I cannot let today go by without wishing a truly incredible, miraculous amazing BHRR Haven Dog, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
BHRR’s Porridge turns a miracle 7 years young today! 
This boy has beaten the odds! 
Born outside in the freezing cold, One of 9 pups…..I first was told about them when there were about 2 weeks of age….I made the 3+ hour drive to try to educate, beg, and plead for the O. to at least bring mom and puppies inside, if she would not surrender them. To no avail….
I left blankets and towels and food and, had a very heavy heart…..
It took one month before I could get what I needed to be able to legally get back to the property and seize mom/pups. 
Sadly by then, all pups but five had died and two of those pups plus mom had to be let go on site. 
The owner was feeding the puppies combined; only a total of 1/4 cup of food, two or three times a day(she could not remember how often she fed them.).
Out of ten precious creatures, I could only save three and, two had parvo. A local Vet took in those two to assist and, he ended up adopting our parvo pups when healthy – ‘Fiona and Tinka’ who also are wished a very Happy Birthday today! 🙂
I took the third, he was named ‘BHRR’s Porridge’ by my son, who was 7 at the time and, he was diagnosed with MegaE and, even being a group/home experienced with MegaE, his prognosis was given as poor and, we were told he would not live to 12 months, and, 18 months was a pipe dream…..
Well, that first year, we battled aspiration pneumonia more than once as he and we figured out the whole feeding regiment. 
The hardest part is that BHRR’s Porridge grew to a very impressive almost 41″ at the whithers, and, then you have to add, neck and head!
While not the tallest Dane ever had here, he is the second tallest.
Moving forward through the years, this boy continued to thrive and, steal the hearts of so many around him! 
In 2009, he took on a new challenge – Seizures
In the fall of 2009, he then had his first gas bloat
In February of 2011, he then had his second gas bloat
In May of 2013, he had to have a puncture biopsy of a suspicious growth on his muzzle – all turned out great
In March of 2014, he had to be rushed into KAH for breathing difficulties. We were told a possible nasal tumour was the concern. Much testing and traveling was done and, in the end, it is Inflammatory Nasal Disease that he has and, he is on Pred daily.
In January of 2015 he then battled food contamination from food donated our way by another group and he dropped almost 20 pounds. That was a very scary time.
We fast forward to end of March 2015 and, the GD that was said to not live to 12-18 months has now turned 7!!!
His weight is back up, not the lean 178 pounds he once was, yet close and he is happy, as healthy as can be and, while his body may move slower, his heart and brain are as youthful as ever!
When he is ready to rumble, body armor time it is!
His full blog can be read here: 
SO, from all of us to you our ‘Giraffe’, our ‘Papaya’ Boy, HAPPY Birthday!!! 
All of yours specialists are loving that you are proving them wrong! 🙂

The newest BBBBB has a name now!! The suggestions made from when we first posted her to today when she arrived to us have been incredible!! Just WOW!
Yet, as soon as Lois posted ‘Liberty’, I just knew it was meant for her….
It holds so many meaningful messages that I made in her March 28th, blog post.
AND, this photo below from March 28th does not really show the level of emaciation she does have. Every rib, her hip bones, all the vetebrae on her back are visible.
AND, yes that is poop over her back, rump and all over her sides.
First order of business when she arrived home with me, was clean-up.
Sean tells me that she is eating the small hamburger/rice meals well. She is going to be fed a bit, every three hours to start.
I learned that at one point before coming to us, she had also stopped eating and was getting very weak…..
A Vet has prescribed dosages of some meds for her that include metro and panacur and, I will bring her into work with me on Monday. She has a long road ahead of her and, we are with her every step of the way…..
She really is a grand ol’ Dame! 8 years young and, uber affectionate!


(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to her account: She is under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

**IF I am forgetting any of her ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

Her Great Angels:  $30.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $389.32
*Before PayPal fees

Another one of The Lord Stafford before we head off for the home-visit!


Someone getting some more cuddles in before we hit the road for the home-visit!
He did not have a great night, my snorts…..
Despite asking for and booking a room with no carpet, we had carpet and, he is stuffed up and, itchy. 🙁
We are leaving shortly and, everything crossed for The Lord Stafford’s home-visit.


