I wanted to post a really quick 'I AM so freakin' proud of you' post on BHRR's Comet's blog. When most of our amazing guests had already left our 7th ANNUAL 'Dine With The BHRR Dogs' Event on Saturday, we let out all the dogs en masse and, yes, even JAWS and she ROCKED it! 🙂 She was even going up to people asking for pets and was calm and, only mildly 'chatty' and, that was mostly to the other dogs. AND, not in a mean way. She is quite rock solid with other dogs.

At one point, she had her head right in one persons' lap!

OMG! I was so so so so proud of her!!!! WTG! WTG! Still beaming over here! 🙂

BHRR's August made her last drive with me today………. 🙁 🙁 I had asked the specialist that if she had come to BHRR sooner – she waited in a shelter for 6 weeks before we were contacted to assist – could she have been saved. The specialist told me that I most likely would not believe them even, if they said 'no',(they were right as I always think that 'if' we got to some of these dogs sooner, perhaps, we could have saved them.)

The specialist did tell me that in their honest opinion 'no' there could have been nothing done based upon her particular circumstances and, placement of the mass. 🙁

So, we loved her and, gave her memories and experiences that make her happy and, us too…………..and, took things one day at a time.

When she woke up today, she was not normal in her balance and, she was having trouble focusing. 🙁 🙁 We were warned about possible seizures and, quirky behaviour happening, even suddenly or sporadically yet, none of that was present. She was 'there' yet, not there………

15 minutes later, she was no better and, so, it was time……………

During my drive, there were flashes or moments of time where BHRR's August was normal and, I said to myself…'it is not yet time'…..yet, she would then lapse back into a place I could not reach and, she could not hear. 🙁 She lost control of her bladder and, I knew I was more than doing the right thing yet, that is, as always, not the easiest thing to do.

BHRR's August, you were such a delight…..full of life and personality and, gorgeous inside and out. Another huge hole has been made with your passing and, you are now laid to rest in eternal peace at home, BHRR.

BHRR';s August VIDEO

08 12
13 14

HERE is our poster for our NEXT Microchip Clinic! PV Innes & Belcourt, Orleans contacted us months ago to see if we would host one of our established Microchip Clinics at their locale. Honored again to be able to have the opportunity to chip more dogs & cats to help ensure they have a better chance of finding their way home if they are lost or stolen. SO important to microchip!

PV Innes & Belcourt, Orleans, Microchip & Nail Trim happening on Sunday September 21st, 2014!
*NO appointments Necessary
**Cats & Dogs – as long as they can comfortably be held
*RAIN OR SHINE – We are indoors that day!

BHRR PV Sept 21 Lg

Anonymous – Nomination #10 For Global Pet Foods Heoric Heart

I nominate Gwen Boers of Birch Haven Rescue (www.birchhaven.org) for the Heroic Heart Award. Gwen personifies both words Heroic and Heart. She has championed and saved hundreds of broken, abused, and neglected giant (and a few small) breed dogs over her almost 20 years ‘in the trenches’. She is the Hero to hundreds of animals and thousands of friends, family and volunteers. She gives her Heart completely over to every new animal, 100% without exception or compromise. It doesn’t matter if they are a puppy with a full life ahead of them or a senior; all are given the chance to find (many for the first time) the loving family they may not have ever had otherwise. Gwen doesn’t like to take much credit for her deeds, she likes to say we are all ‘links in the chain of success’ – but it is Gwen who organizes those links, forges them together, makes them strong, and does all the heavy lifting behind the scenes through the good and the heartache. There are many worthy people on your list already, but I hope you will give the small rescue, that does big things a chance. You see, many of the dogs Gwen takes in are not in good shape, physically and emotionally. These are not easily fixed and many cost thousands of dollars in vetting and rehabilitation, be it surgery, diet, exercise or medications. They all get whatever they need, no question. It is more important for Birch Haven to adopt a dog to the right home not any home, I think this is one of the best things about her program. Gwen also runs a Haven program, a palliative care hospice if you will. Dogs who have been deemed unsuitable for adoption (many due to severe medical problems) are given a wonderful home for the rest of their lives, no mater how long or short they have, they are all loved. http://www.globalpetfoods.com/heroicheart        

