BHRR's Freeze is moving to an ADOPTED status! He shall be going to his new home on August 8th! 🙂

BHRR's Jetta & BHRR's Freeze – July 8th, 2012 – 5th ANNUAL Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser
*Photos courtesy of M. Lepine

RIP my dear sweet BHRR's Emma………


I have been going round and round in my head re: BHRR's Hailey's age and so, went back into her records plus her blog and she was born October 22nd, 2007. She is actually 4 years of age and shall be 5 in October. 🙂

I apologize if any of her recent blogs refer to her as 3 and not 4.


I wish to post a couple of very deeply impacting words posted for BHRR's Hamilton The Newf. I shall post his memorial post thread shortly. This was one loved boy…..from near and far. AND from many that never even had the incredible opportunity to meet him.  I have not yet been able to read all the posts, way too emotionally difficult yet; I know I time and THANK you to all that have posted in support and heart and sent texts, emails and calls.

We are very blessed…………..very blessed…..


Here is BHRR's Hamilton one HONOUR THREAD


Dee Dick He far outlived the time he was given on Earth…and he will live forever in our hearts as a shining example of what hard work, caring, perseverance and love can accomplish in the life of a dog who was not given long to live. Thank you Gwenie – he reminds us all of the hope you pour into this world though the hearts of the furries you help everyday…:)


Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) Gwennie, I am as stunned as your home and so many others. Omg! However, please draw comfort from the miracle he became at BHRR under your expert care. He was only expected to live, 18 months? He almost made it to 5! With your focus on the special needs and having your Haven Program, so many animals have been given so much love and quality of life for as long as possible. I know your hearts bleed and mourn and hugs. Catalina


Nancy Barr Gwenn, You endure so much and with such a big heart,grace and dignity. These dogs are so lucky to have found there way into your home and heart. The care , the kindness and the love you bestowe upon these dogs they will never forget. Hamilton was way to young to cross over the rainbow bridge..Hugs from me to you and your family.


Bruce J. Moquin I was driving home when I heard this terrible news, and to be honest it floored me.

They say dogs don't have usual thumbs, I would like to stress how impossible that can be. There are special dogs out there such as Hamilton the Newf, who are able to grab on to your heart and never let go. Hamilton the Newf was not in our home very long (we had a very, very special date in May), however he was in our hearts for much, much longer.

Our heart goes out to you Gwen, Sean, Mason and Kinsley and the BHRR Family … Hamilton the Newf was truly blessed to be considered a BHRR Haven Dog.

RIP BHRR's Hamilton the Newf, you truly will be missed.



Gracie Honalulu Gwen… You and your family are truly in our thoughts. What a sad day. I know it has been said…but the fact they get to spend any part of their lives in your care was not lost on them. They know what you do for them. They know how loved and special they are from the look on your face when they see you every day and the love you have for them just radiates from you. We can all feel it coming through our screens from just reading what you write about them and how they make you feel and how proud of them you are. Try and sleep well, the others still need you and sadly there will be more coming in need.


Sherry Barr I am shocked Gwen, so very very sorry for your sudden loss. He was much loved and you gave him the life of a king. May he watch over your flock and run and play with his buddies over the rainbow bridge. hugs and kisses to all

Here is a video taken tonight of some of the BHRR gang and our own. I have spent my day immersed with the animals for maximum dog therapy to try and help soothe my heart and soul over our most recent and shocking sudden loss of BHRR's Hamilton The Newf. 🙁 We feel like we are in a walking nightmare and most of the day has been a blur yet; all of us here have been trying to stay super busy and keep our minds plus bodies occupied so as to not think………….all of us are still reeling in shock.

This video of how well BHRR's Dozer and so many others are doing including BHRR's Ani & BHRR's Cosette and BHRR's Jetta really help find purpose to why I get up in the morning and what I look forward to each day.


BHRR took another painful loss to our hearts and home today.

We lost another Haven Dog. BHRR's Hamilton The Newf had what the Vets believe to be a heart attack.
He had a normal day, nothing unusual and when we were getting ready to feed all the dogs; BHRR's Hamilton the Newf was found laying in his favourite place, in one of his fav. laying positions by Kinsley's bedroom as if he was sleeping. He had passed away in his sleep.

In April he had a great annual visit – nothing abnormal noted at all, came to Pet Valu for the Pet Appreciation event also in April, had his special date in May, came out to work with me, dog walks/hikes etc. and it is like a car accident – he was here and now he is not.