We are here and guess who is back sleeping?!! 
The Lord Stafford did NOT like not having his shotgun spot on the drive down….the glares! 
He has had a bit of a romp, some supper, water and, now is chilling! 
How can something so small take up SO much room in my bed at the hotel!!
The staff here are head over heels in love with him and, he is working it!! LOL
We hope all have a good, safe, happy plus healthy weekend.
We shall post more tomorrow, especially after the home-visit.
I am trying not to think that this is possibly my last night with him….makes my heart feel tight and my stomach clench…..


We are on our way!!! The Lord Stafford is none too happy that he does not get his shotgun seat with heat! Isn’t he awesome!! You just want to smooch him!! 
We shall update after we are settled into our Hotel!!
At a pit stop on our way to SWO – Newmarket OnRoute


I got her! The newest BBBBB! The 8 year old Great Dane. 
Still nameless. Small female GD, typical backyard crop, emaciation, covered in feces, watery bloody diarrhea, weak muscled wasted hind end, several growths and lumps that shall need attention and, she is going to give HQD a run for her money! 
I 100% agree with you in that one Karen! 
She clearly has been in a recent scrap with the healing wounds and, she is full of lots of old scars.
AND, her breath……whoa….
She is affectionate, strong minded also dehydrated and, on our way home now.
She is going to need a name that is worthy of such a strong survivor!

I am going to call her ‘Liberty’ – there are so many meaningful messages in that name!

1. The condition of being free from confinement, servitude, or forced labor.
2. The condition of being free from oppressive restriction or control by other powers.
3. A right to engage in certain actions without control or interference or other powers.
4. Not in confinement or under constraint; free.
5.  Entitled or permitted to do something

VIDEO OF BHRR’s Liberty March 28th, 2015

*You can see some of her emaciation yet, you can also see how the one side of her is coated in dog feces. It is all over her back, rump and legs too. On the back right hip/thigh area is one growth that needs to be addressed.

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(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to her account: She is under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

**IF I am forgetting any of her ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

Her Great Angels:  $0.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $0.00
*Before PayPal fees


The home-visit for BHRR’s Stafford’s possible approved adoption is this Sunday. We shall update as we can!

UPDATE: The home-visit is done! We did not do an approved adoption. If I could hand pick a right match personality fit dog to match theirs(a lovely Dane himself), it was as I did, BHRR’s Ivy.
They bonded strong, hard and fast…..right from hello…..he is a strong male, she is a strong female, both full of personality and, life plus character. Equal in energy and, immediate friends…..
Yet, BHRR’s a Ivy is not a right match for the humans in the home. She liked them, well, she loves everyone!!!
She needs a home that will commit to her needing that job, continued obedience and tons of patience as she keeps becoming the best dog she can be. She will keep one on their toes.
She is full of so much potential and, like BHRR’s Dana(for those who had the pleasure of knowing her, you will understand what I mean), she needs a home that accepts she is going to be a delightful handful for the rest of her life and, not break her spirit. She needs guidance, a sense of humour and, along with the structure plus consistency.
The home is a lovely home and, they feel the same way as Kathy and I do. No one wants to see a home fail or see a dog set up for failure.
They asked if we had another one for them in our program to be considered for, and, we do not. What works best for their current dog is not what works best for them and, I recommended to try DiD(which they have been looking at also) and, to keep searching.
They are going to be great parents to another dog when that time is right and, my heart is only sad for the two Danes for the two dogs, were such a perfect hit. I have been doing this almost 28 years and, they really were perfect.
BHRR is not desperate to place our dogs, our second to none success adoption statistics prove how careful we are about approving adoptions and, it has to be ‘right’ for home and dog…..
BHRR’s Ivy has had another amazing experience and, she has shown me again why I adore her so much! Honest, brilliant, loving, social, happy and, nothing is half measure for her…..
Best wishes to the home and, thank you for opening up your home to us today!!
Thanks Kathy for the hands today with the hv and see you in a couple of weeks!!

Posted in Ivy

Someone is STILL hogging the pillows and, not exactly a ‘morning dog’ this AM!!!
BHRR’s Ivy has been a fabu hotel companion!!! Great in the car and, we are off shortly to make the drive to Guelph.
Even, if this does not turn out to be her right matched personality fit home, she will have had another excellent experience that continues to make her that much more of a well balanced plus adjusted dog!
Though, she is pretty well balanced already through her rehab. journey at BHRR.
We shall update as we can.


