Another pic! Miss Sleet is so affectionate.
Tonight’s “Smellers” & party gatherers as Gwennie makes dinner!
BHRR’s Nala(Blind/Hearing Impaired), Summit, Apex & BHRR’s Sleet.
Summit & BHRR’s Sleet are Deaf/Blind & Apex is Deaf/Visually Impaired.
This is my view tonight as I am trying to prepare dinner!
We have one gate anchored into the wall and also an xpen for extra safety for the dogs/humans AND these four monkeys; pushed the x-pen aside – again! – and are ‘staring’ at me!
That is also BHRR’s Bell(Blind/Deaf on left side) in the back by the table with the donations that I am currently sorting – THANKS to the generosity of rescue angels! So, please excuse the mess.
Once again, you can also see Miss Nala’s pile of blankets/dog bed on the other side – she likes to stock pile them up in one spot!
Our 13th Annual ‘JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS’ online auction started yesterday AND here is the link:
We currently have 27 WOW items up for grabs and more items shall be added daily!
Auction ends Thursday December 3rd @ 9 PM EST.
Please help us to keep our doors open!
We remain so grateful to whatever comes our way as our bills continue to mount – BHRR’s Devin, himself has now been at the Vet twice in the last week and our doors are officially closed and we are fighting hard to to not have to permanently close our doors….
When you turn around as you feel you are being ‘watched’…yes, my Salt & Apex may be Deaf/Visually impaired and BHRR’s Sleet Deaf/Blind; YET, nothing is wrong with their noses!
NOR BHRR’s Nala(Blind/Hearing Impaired) that can be seen under them! LOL
Sean says that the scent training that I do with the dogs makes them highly efficient! LOL They can track me in a snow storm…literally!
This is my view as I am trying to prepare for dinner!
We have one gate anchored into the wall and also an xpen for extra safety for the dogs/humans AND these three monkeys; pushed the x-pen aside and are ‘staring’ at me!
Well, they got my attention and now that I have food in the oven; it was winter wonderland outside play time and treats all around!
That is BHRR’s Coupe’s cute rump on the one side and Miss Nala’s pile of blankets on the other – she likes to stock pile them up in one spot!
On a separate note, yes; our Annual ‘JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS’ online auction was to start yesterday yet, we received late notice that our server was going down for maintenance and that put both emails out of whack too.
So, it will be up and running on Facebook instead for 2020 and I am working on it!
We also are waiting for three more participants from our annual ‘Give It Up’ 4 Autumn and we well understand that things happen and we will post the final total raised over the next couple of days; should we receive more monies or not.
We remain so grateful to whatever comes our way as our bills continue to mount – BHRR’s Devin, himself has now been at the Vet twice in the last week and our doors are officially closed for further intake…..
Three Blind/Deaf Mice of BHRR’s Sleet & Summit!
This picture really demonstrates the huge difference between the two litter-mates!
My sight as I was going up the stairs with clean laundry!
Summit as posted recently is now just under 40″ at the whithers and still growing. Being taller or bigger is not a great thing whatsoever…..it is harder on their joints and hearts – and Summit already has heart issues. We work to keep him lean and muscled.
BHRR’s Sleet, his sister is no small Dane herself at almost 110-115 pounds and almost 34″ at the whithers yet, the size difference between them is so apparent.
They turned 2 years old on October 21st and remain miracle Danes in so many ways…..
They also wished to update everyone to keep everything crossed that the 3 Musketeers – a rescue that we have worked on since July(they were placed in emerge foster care to become healthy – they were weak/emaciated upon being rescued) – arrive safely on Saturday. Two of the three of those Great Danes are deaf/visually impaired themselves.
My last post of my night!
Time for folks to think about what they plan on giving up for 14 days in our 9th Annual ‘Give it up 4 Autumn’ Fundraiser!
Starts Thursday November 5th and we already have 4 people signed up to date! Be creative! Some people have even done a swear jar in the past putting money each time they or someone in their office swears and then donating the monies raised at the end of the 14 days.
All money raised shall go towards helping BHRR’s Symba and BHRR’s Coupe!
More details in the poster and please do email contactbhrr@gmail.com if you would like to be part of our 9th annual event!
Here are the blog links to BHRR’s Symba:
AND for BHRR’s Coupe
For those who wish to consider making a financial donation to their worthy causes, you can do so via PayPal gwen@birchhaven.org or via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com OR you can do so directly to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966
We have many many many thousands of dollars to raise and we are now set back even further as sadly, BHRR’s Oslo has needed emergency care today…..
From our home to all of our friends, family & supporters, the best of good night wishes are being sent!
Unfortunately, we find ourselves having to address the below issues once again. Every few years it seems we must re-visit this despite being very clear on our website, Facebook and Petfinder as to how we operate.
This last 24 hours we have had not one yet, two extremely unpleasant moments.
Let us be extremely clear that if people continue to disrespect what is openly stated; we will involve legal and take the necessary action(s).
Our camera’s are running.
1) we are a foster based rescue that operates out of our home and our approved fosters. NOWHERE does it state that you can just drop by, visit or ‘get’ a dog because you want one.
It is NOT even ok to leave a voice message as a ‘courtesy heads up’ that you are on your way or will be on your way shortly to our PRIVATE property which is our home.
We would never do this to you; so do not expect it to be ok to do it to us. We get so little quality family time as it is and your blatant disregard for being mindful of our family time is not going to be tolerated.
We have a very thorough adoption process which is and has been posted over and over and over again in the last shy of 25 years.
All of the steps to be considered for a BHRR approved adoption is found on our websites and even in the application. We have done our job to have the information there. It is now up to you to read and follow the instructions.
We have posted many times over that only completed applications shall be considered/reviewed. We are NOT going to respond to ANY inquiries sent via email, text, voice message, Petfinder or Facebook. This is and has been posted many times over. So Stop. Spamming via email, text, phone, and/or Petfinder is not going to receive a response. They will be deleted and if you continue, marked as spam/junk/blocked. It is equally NOT acceptable for you to come uninvited; to our home, private property with or without any completed application in hand.
As we also post, if a dog is listed on Petfinder, on our Website or on Facebook page as being ‘Available For Adoption’, YES, that dog is still available. We directly state that we work to keep everything up to date.
We have equally posted many times over that we are not going to make exceptions to our adoption contract, processes, policies and procedures.
2) the steps to surrender a dog is also openly stated on our website.
Do NOT leave a message and then only a couple of hours later show up at our home expecting us to drop everything and put your request above all of the other needy dogs that are equally ‘urgent’.
This is our home. This is private property.
AND do not say to one of us that you left many emails or voice messages re: said dog when we communicate closely with each other and know that this is a lie.
YOU are making our work more difficult that it ever should be and trust me, operating a highly r/q Rescue is damn hard.
BHRR is not about you; it is about the animals and please allow us to do our jobs; our non paying, 24/7, 365 days a year jobs.
We have been doing this since 1996; know what we are doing, are the experts in what we do from rescue to transport, to rehabilitation to adoption, from feeding to vetting, to training to behavioural modification and so much more.
If you want to adopt; please follow the process. If you have a dog in need; please follow the process.
The Boerskins
1) In having a discussion with several members of the BHRR BOD; we shall be open as of Septermber 1st – subject to change if need be – for the intake of completed applications ONLY to consider for approved adoptions.
BHRR ONLY places per right matched personality fits and has an extremely thorough adoption screening process.
2) Unfortunately, again….in 2020 we will not be doing a BHRR Calendar. The cost is too high for what comes out of our personal pockets when that is monies that are desperately needed to keep BHRR open.
3) ISO: Auction Items for our upcoming 9th Annual Dine with the BHRR Doggies Event. Human, dogs, cat, gift baskets, gift certificates etc. ALL are welcome!
We also need draw prizes!
Please do not post your kind offers here, please do email contactbhrr@gmail.com
4) It is that time again! Time to think about being a special Secret Santa to the BHRR doggies! 2020 marks our 18th year doing this!!
As of today, we still have 21 deserving BHRR doggies in need of a special SS to call their very own!
To learn more and to sign up, please do visit the link!
5) BHRR is in urgent need of the following items:
Garbage bags – all sizes
Laundry soap
Fabric Softner
Fabric Softner Sheets
Giants Sized Dog Toys
XL Costco Dog Beds
Blankets, Duvets, Towels
Paper Towels
6) Please do reach out if you or someone you know has a Great Dane/Giant Breed Dog in need. We are also a highly/strongly focused special needs rescue so take in other breeds as we can that are also: Deaf and/or Blind, Sick, Senior, Neuro, Injured, Pregnant, Palliative, Nursing, Other Medical, Orphaned & Behavioural
It hurts our hearts to see dogs being put to sleep when there is an organization – we have been around since 1996 – OR to see these dogs end up in disreputable places.
Please do email contactbhrr@gmail.com if you or someone that you know needs assistance.
When you get home from work at almost 2:30 AM and this is the first thing you see!
BHRR’s Sleet – one of our three deaf/blind mice completely respecting the ‘no couch rule’!
What joy/laughter she brings, especially during such a dark time in our hearts right now….
Someone has no idea re: social distancing.
BHRR’s Sleet(Deaf/Blind) and Sean remain having their incredible special bond.
Cannot believe she is now almost 18 months old….
Every night per a previous post/picture this is part of their nightly routine…..she climbs right up into his chair and demands attention and likes to snuffle his head!
Sean remains saying that of course he has no favourites!!
The animals sure do make the world a much better place to be in, especially right now…..such a difficult time….
