BHRR's Groves came to our Community Education & Public Awareness Event on November 30th at PV Stittsville. What an amazing dog!

I am still thinking possibly Neo/GDx, could there be Cane Corso? Who knows yet, 100% adorable and, that is all that really matters at the end of the day!

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My Matrix with BHRR's Groves – November 30th, 2013

BHRR’s Rose had her special picnic date on Sunday November 24th and here is what her date had to say:

“She is such a sweetie I’m very surprised you’ve had no apps.  I don’t find her skittish really, just is a bit nervous first coming to a new house or with new people.  After you left she was fine and following me around as the only “person” here. She quickly started pawing me and poking me for pets.  Perhaps on meeting people they could find her a bit too timid, but people haven’t sent in apps even.  Her and Petal are beautiful girls and young too.

Who knows, I thought she was gorgeous from the time I first met her shortly after you brought her home.”

AND this was posted on our BHRR FB page November 27th, 2013 by her date:

“If I was one foster less I’d apply to be a “small giant” foster and apply for Rose. She was super with my small girls and quiet and, after one anxiety accident, house trained. She was a bigger shadow then I was used to, but a very good girl within a few hours (better then I expect of any foster in the first week)”

AND another post made on our BHRR FB Page November 27th, 2013 by her date:
“Rose has come very far from our first mtg. She is a well adjusted dog now. Her rehab is amazing. I tested her with a few commands and she figured them out (she would have won a treat anyways for being adorable). She is very VERY well behaved. She seems more like your average re-homed dog now, needs some adjustment to a new home and will hug your side until she feels things out. I certainly got the Rose “bounce” when she was ready to play haha I scrambled fast and said wait wait wait so I could brace myself as she bounced down my hallway full tilt at me for a good wrestle She seems no longer like the very timid/shy girl, just a bit of a wall flower, and quite the beautiful one at that.”

Here are some photo’s of her special picnic date, courtesy of S. Toop:

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BHRR’s Rose – One of our ‘FLOWER GIRLS’ – November 24th, 2013

Laurie Evans, ON

Laurie wrote: “A HUGE thank you to BHRR for opening their doors to all of us, and their hearts to all the animals in need!! I have visited many rescue/rehab organizations over the years… and I have NEVER come across anything like BHRR! I was overwhelmed by the ‘healing energy’ I experienced the very first minute I walked through the front door. There are no words to describe the deep gratitude I feel for Gwen and her amazing family watching them dedicate their lives to helping the beautiful souls in their care. I am humbled by the experience, and I am inspired to do more… If we all search our contacts and FB friends to find at least ‘ONE’ person who does not know about BHRR and we share the magic… then we can grow the number of supporters BHRR presently has. I challenge all of us to increase BHRR’s FB ‘likes’ to over 2000 by the end of the year!! WE can do this for BHRR, because every new supporter is a potential donor for this incredible organization!!!! Let’s get them more help ($$$) so Gwen and Sean can save more beautiful souls who need them… without the unrelenting pressure of running out of food!! I know we can do it! :)”

BHRR’s Zara – Neox – November 22nd, 2013
She has discovered the joys and comfort of our kingsize bed and IS the best snuggler…FOR all those that saw her on June 22nd when she first arrived so terrified to our September 28th, Annual DINE WITH THE BHRR DOGGIES Event, what a journey she has taken!
She will remain as part of our BHRR Haven Program and a treasured member she is! 🙂


UPDATE: So, DP, BHRR’s Mav’s ortho specialist has reviewed the latest x-rays and wants BHRR’s Mav to stay on crate rest and leash walking for another month and to then re-do the x-rays.

Hoping for more healing by then and not him requiring more surgery.

So, BHRR’s Mav is staying with us into 2014.

THANK you to BHRR’s Ani ANGELS! They donated $600 to her care from July – December. 🙂

THAT is one very loved pooch! 🙂 AND, one very special family that continues to watch over her until her own forever loving right matched home finds her!


BHRR’s Ani is such a well balanced and rock solid BBBBB and we continue to be very patient for her right matched forever loving home to find her.

