BHRR's Veteran came with me to work today and had a re-weigh. I went back through his paperwork and his weight when he first arrived was barely 91 pounds.  The documentation in paperwork was a bit mixed up…, based upon today's weight of 53 KS(116.6 pounds); he has put on 25.6 pounds since he first arrived to BHRR!

Several made comments about how much weight he had put on between his arrival to BHRR and the begining of December and then between December 2nd and today.

He still needs more weight; another 10 or so and he had an AWESOME playdate today!!!

These were his final 'tests'; to see if he was 1) at a decent weight be placed up for adoption 2) a social play date test away from us to see how things went.

Things went great!!!

He will be placed up for adoption next week and we also microchipped him today.

He can go to a home that works pt, ft. flex hours, semi-retired, retires or works from home.

He LOVES all people and the only 'quirk' that he still has that has never been an issue here; is sometimes male black dogs worry him. We effectively correct and quickly/calmly re-assure and re-direct.

His one best friend here at BHRR; is BHRR's Goliath; a big black dog and we think that, because BHRR's Lincoln came into our home and these other black/dark dogs are here; BHRR's Goliath, the three GD black beauties, BHRR's Benjamin etc. and he was just very calmly integrated and also was not feeling the best. He just did not have any time to worry for he was busy getting healthy and then he made all these great friends.

This boy is a heart throb and say good-bye when it is his turn; is going to be a bittersweet moment! 🙂

The couple that took him for a play date today; took him to places like B&F and he apparently; decided that while it was great greeting all the people and sniffing the dogs(played with a small shih for a bit); what he MOST enjoyed was going shopping!!! He came back to KAH with a sizeable doggie bag from not only the treaties the kind people at the store sent his way; but what he had also 'helped' himself too! OMG! THE wee ham!!!

I can well imagine the total glee he had walking in and thinking it was heaven and meant ALL for him! HA! HA!

I cannot thank them enough for taking him on this play date and they have asked to take him again in a few weeks; which if he is not adopted by then; is only going to continue to enrich and balance him out more. 🙂

BHRR's Atlas really missed him though…he was very sad all day when he was gone. A bit depressed actually. Their relationship is truly fascinating…..

We are expecting some lovely photos of his play date and shall post some when they come our way. I also have the ones from his continuing education & public awareness op that was done at B&F Barrhaven in early December plus the traditional XMAS eve ones that I still need to post, so lots to post!!! 🙂

People just fall in love with him whereever he goes!!! The one note I want to make is that while I was in the car to go through the drive-through banking on my way home; a native american in hunting attire and lowered hat; walked our way and BHRR's Veteran became quite worried and stressed and nervous. I quickly corrected/assured and passively ignored and while his body still remained a bit tense, he was less on the alert and stopped his very low deep barks. The voice on this boy is HUGE! Just massive and when he and BHRR's Goliath get to playing, one would think that the house would come down with their vocal skills or that they were set out to kill each other!!!

It is just his play style as many Danes can be!!! 🙂

UPDATE: BHRR's Journey:

"What we did for her today is debride the edges to clean them up on that right thigh and changed her to Baytril from Clavamox for antibiotics. Hopefully, this will help promote faster healing and we can avoid sedation or anaesthetic for sutures."

If you want to be a Special Santa Help Elf to BHRR's Journey:

IF anyone wishes to donate to be a BHRR's Journey's Santa Elf '; you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and under the name of  'Journey' and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal –

OR email transfer to

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

I know that I have said this before and I shall say it again; I am not above or below begging and pleading for the animals in need. AND I am doing so now, so close to XMAS; yet I am asking on my knees if need be; for people to consider donating to her vast medical bills.

ALL I can give you in turn at this time; is my deepest and most heartfelt and sincerest of thanks along with those of BHRR's Journey; for she would have died out there; and soon. Be it from a car hitting her; starvation or her wounds or a coyote attack or even from some person shooting her; she would have died and it would not have been long before it happened. There is nothing to her body right now….absolutely nothing but skin and bones. There is not even a lot of hair.

BHRR's Journey's Angels:             $2,085 Donated to date                Vet Bills $3,298.73 and rising

Ginnete – Critter Jungle
Karen – PayPal took $3.35 in fees
Erin – PayPal took $6.10 in fees
Audrey – PayPal took $0.74 in fees
Brigitte – PayPal took $0.88 in fees



I found Birch Haven link on a friend’s Facebook page and have been going through some of BHRR’s blogs. I’ve cried with you reading BHRR Bean’s story and final breaths and viewed those that have been fortunate to end up in your care after who knows how long a time of pain and suffering from abuse and getting a new lease on life. I have no idea how you do what you do without killing someone in the process!

This year I supported a local rescue through the United Way, next year I will be contacting you for a few details so that I can support the work you do. I know what I offer isn’t much but if more people reached out, it would make your work a little more easy financially.

Keep up the amazing work. The world needs more of you!

BHRR's Benjamin is moving to an under PENDING ADOPTION! YAY

AND on that note; if anyone is open and available to do a hv with myself at a mutually convenient scheduled day/time; please do email. The hv is located 5 hours one way from BHRR; so it would be a long day; but BHRR's Benjamin and I would provide loads of entertainment – I was voted 'best person to take on a trip' back in high school! :)- Thanks in advance for the consideration as always!!!

I have an appointment scheduled to remove BHRR's Bloom's cast on Tuesday January 3rd at the DMV.

It has been a very difficult and complicated process trying to find a cast splitter/cutter in Ottawa!!! AND with the holiday hour schedules, it was impossible to get in with Alta (as I have done in the past) or even OVH. WOW! Talk about not expecting this 'bump'. 😀

So, I called the DMV and after much conversation, I am headed their way next Tuesday.

TIME to update all of BHRR's Atlas's fans on his progress! 🙂

It is so hard to believe that he has been at BHRR since November 13!!! It feels like he has always been with us; he is just that type of boy. 🙂

Those first three days in particular; after he arrrive to BHRR; I really did not know if he was going to make it…. 🙁 I really did not and I was in complete fear and worry over him. 🙁 He really was not 'there'. 🙁

He has come so far in the time that he has been here. I am posting two photos below from November from when he enountered the same basketball(a dog had moved it back into the almost 2.5 acre fenced in yard) and how he was actually showing some interest in it; instead of being terrifed like he once was PLUS his tail!! It was up a bit more!!!

He was showing some life!!

In bringing him back to the land of the living, I have to give most of the credit to BHRR's Veteran. These two dogs have a past and a history together and there is no major love lost between them. WHICH is very interesting to note as they all interact with the other dogs without these same feelings they have towards each other.

For those that attended our November BHRR "EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House; they were witnessed two not one but two times that BHRR's Veteran went right up to BHRR's Attas's crate and 'teased' him and got a reaction from him. IT was BHRR's Veteran that brought that spark into BHRR's Atlas's eyes FAR more than anything we believe that we have done. He drew him out of his shell, he teased and bugged him and got a 'rise' out of BHRR's Atlas.

While these two may never be the best buds in the world; they have an understanding of each other. A grudging respect and a 'history' that has made them competitors in their attempts to survive in the conditions they were living and each one wants to try and show up the other one in bluff and guff and snort! However; much that they may act indifferent towards each other; they are always / actually constantly aware of each other and if one is 'down' or not up to snuff; the other will deliberately poke and bug them to get the other moving and to snap out of things. IT has been so fascinating to watch.

So, while they may not love each other; they are dependent on each other and watch out for each other. They do not like it if they feel that another dog may be playing too rough with the other and they remind me a bit of an old married couple at times! LOL They are really in tune with each other, they have shared something very life threatening in abuse, neglect plus cruelty together and their bond runs deep right beside their animal instinct to survive.

Unfortunately, somewhere along their life path; both were at the point where neither would have survived much longer; yet; while BHRR's Veteran still had spirit/life inside of him along with hope; BHRR's Atlas did not. It had been taken away from him and he would have perished very soon.

Even now and it shall be a long time before anything really changes; if he sees an object in your hand; be it a spray bottle or even a bowl of water or food; he can still 'hit the deck' and cower and will turn his head and blink fast or even close his eyes. We have also witnessed him rolling slightly in a very submissive manner and you just want to drop everything and hug him close; yet we know that this is not what he needs.

He needs us to keep to the routine and consistency with continued patience so that he sees that these bowls come out on a regular basis and they carry good yummy things and water and plenty of it and that our hands are meant for loving touches, not hurting mean hits or punches. He needs us to calmly reassure and then passively ignore and for us not to unconciously enable any SA behavours BUT let me be honest; that in almost 25 years of these rescue trenches; I sure do want to fight all the experience, training, degrees and knowledge of proven results and chuck it out the window and do that major scoop up of him in my arms and bury my face in his neck and weep and never let him go from tons of kisses and bear hugs. 🙁

In the end, all comes back to as it should be within myself of the 'war' of what needs to happen and my heart/soul of 'what' I want to also do for him and we just keep moving forward with the baby steps.

Even today, while, he will take some treats out of my hand; he has no clue what to do with them more often than not. He also will lick at a smoked dino bone or knuckle bone a bit; but has yet; to figure out what to really do with it. 🙁

He will now zoom and bounce for me outside or for Sean yet; he still does not understand toys.

He still also walks around with a somewhat defensive manner with some dogs; BHRR's Riley – outside great; inside way too much for BHRR's Atlas; BHRR's Hailey and my Sir Maestro are others that he feels a bit defensive towards. He also does not quite comprehend my TAIN! LOL Poor TAIN! The male GD that other males find feminine and so 'not as it should be'. LOL

BUT, considering all that he has gone through, he has made excellent progress on this front. 🙂

Regarding people, WOW! HE cannot get enough of the loving once he knows you are a friend. He wants strangers to love and pet him; but he still fears rejection and will stand a bit by himself with a hopeful wag and look in his eyes AND as soon as he knows that folks want to wuv on him; he gives it back tenfold!! FOR all that was done wrong to him; his heart and desire to want to trust and love and hope and wish is HUGE!

His eyes are no longer 'dead' but more 'wary' and 'guarded' and I can live with that…..for now. Time…time…time…and it is all his, at his pace with gentle encouragement with a firm standing behind him to assure him that he is not alone.

This boy just continues to make my heart thump and patter and pitter…..he is just divine! 🙂

BHRR's Atlas – Saint – November 2011
HE is now looking at the basketball. Another dog brought it back out and LOOK! He is actually not slinking away from it!! He is showing interest…that is a great sign of living! AND see his tail??? It is more up!

I have just added four new photos – taken the evening of December 28th, 2011 to her slideshow and also posted below. They were all taken with my iPhone, so not the best quality or angle in the lighting but you will get an idea of how things look 6 days post arrival to BHRR.

Sadly, we will most likely have to suture that one wound on her right leg. We have given it as long as we can. I really wanted to avoid her having to go through surgery at this stage….but with her lack of strength and energy despite the antibiotics, good food and being able to rest better now that she is in a safe environment; her body is just not healing well.

