For all those posting wanting to see more of BHRR’s Kaos, here is another one from yesterday! 8 weeks of age now.

Relaxing in the shade of a wonderful soon to be evening at BHRR by the pool.

He is such a hoot!


AND, my last post of my night! Lots of posts today!
This is a video showing how amazing our honourary giant tripod BHRR’s Angel Noelle is(Salt is doing a cameo!)….she is not treated differently than any of my four legged dogs and, she is not pitied or felt sorry for or spoiled or babied.
We have done a lot of necessary amputations over the past almost 20 years for BHRR focuses on the special needs and people really need to realise that these tripod dogs live amazing quality filled lives….
To put down a dog that could have lived many amazing years if their leg had been amputated, seems like such a shame and, while tripods are not meant for everyone…please do not think that they should have been put to sleep. You should meet them first and they will show you better than any words I could possibly say about how much they are loving life and deserve to live the best that life has to offer!
BHRR’s Angel Noelle is an extremely happy and well adjusted plus balanced young lady and, this video shows that she is more than capable on grass and sand to zip and zoom!
AND she remains under a PENDING ADOPTION with the home-visit scheduled for next Wednesday.
This is on our way back from the horse barn tonight.
LOVE this dog…and I mean LOVE! So much!
No one ever told her that she could not do something and, I am not about to start! She has proven over and over again that she is perfectly normal…..she just may have to problem solve in a different way or be resourceful, yet, she is more than capable of much!
I will post the other video tomorrow…I think I have bombed the BHRR fb page enough today! 

BHRR’s Angel Noelle with my Salt(Deaf & Visually Impaired GD) July 31st VIDEO

AND, BHRR’s Riot is now with his new forever loving ‘mom’. Proud of me and of him!

I did not even sniffle(saved that for later!) and BHRR’s Riot showed impeccable manners with no barking for attention, laid down nicely and, minded his leash manners ‘ok’ considering a stranger, yet will not be for long was walking him.

Here is a video of BHRR’s Riot and one of his bff’s forever, one of my own Great Danes ‘Salt’, one last play and a good-bye for them both……….

One must never say never and perhaps one day their paths shall cross again….we can always hope.

Both of them have the same ‘mental/emotional’ age right now!

Already so much more quiet and calm at home and missing the big excitement known as BHRR’s Riot! Dogs like him make people better owners, trainers and behavioural experts and thank you Riot for letting me experience and learn from all your gifts during your time with us.

BHRR’s Riot with my Salt(Deaf & Visually Impaired GD) VIDEO

Tired of Baby BHRR’s Kaos pics yet?
He is now all crashed out amongst his three stuffies and also Salts’!
NOT YET AVAILABLE for Adoption to all those emailing and pming.

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: Kaos under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

OR to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966 over the phone or in person. He also has a file set-up there.

He has been to both KAH and LAH already to date and is back at LAH on the 7th of August.

**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Kaos’ Great Angels:  $227.48 donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $887.90
*Before PayPal fees
Elizabeth – Collar, Small Stuffie
Megan – Leash, Large Stuffie
Karen – + Fleece Blanket
Tracy/Shawna – 2 x Large Stuffies


BHRR’s Kaos, everyone’s fav wee ‘gimpy’ Great Dane puppy! He is now 8 weeks old and we are back to the Vets next week for a progress visit and exam.
He has great days( is almost 100% house broken already also!) and has not so good days (his Tramadol dose has been increased for his comfort and remains on the NSAIDs) and this was his face when I asked him if he wanted to have another float in the pool! His fur is still wet from his first dip in…..
I have carried him into the pool three times over the last three days and, he will fall asleep in my arms just being held……relaxed and soothed to nap…..
He is such a delight…feisty to the core!!
That is Salt beside him, close friends…..yet, they are not allowed to play…..Kaos is on strict rest….


AND we are on our way……..shortly!
Today is the day, BHRR’s Riot goes to his new forever loving adoptive home!
Another BIG, and I mean BIG personality that shall be dearly missed.
This once catatonic terrified anorexic boy is no more! Social vocal playful goofy puppy brain all the way for him!!
Going to miss you BHRR’s Riot. I am going to miss your big amazing heart that gets bigger every day and, your zest for life, the way you cross your front legs and can appear to be so regal(yet, we all know the real goober you actually are!), your ‘telling me off’ if I am too slow making your food, your bouncing, and prancing(gosh, you have gorgeous movement – you practically float across the ground), your willing to take a mile with anyone who does not make you mind your manners as they are laughing too hard at your antics.
I am going to miss your always so happy, affectionate, never a half measure type of guy attitude towards life.
May you continue to flourish and blossom in the direction you need to go and, may your gorgeous spirit never be broken – just harnessed in the right ways!
Love you, adore you and yup, the tears are going to flow……
BHRR’s Riot is the fourth of my fosters to be adopted in July and each one has left their own inspirational heart-warming stamp upon my heart and soul………


Here are the x-rays that I am LONG overdue posting from when BHRR’s Angel Noelle went to KAH on an emergency basis back in April 2015.