Anonymous – Nomination #9 For Global Pet Foods Heoric Heart

Gwen and her family/team are angels to animals. While a lot of rescues pride themselves in the number of animals they rehome, the BHRR team focuses on making sure the animal is 110% ready to even think about going to a new home before considering it – no matter how long that may take. They focus on the animals that most people would pass up knowing that it'll be tiresome and expensive rehabbing them. Special needs animals that a lot of people would euthanize are the animals they focus on and make these animals have amazing lives and they also provide to everybody that just because a dog is blind and/or deaf and/or has other issues, they can still be amazing family members. the price doesn't matter to them, the quality does. They even often pay for things out of their own pockets! I believe that nobody deserves this more than them! Nobody has a bigger heart than Gwen, after all, she rescues the Giants who have had their hearts hurt.       http://www.globalpetfoods.com/heroicheart             

BHRR’s Cosette’s Mom – Nomination #8 For Global Pet Foods Heoric Heart

Gwen tirelessly works with giant breed dogs. She is just amazing in her work rehabilitating and finding the right matched homes for these wonderful creatures. Once a dog arrives at Birch Haven they are given everything they need including palliative care if that is what is necessary. Gwen is meticulous in making sure her dogs are placed in the perfect home. I have been fortunate to have one of these Birch Haven dogs. She has been with me a year and a half and came so well trained and mannered. This was a skinny dog who lived in a one room apartment and then abandoned at a shelter. Today she thrives and did so as soon as Gwen worked her magic. She is one of the good people out there. It is all about the dogs. I have participated in having special dates with a wonderful dog who could not be saved but had the best last few months being loved and knowing people care. Gwen took her on dates to visit people and other dogs, she received so much love and she flourished. It was wonderful to see and be a part of. It is not about being popular it is about doing what is right for the dogs and Gwen is a miracle worker. http://www.globalpetfoods.com/heroicheart  

The Bethunes – Nomination #6 For Global Pet Foods Heoric Heart

Gwen Boers goes above and beyond each and every day of the year. She rescues giant breed dogs and dogs with special needs (deaf, blind, senior, ill or injured) that other places don't take in for one reason or another. When a dog comes into her care, they get whatever they need, no matter if it's major surgery (such as a limb amputation) or simply a proper vet check-up and then spay/neuter. She is also a trainer and behaviourist and any dog that comes to her also gets complete emotional rehabilitation, as much as they need, for as long as they need. Gwen constantly gives of herself to all the dogs that come into BHRR. She has a HUGE heart and gives each and every dog all the love and care they need. Any dog that comes to her is very lucky indeed!   http://www.globalpetfoods.com/heroicheart              

K. Boers – Nomination #3 For Global Pet Foods Heoric Heart

I am 11 and would like to nominate my mom, Gwen. To all the animals’ she has helped, she is their heroic heart hero. My mom is sincere, humble, full of integrity, selfless, a volunteer who works tirelessly and she is not only there for the animals and people of BHRR, yet, also for others. Gwen has said often, 'it is not about my rescue or their rescue, it is about all of us rescuing together and by doing so, more animals can be saved, making a bigger positive difference.’ My mom tells me that everyone involved is part of that *chain of success*. Another thing is that Gwen lives by quality over quantity. My mom leads by wonderful example, has operated, BHRR – a Giant Breed dog and Horse Rescue – since 1996, and, is quite respected. Gwen is passionate and, she focuses on the special needs. Yet, she will always, take in the next in need, no matter size, age, colour, sex, breed, medical condition if she has a spot. She even has an amazing BHRR Haven program for animals that are deemed not adoptable. I am proud of my mom for she is here 24/7 for all of her Volunteers and helps others outside of BHRR. She makes every person and animal feel valued. My mom takes in the animals that many others will not or cannot and these animals can often have bills up to $10,000. She stands strong for animal welfare such as trying to help a dog in a car left in a store parking lot back in 2013, that received much publicity. She is also the creator of the ‘Freedom Dogs Unite’ Fb page, founded when the PRU puppymill bust happened and, still volunteers at the emergency shelter, yet, also wanted an educational support page to keep creating awareness. While others sleep, my mom is answering requests trying to find spots for dogs in other programs when her own group has none. She does not just say *no*. Gwen works hard on educating the public to do the right things. She visits schools and she has a walking group that brings other responsible dogs lovers together, to support each other plus network. The adoption success rates for BHRR are paralleled by none. 100% for over 10 years and now 99%. It is about each and every animal that comes my mom's way getting everything done the right way each time. She has a Masters degree, is finishing up her Doctorate and she belongs to many organizations including doing animal disaster relief efforts and does this to help improve animals’ lives. She has also been to places like Mexico to volunteer after being invited to lend her expert hands and is now invited to Costa Rica and DR. Hero’s can wear many hats and sometimes the most heroic ones in rescue are the quiet ones that are also great mom's plus inspiring role models to little girls like me.  http://www.globalpetfoods.com/heroicheart              

