Update: Mr. Oslo had a grand mal seizure around 10:55 PM. This is his 4th seizure since 9:45 AM. He was administered IV medications and it stopped the seizure immediately; yet, he did ‘paddle’ for several minutes post meds.

Keppra has been added to his seizure medication regime, (750 mg TID), next dose 4 AM. So, he is now on Keppra and Phenobarbital 9 AM & 9 PM (120 mg BID).

BHRR’s Devin

This was one of the smoothest, easy going most lovely home-visits ever!

Thank you to the home for being so wonderful and BHRR’s Devin, we think you are going to fit in beautifully!

He was already stealing a shoe during the home-visit, so he clearly was feeling comfortable! 

Thank you to his great foster Mama, Cassy in doing this home-visit with me and to her and her great family for temp fostering him! He was in the best of hands!

With BHRR’s Oslo being admitted to EVC for emergency on seizure watch, BHRR’s Devin’s adoption fee will be used to help with his bills.

So, BHRR’s Devin you are truly ‘paying it forward!’

AND if anyone may consider our cause to support, we have ever mounting bills, the newest with BHRR’s Oslo being admitted and BHRR’s Coupe heading in for his own ortho surgeries tomorrow; we have our 13th annual ‘JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS’ Online Auction in full swing:

This is our last Fundraiser of 2020 and COVID-19 has greatly impacted our fundraising efforts for 2020 and we are at a very REAL serious risk of having to permanently close our doors.***

We have been in operation since 1996 and are the local Great Dane/Giant Breed rescue whose strong focus are the special needs.

*The BHRR Auction shall end at 9:00 PM EST on Thursday December 3rd, 2020.

UPDATE: He remains on seizure watch at EVC. The Vet is going to add more meds to his seizure med regime and he has had an IV placed in case they need to give him meds should he seizure again.

If he seizes again, he will be transferred to the ICU at Alta Vista AH as EVC closes at midnight.

Thank you to EVC for taking excellent care of him!

At 6:33 pm, he had another seizure, foster gave diazepam and is now on his way to Eagleson Veterinary Clinic.

Any donations can be made per the op….

Please keep the wee monkey in your best thoughts!

BHRR’s Oslo – Cane Corso

He is now 8 months of age!

He is our IS puppy & also has marked bilateral hip subluxation secondary to hip dysplasia after during further ortho investigation on his hind end when he arrived into rescue.

Great news he has not had any seizures since October 20th.

BAD news: Today, November 30th, Mr. Oslo has had two seizures so far – 9:45 AM(~20 seconds) & then 2:59 PM(~50 seconds).

He went 39 days seizure free.

The intensity of them are less than what they were on October 20th and I did reach out to his Vet Hospital to discuss.

We are on close seizure watch monitoring right now.

His wonderful foster has rectal diazepam on hand and will keep me posted. If he has another one within 24 hours or one longer than 2 minutes, he will be brought into emerge.

His recheck was already scheduled for December 9th. At that time, he would be getting his next round of blood-work to recheck his liver values to see how his liver is handling the meds, plus to check his levels.

Additionally, we wanted to discuss neutering him – the protocols for sedation is different for a seizure dog – and to also pick up more medications – Gabapentin and Phenobarbital for him.

HIs foster has already picked up more Deramaxx for him.

We are still seeking December Sponsorship for him. His bills are almost $500/month right now.

We have had a generous donation of $25 – THANK you!

AND so, we are still in need of $475 to help cover his bills for December.

Donations can be sent directly to Eagleson Veterinary Clinic: 613-383-8381

OR Via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via Email Transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com
*please just let us know the password!

AND please do keep this sweet puppy in your best thoughts!

BHRR’s Percival!

Love this picture of him!

He is ‘fuzzy’ as he decided to go for a dip in the one spring fed pond and then had a quick bath as he was stinky!. Today, has been such a gorgeous day weather wise. One would think it was spring, not almost neck deep in winter, particularly after the two snow storms we recently had here.

Unfortunately, as he is still in our care, today, he was in for his annual plus we did blood-work to submit to the lab for his 6 month Quant C6 levels, as when he arrived into rescue, we learned that he was Lyme Positive.

He was not due for his next QC6 until January 2nd – technically – yet, with the bad weather pretty much upon us and that I do not yet, know how my future Career plans will be looking; we did it today, almost 5 weeks early.

We had treated him for Lyme disease and now he requires blood-work every 6 months to test his levels and he remains on tick medication year round to limit further exposure to ticks. We keep the dogs on flea/tick/hw meds year round so, not a problem.

He weighed 33.8 kgs(74.36 pounds). This is down slightly from the 77.22 pounds he was in July and he looks MARVELLOUS! He is lean, muscled, toned and looks fabu!

When we first got him, he was an obese out of shape 91.08 pounds. He has lost 16.72 pounds in our care. WTG Mr. Percy!

He can now run and race and zoom and zip and not be out of breath.

He had his vaccines today too plus I obtained more Vanectyl P for his allergies. He still gets 2 EOD.

He is a FAR cry for the swollen, raw, bleeding with anal fistula’s dog that first came into our rescue. We got his allergies under control and he remains on his excellent first food diet too.

He was a good boy! He remains slightly nervous at the Vet yet, truly proud of all of the progress he has made since his arrival.

AND his car anxiety is unbelievably amazing now!! Some whining and pacing yet, he ROCKED it. 1.5 hour round-trip drive and he was a star. GOOD boy!

I want to also thank BHRR’s Giselle’s plus BHRR’s Bursts special Secret Santa’s for meeting me today! AND for the Pinesol gifts to BHRR.

For those Santa elves still outstanding on their own special SS’s, here is my availability this week to meet up. Do email contactbhrr@gmail.com for the exact location.

**I need to have time to get them to then drop off those that need dropping off to their Foster Homes for XMAS**

Monday November 30th 5:30 PM – Nepean
Tuesday December 1st 8:00 AM – Kanata
Wednesday December 2nd 12:30 PM – Kanata
Pet Valu Stittsville -1250 Main Street North, Stittsville – *During their business hours* – Thanks Bre!

BHRR’s Volt!

Long gone is the once anxious going in a car girl!

The sheer excitement she has when I ask if she wants to go for a car ride makes me smile so much!!

