On April 30th, I received the following email:

“Hi Gwen

Griffin came back to the pound…the new owner just didn’t have time for him and found him too big for her place.

He is available.  It was confirmed that he is a Great Dane mix.  He does have Terrier hair on his face and feet (coarse) but otherwise he is quite the puppy….loves people and is great with other dogs.

Let me know if you’re still willing to rescue him.



We did not do an approved adoption last night.

Two members of the home were a really good match fit for BHRR’s Riot. The third member, is clearly not comfortable around dogs and, that is not in the best interest of BHRR’s Riot nor the home to consider placing a dog into that environment.

He has proven that he is cat safe for the home has three cats and, they batted at his paws, walked past him, teased him and, he was such an amazing boy! If they had wanted to play, he would have been all for it! Just needs to be gently reminded to be gentle.

Very proud of him!


My last post for ‘my’ tonight is to re-post on the BHRR’s Purse Puppies amazing Annual Vet Visit on the 30th of April!
BHRR’s Coach weighed 24.3 kgs(53.46 pounds)
BHRR’s Coco Chanel weighed 21.7 kgs(47.74 pounds)
Both received a huge wonderful thumbs up in health and, behaviour from the Vet!
Chanel amazed all with her brains and tracking skills and Coach charmed all with his soft and sweet personality.
Both doggies have had no changes with their eyes – so, great news that they do not have cataracts and, BHRR’s Coach’s heart condition also has zero changes and, so no medication required at this time still!
AND, I am so excited that both of these amazing special young dogs have picnic play dates coming up. They are as cared about by others as they are by us!
They are normal to themselves, to us and, to all that adore them! 

BHRR’s Coco Chanel is AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION again. She came back to me one week post-adoption. Our 7th return in over 19 years of operating BHRR.
She bonded wonderfully to the female of the home, yet, the male that she had once was bonded to, she began to play ‘hard to get’ and, would then want nothing to do with him.
The Home came to our February 1st BHRR “EXPERIENCE” and, could see that she was the same BHRR’s Chanel as always.  She did have a minor moment of wanting to bark at the male adult and, that was nipped in the bud by Sean.
We had done a very careful transition adoption and, worked to try and ensure that she would bond equally to the female in the home, she loved the kids and, not just bond to the male adult. For that was her initial attraction.
BHRR’s Coco Chanel has settled well back into our home and, continues to impress everyone with how amazing she is.

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BHRR’s Kricket is ready to make her special announcement!

After putting on over 33 pounds, learning manners and, receiving lots of social training and exposure, she is ready!


Another gorgeous BBBBB!

She can go to a home that works ft, pt, semi-retired, is retired, or works from home etc. She is once again another very versatile BHRR dog! She has proven 100% trustworthy in the house unsupervised.

She can either be the only dog in the home or, with a right matched personality fit dog. Either is fine.

Cats are unknown.

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My last post for today!
I got my very first tail wag from BHRR’s Pearl when I arrived home tonight from the home-visit and, that was like winning the lottery….it was not a big wag, yet, a wag nonetheless and, more than once.
Here is a BHRR’s Pearl VIDEO taken from earlier today!
Another really good day had at BHRR and, as always, from my home to yours, may all have a wonderful good night……

BHRR’s Pearl – April 29th, 2015

She is doing well….still pacing, checking that fence line closely yet, her tail is now in a more relaxed position, less tense in the body………

She will still approach me when she comes near me with head down and, still body shakes yet, less than Sunday….
No pressure being given to her, just being patient, letting her know that I am around and, encouraging her.

She remains completely indifferent to the dogs – today, she met HQD who wanted to mother her(no surprise there!), and BHRR’s Bloom who wanted BHRR’s Pearl to run with her(HOW unusual of BHRR’s Bloom!!!)

We just spent a glorious hour outside in the sun and shade and, I know BHRR’s Herbie-icious the Lovebug and BHRR’s Salem really loved the outdoor.time also! .
So peaceful and almost a magical moment spent!

AND, for anyone that might be wondering, Sean and I cut off the red stiff and quite snug vinyl collar she was wearing and, she is safely wearing a material martingale that has a small chain loop. Much safer as she is a massive flight risk.

She is NOT wearing a choke or a prong collar. We do not believe in using those types of collars in our Behavioural, Training and Rehabilitation Programs.


Please keep BHRR’s Riot in your best wishes!
Tonight, is his home-visit for a possible Approved Adoption!
Yet, even if this is not the right matched fit for him, he will have had another wonderful experience continuing to make him the best dog he can be, in balance plus soundness.
Thank you Margaret for helping me to do this home-visit tonight also!

Two of our lovelies enjoying the nice weather today!

BHRR’s Herbie-licious, The Love Bug & BHRR’s Salem

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My last post for tonight…..AND, as so many are wrapped up on BHRR’s Pearl’s story/journey, I will make this one about her also. smile emoticon This is a Gwennie novel bedtime story post though…..it may make you very sleepy!