Anonymous – Nomination #2 For Global Pet Foods Heoric Heart

I would like to nominate Gwendilin Boers. There is much on the website that talks about all the wonderful plus much needed things done daily at BHRR. I would like to talk about some of the things that people may not commonly know that this wonderful woman does in addition to all of the special needs dogs plus horses others either can or will not assist over the past close to 19 years with BHRR, including in their Haven Program, a real heaven sanctuary for animals for life. For over 15 years now, she has helped women in domestic abuse situations, by taking in their pets free of charge, providing food, shelter, complimentary training, love and even pays for Vet Bills, so that women can leave(often with their children) abusive situations. A staggering number of women will not leave these home situations as they have pets. Gwen steps up to the plate, all behind the scenes, quietly doing what needs to be done and, she will even drive through the night to help. She will bring hot meals to these women/kids, drop off clothing and, brings the dogs for visits so that the family can stay connected. She even circulates resumes to help these women find work. She has also helped more than one animal, right out of her own pocket whose Owners who could not afford to vet their pets, just so that the homes could keep their cats or dogs or horses and, even exotics. She helps other rescue organizations with transport, vet bills, free behavioural consults, home-visits, company in the middle of the night be it at home or in an emergency animal hospital and cross-posting etc.. She helps people who take in animals on their own, who are not affiliated with any registered rescue with Vet Bills making sure that they are vetted including altered. Over 7 years ago, Gwen created, what has now become the largest microchip clinic in Canada due to the importance of trying to see more cats and dogs find their way home if lost or stolen. She takes in dying dogs that owners will say they will shoot or hang as they think that is the best way to put them to sleep, and, Gwen will humanely let them go and, pay all of the bills. These are some of the things that one may not find on the BHRR website or be aware that Gwen does in addition to all the rest of the Volunteer duties she fulfills with her rescue work as the Founder plus President at Birch Haven. She is a rescue angel…a true hero. Doing what needs to be done, as hard as it has to be. She saves animals yet, she also saves people. http://www.globalpetfoods.com/heroicheart       

Anonymous – Nomination #1 For Global Pet Foods Heoric Heart

I have only known Gwen for a short time yet I have yet to see a woman with so much love in her heart both for humans and animals. She founded Birch Haven Rescue in 1996, a rescue for giant breed canines and equines, with a special focus on special needs, such as blind, deaf, abused, and injured. Dogs that are not deemed adoptable have found their forever home in her haven program and have a safe place to live out their lives. Last fall, my husband and I had the absolute pleasure of attending one of the many in house events and got to meet some of the most beautiful, well behaved dogs we have ever seen. We fully expected to be led to a kennel outside the house to meet the dogs but we're totally astounded to find that they all lived in the house and were part of the Boers family. We were totally humbled by the fact that this wonderful Boers family had sacrificed so much to be able to save these beautiful animals. It humbles me to no end to see that her lovely children are the first to make sacrifices by giving up their allowances to help a dog in rescue. Gwen never ceases to amaze me at how far she will go to obtain an animal she thinks is worth rescuing regardless of how injured or abused it might be. She fights tooth and nail to be heard and there are no limits to how far she will go to save a dog in trouble. She has a big support team behind her as well that are willing to help when needed. Gwen is also involved in educating the public about responsible ownership. This is such an important part of the Birch Haven program. So many dogs are returned because their owners have no idea of how to handle them or what is needed to make their pets the best they can be and not set them up for failure. Gwendilin Boers is a friend to all, whether it be human, or animal. She is a voice for the voiceless and in my opinion, she deserves this heroic heart nomination for all the wonderful work she has done and continues to do for rescue.http://www.globalpetfoods.com/heroicheart

I am thankful that BHRR's Porridge is still with us, miracle dog and weighed a good solid 78.2 kgs(172.04 pounds) at KAH today and, had a great recheck exam. On a side note, I am thankful that when he threw his head back during sedation that he did not break poor Lesley's nose!! He owes you baked goodies!!

