My goal this week is to add all the pictures I have of both BHRR’s Shiva and BHRR’s Dana since my last blog on these two very gorgeous black beauties including an update on their antics here to date! They both do remain AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION and may their forever loving adoptive homes come along shortly. Additionally, just a side note that BHRR does not adopt to homes that wish to ‘acquire’ a GD as a surprise Birthday, Christmas or Anniversary present to another. All members of the home must be involved in the BHRR adoption process and we do verify this. No surprises! I received quite the vm earlier this week in respect to a woman who wanted to purchase a GD for her husband’s Birthday and somehow our BHRR website was not assisting her in this purpose. Well, that is not what BHRR is about or what we represent. Anyone seeking to contact BHRR for a possible adoption, should read ‘BEFORE APPLYING’.

BHRR’s Storm is in Day 14 of her heat and at least another 10 – 14 days to go. She remains segregated from BHRR’s Albert and my two intact show CH.’s and I cannot wait for her to be able to be fully integrated with all again as she just loves playing with my bluez boyz CH.s. She is definitely enjoying her special ‘sleep’ time with Sean every night in our recreational room as I do not wish to see her crated at night. Yet, during the day, I have to give her ‘crate’ moments as her time with Sean is creating a bit of a ‘princess’ and she will whine a bit when he leaves to go to work or she tries to get him to go downstairs to the rec room when she feels it is time for bed and will try to push the other dogs away so that she gets the loving from the kids or Sean or me. Such a shame that she cycled so fast into another heat from November as she was to be spayed on the 20th, the same day as BHRR’s Windsor was neutered and she would have been ready for placement shortly after she healed. Now, we are looking at mid-March at the earliest and truly, as Storm has healed from her bacterial infection and is slowly putting on that weight(and as mentioned she will always have a slight ‘bony’ hip exposure due to her comformation yet they should be well padded), her obedience can be continued to be worked on in her forever loving adoptive home. She is another one that truly is not needing much of us anymore. My daughter is going to deeply miss this girl though. OH my, Storm is such a ‘girls’ Dane and for those that have met Storm they know exactly what I mean! She would be most content having bonnets put on her and nails painted and would carry a purse if she could AND I know my daughter has tried much to my own dismay! LOL Kinsley tells me often how much she misses her GD Babyz Dragonz who passed away at almost the age of 8 last July of 2009 and BHRR’s Storm has assisted Kinsley a lot in her healing just as BHRR’s Kingston( The ‘wee’ bear cub) has done for our son Mason. The requests for assistance keep coming in daily, this past week was an incredible number of ‘urgent’s on Saints plus Great Pyrs and without more approved homes and resources such as food and monetary donations; BHRR is quite full at this time. ๐Ÿ˜ฅ

BHRR’s Albert’s HWT came back negative and his bloodwork was good. He was neutered on Tuesday January 26th and everything went well. The one testicle that we thought was enlarged turned out to be normal and his other one underdeveloped. It was not cancerous though and a huge sigh of relief. When Sean dropped him off that morning, the Hospital had a nice run all comfy and set up with padding and blankets and my heart just feels so good about the level of care my animals receive here and I work with some of the best people there! Additionally, he had his teeth scaled plus polished, given a convenia injection(antibiotics) for his gums and his ears were flushed out four times to get them even remotely cleaned. He was such a good boy and certainly continues to charm all with his precious personality! Before I took him home that night, I gave him a subq injection of buprenorphine for comfort and his boy temp was still a bit low 37.2 degrees. I also micrcochipped him and not a peep he made. When I got him home, he was very ‘flighty’ and a bit nervous about going inside and my heart twanged for he went through so much stress that day at the Hospital. He is healing well and eating a bit better. His weight was 43.3 KGs when neutered, so down .5 of a KG from when he first arrived and on Saturday, it was the first day that he came into my bedroom to actually hang out with me and have a bit of a snooze(and he did settle down eventually and after two pees..) and I was so proud of him for being able to do that. He actually looked like he was smiling as he snoozed in the sun streaming in from our wall of windows in the ensuite. He is very rarely trying to hump the other animals these days and PPSS is one of his latest ‘victims’ which to BHRR’s Potter’s delight is NOT him! Poor PPSS, almost every dog wants to hump him and with BHRR’s Storm in heat(Day 14), BHRR’s Albert has not appeared to be be overly affected by any possible smells that might be around. From coming from a BYBER, at any given time, there was bound to be at least one female in heat at any time, so probably part of his lifestyle. The girls here are very interested and ‘excited’ over BHRR’s Storm and she remains completely segregated from BHRR’s Albert plus my 2 intact show boyz, who are pretty much clueless and I want to keep it that way! A huge test for BHRR’s Albert is going to be at our upcoming BHRR’s Mini Open House in how he handles that many people in his environment. I am prepared to give him some room and a ‘safe’ spot in our bedroom when he needs it for with the progress that he is making, I do not want to do anything to set him back. I am learning to read him better and better and his eyes tell me a lot more than they did when he first arrived. I told Sean that I honestly would not mind if someone did not open up their heart to him for he has big part of my own soul already and he is such a fantastic boy. I tell Albert every day that *I* want him and that I love him and I care and I can see past age and what abuse over time has done to his body and spirit. He is just a huge cutie and I am so enjoying getting to know him! The TV still terrifies him though.

BHRR’s Mindy came to work with me on Saturday January 23rd and she weighed 50.2 KGs(110.44 pounds). I would like to see about another 7-10 pounds on her maximum. As posted in a previous blog a while back, too many people overfeed their Great Danes and that is of no benefit to their hips, joint, heart plus overall health. Mindy was given her DHPP booster and Rabies plus a HWT. Her heartworm test came back negative and even the Vet feels that what a terrible thing it must have been for Mindy to have been tied outside for her hair is so thin and literally non-existent on her belly. She interacted great with all humans plus dogs she met and even wanted to be a Vets’ Assistant at one point by trying to walk into an exam room! She is in glowing and excellent health. YAY! In driving to and from the Hospital, she likes to sit on the back seat with her front feet on the floor and look out the front window! ๐Ÿ˜› Other than some bad leash manners, her obedience is quite good and she is only crated for food sessions now due to how long it takes for her to very ladylike pick and eat her food. She is 100% trusted in the house at night and while we are away. She is a really great dog, a ‘princess’ yes and likes to do her own form of being a ‘brat’ and she is no wallflower; as she will stand up to BHRR’s Dana when she has had enough of Dana’s monkey business! Mindy truly does not need us much longer and I feel that after our upcoming BHRR’s Mini Open House in early February, we shall place her up for adoption. Her new forever loving adoptive family can continue on this front and the weight gain I would like to see, including muscle mass; will come in time. I have also microchipped Mindy and other than a small look of ‘disdain’ my way LOL; she was a doll. We shall see where nail trimming brings us this week yet I am not worried. She is a great dame of a dog and I also wanted to mentioned that the Vet also finds it hard to believe she is 6. I am going to change her status to 4+ years of age with all of our findings. Yes, she could very well be 6 despite all of her teeth, body condition, personality etc. and I shall be most honest in stating that! Mindy has been a joy to have here and may her forever loving home come along soon. She only needs minor ‘tweaking’ in her mannerisms(counter surfing, leash manners etc.) and even no longer barks incessantly like when she first arrived when she was outside(having been tied up outside explains much of this) and she comes in and out without nary a murmur these days. We still would like to see her go to an experienced home and one that if they have another dog; is compatible with her own energy level for she is a ‘princess’ and god forbid that a dog is too energetic as she just stands there with a most ‘put out’ expression and appears to roll her eyes. She would do best with another dog in a future forever loving home as I feel with most dogs they need their own social networks and this dog could be male or female. She gets along best with the dogs that are 3.5 or older here. The younger crowd just does not ‘mesh’ with her ‘tudeness. She just takes herself away from all of the action and lies down to look at them to say ‘why are you bothering to even begin to make yourself like an idiot!’ LOL Never a doubt as to what Mindy is thinking or feeling!