I am going to at least re-visit this with the Vet first before actually suturing in case; maybe; perhaps; we could try some stronger antibiotics first.

After feeding her supper on the 28th; we saw our first show or resourcing; which was in the kitchen and over some kibble that had split out of BHRR's Peanut's crate during her own supper. BHRR's Journey was beginning to lip curl at my PPSS and we just calmly told her 'no' and moved her out of the kitchen and then passively ignored. PERFECTLY understandable behavour and she was comfortable enough with us that she did not cower or freak when she was corrected. GOOD girl!!!

Friday shall be my first time really away from her since the 24th and it will be good for her. Just as with BHRR's Atlas and so many others; she is my last thought at night when I fall asleep(ok in the AMs when I fall asleep – 7 AM on Wednesday for me!) and my first thought after I get a few hours rest. I have to go and check on all the babies – from BHRR's Adele to BHRR's Freedom to BHRR's Atlas and BHRR's Riley and BHRR's Bloom and BHRR's Journey and…and…and….until I have checked in on all of them and put in some loving; my day is just not ready to be truly begin! 🙂

In the one photo, I let her have a bit of of chomp on a treatie for just one minute. Her body is not used to much and she was very gracious when I went to take it away.

She is now on a 75% mush of hamburger/rice/gastro wet and 25% kibble of gastro/EN. Her drinking consumption remains about 1/3 of what I would like to see but she peed outside three times for us on Wednesday and that ROCKS! 🙂

Have I yet typed today that I am so enamoured with her? 😀

BHRR's Journey – December 28th, 2011 – 6 days post arrival to BHRR – given 1 min. to chomp on a treat and her right thigh

BHRR's Journey – 6 days post arrival to BHRR – not the best photo of her body but doing better with the veterbrae & left thigh photo

If you want to be a Special Santa Help Elf to BHRR's Journey:

IF anyone wishes to donate to be a BHRR's Journey's Santa Elf '; you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and under the name of  'Journey' and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal –

OR email transfer to

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

I know that I have said this before and I shall say it again; I am not above or below begging and pleading for the animals in need. AND I am doing so now, so close to XMAS; yet I am asking on my knees if need be; for people to consider donating to her vast medical bills.

ALL I can give you in turn at this time; is my deepest and most heartfelt and sincerest of thanks along with those of BHRR's Journey; for she would have died out there; and soon. Be it from a car hitting her; starvation or her wounds or a coyote attack or even from some person shooting her; she would have died and it would not have been long before it happened. There is nothing to her body right now….absolutely nothing but skin and bones. There is not even a lot of hair.

BHRR's Journey's Angels:             $1,785 Donated to date                Vet Bills $2,998.73 and rising

Ginnete – Critter Jungle
Karen – PayPal took $3.35 in fees
Erin – PayPal took $6.10 in fees
Audrey – PayPal took $0.74 in fees
Brigitte – PayPal took $0.88 in fees

BHRR's Journey's fecal test came back today. She is also now battling roundworms. We were already proactively deworming her and now we shall just extend the course to 5 days SID and then repeat in two weeks and then do another fecal.

Poor wee thing. All of these medical conditions that have just been making her feel so terrible and how she has managed to survive and also be the sweetest thing in temperament; is a miracle!

My heart is completely invested in her….hook, line and sinker. SHE is sooooooooooooooooo special and what a doll! NOT a mean bone in her body; beginning to 'sass' me if I am late for her meals and I understand her 'bluff' so much more in re: to the small barking and growling in fear.

She would never want to hurt anyone and it was her defensive mechanism to try and protect herself. This I knew but what I am only beginning to understand is how soft and sweet she really is and how much she does not have anything other than sheer love and gentleness in her heart plus spirit. There is no 'edge' to this girl at all. Nothing other than sugar with a dabbling of spice! 🙂

She will now lean into my hands when I go to pet her through her crate and as of last night; she has been given more freedom to walk about and and explore(she likes the kitchen the best! LOL) for about 10 minutes before she had to go lay down again due to her becoming tired.

TODAY, is the first day that she has also not had an accident in her crate, solid BM's are happening! She always hated having an accident in her crate and would try and stay out of  it and what a milestone for her to have her body becoming strong enough to make it outside.

She does not want to stay out for long. She is very worried about being left out and we are still going out with her.

Have I said lately, HOW much I am so enamoured with her? 🙂

If you want to be a Special Santa Help Elf to BHRR's Journey:

IF anyone wishes to donate to be a BHRR's Journey's Santa Elf '; you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and under the name of  'Journey' and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal –

OR email transfer to

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

I know that I have said this before and I shall say it again; I am not above or below begging and pleading for the animals in need. AND I am doing so now, so close to XMAS; yet I am asking on my knees if need be; for people to consider donating to her vast medical bills.

ALL I can give you in turn at this time; is my deepest and most heartfelt and sincerest of thanks along with those of BHRR's Journey; for she would have died out there; and soon. Be it from a car hitting her; starvation or her wounds or a coyote attack or even from some person shooting her; she would have died and it would not have been long before it happened. There is nothing to her body right now….absolutely nothing but skin and bones. There is not even a lot of hair.

BHRR's Journey's Angels:             $1,785 Donated to date                Vet Bills $2,998.73 and rising

Ginnete – Critter Jungle
Karen – PayPal took $3.35 in fees
Erin – PayPal took $6.10 in fees
Audrey – PayPal took $0.74 in fees
Brigitte – PayPal took $0.88 in fees


BHRR's Riley shall have his special 1-on-1 date on Saturday January 14th!!! SO excited for him!

I cannot wait to also get a new weight on this man. Come early January, he shall be placed up for adoption.

The most fascinating thing is that his BESTEST of best friends in the whole world is BHRR's Lincoln! WHO would have thunk it!!! They are so different in many ways; yet they are very attached to each other. You have goober head zippy clown man BHRR's Riley and then you have slow methodical calm and rational BHRR's Lincoln! Their play styles are sooooooo different but they make it work and they will spend hours upon hours together playing and snuggling.

Should one of them not be adopted early into the new year; we might have to seriously consider having them adopted as a pair for they are sooooooooooooooooooo bonded to each other already. We have very rarely done this in our almost 16 year history of operating; yet; I can see that this might be a possibility should neither one be adopted in early 2012.

BHRR's Riley also is such a 'ladies' man….just prancing(until he falls flat on his face as he trips on those big ol' clumper feet or long giraffe legs of his!) and proudly(if that is even possibly for goofman to act! AND wait until you see one of his 'takes' for our traditional XMAS photos! HA!) strutting himself around them! AND the girls are very emphatically not impressed! 😉

HE is such a HOOT! AND while very similiar to whom we have to believe is a close relative of his BHRR's Mr. Parker Paws; he is his own very distinct boy and has an 'edge' that BHRR's Mr. Parker Paws never had. This boy has a tough side to him, an edge/spine that his past/background has made him to be this way and it is sad. 🙁

If push comes to shove; he will stand his ground. AND while he may look silly and goofy doing it; we do not allow it to escalate. Any new home must understand that he cannot feel threatened by another dog for it can stress him; depending on the dog. So many people have met my Bleach and my TAIN and both make him a bit worried at times. AND for those that have met my two boyz; they are teddybear marshmallows yet they exude something that when the play gets escalated, that makes him a bit worried at times. AND BHRR's Cobalt and he are always trying to figure out who is going to be top dog of the day. BHRR's Riley keeps forgetting who is higher in the rank and poor BHRR's Cobalt is always having to remind him….that it is not BHRR's Riley and then BHRR's Riley is off running and playing and no worries.

How BHRR's Riley is with BHRR's Cobalt is similar in a way to how BHRR's Mr. Parker Paws was/is with BHRR's Mazda. EVERY day he saw her; it was like seeing a whole new dog and he was just so thrilled and excited to make her acquaintance. AND this is how BHRR's Riley is with BHRR's Cobalt; each and every day; it is like he sees BHRR's Cobalt for the very first time and they start from scratch. I think BHRR's Cobalt thinks BHRR's Riley might be missing a screw or two; in a loveable way of course! 😉

He is gently and firmly reassured and re-directed when he has moments of 'edginess' and he is then off doing the next crazy thing on his list…..well, I am not sure he even has a list as he lives so much in the moment and planning is not his strength. I am sure BHRR's Dana just rolls her eyes at him for she is very methodical, thorough and every antic is well thought out and planned! BHRR's Riley is more the 'on the spot' impulsive sort! HA!

He has been sooooooo much flippin' fun to have here! Never a dull moment and full of sweet affectionate loving personality that Sean says that sometimes he feels like he needs protective armor for it does not take much for BHRR's Riley to feel encouraged to play! AND that usually means some major GD leaning and body bumping and pushing and loving! 🙂

We already know that we would like to see BHRR's Riley in a home with at least one other right matched personality fit dog. Should the home not already have a dog; then we want to be assured that there is a strong enough network in place for BHRR's Riley to have lots of doggie friends via friends, family and neighbours to be social with.

He will do well in a home that are not couch potatoes themselves. A home that is active yet not overly so; for he likes his quiet in front of the fireplace and relaxing inside moments too.

A home that will be focused and committed to his continued obedience per our mandatory obedience clause.

His future forever loving home can be a pt, ft. flex hour, work from home, semi-retired or retired home. He is very versatile that way and as long as the home integrates well; he will not develop and SA behavours.

At this time, we would not recommend a home with cats or small dogs for he is all puppy love and still learning how to be gentle and not to splat others in his exuberance.

If the home has children, they really should be 8+.

We still crate him for his own safety and that of our home for he still has puppy antics. BUT I am proud of him in that he no longer counter surfs or garbage raids. He will occasionally still put his front feet on the kitchen sink so that he can drink from the tap and every once in a while would like to try and jump on the rare soul he wants to actually face kiss eye-to-eye with. BUT all minor offenses and continued correction is being done.

He is a bit of a kllutz, so; his new home will have to be mindful of BHRR's Riley complete disregard of his own safety as he crashes through bushes and trees; thinking they shall part for him…..uhmmm, no, it does not work that way bud! LOL

HE is such a ham!!!

UPDATE: December 27th, @ 4:30 PM:

"Journey is HOLDING her own thanks to all of her angels and her 2 'godmoms!' She is eating very small meals – 8-10 a day; taking her meds like a trooper; up to drinking about 1/3 of what I would like to see her intake yet is now having two pees a day; two bms a day; and is LOVING the snuggling and cuddling with all of her soft items! She is really coming out of her shell and has an 'imp' side for her crate is beside BHRR's Goliath and she has figured out pretty fast that she can make him bend to her will! LOL She is having more restful sleepies now, not exhaustive naps and as we jumped on the meds for her spiked temp/'productive' breathing – she is doing much better there too. She is showing some energy and wanting to walk about the house for very short spells and just loves rubbing her body and face over anything soft and cushiony! Her one wound is not granulating as we would like to see but she has no reserves to give and she still has a few more days before we need to make that final decision to suture or not. I do not want to see her going under any anaesthetic right now or sedation and may her body continue to fight the good fight! SHE has now made it past several very HUGE and key milestones and while not even remotely to being out of the woods; she is a walking MIRACLE! GO JOURNEY GO!
Journey is making her miracle journey along her path to being happy and healthy! I was able to have a four hour stretch of sleep last night myself for she had her first EVER truly relaxing and restful sleep herself.
This girl is going to be taking numbers and names when she is up to speed!! AND I cannot wait!!! THANK YOU to each one of you for being there for her! I read your well wishes, I tell her all the time that great people do exist and that hands can be loving not hurtful or mean."


