BHRR's Dana – April 2008(~) – December 19th, 2012

Sean & I shall post more later yet, I wanted to say that @ 3:46pm on Wednesday December 19th, I let BHRR's Dana go. 40% of her stomach had gone necrotic and though she fought that great fight for just over 18 hours, this was not a complication anyone thought or expected. Her amazing compassionate ICU/Emergency Vet(one of THREE) had a specialist even take a look when she was on the table.

I said my good-byes to her on the table, held her close told her that that Sean & I adored her when she first came to us years ago, broken and emaciated at barely 64 pounds(she was around 125 pounds at her death) and adored her to this very day that I was letting her go and that I know Sean would have wanted to be with her too and passed along his love. We were so patient waiting for that right match forever loving home to find her to adopt yet, she lacked for nothing in fans and believers plus supporters as clearly shown today with all the incredible warmth given to her. Thank you all!!!

I told her that a whole legacy of mischief makers are here, because of her and that she fought such a great fight for 18 hours. We thought she won too…until 10:37 am Wednesday when it was clear that she was experiencing some medical complication.

I shared so much with this amazing girl during her time in our hearts and home and she had not one mean bone in her body, was so full of mischief and a brilliant Great Dane that kept me on my toes from day 1 and dear sweet doll face, Wednesay, when you crossed over, a huge piece of my heart and soul plus life crossed over too.

When we buried you at 6:10 pm Wednesday, I buried that same large piece of my heart, soul and life….

You were the GD that was to live to 25!! You taught me so much over the years and all those lessons I shall hold dear to my heart.

To her Vets plus specialists and Vet team at Alta Vista, thank you for your compassion and putting quality of life ahead of all else. Thank you for allowing us to have a payment plan to pay off her bills, thank you for showing such respect after she crossed over in helping me to load her into my vehicle to give that final car ride to her.

Thank you to that special person who surprised me in showing up just as BHRR's Dana headed in surgery and worked to give me smiles and company and looked past my swollen eyes and strained presence and was just 'there'.

Thank you to KAH for covering my shift Wednesday so I could be where I needed to be at Alta Vista.

Thank you to Sean, my rock and my kids for the love; dear friends for the kicks and punches.

BHRR's Dana – your forever loving home turned out to be ours in the end I guess and you shall forever rest in one of your fav spots and I sincerely hope that you truly felt how much adoration we had for you…..

For I feel at this time a true failure in not being able to save you in the end…..

Doll face, you have listened to so many of my deepest pains and the best joys/experiences and accepted me, tested me and proved that there are no limits to what what can do… just have to be creative!!

I have asked for a list of all those that donated to her bills today, so that I can personally thank and show my most humble of thanks in believing in this amazing dog. I have also had a meeting with supervisors plus their accountant and after that meeting, we have a credit on her account and I have been busily contacting all her donators offering them up a part of that credit should they so desire or leave it on the account for another BHRR dog in need in the future.

I have been doing the same with Interac and PayPal payments as it feels like the right thing to do in offering back these funds donated after her loss to us……….

I wish I had better news to share and I apologise for all my rambling…..

My heart is shattered…just trying to breathe in and out and take each second as it comes…..

If I have forgotten to thank anyone in this post, I deeply apologise…..

If I could give back to all of you one bit of the support you have shown her and us, I would…..and one day, I hope I can demonstrate to each of you how special you are for want you do to help others.

Everyone please hug your love ones…..and spare a thought to BHRR's Dana. RIP my WOW doll face…..

BHRR lost a HUGE part of themselves on Wednesday December 19th, 2012

I like to think of her playing with the big ice cube maker machine in the sky AND teaching all the doggies about paper towels, toilet paper, how to 'leave' the scene of a crime BEFORE getting caught and the joys of the delights that came be found counter surfing NOT to mention how effective it is to get a dog bed if you sit on another dog's head!

AND gosh, who could ever forget that HAPPY tail of hers! She should have had that licensed as a 'weapon'! She wagged with her whole butt and tail  plus heart and everything in between, so affectionate and almost 'violent' in that tail love! There was never any half measures with BHRR's Dana…she was all in or nothing kinda gal!

HERE is something Betty posted on my personal wall:

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them, and every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they. Anonymous""It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them, and every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they. Anonymous"

BHRR's Dana's DARLING LIFE PLUS MEMORIAL RIP ANGELS: CREDIT: $516.14 remains on her account as of today
*from those who wished to have their donations remain & also those that put on her account to help the next BHRR dog*

Gwen/Sean & Family
Caren +(12 Days of Giving & Pumpkin Biscuit Sales)
Lucie – PayPal took $1.75
Anonymous to KAH
Paula – PayPal took $3.20

Here are her three MERMORIAL LINKS – THIS dog was soooooooooooooo loved by so many:


**IF I am forgetting any ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

UPDATE: 11:00 AM:

Gwennie is rushing in to be with BHRR's Dana. She has turned for the worse. We are trying to see if we can get her back in for surgery. They know that quality of life is the first and foremost thing we want for her.

We also learned of another kind donation made this AM and Gwennie has also emailed them to thank them plus all the other of Dana's angels immensely.

They need 50% more in payment and the specialist is going to talk to the Hospital Manager while she is driving in to see if we can work out some kind of payment plan after that. What a kind Vet to try and help us as their procedures are not normally this way. Full payment.

We need another $800 in donations to be able to have any chance of proceeding further with her care.

We have no right to ask and we know it…..yet, we are trying…..her Vets believe she still has a good prognosis, we just need to act fast.

We have no time for an emergency Fundraiser, so, all we can do is ask………….on her behalf. (613) 731-6851 is their number 'Dana' Boers or under (613) 725-4279

Thank you.

2:00 AM update, BHRR's Dana's vital were stable and she was hanging in strong.

Sorry, that I have not been able to get on here much to thank from my heart and soul plus beyond for all the love shown to us and BHRR's Dana. AS so many know, this GD is a very special girl and I ADORE her! JUST adore her!

AND Sean tells me that $232 has been donated to her care to date. OMG! The tears that I have been holding at bay could just spill over with such generous and kind hearted reaching out to assist her. Christmas is so tight financially for all and this means the WORLD…….AND I know that this very special BBBBB would be smacking all with her happy tail if she could.

Will be getting another update shortly to post.

THANK all of you again for the strength and caring flowing her and our way.

Alta Vista Animal Hospital
2616 Bank Street, Ottawa, ON K1T 1M9
(613) 731-6851


It is the XMAs season and we have no right to ask, beg, plead or grovel for assistance with her mounting Vet Bills and as always, I have no pride when it comes to these BHRR animals and if anyone wishes to consider donating to her mounting Vet Bills, please do call Alta Vista Animal Hospital directly at (613) 731-6851 and her account is under the name of 'DANA' Boers or you can have them look it up under the phone number of (613) 725-4279, which is the Rescue phone number. You would have the very tearful gratitude of myself, Sean plus BHRR's Dana's happy tail wags…….

OR PayPal 'gift' to

OR email transfer to

BHRR's Dana's DARLING ANGELS: $1,332 donated to date & Bills $5,987.34 and climbing
Caren(12 Days of Giving & Pumpkin Biscuit Sales)

At 9:15 PM last night BHRR's Dana was her normal self. She had her supper between 8:15 – 8:30 PM and nothing out of the abnormal noted.

At 9:35 PM, Dana walked over to me very oddly and was then quickly frothing and her belly was very distended and getting bigger.

In looking at her gums, she was pale and she could then barely stand, she was crashing fast.

Mason/Sean grabbed the Gasx for me and by 9:39 PM, I was on the road with BHRR's Dana headed to Alta Vista Emergency Animal Hospital. I had Sean call ahead with the situation details.

Alta Vista Animal Hospital
2616 Bank Street, Ottawa, ON K1T 1M9
(613) 731-6851

Despite the bad weather and road conditions, I made it there within 40 minutes safely.

She was x-rays and confirmed as having partially torted. Also confirmed that it was a food bloat.

We were not able to tube her at this time as the risk of perforating was high and food could block the tube. We would also not be able to induce vomiting via apo-morphine as vomiting could cause her to perforate or tort more.

The original estimate given was just under $6,000

Her vitals were stable and as she had been given the Gasx at home, she had very little gas left inside of her upon arrival. THIS save her life to at least be able to get to the Emerg for medical treatment. THIS was not a case of being able to tube at home. SHE needed to get to the Hospital ASAP and I was out that door, dressing as I was going in 4 minutues flat. Time means life…………….

It is the XMAs season and we have no right to ask, beg, plead or grovel for assistance with her mounting Vet Bills and as always, I have no pride when it comes to these BHRR animals and if anyone wishes to consider donating to her mounting Vet Bills, please do call Alta Vista Animal Hospital directly at (613) 731-6851 and her account is under the name of 'DANA' Boers or you can have them look it up under the phone number of (613) 725-4279, which is the Rescue phone number. You would have the very tearful gratitude of myself, Sean plus BHRR's Dana's happy tail wags…….

OR PayPal 'gift' to

OR email transfer to

For Sean & I and we have done this in the past when there has been an emergency around XMAS, we are foregoing any XMAS pressies and putting down all monies personally that we can to pay for her bills.

I ADORE this dog! ADORE her and while her right forever loving home has not yet found her, I am not giving up on her…..she is a fighter and as told to Marge(LOVE this VET), if there was every a DANE to survive bloat/tort, it is this very special girl.

I also told Marge that I hope that BHRR's Dana begin to test and push for that means that she is getting better!

I put down a $600 deposit right now and they will not put through the final bill and leave all procedures/treatments as unposted yet documented under her account until she is discharged. Yet, they gave me an estimate plus I signed one for their records and I hope it is upon me taking home a feeling better and healthy BHRR's Dana and not my sweet dear girl to bury at BHRR. πŸ™ They will be keeping me updated regularly and they are great in encouraging Clients to call for updates. So, the high end would be $6,000+ for her. I will be asking for regular costs updates to keep her blog updated and any fans/supporters plus believers updated as to what is left to pay off.

EVEN $5.00 if not too little as always….yet, Sean & I do understand that money is tight everywhere and the funds that are coming in from the Photo Shoot that was done by Chuck Desjardins Photography and Pet Valu Innes & Belcourt $620(which we were planning on using for BHRR's Bishops own mounting Vet Bills as we try to figure out what is going on medically), shall instead to go her bills. I can carry a balance at Kanata Animal Hospital for a bit on BHRR's Bishop's bills. I do not have the same luxury of doing so at Alta Vista Animal Hospital.

It shall be a very long night….will update as I can.

Please pray for her……………….I am concentrating on beathing in and out and holding my family strong together in staying positive for BHRR's Dana.

As I keep telling everyone, KNOW your DOG! Behavour can often be the very first and sometimes only sign you shall see for bloat/tort. AND dogs can die just from bloating, they do not need to tort.

I also sincerely wish we had an emergency Hospital closer to us BUT I am also happy that there is at least one for me to take my dogs too if need be.

I meant to ask for digital copies of her X-Rays and shall do so later today.

I want to thank my team mates at KAH for covering my shift today so that I can be with BHRR's Dana.

My house is quiet right….very….eerily and wrongly so. πŸ™ πŸ™

BHRR's Dana's DARLING ANGELS: $600 donated to date & Bills $1,289.43 and climbing

UPDATE Wednesday December 19th, 2012:

THEY HAVE RESTARTED THE FOOD VOTING CONTEST from scratch AND it began Tuesday December 18th, 2012 @ NOON AND shall END Thursday December 20th @ NOON!

PLEASE CONSIDER VOTING! You do not need to enter your email address or register, just one click of a button! AND please consider sharing. WE are in FIRST place by only TEN VOTES!




BHRR could use your DAILY Vote, yes, DAILY Vote up until Sunday December 16th before midnight to help us win some dog foodfor the BHRR animals.


As many know, BHRR goes through 120 pounds of dog food in ONE single day. YOUR DAILY vote for Birch Haven Rescue once a day until Sunday just before midnight, could help us win some food for the dogs. SO, please do consider voting and do remember to come back daily to vote!!!!

The incredible folks at La Maison Du Chien have kindly offered to donate $1100 worth of pet food to a deserving area rescue!

BHRR is currently in FIRST place by ONLY ONE VOTE…….AND as always, we would share with any other r/q groups in need……ALWAYS! We believe in working together to help as many animals as possible!

We do not have a regular food sponsor for donations of food and the cost of food per month can be over $4,000.

Thank you in advance for any consideration………

UPDATE Wednesday December 12th, 2012:

There seems to be a voting 'glitch' and some can and others cannot vote more than once YET, please do keep trying to vote DAILY and do share as BHRR could really really really use your assistance!

UPDATE: Friday December 14th, 2012:

You need to clear your cache/cookies on your iPhone(go to "Settings", then "Safari", then 'Clear Cookies/Cache' to be able to vote again daily AND you need to clear your cache on whatever browser you are using on your home or work computers to be able to vote again daily.

BHRR has slipped to SECOND place and this contest end Sunday just before Midnight! Please vote and share! πŸ™‚

UPDATE Sunday December 16th, 2012:


As many are aware from the public blanket statement posts I was making, as soon as I understood what was able to really occur with the voting in the food contest, I contacted MDB. This was not resulting in a fair contest to all r/q Rescues involved.

We have been in conversation for the last few days re: this contest and per the positioning of BHRR, we will only wish to operate with continued integrity plus honesty and no food is worth any compromising of that.

Either we all are able to vote once a day, only ever once, or multiple times daily. What was happening was not equal or fair to all involved. BHRR and it was so important that MDB be made aware of what was happening.

I am aware that they did a reset a couple of days ago to try and have people being able to only vote once every 24 hours and some could and others still could not vote again.

We have continued to support MDB in any successful resolution they felt was necessary and per their public post today, they have decided to do a reset from scratch – starting over.