BHRR’s Windsor was neutered on Wednesday January 20th and things went great! He weighed just over 51 pounds and is healing wonderfully! One thing I wish to post here is that people with really furry dogs need to really be sure where their dog is microchipped. I microchipped Windsor shortly after his arrival and my microchip scanner has not reliably picked up his chip since then. One of the scanners at the Hospital also has not. When I part his hair and try to lay it flat; I can then ‘read’ his chip. I had the same issues with BHRR’s Kingston and his hair type is not as fuzzy as ‘Mr. Pillow Man’ Windsor. Just something for people to be aware of as BHRR’s Hamilton The Newf has had this issue too along with the 28 Newfs we have placed from that one bust. A bit worrisome should your pet become lost and just ensure Shelters, Vet Hospitals etc. know to really really really scan all dogs thoroughly that might come in as a stray as there is always a chance that a dog picked up as a stray is microchipped. Also, make sure that your Microchip provider has your current up to date contact information including emergency contacts.

So much to update on blogs, especially with BHRR’s Dana, Shiva, Albert and Mindy yet I just have to share this! Today, when I came back from putting the wee ones on the school bus, BHRR’s Albert actually ‘skipped’ in joy when he saw me! YAY! YAY! YAY! He was very ‘flighty’ after he was neutered etc. earlier this week and this is HUGE! I so adore this ‘ol man. ๐Ÿ˜€ With the plunging winter temps, needless to say; he had two accidents in the house this AM and he has not had any in quite some time. Understandable the more that he gets used to having comfort including blankets(which we are still looking for more comforters/duvets if anyone might be so kind as to consider helping BHRR’s Albert) and fresh water and plenty of food plus love and warmth, that he shall be reluctant to go outside on days like this. What a huge step forward for BHRR’s Albert with that level of emotion being demonstrated.

R. Bradbury, CDA

Hope all is well! I was reading your post about people saying they will not donate to help the ‘older’ danes you have taken in. I cannot believe that anyone would make such a heartless comment…just because one is old does not make them any less deserving of a good home and whatever help we can give them.
I now have a second dane, a blue female who is turning 8 tomorrow! Looking at Luna as she snoozes next to me I cannot imagine saying she is ‘too old’ to help. I think if people could meet these ‘older’ dogs maybe, just maybe they would change their mind. Anyway that is my two cents for now!Please give Albert a hug for me when he is ready…I love his white face. : )

I took BHRR’s Albert to work with me Friday night and once again, I had to ‘lift’ him into the car as he was just ‘paralyzed’ with fear. He traveled really well and his weight was 43.9 KGs(96.58 pounds) and I would like to see him around 100 or so pounds. Yes, he is a small male yet nicely porportioned for his size. I still need to get a height on him yet I am thinking no more than 30″ maximum, most likely less. I was very impressed with how he was around all the new sights, smells and people and blood was drawn(I did not get a chance to do this at home earlier this week as I wanted) for a HWT and CBC. He received a full exam and his heart plus lungs sound great and honestly, he is in fantastic shape, considering his past life. He was not comfortable enough to want to pee at the Hospital though. Many dogs are that way. We brought out a rubber mat for him to stand on for the slippery floor is hard on his feet plus the longer he stands, the weaker his hind end becomes BUT it is so much better than when he first arrived. YAY! GO ALBERT! The Vet felt so sad over his history and that he had not even been given a name. He has his share of ‘battle’ wounds to his face and feet. Oddly, enough for a BYBER dog, his front dewclaws had been removed yet it was not a ‘pretty’ job with the scars they left behind. He had begun to shake his head a bit in the week hours of Friday AM and so the Vet looked closer at them and understandably they were filled deep down with black/brown gunk. When I bathed him last Sunday, with all that he had gone through to get to BHRR plus the nail trim I gave him; I only surfaced cleaned his ears. The ear cytology did not show any mites and when he is under for his neuter; scheduled for Tuesday January 16th; barring any abnormal bw results; we will clean his ears really well at that time. I have not been ‘forcing’ or ‘pushing’ Albert with handling and therefore had not as of yet, looked closely in his mouth yet tonight(and boy does he have bad breath the poor soul), I lifted up his lips slightly and his teeth are not so lovely; something we expected. He will need a dental at some point in his future. We will take a closer look at his teeth etc. while he is under for his neuter. What I also had not had the opportunity to look closer at was what I had thought was a skin tag and one other Vet thought the same and it turns out that upon much closer examination(as I have not really pushed his boundaries with too much touching/feeling this week in examination) is that Albert has two of his nipples really out of normal shape. Nothing the Vet was concerned about or felt needed to be removed. He won over a few hearts tonight at the Vet Hospital with his gorgeous ‘white’ face and demeanor. It was also noted how he would stay ‘around’ me and would come up to stand behind me if he was unsure. PROGRESS! We are bonding. Tonight when I got him home, he also was quite content to allow Sean to pet him until Sean’s arm was feeling tired and then he would look at Sean with a slight head turn but avoiding looking directly at him and this is Albert’s way to ask for some more petting! Which Sean obliged by changing arms! He is more flightly around Sean and is much more comfortable around me at this time yet I work with him daily and for long periods of time. The Vet also agreed with me that Albert is going to make a great companion to a home that has very few steps or lives in an apartment and is happy to take him for some strolls out and about and just to enjoy Albert’s company for Albert makes a wonderful creature to be around. I am very confident at this time that Albert will make a really good recovery emotionally in time, lots and lots of time and patience plus consistency. I could see in his eyes that he was nervous about leaving here and he got into the car much better on his own when we were leaving the Hospital(with some tush boosting as his hind end is weak) and was almost ‘relaxed’ coming home and when we got home, he was ‘happy’ in only a way that Albert can express himself right now yet it was in his eyes. He was not so ’emotionally’ detached and shut down as he was at the Hospital. It almost broke my heart to put him into one of the large runs for he did not wish to go. YET, I came back and came back again and then we came back home and that was a very positive thing for Albert. As I told Sean tonight, it matters not to me if a right matched home does not come along for Albert for he has a deep piece of me and he can snooze in the sun along with our almost 11 year old Kona throughout the rest of his days if that is how things work out to be and he can enjoy the country life as he does like to explore when we go for our short walks. BHRR is not about bringing in dogs and pumping them out to homes as fast as we can. It is about doing right by each and every dog that comes into our program(s) and knowing that if they do not ever have a right matched home come along; that we are content and thrilled to have them stay with us or in a perma-foster home living a great life. Though, we have to be honest that it is hard to see some dogs like BHRR’s Dana plus BHRR’s Shiva still here due to them being ‘black’ for they truly do not ‘need’ us anymore and while we are thrilled to continue to have them here with us; it would be lovely to see them being Queens in a right matched adoptive home. BHRR’s Albert is now snoozing in his crate and we send out a plea once again that if anyone has any gently used duvets/comforters they would not mind donating to BHRR’s Albert, we would be grateful. It is going to take some time to get him to feel ok on a Costco dog bed and as for a Kuranda bed, we are not even going down that road right now with how it makes him shy. I cannot wait for people to meet him at our upcoming BHRR’s Open House and in less than a week, I cannot believe the physical plus mental improvement Albert has done, so much more than I could have hoped for! I am sure many are going to feel the way I do when you meet him, just want to pull him close and just hug him tightly. AND Shawna, you could not have picked a better name for ‘Albert’ suits him beautifully! On a side note, if I did not mention it in another blog, he met the two bluez boyz CH’s last night and things went well. Nothing I was going to force and Albert was very aware they were not altered and they were aware that something was ‘different’ with him yet all lied down and napped quietly. During the height of an excitement filled day, Iย  would not allow such interactions between them all yet at night when things are settled, all is peaceful. Once Albert is neutered, I am sure things will be great. I also know that BHRR’s Potter is quite enjoying that ‘he’ is no longer the ojbect of Alberts affection…it is BHRR’s Porridge and as short at Albert is and as tall as Porridge is(almost 40″ at the whithers); Albert tries to make it all work. Porridge is none too happy that ‘he’ is the new target of love in Albert’s life but Potter is much happier now! Albert does not attempt to hump all the dogs all the time anymore and he is also interested off and on on spayed BHRR’s Mindy too right now. We continue to work on that de-programming.