Posted in Ivy

We have arrived safely at the hotel in Cambridge and, I think one BHRR’s Ivy could get used to the pampered life of her own bed and, room service!
Tomorrow is the big day in Guelph, Ontario for the home visit for her possible adoption! 
Keep her in your best wishes!!
Time for Mason and I to settle in ourselves and relax a bit!!
It has been an extremely busy day.


Posted in Ivy

Tonight’s CUTENESS Factor!
Skor(miracle 4.5 months!) & Herbie-Licious, The Love Bug(7 months), both GD’s are the best of buds……
After playing and pulling no less than 6 toys into an open crate, they crashed for a much needed snooze…both, still are gaining strength…..
AND, as we all know, Skor just loves snuggling and cuddling with her doggie friends!
BHRR’s Herbie is back on Monday for a re-weigh and to get a recheck and, to see what his new dose of the Ivermectin shall be. He is doing SOOOOOOOOOO well!
They are wishing everyone a lovely weekend! May it be safe, happy and surrounded by loved ones!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: Herbie’s under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Herbie’s Great Angels:  $295.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $1,279.92
*Before PayPal fees
Joan – Costco Dog Bed


My last post for tonight is another exciting one………
The Lord Stafford has moved under a PENDING ADOPTION!
We knew it would not take long…..only three days since he made his exciting announcement!
He has been a fabu honourary Giant for BHRR to have assisted…..as we do focus on those special needs, how could we not have stepped up to help him?!
Keep everything crossed!!!
As you can tell, he is excited himself…..snoring away! 


BHRR’s Riot(male blue GD) says he is also ready to make his special announcement!
He is great with dogs of all shapes and sizes, people he also adores – from kids to seniors, his manners are almost perfect as a gentleman, travels great in a car, friendly, social, outgoing and, a really personality filled ‘riot’.
This was the GD that was terrified and catatonic and, a proper evaluation was not able to be done by the shelter. He had a really terrible bronchial infection and, was skinny.
NOT any longer! He has been successfully rehabbed and, he is going to steal so many hearts for he has most certainly stolen mine!
He is going to make a home a positively WOW addition!!!
Congratulations you silly, smiling making, clown boy!

Here is a Testimonial from the family that he visited for a play visit on March 7th, when we picked up The Lord Stafford from his own special picnic date.

“This guy is a wonderful Blue. Had the honor of having the fellow stop by for a quick visit. After quickly exploring the house, Mr. Riot took some time to pay attention to our pug/JRT mix Sally. Wrestling soon began and we quickly ushered them out to our backyard. Riot was very gentle with Sally and listened when asked to mind his manners. Sally, on the other hand, held nothing back and tugged at his ears and everything in reach to keep the play going. Ever the gentleman, Riot maintained his gentle play (patience of saint). They both settled down to explore the yard, looking like Yogi and Boo Boo going off on adventure. You would never know that this outgoing, curious fellow was once terrified and catatonic. It was a real joy to have him visit and play with our fur baby.”

Someone else, BHRR’s Riot, one of our handsome blue Great Danes in rescue, has some extremely exciting news to share later tonight!!
The photo below is of BHRR’s Riot and one of his new besties – Sally, the pug/JRT!
He says please stayed tuned!

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BHRR’s The Lord Stafford
He has done it! It has been a very long road to health(as healthy as bulldogs can get!) for this amazing wee giant of BHRR!
He truly has been one of the most amazing, impacting special needs dogs that BHRR has ever been truly blessed to have been contacted to assist and, he is ready to say his exciting announcement!
We would love to see him in a home that has kids, he is great with all dogs and, cats and, even horses!
He cannot go to a home that has a lot of carpeting. That will only set off his allergies and, then you are going to be dealing with skin, eye and ear infections. 
A home must understand that, he is going to always have these issues and, they must be so diligent about ensuring that he continues to receive top notch Vet care, the best of food(he is on a fish diet) and, of course, keeps letting him be the social magnificent boy that he is!
This photo is courtesy of the Maracle Family when he had a special picnic date with them recently!
I am so happy for this boy! I am going to be so sad for all of us, when, his right matched forever loving home finds him!
You did it BHRR’s Stafford!!! AND, throughout everything you had to go through to become healthy – well other than those nails, squirming worm – you have been so happy, gentle, loving and, precious……..
He can go to a home that works pt, ft, from home, semi-retired etc. He is another versatile BHRR dog!
We want to stress that he can ONLY go to a home that has zero to very minimal carpeting due to his reaction to carpets in both of his temp foster home when he was with her and, also on his one picnic play date.
A home that has a dog that is a great personality fit is great yet, not required.
We also really want to say again that, we would like to see him in a home with children or, where he is going to have lots of exposure to kids. He loves them.
Another important point is a home that is not going to make him obese and, think that is ‘normal’ for a bulldog. He has a waistline, he is suppose to have a waistline and, we are going to be quite strict about any future adoptive home being very mindful that his weight needs to stay between 19.8 and 20.5 KGs.
This breed has breathing issues to begin with……let’s not make it worse by adding unnecessary weight.