I thank EACH of our supporters and believers that have campaigned so hard to assist the animals of BHRR and in sharing! πŸ™‚ No words can tell you how much this has meant to BHRR for we do go through 120 POUNDS of dog food PER DAY.

AND good luck to all participating for round two!

BHRR's 5th ANNUAL "JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS" Online Auction is ON NOW UNTIL Thursday December 6th @ 9:00 PM EST!

We currently have 122 very exciting items up for grabs! MORE being added throughout the last day of this auction! πŸ™‚

All monies raised shall go to the care of animals in need of BHRR and also assist the two new Saint Bernards headed our way!

BHRR does not adopt out during the XMAS season due to our position that it is not in the best interest of a new addition being added during such a busy, exciting and somewhat stressful time for many. Our XMAS Shutdown period for this year is from Saturday December 15th, 2012 to Monday January 7th, 2013 inclusive.

In preparation in having to do some emergency fundraising for BHRR's Autumn's ever growing mounting bills that shall include having several surgeries, we are going to be offering up  a small  BHRR's Autumn's EMERGENCY Online Auction

Auction details and how to bid can be found HERE – ITEMS can be added at any time – so, please check back!

Starts 6:00 AM EST on Monday October 29th, 2012
Ends 10:00 PM EST on Monday November 5th, 2012

NOTE: BHRR's Autumn's EMERGENCY ONLINE AUCTION does not replace our 5th ANNUAL 'JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS' ONLINE Auction to commence on Saturday November 24th, 2012!

From Friday October 19th to Sunday November 4th inclusive, BHRR will not be open for adoptions or the intake of adoption applications.

We do not adopt out around the Halloween season and many others Rescues, shelters, pounds etc. have also begun to follow a similar protocol.

We do not believe it is in the best interest of the animals in our program, especially for dark coloured dogs.

During this time, BHRR is available 24/7 as always for requests for assistance of animals in need.

COME ON OUT TO SEE US THIS SATURDAY AUGUST 11th @ the Critter Jungle in Ottawa, Ontario!

RAIN OR SHINE! We shall be there! So, bring your dirty dawg and we shall wash plus towel dry for you!

We shall also have some items for sale to help raise much needed funds for the animals in need of BHRR.

AND it looks like the rain is going to be there BUT so shall we! πŸ™‚ We are all going to be wet anyway! πŸ˜‰

BHRR's Dana's hwt is negative and the results came back on July 6th from her latest biopsy results.

Per the report – 'calcinosis circumscripta – pressure point? No cells to indicate inflmammation or neoplasia.'

So, YAY! πŸ™‚

Her actual weight then was 130.46 pounds and she really should be around 122-125 maximum. She is on a big nutriional/exercise regime. I have sinced learned that she has been opening our latest food bin and that is definitely responsible for some of this extra bulk. UGH! LOL

So, Sean has designed a new food bin and let the games begin on the brilliant 'ALVIN' to be able to figure out how to open that one! SHE loves a good puzzle this one!! πŸ™‚

We continue to be patient waiting on that right forever matched loving home.

Once things settle down more at BHRR; we shall be beginning our playdates, day trips etc. back up with approved BHRR Volunteers with our doggies. πŸ™‚

When we attend B&F in September, I am thinking that BHRR's Dana may be one of the dogs in attendance. Her right home is out there! They just have not found her yet!


BHRR's Dana came with me to the Vet on Tuesday night. She weighed a plump 130+pounds…..sigh….someone has been getting too many treats!

She is being cut back and young children – my own; have been talked to re: treats! I like to see her no more than 125 tops, preferably back around 122 pounds.

I did her HWT and I had the Vet recheck the lump on her back foot. We did more FNA's and just protein was found and we managed to asiprate some more and sent off three separate samples to the lab to evaluate again, to be sure that we are still looking at a benign situation and that unless necessary; does not need to be removed.

It is not in the best place for surgery; yet; there is some skin and if everything comes back as normal, we shall continue to monitor and only remove if/when necessary.

SHE was such an GREAT dog as usual at the Vet's. She is a big fav at KAH!

Anything I have to do with her, I have taught her to lay down on her side and she just lets me cut nails, draw blood etc.

She had her special date not that long ago too; and I shal have to post photos of that special date! πŸ™‚

So hard to believe that her right matched forever loving home has not yet found this special gem of a briliant girl! πŸ™‚

She will test you with her wagging tail and mischievous nature while she tries to bend you to her will! πŸ˜‰ LOVE LOVE LOVE this dog!

Our 5th Annual BHRR/KAH MIcrochip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser being held at Kanata Animal Hospital from 8 AM – 4 PM (NO appointments necessary) is coming up fast!

If you would like a copy of this stunning poster to crosspost via email or post up at work, your local training facility, petstore, etc., please EMAIL

This is BHRR's biggest Fundraiser of every year!

Thank you being extended to Shirley again for such a fabulous poster!!!! Thank you so much once more for working with me on this!! πŸ™‚

Please 'click' on the poster for more details/information! πŸ™‚

AND to stay updated on the latest developments, join our BHRR Facebook EVENT PAGE!

On February 17th, 2012; I posted something very similar on BHRR's Shiva's blog….I am now going to post the same on BHRR's Dana's. BHRR's Shiva was adopted on June 21st, BECAUSE BHRR did NOT give up on her and a home out there finally wanted her for HER and saw HER for who she really was! YAY!

May your right matched forever loving home find you and SEE you & not the 'black' dog; not the big dog, not the dog with the greying mask(masking gene), overlook your sense of mischief and humour and not ANY of the other idjit reasons people have to date passed you over and not applied to adopt you! WELL, we love you and we love your beautiful brown eyes and do not think you odd and 'creepy' having had a toe amputation, we love your gorgeous black fur, soft ears and we love how glossy and healthy your coat is and do not see anything 'common' about you! YOU are unique, special and we LOVE you!

BHRR's Dana; this STORY/VIDEO is also for you! Just as people did not give up on Rufo in this story (the dog nobody wanted – spent 6 years in a shelter with only 2 hours a day of outside time); we shall never turn our backs on you! 335 dogs have been adopted via BHRR and your turn shall come JUST as it has finally happened with BHRR's Shiva after 3.5 years.

In the meantime; you live the best life with us with us, people that adore you; kids and other dogs to romp with, 148 acres to enjoy 24/7, you are safe, not kennelled or caged, have play dates, treats and your training just keeps going to higher levels and we love you so much!

You see BHRR's Dana; people gave us so much 'abuse' over BHRR's Shiva and wanted her to be pts as she was not being adopted or felt that BHRR was and let me word this right 'nazi like' in our adoption processes and were turning perfectly 'good' homes down for her BUT what NONE of them have ever understood is that NO one wanted her for her and some people pitied or felt sorry for her(THOSE people never came to BHRR to see how she lives! πŸ˜‰ ) and that is not the right reason to adopt and for others' we are not looking just for 'good' homes; we are looking for those right matched forever loving good homes and I can count on ONE hand over the years; the applications that came in for BHRR's Shiva. ONE hand.

Yet, it only takes one application, that right mached application to come in and BHRR's Dana; your forever loving home shall also come along…we have more than proven our commitment to our dogs; more than proven that we are patient and more than proven that we shall only take those right matched forever loving homes to continue that second to none adoption chain of success adoption numbers because we care about our animals and know them and know the homes that they should be going too.

Our priority shall always remain and be for the animals under our care and we shall gladly continue to take those few emails, calls, pm's a year of 'abuse' from those who do not understand, do not want to understand, do not care to understand and at the end of the day; it does not matter that they understand…for we just cannot educate everyone out there. My husband calls them 'armchair quarterbacks.' That is as great as term as any! πŸ˜‰

You just keep on stealing those toilet paper rolls, the paper towel rolls, using the ice cube maker machine and keeping all on their toes here at BHRR; FOR you make me laugh daily AND you make me a better person, trainer, behavoural expert, owner and make me think and think and think more AND you so ROCK BHRR's Dana! πŸ˜€

Here is another testimonial sent our way re: BHRR's Dana! The support being sent her way has been PHENOMENAL and I really should not be surprised for she is one FABU dog!

It took a few days after coming back to BHRR; before she felt 100% comfortable; she was very unsure of what is and is not expected/required of her and was not playful or her 'ALVIN' mischievous self. πŸ™ 

YET, just this past weekend after getting back into the routine plus structure of life at BHRR, she began to work the ice cube maker on the fridge again! YAY! YAY! BHRR's DANA IS BACK in the house! πŸ˜€

I will have to take more videos and photos of this dog living in complete harmony in a large multi dog home; thriving under consistency plus dedication AND her happy tail is healing beautifully! THUMBS up BHRR's Dana!!!!

Testimonial #3: From M. Bird – approved wonderful BHRR Volunteer; very animal experienced, knowledgeable plus another deeply respected member of their own community!

April 25th, 2012

I wanted one of "THOSE DOGS." You know what I'm talking about, those dogs that walk nicely on loose leashes, seem bomb proof, share their beds, welcome new dogs into their homes, sit nicely when they meet new people while their owners are relaxed and enjoying a good time. You know…one of THOSE DOGS!   The ones that most people think only exist in movies or the very rare occasion see one walking down the street or playing in the dog park and wonder what breeder that it came from or what trainer pulled that miracle, or perhaps what medication the vet has that dog on? Yeah, wake up folks. While passing along full kudos to quality/reputable breeders, trainers and vets (ok not the medicating for behaviour ones) for doing their important part in things…THOSE DOGS aren't born. They are made every day for their whole lives. Made with lots of love and patience and tons of hard, determined and consistent work, AND knowledgeable people like Gwennie Boers. You know the trick with knowledgeable people like Gwennie Boers? – if you don't listen to their advice, your don't get one of THOSE DOGS. And even if you are handed one of THOSE DOGS, they won't stay that way because you won't have met their needs.


I think that it all comes down to the reality that most people think that they know a lot more about dogs as a species than they really do.   They aren't people in fur coats ya know. If you don't believe me feel free to read up the first few chapters of books like "Inside of a Dog" by Alexandra Horowitz which is my current self imposed reading assignment. Guess who inspired my quest for a better, more realistic, understanding of Canis Domesticus?  Yup, Gwennie Boers that's who.  Like many other very fortunate people, Gwen and Sean have been right there for us with our Honourary Giants who aren't even giants nor from BHRR. BUT,  that matters little to Gwen when a home is out of kilter and dogs and people are suffering for it. Yes, I too, despite a life time of working with dogs, had to swallow that bitter reality pill. I wasn't seeing what my dogs were trying to tell me. Well, perhaps I was seeing it, even slipped into complaining about it and rationalizing it to anyone who cared to listen when strolling through the dog park all the while throwing wistful glances at people fortunately enough to have found the cabbage patch where THOSE DOGS come from.  But really, I knew better, as my Dad always said, if there is an issue with your dog – go look in the mirror because chances are pretty high that you'll find your problem looking right back at ya when ya get there. I'm thinking Gwen and my Dad would have gotten right along!   Long story short my mirror is well used and while I still don't have one of THOSE DOGS….yet, I will because I am learning who my dog really is what what he needs. AND, I am loving every step of the journey to get there.

Dogs, like people, are a lifetime work in progress. You need to work with them, and yourself, every day.


And now onto the main theme of this missive. Cue music to The Sounds of Music's, "Maria, (The Nuns)"….


How do you understand a Dane like Dana??

How do you catch a cloud and pin it down?

How do you understand a Dane like Danaaaaaa? 

A flibbertijibbet! A will-o'-the wisp!, a clown!.


Yes, if you will forgive the hazards of anthropomorphizing, this is in fact the song that comes to mind when I think of the wonderful Dana.   I got to know Dana during my time at BHRR in March and fell head over heels for a smart, sassy, beautiful dog who loves with her whole heart and soul, just like the Maria in the movie. But my time with her taught me that just like the Maria in the movie, if you don't pay attention to what she is telling you about what is going on in her head, you may find all your dogs hanging from trees wearing the curtains, or in her case lounging on the person couch wrapped in toilet paper! Dana, like all the dogs, was happy to see me and was literally at the front of the pack to show me lots of love AND to find out just how much love she could show me without Gwen around. A jump up with a hug perhaps? Ever feel like a new toy being tried out to see how much fun you are?


I'd like to say a word on her behalf..

Dana, makes me, laugh!


There were quite a few speculative sets of canine eyes observing to see how things might develop let me tell you! But I was armed with Gwennie rules and determined to be worthy of the trust placed in me by Gwen and Sean to mind their dogs for a short time. So I tore my gaze from those gorgeous eyes of hers and popped her firmly back to 4 on the floor along with a "nice try Dana!" which, I laugh to remember, got me a full blown body wiggle of a wagging tale from her!  And that was the beginning of a most wonderful relationship! During my shifts at BHRR I learned that Dana is, above all things, devoted to those she loves. And she loves freely and openly. During her rotations she followed me everywhere and was quite happy to try to help with anything I was doing and snuggled her head right into my stomach if I didn't appear to have other uses for my hands.(Don't worry Gwen, my hands were usually quite busy! lol) She puts her whole heart into everything that she does. But, it is important to remember that she does that because she is safe and secure and knows exactly what is ok and what isn't. Like any living creature she will test those rules sometimes to make sure that they are still there, snugly around her keeping her world safe.  And she will need all dogs in her home to follow those same rules.  When I let her know that house rules stand when I am there, she relaxed,  was happy and just full of joy. Boundaries checked and in place, her world would remain stable and secure while I was there.


She'd out pester any pest

Drive a hornet from it's nest

She could throw a whirling dervish out of whirl

She is gentle! She is wild!

She's a riddle! She's a child!

She's a headache! She's an angel!
She's a Dane!


Dana has had her own journey in life. When she arrived at BHRR she was not the dog that she is today. With Gwen and Sean by her side, she has faced ups and downs, persevered through challenges, received and given knowledge.  Her right matched home, if they are smart, will set themselves, their family and Dana up for success by following the rules that have made Dana who she is. Who is that you ask? Well I'll tell ya! She is a dog that will always have a place in my heart. She is a dog that will provide endless love, joy and laughter to the home wise enough to learn who she really is and keep her challenged and happy. Dana is, and in the right home will continue to be, one of THOSE DOGS!


