My last post of my night is to wish all those having to be on the road tomorrow a safe drive. The weather is suppose to be icky!

BHRR’s Potter(our BHRR Haven Tripod, Deaf Boxer) recommends to all if they can to stay at home and snuggle!

These photo’s were taken by the Maracle family at our recent first BHRR “EXPERIENCE” Mini Open House of 2016. Thank you!

He will be turning 8 miracle years old this year for he has made it clear to all of his Vet team that Cancer is NOT going to steal him away from all those that adore him and his ‘tude!

He was not expected to live to see his 2nd Birthday…and we are so grateful and blessed that he is still here keeping all on their toes!

His own spondylosis has been wrecking some havoc on his body and some arthritis also yet, he continues to go strong.

He wishes everyone a good night!


Someone is crashed……finally from all the excitement of our first BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ mini open house of 2016!!

BHRR’s Flame at her first EXPERIENCE herself! 9 weeks of age and a huge hit!

Another great day being had!


My last post for today is a BIG THANKS post being sent out to each and every wonderful attendee that had registered for our first BHRR “EXPERIENCE” mini open house of 2016.

We had a total of 26 dogs mixing and mingling with 25 people today! ๐Ÿ™‚ Another SUCCESSFUL event! Even BHRR’s Potter had only a few ‘tude moments and no ‘walk-about’ this time around! ๐Ÿ˜€

Lots of work goes into these experiences and each one just warms my heart with how wonderful they turn out to be!

We want to thank people from our hearts for the much needed donations of food, pinesol, mats, fabric softener etc. We are truly immensely grateful for your support!

We want to thank everyone that brought snacks and drink items from fruit to cookies, to squares and pop! You made the day truly fabu.

Today’s mini experience also raised $340 for BHRR’s Mavie!!! So filled with warmth.

The 50/50 – $80 won by Elizabeth was donated back to BHRR – THANK YOU! Thank you! So, a total of $160 came to BHRR’s Mavie

$70 was raised by Kathy selling her awesome doggie biscuits prior to visiting today. Biggest thanks being sent!!

AND thank you to those that told me that they made ‘birthday’ donations in our donation box to BHRR on my behalf. Though, I no longer have Birthdays, I do thank you!!! :p AND, no today is not my Birthday!

This photo was taken by Aaron(TY!) of BHRR’s Bloom have a great nap – she is now almost 5.5 years of age and her Spondylosis has been taking its toll. ๐Ÿ™

Per a blog post made on December 27th, we had made the decision to move her to our Haven Program. Quality of life always for every blessed day we have with her and she had a truly great day……she was loved on and cuddled and snuggled and she got to ‘grump’ a couple of times at a few dogs in typical Boom Boom style :p and also to steal some of BHRR’s Flame’s kibble as per her ‘gift’ of being stealthy.

Thank you to each person that took some time to sit with her and tell her how special and precious she is. Many commented on how much more frail she now looks/acts over seeing here even at our XMAS Annual Chain of Success Potluck yet saw that true BOOM BOOM Spark explode at times.

For those already asking about our annual April BHRR “EXPERIENCE” mini open house, we are not hosting an April one in 2016 yet do plan on hosting our annual June experience. We will post when we are open for registration for that one….it is a glorious gorgeous time at BHRR in June! ๐Ÿ™‚

THANK you again everyone for such a beautiful day had…..


AND another photo from BHRR’s Ethel’s awesome picnic play date!


Some pictures taken from BHRR’s Ethel’s date of her time with them! I think she had a great day! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Blankets were even warmed up in the dryer for her! ๐Ÿ™‚

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BHRR’s Ethel is heading for a special picnic play date today!! She even helped me make the picnic.ย 

Well, she shall most likely sleep over playing.ย 

I was so so so touched when she was chosen for a date for an extremely and unique popular auction BHRR item we auctioned off at our annual ‘JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS’ auction.

She may be almost blind and deaf, and an older Dane yet, she ‘sees’ so much with her heart, ‘hears’ so much with her soul and age is but a number! When she is playing, she is an absolutely hoot to watch! Her hobbly bobbly trots are adorable!

Thank you to this home in giving her this beautiful experience!

AND a photo of the picnic that BHRR’s Ethel helped me make and she did a fine job! ๐Ÿ™‚

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BHRR’s Maple was to go in tonight for her pre-op bloodwork and exam prior to being spayed. We will reschedule when it can be just her going in so that I can have both hands to reassure her gently that she is ok……

She is doing so well….hard to believe that she was once this extreme fear aggressive Dane yet, she is still nervous in strange settings and so, I made the decision to change her appointment when it can be just her and I going in(tonight BHRR’s Flame was also scheduled)……so, she can have all of me and my attention and all the time necessary.