Posted in Ani

UPDATE: BHRR’s Groovy Groves is at KAH with me today! Auntie Penny has been by to get some very special loving ONLY the way that he can give it AND he received some very special loving in turn from Auntie Penny!
He weighed 24.5 KGs(53.9 pounds) today! NO more weight for him at this time! HE is looking great with just a wee tiny smidge of a ’roundness’ starting….
WHAT a love to all!
Today, is his ‘final’ sign-off Vet visit and should all go well, he will be placed up for adoption shortly(waiting for that fecal as there has been quite the giarrdia run out there)…..just want to get some great new photos’ of him.
Sean and I have talked A LOT about him and yet, he does not need us and we know his right matched forever loving home is out there….
HE is in one word MAGNIFICENT! In another word, INCREDIBLE In another word, FABU…….

UPDATE: BHRR’s The Spice was ADOPTED tonight!

Congrats to her beautiful new forever loving family!

A hard one for me on my heart yet, a good one also! Another Chapter now begins for BHRR’s Spice’s CHAIN OF SUCCESS story!!! She did not want to leave me, yet, she will be fine…..I was the first kindness she knew and she will continue to have that kindness and caring love for the rest of her life!

Not the best shot of BHRR’s Spice yet, you get the idea! 🙂

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BHRR’s Spice – November 17th, 2013
*photo courtesy of M. Bird

ISO: Does anyone know of any photo’s for charity coming up soon? As a couple are now aware, HQD’s Cancer has now begin to progress rapidly.
The emergency surgery that all of her supporters that stepped up to assist me/her when she arrived to BHRR and we discovered a MCT, the day she arrived back in February to give her more time….has given her time, yet, not as much as my heart wanted for her…the cancer was already in her lymph nodes by the time she arrived and, no specialist or Vet thought she would have a couple of weeks, let, alone 9 amazing months…..miracle M&M!!
She turned 9 years of age in April and had lived a very terrible life in an area barely bigger than her, kept outside, bred over and over and over again and upon her rescue, she could not even walk. She was one of two urgent Dogo’s that we took in.
She had an untreated penetration wound on her side that needed emergency surgical attention(had to be so painful for her and was infected) and, no one knew until she arrived safely, that she had another battle ahead of her….this MCT.
She has made so many of us laugh and smile and shake our heads in amazement and I have been the big brunt of her disapproval and cause of humour for many AND, I would do it again for another 9 months, 9 years or 90, if that were possible.
In the back of my mind, I knew this day would come and I knew that I would shatter and, we are reaching that time….far, faster over these last few days than ever….
This lovely Dogo has never had a XMAS, has never had a whole winter inside and was loved and cherished and I regret to say, that I am not going to be able to give that traditional awesome XMAS at BHRR.
That this beautiful dog endured so much in just shy of her 9 years of life before comimg to us, and to be this uber incredible dog that she is, is a true testament to how amazing of a dog she really is….
I wanted to bring her with me on December 14th for her Santa Paws Photo at PV Stittsville, yet, we will not make it….
So, does anyone know of a charity Photo shoot coming up imminently?
If not, I will commission someone to capture her life as it has become a REAL life of comforts and happiness plus enjoyment for her……AND, may I ask all those that are registered to attend our upcoming BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ mini open house; to spend a little extra time with her that day???
It would mean a lot….to me and to her….
I know she is one of our M&M’s and that she is a miracle yet, my heart hurts with another loss coming our way…..yet, I hurt mostly for HQD…..there will not be another spring or summer with grass between her toes, warm sunshine on he body, not more sunbathing and teaching me valuable lessons….I hurt for her so much….she deserved more, so much more….more couch time, and, treats and, love….oh, so much more loving and spoiling she should have has over the years….

UPDATE: we have been informed that the Leonberger scheduled to come our way tomorrow has KC.

He will be quarantined at the shelter and when he is healthy, he will have his transport rescheduled.

UPDATE: So, it appears that BHRR’s Mav’s worst leg(the left) healed the best of the two…..

His right leg(the better leg) in the ulna area looks terrible on x-rays, complete non union. AND, while the rest of his leg is healing, it is way behind where he was with the first surgery on the left left… can clearly still see the ‘cut’ area.

The one thing that the external fixator did for that left leg is give it more stability. So, is it perhaps so much movement that has caused the ulna to be this way? He so rocked this surgery over his last one…AND, he is not in discomfort, does not lick or chew his leg. His Vet and I are so surprised to see the x-rays.