Here are two more photo’s from earlier today of The Lord at KAH. Taken by L. Smith. He adores her! AND, he loves to eat snow. 😀

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Someone says stay tuned! He has an extremely special and exciting thing to announce later today!!
Right now, he is catching up on some zzzzzzz’s after a busy day of hanging at KAH!!
He has his ‘shotgun’ seat, heat on and, asleep before I left the parking lot!!
The Lord Stafford!

His new weight was higher than I want, so, talking to some kids tonight re: his treat intake as, he needs to be monitored so closely. 21.5 Kgs(47.3 pounds). He should be no more than 20.5 kgs.
He is still recovering from his exposure at his his play date to carpet. He is back on eye medication plus, fuciderm for between his toes. We did another KT ear treatment on that left ear of his. Any future approved adopted home is going to have to understand that skin, eye and ear issues are part and parcel of the territory of owning a bulldog.
None of these things are anything that would take him away from being placed up for adoption shortly. He is always going to battle skin, ear and eye issues.


BHRR’s Ivy has moved under a PENDING ADOPTION!

We shall post updates as we can.

Posted in Ivy

In early March, I was contacted upon a place receiving a referral to contact us about a Senior, 8 year old female GD, having been surrendered. We were told that the owners were giving her up as they were moving, had her all her life.

On March 17th, I was then informed that she was having bowel incontinence and, if we were still interested and, that her previous owners had said that she was also this way. I was wondering if it was parasites, stress, anxiety, lack of proper nutrition, was it something more serious, old age related etc. I was told that they would see how she was the next day.

I was told the next day that she was great and, all seemed to have resolved itself. She was presenting well with other dogs, was affectionate to the staff and, we moved forward to having her come to BHRR. We were told that she would be given DAPP and Bord and, that they would prefer to wait a week or so to be sure that all was good. We planned tentatively for her to come the weekend of March 28th.

I followed up on March 24th to be sure all was in place for the weekend and, all was good! She was to be transported to a safe spot SPCA on the Friday and, we would snag her on the Saturday.

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to her account: She is under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

**IF I am forgetting any of her ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

Her Great Angels:  $0.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $0.00
*Before PayPal fees


The new dosing for BHRR’s Herbie’s The Love Bugs’ Ivermectin is now 2.1 ml SID. He is going to remain on the Cephalexin for another 3 weeks at a new dosing of 1000 mg’s BID. I will give him his next dose of Revolution later today.

We shall continue to re-weigh weekly and, then do a recheck in 3 weeks time.

We will do bloodwork when his skin is better(he bleeds quite easily still with his poor skin 🙁 ) and, vaccines when he is healthy plus neuter him.

Look who is hanging out at KAH today!!
BHRR’s Herbie – The Love Bug! He is up another 4.5 kgs(9.9 pounds) since February 19th. Yay!! Still quite thin but getting there!  He now weighs 78.1 pounds(35.5 kgs).
He just makes my heart skips beats, he is just so special and, sweet and, kind and gentle and, so loving. He is always happy and, you just want to scoop him up and smooch him all day long!
We will find out his new dosing for the Ivermectin today as his weight has gone up and, he will have another dose of Revolution, determine if he needs to continue with the Antibiotics(has been on since Feb 5, beginning at the shelter). 
His hair is beginning to come in and, he is quite patchy yet, no longer raw red, more a bright pink and, while he still scratches, a lot less now. His ears and feet are a lot less swollen also. 
Today, despite being dewormed at the shelter and, already having a three day course treatment of de-worming upon arrival to BHRR and, just finishing up his next three day course of de-worming, I saw a roundworm this AM, so another fecal is being run.
The photo below is of him with our lovely co-op student and, she wanted some photo’s of her and him. Posted with her permission.