We are just trying to breathe….one painful gasp at a time as we try to comprehend that he shall no longer be with us…..
He would have been 5 years of age come September; way too young. Just way too young.

We sit here stunned……..unable to do much than try to draw in air into our lungs that are squeezed so tight and our hearts are so heavy in agony. RIP my dear 'speckled tummy puppy'……. 🙁

BHRR's Hamilton The Newf – April 2012 & HOW you are are going to be remember – stunning and happy and just wonderful!

BHRR's Rain had her annual on Saturday July 28th, 2012 and she ROCKED it! OUT of the park! 🙂

She weighed 40.8 kgs(89.76 pounds)!  A very petite Saint yet stunning. 🙂 She had her vaccines updated and we did a HWT. We also looked closer at her hips(no change and she still bunnyhopsin the hind end) and the Vet suggested that I begin to give her cartrophen injections too. She whimpers a bit getting up and down yet; overall is holding her own. She is one happy Saint!

WHAT a far cry from the first time I brought her in…hotdogs in hand and giving them to everyone to feed her and her brother BHRR's Beau(adopted in March of 2012).  She went from barking at everyone because she was scared to barking at some last year at Take The Plunge as she WANTED to see people to no barking at all on Saturday. She was friendly, social, outgoing, loving, affectionate and a ham! WTG BHRR's Rain!! 🙂

We also gave her ears a really good cleaning – one seemed to be bothering her a bit yet; nothing out of the normal was found. Will keep monitoring.

I have a video and some photos to post of her yet, I am going to post the one below from December 24th, 2011(thought, I had already!).

As many already are aware for BHRR believes in complete full disclosure, BHRR's Rain was moved to our BHRR Haven Program last fall after a temp stay in a foster home.

This is because, unfortunately(AND the temp foster home feels terrible ) is that BHRR's Rain in trying to fend for herself after there was an moment between two dogs; she bit the O. of the other dog as they stepped in to get their dog away. The Owner and the friend of this Owner had called out to the temp foster home; that the dog they had was not a great dog-to-dog friendly sort. The temp foster home really did feel that it would be ok to walk by this other dog with the two that she had with her – BHRR's Rain as she is really great with dogs as is their other dog that they adopted from BHRR.

Though, no one at the park that day wanted to call the by-law and health department, I did after being notified of this bite. I also reported it to BHRR's Rain Vet and it is documented in her vet file.

To all that know BHRR's Rain, they were as surprised and taken aback as I was yet; she was only trying to protect herself and most likely her temp foster mom too.

BHRR's Rain is very social to other dogs and to humans.

BHRR has never had a bite in our history of operating and she is remaining in our BHRR Haven program.

BHRR's Rain – December 24th, 2011

ANOTHER fabu breakthrough tonight!

BHRR's Dozer is now running alongside new friends of:
BHRR's Hamilton The Newf
BHRR's Jetta
BHRR's Ani
BHRR's Potter
BHRR's Maggie May

We know that we are going to be unable to go to once a month or further for BHRR's Hailey. As we neared the two week mark for her next cartrophen, you could see that she was slipping backwards this time around.

We are back in two weeks for another recheck and we shall discuss if we should go back to weekly for her injections.

Donations to her growing Vet Bills can be made in the following ways.

Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Hailey'. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

"PLEASE HELP HAILEY HEAL" ANGELS     $843.19 donated to date & Bills $2,936.08
Anna & Peter
Credit transferred from BHRR's Journey Rehab Angels – $243.19
Judy – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
CJ Rescue Garage Sale – $247.50(50/50 split to help BHRR's Emma)
Alex & Karen
Eva & Robert

Someone made a new doggie friend tonight – BHRR's Dozer!! WAHOO! He made friends with Caffrey; our Apricot EM! Well, she made him him want to be friends with her…. 😉

YAY! WTG Big boy! 🙂

Someone made a new doggie friend tonight – BHRR's Dozer!! WAHOO! He made friends with Caffrey; our Apricot EM! Well, she made him him want to be friends with her…. 😉

YAY! WTG Big boy! 🙂

BHRR’s Dozer arrived to BHRR on Friday and does have clear stranger danger and some dog woes.

While I was at the meeting place with the one amazing Volunteer who transported him on his second leg to BHRR(thanks to the wonderful first transporter too); he saw a car load of people and while he barked; his tail wagged. He did the same thing to two people who came put of the one store.