BHRR’s Flame weighs 8.15 Kgs(17.93 pounds) at 9 weeks of age. A small girl she shall not be…though, she does not resemble Mama Great Dane Eve in looks and shall not be her size(almost 115 pounds and still putting on some weight Mama is), BHRR’s Flame is not going to be a medium size dog…she may well top 90-95 pounds at the rate she is growing. I have many other blogs to update in her history and shall continue to do so over time.

What is she mixed with?! One of the biggest questions I get and I do not know…the shelter did not know and the O. that dumped Mom and babies at the shelter ‘thought’ GS or Hound yet, they did not even know. Well, I see possible GS in this cutie patootie yet, she is what she is….and, it does not matter. We may do a DNA test for ‘fun’, we may not. Does not matter at the end of the day and nor shall it matter to her right matched forever loving home.

She is beautifully in proportion and continues to show all how brill she is, sitting for treats and not even being prompted to sit and demonstrating her ‘check in’ abilities also.

She would make an excellent obedience dog and she sure loves to climb! I think she may well be part ‘goat’ ๐Ÿ˜€

She was extremely well behaved, great with obedience(recall etc.) and truly melts my heart….from 14 days to 9 weeks in a blink!!

One her bloodwork comes back, and we anticipate all as being normal – she has also been de-wormed to date per proper Veterinary protocols at 2, 4,6, and 8 weeks so far and her fecal was negative – we will be making a notification re: her about when she will be placed up for adoption and the intake of applications for her.

At this time, we continue to NOT take any applications on her for any home to be considered as a right matched personality fit for her.

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BHRR’s Flame is on her way to KAH! Booster and blood work time!

She is now 9 weeks of age and doing well!


I want to give a bit of a definition as to why Sean narrowed down all the great name suggestions to four and chose this one……sometimes, he picks a recommended name and sometimes, he comes up with one on his own.

The reasons why BHRR has named this amazing boy BHRR’s Rubble are:

1) By definition: “any solid substance” – and this boy is solid and not just in body but in spirit and heart and in heart and soul and in mind plus his determination and patience. AND he shall become more and more so in time…….

2) By definition: : “broken fragments resulting from destruction” – and as solid as this boy is, he has some broken fragments plus pieces that need ‘re-building’ through healing plus rehabilitation. He is a product of his past. ๐Ÿ™ We will work on his confidence plus comfort level at his pace, we will work hard to earn his trust and to build it back up. We will work to heal wounds, physically his tail and nose will heal, yet emotionally and behaviourally with what he was expected to put up with in silence and continued tolerance despite discomfort and pain to his own body in having kids climb all over him, ride him, sleep on him etc. shall take a lot longer. He will put that weight back on – he had to have been once emaciated for he is uber skinny still now and in just his first 5 days had put on 5 KGS at the shelter. He was given a poor body score upon intake.

3) By definition: “a miscellaneous confused mass or group of usually broken things.” – Confused he is. Not sure what is expected of him. Worried.

4) By definition:ย  “a mass crumbled by natural or human forces.” – That is almost what happened to him. He was almost completely destroyed at the forceful hands other humans – from the adult that should have been there protecting him to the kids that forced him to do things he never should have had to endure. If it were not for the shelter ‘seeing’ him for the worthy boy he is and the deserving dog he is, he would have been literally ‘destroyed’ by euthanasia.

5) By definition – Rubble is used to fill in cavities and holes in walls, making them stronger and solid and looking beautiful plus well balanced…….That is who you are, you are beautiful, you are solid, you will make those around your stronger as you gain you own emotional plus mental strength, and you are more well balanced than you realise BHRR’s Rubble and shall only become more so!

BHRR’s Rubble you shall rise up and be glorious!

Welcome to BHRR!!!

Due to a mix-up in scheduling, BHRR’s Eve was not spayed/pexied today. ๐Ÿ™

We will get her rescheduled ASAP.

Posted in Eve

My only post for today AND also my last post for my night!

BHRR’s Steam AKA Steam Boat – one of our honourary Giants of BHRR (She is AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION) has discovered the XL gorgeous soft and plush dog bed that someone donated at PV Stittsville for BHRR. THANK you so much!!!

I think she is quite comfy! She loves it so much that she has completely discarded her huge yellow ducky(small bit of the duck seen in the bottom left corner) that a doll donated her way back in November.ย 

WHO would have thought a 22 pound wee thing could take up so much space! Well, we know firsthand that they can take up as much if not more space than the Danes!

She wishes all of our friends, family and extended family a most wonderful restful night….

Tomorrow is a big day for both Mama Eve’s surviving puppy, BHRR’s Flame(miracle 9 weeks now) and also BHRR’s Maple(WOW! Has she ever made amazing progress since her arrival as an extremely fear aggressive lovely) – KAH time to visit the Vets!


Good Night!

My last post of my night!

