Tonight, we received an email in regards to Virtual Fostering of a BHRR animal and we have chosen BHRR's Autumn for she still one of our very needy medical dogs at BHRR. THANK YOU!

We are still battling that weight issue and I cannot move forward on that cruciate repair until she puts on more weight. 🙁

We are in a hold pattern and I will be posting some videos shortly of yesterday's WINTER WONDERLAND day at BHRR and you will see how much better she can now move and how much more healthy she is since her arrival to BHRR and how happy she is BUT, we still working with her skinniness issue. 🙁

THANK you to her angels of Shelly & Derek – $50 towards 2 months Virtual Fostering for BHRR's Autumn – THANK YOU!

To learn more about our VIRTUAL FOSTERING PROGRAM, please visit HERE!

Thank you from my soul and beyond for any possible consideration to his care……even a $1 donation is super!! :)

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 OR Liston Animal Hospital (613) 591-0966 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Autumn'. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

BHRR's AUTUMN's AWESOMEFIED Angels  $4,276.81 donated to date & Bills $6,475.42
Anna & Peter
Maggie/Derek – bag of FROMM Whitefish dog food
Kathryne – microchip & to purchase a bag of FROMM Whitefish Dog Food
Liza/Kelly + Gracie – 3 bags of FROMM Whitefish Dog Food

Andrea – PayPal took $0.74 in fees
Lucie – PayPal took $3.20 in fees
Alice – PayPal took $3.20 in fees
BHRR's Autumn's Emergency Online Fundraiser
BHRR's GIVE It 'UP' 4 Autumn
RCMP's Roll Your Own fundraiser
Anna in honour of her brother George's birthday

BHRR's AUTUMN's WishList:
$ towards Vet bills
FROMM – Salmon Dog Food
Dino Smoked Bones
Oatmeal Shampoo
TONS of positive thoughts and vibes

Packing Blankets
BHRR's Journey Heart Biscuits

**IF I am forgetting any ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR's Autumn from our Pet Valu Community Education Event Nov. 2012
*photo courtesy of M. Bird

I brought in BHRR's Bishop for a re-weigh today and he has put on 22.44 pounds since December and now weighs: 123.86 pounds(56.3 KGS). Since his arrival to BHRR, he has put on over 30 pounds of muscle mass/weight! 🙂 He has gone from a body score condition of 2.5/10 to 4/10 to now close to 8/10! 🙂 He still needs some more weight yet, is well on his way to making his own special announcement! 🙂 Cannot wait to do his before/after comparison.

Thank you from my soul and beyond for any possible consideration to his care……even a $1 donation is super!! :)

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Bishop'. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

BHRR's Bishop Beautiful Angels  $2,305.68 donated to date & Bills $2,988.57
Anna & Peter
50/50 Donations/basket raffles
Poochini Barkery XMAS Photos
XMAS Photo Shoot at Pet Valu Innes & Belcourt by C. & S. Desjardins


Packing blankets
Oatmeal Shampoo

**IF I am forgetting any ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**


Winter Wonderland VIDEO TIME of BHRR's Freddy, BHRR's Jetta and BHRR's Cherry

BHRR's Freddy's own Vet Visit has been rescheduled to the 7th of March due everything that came down with weather and other matters yesterday. HIS own big reveal and announcement is NOT long coming! 🙂 He has been putting on that much needed weight and muscle mass and is looking magnificent. Just watching him run and move is WOW!


BHRR's Abby was spayed today, she did aspirate after extubation and so we are monitoring. She has put on a grand total of 24.42 POUNDS since her arrival to BHRR! She is now weighing in at: 112.86 pounds(51.3 KGs) from the 88.44 pounds she once was. 🙂 LOOKING fabu my BBBBB!

BHRR's Salma Lesson #3 just hot off the presses!! AND most exciting and wonderful of all is that *I* was not the recipient of said lesson!! Yippee!!

AND so soon after Lesson #2!! :)- She is throwing it all out there, this one!

I figured out within the first night of her arrival how best that BHRR's Salma probably would like to sleep. She always appeared to be 'nesting' and making mountains of her blankets and then sleeping in the middle to feel safe and cozy. She was often then sleeping on the bottom tray/wood of the crate by doing this, having bunched everything up around her.

So, I was sooooooooo thrilled and touched when some donations of comfort came her way and it was like they had read my mind and knew exactly what BHRR's Salma would love! I had never said a word….angels all of you are!!

One of the items donated was a handmade quilt and another was a dog bed that has the raised sides. I put her special blanket folded on the dog bed and she loves it! She will now splay out on her side like the queen she is and sleep deep and sound and snuggly warm and safe within her blanket on her bed. 😉

OK…now that the background has been layed for this Lesson…..moving onwards….

I was feeding the kids and I look over and I see BHRR's Salma dragging her dog bed to where Sean was sitting. I had an instant lightbulb moment!! I had a flash of 'I got it! I got it! I know what she wants.' then a moment of 'Darn! I am not involved in this lesson – maybe, she already knows I know for I set all up for her originally and make sure every night, all is in order for her comfort and satisfaction.' and then I thought 'ohhhh, this is going to be great for Sean has been razzing me bigtime over the first two *lessons*. :)-

BHRR's Salma makes a big show and production out of dragging her bed over to Sean. Many dramatic pauses, some sighs for maximum effect I am sure and I am feeling the anticipation build up!!

Sean is like 'Gwen, look…she wants to lay near me. How sweet of her to try and drag her bed my way.' I shook my head and said 'Sorry, Sean, do not think that is it.'

Sean says 'of course it is! Look at her…I am going to help her'

Sean gets up, takes her bed and moves it right near him as he is finishing up his own meal. Being an outsider watching in can bring much insight and smiles!! 😉

If her look could stop someone in their tracks, it would have!! She was not impressed!!

Sean is asking what is wrong and I just shake my head and shrug my shoulders….trying hard not to smile.

Sean then moves her bed around to several spots and BHRR's Salma just follows him and then sits and stares at him.

Sean says he gives up and feels helpless.

BHRR's Salma then walks over to where Bleach was laying and then sits again.

Sean says he is still sorry, yet, he does not understand and I told him that Bleach has her special quilt that goes with her bed and that I guess Bleach had taken the quilt off her bed and was laying on it. AND that she wants the quilt back on her bed!! Wahoo!! I got it!! I got it!!

She was trying to show Sean that her bed was missing her blanket!!

I took her bed and gently removed Bleach from her blanket and set all up for her back in her open crate.

She went over, turned her back to us and promptly then went to take a nap!!

BHRR's Salma is IN THE HOUSE! Raising the roof, she is!! 🙂

Today's BHRR's Salma's Story! 🙂 This lovely dog is incredible!!

So, like many homes, we have a towel drying routine when coming into the house on rain, snow and mud days etc. 🙂

Well, I had dried off the last of the canine cuties which was BHRR's Spice this round of drying and was working with Kinsley on her homework.

A towel drops part on my lap and I look down and over and BHRR's Salma is looking at me and I am thinking…'ok, what is she trying to tell me…think Gwennie…think!' :)-

There was water in the two water bowls and sans drool, so, that was not the message she was telling me…like last Friday. 😉

Usually a fairly smart bunny in the forest, nope…no idea what she was in her mind 'clearly' telling me.

So, I take the towel and place it back at its resting place and sit back down.

Kinsley and I go back to her homework and plop….there is the towel again and this time, BHRR's Salma is sitting and staring at me….

Lord…what am I missing here??!!

Now, both kids and I are trying to figure out her message…and I check her feet and they are all nice and dry and I swear she let's out this small sigh of 'toleration' for my very obvious missing of her point!! LOL

Nope, we cannot figure it out and so, as I sat down, she came back over and rubbed her head all over my bare arm and it was like ewwwwwww and ick!! For, she just put all over me what had been on her own side of her head, a string of drool that would make any 'real' dog proud to be a dog!!!!

After she was done, she walked away with her wobbly bobbly weevly beebly walk with nary a look at me and layed down with clear disapproval for her 'pupil' – me for not realising that she had been slimed and wanted me to wipe it off!!

I am not one for projecting human emotions on dogs more than what they are capable of feeling plus having (which is a TON) but, she very apparently (not to me until I got the slime!) wanted me to wipe off the drool string from her head!!!

Kinsley said 'wow, mom….made sense after….'

Mason said 'is this dog for real??? My friends are going to pop at this story'

Me, I just look at her and say 'you are going to give me the ride of my life and beyond and reach me SO much!'

So far, I am batting 0 with BHRR's Salma!! LOL 0 for 2!!


The pathology has come back today on BHRR's Salma's two masses removed in emergency surgery on Thursday February 21st.

The MCT looks completely excised at this time from her left flank. So, other than some localized MCT cells found in her lymph cytology that we took on February 19th, she is clear. This is as positive as we could have possibly hoped for! 🙂

The other mass came back as a possible penetrating trauma injury that developed a bacterial infection.

So, her prognosis remains Palliative yet, she has been extended and given MUCH more time THANKS to all your thoughts and blessings including your donations of comfort and joy plus monetary!!!


Thank you from my soul and beyond for any possible consideration to her care……even a $1 donation is super!! :)

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Salma'. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

BHRR's Salma's SPECIAL ANGELS  $740.50 donated to date & Bills $2,258.31
Tanya – BHRR's Journey Heart Biscuits
Shirley & Nathan
Fiona's Mummy – Collar & Blankie
Caren – Dog Bed
Andrea/Blue – PayPal took $0.88

**IF I am forgetting any ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR's Salma AFTER I told her to get off the couch – no issues sticking her tongue out at me!
Feb. 26th, 2013

The hv for a possible adoption for BHRR's Bloom was on Saturday and we had to decline the adoption.

I had my reservations re: her reliability re: cats and the home went in very aware that this may not work as they have two cats.

The humans had already met her a few weeks back when they were at our home and there was very much a mutual connection.

She was great with their other dogs(they are past BHRR adopters too!) as we knew she would be, predictable in her excitement with their gpiggers as we have three ourselves and they were moved to safety.

Yet, one of their cats took an instant dilike to her and she was excited. Not mean or aggressive yet, very excited. She was much more reliable and stable with their other cat yet, when their other cat even moved, she had a certain excitement level too.

So, based upon this, we can 100% rule out her being considered for a home with cats, that has confirmed my suspicions.



