UPDATE: BHRR's Mav was back for a recheck today as it is the 14 day post-op mark. 
The swelling is less(I did not grab a photo sorry….was busy….yet, will take a photo ASAP) yet, still quite marked in the one area.
His latest culture results came back negative for growth yet, having been on anitibiotics, a false reading is quite possible. 
He has clear calcification on his joint and, while most of the area is now hard, he still has a soft section and is radiating heat. Everyone is concerned for yet, another brewing abscess – he has had two so far. 
All staples but 6 were removed earlier today after his first check up and, after his Vets(2) took a much closer look the final 6 were then taken out as they felt comfortable. 
He will remain on Baytril, 300 mg BID(normally given SID) for at least another week and, then have another recheck. He also remains on his Deramaxx 100 mg SID(as many know, we are not a huge fan of Metacam as an NSAIDS). 
AND, his weight was down again….. 
He is eating well three times a day and, he is still losing weight. 
He has been such a trooper about his enforced crate rest and very short leash walks. 
He has been such a great patient and, we hope to raise enough funds in our upcoming 2ND ANNUAL 'BREAKING BILLS BAKING' online auction to make a dent in his mounting bills. Since his arrival into our programs, and, having three leg surgeries amongst all of his other medical rehab, his Vet Bills are over $15,000. 
AND, as I keep saying, he is worth every dime. We committed to him and, we are dedicated to giving him all that he needs and deserves as a BHRR dog.
Those that have met him and have become instantly smitten with him, would all also agree!
If anyone else may like to sign up with an offer to make a baked goodie or goodies, please do email contactbhrr@gmail.com
No items have to be made until the online auction is over in mid-January so, that all items are fresh and delicious for the winnner(s)!
For me, as we head into a new year shortly, I feel extremely blessed that the new year will include BHRR's Mavie in the lives of so many of us!!! To think otherwise, is not a possibility I am going to even contemplate…..

BHRR's Oakley's Traditional Christmas Eve Photo! NOT YET AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!

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BHRR's Leroy's traditional Christmas Eve Photo! He is still AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!

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BHRR`s Mavie – A Real plus True Ironman!
December 24th.2014
We are heading in for another recheck this week and staple removal.
He has felt so much love this XMAS and, all proceeds from our upcoming 2nd ANNUAL `BREAKING BILLS BAKING` Online Auction shall go towards his mounting Vet Bills.

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Mason(14) with BHRR's Braveheart
Male Heavily Marked Harle GD
December 24th, 2014
That amazing painting was from Bridget and Charley and their beloved RIP GD Ella. They collected $300 for him in lieu of Birthday gifts and, brought him some much needed items and showered him with so much love!
This very special painting will go into his file and, be given to his right matched forever loving home when it is his time….
This is his first XMAS and, shall have a bed to call his own, toys, treats etc….
As a r/q Rescue, we do not have many excess items to share with all the dogs and, this is what makes our successful SS program so wonderful….dogs get nice collars and leashes and, beds, bowls and, items, that we otherwise, rarely can afford to provide for the dogs on a regular basis….even dog food donations are a winning lottery item for many groups out there, and, especially for BHRR!
They get to be spoiled!
We remain so humbled by all of you…..

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BHRR's Victory – Female Blue Great Dane
December 24th, 2014 
***She was drooling big time for the treat! LOL***
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BHRR's Salem
Female GD/Mastiffx
December 24th, 2014
Thank you Brent/Whitney for being her very special SS!

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The Lord Stafford!
Male Olde English BullDog – One of our honorary GIANTS of BHRR! 
December 24th, 2014
He was not happy being woken up from a very important nap in his special new SS dog bed and, had no issues showing us how he truly felt!!! LOL
We are hoping that we can figure out why he is still having incontinent issues…..his urgent neuter for the enlarged prostate solved many of his urinary concerns yet, he will dribble in his sleep now…..