This is her this AM when l asked if she wanted to go for a car ride as it was play date time! 

She zipped and she zoomed and she became all slushy with the melting snow/ice!

Ignore my dirty winter coated car!

Today, she is off for a special play date won by a wonderful home in our annual unique creative one of a kind special date Fundraiser.

AND next Saturday is her own home-visit for a possible approved adoption!

You have come a long way baby girl!! Physically and emotionally! 

AND this happened tonight! 

BHRR’s Miss Mollie
(Saint Bernard/Standard PoodleX)

Miss Mollie, I know that you were worried and nervous tonight and wanted to be constantly by my side.

As I tell homes all the time, one should be more worried if a dog is not bonded to me over them demonstrating a strong bond…..

Miss Mollie, you have become this confident, happy, healthy uber filled with personality, wonderful mannered plus are such a gorgeous brilliant gal and please know that you will be ok! You are OK!

You have come so far during your time with me and we will always be connected and we will love forever more in each others fondest memories and in our hearts…..

You truly do not need me any longer and this is the start of a truly exciting new chapter in your life!

You now have a big canine brother, 2 sugar gliders siblings and a forever loving adoptive family that already loves you!!! You are going to have so many grand adventures plus fantastic experiences with them!

Parting is always such sweet and sometimes a bitter sorrow and you will be leaving an enormous hole in my home and soul and also for BHRR’s Burst.

Tango plus Irish will also dearly miss you too yet, they are equally over the moon thrilled for you. I know they are!

We want to thank your beautiful new family for all of their patience as we worked through our extremely detailed adoption process!

Thank you to Leanne for doing this home-visit with me, it was a pleasure!

This was my #423 foster that I have now had adopted….it truly does not get any easier….yet, it is always the right thing to do to let the ones go that no longer need you….

Congratulations Miss Mollie! You got this!!!

My last post of my night!

BHRR’s Oslo – 7.5 month old Cane Corso Puppy

Great news: he has been seizure free since October 20th!

He is back for his next recheck in December and at that time, we will discuss when/if it shall be safe to neuter him.

He remains on an excellent pain management regime just as BHRR’s Miss Olive has her own and his 120 mg of Phenobarbital twice daily.

Unfortunately, he is not a candidate for surgery – three ortho specialists to date have reviewed his case.

Which is fine with us as we adore him, we will ensure that he lacks for nothing and he will move into our Haven program. He is in excellent care with his foster home. They are amazing….have remained steadfast by his/BHRR’s side and love him unconditionally.

As with any of our Haven dogs, it is about quality of life, not quantity and if anyone would like to sponsor him for the month of December – we are spending almost $500/month for his bills; donations can be made direct to:

Eagleson Veterinary Clinic – 613-383-8381

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com
*we just need to know the password

AND this is also your daily gentle reminder in re: to our 13th Annual “JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS” Online Auction! 

I have added another 17 WOW Items to our 13th Annual ‘JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS’ Online Auction!

We now have 44 incredible items up for grabs! 

We have handmade dog collars, exercise equipment, jams/salsa, chocolate, cinnamon buns, king duvet, masks, photography session, custom stitch portrait, Starbucks, Tupperware, a wallet, jewellery and SO much more!

Items will be added daily and if you have anything that you may like to donated; please do email contactbhrr@gmail.com

This is our last Fundraiser of 2020 and COVID-19 has greatly impacted our fundraising efforts for 2020 and we are at a very REAL serious risk of having to permanently close our doors.***

We have been in operation since 1996 and are the local Great Dane/Giant Breed rescue whose strong focus are the special needs.

*The BHRR Online Auction will start NOW and shall end at 9:00 PM EST on Thursday December 3rd, 2020.

AND we have a busy week+ ahead for the BHRR animals…we have not 1, not 2, yet three home-visits now scheduled for possible approved adoptions and one lucky BHRR doggie is going on a special play date!

AND on that note, the best of good night wishes are being sent from our home to all of our friends, family and supporters!

Tonight’s “Smellers” & party gatherers as Gwennie makes dinner! 

BHRR’s Nala(Blind/Hearing Impaired), Summit, Apex & BHRR’s Sleet.

Summit & BHRR’s Sleet are Deaf/Blind & Apex is Deaf/Visually Impaired.

This is my view tonight as I am trying to prepare dinner!

We have one gate anchored into the wall and also an xpen for extra safety for the dogs/humans AND these four monkeys; pushed the x-pen aside – again! – and are ‘staring’ at me!

That is also BHRR’s Bell(Blind/Deaf on left side) in the back by the table with the donations that I am currently sorting – THANKS to the generosity of rescue angels! So, please excuse the mess. 

Once again, you can also see Miss Nala’s pile of blankets/dog bed on the other side – she likes to stock pile them up in one spot!

Our 13th Annual ‘JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS’ online auction started yesterday AND here is the link:

We currently have 27 WOW items up for grabs and more items shall be added daily!

Auction ends Thursday December 3rd @ 9 PM EST.

Please help us to keep our doors open!

We remain so grateful to whatever comes our way as our bills continue to mount – BHRR’s Devin, himself has now been at the Vet twice in the last week and our doors are officially closed and we are fighting hard to to not have to permanently close our doors….

My last post of my night!

BHRR’s Symba!

He continues to have an excellent post-op recovery. It has been one week since his TPLO surgery and he is back next Wednesday for his 2 week post-op recheck plus staple removal.

He has been an excellent patient and he continues to just crack me up with is adoration of his Jumbo Stuffies – especially Mr. Grey Bear!

AND a gentle reminder that our 13th Annual ‘JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS’ Online Auction has started and shall run until Thursday December 3rd @ 9 PM EST

Here is the link  – to the 27 WOW items that are currently up for grabs! I added 15 more items today.

Items shall be added daily!

From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, the warmest of good night wishes are being sent!

BHRR’s Olive!
Almost 2 years old!

This picture is gorgeous!!! Thank you again to her wonderful perma-foster home in sending this beautiful photo our way!

Miss Olive would like to gently remind the Santa Elves that it is time to drop off their special Secret Santa’s for the amazing BHRR doggies!

Here are the following dates/times/locations that we currently have available & please email contactbhrr@gmail.com for exact locations!