Today, as I left to take BHRR’s Gretta to her next CWW hydrotherapy session, Sean the, wonderful man he is, worked form home to have quality ‘alone’ time with BHRR’s Pearl to work on the next infant steps of their own relationship building of trust and, kindness. Sean was able to take her outside and, bring her back in – she did not do anything for him – yet, that was huge to be able to take her out and in. She lets him take her collar now.

When I came home, I went outside with her and Sean and, I watched her closely. She was following us both and, we had BHRR’s Herbie-licious The Love Bug, BHRR’s Salem and my Drift with us to see if it helped a bit with her confidence and, truly, she was mostly indifferent to them. We will see how things go moving forward. Everything is new, confusing and strange and, most likely a bit overwhelming. She neither seemed to enjoy them, was not afraid of them nor was she reactive in any manner. She simply ‘existed’ with them.

She is likely seeing more dogs at my home than she has in her whole life being kept so sheltered at her previous home and, only going out for any Vet visits. We were told she was dominant over the other Dane she used to live with and, in the relative’s home that also took her, to their own dog, yet, absolutely nothing to date that demonstrates that but , the days are early!

When she was done exploring, she had a good pee outside(YAY!) and, from the colour and, how she peed/stopped/peed/stopped and looked uncomfortable, moved a step or two and strained to urinate again she has a clear UTI. The smell was not pretty either. AND, when she strained to pee, she would have bits of diarrhea also. Her poop last night was very gross. As she is eating well fairly well now(would not eat breakfast this AM), drinking and snorkeling without any issues now, we have begun to de-worm her. She has not pooped today yet, what came out of her last night was substantial. TOO much info. I know!

At one point, I sat down outside again and, watched Sean and her together. She would stop and listen to him and start to come back to him(he is using that ‘doggie’ voice used by men with dogs and babies! LOL) and, then she would turn and, go back to the house and, when he called her again, she would start to come to him again.

The Video below was taken after being outside for almost an hour…..saying little, just being there….now, Sean was using his voice and talking to her…..maybe, a wee bit too much yet, that is ok…..no rush…she is not ready….. She is responding, which is wonderful….yet, she is not ready to come all the way….and, that is fine…..she feels safe in the house now and, in her crate or in the sizeable kitchen area – that we have both sides of the hutch blocked off to give her, her own space – MUCH to BHRR’s Riot’s chagrin for his is SOOOOOOOOO smitten with her!

He had a brief moment outside with her tonight and, gosh, if he could, he would be bringing her flowers and, chocolates(if she was a human!) and, taking her to dinner and a movie or out dancing! Even now, he is whining on the other side of the xpens, imparting his undying love to her.

She on the other hand, would rather keep her head by my elbow, watching me type and, every so often, I stop typing and, gently reach out to pet her. Sometimes she stays, other times she walks away but she, always comes back to be near or around me. So much progress in such a short time and, so much further to go yet, she will get there……she is ok with Kinsley yet, my son still scares her and, he is one of the biggest animal lovers out there. At 14, he is 6 feet and, no small pumpkin. It is intimidating to her and, he remains patient and understanding.

She still even runs extremely hot and cold with Sean but, compared to the fear growling when she first arrived, to him being able to take her collar and, she is ok/calm with it, is huge. Her tail positioning has gone from tucked up tight to the belly to laying flat with me. That is also a big step.

The way that she looks at me is different also. No longer in confused terror…..she is most certainly still scared, she is still confused, she is still worried, she is still stressed but, she is no longer as tense and, even now is exploring the rubbermaids sniffing out the one with the kibble in the kitchen. smile emoticon

So, ends another wonderful day with her……….. From our home to all of yours, may you have a most wonderful night!


AND, we have now cleaned up our bowl……she was given a 1/3 ration of kibble as she has not eaten since she came to BHRR yesterday afternoon.
So happy…….these are the break-throughs that we love to see. 🙂

OOOOH! We have just had a few bites of food eaten now! WAHOOOOO!!!
Just a few yet, YAY! 🙂

My last post of tonight……
BHRR’s Pearl has peed, pooped and drank finally!
AND, the eating shall come…….she is interested….first step.
All in the house BUT she did it!
Per her o/s form, she was said to have accidents in the house….we will work on ‘outside’ good, ‘inside’ not so good!
Good night wishes from our home to all of yours!

On April 27th, I received the following email:

“Hi Gwen

Looks like a pound staff is adopting GRIFFIN. If she decides not too, or adopts him and returns him at a later time, I will let you know.  Griffin is a Great Dane mix pup, age no sure yet.  

