The BHRR Purse Puppies' have had their alters rescheduled to the 16th of April as the Vet that has seen them since they first arrived to BHRR is going away to a talk in the USA when I had them originally booked.


This GD first came on our radar back in November of 2013 – I believe it was November 13th to be exact. My understanding of the story was that he was picked up as a stray and, had been adopted out by this US based HS several times and, each time came back, as he has severe SA. His name had been changed often lending to his continued confusion and with each return, his SA increased.

We were contacted for possible r/q Rescue assistance, stepped up to the plate and, the week he was to come to BHRR, we were informed that the current temp foster home that had him, was going to adopt him themselves. He was apparently in need of someone with him 24/7 and, had a tail injury and, had been making progress with this home and they, loved him. He was said to be ~2.5 years of age.

We wished all the very best and, moved onward to the next dog in need of our programs at BHRR.

Fast forward to March 19th, then I received an email from the Director of the HS with the following information – SEE below in bold. We then responded that we would step up to assist and do a formal evaluation upon arrival to BHRR. His ETA to BHRR is on April 5th.

The last dog BHRR committed to was on December 24th, 2013 and that was BHRR's Angel Noelle. This is the first dog for 2014, that BHRR is bringing in. With the heartbreaking loss of two dogs in our Haven Program(BHRR's Breen & BHRR's Zara), one dog moving under a pending adoption(BHRR's Reese), and, another dog possibly moving under a pending adoption(NYA), we are comfortable assisting one more dog in our programs at this time.

I spoke with you a few months back about a Dane we had here at our shelter. The dog went into a few foster homes, and then the last foster mother decided on keeping him.

She has done a lot with him and we have seen a lot of improvement. However, she would now like to rehome him. It is very hard for her to do so, but she has a small Chihuahua and she is afraid that he might hurt her. 

Working in rescue I understand that space and resources may be very limited (and I am sure you get this all the time). 

The person who adopted him gave me this information about him: 

"Mr. Leroy Browndog"

1.) He answers to "Leroy" or "Mr. Dog"

2.) Knows commands: sit, stay, down, and come

3.)Will wait (sitting) for food until release word "ok".

4.) He does not like to stay outside.

5.)He does not guard his food with people but will with other dogs.

6.) He is very mellow in the house. 

7.) He needs a training collar or prong collar on leash. He is not for first time dane owners.

8.) Gets along well with other Danes.

9.) Enjoys his toys

10.) Is a counter, table, and trash can surfer

11.) Wants to be the dominant dog

12.) Can be protective but once meeting someone he is fine. 

13.) Could be aggressive with small dogs.

14.) Probably not good around farm animals (she has a small farm and has not felt comfortable letting them interact)

15.) Does not bother cats when on leash, but probably would chase and chew if loose

16.) Can be left in house with other Danes when gone (just move the trash can keep food off the table & counters).

The owner does not want to bring him back into a shelter environment, but each day is getting harder for her. 

Thank you very much for all that you do! 

01 03

The BHRR purse puppies of Coach and Chanel have their alters scheduled for April 9th. I had a discussion with two of the Vets re: BHRR's Coach re: his heart and the safety of neutering him.

Both agree that as this is a neuter, not a spay and that he is not recommended to be on meds, at this time with his heart, that it is safe. Yes, a bit riskier than if he did not have the heart condition yet, if there is any problem, we can use Lidocaine.

Below are two photos' from my time away and, it has taken awhile yet, Coach is figuring out that outside is a grand place to romp and play and pee! 😉 It is all I can do to get him to come in and warm up and think about having water! AND, dear Chanel is forever still just romping fearlessly out in the 3+ acreage, causing me to have more gray hairs…..if she, finds herself in snow too deep, and, does not want to expend any more energy, she just sits and waits for me….just knowing that I will 'save' her….little diva! AND, when, I get there she gives me a look to say 'about time!' HQD would be proud! 😉

Sean keeps saying that he would LOVE to keep BHRR's Chanel yet, no…. 😉 She does not need us and our own home is full of life already. Our oldest shall be 10 in June and, if it, it was really felt that she needed us, then yes…but, she really does not…she has just bombed along with her journey with us!

About two weeks, after their alters, they will be making their own special announcements! 🙂

They will not be adopted together. Another, bonded pair that is best separated. I allow them to sleep together and eat together, yet, they have trips and time away from each other, that includes training sessions and each, of them has been growing into very lovely individual personalities and, making their own friendships! 🙂

BRRH 2014 March 064 BRRH 2014 March 074
March 13th, 2014 – NAP time in an xpen – one they now only use to eat in for they have outgrown it!
*photo's courtesy of S. Dowler

BHRR's Mav came to work with me on Saturday and is up another 4.62 pounds! Still needing a heck of a lot more, after, losing weight while I was gone AND that he was still putting it back on from his last surgery, yet, so many beautiful comments plus compliments on his shiny black coat. We did his nails and other than being wiggly on the last 1.5, he was awesome! 🙂 AND, so many words said about how packed in muscle his butt and quads etc. were. 🙂

ALSO, received were many compliments on how FABU his 'iron man' legs are! 🙂 YAY! I have decided that when he makes his special announcement that I will reveal his 'reality slide'. 🙂

He had his special date yesterday and, THANK YOU! THANK YOU! This home has taken out a number of our dogs and, it really warms my heart to hear the feedback on their day trips FOR, these are dogs that have come so far in their rehab and are beginning their journeys sans me and, makes me so proud to hear how 'model citizen' like the BHRR doggies are out and about in public! 🙂 From excellent leash manners(maybe not the  'do not' shop all you want skills with taking treats! LOL), to their dog to dog communication manners, social skills etc. YET, I always say, that a dog will blossom in the right hands and, this home has the right hands to help these inspirational dogs continue to heal and bloom. 🙂 THANK YOU!

He was only worried about two men yesterday – one was a cat person and loomed over the counter at KAH and, the other, just went in his face and for BHRR's Mav, that is not the right approach to take. You need to be non intrusive and, if you are patient, this dog will lean into you, be a total gooberhead, kiss and snuggle and sit on you. Many a person that has come to BHRR has born witness to just how much personality this boy has! He is a loud and rough player when he plays yet, his house manners are really wonderful. AND, when he is worried, he will step away and avoid. I keep telling people NOT to push him…this is a Kanga-Dane and when he trusts you, he will lay all of his heart out to you. 🙂

So, when the home came to take him out for a few hours, we sat on the benches at KAH, they fed him treats, were patient and well rewarded. I told them that once he left KAH(he has had so many procedures and much require vet visits….AND, even when I tried to bring him in just to visit, people were always looking/touching at his legs etc…), he will be a changed dog. AND, he was! 🙂

They took him to CocoMutts, B&F, to Timmie's and, even a bit of a walk. 🙂 WHAT a gift this home gave to him!

He is such a nosy parker…twice, he opened the door to one of the exam rooms, to say 'hello' to the Vet and the dog and person in there! LOL If someone was doing anything, he had to go investigate.

From them:

"….as he just kept moving around to sniff and visit! He is a wonderful boy Gwen and as said yesterday, would jump on a chance to take him out again. Sound gentleman to be with.

Thanks for entrusting him to us."