April 15th, 2015

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UPDATE: BHRR’s Raven, our puppymill GD mama has been with us for a little over 2 weeks now and was scheduled today for her mammary biopsies and spay.
Unfortunately, yesterday she began to have some sniffles and a bit of a clear nasal discharge……knowing that coming from this pound environment into our home, she has been exposed to KC, we are going to play it safe and, reschedule.
While these surgeries are extremely important for her to have, we want to do what is in her best interest and also in the interest of all other dogs visiting the Hospital today.
So, we are going to postpone her surgeries at this time…..
We need to think health and safety first for all……..

BHRR’s Angel Noelle, one of our amazing tripods plus honourary Giants is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!
Please keep her in your best thoughts!
We will update as we can…..

This shall also be a transitional adoption with how bonded, loyal and strongly so, this amazing wee honourary giant is to me.
She is so much better wih going with others and I have different handlers on her at each public awareness event plus she has had her special picnic play dates….

She bonded fiercely as per her breedx’s and her individual temperament. I was the first big true kindness that she knew and she rewarded me with trust, her heart and would lay her life down for me.
I never once felt sorry for h
er or pitied her. She was never spoiled or babied. 
When it is her time to be adopted, my heart will rip out with so much happiness for her and I will bawl like a baby in private as I adore her, respect her and am inspired by her.

Today, we have two BHRR doggies on their special overnight dates this afternoon!
Our remaining wonderful Lion King Pumbaa and BHRR’s Kaden, two of our Haven Dogs!
BHRR’s Kaden is leap years away from when he first arrived and this is a huge step for him…..very proud of him!!!
He is an extremely nervous and shy Dane, in new situations, around strangers plus crowds yet a total goof-ball to all those in his tight trusted circle of set-up for success. This will be a good experience for him………
Love both of these dogs……

The Lion King, Pumbaa on his date!!! Isn’t handsome!

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BHRR’s Kaos(7 weeks) snuggling in for a nap with one of my own Great Danes, ‘Salt'(13 weeks) after dinner……
Now that we have added Tramadol to his comfort level regime in addition to the NSAIDs, he is resting and eating so much better.
July 24th, 2015


My last post of my night…..cuteness factor for today!
BHRR’s Bell with my Salt(now 13 weeks) both incredible special needs Great Danes
BHRR’s Bell is NOT YET AVAILABLE for adoption.


Everyone’s fav wee ‘gimp’ Dane pup, BHRR’s Kaos was at his first consult tonight.
He weighed 5.5 kgs(12.1 pounds) and turned 7 weeks old today.

Always a big hit wherever he goes! On the way home through the Timmie’s in Kemptville, all the staff had to look out the drive-through window to ooooooohh and awwwww as he slept secure in the back seat.

We are heading back August 7th to keep close tabs on that leg. His Vet was feeling and hearing clicking in the right knee and is wondering about meniscus damage. Something he feels that arthroscopic surgery could readily fix once he is older.

There is definite swelling in the knee area and some discomfort upon examination yet seemed more bothered(insert Kaos being impatient!) with the exam/manipulation on the left side.

He does favour the leg and almost ‘shoots’ it our sideways when he walks.
The Vet said that out of all the possible growth plate fractures, this would be the ‘best’ to have and we are going to re-evaluate and re-assess his growth, that leg, his comfort level in 2+ weeks and repeat x-Rays to continue to get a better idea of where we should head for that leg.

The Vet agrees with this being a giant breed puppy there is much to bear in mind for his future quality of life with that leg and as he is now just turned 7 weeks, we will closely monitor and re-visit on August 7th. Love our Vets! They listen to all of my questions and concerns with patience plus understanding, they appreciate and trust my own knowledge and experience with almost 28 years rescuing, rehabbing and owning Giants and work with us with their wonderful compassion and expertise. Our Vet teams are solid gold with the high quality in standard of care provided to each animal in our programs. Thank you to all of our Vets at several great Hospitals in the community that make miracles possible for so many of our dogs as we strongly focus on the special needs.

At this time, he says BHRR’s Kaos is doing really well.

I also had his eyes looked at for when we picked him up last Friday, one eye had stains on his fur more than the other and, the Vet believes he could have had some conjunctivitis. His third eyelids etc., look good.

I did his nails and, I also discussed the diarrhoea he is having and could be the Panacur, could be coccidia(very liquid poops) and/or could be the Metacam.

We are going to proactively treat just in case and, continue NSAIDs. His Vet said we could also add Tramadol if needed for comfort.