I wish I had better news to impart re: BHRR's Timon. 🙁 This is the DDB where he possibly been hit by a car and never treated for his eye and leg etc.

Dr. Javinsky did the doppler ultrasound on BHRR's Timon today and the diagnosis is very severe Subaortic Stenosis (SAS).

Due to the severity, there is no surgical option for him(additionally surgery has not been proven in studies to date to improve/prolong quality of life) and beta blockers were not recommended either by Dr. Javinsky due to BHRR's Timon's particular case.

BHRR has had several dogs throughout the years with SAS and BHRR's Timon's is the worst case that we have seen.

We shall give him quality of time and are aware that he can begin to have fainting spells and could pass away at any time suddenly.

Right now, he is a very happy and full of life boy and as time is of the most urgent for him, if any of our approved homes, are open to visitations with him, to show him love and spoiling, do email

Here is some INFORMATION for those who are not familiar with SAS.

My heart is heavy…………..he is such a great dog! SUCH a great dog! Many were able to meet him at the Pet Valu recently.

"MASTIFF MAGICAL MEMORY MOMENTS" Movement for him. For two are French Mastiffs and one is an Argentine Mastiff. :) I will create an album on our BHRR FB Page and also share.

NONE of these dogs had any life prior to being rescued and I, for, one am going to give them the world…AND asking for a wee bit of help, just as I did with BHRR's Concert to help give it to them…..

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, if anyone is up to a visit, hollar – EMAIL or call (613) 725-4279 or PM me……….I already have one home that said they just had to be the first!  BHRR's Concert and I travelled over 4,500 KMs in 42 days……I hope to double or triple that or more for these three lovelies!

Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Timon'. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

BHRR's Timon's "DREAMS DO COME TRUE" Angels: Donated to Date: $187 & Bills To Date: $2,269.80
Fiona's Mummy – A Collar and a Blankie
Caren – A Dog Bed
Pet Valu Event February 16th – $187

**IF I am forgetting any ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

Thank you from my soul and beyond for any possible consideration to his care……even a $1 donation is super!! :)

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

Arrival to BHRR: February 14th, 2014
Miracle Journey: 12 days and going strong!

BHRR's Timon – February 16th, 2013
*photo courtesy of B. Jacklin

BHRR's Freddy is back at KAH on Wednesday for a re-weigh and DAPP booster.

Everything crossed that this exam could be his final sign-off one before he  makes some very excting news announcement! 🙂

My Friday 'story'! 🙂

Just before I head off to do a hv for BHRR's Cosette, I thought to share a story….one, that if I had not seen myself, I would have wondering…what the heck? 🙂

Once upon a time….

OK….I will skip that part!

As I am typing on my computer, trying to get BHRR's Bishop's blog utd and I hear this 'crash' in the kitchen….

I am thinking BHRR's Cherry is trying to counter surf or BHRR's Dozer is seeking to locate paper towel rolls…yet, when I go, I see nothing other than a pitcher that Kinsley likes to use to help fill the two doggie water bowls.

I think…'hmmm, must have fallen' and go back to my computer.

A few moments later, I hear 'crash' again…..I get up and see the same pitcher on the floor and BHRR's Salma looking at me and I still am not seeing any connection of the dots and pick up the pitcher and go back to my computer.

Well, this time, when I heard the 'crash', it was at my feet…BHRR's Salma had gone to the kitchen, snagged the water pitcher and as "I" was not getting her message clear enough the first two times, she brought it to me and dropped it at my side while I was at the computer in the sunroom.

She then sat and looked at me and I was like, 'WOW, you are something else' and the light bulb clicked in….I walked over to the water bowls and sure enough, both were empty…..AND all these dogs were just sitting by the bowls waiting patiently.

There is so much that reminds me of this gem of dear sweet BHRR's Dana and she has stepped into my home from Day 1, as I knew she would, being the matriach and the dogs naturally follow her…..

IF she figures out the ice cube maker, I think I may just faint! 🙂

So, not only is this girl uber cute and stunning, but, man, is she smart! I never try to underestimate a dog and I knew she was brill and she has not proven me wrong yet!

LOVING this time with her! LOVING it! 🙂

AND yes, the dogs got their water! LOL

The HV for BHRR's Cosette was went well. As I expected it would go and we are going to move forward as a slow progression to a full adoption. 🙂

Once the adoption is finalised with BHRR's Cosette with her wonderful forever loving family, I shall take a family photo to post. 🙂

Congrats to the home and her! I always love being part of this step of the 'chain of success' Makes my heart feel so much happiness to be privy to these types of connections. 🙂

SO much to update on this magnificent boy! With these very involved medical and emotional dogs, I like to update the blogs as I go for it just seems to almost 'snowball' and feel a bit like climbing a mountain at the end of the resolution to update all the fans! 🙂 Below are some photos from our traditional Christmas Eve Photos!

On Saturday December 15th, 2012 – I brought BHRR's Bishop back into KAH as he was not doing so well…………

When I weighed him on the 15th, he had gone down to 46.10 KGS from 47.90 KGs. 🙁

On the 10th of December, 2012 he was given a body score condition of 4/10. TO see him go down in weight after the struggle to get him up, was devastating. 🙁

He had a mild discharge plus slight increase lung sounds on the right caudo dorsal side.

His HWT came back as negative on the 12th.

On December 13th, his blood results showed an increase in total protein due to hyperglobulinemia, albumin levels low and normal. ALT increase 322(12-118 normal), Alk phos 272(normal 5-131).

CBC absolute neutrophilia

re: hyperglobulineima possible – tissue injury – inflammation, tumour Check if polyclonal(chronic antigenic stimulation in chronic inflammatory disease, immune-mediated disease, liver disease, tick borne disease vs monoclonal gammopahty(idiopathic benign can occur, also seen with lymphoma, multiple myeloma, erlichiosis).

We then ran a serum electrophoresis and also did a full tick borne disease panel.

Elevation in alt, alk phoso r/o hepatopathy due to inflammatory disease, infectious, neoplastic and so, we also ran a bile acids on BHRR's Bishop.

On December 17th, 2012 – BHRR's Bishop was still having some mild vomiting episodes and the results of his recent testing:

Bile Acid values up only slightly ie 25 pre and post – The Vet spoke to an Antec Vet Consult Vet Specialist and informed that this rise is not significant to indicate liver dsyfunction.
Rise in Globulnis – The Antec Vet Consult Specialist also feels not critically significant to indicate possible monoclonal gammopathy, and is likely some sort of antigenic stiumulation. If over 70, could be more of an indicator for monoclonal spike(seen with lymphosarcoma or multiple myeloma(BHRR's Bishop not showing any associated clinical signs).

We discussed that if he continues to have vomiting episodes and weight loss, we will x-ray plus u/s abdomen plus bring in a fecal.

On December 20th, 2012 – No vomiting over the week, weight loss continues. Started on Mirtarzipine 30 mg daily for the next 3-4 days for appetitie. Tick Panel was completely negative – we tested for 11 different tick borne diseases. Serum electrophotesis: broad polyclonal band – indicating in immunoglobulins associated with an immune response – potential causes with chronic infectious disease(Bacterial, Fungal, Viral). Had purulent nasal discharge at time bloodwork was taken. Possible explanation. Nasal discharge has cleared, finished off Doxycycline course and recheck bloodwork.

December 22nd, 2012: Another vomiting episode on the 21st. Re-visited with Vet. Want to try cutting out all medications and allow system to reset. There really was not more to be done and the other next considered step was a biopsy of the liver. Would try cutting out all medication in case there was a reaction – from the Sulfatrim and then it snowballed with the others meds as his body was so comprmised to begin with. Vet in support of doing this process.

January 2013: BHRR's Bishop put on 14.96 pounds and so, the complete flushing of his system of all medications has deeply enabled him to 're-set' and begin to become healthy. His laters bloodwork results were much more in the normal range. THANK GOD! I was soooooooooooo worried! This dog was so sick and emaciated when he arrived to BHRR and do go backwards like he was…. 🙁 Devastating! We think the sulfur drugs he was on from the pound was what started the whole chain reaction and that is not a medication that we typical give at our Hospital nor with BHRR, so, we are now back on track! LET the weight gaining continue! 🙂

Thank you from my soul and beyond for any possible consideration to his care……even a $1 donation is super!! :)

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Bishop'. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

BHRR's Bishop Beautiful Angels  $2,305.68 donated to date & Bills $2,988.57
Anna & Peter
50/50 Donations/basket raffles
Poochini Barkery XMAS Photos
XMAS Photo Shoot at Pet Valu Innes & Belcourt by C. & S. Desjardins


Packing blankets
Oatmeal Shampoo
Dog Bed
Dog Coat – size L
Cool Coat from Aaahpaws

**IF I am forgetting any ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR's Bishop – December 24th, 2012 – Traditional Christmas Eve Photos

BHRR's Timon's u/s with Dr. Javinsky has been scheduled for Tuesday February 26th, 2013.

Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Timon'. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

BHRR's Timon's "DREAMS DO COME TRUE" Angels: Donated to Date: $187 & Bills To Date: $1,379.99
Fiona's Mummy – A Collar and a Blankie
Caren – A Dog Bed
Pet Valu Event February 16th – $187

**IF I am forgetting any ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

Thank you from my soul and beyond for any possible consideration to her care……even a $1 donation is super!! :)

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

My Friday 'story'! 🙂

Just before I head off to do a hv for BHRR's Cosette, I thought to share a story….one, that if I had not seen myself, I would have wondering…what the heck? 🙂

Once upon a time….

OK….I will skip that part!

As I am typing on my computer, trying to get BHRR's Bishop's blog utd and I hear this 'crash' in the kitchen….

I am thinking BHRR's Cherry is trying to counter surf or BHRR's Dozer is seeking to locate paper towel rolls…yet, when I go, I see nothing other than a pitcher that Kinsley likes to use to help fill the two doggie water bowls.

I think…'hmmm, must have fallen' and go back to my computer.

A few moments later, I hear 'crash' again…..I get up and see the same pitcher on the floor and BHRR's Salma looking at me and I still am not seeing any connection of the dots and pick up the pitcher and go back to my computer.

Well, this time, when I heard the 'crash', it was at my feet…BHRR's Salma had gone to the kitchen, snagged the water pitcher and as "I" was not getting her message clear enough the first two times, she brought it to me and dropped it at my side while I was at the computer in the sunroom.