If you want to be a Special Santa Help Elf to BHRR's Journey:

IF anyone wishes to donate to be a BHRR's Journey's Santa Elf '; you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and under the name of  'Journey' and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal –

OR email transfer to

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

I know that I have said this before and I shall say it again; I am not above or below begging and pleading for the animals in need. AND I am doing so now, so close to XMAS; yet I am asking on my knees if need be; for people to consider donating to her vast medical bills.

ALL I can give you in turn at this time; is my deepest and most heartfelt and sincerest of thanks along with those of BHRR's Journey; for she would have died out there; and soon. Be it from a car hitting her; starvation or her wounds or a coyote attack or even from some person shooting her; she would have died and it would not have been long before it happened. There is nothing to her body right now….absolutely nothing but skin and bones. There is not even a lot of hair.

BHRR's Journey's Angels:             $1,535 Donated to date                Vet Bills $2,998.73 and rising

Ginnete – Critter Jungle
Karen – PayPal took $3.35 in fees
Erin – PayPal took $6.10 in fees
Audrey – PayPal took $0.74 in fees
Brigitte – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Margaret – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Debbie – PayPal took $1.03 in fees

THANK you Montreal Dog Bog for your 'A Christmas Eve Wish' post for BHRR's Journey!

Update: Friday December 23rd, 5:04 AM:

"5 AM December 23rd – She just ate a wee bit more for me, was not interested in drinking. I am going to lay down for a couple of hours and see how things are going for her then."

Update: Friday December 23rd, 9:14 AM:

"9:00 AM She ate a bit more for me; was once again not interested in water and has not peed/pooped since all the undigested kibble given to her from her guardian 401 angel shot right out of her.
She is snuggled under lots of towels and blankets from the dryer and is holding her own. The Vet said that if we can get her through the next 72 hours, she has a great shot.
Like all of our special situations; we are taking it just a couple of hours at a time. Small goals and steps.
Back at the Hospital; this time KAH for 6:30 pm tonight.
As I posted in her blog; she has spirit and is a fighter. She is terrified more if she feels cornered; so careful around her crate but when you open the door; she will wag her tail slightly(her tail has been broken in at least one spot at one point) and will not bark or growl.
Sean sets her off badly and so; I am taking exclusive care of her.
With all the snow that came down last night; I am so happy she is inside where it is warm and friendly and safe.
Thanks for all the 'Santa Elves' for what they are doing for her and the angels that have already donated to her cause at Kanata Animal Hospital or via PayPal or Email Transfer. With how close it is to XMAS; the giving of items and $ and sparing so many well wishes her way; is going to save her life!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!!
Will update later…time to tend to the horses! 🙂

Update Saturday December 24th 1:11 PM:

"The hearts of so many have come together in the efforts to help Journey and thank you!!! Each one of you!!! I am anxious to get home to her. She is still not drinking and so, will be running a line when I get back to see if we can get her to keep pushing forward.
Keep up the great vibes!! Her digestive system is beginning to work for while it is diarrhoea at least the food is mobile. Bad news is that the diarrhoea dehydrated her further….
We have changed our plans over the few days so I can be with her round the clock.
Will keep the updates coming as I can but I can say the more info. has come my way re: this Dane and if we can verify the validity; I am gping after those responsible. Thar it my promise to Journey….

Update Saturday December 24th, 2:03 PM:

"Sean called!!! We had a pee!!! Wahooooo! Her first one!!! We hav continued to try and get her to pee and yay!!!She must have known I was coming home to run a line!!! :)-
Sean say she had a tiny bit to drink; so will continue to try corn syrup and pedialyte."

Update December 26th, 1:12 AM:

"From our home/BHRR; we wish each of you a most wonderful and delightful of holiday seasons!!! Per the tradition at BHRR; we take photos in front of our tree with the doggies and sadly; this year; we did not get all done due to battery woes. 🙁 We shall post what we have soon and thanks to YOU and you amazing hearts; our 9th ANNUAL SS to the BHRR was a roaring success!!! Our best year to date!!! also so thrilled to say that BHRR's Journey had her second pee today!!! AND; she has had two bm's that look more and more formed! The bad news is that there is a rasp to her lungs… 🙁 Two Vets were unable to properly exam her when she first arrived – Thursday night and then when I brought her to my Hospital Friday as she was quite skittish and terrified – yet no discernible abnormal breath sounds were noted during those two visits ( mostly by men). BUT I can get near her and do more and more with her and Sean can too…and the worry is pneumonia. Thanks to a special Guest; thanks Dr. F; we now have her also on Doxy. When I noted that her temp began to spike and that there was a bit of a rasp to her breathing, I took out my stethoscope and as Dr. F was dropping by with some more 4 x 4's and gauze for me as I was running out; she was so kind as to listen and give her professional opinion too. Though, no X-rays were done; it is her professional opinion that yes, she is at the beginning stages of battling pneumonia. We will keep her on treatment and monitor.
Your well wishes; donations and caring for her is giving her the best chance possible!!! I nor Journey cannot thank you enough!!
More soon; yet; with her now resting; I; am going to lay my own head down for a wee bit!
Will update as I can and if anyone has any winter booties; we can purchase or borrow; let me know!!! Her Bills are now close to $3,000 BUT your angel hearts have seen $1,005 donated to date!!
Sean and I are counting each of you as Journey's blessings!!! She is soooooo sweet and we are fighting for her with your continued help!!!
Thank you!!!

Journey's 'SANTA ELF' Wish List update:
Ester C
Another one or two dog beds – Costco ones work FAB!
Doggie sweaters for inside the house and to lend her more cushion between her bones/wounds and the dog beds/blankets
Doggie booties
Paper towels
Blankets/Sleeping Bags/Duvets/Comforters
She really needs $$$ donations to her Vet Bills – We are almost $3,000 and rising. You can call Kanata Animal Hospital directly at (613) 836-2848 or via PayPal or via email transfer to
Laundry Detergent – we are doing 4 loads for her daily right now
**For those asking about treats – she can only have very easy on the tummy ones – I have been making rice treaties for her**

If you want to be a Special Santa Help Elf to BHRR's Journey:

IF anyone wishes to donate to be a BHRR's Journey's Santa Elf '; you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and under the name of  'Journey' and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal –

OR email transfer to

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

I know that I have said this before and I shall say it again; I am not above or below begging and pleading for the animals in need. AND I am doing so now, so close to XMAS; yet I am asking on my knees if need be; for people to consider donating to her vast medical bills.

ALL I can give you in turn at this time; is my deepest and most heartfelt and sincerest of thanks along with those of BHRR's Journey; for she would have died out there; and soon. Be it from a car hitting her; starvation or her wounds or a coyote attack or even from some person shooting her; she would have died and it would not have been long before it happened. There is nothing to her body right now….absolutely nothing but skin and bones. There is not even a lot of hair.

BHRR's Journey's Angels:             $1,435 Donated to date                Vet Bills $2,998.73 and rising

Ginnete – Critter Jungle
Karen – PayPal took $3.35 in fees
Erin – PayPal took $6.10 in fees
Audrey – PayPal took $0.74 in fees
Brigitte – PayPal took $0.88 in fees

UPDATE: December 23rd, @ 11:52 PM:
Arrived home from KAH not that long ago. Just posted four new photos that I took of her while I was at KAH tonight of her body condition and one of each of the wounds on her thighs.
*She has now been treated for flea infestation – Capstar and Revolution to then repeat in two weeks
*I will begin to proactively deworm her
*The one wound will be sutured next week should it not granulate – right thigh wound
*I was actually able to get into her mouth a bit and we saw some broken teeth that a more thorough investigation will be needed – one is her left front canine
*She had diarrhea all over the Hospital floor; so we scooped up a sample to test
* Her skin is very itchy and dry
*We have changed antibiotics and she is now on Clavamox for the next 21 days minimum
*We cannot find a spay incision
*Vet believes that at least one of her wounds was cause from being 'clipped' by a car
*He weight was an emaciated 74.58 pounds. She is at least 30 pounds of muscle and weight under where she should be
*The Vet also believes she is between 18 months – 2 years
*She is at a high risk of bloat within the next few days
*We microchipped her after searching one more time for one
*Put on Deramaxx 50 MG SID for 7 days
*She was remarkably social with all woman and was only terrified of one male at the Hospital. I brought rice treats for her and had people give them to her
*She is already bonding to me fast and remains just terrified of Sean
*I will keep feeding her small meals (Hamburger, rice and gastro wet) every 2.5-3 hours
*She showed her spirit and spunk at the Hospital and that is SO important.
*She is still not drinking for me…..watching that closely. I am adding water to her mash of hamburger, rice and gastro.

SOOOOOOO many to thank to date for assisting her!!! I will be putting together a consolidated list of our deepest appreciation of thanks and gratitude!

BHRR's Journey's Santa ELF WISHLIST:
1) Ester C – she has collapsed pasterns
2) She really needs $$$ donations to her Vet Bills – We are almost $2,200 and rising. You can call Kanata Animal Hospital directly at (613) 836-2848 or via PayPal or via email transfer to
3) Oatmeal Shampoo
4) Blankets and Towels
5) Another Dog Bed – so that when we wash one for her wounds do ooze plus drain, she has another

6) Pinesol
7) Laundry Detergent

**Will update as I can***

For those seeking to drop off donations – I am at Kanata Animal Hospital on 440 Hazeldean Road on December 24th from 8 AM – Noon – my first paid work shift back since I had major surgery on November 4th!!! 🙂

Tonight, BHRR's Journey had a collar donated to her by a really sweet soul; it has 'turtles' on it and not only is the colour spectacular; yet the meaning behind the turtles; FITS BHRR's Journey to a 'T'.

"Took some time to find the right collar but came across it at Global. It is brightly coloured with sea turtles. I chose it because in 'China the turtle is the symbol for long life, and sea turtles journey far each year, enduring many trials but they never give up.'


If you want to be a Special Santa Help Elf to BHRR's Journey:

IF anyone wishes to donate to be a BHRR's Journey's Santa Elf '; you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and under the name of  'Journey' and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal –

OR email transfer to

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

I know that I have said this before and I shall say it again; I am not above or below begging and pleading for the animals in need. AND I am doing so now, so close to XMAS; yet I am asking on my knees if need be; for people to consider donating to her vast medical bills.

