
BHRR’s Oslo!
He was also at the Vet on the 25th for a recheck.
The Vet did a very thorough knee and hip exam and we discussed repeating x-rays and we agreed that when we can neuter him – age and seizure control dependent – we can re-take some x-rays then. We know that he is getting worse….that is apparent and all of us are monitoring his QOL closely.
Additionally, with his IS, we will have to be very careful with his sedation protocol when/if we do proceed.
Per his Vet, we all know that both hips and both of his knees are bad yet, he struggles more on the back right hind end side. With his medical conditions, he understandably lacks muscle mass/tone in his hind end yet, his chest is very strong and his coat looks wonderful too!
He will remain on the 50 mg of Deramaxx daily along with the 120 mg of Phenobarbital every 12 hours.
We have a refill request in for his Keppra – he is now getting 1500 mg, every 8 hours.
We still plan on doing alternative therapies with him as COVID 19 will allow us.
The intent and goal is and always has been to give him quality of life and his Vet(who also does othro and has been part of his story from the beginning) believes that for how bad his knees plus hips present, that his quality of life remains good at this time.
We shall never see him or any of our dogs suffer. We will make the horribly difficult and painful decision when we need to as it has to be always about QOL not quantity of life.
He weighed 47.2 kg(103.84 pounds). He was just a wee bit on the plump side; not by much and his excellent foster home is doing an incredible job with and for him!!!!
We will be back in three months time – barring any emergencies for another recheck etc. He has remained seizure free since December 30th, 2021 and his pattern has been to have cluster seizures monthly at the present time.
If anyone may consider his so deserving cause to support, donations can be made direct to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966 or Eagleson Veterinary Clinic 613-383-8381
OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org
*we just need to know the password.
Thank you in advance for any consideration to his bills.
Finances remain beyond tight for BHRR and we do not receive any corporate or government funding.
We must extend a public THANK YOU to the RESCUE angel that made a donation of $100! We are so so so so grateful!
This is a hoot of a picture sent from his lovely foster mama! The stories and pictures of him and his daily journey’s crack me up!
I was so tickled to see him myself on Monday as I had not seen him since December. He is such a softie and in some ways he is losing that baby face yet, in other ways, he remains having that adorable wee monkey face!
On a side note: we have a date for BHRR’s Symba’s second TPLO surgery – May 4th. This will give us time to continue to fundraise and come April, we will be back doing our 2nd year of popular Nail Trim/Ear Cleaning Drive-Way events!!!

Mr. Symba!
He is having a much deserved snooze after his big day today at LAH.
He had a very busy day! It was a busy and expensive day for BHRR too….
Mr. Symba had his post-op follow-up plus x-rays to see how his leg has healed from his TPLO procedure.
THUMBS UP given! He was such a good boy too….such a good boy getting his x-rays done.
We can now move on getting a surgery date with Dr. Philibert for his right leg TPLO surgery.
Bad news is that his right leg is deteriorating. After he had a thorough check on it, he has not been weight bearing – he is on Gabapentin and Deramaxx. The cold weather and the icy conditions are not helping.
We hope to be able to get a surgery date ASAP.
After being pampered plus spoiled with treats and love, he is now all wonderfully drugged up, including with some Trazodone and snoring away. Rest is best for him tonight.
We also still need to raise another $3,000 for his second TPLO.
OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org
*we just need to know the password.
This boy continues to just charm all those that meet him. He is such a deam-boat of a personality plus dog!
Thank you in advance for any consideration to his bills.
Finances remain beyond tight for BHRR.
I will be posting re: BHRR’s Oslo’s own apt. today shortly and we are still seeking a February Sponsor or Sponsors for his bills – with the increase in both Keppra and Gabapentin; his monthly bills are running close to $800
AND Miss Olive still needs her own February Sponsor or Sponsors for her bills – She is now close to $900/month for her bills
We would be deeply and forever grateful for even a $5 donation.
BHRR receives no corporate or government support. Most of our bills are covered out of our own pockets and we truly would be appreciative for any rescue angel donations.
UPDATE: He has remained seizure free since he was admitted. He was pulled off of the Diazepam infusion around 10 AM and has continued to be seizure free.