BHRR’s Mindy is fully integrated with all the dogs now and doing great. We are working on the ‘princess ‘tude’ and she is one brilliant girl that is for sure! She is feeling better and while still not eating normally, she is beginning to fare better and she will be coming with me to work on Saturday to the Vet Hospital for her vaccines/exam etc. I will try to take new pictures shortly!

BHRR’s Albert has been integrated with all the dogs except BHRR’s Storm naturally plus the two blue CH’s. He did think BHRR’s Porridge was a mighty ‘fine’ dog to want to try and mount yet Porridge was not too keen on that AND poor BHRR’s Albert was the recipient of both BHRR’s Mr. Parker Paws plus Porridge wanting to play with him and their big ol’ paws almost knocked him right off his feet. All is going well. He is still not eating great yet day by day. Tomorrow, we are at the Vet and we will see what all of his tests results shall show. If he proves healthy, I would love to neuter him plus remove that skin tag soon. He was also very brave today and went right into the bedroom and up to the two bluez boyz, who I had put in crates and all was really good. I will try to take some new pictures of him shortly. THANKS to everyone that hads donated over the past week to THE OTTAWA DOG BLOGS BHRR FRIEND TO THE ANIMALS DRIVE and if anyone has gently used duvets/comforters that they would not mind passing along to BHRR’s Albert, it would be so appreciated. As mentioned in his previous blog, he is scared of the dog beds plus the Kuranda beds just terrify him right now and I have four nice big blankets in his crate at this time and some piles around the house yet we could use more if anyone would not mind donating some for BHRR’s Albert.

I think tonight was HUGE for BHRR’s Albert FOR he would not let me go to the bathroom by myself, he was right in there with me and for anyone that owns a Dane, you know that this is ‘DANE 101’! ๐Ÿ˜€ He has followed me for the past day going into the same area that I have gone in the house or outside yet not too close yet he keeps me within his sight. He even will now turn his head if I stop petting him to just look towards me yet not directly to say ‘I like what you are doing yet am not sure how to ask for more’. The TV just sets Albert to running. It is so sad. I try to not talk to him too much yet just enough so that he feels ‘ok’ yet not overwhelmed. Night times are very special for Albert and I for when all the other dogs are tuckered out; he will just sit next to me as I sit quielty on the couch and I just lightly pet him. He still paces and paces at times and wants to get back into his crate yet today I did the ‘tough’ love and locked the crate closed so that he could not retreat in there and hide from the world. While I am quite content to work at baby steps and at his own pace, we have to start somewhere and that means getting Albert into the world of the ‘living’ and while I am not going to set him up for failure; I am going to work on those boundaries. The new ‘out’ I have given him is leaving my front door open, chilly I know, yet it gave Albert a place to go and come at will and that must be a first for him. Right now, he will come in and go near me and then go into the main area and then go to the open door, down the few steps and then back in and repeat over and over and over again; learning that he can come and go and while he cannot get into his crate at this moment; he has a place to ‘escape’ to be it into the main area or outside. He is not fond of the dark outside and he is going to need a coat yet I would not attempt in putting anything like that on him(one his balance and strength and two; his mental state) right now. He will have his crate back shortly and every day, I shall take it away from him twice right now for a period of time, building up his confidence that nothing is going to hurt him AND this is not going to happen overnight. 7 years is a long time to overcome and in that, patience, time, consistency, love, obedience are going to be my best allies in showing Albert that there is much pleasure and joy in this world and I am determined that he shall be given the best lives possible now that he is at BHRR. For those that have been asking, I see no reason at this time, at some point in the future NOT to put him up for adoption yet even if that does not happen, BHRR’s Albert is going to have a safe spot at BHRR for the rest of his days. I am quite protective of him and he is going to take me on such a journey and one that I am going to feel really blessed and lucky if he ever truly ‘lets’ me in to what you can see deep in his eyes. Survival has forced him to ‘shut down’ and may his new life at BHRR rehab him to the best that he can be and open him up to such joys that lie within his reach. I am really smitten with this dear sweet old man and I am sure he is going to teach me a bundle too. THE other great news for today is that he has not had one accident in the house NOR humped a dog and though new dogs have been introduced to his world; that will come.