ALL I can give you in turn at this time; is my deepest and most heartfetl and sincerest of thanks along with those of BHRR's Journey; for she would have died out there; and soon. Be it from a car hitting her; starvation or her wounds or a coyote attack or even from some person shooting her; she would have died and it would not have been long before it happened. There is nothing to her body right now….absolutely nothing but skin and bones. There is not even a lot of hair.

BHRR's Journey – December 23rd, 2011 @ KAH – after 8 small meals in her tummy – Body score 2

BHRR's Journey's Angels:             $1,005 Donated to date

Ginnete – Critter Jungle
Karen – PayPal took $3.35


BHRR's Bloom is doing well. I think that she is actually doing very impressively well considering how young she is and how much crate rest we have to keep her on to make sure that she is not tempted to do running or playing or jumping or just being what a young dog should be!

Her surgery was Friday December 2nd and as of the 31st, we shall be 29 days post surgery. Dr. Gatineau is not back until the first week or so of January and he had indicated that he casts could be removed after 4 weeks.

As he shall not be around as per our preference to have him as he is familiar with her case; we are going to have her cast removed at the Hospital I work at on the 30th. I will be making an appointment when I am at KAH tomorrow with BHRR's Journey to have BHRR"s Bloom's cast removed.

From there, she is to have another 4 weeks of post-op recovery and then have x-Rays taken(we hope to have this done with Dr. Gatineau at the DMV yet; he indicated that as long as he saw the X-Rays he would be happy.) I would really like for him to see her one more time and we shall see what his schedule is like closer to that time – around January 27th, 2012.

She has 'tude this one and spunk and personality and I just uploaded some photos from her first night with us. When we put her into her what I call her 'taj mahal' crate! She told me what she thought of that! LOL She is given a very special yummy treat each and every time she has to go into her crate and she settles down well.

On the nicer and warmer days; I can be found sitting bundled up in a blanket and her in a coat; sitting on the front lawn on a pile of blankets; just enjoying the outside. She is really quite good about not wanting to try and zip and zoom and will lay or sit quietly by myself; just soaking up the change of pace of environments for her.

I will also take her for short drives and with each time that we go into the vehicle; she is less worried and tense. She really likes going through the Timmie's as she gets yummy treaties….

I am trying to keep her mind stimulated and busy; so that she is not going stir crazy with her enforced crate rest. She is a good patient yet not so good about being patient! LOL Meals are ALL about 'her' and 'now' and she has no hesitations about letting her know when she has to go outside to pee etc. GOOD girl!

I would like to see some more weight on her. She is lacking muscle tone now that she has had to be quite sedentary yet all that aside, I still would like to see some more actual weight on her. She eats well, nothing wrong with that appetite!

She thinks herself a 'queen' and she likes to look down her nose at the other dogs; especially my three black beauties who; in turn; look at her as if to say 'we are the royalty three…the duchess, the princess and the countess' and just 'WHO are you?' LOL

We are going to have a grand time with full integration here and I am so looking forward to when we can make that happen for her.

She is quite affectionate to humans and we are loving her! I have a bit of a feeling that she is going to be a bit selective about who she wants to call a friend and that is ok!

I also think that we are going to have some 'sharing' issues with her after her being so catered to; yet all that shall come when it is time.

We have had some inquiries on her already; and what we can say at this time is that she would do fine in a home by herself or with at least one other right matched personaity fit dog. If her forever loving home does not have another dog; they must have a network in place via friends, family and neighbours whereby BHRR's Bloom has her own social circle of friends. We want her to keep along this path of great development that she is making. 

She would do fine in a home that work pt, ft, flex hours at home, semi-retired or retired. She is quite 'all around' in that way. She will need a home that will not unconsciously enable any possible SA behavours for when she first arrived; she had the tendency to want to slip into some major whining and crying fits and we had to nip that in the bud pretty fast.

Now, the only time she will whine/cry is when she needs to go out during a time that we are not set in her rotation schedule to go out; or feeding time! 🙂 Sometimes she will whine as she is bored and sad and wants to come out and play and during those times; I give her a puzzle – treats in a toy to have to pull out; frozen treats in yogurt in a KONG or other puzzles to keep her busy and I just give her the special item; tell her she is a good girl and walk away(passively ignore).

I do not want to see a home cater to her 24/7 and she develps major SA behavours. We do not want her to become a barking, whining, crying, destructive mess by any home consciously or unconsciously enabling her. 

She is not to be pitied or have things 'made up to' for that will 'ruin' her…BIG TIME! She lives in the present and one should be focused on her future, not her past for that would be a big mistake.

I have been cleaning the area that her cast has dug into on her leg with betatine and keeping it dry. Sometimes, she will want to lick at it and we say 'Bloom…no licking' and she will stop. We have not found that we have had to put her on antibiotics for it as of yet and I clean and pat dry the area, up to three times a day to stay on top of any brewing infection. There is only one smaller area now that is slightly concerning and we continue to monitor in case antibiotics are necessary.

SHE is a HUGE trooper this one!!

BHRR's Bloom – December 16th, 2011 – TELLING me that she is NOT impressed with this crating thing! ISN'T she lovely?

BHRR's Shiva came home from her special extended Play Date last night!

She left a huge hole in our heart and home when she left for the last wee bit; and it is good to have her back!  🙂

Should she not be adopted come early January; she shall go back for another Play Date extended visit to the same home.

BHRR's Veteran is going to be having a special treat on December 31st, 2011 for  few hours! HE is going on his first ever PLAY DATE! WAHOO!

I am so excited for him!!! 🙂 AND for the lovely couple going to be spending some special time with him. 🙂



This is BHRR's Journey
We received a call on the night of December 21st about a GD that had been picked up off the 401 in the 15 mm of freezing rain
*BHRR picked her up on the evening of the 22nd
*Emaciated – Body condition given 2/3 out of 10 – 74.58 pounds on December 23rd, 2011
*Numerous infected wounds – four really bad
*Frost bite and/or possible mange on ears
*No chip to be found
*Hair loss over spine, tail, elbows
*Scabs over many areas of her body
*Nails overgrown and curling into her feet
*Tail had been broken
*Unable to process food – kibble that had been given by angel who found her passed completely undigested through her body

December 23rd, 2011

If you want to be a Special Santa Help Elf to BHRR's Journey:

IF anyone wishes to donate to be a BHRR's Journey's Santa Elf '; you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and under the name of  'Journey' and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal –

OR email transfer to

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

With all the expenses we have had to date for BHRR's Atlas, BHRR's Veteran, the BHRR FREEDOM DOGS and holding money in trust for BHRR's Bloom's post-op care; we are very short in funds right now. All monies from our recent Online Auction has been used to assist with the above to date; and we know that we are just days before XMAS; yet we are desperate to try and help BHRR's Journey for she has survived this long and though her body might be wanting to faily her; her spirit is there!!!

AND if she is prepared to fight, I am too! One Vet that saw her last night wanted to just let her go; thought it might be more humane. I feel that I need to try; and with your assistance; I really believe she has a great chance of surviving.

I almost welled up when I first saw her and I did cry some tears when I called Sean to say that I had her and that she was worse than what I had been told – I had been told that she was 'thin'.  SHE is here, because someone cared enough to stop in the dark in rush hour traffic on the 401 in the 15 mm of freezing rain to help her. THEN, they called us.

She has spunk. Her body may be broken down, infected etc., but her heart is there with her mind and soul and Sean & I have discussed that we are not going to be doing any of our last minute XMAS shopping for each other etc.., instead; we are putting those monies as our a Santa's Elf to BHRR's Journey.

I know that I have said this before and I shall say it again; I am not above or below begging and pleading for the animals in need. AND I am doing so now, so close to XMAS; yet I am asking on my knees if need be; for people to consider donating to her vast medical bills.

ALL I can give you in turn at this time; is my deepest and most heartfetl and sincerest of thanks along with those of BHRR's Journey; for she would have died out there; and soon. Be it from a car hitting her; starvation or her wounds or a coyote attack or even from some person shooting her; she would have died and it would not have been long before it happened. There is nothing to her body right now….absolutely nothing but skin and bones. There is not even a lot of hair.

BHRR's Journey's Angels:



I am just home from picking up the GD that was found on the 401 last night in the freezing rain in the Prescott/Brockville area.

Will post updates as I can. She is in bad shape. 🙁 She is full of healing and open infected wounds(both thighs, sides, front legs, feet plus head. I give her a body condition of 2/3 out of 10. She is a tiny thing, dehydrated, never had pups, age hard to tell right now, cannot confirm if she has been spayed, she is so terrified the poor thing and my attempts at the Vet Hospital to try and scan her did not yield a microchip(my own scanner died); tiny bits of her ear tips missing(could be mange or frostbite) and we are calling her 'JOURNEY'. I have started her on massive doses of antibiotics and am putting her on a feeding regime of five small meals a day.

I am bringing her back to my own Hospital tomorrow night to run more tests and if anyone wants to be a special SS elf to her; she has an account already set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 for your consideration. She will would love a soft bed to call her own, collar, leash and lots and lots and positive wishes/thoughts. THANK you to the person who stopped on the 401 to pick her up!!! YOU are her guardian angel for she would not have lived much longer…. 🙁

THE best news received today!: FREEDOM DANE's Adele's Histo came back and the masses in her mouth were due to severe gingivitis and not cancer! AND the growth on her belly was also benign! OMG! YES! YES! YES!

This shall be her very first XMAS ever, one of FREEDOM and not just one of the hope of freedom or a better life for that is the commitment all involved with her seizure have made to her. THAT she shall never ever ever ever live a life like she has had.

Until I received the news, I did not quite realise how much I was unconsciously really worrying about her and the results.

YET, we can head into XMAS knowing that she is HEALTHY as she can be at this time and that while she will benefit from some additional cleaning/work in her future; she is moving forwad on her journey to a spoiling, loving and happy future!!!!!


With how well BHRR's Adele is rehabbing; we are thinking that early January shall be the timeline for her to be placed up for adoption.

We would like to see her in a home that has at least one right matched personality fit canine buddy. A home that works part-time, full-time or has flex work days, works from home, semi-retired or retired are all options.

It has to be a home that understands that Adele was born into a puppymill; about 6 years ago(could be older or slightly younger but not likely to be much younger) and that her *mind* has left her in some ways. She is very sweet, accepting yet she is not 'all there' sometimes. it is not that she wanders, has chronic obsessive behavours, barks, howls, digs, scratches or anything like that but she does seem 'lost' in her own mind at times. 🙁

The only things that she is obsessed about is standing on top of that one door frame to rest and also to see into the sunroom to the outside doors and the other thing that she is absolutely obsessed over is laying at the front doors in the sunroom to look outside(the whole front of our house is windows; built for passive solar heating and the front door is all window panes.)

She also likes and needs to know that she can go outside and come in often. She is becoming very attached to her freedom.

The only time we use a crate for her is to feed her now and she is eating better and better but is still a slower eater than many here and per the Vet will require more dental work in her future; something that her future adoptive home must be aware and committed in dedicating these financial means to Adele's continued welbeing.