The Hospital called Gwen just past 7 AM and she recently talked to them again.
He is having his IV pulled and will be heading out shortly.
The Hospital has increased his Keppra from 750 mg to 1500 mg three times daily.
We will have our own Vet/Emergency Team review the records once they are sent over and re-visit with the neurologist here his case once more.
Puppies having seizures is most often a hereditary condition or trauma based. There has been zeo indication of any trauma and we know that his liver and kidney values are good and that these are not the cause or contributing factors. It is so rare for it to be a tumour and there has been no reason to believe that there has been a toxin exposure prior to him coming into rescue and none of his continuous testing has supported that being the case either.
What we can and are working hard to do is to manage the seizures and give him quality of life. This is also the case with his marked bilateral hip subluxation secondary to hip dysplasia. It is always going to be and has to be about quality of life, not quantity.
He has had a generous sponsor for January that will cover the cost of his bills and with the additional Keppra being added to his med regime; his monthly bills will now be closer to $600 and if anyone may consider being a sponsor for February for him, donations can be sent via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org or via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org
Thanks in advance for any consideration!
On December 9th, Mr. Oslo was in for his latest recheck. He weighed 40.40 Kgs(88.88 pounds).
We also re-tested his Pheno levels along with his Liver values and discussed when it would be safe/ideal to consider neutering him, if at all.
No change needed as long as his seizures controlled. He has a very mild increase of phosphorus and creatine Kinase (likely from seizures activities).”
Today, December 30th, one month from when he had his last cluster seizures; @ around 9:30 AM, he had a seizure; then another one at 12:58 PM and then a third one just after that. He was given rectal Diazepam and then taken to the Emergency Hospital.
He was placed on a Diazepam IV infusion and will remain on it until AM.
This poor dog cannot catch a break.
Please keep him in your thoughts as well as his caring foster home for as much as I love him, the connection plus bonding that he and they have had together; is making this separation/situation even more difficult.

December 2020

Update: Mr. Oslo had a grand mal seizure around 10:55 PM. This is his 4th seizure since 9:45 AM. He was administered IV medications and it stopped the seizure immediately; yet, he did ‘paddle’ for several minutes post meds.
Keppra has been added to his seizure medication regime, (750 mg TID), next dose 4 AM. So, he is now on Keppra and Phenobarbital 9 AM & 9 PM (120 mg BID).
UPDATE: He remains on seizure watch at EVC. The Vet is going to add more meds to his seizure med regime and he has had an IV placed in case they need to give him meds should he seizure again.
If he seizes again, he will be transferred to the ICU at Alta Vista AH as EVC closes at midnight.
Thank you to EVC for taking excellent care of him!
At 6:33 pm, he had another seizure, foster gave diazepam and is now on his way to Eagleson Veterinary Clinic.
Any donations can be made per the op….
Please keep the wee monkey in your best thoughts!
BHRR’s Oslo – Cane Corso
He is now 8 months of age!
He is our IS puppy & also has marked bilateral hip subluxation secondary to hip dysplasia after during further ortho investigation on his hind end when he arrived into rescue.
Great news he has not had any seizures since October 20th.
BAD news: Today, November 30th, Mr. Oslo has had two seizures so far – 9:45 AM(~20 seconds) & then 2:59 PM(~50 seconds).
He went 39 days seizure free.
The intensity of them are less than what they were on October 20th and I did reach out to his Vet Hospital to discuss.
We are on close seizure watch monitoring right now.
His wonderful foster has rectal diazepam on hand and will keep me posted. If he has another one within 24 hours or one longer than 2 minutes, he will be brought into emerge.
His recheck was already scheduled for December 9th. At that time, he would be getting his next round of blood-work to recheck his liver values to see how his liver is handling the meds, plus to check his levels.
Additionally, we wanted to discuss neutering him – the protocols for sedation is different for a seizure dog – and to also pick up more medications – Gabapentin and Phenobarbital for him.
HIs foster has already picked up more Deramaxx for him.
We are still seeking December Sponsorship for him. His bills are almost $500/month right now.
We have had a generous donation of $25 – THANK you!
AND so, we are still in need of $475 to help cover his bills for December.