Lots of compliments on what a nice boy and he pottied before we went in and pottied outside after we left! What a big boy!!

AND this photo was taken as I was paying the bill…..being adorable is a tough job and exhausting!!

We shall continue to post updates as we can and, he will not be vaccinated until he is a bit older. He is only 7 weeks right now….

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: Kaos under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

OR to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966 over the phone or in person. He also has a file set-up there.

**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Kaos’ Great Angels:  $227.48 donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $700.02
*Before PayPal fees
Elizabeth – Collar, Small Stuffie
Megan – Leash, Large Stuffie
Karen – + Fleece Blanket


Everyone’s fav wee ‘gimpy’ GD puppy, BHRR’s Kaos(6 weeks old) was deeply spoiled today!
NOT YET AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION and shall not be for a long time.

Thank you to the lovely sweet angel that donated a leash(for when he is older, we will use a collar and leash) and an extra leash for BHRR PLUS his very own big stuffie to snuggle with!

Thank you to the beautiful angel that donated the fleece blanket they won in our annual 8th annual KAH/BHRR silent auction as part of a lovely basket! It means a lot to me as that basket was put together by a friend and now former staff member at KAH!

AND, that same special angel donated a sizeable extremely generous donation that we are going to split between BHRR’s Raven, our puppymill momma who is having her surgeries next week and for BHRR’s Kaos and his future Vet Bills!

AND thanks to another generous and full of heart angel that donated items to BHRR that they had when their own beloved dog passed away recently…..we feel privileged….your Molly was such a wonderful girl.

The village of BHRR is so strong and mighty, even though we are such a small group!
We are blessed and honoured to have such Angels walk amongst us…..thank you!

This photo was taken of BHRR’s Kaos July 18th, 2015.

He has a Vet appointment tomorrow night and I shall update after that.


(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: Kaos under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

OR to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966 over the phone or in person. He also has a file set-up there.

**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Kaos’ Great Angels:  $227.48 donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $376.91
*Before PayPal fees
Elizabeth – Collar, Stuffie
Megan – Leash, Stuffie
Karen – + Fleece Blanket


BHRR’s Hercules – one of our gorgeous Blue GD’s!
Has his own very special announcement to make!
He did it! He did it! He did it!
After overcoming a terrible past that included him having to lose close to 50 pounds plus having to have his right front leg amputated, he is ready to say he is AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!
Thank you Liz for this great photo taken July 9th and all the others that I will add to his blog. You are so talented!
Thank you Aaron for the incredible testimonial on him from you handling him at our recent 8th ANNUAL KAH/BHRR Fundraiser! I shall also add that to his blog!
He is a WOW dog….just a WOW dog and, his future is as bright and happy and wonderful as his personality plus temperament are!
WTG Hercules!
Thank you Tammie for sending him to us… was a real treat and honour having him at BHRR!
Thank you Karen Starkie for the transport assistance as always!
To all of his angel village and community, THANK you for being there for him, helping us with donations of comfort, words of encouragement plus support AND the financial support that makes us still well up!

He taught SO many a valuable important lesson or two at our annual event….he is not ‘handicapped’, he is not be be felt sorry for, he is more than capable of having a perfectly normal happy healthy life and it is even more happy now that he is free of the chronic pain he had to live with for an extremely long time with that untreated broken leg plus being horrifically obese….AND he taught people that he deserves to live…..that is is no less worthy than any other dog that needed assistance.
BHRR’s Angel Noelle and BHRR’s Potter teach many people those same lessons as have all the other tripods before them!

He cannot go to a home that does a lot of pavement walking. He is great on grass and sand for short distances and self-regulates when he wishes to rest. He is active and fit.
A bungalow or a home with very few stairs is required. We are a bungalow built into a hill and live on a grass and sand foundation.
He is great with kids (no children under 8 is our preference for him though), all other dogs of all sizes(have photo’s from our July 12th event even with a senior yorkie), cats he is still a wee bit fascinated with.
He is fine in a home as the only dog or a right matched personality fit dog already in the home is equally fine.
A home that is not going to ‘baby’ him or feel sorry for him.
He needs structure, obedience, routine, consistency and not just love.
We do not adopt to homes that are away daily for lengthy hours. We understand people need to work in order to provide for their families and pay bills.
A quieter home for him, not an crazy busy active home.
He likes laying in the grass in the shade watching the other dogs play and, enjoys watching all the life around him….
He loves car rides, cottage life, visiting people as he is uber social and a home that is going to keep giving him all these amazing experiences plus memories that were denied him prior to rescue. PV Stittsville is one of his fav places, he likes their attention and treats! grin emoticon

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BHRR’s Herbie-licious, The Love Bug has his next announcement to make!!
He is now ADOPTED!!!
July 20th, 2015
Congrats to his forever loving adoptive home! They were the same home that was going to temp foster him to then possibly adopt once he was ready yet, he is ready to be adopted and they are ready to adopt!!
Gosh, the tears of such happiness and also some sadness today at KAH for he and I have taken a beautiful incredible journey with this truly one of a kind special Dane and, he is outstanding!!
Thank you Herbie for every gift and lesson you have given me since you came into my home and heart back in February 2015!
You are a treasure and so many love you!
Congrats to you and your wonderful adoptive approved home!