Yet, when the next two people came out of the store; he did not stop barking when prompted and all the hair on his back went up. AND the more he was barking; the more nervous the people became whic then ‘fed’ BHRR’s Dozer.

We did not allow him to meet anyone this day and I already knew going in that he had lack of social skills and possible dog concerns.

He travelled well and I am glad I arrived home just before it was full dark as I did not want him meeting Sean in the dark. His transport began at 2:30 pm and it was 9:15 pm when I arrived home; a long day.

He was full on barking and hair raised to Sean and would not take a treat or was interested in making a friend.

So, we waited and stood talking many feet apart and BHRR’s Dozer calmed down – he was told ‘Dozer, no barking’ and then passively ignored after three times. He was calmly and positively told he was ‘ok’ three separate times and then passively ignored. Took no more than ten minutes and Sean could then approach and the relationship between these two was forged!

Thank you again to his transporters for giving him a calm, patient and positive experience while he was in their care. That was so FANTASTIC as that is what he needs.

He has a ton of potential and he will be given all the time he needs with his rehab.

He lacks muscle tone in his hind end and he is a bit ‘off’ when he walks yet; we need to give him time to settle in before stressing him out with exams and x-rays. He is also a bit chubby wubby and needs to firm up and lose some weight. 😉

Nothing about his conformation indicates anything more than a gorgeous EM – a reverse Brindle; yet; he could have Neo and it is not presenting on his appearance. 🙂

He is tall and for those who have met our EM Guinness(8.5 now); he is not all that far off in size.

He does growl at most of the other dogs and has been integrated with just a few girls to date; dogs like BHRR’s Gretta.

He is doing great with his crate training; eating more with each day and is drinking well. He has proven completely housebroken and has no issues with either Sean or I handling his food.

Will take photos to post as I can.

When he settles in more; I am going to set up some very quiet dates with some approved Volunteers and we are going to just sit and visit and do this many many many many times in his rehab. process.

I have set up a vet visit in August and update his vaccines at that time for I was told that at his last vet visit with his old home; he freaked. He needs to have his DAPP updated, I want a thorough exam per our protocol, hwt, microchip and anything else necessary for his well being. I am deworming him now plus have him on heartworm preventative.

We shall see what toe touching etc. does for him after he settles some.

This boy is going to take me on an incredible journey!!!

BHRR’s Ani had her Vet appointment tonight and superstar she was!

She weighed 49.1 kgs(108.02 pounds) and looks marvellous! No more weight should be gained by her.

Her coat was as beautiful as her obedient, playful and charming personality.

She was super quiet and is at the age of being young and youthful while having the maturity of a dog that has passed all the chewing plus destruction stages. 😉

There was a whole team of us seeking to determine if she is spayed. She is really immature in her body signs and we think we feel a spay scar underneath her skin. The consensus is that she is spayed and as we know how long it takes for these gorgeous black beauty dogs to have their forever loving home find them; we will have months to monitor her.

All dogs leave BHRR altered; unless there is a medical reason why this is not possible.

She was given a hwt, microchipped plus had her DAPP booster. Superstar again!!

She does have some tartar on her back teeth yet; nothing major. Some good nutrition and proper dink bones etc. To chew plus massage her gums shall really help.

In two weeks time; this lovely FABU girl shall be placed up for adoption! 🙂

Posted in Ani

UPDATE: 'Dozer' the EM/Neox is now safe in the hands of a BHRR Volunteer. They will meet another transporter who shall then meet myself and I will transport the rest of the way back to BHRR.

We have been told that:
1) does not like to share food
2) does not like his feet touched
3) was not bothered when the other dog there who was all hyper was all over him. Wanted to be more left alone than anything

We shall evaluate further at BHRR.

We have been told that the home has not had the time to spend with him these past many months and he has been kennelled at their home. Apparently, he will bark at strangers and is lacking training and socialization. They have another dog they obtained a year ago and feel they need to focus on what she needs at this time and wanted more for Dozer than what he had been receiving to date.

He is a brindle, 3 year old male, neutered, utd on vaccines English Mastiff/Neo Mastiff.


BHRR's Dozer

BHRR's Windsor is having his special date this Sunday! 🙂


She is scheduled for her DAPP Booster, HWT and microchipping on July 23rd.

At that time we shall try and u/s her via a probe to determine if she is spayed. If she is, she shall be placed up for adoption within two weeks of this appointment.

If she has not yet been spayed(if we can determine for sure one way or another); she will be spayed first.