I know many have been waiting for this update! I took BHRR’s Potter in to see his Vet on December 23rd, 2009 as I wanted a recheck just before the XMAS holidays and he also came with me while I had my new car detailed(THANKS again Chuck!) and to Global Pet Foods – Kanata to drop off some XMAS cookies for the wonderful team there. He received a great Vet Visit! The Vet believed that within a week, I could remove the remainder of the 4 buttons and take his collar off. However, this was not to be. As of January 20th, 2010; BHRR’s Potter is still wearing his collar AND I think we need to have shares in that e-collar business!!! AND he is still on antibiotics. We did remove the remaining 4 buttons just after XMAS and he is very very very slowly healing(granulating) and then just after BHRR’s Albert came in, in mounting Potter before we could stop him, he raked a nail and tore open part of his healed area like paper. As posted in BHRR’s Alberts blog; the Vet did say that his experience with Boxers has been, including his own that they could be healed and even if a few weeks goes by, they can re-injure and tear open the healed wounds like it was not even healed to begin with. I have added pictures #22 – 27 to his slideshow from December 24th, 2009 – January 18th, 2010. I am also added two pictures below from December 24th and two more from January 13th plus January 18th, 2010 and have updated Potter’s Path with new pictures from December 24th, 2009, January 13th, 2010 and January 18th, 2010. We still have $1,200 in outstanding Bills for BHRR’s Potter and please consider donating for your contributions help us continue to help dogs like Potter! The last weight I got on BHRR’s Potter was 27 KGs(59.4 pounds) and this was December 23rd, 2009 SO we are slowly getting him back up to speed. I so adore this boy! We are keeping things ‘real’ and are very aware that he most likely will develop more MCT’s and that his life expectancy will not be as long as many other Boxers but we will take this one day at a time and he at least has a chance at a quality filled life THANKS to all of you for your support!

December 24th, 2009- *35 days after left hind leg amputation

BHRR’s Potter’s Leg – January 13th, 2010 & January 18th, 2010 *7 weeks & almost 2 months since amputation

E. Chomyshyn, Ottawa, ON


It is truly my pleasure to help, and your organization is certainly one that I would love to help out even more. Sue Bird’s photos of Jaxson are what brought me to your website. I have a wonderful American bulldog myself, and can certainly vouch for the fact that they truly are wonderful dogs.

Maddy belonged to friends of ours. She was an amazing American Bulldog and had already overcome being born with only one eye. She passed away unexpectedly during a surgery to repair a torn ACL, and her family is heartbroken.

I thought that a donation in her name to an organization willing to help large and giant breed dogs would be a nice way to preserve her memory.

BHRR’s Mindy did not have a great night. After she puked some yesterday, we fasted her for supper and when I went to bed around 3 AM, all was great yet she woke me up just after 4 AM and had puked all over her crate. I cleaned things up, she went outside to walk around and things seemed ok yet when I got up a wee bit later; she had puked again. I am going to monitor her for the next bit and if things do not improve, I shall bring her in.

BHRR’s Albert has now been integrated with BHRR’s Mindy, Hamilton The Newf and Mr. Parker Paws. ALL is going well. Just 5 more to go. ๐Ÿ™‚

OK! Measured BHRR’s Mindy, she is 35″. I will get a current weight on her on Saturday. She has been fully integrated with all the dogs except BHRR’s Albert and Storm. As predicted, BHRR’s Dana went right up to Mindy to see if she could find a new ‘partner’ for her mischievous crime waves and as expected, BHRR’s Mindy was not having anything to do with that. There was a very mild exchange of ‘words’ and this put Dana into a bit of a spin going up to Sean a bit unsure of things and looking for re-assurance. If ever there was proof that Dana is ‘hot air’ and ‘bluff’ without a mean bone in her body, this is it. BHRR’s Mindy has made it clear that she is going to want to be the leader female(if she has her way) and that is it. Just by a look she had BHRR’s Parker running into the bedroom to lie on the bed. LOL She is very set in her ways yet we share in this house and she will learn. We share our water bowls etc. She looks most put out by all the dogs milling around and wanting to smell and play with her and the stares she has given me to express her complete level of being unimpressed is hilarious. She has this way of ‘looking down’ at you with her head and chin tilted up and she is just so marvelous to watch in all her glory. Poor BHRR’s Potter is so ‘hurt’ by this lack of return affection and he is now pouting. The ‘princess’ ‘tude will be worked on. She knows when we say ‘no’ and mean it and she is being mindful of that right now. Cannot wait to see what happens when the honeymoon period is over if this is how she is now! She is not going to be able to go to an inexperienced home, that much I do know. Poor Dana is now continuing to try and ‘win’ Mindy’s approval and what is really needed, is a dog to put Mindy in her place in an appropriate manner. Not sure who is going to step up with that one at this time. It is going to be very fascinating to watch how the dynamics change in the house again with Mindy’s arrival. She is one smart cookie and I am looking forward to the magnificent challenges that lay ahead between her and I as we come to an understanding of how things are suppose to work and shall work!!!!! ๐Ÿ˜‰ I so love personality+ filled dogs and as much as a goober she is going to be, her affection and sweet side is worn on her ‘sleeve’ too. Her recall also totally sucks at this time and I know that I am going to have to ‘earn’ not only her trust but more her respect for her to feel that she should be listening.

Before I went to bed in the wee hours of this AM, I introduced BHRR’s Albert to PPSS last night and other than one attempt to hump him(PPSS is over 36″ tall and Albert is around 30″ – will measure), did not bother again. Though, he kept looking at BHRR’s Potter who made a fast beeline for my couch and me! So, other than 8 dogs here; BHRR’s Albert has been fully integrated. He has obviousy not met BHRR’s Storm and has not been introduced to BHRR’s Parker, Porridge, Hamilton The Newf, CH. Dyceman, Multi CH. Bronson nor CH. Tain and now BHRR’s Mindy. When we have a dog come in like BHRR’s Albert, it really brings to light, what we just ‘take’ for granted. Things like the TV do not ‘scare’ me yet it terrifies Albert. ๐Ÿ˜ฅ The sound of the dishwasher, a rocking chair rocking, the telephone ringing are all so foreign to sweet Albert and he rushes to his crate and safety. My heart strings are really being wrenched with this dear old man. He does get very animated when he sees his reflection in the oven door or in a mirror and wags his tail and will bump the mirror or oven door with his nose in animation. It is so CUTE! I am a wee bit worried about him as he has not eaten today at all. He did have a normal poop, just inside the door AND he did ask to go out. SO that was huge. I gave him a really yummy knuckle bone and a treat yet they have remained untouched in his crate. He wants to spend the majority of his time either pacing or sitting way back in his crate. ๐Ÿ˜ฅ While I refuse to feel pity for Albert as that is not in his best interest; my heart is definitely pouring out in understanding of all that I can imagine that he has gone through and why he is the way he is. I keep telling Albert that there is no rush and that he is now safe.