My final post of my night!
All of the winners of our flash online auction have now been notified via posts in the album, so please check the item(s) that you bid on!
Additionally, with spring, it brings mud and it means lots and lots and lots more of daily laundry and in this picture; we are down many dogs beds as we work both of our washers nonstop to get them constantly cleaned!
For those not yet aware, BHRR’s Coupe – seen in this picture -is also now bunking in with The Boerskins and has settled in beautifully. He is such a low maintenance chill dude!
With COVID-19 on the minds and conversations of so many, we sincerely hope that everyone is doing as well as can be expected during these uncertain and worrisome times.
Per a previous post made, The Boerskins are in self-isolation as Sean was away in SF and while he can work from home; I sadly; cannot and no work means no income and we deeply can empathise with everyone that is in the same situation. The Boerskins are all doing well overall and we are keeping the world in our hearts and best thoughts……
I do know that I find it hard not working as I know how busy my fellow veterinary team members have been at EVC and I wish I could be there assisting them.
From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, good night wishes are being sent and please do remember that, if, we can do anything to assist you during your own time of need; please never hesitate to reach out……as a community we must be there for each other, united and keeping that social distancing so that we can flatten the curve.
My last post of my night!
BHRR’s Sleet!
One of our 3 deaf/blind mice!
February 23rd, 2020
My sight as I was getting ready to leave for work this AM.
1) I was SO jealous that she was still sleeping AND
2) She may be blind/deaf yet, look at her ‘listening’ so well to the ‘no couch’ rule!
3) My couch used to be dark brown and is now wonderfully riddled with white hairs!
She is such a doll!!!!
I will update tomorrow re: BHRR’s Royal Blu’s Vet visit tonight at Eagleson Veterinary Clinic.
From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, warmest good night wishes are being sent!
BHRR’s Sleet
Born October 21st, 2018
*candid photo I snapped tonight*
My last post of my night!
One of our three deaf/blind mice.
She does this EVERY night with Sean. She and BHRR’s Glacier really love to be held and snuggled.
AND when BHRR’s Sleet becomes overstimulated or overwhelmed – which is so rare these days as we have worked hard to ensure that she is set up for success – what works best is holding her close & rubbing her chest. It is the only thing that soothes her.
She is the smallest of the 3 blind/deaf mice and she was the one that we were most worried if we could successfully rehab with her severe level of specialness.
Yet, out of the three, she is the most solid now. She is exceptional! Just exceptional!
She keeps her ‘big’ sibling brother Summit in line and always has!
She is incredibly lovely and though, nothing shall ever replace BHRR’s ‘tude special needs tripod boxer supreme Potterman, Miss Sleet has forged her own enormous place in Sean’s heart plus soul. Yet, as he says ‘he has no favs!’
Their relationship is really precious, adorable and truly is one that is deep plus clearly mutual.
She has excelled herself with her scent plus touch training and had a double eneucleation too, exactly one year ago today. She no longer lives in severe pain from eyes that pained her deeply and eyes that she could not even see out of.
Completely blind and deaf, she navigates with her own confidence and calmness. She is extremely gentle in taking treats from your hand, is housebroken, is crate trained, playful, affectionate and is a great ‘supervisor’ of Sean while he is on his computer.
She makes Sean pause and realise that it is important to ‘stop and smell those roses’ AKA take the time to enjoy all that is around you…..
To live in the present, to make the most out of everything, take delight in the smallest of things and not just the big things and that a loving heart/touch can help heal some things that are hurting/broken….
THANK you again to all that came out today to support our Nail Trim Event at Eagleson Veterinary Clinic!
Thank you to all that have made a donation to date to help us with BHRR’s Coupe’s mounting Vet bills.
THANK you to all of the Special Valentines that stepped up to make donations of a monetary gift and a toy and/or treat! Humbled…..
From our home to all of our friends, family plus supporters, the warmest and truly indebted of thanks are being sent!
Bell(Deaf/Blind on left side)
February 1st, 2020
I truly do not know why I even bother trying to put xpens around my desk to try and get some work done – working to put winners in touch with the donators from our recent 7th Annual Breaking Bills Bake Auction!
I feel like I am being ‘watched’ AND when I turn around and see not one, not two, not three yet four stunning white beauties honed in on me!
So, time for a walk, a few treats and a break from my computer!
For those still waiting for their auction funds to be collected and to then be put in touch with the donators of your beautiful winnings, you are now going to have to blame the 3 Blind/Deaf Mice & BHRR’s Bell for the further wait!
I live a blessed life and when they need me, I must go and be with them!
Will continue the auction communications ASAP and for those that have not yet paid, please do check your emails!
I truly shall never get tired of seeing all of these gorgeous special needs Dane mugs!
THIS came on my radar last night!
Nicki is making handmade bracelets to benefit our Giant Breed Rescue & Rehabilitation Programs!
100% comes to BHRR and she is doing this indefinitely!
HOW creative, thoughtful and generous is this?!
I already bought mine!
CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS & to purchase yours:
“This bracelet is to support the Ottawa Birch Haven giant dog breed Rescue and Rehabilitation centre. (BHRR).
The unakite beads are a stone that is believed to help with feelings of abandonment and separation issues – very fitting as a representation for dogs that have lost their homes for various reasons. The cost of feeding, medicating, and housing giant breed dogs is much higher than rescues for smaller breeds so every little bit helps.
Paw print charm is made of brass”
Happy New Year to all of our friends, family and supporters!
2020 marks our 24th year of operation and none of this would have been possible without EACH of you!
Thank you from our hearts for your belief in what we do and why we are so needed in the community!
Some updates on our upcoming BHRR Events for 2020!
1) We still have 3 tickets available to our January 16th @ Don Cherry’s in Kanata – Make Your Own Custom Sign event! Over 500+ designs or make your own!
$15 from each ticket comes to rescue and between the Boerskins and The Maracles, we have a Bakers Dozen of homemade Cinnamon Buns and an Apple Crumble Pie entered into draws for all of our attendees!
Please visit the link to buy your ticket(s)!
2) Our 8th Annual Breaking Bills Bake Online Auction will start January 18th and we are seeking Bakers! You do not need to be located in our area to donate!
We will post your item(pics are lovely!) and the location(s) of where said items can be picked up.
Do note that please do not offer up an item(s) if you will not honour your donation.
Please email contactbhrr@gmail.com if you would be willing to donate a baked item for humans and/or doggies!
3) We are still in conversation as to whether we shall host a February BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ mini open house. We did so for close to 18 years and then stopped holding the February event due to several reasons.
With how popular they are, we are still deciding if we shall offer up one in February. Stay Tuned!
The 3 blind/deaf mice are seen here with Mason as part of our annual traditional Xmas Eve photo’s. This year, as I was working throughout the Holiday Season, we did our photo shoot tonight instead!
They are sporting their Wiggle Bumz Collars that I purchased for them in 2019 and if were not for your support, their futures would not be as it is today…ones of such happiness, the best of health possible considering that they are DM and a life of such quality!
They will be 15 months of age on the 21st of January. Far surpassing the life expectancy that several gave to them…..
They are coming up due for their annuals and that is going to be an adventure!
If you believe in what we do, please do consider supporting our cause….today alone, we have received 263 emails requesting our assistance for urgent animals in need of our highly specialised programs.
Donations can be made direct to Eagleson Veterinary Clinic 613-383-3881
OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org
OR via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com
Once again please know how much what our friends, family and supporters do for the animals of BHRR means to us….
You are those strong links on that BHRR “CHAIN OF SUCCESS’
We look forward with you standing by the sides of those in need of our programs to have our best rescue year to date for as much as we would wish that r/q Rescue did not have to exist, it is a necessity…….
Since our three blind/deaf mice are SO popular…sharing another photo!
Tonight, I was trying…yet, again, to get some work done on my computer and put two x-pens around my computer…well, how does one get any work done being ‘stared’ down!? Even my Matrix(my one eyed flirting pirate is behind them also staring me down!) ?
It was clearly time for walkies before rest and dinner and now that the sleet plus freezing rain is coming down fast, no time too soon to have made that happen!
AND…….what better way to attract your attention!
We ONLY have a few more days to go to sell 10 more tickets.
If we do not sell 10 more tickets by January 2nd, 2020, sadly, I shall lose my $100 deposit and the animals shall also miss out on some truly much needed support.
AND to sweeten the pot to all that have already bought tickets or will buy a ticket(s), your name will be entered into a draw to win a bakers dozen of The Boerksins famours homemade cinnamon buns!
Make Your Own Sign Nite!
January 16th, 2020
Time: 8:00 PM Start
Location: Don Cherry’s in Kanata
$15 for every ticket sold comes to Rescue and we shall be splitting the proceeds with Ottawa Rabbit Rescue.
You can choose a stencil from over 500+ designs OR custom make a sign all of your own.
Joyce shall be our amazing hostess once more AND come early, grab some drinks, snacks or dinner!
Please click on the LINK to purchase your own ticket(s)!
Please do consider supporting our cause….2020 promises to be our most needed year to date since our inception in 1996. ? We already have many new requests for our assistance of dogs plus horses in need of our highly specialised programs.
Thank you in advance for considering to come out to our Sign Night!
My last post of my night!
Even by putting across an xpen to keep them out of the kitchen for safety, trying to bake some famous homemade Boerskins cinnamon buns meets with a fan club!
Our three blind/deaf mice and you can see their Mama – BHRR’s Meadow in the background.
