AND, we have a date! DRUMMMMMM ROLL!

BHRR's Maverick's second surgery post-op x-rays and exam has been scheduled! JUST off the phone with Dr. P. and Wednesday 13th is the special day!!!

I could not be MORE happy for this very magical boy!!!

His one knuckle is larger than the 'normal' and we will determine if it is just because of the larger plate put in this time and not using the external fixator as he had just a bad reaction last time OR is it something more serious…..

He is not chewing or licking or bothered by it and that is all excellent!

THEN, the focus shall be to get that weight packed back on him and then OMG! THIS is so exciting…he can make a very important and wonderful announcement!

THE journey this very very very incredible boy has taken and brought me along has been miraculous!

He is literally our IRON MAN!

From Friday October 18th to Sunday November 3rd, 2013 inclusive, BHRR will not be open for adoptions or the intake of adoption applications.

We do not adopt out around the Halloween season and many others Rescues, shelters, pounds etc. have also begun to follow a similar protocol.

We do not believe it is in the best interest of the animals in our program, especially for dark coloured dogs.

During this time, BHRR is available 24/7 as always for requests for assistance of animals in need.

UPDATE: Dobie Doll's AKA BHRR's Beautiful Bambi Baby's spay went well………….phewwww! Always, so relieved when the surgeries are over. No matter how many we do, still hold my breath.

She is on her way home now!!!!

THANKS for all the great vibes, texts, emails and messages today for her!

SHE is one very wuved baby!

She weighed 14 KGs(30.8 pounds)! Tiny wee gorgeous thing she is!!

MY last post before bed is to please ask if people could spare a thought for BHRR's Reese…

Her spay is today – Friday October 25th – having had to be rescheduled from Thursday October 24th.

Our Dobie Doll AKA BHRR's Beautiful Bambi Baby is heading to LAH – Liston Animal Hospital for her spay.

Her bw is good, her Von Willebrand's Assay was negative and everything crossed that she will have an uneventful surgery.

She is our blind, hearing impaired & neuro beauty that has inspired so many!!!!

AND cannot wait to find out what her new weight is….all of us here, can still carry her with ease.

We will take a closer look at her tail and that tiny growth on her foot too. Plus give her another mani/pedi while she is under.

Once, she recovers from her spay, she will be placed up for adoption!

She has taught me a lot since her arrival and she is going to make me smile and cry when it is her time to go……

So, please, if, you could possibly spare a thought or a blessing her way, I and I know that she would be so touched….

AND, thank you to the special angel that made a very generous and caring donation to her spay surgery… know who you are AND know that you are SOOOOOOOOOO appreciated and valued and we are privileged to know you!

BHRR's Dozer on October 24th, 2013.

Here are his photo's the day of. I miss him tons and will think of him often!

photo 1 photo 2

THIS is my latest GOOD WITH CATS UPDATE post adding on new dogs recently 'tested'!

This lovely Canine has proven to be 'good' with cats. YET, as always, careful integration is an VERY important key and the personalities also!

I also want to stress that BHRR's Groves & BHRR's Flint being part of this updated 'GOOD WITH CATS UPDATE' post are only mere puppies right now….their 'cat' goodness could well change as they mature.

BHRR's Nessie & BHRR's Treasure are the other two dogs tagged in this specific blog post. This post does not warrant or guarantee that they shall be good with all cats. Please check each animals' specific blog to read about whether or not, they have a 'thumbs up', a 'thumbs down' or an 'unknown' when it comes to cats.

We cat test our dogs as we can. Sean is allergic to cats and most of our own dogs are scared of cats and yet, doing thorough evaluations plus assessments and getting to know the BHRR dogs thoroughly, my knowledge of them and experience with them and gut/instinct have gone a long way in helping to determine if the dogs may or may not be good. Others do remain an 'unknown'.