Donations can be sent directly to Eagleson Veterinary Clinic: 613-383-8381
OR Via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org
OR via Email Transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com
*please just let us know the password!
AND please do keep this sweet puppy in your best thoughts!
My last post of my night!
BHRR’s Oslo – 7.5 month old Cane Corso Puppy
Great news: he has been seizure free since October 20th!
He is back for his next recheck in December and at that time, we will discuss when/if it shall be safe to neuter him.
He remains on an excellent pain management regime just as BHRR’s Miss Olive has her own and his 120 mg of Phenobarbital twice daily.
Unfortunately, he is not a candidate for surgery – three ortho specialists to date have reviewed his case.
Which is fine with us as we adore him, we will ensure that he lacks for nothing and he will move into our Haven program. He is in excellent care with his foster home. They are amazing….have remained steadfast by his/BHRR’s side and love him unconditionally.
As with any of our Haven dogs, it is about quality of life, not quantity and if anyone would like to sponsor him for the month of December – we are spending almost $500/month for his bills; donations can be made direct to:
Eagleson Veterinary Clinic – 613-383-8381
OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org
OR via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com
*we just need to know the password
AND this is also your daily gentle reminder in re: to our 13th Annual “JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS” Online Auction!
I have added another 17 WOW Items to our 13th Annual ‘JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS’ Online Auction!
We now have 44 incredible items up for grabs!
We have handmade dog collars, exercise equipment, jams/salsa, chocolate, cinnamon buns, king duvet, masks, photography session, custom stitch portrait, Starbucks, Tupperware, a wallet, jewellery and SO much more!
Items will be added daily and if you have anything that you may like to donated; please do email contactbhrr@gmail.com
This is our last Fundraiser of 2020 and COVID-19 has greatly impacted our fundraising efforts for 2020 and we are at a very REAL serious risk of having to permanently close our doors.***
We have been in operation since 1996 and are the local Great Dane/Giant Breed rescue whose strong focus are the special needs.
*The BHRR Online Auction will start NOW and shall end at 9:00 PM EST on Thursday December 3rd, 2020.
AND we have a busy week+ ahead for the BHRR animals…we have not 1, not 2, yet three home-visits now scheduled for possible approved adoptions and one lucky BHRR doggie is going on a special play date!
AND on that note, the best of good night wishes are being sent from our home to all of our friends, family and supporters!
BHRR’s Olso
November 6th, 2020
My last post of my night….if one is very quiet and patient, one may catch a glimpse of a truly special and somewhat of a silly creature….
While initially a bit shy, warms up easily – please ensure yummy treats are on hand, approach quietly and calmly for this magnificent specimen of nature; will then slowly approach.
If you are lucky, you will hear its distinctive soft snort/chitter sounds and you shall then know, he is comfortable and finds you to be a friend, not a threat.
Fast flighty movements could make him a bit nervous and retreat to a safe distance. Therefore, if you want to have a really heart touching encounter with him; be relaxed and soothing in tone, passively ignore and you soon shall be well rewarded for your efforts!
If you choose, you can just admire from a short distance instead and observe the antics and joy this incredible being has in exploring their surroundings soaking up smells, sounds and experiences!
As many are now aware, Dr. Philibert, ortho specialist supreme has diagnosed Mr. Oslo, the 7 month old Cane Corso puppy with marked bilateral hip subluxation secondary to hip dysplasia.
We remain having our thinking caps on re: unique fundraising efforts and any donations to his care can be made direct to
Eagleson Veterinary Clinic 613-383-8381
OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org
OR via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com
*we just need to know the password!
Thank you to his absolutely spectacular foster home for this lovely fun photo that captured a really mystical magical gorgeous mischievous being!
From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, the best of good night wishes are being sent!
November 3rd, 2020
BHRR’s Olso 7 month old Cane Corso Puppy
Has idiopathic seizures and had 7 seizures on October 20th and was admitted to the Hospital for seizure watch.
Bloodwork was also done to see how his liver was handling the Phenobarbital. Results came in the next day to say that his liver was tolerating the medication well.
We had obtained more phenobarbital for him, gabapentin – as he appeared sore/stiff in the hind end plus diazepam to administer rectally if necessary.