We want to send out our biggest and most heartfelt of thanks to everyone that stepped up to be special Secret Santa’s and to those that sent extra pessies to help make sure that no one was missed! YOU have given the BHRR dogs a really amazing XMAS! One that so many have never experienced in their lives of safety, health, happiness and love. THANK you!
I know people are waiting for our traditional Xmas Eve Photo shoot yet, in working XMAS Eve and throughout the Holidays, this photo shoot will have to be delayed for a few more days!
Thank you also from our hearts to each and every person that stepped up to assist us with the blind/deaf mice! They are now over 14 months of age and only BHRR’s Glacier is beginning to show some of the DM health signs of IS at this time……
I shall also be removing Summit’s remaining eye – he does not see from it – yet, our hope to allow him to keep it, has not panned out as we wished. He also is battling chronic eye infections and is in great discomfort these days. He will join his siblings who had double eye eneucleations earlier in 2019.
Without all of you, they would not have been able to have this opportunity of a great quality filled life and they live their best lives every day!
They romp and roam in our 3+ acres with all of the other dogs and we continue to not treat them as being different.
Their noses are finely honed in with the scent training I have done with them and their touch training continues to excel.
From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, please know how much we appreciate you and do be safe out there over the next day or so….the weather and roads shall be brutal. Good night from us to all of you!
My last post of my night!
I have a very rare thing happening and that is two days off in a row from work at the Hospital and am going to enjoy every minute tonight with family!
Here are the three blind/deaf mice ‘telling’ me earlier that it was time for dinner! I tried putting an xpen around my desk to attempt to get a little bit more work done, yet, their internal clocks said ‘NOPE, it was dinner time’ and so, it was!
Hard to believe that they are almost 1 year of age!
You can see Summit’s one eye and sadly, it too shall have to be enucleated. Though, he also had no sight in the eye, it was not bothering him the way his other one was or for his siblings when they were wee.
Now, sadly, he has developed a cherry eye and he is also battling his own level of chronic pain and infection.
We had hoped(his specialist and I) that it could be saved yet, it, too shall have to be removed.
The three of them are thriving otherwise and we still may have to remove teeth yet, to date they mouths/jaws are developing overall quite well.
To those that felt that they did not deserve a great quality filled life, I still say ‘shame on you.’. To those that have met them and even at our annual DINE WITH THE DOGGIES EVENT, they were perfectly behaved, our guests saw how much that they are living their best lives each and every day.
They go out with all the dogs, they can maneuver in the 3+ acre fenced in yard independently due to all of their set up for success scent training and they are treated no differently than any of the other really deserving amazing dogs here!
I have said this many times over, they are normal to them and to us…as, they know life in no other way!
They are healthy, strong – BHRR’s Sleet is not as hardy as her brothers YET, never tell her that! She keeps Summit in line, they are happy, they are smart, they are affectionate, loving, gentle – well, most of the time, they stand their ground and are not light weights in allowing anyone to push them around and this is because we have been bringing them up that there is nothing that they cannot do, that they are not different, that they are not to be babied, that we do not feel sorry for them, we taught them that they are important and deserving and that they are deeply loved! They are so much more confident plus comfortable in their own skin now.
They are not perfect…far from it…they have behavioural quirks and traits and we have to be careful re: over-stimulation, especially for BHRR’s Sleet yet, she ROCKED over 40 guests at our house at the end of September without hesitation.
We will see in time what other health issues they may develop as that is the nature of the beast with these special needs Danes. The closer they will get to age three the more the genetic markers of behavioural and medical issues shall really emerge.
They are a lifetime of deep commitment and dedication and we will give that to them!
AND If you know of a special needs Great Dane that needs rescue assistance, please do reach out to us! This is our mandate! Why we exist.
From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, the warmest of good night wishes are being sent and HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
My three deaf/blind mice want to ask what size of Stuffies comes after Giant? JUMBO?!
They are now almost 8 months of age! Where has the time gone?!
The Dane Trio shall be heading back to the Vets in about 2 months time to determine if they may need to have extractions once their adult teeth come in and see how their alignment has developed as they have matured.
They also wish to thank ALL of the angels to date that have made a donation to help their new Great Dane friend, the emaciated, neglected, abused BHRR’s Rion from the drug situation.
Donations to BHRR’s Rion’s care can be made via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org
OR via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com
From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, we are wishing everyone a good night!
I am off to spend my night with BHRR’s Rion.
My three blind/deaf mice are growing up!
They are now 7 months of age and not much difference between them and my special needs GD ‘Salt’, who turned 4 in April.
AND all are never far from where I am…..even dragging blankets around to be near me! They find it hard to drag the XL Costco dog beds around….for now!
AND yes, Summit is a bit dirty – lots of fun digging with BHRR’s Volt in the dirt!
From our home to all of our friends, family plus supporters, good night wishes being sent!
BHRR’s Sleet – One of our Dane Trio (3 blind/deaf mice)
QUEEN of the castle!
Best seat in the house!
They are now 6.5 months of age. In a few more months we shall be back at the Vet to determine if they shall need those extractions – we need all of their adult teeth to come in first.
From our home to all of our friends, families plus supporters, the warmest of good night wishes are being sent…..
May 1st, 2019
ALL I wanted was to do a weekly clean/purge of the fridge prior to making dinner….brought the garbage can in and thought that I could throw a load of laundry in before I started….
Had the kitchen free and clear and came back to this….Salt even grabbed a blanket and dragged it in to lay on!
Had a few (8) supervisors overseeing my work!
Talk about ‘laying down on the job’ though!
From our home to all of our friends, family plus supporters warmest good night wishes being sent!
The Dane Trio(My 3 blind/deaf mice)
March 24th, 2019
BHRR’s Glacier & BHRR’s Sleet are smelling something wonderful – no idea what!? – and Summit is loving the ice/snow!
They are looking fabu in their Wiggle Bumz Collars!
Thanks SO much Ellie & Jennifer!
Easter dinner is best when it is pulled off the stand and then shared with family! ??
Two of my three blind/deaf mice! They turned 6 months old today too!
These are double merles Danes. Mother is a heavily blanketed Harle and Dad is white.
For Dalmations it is the ‘Piebald’ gene and in Aussies is also the ‘Merle’ gene.
Dogs with the merle, piebald, or extreme white piebald genes can all be special needs.
Congenital deafness has been found in over 80 different breeds, but it may be found in any breed. Those dogs with spots, dapples, or merle coats or those with white skin or fur are predisposed to congenital deafness. The most commonly affected breed is the Dalmatian, of which there are almost 30% that are deaf.
Congenital Blindness
Affected dogs have prominent third eyelids and small eyes which appear recessed in the eye socket (enophthalmos). A defect early in development results in the smaller than normal eye (microphthalmia).This is often associated with other eye abnormalities, including defects of the cornea, anterior chamber, lens and/or retina. Microphthalmia is also seen with coloboma – a cleft in a portion of the eye, particularly the iris.
Microphthalmia with multiple defects (ocular dysgenesis) is often seen in dogs with a merle hair coat with excessive amounts of white or all white.These dogs are frequently blind.
There is no treatment for the structural defects. Complications that may develop are things like glaucoma
Ocular abnormalities that may be seen with ocular dysgenesis and merling with excessive white in the coat, include microphthalmia, microcornea, heterochromia irides, cataract, staphyloma, retinal detachment, irregular pupil, white to blue iris (albino), angle dysgenesis, iris coloboma, and blindness.
Anterior cleavage syndrome,or anterior ocular dysgenesis, has been seen in association with microphthalmia. In addition to other ocular abnormalities as seen above, the anterior chamber, pupil and iridocorneal angle are not formed. The anterior uvea is continuous with the posterior cornea. Pups are blind.
As they get ready to go to bed shortly – they are hanging out by my computer snoozing! – The Dane Trio(6 months old now) would like to gently remind everyone about our 8th Annual ‘1-on-1’ Special Date With A BHRR Dog Online Auction!
To view the 26 amazing dates that we have up for grabs – we have DAY and OVERNIGHT Dates – please do visit THIS LINK for all of the details and to bid!
We currently have bids of $600!
Our unique Date Auction Event ends 9:00 PM EST on Thursday April 18th, 2019!
Summit was not far behind though!
WTG!! Very proud of their target practise results!
BHRR’s Glacier was still snoozing away in the back seat at this point!
AND the moment BHRR’s Sleet *scented* off Kinsley when she got off the bus!
Immediate ‘hit’ on target! Yes!
Good girl BHRR’s Sleet!
Summit was still busy nuzzling me!
Summit & BHRR’s Sleet would like to gently remind everyone that our flash auction ends tonight – Friday March 29th @ 9 PM EST.
*this pic was taken as we waited at the end of our laneway for Kinsley*
Like many groups we have unexpected medical costs associated with several additions to our program and as a highly focused special needs rescue – especially with the Giants, those bills are running very high.
AND this is what happens when your shoelace comes undone and you trip on it….falling on your tush!
You become ‘fresh meat’ for the extremely affectionate deaf/blind Dane Trio Puppies! They all think they are lap babies and want to be in my lap and snuggled plus lick my face….the problem is they are too big now.
AND there are three of them and only one lap of mine!
AND thanks so much Sean for taking a picture FIRST before coming to “rescue” me! LOL
I have to say though that one of my most precious moments is at night when BHRR’s Sleet comes on to my lap, puts her head on my shoulder and just wants to be held and rocked….it is so soothing to her. No matter how big she gets, we will continue to have this nightly moment of love!
I shall update after they have their latest recheck at the Vet today.