Thanks Gwen”


So, I am sitting patiently in our fenced in three acres and, look who has decided to come and be right beside me?! BHRR’s Pearl.
Yesterday, she was terrified in the yard and, even ran into the fence at one point. I sat down and, eventually she came to me, bent her head and leaned it into my lap and, we went inside after just sitting for a bit.
Today, she is following me more, still scared of things from leaves blowing, birds chirping the frogs and turtles in the spring fed pond and, even my daughters bike as she came home from school – was not even close to her. 
We are now just chilling on one of the sand hills, watching the wind blow rustling our Canadian flag and, making noises in the trees…..
While not exactly 100% comfortable, she is giving me some trust, you can see that she wants to trust and love and, as we now know that she lacked socialization, living the life she had being ‘sheltered'(the words of her previous home – other than going to the Vet, home was where she was) her rehab program is going to be one of so much discovery and learning in infant steps and, as she is ready for it.
We have to teach her to like herself and, that she is ok and build up her confidence slowly.
She is completely wrapping herself in my heart and, I know she is full of so many gifts to share my way!! Lessons also to teach me……
She had a good night and day and, she will even slowly approach Sean if he is sitting, and, as we do to not appear threatening, turned slightly sideways. 
Even now, she will get up from near me, explore a bit and, then come back when she feels she has gone too far from me. 
She still shakes yet, is calming a bit more easily for me.
She has an extremely nervous disposition. We know that should she ever be ready to be adopted, that she will not go to a home with children or young teenagers.
We also know that should the time come that she is ready to be adopted, that we would like to see her in a home with a dog that is a right matched personality fit for her.
Now, we have to get her to eat and drink. She is showing some interest in water and, we will get there….. 🙂

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to her account: She is under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

**IF I am forgetting any of her ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

Her Great Angels:  $50.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $o.oo
*Before PayPal fees
Lianne & Cliff – Costco Dog Bed
Previous Home – $50


Guess who is hanging at KAH today?!! One of our lovely BBBBB’s!

She is now 99.66 pounds(45.3 Kgs)! She has put on over 30 pounds(32.66 pounds) since she first arrived to BHRR…..she still needs a good 10 or so more pounds yet, she is getting there! This is nothing that will hold her back from making her special announcement shortly!

Her elbows are looking so much better, the right one is still quite calloused but, so much better! A lot of soft surfaces to lay on! 🙂

She had some many compliments on her lovely feminine head. She is truly beautiful!

She is finally ready for her Vaccines, and, she had a thorough exam plus, we did her HWT including testing for Lymes disease – Lymes, Ehrlichiosis and Anaplasmosis.

We scanned her for she had a chip tag from the Shelter on her collar yet, we were unable to find a chip and, we scanned all over her back and, down her legs, not just her shoulders. Then, the Vet decided to scan the back of her head/neck, and, sure enough, there was her chip. We will make sure that it is documented as an alert in her file at the Hospital and, it is here in her blog also. I have never in all the years we have been chipping, since 1996, ever seen a chip placed in the back of the head/neck area.

She is doing really well! Within a couple days, she should be ready to make her special announcement! She is an incredible dog. So, full of personality.

She can be a bit worried still of some sudden flight movements yet, OMG! She has rocked her rehab!!! She was curious, outgoing, dug her head in the lap of the Vet for loving, and, so social today!!!

AND, many remarked that she sounds like a ‘cricket’ when she was in the back, protesting softly about being in a run. She did not make many sounds at KAH, she was so good but, when she did, it was so soft and like a ‘cricket’. 🙂


On April 26th, I received the following:

“Hi Gwen

I hope this email finds you well.

The X Pound has a Great Dane mix named GRIFFIN.  I haven’t seen him yet but will get more info on him.  Are you interested?   I have appended his picture.”

We stepped up to assist and were told that he weighed approximately 53 pounds. He did not look GDx to us yet, we had a spot and, he was the next in need of us! 🙂

6995_GRIFFIN Great Dane mix male pup 49 lbs STRAY

I have BHRR’s Pearl!
She was surrendered with halti(we will remove as it is ill fitting), collar, leash, dog bed, bowl, dog food and, the home gave BHRR a $50 kind donation for gas. We will use it for ‘Pearl’. 
For those that still feel in their hearts to judge, do remember that instead of surrendering her to a high kill pound or shelter, putting her to sleep, putting her up on kijiji, giving her to someone without screening etc., the home made the right decision in contacting experts with the Dane breed and, a r/q experienced plus knowledgeable group that is educated in rehabilitation of behavioural issues(she has resource guarding) and, is an organization that has a very thorough adoption screening process.
This Dane is also extremely nervous, lacks confidence and, in the wrong hands, a clear set-up for failure would happen. 
She is a victim to divorce and, the home has tried for the past year to make things work, even having a family member take ‘Pearl’, which in the end was not successful.
Unless we walk in the shoes of others, we truly do not know the whole story and, I bore witness today as to how hard it was for this home to say good-bye to her.
‘Pearl’ is sad, confused, scared and, this was a hard owner surrender……
I had offered up my behavioural services to assist also to try and help the home keep her yet, they felt it was in the best interest of this Great Dane to surrender her.
It has been a sad drive towards home over the last couple of hours and, I want to thank Lianne and Cliff again for the donation of a Costco Dog Bed for her and, for bringing it to KAH yesterday! Rescue Angels!!
Welcome to BHRR, ‘Pearl’…….