How do you love a Dane like Dana? Easy

With Dana you CAN hold a moonbeam in your hand!


VIDEO of BHRR's Kyo & BHRR's Dana on our way to do a home visit on April 22nd, 2012.

I could not have asked better of each of them on this road trip! πŸ™‚

After a very stressful few days, BHRR's Dana is back safely at BHRR and is now AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION again. This is our first failed adoption in FIVE years and may it be as long and hopefully, much longer than that before we ever have another one. BHRR works very hard with a detailed application process that is clearly posted, information packages and testimonials often sent as well as detailed blogs of our dogs. 2.5 hours was spent at this home after a 5 hour drive one way as part of our commitment to doing the best possible to set all up for success.

It is most unfortunate when any dog has to come back into Rescue, for me; however; it is just that much more unfortunate when it had to be one of our very wonderful black beauties that have been overlooked by so many to date.

AND no matter what is posted in this blog; there is going to be someone out there somewhere or two; that will believe us having to pull BHRR's Dana back to BHRR is 'her' fault. AND it is not.

BHRR's Dana is all she is indicated to be in her blog(we believe in full disclosure) and two of our approved BHRR homes(one adoptive and one foster) have even submitted testimonials that were also forwarded on to this home in our efforts to make this work and are now posted here for everyone to read that if people just follow what what is sent their way and understand that we know these dogs best; then there is much success to be had in the home. Our 100% success rates for over 10 years and now that we are in our 16th year; 99% can confirm that very real fact.

BHRR's Dana as so many can attest to is excellent with dogs, cats, people of all shapes, colours, sizes and both male and female. She has lived in harmony in our home and in her temp foster home over the past years without issue due to correct and proper positive reinforcement and leadership. AND so many can also attest to how we feel about dogs being allowed on human furniture and why this should not be allowed. AND many can also confirm that there is no reason to have a severe surgical intervention to remove her tail. We can only hope that by people who know BHRR's Dana who comes to work with me, attends ours GD walks/hikes, has play dates, visits with people all the time at our home; has lots of exposure at our BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open Houses will also tell others about how great she is. Such, that others can know that the failure was not hers for having to come to BHRR.

Pulling her out of this home to come back to BHRR was in her best interest and we need to keep her best interest first and foremost as our priority.

Testimonial #1: From T. Vaive – temp foster home and respected community member extraordinaire – When one of their GD's was crossed over; their other one stopped eating and a discussion was had if there was a GD at BHRR that may assist their home in healing and getting their other GD to eat. BHRR's Dana was temp fostered by this home. This home has temp fostered a number of dogs for us over the years now and extremely successfully. We are so blessed to have Tasha and her home on board! THUMBS UP!

April 22, 2012

Gwennie and Sean,

I have wanted to write about our time with Dana our “Calvin” from Calvin and Hobbs for quite a while now.   When I saw of her adoption I thought WOW this is the perfect time.  

Obviously her new family knows she is the bomb diggiity or as our Adyson would say she is not just a bag of chips she is the potato. 

I remember talking to you Gwennie  on that fateful Birch Haven walk when Sheets was mourning so for his Pella and had literally stopped eating.  We were so excited to have our temporary foster come into our home not even know who it would be with the hopes of course that they would help Sheets get over this part of his grieving process and have the want to eat again.  

Fast forward to the  Dana meet and greet…..oh and one screen down. Lol.   πŸ˜€  I remember reading over the foster package; the vet checks, the reference checks and the yard review from you. WHEW I quite distinctly recall thinking “really? I already own dogs and Danes at that why is she reviewing my home? Lol”    

HA!!!!!!  So it would seem this know it all “ Social worker, Medical Rehab professional , Dog show, rescue Dane master” was about to get a lesson in “Dana”  and learn all about a new concept to me at least at the time  RESOURSING!!!!!   Oh how I have come to resent that word!! cheeky 

Before we get into how this works and I will end on the same note!!!  Dana brought us laughter OMG the laughter and here I thought Harls were the clowns of the Dane world, well someone forgot to tell Dana.  We never laughed so hard!!! The expression and the think-it through tiles on this one.  Whew I tell you!!!  She had us healing as a family within 10 min of being in our home.   And I though Sheets was the only one having problems letting “Pella the Poop” go.  

We had the “LIST” sorry to say this but I did think yah whatever what does Gwennie know…….. this is MY home and I KNOW my home and MY family dynamics.  OK the rules for Dana were as follows. 

1)      Do not let her jump up on you ( yah no brainer)

2)      She will try to push boundaries and they MUST be made clear ( yah what dog doesn’t)

3)      She has to listen to you. Do not let that sweet face fool you.  (Do I look like a sucker?)

4)      She is NOT to be allowed on furniture or beds (hmm really? Mine have the 4 on the floor rule but we let them up to snuggy – why is that so bad?)

5)      It will take time for her to trust but once she does she will BOND and quickly!!!

6)      She needs to “SHARE” toys, space ect.  (DUH….who did this lady think I was an idiot??)

7)      Happy tail- Dana does not just wag her tail she wags her body.   Encourage her to sit and try not to get too excited in her crate. 

8)      CALL Gwennie  for anything at any time.

9)      Dana will eat and will try to “share” Sheets’ food as well.   Do NOT let her be pushy!!  (huh? Of course not!! I am ON this)


Ok so Dana arrives; this list and all the hoops have been jumped through.  I figure hey “I got this dialed” as we like to say.  First thing Dana jumps on me and I push her down. Good start I got her knowing I am the boss….out her and Sheets go to run the yard…..good things, all good things. Gwennie umm Tasha about that low screen on your back door.  Oh no worries I say she will listen and not run through it.  First time  Dana “no”  she listened ( see I got this) second time umm down a screen.  Gwennie 'oh my please let me replace it'.  NO NO NO it would seem I need to do some work with my Alpha skills here. πŸ˜€

Gwennie leaves  dog room all set up we get ready for dinner.    Sheets and Dana have shared water outside and been great.  Pics to prove it.   We have dinner no fuss or muss.  I stand between to make sure the new friends know to not borrow kibble from the others bowl. Sheets eats yah!!!!   

 Dogs are to sleep in the dog room right by my room.  Dana is very, very sad…… I mean she is happy but whining  must miss her “home”  poor pooch ok so I will let her up to snuggly for a few minutes to show her we are  a great family πŸ™‚  Yes oh this is a GREAT  idea….(please refer to rules above)  Pup up Dana on the bed.  Just for a few minutes it will be ok…Sheets is like hey wait a sec…..I want up too .  NO Sheets  you need to go lay down.  We snuggly all good I send her off and we are fine…….. HA!!!!

A couple of days go by Dana has settled in very well.  Her and Sheets get along like to pigs in a blanket.  A few issues with jumping up but all in all good.  The whining thing is getting on my nerves. Letting her up on the bed stops it for a bit but then whammo back at it.  What am I doing wrong??? (Please once again refer to rules above #3) 

Gwemnie does a check in – all good.   I talk about the whining.  Water spray bottle and don’t give in she knows how to settle in a crate she is testing you! Ok . Water spray bottle it is.   Hey it works!!! Then holy hanna the worst  squeal you have ever heard!!!  Dana is wayyyyyy to smart and was trying to get the crate open and got her one of her toes stuck in between the bars.  OMG I have broken her. I get her toe out and call Gwennie.  She is on her way!!!  Poor wee bean quick you need a cuddle on my bed…..she is limping but can jump up no issues….. hmmm ok 20 min love in and Gwennie here.   I tell her we were just snuggly in the bed. Gwennie “oh Tasha” what????  Oh yah rules. Well she was sad and hurt and, and, and I did move her to the couch….. I get the refresher on “resourcing”   Well I think to myself this has not happened yet what do you know.

Later that night, Dana won’t settle so I bring her into my room NOT ON THE BED!!! πŸ™‚  I put her bed beside mine on the floor.  Well Sheets gets right on it and settles. Darn so I out one on the other side. GO settle Dana.  She wanted to be close to me so did Sheets.  I moved Sheets to settle Dana by me.   Sheets kept bugging Dana and she was not moving he pestered and grumped….Nudged and pushed.  Dana responded in kind.  Ok enough of this Sheets’ stop being a bully she is hurting and I need sleep.  Dana up on the bed Sheets you lie down by me. Good right??  (Please see rules above and keep in mind I did get a refresher on resourcing earlier.  It would seen I am not all that bright)

I get up to do something Dana stays on the bed Sheets follows.  I come back into the room Dana is NOT having Sheets in the ROOM.  Sheet s is NOT happy with DANA on THE BED!!!! 1am …. oh insert foul language here.   Are you flippin kidding me???  OK crates for all and GOOD NIGHT!!!

A few days later I am still working through my stupidity and trying to get back that pack order we had the first few days before I ruined it.  We are getting better same rules for all and 4 on the floor!   We go shopping for new toys πŸ™‚  YAHHHH. 

Great day – Dana likes to sit on Sheet’s head to get his bed or his toy. So funny…Sheets does not think so.  So he brings his toy over to me and places it between me, his body and Dana…. HERE it comes …. She comes to get it he toy and tries to get between Sheets and I…… Oh ok so man o man not a big deal but they BOTH claim me as theirs and the snippity starts.  What is going on here?? Dana NO, Sheet’s NO!!  Oh yah sharing. (Please refer to rule #6 that I totally blew off) 

Luckily I have the great resource , you know the one I thought didn’t know what she was talking about and really how could she really know Dana that well with how many other dogs in her rescue??  Ok so candid blunt conversation later = I need to get my act together!!  Could I be the reason these behaviours are happening??  OK print off and post rules on fridge.   Thanks to me we are back at square one and I am thinking maybe below that and me undoing the great work that has been put into this girl.  I mean my “helping” was not helping at all but setting not just her but Sheets and us all to fail.  Hmmmm that was a bitter pill to swallow.  Ok so a glass of wine later ok maybe two  I found my big girl panties and got to work.  

The kids, Sheet’s and I stuck to the rules.  Dana did split her tail (crazy wiggle butt) but we worked through it.  Dana and Sheet’s both learnt to play with each other with manners.  Sheets taught Dana how to blow bubbles in the kiddy pool. Dana taught Sheets how to open doors, blow through screens, open the fridge J  and to give that look that will melt your heart.  

Dana taught us how to love again and to lose again(when she went back to Birch Haven due to Ady’s spinal surgery)  but too be ok with it.  She brought us happiness, laughter oh and Knowledge.  We learnt so much from Dana and so did our animals.  Dana met her first cat and our cat met her first foster.  It was a bit of a rough road at the start. But WOW!!!!!  Dana made it easy to see how wonderful things could be if the respect and love was given in the appropriate way. 

I learnt so much about myself, us as a family and that “gulp” maybe I can stand to learn a thing or two and see things from a different perspective. 

She can be a challenge for sure but if they stick to the rules (lol J)  The rewards and her love and boundless. 

Tasha and Family- Fur kids included. 

PS:  I think it is important for people to recognize that you set the structure up for your adoption and fostering the way you do for a  reason. It honestly is sooo much easier when you do!!! Trust me. LOL I have the t-shirt.  πŸ˜€  I know like many this girl has touch our hearts.   

Testimonial #2: From S. Desjardins – approved BHRR adoptive home to not one but 2 Great Danes over the years and also a very valuable respected asset to her community. She has also lived at BHRR on two separate occasions, up to 14 days over the past year+ and knows BHRR's Dana well. The first GD they adopted had very clearly outlined rules posted on the dogs' blog and in their information package plus discussed of what that GD needed and within three days of adoption, we were given a call to see if we could help re: them allowing this GD on the furniture etc. It is so easy for people to fall for those amazing 'eyes' of a dog and it takes a dedicated and great home to realise what was going on, contact us for assistance as we know the dog best and pull up those socks and make things work! THUMBS UP!

April 22nd, 2012

Hi Gwen

I am not sure where I should start, maybe the beginning is a good idea.  Although Chuck  and I had owned several dogs before we adopted Jenni and Mudslide from BHRR  we had no idea how some of our actions were setting our dogs up for failure and setting the pattern for a life time of frustration, for both us and them.

I am the typical “mushheart” when it comes to my dogs and have a failing in that I struggle daily to not “humanize” then. Prior to working with you and “the girls “ Chuck and I had let our dogs, Axel, Ozzy and Cooper on the couches and sleep with us.  We didn’t realize that by doing this it allowed them to view the furniture as their own.  I was being selfish in thinking that it was much easier for me to cuddle with them on the couch. Once we let the dogs ( Axl, Ozzy and Cooper) sleep with us the tone was set and when Chuck switched careers and went from working nights to days, we had to buy a king-size bed….much easier that re-training the dog o sleep on the floor on dog beds.  After all they might think we don’t love them anymore and the floor is hard and cold and,  and,  and ….We were extremely fortunate that none of our dogs resourced over us or the furniture when we had friends over. It could have a been a disaster with someone getting hurt.

You explained to Chuck and I that , when we adopted Jenni, she had had been raised to not go up on couches or beds and that she has to share everything in the house with Axl.  That by allowing her to break from this training would set her up for failure as she would start to resource over water bowls , toys , us as she viewed them as her possessions.

Well for a bit we followed your advice and as old habits die hard we slipped into “our familiar” routines and did exactly that set Jenni up for failure, which she did as you know when you visited with Potter  and she grumped at him as she was on the couch and actually growled as well.  We had to correct her about that which made her even more confused as she didn’t understand why, after all it was her couch wasn’t it.

