing for Tramadol for him, he is beginning his second round of de-worming and, he LOVED all the attention he received today.

He impressed so many with his sit and stay manners.

So, overall a ‘fair’ progress report and, we will continue to update as we can.

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: Kaos under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

OR to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966 over the phone or in person. He also has a file set-up there.

He has been to both KAH and LAH already to date and is back at LAH on the 7th of August.

**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Kaos’ Great Angels:  $237.48 donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $934.09
*Before PayPal fees
Elizabeth – Collar, Small Stuffie
Megan – Leash, Large Stuffie
Karen – + Fleece Blanket
Tracy/Shawna – 2 x Large Stuffies


This album is dedicated to the young Great Dane Puppy Mill mama (about 18 months) that we have in our care.

She is not only skinny, recently had puppies, yet was dumped at a kill shelter with some very aggressive mammary turmours/growths/masses that we had no idea about until we picked her up. The poor thing………

She went in for surgery on Thursday August 6th for a spay and to have a mastectomy on the one mammary – gland is also now completely removed(per her Vet), remove all growths, masses plus tumours and to have them sent off for pathology.

She has had pre-op bloodwork including heartworm testing plus for tickborne diseases. She has been dewormed, microchipped, placed on revolution and is now on Deramaxx plus Tramadol for comfort.

We are all anxiously waiting fo the results of her tumours.

She has a drain installed in the one area and we are back in on Monday for a re-assessment/exam

All monies raised from the August 8th , Critter Jungle Dirty DAWG Wash shall go towards her mounting Vet Bills.

DONATIONS can be made direct to Kanata Animal Hospital – in person @ 440 Hazeldean Road or over the phone:
(613) 836-2848

OR via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

She is so sweet, deserves so much more than what she was given in life prior to rescue and, please consider helping us help her……..

The top of the drain from the whole mammary gland and massive tumour growth removal
August 6th, 2015
Surgeon’s Notes:
“Two discrete sq round firm, hyperpigmented mammary masses removed from left caudal mammary gland area- 1cm diameter.
right caudal mammary gland- similar discrete firm round 6-8mm diameter sq mammary
2–0 vetafil interrupted skin sutures.
Left anterior mammary gland:: round firm, round multi-lobed approx 3 1/2 to 4 inches in length by 2 inches in width, mammary tissue.- excised, several vessels ligated ie very
vascular tissue, penrose drain applied, three simple interrupted 2-0 vicryl sq sutures to
tack down and approach skin edges, 2-0 vetafil simple interrupted sutures.
To remove drain in 4-5 days, pending amount of drainage.”


(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: Raven’s under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

**IF I am forgetting any of her ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Raven’s Great Angels:  $130 donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $1,898.70
*Before PayPal fees
Elizabeth – 2 x Collars
Lianne/Cliff – Dog Bed

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BHRR’s ??? – NEEDS a name!
Young Great Dane male, quite likely a X at that light ‘giant’ weight!
He is on our waiting list to come into BHRR!
NEW INFO Sent Our Way: 
“…..very friendly, but he is a jumper. He loves to take a running leap into your arms or to jump up and give hugs. He was 66 lbs on our scale at the shelter, but he is tall and leggy. I don’t have a single bad thing to say about him…he’s a great boy.”


Today, our puppymill Great Dane Mama, BHRR’s Raven is having her surgeries – biopsies, growth removals plus spay. Then they shall be sent off to pathology.

Her Vet will do x-rays of her lungs should she feel they are required. Whatever she needs I have said to please do for her.

All the growths, except this one(photo below) have not changed. This one has gotten bigger yet, we had to wait until BHRR’s Raven was healthier to even undergo surgery.

Once we have her bills from today, we shall have a better idea re: fundraising needs for her plus once the pathology report comes back. All proceeds from this Saturday(HOPE to see many of you there!) at Critter Jungle for the dirty dog wash(we are also microchipping, doing nails plus cleaning ears and will have some merchandise for sale!) shall go to her care.

She is so sweet, young – no more than 18 months herself, affectionate and deserved a much better life than she received prior to her rescue.

If anyone wishes to contribute to her mounting vet bills, you can contact the wonderful Kanata Animal Hospital directly at 613-836-2848 or visit them in person – 440 Hazeldean Road, Kanata.

Please keep her in your best thoughts…..


(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: Raven’s under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

**IF I am forgetting any of her ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Raven’s Great Angels:  $30 donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $347.90
*Before PayPal fees
Elizabeth – 2 x Collars
Lianne/Cliff – Dog Bed


AND we are on our way! Secret mission time!
BHRR’s Pearl and BHRR’s Bell(Deaf/Visually Impaired) are waiting to go!
What a glorious weather day to be out for a drive and other great stuff!
Both of these beautiful Danes are not yet Available for Adoption!
*BHRR’s Bell looks quite small next to BHRR’s Pearl yet she is not. She has her head down lower.


So after a late night(I know all my nights are late!) and an earlier AM, this was my sight when I got up!
BHRR’s Kaos is clearly on summer vacation time and sleeping in!
After I had showered, he was up for some breaky and then was back snuggled in for a snooze.
I so wanted to join him!
I have to operate on his one stuffie tonight, his fav one has somehow, his head split open in a tiny spot and, cannot have anything happen to that teddy bear! BHRR’s Kaos adores that one the most!
He is back on Friday for his re-check and we will continue to update on his journey as we can….