1) Anytime in our Donation Shed in Oxford Station
2) November 25th 3 PM – Nepean
3) November 27th 5:30 PM – Nepean
4) November 28th 10:30 AM – Nepean
5) November 29th 11:30 AM – Kanata
6) November 30th 4:30 PM – Kanata
7) December 1st 8:00 AM – Kanata

As I have more dates/times/locations, I shall post.

BHRR’s Miss Olive is back at the Vet herself for her next recheck in December and we will continue to update re: her palliative care status.

It is all about quality of life, not quanity for BHRR.

She is still in need of Virtual Foster Sponsorship for December.

We spend almost $900 a month on food/her medications to ensure that she is properly taken care of. This also includes regular professional grooming.

If anyone would be open to providing some sponsoring of her for the month of December, she and we would be SOOOOOOOOO thankful!

Donations can be made via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via email transfer to contacbhrr@gmail.com
*we just need to know the password

OR you can donate directly to Eagleson Veterinary Clinic 613-383-8381 as she has an account there

As most are now aware, we closed our doors back in October for intake with the most recent big ortho medical case diagnosis for BHRR’s Oslo. Then, last week, we learned the devastating news that BHRR’s Symba actually has two blown cruciates…not one, prior to coming into Rescue.

AND Mr. Coupe has his bilateral arthroscopic elbow and bone debridement surgeries scheduled for December 1st.

AND twice over the last week, BHRR’s Devin has now had to receive veterinary medical care.

We truly are humbled by each and every rescue angel that has managed to help us keep operating this year to date……

We sincerely remain humbled by any show of consideration to assist us during what has been a year like no other in Rescue…. 

We have been the local Great Dane/Giant Breed Rescue in the community since our inception in 1996 with our strong expertise being on the special needs……please consider assisting to keep us in operation for many more years to come….

When you turn around as you feel you are being ‘watched’…yes, my Salt & Apex may be Deaf/Visually impaired and BHRR’s Sleet Deaf/Blind; YET, nothing is wrong with their noses! 

NOR BHRR’s Nala(Blind/Hearing Impaired) that can be seen under them! LOL

Sean says that the scent training that I do with the dogs makes them highly efficient! LOL They can track me in a snow storm…literally!

This is my view as I am trying to prepare for dinner!

We have one gate anchored into the wall and also an xpen for extra safety for the dogs/humans AND these three monkeys; pushed the x-pen aside and are ‘staring’ at me!

Well, they got my attention and now that I have food in the oven; it was winter wonderland outside play time and treats all around!

That is BHRR’s Coupe’s cute rump on the one side and Miss Nala’s pile of blankets on the other – she likes to stock pile them up in one spot!

On a separate note, yes; our Annual ‘JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS’ online auction was to start yesterday yet, we received late notice that our server was going down for maintenance and that put both emails out of whack too.

So, it will be up and running on Facebook instead for 2020 and I am working on it!

We also are waiting for three more participants from our annual ‘Give It Up’ 4 Autumn and we well understand that things happen and we will post the final total raised over the next couple of days; should we receive more monies or not.

We remain so grateful to whatever comes our way as our bills continue to mount – BHRR’s Devin, himself has now been at the Vet twice in the last week and our doors are officially closed for further intake…..

My last post of my night…..

I want to extend the most sincerest of thanks to all that came together to make this rescue transport happen today.

This was a rescue that I first began working on over 4 months ago and today; in spite of further blips; they have finally arrived safely.

The 3 special needs Great Danes that we have affectionally dubbed The Three Musketeers are finally here!

Special additional thanks to Lucy Moye, Jane Smith, Theresa Penfield, Rochonne Simons(and her mom!) plus Jo-Anne for everything. Any ommision of names is not intentional and please do forgive me….it truly has taken an army and a village to make this rescue plus transport happen.

From my heart; I am deeply grateful to everyone that gives of themselves in so many ways and in stepping up to make rescue magic occur…….


After the brutal day that I have had, I am now calling it a day….and going to spend the rest of my night with my family and animals!

From our home to all of our friends, families and supporters, the warmest of good night wishes are being sent AND appears tomorrow shall be our first big BHRR Winter Wonderland Day! 

BHRR’s Gravel & BHRR’s Royal Blu
Two loveable nutbars!!

Both keep taking their bowls off of their stools, moving the bowls until they are just where they want them AND then Mr. RB likes to play bow and eat his food!

Silly boyz!

I also wanted to update on a few BHRR matters!

1) Our 9th Annual “Give It Up’ 4 Autumn Fundraiser ended last night and once we received the remaining participants monies; we will announce the grand total raised!

2) For those inquiring as to where to drop off their special Secret Santa’s; you can drop off in our donation shed at the road by the mailbox anytime that is convenient for you – this is monitored 24/7

OR right now; I have the following dates available to meet in the following spots and email contactbhrr@gmail.com for the exact address!
*Sunday November 22nd – Nepean 3:30 PM
*Monday November 23rd – Kanata 1:30 PM
*Monday November 23rd – Kanata 7:15 PM
*Saturday November 28th – Nepean 11:00 AM
*Saturday November 28th – Nepean 6:00 PM
*Sunday November 29th – Kanata 11:30 AM

Closer to December, I will have more drop-off dates and will post!

3) Stay tuned! Our 3rd Annual Holiday Season Empties For Paws Event will be starting December 1st.

This is him now!

BHRR’s Symba!

When you give the goooooooooood drugs!!! 

Snoring away……

He is doing amazing! Truly, one of the best post-op patients I have had and recoveries so far!

Just a couple days post op yet, he is doing fantastic!

Super star! 

Three Blind/Deaf Mice of BHRR’s Sleet & Summit!

This picture really demonstrates the huge difference between the two litter-mates!

My sight as I was going up the stairs with clean laundry!

Summit as posted recently is now just under 40″ at the whithers and still growing. Being taller or bigger is not a great thing whatsoever…..it is harder on their joints and hearts – and Summit already has heart issues. We work to keep him lean and muscled.

BHRR’s Sleet, his sister is no small Dane herself at almost 110-115 pounds and almost 34″ at the whithers yet, the size difference between them is so apparent.

They turned 2 years old on October 21st and remain miracle Danes in so many ways…..