Donations can be made via PayPal ‘gift or ‘family and friends’ option or by email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: Hercules under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Herbie’s Great Angels:  $120.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $990.78
*Before PayPal fees
Joan – Costco Dog Bed


BHRR’s Herbie-licious, The Love Bug and one of my Deaf/Visually Impaired GD boyz, Ice
Sunday March 8th, 2015
This is a great comparison for people to see a white dog with proper healthy hair and, how naked, patchy and pink BHRR’s Herbie is from the severe generalized Demodectic Mange.
He really is almost 90% naked or barely patched with hair right now….
BUT, we are getting there!!!  He is no longer a RED RAW oozing swollen massive wound from head to tail and toes.  Progress!
He is up to 2.1 mls of Ivermectin Daily and up to 1,000 mg of antibiotics daily and, he just becomes more happy and, delightful daily!
AND, the wee beastie is still battling parasites…..stubborn eastie beasties….


Someone is hanging at KAH today for a recheck! BHRR’s Riot! How he prefers to drink.
He is up another 5.72 pounds! So, he now weighs 45.4 KGS(99.88 pounds). He still needs another 15 or so, for his current age/body conformation and, it will come.
Today, we did a manicure/pedicure, microchipped him and, he will receive his DAPP Booster plus Rabies.
Then, in about another week or so, he will have a very special announcement to make!
The Vet loves the muscle tone and mass that he has developed, especially in his hind end.  She also loved how his blue coat is becoming more and more healthy plus soft.
His obedience is doing wonderfully and, he is another BHRR dog that is going to make one lucky right matched forever loving home A FABU addition!! Adore him!!!

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This is the second BHRR beauty that had her annual today at KAH. BHRR’s Angel Noelle AKA my spoiled ‘rotten baby’! Today, she weighed a quite plump 22.4 KGS(49.28 pounds). While, I know she is still young and shall do some filling out, that is way too much for her. She is significantly up from last year, regardless if she is still growing/maturing some. She was just over 17 Kgs last year. I would like to see her lose about 2.5 kgs to start.
So, in conversing with her wonderful approved temp foster mom, I learned that though kibble portions were great, a bit more treats than we would like to see had been going into BHRR’s Angel Noelle. So, a lot less treats, and, more praise shall be heading this wee delights way moving forward!
She traveled great in the car, was fantastic until we hit the exam room and, then, she was FABU for all of about ten minutes and, as soon as it was vaccine time, the first one, super trooper…..the second one, the wiggles started…..
By the time it came to doing her Heartworm test, it was all hands on deck for the wiggle monkey!
Her heart and lungs are a thumbs up! Her healthy soft coat received two thumbs up and, she sure charmed all with those eyes of hers, if the number of treats that headed her way was any indication…..I am giving praise and, her kind Vet is giving her treats….
She is going to be staying back with me until the end of March now as her lovely approved temp foster home is headed south for the March Break plus.
We will work on the exercise and food/treat balance.
Her leg amputation site looks great and, she remains available for adoption to that right matched forever loving home.
She has continued to garner interest yet, the wrong kind. She is more than capable(we reside on almost 148 acres) of playing, walking and yes, she runs very well plus does stairs….BUT, we reside on sand and grass and, have lots of snow right now.
She is not meant to pound the pavement and, she will not go to a home that will make her move on pavement for any extended period of time. That is way too hard on her.
You give her sand and grass and snow and, then just watch her go!
She is not meant to be placed in a glass bubble yet, at the same time, I do not want her poor body ruined as someone wanted to walk her on pavement 5 km’s or more each day. Her heart is so big, that she would do anything her loved ones asked of her, regardless of how it would ruin her body….
When I am out hacking for a short bit on the property, this incredible girl comes with me….she is fit(well, a little less right now with some pudge!), active and, healthy. She needs the right foundation to walk and run on.
I cannot believe that she remains up for adoption yet, we are patient and, she lacks for nothing as she has a great big special fan club and, many friends!
This photo is after her busy day!!