BHRR’s Angel Noelle had a great home-visit and we shall be doing a transitional adoption to this home. She is NOW ADOPTED!
After patiently waiting for 16 months, that right matched forever loving home has come along and how I feel this to be the case is the peace I have in my heart plus soul.
I knew this adoption, when the time came of a right matched forever loving home to find this beautiful girl, that it would be so hard…..on her and me and yet, while my voice did break a few times tonight, I had so much peace, more than I thought I would ever feel and that makes it ‘right’.
It is hard to put into words…..
This girl means the world to so many of us….she went through absolute hell in her past, she has inspired a village, a community, hers on her resilience, her proving that she is perfectly normal as a tripod as we had to remove her leg from the prior abuse she had received.
She has made a world fall in love with her and, she is going to be fine. So many have asked me why do you not keep her, she is so bonded to you and yes, BHRR’s Angel Noelle would lay her life down for me, she has gifted me with her trust, her heart and her life.
Yet, she does not need me….I want a life for this incredible wee dog that is so full of potential, to be one that I have always prepared her for.
I have so much happiness in my heart right now…..yes, there is sadness over the journey ended for her and I yet, wow…..look at the chapters she is going to have in her future!
I can now help another in need of me, thanks to this amazing honourary giant and to the wonderful home that is going to adopt her…..
That BHRR special CHAIN OF SUCCESS lives on strong…..
Our patience and hers waiting for that right matched forever loving home will ensure that BHRR’s Angel Noelle is going to go where she belongs…..
We will always be connected and if I continue to do my ‘job’ right, this transitional adoption will be one of great memories, experiences and a smooth adjustment for home and her!
I am at peace….
Thank you Filomena and Julie for being her first Angels….I sincerely wish you could have been at this hv with me. You would be so proud of her!!! So proud! The compliments on her manners and demeanour and personality were so touching.
Karen thank you again for being her transport angel to me! This incredible dog has brought so many people together!
Aaron, thank you for doing this beautiful home-visit with me!
Thank you to all of her fans, supporters, friends and more for being there for her in her darkest hour and biggest time of need and helping us raise the money needed for her emergency care!
We are truly blessed!
It was hard to get a great photo and we may try for another one later! Thanks Aaron for this lovely shot though!!


AND we are on our way! BHRR’s Angel Noelle’s, one of our honourary Giants, home-visit time for her possible approved Adoption! We will post an update as we can!
Thanks again Aaron for doing this hv with me!
Someone thinks she is going to ride shotgun!
Keep positive thoughts in mind please!


BHRR’s Porridge was at the Vet with me today as he has been really struggling in this heat with his inflammatory nasal disease (extreme heat and extreme cold are so hard on him….) and losing weight.
His heart and lungs remain so strong plus healthy…..he just cannot breathe right the IND in the extreme weather.
Sadly, he has dropped 21.12 pounds since he was last at the Vet, exactly 3 months ago. When it is harder for him to breathe, it is harder for him to eat. Now, that the weather is breaking, he is eating better…..
I bring him in every 10-12 weeks for a recheck.
He now weighs 141.90 pounds and after his episode with the food contamination back in January with food donated to our group, he had dropped over 20 pounds then and we never quite got it back up to the 178 pounds he was of lean muscled boy. He is a very tall boy, almost 41″ at the whithers. We had gotten him back up close to 165 pounds.
We made the decision with his Vet that we will increase his prednisone on the really hot days. He was getting 50 mg SID.
We discussed quality of life in depth and know that this miracle Dane that was once not expected to see past his 18 month birthday and is now almost 7.5 years is on limited quality time, especially if we hit another extreme heat or cold spell, which is inevitable in our climate.
So, tears all around for his vet and I today and, I am praying for cooler weather to stay…..
Day by day and lots of love!


BHRR’s Kaos – August 2015 by our pool deck as the evening draws near……
No matter how many years I am involved with this amazing breed, the Great Dane – almost 28 years now! – they can look so regal(other times NOT!) no matter their age.
8 weeks of age and he says a sweet good-night to all his fans!


Today’s ‘model’ session with BHRR’s Kaos, the now 8 week old Great Dane puppy with the growth plate fracture and also suspected damage to his meniscus.

He has had a small float in the pool, ‘stole’ Salt’s CET Dental Chew – we purchase ours from KAH – and had a small nibble and fell asleep still nibbling….. Rather than snooze on one of the dog beds I brought out, he seems to prefer the sun warmed wooden deck.

He is now having a sweet afternoon nap on the porch by the pool with birds chirping, deer drinking from the spring fed pond, the wind rustling the leaves of the trees, and the water sounds of the pool are making his rest a sweet one.

Have to lovely a lazy hazy summer day! Even I stopped for half an hour to enjoy the fresh soft breeze and the clouds floating by…..

Sean and kids are finally back today from being away since the 25th of July, visiting his parents in N.B.

It has been a great week solo manning BHRR, busy and longer days plus nights!

AND, I missed them and I also dearly missed being with Mason to celebrate his 15th birthday on the 31st with him being away.

So, that is why there were few posts throughout the week, except for the one night!

Duty called me overtime these past 8 days with everything!

Happy long weekend from our home to all of you!! As always, may your time be filled with happiness, health and people you love!