We will do Heartworm testing, put her on heartworm preventative, de-worm her, do a fecal and, per her previous Vet records, she has a heart arrhythmia that shall require further investigation. She did see a cardiologist in 2012 – her birthday is in September and, I will make copies to post in from her file sent my way.

We are home and, in almost 28 years doing Great Dane Rescue, I have never had a GD actually poop in fear, she was so scared when she saw Sean and Mason and Kinsley. They were not even near her.
AND, BHRR deals with fear and terror on levels
most groups will not and/or cannot.
She is that scared…..and, worried….
Temperament is not just environment, it is genetic and, the ‘shyness’ gene is a trait that cannot be changed. Behaviour is not changed, it is modified to be made the best that it can be……
She will be with us for a long time….yet, we are not ever in a rush……patience is one of my middle names!
So, starts our journey together and, this shall be one I know that will make me feel many emotions……she is that terrified and confused….
Baby steps…..something we know a lot about……

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to her account: She is under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

**IF I am forgetting any of her ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

Her Great Angels:  $50.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $o.oo
*Before PayPal fees
Lianne & Cliff – Costco Dog Bed
Previous Home – $50


BHRR’s Riot is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION! We will update his blog as we can.

Here are Ani’s X-rays from April 20th, 2015

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Posted in Ani


Now, on to the sharing the hard news for BHRR today…..  It is important for our members and, extended family to know all the ups and downs and greats and, pits that make up life in the trenches of a r/q Rescue…..

Last week it was BHRR’s Angel Noelle scaring the pants of so many of us – she continues to improve and, is talking back to me big time about her feelings of crate rest!

Today, it was BHRR’s Ani’s turn.  She will be approximately 5 years of age come July.
BHRR’s Ani has always loved food and, ever since she became successfully rehabbed at BHRR, getting her to keep her girlish figure has been a work of art.

At one point she weighed just shy of 50 KGs and yikes! Weight loss tme! She was a pleasantly plump weight at 46.90 Kgs and, suddenly she began dropping weight. Her foster home thought it was orginally because they were more active now that winter was over.

Today at KAH, as I brought her in, she weighed a terrble thin 40.7 Kgs…..and, that was 13.64 pounds down. frown emoticon AND, this was a sudden weight loss.

She was raveneous and, she would eat and, almost spit up her food – had blood suddenly in it SUNDAY AM and some Sunday evening – and, her foster mom then called me.

I drove to check her out as I asked her approved temp foster home if she had checked for any broken teeth, abscesses in the mouth etc., the answer was no and, I was on my way!

As soon as I arrived, I was so taken back by the thinness of BHRR’s Ani.

I carefully lifted up her lips and, she winced slightly and, I saw a terrible mass.
I put down her lips and then took them up again and, she winced again. I was once again greeted by a terrible looking mass.

I looked at her foster mom and, asked for a few kibbles and, witnessed for myself how BHRR’s Ani was so hungry and, wanted to eat yet, could not and, as she tried and, would ‘crunch’ on the mass, would hurt, it would bleed, and, she would spit the food out and try to eat it again. My heart began to really break.

I said to her foster home, I had to take her in immediately and, took her to work with me today. They do not do well in Hospitals of any kind. That is when I found her weight confirmed as being way down – to 40.7 Kgs.

I knew we were going to have to sedate her for her Vet to get a proper look at that mass and, see what else was going on in the mouth. The smell was awful.

Yet, she was happy bubbly affectionate BHRR’s Ani despite being so skinny and, with this obvious painful mass in her mouth.

After sedation, the one large mass was examined and found to be barely attached to the gum and was removed and, sent off for pathology.

Then the second mass was found. I have photo’s of both masses – one in the jar and one, that remains in her mouth at this time. The masses were quite close together.

This mass is growing around no less than two of teeth right now.

A puncture biopsy was taken and, it, has also been sent away for pathology. Her Vet was so compassionate and, gave her freezing in her mouth to make things even more comfortable for her. Thank you!

The Vet and I discussed x-days of her chest/lungs for her Vet was not comfortable with the looks of that remaining mass. frown emoticon Nor, with this sudden huge weight loss.

I was so worried gowning up to help with the x-Rays……

Her Vet is worried about a possible firbrosarcoma and, also has deep concern how this second mass is going to even be able to be removed, ‘if’ it even can be. f

The good news is that her lungs, at this time have shown no signs of anything that has metastisized.

I have her x-Rays to post on her blog, photo’s of her masses and, one of a recovering sweet BHRR’s Ani from sedation. She also received a lovely mani/pedi!

We have no right to ask our extended BHRR Fam for financial assistance consideration and, I know that……yet, for the dogs in need of us, any consideration would be embraced with such humbled gratitude.

We would ask that people contact Kanata Animal Hospital directly and they can donate to ‘Ani’ under the Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services account. 613-836-2848

Below is a photo of the one mass……the one that was removed.

BHRR’s Ani is back staying with me until we receive the results of her bloodwork and, Histio. Her foster home is equally concerned and worried and, please join us in keeping BHRR’s Ani in the best of thoughts!

Next week has to be a better week…..