This is the first of two posts for two BHRR beauties that had their annual at KAH today!
BHRR’s Bloom AKA BOOM BOOM weighed a perfect 36.8 kgs(80.96 pounds)! She has lost quite a bit of weight over this past year and, is looking awesome! Last year at this time, she was actually over 40 KGs….ouch!
The Vet loved her gorgeous shiny blue coat, how friendly she was and, that she was quite the character from laying on her back with four feet in the air while on the weight scale to, practically sitting on my lap in the waiting room and, being a ham in the exam room.
Her heart and lungs sound great and, she was fantastic with her vaccines and only some minor wiggling with her Heartworm test.
Her leg that had surgery for radius curvus syndrome remains strong and, solid!
She has a bit of tartar on her teeth, nothing significant and, she made me so proud of her manners!!
She remains available for adoption to that right matched forever loving home! She needs not necessarily a Dane experienced home, yet, she needs a very experienced dog home that will be patient, consistent, keep on their toes to not be manipulated by the charm of this brilliant dog for she knows what she wants and, she will work her magic to get it…..
While not as high maintenance as she once was, she does best with a job like obedience and, the expression that training never ends, is so applied to her.
She travels fantastic in the car and, only very small sounds here and there of excitement made.
I love this dog so much and, we accept that she may be with us for her whole life for she is a larger than life dog and, we never want to see anyone lose the patience for she will keep you on your toes from sun up to sundown!
I admire her that while she trusts and respects me and, listens great that this does not stop her from testing me each and every day to see what she can get away with for that day.
You cannot give her one inch yet, this girl gives you everything she is, in everything she does and, that backbone has helped her be a survivor prior to being rescued….
While others many overlook you, stunning girl as you are small and, not the best in conformation, all of your fans and friends think you truly are THE BOOM BOOM BOMB and adore you!
We want you and, we will always be your number one fans!


Tonight’s Bedtime story……
Once upon a time there was this GD named BHRR’s Kaden, and, he had a HUGE fetish for human pillows…..(evidence posted in one of our albums!). AND, only my pillows! I have to pick them up each morning.
I think one handsome merle dude discovered a whole new pleasure!
BHRR’s Kaden’s new record is 3 Costco dog beds in a few hours
AND, I should have known something was up for HQD was sitting right in front of him, just almost ‘daring’ me to blame him for the bed guts all over the bedroom and ensuite. I think I am going to be finding stuffing for some time to come!
Who would have guessed all the different colours of stuffing to be found in any given Costco dog bed.
Now, I do not blame BHRR’s Kaden, I want to have a chat with whomever decided to open up his crate while I was out and, let him do his thing…..
I know that my PPSS could and would open crates yet, with his very sad passing in August of 2014(I miss him so much….), we have not had to use as many carabeeners on crates…..
As I am standing in the master bedroom looking around – it is 240 square feet and the ensuite is 243 square feet – marvelling at just how far bedding can go, I hear a crate open behind me….I turn and, it is BHRR’s Ivy!!!!
She was letting out BHRR’s Bishop who was sitting so patiently and, nicely waiting to be freed!
That monkey! I swear she is related to BHRR’s Dana….with all that I am….those two are so like!
So, one mystery solved as to who was opening the crates yet, as I then, went to sit down and, have a conversation with BHRR’s Kaden about why we should not be destroying dog beds, this is the face he gave me….
His eyes are bloodshot as he is so exhausted from all of his fun! He had climbed up on the master bed and, was getting nicely settled in for a well earned sleepie!
NOW, is that a face, one could ever be wishing to scold?!
I whispered in his ear that we shall talk later and, let him go off to la-la land….
I mean being a Costco dog bed destroyer and, stuffing ‘scatter to the wind’ dog expert is a very tiring job!
AND, yes, HQD, once she realised that, all was fine, walks by me with head in air and, not a glance at me…..


After BHRR’s Gretta had her third CWW session yesterday, she and I headed over to visit one of our fav peeps at Global Pet Foods – Hintonburg – Amanda!
We also met some other very lovely folks that it was great to put a face to the name.
As some may remember, BHRR was nominated – such a warm surprise! – without our knowledge for a Pet Expo contest – 1st place was a booth at their summer festival(now postponed to 2016) and, then a draw was made of the remaining nominees(AND there were some great ones!).
BHRR’s name was chosen for $100 in gift cards donated generously by Global Pet Foods – Hintonburg!
We went in yesterday for a visit and to pick up th cards and, we snapped some photo’s with the gift cards( These FREEDOM Danes of ours have come a long way with pictures being taken and, in life in general!!).
She had a really great experience even though her coat got snagged on a display at one point. She handled it with class and, grace!!
Thank you lovelies at Global Pet Foods – Hintonburg for such a wonderful visit!
Wish we lived closer to visit more often.


BHRR’s Ethel and BHRR’s Braveheart have been moved to our BHRR Haven program due to the severe internal organ damage that has occurred due to food contamination. They are a number of dogs that have been terribly affected by food donated our way by another group on January 17th, 2015.