He needs to put on about another 6 pounds to be back up to where he once was and, the Vet marveled at how amazing he is doing! Just 50 mg of Pred SID is what he is getting and, I cannot tell everyone enough how happy I am that fall is here with cooler weather!

Some days in rescue are just not 'good' ones….some are great and some are less than good….
Today, has been a really bad day and, this is the first of three posts I will be making….
I am so sad to say that 'Hubert' the brain injured neuro puppy is no longer coming to us.
I had sent a follow-up email to confirm the date of October 11th and, that we had an approved Volunteer wonderfully offer to help with transport – thanks again Bruce! – and, I received a response earlier this afternoon that the place he was at was working on transport to send him to THS this week.
Unbeknown to myself, I was not aware that once we had committed(and, we worked round the clock to find a spot at BHRR for him as, we knew he was a real special needs & had suspected behavioural issues possibly related to his neuro sitaution), they were still looking for a place behind the scenes to take him sooner. In committing to take Hubert, that meant we could not assist another and a dog dies….that is a sad hard reality.
We support any r/q rescue assisting a dog in need, and, we have worked in the past with the THS yet, we were surprised to learn that a place was still be sought for him after we stepped up when contacted, and, I do honestly believe BHRR would have been a great rehab r/q rescue and choice for him….. My humble opinion.
Have to admit, was really looking forward to meeting him! I know others were too!
AND, even more reason why I am so happy that we did not take any donations for his care prior to his arrival to BHRR.
We will assist another dog as needed and, do our very best for him/her as always. Our program spots are always in high demand.
Please join me in saying Good luck Hubert!!

BHRR's August is moving to our Haven Program. When I first picked her up from the shelter, I strongly suspected that something could be 'up' with her eyes and, once she settled in, she had a Vet Visit and then, recently a specialist visit and, sadly, I was more right than I realised. Sadly, and, very tragically, she has a mass behind her one eye.

We are currently discussing, possible treatments for her and, the risk is that we could lose her on the table, should we operate. 🙁 Yet, to not do something, we are going to lose her anyway. 🙁 We are also discussing to see if we can somehow 'shrink' the mass.

She remains a very loving affectionate and obedient dog with us and, the specialists warned that her behaviour could become quirky and sporadic as the pressure and pain builds. We will not see her suffer. QUALITY always. She is still woofy off and on with Sean yet, that has always been that way. She loves Kinsley and is fine with Mason and, with me, the only time she wants to 'mouth' – NOT bite – is when I take her collar and lead her somewhere she does not want to go….nothing more or less than many other dogs can and have done and, were trained to not do so in time.

She continues to not be so thrilled with BHRR's Ethel and, the only new change is that she did resource guard over me to BHRR's Abby and, to all those that know and love BHRR's August, she is not a very forgiving gal. She really harbors a grudge and for people to think that this is not possible, you would be sorely incorrect.

She lives in complete harmony with all of the dogs otherwise and, with us. I see zero signs of aggression and, we will be monitoring her extremely closely for any signs of pain(she eats – still a bit thin yet, she was in a shelter for over 6 weeks, drinks, urinates and has good bm's). She sleeps like a log as many Deafies can!

I am truly heartbroken for her….she is an amazing dog! She is so easy to love……..

I want to thank Liz Bradley of The Ottawa Dog Blog who offered to do a candid photo session of BHRR's August to have as a memorial and foreve piece of her. We will be scheduling that soon as, I do not know how much time we have left with this incredible dog.

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘August’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s August's Angels  $165.00* donated to date & Bills are: $789.90
*Before PayPal fees
Raina – Bark for Rescue Challenge

On September 12th, BHRR's Moncton had a very special photo session! 🙂

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Moncton’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Moncton's Angels  $1,244.00* donated to date & Bills are $2,512.14
*Before PayPal fees
Heather H.
BHRR's 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House
Dirty Dawg Wash – Split between him, BHRR's Zayna & BHRR's Triumph
7th ANNUAL KAH/BHRR Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser
 Moncton's Rescue Pawtraits - Message (HTML) _2014-09-27_02-03-52Moncton's Rescue Pawtraits - Message (HTML) _2014-09-24_16-04-23