Now the girls ( Mudslide and Jenni) DO NOT go on the couches unless invited. And this would be only for a very special reason and not oft repeated. They have their very comfy beds in the living room to lounge on. We are now able to have friends over with their dogs and there is no resourcing , everyone, including the dogs know couches are for  humans. No more failure. Both girls drink out of ONE water bowl and share all toys and even the cat Dexter…LOL. |When we take the girls out anywhere we are constantly being complemented on how very well they are behaved and listen to us. This is due to the amazing foundation of positive training that they received from BHRR and that has been unstintingly passed on to us by yourself time and time again as we have had need.  Had we stuck with your teaching and training there would not have been any failure on Jenni`s part or ours.

This is the type of amazing structure Dana has had. Dana is amazing in her heart and soul and knows beyond a shadow of a doubt how to live in harmony with dogs and people as long as her people remain faithful to the positive training and teaching of no resourcing and all must share.  That means No couches, No beds, she knows her boundaries and when they are reinforced and adhered to she ROCKS. She will test you, to see how far she can go,  as I have experienced when staying out at BHRR, the little monkey…LOL… in the beginning it was  Dana off the couch, Dana off the bed , Dana move away and share, share, share and within a matter of a day she realizes that I am not going to be a pushover for her ( as much as I would love to be) as I want her to continue to succeed and be that great lovable girl she is.  

Dana is much like my Jenni,  she love with her soul and NEEDS TO KNOW you are the leader and will protect her so she doesn`t have to step up.


BHRR's Dana was ADOPTED on April 19th, 2012!

BHRR's Dana as did we….waited patiently for her right forever matched loving home and from the moment we brought her emaciated(barely 64 pounds and now almost 130 pounds) broken body and heart to BHRR; we committed to her. I had to amputate a toe, build her up emotionally from the ground and lots and lots of patient, loving and firm obedience sent her way AND she is one of the best dogs ever out there!! She gives all of herself to anything she does; no half measures for her. She wags not just with her tail but her whole butt!! She is brill and I am going to miss her antics of the toilet paper rolls and the ice maker on the fridge and seeing all the dogs sitting waiting for the ice cubes!
Her sitting on the dogs heads to 'steal' their beds may not be so missed by the dogs!
She has been privy to many a painful grieving moment to my heart and when I told her good-bye today, I put my head to hers and whispered in her ear 'to keep shining my beautiful dollface' and gave her a couple of kisses.
She won the home over with her impeccable manners; loving heart and giving spirit. They have two kids and when each of them cried; she kissed them and layed down by them.

Poor BHRR's Dana has been overlooked in the past because she was a big black dog…sigh…what a crime! πŸ™
We adore her and if that right home never found her; she lived a great life with us and her training plus manners (the jumping left…yay!); just became better and better.
She remains a delightful handful and may her new forever loving home cherish her as the gift she is!!!
AND this was another good trip outside of BHRR for both BHRR's Kyo & BHRR's Cobalt! πŸ™‚
There is a big hole at BHRR with her gone but she had no need of us for a long time now.
Thanks everyone for cheering for her!
Now, may our other two female & one male black beauty find a right loving adoptive home too!

I am going to miss you my sweet Dollface Dana/ALVIN! πŸ™‚

BHRR's Dana with BHRR's Goliath – February 2012

BHRR's Cobalt, BHRR's Kyo & BHRR's Dana are headed with me to TO for a hv for a possible GD adoption this Thursday April 19th.

Will update blogs ASAP.


That BHRR will be at the NEW Pet Valu located in the Kemptville Colonnade Retail Mall(Hwy 43 & 416 – near the new Timmie's & Canadian Tire!), on Saturday April 14th from 10 AM to 3 PM & then again on Sunday April 15th from 11 AM to 4 PM for their Pet Appreciation weekend!

On Saturday – BHRR's Journey and BHRR's Freeze are going to be in attendance plus I shall be bringing Drift to begin his own 'big world' introduction.

On Sunday – BHRR's Hamilton The Newf & BHRR's Hailey shall be in attendance. This shall be good for BHRR's Hailey to also get her back into the 'big world'!

I shall also be doing microchipping for $40 which includes registration – NO APPOINTMENTS NECESSARY!

Looking forward to a great weekend of public awareness/community education on not just BHRR yet; so many other important topics re: animal welfare plus giving our dogs some more fabu experiences! Maybe, some right matched forever loving homes will meet them and consider submittIng an application to adopt. πŸ™‚

Until the end of day on Tuesday April 10th, Luanne of Rusty Dawg Pet Products is hosting the following FUNDRAISER for BHRR through her Arbonne business.

Here is Luanne's Arbonne ONLINE Fundraiser Facebook Page & you can EMAIL HER!

AND here are the details of this Fundraiser of which Lana Burnley-Waters of Pet-errific who has her own Arbonne business shall match each Fundraising Dollar raised by Luanne to then donate to BHRR!

FROM LUANNE AND REMEMBER TO LET LUANNE know that your order is for the BHRR Fundraiser:

April 1-10, 2012

I am hosting an Online Arbonne Party with a portion of my sales being donated to Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services, a wonderful Giant Canine Breed & Equine rescue group in Ottawa area focusing on those with special needs (!

Arbonne is a Swiss company that is over 30 years old. Their products are non-toxic, botanically based and they have something for everyone, ranging from newborns to senior citizens. I can honestly say Arbonne's products are the best I've ever tried! I have switched all my personal care products to Arbonne & my skin and hair have never looked healthier!

Arbonne products are all Vegan Certified. They do not contain animal products/by-products and they have never & will never test on animals! What a great combination to be able to purchase pure, safe & beneficial products that are truly amazing from an animal friendly company and at the same time supporting a great rescue group πŸ™‚ As an added incentive, if you purchase more than $100 retail during the Party your name will go into a draw to win a product of your choice up to a $60 retail value.

This is your chance to try Arbonne's Ultra-Premium, Swiss formulated products & to also support a wonderful rescue group! The party will be open from April 1, 2012 through to, and including, April 10, 2012 with 10% of all sales being donated to BHRR!

If you sign up as a Preferred Client with a minimum order of $180 (which entitles you to a free product of your choice up to $120 retail value for your first order only), I will donate an additonal $5 to BHRR! As a Preferred Client you get a 20% discount off all your orders plus other specials & monthly promotions that are available only to Preferred Clients. The fee is $35 per year with the renewal fee being only $18! You can read more about being a Preferred Client and all the offers that are available here: (scroll down)

If you sign up as a Consultant with a minimum order of $180 (which entitles you to a free product of your choice up to $120 retail value for your first order only), I will donate an additonal $10 to BHRR! As a Consultant you get a 35% discount off all your orders plus other specials, incentives & monthly promotions that are available only to Consultants. You also earn commission on retail orders placed by personally sponsored Preferred Clients! You can read more about being a Consultant and all the offers that are available here: (scroll down)

For those who live in Ottawa area you can take advantage of the Consolidated Shipping option. I will have all the Ottawa orders shipped to my house and the shipping charges will be split up equally amongst all the orders. It's a great way to save on shipping! In order do this you will need to email your order to me with all your info so that I can input it for you.

For those who live outside of Ottawa, you can place your order directly from my Arbonne website – On the right hand side in the Join Arbonne section, click on "Click Here to become part of Arbonne today!" This takes you to the Arbonne Registration page where you can choose to sign up as a Client (free – no discount), Preferred Client ($35 – 20% discount) or Consultant ($95 – 35% discount). After you register you will be taken to the Shop Online page where you will place your order. After you place your order please email me to let me know that your order is part of BHRR's fundraiser.

If you are already an Arbonne Client you can order as usual through Arbonne's website: If you would like to take advantage of the Consolidated shipping please email your order to me, along with your Arbonne ID, so I can input it for you.

Arbonne is a global company so those in Canada, United States, Australia and the UK can place orders!

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. My email address is:

Here's a link to a Note I posted on Facebook if you want to know more about becoming a Consultant –

As an added incentive, if you purchase more than $100 retail during the Party your name will go into a draw to win a product of your choice up to a $60 retail value. Pls help me support BHRR and place an order! I know you will not be disappointed with Arbonne's products! They are the best of the best, seriously. They are formulated under the strictest guidelines so they do not contain any toxic chemicals that are typically found in products at the drug stores etc.

Awhile back, I was contacted by a woman named Kathy Radar. She had recently purchased a new vehicle a ‘Journey’ and she had heard about BHRR’s Journey’s story. She contacted me wanting to do a Fundraiser to ‘Fill Up Her Journey For Journey & BHRR Friends’.

This is one reason why we are hosting a special BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ Mini Open House in April; for she shall be coming up to BHRR with her friend to drop off her Journey filled with goodies! I thought it would be lovely for her & her friend to meet others involved with BHRR, pass along their own appreciation for her efforts etc. πŸ™‚

For anyone in the London, ON area that would like to participate; please contact Kathy directly. (519) 452-3009 – She is collecting items right up until April 19th inclusive!!!

Journey for JOURNEY campaign poster – Click Link To View Poster! πŸ™‚


On another note; BHRR’s Journey’s recheck on her tail, new weight check plus tail appointment shall be rescheduled for next weekend – Saturday March 31st, 2012.

Here is a VIDEO of my recent roadtrip to Windsor, ON and back with BHRR's Dana & BHRR's Veteran! I think they both travel great in a car! πŸ™‚ πŸ˜‰

SO proud of them both. I overnighted in Cambridge, ON in a motel due to how nasty the roads were. The compliments on how well behaved, quiet and wonderful they were/are was just so delightful to hear! We were next to a room that had a small barking dog and that Owner never picked up after their dog either and that was very discouraging for it is only going to make hotels/motels NOT want to be petfriendly. πŸ™ So thrilled that more people were able to experience just how incredible these Giants are and can be with proper obedience, structure, love, routine, patience and consistency!

Photo below is from Kingston taken March 1st, 2012 on my drive down through almost 30 cms of snow, ice pellets and some hail.

AND I will confirm and emphasis again that BHRR's Veteran is NOT going to be adopted to a home with a or any younger cats – he has proven not safe with cats,10 years or younger for sure a NO-NO. He has had three separate controlled 'test' encounters and maybe as he matures more; but is is not going to be a consideration at this time.


I am adding two photos of BHRR's Dana's December 24th; annual XMAS EVE photo session at BHRR!

DOESN'T she look just incredible?

She had an excellent time at the hv she assisted with me on February 7th, 2012. She was her very social, energetic  happy self with that quick smart mind of hers thinking and thinking some more! It did not take her long to figure out how to open the lid of their garbage to see just what might be in there! LOL

This dog MORE than any other; I would trust 100% around dogs of all ages plus sizes including puppies, humans of all ages plus sizes inluding infants. SHE is that spectacular!

You just have to continue to be 'on' her to 'share' her humans for she loves with her whole body(many can attest to that happy tail whip!). I just say 'SHARE Dana…BE nice Dana…' and she goes 'oh, yeah…ok'! NOT a mean bone in her body, yet many mischievous ones!

She is going to roadtrip with me later this week to do a hv; her second one that she has assisted me with in the past three weeks or so; and last night; I did her nails and today is bath time!

BHRR's Dana – December 24th, 2011

The Panache Pooch 'SHARE YOUR HEART' Fundraiser for BHRR is running from February 1st – February 29th, inclusive! There are now 34 ITEMS available!

25% of all sales of Amanda's collars/leashes currently listed on her Etsy Store shall come to to BHRR!

When you 'SHARE YOUR HEART'; you will be helping animals in need of BHRR!

EMAIL Amanda

All prices are in CDA $. You might have to change your default to CDA $ if need be. πŸ™‚

AND in honour of BHRR BOD member Mary, Amanda & I wish to have this Fundraiser in Carbon's memory. RIP dear boy. YOU will be so deeply missed!

If you would like to see some of the Panache Pooch collars that we have had over the years, please visit HERE!

Crossposting permission given!


BHRR shall be expanding our adoption area as of April 1st, 2012. Our new adoption area shall include Halifax, N.S. plus the immediate surrounding area – within 2 hours of Halifax, N.S.

This is Phase 1 of our 5 year adoption expansion area plan.

In order for homes to be approved to adopt; all of our current thorough adoption criteria must be met.

HERE is the CBC Ottawa Morning radio interview with Anna, myself & BHRR’s Journey that was live/aired on Monday February 13th, 2012! It was re-aired at 5:40 AM on Tuesday February 14th, 2012

The belief in Journey is so warming to feel plus see and once again from my own heart; THANK you to each and every one for helping her!!! I am and remain wonderfully overwhelmed and humbled deeply by such gifts of money and material goods given to her cause!

I have spent a good part of my AM answering emails, discussing what BHRR does, how BHRR does what we do, that we operate out of our home and those of our approved temp foster homes, why BHRR is so successful at what we do plus deeply thanking everyone for the continued support!

Education is so key and BHRR’s Journey continues to teach many about forgiveness, trust, giving, acceptance plus determination!

She is scheduled to head back to the Vet at KAH on Friday February 17th for a recheck on that tail, possible vaccines and another fecal! GO JOURNEY GO!

AND Anna, I am still in awe and inspired by your generous and giving soul!!!

I also finally was able to hear the interview myself! πŸ˜‰

BHRR's Journey's article in The Ottawa Citizen.

A heartfelt touching warm story of a community being brought together by a GD who was in urgent need and how inspirational, beautiful their supportive efforts including those of Anna with her incredible WOW YUMMY Fundraising Biscuit idea to help save this special GD has been!

AND, Journey is bombing along in her rehabilitation and come April, she should be ready to be placed up for adoption!

SO many believed in you Journey and so many LOVE you!!! YOU are worthy, deserving and no less important than any other dog! πŸ™‚

Some errors including that almost $3,000 in private donations have been sent not $1,000 to date; BHRR is not located in Oxford Mills; Journey is a 'she' not a he plus some of the timeline in the story is in error. BUT, a lovely article overall! πŸ™‚


OTTAWA — When she heard the story of Journey – the emaciated Great Dane found on Highway 401 just before Christmas, close to starvation and covered in bite wounds – Anna Gray-Henschel embarked on a journey of her own. She knew she had to do something to help, but she couldn't have imagined that, more than a month later, she would have baked 20,000 dog biscuits to raise money for his care.