The first picture of her mouth with the second mass, after the first mass(in photo below in jar was removed), the puncture biopsy was done on the second mass and, the sutures were placed.
You can see where the first mass was removed also.
If you click on the photo, you can see it enlarged….

Please keep this lovely BBBBB in your thoughts!

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IMG_7017BHRR’s Ani recovering from sedation

Posted in Ani

Here are two photo’s of BHRR’s Salem, courtesy of The Maracle Family from Sunday April 19th at the PAW Event at PV Stittsville!

Isn’t she gorgeous!!!

She had a great event! She did not think she was ready at first, yet, we knew she was and, it did not take too long before she realised that she was also.

Such a sweet, gentle loving lady. Just needs more confidence.

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AND, so brings Day 2 of the PV Stittsville PAW Event!
Another stunning weather day is here and, BHRR’s Riot(who was with us yesterday) is standing attention with flipped ear at PV showing people the way!
*Thanks to the Maracle Family for the photo!*
He garnered lots of interest yesterday, well, all three wonderful BHRR doggies did, so, perhaps an application may come his way.
Come join us today for nail trims, microchips, ear cleaning, make a donation to have a PAW placed up with honor on the wall at PV, we have balloon pops, cotton candy, popcorn, draws, a raffle basket that includes pounds and pounds of dog treats, merchandise for sale, our famous red carpet pooch smooch sessions AND, to visit the BIG Dawgs of BHRR and us too!
We would love to visit and speak with you!
We are at PV Stittsville from 11 AM – 4 PM!
PV awesome staff, the BHRR family invasion is almost on the road to hang with you again!


AND so ends Day 2 of a truly superb weekend at PV Stittsville!!
Under sunny blue skies, the BHRR doggies – BHRR’s Salem ROCKED it, BHRR’s Herbie-licious, The LoveBug was his ever usual heart melting self and, Skor had the great opportunity to learn more about social manners!
The laughter, the stories, the friendships formed and, the store was filled with total goodness plus kindness today!!
At one point, I look around and, each BHRR Volunteer was talking to wonderful people that came to visit and, I felt such pride in knowing such amazing people and, blessed that they would choose BHRR to spend their time with today! I love being a small part of such a magnificent team!!
Aaron, Cherie, Tracy, Serena, Kinsley, Elizabeth, Stephanie and Bre(cannot forget you!) Thank you!!
Thank you for helping to make BHRR better and, for all your assistance! Nothing is possible without incredible volunteers and, together, it makes almost anything feel possible!
Stephanie – extra thanks for being our treasurer today!! Aaron, thank you for handling the draw money!
Brian Element – you win the Raffle basket!!! Congrats!!
Regan – you and your team at PV Stittsville deserve a big stand up ovation! All of you have outdone yourselves this weekend and, thank you again for taking this BHRR family into your store for the weekend and making us feel like part of your PV family!!
While we have a long way still to go to raise all needed for BHRR’s Hercules leg amputation, to every supporter, believer and, caring soul that helped promote this event, came out, donated, visited, put a loving patient hand on a dog, talk to us, passed along words of encouragement and, positiveness this weekend, you have made an massive impact on us!! Thank you from my heart!
As Sean said today to several, it is times like this, that confirms just how much good is in the world!!!
Below is a photo of Skor and BHRR’s Herbie crashed in the car on the way home….
From my home to all of yours, I hope everyone had a safe, happy and healthy weekend as always!


How to describe Day 1 of the amazing PAW weekend at PV Stittsville?!
WOW, Incredible, Humbling, Touching, Outstanding, Beautiful and, Special?! Just a few words…….
The weather was absolutely glorious! The people and animals were beyond lovely and, here is just one of our most wonderful of guests that came out to visit with us today!
BHRR’s Herbie-licious, the Love Bug, BHRR’s Riot and BHRR’s Angel Noelle were the BHRR Guests of Honour today!
There were just so many powerful, emotional, great moments of my day!
Putting faces to names, meeting and talking ‘dogs’ and, ‘BHRR’ and, ‘r/q Rescue’ and, promoting responsible dog ownership etc. was a huge important part of our public awareness day.
People’s hearts were as kind as their hands and, PV Stittsville, YOU sure know how to host an event!
We felt so welcomed and, there was always an extra hand to hold a BHRR doggie so, I could do nails or microchips or ear cleaning etc.
To the Volunteers that came to lend hands and, knowledge and love and understanding and patience and, explain why a group like BHRR is needed and, why we exist, THANK YOU!
To give up such a gorgeous Saturday to spend it with the BIG Dawgs of BHRR, means the world to me! Those strong links on that BHRR “CHAIN OF SUCCESS’
This is our first community education event for 2015, we have not been out since November of 2014, and, to say that we are looking forward to tomorrow with excitement, is putting it lightly!
What a grand day……just grand……
I am going to rest well tonight….my heart is so warmed……just so warmed by all!
The BHRR doggies coming tomorrow are: BHRR’s Salem, BHRR’s Herbie-licious, The Love Bug(by popular demand!) and, I am going to bring my Skor. She has not been out since February to an event, and, this shall be really great for the miracle seizure GD pup!
Both photo’s below are courtesy of The Maracle Family and, are of BHRR’s Angel Noelle

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Microchips $40 includes registration – for cats, dogs – minimum age is 8 weeks
Nails $10
Ear Cleaning 410

Saturday: BHRR Dogs Attending: BHRR’s Herbie-licious, The Love Bug, BHRR’s Angel Noelle and BHRR’s Riot
Sunday: BHRR’s Dogs Attending: BHRR’s Salem, BHRR’s Liberty and possibly BHRR’s Hercules – the third dog is not yet 100% determined.