BHRR’s Mindy arrived today. I have added 4 pictures to her slideshow and put one below. She has personality inside that quiet demeanor of hers! She is very tall for a female and I will measure her tonight yet I think around 35″. For all that have met BHRR’s Shiva; you will understand what I mean when I say that BHRR’s Mindy is a ‘taller’ version of her. She needs a pound or two and some muscle toning yet is in excellent shape and though her paperwork lists her as having a birthdate of January 11th, 2004 on the shelter paperwork(yet owners can put down wrong information); I am finding it very hard to believe she just turned 6. I would say 4+ years if I was a betting woman. The white on her face means nothing. With the ‘masking’ gene, many Danes are white/grey by the time they are 1, our Brindle RIP GD Dragon included. I SO love that look!!!! Her teeth, body condition etc. are just amazing! She is defnitely spayed and clearly has never had a heat nor litter in her life. She was a great travel buddy on the way home, looking out the window, asking for some love by sniffling my hair or bumping my elbow and she came to the post office with me, through Timmie’s and just did marvelous. It was because she was such a great travel buddy that I did some errands with her. She was clearly given a nice sweetsmelling bath before I got her and had a nail trim yet for some reason, she was reeking of cigarette smoke. She came home, had a nice pee and some diarrheoa outside and when she came in, she was fine with our almost 11 year old Kona yet was not too enamored with BHRR’s Potter, who was very excited to think that there was a new playmate for him here. She was really good about trying to communicate her displeasure with him and his e-collar. Well done Mindy! Poor Potter, Albert wants to love him, he does not want to be loved by Albert; Potter wants to play with Mindy and Mindy wants nothing to do with him!ย  ๐Ÿ˜› Mindy was not very keen on going into her crate and with some persuasion of food, we got her in and she did vomit up some of her food a few hours later. I have begun to de-worm her under our Panacur protocol. I have put her on Sentinel and on Saturday when she sees the Vet, I will bring in blood for a HWT and have her DHPP booster done plus Rabies. I would think that in a couple of weeks, BHRR’s Mindy will be put up for adoption. I just want to get to know her better and to best determine what home she will be well suited too. Though, she has loved all humans and is calm, comfortable and confident; she has been a bit displeased with the dogs going up to her crate to investigate her(not abnormal behavour by any means for a lot of dogs). She has done some barking in her crate to tell me how she feels about being in there and us out here.ย  ๐Ÿ˜‰ I think I am going to LOVE this girl very much! Overall she has settled in her crate wonderfully. She showed deep interest in the horses, yet was not fixated. She noticed the guinea pigs yet also did not seem particularly taken with them or not taken with them. Tonight, we shall integrate her with some of the other dogs and see how things go. Her leash manners leave a bit to be desired too. As Sean was trying to work on his laptop today, she kept going up and bumping his elbow and ‘talking’ to him for some attention and loving. A princess in the development she could very easily be. I know that BHRR’s Dana has her knicker all twisted right now, anxious to meet her and set about the ground rules.ย  ๐Ÿ˜‰ I am looking forward in getting to know her better. She has also now been integrated with Cherokee and BHRR’s Parker and all seems to be fine. A busy household we have been these past couple of days with the addition of BHRR’s Albert plus Mindy. WELCOME BHRR’s Mindy to the family AND know that WE want you and that YOU are deserving of all the great things life has to offer!!!

BHRR’s Mindy – Day of Arrival – January 19th, 2009

BHRR’s Albert had a good day. Took him most of the day to finish his breakfast and his crate has turned into his ‘safe’ spot and if a noise frightens him, he will go into his crate and sit at the back of it. ๐Ÿ˜ฅ If you tell the other dogs to not play so rough, Albert also tends to react and go to his crate. Poor boy. He has been successfully integrated with Guinness, Windsor and Kingston today and has shown no interest in mounting them but poor Potter, man, Albert sure wants to ‘love’ on him. ๐Ÿ™„ Today, BHRR’s Potter also developed a bit of this ‘tude of โ€˜my mommy is watching, you can’t touch this’ and that is not to his benefit at all. The number of times I have run outside barefoot in the snow to โ€˜save’ him and one time I did not get there before Albert did and Albert’s one nail caught on Potter’s stump as he was trying to mount him and as Potter’s Vet told me about his own Boxer; the healed skin just tore like paper. Apparently, Boxers healed skin can take to re-injury quite easily for some time after it has healed. Now, Potter is sporting about 2.5″ of injury on his stump as the freshly healed skin just tore right open in one area. I have pictures to post of BHRR’s Potter’s stump from before XMAS and January 13th and now I will also post pictures from today. Albert did nothing out of meanness, he is just doing what he has done his whole life. Potter on the other hand, is much more subdued with his ‘tude and is close to my side. I had not taken Potter off his antibiotics as of yet and we shall continue that course. Tomorrow, we will integrate Albert with another couple of dogs, except of course, BHRR’s Storm due to her being in heat. He is a nice old chap, quiet and the really sad part is that he has no concept of a treat. He just leaves them in his crate. ๐Ÿ™ He did poop in his crate overnight. I took him out around 3:00 AM before I went to bed and when Sean was up by 6:00 AM, there was an accident yet he has not had another accident in the house since. You just want to hug and squish him yet while he wishes to be ‘around’ me, having not had touching or affection, he is not sure what it is all about and it makes him ‘flighty’ or he will lower his head and tremble. Baby steps Albert. Baby steps….one moment at a time dear old man. I cannot wait for people to meet him at the Open House and will have to take things slow so that he does not become overwhelmed with all the people and our dogs milling around. I might have him out first and then when things get busy, just let him go to his ‘safe’ spot and take in the sights and sounds from there. We will see how things go. The next Open House is not until February and a lot can happen with his progress and I will let Albert call the pace.

I want to express our deepest of thanks to Liz Bradley of The Ottawa Dog Blog who posted a very heartwarming post on her blog on January 13th, 2010 on behalf of The BHRR Team in regards to our food shortage. What a touching surprise. For the next week; we will post the total of food plus monetary and other donations that come our way. Even a $5.00 contribution to BHRR is huge, so please do not feel that something might be too small to donate. Your $5.00 adds to someone else’s which adds to another person’s and together, we can do great things with your kindness! This past year has been a really bad one for food for BHRR. This is the third food shortage we have hit since last spring and the requests for assistance are increasing. BHRR cannot commit to more Giant Breeds at this time without more monetary and food resources at our disposal.ย  ๐Ÿ˜ฅ It really does tear me up to think of the dogs that are being kept outside in this cold weather without shelter or food, those that are being abused with starvation, being beaten, being forced to have litter upon litter, those that are living in physical pain as they have injuries or illnesses left untreated, the emotional abuse etc. and I say this because it is the reality of what is happening out there; and not to just be dramatic. BHRR can do so much more if you would just consider supporting us. Please…. Think what it costs to feed your one or two or even three dogs and times that by 10 for the animals that are or will be here by next Tuesday with BHRR’s Minday and Albert arriving. PLUS we have another 22 Great Danes that are under BHRR’s authority in the USA by the Court having asked Gwen in March of 2009 if she would assist them for otherwise; their fates would be even more unknown; as they await the court date to decide their future due to a hoarding seizure. All have needed to be fully vetted, more than half are also on Thyroid medications AND should the court rule in the dogs favour; all will need to be altered. This was a huge undertaking by BHRR as we are a very small Rescue yet we could not turn our backs on them. The great thing is that should the ‘good’ guys win; 20 of them have homes to call their own permanently and we think they all might be foster failures when the time comes! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Yet our adoption fees are only a few hundred dollars and BHRR spends over $2,450 just in food alone per month at this time. Here is a link to our REALITY page. This is why BHRR exists.