The BHRR “EXPERIENCE” mini open house package has now been sent! If you believe that you have registered and have not yet received your detailed info. package, please do email ASAP! Promises to be another fabu time! The weather is expected to be 4 degrees, and mainly cloudy.

I am now going to spend the rest of my night with the newest addition to BHRR! Not the best photo yet, that is how close he wants to be with me right now…..and that is ok….we have tons of time for him to gain confidence.

He is understandably nervous/scared and it pains my heart to see him cringe and slink around Sean. Poor boy……I am going to hang out with him tonight and tell him so many wonderful stories about the BHRR doggies.

Dog who are going to love playing with him and showing him all the ‘ropes’ plus to tell him all about the great people in his BHRR Community that cannot wait to shower him with caring, loving arms and touches.

AND my promise to him is that he shall NEVER ever again have anyone say it is ok to have children ride him, crawl all over him, sleep on him etc………he will not be set-up for failure and then dumped at a shelter discarded, and then replaced with a new dog and forgotten about.

He is also more skinny then I first thought when I picked him up. Yet, that weight will come. He already put on significant weight at the shelter. In his first 5 days there, he had put on 5 kgs.

He will learn that he is important, valued, cherished, loved and heard….he will not be ignored, he will not be forced, he will be respected. WELCOME to BHRR dear man!

From my home to all of our friends and family plus extended family, may all have a good night!


Look who I now have in my hands……

He has waited long enough for rescue assistance and though he is skinny and has some happy tail plus nose scrapes – not uncommon in kennel environments – and gave me a big bark upon greeting – he really does appear to be a nice boy.

We are just sitting in the parking lot at the shelter getting him used to be in the car as he is understandably a bit nervous…..

The shelter has been calling him ‘Bruce’ and we will see what Sean thinks. Final name choices are always his!

Thank you all the amazing staff at the shelter for taking such incredible care of him and in reaching out to BHRR.

Welcome to BHRR!


UPDATE: we are on our way home.

This is not the right matched fit home for BHRR’s Dune. BHRR’s Dune’s proper mental/physical stimulation needs plus continued training requirements are not a good fit for this home. BHRR’s Dune is a young happy, healthy and active boy.

That right matched dog for this home is out there and that right matched fit home for BHRR’s Dune is out there!

BHRR’s Dune had another good experience and that is so important.

Thank you to the home for having us do this home-visit.

I knew going in that with almost complete certainty that an adoption would not be approved, yet as it was not 100% going in, the home-visit was a must.

Happy Sunday to all!

PS: our 3rd annual ‘Breaking Bills Bake’ Online Auction ends tonight @ 9 pm EST! Get your bids in!!


So, I go to check on Mason and BHRR’s Dune and I think they are all tucked in for the night!!

Good night to all of our friends and family…..

More soon…..


We are here!! Safe!

Now at our fave haunt in this area for hotels and pets. They treat us really well and once again they did not charge me a ‘pet fee’.

They even opened up the room for me so I did not have to go inside to open up the patio doors and then outside to get the car and back inside etc.! The lovely person even put the heat on and stayed there until I got the car to the room.

BHRR’s Dune had a great drive down and is a bit unsure right now yet being a pro in the room. He is thinking Mason’s bed is a good place to feel comfortable……

I have promised BHRR’s Dune that if this is not the right matched home for him, then he will not stay. Only the best fit home for you my ‘Dune Duney’

He will tell us if he is feeling ‘home’ tomorrow at the home-visit.

Thank you to Sean and Kinsley for holding down the fort while I am away. So so so appreciative!!

We hope all our friends and family are having a safe, happy and healthy weekend as always!

Please do consider bidding in our 3RD Annual ‘Breaking Bills Bake’ Online Auction. It ends tomorrow at 9 pm EST. Your consideration would be so meaningful to BHRR’s Mavie!

Will update as we can tomorrow!


AND we are on our way!!!

Will update once we reach our hotel! Just at a pit stop right now….

Keep BHRR’s Dune in your best thoughts!! The home-visit for a possible approved adoption for him is tomorrow.


BHRR’s Ethel is going to have a special picnic play date on the 30th! So happy for her!!!

BHRR’s Whisper!
*She has sure taken a shine to that XL Ottoman of ours in front of the fireplace!

She had a good Vet visit on Tuesday January 19th, so much better than I thought. The Vet believes most of her issues are stemming from FAD(Flea Allergy Dermatitis). With her diet change to a high quality kibble that should also immensely help her skin. I also have special shampoo and if in two weeks, no improvement we will look at further treatment.

None of her numerous wounds are infected and they are healing well.

I had given her a Revolution on the Sunday and we shall repeat in two weeks time. We did a full blood-work-up that has come back normal(some mild elevated levels of Globulin that her Vet was not worried about right now) plus her Accuplex(Heartworm and Tickborne Disease) panel has also come back negative. YAY!