She then sat and looked at me and I was like, 'WOW, you are something else' and the light bulb clicked in….I walked over to the water bowls and sure enough, both were empty…..AND all these dogs were just sitting by the bowls waiting patiently.

There is so much that reminds me of this gem of dear sweet BHRR's Dana and she has stepped into my home from Day 1, as I knew she would, being the matriach and the dogs naturally follow her…..

IF she figures out the ice cube maker, I think I may just faint! 🙂

So, not only is this girl uber cute and stunning, but, man, is she smart! I never try to underestimate a dog and I knew she was brill and she has not proven me wrong yet!

LOVING this time with her! LOVING it! 🙂

AND yes, the dogs got their water! LOL

Thank you from my soul and beyond for any possible consideration to her care……even a $1 donation is super!! 🙂

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Salma'. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

BHRR's Salma's SPECIAL ANGELS  $740.50 donated to date & Bills $2,258.31
Tanya – BHRR's Journey Heart Biscuits
Shirley & Nathan
Fiona's Mummy – Collar & Blankie
Caren – Dog Bed
Andrea/Blue – PayPal took $0.88

**IF I am forgetting any ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**


UPDATE February 21st, 2013:

BHRR's Salma is out of surgery and recovering well – I have a VIDEO of her snoring!! 😉 Do not tell her that!! :)-

Everything went well and we also removed a 'nipple' like growth that was on her stifle. She had some pus coming out of one other nipple yet, she is on antibiotics for her UTI and that should also help this.

Her CBC came back normal yet her Bio Chem results indicate what the Vet termed a 'tumour invasion' and the lymph cytology came back on the lymph nodes that there are rare mast cells to be found yet, looks fairly clean and so appears to be fairly localised right now.

The masses have been sent off for pathology and I shall post the results when they come in.

What we have done by doing the surgery today and excising the two masses is give her more time…time she otherwise would not have had….so, be it a month, two or 8, we will be doing those playdates and day trips to give this almost 9 year old darling LIFE as she should have always known.

Thank you to all that have thought of her today and contributed well wishes and positive thoughts today for her!!!

Thank you to all that have donated to help her have this surgery to enable her to have more time…..

I knew going in that we were looking at quality of life for her and she shall have if!!!

For those wishing to have a visit with her and I just as I did with dear sweet BHRR's Concert, do email

She is coming home with me after my shift today and I am so relieved that her surgery is over!!

Thanks team awesome at KAH for loving on her with me today!!! 🙂

Thank you from my soul and beyond for any possible consideration to her care……even a $1 donation is super!! :)

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Salma'. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

BHRR's Salma's SPECIAL ANGELS  $600.50 donated to date & Bills $2,258.31
Tanya – BHRR's Journey Heart Biscuits
Shirley & Nathan
Fiona's Mummy – Collar & Blankie
Caren – Dog Bed
Andrea/Blue – PayPal took $0.88

**IF I am forgetting any ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR's Salma – February 21st, 2013 – In Recovery and post-op photo of the 'nipple' like growth on her stifle

Post-Op Photos of Mass #1(surrounded by salivia stains) & the Mast Cell Tumour – February 21st, 2013

The hv for BHRR's Cosette's future adoption is this Friday.

BHRR's Bloom's hv for her possible adoption is this Saturday.

So, just as the sky was darkening for the night, I was able to snag one more short video of BHRR's Salma….She is so CUTE!

Please sent her your best wishes for a good surgery tomorrow. From there, she will need healing vibes! 🙂

THANK you everyone for your love of her! 🙂

She is scheduled for Noon at KAH and shall, as always, be in super best hands! 🙂 Will update as I can….



Many are NOT going to recognize this beauty….YET, she is the one that came to me crawling on her belly and would slink and shy away.

She is the one that brought me to absolute tears of joy when I saw her playing in a HUGE Breakthrough and blogged about it on November 15th, 2012…..

AND very few have met her to date – those that saw her back last August just mere days before I could bring her into BHRR, when the family came to see us per my invitation at the CJ 'DIRTY DAWG' Wash that BHRR was so humbled to have been chosen…..and very few since then for this girl was terrified…..just terrifed….and in very poor body condition.

Crowds and people just made her cower and we have respected her wishes during her rehab journey at BHRR and have given her opportunities yet, have never pushed….

My patience and time and consistency has paid off for I have FINALLY been able to get some photos of the dog that she now is….head up, standing tall and sooooooooooo incredibly gorgeous! INSIDE and OUT!

THIS was the one that I was not sure could ever be put back together as she was so broken into so many small painful pieces….

YET, she did it! SHE did it!! This stunning creature has a very special announcement to make of her very own….

She was a wee bit unsure at first about posting her announcement, yet, just look at her! IS she not one of the most BBBBB's you have laid eyes upon! 🙂

Sweetly confident and calm and sure of herself and sooooooo freakin' affectionate! She loves her rump rubs too! 🙂 She loves toys and is lovingly social!!!

To say that I am proud of you BHRR's Jersey is an understatement…you humble me daily and this journey with you has been nothing short of miraculous and something I shall hold dear to my soul for my life……….

THANK you for coming back to the land of the living and LOVING life! 🙂

A GD that has beaten and overcome SOOOOOO much! She is one of my hero's! 🙂

She is 100% trustworthy in our home, can go to a home by herself or with another one or two likeminded dogs, to a home that works ft, pt, from home, semi-retired, retired…ALL of it would work as she is another very versatile GD! 🙂 Older children are fine too.

WE do not know how she is with cats!


For those seeking to assist BHRR's Jersey, you can donate to the:

Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Concert'. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

"JERSEY'S JACKPOT" ANGELS     $100 donated to date & Bills $1,132.90
Anna & Peter

BHRR's Salma says THANK YOU for all the support! She hopes that she can meet all of you one day!!! AND soon! 🙂

AS of right now, we have had:

$550.50 DONATED to her surgery deposit fund! OH MY! Just OH my…thank you! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

Not enough thanks you can ever express to say how much this means to all of us here! 🙂


Thank you from my soul and beyond for any possible consideration to her care……even a $1 donation is super!! :)

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Salma'. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

BHRR's Salma's SPECIAL ANGELS  $550.50 donated to date & Bills $802.87
Tanya – BHRR's Journey Heart Biscuits
Shirley & Nathan
Fiona's Mummy – Collar & Blankie
Caren – Dog Bed
Andrea/Blue – PayPal took $0.88

**IF I am forgetting any ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**


BHRR's Salma had a GREAT night! She has been slowly integrated with some of the dogs here and she LOVES to run – well, ok, her version of running(she has a wobbly bobbly trot similar to our RIP BHRR's Emma) with BHRR's Gretta! 🙂

She likes BHRR's Spice Girl and she is very smitten with BHRR's Riley(I think it is very mutual!)…. 😉

I ALSO want to shout out the biggest of thanks on behalf of BHRR's Salma for the funds that have been coming her way to help us get closer to an emergency surgery deposit of $500 for her to have surgery tomorrow for the masses.

As of right now: the total raised is $459.50 and I could not be more humbled to my knees for the support…………thank you! THANK YOU!

AND all those best wishes and words of positiveness have been read to her and shall continue to be!!! She needs those as much as she needs anyone to consider donating even $1 to her account!

For those that may consider donating to her every mounting bills, you can call Kanata Animal Hospital directly at (613) 836-2848 and they shall take CC over the phone or in person they will also take cash plus debit.

OR by PayPal 'gift' to

OR by email transfer to

She is sooooooooooooo sweet!

I know if she could, she would reach through the computer and tell ALL of you how much your support and caring means to her! 🙂


Thank you from my soul and beyond for any possible consideration to her care……even a $1 donation is super!! :)

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Salma'. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

BHRR's Salma's SPECIAL ANGELS  $459.50 donated to date & Bills $802.87
Tanya – BHRR's Journey Heart Biscuits
Shirley & Nathan
Fiona's Mummy – Collar & Blankie
Caren – Dog Bed
Andrea/Blue – PayPal took $0.88

**IF I am forgetting any ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR's Salma – February 2013 with a Rescue Angel

BHRR's Riley has settled back into BHRR life very well!

His bff's are BHRR's Gretta, BHRR's Spice and the new addition of BHRR's Salma…

AND he is so taken with our male EM Guinness…follows him everywhere! LOL I think he believes that Guinness is uber famous or something and is a huge fan of him! LOL


I emailed Canine Water Wellness and have requested to have a referal form faxed over to KAH for us to fill out and fax back so that BHRR's Pumbaa can begin to have hydrotherapy.

As many know, I am a HUGE proponent of this place and use our own pool in the summer time for hydrotherapy.

To learn more about Canine Water Wellness(I have converted quite a few folks over the years…), please visit them HERE.

In fact, BHRR's Apollo is on their home page with a video! 🙂

BHRR's Atlas was also a regular at their locale.

When I have a file all set up at Canine Water Wellness, I will make a posting for dates/times for any approved Volunteers who may be interested in helping me get him to some sessions. 🙂 Always a popular thing for some of our approved Volunteers to help out with. The lovelies at CWW are SUPER! 🙂

AND once, the file is all set-up at Canine Water Wellness(CWW), people can consider, if they want, to make any donations diret to CWW to go towards sessions for him. AS many know, I want quality for him and to be given all the comforts that can be given….this boy was sheduled to be pts and I am still shaking thinking how close it was that we may have missed getting him.

His temperament is AMAZING! Absolutely amazing!!! He deserves this time….AND I am committed and dedicated in giving him all the quality that we can give him. THANK YOU to his two shelter angels – YOU know who you are, for helping to save him! 🙂

AND, I hope that he proves all wrong as so many others have over the years with his own miracle journey! 🙂

As mentioned to one approved BHRR Volunteer last night, I shall be doing playdates and day trips with BHRR's Pumbaa, BHRR's Timon and BHRR's Salma as part of my:

"MASTIFF MAGICAL MEMORY MOMENTS" Movement for them. 🙂 For two are French Mastiffs and one is an Argentine Mastiff. 🙂 I will create an album on our BHRR FB Page and also share.

NONE of these dogs had any life prior to being rescued and I, for, one am going to give them the world…AND asking for a wee bit of help, just as I did with BHRR's Concert to help give it to them…..