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BHRR's Rain – Traditional XMAS Eve Photo Shoot
Female Saint Bernard
December 24th, 2014
BHRR Haven Dog
She was not happy being woken up from her nap! With the warmer weather, she does not like to be too active in these temperatures….

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BHRR's Comet – AKA JAWS!
Blue Female Great Dane
*NO, this is not BHRR's Bloom!
December 24th, 2014
In 2015, she will officially in our BHRR Haven Program. She has done so well in her rehab at BHRR and, this is the best decision made for set-up for lifetime success of quality of life for her!
She has a great circle of success that already surrounds her and, it shall only increase.
This is why we have our Haven Program. 🙂

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BHRR's Ethel's Traditional XMAS Eve Photo's! She is still AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!

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BHRR's Maverick was at Kana(Kanata AH) today for a recheck, 7 days post-op as, I wanted him looked over before XMAS.
I could have removed the bandages five days post-op or kept the bandage on for the 14 days, yet, really wanted to keep the bandages on for a wee bit longer and, yet, have it looked sooner than 14 days.
He had put on a smidge of the almost 24 pounds he had lost and, from the moment we walked into KAH, he was surrounded by so many friendly caring faces!
Bruce and Margaret were there when I arrived, not to mention some of the best folks I work with!
Throughout the day, he had more loving visitors! Caren, Wendi & Cliff plus Lynn & Al!
All of these kind folks have given him such a good experience and, for a dog that has had so many not so pleasant vet hospital experiences, it was invaluable what these sweet people did for him today! Thank you!!!
The second culture(this one post-plate removal) came back without any growth yet, we are aware that having been on antibiotics, that this could affect his results.
Below is a photo of his leg after the bandages came off and, it was cleaned up.
While it is certainly better than it once looked, his Vet (all of us actually) were hoping/wishing that it would have looked better than it did.
Pictures will be sent to his ortho specialist to review.
Discussion was held in respect to doing another culture and, at this time, we will hold off.
An impression smear was done and, there are signs of eastie beasties for sure…..
We shall carry on with the Baytril and Deramaxx and, see what Dr. Philibert says and, keep monitoring the leg…..
Poor brave BHRR's Maverick……

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Maverick’. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option)

BHRR’s Maverick’s Magnificent Angels  $9,271.45 donated to date & Bills $14,109.60
*before paypal fees

Rachel – Plus a Collar
TTP Basket
June 15th TTP donations from Lemon-Aid Stand by Chew-That
June 22nd, BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ Mini Open House
PV Stittsville Nail Trim Fundraisers x 2
July 14th 6th ANNUAL BHRR/KAH Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser
Julie/Sable – Anna’s “Where in the World Wedding Quiz” and selected BHRR to receive the $25 prize.
Kristin – PayPal took a fee
Nairn Again
Rachel – SS
Santa Photo's PV Innes and Belcourt – split between BHRR's Merlin, BHRR's Stafford also – $135.33
Santa Photo's PV Stittsville – $320 – One person paid by PayPal – $0.88 in fees taken
Amy & Family
Balsam Dental in honor of L. Evan