We have sent on to DP, his ortho specialist to review and advise…maybe, he needs more time? Maybe, DP will not be concerned as being the specialist surgeon, he would know better than the rest of us. Even his Vet here said the same thing….

I know that when we did his very first x-rays and we found his broken leg that had never unioned, DP was not worried at all…the rest of us at KAH were quite concerned. AND, DP did say that the same area may not union again yet, that was on his left leg and in a different spot than his ulna…..

So, I am not going to panic, or get too worried(OR, try not to), until DP looks at the x-rays and advises……..

In the meantime, continued leash walks and crate rest for dear BHRR’s Mav. People marvelled at his glossy shiny black coat coming in AND, the weight gain today and his fabu temperament AND, how straighter his legs are AND, the muscle tone/mass(especially in his back legs, thighs and butt) that this boy has even been so lean….WISH, all the walking, did that to my own body!

Also, per his wonderful Vet at KAH sent to DP:

“The end of the plate near the tarsus has caused a fibrous lump & the ulnar non-union is another lump.”

Today is THE Day!! BHRR’s Mav has his post-op x-rays from his second leg surgery that was done on September 26th!!

He truly has rocked this second surgery and everything crossed that things are healing inside well!

Should he get the thumbs up, he will have a very special picnic date on Satirday and after, he puts back on the weight he has lost throughout his recovery, he will be placed up for adoption!!!

So, hoping he has a good post-op exam and x-day results today!!

Auntie Madgaret is suppose to drop by to not only pick up her 2014 limited edition BHRR Calendar yet, give him som gentle loving!

Think of our real Iron Man today!! 🙂

Awhile back we were contacted to see if we could assist an ~3 year old Leonberger in a shelter. O/S. We did not have room in our programs at that time and very sadly, had to decline. 🙁 🙁  I did add him to our 'waiting list' of dogs hoping to arrive to BHRR and, miracles do happen for, we had one adoption, we have 5 more possible pending adoptions and all other dogs ahead of him on our waiting list had been sold by their previous owners instead of continuing to wait patiently for a spot in our r/q programs.

So, I went back to the contacts for him to offer assistance(yet, felt that he most likely had been placed or pts) and, it turns out that he was still looking for r/q Rescue assistance and we have not looked back!

He is scheduled to come to BHRR on November 13th, 2013 and below is the poster that I created on him(BEFORE I had a name befitting of him).

I am calling him BHRR"s Aslan. THANKS to all for their great input on names…. 🙁



BHRR's Bilbo, our remaining Hobbit – ADOPTED November 9th, 2013

*JUST some of his wonderful family!

Already, received a couple of lovely mini-updates and things are going so well! He lived with my 'Panda' and now lives with another 'Panda!' 🙂

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BHRR's Hobbit – Bilbo! November 9th, 2013


UPDATE: BHRR's Cherry had her annual tonight and she now weighs 42.8 kgs(94.16 pounds)

Many may remember that when she first arrived to BHRR, she was terrified and weighed barely over 65 pounds…..

No longer!! She has put on just shy of 30 pounds of muscle mass and weight and her overgrown nails are shorter and her cost is shiny and glossy and her personality is a social diva!! She is a smaller Great Dane yet, massive in personality!!

She continues to wait patiently for her right matched personality fit home to find her! As do we!!!

She has been one of 17 emaciated Giants – 13 Great Danes – that we have assisted in less than a year…..

Keep BHRR's Prince Eggo Belfast in your thoughts!! His next follow-up is tonight!!

BHRR's Spice is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION! We will update her blog as we can.

Here is a photo of her at the PV Stittsville 'THANKS FOR GIVING EVENT' in October. She was SOOOOOOOOO popular that she came both days!

SHE has come so far and I am bursting with pride for her! 🙂 She is eager to please, obedient and her manners are top notch! With the continued understanding and caring forever right matched home, she is going to keep flourishing!

AND, her eyes look marvelous! 🙂

*Photo courtesy of M. Bird – October 13th, 2013


He can go to a home that works ft, pt, from home, semi-retired, retired etc. ANOTHER versatile dog!

I would like to see him in a home with at least one other like minded dog that will continue to set him up for success. It is very rare these days to see him bark at a strange dog…he continues to wag his tail and just needs to know that the other dog is not going to hurt him.