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, if anyone is up to a visit, hollar – EMAIL or call (613) 725-4279 or PM me……….I already have one home that said they just had to be the first! 😉 BHRR's Concert and I travelled over 4,500 KMs in 42 days……I hope to double or triple that or more for these three lovelies! 🙂

Here is a photo of BHRR's Timon's eye and his leg. I have photos of his X-rays from his leg and heart done on February 14th, 2013 to post as well.

BHRR's Timon – Hit By A Car AND Never Treated. 🙁 PLUS we learned he has a Grade V HM(Heart Murmur)
*photos courtesy of the shelter prior to coming to BHRR
February 2013

The HWT for both boyz have come back negative.

'Timon', was at the Pet Valu Event on February 16th, 2013 on Hazeldean road and ROCKED it out of the park!!

Thank you SO much Amanda for hosting us today and also your incredible staff and thanks to Bob and then Maggie for hanging and was so fantastic as always to see soooooo many of our friends and meet new friends and I had several very special hi-lights today!!

Thank you ALL for coming out today and the donations are deeply soul touching AND we raised $187 to go towards BHRR's Timon's bills!! WOW! Incredible!! Just so generous of everyone!!

Yet, again, I come home filled with so much warmth for all the support that has been shown to the BHRR animals!!

Thank you all!!

Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Pumbaa' & 'Timon'. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

BHRR's Pumbaa & BHRR's Timon's "DREAMS DO COME TRUE" Angels: Donated to Date: $187 & Bills To Date: $1,379.99
Fiona's Mummy – A Collar each and a Blankie each
Caren – A Dog Bed each
Pet Valu Event February 16th – $187 for BHRR's Timon

**IF I am forgetting any ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR's Timon – February 16th, 2013
*photo courtesy of B. Jacklin

BHRR's Salma – 8.5+ year old Dog (Born April 1st, 2004), female, unspayed, two masses, very weak hind end, poor teeth, pressure sores/calluses
ETA to BHRR – February 19th, 2013
*one of three urgent Dogos we were contacted to assist and we have already taken in one – BHRR's Freddy.

UPDATE: February 13th, 2013 From A Rescue Prime:

"OMG…Gwen, She is SOOOOoooooo sweet, as all of them are!!

OK…I am smitten…"Salma" broke my heart strings."


UPDATE: February 19th, 2013 FROM A RESCUE PRIME:

"Just know that they were all so secluded from each other and makes me so sad to know that they dont know what it's like to be with other dogs. 

Thanks for giving her this chance!! :)"

UPDATE February 19th, 2013: there are so many wonderful and amazing things that happen in Rescue and then there are times that you just want to sit down, hang your head and grab some tissue.

Today, dear senior dogo darling girl has one mass that is concerning enough yet, the other that she has is a MCT(mast cell tumour). 🙁

She is scheduled for emergency surgery on Thursday. Her weight today was 34.1 KGs(75.02 pounds).

We have done a thorough exam, bw etc. and also further biopsies to send off for analysis. She also has a UTI. She is on 500 mg of Clavamox BID.

As always, I am not one to ask for anything for myself nor if it was not absolutely needed or urgent and after learning that both of our DDB's are Palliative dogs and now dear sweet Salma, our bills are growing fast. 🙁

For any that may wish to contribute to her account at Kanata Animal Hospital to help out down a deposit for her emergency surgery on Thursday February 21st, you can call the hospital directly at (613) 836-2848. They will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone and debit plus cash too in person.

You can also donated by PayPal 'gift' to or via email transfer to

As always, I know that I have no right to ask or beg for our supporters are the best of the best out there, yet, for dear Salma, who is now suppose to be living the best that life can offer; and needs this surgery, I am humbly reaching out for her……this senior girl is as deserving as all the dogs in need in the world and I am hoping to be able to put down a $500 deposit by Thursday at 8:00 am for this surgery to excise the two masses….

AND for anyone who can spare a kind thought or two her way, do know that she needs those as much as she needs monies for her growing bills and surgery too!! I promise to read all well wishes to her!!

Thank you from my soul and beyond for any possible consideration to her care……even a $1 donation is super!! 🙂

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Salma'. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

BHRR's Salma's SPECIAL ANGELS  $273.50 donated to date & Bills $802.87
Tanya – BHRR's Journey Heart Biscuits
Shirley & Nathan
Fiona's Mummy – Collar & Blankie
Caren – Dog Bed
Andrea/Blue – PayPal took $0.88

**IF I am forgetting any ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR's Salma – prior to rescue & with a special rescue angel prior to coming to BHRR – February 2013

BHRR's Timon – NOT AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION – PALLIATIVE CARE – NEW ARRIVAL February 14th, 2013 -*Dogue De Bordeaux

BHRR's Pumbaa – NOT AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION – PALLIATIVE CARE – NEW ARRIVAL February 14th, 2013 – *Dogue De Bordeaux


Below is a photo – the best that was able to be taken, THANKS Stephanie! AND still a very lovely photo!

BHRR's Scarlett and her new forever loving family!

On February 8th, 2013: I received the below email about 2 DBB's who were an inspection case seizure on February 4th, 2013:

"Hi Gwen,
Hope all is well.  
Now I know you need this like a hole in the head, BUT this dog is the sweetest fellow even though deformed.
Does not hinder him in any way.  Down the road he will more than likely develope arthritis (then again don't we all).  Alittle funny running but I think that is not abnormal based on his deformity.
When they examined the dog, the actual eye is blind and shrunken.  Again, he is not in any discomfort. 
I met him myself and he has the most gentle and awesome disposition.  He is very good with other dogs; infact he is non intrusive and a bit of a wosey.  He has no food aggression, no resource guarding and no aggression whatsoever.  He is a kind gentle giant.  He is also very very tall and needs to put on weight.
He did come in with his brother, who is equally adorable however he has severe hip dysplasia and we are probably going ahead with euthanasia. Sad.
Anyways, let me know what you think.  He is too sweet to euthanize.  I cannot sign off as though he may have on ugly eye and one funny looking leg, his character is simply beautiful.
Also Gwen, I did not want to bother you as I know your hands are full.  I tried other rescues but came out flat."

**I responded back immediately that I want to assist.**

I then received the following email in response to mine on February 8th:

"Gwen – he is so special and gentle it hurts!  His brother as well however I cannot save him."

**After a restless night of thinking and tossing and turning, as I was afraid his brother had already been pts before I was even contacted, I decided to just email and sent the below message:

Quick question….can his brother be in palliative care for some quality of life? However long that may be?

Thought I would ask…even of it was a matter of weeks….that would be worth it for me…

Thought, I would through it out there. 

I have had many palliative HD cases and all lived far longer than expected (I had one boy live 3.5 years longer than they gave him and he had an amazing quality filled life) and I do hydrotherapy, chiro, acupuncture and massage with them too.

Just wanted to throw it out.

Later on February 9th, I received the following response to my offer:

"I Gwen,
I don't even know what to say…..
I say OMG YES, but I would have to speak with X as I know X does not want to overburdeon you.  X and I discussed Deisel this week and we realized it was unrealistic to think we could find a rescue for him.  However, we did try regardless because of this character. 
I will ask X if she can give me a copy of the xrays via email.  
I sent you an email with his photo.
How so very generous Gwen.  I will speak with X and see.  I know that he is still alive.
Truly don't know what to say…
I will keep you updated.
You are one hell of a woman Gwen."

Another email sent my way on February 9th:

"Just spoke with X and she X absolutely that he would benefit from palative care.  If you want him Gwen, I will be more than happy to bring him to you.
I cannot even say in words what a generous offer this is."

**I then asked to have some more evaluation and assessments done of the dogs for there had been some conflicting information floating out and about.**

All assessments via email and I was sent many videos was no cause of alarm for any of the three of us involved. I shall post photos and videos soon, yet, wanted to at least catch up on the blogs for these two boys to date. 🙂

The DBB's Boyz were scheduled to arrive on Thursday February 14th and the next update is below. Two travel photos are also attached! 🙂

UPDATE: From February 14th, 2013:

Both are significantly underweight and lack muscle mass and tone. They are siblings and believed to be between 15 months and 18 months max.

BHRR's Pumbaa – was immediately placed in our Haven Program and his x-rays were reviewed by the Vet(I had already seen them) and confirmed to have severe HD. He had been slated to be pts when I first contacted about DDB2 to assist and I had offered up our Haven Program to give him whatever quality of life we could. We are sooooo grateful to have been entrusted with him!!

His stifles were also thoroughly examined to ensure that they were not also affected. He was microchipped and bw also performed. He will begin Hydrotherapy at Canine Water Wellness as soon as we get all the referral paperwork completed. We will look at massage and acupuncture too for him etc. He shall be on Deramaxx when needed and has begun to be dewormed plus placed on Revolution. From how he sits and runs, you would not believe how bad his poor hips are. He is not suffering for all those that may be wondering…he is also not a surgical candidate.

BHRR's Timon – two stories have come our way re:his eye & leg. X-rays plus a thorough exam were done. He also had bw and was chipped and will begin deworming plus placed on Revolution. In his exam, what we also noted was a severe HM, graded as V. He was given a very light sedation as he has this HM to x-ray his heart and leg and to better examine that eye.

His heart is not normal and his HM was also listened to while under sedation. So, we are going to schedule an u/s with Dr. Javinsky to receive a proper diagnosis.

His eye and leg and another healed wound is quite possible from trauma and one story given was that he had been hit by a car and never treated. We know that he was never treated by how his poor leg had fused together. Yet, the timeline does not add up as to what has been imparted to several people of when this accident may have happened. The indications are that this is not an old enough healing process to indicate an accident that long ago.

The eye, sadly nothing can be done. He is blind and it looks like the eye was literally blown and the third eyelid is now all you pretty much see. Behind the third eyelid is a very shrunken eye. Two Vets do not believe that he is in any pain and that any surgery can be done to assist.

The leg x-rays shall be posted on VIN and also reviewed by two specialists yet, the current consensus is that it does not look like there is anything that can be done re: helping him there either.

Sadly, based upon the findings of his heart and until we await the visit with Dr. Javinsky, we are also placing him in our Haven Program. 🙁

Both dogs are also being treated with Doxy for lovely green snot!!

I may be missing a point or two and shall review my notes later…they are safe at BHRR now, were a HUGE hit at KAH and had a great day there!! Model patients and visitors of KAH.

I know a couple of folks have asked what they need etc. and at this time, yes, they both have extensive bills at KAH and a file is set-up for both of them per the above; yet, if both are to be palliative in our Haven Program, for however long we can give them of quality; I would ask for any consideration to be given to personal comfort to them over $$$.