Once we left KAH, he came with me to do a HV and three hours later, was still impressing that home with how fabu he was! 🙂 HE was great with their two dogs, their wee human baby at just over 1 year of age and she accidentally stepped on his tail, toes and batted him gently with her wee hands, and, he was very patient and tolerant and, I think he crushed on her a bit! 🙂 AND, he did not try to snag one of her toys or drink the tea on the table yet, he did eye up those yummy cookies! 😉 Three hours went by in a flash! ANOTHER huge thank you being sent out to this home for all of their own patience, understanding and warmth.

By the time, we were leaving, he was feeling bold enough, to try and be on their couch. 😉 AND, he listened wonderfully, when he was asked by members of the home to get off.

He even had his first elevator rides and, what a pro! Walked right in, just some mild nerves when the elevator doors closed and began to move yet, was so proud of him and he was of himself too(I think!).

Two photo's of him from yesterday. 🙂 Now, that his legs are straight, he loves to lay with them out in front of him and rest his head on them. 🙂

I also know that from being away, one of the kind individuals that were here, made a comment in an email about how they were still secretly hoping that BHRR's Mav would submit an application to 'adopt them, the human'! LOL

Mavmarch292014 MavMarch2922014
BHRR's Maverick – KAH March 29th, 2014 – Don't you just want to kiss those tootsies! 🙂

BHRR's Treasure has his rescheduled x-rays under sedation booked for April 1st. Depending on what we find, he may be moving to our BHRR Haven Program. Keep him in your thoughts and blessings! Due to a Vet specialist conflict in scheduling, he was pushed off from February 21st.

BHRR's Torque has his neuter scheduled for April 2nd and then about 10 days after that, he shall have a very special announcement to make! 🙂

BHRR's Reese is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION! 🙂 We shall keep her blog updated as we can.

Demi Leclair

Hi there,

  I recently found your rescue online and I was wondering if you guys are looking for any new volunteers. I got my first Great Dane, Moose, a year and a half ago and I never knew I could love a dog this much! I think what your rescue stands for is great and that it's really important to bring awareness to the issues and benefits of owning a giant breed so that less dogs end up being surrendered or abandoned. I am graduating from university in April and volunteering with your rescue would be a great way to spend the extra time I'll have once I've graduated.


Demi Leclair

I brought BHRR's Porridge back to work with me at KAH tonight. Two of his Vet team examined him and, we sedated him – with Dorm/Torb this time as we know that at this time it is not a heart condition causing his distress. We did his mani/pedi also.

He has zero air flow through his right nostril. I have known this since last Tuesday and, it was confirmed with the Vets on Thursday night and, with him being completely sedated, could be investigated more thoroughly. He has limited air flow on the left side. His discharge is still clear and on the right side with a little on the left nostril.

His weight was down another 5 pounds – 73.3 Kgs since Saturday. 🙁 🙁 161.26 pounds is his current weight.

You can see more rib than one should and more of his spine. He has swelling on his muzzle and in being sedated, more detailed investigation could be done of his nose.

He has a nasal tumor and we discussed doing a MRI or CT and, as we all know, that is not a curative step. Additionally, we discussed skull and facial x-rays again for if we did see corrosion on the bone, we would know that his time is now to be crossed over. I also know that if bloody discharge begins to appear, that, is also time to cross him over. We discussed that there can be soft tissue findings on skull x-rays etc. and, both Vets continue to support that this is not really the best way to go for BHRR's Porridge.

We are going to proceed with treatment of quality of life and keep him on the Pred and put back on the Mirtazapine and, I explained to one of the Vets that I am not 100% convinced that giving him meds to 'make/force' him to drink and giving him meds to 'make/force' him to eat, so, that more time can be had with him is in his best interest.

I also said that when you have had this puppy when he was barely over 2 weeks of age, then having fought to save him and, his litter plus mom, and in the end, after a month of fighting with the courts to give me what I needed to get back into the home to get the mom/pups who were living outside(this litter was born March 30th) and, then finding out that all but 5 pups had died, plus mom had died and, then having to let go two of those surviving pups as they were in terrible shape, and, then fighting to save the remaining three pups(two had parvo – the females) plus discovering that the male(BHRR's Porridge) had MegaE – that, being objective is hard….yet, I have to think about not being selfish and, doing 'right' by him.

I am angry, I am devastated, I am upset beyond words, I am frustrated, I am at a loss, I am so beyond scared of losing him, I am so many things………yet, what I am not, is one to be selfish……….

To all that were here while I was away, he was fine up to Thursday March 13th and, then was not 'right' on the 14th yet, only had some mild wheezing sounds, and by, the time I came home on the 18th, he was really not well. Apparently, he was eating during those days, yet, not as of when I got home. Energy level was noted as going down and drinking level also, yet, nothing that anyone felt was of true deep concern from those that were staying here and, I trust them 100%……..whatever he has, is aggressive for, I have not yet been back one week, and, this dog is fading before my eyes and, time is running out fast as every test and exam and specialist possible has become involved in his case.

Yet, now we know and, now, with that knowledge of the 'knowing', does not come the 'peace' that we all talk about in the 'if only we knew what it was…it would be so much easier to handle.' Well, it is not easier…it makes me more mad and crushed and, scared and, frustrated. With each loss at BHRR(we have had two this year already in our Haven program), I feel a piece of me die………..I feel brought to my knees in such despair.

He needs his friends right now…he needs his fan club right now….and, I am hoping that he shall be here for our next walk/hike as THIS was one of his most fav things in the world to do and, I hope that some of his friends/fans will be there….we will most likely be poking slow at the end and, may leave early, yet, it is my deepest wish that he still be with me for that walk/hike. If he is not, that walk/hike shall be in his honour for that is the same day he will have celebrated his miraculous 6th Birthday.

Below is a photo taken at KAH tonight as we were bringing him out of sedation. Even under, there was one point that I became worried as his breathing really slowed down(more than I thought it should with the Dorm) and, it took three to four times as long getting him back up on his feet afterwards. I am also attaching some of his test results……none of which can help or save him at this time. 🙁

I would go $10,000 or more in debt to save any one of these incredible dogs, yet, when you cannot save them……….and, know that no amount of fundraising in the world could save them………… just rips you to bits……..

Please pray for my Papaya boy….dear sweet Porridge………I have not slept much since I arrived home as, you have found it difficult to rest yourself and, we shall pack all that we can into the remaining time we have left together…….

I do not like using the word 'hate' yet, I HATE this….

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Porridge’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Porridge Angels  $357.50* donated to date & Bills are close to $3,500+ and rising
*Before PayPal fees
PV Stittsville Nail Trim/Grind Event

Porridgemarch242014BHRR's Porridge, March 24th, 2014 – love how his ear flipped!
results2Biopsy Results
results1UA Results
results5Wellness Results
Wellness Results Continued – Realised that I cut off the left margin – will re-take a new picture to post
results6CardioPet proBNP Results

So much to update on this very special boy…..we are now almost 2:30 AM on Monday and, I still find myself sitting at this blog post and finding the right words to say…a struggle.

I have copies of his biopsy reports, UA, bloodwork etc. and, when I am at work later today, I will email the x-rays for posting.