Her weight was 39.6 KGS(87.12 pounds) and that was not far off what I thought. I was thinking 90-95 pounds tops! As she gets more muscle mass plus tone, she will move up a bit in weight. She is a ‘wee’ giant! Beautifully proportioned and 100% gorgeous!

She is sleeping a ton for she had to have been so exhausted, the poor thing…. Her sleeps are more and more relaxed and restful.

As of the third night with us, she has been sleeping in her crate beautifully, no more SA and she only gets mildly worried outside of her crate when she feels she cannot get to me anytime she wishes. Bathrooms are always scary for Danes as they always think I am going to sneak out of some imaginary door! She is learning to relax, become more confident plus comfortable and to self-soothe. PROUD of you BHRR’s Whisper!

She only very rarely licks or chews at herself now for she is realizing with stability and structure that she is ‘ok’ and that she will not be abandoned again. A lot of that obsessiveness appears to be shared between the FAD, poor diet and stress. Passively ignoring undesirable behavours and rewarding proper acceptable behaviours is seeing her respond with such happiness! Clear and open communication has made her feel safe and not guessing nor confused as to what is expected of her.

She is making amazing progress and so fast!

AND she is picking up the sign language plus touch and scent training like a pro! WOW! Her startle reflex has greatly evolved too since her arrival.

Her playful side is coming out and what a goofy girl she can be!

While we can confirm that she has not had puppies recently, and, that she is not in heat right now or a false pregnancy, we cannot rule out at this time if she is getting ready to go into a heat(we may do slides to determine where she is in her cycle yet not pressing) or if she is already pregnant. We are monitoring…….

When she is able to be spayed, she shall be.

She is truly a lovely ‘wee’ giant………getting to know her is such a pleasure.

She loves the company of the other dogs yet as of yet, has not played with them, only began to play with us tonight.

She has been fully integrated with almost all the dogs also and it is like she has always been here! Hard to believe that she has not even been here a week!

THANK you again to all and any that are considering her cause to support and that Kanata Animal Hospital can be contacted directly at 613-836-2848 for any donations to her bills. She has an account ‘Whisper’ under the Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) file there.

Already her skin is looking better! ๐Ÿ™‚

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Per the previous blog post, BHRR’s Raven is AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION again…..

BHRR did their first approved adoption for 2016 tonight!

BHRR’s Pearl! She was the best right matched fit for the home and it has to be about set up for success for home and dog. Always….

Not the best photo yet we will try again at our BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ mini open house.

BHRR’s Pearl will remain with us to around February 12th as the home readies itself for her arrival.

Congrats to this most wonderful of homes and also thanks to Aaron for helping at this home-visit. Invaluable you are!!

BHRR’s Pearl your journey from catatonic terrified skinny, SA lacking in confidence mush to a happy, healthy hyper social Harlie has been a most beautiful transformation. I have the best of tears for you….

BHRR’s Raven – you were so loved by this home that was so apparent to see and you loved them in turn and if the home had more dog experience and/or you had had more obedience and manners under your belt, it would have been a much harder choice for the best matched fit AND your time shall come……….AND, you will only get better and better with your manners and training in the mean-time! YOU are a hoot! ๐Ÿ˜€

BHRR’s Raven, your own right matched forever loving home is out there and you gave everyone many laughs tonight!! You are honest and true….and all of us love you!


AND we are on our way!

This is the home-visit for a possible Great Dane adoption for either BHRR’s Raven or BHRR’s Pearl.

We will update as we can.

BHRR’s Steam keeps close watch over her new friend, BHRR’s Whisper, who is also DEAF and Visually Impaired herself…..

BHRR’s Whisper is new to our rescue program and has had a terrible start to life…..


Someone is settling in better than night #1. Our XL Ottoman makes a great bed….
AND with the fireplace on behind her, what comfort she is now experiencing, especially on a -30 night….inside and safe for the first time….

Sean has named her BHRR’s Whisper. For her ‘whispers’ for help are being heard and answered….

As much as I wanted to bring her to work with me yesterday for that skin especially, her stress plus anxiety levels were through the roof. So, Sean worked from home and I spent most of the evening into the wee hours with her and you could see her relaxing more and more.

What confusion and fear she must be feeling….always sleeping literally with one eye open.

Per my other post, she is not just Deaf, yet also visually impaired, and what a survivor she is to have survived on an abandoned farm…..poor thing….

She had her first pee around 1 am today and is now drinking water and eating more.

She has to learn to like herself and obtain some confidence so she is comfortable and knows she is going to be ‘OK’. She goes readily into her crate and then becomes anxious and we passively ignore and every time is better and last night when I went to bed around 3:00 am or so, she went in, cried only for about five minutes or so and settled for almost three hours. What a good girl!!