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BHRR’s Hercules, one of our lovely blue Great Danes, weighed a lean mean handsome machine 54.8 KGs today! That is down from the over 75 KGS, he arrived to BHRR weighing in January. He has lost over 45 pounds! WTG!!!
Proper diet and, the right exercise wins!
So many compliments between KAH and LAH on his coat and body condition…..
Dr. Liston did feel today that he may have heard a small heart murmur yet, nothing that stressed him out. His vet team at KAH have not heard one yet, this will be re-visited when he is in for his leg amputation.
Dr. Liston examined the x-Rays taken when BHRR’s Hercules had first arrived to KAH and, also examined Herc.
A thumbs up has been given and, he has been scheduled for his amputation on the 15th of May. Gives us a bit more time to figure out that surgery deposit.
He is a photo I was able to take today of his legs.
Any consideration to his Vet bills can be made at Liston Animal Hospital under ‘Hercules’ for Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services.
He is such a sweet dog and, how could anyone leave a broken leg(we do not even know how it was broken) untreated, is so heart wrenching. BHRR’s Angel Noelle understands how he feels though…..she had her own untreated broken leg from being picked up and thrown against a wall….she lived for over three months with her leg untreated. BHRR amputated her leg and, she has never looked back.
Soon BHRR’s Hercules! Soon! You will be completely pain-free so soon!
He has also been on thyro-tabs now as, we decided, even though, he was very low normal, to try and, his hair is coming back in on those patches on his hips and tail. 🙂

VIDEO BHRR’s Hercules @ Liston AH April 17th, 2015

Donations can be made via PayPal ‘gift or ‘family and friends’ option or by email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: Hercules under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Hercule’s Great Angels:  $580.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $1,390.98
*Before PayPal fees
Cupcakes To The Rescue
12 Days of Thanksgiving EF

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BHRR’s Liberty – April 16th, 2015
Today, while someone ‘me’ was working and, then taking BHRR’s Gretta to CWW, another person ‘Sean’ was sunbathing and snoozing with an extremely special Great Dane!
This most likely is her very first time, ever truly relaxing and enjoying spring plus the good life………
Sean said at first she would not lay down on the Costco Dog Beds(comfort is foreign to her BUT we are teaching her!) he put out on the cottage shed porch and, so, he grabbed some more doggie beds and, lay next to her and, they both had a few hours of peace and, relaxation and loving each other’s company…..
She absolutely ADORES him! I do too.
She is one senior Great Dane that is never going to want or lack in goodness, comfort, kindness and love EVER in her life again……….
We are so smitten with her and, the people that met her at our recent BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ Mini Open House have been also!
So, wish I could have spent some time with them today also……Yup, jealous!

The second photo is of one of the growths that we biopsied at her Vet Appointment on April 2nd.

The next two photo’s are of a special blanket that I sent money to a friend of mine to purchase just for BHRR’s Liberty. 🙂

AND, here is a video from her Vet Visit on April 2nd, as well.

VIDEO April 2nd at Kanata Animal Hospital

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to her account: She is under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

**IF I am forgetting any of her ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

Her Great Angels:  $520.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $690.67
*Before PayPal fees
Wendi – Dog Bed
Help Ottawa Fur Kids

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Everyone’s BHRR’s Angel Noelle has given all a bad scare this afternoon……

I was almost home from work plus errands and, on the laneway when Sean called. He said something was not right with BHRR’s Angel Noelle. I asked what happened and, Sean said he did not know. He said all the dogs were laying enjoying the sun on the brick deck and, in the yard and, when they heard the car engine, they all jumped up…..all but one……BHRR’s Angel Noelle.

He said she was shaking and, panting and, urinating nonstop.
I hung up and drove those last 25-30 m’s down the laneway as if I was off roading.

When she saw me, she almost tried to roll her way to me and, was urinating and, in clear discomfort. She could not stand. She tried but she could not. I quickly checked her over and no obvious breaks, bites, wounds, overt signs of any kind to tell me what was wrong.

I asked Sean to wrap her up, and, I called work asking if there was an emerge slot and, I keep saying this over and over in the past 11 plus years, I work truly with some of the best of the best. I was encouraged to come right in and, I made the drive in a time maybe faster than I should have yet, felt like an eternity.