Somehow, the bills of BHRR get paid by angels plus Sean/I and my biggest wish would be more for dog beds, collars and leashes, toys, treats, dog coats and all the comforts they never had, to go their way if people are so inclined. They will never know the joy of a Vet bill being paid BUT they would experience the joy of items of fun and delight and spoiling. 🙂 As with BHRR's Concert, I have for them the same wishes of life fulfilled that I had for her….

Thanks for reading my Gwennie Novel!!

Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Pumbaa' & 'Timon'. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

BHRR's Pumbaa & BHRR's Timon's "DREAMS DO COME TRUE" Angels: Donated to Date: $0 & Bills To Date: $1,379.99
Fiona's Mummy – A Collar each and a Blankie each
Caren – A Dog Bed each

One leg of their journey to BHRR – February 14th, 2013(BHRR's Timon on L & BHRR's Pumbaa on R)
*Photos courtesy of D. Groves


BHRR's Cancun's repeat HWT is still negative and the repeat Tick Borne Panel we did is also still negative plus his fecal is negative so, in a couple more weeks after putting on some more weight PLUS continuing to work further on his obedience (which he is an A+ pupil) and his dog-to-dog social network enlargement; he shall be ready to be placed up for Adoption.

Beginning of March may have good news for him!!



soooooooooo many pending adoption and adoptions it make me so happy to hear this. thank you for all you do for those fur baby’s, glad to hear everyone is doing so well.

Tonight my heart bursts with such pride and joy!! The beautiful brindle GD that once had to be carried, then was belly crawling and then crouching and slouched, stood up tall and regal tonight, stood quietly full of anticipation while I put on his leashes and walked out the front door…

From there down the brick path where he pawed so gently to have me open it and went with a small tail wag down the steps with impeccable leashes manners and we walked(he actually trotted a bit by my side) to my car.

From there, he trustingly and happily jumped up in my car and turned to sit.

We made the one hour drive to……first get some gas and he asked to get out and do a small visit with people at the station – in the dark too! – and ended up at his temp foster home.

He trusted me and came out of the car willingly and relaxed and walked tall and strong to the door…

BHRR's Freedom, you are nothing like the dog that arrived at the ES and this experience being temp fostered per my recent blog post, is going to continue to make you that best dog you can be, balanced as normal can be for you and as a few know, if I owned less dogs myself, this boy is who I would want to stay as one of ours for my heart belongs very much to him…

To say good-bye was hard and I had you distracted while I left yet, as I drove away, I saw your gorgeous face at their window trying to find me and Kinsley, my co-pilot discreetly handed me some tissue as I drove away…..

It is because I love you so much that this is the right thing for you dear man….you shall deeply benefit being in the hands of others to help continue being that best dog you can be!!! You are one fabu boy already and are nothing like that boy that I first saw/worked with at the ES and then at BHRR….

Love you my dear man and look forward to receiving your updates and some photos and I know that your right matched forever home shall find you too…..patience….

This temp foster was a hard one for me yet, could not have had a better fit home for him to go to!! Thank you all for giving of yourselves to help me help him!! 🙂

BHRR's Riley is BACK at BHRR.

THANK YOU again to his temp foster home for loving on him all these past months!

His weight was 53.30 KGs(117.26 pounds). Still putting on that weight and muscle YET LOOKING GOOD! 🙂

He has soooooooooooooo many new doggies to meet since he was last here in the summer of 2012!

One thing that has not changed is that he is still a bit particular about his male friends and still does not understand my Bleach and now my Drift(Both SN's GD's).

He is loving the girls! LOL He remains a gooberhead and we shall begin the slow integration with all the new young males here tomorrow.

He just does not understand that he is such a nut that when he plays rough, the males want to play rough back and then he gets worried and can take some offense and then the other males get confused and then all stand around confused and unsure with looks of 'what do we all do now!' LOL



GOSH! He is one stunning dog!!! JUST stunning! 🙂

BHRR's Freedom shall be temp fostered as of tonight.

THIS shall be really good for him. He continues to just become that better and better dog that he truly is and we want to help make him the best dog that he can be. He shall continue to just get better and better with me – he has gone from having to be carried at the ES, to belly crawling to slouching to zooming, standing tall and exploring! YET, being temp fostered is deeply going to help him along to being this way in many situations plus surroundings.

HECK! When we had the family over on Sunday the 10th for the BHRR 'PRIVATE' BHRR EXPERIENCE, he was even found to be sitting proud and tall on one of our couches! Sean and I had to triple loook to be assured it was him! LOL

He has a monkey streak and likes to take my towels as I am folding them and run…yet, I am careful not to chase him as it would scare him and so, I make soft sounds and words and say 'I am going to get you' and he prances and will drop the item. He has that spark in his eye and time…in time….I know that the full monkey shall come out…he is getting there. 🙂

I really am taken with him and I have said to more than one person that if I had less Danes, I would seriously consider him….He is very special to me as a few are now aware and for several reasons.

How he ended up into the hands of the PRU place is very tragic. I know he was not born there and so much damage had been done to this poor boy and all the other hundreds upon hundreds of dogs.

He loves to zoom and run and has learned to play and interact with the other dogs and he is like a puppy with those front legs all flopping as he tries to be co-ordinated. So long being confined has really affected the co-ordination of these FREEDOM DANES/DOGS.

At the Vet Hospital on Tuesday February 11th, he weighed 56.1 KGs(123.42 pounds). This is up from his January 14th weight of 54. 5 KGs(119.9 pounds), so, he has recovered most well with his bounce back from his coyote attack.

HE has healed so well! His shoulder, the one wound that all felt could get away from not being sutured and was, ended up the worst and after a re-visit and debriding, it has healed well. I WANT to shout out a THANK YOU to his angel Dee again that made another very kind and generous donation to his Bills.

THANK YOU! You are his true angel! 🙂

He was a HUGE hit at KAH and people continue to remark that how everytime they see him, how much taller he stands and how much more he explores AND this time, he actually layed down on his own as we were examining BHRR's Abby. SHE was really good for him too! REALLY good! He was all manly and happy and was even wagging his tail slightly and had to 'supervise' the exam.

He was going up to people asking for some quiet love and assurance AND I just gently reminded people that we do not reach over his head, just gently underneath and no hard pats on his body or head either. Just slow and calm and quietly confident and he responds.

I also reminded people that though, he may not look like he is watching people, he really is…these dogs are so worried about direct eye contact.

AND everyone remarked how bonded he was with me and that is true….

SOOOOOOOOOOOO, as hard as it is in SOOOOOOOOOOOO many ways to let go, I cannot give him continued regular exposure to city buses, snow plows, air brakes, sirens, alarms, traffic etc….I live in the country and he needs to continue to become more and more exposed and comfortable with these things. DO not get me wrong, he is miles away from where he first started his rehab journey in this area yet, living in a temp foster home in the city is ONLY going to benefit him further and I am a smart enough woman to know that and always want what is best for him and all my dogs.

He shall be handled more by other people than myself and be handled when I am not around and yes, it is going to be a bit hard on him in the begining YET, if for any reason, he has to come back to me, I AM HERE!

Yet, I think he is going to be great as this is a right matched temp foster home for him and will help join the circle of success that I have worked so hard to surround him with since he arrived to BHRR and he is going to be just fine…me too! 😉

I sincerely hope in time that I shall be able to get some great photos of him as I am hoping that his right matched forever loving home may then find him sooner…

I feel this boy with all my soul and yup, I am going to miss him….I am a suck! I admit it!

I thank his approved temp foster home for this opportunity to help me to continue to make him that best dog he can be! THANK YOU!


BHRR's Bloom is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!!! We shall update her blog as we can.

UPDATE: So BHRR's Abby had her latest recheck and re-weigh on the 11th.

On December 3rd, 2012, she weighed 84.04 pounds
On January 7th, 2013, she weighed 98.34 pounds
On February 11th, 2013, she weighed 107.89 pounds! 😀

YAY! That is 23.85 pounds of muscle mass and weight to date put on! 🙂

So, she is finally healthy and we could give her the first of her vaccines and she is scheduled to be spayed on the 28th of February.

She was so awesome at the Vets and I know her Vet was very charmed by this BBBBB! 🙂

BHRR's Autumn had her abdominal u/s this time with Dr. Javinsky and her heart u/s on the 5th.

In conversing in depth with Dr. Javinsky, he said that in his expert opinion, that her positional hear murmur, that is only heard while she is under sedation is due to the sedation meds itself, not because of any underlying heart disease. None of us could ever recall hearing a HM when she was not sedated. He also did not believe that based upon her age that she had DCM and was causing her to not gain weight.

Yet, in order to stay proactive and preventative, he was very respectful with my request to still do a heart u/s. We wish to adopt BHRR's Autumn at some point and I do not want anyone having any questions re: her heart. I wanted that closed with a final professional analysis. If this was my own dog, I told Dr. Javinsky, I trust him 100% and would not question his expertise and that I still was not questioning his expertise, yet, it is so important to me to have everything covered and documented and closed off on so that any future adoptive home will know that we have been honest and upfront and extremely diligent about her welfare.

I am committed to BHRR's Autumn as I am with all of our dogs and I will keep going the process of elimination as needed to figure out this lack of weight gain.

Her weight was back up to 50.1 KGs(110.22 pounds) and Dr. Javinsky asked me what I would like to see her at and I said 125 minimum right now. Ideally, 130 pounds etc.

We have had her at this exact weight in the past and I was happy to see it going up again. THOUGH, not as much as it really should be.

One of the other Vets asked about her de-worming protocol and we went through her file and the suggestion was to try de-worming her a third time again.

The abdominal u/s showed normal gallbladder(large as she was fasted for breakfast), normal kidneys, liver etc. ALL normal!

Her heart u/s showed per Dr. Javinsky, one of the best Great Dane hearts ever! 🙂 No signs of any DCM and her heart was pumping beautifully. He was so happy, as was I!

No masses found and so, her lack of weight gain remains a mystery….Dr. Javinsky suggested that maybe, I should consider Pred and to think about it a bit.

He did say that he would be measuring her intestines and recorded them from the u/s as IBD is his next possible thought. She does have food allergies yet she does not have any vomiting or diarrhea or pain/discomfort upon examination to suggest any IBD. He said that the only true way to know is a biopsy of her intestine yet, did not feel this is the route we should be going down right at this time.