Separation anxiety can be so successfully dealt with and that is what my PhD dissertation is on yet many people ‘give in’ and that is only a set up for failure for the dog and them. Yup….I got zero sleep Sunday night and last night I had 2.5 great hours and right now, she has been having a really great rest since breakfast…not a peep.

You could tell when she finally just let it all go and really slept…..and while my heart wants to fight with common sense – yup, even 28 years later – I do not feel sorry for her – that is the worst thing I could do – and I am not going to hold her close to my chest and squeeze her tight etc….

What I am going to do is give her all the tools she needs to rehabilitate successfully and develop into that beautiful girl that is there yet, quite a bit of her is hidden inside. Do not misunderstand me, she receives tons of love, yet, it is not all about her….she is having to learn to share me – she bonded fast and fierce to me – and, that she can amuse herself and comfort herself and stimulate herself without me there all the time. We will teach her to like herself.

Physically and I have been taking pictures, full of bite wounds and old scars and scabs. That neck of hers is heart breaking. A nasty skin infection is going on and her body is quite bald in places and being white can be hard to see in photo’s. Her rump, lower back, under her tail and parts of her belly are the worst. Raw, some bloody area’s and red….she is licking plus chewing herself and we will rule out an UTI also. Her body shows much neglect and has taken a pounding more than once from teeth. We will look into mange and allergies and whatever she shall require to get her healthy….

She has had puppies at some point and being around 18 months herself, babies having babies. We shall also monitor to see if she is pregnant now. Per my other post it was said that she was pregnant yet no one saw any babies….

We will look into allergies and do skin scrapings and blood-work and all that she needs…she is also no longer on Ol Roy food. AND she is no longer sleeping in a garage and she will lack for nothing….

We are off to see the Vet tonight and I will post more afterwards….any considerations to her bills can be made direct to Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848 under the name of ‘Whisper’ under the Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services account.

Welcome to BHRR our newest ‘wee’ Great Dane – she is about the height of BHRR’s Raven.

BHRR’s Steam(Deaf/Visually Impaired herself AND Available For Adoption) watches over BHRR’s Whisper as she sleeps!

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ISO: Bakers! Our 3rd Annual “Breaking Bills Bake’ Online Auction begins Saturday January 16th, 2016 and shall run through until Sunday January 24th, 2016!

We are in search of bakers for human and/or doggie treats for this unique online auction!

All items do not need to be baked until the end of the auction to ensure freshness!

Last year we had 41 amazing goodies up for grabs! We are hoping for an equally wonderfully successful fundraiser to help a most deserving dog in our Great Dane Rescue.

If anyone may consider donating a baked goodie to our creative fundraiser, please do email Please do NOT post on this thread for your kind and generous offer may be missed!

All monies raised shall go towards BHRR’ Mavie’s Vet Bills. He was back at KAH on the 14th of Decemberย for a post op recheck and to exam the swelling that has begun to develop again on that left front leg of his. ย He was back to not eating as well and dropping weight again. Clear signs that something is brewing…..

His had swollen lymph nodes yet was not demonstrating a fever. He is back on the Baytril 150 mg – 3 Tablets BID and that is a cost of almost $300 for just over 8 days. We are also running more bloodwork.

So, our Iron Man is not yet out of the woods………..

Thanks in advance for any consideration………

bakingbills2015 (Medium)

We asked, you answered and so today we did the DNA testing for BHRR’s Griffin!

When the results come in, we shall post….ALL for fun!!!


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So, I took a poll recently in fun regarding which dog people may like to see a DNA test on and BHRR’s Griffin was top runner. So, we will be running for fun a DNA test and shall post the results when they are back.

I now have the test kit in my hand and just need to take two swabs and mail off!

Hanging at the Shelter he is. Truly, in excellent hands until I get there on Friday.

He thanks his Auntie Lianne so much for his very own dog bed!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ He cannot wait to use it!


UPDATE: This girl is in my hands right now… heart is so heavy and pained for the poor shape she is in and I will make a separate post all about her tomorrow on a new thread….

She is a small ‘wee’ Great Dane…….with zero manners!

I can confirm that she is not only DEAF yet Visually Impaired… be running loose as such a special needs dog, had to be a feat in survival for her.

This dog is so red, bloody plus raw all over her rump, lower back and private parts plus tail, bald is putting it lightly, this dog is full of bite marks plus scabs and she has so many old bite wounds/scars on her that it makes my heart cry out in such sadness……

When she was picked up, a slightly different story was told than what was sent my way in email…..

I have to look closer at her body tomorrow, did she have babies at one point? The one story was that she was pregnant at one point yet no one saw babies, is she pregnant again now? Is she getting ready to have a heat? A false pregnancy? Does she have a UTI as she is licking and chewing herself raw? Does she have allergies? Mange? All things we will investigate further.