To give her more space, Sean had laid her on the back seat and, it was odd not seeing her in her usual shotgun spot beside. I checked on her many times on my way in and, though in pain and not able to move her lower body, she would wag her tail, and pee. 
She would lick my fingers and, I assured her calmly and softly several times over that she was heading into a great place that would do all they could to help her.

As soon as I arrived to KAH, I was ushered to the back and, things out in motion. She was so stressed, the Diarrhea then started. All involved in her case were so kind, compassionate and, caring. They think she is a special tripod also.

No clear breaks found by her Vet – and, thank you to him and to the clients in the exam room that understood – he did not feel her cruciates were affected and, her back felt aligned well. No major pain response given. She still could not stand yet, tried so hard.

At one point, she was wobbly bobbly on her feet yet, keeling over on her left side.

Sedation and x-days done – no trauma, breaks, hips were not dislocated, cruciates look good and, were examined again. No disc disease etc….

No temperature, heart was good and, her Vet feels that somehow she developed a soft tissue injury – we all hope – and, she had the hydro when she was there for sedation and will have Deramaxx starting tonight plus metro for the diarrhea. She had had a normal stool that AM.

She was soaked in urine and, per her Vet, he felt perhaps bruising occurred that affected her urethera sphincter.

If she does not improve by tomorrow, we are back in.  There is no obvious reason as to why she is not walking. 

For anyone wishing to contribute to her mounting vet bills, as always, we do appreciate any consideration, and, this wee angel is worth every dime, nickel plus, may we ask people to contact Kanata Animal Hospital directly? 613-836-2848

Her file is under her name ‘Angel Noelle’ with Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services.

Most importantly, please keep this amazing miracle dog in your best wishes…..it is going to be a long night….she always sleeps in a crate beside me and, tonight, she sleeps with me.

*Feeling good on Hydromorphone sedation medication and, then, they really set in and, down she went…..*

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Look who is hanging out at KAH today!
BHRR’s Leroy Brown!
Since he first arrived to BHRR, emaciated, filled with severe separation anxiety, he has put on 45.84 pounds!
AND, a SA victim he is no longer!
Today’s weight is 132.22 and, in the photo is is being shown with our co-op student at KAH(with permission!)
Today, is his annual appointment.
He is AVAILABLE For Adoption! 


BHRR’s Braveheart…… ? – April 8th, 2015
HOW we are going to remember you!
Becoming more confident and, comfortable and, playing with one of your best of friends, BHRR’s Purse Puppy Coach(special needs yet does not hold him back! – Blind & Heart Condition)…..
Full of personality, vocal and, when he trusted you, quite affectionate, that body armor would have been of benefit! 
Not a half measure kind of dude….all in or all out for him…..
Honest, was learning self-control and, to make good choices……..
It took a long time to get within his circle of trust, yet, if you did earn such a privilege, it was a gift…..to be cherished and, treated carefully.
Quirky boy who moved with little grace or style and, yet, had much heart!
He was also one of our BHRR dogs greatly affected by the contaminated food sent our way in January……..

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On April 6th, I received the following email and, we committed to bringing her into BHRR and, to work on her resource issues yet, around any high value item, animals get get protective.

“Hello there,

 A relative of mine has a 4 yr old FS Great Dane named Pearl. The owner is going through a tough divorce, and while she is now on her own, has found herself physically unable to care for Pearl anymore and was hoping to find a placement for her. Pearl is fully vetted, healthy and has lived with another female Great Dane her whole life. Pearl spent some time with another family member last week. In this home there are 2 – 4-6yr old kids and some toys around the house as well as another dog visiting. There was a small altercation between the 2 dogs over a toy and the other dog’s ( a lab) ear was bitten – one puncture- as a result. So probably best in a placement with no young kids or dogs.. She has never bitten a person.

The owner has never surrendered a dog before and does love Pearl very much. Just wondered what your thoughts were on this situation , and if you might have some advice or consider a placement for her.

Thank you

Kind Regards”




So, the BHRR doggies have been telling The Love Bug all about BHRR “EXPERIENCES” and, so, one Herbie-licious is waiting patiently and, with anticipation for his very first one!
Please drive carefully, and, to all that are registered to attend – we know who you are!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: Herbie’s under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Herbie’s Great Angels:  $595.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $1,809.17
*Before PayPal fees
Joan – Costco Dog Bed


We want thank everyone that has come out AND, also to those that are still here from our latest BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ mini open house. 🙂
April is such an icky time here yet, the day has turned out lovely in weather and folks!
The 50/50 was won by you Clifford Chan! $132.50! There was no phone number on the ticket yet, we have Lianne’s! 🙂
People and dogs did great in the space and, only one moment of excitement that quickly was gotten under control and, what is an ‘EXPERIENCE’ without that!
Full moon per the calendar!!!
Dogs are flaked out and, grand total to be announced later of what was raised today once Mary counts all yet, the loving hands and caring hearts were felt all over!
AND, the food!! AMAZING!
We want to thank everyone for coming and, spending time here and, registration shall open up for our June ‘EXPERIENCE’ shortly. Love BHRR in June!
Tonight I get to enjoy all the doggies together before 21 of them head back to their approved temp fosters AND, we can then dismantle all the crates!
BHRR’s Angel Noelle says thank you also!!