BHRR's Canvas – ? – December 22nd, 2014
**Victim to Bloat and Tort**
Our 7th precious dog since we opened our doors in 1996.   Each one has been like a devastating train wreck. Crushing to our hearts and, to all those that love these amazing dogs as much as we do. 
Typing this post, makes my stomach just roll with nausea. 
He was perfectly fine and, in fact, we have a great testimonial from BHRR BOD M. Leung from our annual "CHAIN OF SUCCESS' potluck that was hosted on December 20th, at our home about how awesome he was doing. 
I went to bed around 3:30 AM on the morning of the 22nd after tucking everyone in and, saying my routine 'love you and have a good sleepie' to all the dogs.
Sean was up around 5 AM and, he ran to get me to say there was an emergency.
Just as with my beloved RIP Maggi,(who bloated/torted herself on July 17th, 2009), there was nothing 'wrong' with how BHRR's Canvas was laying……yet, he never layed on his side like that(Same with Maggi)……I knew something was wrong.
I knew he had bloated – I go back to my article I wrote about "KNOW YOUR DOG" – 
Sadly, he torted so severely and, he passed in my arms before 8:30 AM as we worked to save him at the Hospital….
I told him how much I loved him, what a brave boy he was and, that it was ok to let go if he had to….I told him that he was such a good boy and, thanked him so much for being such a gift in my life and, that of all that met and adored him like us.
He went from being such a terrified(who could ever forget the video's of him cowering in terror under a table at the shelter) and, being so emaciated. He put on over 50 pounds in his successful rehab at BHRR. 
The hole he has left is like a bomb went off…shattered our hearts and soul are….
I miss his windmill tail wags of such vigorous happiness….
I miss those special sounds of his when he 'told me off' that it was time to begin the day and, partake in all of the adventures and fun for that day!
I almost do not want to fix the front of my brand new stove now as, it was he and BHRR's Bishop that smashed the front of it horsing around as, I told them to 'take it outside' and, they gave each other one last body bump as they ran in happiness outside….
The memories are many of this miraculous dog…..yet, that the opportunities for more memories have been stolen from him, rips me up….each and every bloat, we have caught in time….it tears me to shreds that, despite that, we have lost 7 now to this terrible condition….
He was the fastest tort I have ever witnessed.  
RIP my Canvy Wanvy…..
I will visit you in my dreams with all the others that have blessed me over the many years….
I am so sorry that I could not save you in the end…. 

BHRR's Stafford had his two lower incisors extracted, some excess gum removed, plus a good clean and a polish! 🙂

I hated waking up The Lord this AM, so Sean could drop him off for his dental with possible extractions at Liston Animal Hospital today! 
He was all nicely snuggled into me as, I snatched some extra cuddles before they left. 
For anyone who may wish to donate to his mounting bills, you can call Liston Animal Hospital directly at 613-591-0966! He has an account set up there.
I know it is XMAS and, money is tight for everyone and, we understand that people may not be able to assist with a donation. 
Please send him your best of thoughts for they are equally as important! 
Once, BHRR's Stafford recovers from today's procedure, we will be re-visiting his urine issues….as, they have not resolved the way all hoped after neutering him due to an enlarged prostate. 


Santa & BHRR's M&M Salma!
December 7th, 2014
Thank you again PV Innes & Belcourt & Chuck & Suzanne of Chuck Desjardins Photography!
No one would have ever imagined that this incredible Dogo, almost 11 years young would still be around RULING as only the HQD can!
Her special blanket is one made with love by Debi C!
$406 was sent to BHRR to help with BHRR's Stafford and BHRR's Merlin and BHRR's Mavie's Bills!
HOW generous and, heart-warming…..
We are filled with eternal gratitude….to be one of two out, of so many organizations( r/q ) in the community, to have been chosen to benefit, is really special.


Santa & BHRR's Kricket!
December 7th, 2014
Thank you again PV Innes & Belcourt & Chuck & Suzanne of Chuck Desjardins Photography!
This photo was taken one week after her arrival to BHRR and, my wish for this photo was NOT for the camera to capture her utterly poor body condition, yet, to capture her overall amazing beauty!
AND, she is one stunning girl!
$406 was sent to BHRR to help with BHRR's Stafford and BHRR's Merlin and BHRR's Mavie's Bills!
HOW generous and, heart-warming…..
We are filled with eternal gratitude….to be one of two out, of so many organizations( r/q 😉 ) in the community, to have been chosen to benefit, is really special!