We placed him on Forti Flora also to assist with his gut.
His phenobarbital dosing was increased from 90 mg twice daily to 120 mg twice daily.
On November 3rd – he had blood-work done to see how his phenobarbital levels were on the increased dosing.
He had been 14 days seizure free.
He had an exam, ears checked – no ear infection yet, Burows was dispensed and an x-ray done. We wanted his hind end further investigated due to his lack of rear angulation and the almost ‘popping’ of his hips and how he ‘swayed’ when he moved.
His Vet recommended against giving him Nexgard Spectra as flea/tick/heartworm meds per VIN can lower the seizure threshold. His Vet did some research and the safest of these meds to give to a seizure dog based upon the latest research/studies would be Revolution/Sympatica yet, the general rule per the Vet who saw him is that all flea/tick meds should be used with caution in seizure dogs. So, we have elected to not give him any meds at this time. He had been on Nexgard Spectra prior to us getting him into rescue too and we obtained one dose when he arrived into Rescue.
The x-ray was reviewed by the Vet and based upon his findings – HD; recommended to have a surgical consult.
Additionally, based upon those findings Deramaxx was added to his med regime.
Two more months of Phenobarbital and Gabapentin were dispensed and two more doses of Diazepam was also given.
Weight 38.9 kgs(85.58 pounds)
Sent off the x-ray to Dr. Philibert, ortho specialist to advise.
November 4th:
Results of his pheno levels are within the reference range.
Dr. Philibert also got back to us and the diagnosis is marked bilateral hip subluxation secondary to hip dysplasia.
Additionally per Dr. Philibert:
“Dogs that have marked sub luxation from hip dysplasia can show signs of pain as exhibited in this patient, especially when they are between 6 and 18 months of age because the hip sub luxates during weight bearing. At some point during that time, the acetabulum will fill up with scar tissue and eventually bone while the joint capsule thickens and the joint remains in a sub luxated position. The hips are often more comfortable at that point and some dogs may live a good life after that with medical management of osteoarthritis.
Total hip replacement will give best function. However there is around 10-20 percent of patients that have severe complications. which can make THR a costly option
Femoral head excision may be an option, but giant dogs like this can have a poor outcome so I would only consider it if pain cannot be managed other ways and hip replacement is not a financial option.’
Additionally, per Dr. Philibert and we were aware, no one in Ottawa does THR and we would have to consult with Montreal. We will be sending the x-ray over.
We could only get one view as due to BHRR’s Oslo’s seizures, sedation was not safe to give.
Poor baby.
Effective immediately, our doors are now closed for any future/further intake from those that we have already committed to- we have BHRR’s Dean arriving tomorrow, BHRR’s Nala ETA on Saturday and the 3 Musketeers on the 21st.
With the recent finding for BHRR’s Oslo; our doors need to be closed so that we can figure out fundraising for him and not just for BHRR’s Coupe and BHRR’s Symba own substantial mounting bills.

BHRR’s Oslo(7 month old CC puppy) is scheduled for his next Vet visit on November 3rd.
When he is there, we will get a new weight, recheck his pheno levels with bloodwork, obtain more phenobarbital plus more Gabapentin, get his next dose of Nexgard Spectra, have a nail trim and also obtain more Diazepam.
We are also going to investigate that hind end further. He lacks rear angulation and his one knee almost ‘pops’.
He has not had a seizure since October 20th! 12 days!
It is going to take some time to stabilize things for him and he is WORTH every nickel, dime, quarter and more!
AND once he is stable, we will then neuter him.
If anyone may consider his cause to support, donations can be made direct to Eagleson Veterinary Clinic 613-383-8381
via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org (friends and family option)
via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com
*we just need to know the password
On behalf of all of the animals in need of our highly specialised rescue, THANK you for your continued words of encouragement, belief and for any consideration to the ever mounting Vet bills that we have ongoing for BHRR’s Oslo, BHRR’s Symba and BHRR’s Coupe etc.
We cannot do this without you and we are humbled by the kindness shown to BHRR!
Warmest of good night wishes are being sent from our home to all of our friends, family plus supporters!

My last post of my night!