Below are two photo’s from his afternoon at PV Stittsville…he is sitting on BHRR approved adopter/Volunteer Bre’s lap(also the MA at PV) and her lovely son, Bryson is also in the photo’s…

I want to thank everyone that came out and donated to help us with BHRR’s Porridge’s and BHRR’s Coach’s ever mounting Vet Bills. I am also attaching a video of BHRR’s Porridge so, people can get an idea of what his breathing sounds like – he is NOT sleeping NOR is he snoring in this video. You can see that he has his eyes open. I wish I took a video of him prior the the Pred(that he started on Friday) kicked in…..he is on 50 MG BID and today, he will go up to 75 mg BID per the Vet. That pred has literally been a lifesaver for him….

My focus is going to be on quality for him….I will NOT see him suffer. He had fairly good energy on Saturday, the Pred is making him drink(AND pee more) and from Thursday night to Saturday AM(he came to KAH with me on Saturday), he had put on almost 1.5 kg back, mostly water. The Vet marked in his file on Thursday night that he is anorexic. 🙁 At just over 160 pounds. 🙁 He has gone from 178 pounds now, down to barely over 160 pounds and now is back up to just over 163 pounds. AND, at 178 pounds, he was not fat. He is also very tall at just under 41″ at the whithers. BHRR does not like to see fat dogs. 😉 The mirtazapine is making him want to eat and that is good. As people witnessed on Saturday…due to his breathing difficulties, it takes him a long time, to even eat a treat.

His UA showed some spilling of protein yet, nothing too concerning. We will do a UA by cysto in a few weeks(if he is still with us) per the recommendation of the Vet who saw him on Saturday. He has a Vet team of three working on his case right now at KAH and not to mention how many specialists are involved! AND, a village that has been sending him notes and messages of such warmth and kindness! 🙂

On Thursday night, he did have two seizures…most likely stress related and the emerge Vet – Dr. Glenn – said that until we had more of his results back, he was reluctant to consider meds. Porridge has not had a seizure in years and, this was distressing to see him have these. His last seizure was because he was given HAG for sedation for his nails. His first sedation ever. NEVER had that combo given again and, he has not had a seizure since that time, years now.

I am going to post BHRR’s Porridge’s VIDEO HERE and the two photo’s on this blog and later today, will post copies of all of his testing to date. BHRR believes in full disclosure and so the posting of all of his test results etc., is one way for the public to know that:
1) this boy is really in need
2) that we are being proactive on his well being plus care
3) that these tests are really being done
4) that we are racking up the bills as we work so hard and as fast as we can to figure things out for this amazing dog
5) that we are committed for life to each and every dog that crosses our door and hearts
6) Quality of life over quantity is our focus

There are so many disreputable rescues out there, more opening up almost daily and, I want our members plus supporters to know that we are accountable to them as much as we are accountable to the dogs under our authority. 🙂 So many stories going around of late of groups that people once thought were ‘good’ yet, truly, never were……please, support only r/q groups and organizations out there…it is the animals at the end of the day that are going to suffer by those giving of themselves to those rescues that are not properly vetting animals  including spaying/neutering, are not taking the funds sent their way to help animals yet are putting the money to their own personal usage, that are taking dogs in and pumping them out, have exorbitant adoption fees, no thorough adoption process etc. AND, it is not just ‘small’ groups out there that can be disreputable.

I am sincerely hoping that some of his fans may consider his cause and, he shall be celebrating ( I HOPE!) his 6th year birthday this week….please think about making a donation to help him have a special birthday!!!!

Animals adopted out by BHRR are:

  • Microchipped
  • Fully vetted – altered, necessary bw inluding HWT, x-rays, necessary surgeries, utd on vaccines, dewormed, fecals
  • Put on HW/Flea/Parasite Preventative – BHRR uses Sentinel year round
  • Some obedience
  • Behavourally assessed/evaluated
  • Behavourally rehabbed – Founder has MA in Animal Behavour/Development and is working on PHd in the same discipline
  • Medically rehabbed including with our team of other experts – hydrotherapy, chiro, acupunture and massage if needed
  • BHRR remains a 24/7 resource for as long as you have one of our animals
  • Adopted with a collar/leash
  • XL Ziploc bag of dog food should home not have food already – We feed FROMM – Salmon, Whitefish plus Pork & Applesauce
  • Adopted out with any ‘favourite’ toys the dog may have
  • Adopted out with any Secret Santa or other ‘gifts’ given direct to them
  • Copies of all Vet/Microchip information/records
  • Full disclosure given
  • Invitation to take a copy of photos on the dogs blog plus a copy of the blog itself
  • Invitation to join our 200+ member strong GD & Honoray ‘GIANT AT HEART’ Walking/Hiking Group
  • Home sent an emailed ‘information’ package re: Dog plus how to ensure a smooth and successful adoption transition
  • Should home ever have need of emergency doggie care; BHRR will do so at BHRR at n/c during your time of need
    *Donation to BHRR in lieu of any fees charged by BHRR deeply appreciated – food to be provided by approved BHRR adoptive home

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Porridge’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Porridge Angels  $327.50* donated to date & Bills are close to $3,000+ and rising
*Before PayPal fees
PV Stittsville Nail Trim/Grind Event

photo 1 photo 2
March 22nd, 2014 @ PV Stittsville
*Per our home page, all blogs and photo’s are copyrighted and cannot be used legally without written permission*

It is hard to believe that the TIME has come! It has been a remarkable and beautiful journey with this wee ‘giant’ of an ANGEL! 🙂

She first came on my radar on December 24th, 2013 and, with ALL those that stepped up to help BHRR help her, SHE has a very exciting announcement to make! BHRR’s Noelle(this is what we call her), is NOW AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION! 🙂

She came to the PV Stittsville nail trim/grind event on Saturday March 22nd and ROCKED it! She went ‘relatively’ willingly with other people – THANKS Tanya for taking her out for that poop! 😉 AND, she continued to demonstrate how much she adores kids! Bryson – about 3.5 years of age – took her leash and like a pro walked her and ran her 😉 around the store! She was a willing participant in all of his mischievous shenanigans! LOL As people have continued to remark, she is very bonded to me and, I keep working on her getting into the hands of other trusted folks to get her to ‘let go’ a bit.

When I arrived home last Tuesday from being out of the country, she would not let me get an inch between her and me! LOL Photo below of her and my beloved PPSS snuggling in welcome to me in coming home! I live a very blessed life as do those of all of our approved temp fosters! We now have 14 of our dogs in amazing approved temp foster homes! 🙂 We could not do what we do without them! Most of these homes have temp fostered for us before and many are also previous approved adoptive homes! 🙂 CHAIN OF SUCCESS! 🙂 Quality all the way! 🙂 People out there helping us to do things the right way and in r/q rescue for all the right reasons. 🙂

BHRR’s Angel Noelle received her final booster at KAH on Saturday and her weigh was 17.2 KGS(37.84 pounds). She was a tiny bit taller when I arrived home and is in FABU body condition! No fat or chunky monkey any longer and with the additional height and growing – she will be 9 months next week – is in fantastic health! The Vet that did her DAPP booster remarked how far she has come! She was once terrified of him yet, not this time…she just did her ‘pretty sits'(I have been working with her on these to help build up her the muscles plus strength in her back legs) and did her perfect ‘sit and stay’ and also, went on her back legs and put her paws on his waist ‘trying to tell him that she needs more treats!’ LOL

This girl has touched SO many all over and, she can go to a home that has at least one other dog(I would love this) that is a right personality fit dog, or be an only dog BUT I want to know that she has a great social network of doggie friends that she will see regularly FOR she will NOT want to share her owner – she can be sneaky about how she resources for she will wedge herself between you and another human or dog and ‘pretend’ it was all innocent…she does that in order to get treats too….’Wait, I did not get one yet…do not forget about me?’ she will say with those eyes… LOL

She is not a wallflower….she will need an experienced home that will not allow her to run the house OR you will be sleeping on the floor and her, on the bed! 😉 She is crate trained and, I rotate allowing her to sleep out of the crate or in the crate to help keep her mindful that she is not “QUEEN’ of all. She will often even go into her crate in the middle of the night, on those nights she is allowed out, and just sleep.