I want to thank Dr. Javinsky for all of his time, patience in answering my endless questions, his sense of humour, he care of BHRR's Autumn and being so willing to help figure out what may be happening.

Everyone at the Hospital also agreed that this is one HEALTHY dog with her 'bulldozer' and 'violent in affection ways' and that she is full of muscle and happy and alert and not acting in any manner sick…another thing that Dr. Javinsky and I discussed is that she does not have any coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath etc. Yet, we still went ahead with the u/s to close off.

I want to also thank him for the 10% discount on her bills for that day.

From here, my next move forward approach was to go alternative and holistic….acupuncture and massage. It would not hurt and I was beginning to wonder just how stoic this dog is with her two blown cruciates and chronic state of such. Sooooooooooooooo, if one is not 100% comfortable and being distracted by play or friends etc., one has more time to focus on pain and I am wondering if that is part of her eating or rather lack of eating woes.

I have to say that in less than a week of doing this, she has put on some weight….not a heck of a lot AND so, it is not hurting and is helping some.

I have been de-worming her again, we shall repeat fecal, urine and bw all over again within a month. She has battled so much that I am wondering that if it is like BHRR's Bishop…way too much and the 'good' stuff of meds was beginning to affect her already compromised immune system.

I strongly believe in a balance between conventional and alternative/holistic medicine and for those that follow the blogs, they will confirm that.

I am going to stay positive on this next stage of where I am with her and see what the end of February brings with weight gain etc. I am not putting this dog under such a long anaesthetic to repair one, let alone possibly two cruciates in two separate surgeries unless I can make her more healthy. I would rather her move to our HAVEN PROGRAM and be on palliative care for quality of life over such a high risk of losing her under such a surgery or two being this skinny.

February 5th's bills were just over $1,000 and so we are really going to have to work on some Fundraisers for her. I have some photos of her from her one abdominal u/s from KAH and then the ultrasounds with Dr. Javinsky and shall post them later….bed is calling my name…. 🙂 It has been a very busy weekend and this next week is going to be incredibly busy too.

People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 OR Liston Animal Hospital (613) 591-0966 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Autumn'. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

BHRR's AUTUMN's AWESOMEFIED Angels  $4,276.81 donated to date & Bills $6,475.42
Anna & Peter
Maggie/Derek – bag of FROMM Whitefish dog food
Kathryne – microchip & to purchase a bag of FROMM Whitefish Dog Food
Liza/Kelly + Gracie – 3 bags of FROMM Whitefish Dog Food

Andrea – PayPal took $0.74 in fees
Lucie – PayPal took $3.20 in fees
Alice – PayPal took $3.20 in fees
BHRR's Autumn's Emergency Online Fundraiser
BHRR's GIVE It 'UP' 4 Autumn
RCMP's Roll Your Own fundraiser
Anna in honour of her brother George's birthday

BHRR's AUTUMN's WishList:
$ towards Vet bills
FROMM – Salmon Dog Food
Dino Smoked Bones
Oatmeal Shampoo
TONS of positive thoughts and vibes

Packing Blankets
BHRR's Journey Heart Biscuits

**IF I am forgetting any ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

Cindy B

I also want to say I think what you are doing is very special, not many people would do what you are doing for giant breed dogs.
Take Care

OMG! OMG! I just have to share!

BHRR's Cancun had his very first play moment with another dog! HE DID IT! HE DID IT!

BHRR's Cherry has been working hard to 'wear' him down and it was JS in the end that brought out the zoomies just now and WAHOO! They were off and chasing………for all of about 10 seconds BUT it was there! It happened! AND YAY! It is the beginning! YAY!

For those that many not know, BHRR's Cancun has most likely never seen a dog as big as himself prior to coming to BHRR and the dog testing that was able to be done when he was in Mexico had him tend to 'mirror' how the dog reacted to him and he was quite fearful of dogs! AND those dogs were a lot smaller. 

He has relaxed so much since he has arrived with the dogs and no longer roaches up like a cat in worry.  AND well,  with the humans, he was always Mr. Mexico, Social Prince! 😀

YET, for those at our BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House can confirm, he was soooooooooooo comfortable here with the dogs, still integrating with a few AND yet, had not come to the point of being comfortable to play on his own or with another dog….


BHRR's Kringle is moving under PENDING ADOPTION!

We will update his blog as we can.

BHRR's Cosette is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!

We shall update her blog as we can.

BHRR's Blossom was ADOPTED today! YAY!

Below is a photo of her forever loving family.

We have been working on an application for some time and today, we were able to finally do the home visit and so proud to say that the once emaciated 57 pound and terrified GD of BHRR's Blossom – now weighing almost double and Ms. Wonderful – was that right matched fit!! I knew going in that I felt she was a strong candidate and she was everything and more that I could have ever dreamed and hoped for!!

Joy & Debbie – another one of your babies is 'forever home'!!

My heart is bursting, my eyes are teary and another strong link on that chain of success has been added!!

BHRR's Blossom – September 11th, 2012 & February 9th, 2013

BHRR's Riley is headed back to BHRR on February 12th, 2013.

THANK you to his temp foster home for all that they have done for him over the past months and we look forward to his return.

We continue to wait patiently for that right matched forever loving him to find him.


The home visit for BHRR's Scarlett's possible adoption has been scheduled for Friday February 15th, 2013.

We shall update her blog as we can.

BHRR's Abby is scheduled to come to work with me on Monday February 11th, 2013 for her vaccines, re-exam and to examine further if she may already be spayed. She is very immature looking yet we know from BHRR's Cosette's experience that this does not always prove true to already being spayed. (I cannot feel anything nor see yet, I am one person doing the head under the belly and with a light in one hand etc.!)

NOR did finding a scar for a possible spay incision and doing an u/s for BHRR's Cosette PLUS having it interpreted by a specialist AS she turned out to NOT be spayed as she went into heat.

So, we shall continue to dot all 'i's' and cross all 't's' to show proper due diligence with all of our animals. AND full disclosure too.

Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Abby'. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

BHRR's Abby's Angels: $170 donated to date & Bills $2,178.90
RCMP Employess
Clo another donation

Mr. Mexico AKA BHRR's Cancun is at work with me today AND:

Arrival into Rescue: 77 pounds
January 17th, 2013: 107 pounds
February 7th, 2013: 118.14 pounds

Still to gain: 20 pounds or so.

100% awesomeness and what a model patient!! Social and co-operative (well, ok…maybe not so much when Shannon and I were cleaning ears…he was a wiggly worm yet still a great boy!) yet, was fantastic for his bw for repeat hwt, tick borne panel and microchip. I also gave him his February Revolution.

He rocked his exam and even gave me a fecal sample to test!!

The Vet thoroughly checked out his hind end and they agree with me that he is very straight in the stifle and that means he is lacking rear angles and so walks very straight legged and a bit 'off' with a swinging leg motion, more on one side than the other. He had no cracking or creaking or any signs of discomfort when his hips were flexed plus rotated and his knees as well. He had great ROM plus felxion upon examination. Not noticeably bunny hopping was seen when I gaited him for the Vet to review. ANY future adoptive home must be aware that at some point, with this kind of genetics AND that he is a Giant Breed dog, that HD could be present. During his time at BHRR, should he ever begin to appear to exhibit HD, we will x-ray at that time. At this time, he had an A+ exam.

He does have a bit of tartar on his back teeth(one molar on each side) yet, now that he is being given proper things to chew, that shall assist and any future adoptive home should consider a dental cleaning if ever he is under for any other procedures needed. At this time, there is nothing pressing or urgent – ie not cracked or broken teeth, no gum disease or any such urgent medical need for us to put him under and that makes it an elective surgery. Yet, when he is older, he will benefit very much from a routine dental cleaning from his future adoptive home. We believe that all dogs at some point will benefit from a routine dental cleaning.

He is going to make one lucky home an incredible companion. Will update his blog with photos and video ASAP!!

He also rocked our recent BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' mini open house!! Many commented how he was so comfortable and Mr. Social!

VIDEO #1 FROM KAH – HE LOVES his water
VIDEO #2 FROM KAH – HE LOVES his water


VIDEO #1 From January 31st, 2013
VIDEO #2 From January 31st, 2013
VIDEO #3 From January 31st, 2013


For those wishing to donate to BHRR's Cancun's bills, people can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Cancun'. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

BHRR's CANCUN'S CARING Angels  $480 donated to date & Bills $989.57

Sherry D'Amato BHRR's Journey Biscuits purchased
Pet Valu Stittesville Nail Trims
Forever Friends Booth Event

BHRR's Cancun – My co-pilot on the way to work at KAH today – February 7th, 2013


Barking Bone Designs – Custom Pet Art has been so generous and kind and will donate up to February 17th, 2013$5.00 of the sales of every personalized accessory, key chain or necklace!

PLEASE make sure that you mention Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) when you order!

Colours and sayings can be changed easily!

S&H is ONLY $2 in Canada for one item and $3 for two!

BHRR has some new urgent animal medical cases in the pipe….the funds raised will deeply assist!

EMAIL for more information and to have Sarah answer any questions you may have!!!

THANK YOU Sarah!!!!


BHRR's Spice came with me and my Bunker Dude to a public education and awareness event on Sunday January 29th at Forever Friends.

SHE did really well!

Her leash manners were fabu, she LOVED being brushed and just soaked up all the love that was given to her.

As we have already posted, until she is older, we cannot re-do her Cherry eyes as they did not take the first times around and so, she remains UNAVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION at this time.

When she is ready, we shall post.

Below is the slide, compliments of M. Bird of that day!

AND she has healed up beautifully from whatever she did to herself in January! Silly wabbit!

Kanata Animal Hosptal (613) 836-2848 will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone and in person plus take debit and cash in person

440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, Ontario
K2L 1V2

OR via PayPal 'Gift' to

OR via email transfer to

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

BHRR's SPICE'S 'SPECIAL SAVING' Angels  $454 donated to date & Bills $3,210.83
BHRRs Adele, Zeus and Her Binkyness to BHRRs Spice with love!
Winner of 50/50 at BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House

BHRR's Autumn is now scheduled for her U/S for 2:30 PM on Tuesday February 5th.

I am hoping they find nothing yet, on the other hand, hoping they find something that can easily explain why she is not gaining weight and as easily resolved.

KEEP her in your thoughts!