She is WOW! She has been fully integrated, is no longer in a crate and her only thing is some mild food resourcing if kibble falls to the floor and as this is a high value item; not a big deal.  I do feed her in a crate here and there to keep up the crate training for as many know this is a great safety and training aid should she become sick or injured and require crate rest or needs to stay at the Animal Hospital.

The longer she is here, the younger she has become and I would say that she is no more than 2. AND I would also say that if I was a betting woman, that she is also related to BHRR's Jetta. Her eyes, facial bone structure and mannerisms are so reminiscent of BHRR's Jetta. She is not as as tall as BHRR's Jetta.

She is playful and man! Is she vocal when she gets playing – she will growl and make sounds that unless you did not know Danes, one would thnk she was not so friendly! LOL She loves KONG toys and being chased and bumping your hands to get you to play.


She also adores Mason…cannot get enough of loving on him!

She is quiet in the house and one would almost not even know she is there, she is that low maintenance!


She is going to do great in a home that works full time or part time or from home or semi retired or retired for like so many; she is that versatile!

She would do well in a home with another like minded personality fit dog or is one of those dogs that is also fine on her own as long as there are doggies as part of her social network via her new homes social network of family and friends.

She would be great in a home with children 10+ or in a home with no kids.

This dogs is absolutely a delight!

She has been such a pleasure to train and be around. 🙂

For those not familiar with her story prior to coming to BHRR – she was tied up to a laneway in Quebec during the very hot and humid Canada Day weekend. 🙁 Poor girl……

Posted in Ani

From the amazing transporter that met up with me with BHRR's Cosette:

"From Fiona's mummy: We have pink doggles and Cosette would look smashing in them. But alas, no sunroof. Cosette was very afraid at the SPCA. Her handler did a great job in getting her in my car and giving me advice for the trip home. She was teary eyed. She really loved Cosette. Cosette was great in the car. Slept most of the way. She was really afraid when we stopped at KAH, she tinkled a wee bit. However, Gwen took off with her into an office and about 45 minutes later emerged a new Cosette! She was far more outgoing but stuck to Gwen like a wrinkle to a shar pei (sorry, Fiona and Rupert are peis, hence my analogies…) Gwen and her magic touch. A bit of time in the BHRR program working on her self esteem and this small Dane will become a grand Dame. Just you wait and see. Mwoua Mwoua xxxxx ma belle Cosette."

At just past 7:30 pm on Monday, I released BHRR's Emma from the body that just could not stay strog against the abuse of her past.
I am now going to make the long journey home and lay her body in enternal rest at BHRR.

She was a gift that had not been appreciated until her arrival to BHRR and she is a gift that my heart shall forever cherish.
Right now, my heart is just ripped….

My team mates at KAH commented more than once how bonded she was to me, loved me and looked for me….as I told them in turn, that adoring love was very mutual and full of respect and trust.

BHRR's Emma, here is a THREAD of support from so many of your fans and supporters. YOU are so loved…..


BHRR’s Freeze was a HUGE hit at our recent 5th ANNUAL microchip/nail trim and BBQ Fundraiser!

In fact; such a great hit….that he is now under a PENDING ADOPTION!

We shall update his blog as we can.

BHRR’s Hailey is doing very well still with the cartrophen injections and every two weeks seems to be working.

I do not think at this time that every month will be as effective yet; one of her Vets stated that if need be; we can go back to once a week for her.

It is so reassuring to have these options for her!

Dropped off BHRR’s Kyo to his temp foster home on Monday night.

According to his temp fostermom he is settling in like the bomb proof dog we have said he was! 🙂

They have called him ‘kuddly’, ‘kalm’, ‘kurious’ etc.!

On Tuesday, I was notified that their other two dogs were playing with him and as BHRR’s Kyo does love his outside zooming; he was leading a grand merry chase.

Unfortunately, the excitement built and before the home could step in; their other two lovely dogs; had caused some booboos to his hind end. BHRR’s Kyo had no negative reaction and revealed how solid plus balanced he is.

The home was very proactive, took him to the Vet, contacted myself and he is now on some antibiotics. The marks/punctures appears to be granulating very well and he was completely unfazed by it all. A true testament to his temperament and foundation built. 🙂

The temp foster home and I have conversed about the importance of having emergency stops and emergency recalls training; control words, that we are glad that everyone is ok and that accidents happen and BHRR thinks he is in the best hands. 🙂

I look forward to receiving updates and photos of his amazing adventures!

May his forever loving adoptive home find him soon! 🙂

BHRR cannot thank our temp foster homes enough for without them; BHRR would not be able to save the animals we have.