She is fearless! She is brilliant and would make an great obedience partner yet, people do have to be mindful that she is a tripod and should not be pounding around and, this does not mean that she should be carried and not allowed to run and run for hours. Just watch the pavement and bad surfaces and slippery surfaces and let her rest when she needs to. She should not be coddled or babied or pitied or put in a glass bubble. She does NOT feel sorry for herself and neither should anyone else. She is a very active girl and has become so strong. She bombs along in our three plus acres of fenced in yard and plays, and jumps and is very resourceful in figuring our puzzles and getting what she wants. THAT face is irresistible to many and, as I have said in the past ‘DO NOT LOOK INTO THE EYES FOR LONG!’ 😉 You will be swept away. Her eyes are stunning….just so intelligent, gorgeous and the trust she has placed in me, just humbles me to my core.

She can go to a home that works ft, pt, from home, is semi-retired or retired. She has had has a tendency to want to chase cats yet, she has gotten better and with more training, proper integration/exposure, and maturity on her part, she could well do great.

I could count a million and one ways of how MUCH I love and adore and respect and admire this girl…..and, to any home that proves to be that right matched one for her, YOU are getting a precious gift…..when BHRR’s Noelle gives you her heart…she will be giving you what feels like the world!

We are about $500 short to finish paying of her bills AND, if anyone may consider her cause, we would be so grateful!!! I had to list ALL of her angels again FOR without YOU, we would not have been able to do what we did for her! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! 🙂 We know who you are and, are eternally grateful! 🙂


A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Angel Noelle’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services C/O Gwendilin Boers 2425 Totem Ranch Road West RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Angel Noelle’s Christmas Miracle Angels  $4,490.60* donated to date & Final Bills are now estimated at over $5,000+
*Before PayPal fees
Andrea – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
Anna – From her choosing BHRR as one of her selections on a Postcard Draw she hosted
Evan, Sevia, Alexa & Liam – PayPal took $2.04 in fees
Anne – PayPal took $3.20 in fees
Auction Winners from an online Auction that Anna hosted and BHRR was the benefactor on those items
Colin – PayPal took 1.17 in fees
Jillian – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Dawn S
The Beach Group – PayPal took $1.03
Jan – lovely pink leash
Tianna & Kiki – Party – PayPal took $3.20 in fees
PVAR through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
Anonymous through YouCaring -PENDING
Rosa through YouCaring – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Carinne though YouCaring – PENDING
Anonymous through YouCaring – PayPal took $0.45 in fees
Kassie & Kailyn through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Alice through YouCaring – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Anonymous through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Anonymous through YouCaring – PayPal took $3.20 in fees
Luanne through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Anonymous through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
DawgBlogger through YouCaring – PayPal took $0.53 in fees
Sandra through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
Skittles and Potter – PENDING
Jan Geoffrey – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Anonymous through YouCaring – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Simone – PayPal took $4.65 in fees
Mason – Allowance
Kinsley – Allowance
Wendi  through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Brian through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
GDR through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
Anonymous through YouCaring – PayPal took $0.59 in fees
Barbara through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
Heather H. through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.46 in fees
Samantha through YouCaring – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Mylene through YouCaring – PayPal took $3.20 in fees
Jacqueline & Dantry Danes
Dawn Again
Millie, the Newfoundland Dog through YouCaring – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Breaking Bills Bake Online Auction – $789.00
Tianna – special blanket
Online Auction on FB by Winners/Donators on Anna’s Page
Wendi – Spare Change
PV Stittsville February 15th Nail Trims/Grinds & BHRR’s Angel Noelle’s ‘KISSES 4 KASH’

BHRR’s Angel Noelle’s Wish List:
$ towards Vet bills
Dog Bed Packing
Blankets/Sleeping Blankets
Smoked Dino Bones
Dog FOOD – FROMM Whitefish or Salmon
Bath Mats

**IF I am forgetting any of her ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

Noelle1 NoelleMarh182014
March 2nd, 2014 & March 18th, 2014

BHRR’s Canvas has a very very very exciting announcement to make! HE DID IT! HE DID IT! HE DID IT!

It has been a very long and so rewarding journey of rehabilitation for this incredible boy! YET, he did it! The patience, time, consistency, routine, heart, love, obedience and experience, education plus knowledge of dog behaviour/training has PAID off! HE is finally ready to say ‘I AM AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!‘ 🙂 In fact, he is woofing it loudly! 🙂 No dog at BHRR is going to be placed up for adoption before they are ready. It is not about bringing them in and pumping them up and ‘hoping’ that an adoption works out….

It is about doing it the right way each and every time and, for those that truly are there for BHRR, they ‘get this’, they ‘support’ this and, they think this is the BEST way that a r/q Rescue should be operating. 🙂

While I was out of the country, we had 11 folks come in and out(up to 3/4 each stayed day here) and, he did AWESOME! This was his final test! 🙂 🙂 He will never be that ‘fluttering social’ butterfly yet, he is social and, affectionate and, if you give him time, a ‘village idiot’ and a ‘class clown’ and, he will warm up and if you, just be patient, avoid the eye contact, you will get a new best friend. His windmill wags of happiness were noted by many while I was away and, YAY! 🙂 To those that did not pressure or push him, they were deeply rewarded into a world of such a magnificent creature.

This was the Dane seen in the videos’ at the shelter, cowering under a desk…he came to BHRR and from that very first night, I got major tail windmill wags and, he went from hiding out in the 3+ acres of fenced in yard when people came over, to being in the house and, around yet, not too close, to coming up and bumping people with his nose, to quietly standing by their side and, then now, asking for love over the time he has been here! YES! YES!

BHRR’s Canvas, YOU are why we are here! YOU are why we are needed and YOU are why, I do what I do and continue to do it! 🙂

Here is a Video from March 12th taken by the ever lovely BHRR Approved Adopter and BHRR Volunteer, Bre! 🙂 She wuved him and her him!

VIDEO – MARCH 12th, 2014 – CANVAS

I would love to see him in a home with at least one other like minded dog(male or female, does not matter) that shall continue to shape and carry him on the strong foundation built at BHRR. We would like to see a home within 2 hours of our location as, I want to do a transitional adoption – a few visits with me, a few visits without me, an overnight and, either a weekend overnighter and, then a drop-off and stay….for those homes that we have done this to in the past with, they will support and stand up and affirm why this is so integral to a chain of success ending for the home and the BHRR canine.

AND, as always, we are not in a rush. The right matched home with either find him or, he is already living a great life with so many human and, canine and also horse, 3 demanding gpiggers and one snake friend(s)! 😉

He can go to a home that works full time or part-time, at the house, or out YET, he must go to a home that understands not to put him in a glass bubble, feel sorry or pity for him and set him up for SA behavours. He is crate trained and, that is his safe spot.