He lives in complete harmony and balance with all the dogs at BHRR. He also had a great trip to PV Hazeldean in August!

He can and does continue to resource to other dogs when he is in his crate over his food or any high value item – ie smoked knuckle bone. He does share the water bowls very well….he has learned a lot about ‘sharing’. 😉

He can go to a home that is dog experienced. Not, necessarily Great Dane experienced.

BHRR’s Dyson – August 10th, 2013 @ PV Hazeldean

BHRR's Kaden & I have to have another 'talk'…..about pillows.

He has this HUGE fetish for my pillows….this is the SECOND one this week! I pick them up and the wee monkey STILL manages to snag them!

The dog who cannot stand bare feet sticking out, also, LOVES human pillows! HAS not touched a dog bed once….

November 5th, 2013


AND, here is the testimonial that was publicly posted by the home that had the special picnic date with BHRR's Hailey on Sunday! Posted here with permission! Thank you to the home for giving BHRR's Hailey a wonderful experience to continue to keep her on that path of being so well rounded and balanced! 🙂

The Bird's Nest was privileged to enjoy a wonderful date on Sunday with BHRR's Hailey!! This was a special day for us as we had a date with Hailey last year and it was just lovely to celebrate how far both Adele and Hailey have come in that time. Hailey had a grand time with the super kong. She had it tossing and tumbling all over the living room and several times just picked it up and took it over to the bed! I have to say, I used to think it was a large item, until I saw Hailey carry it around as it if were a milkbone!
Hailey is a stellar lady and I am most baffled as to how this charming, affectionate, vivacious and very well mannered girl has not yet found her home. She walked beautifully on leash, sat and shook a paw for all her treats, graciously accepted that the amazing picnic lunch was not going to be shared her way (don't worry, we had some beef lung waiting!) was quite happy to amuse herself as to settle in for a nap, was very respectful of Adele and in all other ways showed all the fine characteristics that are the hallmark of a BHRR dog. We are talking one top notch puppy dog!
The Nest wishes Hailey all the very best in finding her right matched forever home in the blink of an eye, though it was clear for all to see when she wiggled, wagged and talked herself silly at the sight of Gwen at pick up time that she is hail, hearty, happy and wanting for nothing at BHRR until that day comes!  🙂
We luvs you Hailey!!

BHRR's Bilbo is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!

We shall update his blog as we can.

On Friday October 4th, we moved The Hobbit of BHRR's Bilbo to a temp foster home. Was not the smoothest of drop-offs (poor boy did ask to go outside yet, it was missed(thought, he was looking out their door window by all of us, and he then had a poop accident in the house) yet, all seemed settled in the end. On the Saturday, I received an update that was positive and that he was settling in well.

On the Sunday AM, I received a message that a tick had been removed from BHRR's Bilbo on the Saturday night andm that was not concerning as he is on revolution and we are in a huge bloom before the winter strikes. I was assured that the head was also removed.

On the Sunday night, I received a message that after looking him all over, to be assured that he did not have any more ticks, the area that had the original tick, now had a lump. The home believed it to be an abscess. I made arrangements to bring BHRR's Bilbo to his Vets at KAH.

Thank you to Rachel, one of our approved Volunteers with helping me with the transport on the Monday October 7th as this was the same day, that I also need to be on two separate trips to Quebec(one to pick-up BHRR's Breen), one to do a hv to see how things could go with one of our BHRR dogs for a possible future BHRR Adoption and I also had another canine(BHRR's Groves) that was being temp fostered by a wonderful soul, Jenn D., since the Friday as I had to be away over that weekend doing a bust assessment on 26 dogs; scheduled for me to pick-up that Monday.

AND, this was the day that we very suddenly and tragically ending up losing our BHRR's Titus. So, a very busy day and a very devastating day on my heart.

So, thank you to Jenn for keeping BHRR's Groves another night and thank you to the home in Quebec, for being ok with me rescheduling that play date visit and thank you to Rachel for helping to transport and then loving on my Hobbit for a few hours until I could drive to Kingston after dropping off BHRR's Breen at BHRR and tagging with Sean to be with BHRR's Titus, so that he would never be left alone.