As a dog lover, owner of two Great Danes and someone who recently decided to volunteer at rescue shelters, Gray-Henschel came up with the idea of baking some of her own dogs' favourite cheddar cheese and bacon biscuits and selling them to raise money. The idea had worked when her employer, the RCMP, held fundraising campaigns, so why not try to augment her personal donation toward the poor dog's care? Her goal was to bake 100 dozen and sell them for $3 a dozen. She would then donate all $300 of the proceeds to Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services in Oxford Mills, where Journey was convalescing.

Several weeks later, that 100 dozen has become 1,667 dozen and she still has orders for 167 dozen more. By day, she's a director general in the RCMP's national security criminal investigations branch, and every evening she bakes for four hours. Weekends she puts in 12-hour days by the oven.

"My husband has been joking about our hydro bill," she said. "But he's not really complaining."

When she's not baking, she's delivering the biscuits. By the time she fills all her orders, she will have raised $5,600 toward the dog's extensive vet bills, which will likely top $8,000 and include at least one more surgery. If the orders keep coming, she'll keep baking, providing shipping (when necessary), delivery and the baking supplies at her own expense. She hopes to raise $6,000 by Valentine's Day.

"It's just one thing and it's not a big deal, but it shows you can have a huge impact if you do your little thing," she said. "It's such a small thing to do to help rehabilitate this beautiful dog. It's hard to believe someone would do this to her."

The response to Journey's story has been amazing, said Gwendilin Boers, an animal behaviour specialist (she's a PhD candidate in the subject) who runs the shelter and works part-time at the Kanata Animal Hospital.

"We were shocked by her condition," Boers said. "We see some terrible things in rescue, but she's one of the worse cases I have seen in my 16 years of running the rescue."

Journey weighed 74 pounds when a Great Dane at her age should weigh between 110 and 115 pounds. She had fleas, pieces of her ear tips missing, open bite wounds all over her body, a broken tail, frostbite, hypothermia, dehydration and round worms. Boers suspects she was abused. "She was in tragic shape, to say the least."

Boers said the community support had been all the more impressive coming, as it did, just after Christmas.

Journey was brought to the rescue one day after she was found by a Good Samaritan in the freezing rain on the highway near Brockville.

"I'm beyond touched," Boers said, adding that people such as Gray-Henschel had eased the worries about how they would be able to pay the extensive vet bills associated with Journey's recovery. In addition to those who have contributed to the biscuits campaign, private donations have totalled more than $1,000.

"Journey has been a Christmas miracle," Boers said. "She has met every obstacle she has had to overcome with grace and good temperament. She's a very loving dog who has brought so many people together in the spirit of giving. Anna's contribution is just wonderfully overwhelming."

Boers thought it would be June before Journey would be ready for adoption, but, given her progress so far – she now weighs close to 100 pounds – she estimates it will be mid-April.

Donations are being accepted through the Kanata Animal Hospital or by email transfer to Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation is accepting donations through PayPal.


BHRR's Holden, BHRR's Hailey and BHRR's Veteran came with me tonight to do a home visit. IT was a great visit for all of them! BHRR's Veteran learnt about cats and stairs and BHRR's Holden learnt about being more comfortable in strange situations and asking more openly for love and BHRR's Hailey; well; what can I say; she was Ms. Princess all the way! Had all fooled that she was a model 'lady'! cheeky

Tomorrow night, BHRR's Dana and BHRR's Holden are going to come with me to do a home visit and looking forward to posting about their own progress and experiences.

EACH time these dogs go out; the great experiences they have; only continues to make them even more well balanced plus well rounded! It is a huge win for them! πŸ™‚ Plus, it is nice to see homes that we visit have the time with these gentle giants and have their own experiences having the interaction with these amazing dogs! πŸ™‚ WIN-WIN all the way!


In honor of Gwennie, the Founder of BHRR,  all of us are wishing her a most wonderful and special of birthdays today – February 3rd!

As we have done for the last 2 years as a surprise for Gwennie; if you believe in BHRR; enjoy all the blog updates, pictures, open houses, GD hikes, Gwennie novel posts, her educational articles plus links; please make a donation in support of her rescue efforts.

This fundraiser shall run through until 11:59 PM today – Friday February 3rd, 2012

This blog post was made without Gwennie's awareness as we have managed to do in the past and we hope that once again, she shall be pleasantly surprised!

You can help ease her stress and worries somewhat today about always worrying about money for food to help those in need of the BHRR programs. You can help ease her stress and worries somewhat today about coming up with funds for food by either donating a bag of food or making a donation for food to be bought. You can help ease her stress and worries somewhat today about the mounting food bills for BHRR for beside Vet Bills, this is BHRR's biggest expense.

Together let's make that BHRR 'chain of success' for Gwennie even more strong today!

Email transfer to or via PayPal (account OR even bring a bag of food or cash donation to the upcoming BHRR Open House to help BHRR out! As Gwennie states so often, there is no amount too small.

Several of us approached Gwennie again this year to ask what she wanted for her birthday and once again never did she mention anything for herself. Always her family, friends or the animals.

Please do help us make a birthday very special today for a very special lady who operates a very special Rescue by making a food donation to BHRR.

Total Raised to Date$905 + 6 bags of food

Gwennie's BHRR BIRTHDAY Food Believers & Supporters:



Lana & Warren of Pet-errific

Paula & Serge













BHRR does not adopt out during the XMAS season due to our position that it is not in the best interest of any new addition being added during such a busy, exciting and somewhat stressful time for many.  Quite a few other Rescues, Shelters, Pounds etc. have also begun to follow a similar protocol to what we have been doing.

Our XMAS Shutdown period for this year is from Saturday December 17th, 2011 to Tuesday January 3rd, 2012 inclusive.

During this time, BHRR is available 24/7 as always for requests for assistance of animals in need.

BHRR's 4TH ANNUAL 'JUST IN TIME' FOR XMAS Online Auction shall begin Saturday November 19th @ 7 AM EST and shall run through until Thursday December 1st @ 9 PM EST.

If anyone has any items they would ike to donate inluding services, gift certificates or gift cards; please EMAIL. We will take donations right up until the day the auction shall end. BHRR only hosts three planned Fundraisers a year and every penny goes back to the animals!

We have many bills coming up for some very special animals including BHRR's Bloom and your support would be so appreciated!

Click on the poster for more information!

PERMISSION TO CROSS-POST and if you would like a poster to put up at your work, local businesses etc., please email us for one!


‘Spare a Loonie for Bloomy’

Hello Everyone!!

We are now launching the ''Spare a Loonie for Bloomy'' campaign, starting November 1st, 2011 (11-1-11) and running until December 1st, 2011 (12-1-11); We would like to encourage everyone to invite their family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, etc. to donate $1.

Even if you think that $1 won't make a difference, one thousand loonies certainly will! You can drop off the money at DögHaus (5671 Sherbrooke West) in Bloom's piggy bank or donate directly to Bloom's file (100861) at by calling the DMV (514-633-8888).

OR you can donate via Paypal ( or by email transfer to (make sure you send the pw) or by mailing a bank draft out to 'Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabiltation Services(BHRR)' and mail to:

Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

Many places have 'casual' Fridays and considering choosing BHRR's Bloom's cause for one of those office days!

Please share this message with everyone you know, we can use all the help we can get to reach our goal!

Let's make a change with change!!

**Keep in mind that it costs the DMV money every time they process a credit card transaction, and many companies enforce a $5 minimum rule.***

BHRR's Bloom's Angels:

Bloom's Carnival Fundraiser Angels


Total Raised To Date: $965
Total Needed to Raise: $4,000

On Sunday October 30th, 2011 – Global Pet Foods – Kanata (AND yes, that is BHRR's Lil Linus on the front page with his tongue! LOL) is hosting Photo Sessions for $10 as well as $10 nail trims and they so very kindly have chosen BHRR as their Animal Rescue of choice whereby 50% of the proceeds raised shall come to BHRR!

Nail trims are by appointment ONLY!

Please contact Global Pet Foods – Kanata directly (613) 599-0660 to reserve your nail spot!


Time: 11 AM – 3 PM
Place: Global Pet Foods – Kanata 700 Eagleson Road



From Friday October 21st to Friday November 4th inclusive, BHRR will not be open for adoptions or the intake of adoption applications. We do not adopt out around the Halloween season and many others Rescues, shelters, pounds etc. have also begun to follow a similar protocol to what we have been doing.

We do not believe it is on the best interest of the animals in our program, especially for dark coloured dogs.

During this time, BHRR is available 24/7 as always for requests for assistance of animals in need. 

BHRR's 4th ANNUAL Dinner Boat Cruise & Live/Silent Auction Fundraiser is being held on Saturday October 1st! We ONLY have 7 tickets left AND you can pay via PayPal (; email transfer to (please ensure that we have the pw) OR Bank Draft! The boat is reserved ONLY for BHRR participants and their guests.

BHRR is still looking for items for our Live & Silent Auction for this Fundraiser. BHRR ONLY hosts 3 planned Fundraisers a year and this is our second fundraiser event for 2011.

BHRR does not receive any corporate or federal/provincial government funding.

If you have any items that you would like to donate to BHRR; pleae email! THANKS so much!!!!!


Adoption Application Revisions

As of September 1st, 2011; the Board of Directors will be implementing some revisions to our BHRR adoption process. These changes involve age of children in homes for a possible BHRR adoption and the expansion of our adoption area to now include parts of New York, USA.

Revision #1:

As of September 1st, 2011; BHRR shall consider adoption applications to NOT only the whole provinces of Ontario and Quebec in Canada yet shall also consider homes in the state of New York, USA that are no more than 3 hours from BHRR. These areas in New York, USA shall include those listed below and all immediate surrounding areas AS long as the potential adoptive home is no more than 3 hours from the physical locale of BHRR in Eastern Ontario, CDA:
Alexandria Bay

Revision #2:

WE DO NOT place any dog with a family with children under the age of 8 unless the below additional conditions/requirements have been met to the satisfaction of the BOD of BHRR. Only then shall the BOD of BHRR consider those homes that have children younger than the age of 8 yet they must be over the age of 5:
a) ONLY homes that have no more than 2 children shall be considered if said children are under the age of 8 and over the age of 5
b) ONLY dogs that BHRR deem most suitable for homes with children within these ages shall be considered
c) ONLY homes that have prior suitable breed type experience ie Great Danes for a Great Dane possible adoption or a Saint Bernard for a Saint Bernard possible adoption shall be considered
d) ONLY homes that have no more than one dog already and that dog must be a right matched personality fit; shall be considered should any children be under the age of 8 and over the age of 5
e) ONLY homes that have all family members in attendance for the home visit and only those same homes that have all family members come to BHRR to meet us shall be considered
BHRR stresses that children and dogs should NEVER be left unsupervised together!
*This is a legal, insurance and moral obligation/responsibility that we will adhere to.

For complete details regarding the BHRR adoption process; please visit our Application & Fees page. BHRR shall continue to ONLY place per best matched personality fit and our adoption success rates were 100% for over 10 years of operating and as we are heading into our 16th year; our adopton success rates are 99%.

JUST two SLEEPIES until the 4th ANNUAL KAH/BHRR Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser being held at Kanata Animal Hospital – 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario on Sunday July 17th, 2011

Time: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM


There will also be Pet Photos, Caricatures, Face Painting, Free Draws, Human Bake Table, Doggie Treats, Leashes, Collars, BHRR Bracelets, Tug Ropes and more!

Microchips$40 – For Cats & Dogs
Nail Trims$10 – For Cats, Dogs, Guinea Pigs & Rabbits

The Rogers Community Cruiser shall be on hand from 10:00 AM – Noon with free timbits & coffee

Complimentary Behavoural/Training Consult Sessions to be had with the Founder of BHRR & Animal Behavoural Student G. Boers

The microchips are from 24PetWatch and they meet the requirements of the revised Canadian standard for electronic identification of companion animals. These microchips are also accepted by the CKC. Animal microchips are about the size of a grain of rice and are typically implanted just beneath the skin between the shoulder blades.

Every year millions of lost and abandoned animals are taken in by shelters, pounds, humane societies, SPCA's and rescue organizations. Of these animals only about 15% of dogs and 5% of the cats (estimated numbers) are ever returned to their homes. The primary reason that the statistics are so low is, because the pets are unidentifiable. Microchipping provides the only truly permanent method of identifying your pet(dogs and cats-especially outdoor one's!) and networking the animal back to their owners. If you want to improve your cat or dog's chances of getting home; microchipping is your best option.

Out of 20 dogs gone missing in our area, only 7 have been found to date; of which 4 were microchipped.

This is the largest Mircochip Fundraiser in CANADA!

BHRR wants to stress the following:

All of our adoption mandates, processes plus policies are clearly posted on both our PetFinder and Home Website. Additionally, our application is very detailed in respect to the same and each animals' blog on both PetFinder and on our Home Website; advises to become familar with our adoption criteria, before submitting an application to be reviewed.

If for any reason you do not agree to what BHRR requires of a BHRR adoptive home; pleae do not apply. This includes not being in support of our non-refundable application fee, our mandatory obedience clause, requiring a signed letter of permission from a landperson if renting,  no adoptions to homes with children under the age of 9, that we are a Special Needs focused based Rescue, that you refuse to keep pets safe, refuse to alter any non-show pets etc.

BHRR's requirements are written very specifically and are explicit in detail for anyone visiting our sites. We are always most happy to answer any questions, yet will only do so to those that are courteous in their manner plus approach.

BHRR is a highly reputable/quality registered NPO operated by an ALL Volunteer team, without any salaried employees and many of us have families plus full time Careers and other commitments outside of Rescue. I am deeply disturbed by what members of the BOD of BHRR had to address recently over an application that was submitted for review.  I feel for those BHRR members that took on the responsibility to continue to try and educate and be professional when this application was declined. Here I was sitting in emerg waiting to address clearly broken bones and am most unappreciative to witness what was sent BHRR's way after this application was declined in a professional manner with much explanation as to the reasons why their application could not proceed.

