I want to give a bit of a definition as to why Sean narrowed down all the great name suggestions to four and chose this one……sometimes, he picks a recommended name and sometimes, he comes up with one on his own.

The reasons why BHRR has named this amazing boy BHRR’s Rubble are:

1) By definition: “any solid substance” – and this boy is solid and not just in body but in spirit and heart and in heart and soul and in mind plus his determination and patience. AND he shall become more and more so in time…….

2) By definition: : “broken fragments resulting from destruction” – and as solid as this boy is, he has some broken fragments plus pieces that need ‘re-building’ through healing plus rehabilitation. He is a product of his past. 🙁 We will work on his confidence plus comfort level at his pace, we will work hard to earn his trust and to build it back up. We will work to heal wounds, physically his tail and nose will heal, yet emotionally and behaviourally with what he was expected to put up with in silence and continued tolerance despite discomfort and pain to his own body in having kids climb all over him, ride him, sleep on him etc. shall take a lot longer. He will put that weight back on – he had to have been once emaciated for he is uber skinny still now and in just his first 5 days had put on 5 KGS at the shelter. He was given a poor body score upon intake.

3) By definition: “a miscellaneous confused mass or group of usually broken things.” – Confused he is. Not sure what is expected of him. Worried.

4) By definition:  “a mass crumbled by natural or human forces.” – That is almost what happened to him. He was almost completely destroyed at the forceful hands other humans – from the adult that should have been there protecting him to the kids that forced him to do things he never should have had to endure. If it were not for the shelter ‘seeing’ him for the worthy boy he is and the deserving dog he is, he would have been literally ‘destroyed’ by euthanasia.

5) By definition – Rubble is used to fill in cavities and holes in walls, making them stronger and solid and looking beautiful plus well balanced…….That is who you are, you are beautiful, you are solid, you will make those around your stronger as you gain you own emotional plus mental strength, and you are more well balanced than you realise BHRR’s Rubble and shall only become more so!

BHRR’s Rubble you shall rise up and be glorious!

Welcome to BHRR!!!