UPDATE: BHRR's Flint is doing ok…..he had a 24 hour recheck today and he is back tomorrow for another one and then at 72 hours to start.
They are a bit worried with how droopy one eye appears to be and that his colour is not yet 100% yet, the swelling in his neck and lower face has gone down a lot and though, still a bit more quiet than normal and that he is sticking to me quite closely, he is doing really well…..
He is playing some with Matrix and BHRR's Groves and, at the first sign, of any real excitement, he will run off to a crate and sit in it from the safety of it and watch and observe and when he is comfortable, he will come back out.
Not putting him in a glass bubble, yet, you do fight(even with my own 25+ years of education and experience) the instinct to pick him up and hold him close and the desire to baby him……
He is eating fairly well, yet, we know with his severe underbite, he has issues eating like other dogs and, so, the Vets are happy with knowing that he is eating and drinking per almost his normal.
A whole new journey has begun for him… poor wee elephant. All of the fear rehab that had been done, well, we will just keep going onward….
One baby step at a time…….when he is ready, we will be back out there visiting and doing play-dates again. Could have happened to any animal out there(this dog that attacked BHRR's Flint has killed cats in the past and grabbed and hurt other dogs), and, still feeling so fortunate and blessed that I have this amazing boy named BHRR's Flint still with us……one, replays in their mind over and over again, the 'what it's' and 'could I' and 'I should have' and, and, and, and….
At the end of the day, I have resolved to the best that I can within myself, that I took all precautionary methods as I normally do in visiting with my dogs to homes of our friends, family and approved Volunteers and, I did what I had to, to get this dog off BHRR's Flint. I have no regrets stepping in and would do so again, if need be to save a life.
The home of the dog continues to pay for BHRR's Flints bills and I am to continuing to *work* calmly and on educating properly re: their dog. By-law is involved.
May everyone have a wonderful rest of their night. Tell all your loved ones how much you care about them….it is important!

Today, BHRR is grateful and appreciative and humbled by SO much. I have a HUGE Gwennie Novel to post re: JUST how emotionally affected I have been by the generous natures, and, beautiful hearts of quite a few to BHRR………..

Yet, this post is one that I am making is to express my thanks FOR another reason, to all the powers that may be that our dear BHRR's Flint is still with us….

I feel very blessed….

Late this afternoon, when we stopped to visit some extremely lovely folks with some of the dogs(we brought the Bluez boyz – my own two Multi CH. GD's, BHRR's Flint and BHRR's Groves) to also visit. Very commonplace for here to take dogs wherever we go.

When we were parked, about 75 – 100 m from the home, we began to take the dogs out of the truck.

As I turned to bring out Mushmouse(my Tain), I caught a glimpse of a dog making a very fast beeline for us. I did NOT like the body language at all.

I turned and as, I called out for help, the dog grabbed BHRR's Flint, had him pinned and was choking him. Not shaking, not making one sound – no growls, no snarls, not a peep. The dog was a big boy, and, in a different setting, I would have admired his beautiful coat, a mixed breed stunning dog. Yet, not this evening.

Tain cowered in the back of the truck, Bronson was going back and forth very concerned and BHRR's Groves planted himself squarely between my feet and sat and shook.

Our friends came running towards us, got the rest of the dogs out of the way while(and, I am sorry for the words I am about to utter yet, I had to get this dog off BHRR's Flint…I would never harm anything if I could avoid it…. ), I began using what physical force I could. The dog did not have a collar on and, I kicked and I punched and I yanked. I was like a fly on the back of a horse…..

So, I made the decision that I had to get my hands in this dog's mouth to get it off BHRR's Flint. He was crushing his throat and BHRR's Flint was going limp….

Then, I had to wait…I knew it was coming…I knew that at some point, the dog was going to release to shift to get a better grab on my wee man and as I felt it happening, I shoved my hands further between BHRR's Flint and the teeth of this dog.