Happy Sunny Monday to all!
Another great walking pic of them.
Tell me how many hearing/seeing dogs, especially at the age of 5 months can walk so well all at once!
That is a lot of training, time, patience, love, understanding, structure, consistency, routine, knowledge and experience put into helping these deaf/blind Dane babies reach their full potential.
The Dane Trio – AKA my gorgeous Three Blind/Deaf Mice.
March 24th, 2019
5 months of age!
THIS is what your incredibly generous plus much needed support enables us to do.
They are all deaf/blind and we had to do double eye eneucleations on both BHRR’s Glacier & BHRR’s Sleet.
At this time, I only removed the one eye on Summit based upon detailed conversations with his Vet Team plus Specialist, Dr. Philibert. We all well know that we may end up having to remove that eye at some point due to continued chronic eye infections.
Today was a glorious day for a walk!
They are wearing their Wiggle Bumz collars!
We cannot do what we do without the truly amazing support of our friends, family plus supporters.
Thank you in not only believing in us yet in believing in all of these really inspirational special needs dogs that we are here to help live the best in quality filled lives.
Tomorrow, they are back at the Vets for their next recheck and we will be doing their next nail trims at that time too for as many who know me, know that I am always putting the dogs into the hands of others when they are ready! While it is a breeze for me to do their nails at home, even all by myself, I want and need them to keep being handled by others.
This is so important to help them become the most well rounded plus balanced dogs they can be!
Their training is going fantastic and they have been excellent students!
I think I need larger stuffies soon….what size comes after Giant?!
After a lovely outside play, a nice nap is in order…
The adorable ‘three blind mice’ AKA The deaf/blind Dane Trio.
They are 5 months old now!
Monday March 25th
Time: 5:00 PM
Location: KAH
~1.5 hours needed.
Happy sunny Sunday wishes being sent to all!
They are now 4 months of age and yes, they still like to Puppy Pile on top of each other for nap time!
I think I am going to need biggie Stuffies soon!
Someone recently posted on our facebook page after seeing the Video re: housebreaking and if we are still paper training them. Here is my response:
We never paper trained BHRR’s Sleet or BHRR’s Glacier.
As Summit came to me super young – barely 6 weeks, he had pee pads for all of 24 hours for he picked up housetraining super fast. A friend of mine took care of him while I had to be away and she also found him really brill with his housetraining too.
Do the puppies still have the occasional accident, yes, but rare. They are only four months old and any accidents they do have is not their fault, it is the fault of the humans.
Like any new rescue, regardless of age that comes to us – for many 1, 3 or even older dogs often come to us not housebroken – they all go through the same training for housebreaking. After every play session, nap, eating or first thing in the morning or time-wise – we start at every 20-30 minutes and work our way in ever increasing time increments, they go outside.
We teach scent training and use a faint scent on the door we want them to use to ‘ask’ to go outside and it is a soft fruity scent. So, they learn on their own first by scent and then also by sensation – temp changes, breezes, sun, rain, snow etc.,
Most of these rare accidents will often be right in front of that door.
The Dane Trio rarely even messes in their crates either as I got up every couple of hours to let them out when they first arrived and now they sleep 6 hours straight wonderfully.
They all go out right before bed, are given their special yummy treats – often I will find them already in their crates waiting for me after I open up the door to let them back in and go get their treat, if I had not taken any with me when letting them back in.
What any dog needs is consistency, patience, time, structure, routine and clear open communication in a positive balanced learning and supportive environment.
In the mornings, they all now trot out the door and do their thing.
It was longer to teach then how to use the small ramp that Sean built for our mobility challenged dogs than it was to housebreak them.
Now, they think the ramp is a big game – up and down!
I always tell my behavioural and training clients, if you put all of the necessary efforts and work into things right from the start, you avoid bad habits developing.
We want dogs to be assets to home plus community and the Dane Trio are wonderful pups!
Someone recently posted on our facebook page after seeing the Video – and has not been the first time – re: their hearing and here is my posted response:
BHRR’s Sleet is 100% deaf
BHRR’s Glacier & Summit hear less than 5% – they can only extremely faintly hear some ‘tones’ and even then have no idea where it is coming from. They fall well under the definition of being defined as legally deaf.
It is the vibration they love of the squeaker & the mouth sensation of ‘squishing’ the squeakers.
They have a wide variety of toys that squish and crinkle and even rattle and some ball & KONG toys that even squeak.
They just loved this skinless stuffie that squeaked.
They have skinless stuffies yet none of them squeak and it is a new toy to them, so a big novelty.
I rotate toys every two weeks for all of the dogs to keep things fresh and stimulating.
Someone recently posted – and has not been the first time – on our facebook about how can I tell the Dane Trio Pups apart. Here is my posted response:
As the saying goes, ‘A mother knows’. They are all their own individuals with different personalities, likes/dislikes and they look quite different and are all uniquely their own dog. They are much more/different than just predominantly the colour of white.
They are all different sizes with BHRR’s Sleet being my small, feisty yet mighty girl and will take none of Summits’ ‘crap’. Such a beautiful girl. She is a survivor all the way. She is the most special needs of all three and no one better ever think about putting her into a bubble for she will burst out of it, offended and ready to prove to the world that she is no different than any other dog.
When things get too exciting for her or she feels overwhelmed, I have been the only one to be able to get her to sit, take the deep breaths in, re-collect and be able to come back and focus. When she is overwhelmed, she would grab and shake things to try and release her tension….she is so much better already.
She was really closed and shut in, frustrated that no one could understand or speak her language and now, she has been relaxing and being able to love life in ways that were once closed off.
She is a thinker, does not like to be told ‘no’ and can solve puzzles so fast. She is brilliant! She has done more for Summit’s bad boy ‘tude in a short period of time than I have done in many weeks. She so rules!
She has learned how to open xpens and crates and when she sets her mind to something….watch out!
She is a big risk taker….no fear this one!
She has taken a long time to love to snuggle and cuddle and now, she loves it and is alway crawling on my lap and laying her head on my shoulder. She loves to be rocked. Many special needs dogs can feel threatened by being held and I have worked very hard to demonstrate that touches are good and hands are loving and helpful, not hurtful.
She has had the most anxiety in the car almost from day one and so much improvement being made one baby step at a time.
BHRR’s Glacier is my ‘soft’ boy. Loves everyone and everything. He is happy from the moment he gets up to the moment he falls asleep. His world is full of so much sunshine and rainbows and happiness.
He is very smart in his own special way and he is incredibly loving.
He is my sensitive one. I have worked to build up his comfort and confidence and he is the follower, not the leader. Every time he does do something all on his own, he is praised and encouraged.
Due to his lowered confidence level, he has been the resourcer of the Trio and much patience, consistency, understanding plus time has and remains going into his training program in regards to this. Sharing the communal water bowls is pretty much a non issue now and the rest will come. He is only 4 months old and has already made wonderful progress. With no structure prior to myself getting them, it was a ‘fend’ for yourself mentality and now he is learning, we are here….we will take care of things and no one will lack for anything. He is learning he will get enough food and water and love and things will be ok.
If he could, he would be held in your arms all day, 24/7. He loves human contact and all of the dogs – his loves everything! – and he is the one that relies most strongly on finding my scent and needs to know I am ‘close to him & very around’ yet he is becoming more independent as learns that he is ok on his own four feet.
He is the one that will come to me to ‘tell’ me if one of his siblings has been doing something they should not – ie Summit grabbing a paper towel roll. He is getting so much better at being part of the mischief these days and that is fantastic!
He is honest and soft and so sweet. He just melts your heart in a million ways. He has a monkey side that we are seeing more and more of and he is getting much better at holding his own against his siblings.
We have been working on his excitement level for when he is excited, he wants to grab and jump and that is a big growing Dane. He is a big baby and so proud of his progress too!
Summit – he is my ‘bad’ boy! Very intelligent and loves being cuddled only on his terms and when he is done, he is done!
No fear for this boy! Another big risk taker and as he has been maturing, he is settling into a fine young man.
He was a bit of an inside out bully as I term it and he has come a long way with his manners and he is a star pupil – most days now!
If there is trouble to be had or mischief to be done, you can bet that this fine young man had something to do with it!
He is a delight mix of ‘old’ soul and bratty baby and I have a feeling that he was the one to ‘look’ out for his surviving siblings – 5 of them – and we have been working on showing him that he can be a puppy and let us be the ones to take care of him.
He can be so serious and grown up many times over. Pulls at your heart in some ways and it warms my heart to see him be a puppy.
I could write Gwennie novels about them all, all day long. They have their similarities yet they are very very much their own dogs.
It would be so wrong and it would be doing them an injustice to say they were all the same.
I am so proud of them all!
They are all treated and trained to help each of them reach their incredibly amazing full potential.
The Dane Trio VIDEO
4 months of age – March 9th, 2019
Today was so gorgeous that I began to do kitchen spring cleaning – right before the next big snow & ice storm hits tomorrow – 15+ cms expected! – and I had the whole kitchen dismantled with cupboards emptied, doors off, counter tops piled high as I wiped out, purged and got all tidied up again!
That being said, The Dane Trio kept me company and supervised my efforts!
They are never far away from me…..they always find me! They have been excellent pupils with their scent training!
AND like typical children, they all wanted the same toy – one that squeaks and was given to BHRR’s Connery by his emerge temp foster family! My three beautiful blind mice clearly stole it from him!
I will have to go out and buy The Dane Trio their own squeaker stuffies!