SO, we do not necessarily want a Dane experienced home BUT, we are looking for an experienced dog home that shall continue to make him the best dog he can be. He has become very social with his circle of success friends and, we want to see that expand….and grow.

I am not sure how he is with cats. As with anything, integration would be key. He is wonderful with the gpiggers and snakes and all dogs of all sizes that he has met to date.

Here is the ECG results for BHRR’s Purse Puppy Coach.

Here is some of what is on this written by the specialist of Dr. Jean Betkowski, VMD, DACVIM(C)

It says that there is a sinus arrhythmia with a normal rate throughout the recording. The source of the ventricular arrhythmia is not clear. It may be due to a myocarditis but other systemic conditions, perhaps related to neurological disease or reduced perfusion may also be playing a role. The presence of significant cardiac disease is not highly suspected with the lower resting heart rate and sinus arrhythmia seen here. No cardiac medications are recommended based on this exam alone. The arrhythmia is not severe enough to warrant therapy at this time. If pairs or runs were noted at other times, therapy with atenolol or sotalol could be considered to suppress it. The resting heart rate can also be monitored to ensure it remains in the normal range.

photo 2 (2)

Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Chanel’ or ‘Coach’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services C/O Gwendilin Boers 2425 Totem Ranch Road West RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option)


BHRR’s Purse Puppies Beautiful Angels: Donated to Date: $257.50 & Bills To Date: $1,590.34
Anna & Her FB Auction
PV Stittsville March 15th Nail Trim/Grind Event

**IF I am forgetting any ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

Thank you from my soul and beyond for any possible consideration to their care……even a $1 donation is super!! :)

On Tuesday March 4th, BHRR’s Coach was in for his Rabies and a recheck on his Heart. On Tuesday March 4th, BHRR’s Purse Puppy’s Coach weight was 14.9 KGs(37.78 pounds)! Since his arrival into Rescue, he has put on 34.28 pounds! :) In just 14 weeks! :)

We did x-rays on March 5th (the next day I brought him back) and, he has a slight right atrium enlargement. Labs are prone to atrial issues and chances are he is not the only puppy in this litter of 12 affected with a congenital condition(IF this is what he has). He was scheduled for a cardiac u/s for March 5th. Below are his x-rays from March 5th.  The ECG results  results were to be in within 24 hours and, I have not yet heard anything, yet, when I had BHRR’s Porridge at KAH yesterday, I looked up his file and printed of a copy of his results and shall post that in a separate blog.

It is possible that this heart condition is exasperated by the belief that these puppies(possibly mom also) had a toxin exposure. As it is believed to be congenital, it can explain that despite several full and detailed exams up to 16 weeks of age, this heart concern was not noted and did not manifest itself. As of March 5th, 2014, he has had five exams at BHRR alone.

Three of those exams have now shown a heart irregularity. This may also explain why he has always been more quiet than his three sisters YET, on the other hand, he is a boy and those three are girls. 😉

He also does head bobbing and some head tremors when he sits of moves. The Vet Vet also noted this on March 4th and the 5th.

Here are the details of the Vet’s documentation from BHRR’s Coach’s x-rays:
“The heart looks wide with a bulge at the 8-11 o’clock position. The vertebral heart score is increased at 11.5. There is a mild generalized interstitial lung pattern. The pulmonary vasculature to the caudal lung lobes is somewhat obscured by a pulmonary interstitial pattern. Right atrial/ventricular enlargement. Suspicious for Tricuspid Valve Dysplasia.”

Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Chanel’ or ‘Coach’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option)

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

BHRR’s Purse Puppies Beautiful Angels: Donated to Date: $40 & Bills To Date: $1,590.34
Anna & Her FB Auction

**IF I am forgetting any ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

Thank you from my soul and beyond for any possible consideration to their care……even a $1 donation is super!! :)


Here is a small update from BHRR’s Aslan’s approved temp foster home!

“As for bhrr Aslan,  he is fitting in well with the dogs and cats.everyone who has met him is in love!! “

UPDATE: I ended up bringing BHRR’s Porridge back into KAH today. 🙁 He had a terrible night. I was up to 6 AM with him and, it is breaking my  heart to see him like this.

His bloodwork is back, remarkably normal yet, his WBC is very low normal. His protein levels were low, probably as a result of being dehydrated. He did give me a urine sample and we will also now run a UA. Needless to say, his urine was extremely concentrated. 🙁 This is only his second pee since Tuesday. He has not eaten nor drank for me since I arrived home. 🙁 He is down another .6 of a kg in weight.

He had two other Vets thoroughly exam him and also they reviewed his x-rays from yesterday(I shall get a copy to post) and, we are all in agreement that this is most likely not his heart. We shall see what his heart blood tests results indicate – should be in by tomorrow.

His lungs and heart sounds good today. His resting resp was 22. He still does not have a temperature.

His biopsy results should hopefully be back tomorrow. I do not think I could bear having to wait until Monday. 🙁

I have to keep him ‘propped’ up so he can rest and for a dog that loves to sleep in his side, this is not the most comfortable for him.

The consensus at this time from the two Vets he saw today – THANK YOU for seeing me! – is that this is some very aggressive strange virus(not likely) OR an aggressive nasal tumor OR lymphoma. Both of the Vets indicated that a skull x-ray is not conclusive and really does not show up anything the best and we discussed MRI’s and CT scans. I was advised to just hold off for this moment and wait for all of his current test results to come in. I was advised to stop the Doxy that we just started as this is NOT an infection, and, that was not what any of us really thought, yet, we were all trying to be proactive.

We discussed Pred and then, was advised to wait until all of his results come back in.

So, he is now on Cerenia 1ml mixed with 9 ml of Saline solution for his nose – 1-2 drops BID and Mirtazapine to help stimulate his appetite for he has lost all interest in even trying to eat. 🙁 🙁 He did take some Pill pockets and a Benny Bully’s liver treat while we were at the Vet and, I came home with the rest of the bag of Pill Pockets YET, can you imagine HOW many bags he would have to eat!?!!

I am offering him food by hand. Both Vets noted his hard and slightly swollen lymph nodes and that he has flared nostrils and, a clear discharge from the right nostril more than the left. In using slides to see if he is putting condensation on the slides, nothing from the right nostril was noted. WHAT a trooper he was again today. We even discussed doing more chest x-rays yet, nothing right at this time, points to this being a heart or lung issue….hoping that his bloodwork for his heart comes back normal also.

The one thing I told the Vets is that I shall not see him suffer. Quality over Quantity. He clearly cannot breathe with his mouth closed and, is very labored in attempting to get the air in and out. All of us agree that this is most likely something upper body for him – ie, neck, skull, nasal etc.

His eyes are not dilated or uneven, he has not noticeable swollen area on the face or skull or any caving in…..

As everyone knows, I am not one to panic, and, I am very much concerned for this amazing miracle dog………..

The not knowing is so hard…the trying to cover every test and angel possible to try and find out what is going on, is also so hard. 🙁 🙁 I promised him, that I would not see him dragged out in suffering.

He really could use some helping hands…..and caring hearts to consider his cause…..we are almost $2,000 and counting….he is so worthy…he really is.