They also wished to update everyone to keep everything crossed that the 3 Musketeers – a rescue that we have worked on since July(they were placed in emerge foster care to become healthy – they were weak/emaciated upon being rescued) – arrive safely on Saturday. Two of the three of those Great Danes are deaf/visually impaired themselves.

My last post of my night!

BHRR’s Symba is now home and settling in…

I will post a copy of the invoice tomorrow – THANKS to so many, we only owe a remainder of $797.70 for this cruciate repair on his left leg.

In 2-4 months, he will then have his right leg done per Dr. Philibert. We will see how his 8 week post op recovery visit goes to get a better idea as to when he can then have the second leg repaired.

This dog is super special…super sweet and super deserving.

He does have an account set up at Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966 if anyone may consider his cause.

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com
*we just need to know the password

I am now hunkering down for overnight duty with him and I could not ask for a more lovely patient to tend to!

On behalf of this incredibly amazing boy, the warmest of good night wishes are being sent!

AND BHRR’s Symba was out of surgery around 4 PM.

He weighed about 61 kgs(134.20 pounds). He is very lean.

Per Dr. Philibert, everything went well and he is in post-op.

I will be picking him up around 7:30 PM.

AND for those that missed the previous update: BHRR’s Symba actually has both back legs blown. Not one. 

So, Dr. Philibert fixed the worst one – the left – and when he heals, we will then repair the other leg. When it rains it pours….poor sweet man.

Thank you from my heart to Liston Animal Hospital and to Dr. Philibert for taking excellent care of him today!

We also had his nails done while he was under and a good ear cleaning as he battled ear infections when he first arrived and is still getting better at having me clean them – wiggle monster he can be!

Thank you FROM my heart also to the two rescue angels that made generous donations to his bills today! YOU know who you are and we remain incredibly indebted….

AND thank you to everyone that has sent well wishes his way!!! That touches us deeply!

We have much to figure out re: fundraising for BHRR’s Symba’s current and now even more future bills, BHRR’s Coupe’s own ortho surgeries, BHRR’s Olive’s December and beyond bills, BHRR’s Oslo’s bills etc…..

We finally have our 3 Muskateers arriving this weekend – I have worked on their rescue and in getting them healthy since July and they are finally able to travel. THANK you to their own outstanding emerge temp foster home for being there for them! 

Yet, we must keep the faith….

As many are also now aware, our doors are closed again…..we closed them after BHRR’s Oslo’s own orth diagnosis of marked bilateral hip subluxation secondary to hip dysplasia.

UPDATE: Dr. Philibert just called……

Sadly, Mr. Symba has two blown cruciates – very common when one goes, the other can.

The right leg was blown since Winter; long before he came into Rescue.

His left one is apparently also blown and is the worse of the two right now.

So, we will fix the left leg first and then he will have a second surgery to fix the right…

BHRR’s Symba!

On our way this AM!

Focused and looking ahead….to a new leg!

For anyone that may consider his cause to support, donations can be made direct to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com
*we just need to know the password!

You are in excellent hands sweet man….between the amazing staff at Liston AH that I have known plus worked with many myself over the past 16.5+ years and also in the expert care of Dr. Philibert; you got this! 

See you later today…. 

My last post of my night….BHRR’s Symba!

Tomorrow is his BIG day! He is scheduled for his TPLO surgery with Dr. Philibert at Liston Animal Hospital.

We have done all that we can do in preparation for his surgery….do we have all that we urgently need, no; yet, we have enough towels, fabric softener, laundry soap, paper towels, Pinesol, blankets to scrape by for a bit.

AND we have 3 JUMBO stuffies to rotate for him…. 

We are still short $2,500 of our goal to raise for his bills and Sean/I are working together to figure that out via pulling out some investments.

If anyone may consider his deserving cause to support, donations can be made direct to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchaven.org

OR via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com
*we just need to know the password

While he is under, he will have his ears cleaned and his nails done too!

When he comes home, he will be on two kinds of pain meds, antibiotics and also sedatives.

BHRR’s Symba, sleep well and have sweet dreams.

Tomorrow you will have a brand new leg…..

The rehab journey ahead will not be an easy nor short one yet, it will lead to a so much better/higher quality filled life for you….we have worked hard to keep you on an excellent pain management regime and after tomorrow; it will be all about the healing….

You are such an amazing dog and as deserving as any other dog and we remain so grateful to all of the rescue angels that have donated to date to help you with your surgery and post op care!

From our home to all of our friends, families and supporters, warmest of good night wishes are being sent and please keep Mr. Symba in your best thoughts!

BHRR’s Devin is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!

We will update as we can.

BHRR’s Royal Blu!
November 17th, 2020
BHRR Haven Dog

Someone does not like early AM’s! My sight at 5:00 AM as that is the time to get up and at ‘er! 

One dog bed to lay on and one dog bed for a pillow! 

Mr. Royal Blu had his bilateral entropion / cherry eye surgeries earlier this summer and with COVID-19; we are still in a hold pattern re: those two front legs.

After 8 months, we finally have a surgery date for Mr. Coupe and so we remain patient as does Mr. Blu as to what the ortho specialist may feel is in his best interest as he had ortho surgery already prior to being a rescue transfer from another wonderful group. Thank you again to them for all that they did for him!!!!

Mr. Royal Blu is also now completely blind in his right eye and does not see the best in his left eye. Does not hold him back…..

He has lost weight, muscled and toned up and is such a wonderful handsome boy!