If it is found that she requires more dental work here before she is adopted as we wait for her forever loving home to come aong; we will be ensuring that all her needs are covered.

She will sometimes lay in an open crate yet we do not crate her at any other time. She is is fully housebroken AND it did not take long to teach her; so smart girl! She is very quiet and we have often wondered if she even has the ability to bark.

Any future home must understand that that FREEDOM DANE Adele has not spent her life seeing parks and fire hydrants and buses and taxi cabs or the changing of the seasons with first hand exposure and that patience and kindness NEEDS to be given to her. You cannot just take her and expect her to just 'jump' into life as others may know it. We want a quiet home for her, not a busy lifestyle type of home that is hustling and bustling every where all the time.

If a home with children are considering to submit an application for her; we recommend at least 8+.

It is important for her to have a home that is not going to rush and push her and only a home that is going to continue to help her be the best dog she can be AND believe me, she is one very special and fantabulous dog already!!! 🙂

BHRR's Adele – December 13th & December 14th(just home from her spay)

BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' – Their Dream to Reality To A Better Future' Cause

IF anyone wishes to donate to the BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' – Their Dream To Reality To A Better Future' Cause, you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal –

OR email transfer to

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

Monies raised from our recent online auction will go to BHRR's Atlas, BHRR's Veteran, some in 'trust' for BHRR's Bloom and the rest to the BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' yet with several to vet, any additional sponsorship sent their way to assist; would be as always soooooo appreciated!


Maggie – For BHRR's Adele

BHRR does not adopt out during the XMAS season due to our position that it is not in the best interest of any new addition being added during such a busy, exciting and somewhat stressful time for many.  Quite a few other Rescues, Shelters, Pounds etc. have also begun to follow a similar protocol to what we have been doing.

Our XMAS Shutdown period for this year is from Saturday December 17th, 2011 to Tuesday January 3rd, 2012 inclusive.

During this time, BHRR is available 24/7 as always for requests for assistance of animals in need.

For the many that are not familiar with these two GD's. When they were first seized, we had to carry them in and out of their runs at the ES(Emergency Shelter). They were that traumatized and terrorized and berefit of human contact, a loving touch and kind word. 🙁 They also then had to be treated for thrush, which delayed them getting to BHRR from when we were first asked to bring them in. AND they had their first heats not long after arrival to the ES. THIS seizure saved them, for; if they had not been rescued; they would have been bred and bred and bred like Adele and so many others. 🙁

Gretta, like Freedom is terrified of fans. AND both will drop to the ground and cower, if you carry anything that they could feel might hurt them. EVEN food or water bowls. 🙁

Gretta, like Freedom and Adele can often be found standing on her hind legs, over the one door and will stay that way; if you let her; until she reaches a point of exhaustion and then will rest or sleep in that position. This has been a common thing learnt amongst many of those with the PRU FREEDOM DOGS as they tried to keep themselves out of the filth that was their prison. 🙁

Here is a post that I made on November 27th, 2011 on our BHRR FB FAN PAGE re: this two littermates. We believe that they are the daughters of Adele; who is the daughter of RIP BHRR's Albert.

"They have a much longer journey to travel than Cobalt does with their rehab and neither are comfortable with lots of people around. They have their own mischievous side and like to 'tag' on Adele, the wee monkeys!
Peanut is the more outgoing one and Gretta relies heavily on her so they need their time together plus time apart and time with other already well adjusted canines. This has deeply aided their progress. They need to learn to be strong where they are weak and not depend on each other to make up for those 'weak' areas. BOTH are survivors of hell personified and each day is baby steps.
Both are at ideal weights now. Peanut is better eating her food when we are around; Gretta much prefers to eat when things are more quiet but tonight FOR first time, she ate all of her food with me sitting near her crate.
Gretta will take treats from my hand; Peanut prefers it to be placed in her crate.
Gretta is more nervous and things on top of her crate ie a blanket for more 'den' like feeling does not make her comfortable and fans terrify her.
Peanut will drink out of our communal water bowls in the house; Gretta still prefers her water in her crate.
Both will come out of their crates on their own now. They did not do that when they first arrived many weeks ago. You had to hook on the leash, be patient and calm yet quietly confident and reassuring.
BOTH love exploring the fenced in yard. Peanut will come back in on her own, the doorway terrifes Gretta.
Peanut has now started coming to me for touching and affection, submissive yet on her own accord and Gretta is more flighty still.
The TV makes both a bit worried.
Gretta understands what to do with a nice smoked Dino bone and will chew it comfortably in her crate, yet Peanut has no clue.
When they first arrived, both were in a HUGE collosal crate together and then I gradually moved them to they were in side by side crates and then from there across from each other and just this past week, Gretta's crate is still in the sunroom and Peanut's is in the main area.
I could go on and on….so much I have learnt about them and they have taught me and both of them when they are ready; and that is a long ways off yet; shall be true treasures to a homes that will understand 'them' and know that they are not the dogs that one just takes some obedience classes, give them some love, soft beds and they are 'poof' ….miraculous over hte night bomb proof dogs. These two have been terribly wronged and in having taken in Danes from this place in the past, their sire to boot; and they are as traumatized as he was. 🙁

Last night; Sean and Mason assisted me so that I could remove the sutures that Gretta had from her spay and then the staples(14) her littermate Peanut had. Both incisions look good; some minor irritation and just one area that we will continue to monitor as there is some mild reaction going on underneath.

BHRR's Gretta was so terrified and did urinate some plus released some of her anal glands. 🙁 BHRR's Peanut was more 'shutdown' and just layed there and for both, I felt so bad. I was a bit surprised that both did not receive dissolvable like Adele and the boys' yet each Vet has their preference and both girls had very gentle loving and reassurances done.

FREEDOM DANES – Peanut(front) & Gretta(back) – November 6th, 2011 – shortly after arrival to BHRR


BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' – Their Dream to Reality To A Better Future' Cause

IF anyone wishes to donate to the BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' – Their Dream To Reality To A Better Future' Cause, you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal –

OR email transfer to

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

Monies raised from our recent online auction will go to BHRR's Atlas, BHRR's Veteran, some in 'trust' for BHRR's Bloom and the rest to the BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' yet with several to vet, any additional sponsorship sent their way to assist; would be as always soooooo appreciated!


Maggie – For BHRR's Adele

While I was aware of BHRR's Barbie's intake story; actually seeing it written down by another; made me just stop everything and run out and hug BHRR's Barbie and whisper in her ear that NO ONE shall ever ever ever harm her EVER EVER again!

SHAME on them!!! 🙁

Below are two photos that I took of Sean and BHRR's Barbie upon my arrival home on Sunday with her(THIS was my first transport on my own since before my major surgery on November 4th!). Sean had just arrived home a few moments earlier from curling with the kids and I had to snap some shots of them together with Sean in his festive hat and all! 😉

ISN'T she just stunning! Those eyes(YUP! Another 'eye' dog!) and her beauty and personality!

She has already been integrated well with many of the animals here yet I know that she is going to have zero tolerance for anyone that wants to try and be a 'goob/boob' head! 😀 GOOD for you BHRR's Barbie! I love dogs that will help teach other dogs about manners and respect and being a model asset to home and community.

She is eating well, drinking well and will go outside as long as you go just to the corner of the opening to the almsot 2.5 acres we have fenced in for the dogs. Then, she is comfortable having a bit of a walk about on her own and will come back on her own.

I think I am fast falling more madly in love with the Great Pyr Breed! 😀

BHRR's Barbie & Sean – Day of arrival to BHRR – December 18th, 2011 – WE DID IT! SHE is here for XMAS! 🙂

Here is what her temp foster mom in KY, USA had to say about her:

"When X said good-bye to her yesterday{Saturday}, he commented that, out of all the pyrs that have passed through here, he'll always remember Barbie because she's so very special.  I know that you'll find her a wonderful home…. We love her that much.
As I told the drivers, she doesn't have a lot of patience for shenanigans — like other dogs jumping on her.  And once she bonds with you, she will be very protective of you.  She will be a totally devoted companion for some lucky person.  Please send pics of my beautiful girl and give her hugs from me and X.


Here is what her overnight foster on the Saturday on the transport had to say about BHRR's Barbie and also sent a photo:

"Barbie is just a big teddy bear who wasn't thrilled with the tiny bit of snow on the ground so it was so funny to see her look at the ground before walking!  She enjoyed her dinner immensely, she ate twice already actually!"

BHRR's Barbed Wire – December 17th, 2011
*Photo courtesy of C. Townsend

I made the drive to connect with the AMAZING Volunteer transporter on Sunday to pick up BHRR's Barbie! PICTURES have not done this beauty any justice! SHE is stunning! Just stunning!!!

She is a very outwardly affectionate Pyr(and those who understand Pyrs, know what I mean!).

She is not a large female Pyr – about 85 – 90 pounds and is now about 3.5 years of age. I could see where that barbed wire had cut deep into her hind right foot and poor her.

Something I want to share with all of  you is the intake description made by the HS in KY.

The date this report was made was May 23rd, 2011:

"There are lots of sad stories to be heard here at the shelter. But Barbie's is almost too sad to put into words. She had to fight battle after battle, never losing her gentle ways. When Barbie arrived at the shelter almost a month ago, we were appalled at what we found when we examined her. Her back right leg had wire tightly around it and it has obviously been like that for quite awhile. Sadly, it looked as it it had been purposefully done that way. An infection had set up underneath the wire and the bone had become exposed.

It was heartbreaking to see her fighting through the pain so quietly. She never once showed any type of aggression, because of the pain that we are so sure she was in. Our Vet and Vet Tech worked so diligently dressing and cleaning her wound and it began healing. But don't think that this injury has stopped Barbie from being her happy self.

Sadly, poor Barbie's troubles would not end here.

We soon found out that she was heartworm positive. we just could not imagine how it could get any worse for Barbie, and then it happened.

She will now have to undergo painful treatments to get rid of them when they could have easily been prevented with a monthly pill.

Honestly, if any animal deserves the most amazing, loving home, it is Barbie. She is the most gentle dog we have ever had. She walks perfectly on a leash and will stay right at your side. She has so much love to give and always tries to show it.

She constantly wants to be next to her person and will either lean against you or lay down where she is able to touch you in some way.

Her energy level is low; she is the type of dog that would be perfect to have as a couch potato. She listens perfectly and is so obedient. We are requiring her to have an indoor home where she will never be mistreated again and can really be a part of a family, something she may never have known.

Her soul is so beautiful and vibrant and we cannot STAND to see her stay here one more day when she has already been through so much.

Please come and meet Barbie today and you will see the true meaning of unconditional love. Doesn't she deserve it!!"


Video #1 of BHRR's Gretta eating from one of our food bins.