When, this happened, and, I knew it was going to, the dog re-directed towards me and I put myself then between BHRR's Flint and the dog, standing almost over my poor boy, now laying limp and feeling helpless, as I could not yet, begin to check him out.

As the dog moved in, a neighbour to the home, we were visiting, had a shovel and shook it over his head and yelled and hollared and with that combined with our friends also making noises and becoming a bit of a 'mob', the dog took off.

I just sunk to my knees and was very careful in assessing BHRR's Flint….he was so white…not just a bit pale, white. Shock for sure and I had no idea what other, especially internal injuries he may have sustained.

He was breathing, he only had some very small punctures, not tears – the dog was crushing him to death…..yet, what was going on inside of him?

We carefully lifted him into the truck and covered him up, put up the heat and drove to the emergency….

My boy spent quite a few hours under observation, after being examined, poked, prodding, put on fluids, had blood drawn, x-rayed and though, he does have some trauma to his neck plus neck, a ruptured saliva gland, BUT, he is going to ok. Until, I heard those words, the world felt very surreal… just work and move on auto pilot in motion….

His colour is almost normal now, he is alert(understandably not his fast usual becoming perky self) and he is going to be OK! He is going to be OK! Yup! You can believe the tears that welled up…and overflowed…..without shame…..or worry or are that anyone was looking.

I am now in dealings with the O. of the dog that was at large….apparently, a 'problem' in the area and trying to educate and not just point fingers and blame…..

They are finally going to be taking care of BHRR's Flint's bills….as they should in my opinion.

For me, I was given a miracle late this afternoon…..and, I am feeling blessed….BHRR's Flint is still with us….

I always check before letting dogs out that everything is ok…this dog moved fast…never saw the dog before(it lives several blocks over from where I was visiting) and this is my last post of tonight, for, I am now going to go snuggle with BHRR's Flint and all the dogs here and tell them that they are all ok and safe….

Please hug your loved ones…..precious life can be snatched away from you in a blink of an eye.

Great news! BHRR's Breen's bw is great!! AND, his is heartworm neg. Just waiting to hear from Dr. Crews, the interpretation specialist and Dr. Philibert, the ortho specialist re: his xrays.
Cannot wait for the world to meet this incredibly inspirational Newfx boy!!
Our 2nd Annual 'GIVE IT UP FOR AUTUMN' Event is coming up fast and this boy has been the 'chosen one' to benefit from the Findraiser that shall carry on in honour of the miracle GD that inspired the event!
Not a day does not go by that I do not think of my land swimming, bull in a china shop, would try and kill me in affection doll!!
Miss her….

BHRR's Flint is hanging with me at work today and his new weight @ 4 months is now 30.6 Kgs(67.32 pounds) – he almost weighs as much as our HOBBIT who is 8 months of age.
In just three weeks he has put on another 13.42 pounds! No longer uber skinny and terrified, he is rocking the world! He had a FANTASTIC two days at PV Stittsville this past weekend. Only two small moments, one with a man – soft woof and then we made a new friend! and then on Sunday with two girls and was just re-directed.
His baseball bat of a tail has been wagging non-stop and it was so heart warming to see how many people who saw him when he first arrived and then again this past weekend and noted JUST how amazing he is continuing to be!!!!
We will do pre-surgical bw today and boosters and check out those bilateral cherry eyes again and when he is older, we will have them fixed!

UPDATE: The Vet has thoroughly examined him and his severe underbite is much worse and so, when he is under for his cherry eyes – his left eye is much worse than his right, those teeth will be addressed. We also shall get a much better look at those back hips of his…..

WHAT a brave man he was!!!