All I wanted to do is make a lunch snack and then load the dishwasher and my gorgeous Dane Trio just had to ‘supervise’.
They dragged toys and giant stuffies into the kitchen and got all settled in!
Sleeping on the job they are and no way am I going to be able to get into the dishwasher now to load it up!
Took me almost 25 minutes just to make a sandwich….and loved every minute of the adventure!
They are now 4 months of age and we will be posting our next flash auction shortly.
Happy Thursday to all of our friends, family plus supporters……
On a side note: I think my rugs are shrinking for no way can I accept that the Dane Trio babies are growing up!
The blind/deaf Dane Trio Puppies!
February 15th, 2019
This picture is one that I took after I got them home from their eye eneucleation surgeries.
Despite all of the comfy dog beds, they wanted to be by my feet as I prepared the other dogs’ night time snacks.
I had promised to update and while I would have liked to have done this sooner, they needed me round the clock.
As always, they have very detailed blogs for anyone that is still not familiar with their story and may think that we just decided to take out their eyes without just cause.
The day of surgery:
BHRR’s Glacier weighed: 20.9 kgs
Summit weighed: 23.2 kgs
BHRR’s Sleet weighed 19.1 kgs
I have already made an extremely detailed post re: Summit and he continues to do quite well.
BHRR’s Glacier – The specialist had the hardest time with his eyes.
They were extremely deformed and difficult to remove. BHRR’s Glacier had to have his eye sockets packed in efforts to stop the bleeding.
Dr. Philibert had felt at one point that he might wrap his face/eyes yet then decided that it may bother BHRR’s Glacier more.
BHRR’s Glacier was the only one – at that time placed on antibiotics also and all three puppies had their fashionable cones to work to prevent them getting at their own eyes, alter incisions and BHRR’s Sleet her umbilical hernia repair.
BHRR’s Glacier did not wake up from his anesthetic well. As soon as I heard the screaming, I went back, put my hand to his nose so he could scent off me and stroked his back and neck soothingly….in a matter of moments after some deep breaths, he settled, was given more pain meds and went back to sleep.
If ever there was a valid reason for scent training, this was it! I am ‘home’ to him and I mean ‘safety’ and he trusts that he will be ok.
More than one staff was in awe of how fast he picked up my scent and relaxed yet I have worked so hard preparing these puppies for this day…I had been working on them being near each other yet apart and having their Giant Stuffies for comfort and all three puppies ROCKED their very long day at the Hospital.
THEY just rocked it! They were calm and quite comfortable. VERY proud of them!
Not even 48 hours post surgery and BHRR’s Glacier bumped into the kitchen island and he, too began to throw some blood clots from his nose.
He managed to get his cone at just the right angle and pull out a couple of his sutures by rubbing…..
BHRR’s Sleet – she kept throwing big blood clots from her nose in post-op recovery and it was monitored closely.
Over the net 48 hours, the clots started to resolve.
She has been the most resourceful one and has managed to use her own cone to rub out some of her own eye sutures plus on her alter/hernia repair site.
So, Miss Sleet also went on antibiotics.
The first night, their IV ports were left in so I could administer their Buprenorphine via IV and I stayed with them all night.
The ONLY time I was away from them was to go to the bathroom and BHRR’s Sleet, the wee monkey managed to get at some of her Vet Wrap covering the PRN(IV catheter plug) off and then get the PRN out.
So, I came back a few minutes later to well….a small scene any horror movie would have been proud of.
So, a bigger cone was put on Miss Sleet and I pulled her catheter out.
AND it was ice packs all around from eyes to private parts and BHRR’s Sleet’s belly to work on getting the swelling down.
Their sutures were to come out between Day 10-14 yet they did not come out until today as being special needs, their healing process has been slow.
We remain incredibly indebted to all that stepped up to help contribute to their mounting Vet Bills.
With their ensuing Vet Visits, additional antibiotics, pain meds etc., we still owe $900 yet will continue to host flash auctions in our efforts to cover those bills.
AND, with BHRR’s Connery, BHRR’s Volt and BHRR’s Barney’s own pressing medical bills, not to mention myself managing to track down the mother of the Dane Trio and as a result, also finding their special needs father – still working on getting them into BHRR; we continue to battle huge bills yet are taking it one breath at a time……
FOR anyone that may think we did not know what we were doing when we had their eyes removed, you would be 100% incorrect. We are the experts with special needs Danes/Dogs as are their incredible Vet Team including their excellent Specialist.
They had a large team at KAH the day of their surgeries including three Vets, one being their Specialist, Dr. Philibert. They were in the best hands possible.
If anyone may consider donating an item to one of our upcoming flash auctions, please do email contactbhrr@gmail.com
If anyone may consider donating directly to the Vet Bills of these beautiful dogs; you can contact Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848 directly as we have an account there
OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org(friend and family option please so we do not pay fees)
OR via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com
*Please note that yes, there is a different address for email transfer over PayPal.
For all of those that have been blessed to meet the Dane Trio puppies to date, remember how happy they were? Even being in such chronic brutal pain, battling constant eye infections?
WAIT, until you meet them now…….even more happy, healthy and normal to them and to all those that love them!
Remember, they did not know life as hearing/seeing dogs to begin with, this is their normal…..now, they will know a future pain-free too!
From our home to all of our friends, families plus supporters, warmest good night wishes are being sent!
My last post of my night!
BHRR’s Glacier & BHRR’s Sleet!
Their heads are pink from the prep solution for their surgeries on Friday.
Snuggled up with their giant stuffies – as people at work can attest to – each one had a giant stuffie when they were dropped off and in post-op!
Thanks Gail for the donation of more stuffies!
Tomorrow, I shall give updates on BHRR’s Glacier and BHRR’s Sleet.
THANK you to all of the rescue angels that have been there for these deaf/blind puppies!
Donations can be made to Kanata Animal Hospital
613-836-2848(They cannot take Visa Debit or M/C Debit over the phone)
OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org (Donations can be made from any Country)
OR via Email Transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com (For Canadian Supporters only as we are located in Canada)
We do not have a gofundme page as they take a sizeable percentage and we will not see any funds be taken away from the animals.
Note: As more people come on to follow our page, please do know that BHRR is a highly focused special needs rescue.
We are federally registered and have been around since 1996. This is what we do, why we are here and we are not newbies nor do we dabble in rescue. We have dedicated our lives to rescue and to doing it the right way.
We are not here for the quantity, we are here for the quality!
From our home to all of our friends, family plus supporters, warm good night wishes are being sent!
Summit UPDATE!
Thank you to all that have been so patient plus understanding that after a very long day – almost 13 hours – for their surgeries on Friday, that I have needed to be with the Dane Trio Pups 24/7.
They have had to be the priority yet, as promised, I am updating.
I am going to do the updates in three separate posts so that the Gwennie Novels are not as large!
First of all, I have so many to thank for making generous, loving and supportive donations along with sending the beautiful well wishes!
In having to obtain additional Buprenorphine to administer via their IV ports for pain control and fashionable cones too, their Vet Bills have increased from one of my last posts.
BHRR’s Sleet’s & BHRR’s Glacier’s Surgery Bills: $5,085.09
The original quote was for $4,000+tx.
BHRR’s Glaciers’ eye removal surgeries were also much more complicated due to the severity of the abnormal condition of his eyes. He was placed on antibiotics due to the extensive difficulty with his surgery and the amount of bleeding had.
I was able to put some of my own pay check on to their bills on Friday to also help do my part in helping them too!
STILL NEEDED: Just over $1,100
Donations can be made direct to Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848
(they cannot take Visa Debit or M/C Debit over the phone)
OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org (Any Country can donate)
OR via Email Transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com (Canadian based supporters only can contribute via email transfer as that is where we are located)
NOTE: I am covering Summit’s own bill of $2,503.63 completely out of my own pocket and will get that paid off as I can.
This picture is of BHRR’s Summit after his neuter and getting ready to have his right eye removed.
Dr. Philibert and I conversed in great depth re: the removal of both eyes and the decision was made to leave the left eye in with Summit for now.
If it does have to be removed in the future, then we will address it at that time.
His one Vet also checked his bite as all three puppies have had issues and they found marked improvement as he has been maturing plus with what they referred to as ‘ball therapy’ that we had been doing with them and not aware that it was helping that much!
The specialist Dr. Philibert felt his surgery went very well and out of the three puppies, he is bouncing back the best, easiest.
All three puppies pre-op bloodwork indicated lymphocytosis. Per Dr. Philbert, he believed it may be from the chronic abnormalities with the eyes for they have an inflammatory or secondary infection component.
We even repeated BHRR’s Sleets’ bloodwork the day of surgery as she was showing indicators of being anemic and she is the smallest and most DM affected of the three puppies. She may be feisty yet all three are quite fragile with their DM compromised auto immune systems.
We wanted to be sure it would be ok to proceed. Dr. Philibert had been considering after her first round of bloodwork to only do her eye eneucleations and then later spay plus address the umbilical hernia. Her bloodwork remained stable and the whole Vet team were in agreement that it would be safe to proceed.
Summit weighed 23.2 kgs(51.04 pounds) at 3.5 months of age.
I also microchipped all the puppies on Friday.
These puppies are not available for adoption. They will remain in our Haven program and they reside in our extremely experienced, knowledgeable loving home, NOT a cage or kennel.
Summit is eating and drinking well and other than being a bit grumpy, he is bombing along quite well with his recovery!
THANK you to Dr. Philibert, Chelsea, Simon, Holly, Dr. Ashdown, Nadine, Dr. Zak and Nadine for ALL they did on Friday. I work with such an amazing team of people.