Posted in Kyo

BHRR’s Kyo was dropped at his temp foster home tonight.

He stepped out of the car with his usual casual ‘I am here….let’s do this grand thing’ approach and went without too much hesitation with his temp foster family.

What a great dog and thanks to this home; BHRR is able to assist the Harlequin Great Dane we are naming – BHRR’s Cosette.

I have photos to post of his amazing time at our July 8th Fundraiser and, of course; as always these days; many other blogs and photos to post in updates.

Been the worse summer yet; for r/q Rescue out there and we have committed to the helping of three dogs recently that another place said they would and then never showed up and these animals were in high kill shelters/pounds. 🙁

We beg people to please do their research when it comes to not only looking to purchase from a r/q Breeder yet; when it comes to supporting and adopting from a Rescue.

Cannot stress enough that as not all Breeders are equal and of high stellar quality; neither are places that say they rescue.

Posted in Kyo

My heart is so heavy and though, I knew this day was going to come; I just want to scream in sheer agony that nothing more can be done for BHRR's Emma and her quality of life has seriously begun to deteriorate.

It frustrates and angers me that due to the abuse of another or others; her body is failing her though; her mind and heart has learned to love and trust again.
This girl makes me well up with how strong her beautiful spirit is; how much joy she takes out of even just seeing me when I come home from even just putting the kids on the bus; sunshine, a blowing leaf; the antics of a goob 6 month old GD puppy and so much more!

Her patience and steadfast determination to not just to be able to stand tall yet; walk and do her 'wobbly bobbly' trot is beyond inspirational.

Last night; she came over to me and the way she layed down with her head on my knee; I knew….it was time…and she was telling me….
We stayed up all night 'talking' and believe me this GD has a lot to say and share and give. She is a gift to the wordl! We watched the sunrise on the porch; enjoying the deer as they came to drink from the springfed pond.

We took a special walk to her favourite spot and sat under the shade until she was ready to come in for some little breaky( her appetite has been waning).

We have now come back from a drive to her best places and saying her "I love you's" to those at Timmie's and Subway and more.

As she rests in my lap, I made the call to schedule her final car ride.

Please think of her and may god give me the will to have one ounce of her dignity and strength to be able to let her go without breaking into a million pieces.
I worship this girl and it is so unfair and wrong and I just want to scream for her and that she deserved more in life….

I am so sorry BHRR's Emma that the Vets and BHRR could not right all the wrong done to you by others. I am so sorry… 🙁

BHRR's Emma – when found May 4th, 2012 in Montreal & BHRR's Emma – June 29th, 2012(HOW she is going to be remembered…)

Testimonials from others on BHRR's Jetta and that she does not have any condition of 'lacking self-confidence' that needed labelling and thus then treated:


My own personal experience with the beautiful black beauty that is BHRRs Jetta is limited to the BHRRs 5th Annual Microchip Clinic.

What a fabulous dog! I had the chance to interact with her for awhile and found her to be an outgoing, confident and happy dog. In being able to observe her from the baking table on and off for most of the day, I saw a dog that was open to meeting other people and dogs alike with a wagging tail and open demeanour, one who was comfortable to rest in the shade and was unruffled by the noises and action going on around her.  She presents as a vivacious young dog who will make a wonderful addition to the right fit home.

Wishing the very best of luck to BHRRs Jetta!




……here are my observations about the lovely black beauty. From the moment she bopped out of the transport I met to bring her to you, I saw a bright and confident girl. Her transport commented on how great she was and I was surprised at how she just popped over wagging her tail at me. Not a second of nervousness or shyness. Into the car she went with me and off we drove. She was a curious and bold girl. When I met you, it took two of us to walk her to the backyard. Remember how she went confidently about sniffing everything in our very large backyard. Not an ounce of caution.  For such a young girl, she struck me with her positive energy and strength. At the barbecue she was much more polite and enjoyed her surroundings meeting all sorts of people and dogs. Her bold silly confidence had matured and evolved into a quieter confidence that training gave her. I love her! I thought she was fearless and smart. Just needed some obedience training and weight gain. Give her a big hear scratch from us

Anna Gray-Henschel

This is whom we are calling 'Cosette'. She is a 3 year old Female Harlequin Great Dane and has been living in an apartment and is very very very very timid.

We were contacted about her on July 4th, 2012; yet; were not in a position at that time to assist. She is now slated to come to BHRR on July 18th, 2012.