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Porridge’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Porridge Angels  $10.00* donated to date & Bills are close to $1,100 and rising
*Before PayPal fees

GENTLE REMINDER & UPDATEThe March 22nd PV Stittsville Nail Trim & Grind Event(poster in previous blog post) from 10 AM – 5 PM will NOW also be used to also help BHRR’s Porridge – Rushed into KAH March 19th for when I returned from being out of the country, he was not well. He had dropped 3 KGs(6.6 pounds), had a nasal discharge, flared nostrils, no temp yet, belly breathing and could not breathe with his mouth closed, had not drank anything in over 24 hours, minimal eating, lethargic, swollen lymph nodes and, could not rest on his side(his fav resting spot).

PORRIDGE VET RESULTS TO DATE: Full exam done, lungs sounded ok, did a full blood work up including a heart blood test(awaiting results, we could not use Dormitor(if he did have a heart condition, this would be not in his best interest) to sedate for x-rays and the Torb barely took his anxiety edge off(we were not able to do his nails as he needs the Dorm also to sedate him) and, we could only get the right lat for x-rays yet, the heart on that side look almost completely normal. There was no noticeable bulge or significant enlargement yet, we had to take four shots to get his full chest and lungs just of the one side and the left side could not be completed at this time. We took biopsies of his lymph nodes, heart rate was elevated. The staff there noted how poor his energy level was from his norm ‘must maim with my happy tail and enthusiasm hyper harle happy boy ‘tude’ and while, he did eat some wet canned food, he had a hard time trying to eat anything dry and could only take one dry piece of T/D that was offered to him. The Vet has prescribed Doxy for him 4 tabs BID of the 100 mg IN case it may be infection related yet, he would not be presented ‘classically’ if that were the case. Yet, we are being proactive from all angles.

He went down hill so fast while I was away and, I thank all for monitoring him and I have trusted and do trust that those that were here, did keep his best interest at heart and, did not see fit to bring him in. I was completely ok for hi to go in for peace of mind and, I had been told that he was eating and drinking well and energy level was ok, no nasal discharge and lungs were clear(one person here is a nurse). In discussing him in more depth tonight with some of the wonderful souls that were here, it was noted that a weight loss had been seen, that drinking levels had gone down and energy level had changed. He was apparently fine and completely normal up to late last week and, I arrived home on Tuesday early afternoon. Whatever he has, it is aggressive….. 🙁

AND, in the 24+ hours that I have been home, his condition from there worsened further and, I jumped in bringing him in ASAP. Even called KAH to change his appointment to an earlier time slot.

Possible diagnosis at this time range from early heart to early lymphoma to early nasal tumor. Good case scenario, an infection of some sort.

He could really use some angels. He is a HUGE BHRR fav and, at the age of just shy of 6 years, he is a true miracle dog! He was not expected to live to see his first birthday and definitely, not expected to see age 2. If anyone may consider his cause, I would be so indebted! He will be at PV Stittsville on Saturday March 22nd, FROM 2:30 PM – 5:00 PM to thank anyone that may show up to make a donation in exchange for cuddles and kisses! 🙂 You will have to just ignore his own long nails as, they could not be done and, as he cannot be sedated often to get them done, they are long. 🙁 🙁 A product of his past terrible experience AND, the only dog in our BHRR history PLUS in my over 4 decades of owning dogs, that has ever required having to be sedated for nails.

Even with the Dorm tonight, when, one of the staff at KAH just barely brushed by his feet, he freaked out.

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Porridge’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Porridge Angels  $10.00* donated to date & Bills are close to $1,100 and rising
*Before PayPal fees

BRRH 2014 March 096
BHRR’s Porridge, my PPSS & BHRR’s Hailey – flaked out! March 13th, 2014
*photo courtesy of S. Dowler


BHRR’s Flints’ bilateral cherry eye surgery has been rescheduled from March 27th at KAH to April 34rd at LAH with Dr. Liston. His Vet at KAH feels more comfortable sending him elsewhere for this procedure being a Neo.

Below are two more photo’s of him. September 21st @ PV Stittsville and in October at the THANKS FOR GIVING Event at PV Stittsville with the Store Manager’s son – Bryson…the WUV him! 🙂

He is now over 8 months of age and, old enough that we hope that the cherry eyes surgery ‘takes’. Dr. Liston may not do the ‘modern’ method of tacking with him. He may do the traditional method of ‘cutting.’ With the latter method, dry eye could be a possible side effect and, something to note for any possible future adoptive home for him. I will update once he has the surgery and what method Dr. Liston felt best for him.

Once he recovers from his surgeries, he will have an exciting announcement to make! 🙂

Flint1Sept212013BHRR-3 - Breanne Moffatt (Medium)

GENTLE REMINDER & UPDATEThis event will NOW also be used to also help BHRR’s Porridge – Rushed into KAH March 19th for when I returned from being out of the country, he was not well. He had dropped 3 KGs(6.6 pounds) – he is down to 74 KGs, had a nasal discharge, flared nostrils, no temp yet, belly breathing and could not breathe with his mouth closed, had not drank anything in over 24 hours, minimal eating, lethargic, swollen lymph nodes and, could not rest on his side(his fav resting spot).

PORRIDGE VET RESULTS TO DATE: Full exam done, lungs sounded ok, did a full blood work up including a heart blood test(awaiting results, we could not use Dormitor(if he did have a heart condition, this would be not in his best interest) to sedate for x-rays and the Torb barely took his anxiety edge off(we were not able to do his nails as he needs the Dorm also to sedate him) and, we could only get the right lat for x-rays yet, the heart on that side look almost completely normal. There was no noticeable bulge or significant enlargement yet, we had to take four shots to get his full chest and lungs just of the one side and the left side could not be completed at this time. We took biopsies of his lymph nodes, heart rate was elevated. The staff there noted how poor his energy level was from his norm ‘must maim with my happy tail and enthusiasm hyper harle happy boy ‘tude’ and while, he did eat some wet canned food, he had a hard time trying to eat anything dry and could only take one dry piece of T/D that was offered to him. The Vet has prescribed Doxy for him 4 tabs BID of the 100 mg IN case it may be infection related yet, he would not be presented ‘classically’ if that were the case. Yet, we are being proactive from all angles.

He went down hill so fast while I was away and, I thank all for monitoring him and I have trusted and do trust that those that were here, did keep his best interest at heart and, did not see fit to bring him in. I was completely ok for hi to go in for peace of mind and, I had been told that he was eating and drinking well and energy level was ok, no nasal discharge and lungs were clear(one person here is a nurse). In discussing him in more depth tonight with some of the wonderful souls that were here, it was noted that a weight loss had been seen, that drinking levels had gone down and energy level had changed. He was apparently fine and completely normal up to late last week and, I arrived home on Tuesday early afternoon. Whatever he has, it is aggressive….. 🙁

AND, in the 24+ hours that I have been home, his condition from there worsened further and, I jumped in bringing him in ASAP. Even called KAH to change his appointment to an earlier time slot.

Possible diagnosis at this time range from early heart to early lymphoma to early nasal tumor. Good case scenario, an infection of some sort.

AND, here is the PV Stittsville, Nail Trim Event Poster! $15 for grinds/$10 for Trims on Saturday March 22nd from 10 am – 5 pm, and, all money shall benefit BHRR’s Coach, our ‘heart’ boy!