Moncton's Rescue Pawtraits - Message (HTML) _2014-09-27_02-05-32 Moncton's Rescue Pawtraits - Message (HTML) _2014-09-27_02-04-43 - Copy 

BHRR's Moncton – September 11th, 2014 was the day of his neuter. It was pushed back a couple of days.
Bills today: $815.25+ Tax
He weighed 37 KGs(81.40 pounds)
Getting prepped for his neuter – he is cryptorchid. We also did nails, a good ear cleaning and, trimmed up the final two spots on his elbows that had some small mats left. The one picture of his incision does not show the whole row of sutures(I stopped counting after 12) along the whole other side of his penis from the exploratory to find the one testicle.
Under anesthetic, his jaw was thoroughly examined again and, with his maturing/developing with is bones etc., all is a thumbs up!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Moncton’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Moncton's Angels  $1,244.00* donated to date & Bills are $2,512.14
*Before PayPal fees
Heather H.
BHRR's 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House
Dirty Dawg Wash – Split between him, BHRR's Zayna & BHRR's Triumph
7th ANNUAL KAH/BHRR Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser

11septemberMoncton Moncton3september14photo 1 Monctonseptember1120147

BHRR's Comet – September 6th, 2014
'JAWS' is doing great!
She is now completely wonderful with the fam and, all those that she knows as part of her trusted 'circle set-up for success' team and, we are still working on the 'we do not eat strangers' rules.
For the record, she has not bitten anyone.
We had been emailed by several asking us why were we not putting her to sleep with her clear fear aggression and, our response remains the same as always 'we were asked to assist, we are committed to her welfare and, she is deserving of the best opportunity for rehab and, if she has to be a BHRR Haven dog, she shall…if we have to make the tough decision to let her go, we shall…yet, we will give her the best chance possible and, she is doing well….'
We have ruled out anything medical and, so, we continue to make her the best dog she can be with emotional and behavioural rehab. I possess a Master's in this area and, finishing up my PhD and, she is in great hands at BHRR! We are not new to the world of giants with issues….almost 27 years and counting
AND, she is one mighty fine young lady and, loves all of her doggie friends here. She also is quite the 'talker.'  😀

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Comet’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Comet's Angels Donations to Date: $40.00 & Bills To Date: $389.56
*Before PayPal fees


BHRR's Moncton is scheduled for his neuter on September 9th. We are hoping that the one testicle is right under the skin and, we will re-visit that jaw while he is under anesthetic. He is eating SOOOOO much better now, and, I love that! Still quite thin, yet, this is also due to him growing. 🙂

He is still so uber small for a true 'giant' 😉 and, quite long and, he has decided that each night, our bedroom is where is now feels brave enough to sleep. HE loves being outside n the cooler weather and, I have to almost drag him back in. He still loves digging holes to China – in fact, I think he has past China and, is circling back to home with his digging! 😉 Any right matched forever loving home has got to know that he LOVES to dig. I have such a great son and husband, for as fast as he digs the holes, they fill them up and, he digs again and, on and on…. 😀

He has a secret mission special trip scheduled on September 12th(with BHRR's August) and, we shall see when he is ready for the big reveal.

He needs a quiet home, yet, not one that is going to keep him hidden from the world, yet, one that will present opportunities to him, but not push him past his comfort zone boundaries.

He is still nervous and a bit worried and, wants to go to a quick catatonic state and, then a hurried retreat, when strangers are around, yet, he is more and more staying in the same room and, not retreating to a distance in the house, as opposed to outside, or going into an open crate and, sleeping(stress) or, going to a corner to almost hide.

Baby steps…patience, time, consistency, structure, obedience and, love…..he will become the dog he can be. AND, as he is mighty fine now, WOW, look at his future!

We shall see how he does at our 7th ANNUAL 'DINE' Event at BHRR at the end of the month.

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Moncton’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Moncton's Angels  $1,144.00* donated to date & Bills are $1,590.91
*Before PayPal fees
Heather H.
BHRR's 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House
Dirty Dawg Wash – Split between him, BHRR's Zayna & BHRR's Triumph
7th ANNUAL KAH/BHRR Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser

BHRR's August is having her eye exam consult on Saturday!

We will also do her heartworm test etc. then also. I am still wanting to see a bit more weight on her. She is quite tall for a female and, still filling out.