The home first submitted their app in April and was waiting for the right matched Dane and, they came to our BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ mini open house in June and, BHRR’s Herbie-licious, The Love Bug was ‘the one’.
The one person in the family did first met hi
m at our PAW event in April at PV Stittsville yet the rest family did not meet him for the first time to June. They have now met him several times including at the required home-visit.
So it may seem fast for some yet, guaranteed for this home having to wait until he was healthy since he first came on their radar – three months ago- seemed like an eternity to them. wink emoticon

This is our 4th approved adoption in July for BHRR.


BHRR’s Herbie-licious, The Love Bug wants to make his next announcement!!
He is now under a PENDING ADOPTION!
Thanks Lesley for this fabu photo!


BHRR’s Herbie-licious, The Lovebug did it!!! He has a very special announcement to make!
He has made an incredible recovery from severe generalised mange and emaciation in such a short time!! We have had him since February.
He now weighs 48.7 kgs(107.14 pounds) as of today and that means that he has put on 38.50 pounds since he first arrived to BHRR!
His latest skin scraping today was also negative and you did it sweet boy!! I am so proud of you!!!
I had some prof photo’s taken of him for when he made this announcement yet, they have not arrived, so this one from today shall have to do.
This boy is going to make many cry when it is his turn to be adopted!
Thank you Tammie again for asking us to help and to Karen for helping to transport him closer to me for BHRR to successfully rehab for adoption!!


He has a name! BHRR’s Kaos is his name!
Tracy thanks for the extra hands today @ Doogie’s! He does not like his crate rest yet, is being a trooper.
Photo taken at Doogie’s today.
Ortho consults coming up this week for him and that leg.


Got him!! Needs a name.
Thank you Karen for meeting me for your auction item and loving on him for a bit! Liam also.
I do not think she wanted to let him go!
Now for the busy long drive home! He is quite active and vocal!
We will take/send all reports plus x-rays to his two ortho consults next week yet, the initial thoughts from discussion are possible amputation with this being a giant puppy……..something we are very experienced at BHRR in rehabbing
We will do what is in his best interest plus recommended by the experts. As always, for any dog under our care.
Thank you Annie for contacting BHRR and thank you Melanie for being his angel!
*Edited the above post as there seems to be some conflicting information that was imparted our way.


I am on my way to Montreal! I shall update when I can and for those wondering ‘who’ I am picking up, it is this 6 week old cutie Dane pup. Yes, just 6 weeks. This Byber Breeder will sell puppies as young as 4 weeks.
I was approached yesterday re: him and we mobilised fast. He was suspected as having a fractured knee, then septic arthritis and after seeing the ortho specialist this am, looks like a growth plate fracture.
He was on IV antibiotics and, I have an appointment already set-up with one of the ortho specialists we work with to re-evaluate and determine what is in his best interest.
Growth plate fractures can be nasty things, especially in a giant.
This is why I wanted a travel buddy… snuggle him while I drove!


On Thursday July 16th, I received an urgent request to assist a 6 week old GD that was originally suspected as having a fractured knee, then it was suspected that he could have septic arthritis and, we stepped up without hesitation to assist as the special needs are our focus/specialty and, I paid personally for his Vet Bills at one Hospital, $249.43. He had been brought in to be put to sleep.

His Vet bill at another Vet Hospital was $127.48 and it was covered by a staff member at that Hospital. They had originally mentioned that there it would be a free consult and, in the end the bill was thoughtfully greatly discounted.

I mobilized fast to pick him up on the 17th.

We were also told that the Breeder of this puppy tends to sell the pups at 4 weeks of age. 🙁

Appears that this suspected knee fracture was being ruled out and that the possible septic arthritis was not likely (though we went home with antibiotics). Cytology, we had been told had been done on both knees and, we have that report also. Per one report below:

“Forte suspicion d’une ancienne fracture du tibia proximal SH en cours de guérison”

Considérant l’examen clinique d’aujourd’hui, une arthrite septique est peu probable et les
radiographies laissent suspectées davantage une ancienne fracture physaire (SH par
compression ou type 2). Nous avons une impression de début de difformité angulaire du tibia
proximal qui pourrait être compatible avec une ancienne fracture de physe. Cette difformité sera
à suivre dans le temps et pourrait s’empirer. Une arthrocenthèse pourrait être réalisée pour
exclure la possibilité d’une arthrite septique même si peu probable. Afin de ne prendre aucune
chance, il st recommandée d’administrer du Clavaseptin pour les 2 à 4 prochaines semaines en
fonction de son évolution clinique si aucune arthrocentèse n’est réalisée.