Video of BHRR's Gretta – FEEDING time at BHRR! She and BHRR's Adele LOVE to eat out of the food bin as we dole out the bowls! Behind her is BHRR's Riley already waiting patiently in his crate for his meal! THE fantastic news is that other than at feeding time; FREEDOM DANES – Adele, Gretta and Peanut are not using a crate other than to rest in one with the door open on their own will! YAY! Their housebreaking has moved quite well, rarely an accident now and to see that they are comfortable to come out and mingle with us and dogs; is a HUGE rehab step. Gretta, Peanut and Freedom are no where near to interacting with strangers/visitors but Adele and Cobalt are doing much better on that front. 🙂

Video #2 of BHRR's Gretta eating from one of our food bins.

Now that Sean has nicely mixed the food (seen in Video #1 just posted) to FREEDOM DANE Gretta's satisfaction; she can munch a bit more out of it before we close it and she finishes her own meal in her bowl. 🙂
FOR those that had the pleasure of working with her at the ES, doesn't she look great!!! Comfortable enough to just stick her head into the bin without worry that she would be beaten back.

UPDATE: Sent from BHRR's Shiva's FosterMom on December 15th, 2011:

Hi Gwen,
Thought I'd send an update on the lovely Shiva.
She has adapted very well and is now part of our daily routine.  Our daily walks are fun and she is adapting well to the various city sounds (i.e. car, bus, kids playing, etc..).
One thing about her that just cracks us up is our lovely Shiva the Diva snore like a trucker!!!  X finds this most entertaining and hilarious.  I think it's cute, lol!
We had a walk/playdate date last Saturday which went exceptionally well.  We were joined by a doberman (10 months), border collie (3 yrs old) and a gorgeous yorkie (5 yrs old) along with the owners, of course.  We spent a good part of the afternoon at Lac Leamy park here in Gatineau.  Shiva was soooo happy and interacted great with all the dogs.  She was just the bestest gal, as usual!
We are so enjoying our foster experience with Shiva.  Not a day goes by that this beautiful girl doesn't make us laugh.
Have a great evening Gwen!


BHRR's Cobalt was neutered, had a hwt(negative), had other bw, nails, micorchipping plus teeth looked over on the 15th of December. His weight was 42.5 KGS(93.5 pounds).

We believe that once we re-open from our XMAS shutdown period, that BHRR's Cobalt shall be ready to be placed as "AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION". He is doing really so beautifully here! 🙂

In just 10 days, we did 8 spays/neuters…phewww! AND we have two more on zee agenda in the not too distance future. JS & Brick. 😀

Our Vet bills for the BHRR FREEDOM DOGS have been close to $5,000 and any assistance would be so appreciated.

BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' – Their Dream to Reality To A Better Future' Cause

IF anyone wishes to donate to the BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' – Their Dream To Reality To A Better Future' Cause, you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal –

OR email transfer to

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

Monies raised from our recent online auction will go to BHRR's Atlas, BHRR's Veteran, some in 'trust' for BHRR's Bloom and the rest to the BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' yet with several to vet, any additional sponsorship sent their way to assist; would be as always soooooo appreciated!


Maggie – For BHRR's Adele

BHRR Cobalt's and BHRR's Adele's heartworm tests have come back as negative.

AND one of my biggest joys is discovering(and I meant to post this earlier!) is that BHRR's Adele's bw was normal! WAHOO! So, we are of the mind that it it has been exclusively her bad mouth issues that have been causing her to be so thin, that and the stress of her past. 🙁

Here is a short video(MY second ever!) and this is of BHRR's Bloom from last night! She is settling in well. I am slightly worried about the top part of her leg as the cast has dug in and there is quite the cut in her leg. We will monitor and if need be; place her on antibiotics.

I have seen the occasional cast wound call for sutures and we would like to avoid that if at all possible.


I always believe in given credit where it is due and BHRR's Bloom is here today thanks to her guardian angel, Stephanie. Thanks go to the sweet couple who found her in their cornfields and when they realised they could not keep her, Stephanie brought in into not just her own home but heart and family.
BHRR has dealt with many surrenders in our almost 16 year history, yet; none have shown the level of commitment and heart that she has. Many say they will help raise funds for much needed medical and rehab care and will stay in touch or donate and you know….you just know that as soon as you have the dog signed over; they are gone….
Not in this case, Stephanie promised BHRR's Bloom that she would be there for her and do whatever it took and she did. NO dog could ask for better and we look forward in continuing that stellar level in her rehab care now that she he is from her surgery at the DMV.
Biggest task….keep her calm and quiet. Two more weeks before we can take that cast off. Then another 4 weeks very limited exercise before post-op X-Rays to determine if she can then be placed up for Adoption.
One step at a time…
Right now, she is settling in excellently and now telling me it is time to stop typing and give her some love!! :)- Sassy pants!!
Thanks Stephanie for everything! You did a fantabulous job with her and we still feel privileged to have been contacted to assist her.
For those who have never met either Stephanie or BHRR's Bloom; if/when you do; you will be so touched with how aweseome both are!

BHRR's Bloom arrived Friday night to BHRR after a wee bit of an adventure for Sean to meet up with her guardian angel family. Much to update yet she has settled in well. We are using an empty IV bag/gauze to cover her cast to bring her outside(always keep several on hand to use) and she has to be one of the smallest and cutest 'teacup' GD's EVER! AND she has no problem 'sassing' me if I am not paying her enough mind! :)- I think we are going to really adore this wee minx! 🙂

For those that wish to follow the journey/updates of all the PRU seized dogs that I have termed FREEDOM DOGS; there is now a Facebook FAN – Freedom DOGS Unite – page  for those involved in the seizure – Red Rover, MAPAQ, HSI Canada, the Volunteers, the reputable/quality rescue partners, the donaters, the well wishers and the adopters of what I have termed the FREEDOM DOGS! A name that has now gone viral! 🙂

MAY their journey now pave the way for future 'FREEDOM DOGS' and this page is dedicated to the FREEDOM DOGS UNITE! For we know that THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING! 🙂

The saving of all of these hundreds upon hundreds upon hundreds of dogs from PRU's was the combined effort of so many likeminded folks! This was something so much larger and incredible that has happened for these precious creatures by all these FANTABULOUS folks working together. 🙂

My first attempt at a Video! This one is of BHRR's Freedom on December 14th, 2011 during feeding time at BHRR. He had the courage to enter the one bathroom and do some exploring.

Both BHRR's Freedom and BHRR's Gretta are terrified of fans, so we have to be very careful to make sure they are not on when both are brave enough to venture forth to do some exploring in the house. 

BHRR's Adele weighed 36.9 KGS(81.18 pounds today). She needs at least another 15 more to be where I would like to see her in weight BUT so much better than what she was!!! The muscle tone this girl has developed since her arrival to BHRR has been WOW! Her body type reminds me of a triathlete at this time…solid very lean muscle that ripples with every movement she makes yet in a very feminine manner. 🙂

Her spay went well and all growths from her mouth were removed(the Vet is about 99% sure they are not malignant) and shall be sent off for pathology. There was also a lump around her belly button that was removed and also being sent away.

She had nails and a microchip done and people felt she was a real doll. 🙂

She had a good detailed teeth cleaning yet nothing more thorough was able to be done – ie Xrays or to look really closely for possible extractions(Vet was not convinced that she really needed any but agreed that her mouth/teeth were in rough shape) due to how long she had already been under and that it was not safe for her. With her current physical condition and that she was just spayed plus her age; the Vet believes it would be better to put her back under again later this month or early next month if need be to do more work in her mouth. He was worried that any bacteria released could get into her bloodstream and compromise her. He also did not wish to see her under for another up to 4 hours(she was already under for 1.5 hours or so as is for what was done) and felt that if necessary, she could have any other possible elective work done after she was adopted.

Our focus at BHRR is to take care of all proactive/preventative Vet needs plus any 'urgent' requirements and this was our priority for BHRR's Adele for today.

We shall monitor to determine how well she has benefited from the dental work done today and if she should be going back under. If it is determined that anything more is needed; and it is an 'elective', not an 'urgent any longer, her new forever loving adoptive home can take on that responsiblity.

She should find it so much better to eat and be SOOOO much more comfortable!

Sean is enroute back with her now as I type this blog and CANNOT wait to have her home again. Another sweet creature very dear to my heart and ONLY the best shall do for her and all the BHRR doggies! 🙂


BHRR's Lily Belle was officially adopted to her new home tonight!!!! YAY!

BHRR'S Cobalt(a name befitting a strong surviving beautiful blue boy). We believe he is between 12-15 months yet the more I get to know him, I put him closer to 12 months. He was given his rabies on September 16th and we have given him some Revolution and he was proactively dewormed again.

This FREEDOM DOG boy was not born in to the hell of PRU(Paws R Us); yet had to have been obtained from a 'free' ad posted by someone else or someone else that truly did not care where he ended up for he was rescued from the largest seizure to date in Canada and possibly North America. The word 'hell' cannot even adequately describe what these dogs were put through.

Dogs that when you open up a crate, cowered in the back of their pens, shivering, losing control of their bodily functions, fearful and terrified of receiving the pain they knew and had been taught would come their way. 🙁

Dogs living in the filth of their urine and feces, not vetted when they are injured or sick, poor ventilated areas, being asked to breed over and over again, never given a loving touch, yelled at and hit(shovels TERRIFY the FREEDOM DOGS here…we have to be careful when taking out shovels to clean the walk way or stairs) and hurt and never allowed to see daylight or have toys or treats and…and…and… 🙁  Dogs that were not named and others given only a tat number in the name of 'commercial breeding'. WHY is there even such a thing allowed????

There was one report made to the media that in the first few moments when the seizure happened, that no less than 42 rats were seen in the first few minutes the rescuers entered the one building.

BHRR's Cobalt was not there overly long for he had not yet been comptely broken in spirit, heart and soul like so many others. His health was not as bad with the many that had eye infections, respiratory problems, skin and ear issues and the list goes on.

THANK you again to Red Rover, MAPAQ, HSI Canada, the Volunteers, the supporters and those that donated to help save these animals. The saving of all of these hundreds upon hundreds upon hundreds of dogs from PRU's was the combined effort of so many likeminded folks! BHRR is just a very small part of something so much larger and incredible that has happened for these precious creatures by all these FANTABULOUS folks working together. 🙂

What is of some worry to all the r/q groups out there is we do not want the public forgetting about ALL the other dogs in their programs that are very much in need of loving forever homes themselves. THEY must not be forgotten about. Though, they have not come from the largest puppymill bust in Canada to date; many of them have equally very tragic stories and love to have a special home to call their very own too. 🙂

BHRR's Cobalt shall be neutered on the 15th, have bw done including a HWT and will have nails plus a microchip implanted. We will also check his teeth most thoroughly.

It is estimated that the Vet bills for the BHRR FREEDOM DOGS will be close to $5,000 and any assistance would be so appreciated.

He has been fully integrated with the dogs here and is fast becoming a real sweetly affectionate boy. He is more confident in asking for affection and is a very quiet boy.