Total $ Raised to Date: $485.00
Food Raised to Date: 200 pounds of dog food from Pam at Global Pet Foods – Ancaster
Other Donations:

BHRR’s Albert has arrived and I have added 8 pictures to his slideshow from today. He has such a ‘junkyard’ ear crop, the dear sweet old man. ๐Ÿ™ He had his nails trimmed and considering that he had not had this done his whole life; he was really good and I got more off than I thought I could. He had a bath yet will need more for he was so smelly(he also pooped in the crate that his transporter had him in) and poor Mason and I drove home with our windows open for poor BHRR’s Albert was the worst smelling rescue we have had in a long time. My heart went out to him. ๐Ÿ˜ฅ Sean calls him ‘Mr. Mazda’ and his sole goal is to ‘mate’ with every animal he can find. He is a ‘tiger brindle’ Great Dane and I love love love the white that age has brought upon his face and coat. He is so handsome! He has been successful integrated with BHRR’s Dana, BHRR’s Shiva, Cherokee, BHRR’s Potter(who is not too impressed to be thought of as a girl by BHRR’s Albert) and our Kona. He is quite submissive at this time yet very persistent in wanting to breed. Not surprising considering his history. He has a skin tag that I shall also be removing, full of pressure sores, callouses and he has another growth like tumour that I will also biopsy on his one front leg. I have yet to get in his mouth and I have put him on Sentinel plus am deworming him. He is lacking complete muscle tone in his hind end, has something really wrong with that right back hock and foot(more so than the left hind leg) and has no clue about love, play or affection in interacting with humans. He had no name his whole life. ๐Ÿ™ Well, NOW he has an identity and we will work on the rest. TONIGHT, he shall sleep on his first soft bed in almost 7 years of living, he has had something small to eat and he has drank some and puked it all up and we so look forward to getting to know you! His intergration with the rest of the males here shall be very slow. He has already poooped and raised his leg to pee on our dining room table and let the housebreaking begin! When I first saw BHRR’s Albert in his crate on the back of the open flatbed truck; he ‘had me at hello’ as it is said. I looked into his slightly cloudy eyes and just wanted to scoop him up and hold him close to my heart. He walks so slouched and obviously has been kept quite confined. He is slightly nervous of Sean, ‘flighty’ and we have a long way to go. I will draw blood tomorrow and have Sean bring it in to do a full CBC on him plus a HWT and also a stool sample. His overall body weight is not too bad. A little thin yet he also has ‘old man spread’ as I call it and with some proper exercise, he should tone up much better. His hips are not as bad as they could be and right now he is quite emotionally ‘shut down’; which has allowed me to get those nails plus bath done and after a battle of wills, I won and he was showered and so was I a bit ๐Ÿ˜› and then after another slight struggle, into a crate he went, had a snack and had a bit of a rest. He has had so much excitement since he arrived and I am sure he will konk out for the night really well. I think he feels like he is in spayed harem heaven right now with the altered females here! Unfortunately, none of the girls are putting him in his place, so he continues to want to hump them and yes, poor Potter who is quite vocal in expressing himself about how he feels about this kind of attention. The spray bottles are out in full force as we work on de-programming him and neutering him is going to help. He is going to make a home a great companion and this is one of those dogs that we would consider in an apartment(no stairs) for he is just quite mellow. He is most taken with BHRR’s Dana, much to her chagrin and giving her full credit, she is handling him and herself beautifully. I do wonder if he shall ever be able to stand completely upright with that poor hind end of his. ๐Ÿ™ I have added to pictures of BHRR’ Albert below. HOW could anyone say that a dog like BHRR’s Albert is not worth assisting truly is a loss to me and how could someone say that he is any less deserving of having funds donated than any other dog in our program is a bit shameful. He needs just as much help, if not more than many dogs out there and I hope that people will continue to donate so that BHRR will be able to help many more ‘Alberts’ out in the world for there are thousands of them in need of reputable/quality rescuing.

BHRR’s Albert – Day of Arrival – January 17th, 2010 *please consider donating

BHRR’s Storm shall not be spayed on Wednesday the 20th of January now. She is officially beginning to go into heat, the spotting has begun tonight….sigh….NOT only did the Vet who did her HC before her transport yet our temp fosters Vet also felt back in mid-November(she was temp fostered with them for about 10 days) that BHRR’s Storm was coming out of heat then and perhaps she is cycling really fast(never heard of a Giant Breed cycling again so soon after having a heat) but the reality is that BHRR’s Storm is in heat at this time; so she is now safely sequestered from all dogs (BHRR’s Windsor to be neutered on Wednesday and BHRR’s Albert to arrive tomorrow and to be neutered when it is safe to do so) until her heat is over(just like we did with BHRR’s Gracie and BHRR’s Mazda when they arrived at BHRR already in heat) and she shall be spayed about 8 weeks from now. It will hold up placing her up for adoption yet it is what it is and sigh…..not our most favourite thing to deal with in Rescue and thank goodness we do not have it happen all that often. The last time was about 4 years ago(BHRR’s Mazda and BHRR’s Gracie, I believe) since our last experience with a heat at BHRR. Not something we missed! I had been saying to Sean and my one Vet that she was begining to look very mature and even our female Danes were showing some interest in ‘smelling’ her and thus, I had begun to move her away from the other dogs and sure enough, tonight; she began to spot and bleed. To have spayed her any earlier than when we were planning on doing; January 20th; was not in her best interest. She was way too thin and battling a bacterial infection. To my eyes, she is still a bit thinner than what I would have liked to have seen yet she is very slowly putting on the weight and had a good last bw result showing and so, we had felt comfortable as was our Vet in spaying her this upcoming Wednesday. Now, we get to wait…….

I have BHRR’s Mindy booked to see the Vet for Saturday January 23rd, 2010. Looking forward to Tuesday and seeing you Mindy!

I have BHRR’s Albert booked for exam etc. on Friday January 22nd, 2010. Cannot wait to meet him tomorrow!