He is also quite the vocal boy!!! He loves food and treat time the best. LOL

BHRR’s Nala
~15 month old Bulldog/BoxerX
Severely visually impaired and is also hearing impaired. We will investigate further her hearing impairment as she was listening ok when spoken to in a distinct clear much louder tone.
She is the dog that was picked up as a stray and ended up being a rescue transfer to BHRR from another group.
Today she was seen by the Vet.
She was 61.6 pounds(28 kgs).
She was given her Lepto and Lyme vaccines – boosters will be in 4 weeks – as she had already been given her Bord, Rabies and DHPP prior to coming into our Rescue.
We did some bloodwork to test for prior heartworm and tickborne disease exposure and the results are negative!
She will be de-wormed and she will be placed on flea/tick/HW meds.
She was SUPER friendly with everyone, curious about the dogs that she saw and demonstrated her bull in a china shop lack of manners!
The Vet examined her and his expert positioning on that back right leg that prior Vet Records sent our way before she arrived into Rescue had indicated that her back right leg was slightly abrnormal – is that this is a genetic conformity issue and she is perfectly fine. She was not painful on it, does not limp and it is just turned out slightly – a bit eastie westie as we say!
Once again, it was super lovely to visit with / see some of my former and truly fav work colleagues and thank you for embracing me, literally! 
Miss Nala will be back for her boosters in about 4 weeks time and from there, if all goes well; she should be ready to make her own special announcement!
Thank you also to Leanne/Cameron for meeting up with me to drop off some auction items for our 12th Annual “JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS” Online Auction that will start next weekend!
Thank you also to Cassy/BHRR’s Devin for also meeting me at the Vet and for dropping off some auction items too!
AND last but not least, thank you to Jaqueline for emerge temp fostering Miss Nala for the past week.

BHRR’s Symba!
135 pounds of mushball handsome Bull Mastiff love!
My last post of my night!
As much as he loves Mr. Dino, the Jumbo stuffie that was given to him by the same generous soul that washed his Mr. Bear Stufie; he loves his Mr. Bear the best.
He is SOOOOOOOOO happy that he is back and working hard to get him all smelly again! 
AND, on his plus BHRR’s Coupe’s behalf, we want to thank ALL of their fans, supporters plus believers for the material and financial donations made to date as we prepare for their upcoming Ortho surgeries with Dr. Philibert.
We are still short $2,500 for BHRR’s Symba’s own surgery and as many have noted we have been attempting to do some flash auctions.
AND we are STILL in need of the following – listed below – in preparation for their surgeries if anyone may consider their worthy causes to support.
BHRR’s Coupe(Newfx) is scheduled – FINALLY- thanks COVID-19! – for his bone debridement and bilateral elbow arthroscopic surgery December 1st.
He is also the sweet boy that we shockingly discovered no less than 2 x 9 mm bullets in him – one being in his chest – when we did x-rays plus he had to have an emergency enterotomy surgery. In addition, we have been treating him for heartworm.
BHRR’s Symba(Bull Mastiff) – pictured here – is scheduled for his TPLO surgery on November 18th.
We still urgently need the below items to assist with their post-op recoveries.
1) Pinesol or Lysol
2) XL Costco Dog Beds
3) Paper Towels – not the scratchy/rough brown kind
4) Sleeping bags/Comforters/Duvets
5) Fabric Softener
6) Dryer Sheets
7) Donations for ongoing flash online auctions to help raise the many thousands upon thousands needed for these surgeries.
8) We need to put down 50% upon surgery drop-off and any consideration for financial donations can be made direct to Liston Animal Hospital 613-596-0966 – they both have accounts there
via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org
via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com
*we just need to know the password
9) Flannel Sheets – Double or Queen
Thanks as always from our hearts for any consideration to their very worthy causes – both dogs are magnificent!
As many know we have our monitored donation shed on our lane-way at the road by our mailbox and any kind items can be dropped off in it!
If you are not able to drop off at Oxford Station, please do email us to make alternative arrangements. contactbhrr@gmail.com for over the next few days, I am in various places across the city!
AND here is the link to our Amazon Wish List:
AND from our home to all of our friends, family plus supporters the warmest of good night wishes are being sent….this weekend is going to be a busy one for us!

BHRR’s Mollie
Saint Bernard/Standard PoodleX
Looking bootiful!!
Her next professional groom session is almost done. 
Thank you again Manon and Melissa! 

BHRR’s Miss Mollie!
(Saint Bernard/Standard Poodle Mix)

Today, she is off to have her next professional grooming session!

BHRR does regular professional grooming on the dogs and this is required of all of our approved adoptive homes.

We work hard to get the dogs medically, emotionally, behaviourally rehabbed and that also includes them having their grooming needs met.

Miss Mollie goes in every 8 weeks.


Melissa Lepage

of Groomingdale’s @ Pet Valu Stittesville for all of your time and talent in helping to make the BHRR dogs look and feel their best! 

See you soon Miss Mollie!

Freedom Dane BHRR’s Gretta
November 8th, 2020

Many may remember this beauty. She is one of the last surviving Freedom Danes from the Paws R Us Seizure/Bust in September 2011.

The largest bust in Canadian history. Even highly experienced people like myself could not have adequately be prepared heading in for the ensuing three months following that seizure, volunteering and lending a much needed hand at the emergency shelter day in and day out.

Today, we honour her as she has reached Double Digit Dane numbers – She is now 10!

BHRR has assisted Danes from this line for almost 20 years. We have helped sisters, brothers, half-siblings, aunts, her mother, her grandfather, great relatives and more.

November is often known as Senior Month.

Miss Gretta, you have survived hell and beyond and here you are today, standing tall – gone are the days that you and your litter-mate BHRR’s Peanut had to be carried in and out of the shelter a couple times daily.

While your own forever loving right matched personality fit loving home never found you; we moved you to our Haven Program and you have lived the truest of high stellar quality filled life with us.

Almost 148 acres to romp in with trails, 3+ acres safely fenced in; friends to play with, humans that adore you and understand you and through patience, time, consistency, structure plus routine have demonstrated kind caring loving hands; not hurting hands to you.

You no longer live in a dark building filled with filth and having to sleep standing on your back legs. Fans can still make you a bit nervous yet, you have come SO far sweet girl.

You have dog beds and thick comfy duvets, a/c, heat, access to fresh water all the time, fresh air and sunshine and warm winter coats plus enough food – yes, you are a wee bit chunky yet, that is ok!!! You get the best in vet care, treats and caring love.

You remain distrustful and fearful and shy of so many, yet, you have developed a strong set up for success circle of humans that you adore as much as they adore you! Your tail is no longer held tight up to your belly and you now know how to wag it and happy wags you love to give!

We had to repair that back left leg of yours and it seems, sadly, from then on, no one had any interest in considering to give you a home with them; yet, that is ok!

We could not imagine you not being here, in our home, part of our family and hearts; you have been here for the past 9 years and you have made us better humans in having been blessed to have been touched by you.


We promise to continue to do right by you and to see you keep living your best life every day!

Car rides with the sunroof opened up tomorrow JUST for you in honour of you with some timbits too!