He is now one mellow dude now that he has settled in. He was very high strung with pent up energy and becoming frustrated while at the ES. A bit of a gooberhead sometimes yet training, struture plus patience, love and consistency are really guiding him. He is a just a baby still…a big one! cheeky  Blues generally are the more laid back compared to the 'hyper Harles' in Great Danes. I own two blues myself and  also harles.

With the exercise/company of our multi-dog home and on 148 acres with almost 2.5 of it fenced; he has just blossomed and the muscle he is putting on as that weight has has made him one stunning dude! AND I think he knows it! 😉
Once he loses those twinkles, obtains some more training; he is going to be ready to be adopted and is going to just be the apple of some homes heart!! 🙂

The one thing that any  home MUST be aware of is that you have to be very careful about correcting him. DO not surprise him, smack him or hit him. WE do not support anything other than positive correction with our dogs. He has been clearly abused at PRU and we do not want him ever being fearful again. Do NOT sneak up behind him or just grab his collar. That will stress him out.

He will need continued patience, time, consistency, obedience and love under a firm guiding hand. A full round of obedience classes per our adoption contract will greatly assist in the bonding between home and him.

I feel that come early January, after our annual XMAS shutdown period; he shall be placed up for adoption.

BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' – Their Dream to Reality To A Better Future' Cause

IF anyone wishes to donate to the BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' – Their Dream To Reality To A Better Future' Cause, you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal –

OR email transfer to

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

Monies raised from our recent online auction will go to BHRR's Atlas, BHRR's Veteran, some in 'trust' for BHRR's Bloom and the rest to the BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' yet with several to vet, any additional sponsorship sent their way to assist; would be as always soooooo appreciated!


Maggie – For BHRR's Adele

BHRR's Cobalt – November 11th, 2011 – ~ 12-15 months of age

BHRR's Adele(we have given her a name of grace and beauty with the impression of strength) is to be spayed later today. We shall also be doing bw including a hwt and I am hoping that everything comes back well for while she is putting on some weight, she is still painfully thin. I am looking at seeing what her kidney, liver etc. functions are as I do have a concern that she may have some underlying med condition. Not going to put the cart before the horse yet the amount we can now get her to eat yet there is no significant weight gain is a bit worrisome. We will be doing a dental, removing some growths from her mouth and doing biopsies if necessary. Nails and a micrcochip will also be done.

We had put her on Deramaxx shortly after her arrival to BHRR on November 20th as I could tell that her mouth deeply pained her and her mouth/teeth are in really bad condition, the poor thing. 🙁 She most likely would have starved to death at some point if she had remained at PRU. 🙁

We believe that she is around 6 years of age. She was given her rabies on September 16th and we have given her some Revolution and she was proactively dewormed again.

Like many of the FREEDOM DOGS from the PRU Seizure; she has a tendency to want to stand completely upright out of habit to be able to stay out of the filth she was forced to live in of fecal matter and urine for her whole life(she has a 'Paws R Us' tat in her ear so she was born into the hell she was rescued from).  Sean and I have never seen animals be able to stand so upright. This is not good for their joints or back. 🙁 We are trying to teach her not to go on her back legs to look through the one door and stand until the point of exhaustion and then lay her head on the side of the door frame to sleep. BHRR's Freedom and BHRR's Gretta will also do the same. 🙁

Despite all of this, she has come out of her shell so nicely and fast; considering how she spent her whole life in hell. 🙁 She is still quite shut down in many ways but is showing more curiousity. Part of her mind appears to be just 'lost' or 'gone' due to her having to live/survive in the conditions she has.

She has no clue about toys or treats or yummy smoked dino or knuckle bones. 🙁

If we find that she is healthy, she will be placed up for adoption in early January for her mental progress has been quite smooth in so many ways. She learnt her name within moments and while she has issues being comfortable asking for love; that will come for she is not as 'broken' in the same way as the other girls or BHRR's Freedom. As mentioned, she is shutdown in some ways due to her 'coping' skills of survival in that terrible place she was from, but is really doing well!

She does not like being crated, understandable and we continue to feed her in a crate so that it helps her. Once she is spayed and recovered, she will not be crated any longer other than for meals for we do not want her to worry that another is going to take her food.

Crating is a very important safety and housetraining tool. It also aids in the dogs comfort level should they ever have to visit the Vet Hospital as they understand crating/kenneling or when they come home for a surgery or are ill and need to be on crate rest.

She is fully integrated with all and in time, we hope that she will learn about treats that come separate from her food in her bowl and about toys and dino bones etc.

Keep her in your positive thoughts and send good vibes her way for tomorrow!

It is estimated that the Vet bills for the BHRR FREEDOM DOGS will be close to $5,000 and any assistance would be so appreciated.

BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' – Their Dream to Reality To A Better Future' Cause

IF anyone wishes to donate to the BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' – Their Dream To Reality To A Better Future' Cause, you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal –

OR email transfer to

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

Monies raised from our recent online auction will go to BHRR's Atlas, BHRR's Veteran, some in 'trust' for BHRR's Bloom and the rest to the BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' yet with several to vet, any additional sponsorship sent their way to assist; would be as always soooooo appreciated!


Maggie – For BHRR's Adele

BHRR's Adele – shortly after her arrival to BHRR & BHRR's Adele – December 13th, 2011

Going to the ES anywhere from once to three times a week over the past three months was to lend a helping hand to her and all the 600+ FREEDOM DOGS there.

I have been part of my share of busts and seizures over the years, yet nothing of this sheer magnitude and I am EXTREMELY touched to have been contacted to ask to come out to assist and I have met some of the most amazing like minded individuals EVER through what started out as a tragic experience and has ended as one of the most rewarding of ones!

On January 1, 2011; ARC made a commitment in making 2011 one of compassion. Here is their VIDEO of which BHRR's Veteran and BHRR's Atlas are both featured. THANK YOU to such incredible folks doing such wonderful work!!!

The heartworm tests have come back negative for BHRR's Freedom, BHRR's Peanut and BHRR's Gretta. YAY! 🙂


BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' – Their Dream to Reality To A Better Future' Cause

IF anyone wishes to donate to the BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' – Their Dream To Reality To A Better Future' Cause, you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal –

OR email transfer to

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

Gretta & Peanut are having their turn tomorrow – Friday December 9th with mature spays, bw including HWT, chipping, nails and teeth.

Monies raised from our recent online auction will go to BHRR's Atlas, BHRR's Veteran, some in 'trust' for BHRR's Bloom and the rest to the BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' yet with several to vet, any additional sponsorship sent their way to assist; would be as always soooooo appreciated!


Maggie – For BHRR's Adele

I called for an update today on BHRR's Bloom on Saturday. The first person kept calling her a 'him' and was not even aware that she had also been spayed. This person also told me that there was a bandage over the spay incision. This person then said 'well, if things were not great, we would be calling you.' I asked very politely to talk to someone else familiar with her case as I want a true/real update on her.

I was then told by another person that she is eating great, taking her meds well and they are trying to ensure that she gets out. I asked about her spay incision and was given the information that it was healing well, no redness or swelling and that no, it was not covered by a bandage(that would be a new protocol for me). I was also told that things were looking good post-surgery for her Radius Curvus Syndrome.

I mentioned that I would be calling back again early next week.

I am going to feel the best when she is finally at BHRR. The original plan was for her to come immediately to BHRR post-surgery and this is the first time ever in my history of operating BHRR that a dog has not come home post surgery, be it a leg amputation, spay, neuter, cruciate or for radius curvus syndrome etc. I have to say that I am not very comfortable with some things and will see what my next update is like on her.

BHRR's Lily Belle is moving to an "ADOPTED" status! If all goes well, she shall be placed in her new forever loving home for Wednesday December 14th, 2011

BHRR's Peanut and BHRR's Gretta are two of the 5 Great Danes that BHRR was asked to assist with at the ES after the seizure was done in September from PRU. They are two of 12 dogs / puppies that BHRR has now assisted and I have been a regular Volunteer at the ES since the very first week the seizure happened.  My Disaster Animal Response training has been of deep benefit since I was contacted to Volunteer and continue to Volunteer my time (1-3 times a week) at the ES.

Over 600+ dogs are now in need of forever loving homes and once the court ruling came down on Thursday November 24th, 2011; the move forward was given to allow all these sweet dogs to be altered and then placed up for adoption.

THANK you Red Rover, Anima Quebec, HSI Canda and MAPAQ plus all those that donated, contributed, supported plus Volunteered over these past months to make this happen for these incredible dogs!

FOR ALL THE BHRR's Alberts out there(he came to us at 8.5 years of age and passed away at 10); FREEDOM is now yours! I just wish he was still alive….. :(   This is why I have called them "FREEDOM DOGS" a name that has now gone viral!!!

BHRR's Gretta and BHRR's Peanut are fawn with merle Great Danes, around 11 months of age, female littermates. They were given their rabies on September 16th and we have given them some Revolution and they are being proactively dewormed again.

We believe that they are somehow related to BHRR's Albert.

I will post some photos of them soon, yet you can see photos of them on our BHRR' FB FAN Page. They are both smaller female GD's, well porpotioned and very very very terrifed. They shall not be placed up for adoption for some time.



BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' – Their Dream to Reality To A Better Future' Cause

IF anyone wishes to donate to the BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' – Their Dream To Reality To A Better Future' Cause, you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal –

OR email transfer to

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

Gretta & Peanut are having their turn tomorrow – Friday December 9th with mature spays, bw including HWT, chipping, nails and teeth.

Monies raised from our recent online auction will go to BHRR's Atlas, BHRR's Veteran, some in 'trust' for BHRR's Bloom and the rest to the BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' yet with several to vet, any additional sponsorship sent their way to assist; would be as always soooooo appreciated!



We are in the procees of making transport arrangements to bring BHRR's Barbie into BHRR next weekend. We want her here by XMAS and we are moving forward in making it happen!

She has done great in her foster home in KY and here is the latest update sent today on BHRR's Barbie:

"She is the most wonderful dog and has been such a good sport….  I love her so much.  It's going to be tough to say goodbye to her, but much easier knowing that she's going to you.  Thank you so much!"

BHRR's Peanut had her mature spay, nails, microchipping, HWT and presurgical bw done today. He teeth were also checked. She weighed 37.2 KGS(81.84 pounds).

While she did not have to be carried by Sean to the car to go to KAH, she had to be carried into the Hospital. She and her sister, BHRR's Gretta were two Danes for the longest time at the ES that we had to carry in and out.

She has a long journey ahead of her for her rehab.

BHRR's Gretta had her mature spay, nails, microchipping, HWT and presurgical bw done today. He teeth were also checked. She weighed 39.4 KGS(86.68 pounds).

She had a laceration in her mouth that is healing quite well and so it was not sutured and the Vet did not feel required antibiotics.

While she had to be carried by Sean to the car to go to KAH, she walked into the Hospital for the most part on her own. She and her sister, BHRR's Peanut were two Danes for the longest time at the ES that we had to carry in and out.