We were told that she was allowed to sleep in someone’s garage….well, tonight and tomorrow and onward she sleeps in MY home on her own soft dog bed and will lack for nothing…

Her nails are brutal, she lacks so much in muscle and my promise to her like all those that have come before, she will NEVER EVER have another day in her future as she has had in her past…….

Thank you to her transport angels that agreed to meet up with me(Rachel & Bernie) for the assistance with her!

Sean has named her ‘Whisper’ for he sure wishes that she would! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Yet, also that shall be her name on a more serious note for her ‘whispers’ for help are being heard LOUD and Clear…..

She is also a ‘whisper’ of a Great Dane – small and compact.

Thank you to Rachel & Bernie for the photo – those ‘pink’ area’s are all red and hairless area’s on her face and body. I am trying to capture photo’s of her poor hind end etc. ๐Ÿ™ On her muzzle those are all old scars. ๐Ÿ™ The sides of her face has so many scabs and wounds. Her neck looks like a battle field.

BHRRโ€™s Eve Whisper’s Helping Angels: $0 donated to date & Bills $790.78
*before paypal fees
*Rachel & Bernie – Dog Bed, Benny Bully Treats



He is ready to make his own special announcement!

This boy came to BHRR beyond skinny, yes, emaciated and with ‘tude issues. Especially with any human adult female that he believed to be in a position of authority.

Someone sure did handle him wrong in his past.

This gorgeous boy also tested positive for a chronic Lymes Disease infection and when he was neutered in December we did a UPC by cysto collection.

It came back negative. So, in conversing with two of his Vets, we tried to figure out why he was not putting on the weight for they believe that he was actually a false positive for Lymes. He is not symptomatic for Lymes.

The recommendation is to re-test his UPC in 6 months time and if he is adopted by then, this is in his medical records plus in his detailed blog on our home website.

He had no shifting lameness, no lethargic, no pain yet the weight issue which can also be a part of being Lymes positive was ever present.

So, what I did over this past week is change up where he eats…..and, well, uhmmmmm, man, does he like to eat now……

So, mental note, eats ok in the crate where he sleeps yet, in feeding him in an X-pen, likes to eat really well. GOTCHA BHRR’s Miller!ย  All you had to do is say so!

So,considering that he is NOT Lymes Positive AND that he is putting on the weight even better now……he is ready!

Behaviourally, he is going to need an experienced home, not necessary a Dane experienced home, yet an experienced home that is going to be positive method and balanced in training with him.

I believe in full disclosure on all of our dogs and while this boy is fabu ‘eye candy’, he has had a lot of work on his emotional plus behavioural state NOT to mention obedience(HOLY! He is still like a freight train at times on leash!!). He must continue with the obedience and that is part of our adoption contract with any dog.

I am still careful about when to take his collar and sometimes so as to not stress him out, I just take the leash, hook it gently onto his collar and off we go.

We have negotiated and compromised our way through Gwennie’s Boot Camp and he is now reliably trusting me about 95% of the time and only once in awhile does he ‘forget’ himself and will bark and get a bit woofy and goes to softly mouth and he never makes contact and corrects himself really well.

He no longer tries to eat me……..he was so fearful in the beginning, the poor boy……I seriously wondered at one point could he ever be ready to be placed up for adoption and if he would be a BHRR Haven Dog yet, he has done it!

He had overcome so bravely some of the demons from whatever was in his past…..and I am uber proud of him!!!

We are thorough with all of our applicants and in his case, we will be the same……has to be that right matched forever loving home and one that will have tons of patience, structure, consistency, take him to obedience and not force him.

To force BHRR’s Miller would be a huge set-up for failure. He is a lamb almost all the time now…..

He is the best foot warmer anybody could ask for! AND when he sits – he loves sitting right on your feet!, his head comes right up to my chest. A tall, gorgeous boy and as time passes at BHRR, his inner beautiful self continues to develop and show itself……..

I have earned his trust almost 100% now and the issues he has had with adult females – the shelter and with me, he has never had with males….or kids….

As time also has passed, he shows his goofy, playful self and MAN, body armor time when he gets into play mode.

Being so young still, he is clumsy and gangly and makes me smile so much when he trots and runs with such happiness.

The muscle mass plus tone that he has developed has been impressive as he becomes healthier and healthier….

He is good with dogs big and small, he was fine with the cat at the shelter, has never had an issue meeting people both in and out of our home….

His only worry and stress that he has still is fear of being manhandled and hurt…..

I continue to show him that this is never going to happen again and he is rewarding me with so much trust and we each have mutual respect for each other.

These days he is more bluff and sauceyness and we need to make sure that any home that he goes to continues to build up his circle of success……..