UPDATE: per a post made on BHRR’s Breen’s facebook album, he had to have his x-rays under sedation rescheduled due to an emergency that came in when he was at the Hospital.
He came to work with me today and we did no less than 8 x-rays on elbows, knees and hips plus shoulders and spine.
Per his one Vet, they described his hips as ‘smashed femoral heads’ and he has a fractured right hip(unknown how long it has been there), partial cruciate tears and his right elbow also has dysphasia.
These are his initial review results. His one Vet is reviewing much closer and they shall be sent to Dr. Philibert to review and also discussed with ortho specialists on VIN.
At this time, he does not appear to be a candidate for CWW and we will be discussing his case further with Vets like Dr. Gumley(I used to also work with his now ex wife) to see if we can do other forms of alternative therapy for him.
A FHO surgery also has not yet been ruled out at this time.
We shall see what all the experts combined in addition to his dedicated Vet team at KAH come to for a best move forward plan treatment plan based upon my criteria of quality of life first and foremost……I will post his x-rays too.
He is on Deramaxx and Gabapentin and has already put on almost 5 pounds. Still painfully thin and we do wish to keep him on the lean side.
He will so require a dental….he has worn and chipped teeth. I did bloodwork including a heartworm test as well. When he was under, two of us took a few moments to just trim off those final few matts left. He has been so good in allowing me to groom and bathe him and get rid of most of his matts and now, he is all clear! His nails are nice and short from him be ok with me trimming them to date and so, we did not trim them while he was under.
Neutering him and vaccines are going to wait for now….he is not strong enough….
He has been dewormed and is on revolution and WHO did not love this boy today!! He is a charmer and very worthy of all of the love and attention.
We know his bills will run into the thousands and thousands and thousands and we knew this going in and we are determined to do what he needs and to give him the very best….
My only wish would have been that we were now spring. Winter is going to be hard on him with the cold and increased risk of slipping of falling.
Keep him in your blessings and thoughts and he does have an account at Kanata Animal Hospital under ‘Breen’ for Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services.
Wish I had better news……


UPDATE: BHRR's Dozer is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!!!

BHRR's Spice had her annual yesterday and she weighed 39.9 kg(87.78 pounds)! Just bordering on getting a wee bit plump, so monitoring!
The compliments on her coat were incredible and how well she is doing and how healthy she is and how smart she is!
She was a HUGE hit at PV Stittsville this past weekend and such a huge hit, that we were asked to bring her back on Sunday too!
Hoping that her right matched forever loving home finds her soon!
SHE is NO longer that terrified girl hiding in the shadows from where she came or under my computer desk when she first arrived to BHRR! Ms. Social!

I had BHRR's Groves temp fostered until today. I was originally going to pick him up on the 8th yet, with a change of plans of sadly losing BHRR's Titus, having to also pick up BHRR's Breen from the shelter and, having to also then drive to Kingston to meet up with a BHRR Volunteer who was a lifesaver in helping me get my one Hobbit, BHRR's Bilbo back to BHRR safely on short notice(the temp foster home thought he had an abscess, it was a seroma – possibly from what three Vets – two at KAH and one from Stittsville was most likely from them taking a tick off him)….the temp foster home was amazing to keep BHRR's Groves an extra day for me! SO SO SO grateful!


October 7th, 2013Β  – FREEDOM DAY! Welcome to BHRR Breen! πŸ™‚

Named after a very special and dear woman in my life…………very inspirational and a true genuine, kind, thoughtful and beautiful woman!

He is the last of several that were part of a cruelty/hoarding case that the O. got the dogs back three times and they also spent most of a year in a shelter. Thank you to two rescue groups that advocated so strongly for him so, that he too, would have r/q rescue assistance. When we were contacted, it was an honour to step up to assist.

Sadly, we had to wait a few weeks before we had a spot yet, when this day came, I took several photo’s(Two below) and, sent it to the other rescues that had been involved with these dogs, trying to find places for them. NO less than 7 staff/volunteer members of the shelter came out to wish him well, NOT a dry eye in the house, and thank us – YET, I thank them! FOR all that they did! He was a HUGE fav at their shelter and went from very fearful to much more social and outgoing. A bit reserved when you first meet him, shy and unsure yet, he warmed up and, what a sweetie!