We have two wonderful ortho Vets that we deal with in Ontario and he has an appointment with the first one on Wednesday night and an email with everything to date sent our way has been forwarded on to both Vets that we would to have their expert input. Two other Vets have reviewed all reports and x-rays done to date also. These are the Vets that he is going to see on a regular basis and, it is important for them to have all that we have received to date…..

We shall see what the Vets feel is to be in his best interest with him being a giant breed puppy.

As with any BHRR dog, he will not lack for the high standard of proper proactive and preventative Vet Care that the BHRR doggies all receive. He already has an amazing Vet team on his side! 🙂


(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: Kaos under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

OR to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966 over the phone or in person. He also has a file set-up there.

**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Kaos’ Great Angels:  $127.48 donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $376.91
*Before PayPal fees
Elizabeth – Collar, Stuffie,

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Here is a testimonial sent our way of BHRR’s Salem! Thank you Maracle Family.

“My family and I have been blessed with no less than four opportunities to spend some significant time with this wonderful lady. When I first got aquatinted with her at an event in April 2015, I could not believe that Salem had been labelled in the past as aggressive. This gorgeous female was so timid that she would just sit down suddenly if she was spooked or nervous. As the day went on and we won her trust, it became obvious that Salem has a wonderful personality and a lot of love to give. She was very curious with the children who approached her and patiently waited for them to pet her. While she may have been unsure about new people, Salem did not hesitate to take a treat or two from a strange hand. If someone ran out of treats or were not quick enough, Salem attempted to give them a paw in hopes of being rewarded. When she came to our home for a special visit in June 2015, I was amazed at how much confidence Salem had found. Gone was the shy girl who wanted to just lay in a corner quietly and in her place was a lovely lady who went looking for attention. She quite enjoyed my daughters and my wife and there were several times when she was content to offer her belly for some rubs. I would also consider this lady a bit smarter than your average dog. It took her all of five minutes to figure out if you stepped on the garbage can pedal, the lid would open and she never forgot that no matter where we moved the can. We were also very blessed to watch her play with our little pug mix. When Gwennie came to pick her up, Salem was so happy to see her that she broke into full play mode in our backyard. She would play bow, chase and play tag with our pug mix, who was not afraid of Salem at all. Watching the two of them interact made it even harder for me to understand how this wonderful dog could be labelled aggressive. I hope there is a forever home out there who will give this girl a chance.”

AND here is another photo’ from her special picnic play date that was on June 24th and one more from her professional photo shoot on July 9th!

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My last post of my night……I know many are wishing to have updates on BHRR’s Raven and BHRR’s Bell, the two newest additions to BHRR.

BHRR’s Raven(puppmill mama) has her Vet appointment on Thursday to address her mammary issues and to get a thorough exam, Accuplex and pre-op bw etc. Will update more afterwards…Thank you Elizabeth for the collar, leash and bone for her!

BHRR’s Bell(DEAF/Visually Impaired) – photo taken just now. Collar is generous compliments of Elizabeth as well. She bought two for BHRR’s Raven and was gracious to allow us to use it for BHRR’s Bell, our latest special needs to BHRR.

She is settling in slowly yet well. She is eating and drinking well and has not yet proven housebroken and we are working on it.
She is warming up bit by bit and now looks for me and will even seek me out. She is very nervous and flighty about her face and LOVES her butt and and back end sides rubbed.

She is looking me more at my face and eyes and I am encouraging her that it is ‘ok’. She knows little in sign language and we are working on signs and touch training for now. Scent training shall come along with lights – turning on and off our lights – plus vibration training – NOT vibration collars – using the door and floors to communicate.

She loves stuffies and will fetch them and play with them YET is a big resourcer at this time. She also will resource over the communal water bowls. We are working on ‘manners.’
She is excellent in her crate and has been fully integrated with everyone.

She has begun to slowly play with a few of the other dogs – BHRR’s Raven – who really is a baby herself – maybe 18 months now that I am assessing her deeper with her arrival – has rally built up her confidence plus comfort level. NOT sure if that is a great thing as BHRR’s Raven is just as I thought she would be….a mini BHRR’s Dana(RIP) and no surprise that BHRR’s Ivy is a bff already! Someone help me! LOL

She can play rough and get a bit ‘lost’ and become rough and, so we are working on gentle and stopping things before she flattens Salt for example.