Time for folks to think about what they plan on giving up for 14 days in our 9th Annual ‘Give it up 4 Autumn’ Fundraiser!
Starts Thursday November 5th and we already have 4 people signed up to date! Be creative! Some people have even done a swear jar in the past putting money each time they or someone in their office swears and then donating the monies raised at the end of the 14 days.
All money raised shall go towards helping BHRR’s Symba and BHRR’s Coupe!
More details in the poster and please do email contactbhrr@gmail.com if you would like to be part of our 9th annual event!
Here are the blog links to BHRR’s Symba:
AND for BHRR’s Coupe
For those who wish to consider making a financial donation to their worthy causes, you can do so via PayPal gwen@birchhaven.org or via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com OR you can do so directly to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966
We have many many many thousands of dollars to raise and we are now set back even further as sadly, BHRR’s Oslo has needed emergency care today…..
From our home to all of our friends, family & supporters, the best of good night wishes are being sent!
UPDATE: BHRR’s Oslo (7 month old Cane Corso)
In the space of 15 hours, he had 7 seizures.
He was sent home last night when the Hospital closed – with a catheter and Diazepam to administer via IV should he cluster seizure or have a prolonged seizure.
He was also increased on his Phenobarbital to 120 mg BID.
He then had a seizure at 9:27 pm, lasting about 40 seconds.
This morning he was back at the Hospital for another day of seizure watch.
The good news is that his blood work came back and is normal so his liver is tolerating the meds well!
We raised thanks to amazing rescue angels enough money to cover his Vet bills from yesterday and we now need to pay for today’s Bills which include more phenobarbital and diazepam sent home with his foster to give if needed.
*we just need to know the password*
This is sweet Mr. Oslo last night sporting his yellow vet wrapped catheter!

UPDATE: He has had 6 seizures today to date.
Per his Vet, the seizures that he had in the Hospital lasted no more than 3 minutes.
She gave him one very light dose of valium and a light top up dose of phenobarbital with the first seizure, and one additional top up dose of phenobarbital with the second seizure.
We are awaiting the results of the bloodwork to see how his liver is handling the Phenobarbital.
THANK you to everyone that has been so unbelievably kind, caring and generous to send and post supportive words AND for the financial consideration to his Vet Bills.
We are forever indebted for your consideration!
UPDATE: Sadly, Mr. Oslo has had yet, another seizure event.
The good news is that he is presenting well between his seizures.
We are SOOOOOOOOO beyond grateful and appreciative and humbled by the words of support and the financial contributions to assist with his Vet Bills.
Donations can continue to be sent direct via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org
OR via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com
*we just need to know the password.
We will update as we can…..
BHRR’s Oslo, the 7 month month old puppy has been rushed to the Vet Hospital by his great foster family.
He has now had four seizures since early this AM and has been admitted to the Hospital for care.
He has been in our rescue since October 11th with no seizure activity.
He has been taking his medications – was increased by his previous Vet prior based upon his blood results – prior to us taking him into rescue.
He was scheduled for his repeat blood work tomorrow AM to check his phenobarbital levels; yet, sadly; today; he has had seizure activity.
If anyone can spare, even $5 towards his emergency vet care – we will find out if people can donate direct to the Hospital they use in Amherstview – yet, donations would be so humbly and gratefully received by:
PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org
OR via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com
*we just need to know the password*
We will update as we can.
His foster mama has been a solid strong rock for Mr. Oslo as seizures can be very scary and stressful to the animal and to the humans.
Thank you in advance for your kind consideration to this sweet boy!
BHRR’s Oslo, the Cane Corso puppy!
He has been settling in beautifully with his awesome temp foster home.
He has not had any seizures since his arrival and we have had him into the Vet to obtain some flea/tick/heartworm meds along with de-worming. We also picked up more Gabapentin for him.
He weighed 36 kgs(79.2 pounds).
Being so straight legged in the hind end; he lacks rear angulation and a quick neuro test; determined that he is weaker in the one back leg over the other.
He is getting plenty of appropriate level of exercise as we work to build up his muscle mass and tone to make him stronger.