Purse Puppy Coach shall be coming with me after my work shift on March 22nd,  – around 2:30 PM to visit and thank all those that will be there AND, he will be doing ‘KUDDLES 4 KASH’ to also help raise some money for his bills. AND, for those that have had the pleasure of hugging this boy, he is DELIGHTFUL! I may also bring BHRR’s Angel Noelle or perhaps BHRR’s Torque! 🙂

On Tuesday March 4th, BHRR’s Purse Puppy’s Coach weight was 14.9 KGs(37.78 pounds)! Since his arrival into Rescue, he has put on 34.28 pounds! 🙂 In just 14 weeks! 🙂

I have a huge blog post to make from this Vet visit and then coming back the next day for emergency x-rays and an ECG (the results were suppose to be back within 24 hours….) and, from there, the next steps for him. I have the report from the one Vet to post and, I have passed along all information and details to PVAR who have the other two puppies and who adopted the mom. At the minimum, it is believed that he has a congenital condition. 🙁 AND, the chances that HE is the only one in that large litter to have this condition is slim to none.

As I am heading offline for the next week+, blog updates will be to a minimum to none – SORRY! 🙁 I am going out of the country and later this year, also plan on going back out of the country as I have been invited to Costa Rica and Nicarauga to assist/train/mentor in a spay/neuter clinic and, to work with the strays etc. over there.  So, I will post as I can and, thanks to all that follow the blogs!!! 🙂

Now, we just have to have those right matched forever loving homes find all of these great BHRR doggies that are AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION! 🙂

Nailtrim (Medium)

Get today’s Metro Ottawa to read all about Liz Bradleys’ incredible Rescue Pawtraits & the Ottawa Dog Blog! See BHRR’s Dyson – bottom right! He is patiently still waiting for that right matched forever loving home to find him!


On Tuesday March 4th, BHRR’s Purse Puppy Chanel went in for a re-weigh, recheck and her boosters! She now weighs 13.8 kgs(29.92 pounds!) She has put on 11 pounds in just shy of a month! 🙂 HARD to believe that she weighed 3 pounds at 6 weeks of age. 🙁 Her heart, coat, body condition and lungs are awesome and, she was feisty and curious and a bossy bit of goods! LOL She is so high maintenance and nonstop action!

Sean says that if he were looking for a new addition, he would want to keep her!

Next step is her spay and this shall be done either in end of March or early April. I want her at least 6 months of age first. AND, after she recovers from her spay, she will have an exciting announcement to make! 🙂

She also wants to thank Auntie Penny for the loving! 😉

BHRR’s Torque had another exam last night to see how his lungs etc. were doing and he has finally kicked the pneumonia to the curb!!!! YAY!

He now weighs 32.6 KGs(71.72 pounds) @ 5 months of age and, that once very unsure and worried boy crawled into the lap of the male vet at KAH and asked for snuggles and loving and wagged his happy tail! 🙂 YES! YES! He has put on 14.96 pounds in just 19 days!

The next step is for his neuter and I will not do that this young. When he is 6 months, so, as to not hold up any possible approved adoption, we shall do what we still consider to be a pediatric neuter on him. My preference personally plus professionally is to alter between the ages of 12-18 months of age and to spay around 11 months of age, before a heat. Yet, to hold on to a highly adoptable giant that long, is not something we will do. He shall not have need of me much longer and, it will be great for whomever that right matched forever loving home to find him and adopt him! 🙂

He is such an ‘old’ soul in so many ways…..AND, I am still not 100% convinced that he may not be 100% pure byber GD. Who knows…..lord knows, that BHRR’s Bloom proved me wrong(100% teacup GD she turned out to be!) and I have several decades of experience with this breed! 😀

He is such a doll! 🙂

PRONG Collars & Quebec

UPDATE: Sent my way from Nevenka René on March 5th, 2014:

Good evening,

I saw the comment on your blog requesting the information pertaining to the prong collar and electric dog collar interdiction in Québec.  It’s actually as per Section 26 of the “Règlement sur la sécurité et le bien-être des chats et des chiens ” which states « Le collier de l’animal ne doit pas gêner sa respiration ni lui occasionner de la douleur ou des blessures. »

It basically says that the animal’s collar mustn’t cause him pain or harm nor block his respiration (?)- sorry English is not my first language.

As you mentioned in your comment, the infraction could result in a 600$ fine.

I hope this helps.

I also wished to thank you for the work you’re doing, as a Great Dane owner I know how much care giant breeds actually request and that not all rescue can take them on.

Thank you,

Nevenka René

January 9th, 2014:
***I have yet to find the actual law re: this that was sent my way today. I have found literature that states that the unsupervised use of prong and shock collars, is punishable. I am continuing to research this as correct information needs and should be imparted.  If anyone is able to locate the actual ruling re: this, please do pass it along. It is so important that only real facts are relayed***

L’utilisation des colliers à pics est interdite au Québec (l’interdiction
de vente sera bientôt officielle). Si vous voyez un chien blessé par ce
type de collier vous pouvez communiquer avec le Ministère de l’Agriculture,
des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation du Québec au 1-800-463-5023 (600$

The use of prong collars is illegal in Quebec (and their sale will soon be
illegal as well). If you see a dog that has been injured by this type of
collar, report the incident to the Quebec Ministry of Agriculture, Food and
Fisheries by calling 1-800-463-5023 (There is a $600 fine).


Here is an update from BHRR’s Aslan’s approved temp foster home from February 23rd, 2014:

Hi. Gwen, 

Just a note to let you know he is settling in well. He ate all his breakfast yesterday and today, last night for dinner he needed a little cheese encouragement to eat all his dinner lol

Some pictures for you as well, he is enjoying sunning on the deck.

Also got a good run in the snow yesterday. 🙂

bye for now 

20140222_103431 (Medium) 20140223_120945 (Medium)

BHRR’s Angel Noelle had her special ‘BREAKING BILLS BAKE’ Online Auction date with the winner on Sunday. This was the first time she was without me and, I prepared the home that she would be a bit nervous and confused and worried and to act normal plus passively ignore any behavours to not enable her.

I recommended to the home(THANK YOU again so much in giving her this amazing experience!) to not take her for a walk as she is a flight risk without me and, to make her work for her treats for, she is smart and, if she is going to only get treats to come to someone, she is not going to listen to them otherwise. 😉 They did take her out in their fenced in yard with her on leash.

I stayed with her for a bit, then had the home distract her and then, left for 2.5 hours. This is the next important plus crucial step for her to get ready to be placed up for adoption. She needs to continue to get out of my hands, into the hands of others and to keep getting wonderful experiences and memories with loving hands to continue her along the great foundation being built here that not all humans are cruel. Plus, to keep making her the best dog she can be and becoming more well balanced and adjusted sans moi.

I told the home that she could still be worried about men and, to just take it easy with her plus patient and, understanding. Needless to say, she ‘knew’ something was up and as I was pulling out the drive-way(she was not distracted for long!), I could see her at the door. Yet, ‘tough love’ and, I knew she would be fine. We were both going to be fine! 😉

When I came back, the excitement and joy made the gentleman of the house say ‘WOW…I thought she was going to eat you up, she was so excited and happy to see you again!’. Yup! She is bonded to me and, I am very much bonded to her and, once again, people should be more concerned if these dogs were not happy to be around me and want to be with me. 🙂

I then stayed for a bit and, you could see BHRR’s Angel Noelle relaxing more and more. The home has offered to have another play date with her and, I am very grateful for the next time, she will not be as stressed with them. This Play Date and Play Visit program of BHRR is so essential to our CHAIN OF SUCCESS and, I am seeing more and more groups plus folks do this with their own organizations and, even their own dogs. 🙂 LOVE It! 🙂

I had SOOOOOOOOOOOO many photo’s to post yet, I will start off with these two posted below….the first is in the snow as I was getting ready to put her in the car. SHE is so photogenic! BHRR’s Angel Noelle loves the car now!