A very smelly and skinny sweetie!

photo 1photo 2

Rest in Eternal Peace…. ? – October 7th, 2013 – PHOTO's & A Video are below!
*this is a repeat blog post*
M&M(Magical Mastiff) BHRR's Titus, the Neo ~10.5 years of age
We were first contacted to assist this fine older gentleman in April of 2013 and bring in to our BHRR Haven Program. We did not have a spot at that time and we put him on our waiting list and hoped we could assist him very soon….
He arrived to BHRR on May 11th, 2013 and had per two Vets/Specialist both from Toronto and KAH:
"He has a variety of musculoskeletal issues. He is dysplastic in both of his hips and elbows as well as having arthritis in his spine."
We were advised that we would most likely 'lose' him in a matter of weeks yet, with proper care that involved alternative therapies such as hydrotherapy, massage, acupuncture and chiropractic treatments in addition to proper nutrition and exercise, the muscle mass plus tone he developed and how much stronger his poor neglected and abused body became….
AND, the dog that was not expected to live past the end of May, GAVE US just 4 days SHY of 5 MIRACLE MONTHS of such personality, heart, soul and kindness and love….
HE had a real 'soft' spot for BHRR's Zara, a fellow Neo here at BHRR!!
HE had such presence and character….he would 'tell me off' if I was late with his supper or that the water bowl was not full enough for him(HE loved a very full water bowl and snorkling and splashing and splishing and sharing!).
AND, the ice cubes…like a kid in a candy store with ice cubes!!! Became a total pup!
He was said to be not good with other dogs, well, many, can attest to JUST how good he was with other dogs and I am so happy that quite a few people attending our recent BHRR 'DINE WITH THE DOGGIES' Event, could meet him…what a ham!
He showed such trust towards the human race who had done so wrong by him….
I could write SOOOOOOOO much, yet, the tears are welling all over again….
THANK YOU MY "TIGHTY MIGHTY TITUS" – for gracing our home and heart…four just shy of a miraculous FIVE MONTHS!!! YOU are so missed by a village and all your BHRR family!
As always, I have learned so much from the dogs that cross our doors and heart, and, you have given me many life lessons……I am richer in the being touched by you…..I sure am going to miss that cute long stubby tail wag and whole butt wiggle of happiness you would give us…..

VIDEO OF BHRR's Titus October 2013

4 TitusOctober2013
BHRR's Titus – October 2013 @ KAH

Rest in Eternal Peace…. ? – October 7th, 2013
M&M(Magical Mastiff) BHRR's Titus, the Neo ~10.5 years of age
We were first contacted to assist this fine older gentleman in April of 2013 and bring in to our BHRR Haven Program. We did not have a spot at that time and we put him on our waiting list and hoped we could assist him very soon….
He arrived to BHRR on May 11th, 2013 and had per two Vets/Specialist both from Toronto and KAH:
"He has a variety of musculoskeletal issues. He is dysplastic in both of his hips and elbows as well as having arthritis in his spine."
We were advised that we would most likely 'lose' him in a matter of weeks yet, with proper care that involved alternative therapies such as hydrotherapy, massage, acupuncture and chiropractic treatments in addition to proper nutrition and exercise, the muscle mass plus tone he developed and how much stronger his poor neglected and abused body became….
AND, the dog that was not expected to live past the end of May, GAVE US just 4 days SHY of 5 MIRACLE MONTHS of such personality, heart, soul and kindness and love….
HE had a real 'soft' spot for BHRR's Zara, a fellow Neo here at BHRR!!
HE had such presence and character….he would 'tell me off' if I was late with his supper or that the water bowl was not full enough for him(HE loved a very full water bowl and snorkling and splashing and splishing and sharing!).
AND, the ice cubes…like a kid in a candy store with ice cubes!!! Became a total pup!
He was said to be not good with other dogs, well, many, can attest to JUST how good he was with other dogs and I am so happy that quite a few people attending our recent BHRR 'DINE WITH THE DOGGIES' Event, could meet him…what a ham!
He showed such trust towards the human race who had done so wrong by him….
I could write SOOOOOOOO much, yet, the tears are welling all over again….
THANK YOU MY "TIGHTY MIGHTY TITUS" – for gracing our home and heart…four just shy of a miraculous FIVE MONTHS!!! YOU are so missed by a village and all your BHRR family!
As always, I have learned so much from the dogs that cross our doors and heart, and, you have given me many life lessons……I am richer in the being touched by you…..I sure am going to miss that cute long stubby tail wag and whole butt wiggle of happiness you would give us…..