I really love this boy. He is honest and true and a real ham of a dog! He is something very special, as I have said about many a dog before, he is a gift…..

His right matched forever loving home will be so willing to keep working with him and building upon the strong foundation built up at BHRR and continuing to make him the best dog he can be. AND, WOW, he is one really great boy already!

YOU did it BHRR’s Miller!! Thank you for all the gifts and lessons you have bestowed upon me during your rehab at BHRR.

Thank you Melissa again for the gorgeous photo’s and to Bernie and Rachel Ng for the help with picture taking!

BHRR - High Res (watermark) (11) (Medium) BHRR - High Res (watermark) (8) (Medium)

BHRR’s Dune’s home-visit for a possible approved adoption is now scheduled for Sunday January 24th. We will update as we can!

BHRR’s Raven’s home-visit for a possible approved adoption is now scheduled for Wednesday January 20th. We shall update as we can!

On January 15th, I received the following email and we mobilized fast to make arrangements to get her to BHRR by the 17th. I did not know if this GD was also visually impaired yet, I strongly suspected such.

“I have recieved a 1 1/2 year old great dane. She was abandoned at a farm that a friend of mine rented, i have had her for just over 2 months now. totally deaf but knows hand gestures and listens very well.

ย She is gaining weight and we have gotten rid of a bad flea infestation that had her almost bald. She looks great now. I have had a few people interested in her but I am afraid to rehome her because she is deaf. She is great on my farm she loves every animal horses, dogs, cats , chickens and goats. I just cant keep her because I already have three dogs of my own that are getting older and my landlord is upset about 4 big dogs. If I owned my own property I would keep her but I cant . Another issue is that she is not spayed and I cant afford to spay her at this point. So I am hoping that you will take her and find her a proper home where she will be safe. I dont think it would be good for her to live in a busy area or even in the town because if she gets loose she will never never hear the cars coming. I need help to find her the right place. i dont have the time it requires to do this, I am afraid I will be rushed into the wrong situation for her. Please help”


feed time lola1

Our gorgeous BBBBB BHRR’s Raven is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!

Please keep her in your best wishes and thoughts!

This once puppymill GD Mama, neglected and emaciated is no longer!

She is so full of personality and heart plus soul!!! Glossy shiny healthy coat, perfect weight and a beautiful happy girl she is now after her successful rehabilitation

Raven's Rescue Pawtraits - Message (HTML) _2015-10-08_22-27-12

BHRR’s Mama GD Eve is hanging at work with me today and her weight was a wonderful 52 KGs(114.4 pounds). Maybe another few more pounds to go and she will be perfect!

She will be having a thorough exam today and bloodwork for heartworm, tick borne diseases plus pre-op in preparation for her spay. She will also have her vaccine boosters.

She has a couple of growths/warts to be looked at more thoroughly and the shelter had also looked at them and there did not appear to be much of a concern. One of them is practically gone now – under her tail.

She will also receive a very thorough ear cleaning as with the extra hands, we will be able to get them squeaky clean now! Wiggle worm she can be at home. ๐Ÿ™‚

I will chip her when she is spayed and we will do a good nail trim then.

This girl is a miracle girl and I am hard pressed to think that she is 6! Her best friend is BHRR’s Maple(who is an amazing turnaround lovely herself!!) and to watch those two romp!! Makes my heart feel so happy.

Here is a photo of BHRR’s Mama Eve on our way in to work.

Isn’t she just stunning!!!


Posted in Eve

So, we did the swabs tonight for BHRR’s Crรจme Brรปlรฉe’s DNA test. ๐Ÿ™‚ Will drop off in the mail tomorrow and when the results come back, she will be ready to make her own special announcement! ๐Ÿ™‚

I continue to see zero Great Dane in her, yet, one never really knows! Even after 28 years with Danes, I could be surprised. ๐Ÿ˜‰

BHRR - High Res (watermark) (1) (Medium)

BHRR’s Rain’s Accuplex – Tick Borne Disease panel came back negative as did her Heartworm test! ๐Ÿ™‚ We keep the dogs on Sentinel or Revolution year round yet we still do proactive testing every 2 years just to be sure. ๐Ÿ™‚

I asked the Shelter if there was any SAFER test results or other behavioural assessment results done on this boy and today, I received the assessment and the notes.

“absolutely lovely!”

The only thing of note was his paws….he escalated quickly from:

Dog gently pulls back and whimpers to Dog freezes and/or tries to bite. – NO CONTACT MADE

Many dogs have issues with their feet/paws…..something that does not deter us from still being committed in bringing him in.

Our first adoption application of 2016 received January 1st was for BHRR’s Dune!

Now that we are open and processing applications again (as of January 6th) after the Holiday Season, we have been working on BHRR’s Dune’s adoption application and he is now moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!

Keep him in your best wishes and thoughts!