She also came with me to drop off The BHRR Flower Girl’s to their play date and, and to pick them up and, that home mentioned about how well behaved she is for such a young pup. Lovely compliment to have received! We do not use fear to rule here. We are positive based all the way and, patience, time, consistency, positive methods and obedience with structure, and routine with a huge toss in of love works wonders! 😉 It also helps having almost 15 years of formal education to add to the 26 years of experience obtained through r/q rescue work, training, rehabilitation plus behavoural work.

We still need to raise just over $600 to pay of her remaining bills and, I hope that her growing fan club plus village may consider her cause!!! She is such a special dog….to many of us that surrounded her in strength and belief!

BHRR’s Angel Noelle even has her own Fundraising Page on You Caring!
*PayPal is taking fees. :( :(

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Angel Noelle’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Angel Noelle’s Christmas Miracle Angels  $4,490.60* donated to date & Final Bills are now estimated at over $5,000+
*Before PayPal fees
Andrea – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
Anna – From her choosing BHRR as one of her selections on a Postcard Draw she hosted
Evan, Sevia, Alexa & Liam – PayPal took $2.04 in fees
Anne – PayPal took $3.20 in fees
Auction Winners from an online Auction that Anna hosted and BHRR was the benefactor on those items
Colin – PayPal took 1.17 in fees
Jillian – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Dawn S
The Beach Group – PayPal took $1.03
Jan – lovely pink leash
Tianna & Kiki – Party – PayPal took $3.20 in fees
PVAR through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
Anonymous through YouCaring -PENDING
Rosa through YouCaring – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Carinne though YouCaring – PENDING
Anonymous through YouCaring – PayPal took $0.45 in fees
Kassie & Kailyn through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Alice through YouCaring – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Anonymous through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Anonymous through YouCaring – PayPal took $3.20 in fees
Luanne through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Anonymous through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
DawgBlogger through YouCaring – PayPal took $0.53 in fees
Sandra through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
Skittles and Potter – PENDING
Geoffrey – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Anonymous through YouCaring – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Simone – PayPal took $4.65 in fees
Mason – Allowance
Kinsley – Allowance
Wendi  through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Brian through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
GDR through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
Anonymous through YouCaring – PayPal took $0.59 in fees
Barbara through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
Heather H. through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.46 in fees
Samantha through YouCaring – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Mylene through YouCaring – PayPal took $3.20 in fees
Jacqueline & Dantry Danes
Dawn Again
Millie, the Newfoundland Dog through YouCaring – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Breaking Bills Bake Online Auction – $789.00
Tianna – special blanket
Online Auction on FB by Winners/Donators on Anna’s Page
Wendi – Spare Change
PV Stittsville February 15th Nail Trims/Grinds & BHRR’s Angel Noelle’s ‘KISSES 4 KASH’

BHRR’s Angel Noelle’s Wish List:
$ towards Vet bills
Dog Bed
Packing Blankets/Sleeping Blankets
Smoked Dino Bones
Dog FOOD – FROMM Whitefish or Salmon
Bolster/Tube Pillows
Bath Mats

**IF I am forgetting any of her ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Angel Noelle – March 2nd, 2014

NoelleMarch22014photo 3

BHRR’s Rose and BHRR’s Petal our Flower Girls’ had a play date on Sunday March 2nd, for 5 hours with the home that shall be temp fostering/loving on them for the next while.

I am always so proud to see the progress that dogs that came in so terrified plus shutdown become with positive and proper rehabilitation. 🙂 They loved the fenced in yard and ran and played and zipped and, needless to say, they got along with the other dogs’ there well too! 😉

As of March 4th, 2014, they will be temp fostered and, this is going to be such a great experience for them!!!! 🙂 AND, as always, I am going to miss them.

Below are two photo’s of BHRR’s Petal(you can see BHRR’s Rose in the background) on the drive home on March 2nd, 2014!

Both are still very patiently waiting, AS are we for their right matched forever loving homes to find them!


BHRR's Angel Noelle is going on her special date tomorrow with the person who won the date on the Breaking Bills Bake Auction we hosted to help raise much needed funds for her bills.

AND, my worry that this tenacious, fearless dog would end up with a coyote encounter came true. 🙁 🙁 I told so many on February 15th, both at KAH and the PV Event, that I was worried that with them becoming a nuisance again that, she was going to get nicked through the fence and this wee thing ended up with the tip of her ear snagged… antibiotics for her.

Just this past week, my Matrix, AKA Turtle got nabbed. These past two winters have been just brutal with the coyotes. One of the lovelies that I work will also said that her father had to shoot a coyote near their own horse barn as it was becoming increasingly aggressive and aggressive. 🙁

BHRR’s Angel Noelle even has her own Fundraising Page on You Caring!
*PayPal is taking fees. :( :(

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Angel Noelle’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Angel Noelle’s Christmas Miracle Angels  $4,440.60* donated to date & Final Bills are now estimated at over $5,000+
*Before PayPal fees
Andrea – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
Anna – From her choosing BHRR as one of her selections on a Postcard Draw she hosted
Evan, Sevia, Alexa & Liam – PayPal took $2.04 in fees
Anne – PayPal took $3.20 in fees
Auction Winners from an online Auction that Anna hosted and BHRR was the benefactor on those items
Colin – PayPal took 1.17 in fees
Jillian – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Dawn S
The Beach Group – PayPal took $1.03
Jan – lovely pink leash
Tianna & Kiki – Party – PayPal took $3.20 in fees
PVAR through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
Anonymous through YouCaring -PENDING
Rosa through YouCaring – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Carinne though YouCaring – PENDING
Anonymous through YouCaring – PayPal took $0.45 in fees
Kassie & Kailyn through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Alice through YouCaring – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Anonymous through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Anonymous through YouCaring – PayPal took $3.20 in fees
Luanne through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Anonymous through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
DawgBlogger through YouCaring – PayPal took $0.53 in fees
Sandra through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
Skittles and Potter – PENDING
Geoffrey – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Anonymous through YouCaring – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Simone – PayPal took $4.65 in fees
Mason – Allowance
Kinsley – Allowance
Wendi  through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Brian through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
GDR through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
Anonymous through YouCaring – PayPal took $0.59 in fees
Barbara through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
Heather H. through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.46 in fees
Samantha through YouCaring – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Mylene through YouCaring – PayPal took $3.20 in fees
Jacqueline & Dantry Danes
Dawn Again
Millie, the Newfoundland Dog through YouCaring – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Breaking Bills Bake Online Auction – $789.00
Tianna – special blanket
Online Auction on FB by Winners/Donators on Anna's Page
Wendi – Spare Change
PV Stittsville February 15th Nail Trims/Grinds & BHRR's Angel Noelle's 'KISSES 4 KASH'

BHRR’s Angel Noelle’s Wish List:
$ towards Vet bills
Dog Bed
Packing Blankets/Sleeping Blankets
Smoked Dino Bones
Dog FOOD – FROMM Whitefish or Salmon
Bolster/Tube Pillows
Bath Mats

**IF I am forgetting any of her ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**