BHRR's Titus – Summer of 2013 at CWW(Canine Water Wellness) – I will miss how he used to look at me and it would melt me to my soul
*photo's courtesy of M. Aris


A portion of a post that Gloria of Catahoula Rescue, Ontario made:

"One of the highlights was getting to meet and drive Birch Haven's newest addition, Groves, a sweet Mastiff pup. What a wonderful, but sad day filled with love, respect and warmth for a wonderful women. Debbie brought us all together both during her incredible career at the SPCA and today was a testament to how many people admired and respected the work she did to help save so many animals. May she rest in peace."


AND, BHRR's Mav is with me today at KAH to take off his bandages and to get a recheck sans bandages on that leg. His weight is down 1.4 kgs from his surgery…. This happened last time too…my poor boy is getting skinny all over again.

UPDATE: OK! Bandages are now off of BHRR's Mav and the Vet says 'it is beautiful!!' More gold stars to BHRR's Maverick and me!
Another Vet remarked on how well we were able to keep his bandages clean etc. They said it looked so clean when I arrived with BHRR's Mav today. Sean & I take post-op care very seriously.
There is one area that keeps bleeding yet, the Vet was not overly worried and this time around, he wanted to lick and lick, so, BHRR's Mav is now sporting a very fashionable 'lamp shade'
His antibtioics ends on Thursday and the Vet did not feel there was more need at this time to continue the meds past then. The swelling is still substantial in some spots yet, I am so impressed with how it all looks!
AND, poor boy just has no love for the Hospital. Quiet as a mouse yet, just resists going even into the Hospital more and more. I will keep doing visits where we go in, get treats and the. leave again….he used to be fantastic and this is very understandable.

I continue to be in awe….almost 25 years working in medicine between human and animal and BHRR's Mav's legs continue to amaze me – DP said that he could give him 'significant improvement' – HOLY! He was not kidding!
THIS is nothing short of a miracle!
HE has staples on the top and all along the outside of his right leg. AND, you can barely see the scar from his July 4th, 2013 surgery on the left leg – the shaving is from the IV.

We are still paying of his Vet bills as the second surgery was more costly than anticipated, with the bigger plate and we also needed to re-direct some much needed funds towards food purchasing as we were running dangerously low.

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Maverick'. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

BHRR's Maverick's Magnificent Angels  $7,224.12 donated to date & Bills $11,836.90
Rachel – Plus a Collar

TTP Basket
June 15th TTP donations from Lemon-Aid Stand by Chew-That
June 22nd, BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House
PV Stittsville Nail Trim Fundraisers x 2
July 14th 6th ANNUAL BHRR/KAH Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser
Julie/Sable – Anna's "Where in the World Wedding Quiz" and selected BHRR to receive the $25 prize.
Kristin – PayPal took a fee

Mav2October12013 October1sto2013
October 1st, 2013

UPDATE: BHRR's Reese's VonWillebrands testing came back NEGATIVE! YAY! So, her spay is a still a 'go' for October 24th and from there, after about 3 weeks, she can be placed up for adoption!!! YES!! OMG! I am so happy for her!!!