She is still a bit soft 'woofy' with Sean yet, settles down well. If Sean wears his work boots, that really sets her off and, she will actually bark at him. I wish so often that the dogs could talk to us and, tell us, what went on and, how they are feeling and, what can we do to help them better. 🙁 She LOVES the kids and, is awesome with me now. Her recall is bang on and, the only dog that she remains not so sure about is BHRR's Ethel. Every other dog that she has met, large or small, male or female, intact or altered, has been thumbs up.

She has her own secret mission planned for Friday September 12th and, we shall make the big reveal not long after that! 😉 YET, if she does need any kind of eye surgeries, that reveal will have to wait until a later date.

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘August’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s August's Angels  $140.00* donated to date & Bills are: $193.90
*Before PayPal fees
Raina – Bark for Rescue Challenge

On September 3rd, I received the following email asking if we could step up to assist one of two dogs. The one was a very special puppy, see below. The other, we believe had a great chance of being picked up by another group(5 year old GS). Grew up with Sheps and, shall always own a single breed or GSx. My current GSx is is now over the age of 10.

After a few days of hoping and pleading that we may have an approved BHRR Volunteer step up to assist us with a temp foster of one of our current adoptables(which would give us a spot now) that are not yet in an approved temp foster home, we then blitzed our album on fb of our current adoptables in the hopes that by others sharing(we were almost 70 new shares the last I looked!), the right matched homes for the 23 dogs that we currently have up for adoption shall find them…….

Meanwhile, we have managed to buy some more more time to save this boy and, we committed to bringing him in on October 11th, 2014. BHRR's Hubert is ONLY the 8th dog that BHRR has been able to assist in 2014.

We are going to keep the name 'Hubert' that they were calling him. 🙂

"There is Hubert, a “small” three-month-old Old English Sheepdog and Bernese Mountain Dog mix. While he is affectionate, friendly, gentle and cuddly when he is in a quiet phase, he also has periods of intense excitement where he loses bite control – which could lead to unintended injuries. He has the clumsy walk of a puppy, and tends to bump into walls. This small teddy bear will need an experienced family without children

Unfortunately, a veterinary revaluation conducted on August 8 revealed that Hubert’s balance problems (and potential behavioral issues) are caused by a congenital brain injury. He will therefore need to be seen by a neurologist, and might require an MRI scan. Hubert’s ankles also make cracking sounds."

NOTE: UPDATE: For those inquiring about the extend of 'Hubert's' brain injury, the above is what was sent our way from the place that currently has him: One he arrives to BHRR, we will begin a work-up for him. He is stable and doing just fine at this time and, should, anything change, ie worsen, all can be assured, that he will be seen by another Vet immediately…..

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Hubert’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Hubert's Angels Donations to Date: $00.00 & Bills To Date: $0.00
*Before PayPal fees

Hubert (2)

BHRR's Triumph is now AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION! Another amazing versatile dog. He can go to a home that works pt, ft, semi-retired, works from home or, out of the home – even pt etc…he is that solid!

He has proven great with cats and, all dogs he has met to date. I would like to see him in a home with at least one other right matched personality fit dog. Not mandatory, yet, would be lovely.

He has proven 100% trustworthy in our home and is about 9 months of age now. I do not recommend any home to allow him total free access, at first and, this is covered in our detailed adoption info. packages that each approved home receives, along with all Vet records.

The once terrified, emaciated, abused pup that was beaten, starved and left in an abandoned apartment is NO longer! He is still putting on some weight as he is quite lean still(may not look like it in this photo taken by the ever talented Liz Bradley on August 24th, 2014 BUT, he is still a bit thin) yet, no longer emaciated and, such a handsome man!

He is super sweet, eager to please, affectionate calm, and, with continued patience / encouragement from any right matched forever loving home that will keep building upon the strong foundation created at BHRR, he will remain wonderfully curious and open to take on the world. His manners and obedience are top notch!

A real 'old soul'. He has been such a true pleasure to have at BHRR and, watching him blossom has been a real honour!

BHRR's Triumph – August 24th, 2014

TriumphAugust24th, 2014Triumph's Rescue Pawtraits - Message (HTML) _2014-09-01_22-51-27      Triumph's Rescue Pawtraits - Message (HTML) _2014-09-01_16-04-08Triumph's Rescue Pawtraits - Message (HTML) _2014-09-01_22-50-56

Here is the Testimonial sent my way by the kind person who won the special picnic date with BHRR's Dyson. This individual is also a very valued BHRR Volunteer of ours.