BHRR’s Merlin was the first death that occurred on January 21st, 2015 and, then we lost one of our own, our EM Caffrey(she was not fed the rescue donated food yet, she eats vomit and, sometimes poop and, at one point we were cleaning up over 52 piles of diarrhea and vomit. With her advanced kidney disease(AND, she was doing great…and, had been for years!), her body could not handle the toxins.

BHRR’s Porridge, BHRR’s Braveheart, BHRR’s Salma and BHRR’s Ethel were also severely affected and, more minorly BHRR’s Oakley. I will update his own blog later for he also has been moved to the Haven Program yet, not due to food contamination. Here is a copy of the blog post that was made on BHRR’s Blog. We made the exact same post on our BHRR Fb page under his memorial photo. All the other dogs have already bounced back or, are still doing so.

BHRR’s Merlin – ? – January 21st, 2015
*Victim to Food Contamination*

Tragically, he is the first of several dogs deeply affected at BHRR by food sent our way by a group.

We have learned a lot more than we ever did before about food contamination and, how easy food can be contaminated once it leaves a manufaturer’s hands and, the more hands it touches plus transfers from, the higher the risk of problems occuring.

This memorial posting is only being made now for a number of reasons.

1) I wanted to touch base with the animal control person that I have worked with for well over a decade saving amazing dogs such as BHRR’s Licorice, BHRR’s Thor, BHRR’s Ava Marie, BHRR’s Potter etc….they entrusted this amazing GD to our care and, it was important to converse with them directly and, not for them to find out on a blog or a fb post that he was no longer with us. Many tears were shared over his loss…

2) I and the control officer finally made contact on Monday February 16th after much tagging back and forth and, it was like ripping a fresh scab off a very raw enormous wound and, I needed a few more days.

3) We have been in contact with two food testing and analysis companies – both in Mississauga and, it has been extremely informative plus educational. One could have a 1,000 bags of food, it only takes one bag to be contaminated to affect a life and, a whole bag also does not need to be contaminated for a life to be negatively affected…

We had been told that no other org.’s donated this food by this group, were affected. Then a group did reach out to us to say that they also had dogs affected.

We do sincerely hope that no more deaths or even vomiting, diarrhoea, lethargy, excessive gas etc. occur to any of the groups involved. No one should go through our experience.

We went through 72 hours of the worst hell imaginable with vomiting, diarrhoea, lethargy, gas and, now loss.

We are even now still trying to get weight back on, after purging their systems and, re-introducing food slowly – many witnessed at our February 1st BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ mini open house, the new thinness of many of the dogs.

Each day is better and better for most of them now. Thank goodness…..

Yet, sadly, we have a number of other dogs including BHRR’s Porridge, BHRR’s Braveheart, BHRR’s Oakley, BHRR’s Salma(HQD), not to mention one of our own Caffrey(though she was not fed any of this food, she does like to eat vomit and sometimes dog poop) and, at one point we were cleaning up over 52 bouts of diarrhea/vomit – lost count after that – inside and out of the house) adversely affected.

We have spent much money on exams, blood-work and UA’s to see how the internal organ functions have been affected and, how much if so.

At our recent BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ mini open house, it was so sad to learn of not one but two other groups that were in attendance that have experienced their own losses over the years due to contaminated food – it is so easy for food to become contaminated – how it is stored, how it is transported/transferred, mouse droppings, moisture, birds, freezing and thawing etc. No one’s intentions were ill with the donation of this food, yet, the results have been devastating to BHRR.

We began to feed the food the same day it was donated – January 17th and, it was mixed appropriately and, the food bags were stored properly.

Since learning even more about food contamination, we are taking even more precautions on our end re: food donations and storing and, handling.

We have operated BHRR for over 19 years and, we have never gone through an experience like this and, may we never do so again.

Our wish would be for no organization or group to do so.

We did inform the group that donated the food – they originally wanted us to take food back in December, we did decline as we had just bought food and, had some donations sent our way – SS etc. and, we never wished to see another group do without.

In January, we were contacted again and, this person was quite insistent to assist our group with food for they did not wish to see it go to waster/bad and, we then accepted with our grateful appreciation 8 bags.

We also had two dogs in foster care also affected and, not just the rescues residing here at BHRR.

We showed the proper due diligence in informing this group about the food as were were aware others had also received some.

We respectfully request that any posts made in this thread be made in BHRR’s Merlin’s honour plus memory…..