Photo's below are of The Hobbit at Rachel's just hanging! She said he was welcome back anytime….I think she fell in love with him! 😉 THANK you for the toy for him also! 🙂

On Tuesday October 8th, I brought my Hobbit into work with me and had him examined by two of his Vets at KAH and both agreed with me that this was not an absess yet, a seroma and most likely from trauma as none of us had ever seen a seroma from a tick. On October 13th at the PV `THANKS FOR GIVING EVENT, I also discussed this with the Vet that had adopted BHRR`s Emmett. THe Hobbit was with us that day and had a GREAT event…he always does. He has been coming to events with me since he was just a wee thing. This Vet works at a different Hospital and, they too, agree that this is NOT from a tick removal. On the 8th, we removed 12 cc`s of fluid from the area on BHRR`s Bilbo`s shoulder and I brought home a syringe in case I needed to remove more. The plan was for me to monitor and if necessary, remove any additional fluid(for, it could well come back) and, if it began to feel hot etc., we would then place him on antibiotics. I want to publicly also THANK my Vets at KAH for not charging me for this Vet Visit.

I did not end up having to date remove any additional fluid from this area. In the discussions had with his Vet team, this could have been a play injury(none of the dogs in the temp foster home had as of yet, been willing to play with him), he could have bumped himself, or trauma could have been caused by a lot of force being used to remove the tick. We will never know…..and, he is going to be just fine. 🙂

His weight on that day was 69.72 pounds at the age of 8 months! 🙂 So, I am thinking that he may well still mature into that 80-85 pound range when fully grown. No matter what he ends up to be, he is 100% cute and to state, once again, we do know who his parents are; he looks like the three of his siblings(BHRR`s Baggins, Spirit(with another Rescue) & Reagan(adopted from another rescue)), that we have also met to date. There is only one of his siblings that we have not yet met, and we do not know the status. He was the biggest in the 5 that ended up coming to rescue and Spirit was the smallest.

The decision was made between the temp foster home that had him and the BHRR BOD that it would be best for him to stay with us at BHRR. Thank you being sent to them for giving him this weekend!

He has continued to just flourish at BHRR and the compliments continue on how well mannered and gorgeous that coat of his is. BHRR is extremely dedicated to the welfare and wellbeing of all of our dogs and this dedication is for the life of any of our dogs.

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BHRR's Bilbo – Our remaining HOBBITT – October 7th, 2013
*photo's courtesy of R. Ng



Begins tomorrow at 12:01 AM! NOT too late to join us!

BHRR's Breen had his x-rays reviewed by Dr. Crews and then twice by Dr. Philibert, DVM – and he got back to one of my Vets today on BHRR's Breen's team AND; the first thing that will need to be done is a TPLO surgery on his right cruciate.

SOOOOOOOOOOOOO, please please please, BHRR's Breen is dreaming and hoping that you may consider 'giving it up' to help him have the best chance at a life as quality filled and pain-free as possible!

THANK you! 🙂 As of now, we have 24 AMAZING and kind and generous angels signed up in our annual fundraiser in BHRR's Autumn's incredible legacy of helping others….


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TODAY's Special Picnic Date is FOR BHRR's Hailey
IN one of my new picnic baskets!
We have honey maple smoked ham on homemade baquette/rolls, two types of crackers, cheese right from the cheese factory, potato salad,
apples, oranges, granola bars, banana bread, carrots, water, nuts, yogurt, a special homemade chocolate & caramel brownie dessert topped with walnuts and some decorative candy canes AND a few extra surprises!
BHRR's Hailey and I are on our way! 🙂

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*Photo of BHRR's Hailey courtesy of M Bird – November 3rd, 2013

Arrival to BHRR – Barely 100 pounds & A bit nervous of people and scared of dogs
Present: Over 135 pounds, great with people and barely scared of any dog!

He has been under extensive rehab at BHRR since his arrival on July 11th, 2013.

That first photo really does not show HOW skinny he was…each one of those lines is a rib sticking out and you can s
ee his hip bones too.


UPDATE: BHRR's Vet visit showed that he most likely has some minor nerve trauma to his left eye. I was told that things could greatly improve yet, not to be surprised if it does not. Everything else appears to be normal and they do not suspect any neuro damage right now…..
He does have an area on the back of his head that still is quite swollen……
He rock starred all the people he saw and only stood behind me with his head peeking out behind my legs a few times.
What a courageous boy he was!!