Rachel Ng:

"Hi Gwen, this is my testimonial on BHRR Dyson.

I have known BHRR Dyson since the day he came to BHRR and he has certainly come a long way.

On that first day, I remember him being distrustful and uncertain of the outside world. With a loving environment and proper care, he has now blossomed into a goofy, playful and curious dog that has never met a dog/person he hasn't liked (that i have witnessed).  He greets everyday with the same excitement and joy.  Once he knows you are trusted, you have gained a friend.

I have seen Dyson interact with dogs of all ages and sizes; both familiar and unfamiliar to him. I have found that as long as an introduction is done properly, Dyson will have made an instant friend. Most recently, Dyson met my dog and got along famously with her. Through the day of hiking and picnicking, both seemed to enjoy each others company and even lay together for a rest. For my dog to accept an unfamiliar dog and be comfortable enough to lay beside and be touching the other dog is truly saying something about Dyson!

As for people, he seems to enjoy the company of everyone and anyone. I have only ever see him react to a few men. The reaction has always been the same: a low growl, no lunging, his tail wagging…it almost seems more like a curiosity reaction with a mix of unsure. That being said, these men have all been wearing hats and sunglasses, their face/features hidden. When this has happened, I have been able to easily divert his attention and continue with our activity.

Overall, Dyson is a great dog and would make a great companion to that right family. He has come a very long way from that distrustful and unsure dog. He still carries some of his past with him though, but in the proper hands, it will matter naught."



Another versatile dog! She can go to a home that works ft, pt, from home, away from home, retired or semi-retired. She is about ~5 years of age.

She can be an only dog or live with another right matched personality fit dog. It will be important for her to have continued exposure to other dogs for, with her being almost blind and, slightly hard of hearing, I do not want all the groundwork laid by BHRR to go by the wayside as, she lives in a multi-dog home and, is solid with all dogs. Meeting strange dogs can still be a bit worrisome to her and, as, it is important for us to have our friends, it is the same with dogs.

She is such a personality filled dog. She is NOT good with pocket pets and, I would not trust her with cats, yet, she has not had any issues with cats that we have seen at work, at the Hospital or at PetSmart, Pet Valu etc. I still would not feel it in a feline's best interest to approve a home with a cat or two or more.

She has proven 100% trustworthy in our home and, has full run of the house and, remains crate-trained(she loves going in a crate for quiet time) for as many know, it makes life so much less stressful on them and, the home and, a Vet Hospital should a dog have to go into a run or be on crate rest due to an illness or injury. We do not recommend any right matched home to leave her with full access until she has settled in and, all of this is covered in our very detailed adoption  info. packages sent out to all of our approved homes.

hank you to Liz Bradley for meeting with me to do this wonderful Rescue PAWTRAIT session on August 24th. YOU are so talented!!!
She is still putting on a bit of weight, and, though, she is almost blind and, slightly hard of hearing(some of that is selective!), she has just made me so proud of her accomplishments since her arrival to BHRR on April 27th, 2014.
She is going to make some lucky home a very personality filled and extremely affectionate one! WTG! Beautiful gal!
She has put on almost 35 pounds and, this once emaciated, puppymill Mama with an extremely severe UTI, with zero training is, beautifully rehabbed! She is a thrivor!!!

She is a riot! She may have had her body crushed and broken yet, they could not break her spirit or will to live…..how she survived being so starved, almost blind, hearing affected, severe and, I mean a severe UTI and, then dumped on a road to fend for herself when they had no more use for her, is a true testament to her backbone and strength…..she really did not have much more time though, and, I am so glad that she was picked up when she was and, we were contacted to assist her. She really is a hoot!

She and HQD are like two ol' mother hens! She has such a spritely springy step when she trots.

BHRR's Ethel – August 24th, 2014

EthelAugust 24th, 2014 Ethel's Rescue Pawtraits - Message (HTML) _2014-09-02_00-01-15Ethel's Rescue Pawtraits - Message (HTML) _2014-09-02_00-00-41 Ethel's Rescue Pawtraits - Message (HTML) _2014-09-02_00-01-00