AND thank you to anyone in advance for any consideration you may make to their so deserving cause!
The 3.5 month old deaf/blind Dane Trio Puppies are now dropped off!
They will be under the experts hands of Dr. Philibert, whom many know as one of Ottawa’s incredible specialists.
He shall also be under super tech Chelsea’s care plus Holly and I am so grateful to them both too!
We have had a total of just under $2,100 come their way to date for their eye removal surgeries, their alters plus BHRR’s Sleet’s umbilical hernia repair.
We are still short $1,900+tx as we were given a quote of $4,000+ for their surgeries.
We will be working on a flash auction ASAP and please if anyone may have even $5.00 to spare to go their way, we would be so so so touched.
Donations can be made direct to Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848
OR via email transfer contactbhrr@gmail.com
OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org
Please with all of my heart and who I am, if you may consider their truly deserving cause to support, I would be beyond humbled….
Thank you in advance….
Please also keep them in your best wishes….it is going to be a really tough day on me too….
NOTE: We have posted this many times over and posting it again:
These three deaf/blind puppies not only have recessed pupils, they have severe Microphthalmia. They also have extreme Entropion and not just the lower lids.
This causes their eyelids plus lashes to fold in and are scratching their eyes, causing constant infections not to mention giving them a brutal level of pain.
People need to stop making erroneous assumptions about what they believe to be in the best interest of these puppies.
We have been doing this for almost 30 years as a highly experienced plus knowledgeable special needs Great Dane Rescue, they also have an incredible experienced Vet team including a specialist deeply involved in their lives.
BHRR’s Volt & all of the puppies at one of our amazing puppy love valentine event visits today!
Thank you to Jane, Gerry, Cathy & Bruce plus all of their lovely friends plus supporters for coming out!
Zack and Finnigan at Home is such a beautiful place!
My heart is filled with so much warmth with all of these truly special puppy love valentine visits!
AND puppy love valentine date #2 is now complete!
On to #3!
Thank you SO much Canadawide Scientific for a great visit!
This is BHRR’s Sleet!
AND we are at our first puppy love visit!!
Thanks Veronica & Elizabeth & Amelie etc.!!
What a riot of a visit!
Thanks for hosting us ixceed Packaging Solutions!
This is BHRR’s Glacier!
BHRR’s Sleet!
3 months old!
She says that TOMORROW is the day and on behalf of her siblings plus BHRR’s Volt, they cannot wait!
Tomorrow is our twist on our 8th Annual BHRR Doggie Date Event – it is our Puppy Love Valentine Event!
Our day shall begin bright and early with their first date happening at 8 AM and their last date ends just before 5 PM!
Thank you to all that are participating to help us raise much needed money to go towards the $4,000+tx required for their eye removal surgeries, their alters plus BHRR’s Sleets umbilical hernia.
If anyone may wish to donate to their cause; you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848 as Dr. Philibert, the specialist is coming into KAH to do their surgeries on February 15th.
OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org
OR via Email Transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com
Like many groups, Vet bills are mounting and food is decreasing yet we will do whatever we need to in order to make sure that each and every dog in our care is done right by.
We know that our efforts cannot be successful without the BHRR village!
BHRR focuses strongly on the special needs and 98% of the dogs/horses we assist are those that others cannot or will not assist.
It is our position that that these animals are equally deserving and are so worthy!
AND tomorrow, BHRR’s Volt and The deaf/blind Dane Trio are going to not only love on so many people, yet we know that they will inspire so many too!
From our home to all of our friends, family plus supporters, warmest of good night wishes are being sent!
I want to thank Martina with all that I am for I could not have done this without her! She also helped clean up two pees plus one poop and anyone that would do that is a superstar great person in my books!
They are now three months old!
Summit was 19.1 Kgs(42.02 pounds)
BHRR’s Sleet was 15 Kgs(33 pounds)
BHRR’s Glacier was 16.4kgs(36.08 pounds)
I am so proud of my babies as they were so great with everything! Poked, prodded, examined and I even did nails.
Per their truly lovely Vet, she feels that it also may be best to remove Summits second eye too. I will reach out to the specialist, Dr. Philibert to let him know and when he examines them the day of surgery, if, for any reason he thinks that eye could be saved, he can advise.
This picture is of the extremely affectionate, snuggle bunny handsome BHRR’s Glacier with the beautiful Martina.
Even their Vet commented on how much better yet, again from their last Vet visit they were with handling, touching and all of the sights, smells etc.
Their noses picked up the scent of treats in a nano second as soon as we got into the one room!
We are still needing just under $2,700+tx for their eye eneucleation surgeries which will include their alters plus BHRR’s Sleet’s hernia repair.
We will have our flash auction up and running by Sunday night and there are still three spots left in our February 8th business and/or home puppy love Valentine Event!
LAST CALL! Auction ENDS in 20 minutes!
BHRR’s Glacier is pulling out the cuteness factor hoping that you may consider bidding in our 6th Annual ‘Breaking Bills Bake’ Online Auction that shall end TONIGHT – Sunday January 27th @ 9:00 PM EST.
We have 76 absolutely incredible item in this year’s Online Auction!
To view all of the lovely items available and to bid, please visit the below link. Please also note the pick-up location(s) of any item(s) you may be interested in!
There are goodies that can be picked up in Oshawa, Pickering, Kingston, Oxford Station, Kanata, Orleans, Ottawa, Vernon and so many more locations!
Your assistance to raise the $4,000+tx that we need for the deaf/blind Dane Babies to have their eye removal surgeries, their alters plus for BHRR’s Sleet to have her umbilical hernia also repaired is so appreciated.
Their urgent surgeries are scheduled for February 15th.
AND we will be posting shortly re: our special twist on our 8th Annual ‘1-on-1’ Special Date With A BHRR Dog Online Auction. We will be doing a Puppy Love Valentine Event for the special needs Dane Babies!
Yet, do not worry, we will be still hosting our usual fabu 8th Annual BHRR Date Fundraiser in April!
The Final Countdown is on! Less than 6 hours to go!
BHRR’s Sleet of The BHRR Dane Trio says time is running out! So move quickly to get your bids in before it is too late! She moved in on me so fast with her tracking, picked up my scent, honed in and I only managed to snap one shot before she knocked me flat on my rump!
Our 6th Annual ‘Breaking Bills Bake’ Online Auction that shall end Sunday January 27th @ 9:00 PM EST.
BHRR worked so hard to come up with our truly unique, one-of-a-kind Fundraisers and we ONLY host 4 a year, so we remain so thankful to everyone for supporting our efforts!
We have 76 absolutely incredible item in this year’s Online Auction!
We have nut free items, we have gluten free goodies, we have vegan delights, we have goodies for doggies, we have delicious cupcakes, pies, cookies, cakes, perogies and so much more plus we even have a private dining experience @ BHRR too!
To view all of the lovely items available and to bid, please visit the link. Please also note the pick-up location(s) of any item(s) you may be interested in!
Your assistance to raise the $4,000+tx that we need for the deaf/blind Dane Babies to have their eye removal surgeries, their alters plus for BHRR’s Sleet to have her umbilical hernia also repaired is so appreciated.
Their urgent surgeries are scheduled for February 15th.
AND we will be posting shortly re: our special twist on our 8th Annual ‘1-on-1’ Special Date With A BHRR Dog Online Auction. We will be doing a Puppy Love Valentine Event for the special needs Dane Babies!
Yet, do not worry, we will be still hosting our usual fabu 8th Annual BHRR Date Fundraiser in April!
BHRR’s Glacier of The BHRR Dane Trio!
He says that he has to take a power snooze from all of the excitement of our 6th Annual ‘Breaking Bills Bake’ Online Auction that shall end Sunday January 27th @ 9:00 PM EST.
BHRR worked so hard to come up with our truly unique, one-of-a-kind Fundraisers and we ONLY host 4 a year, so we remain so appreciative to everyone that supports our efforts! ?
We have just added Item #76 to this Online Auction!
We have decided to add a ‘take’ on our extremely popular BHRR PRIVATE ‘EXPERIENCE’.
This shall be an intimate, relaxed casual dining experience evening(~4.5 hours) at BHRR. We will make you a homemade Dinner including our famous Boerskins Cinnamon Buns for dessert. This special dining experience is for up to 4 to come to BHRR and to be surrounded by ~20 amazing Giants including the Dane Trio!
To view all of the lovely items and to bid, please visit the link. Please also note the pick-up location(s) of any item(s) you may be interested in!
Your assistance to raise the $4,000+tx that we need for the deaf/blind Dane Babies to have their eye removal surgeries, their alters plus for BHRR’s Sleet to have her umbilical hernia also repaired is so appreciated.
Their urgent surgeries are scheduled for February 15th.
AND we will be posting shortly re: our special twist on our 8th Annual ‘1-on-1’ Special Date With A BHRR Dog Online Auction. We will be doing a Puppy Love Valentine Event for the special needs Dane Babies!
Yet, do not worry, we will be still hosting our usual fabu 8th Annual BHRR Date Fundraiser in April!
This is him *tracking* me and the moment when he picked up my scent and honed in on my exact location! He was so proud of himself and what a happy, sweet, easy going, huge cuddly baby he is!
AND I am so proud of him and his litter-mates with all of the progress they are making and believe me housebreaking puppies is hard enough, let alone puppies that no one did anything with for 9 weeks of their lives, puppies that are both deaf & blind and training them flash in and out of the house because of -40C temps.