She is becoming more and more bonded to me…BHRR’s Raven is another shadow for me now…much to BHRR’s Angel Noelle’s disgust! LOL

BHRR’s Bell makes the smallest, cutest sounds when wanting to play and how she gets on the couch – yes, HQD has been busy herself! – she backs up, puts one leg on, then the other back leg and then next thing you know she is sitting straight up! LOL

There is no reason at this time to think that she cannot be adoptable…yet, she has much to learn, startle reflex included before that day comes and, watching her begin to enjoy life and be happy is really a gift……

Good night from BHRR to all of our friends, family and fans!

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BHRR’s Riot has moved to an ADOPTED status!
Our third approved adoption over the last 8 days. Wonderful!! 
He shall be going to his right matched forever loving home at the end of the month as the home gets ready for his arrival.
Thank you SO much Bruce for helping to do this hv with me!
Thank you again Tammie for this amazing Dane and thank you Karen again for helping to transport to BHRR for us to successfully rehab and then adopt to that right matched forever loving home!
This once catatonic terrified Great Dane is no longer!!! 
Congrats to all! He is going to be a huge personality missed in our home!! Incredible dog……nothing is half measure for this handsome blue Great Dane. Lives life to the fullest!! He is so affectionate, playful and even a bit of a monkey!


AND we are on our way!
To BHRR’s Riot’s home-visit for a possible approved adoption! 
Keep all in your best wishes!
Will update as we can!


BHRR’s Herbie-licious, The Love Bug is now on his special picnic play date! 
I took this picture just as we arrived for his date and parked…..he loves his head out the window….so rolled it down, and then snapped his wonderful mug! 
His date came all the way up from Oshawa to have this wonderful afternoon with him!!
His next vet appointment is July 20th and if that skin scraping is negative also, he can have his booster and then go to his approved temp foster family!


BHRR’s Angel Noelle had an AMAZING time at our annual KAH/BHRR event today!!! She ROCKED it!


Here are two more photo’s of BHRR’s Hercules from July 12th!

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BHRR’s Hercules had a GREAT day at our 8th ANNUAL KAH/BHRR Fundraiser! A fabu day!
Here is a testimonial of his human ‘handler’ for that day. 🙂

Hi Gwen:

Here is my blurb for Herc. I really fell in love with this guy.



“I was a little surprised and a bit nervous when I was told that I would be partnered with Hercules at the July 2015 Nail Trip and BBQ event in Kanata. I was worried about what I would have to do to make sure this three legged fellow would be comfortable for the day. Would I have to avoid the pavement? Would I have to make sure he rested regularly to ease the burden on his remaining legs? How hard would it be for him to navigate tight spaces? Those concerns vanished after about five minutes of handling this strong and social boy. Right from the time I met him, Hercules’ attitude was “let’s meet new people and explore”. I did not get much time to sit for the first few hours of the event as Hercules was intent on seeing every display and every person there. Any cluttered or tight spaces he encountered were not a problem for Hercules as he navigated them with ease and grace. Another foolishly thought I had was that with only three legs, Hercules would not be as strong or energetic as most Danes his size. That thought went out the window when he nearly blew me off my feet to go see someone he knew who had called him. I wasn’t expecting him to show such power and that is when I started to call him “Mr. Hercules” because he had earned my respect. This guy is also quite the charmer. Hercules quickly discovered that the ladies in one tent had treats and made an hourly visit to them like clockwork to get a snack and lots of attention. His attitude and looks melted their hearts and I think he knew it. I could tell Hercules was enjoying the social interaction because of his tail. The only times it stopped wagging was when he laid down for the occasional rest in the sun and even then, Hercules wagged it a bit. I was very impressed with his social skills and he was wonderful with everyone he met, especially small children. I watched a small four year old girl approach him and stop a few steps away from him. Hercules got up, wandered over and sat down with his head resting over the little girl’s head. I helped her pet the big fellow and I could tell both of them were very happy with the result. I was also impressed about his reaction to other dogs that were vocal towards him. A few times, some of the smaller dogs who had come to visit the event barked at him because he had wandered too close to their owner or one of the kiddie pools that the smaller dog was in. Mr. Hercules merely paused and moved on without a hint of retaliatory bark or action. The only time I heard him grumble was if another dog rolled into him while he was lying down. It was a short, low “push off, please” grumble that let the other dog know that Mr. Hercules was trying to relax. Overall, I really enjoyed my experience with this fellow. Strong, social and energetic, Hercules has the patience of a saint and has this special kind of charm that can win anyone over. I found it really hard to leave this fellow at the end of the day and it broke my heart to have to load him up for his ride back to Birch Haven because I have become quite fond of this wonderful, amazing guy.”