BHRR's Reese ROCKED our recent annual "DINE WITH THE BHRR Animals' Event! She proved to all attendees that she is as 'normal' as every other dog out there….So many could not believe that she is blind, hearing impaired plus has neuro issues. SHE BLEW so many misconceptions out of the water….

This below is a photo of BHRR's Reese when I met BHRR approved Volunteer Karen the day of her transport. It is from July 13th, 2013. I like to think that she is THANKING Karen for helping her!


Reese's Rescue Angels: $28.00 Donated To Date & Bills: $3,497.67
Caren – $18.00 which is Chai (life) – in memory of Garth, a wonderful doberman that passed away

BHRR's Zara – October 1st, 2013
I think someone is still exhausted after the BHRR 'DINE WITH THE DOGGIES' Fundraiser on Saturday!
**She came out with BHRR's Titus once most of the guests had left AND we had moved all the tables AND she was AWESOME!
She was going up to people – she liked Joanne and Rachel a lot and would stand for pats and wag her tail and was not brutally terrified! She would not allow too much petting and loving, only gentle touches BUT she made my heart just float!
She has a LONG LONG LONG way to go BUT the distance she has traveled since she first arrived on June 22nd, is ENORMOUS!
AND, she is most certainly figuring out the masterbed of love and snuggles! I was ready to put the light out at 4 AM today AND she climbed up and well, what she needs, she is going to get! WHAT is sleep?!!!! NOTHING compared to her and what she needs!

AND: Feedback from those at the Dinner Event:

1) "What a huge difference TLC and BHRR can make on a once terrified and untrusting dog. She has certainly come out of her funk, which is huge! Though she wasn't completely comfortable, it will come in time. As I say to my patients who are so eager to leave "We cannot run before we can walk." One step at a time" –  Rachel Ng

2) "I was so thrilled when she came up for a pet" – Suzanne Desjardins

3) "Thank you Zara for trusting me enough to let me love on you, even briefly, you are doing amazing baby girl!" – Joanne Guerard

BHRR's Zara – October 1st, 2013

BHRR's Gretta, our LAST of the 12 FREEDOM DOGS that we took in from the PRU Seizure in 2011 is still waiting so very patiently for her right matched forever loving home to find her.

At our recent ANNUAL "DINE WITH THE BHRR DOGGIES" Event on Saturday, so many remarked on how much further that she has come EVEN from our last BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House in June! πŸ™‚ She is really started to ask people more often for love and she does not just 'bump' you behind your knees any longer or quietly come up under our hands as you stand there…she will sometimes approach you from the side or even almost in front of you…..HUGE! HUGE! HUGE! πŸ™‚

She still loves 'home' the best yet, is better and better about car rides, coming to work and visiting friends and family for play dates plus date trips.

Here is a photo from February of 2013 from our BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House hosted then.

ISN'T she stunning?!


On October 1st, I received the following:

"Hi Gwen,

Hope all is well.
Well, I was at the X to clear out Debbies locker and gather her belongings.  What a wonderful privilege.  As usual, she left things organized and it did not take long to put her things together.  The shelter has changed.  Someone said they saw her there coming up the ramp.  I believe her.
I had no intentions of networking today, maybe never BUT I am making this exception because if I know Deb, she would say to contact you.
This little fellow is quite big for his age.  3.5 months, sterilized and vaccinated.  Very sweet and polite.  They put cane corso on the file but that is not a cane in my opinion.  I could be wrong…I say Neo X Dane – what do you think…
Give me your thoughts.
Best to you,"


I responded back that yes, we would commit to him.

I then received the following:

"He is ready anytime.  Everything is done.  I can actually feel Debbies magic". 

I have decided to call him BHRR's Groves' to honor the woman who saved him in death. BHRR's Flint was the last one to come our way in her life and BHRR's Groves is the first she has saved in her death. If it were not for the people saying they saw Debbie(passed away of a sudden brain aneurysm) on the ramp and, that she was looking for Joy…this boy would not have been saved…..