They have been super stars!
AND, BHRR’s Glacier wants to share that as we end our fourth day of our 6th Annual ‘Breaking Bills Bake’ Online Auction, we have had bids of over $750 to date!
We remain feeling so blessed and fortunate to everyone for helping to make our creative one-of-a-kind Fundraiser so successful!
To view all of the items and to bid, please visit the link. Please also note the pick-up location(s) of any item(s) you may be interested in!
Your assistance to raise the $4,000+tx that we need for the deaf/blind Dane Babies to have their eye removal surgeries, their alters plus for BHRR’s Sleet to have her umbilical hernia also repaired is so appreciated.
Their urgent surgeries are scheduled for February 15th.
We will also be posting a small flash auction plus we are working behind the scenes on what I am calling a ‘Puppy Love Valentine’ Event to hopefully help raise more of the much need monies we need for these surgeries.
AND our 6th Annual “Breaking Bills Bake” Online Auction is now LIVE!
We have 75 absolutely amazing delicious items!
**Also, please NOTE the location pick-up on the item(s) you are interested in!**
AND in our first day of bidding, we have had a beautiful $396 in bids!
Our unique creative Online Auction ends Sunday January 27th @ 9 PM EST
We have items up for grabs located in Oshawa, Kingston, Pickering, Belleville, Ottawa, Orleans, Oxford Station, Kanata, Stittsville AND more!
AND this is who you are helping with your very generous donations, the sharing and/or the bidding on this auction – deaf/blind Dane Babies that require their eyes to be removed, their altering, and also for BHRR’s Sleet’s umbilical hernia to be repaired.
SO THANK you with all that I am for your help!
Their Bill for their urgent surgeries scheduled for February 15th – as their eyes greatly pain them and are constantly infected – is $4,000+tx.
From our home to all of our friends, family plus supporters, warmest good night wishes are being sent!
Still ISO: Bakers for human and/or doggie treats for our 6th Annual ‘Breaking Bills Online Auction’.
Begins Saturday!
Items do not need to be made until the Auction is over – so after January 27th.
Location does not matter for we have supporters all over! Please do email gwen@birchhaven.org if you may consider an item to donate!
We currently have 20 generous bakers!
All monies raised shall go towards the eye enucleations, altering plus repairing BHRR’s Sleet’s umbilical hernia.
We have an estimate – $4,000+tx and their surgeries are scheduled for Friday February 15th. Their Microphthalmia eyes, including having deep recessed pupils are greatly paining these deaf/blind babies. They remain being treated for infections. We need to move on their surgeries as an urgent situation for their well being.
They will have their boosters spaced out between two appointments and then have their pre-op bloodwork done in preparation for their big surgeries on February 15th.
Dr. Philibert will be their specialist surgeon and they will be in excellent hands.
So between now and then, we need to figure out our fundraising for them…..
I will have one flash auction item and working on another idea, that I am calling “Puppy Love”.
Donations to their bills can be made direct to Kanata Animal Hospital as Dr. Philibert will be doing their surgeries there 613-836-2848
OR via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com
OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org (Use the Friend & Family option please so we do not pay fees)
On behalf of the amazing 11 week old Dane Trio, to all of our friends, family plus supporters, stay warm and good night wishes being sent!
Special Needs Dane Trio Update!
First of THANK you’s sent out to both Elaine plus Kathryn for the puppy wrangling help tonight at their next Vet Visit!
BHRR’s Sleet – 23.76 pounds(Up 5.94 pounds since January 2nd so gaining really well!)
Her anxiety was better in the car this time around – she lasted 15 minutes before it set in and she was the most ‘busy’ of the three tonight at KAH due to her level of stress/anxiety.
When she crashed, she crashed big time….she is better than she was and in having her such a short period of time, she has really made progress!
Her small abscess on the top of her head is healing well – we still do not know how she came to BHRR that way.
She will require a double enucleation (both eyes to be removed as they are paining her and causing constant infections).
She was healthy enough for her boosters and I also did a nail trim.
Her teeth appear to be placed in her mouth ok and she has an immature digestive system.
She is completely blind/deaf.
BHRR’s Glacier – 25.52 pounds(Up 5.94 pounds too! AND gaining wonderfully.)
Such a love….big cuddler, wants to be held and the sweetest boy.
He will also require a double enucleation(both eyes to be removed as they are paining him and causing constant infections).
We know that BHRR’s Glacier can hear a very tiny wee amount of ”sounds.’ Has to be at a certain tone/level and he has zero idea where it is coming from and is considered 98% deaf.
He is also blind.
We did a nail trim,had boosters and he has one side of his mouth that his teeth are embedding into his gums. We will see how his adult teeth come in and if need be, do extractions.
Summit – 28.16 pounds(So YUP!, he is also exactly 5.94 pounds more than January 2nd!) HOLY! Talk about freaky!
All three puppies are up exactly the same amount of weight, 5.94 pounds! What are the chances?!
He will require one eye to be removed, we will continue to monitor that twisting left front leg that also twitches.
He is deaf and can see out of one eye about 1-2%, so is also blind.
He has both sides of his mouth with bad teeth alignment and we will see how his adult teeth come in to determine how many extractions are required.
I also did his nails plus he had boosters.
I want to thank Emily again for the cupcake collars for BHRR’s Sleet and BHRR’s Summit!
I also wish to thank Holly once more for the toys for the Dane Trio!
BHRR’s Sleet & BHRR’s Glacier were so much better with their handling – they had zero prior to myself getting them – and were much easier to exam tonight.
AND thanks sent to Jen for coming into Kanata Animal Hospital yesterday and putting on to their account a truly caring generous donation to go towards their Vet bills which will amount in to the many many many thousands.
I will be putting together a flash auction on an item that I have and we will be brainstorming on how best to fundraise for these puppies that were so wrongly done by.
I am also working on our next BHRR Information Get Together to give people the opportunity to learn more re DM Danes and BHRR plus to meet/learn more about them.
Gwennie Novel and here is another photo of the Dane Trio konked out! Hard to capture them awake…they are just white blurs!
As always, from our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, stay warm and good night wishes being sent as we head into a deep freeze!
Summit & BHRR’s Sleet!
10 week old Deaf/Blind Great Dane Puppies
Power napping! 😀
The Dane Trio are scheduled for their next Vet Visit tomorrow.
AND we currently have 17 amazing people that have signed up for our upcoming 6th Annual ‘Breaking Bills Baking Online Auction.’ THANK you!
Still ISO: More baking Angels to make human and/or doggie baked goodies!
Starts January 17th!
All money raised shall help the newest additions to BHRR – BHRR’s Glacier & BHRR’s Sleet – two of the special needs 10 week old Dane puppies.
The baked goodies do not have to be made until the auction is over, which is January 27th!
If you would be interested in donating an item or more, please do email gwen@birchhaven.org Please do not post here as your lovely offer may be missed!
Your location does not need to be near us! People support us from all over and this unique, one-of-a-kind fundraiser gives so many people the chance to participate!
Thank you in advance for your consideration and good night wishes being sent from our home to all of our friends, family plus supporters!
ISO: Bakers to make human and/or doggie treats for our upcoming 6th Annual ‘Breaking Bills Baking Online Auction.’
Starts January 17th!
All money raised shall help the newest additions to BHRR – BHRR’s Glacier & BHRR’s Sleet – two of the special needs 10 week old Dane puppies.
Both are back at the Vet again this week – January 10th as we continue putting together the best medical treatment plans for them.
The baked goodies do not have to be made until the auction is over, which is January 27th!
If you would be interested in donating an item or more, please do email gwen@birchhaven.org Please do not post here as your lovely offer may be missed!
Your location does not need to be near us! People support us from all over and this unique, one-of-a-kind fundraiser gives so many people the chance to participate!
Thank you in advance for your consideration!
Dane Puppies Cupcake #1 & #2 thank you as do I!
This is them in their gently used beautiful cupcake collars that were generously donated to them by Emily!
They are now 10 weeks old and these are deaf/bind Great Dane Puppies.
BHRR’s Glacier, Summit & BHRR’s Sleet.
From our home to all of our friends, friends plus supporters, good night wishes being sent!
Sean is calling the Dane Puppy Trio ‘Pinwheel Puppies!
ISO: 2 BHRR Approved Puppy Wranglers for January 10th @ 4:15 pm @ KAH for their next Vet Visit!
Please email gwen@birchhaven.org over posting here as your kind offer may be missed.
Good night wishes being sent from these three really incredible, super amazing blind/deaf 9 week old Dane Babies!
My last Gwennie Novel post of my night!
The amazing 9 week old Dane Trio were at KAH tonight.
First off, thank you SO much to Cherie & Holly for meeting me there to lend caring and much needed hands for the lovely trio! Could not have done this without you both!
BHRR’s Sleet – she weighed 8.1 KGs(17.82 pounds). She was confirmed as having an umbilical hernia, infected eyes and she provided a stool sample so we will test her loose stools. Her eyes will be monitored as she grows to best determine if she also needs an enucleation or two.
It was not easy for the Vet to examine her eyes too closely as she was a squirmy worm.
On a side note, these two puppies were not handled or socialized properly prior to us getting them. That is very obvious.
No attempts were made to housebreak them either and going outside is completely foreign.
They have been given zero direction or guidance and are so lost and confused yet already a big improvement from yesterday and they are quickly becoming more confident!
Both were dirty and reeked of heavy smoke when we picked them up.