BHRR’s Dean!
5 year old Mantle male Great Dane

He was seen by the Vet today.

He weighed a lean 55.8 kgs(122.76 pounds). I LOVE lean dogs and if he went up to 125 pounds as we build up muscle mass plus tone; I would be ok too.

He was AMAZING! Loves the women and just being given some space by the one male Vet, he sniffed and relaxed.

He had a really great exam – he has a couple of skin tags that we will monitor and if need be, remove at the time of his neuter – now booked for December 18th.

As we have been told that he hates his feet touched, I will continue to work with him at home and we will get them as short as we can at the time of his neuter.

Did not do a thorough check in his mouth as he only just arrived and with him being a bit worried. As he settles in more, I will be able to better check his mouth and when he is under for his neuter, we can also be more thorough.

He was very brave for his blood-work – we are testing for heartworm plus tickborne diseases plus doing his pre-op bloodwork. His Vet will advise as to the results.

He did not co-operate in providing me with a fecal sample since his arrival yet, we proactively, preventatively de-worm all of our rescues.

We also picked up his flea/tick/heartworm medication to start once we have the results of his blood-work. As per our protocols, we keep the dogs on year round.

We did scan to check for a microchip, he did not have one; so, we will chip him at the time of his neuter.

I did ask his Vet for some Trazodone as he does exhibit some anxiety in the car – barks and become reactive as there is a barrier. He has lacked socialisation and important exposure to much prior to rescue and in the vehicle, his stress is noticeable. The stimulation is a lot for him to take in right now.

If there is not any barrier, he is fine. The meds will enable me to take his anxiety down and work on proper built up to outside stimulus.

Remember that a reactive dog is NOT trying to give us a hard time….they are trying to TELL us that THEY are having a hard time.

He is truly a super nice boy! Handsome and the sweetest of temperaments. He has been perfectly fine around my two Irish Wolfhounds plus BHRR’s Fred and BHRR’s Caramel here to date. Of course, BHRR’s Caramel thinks BHRR’s Dean want to eat him….that is BHRR’s Caramel’s thing with all new dogs/people.

For me, it was also super awesome to see how well he did and equally awesome to visit with some of my previous work family colleagues! Some sniffles and tears all around for a few…I miss you and I promise we shall get together once COVID-19 settles down! 

Please do consider checking out the three flash auction items currently up for grabs – by scrolling down the page – Women’s comfy box, king duvet cover/sham/bed skirt PLUS an wonderful pet(up to 2 pets from the same household) photo session!

We are getting so close to the first of two incredible BHRR dogs having their big ortho surgeries – BHRR’s Symba’s is on November 18th and BHRR’s Coupe is December 1st – and we are still very short, thousands and thousands short…..your consideration would be heartfelt and deeply appreciative. 

BHRR’s Nala
The blind/hearing impaired BulldogX (BoxerX?) came into BHRR’s care yesterday as a rescue transfer and has been settling in beautifully with her own amazing temp foster Home. 

Whatever breed combinations she is, she is 100% gorgeous!

Her prior vet records stated the there was something not normal about one of her back legs and we will investigate further.

Deepest thanks extended to her foster home for taking great care of her and for the lovely pics! 

Not Yet Available For Adoption!

BHRR’s Olso
November 6th, 2020

My last post of my night….if one is very quiet and patient, one may catch a glimpse of a truly special and somewhat of a silly creature….

While initially a bit shy, warms up easily – please ensure yummy treats are on hand, approach quietly and calmly for this magnificent specimen of nature; will then slowly approach.

If you are lucky, you will hear its distinctive soft snort/chitter sounds and you shall then know, he is comfortable and finds you to be a friend, not a threat.

Fast flighty movements could make him a bit nervous and retreat to a safe distance. Therefore, if you want to have a really heart touching encounter with him; be relaxed and soothing in tone, passively ignore and you soon shall be well rewarded for your efforts!

If you choose, you can just admire from a short distance instead and observe the antics and joy this incredible being has in exploring their surroundings soaking up smells, sounds and experiences!

As many are now aware, Dr. Philibert, ortho specialist supreme has diagnosed Mr. Oslo, the 7 month old Cane Corso puppy with marked bilateral hip subluxation secondary to hip dysplasia. 

We remain having our thinking caps on re: unique fundraising efforts and any donations to his care can be made direct to

Eagleson Veterinary Clinic 613-383-8381

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com
*we just need to know the password!

Thank you to his absolutely spectacular foster home for this lovely fun photo that captured a really mystical magical gorgeous mischievous being! 

From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, the best of good night wishes are being sent!

Got him!!

We are calling him BHRR’s Dean!
*in honour of one of my all time fav nail clients at the Hospital I used to work at!
*For a couple of wonderful reasons we are going to call him this name. 

Making the drive home now and on Sunday, he will be vetted at EVC as he has no prior vet history.

We will do his pre-op blood work in prep to neuter him and test for prior exposure to tick borne diseases and heartworm, begin his vaccine protocols, place him on flea/tick/heartworm preventative and de-worm him.

He will have a thorough exam and whatever else the Vet feels he requires, he shall have.

His body condition is great – needs a bit of muscle mass plus toning – and he has some skin tags yet, nothing on my initial assessment makes me worried.

His nails are super long yet, we have been told that he hates his feet touched so that will be a work in progress and we will cut them as short as we can when he under anaesthetic being neutered.

Once I can better handle him; I will get a better idea of any concerns to have investigated in depth.

He was super friendly when I picked him up and we shall see how he settles in with the canine crew and how he meets other humans!

I love the frosting on his face…got to love the masking gene!!

Thank you to Christie from the shelter in reaching out to us and for Sam for driving him much closer to meet me!

Welcome to BHRR Mr. Dean! 

BHRR’s Oslo’s VD x-ray
November 3rd, 2020

BHRR’s Olso 7 month old Cane Corso Puppy

Has idiopathic seizures and had 7 seizures on October 20th and was admitted to the Hospital for seizure watch.

Bloodwork was also done to see how his liver was handling the Phenobarbital. Results came in the next day to say that his liver was tolerating the medication well.

We had obtained more phenobarbital for him, gabapentin – as he appeared sore/stiff in the hind end plus diazepam to administer rectally if necessary.