If only we could turn back time…….we tried so hard to save you, you were getting healthy day by day, putting on the weight slowly, your skin issues were resolving, did blood-work and UA’s and, we even saw a specialist for your eye, biopsied all your lumps and bumps and, yet, your poor special needs neglected broken abused body just could not handle the food………

BHRR deals with extremely compromised immune and digestive system medical cases such as severe emaciation and, these special needs dogs could not deal with the food.

BHRR believes in full disclosure and, the BHRR BOD can be reached at contactbhrr@gmail.com

RIP BHRR’s Merlin……..we will miss your special ‘purring’….

BHRR’s Bloom and BHRR’s Angel Noelle are scheduled for their annuals on Friday March 6th. 🙂

We continue to be patient that their right matched forever loving homes shall find them.

BHRR’s Salem and BHRR’s Victory are coming to do a visit with me on Thursday March 5th. BHRR’s Salem has already been to one visit to this approved BHRR home already in January and, this time, she will get to meet their cat, with a personality that is uber huge! BHRR’s Victory has not been to this home as of yet, so, we shall see how she does herself.

This home is looking at possibly temp fostering for BHRR, they are previous adopters and, regardless if these lovely BHRR Beauties do not prove to be cat ‘worthy’, they, will both have a great visit continuing to make them the best dogs they can be, assets to home and community. 🙂

BHRR’s Ivy and BHRR’s Salem came with me to do a hv on Saturday February 28th. BHRR’s Salem is getting better and better in strange situations and surroundings and, if people are not fast and flighty and, loud, she is settled and more comfortable. She has a lot more confidence when other dogs are around and, the more people that are part of her already set-up for success trust circle, the more comfortable and confident she is. She is not a dominant dog by any means and, we all agree that she is one stunning looking lady. I am very proud of her! She travels so well in the car and her leash manners are almost perfection now. She is going to continue to blossom and, become more confident and comfortable in that right match personality fit home. The home at this hv made a comment that if she is still a bit skittish, that perhaps she is not ready to be placed up for adoption and, I said that, while she is only going to continue to get better and better in my  hands, she does not need me to keep bringing her to these next level and steps.

She needs a home that shall carry on and continue to build upon the strong foundation I have given her at BHRR. She does not ‘need’ me any longer. She just thinks she does. She is more than ready for that right matched forever loving home to find her. AND, that scared, timid, shy, submissive almost broken creature that first arrived to BHRR is no more. AND, she is going to keep shining in the right hands. She has TONS of potential. She is so loving, playful and affectionate and, if you earn her trust and respect, she is going to lay her life down for you.

One needs to be patience, kind, loving, consistent and, committed. She is a fabu dog and, while it would be nice to see her in a home with another right matched personality fit dog, as long as she has her doggie friends and network, she shall be fine. 🙂 One has to remember that she is a Mastiff/Dane and, that her personality is not as easily trustworthy considering all that she has gone through. She is a flight dog, not a fight. She has not one mean bone in her gorgeous body.

BHRR’s Ivy on the other hand, she is a firecracker! LOL Personality like BHRR’s Dana that just beams from every gorgeous black hair! She is busy, active, curious, outgoing, mischievous and, like a two year old, into everything! I giggled and smiled and laughed at the number of times a member of the house at this home-visit found themselves getting up and finding just what has she gotten into next. If it was not mittens, it was barbells or the couch and, on and on. This dog is meant to do agility or obedience titles and, she makes me laugh so much! She is a high maintenance ball of fire and, I just love her! She can easily have a home with another dog or two. She is an absolute hoot! She is a diva! BUSY! BUSY! BUSY!

They both had a great experience at this hv and, that experience with more loving and helping hands, has helped make that much more well rounded and balanced.

My last post for tonight is tonight’s CUTENESS factor alert.
BHRR”s Herbie – The Love Bug
One flexible baby.
He does a lot of sleeping as his body has had a terrible past and, he needs to get healthy.
Yet, each day, he has a bit more energy, becomes a bit more comfortable and confident and, becomes a LOT more happy, handsome and, amazing! Not, to also mention healthier.
His skin is slowly healing. We will get on top of that nasty generalized demodectic mange and, those skin infections and, one day, he will not be so uber skinny either. Day by day!
He is a true gem!
He wishes all of his fans and friends, a good night, sleep tight and, that he cannot wait to meet as many folks as possible when he is healthier!