BHRR’s Liberty – the 8 year old Great Dane was at the Vet with me tonight. She weighed 87.78 pounds. She needs another 20+ easily of muscle mass/weight. This new weight is almost 8 pounds from when she first arrived to us on March 28th. GOOD for her!
She had FNA’s of all her lumps, bumps and growths.
She is battling a UTI.
Her Vet was saddened to see all the extremely bad callouses on her body from laying on really hard surfaces and, how emaciated she was, not to mention all the scars on her face and head.
Her coat while better than what it was upon her first arrival is still quite icky yet, we shall get there! Dry and dull with dander etc. will become a thing of the past!
Her heart and lungs were thumbs up!!! YAY!
There were no notable concerns with her eyes and, the swelling on her muzzle, healing wounds etc. were all examined closely.
Her Vet remarked on how weak her hind end was and, I mentioned that she is SO much better than she was on the 28th. She really is…….Not great yet, progress comes in baby steps.
We drew blood for a heartworm test and, wellness screen and, we microchipped her.
Her mouth is brutal. She will need a good dental, the poor thing and, when she is healthy, we will take care of what needs to be done. No vaccines from us until she is healthier also.
She was not as dehydrated either.
She will be dewormed again in two weeks time and, shall remain on the metro. She did not provide me with a fecal sample yet, yesterday her stool was no longer bloody watery diarrhea. It was soft yet, formed.
She was such an amazing patient!!!! Loving and, affectionate and, definitely wanted to do what she wanted to do when she wanted to do it. She was gentle about taking treats and, in this below picture, you can see how much happier she is than when she first arrived on the 28th of March.
She went through enough tonight and, there was no immediate need for x-rays etc. to be done at this time.
She is such a beautiful girl and, while she sure does have a long road of rehab ahead of her, she is a survivor and, we are going to be there with her by her side, supporting her!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to her account: She is under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

**IF I am forgetting any of her ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

Her Great Angels:  $30.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $356.09
*Before PayPal fees


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BHRR’s Herbie-licious, The Love Bug
April 2nd, 2015
At the Vet for a recheck, re-weigh and, to check out some sudden appearing of growths/cysts between his toes
He has now put on 17.16 pounds since he first arrived emaciated!!!
He was barely 68 pounds when he first arrived to BHRR.
AND, look! He has some hair!!!
Still quite bald, yet, the hair is coming in and, he is no longer a red raw wound, bleeding even at a soft touch.
We did FNA’s of what was between his toes and, only blood was found and, his Vet would like to do some puncture biopsies to send off.
He wants to lick them and, as we were heading into the holiday weekend, I will draw blood at home and bring it in for processing instead of it waiting in the fridge on Good Friday and, not going out until the Saturday.
We also microchipped him.
The Vet did some research and, sometimes the demodectic mange can be so severe and run deep that, these cyst like growths can pop up.
Yet, to be sure that it is nothing more sinister, we will biopsy and send off to pathology.
I cannot wait for the world to meet this young man…………
He remains on his Ivermectin daily and, we are holding off on another round of antibiotics so that it does not affect the results of his bloodwork.
Isn’t he handsome?! HIs personality is equally amazing!
He shall also never know another day of having to live in -40 C degree temperatures, being neglected and abused.
He will still scream when Mason takes his empty food bowl away when he is in a crate and, will back away. Yet, he is fine with me and Sean and Kinsley in that manner. We still have Mason continuing to feed him and, building up the trust and, that hands can be kind….
He is so loving………..so soft, gentle and kind.

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AND The Lord Stafford has been ADOPTED!!! We knew this home was a strong application and, all of us – thanks Kathy and Terry for the assistance today – are in agreement, he is ‘Home’. 
He really is…….
Great feeling in the heart and, hard also, yet, the great is what it is about!!!
So happy for him and, the home!!! 
Congratulations to all! 
The adoption fee will go towards BHRR’s Hercules, the GD that had the untreated broken leg prior to coming into rescue and requires a leg amputation.
Thank you to the home for the donation of some amazing harnesses also.

This adoption was hard….OMG! 
So hard this adoption yet, I had my private good-bye as he had to come into the bathroom with me….was not letting me go too far out of his sight….. 😉
I was stronger than I thought I would be…..Kathy as
ked me if I was ok when I was leaving, and, I was….   🙂 🙂
Almost everyone will not know that the home who adopted him, is the same home that who contacted us to assist our now BBBBB, BHRR’s Mavie. 
There were two Danes in that high kill pound, and, we took the one that needed us the most, the one with the two front deformed legs – BHRR’s Mavie with his now three major leg surgeries and, $16,000 plus Bills and the Ironman is truly worth it all!! Why we are here!! I could not imagine not saving The Mavie!
AND, the other Dane, DiD took and, so two more lives saved.
It was nice putting a face to the name and, they said they would have also loved BHRR’s Flint yet, he was adopted by the time they found him.

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