BHRR's Mavie
December 16th, 2014
Post-op…waiting to breathe on his own to then be extubated. 
His weight has now dropped to 108.24 pounds.  
Another culture is being done for the first one showed that the micro-organism of Beta Hemolytic Streptococci was sensitive to Clavamox.
Another culture is being done for the abscess had returned plus his infection worsened(DP removed dead tissue) despite being on Clavamox 375 mg BID and, on it since November 26th, 2014
Dr. Philibert also had to chisel the bone away from part of the plate as it had healed around the plate. 
He is now going to be on Tramadol 100 mg TID, Baytril 300 mg BID and, also I have Buprenorphine 1 mg/ml (0.49 ml) per syringe TID for three days as extra comfort for him.
The plate/screws were put into the autoclave as no one knows what micro-organism may be on it and, I also have the plate/screws now!
He is resting well…..
I will be taking him home later tonight and will have him back in for a recheck in 5 days and, to take off the bandage – we could leave the bandage on until the staples come out yet, I want to be proactive and, make sure that his incision etc. can be checked before 10-14 days is up.
ANY considerations for donations – his bills today were $1,406.69 can be made direct to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and, they will take CC over the phone or, in person as well as cash/debit in person.


From the home that had the special play date with BHRR's Ichabod Crane on December 15th, 2014

"Absolutely nothing beats the love of a Great Dane!!! Big thank you to Gwen for giving us the opportunity to mend our hearts a little bit with this silly boys kisses!! We had a wonderful time together!!!"


BHRR"s Mavie's leg 
This AM – December 15th, 2014
I am SO glad his emergency urgent surgery is tomorrow with DP.
It has swelled so bad,again since the drain came out, that it has actually split along his old incision line. 
The antibiotics and Deramaxx are barely holding things at bay and, it is now a losing battle. Nothing is going to help other than trying to get that plate/screws out NOW!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Maverick’. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option)

BHRR’s Maverick’s Magnificent Angels  $8,961.45 donated to date & Bills $13,920.23
*before paypal fees

Rachel – Plus a Collar
TTP Basket
June 15th TTP donations from Lemon-Aid Stand by Chew-That
June 22nd, BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ Mini Open House
PV Stittsville Nail Trim Fundraisers x 2
July 14th 6th ANNUAL BHRR/KAH Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser
Julie/Sable – Anna’s “Where in the World Wedding Quiz” and selected BHRR to receive the $25 prize.
Kristin – PayPal took a fee
Nairn Again
Rachel – SS
Santa Photo's PV Innes and Belcourt – split between BHRR's Merlin, BHRR's Stafford also – $135.33
Santa Photo's PV Stittsville – $320 – One person paid by PayPal – $0.88 in fees taken


Someone is off for a special play date this AM!  BHRR's Ichabod Crane. He was not overly thrilled about the 5 AM wake-up call BUT, I think he is going to have a blast! 
So hard to get a great photo of him and, cannot wait for his Santa PawsPhoto's from Saturday at PV Stittsville!  
His weight today is 33.5 KGs(73.70 pounds). Still a bit thin, yet, not by much and, nicely muscled and, gosh, is his a social bean! LOL
He is battling an infection that we are trying to isolate as, he has been de-wormed(this is his third round) and, we are not going to give him any boosters of neuter him until he is healthy. 
I will repeat his bw in the New Year to see where we stand at that time. 
He is eating well, playing(HQD WUVS him!) and, becoming a wonderfully well adjusted puppy.  
He has become a fast fav for many that have met him to date.  So much to love AND, OMG! Is he ever soft!
For a male ~6 month GD puppy, he is small yet, when you deal with byb dogs, you get all shapes and sizes and, for that right matched home, they are not going to care one bit! His personality is big and, he will make that right matched home smile every day. He is so happy!
NO more days of neglect and emaciation for you my lovely young man!