E. Seguin, Ottawa, ON


I wish I could do more… I bawled for an hour as I was looking at your site. I had never heard of your organization until yesterday and I have to say you and your team are amazing. I cried for the dogs and I cried because of your goodness.

BHRR’s Windsor will be neutered on Wednesday January 20th, 2010.

BHRR’s Storm is scheduled to be spayed on Wednesday January 20th, 2010. I microchipped her a couple of days ago and she did not even make a peep. She just kept wagging her tail and looked at Sean really funny as he was holding her collar as if to say ‘what is wrong with you?’ LOL

Jan B., SWO, ON, CDA

I just read what you’d written on the blog about some people not thinking that a senior Dane is not worth saving. I can’t believe someone would say they wouldn’t donate money because you’re rescuing a couple of older Danes.

BRAVO!!!! YOU Rock!!!


Looks like we can get a transport organized for Tuesday January 19th for BHRR’s Mindy to come here and we have learnt that she is spayed and we will do her HWT and other needed vetting upon her arrival. Cannot wait to meet you!

John & Junior, USA

Hi Gwen,

You’re so welcome. Every time I visit your website, I can’t believe how much time and effort you put into taking care of our Danes-in-need – and for that I thank YOU.

Jennifer W., Ottawa, ON

Thanks, and good luck. I deeply admire what you’re doing for the animals. (We have three rescued dogs ourselves, and two rescued cats!)

After coming out of a meeting a short while ago, I opened up my email and I saw funds donated to BHRR for Food. AND when I popped on my FB Page, I saw that a friend of ours; who is celebrating a birthday today; has asked that people donate to BHRR for his birthday. As I wrote in his wall; I could have just reached through the computer and hugged him. BHRR has enough food for the next 8-9 days maximum. Today, when donations come in via PayPal or email transfer to OR when someone sends us an email indicating that they will donate a bag of food; we will put the tally here to show our true public appreciation of emotion to everyone that contributed to helping BHRR save lives for as many hear me saying so often; ‘FOOD IS/MEANS LIFE’ to BHRR.

For my birthday please consider donating even $5 to BHRR they are in a major FOOD CRISIS*****Please consider donatating a Bag of food to Birch Haven Rescue andRehabilitation Services or paypal funds would also be greatlyappreciated……….birchhaven.orgย 

Total Received To Date From The ‘Birthday’ Food Angels:

Monetary Donations: $200.00

I feel that this is an important blog to make as many people seem to be under the ‘myth’ that Giant Breeds only live to between 5-7 years of age. With the recent commitment by BHRR to two Great Danes, aged 6 and approximately 7; we have received several emails from people asking ‘why’ would we want to help two dogs that would be dead soon as Danes only live to up to 7. That just took me aback somewhat. We have had Danes live up to over 12.5+ years of age and have friends that own Great Danes 10, 11, 12 etc. Our Maggi lived to almost 9, Dragon almost 8. AND yes, we have had Danes that we lost at 5.5 months of age, 11 months of age, 3.5 years of age. We had one friend lose hers at 15 and another one at age 17. There is no crystal ball that will tell you how long your precious pet will live yet with today’s increased knowledge of better nutrition, exercise plus vetting, Giant Breeds are living longer and higher quality lives than ever before. Many people, experienced with Giant Breeds will say 8-10 years for life expectency, others 10-12 yet the reality is that when you open up your heart to a Giant Breed, you know that they are not going to live to 20 or 22 years of age like quite a few smaller dogs. With their giant sized hearts and bodies, living takes it toll yet in those years these incredible creatures are with us; they pack so much life into what time they do have on this earth if given the chance and BHRR is about helping the next one in need; not turning their back on a Dane because some feel they are ‘too’ old and we are wasting much needed time plus resources including a spot in our program to them. One person stated that they would not contribute any funds to our program(s) for much needed food as we are planning on assisting BHRR’s Albert and BHRR’s Mindy. I guess this person was not around when we assisted 8 year old BHRR’s Olivia and she lived to just over 12 years of age; passing away in 2009. OR BHRR’s Sampson George or BHRR’s Arlo or…or…or… BHRR will not turn away a Dane because they are black(big black dog syndrome), blind, deaf, senior etc. and while we are in great need of funds to purchase food or food donations themselves; we are not going to say ‘no’ to helping Danes in need of BHRR because someone refuses to believe that all wonderful dogs in need of rescue are deserving of great lives. I am saddended by this position and hope that this attempt to educate the public is understood and that opening up your heart to adopting a Giant Breed in need means just that; opening up your heart to a Giant Breed in need for however wonderfully long(and we hope it is) or short it might be. Just think, these dogs are often housebroken, past the teething/destruction stages, many can have some obedience and that means leash manners and for anyone that has gone through the puppy stages; many can attest to many a sleepless night, yet another pee or other ‘pressie’ in the house; having to buy a new pair of gloves, shoes etc., the sometimes socket wrenching yanking on the leash, the jumping up and getting fat lips or black eyes. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Puppies are great, without a doubt yet so are those 3 year olds and those 6 year olds and those loveable greying faced Seniors. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ Saying to me to not help an older dog in need is like saying to me to not help a deaf dog or a blind dog or a dog like BHRR’s Jaxson who needed a leg amputation or…..or….or….it just not going to happen. BHRR focuses on the SN’s for a reason and all of our supporters, volunteers, adopters etc. believe in our program(s) and understand why we do what we do. As for the others, I am truly sorry that you cannot see past age, eyes, ears, colour etc. to what really matters.

Here is some of the information that we have on BHRR’s Mindy. We are now trying to co-ordinate date/time for BHRR to bring her into our program(s). We have no idea at this time if she has been HWT, spayed(most likely not) and what colour she is and as always, it matters not. She will receive some vaccines and begin a de-worming program before leaving the shelter. Please consider donating to our food resources for with two more Danes in need of BHRR; we have enough to last us until around January 22nd, 2010. We are getting in a desperate situation again. Thanks in advance for the consideration as always from our hearts!

She was brought to the shelter because her previous guardian had a daycare at home, and parents thought that she was intimidating for the children. As for her previous everyday life, her family didn’t have time to go for runs with her, but she was free in the house, and tied up when she was outside. She runs away if she is loose outside for more than 15 minutes, although she doesn’t always run away if there are people with her. She barks if she is left alone outside.

Her previous owners informed us that she is fearful and aggressive with men, however here, she was handled by both men and women, both employees and volunteers, without any problems. Previous family says that she is friendly with women, as well as with children and dogs, but aggressive with cats (we did not put her in contact with a cat here at the shelter). According to prev. owner, she is not protective and she doesn’t have fears. She can be calm, nervous, or happy during car rides. She is used to dog parks, likes to run and to play with other dogs. She is very docile and doesn’t take a lot a space in the house, according to the prev.owner. When an employee here took her for a walk and met a small dog, Mindy didn’t pull on her leash to go see him, although he caught her attention. All in all, she seems to be a nice girl who simply longs for a loving home.