We placed him on Forti Flora also to assist with his gut.

His phenobarbital dosing was increased from 90 mg twice daily to 120 mg twice daily.

On November 3rd – he had blood-work done to see how his phenobarbital levels were on the increased dosing.

He had been 14 days seizure free.

He had an exam, ears checked – no ear infection yet, Burows was dispensed and an x-ray done. We wanted his hind end further investigated due to his lack of rear angulation and the almost ‘popping’ of his hips and how he ‘swayed’ when he moved.

His Vet recommended against giving him Nexgard Spectra as flea/tick/heartworm meds per VIN can lower the seizure threshold. His Vet did some research and the safest of these meds to give to a seizure dog based upon the latest research/studies would be Revolution/Sympatica  yet, the general rule per the Vet who saw him is that all flea/tick meds should be used with caution in seizure dogs. So, we have elected to not give him any meds at this time. He had been on Nexgard Spectra prior to us getting him into rescue too and we obtained one dose when he arrived into Rescue.

The x-ray was reviewed by the Vet and based upon his findings – HD; recommended to have a surgical consult.

Additionally, based upon those findings Deramaxx was added to his med regime.

Two more months of Phenobarbital and Gabapentin were dispensed and two more doses of Diazepam was also given.

Weight 38.9 kgs(85.58 pounds)

Sent off the x-ray to Dr. Philibert, ortho specialist to advise.

November 4th:

Results of his pheno levels are within the reference range.

Dr. Philibert also got back to us and the diagnosis is marked bilateral hip subluxation secondary to hip dysplasia.

Additionally per Dr. Philibert:

“Dogs that have marked sub luxation from hip dysplasia can show signs of pain as exhibited in this patient, especially when they are between 6 and 18 months of age because the hip sub luxates during weight bearing. At some point during that time, the acetabulum will fill up with scar tissue and eventually bone while the joint capsule thickens and the joint remains in a sub luxated position. The hips are often more comfortable at that point and some dogs may live a good life after that with medical management of osteoarthritis.

Total hip replacement will give best function. However there is around 10-20 percent of patients that have severe complications. which can make THR a costly option

Femoral head excision may be an option, but giant dogs like this can have a poor outcome so I would only consider it if pain cannot be managed other ways and hip replacement is not a financial option.’

Additionally, per Dr. Philibert and we were aware, no one in Ottawa does THR and we would have to consult with Montreal. We will be sending the x-ray over.

We could only get one view as due to BHRR’s Oslo’s seizures, sedation was not safe to give.

Poor baby. 

Effective immediately, our doors are now closed for any future/further intake from those that we have already committed to- we have BHRR’s Dean arriving tomorrow, BHRR’s Nala ETA on Saturday and the 3 Musketeers on the 21st.

With the recent finding for BHRR’s Oslo; our doors need to be closed so that we can figure out fundraising for him and not just for BHRR’s Coupe and BHRR’s Symba own substantial mounting bills.


My last post of my night!

While I need to post re: BHRR’s Oslo’s Vet visit last night; I am going to hold off until tomorrow……

AND for your nightly bedtme entertainment, BHRR’s Symba’s stuffie saga continues!!! 

As I told the kind angel that doubled washed his Jumbo stuffie bear; whomever BHRR’s Symba is adopted to once rehabbed; is going to need to understand his jumbo stuffie needs!

While we wait for Mr. Bear to come back – ETA Friday (please come soon!) – to BHRR’s Symba, this same kind angel that took the ICKY and I mean ICKY Mr. Bear to wash – and put him through the washer twice! – so generously gave him a jumbo Mr. Dino Stuffie.

Well, one would have thought that I was trying to pull some big fast one on him! He refused to even look at it….OR me for the longest time.

Finally, he sat next to it and the look he gave me….first picture…

YET, in the end the charm of a JUMBO stuffie won him over and now he is snuggled, snoozing and snoring with Mr. Dino! Second picture is proof!

He is such a big marshmallow!!!

This dog is a hoot! He cracks me up!!! 

AND on that note, from our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, the best of good night wishes are being sent!


This is *Nala*

She was picked up as a stray – BulldogX(Possibly Bulldog/Boxer) is her most likely breed mix….was also listed in various places as a BoxerX and a MastiffX yet, she is super small and very bulldog like and that seems to be the consensus!

No matter what she is 100% adorable!

She is blind and hearing impaired – she does hear some & has an abnormal back right leg per the paperwork

She is housebroken, vaccinated, microchipped, spayed, had two cherry eye surgeries – the one eye is not normal

She lacks manners and currently is in foster care with another Rescue that is seeking to transfer her to BHRR.

Stated to be very friendly with people and has been playful and social with the dogs she has been introduced to. Have seen a video of her and a boxer having a blast.

Paperworks says she is about 2 yet, in seeing pics plus a video, I find that very hard to believe. She is all puppy…maybe 12-15 months?!

ETA being worked on and thank you to Jacqueline once again for stepping up to be her emerge temp foster!

She and BHRR’s Dean both still need special Secret Santa’s if anyone is willing to spoil them this XMAS!


My last post of my night!

A lovely soul so generously took BHRR’s Symba’s jumbo stuffie to wash in an industrial washer. 

First picture is BHRR’s Symba when I told him that his icky stuffie was going to leave for a bit and come back shiny and new – well, at least come back sweet smelling.

He was not impressed!!! He takes this thing everywhere and I mean everywhere!!!

I had wondered if giving it a decent burial would be better than attempting to wash it yet, wash it – twice! – this kind soul has done!!

The second picture is of his stuffie being ‘fluffed’!

LOVE it!

From our home to all of our friends, family plus supporters, the best of good night wishes are being sent…tomorrow is another day!

More information per the Shelter:

Below you will find his Owner surrender information completed by the Owner online:

O/S, Can no longer afford general up keep. Got from a friend. Owned 3.5 years. Eats Pedigree. Free fed. Lived with female Great Dane, 2 adults and 1 teenager. Gets along well with all. Allowed on furniture. Slept in Owners bed at night. Loose when alone, will destroy toys, household items, barks, drools. Left only occasionally. No medications. Nervous, normally muzzled at Vet.