Here is BHRR’s Angel Noelle’s XMAS photo with Santa! 🙂

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BHRR's Zayna – December 13th, 2014 with SantaMartin Cruikshank) at PV Stittsville. 
Photo by Ashley Beland of ABM AMB Photography
One of BHRR's very special M&M's. 
A victim to poor breeding and greed, she had severe HD etc. and, we were asked by another r/q group, to consider her for our special Haven Program back on April 28th, 2014.
We had a spot open up on June 22nd, 2014 and, I think our own Fawn with black mask EM, RIP Guinness would have loved her! 
We knew time was limited and, we packed each day with great memories, experiences, laughter, play visits/dates and, loving hands with tons of spoiling love!
SHE rocked our 7th ANNUAL BHRR/KAH Microchip/Nail & BBQ Fundraiser, she charmed each person at every event held at BHRR from our BHRR "EXPERIENCE" mini open houses to our Annual DINE WITH THE BHRR DOGGIES event!
We made December 13th, 2014, a day as special and as wonderful as her!
A trip to Timimie's for her own Bacon on Bagel, tummy rubs and, shopping and, drooling and, caring hands at PV Stittsville, lunch at A&W – chicken strips and, a drive later that night to all of her favourite friends and family…..
She left us peacefully, surrounded by all those that loved her and adored her and, she may have been a victim of greed by her Breeder yet, to us, she was a gift…………cherished and, I so wish we could have given her more than almost 6 months of the best days of her life……
She should have been bred for proper conformation, health, temperament plus longevity. What I call the 'four' important pillars of r/q Breeding. 

This poor dog had severe HD, not just 'only' hip problems. Her hips were so bad that she was not even a candidate for alternative therapy such as hydrotherapy nor was she a surgical candidate by an expert group of three Ortho specialists part of her vet team. She had DJD, Osteoarthritis that had already begun to cause some spinal fusion and, her straight knees plus stifles were also affected. Her elbows were also beginning to show negative effects. She had extreme muscle wasting in her hind end and, for a younger giant breed dog, still growing, we created a personalized rehab program that had her develop what muscle tone, mass and strength that we could. We have videos and photo's and, many a testimonial in the great quality of life she had in our Haven Program. We committed to her 100% as we do with every dog under our authority.
BHRR believes in quality of life and, though this dog may have been orginally said to be behaviourally unsound when the other wonderful group first had her, it did not take long for them to realise her issues were medical. 
As she matured and, even in keeping her lean, there was added natural weight on already heavily burdened poor bones plus body and, the colder weather was not helping one bit.
We will not keep a dog alive for our own selfish reasons…..

THANK you to her incredible SS's……for dropping them off at the BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' mini open house in November…….she had an early XMAS and, she had stuffing and turkey also as part of a delicious dinner!
RIP my gorgeous girl……..I shall visit you as I visit all the others that have crossed before you over the many years…..in my dreams and, in my heart….


BHRR's Ichabod Crane with Santa
*While he is still a wee bit on the thin side, he is NO longer emaciated! YAY! 
Saturday December 13th, 2014 @ PV Stittsville!
So many people to THANK deeply from my heart for making this day so wonderful!
We have to thank the amazing SantaMartin Cruikshank), his precious helper ElfDee Dick), the talented photographerAshley Beland) AND, Breanne JacklinRegan Giggal,Kelly Garlough and, the rest of the amazing staff at PV Stittsville!
Thank you to Andrea McCoy for the extra hands, and to your dad also Kelly!
THANK you to each very wonderful and giving person AND their human, who came to visit(We dropped by for about 1.5 hours ourselves!), get a photo with Santa and, to make this day a really special one of almost $319.12 raised to help BHRR's Mavie!
BHRR's Zayna, BHRR's Ichabod Crane and BHRR's Angel Noelle had their own Santa Paws Photo's done!
AND, thank you to the beautiful Melissa Gingras-Lepage for doing BHRR's Ichabod's nails for me to help give him yet, another great experience in the hands of a stranger as we keep working towards the goal of making him that much more well rounded plus well adjusted AND, boy, had he come a long way! Mr. Social Butterfly…..  
Thank you to the elf named 'Cheers' that took care of his nail trimming bill!  Santa better spoil you rotten for such a touching RAOK!
Later, I shall share why it was so important for me to get a really special photo of BHRR's Zanya. Ashley, if you have others of her, like when Santa rubbed her belly, would loved to have them……


BHRR's Braveheart with company! 🙂
LESS than 48 hours at BHRR.
December 10th, 2014
(BHRR's Oakley, BHRR's Ichabod, BHRR's Potter, BHRR's Bloom!)
Thank you Tammie Jackson & Karen Starkie for being his angels….