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BHRR’s Kricket is AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION again. The home that was scheduled to have their home-visit on Wednesday July 15th to see if this was a right matched personality fit to approve for a possible adoption, sent us an email today asking us to close their application due to an ill family member. We wish them all the best.

I GOT her! We are going to call her BHRR’s Raven and, she has a very sad story…..
She is a puppymiller dog, dumped while still nursing a litter and her body is a terrible documentation of her past.
I am not sure pictures are going to really show her poor body with the many litters she has had and she is more like 2-3 years of age – will get a better idea soon.
She also has concerning mammary growths.
She also needs more weight…..
I was a bit shocked for how bad she looks and so was her Rescuer Rose for what was imparted her way to me is not what is the case. Even more reason why I am so happy she is with us……
I will have her into KAH ASAP for exam, biospsies etc……I have to be honest, I am worried….
This photo is of Rose and ‘Raven’ – and, I am not one for Danes jumping on people yet, as we were getting ready to say good-bye, she jumped up and kissed Rose and both Rose and I agree that we feel ‘Raven’ was thanking Rose for saving her…..
She is going to need a collar(she is in a choke right now) and a dog bed to call her own and we will make it happen for her!
Her eyes are the most incredible shade of amber and so soft and sweet…..
Welcome to BHRR BBBBB!


(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: Raven’s under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

**IF I am forgetting any of her ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Raven’s Great Angels:  $* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $
*Before PayPal fees
Elizabeth – 2 x Collars

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On Friday July 10th, we received notification that a GD was in need, ~1 and ~100 pounds. No questions asked, we stepped up to assist. ETA to BHRR Saturday July 11th, 2015

We then received a separate email to say that she was timid and great with other dogs.

5996_ORI Great Dane 1 yr female unaltered 100 lbs SURRENDER

Here are some professional photo’s that I had taken of BHRR’s Salem on July 9th to hopefully help that right matched forever loving home find her. She is such a gorgeous girl…….I was never able to capture her beauty as it always should have been captured……Thank Liz!!

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HERE is the poster! To our 8th Annual KAH/BHRR Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser being hosted at Kanata Animal Hospital on Sunday July 12th from 8 AM – 4 PM.
*No Appointments necessary
*Dogs/Cats need to be minimally 8 weeks to be microchipped
*Bake table
*Silent Auction
*Face-Painting & MORE!

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Got her!!! Skittish and 100% lovely……
She is stressed, panting a lot and, will need socialization, training and more handling.
We are calling her BHRR’s Bell – she makes this very tiny sweet ‘bell’ sound.

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Margaret and I are on the road later today to pick up this beautiful young lady – She is deaf and visually impaired. She is 3 years of age.
We have been working on her rescue since June 21st and, our hearts go out to her Owner as she is battling cancer and, has been trying for a year to find a spot for her beloved Dane.
It was brought to our attention(thanks Julie!) as we are experts not only with Danes yet with the special needs(I own three deaf/visually impaired Danes myself) and, without hesitation we stepped up to be there for the Owner during what is an extremely difficult time.
We shall update as we can……..


LOVE this photo!
BHRR’s Griffin discovered an extremely handsome dude in the side mirror!
So handsome, he had to get closer for a better look!
He is a wonderful big personality filled boy!
It is dogs like Griffin that truly make me a better Rescuer, trainer, behavioural expert and even owner of my own dogs! He is 100% awesome!


So, we are on our way home from a special secret mission today!!

Back tomorrow with three more BHRR doggies for their own secret mission!

One of them has been waiting so patiently to make their special announcement and a big thanks to extend and, cannot wait!

This photo is of BHRR’s Griffin who has decided that riding shotgun in my front seat is the best ever! He was not happy to be relegated back to the back seat and tethered safely.

AND, he has proven yet again that under the right guidance and expert hands, he is a model canine. He did a bit of negative seeking attention behaviour when I first pulled up, I advised all involved to please ignore him and, he stopped.

He does not like being passively ignored and then to get your attention, he will begin to do appropriate displays of behaviour and, literally is mush in your hands. He was even sitting and laying down plus staying on command with one of the people there, someone that was a complete stranger to him. He is rewarded hugely for all the right reasons….and he responds!

The problem comes, just as it happened at the Open House, that people give him the wrong type and kind of attention, further enabling him and then, in trying to correct him, make him fearful.

He is a bit of a bully in some ways yet, a fearful young man mostly inside and, he is making leaps and bounds and, our hardest challenge remains in his rehab program is to get people to ‘listen’. AND, as long as people react and act in the wrong way – Give treats when he barks, talking to him when he barks, getting physical with correction on collar grabbing – he is going to remain with us in our rehab program.

We are not going to set him up for failure and, today was a perfect example of how outstanding this young dog is… the right hands, stellar! Absolutely, fabu.