She has a long journey ahead of her for her rehab.

BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' – Their Dream to Reality To A Better Future' Cause

IF anyone wishes to donate to the BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' – Their Dream To Reality To A Better Future' Cause, you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal –

OR email transfer to

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

Monies raised from our recent online auction will go to BHRR's Atlas, BHRR's Veteran, some in 'trust' for BHRR's Bloom and the rest to the BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' yet with several to vet, any additional sponsorship sent their way to assist; would be as always soooooo appreciated!

The newest PRU BHRR 'FREEDOM DOG' is BHRR's Freedom. He was one of the 5 Great Danes that BHRR was asked to assist with at the ES after the seizure was done in September from PRU. He is one of 12 dogs / puppies that BHRR has now assisted and I have been a regular Volunteer at the ES since the very first week the seizure happened.  My Disaster Animal Response training has been of deep benefit since I was contacted to Volunteer and continue to Volunteer my time (1-3 times a week) at the ES.

Over 600+ dogs are now in need of forever loving homes and once the court ruling came down on Thursday November 24th, 2011; the move forward was given to allow all these sweet dogs to be altered and then placed up for adoption.

THANK you Red Rover, Anima Quebec, HSI Canda and MAPAQ plus all those that donated, contributed, supported plus Volunteered over these past months to make this happen for these incredible dogs!

FOR ALL THE BHRR's Alberts out there(he came to us at 8.5 years of age and passed away at 10); FREEDOM is now yours! I just wish he was still alive….. 🙁  This is why I have called them "FREEDOM DOGS" a name that has now gone viral!!!

BHRR's Freedom is about 4 years of age(could be younger yet life has been hard on him), Brindle, male and he arrived to BHRR on Tuesday December 6th. He was given his rabies vaccine on September 16th, 2011. We have given him some Revolution and he is being proactively dewormed again.

UPDATE: 'Freedom' is now home after his neutering, dental, bw including HWT, manicure/pedicure and microchip. He weighed 51 KGS(112.20 pounds) and was a star! 🙂 LOVED by all.

I will obtain some photos to post of him. He is a smaller male GD, well porpotioned and very very very terrifed. He will not be placed up for adoption for some time.



BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' – Their Dream to Reality To A Better Future' Cause

IF anyone wishes to donate to the BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' – Their Dream To Reality To A Better Future' Cause, you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal –

OR email transfer to

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

Gretta & Peanut are having their turn tomorrow – Friday December 9th with mature spays, bw including HWT, chipping, nails and teeth.

Monies raised from our recent online auction will go to BHRR's Atlas, BHRR's Veteran, some in 'trust' for BHRR's Bloom and the rest to the BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' yet with several to vet, any additional sponsorship sent their way to assist; would be as always soooooo appreciated!

UPDATE from BHRR's Shiva's temp foster home:

"She is adapting very well and everyday I see a positive difference in her.  She sticks to me like velcro, lol, but yet again everyday she is less and less dependant of me.  She is slowly but surely getting comfortable with her surroundings.  She is beginning to explore our home and feels comfortable enough to wander around by herself.  She seems to have less and less of a need to have me within her sights at all times. 
We've been going on daily walks and these are quite comical.  She walks excellently on leash.  She was quite taken aback by the inflatable Xmas decorations on the frontyards of some homes.  I had quite the chuckle at this, because when she saw the blow up Santa, penguin and snowman, her ears went up and back and she started to walk into to me (opposite direction of the decorations) as if "What the ???".  I reassured her (while laughing inside) and we continued on our adventure.  She kept looking back and to ensure these strange looking creatures weren't following us, lol.
She is eating and sleeping very well.  Her appetite was not disrupted at all.
She has bonded with her very own Costco bed.  She loves it!
We've had a few people drop in throughout the week.  A girlfriend of mine came with her two young girls and she was absolutely excellent with them.  We stop and meet people and dogs on the street.  I've been using the greet with a treat trick you mentioned. She's doing great. It's been a big week for her and in my opinion, she's doing great.

We don't call her Shiva the Diva for nothing. 
In a nutshell, we are having a wonderful time with Shiva.  She sure has brought a bit of life to our home since the passing of X. It wonderful!"

One of the items up for grabs in our 4th annual 'JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS' Online Auction was a:

1-on-1 Special Date with a BHRR Animal of Choice

The winner of this item has chosen BHRR's Riley to have a very special date with and the monies raised for this winning item $50 will go towards his own rehab bills.

He is looking better and better all the time and we have officially hit 'goob' hood and so we are keeping up with the Gwennie's Doggie Boot Camp and NILIF.

Inside the house, he is WAY too much for BHRR's Atlas yet outside, BHRR's Atlas takes him all in stride. AND for those that have been following BHR's Atlas's blog; you will note JUST what progress this has been for both of these dogs!

He likes to 'push' buttons the monkey man(he received a SS 'Monkey' Collar and it could not be more appropriate!) and even my sweet mild mannered Bleach who is ready to rumble at the drop of a pin; finds him at times 'over the top.' He is just craming life into everything he does and like all those other 'survivor's of such terrible things; he has character, personality and backbone. This boy also just OOOOOOOZES charm! I call him a 'flirt'.

I received a call a few weeks back from the person that had contacted us about him and all the coincidences that surrounded his rescue just as it did with BHRR's Parker Paws just makes one tingle. He had the same name as the daughter of who rescued him, he is from the same area that BHRR's Parker is from, he is SOOOOOOOOOO much like BHRR's Parker Paws it is most likely that they are related in some manner. Just how all the stars seemed to align that he ended up at the same place that BHRR's Mr. Parker Paws did, into the same hands that helped BHRR's Parker Paws, the name thing with them both and how much meaning they have to the Chelsea and the list goes on and on.

We are not sure if he shall be officially placed up for adoption by the time we hit our annual XMAS shutdown period. He has a lot more weight to come and we are now working even more on that obedience and 'head in the clouds' syndrome that he has developed! cheeky THIS is a lot of puppy and not a 'faint of heart' kinda dog for sure….at least not right now…. 😉

AND wow! As his coat comes back in with proper nutrition, shelter and exercise plus a healthy dose of love; it is so glossy, soft and shiny. Sean keeps saying just how super soft he is and I think that BHRR's Riley is at the point that he might want to roll his eyes for I think it actually might embarrass him(if I were to humanize him that is! ). 😀



We have been asked to assist an EM – Brindle about 2, male, neutered who was chained up outside and is now residing in a Shelter in Quebec. He has been there for about 3 weeks, owner is in jail and he is beginning to have major kennel stress.

He is about 25-30 pounds underweight, scared and has pus coming from his eyes/they are very droopy.

We have been told that he appears to be both dog and human friendly yet due to the kennel stress, has been moved off the main adoption floor.

Arrangements have been made to bring him to BHRR on Wednesday. Knowing this breed very well(we also own two ourselves); I dearly hope that BHRR can successfully rehab him. 🙁


Posted in Uncategorized

We are moving BHRR's Lily Belle to an UNDER a  'PENDING ADOPTION' status. We will update as we can.

BHRR's Shiva went to her temp foster home tonight. She will have an extended playdate there until December 22nd and come back to BHRR for the holidays.

She was a bit reluctant to go with her new temp foster mom yet will settle in just fine!

ANOTHER special dog shall be missed!!! When she comes back we shall do our traditional photos under the XMAS tree with her and the other doggies. 🙂

UPDATE: BHRR's Bloom at a good night on Friday. She was weaned throughout the day on Saturday from IV meds to oral and her spay incision also looks great. Will continue to monitor and post updates. 🙂

December 1st, 2011 Interview in NS on CTV Atlantic Morning with ARC!

AMAZING work being done by ARC! Just so incredibly 'right' and such a fantastic emphasis put on education being the key to forward moving positive effective change!

BHRR's Atlas & BHRR's Veteran thank you for saving their lives!!! They had a 'reference' at the very beginning – 'Dane' & 'Saint'. 🙂

UPDATE: Dr. Gatineau called myself yesterday evening and BHRR's Bloom was resting well. She has plates and casts on both of her front legs. Dr. Gatineau and I put together a move forward plan re: her rehab and follow-up over the next 8 weeks.
He said he would call again today to update and I will be in regular contact with their staff until I bring her back to BHRR.
He is going to be going to the USA for training and more certification for the next 4 weeks, so I will have another contact as 'prime' to continue to discuss and monitor her care. Dr. Gatineau was happy if I wanted to move her to another Vet  for her casts removal etc; yet would like to at least view her 8 week post op X-Rays; yet I explained why we kept her going to the DMV and how I would like to keep consistency. He was very appreciative and supported my views/position.

So. I will make the 2.5 hour drive to bring her back to see Dr. Gatineau the first week of January for cast removal and then again a month after that for post-op X-Rays.

BHRR's Bloom's Angels:

Bloom's Carnival Fundraiser Angels
Global Pet Foods – Kanata – We are donating the funds raised by their October 30th photo and nail trim event that 50% came to BHRR
Genesis Dog Rescue
Alex & Karen
Charles & Sherry
Lynn & Al
Montreal Dog Blog – Nat Lauzon
Sarah as a gift on behalf of K. Virtue

Total Raised To Date: $3,420
Total Needed to Raise: $4,000

From her guardian angel Stéphanie who has been so committed to BHRR's Bloom's welfare from the moment she took her in. AND for those that are not yet aware, this turns out to be a very small world for we learnt last Saturday that the woman who found her in her cornfield, works with a wonderful supporter of rescue, including BHRR. They were the couple that Stéphanie then got BHRR's Bloom from and then in October, Stéphanie contacted BHRR.

From Stéphanie regarding BHRR's Bloom(sent December 1st, 2011):

"We dropped Bloom off at the DMV this evening. In true Bloom fashion, she was really happy to meet new friends and happily walked away from us with the vet tech. We are very excited for her yet very nervous. Bloom has stolen the hearts of many people and hopefully her fans will be thinking of her tomorrow as she finally gets the surgery that will change her life."

BHRR's Bloom shall be headed to BHRR after her surgery. She will spend two weeks at the DMV and arrive at BHRR on December 16th, 2011.

Email from a friend of Stéphanie's who has been BHRR's Bloom's dogsitter(Sent November 19th) to Stéphanie:

"I see an amazing "growth" in Bloom since she's been with you. She has confidence, she's way better on leash, she listens better – and she knows what it feels like to be loved. […] She has now gotten her "ya-yas" out (today, Sat. Nov. 19), and I feel, as she leans against me, she is a special dog."

BHRR's Bloom's Angels:

Bloom's Carnival Fundraiser Angels
Global Pet Foods – Kanata – We are donating the funds raised by their October 30th photo and nail trim event that 50% came to BHRR
Genesis Dog Rescue
Alex & Karen
Charles & Sherry
Lynn & Al
Montreal Dog Blog – Nat Lauzon
Sarah as a gift on behalf of K. Virtue

Total Raised To Date: $3,420
Total Needed to Raise: $4,000