BHRR's Freddy ROCKED the BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House!

OMG! He rocked it! 🙂 He is fully integrated with almost all the dogs now.

WHAT a great boy! 🙂

His tail is healing well…he opened up a part of it yesterday with his now 'happy' tail and yet, it was fresh blood and I did not mind cleaning all the walls! 😉

AND he has proven Dogo through and through. He will react to how he is treated in respect to unstable behavour exhibited by other dogs. He was NOT to happy that 'tude man Boxer Boy(GOD! He was total in 'tude land yesterday!) was in his face and he corrected him.

Below are two Videos and two photos from January 30th, 2013


People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 OR Liston Animal Hospital (613) 591-0966 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Freddy'. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)


BHRR's FREDDY'S Friends: $777 donated to date & Bills $1,502.42
50/50 at our BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House
Monies raised from our Donation Gift Basket at our BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House


BHRR's FREDDY's WishList:
$ towards Vet bills
Dog Coat
Dog Leash
Dog Colla
Dog Bed
Dino Smoked Bones
Oatmeal Shampoo
TONS of positive thoughts and vibes

Packing Blankets
BHRR's Journey Heart Biscuits

**IF I am forgetting any FRIENDS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR's Freddy – January 30th, 2013

Here is an update from BHRR's Velvet's temp foster home sent today:

Hi Gwen,

just wanted to give you a quick update, last night went great, she did lick at the leg a bit, and during the night as well, but today she hasn't looked at it at all….

We went out for breaky this morning, maybe an hour or so.. she was fine in her crate..

She's very loving, and very sweet….



BHRR's Autumn finally had her hands on exam with Dr. Philibert yesterday and he feels that YES! She is a surgical candidate for a TPLO! She was not a candidate for extracapsular surgery with LAH and so, we needed to wait and see what DP felt re: any TPLO possibilities for her.

We would do a TPLO on her left cruciate first and if there was significant improvement, then consider the right(the right is worse and chronic yet, has it has been that way for so long prior to her rescue, Dr. Liston felt that little to no benefit may be obtained for her, yet, recommended do the left first and go from there). AND with Dr. Philibert confirming that yes, she is a candidate, very exciting news.

SO, YAY! FOR some good news for her! 🙂

Now, the next step is to see what Dr. Javinsky feels in regards to her gallbladder(KAH did an u/s last week as well) and heart and if a piece of the non weight gaining puzzle can be better resolved. We were hoping for something this week, yet, whatever works for Dr. Javinsky, we shall accommodate for whatever his schedule allows. 🙂 The x-rays we did on her heart indicated that it is a normal size yet, with that positional HM discovered, we are doing further investigation to try and rule out any underlying heart disease for this lack of weight gaining.

Her C&S has came back and the Vet has put her on an extra week of Clavamox for her persistent UTI.

We cannot put the cart before the horse, yet, I was thrilled to learn the news re: TPLO surgery for her if everything else falls into place. 🙂

Process of elimination continues for her and she was loved by the fabu extreme staff at KAH! 🙂

She remains our 'almost violent in affection', happy, bull in a china shop, vibrant GD!


AND the one thing that was not done when Sean dropped her off at KAH(I am stil off work), was a weight check! BOO! 🙁 I have been trying to monitor that very closely.

People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 OR Liston Animal Hospital (613) 591-0966 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Autumn'. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

BHRR's AUTUMN's AWESOMEFIED Angels  $4,226.81 donated to date & Bills $5,349.25
Anna & Peter
Maggie/Derek – bag of FROMM Whitefish dog food
Kathryne – microchip & to purchase a bag of FROMM Whitefish Dog Food
Liza/Kelly + Gracie – 3 bags of FROMM Whitefish Dog Food

Andrea – PayPal took $0.74 in fees
Lucie – PayPal took $3.20 in fees
Alice – PayPal took $3.20 in fees
BHRR's Autumn's Emergency Online Fundraiser
BHRR's GIVE It 'UP' 4 Autumn
RCMP's Roll Your Own fundraiser
Anna in honour of her brother George's birthday

BHRR's AUTUMN's WishList:
$ towards Vet bills
FROMM – Salmon Dog Food
Dino Smoked Bones
Oatmeal Shampoo
TONS of positive thoughts and vibes

Packing Blankets
BHRR's Journey Heart Biscuits

**IF I am forgetting any ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

Below are some transport photos of BHRR's Freddy!

We were having a really hard time naming him (we could not come to a 100% consenus) so for the first time in our 17 years of operating we held a NAME CONTEST FUNDRAISER.

The winner was Manon and her name was 'Freddy'. The money that she bid $250 will go towards his vet bills.

Vintage Designing Co. offered to match any bid up to $250 and four more sweet souls offered donations of $20, $20, $12 and $100 to also go towards his care!

We shall update his 'FRIEND' List as donations come in. 🙂

His tail is healing really well on one area yet, another not so well. We are on antibiotics for 10 ten days and shall re-visit. If need be, more will be amputated.

Somehow, his tail was broken and he was chewing at it to get it off and gangrene had set in. All gangrene areas have been addressed and the Vet feels that there is a great chance that the rest of the swelling will heal now that things are clean. If not, more will be removed.

BHRR's FREDDY'S Friends: $182 donated to date & Bills $1,502.42


BHRR's FREDDY's WishList:
$ towards Vet bills
Dog Coat
Dog Leash
Dog Colla
Dog Bed
Dino Smoked Bones
Oatmeal Shampoo
TONS of positive thoughts and vibes

Packing Blankets
BHRR's Journey Heart Biscuits

**IF I am forgetting any FRIENDS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

Two Photos from his transport run before I met him! We had no idea what he looked like or age before we got him AS it does not matter to us! THE NEXT ONE IN NEED! 🙂

BHRR's Freddy – enroute with Volunteers to meet me! – January 29th, 2013
*photos courtesy of M. Schuter

On January 23rd, 2012, we received an confidential email re: some dogs(33) in need. Three of these dogs were critical with urgent medical needs.

BHRR offered to take the worst.

Mobilization was done quickly and transport was arranged for the 29th.

THANKS to all that pulled together so fast!

Immediately upon meeting the transport – he had three legs of transport before I met up with the one fabu person and from there drove the last leg immediately  to the Hospital with him.

We estimate him to be about 3 years of age, timid yet sweet, has some tartar on his teeth(nothing pressing/serious and can be done as an elective in his forever adoptive home should nothing urgent transpire in the meantime), a skinny 91.52 pounds….a good 20 more he needs in muscle mass/tone. What a love!! Temp normal, about three inches sloughed/removed off his tail(he had gangrene), heart and lungs sound great, put on revolution, antibiotics, chipped, on NSAIDs, cone of honour to wear and shall do a Mani/pedi later, needs a serious bath, timid yet bonds fast and took many names of hearts today between KAH and LAH!!

BONDED really fast and de-worming began that night.

He has proven not to be housebroken in the time that we have had him and so, we are working on that! 😉

We gave him his first boosters and he will be back in four weeks for the next.

We began to work on the crate training and he is doing very well. Some mommaitis. 😉

His leash manners are quite fair, he is bilingual – more francophone than anything and sits on command.

He traveled well in the truck and had to do some tough love to get him into the vehicle the first time at KAH yet, going from LAH to home, he did well getting in as I just moved forward and kept looking where I wanted him to go and did not hesitate and up he went.

He takes treats very gently.

He has now been integrated with most of the dogs and he has taken a shine to Miss BHRR's Cherry and Miss BHRR's Scarlett. They have been working their charm and he ALMOST played with them today.

He is not a dominant dog yet he does 'alert' if things get too exciting or he perceives there is a threat. Those ears of his stand right up and he goes into that typical Dogo (Mastiff) stance.

For those not familiar with this breed, we have been working with them for the past 15 years and have been seeing a huge surge in the exploitation of them over the past 2+ years.

Here is some information:

Dogo Argentino
(Argentinian Mastiff) (Argentine Dogo)



The Dogo Argentino is also called the Argentinian Mastiff or Argentine Dogo. It is a large, well-muscled dog. The deep-set chest is wide. There is an abundance of skin on the muscular neck. The head is massive with a rounded shape from front to the back. The muzzle concaves upwards slightly, with a slight stop and is about the same length as the skull. The jaws are strong. The teeth should meet in a scissors bite. The nose is black. The eyes are set well apart, and are dark brown, light brown or hazel in color. The rims of the eyes should be pink or black. The ears are set high and are usually cropped to make them stand erect, and triangular in shape. The thighs are very muscular with a short hock. There are usually no dewclaws. The thick tail is long and carried naturally low reaching the hock. The thick, glossy coat is white and has no undercoat. While not accepted in all clubs, sometimes the Dogo Argentino can have a black spot on the head known as "pirata." This trait in the Dogo´s coat is accepted by Federacion Cinologica Argentina.


The Argentine Dogo is a loyal dog who makes a great guardian of the home and family. Playful and very good with children, it gives kisses and cuddles. Highly intelligent and powerful, Dogos are easy to train if you are consistent, using loving but firm authority. The Argentine Dogo is not a breed for everyone. With the right owners even the more dominant Dogos can be submissive toward all humans and other animals. This breed needs someone who understands how to display leadership: humans who are firm, confident, and consistent. This breed needs rules he must follow and limits to what he is and is not allowed to do. The objective in training this dog is to achieve pack leader status. It is a natural instinct for a dog to have an order in its pack. When we humans live with dogs, we become their pack. The entire pack cooperates under a single leader. Lines are clearly defined. You and all other humans MUST be higher up in the order than the dog. That is the only way your relationship can be a success. When you put this breed with a meek or passive owner, problems may arise as the dog will feel he needs to "save his pack" and run the show. Adult Dogos can be aggressive with other dogs; however, the Dogo does not usually provoke the confrontation but may if he senses another dog that is unstable. The breed needs an owner who can tell the Dogo it is not his job to put another dog in his place. They are good with other pets if they are raised with them from puppyhood. This white mastiff needs early socialization with other animals. It also requires early obedience training.

Height, Weight

Height:  24 – 27 inches (61 – 69 cm)
Weight:  80 – 100 pounds (36 – 45 kg)

Health Problems

Living Conditions

This breed will do okay in an apartment if it is sufficiently exercised and does best with at least an average-sized yard. Be sure to bring the Dogo inside when temperatures drop below freezing.


Give this dog plenty of exercise. They need to be taken on a daily, long walk or jog.