If they had just read and respected what was clearly posted, they would be well aware that we are not going to make ANY EXCEPTIONS on very important clauses, clauses that has given BHRR a second to none adoption success rate of 100% in over 10 years of operating and now is 99% as we are in our 15+ year.

In addition, your occupation as what has been stated before, is no indication that you are going to take proper care of an animal. BHRR's Lexi and BHRR's Hailey both came from a very bad domestic abuse situation where they were sorely mistreated and the one Owner is a promimant member of his own community. Abuse is not limited to specific Careers, race, colour or creed. It knows no boundaries. πŸ™

You might believe you are a wonderful home yet the application process is our way of getting to know you and to determine if your home would qualify for a BHRR animal. All members of BHRR are part of our extended family and we are always seeking to have new approved Volunteers and Homes join us!

Please refer to:


In summary; PLEASE DO NOT apply to be considered if you do not meet these very detailed and visible mandates plus clauses and respect them.

Rescue is hard enough in trying to save animals in need and their wellbeing remains one of our top priorities.



LAST Gentle Reminder: The FACEBOOK BHRR Discussion Group has MOVED to! –


This is just a last gentle reminder that our Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) Group has moved!


With the 'upgrade' and 'archiving' of the current discussion groups on Facebook, we believe that the needs of our Rescue & Rehab organization cannot sufficiently be met any longer and hence the change to a BHRR FAN PAGE Format.

As of June 1st; the current Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) Facebook DISCUSSION GROUP had all members deleted and then the group was permanently disabled and so as of the evening of Thursday May 5th, 2011 we have since moved to a Facebook Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) FAN PAGE format instead.

Our BHRR FAN Page is very interactive, user friendly and fosters great networking plus social friendships and it also feeds into our BHRR Twitter account! We already have had some good discussions with insightful comments happening!

So, to stay abreast of all things uniquely BHRR including requests for assistance, Event/Fundraiser Announcements, upcoming 'EXPERIENCE' Open Houses, GD & Honourary GD Walks/Hikes INCLUDING any Lost & Found Animals, interesting tidbits, Animal Welfare topics, courtesy postings for other reputable/quality organizations/groups, community events etc.; do come and 'LIKE' our Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) FAN PAGE –

Sorry for any inconvenience caused! πŸ™ is the URL to crosspost! As of now, we have 226 Supporters & counting! Thanks for joining the migration! πŸ™‚

Thanks everyone for your understanding plus patience as we make this necessary transition to continue to have the best network in place to continue to assist animals in need of our programs with your strong 'CHAIN OF SUCCESS' support!

The BHRR Team

Since we have launched our NEW Facebook BHRR FAN PAGE , (see below blog); BHRR is going to be implementing some changes to our blog posts currently being made on here, our home website. With how wonderfully interactive plus informatively laid out our NEW Facebook BHRR FAN PAGE is, we shall no longer be doing as many posts on the Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services home website blogs yet instead posting on our BHRR FAN PAGE almost exclusively! Our BHRR FAN Page is very interactive, user friendly and fosters great networking plus social friendships and it also feeds into our BHRR Twitter account!

So, to stay abreast of all things uniquely BHRR including requests for assistance, Event/Fundraiser Announcements, upcoming 'EXPERIENCE' Open Houses, GD & Honourary GD Walks/Hikes INCLUDING any Lost & Found Animals, interesting tidbits, Animal Welfare topics, courtesy postings for other organizations, community events etc.; do come and 'LIKE' our Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) FAN PAGE

As of June 1st; the current Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) Facebook DISCUSSION GROUP shall have all members deleted and then the group permanently disabled/deleted and so as of the evening of Thursday May 5th, 2011 we have since moved to a Facebook Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) FAN PAGE format instead.

All 256 members of our current BHRR DISCUSSION Group have now been notified of the change to our NEW Facebook BHRR FAN PAGE and we shall send out another notice as a gentle reminder a couple of days before deleting all members from the old Discussion 'GROUP'.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused! :( is the URL to crosspost! As of now, we have 132 Supporters & counting! Thanks for joining the migration! :)

Please inform those you know that follow us on the BHRR DISCUSSION GROUP that this GROUP will be deleted as of June 1st, 2011. We have so many that still have not moved over, so please help us get the word out! Please re-direct them to our NEW FACEBOOK BHRR FAN PAGE! Please come on over and 'LIKE' us!

Thanks everyone for your understanding plus patience as we make this necessary transition to continue to have the best network in place to continue to assist animals in need of our programs with your strong 'CHAIN OF SUCCESS' support!



As of June 1st; the current Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) Facebook DISCUSSION GROUP shall have all members deleted and then the group permanently disabled/deleted.

Since the evening of Thursday May 5th, 2011 we have since moved to a Facebook Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) 'Like' FAN PAGE format instead.

The current DISCUSSION groups are going to be archived & even for those that qualify to 'upgrade', groups shall lose the ability to 'interact' with all members. We depend on that important function to save animals in need through our posts for urgent requests and to update our supporting members on BHRR news.

All 256 members of our current BHRR DISCUSSION Group have now been notified of the change to our NEW Facebook BHRR 'LIKE' FAN PAGE FORMAT and we shall send out another notice as a gentle reminder a couple of days before deleting all members from the old Discussion 'GROUP'.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused! :( is the URL to crosspost! As of now, we have 96 Supporters & counting! Thanks for joining the migration! :)

Please inform those you know that follow us on the BHRR DISCUSSION GROUP that this GROUP will be deleted as of June 1st, 2011. We have so many that still have not moved over, so please help us get the word out! Please re-direct them to our NEW FACEBOOK BHRR FAN PAGE! Please come on over and 'LIKE' us!

Thanks everyone for your understanding plus patience as we make this necessary transition to continue to have the best network in place to continue to assist animals in need of our programs with your strong 'CHAIN OF SUCCESS' support!


Here are the May availability dates/times for play dates, day trips and play trips for the BHRR dogs for our approved BHRR Volunteers to consider.

Please email if interested in giving a BHRR animal extra BLAST of a time social/training experiences!

Monday May 2nd – Anytime between 2 PM – 8 PM
Tuesday May 2nd – Anytime between 2 PM – 8 PM
Wednesday May 4th – Anytime between 2 PM – 8 PM
Tuesday May 10th – Anytime between 2 PM – 8 PM
Wednesday May 11th – Anytime between 2 PM – 8 PM
Friday May 13th – Anytime between 2 PM – 8 PM
Saturday May 14th – Anytime between 8 AM – 4 PM
Monday May 16th – Anytime between 2 PM – 8 PM
Tuesday May 17th – Anytime between 2 PM – 8 PM
Friday May 20th – Anytime between 2 PM – 8 PM
Saturday May 21st – Anytime between 8 AM – 4 PM
Tuesday May 24th – Anytime between 2 PM – 8 PM
Wednesday May 25th – Anytime between 2 PM – 8 PM

Here are the April availability dates for play dates, day trips and play dates for the BHRR dogs for our approved BHRR Volunteers to consider. BHRR's Lily Belle is not on this list as she is currently under a "PENDING ADOPTION" and we should know by end of Monday April 4th, that status of her application. Thanks everyone for your continued patience!


Friday April 1st – Anytime between Noon – 8 PM
Saturday April 2nd – Anytime between 8 AM – 4 PM
Wednesday April 6th – Anytime between 4 PM – 8 PM
Monday April 11th – Anytime between Noon – 8 PM
Wednesday April 13th – Anytime between 4 PM – 8 PM
Friday April 15th – Anytime between 4 PM – 8 PM
Saturday April 16th – Anytime between 8 AM – 4 PM
Monday April 18th – Anytime between Noon – 8 PM
Tuesday April 19th – Anytime between Noon – 8 PM
Wednesday April 20th – Anytime between 4 PM – 8 PM
Saturday April 23rd – Anytime between 8 AM – 4 PM
Monday April 25th – Anytime between Noon – 8 PM
Wednesday April 27th – Anytime between 4 PM – 8 PM
Friday April 29th – Anytime between 4 PM – 8 PM
Saturday April 30th – Anytime between 8 AM – 4 PM

Please email if interested in giving a BHRR animal extra BLAST of a time social/training experiences!



Thank you to all that helped raise much needed monies for both of our Rescues!



Two Ontario Great Dane Rescues – Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) & Danes in Distress(DiD) have come together to host this 2011 High Bid "War" to benefit animals in need of both of our programs.

These amazing pair of Hockey Tickets are to the Toronto Maple Leafs vs. the Ottawa Senators game being held on Saturday April 2nd, 2011 at Scotiabank Place in Ottawa starting at 7:00 PM.

These seats are in the 100L- Section 109 Row C and are fantabulous seats! The value on these pair of tickets are $400+ CDA.


The ‘HELP SCORE FOR THE BHRR & DID ANIMALS HOCKEY hig' Bid 'War' began on Wednesday March 23rd @ 8:00 AM EST and shall end on Tuesday March 29th @ 9:00 PM EST.

Tickets can be couriered at no cost to the winner for their convenience to their place of business or home.

To bid on the Sens vs. Leafs tickets, please email with your full name, address, phone number including area code, and please indicate your bid amount.

Bidding shall start at $100 and the website shall be updated regularly.

Note: Payment for the winning bidder must come direct to BHRR and BHRR will ONLY accept a payment of M/C OR VISA OR AMEX OR email transfer to (please ensure that we have the password).

Danes in Distress(DiD) shall NOT be accepting any payment for these Hockey bid tickets and will be directing all interest to BHRR. Any payment made direct to DiD shall be considered a donation and not as payment for these Hockey tickets for this Fundraiser.

Note: BHRR shall NOT accept any PayPal payment per their rules & regulations. Any monies sent via that method will be considered a donation.

Note: BHRR shall NOT accept personal checks.


After confirmation of receipt of payment sent to BHRR, BHRR will make arrangements to get your winning tickets to you ASAP.

Our deepest thanks being sent out in advance to everyone for your consideration in participating to help both BHRR and DiD continue to save animals in need of assistance! By showing your support, you are representing a wonderful effort to a great cause!

  • The BHRR Auction will begin at 8:00 AM EST on Wednesday March 23rd, 2011. Unfortunately, bids submitted prior to this time cannot be considered.
  • The BHRR Auction will end at 9:00 PM EST on Tuesday March 29nd, 2011. The highest bid on these tickets will be determined based on the time of the email sent as recorded by the time marked by our ISP.
  • High bidders will be identified each day ONLY by their first name and last initial.
  • All bid prices are in Canadian funds.
  • Bids must be done in $5.00 or Greater increments.
  • When bidding please include your first and last name plus a phone number that you can be reached at if necessary.
  • All Bidders must be at LEAST 18 years of age or older.
  • All bids are considered final and binding, please do not bid if you do not intend to follow through on payment. Also, please do not bid on behalf of anyone else without their explicit written permission. The owner of the email will be considered the bidder and responsible/accountable for the bid/payment should their email be the winning bidder.
  • High Bidder will be posted every day of the BHRR Auction and on the final Auction day; the bids shall be updated with postings made regularly until the BHRR Auction closes.
  • If you wish to leave a "maximum" bid as you will not be around to monitor the auction closely yourself, please indicate that in your email when making your bid. Only emailed bids will be accepted.
  • FULL payment is required within 24 hours of being notified of being the winner.
  • Should you be in default of not honouring your bid(which really affects the animals the most), the next person with the highest bid shall be offered the Tickets as the winner.
  • There are NO Returns or Exchanges and BHRR is not responsible for the condition of the Hockey Tickets upon receipt to the winner(s).

About Taxes: You are not actually buying these tickets in this online auction. What you are doing is making a donation and then receiving the item in turn as a thank you. All taxes have been paid on the items you are bidding on.


The BHRR & DiD Teams

The ‘BHRR’ Experience – One Volunteers Blog

Below is a note that the approved BHRR Volunteer wrote on her fb wall about her BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' in taking care of BHRR/our home while I had my first family vacation in almost 6 years. With her permission, it has been posted below. As I say so often to others plus posted this as a response to her fb wall post:

"AND I would love to 'share' your note with others interested in BHRR – either by adopting, volunteering, learning more about our stellar programs etc. – with your permission. I could never say any words better than what those themselves that are involved could say about the BHRR 'EXPERIENCE'. It is all of you that are the 'voice' making that 'CHAIN OF SUCCESS' so strong…"


Day 12 – Novice in Rescue , My Adventure at BHRR – Home coming for all

by Suzanne Desjardins on Tuesday, March 22, 2011 at 9:13pm


Is there ever anything sweeter than being home ???? I am very certain Gwen,Sean and kids feel the same…I have made some personal journeys in life but this is one for the bucket list 4sure …

I  will never think of rescue in another way except wow, the work involved is just staggering ….and i wasn't even training or rehabbing…..just reinforcing.  BUT the REWARDS are PRICELESS………

If anyone reading this note or my prior notes wonders how they too could be involved…DONATE DONATE DONATE…The amount of food that i fed over the 12 days was mind boggling …FOOD is life for this small respectable,reputable ONE OF A KIND rescue ….so the next time time you are in the pet store or grocery store , buy a bag and and let Gwen know you have food……..Towels, sheets, comforters, pinesol, treats, ALL very much needed …………..

I had tears in my eyes as I left today… there are several that I loved prior to this, and they have cemeted themselves in my heart forever…Potter, Soul and Albert, his trust in me was moving….Bleach is AMAZING for a deaf/blind puppy ….the way he motors around is nothin short of WOW………

 Gwen…. I thank you …………


'HELP SCORE FOR THE BHRR & DID ANIMALS' HOCKEY RAFFLE – ONLY 350 Tickets available – *ENDS Wednesday @ 9:00 PM EST

*CONGRATULATIONS TO D. Harbin of Ottawa, ON & to all in participating to raise funds for GD Rescue!*

Two Ontario Great Dane Rescues – Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) & Danes in Distress(DID) have come together to host this 2011 Hockey Raffle to benefit animals in need of both of our programs.