AND, so we are going to keep working on increasing his circle of success and, when he is ready he will make his own special announcement. He runs hot and cold depending on who is interacting with him and, we just need more people to get with his program and, slowly it is happening! More and more people we see on the streets, out and about are helping to build him up correctly and reinforce all the right behaviours!

Yay! So grateful to the two Elizabeth’s today that helped make him shine like the amazing dog he truly is. Thank you!


BHRR’s Victory has been ADOPTED! Photo’s shall never do this gorgeous blue GD justice!
I liked this photo best!
She will go to their home on Friday July 10th which gives the home a few more days to get ready and it shall be the weekend.
Another home that fell in love with her at our latest BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’
Julie/Ben – I held on to that gorgeous leash(never used it, wanted to give it to the home that was the right matched forever loving fit) you gave to her as a gift and have passed it along to her new forever loving home.
This is such a superb dog and, full of personality and, another massive hole that shall be left in our hearts plus homes!
Thanks Tammie immensely for entrusting her to our care and thanks again Karen for helping to get her to BHRR to then successfully rehab for adoption!
‘Victory’ to ‘Victory’!! Could not have picked a better name for this beauty.
I am also going to miss her something fierce yet, she is ready for this next chapter of her wonderful future!!


AND, we are on our way!
BHRR’s Victory(one of our beautiful Blue GD’s) home-visit for a possible adoption!
We will update as we can!
So many exciting announcements coming up!


BHRR’s Pearl learning to enjoy the simple pleasures in life! Like the wind in her hair!
July 5th, 2015
*NOT yet available for adoption
*She had a good experience today at the home-visit for BHRR’s Jersey’s adoption and one day BHRR’S Pearl shall be where BHRR’s Jersey is now. BHRR’s Pearl did so well coming out and having more helping hands show her love and care plus kindness….in time, when she is ready, she will make her own special announcement. For now, her rehab is coming along nicely!
Both Danes came to BHRR crawling on their bellies. BHRR’s Jersey is now confident, has learned to love herself, happy, bouncy, affectionate, curious, social and such a fabu special BBBBB!
BHRR’s Pearl, one day, your own inner beauty will shine to the surface and burst forth and that right matched special home shall also find you!
You are doing so well with your rehabilitation!
Proud of both BHRR beauties today!


BHRR’s Jersey, almost 7 now, one of our stunning BBBBB’s was ADOPTED today!
It was a wonderful moment yet, wow, the tears of both unbelievable incredible happiness yet also sadness (small part) as she has been such a big plus beautiful part of our family for so long!
This amazing girl did not have one application in the whole two+ years she had been waiting patiently, us too, for that right matched home to find her…..well, it only takes one application, the right one for a dog and, it came!
They fell in love with her at the BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ last Sunday and, I am so happy…..
BHRR’s Pearl did so well coming out and having more helping hands show her love and care plus kindness….in time, when she is ready, she will make her own special announcement. For now, her rehab is coming along nicely!
BHRR’s Jersey did not want to leave me yet, that is understandable and distractions aided greatly for us to leave…..was not the smoothest of exits and she saw us as they walked her by my car that I had parked way down on a side street as I am typing this update but, she will be ok….she kept pulling and turning to come to my car and I do not think it was realised that it was me in the car….that was so hard on me to just be very still and quiet and, let the person walking her figure it out….
She does not need me any longer….she is where she is suppose to be for the next chapter of her FABU life!
Love you Jersey Girl!! So much…..completely bursting with joy!

What some people have never cared to understand it was ‘never’ about us turning away homes, some of the dogs have never had one application come in. No interest, no inquiries, nothing…..
Yet, we continue to be patient and only shall we adopt to that
right matched forever loving home. smile emoticon
BHRR’s Jersey was living a grand life with us and we loved and wanted her, even if others did not. AND, now she has her special adoptive family!!
My home shall have a huge hole in it yet, we can help another Dane when we are needed. We are here regardless of age or colour or sex and love the special needs!


AND big stretch…..
We are on our way!!! BHRR’s Jersey’s home-visit for her possible approved adoption is today.
Will post an update as we can!


AND, BHRR’s Jersey, one of our lovely BBBBB’s also has a special announcement to make!
BHRR’s Jersey is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!
She weighed a wonderful 103.4 pounds tonight. 47kgs yet most likely a bit more as she was bouncy, affectionate and happy! LOL
That makes four BHRR amazing dogs pending now for possible adoptions and, two more announcements hopefully to make shortly!


BHRR’s Jersey, one of our gorgeous BBBBB’s is in her way with me to get her Accuplex(Hwt and tickborne testing done for the year). We keep the dogs on preventative year long yet, we still do regular bloodwork testing. 
I am also going to get a current weight on her. She had a great BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ mini open house last Sunday.