Life Expectancy

About 10-12 years.


The single white coat is very easy to care for. Brush occasionally. Keep nails trimmed. They have no doggy odor. This breed is an average shedder.


In the 1920s the Argentine Dogo was developed in Argentina by Dr. Antonio Nores Martinez and his brother Agustin. The brothers wanted an ideal companion dog that was also a good pack hunter and guardian. The breeds that were used in the development were the Great Pyrenees, Irish Wolfhound, Pointer, Great Dane, Dogue de Bordeaux, Boxer, Spanish Mastiff, Bulldog, Bull Terrier and a now extinct mastiff-type breed called the Dog of Cordoba. The result was a bullish, fearless hunter who also had great stamina. The white coat deflected the heat rather than absorbed it. Unfortunately the breed earned a bad reputation in Britain when people started using the dogs for dog fighting, which is an activity still popular in many parts of South America and elsewhere. Rather than go after the dog fighters, Britain has enacted a national legislation to control dogs in public. The Dangerous Dogs Act which came about in 1991 totally bans the three breeds Fila Brazileiro, Dogo Argentino and Japanese Tosa. A fourth breed, the American Pit Bull Terrier, is allowed but is heavily restricted. The dogs must be registered, neutered, tattooed, microchipped and owners have to carry insurance. The dogs cannot be bred or imported and when in public they must be muzzled, leashed and handled by a person over 16 years of age at all times. This is a real shame. When properly raised these are all great dogs. A dog is what the master makes of it. Not all breeds are for everyone. People teach these dogs to fight, giving them a bad name. Banning the breed is not the way to solve the problem. Some of the Argentine Dogo's talents are hunting, tracking, watchdog, guarding, police work, narcotics detection, military work, guide for the blind, competitive obedience and Schutzhund.




BHRR's Velvet is actually going to go to her temp foster home later today! There was a change of plans in her temp foster home and so, this is my last sleepie with her!

I am going to make the MOST of it! 🙂

Grieving…Losing a Pet

I am often consulted when a home has lost a beloved pet; either suddenly or passing away from lengthy illness or injury; and they have at least one other dog still at home. I have decided to post the following blog and perhaps it might assist others.

As always just my humble professional opinion FWIW.

As mentioned, at the end of the day, whatever decision(s) you make will be supported by your friends and family. I just caution people to not just rush……

Here is my professional positioning on the loss of a pet when I am consulted:

  • Provide the surviving dog with more attention and affection. Try to take her mind off it by engaging her in a favorite activity or activities. If she/he enjoys human company, invite friends that she likes to visit and spend time with her. OR have her go with any friends that you trust and she loves for play dates, day trips etc.
  • Use environmental enrichment techniques such as toys to help keep her busy. Hide toys or treats at her favorite spots for her to find during the day or in a KONG etc. – IF she is that type of dog
  •  If he/she is too depressed over their companion's loss, she may not respond to extra activity right away. The old saying, "Time heals all wounds, has meaning to our dogs.  – walks/hikes, car rides might be more her ‘thing’.
  • Based on the results of one ASPCA study, most dogs returned to normal after about two weeks but some dogs took up to six months to fully recover.
  • If your surviving dog is vocalizing more, whining or howling, barking, do not unconsciously ‘enable’ her by giving her too much attention, treats to distract her or you might unintentionally reinforce this behaviour in addition to creating SA types of behavour. This is ‘negative seeking attention’ getting and she would be encouraged to continue said behaviour(s). Giving attention during any behavior will help to reinforce it so be sure you are not reinforcing a behavior that you don't like. Passively ignore. Try a calming word/signal and passively ignore(do not make a big fuss or deal).
  • Give praise and additional attention at a time when your dog is engaging in behaviors that you do like, such as when she/he is resting quietly or watching the birds or out hiking or walking etc.. As the pain of the loss begins to subside, so should SA and other ‘dependent’, ‘confusing’ and other ‘depressive’  behavours, as long as it is related to the grieving process.
  • Rescue Remedy
  • We all grieve in different ways and staying busy is most important – the mind and her body. Keep her stimulated.


If you are thinking about adding another dog, wait until you and your surviving dog have adjusted to the loss. Introducing/integrating your dog to get to know a newcomer can often add stress to her already anxiety-ridden emotional state. And be patient. Your surviving dog clearly misses her canine companion as much as you do. Do not rush. If people ‘rush’ out to get another dog too soon, it can actually according to some studies increase some SA type of behaviours.
*There are two very different camps on this and I feel that losing a dog suddenly is much different than if one has a ‘dying’ dog and brings in a new addition to assist themselves plus their current dog.

There shall be one there for you; when the time is right; yet do not ‘settle’ on the quick fix solution. If your current dog is not ready for a new companion, there can be resentment, jealousy, acting out, indifference including lack of bonding. The same can apply to humans who act too soon.

Others embrace a new addition really well sooner than others. You know your home and your surviving dog best. Many people begin an adoption process for example within a couple or few weeks after losing a pet for they know that the process can take some time and if a home is very particular about colour, sex, the longer it can take for that right matched personality fit to come.

Your current dog has lived her life with her companion that has now passed and their scent is all around her environment and a dog's scent is so powerful. When that daily scent of their beloved companion is suddenly gone, and the daily routine is absent, your surviving dog will certainly become confused and actually disorientated. Once again there are two camps on the removal of items that have the scent of their lost companion. I advise not to remove dog beds or toys etc. that have belonged or were played with by the dog that has passed away. Others will say get rid of it all. The scent of your lost pet is going to long be there even if you do remove these items and by taking all of it away can possibly cause more confusion to your surviving pet and seems like there is something to ‘hide’. I believe we need to move from denial(natural part of grieving) to acceptance(natural part of grieving) and in order to do this, items that cause us memories and feelings evoking strong emotions should not be thrown out. Some feel they need to pack it all up and re-visit it later and I am in the camp of total avoidance not being a healthy thing.

So because she doesn't understand what happened, and because she can't play or smell her friend like she used to, and her normal daily routine is completely and abruptly turned upside down for her, she might just lay around all day. The familiar regular daily smells are gone. She might not eat or drink. She might just plain look miserable and depressed. Just as humans go through the stages of grieving, dogs must as well – from isolation to SA to depression to acceptance through the healing process and as you heal, she will ‘feed’ on your emotions.

Remember as a general rule of thumb for dogs – 7 days our time = 2.25 months their time.

But one way to comfort a pet whose friend has passed might be to introduce him to a wide variety of other people and other animals (thus lots of different smells!). It might happen that she will take to another human or animal. This can help perk her up and even get her to start eating and drinking regularly again. Perhaps even to play!

Realize that you do not need anyone else's approval to mourn the loss of your pet, nor must you justify your feelings to anyone. AND when you feel it is ‘right’ for you and your surviving pet; then you add another beloved addition. I have always said that animals need their own ‘social network’ and give to each other in ways that as humans we cannot – companionship, communication, social networking etc. Therefore, I am in completely support of multi-dog homes.

Other Information:

Many professionals believe there are seven stages a person passes through as he or she deals with grief. These stages may occur in any order, and some stages may occur simultaneously. They are:

1.    Shock and Denial:
Many people react to learning of a loss with numbed disbelief. They may deny the reality of the loss at some level in order to avoid the pain. Shock provides emotional protection from being overwhelmed all at once. This may be short-lived or may last for weeks. Symptoms of denial may include a lack of tears, or a failure to accept or even acknowledge the loss.
After suffering the loss of their pet, some pet owners find it difficult to accept a new pet into their home because they believe a new pet would violate the memory of their deceased pet. This feeling should not be confused with the feeling of many pet owners who wish to have a brief “pet-free” period in their life to allow them to grieve the loss of their deceased pet.

2.    Pain and Guilt:
As the shock of the loss wears off, it is often replaced by a feeling of unbelievable pain. Although the pain may be excruciating, it is important that the person experiencing the loss experience the pain fully, and not hide it, avoid it or escape from it through the excessive use of alcohol or drugs. The pet owner may feel responsible for their pet's death, or may feel that he or she should have taken action earlier and only prolonged their pet's life because they couldn't bring themselves to say “good-bye”. During this stage of grief, life may feel chaotic and scary.

3.    Anger:
Frustration over not being able to prevent the loss may give way to anger, and the pet owner may lash out and lay unwarranted blame for the death on someone else. Although this is a time for the release of bottled up emotions, angry outbursts may permanently damage relationships with those who are trying to help. If such anger becomes prolonged or vicious in nature, professional help may be warranted.

4.    Depression, Reflection and Loneliness:
Depression is a natural consequence of grief and if not addressed properly can leave the sufferer powerless to cope with his or her feelings. The pet owner should not allow himself or herself to be “talked out of it” by well-meaning outsiders. It is at this time that the individual will finally realize the true magnitude of the loss, and it is this realization that may bring on depression. Purposeful isolation, and intense feelings of hopelessness, frustration, bitterness, and/or self-pity may bring on feelings of emptiness and despair. If this occurs, professional intervention may be appropriate.

5.    The Upward Turn:
As the person experiencing the loss starts to adjust to life without his or her pet, life becomes a little calmer, more organized, and some sense of normalcy begins to return. Any physical symptoms that may have been experienced following the loss will have lessened, and any “depression” that may have occurred will have begun to lift slightly.

6.    Reconstruction of Life Without the Beloved Pet:
As the pet owner becomes more functional following the loss, he or she will find that their mind starts working again, and they will find themselves seeking realistic solutions to problems posed by life without their beloved pet. They will start to work on practical problems and reconstructing themselves to face life without their departed pet.

7.    Acceptance and Hope:
There is a difference between resignation and acceptance. The pet owner must accept the loss, not just try to bear it quietly. During this last stage of the grief process, the person experiencing the loss will learn to accept and deal with the reality of his or her situation. Acceptance does not necessarily mean instant happiness. Given the pain and turmoil the pet owner has experienced, he or she can never return to exactly the same life that existed before tragedy struck. However, they will find a way forward. It is at this point that the grieving person will be able to reminisce about the deceased pet with sadness, but without the intense emotional pain experienced earlier.

Hope some of this has helped.


Gwendilin Boers, BA. Hon. Crim., BA. Hon. Psy. & MA. Psy. Animal & Child Development/Behaviour
PHd Animal Behavoural Student

**Originally Published February 1st, 2011 @ 0:37 AM**