We look forward in meeting her!



BHRR's Cosette – At The Shelter – July 2012 – ETA to BHRR – July 18th, 2012

BHRR's Jetta temp foster home drop-off was rescheduled to yesterday and I dropped her off for 11 AM; yet; as of last night; we made the decision to bring her back to BHRR. I am picking her up this AM after re-arranging my day as the home said they would have BHRR's Jetta ready to leave anytime after 8 AM yet; wanted us there soon. I had even offered to pick her up last night.

She is a very versatile and balanced GD whose training has just bombed along. She rocked our July 8th 5th Annual KAH/BHRR Microchip Fundraiser and soaked up all the love possible from both people and dogs. She had a GREAT DAY! She has come to work with me, walks/hikes, this Fundraiser, to friends places and she is my 'social spazz' and in learning that she was now being labelled as lacking in 'self confidence' in this temp foster home; we made the decision to pull.

We placed what we believed to be the best matched right fit for this home and she has never lacked self confidence from the first moment that I met the transport to pick her up. She has been sweet, loving, kind and an angel. She has gone all over the place, met so many people and when I left this home, one hour later; she was settled in as the BHRR's Jetta, everyone who has met her knows. This deeply concerned us and we want her to continue to thrive. BHRR knows these dogs best and we work hard to set each dog up for maximum success and all our homes adoptive and/or temp foster receive very detailed information packages, access to their blogs, the drop-off includes a summary of all sent/discussed to ensure a great integration occuring into the new environment plus BHRR is here as a 24/7 resource etc.

We need to have her continue along this great path of social plus training development that has been created at BHRR. She is such an amazing versatile dog and is going to make that right adoptive home a FABU addition! I do not want the failure of this not working out to reflect negatively on anything that BHRR's Jetta may or may not have done during her very brief time at this place. THAT could not be further from the truth.

If any of the folks that have met her during her time at BHRR; would like to email along a testimonial to post re: BHRR's Jetta; I would be more than thrilled to post it.

The one thing that was noted at our Sunday Fundraiser; was that her one hip was beginning to trouble her as the day wore on. We knew that she did not have the best hips after seeing her when she first arrived to BHRR; yet; she was taking her time getting up and laying down throughout the day.

We continue to have her on glucosamine etc. and are ensuring that she obtains the best nutrition, vet care and proper exercise to give her the best muscle mass and strength build-up she can have.

BHRR does not advocate running with Great Danes; yet; in her case; we really want to ensure that while quality is the focus for life for her and for her to enjoy it; that; her future forever adoptive home is aware that she may well have to go on cartrophen injections at some point in her future. As she is still very much a puppy(just turned 1 in May); we need to regulate her exercise and we want her to have the most enjoyment possible; yet; we also want her to be here 7 years from now.

She spends many hours playing and romping here and is doing great and we are not sure if it was the pavement, the standing and walking around for the day; but; it was noted that her one hip was bothering her getting up and down. So, she relaxed and had a snooze or two under the shade of the trees and the many admirers plus fans came to her for loving! 🙂

Her new coat continues to come in soft, shiny black and healthy!

BHRR's Jetta & BHRR's Freeze & BHRR's Jetta, BHRR's Freeze & Dee's wonderdog Fergus – July 8th, 2012
*Photos courtesy of M. Lepine

UPDATE: Wednesday July 11th, 2012:

BHRR's Petal had a good night, went out for another small pee this AM, not interested in any food(not even a bit of wet); yet; drank a bit of water and is alert with normal temp etc.
BHRR's Rose made it through the night!!! This AM she struggled to her feet for a bit of a wobbly bobbly walk, no pee, drank a bit of water, not interested in any small amounts of food,
changed her bag of fluids and am off shortly to go back to KAH for a repeat PCV. Temp was a bit low and we still have her all snuggled in her bear hugger.

Keep those vibes of goodness coming for her PCV last night – 20 – per Dr. Cote was borderline for a blood transfusion.

Thanks Sean for helping me with the girls throughout the night!! I have a great husband!!!

UPDATE: Wednesday July 11th, 2012 – 12:54 PM:

PCV is 26!!!!
She pooped and as she has not yet peed or showed interest on food; keeping her on fluids until tomorrow.
Everyone is so happy!!
Now, we need 'go pee' & 'go eat' good thoughts!!