He loves to snuggle and is good companionship. He needs to learn to listen and stop pulling on leash. Doesn’t like when people wear hoods. Barks in the car until he is out. Pulls a lot on leash. No professional training. Uses harness, prong collar, gentle leader. Knows sit, down, come and shake.

He barks, nervous when alone, he will get aggressive when he feels someone in the home is being threatened. When meeting unfamiliar children friendly/respectful and usually tolerant but has met some he doesn’t like. Never met an unfamiliar man. Friendly when meeting unfamiliar women. 

AGGRESSIVE WITH CATS. Friendly when meeting unfamiliar dogs on or off leash. 

 Mostly house trained, will go if its been too long or if sick. Mostly indoors. House with fenced yard. Low activity level. Playful, affectionate, pushy, confident, excitable,  friendly, dominant. Loves to play and follow you around. Will guard certain family members if he thinks they are being threatened. Will guard something they stole, and doesn’t like paws being touched, he will growl or will nip at your hand if you try to touch or clip nails. 

If a stranger approaches the home or yard or family member she will bark, jump up, growls. Never bitten a person or an animal. He drinks his water out of the bathroom faucet. 

We also called the Owner to clarify a few things she had written down.

Spoke with owner for some more info/clarification. Had him since he was 1 and a half years old, step-daughter’s friend was looking to rehome him. Lived with a female Great Dane-good with, had a litter with last year, dogs are good together but don’t seem overly bonded. Said X is a very nice dog but can be a bit strange with people sometimes. Barks and growls when people come in home but after he sniffs he is better. Doesn’t have visitors a lot. Keeps him behind 4ft baby gate which he has pushed through to get to people, but sniffs them and is fine. Once when he was on the enclosed porch and the neighbour walked up (man) he was growling and barking, neighbour put hand through fence to touch him and X didn’t do anything. Said he doesn’t like people wearing anything that changes their appearance (hats, glasses, hoods, etc) and barks at them, did have an incident when a woman came in wearing a fur coat and walked by him when he was loose and he barked and lunged at her but the owner pulled him back and woman walked away to go into sons room (was sons friend) and they never interacted further. Owner said he never tried to bite her but doesn’t know why he lunged. Is fine with meeting people on a walk or even on the porch, seems more reactive when they come in the home. Said he doesn’t seem to warm up to sons friends (always males) and will just keep barking at them.

Used to have an issue with growling and lunging at the son if X was in the bedroom with owner and son walked in the room, wouldn’t let the son in but never attempted to bite, hasn’t had this issue since woman started keeping him in the living room at night instead of with her. Owner said he seems to get reactive if you turn your back to him and walk away after giving him attention, he has a mean sounding bark and follows you, but if you face him while walking away he is fine. No guarding issues but does like to keep things from you and runs away if you try to take. Pulls a lot on leash and is very strong, very eager to get to other dogs and people and will pull you to them though has met both and has been friendly. Has never met a cat but pulls on leash eagerly to see them, seems to want to chase them and woman doesn’t know if it’s playful or not. Will put his mouth on your hand if you try to clip his nails but never applies pressure. Asked what was meant by “aggressive if someone in home is being threatened” and owner said he can be protective, one incident the son and nephew got into a fight and nephew went to hit the son and X barked and jumped in between them, woman yelled at them and nephew backed off. Woman trained him using German commands. Is a good dog that needs some guidance with some things. 

BHRR’s Miss Olive!

She is our palliative 1.5 year old Saint Beauty! 

What can we say about this picture? One improvises and becomes creative when a pillow is needed for a power nap after playing with a puppy! ?

She is in big need of a virtual foster donation buddy for December if anyone may consider supporting her.

We are currently spending almost $900 a month on her meds – Proin, Gabapentin, Deramaxx, Eye Lube plus high quality fish based food.

We will have her back in for her next recheck in December plus she will be due for her next professional grooming season then too.

As those that have been following her journey are aware, four ortho specialists determined that she did not qualify for FHO surgeries or hip replacement surgeries.

Olive is also our Pseudohermaphrodite which we found out when she was in for her bilateral entropion surgery plus spay – she is actually a genetic he.

We continue to work hard to give her the best quality filled life possible.

She is always a big hit at EVC!

Donations can be made via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org or via email transfer to contactbrr@gmail.com
*we just need to know the password

Thanks in advance for any consideration in being her December virtual foster buddy! 

AND thanks to her wonderful BHRR Haven foster home for this great photo!


HE will get a new name for a new beginning!

BHRR’s Dean – after one of my all time fav nail trim clients at the Hospital I used to work at.

~5 year old heavily marked mantle male Great Dane.

O’s cannot afford his upkeep. They have had him for about 3.5 years and got him off a friend of a relative. Prior to that we do not know if he came direct from a Breeder or someone else.

Lacked socialisation, has some stranger reativity and resource issues. Does not like feet touched.

ETA to BHRR: Friday November 6th.


BHRR’s Miss Mollie is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!

We shall update as we can.

Love this photo of her…

BHRR’s Miss Volt is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!

We will update as we can.

AND this pic may be an oldie yet, it is a goodie….

She is so beautiful, inside and out.

My last post of my night!

BHRR’s Oslo(7 month old CC puppy) is scheduled for his next Vet visit on November 3rd.

When he is there, we will get a new weight, recheck his pheno levels with bloodwork, obtain more phenobarbital plus more Gabapentin, get his next dose of Nexgard Spectra, have a nail trim and also obtain more Diazepam.

We are also going to investigate that hind end further. He lacks rear angulation and his one knee almost ‘pops’.

He has not had a seizure since October 20th! 12 days! 

It is going to take some time to stabilize things for him and he is WORTH every nickel, dime, quarter and more!

AND once he is stable, we will then neuter him.

If anyone may consider his cause to support, donations can be made direct to Eagleson Veterinary Clinic 613-383-8381
via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org (friends and family option)
via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com
*we just need to know the password

On behalf of all of the animals in need of our highly specialised rescue, THANK you for your continued words of encouragement, belief and for any consideration to the ever mounting Vet bills that we have ongoing for BHRR’s Oslo, BHRR’s Symba and BHRR’s Coupe etc.

We cannot do this without you and we are humbled by the kindness shown to BHRR!

Warmest of good night wishes are being sent from our home to all of our friends, family plus supporters!