BHRR’s Rain had her annual tonight! I cannot believe that she is now 5!!!

She weighed 92.4 pounds – Her Vet thought she looked good! ๐Ÿ™‚ I think she is just beginning to lose her waistline and losing even a pound or two will make her look better in the waistline department. ๐Ÿ™‚ So, we will monitor her treats and food intake a bit more closely to ensure that at least she does not put on any more weight and loses a tiny bit.

She was a super star at the Vet Hospital! We also did a Accuplex – HWT and Tick Borne disease testing.

She has some mild yeast in one ear and moderate in the other and we are going to have her on some Burrow’s for the next 10 days or so.

She was such a great girl at KAH! ๐Ÿ™‚

A lovely play date summary from the home!

“I wanted to take a minute to tell you how absolutely lovely Kaos was on his overnight with us. He was cautious for the first 2 hours or so but very quickly warmed up to all of us, our 2 dogs and the rhythm of our house. You can see how much he loves the company of other dogs yet REALLY adores the company of people and sought all of us out for snuggles and attention. His manners were impeccable, especially given that he is only a 6 month old puppy. Your hard work and effort really shows, he is such an amazing puppy!!”

Update #3 sent from his overnight play date home:

“The boys have emptied the toy bin ๐Ÿ™‚ “

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BHRR’s Waffle – ~ 2.5 years of age –
Suddenly passed away January 2nd, 2016

2016 was to be a better year…..

I am in complete shock writing this post…..

She had been a beautiful part of BHRR since August 29th, 2015. She passed all her Vet exams etc. with thumbs up, rehabbed beautifully at BHRR, put on much needed weight, learned manners and had become a HUGE fav at BHRR. When she was ready, she was placed up for adoption on November 12th, 2015.

She was so funny, affectionate when in ‘Bloodhound’ mode, developed confidence with walking on floors(So proud of her!!), could drool along with the best of any dog!, and, was so gorgeous inside and out…..

While Mason and I were on our way to drop off BHRR’s Baby Kaos to his overnight play date, I received a call from Sean.

I knew from his tone, something bad had happened. I fought down the panic and listened…..

BHRR’s Waffle was out running – she was not bumped, tripped by another dog, did not trip on anything and she suddenly went head over heels going down one of the smaller hills and Sean was right there.

She was dead………

We are doing a necropsy. She was an extremely fit, healthy and happy dog.

The whole time I was with the home that was having the play date with Baby Kaos, I was fighting down the gasping pain and trying to breathe. Before Mason and I even went into this home, we both looked at each other and gave a quick hug of comfort to one another……

I had even brought BHRR’s wee Flame to meet their daughters and to thank one of them as that young lady – Maddie and her friends had raised much in donations(previous post made on this beautiful story) to help BHRR’s GD Mama Eve etc.

I went to the Vet’s that are doing the necropsy on BHRR’s Waffle and said my good-byes. Once the necropsy is done, she will be brought home and laid to rest.

I am in shock……she was so precious, loved her big character personality SO freakin’ much. She loved laying under our bench in the sunroom and we even moved her Costco dog bed under there for her….now, that spot is empty with such a big presence missing….

I am at a loss for further words at this time……totally broken is one of the feelings I feel….

She is an angel now…….a stunning angel….

Update #2 from his overnight play date:

“Belly rubs before the kids go to bed. Such a wiggly happy tail boy!”


Update #1 Sent from his overnight play date home:

“Isaac and Kaos became buddies fast and have had two great running sessions in the yard, couldn’t post the video on BHRR’s page but posted it on your Facebook page. He pawed the door to ask to go out and has had a big pee and bm. He is even picking up the dog toys in the house and is running around with them ๐Ÿ™‚ “

BHRR’s Baby Kaos – January 2nd, 2016

Everyone’s favourite ‘gimpy’ GD puppy is growing up!

On the 2nd, he had the first of two special overnight picnic play dates and this is a photo of him at his first overnight play date having a blast!

He settled in well and had a great experience! Thank you to the home for winning this auction item and choosing him to have this incredible time to keep him becoming the wonderful well balanced and rounded boy that he is!

He is scheduled for his neuter(his one testicle did finally drop!) and repeat x-rays plus thorough exam under anesthetic on March 11th.

Should those x-rays show that he has continued to be healing well, we will be taking the next big step of him making his special announcement! We just have to wait for his two ortho specialists to give the thumbs up!ย  If it is not yet his time, then that is ok too…patience….we shall remain patient.

He has been on an incredible rehab journey and when that time comes that he is ready to be placed up for adoption(we do not take applications on dogs prior to them being placed up for adoption) that right matched forever loving home is going to be getting a BIG gem!

He is awesome!



Blurry picture yet we are on our way to BHRR’s Baby Kaos’ overnight play date! ๐Ÿ™‚