UPDATE: Wednesday July 11th – 2:30 PM:
When I arrived back home; she had a really nice long pee, BHRR's Petal a small one yet; both a refusing to eat.
Not the best eaters to begin with, they are provIng to be very
challenging in tasking me with all that I have learned over the past 24 years! 🙂

In my whole life, I have only had two dogs do this poorly in a spay; my RIP beloved Maggie May and BHRR's Rose. BHRR's Petal is up there though, in the 'rough' category.

AND may, I not have any others any time soon. I aged 25 years and was up from Tuesday at 5 AM to Thursday at 2 AM.

AND BHRR's Petal(remembered after I posted) put on .2 of a kg.

BHRR's is now home and settled in with bear hugger to keep her warm, on IV fluids and I gave her her first hydro just after 9 PM last night. Special thanks being send out to Dr. Cote for messaging and calling me and as I was not yet home, meeting me at KAH to give BHRR's Rose a Yunnan Baiyao Capsule to assist with clotting. I have more on hand.
Have I mentioned today, just how wonderful Dr. Cote is? She offered to drive into KAH to meet me and help. How does one ever repay someone for such kindness? I work with some of the most amazing people ever at KAH!

Her last PVC was 20. 🙁 Dr. Cote indicated that this is borderline for needing a blood transfusion.

It shall be a long night, one that we are fully prepared for and are well aware of keeping things 'real' in how serious her condition is.

BHRR's Petal, had a pee, is settled into her crate, missing her bff a bit; yet; is resting comfortably.

Donations to their Vet Bills can be made in the following ways.

Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Rose' & 'Petal'. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

BHRR's Rose & Petal ANGELS    $285 donated to date & Bills $2,000+
Anna & Peter
Petalia Boutique & Marie-Sophie

BHRR's Rose needs blessings. She and BHRR's Petal were spayed today and though, BHRR's Petal was the one that was bleeding; she is now doing well; unfortunately; we then had to go back in for another 1.5 hours with an emergency surgery with BHRR's Rose. Her spay went well yet; she began to deteriorate in recovery.

She is bleeding behind one kidney.

All that can be done for her has possibly been done by the amazing team I work with and I am taking her home with a pump and hydro to monitor overnight and hope things shall improve for my wee beauty.

Please keep her in your thoughts…..

VIDEO #1 Post-Op Emergency Surgery BHRR's Rose
VIDEO #2 Post-Op Emergency Surgery BHRR's Rose

She did weigh 18.8 KGs, which is wonderful to see her going up! I have to go back and check BHRR's Petal's weight to also post. My brain is forgetting right now.


Here is BHRR's Veteran's slide story……

BHRR's Jetta is going to be temp fostered as of July 9th, 2012.

BHRR's Kyo is going to be temp fostered as of July 17th.

Below are two photos of BHRR's Kyo from when he had his very special date! He and the home had a wonderful day! 🙂

BHRR's Kyo

Posted in Kyo

BHRR's Hailey came with me to the Vets on Saturday and weighed 50 Kgs(110 pounds).

Her recheck was great! She is still toe touching and limping some yet; her spirits are so much higher and she is happier and more like herself and back to being a bit pushy to some of the dogs and affectionate to humans! YAY!

I ordered more Cartrophen and we are going to try 1.5 ml bi-weekly and if that causes a deterioration; we shall go back up to once a week.

We continue to monitor for any heat and/or swelling that would indicate that she now has a soft tissue injury.


Donations to her growing Vet Bills can be made in the following ways.

Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Hailey'. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

"PLEASE HELP HAILEY HEAL" ANGELS     $823.19 donated to date & Bills $2,936.08
Anna & Peter
Credit transferred from BHRR's Journey Rehab Angels – $243.19
Judy – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
CJ Rescue Garage Sale – $247.50(50/50 split to help BHRR's Emma)
Alex & Karen
Eva & Robert

BHRR's Porridge had his annual(WHO would have thought that he would be a miracle dog this many years later! YAY!) on Saturday and he is doing fabu! 🙂

Him and that happy tail of his! 🙂

I had his weight written on a post-it and shall post it when I am back on my main computer. 🙂

He and BHRR's Hailey had a really great day with all of us on Saturday at KAH.

His HWT was negative.

BHRR's Dana came with me to the Vet on Tuesday night. She weighed a plump 130+pounds…..sigh….someone has been getting too many treats!

She is being cut back and young children – my own; have been talked to re: treats! I like to see her no more than 125 tops, preferably back around 122 pounds.