BHRR’s Sleet will be on a gastro food, de-wormed with Panacur, placed on Interceptor Plus and we are already giving her Forti Flora and shall continue to do so.
BHRR’s Glacier – he weighed 8.9 KGs(19.58 pounds). He was also confirmed as having infected eyes and his eyes shall also be monitored as he grows to best determine if he also needs an eneucleation or two. He has one eye worse than the other yet both eyes are horrible just as with his litter-mates.
Same thing as he was quite squirmy, harder for the Vet to properly examine him.
He also will be placed on Panacur plus Interceptor Plus and has been getting the Forti Flora.
Temps were normal for both, good heart, lungs and in a couple of days, their Vet advised to let them know how BHRR’s Sleets’ stools are doing in case we need to add metronidazole.
As for Summit, he came out for the ride and now weighs 10.1 KGs(22.22 pounds). At 6 weeks he was 12.01 pounds.
He will have his own next round of Panacur plus Interceptor Plus. He remains on Forti Flora himself.
They have files set up at Kanata Animal Hospital and anyone wishing to make a donation to BHRR’s Sleet’s and BHRR’s Glacier’s care can do so directly to the Hospital: 613-836-2848
OR via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com
OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org
All three puppies are quite lean and had some wonderful cuddles and loving by Holly, Cherie and their Vet. This is so important for all of them……
Now home, they have had a snack, water, played and are slowly crashing….
Tomorrow is another day with so much for them to learn and do and explore and for me to learn and do and explore with them!
Good night wishes being sent from our home to all of our friends, family and supporters!
PS: We are still in search of Volunteers to make human and/or doggie baked goodies for our upcoming 6th Annual Breaking Bills Baking Online Auction!
Please do email gwen@birchhaven.org if you wish to donate an item or two!
My last post of my night as it has been a truly exhausting, stressful plus worrisome journey to save these puppies…..for many many weeks.
Three of the five that survived in this litter are now reunited, all five are special needs. BHRR’s Glacier, BHRR’s Sleet & Summit.
I think they remembered each other!
To all reaching out to us asking what they need, at this time we could really use no slip bowls for the floor and after we have our own trusted team of Vets examine BHRR’s Sleet & BHRR’s Glacier tomorrow night, we will know more re: their Vet Bills.
As people may remember from an earlier post, we will be removing Summits one eye, he battles constant eye infections – and are monitoring his other eye closely, have to remove at least four teeth and those are just his baby ones…we will have to see re: his adult ones plus he has his left front leg twisting. He has IBS issues too. He is deaf/blind.
These are special needs Dane puppies and they can come with a whole list of medical concerns ranging from skin, heart, neuro, eye, ear, auto immune, have IS etc.
Summits litter-mates are also deaf/blind, both have eye infections, BHRR’s Sleet has an umbilical hernia, has a small amount of coloured nasal discharge and her brother is also a bit wonky on his hind end.
White Great Danes are not rare. They are all too common and it breaks my heart that people Breed to line their pockets and care not for what happens to these puppies when they are born.
Our first fundraiser of 2019 is coming up soon and all monies shall go towards their mounting bills. We are ISO of Bakers for human and/or doggie goodies for this Annual Fundraiser. It is our 6th Annual Breaking Bills Baking Online Auction! Please do email gwen@birchhaven.org if you would like to donate an item or more!
Nothing needs to be made until the online auction is over, so it is fresh and your location does not have to be near us as people support us from all over and gives people a chance to bid on goodies in their own area(s)!
From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, Happy New Year to you and good night wishes being sent….I know I shall have some peace in my heart tonight…
Happy New Year!
Instead of posting my own rescue year end statement, I am going to post my rescue beginning year picture…..while many were at home enjoying the New Year’s day with family and/or friends, we were out doing our first rescue of the year…..
Rescue is 24/7, 365 days a year!
AND! We got them! Both Special Needs Great Dane Puppies. This picture is moments after we got them and gave them some food.
Thank you’s extended to Elizabeth once more for coming with me on such short notice to bear witness plus to help. We ended up paying $300 for the one puppy, not $600. We had $250 in rescue saving donations given and I covered the remainder from my own pocket. What we wanted or ideal? No, not at all. Do I worry about this being a dangerous precedent yes, yet, we now have both puppies safe from harm.
Both will be heading to KAH tomorrow for vetting. Both have eye infections, both are deaf plus blind, the female also has an umbilical hernia plus we have to get a closer look at his hind end. Both have now had much needed baths and will be getting their extremely long nails trimmed shortly. They will receive thorough exams, have their next de-wormings plus fecals also done.
ISO: a BHRR Approved Volunteer for extra hands tomorrow night at KAH 6:45 PM to help love and hold them. Please do email gwen@birchhaven.org Please do not post here as we may miss your kind offer!
Before anyone asks…..They are NOT available For Adoption.
These puppies are barely 9 weeks old and what they have gone through to date has been so wrong. We will right that wrong…..
Her name is BHRR’s Sleet & his name is BHRR’s Glacier. Sean has spoken!
Welcome to BHRR Babies!
UPDATE: On the 2 special needs Dane puppies.
The one home is still prepared at this time to surrender their shelter foster puppy without payment and the other home remains holding strong to wanting $600. 🙁
Thank you to the three angels that donated a combined $200 to date to assist towards going towards this puppy if it came down to it. We really do not wish to find ourselves in the position of having to pay and to go down what I have already termed setting a dangerous precedent. 🙁
Copy of Original Post:
These are the next two in urgent need of BHRR
2 x Special Needs Great Dane Puppies
9 weeks old
1 Male & 1 Female
ETA Being Worked On
This was a litter of five that I had been asked to assist since they were 2 weeks of age.
Their mother had died and a litter of 10 was put into a shelter. Sadly, 5 of the puppies passed away.
BHRR was then reached out to as a strongly focused special needs Great Dane Rescue. We were more than happy to step up to assist.
When the puppies were 6 weeks of age, the shelter placed two into foster to adopt homes; I took in one as my own the one assessed as being the worse and the other two were placed into foster care by the shelter.
The shelter was happy that BHRR was here to assist in any way needed and I gladly made the almost 6.5 hour round trip drive pretty much daily to help with feedings and care up to when they were placed into separate fosters.
Unfortunately, the two puppies that were placed by the shelter into foster homes felt understandably overwhelmed – these are special needs puppies and with that comes special care and special dedication plus special big responsibility.
The shelter indicated to the fosters that they were not in a position to take them back into their own care and directed these two homes to reach out to BHRR.
Both homes wanted BHRR to pay for these puppies when all vetting, food, toys, formula, supplies etc. to date had been paid for by the shelter along with BHRR.
It has been a big touch & go difficult situation as both homes stressed that they would put the puppies to sleep unless BHRR paid for them.
BHRR does not believe in paying for animals to bring into rescue and has spent a lot of time conversing with the homes in this delicate situation.
At the present, we now have one home willing to surrender their special needs puppy without BHRR paying for it.
The other home is still insisting that we pay $600 for the puppy and we continue to attempt to get the home to do the right thing. We are walking a very fine delicate line right now.
The Shelter feels that they they cannot enforce their contract with this home as they had already told them that they could not take the puppy back.
We truly do not want to be getting into a situation that we would be forced to pay $600 to save this puppy. That sets up a dangerous precedent.
Of course, we want to make sure that the puppy is not put to sleep, dumped outside somewhere etc. either.
This is an extremely stressful time right now.
We will continue to update as we can…..and may 2019 bring both puppies safely into our care.
Merry Christmas! We hope all are having a safe, healthy & happy Day!
These are the next two in urgent need of BHRR
2 x Special Needs Great Dane Puppies
8.5 weeks old
1 Male & 1 Female
ETA Being Worked On
This was a litter of five that I had been asked to assist since they were 2 weeks of age.
Their mother had died and a litter of 10 was put into a shelter. Sadly, 5 of the puppies passed away.
BHRR was then reached out to as a strongly focused special needs Great Dane Rescue. We were more than happy to step up to assist.
When the puppies were 6 weeks of age, the shelter placed two into foster to adopt homes; I took in one as my own the one assessed as being the worse and the other two were placed into foster care by the shelter.
The shelter was happy that BHRR was here to assist in any way needed and I gladly made the almost 6.5 hour round trip drive pretty much daily to help with feedings and care up to when they were placed into separate fosters.
Unfortunately, the two puppies that were placed by the shelter into foster homes felt understandably overwhelmed – these are special needs puppies and with that comes special care and special dedication plus special big responsibility.
The shelter indicated to the fosters that they were not in a position to take them back into their own care and directed these two homes to reach out to BHRR.
Both homes wanted BHRR to pay for these puppies when all vetting, food, toys, formula, supplies etc. to date had been paid for by the shelter along with BHRR.
It has been a big touch & go difficult situation as both homes stressed that they would put the puppies to sleep unless BHRR paid for them.
BHRR does not believe in paying for animals to bring into rescue and has spent a lot of time conversing with the homes in this delicate situation.
At the present, we now have one home willing to surrender their special needs puppy without BHRR paying for it.
The other home is still insisting that we pay $600 for the puppy and we continue to attempt to get the home to do the right thing. We are walking a very fine delicate line right now.
The Shelter feels that they they cannot enforce their contract with this home as they had already told them that they could not take the puppy back.
We truly do not want to be getting into a situation that we would be forced to pay $600 to save this puppy. That sets up a dangerous precedent.
Of course, we want to make sure that the puppy is not put to sleep, dumped outside somewhere etc. either.
This is an extremely stressful time right now. ?
We will continue to update as we can…..