These amazing pair of Hockey Tickets are to the Toronto Maple Leafs vs. the Ottawa Senators game being held on Saturday April 2nd, 2011 at Scotiabank Place in Ottawa starting at 7:00 PM.

These seats are in the 100L- Section 109 Row O and are excellent seats! The value on these pair of tickets are $400+ CDA.

Furthermore, a Parking Voucher for free regular parking is included for the winner's added bonus!

Furthermore, Linda @ PJ Quigley's located @ 250 Greenbank Road donated a pre-game dinner for 2 (up to $25) to the winner!


We shall ONLY be selling 350 tickets and they are $10.00 each or 3 for $25.00.

The ‘HELP SCORE FOR THE BHRR & DID ANIMALS HOCKEY RAFFLE’ ticket sales began on Monday February 21st @ 8:00 AM EST and shall end on Wednesday March 9th @ 9:00 PM EST.

The draw shall take place on Thursday March 10th @ 8:00 AM EST and the tickets can be couriered at no cost to the winner for their convenience to their place of business or home.

To purchase your raffle tickets, please email with your full name, address, phone number including area code, number of tickets you would like to buy and please indicate your method of payment.

Note: All payments for raffle tickets must come direct to BHRR and BHRR will ONLY accept payments of M/C OR VISA OR AMEX OR email transfer to (please ensure that we have the password).

Danes in Distress(DID) shall NOT be accepting any payments for these Hockey raffle tickets and will be directing all interest to BHRR. Any payments made direct to DID shall be considered a donation and not as payment for Hockey raffle tickets for this Fundraiser.

Note: BHRR shall NOT accept PayPal payments per their rules & regulations. Any monies sent via that method will be considered a donation.

Note: BHRR shall NOT accept personal checks.


Note: Odds of winning are based upon total number of raffle tickets sold.

After confirmation of receipt of payment sent to BHRR, BHRR will email a copy of your raffle ticket(s) in a pdf format with your individual raffle tracking ticket number(s).

Our deepest thanks being sent out in advance to everyone for your consideration in participating to help both BHRR and DID continue to save animals in need of assistance! By showing your support, you are representing a wonderful effort to a great cause!



The BHRR & DID Teams

BHRR mourns the February 18th, 2011 loss of a treasured friend to many – Victim to Bloat/Tort.
Trice, beloved best friend of BHRR Board of Director member Barry.
As per Barry's wishes, Trice has been laid to eternal rest at BHRR, missed by all.
May all those that have been touched by Trice, cherish the incredible gifts that he has bestowed upon them.

Though Barry has requested that any donations in honour of Trice's memory be sent to BHRR; I would like to respectfully ask of each and every person that has had the special pleasure of being blessed to be touched by Trice; to share a photo and/or memory Barry's way. AND to please pass along your support of heart plus caring.

This was not the week it should have been for either one of them when they travelled up from the east coast earier that day. Trice was to come to BHRR for training/tweaking and the week was to be full of fun GD/Human hikes/walks, good training sessions, fantastic play dates, lots of laughter and tons of great memories with friends to warm the heart plus soul. 

I am blessed myself to have been called and upon directing all to meet me at AVAH; to have had the 'gift' of opportunity to pass along my good-byes and tears of heart ache on the night of his passing. This is a dog that I very much adored, has made me a better behavoural expert/trainer plus person and he has touched me very deeply since he plus Barry first crossed my path many years ago. To say that I love the 'Trices' of the world is putting it lightly. I live with a "Trice", I understand/accept the 'Trices' of the world and I feel truly fortunate to have had my life touched by this special Trice!

His loss has affected so many and I know that CH. Dyceman is completely crushed not to have had the opportunity and experiences that should have been theirs during the week that Trice was to be at BHRR. Trice was truly Dyce's best of friends and it has been a week of deep mourning for all……

A portrait of Trice by Barclay Guinn Fine Arts (an example of Barclay's work that had been shown at our 2009 BHRR Boat Cruise Fundraiser)
& BHRR's Kingston with Trice – August 28th, 2009(one of my fav pictures).

Honouring my 'promise!' 1 Picture of BHRR's Dana from February 2nd, 2011. Her facial expressions continue to just 'crack' me up! πŸ˜€ She is not yet 3 years of age and look at that 'masking gene' colouring her face so delightfully white!

BHRR's Miss Dana with our Cherokee, BHRR's Frank's head and BHRR's Ava Marie

I have had not one, not two but THREE people email me to 'make' a deal! LOL AND that deal is that they will purchase tickets to our currently running BHRR/DiD Hockey Raffle Fundraiser in exchange for me posting new pictures of the dogs! Let me think about this…..UHMMMM! OK! YOU are on!!! Let the picture posting and raffle tickets sales go on! πŸ˜€

Perhaps, it might make others consider participating such that we can raise much needed funds NOT just for BHRR yet also for another Ontario GD Rescue – DiD(the oldest operating GD Rescue in Ontario at that!). Each penny that is raised is so desperately needed by both of our organizations and please, please, please do consider participating. Even if you are not  a Hockey Fan or would be able to attend the game on April 2nd yourself, purchasing a raffle ticket or two or three; MAKES a great gift for another!

These are fantastic tickets – 100 L, a Parking Voucher is included PLUS a very generous $25 pre-dinner for 2 at P.J's Quigley's on Greenbank in Ontario has been donated by Linda Price. We shall be selling Raffle Tickets until March 9th, 2011 @ 9:00 PM EST.



ISO: Temp Foster Homes from March 9th, 2011 – March 23rd, 2011 for if all goes well, I might be able to have my first vacation in almost 6 years. Please email if any of our approved foster homes are available and interested in assisting. Sean plus wee ones go on vacation twice a year while I stay here to love on dogs plus horses and this could be my first opportunity to not only have a vacation yet a family vacation in almost 6 years myself!

In honor of Gwennie, the Founder of BHRR, wishing her a most wonderful and special of birthdays today – February 3rd, 2011

If you believe in BHRR; enjoy all the blog updates, pictures, open houses, GD hikes, Gwennie novel posts, her educational articles plus links; please make a donation in support of her rescue efforts. This fundraiser shall run through until 11:59 PM today – Thursday February 3rd, 2011

This blog post was made without Gwennie's awareness, so imagine her surprise when she sees this later today!

You can help ease her stress and concerns a bit today about always worrying about money to save those in need of the programs she has worked so hard for. You can help ease her stress and concerns a bit today about coming up with funds for food and other essentials for the animals. You can help ease her stress and concerns a bit today about the mounting bills for BHRR. Together let's make that BHRR 'chain of success' for Gwennie even more strong today!

Email transfer to, PayPal (account or even call Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and make a donation on to the Birch Haven Rescue account with your Visa, Mastercard or Amex. A receipt will be mailed to your attention. As Gwennie states so often, there is no amount too small.

I recently asked Gwennie what she wanted for her birthday and not once did she mention anything for herself. Always her family, friends or animals. Help us make a birthday very special today for Gwennie by making a donation to BHRR.

Total Raised to Date$385 & 14 Days of Dog Food & New Logo for Behavoural/Training/Gwennie's Dog Boot Camp Programs
*PayPal took $1.03 in fees

Gwennie's BHRR Believers & Supporters:

Mason*donated his bi-weekly allowance
Kinsley*donated her bi-weekly allowance
Alex & Karen
Global Pet Foods – Kanata – 10 Days of Dog Food
Simone – On BHRR's Potter Bills @ Kanata Animal Hospital
Lisa – 13 KG bag of Natural Balance Dog Food
James – Bag of Dog Food
Jan & Her Boyz
Luanne of Rusty Dawg Pet Products

Today was 'WINTER WONDERLAND' Day at BHRR on our almost 148 acres after receiving 20 cm of snow and 10 more cm on the way! Below are two pictures! I will post all the individual pictures on the dog's own blogs ASAP. I was out with them myself on three different occasions for about an hour each time. WHAT a blast of a day! Now, that nighttime has come, the temperatures are dropping and the snow is turning more to ice pellets. Time for some nice warmth in front of the fireplaces and snuggles!

BHRR's 'WINTER WONDERLAND' Day! – February 2nd, 2011 – Name the dogs? LOL

Now, that things are becoming a bit more settled at BHRR, if any of our approved BHRR Volunteers are willing to take a BHRR animal for a Playdate, day trip or play day; here are the February 2011 Dates/times available:

Friday February 4th – Between 4 PM & 8 PM
Saturday February 5th – Between 8 AM & 4 PM
Monday February 7th – Between Noon & 8 PM
Tuesday February 8th – Between Noon & 8 PM
Wednesday February 9th – Between 9 AM & 4 PM
Monday February 14th – Between 4 PM & 8 PM*DO YOU WANT TO BE A BHRR Animals' 'Valentine' today! πŸ™‚ πŸ˜‰
Friday February 18th – Between Noon & 8 PM
Monday February 22nd – Between Noon & 8 PM
Wednesday February 23rd – Between 9 AM & 4 PM
Friday February 25th – Between Noon & 8 PM
Saturday February 26th – Between 8 AM & 4 PM


*Note: BHRR's 'Big' Ben is NOT AVAILALBLE at this time for Playdates. New Arrival to BHRR on January 29th, 2011*

Please email if you are interested in helping give a BHRR animal more social experiences plus a great time!

BHRR's Dana is at work with me today at KAH. She weighed a very solid, muscled with each rib defined in muscle 57.30 KGs(126.06 pounds). That is a 61.82 pound weight gain since she first arrived at BHRR exptremely emaciated.YOU GO BHRR's Dana!!!

She is such a social creature and her 'happy butt/tail' is a nonstop 'hazard' for all here! LOL She has loved interacting with every human she has met PLUS 2 pugs that belong to another staff member at KAH. It is hard to believe that BHRR's Dana is still with us. She is so friendly, yes, busy and active and mischievous yet so AWESOME!

She passed her annual with flying colours and received her DAPP 3 year booster.

I have rescheduled BHRR's Dana's annual for Friday January 28th for 7:50 PM and we shall also do a recheck on her back at that time.

BHRR BOD Member Barry's 'Special 30th Birthday Request for BHRR' –

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services Board of Director Member, Barry Cole is celebrating his 30th Birthday today. Here is his posted request:

"Can't believe I'm 30 today!! Not that im expecting presents but would appreciate Donations to help a GREAT rescue continue to do their amazing work!!"

Will keep a running public total of all monies raised in his honour to continue to help animals in need of BHRR!

Thanks in advance for the consideration!

Total Raised to Date: $165 – PayPal took $2.34 in fees


Barry's Birthday BHRR Buddies:


Mason*donated his bi-weekly alllowance
Kinsley*donated her bi-weekly allowance
Suzanne & Chuck
LT & Lil Linus(Jan)

Due to BHRR`s Dana giving herself a `play' injury, I have had to postpone her annual. BHRR's Dana was running like her usual happy full of life self and went under one of the tree branches in the fenced in area and managed to 'skin' herself between her shoulder blades. She took all the hair off and a few layers of skin about 3" long and 1" wide and is now on antibiotics. Did not phaze her at all!!! Will re-schedule when she is fully healthy.

I have rescheduled BHRR's Dana's annual to January 11th as I had to bring BHRR's Potter back in to see one of his Vets tonight.

BHRR's Dana's annual appointment is booked for January 3rd, 2011.

BHRR does not adopt out during the XMAS season due to our position that it is not in the best interest of a new addition being added during such a busy, exciting and somewhat stressful time for many. Our XMAS Shutdown period for this year is from Saturday December 18th, 2010 to Monday January 3rd, 2011 inclusive.



The BHRR ONLINE Auction shall END on Thursday December 2nd, 2010 @ 9 PM EST

This is BHRR's last organized Fundraiser of 2010 and our next planned organized Fundraiser at this time is not until July of 2011, so each penny raised will be desperately needed to allow us to keep helping animals in need of our BHRR programs.

*To donate gift certificates, baskets, handmade crafts or any other items – Email BHRR (

*We have 153 Items to date!!!!

Permission to Cross Post is given!

From Friday October 22nd to Friday November 5th inclusive, BHRR will not be open for adoptions or the intake of adoption applications. We do not adopt out around the Halloween season and many others Rescues, shelters, pounds etc. have also begun to follow a similar protocol to what we have been doing. We do not believe it is on the best interest of the animals in our program, especially for dark coloured dogs.

During this time, BHRR is available 24/7 as always for requests for assistance of animals in need.

BHRR is in its 3rd food crisis of 2010. We only have about 30 days worth of dog food left and we currently have 23 dogs under our authority between our BHRR Rescue/Rehabilitation Program, BHRR Adoption Program, BHRR Haven Dog Program & BHRR Foster/Perma-Foster Program.
BHRR is currently going through 600 pounds of dog food a month at a cost of a minimum of $825.00+ tax for the food.
Please consider donating to assist…. PayPal( or email transfer or check to ‘Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services’ and mail to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

September 19th, 2010$262.24 Donated to Date & 1,422.50 pounds of dog food since August 2010

If I were to hand out ‘NAIL TRIMMING’ Awards of Excellence, it would have to be BHRR’s Storm first with BHRR’s Apollo, BHRR’s Albert, BHRR’s Ava Marie and BHRR’s Hamilton The Newf all being a close second. OMG! These dogs are extremely easy dogs to do….what a dream! Bringing up in third place would have to be BHRR’s Shiva & BHRR’s Dana and just a smidge behind them would be BHRR’s Potter. If all the dogs were that easy, I would be doing nails every week and not every 2-3 weeks! LOL Coming in 4th would be BHRR’s Windsor, BHRR’s Koop and them BHRR’s Lily Belle. BHRR’s Porridge is still a ‘work’ in progress since he had his really bad experience with that tech student. BUT, I can now do his back feet myself most days and I know in time, he will be ‘ok’ again.