I did her HWT and I had the Vet recheck the lump on her back foot. We did more FNA's and just protein was found and we managed to asiprate some more and sent off three separate samples to the lab to evaluate again, to be sure that we are still looking at a benign situation and that unless necessary; does not need to be removed.

It is not in the best place for surgery; yet; there is some skin and if everything comes back as normal, we shall continue to monitor and only remove if/when necessary.

SHE was such an GREAT dog as usual at the Vet's. She is a big fav at KAH!

Anything I have to do with her, I have taught her to lay down on her side and she just lets me cut nails, draw blood etc.

She had her special date not that long ago too; and I shal have to post photos of that special date! 🙂

So hard to believe that her right matched forever loving home has not yet found this special gem of a briliant girl! 🙂

She will test you with her wagging tail and mischievous nature while she tries to bend you to her will! 😉 LOVE LOVE LOVE this dog!

Wednesday NIGHT VIDEO time!

BHRR's Emma has been doing very poorly….yet; when I got home last night; she had a GREAT night and this is how she was all day today! 🙂 SHE is not yet ready to give up and I know I am not ever going to be ready to let her go. Yet, I shall always keep quality of life first and foremost for her. Though, my heart screams in sheer agony over what I know must come one day…. 🙁

BUT, here is BHRR's Emma and her wonderful 'wobbly bobbly' trot and happiness to see me and be alive! GO! BHRR's Emma GO! My heart just soared today…..AND I know that hers did too! 🙂 It was a good day for BHRR's Emma!!! A really great day!

I have two more weeks of Zeniquin 200 mg – 1 tablet SID and will continue to monitor.

Donations to her growing Vet Bills can be made in the following ways.

Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

What she does still need to date are:

1) Packing Blankets/Duvets/Comforters as she does have some sores and is weak with bad hips
2) Puppy Pee Pads as she is still having some incontinence
3) She LOVES the smoked knuckle bones
4) FROMM Wet Canned Dog Food
5) Pinesol
6) Donations towards her Vet Bills that are continuing to mount quickly – BHRR's Emma really needs angels….

***I will continue to update the list as needed**

BHRR's Emma's ANGELS: $1,970 donated to date & Bills $3,797.88
Verbruggen Family
CJ Rescue Garage Sale – $247.50(50/50 split to help BHRR's Hailey)
Zeus/Binky & BHRR's Adele
Alex & Karen
Eva & Robert

Our 5th Annual BHRR/KAH MIcrochip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser being held at Kanata Animal Hospital from 8 AM – 4 PM (NO appointments necessary) is coming up fast!

If you would like a copy of this stunning poster to crosspost via email or post up at work, your local training facility, petstore, etc., please EMAIL

This is BHRR's biggest Fundraiser of every year!

Thank you being extended to Shirley again for such a fabulous poster!!!! Thank you so much once more for working with me on this!! 🙂

Please 'click' on the poster for more details/information! 🙂

AND to stay updated on the latest developments, join our BHRR Facebook EVENT PAGE!


She has put on over 30 pounds of muscle mass and weight and she has a ways to go; yet; she is slowly getting there with the weight and muscle mass.

Her hair is becoming more and more soft and glossy the longer she is here and is shedding all that old, dull and coarse coat. Great nutrition, proper exercise and lots of love! 🙂

Her HWT was negative and she stands 36" at the whithers.

For those that met BHRR's Journey – the dog she became, not the dog she arrived at BHRR being; BHRR's Jetta is fairly similar. She is my new 'social spazz'. NOT a person or dog she has not liked! 🙂

Cats are unknown.

She is also no longer in a crate. I put her in a crate here and there to eat one of her three meals that she is still being fed daily; so; that we keep up on her continued foundation of having no SA. If she were to go to a hospital, it is much safer on her and calmer on all the other animals around; that she not panic or stress in a run. Also, if she ever hurt herself or became ill and needed to be on crate rest; she is ok with her own company.

She has proven 100% trustworthy in our home. 🙂

She can go to a home that works pt, ft, works from home or is semi-retired etc. as she is so versatile!!!

As we know that she is another black beauty, we are preparing for the long haul and being patient for that right match forever loving home to find her. 😉

She shall also be one of three dogs attending our July 8th 5th ANNUAL Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser being held at Kanata Animal Hospital. So, for anyone seeking a new addition to their home and is interested in meeting her; here is a great opportunity! 🙂

Below are some photos taken on June 29th, 2012. ISN'T she simply marvelous! 🙂 She is playful, affectionate, with a monkey streak in her!

BHRR's Jetta – June 29th, 2012