BHRR has been asked to take in a 6 year old Female Great Dane from Sherbrooke, QC. We are awaiting more information on her yet have been told she is quite social. I have also been told that she has been at this shelter since before XMAS.

J. Wallace, Brockville, ON, CDA

We live in Brockville, and I stumbled upon your site one day recently. would like to say that I love what you are doing and if we didnt have little kids, actually I should say, when we dont have little kids, I will be signing up to adopt. good luck with all your endeavors, cant wait to be able to help.

We finally made contact with each other and due to schedules; we will be unable to hook up to collect BHRR’s Albert until Sunday January 17th and we will be meeting in Renfrew. We have also received another call to assist a female GD in Sherbrooke, QC and I am going to try and find out more details on her.

I was unable to make a connection with the contact person for Albert on Saturday night and then yesterday, with an emergency; our paths still did not cross. I left another vm at 8:00 AM today with this person in the hopes that we can meet-up for BHRR to assist this Great Dane. If I do not reach this person today; the next opportunity for BHRR to bring in this Great Dane(which I am told is still at the puppy miller) would be on Sunday January 17th. I hope I hear something soon for we would love to assist him.

I was to meet the ‘contact’ person for BHRR’s Albert today to pick him up yet I have not heard word. I left a vm last night and shall try again a bit later this AM as it is only 7:30 AM right now. They did not wish to bring him to their shelter so he would be coming directly from the puppy mill and hopefully, I can make a connection as BHRR would love to be able to assist here as we do have a spot available.

BHRR’s Storm’s bw came back with much improvement! YAY! Her WBC plus neutrophils are still slightly elevated yet so much better than they were. The Vet does not believe at this time that we should be putting her back on another course of antibiotics and there is still some confusion as to what ‘bacteria’ is causing this. Defnitely some ‘infection’ of some kind. She has been de-wormed on two courses of Panacur(both at her Foster home plus here) and she is on Sentinel. Her leg is completely normal looking, she is not limping and yet her weight gain is very slow. The Vet feels really good about her progress and after I obtain a new weight on her(She will always have slightly protuding hipbones due to her conformation); she is extremely comfortable in spaying her. So, I shall most likely bring her in next week, once I know my hospital shifts, get a new weight and go from there. Once she is spayed(there are no signs of any pregnancy at all); after her recovery of about 2 weeks; I shall place her up for adoption. I have added pictures #9-12 to her slideshow. #9 is from November 30th, 2009 and how BHRR’s Dana has ‘corrupted’ her and the proof is seeing Storm resting on our couch! LOL That is no longer an issue, at least not with Storm now.ย  ๐Ÿ˜‰ This Dane is an absolute dream to do nails on! BHRR’s Storm shall only go to a home that meets all of our adoption mandates, criteria and procedures. This includes having a fully fenced in yard; not being away from home more than 8-9 hours daily(unless there is someone coming in to walk etc.) and we do not adopt out to students, around Holidays nor to homes that are going to be travelling on holidays shortly or getting married soon. We would prefer to see BHRR’s Storm in a home with at least one other dog for she just thrives in a social network of both people and canines.

Below are two pictures of Storm from December 24th, 2009 in front of our XMAS tree. ISN’T she just divine?

BHRR’s Storm – December 24th, 2009

BHRR’s Albert is arriving on Sunday January 10th, 2010. I will be driving to get him on Sunday. He is from the recent relinguishing of dogs from a Puppy Mill in Quebec. We were contacted by the Western SPCA of Quebec to see if we would assist. He is estimated to be around 7(we will age him when he arrives) and had no name.ย  ๐Ÿ˜ฅ THANKS so much Shawna for helping me come up with a name! As BHRR believes in rescuing the next one in need and it is not about gender, age, colour, health status; BHRR’s Albert is coming into the BHRR family! I have been told that he is a very light Brindle type of colour, so not sure if he is a Tiger Brindle or a Fawn Merle but we will find out! He will require lots of vetting including microchip and neutering. NOT YET AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!!!

I brought in some more blood for BHRR’s Storm to re-test. I will also be bringing her in within the next while to obtain a new weight on her to see how she is gaining, for it is still very slow, much slower than I would like to see. She is happy, eating and drinking well and what a ham of a pup she is! She is now fully housebroken and her words to go outside in this cold weather is ‘go out and play’ and she is leaping like the KangaDane she is off the front steps to go out and pee plus play! I have pictures from XMAS and some from earlier to still add. She is my daughters best friend and she just soaks up her attention in wanting to have pretty hats/scarves put on her and I know that if I allowed it, Storm would LOVE to have her nails painted by Kinsley. LOL If we obtain excellent results from this round of bw, then I will move forward in spaying Storm soon and then placing her up for adoption for her new forever loving home can continue to work on her obedience without me. She is such a rare dog in that she has proven to be totally ‘bomb’ proof with everything and everyone. She still does some ‘shaking’ if she is unsure yet with a quick calming word or sign, she is out and about investigating plus exploring.

BHRR’s Windsor is a 5 month old Newfoundlander that BHRR was contacted to assist. He hails from Nebraska, USA. Apparently, his mother stepped on him shortly after birth and he has neuro issues and also his growth has been affected. His latest bw has indicated that he is still suffering from mild nutrition(he has more than tripled his weight since he joined us late last fall) and I will be doing a ‘dip’ stick on him for it is suspected that he might be spilling sugar in his urine. BHRR’s Windsor has this nasty thing about peeing and then wanting to drink it and lay in it and this has been an ongoing thing since his arrival and we have been trying to rule out both medical and/or behavoural reasons for this. Last weight was almost 34 pounds and he will be a small Newf when he is full grown. BHRR’s Windsor shall remain as part of our BHRR Haven Program due to his neuro issues. He is slower to learn things and housebreaking plus training him to even learn his name has been a very patient yet successful process to date. His eyesight appears to be normal yet his hearing has also been affected. Now that we believe that he shall live(he is most likely going to be prone to idiopathic seizures too); for it was touch and go for awhile; we have put up his own blog for everyone to follow and cheer him on as he continues his daily struggles in having a much deserved quality filled life. His Vet bills to date have been very extensive yet we believe that he is as worthy as any other animal to receive the best care and love possible.

**** HAPPY **** NEW **** YEAR **** !!!!!



FRIENDS’ / GIANTS’ @ ** BHRR ** !!!! —->

THE VERY ” BEST ” THAT –2010– CAN OFFER !!!!!!


BHRR’s Dana had her annual exam today and she weighed a very nice 50.3 KGs(110.66 pounds) and she was updated on her Rabies(3 yr now) plus DAPP(one year until next year and it will then be a 3 year vaccine). She is doing awesome and we continue to wait patiently for her right matched forever loving home to come along.