For those that might not be aware, BHRR’s Ava Marie is a Great Dane that came into BHRR on March 7th weighing 191.80 pounds and had two blown cruciates. After losing almost 40 pounds, BHRR’s Ava Marie had her first cruciate repair surgery on May 21st, 2010 at Liston Animal Hospital. After then battling a case of pneumonia since June 30th; Ava Marie is now well enough to have her second cruciate repair surgery, which has been scheduled for Friday August 13th @ Liston Animal Hospital.

With all the kindness shown to date with direct donations; we now ONLY have another $1,289.25 left to raise for this surgery.

To help BHRR’s Ava Marie; she is hosting an Online Auction which began on Saturday July 31st @ 7:00 AM and will run through until Friday August 13th @ 9:00 PM EST.

Louise Peterson, Lindsay Claire, Longaberger and many other items up for grabs! To date, we have 75 items and if you would like to donate an item, please do email Gwen. The more items we have – gift cards, gift baskets, throws, custom creations or work etc., the more $ we could possibly raise for BHRR’s Ava Marie.

Funds raised shall go towards the remaining $1,309.25 needed for Ava Marie’s 2nd cruciate surgery!

Permission given to cross-post!

Should you prefer to make a donation instead to her Bills; even $5.00 is not too little; you can donate by email transfer to or by PayPal(account is OR you can write a check/MO or Bank Draft out to β€˜Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services’ with BHRR’s Ava in the memo section and mail to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR you can call Liston Animal Hospital at (613) 591-0966 to pay on Ava Marie’s Bill directly by Visa or M/C – Ava’s bill is under the account name of β€˜Ava Boers.’ Dr. Liston was the Vet that also performed both BHRR’s Jaxson’s and BHRR’s Potter’s leg amputations in 2009 plus did BHRR’s Apollo’s own cruciate/meniscal surgery on July 2nd, 2010.

Thank you so much in advance for your consideration!

I am posting a picture below of BHRR’s Dana taken from our June 26th BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ Mini Open House. It captures her personality so much! I have also added it to her slideshow.

BHRR’s Dana – June 26th, 2010 – WHAT a ham!
Photo coutesy of L. Crawford

We look forward in seeing many of our BHRR supporters and fans of the BHRR animals attend our 3rd ANNUAL Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser being held tomorrow – Sunday July 18th!Β  8 AM – 5 PM at Kanata Animal Hospital located at 440 Hazeldean Road! *RAIN or SHINE! Pet Photos, draws including a $350USD Bracelet, Tug Ropes, Leashes, Collars, Homemade Dog Treats all part of the BHRR/KAH Experience!

We had a couple come to our BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE” Mini Open House this past Saturday to visit with us and the Danes under our program plus to meet many others that are seeking to support BHRR or current adopters and/or Volunteers of BHRR. It is so important for us to have people see first hand what they are looking into supporting and to visit with not just us but all the animals and other people that are involved or looking in becoming involved with BHRR. They were originally interested in either BHRR’s Shiva, BHRR’s Mindy or BHRR’s Dana and I am so happy they were able to make the trip and it turns out that they would like to be considered for BHRR’s Mindy. Their original interest was in a black female Great Dane and BHRR has three of those lovely beauties! So……… this time I am putting BHRR’s Mindy under PENDING ADOPTION’ and shall not be taking any more inquiries or applications on BHRR’s Mindy until we determine if BHRR’s Mindy will or will not be adopted to this possible BHRR approved home. As for BHRR’s Shiva – she was not quite her normal amazing sweet self after her recent experience which was most unfortunate and as for BHRR’s Dana – she is truly not meant for a first time dog home the michievous wonderful MONKEY she is and/or first time Great Dane owner home plus also resorted back to some ‘excite’ jumping including once on myself on Saturday and so, I am also content at this time to consider BHRR’s Mindy for this home. They have been made aware that she is not a young puppy and also has her ‘interpersonal’ space preferences the regal queen she is and please keep BHRR’s Mindy in your thoughts!

I wanted to add another photo to BHRR’s Dana’s slideshow #32 and to post it below. She has settled back at BHRR as if she had never left for a mini vaca! LOL We continue to be patient waiting for her new forever loving home to ‘see’ her for the very special and unique beauty she is and to apply to adopt her.

BHRR’s Dana & The ‘Friend’ She Helped Get Back On His Feet – May 11th, 2010
*Photo courtesy of T. Vaive

BHRR’s Dana came home to BHRR tonight. Due to a personal injury with her Foster Mom and that a beloved family member of her foster mom is having upcoming surgery AND that their Dane looks to be back up on their feet much better; it was time for BHRR’s Dana to come back home to us. Per her Foster Mom:

“One could say she has my number!!! πŸ™‚ To funny. Gwennie not that all animals are not special but she truly is one of those special touch your soul girls. I can’t thank you enough for allowing us to have the opportunity to get to know this wonderful, fun, talented, loving girl. I can’t say it enough where ever her forever home ends up being they are the lucky ones to have a Dane like her!!!!! She enriches life and brings light and joy with her silly Dana antics. We will be missing a piece when she goes back. She has a part of our hearts. I can totally understand why you and the family miss her so. Again Gwennie I can’t thank you enough for sharing your special Dana Devil with us!!!!”

Welcome back BHRR’s Dana. YOU were missed while you worked your magic in helping this home and their current Dane heal from their loss over Easter. I know that this home shall also miss you too and when their new wee show addition arrives; she, too will bring many smiles and memories to their home!

May your forever loving adoptive home come along Dana and if not, know that you shall always be cherised in ours for their shall ONLY ever being one Dana! You are a very special girl with so many precious gifts to share with others!

Dana also comes home having learnt how to paddle in a kiddie pool and to chase bubbles!

BHRR’s Dana went to her temp foster home last night and well the last 24+ hours have been an adventure to say the least! Within the first half an hour she had her first experience with a screen. The foster homes outside door has the bottom part screened and I said, ‘Dana is going to go through that’ and her foster mom said ‘no, she won’t…she will be ok Gwennie’ and well, uhmmmm, Dana decided she wanted to come in…. πŸ˜› AND so she took the screen with her. 😯 Before going to bed, she also decided to tumble one preschooler in her play antics with their other Great Dane. BHRR’s Dana then began to ‘test’ the home just as I knew she would; trying to get on the couch, counter surfing, trying to get into the dog food bin, garbages and attempting to steal the toilet paper roll! I so remember the days here of all of that and the mountain of training plus Gwennie’s Doggie Boot Camp! LOL LOL AND I told the home before hand that she would try to do the same there plus ‘jump’ on people in her high level of excitement if given a chance. This is why she needs an experienced home. One that is going to set those ground rules and more importantly enforce them from Day 1. You cannot fall for the charm of the ‘doll face’ and those eyes of Dana’s or she will have your number and boom…you are sleeping on the floor and hand feeding the Dana! LOL From there, she had a pretty good night from what I was told, some loose/soft stools which is not unusual as it is a new place, lots of excitement which is a form of stress and that she is also now on town water and not well water. Her foster mom was hoping to come out to the Wag Pet Shop/Sue Bird Charity Contest today and with Dana’s loose stools and some other things; decided that it would be best not to attend. WE MISSED YA! Today, was a pretty good day except for BHRR’s Dana getting a happy tail injury in the crate that she was using at the foster home(I shall bring one of ours for her tomorrow night) and then I got a call around 8:45 PM. The first thing her foster mom said to me’ really Gwennie, I am not trying to kill your dog and she is ok….but’Β  πŸ˜› It appears that Dana had now managed to get one of her front paws caught on their crate door in her antics to try and escape and this all within 24+ hours. I packed up some goodies for the loose stools, Deramaxx 100 mg for the foot, antibiotics for the tail and surgical tape, Germistat 4% and Betadine, 4 x 4s etc to go over to the foster’s house to exam Dana and to ensure that the foster mom had all the instruments at her disposal to take care of Dana. OMG! I did say that Dana would keep their other Great Dane occupied not just physically yet mentally PLUS that Dana would keep the whole home on their toes YET this is not what I meant! LOL I was relieved to note that it was not the front paw with her toe amputation from September. I also took a closer look at the histiocytoma that Dana has on her right back paw and from walking on the pavement in the town(we do not have pavement here), I could already see that we are going to have potential problems with that too. Oh my! I am posting a picture below of BHRR’s Dana and her new best friend, their 4 pound Kitty! Tonight, Dana also tried to push her luck with their cat in the following and playing and their cat had no qualms standing up to Dana and Dana has been as good as can be again with her FOR their cat called her out. Dana is just so full of mischief and sure enough she was sitting on their Great Danes head at one point too as he was lying on a dog bed. Dana is if anything, consistent! LOL AND though you might not always know what she is going to get up to, you know that it shall involve mischief should you suddenly feel that the house is too quiet! LOL The home has assured me that they do not wish to swap with BHRR’s Storm for I did give them that option at the beginning yet I stand by that while BHRR’s Storm would physically keep their current Dane occupied, she is not going to provide that same level of busy mental stimulation to their dog…BUT then again, Storm would also not be keeping the whole house on their toes either! LOL This is what I love about Dana, she is always pushing and testing and once she knows you are going to not budge on those boundaries, she is a gem!!!! NOT a mean bone in this girls’ body yet you have to continue to shape and guide and mould her in the right manner/direction. She was just the sweetest thing when I arrived there tonight, allowing me to put her on her side and checking her out from her toes, paws and tail and once you earn this girls’ trust, her loyalty to you is truly humbling. As I say often, she is a ‘survivor’ and that is because she has backbone and will and if she did not have those, she would have been dead a long time ago of the emaciation/abuse she had experienced before coming to BHRR. We believe in full disclosure at BHRR and that means all the great, good, bad and ugly about every dog and no dog is perfect yet you strive to make each dog as perfect as they can be and Dana, you are so on that path to your perfection!!! The poor fostermom said to me ‘Gwennie, you are never going to trust me to have another foster again…’ AND that could not be further from the truth!Β  πŸ˜‰ Dana is in excellent hands and I am not worried. I just would not recommend you having Dana on your bed….too much…LOLΒ  πŸ˜‰ We do not want Dana to resort back to the faint ‘lip’ curl of pushing the envelope and not wanting to share with other dogs and we have worked so hard with the sharing with water bowls, treats, toys and dog beds plus sharing humans with the other dogs too! She uses our bed at home as long as we are not in it and shares really well with the other dogs. When my kids are watching TV on our bed, she is not allowed in it yet neither are any dogs other than PPSS or CH. Dyceman. When it is time for the adults to go to sleep, Dana is also not allowed on the bed. This is to keep the proper order of hierachy established, good dog manners being continued and for us to get a good nights sleep. This home is well versed in all of this with their own past Great Dane experiences and MORE than capable of working with our “Alvin” that the fostermom calls “Calvin” from Calvin and Hobbes. πŸ˜› If this is what the first 26 hours has brought to this home, there shall be some really interesting and entertaining blogs to post over the next 5 weeks! AND the home knows that I am only a call away AND a short drive away!

BHRR’s Dana with one of her new best friends – April 24th, 2010
*Photo courtesy of T. Vaive

BHRR’s Dana is going to be going on an adventure for about 5+ weeks! She is going to be temp fostered, beginning Friday April 23rd to about Friday May 28th. This will be really great for her. Change of environment and continued exposure to things and a different home and having more people meet her and see what a great dog she is! She is going to go to a home that lost one of their own Danes recently and their current Dane is suffering from depression, losing a lot of weight and while they are bringing in a new show GD addition, that new addition is not expected to arrive until the end of May. We well understand what it is like to lose animals and how it can and does affect the other animals in our home and we believe it shall be a huge win win situation all around for their home and for BHRR’s Dana! BHRR’s Dana will definitely keep their current Dane occupied and busy and on his toes! LOL She should bring many smiles to this home too. The home already let me know that they bought Dana her own bed, lead and food bowl as a special contribution donation to her care and welbeing! I am going to miss my “Alvin”! LOL BHRR can always use more wonderful approved Volunteer/Temp Foster and Perma Foster homes!

I am so proud to say that Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) has met all the pre-approval compliance requirements for PayPal as a registered non-profit/charity organization!!!! I faxed over 40 pages of documentation including CRA forms, Banking and Legal information plus contacts last Saturday March 6th and today, I have heard back that all is in order from their extensive review and BHRR is now PRE-APPROVED as we move to our next status level from our registered non-profit to registered charity with the CRA to continue to collect much needed funds/donations via PayPal (account is

Additionally, per their User Policy Agreement; their policy includes a restriction on activities that involve an entry fee and a prize, such as raffles, drawings or lotteries. Therefore, just a HUGE reminder that for our upcoming Spring Fever Basket Raffle; please note that we will NOT accept payment for these raffle tickets via PayPal. BHRR will ONLY take Visa/MC/Amex/Cash/Email Transfer to or Check/MO/Bank Draft to β€˜Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services’ for this raffle that shall commence on Friday March 19th.

As per my post in BHRR’s Mindy thread; I was taking some face shots and I am going to also add 2 to BHRR’s Dana’s slideshow #29 & #30 plus put one of them below. This girl continues to keep me on my toes and I not only respect her for that but LOVE her dearly! She is a high maintenance girl in so many ways yet her affectionate, passion for life and sheer brilliancy in how she continues to try and stay one step ahead of me is nothing less than to be admired!!!! She also is still waiting for her forever loving home and I remain firm that I would like to see her in a home with at least one other dog; preferably a male as she always worries when new females comes in as to whether or not they will be a partner in crime mischief maker or a diva queen that playing and being sheer outgoing seems to be a crime. πŸ˜€ Her coat is so black and shiny and she is so far removed from the poor 64 pound creature that came into BHRR so emaciated and full of anxieties plus stress.

BHRR’s Dana – March 9th, 2010 – Almost 2 years of age