My last post of my night!
BHRR’s Fred – Isn’t he just magnificent?!
He continues to be such a delight and is settling in so well.
A huge Kanga-Dane thanks to all of Miss Lily’s help going outside at night…they have been so good for each other!
His additional canine friends now include BHRR’s Burst, my two Wolfies, BHRR’s Oliver and BHRR’s Juniper. Yet, BHRR’s Miss Lily is his ‘main’ squeeze.
He also wanted me to impart the following upcoming BHRR events / information as a gentle reminder!
1) Starting Thursday November 7th, 2019 @ 12:01 AM to Thursday November 21st, 2019 @ 11:59 PM is our 8th Annual ‘GIVE IT UP 4 Autumn’ Fundraiser…/give-it-up-4-autumn
All monies raised shall go towards BHRR’s Mollie’s Lymes Disease Treatment along with the newest addition to BHRR; arriving tomorrow – BHRR’s Kenai – more information on them soon.
2) Our last Community Education/Public Awareness Event of 2019 is at Pet Valu Hazeldean on Saturday November 23rd from 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
*We will not be back out until April of 2020!
*We are still ISO: 4 more approved Volunteers to lend a loving hand that day. Please email us!
3) 2019 marks our 17th annual BHRR Secret Santa to the BHRR Animals!
We still have 3 amazing BHRR doggies in need of a special Secret Santa to call their very own!
We have BHRR’s Burst, BHRR’s Glacier and BHRR’s Penelope who would really appreciate any ‘Secret’ Santa friends.…/2009-secret-santas
4) Our 8th ANNUAL CHAIN OF SUCCESS ‘THANK YOU’ Pooch/People Potluck is Sunday December 22nd, 2019 from 2 PM – 8 PM
*Free to attend yet registration is required – please see below group to join!
5) We are working on a Sign Night in January 2020 and details shall be released soon. We will be pairing up with Ottawa Rabbit Rescue for that night!
*Tentative date is Thursday January 16th @ Don Cherry’s with the same amazing hostess we had for our SOLD OUT Paint Nite – Joyce!
*You get to choose your own sign out of over 500+ designs!
6) AND our Annual creative, one of a kind Dine With The BHRR Doggies Event for 2020 is 60% SOLD Out! September 19th, 2020
7) Here is our FlipGive team link to join to shop to help the animals in need of our highly specialised programs!
So many amazing places such as Amazon, Expedia, Gas, Groceries, Clearly, Dining, Costco, Activities, Movies, Canadian Tire, Hotels and so much more!
The Team CODE to join our BHRR Team: F2M39S
Thanks again Cherie Barnes Maracle for the amazing fundraising idea!
To date: we have had over $350 raised via FlipGive for our rescue!…
We truly have so much to be thankful for in 2019….it was a really tough, difficult and heartbreaking year in so many ways YET, we have had the best in supporters, believers, volunteers, family plus friends stand strong by our sides helping us to re-open BHRR’s doors and continue to help those in need of our highly specialised programs.
While we are still battling the Vet Bills, we are at least able to now bring in one more that is in urgent need of us and we have more in the pipe to come once we are more financially stable.
To those that may not be aware, you can do bi-weekly and monthly donations to help us continue to help the underdogs, the overlooked, the ones that are often turned away, the first to be put to sleep….
AND final reminder for the night is that as of Saturday October 26th, our facebook page and home website shall be unpublished until Tuesday November 12th. The Boers men shall be holding down the fort with friends while the Boers women have to be away….
AND on that note, from our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, the warmest of good night wishes are being sent!