As he adjusts to the higher dosing of the phenobarbital; he is also going through some understandable ataxia. In the next week; he will be back for a repeat blood test to check his levels to help determine if this adjusted dosing remains best for him.
As a growing puppy (7 months of age); he will need dosing adjustments.
We are also closely monitoring his eyes as they are sometimes red and a bit runny so when he goes in for his recheck blood test, we are going to have his eyes checked. His left eye does have more prominent haws. Yet, If he needs to go in earlier for them; we will make it happen!
He has been making safe bubble COVID-19 human plus doggie friends and he is in excellent hands with his foster family and we continue to ensure that he lacks for nothing.
Thank you to his wonderful foster family for everything!
BHRR’s Oslo!
6.5 month old Cane Corso Puppy who has IS.
He has arrived safely into the caring kind arms of his foster family and is already settling in nicely.
Please do keep his previous home in your thoughts for this was not an easy decision for them.
Thank you to Lucie & Judy/Ron again for their generous Volunteer transport assistance.
My last post of my night!
This special cutie arrives tomorrow!
He is the 6.5 month old male Cane Corso that has Idiopathic Seizures.

Unfortunately, we find ourselves having to address the below issues once again. Every few years it seems we must re-visit this despite being very clear on our website, Facebook and Petfinder as to how we operate.
This last 24 hours we have had not one yet, two extremely unpleasant moments.
Let us be extremely clear that if people continue to disrespect what is openly stated; we will involve legal and take the necessary action(s).
Our camera’s are running.
1) we are a foster based rescue that operates out of our home and our approved fosters. NOWHERE does it state that you can just drop by, visit or ‘get’ a dog because you want one.
It is NOT even ok to leave a voice message as a ‘courtesy heads up’ that you are on your way or will be on your way shortly to our PRIVATE property which is our home.
We would never do this to you; so do not expect it to be ok to do it to us. We get so little quality family time as it is and your blatant disregard for being mindful of our family time is not going to be tolerated.
We have a very thorough adoption process which is and has been posted over and over and over again in the last shy of 25 years.
All of the steps to be considered for a BHRR approved adoption is found on our websites and even in the application. We have done our job to have the information there. It is now up to you to read and follow the instructions.
We have posted many times over that only completed applications shall be considered/reviewed. We are NOT going to respond to ANY inquiries sent via email, text, voice message, Petfinder or Facebook. This is and has been posted many times over. So Stop. Spamming via email, text, phone, and/or Petfinder is not going to receive a response. They will be deleted and if you continue, marked as spam/junk/blocked. It is equally NOT acceptable for you to come uninvited; to our home, private property with or without any completed application in hand.
As we also post, if a dog is listed on Petfinder, on our Website or on Facebook page as being ‘Available For Adoption’, YES, that dog is still available. We directly state that we work to keep everything up to date.
We have equally posted many times over that we are not going to make exceptions to our adoption contract, processes, policies and procedures.
2) the steps to surrender a dog is also openly stated on our website.
Do NOT leave a message and then only a couple of hours later show up at our home expecting us to drop everything and put your request above all of the other needy dogs that are equally ‘urgent’.
This is our home. This is private property.
AND do not say to one of us that you left many emails or voice messages re: said dog when we communicate closely with each other and know that this is a lie.
YOU are making our work more difficult that it ever should be and trust me, operating a highly r/q Rescue is damn hard.
BHRR is not about you; it is about the animals and please allow us to do our jobs; our non paying, 24/7, 365 days a year jobs.
We have been doing this since 1996; know what we are doing, are the experts in what we do from rescue to transport, to rehabilitation to adoption, from feeding to vetting, to training to behavioural modification and so much more.
If you want to adopt; please follow the process. If you have a dog in need; please follow the process.
The Boerskins
This is a 6.5 month old male Cane Corso puppy that has idiopathic seizures.
I have spent the past few weeks talking/supporting this home via phone and email; hoping that his owners would become comfortable in working to manage the seizures.
If we can help keep dogs with their wonderful owners, that is what we would love to see.
However, they have reached a level of being overwhelmed with quite a few other factors coming into play so, they have made a really selfless choice wanting to surrender him to our highly focused and experienced special needs rescue.
Please join us in surrounding this home with kindness.
ETA October 10th