VIDEO BHRR's Braveheart Dcember 10th, 2014

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Braveheart’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Braveheart's Angels  $15.00* donated to date & Bills are $0.00
A. Biggley



This is BHRR's Braveheart – not the greatest photo yet, he was looking at our 13 gallon freshwater tank in the sun-room and, the best I could snag.

In less than 12 hours, he was already integrated with some of the dogs, doing wonderfully, had eaten some food, wagging his tail some and, boy does BHRR's Kricket ADORE him!
Less than 24 hours later, he has been almost fully integrated with all, eaten some more food, making a couple of friends, beginning to become even more affectionate and, just now, he asked me for love for the very first time! He has been settling in much faster, than anyone would have thought or predicted and, he will continue to call the 'pace' as we work on providing all the set-up for success opportunities that he deserves. 
He and BHRR's Kricket have something really special going on….she was determined to 'win' him over. THE only other dog that she has connected and loved instantly so much to date, has been BHRR's Ivy. She likes all the dogs yet, she has a really special relationship with BHRR's Ivy and, even now, she is 'showing' BHRR's Braveheart what fun it can be to race around my house at almost midnight! 
AND, HQD is just laying upon her 'throne' looking upon them with approval and looking upon me with her usual disapproval as I want the 'no running in the house' rule enforced!  
To think that less than a week ago, he was 'poled' to get out of his run at the shelter, people were afraid of him, and, he was described as being severely aggressive to dogs, and people and not just extremely undersocialised etc. 
AND, if it were not for his shelter angel, Tammie, he would have been pts on Friday…..she advocated so strongly for him, contacted us and, the rest is history. LOVE working with this shelter….amazing people. 
Honored and privileged as I have said previously to be a rescue partner of theirs.
I cannot wait until I get home from work tomorrow and do one of our famous Winter Wonderful Video's for people to 'see' just who this boy is and, the potential he has!
He is a heavier marked Harle, young – maybe 18 months and, such clean markings….
AND, while some have found his eyes to be intimidating…to me, they are lovely…..
So, ends the first 24 hours with this magnificent creature that is starting to trust and believe and, accept hands of help and love over hurt and rejection…..
Yes, he has a path for sure that he needs to walk of healing and rehab and confidence building and acceptance of there never being another day of bad things in his life again…..yet, I will walk this journey with him, each step of the way…..right by his side!
Encouraging him, supporting him and, believing in him!
BHRR's Braveheart is just one of the many specialized reasons why BHRR exists…..why, our programs are needed…..


We will be out to visit around 11 AM on Saturday ourselves to get some photos' and, I am hoping to bring BHRR's Ichabod Crane, BHRR's Zayna and BHRR's Salem for their very first XMAS photo's!
I heard a rumor that BHRR's Mav 'could' also put in a celebrity appearance!

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UPDATE: I got him and, after careful transitioning – two leashes, two people, he is in my car and I am getting ready to make the push home!
Dogs like him, really need two collars and two leashes as they are a huge flight risk…
He is a bit skinny, nothing terrible and, has the softest chin ever! BHRR's Canvas and BHRR's Kaden were far worse in fear and, we shall see how things go in seeing more dogs. No integration until he is more settled and…..
Thank you Tammie and Karen and, welcome to the BHRR fam, Braveheart!

UPDATE: Karen now has the Harle GD male in her safe plus loving arms and, I will be driving out to meet her later.

We have named him BHRR's Braveheart – my family tree actually traces back to William Wallace, being one of my relatives.

He is understandably very nervous right now and, while a night transport is not the best for many of these extremely fearful dogs, it is not our first rodeo as they say, and, he is in experienced hands…..

Here is an update I sent this AM to the Animal Hospital that has been such an important part of her 'CHAIN OF SUCCESS' Story!


Ivy wants to say that she weighs 43.9 KGs today(96.58 pounds). She has her staples removed today and, while you can see the underlaying sutures, all looks good. She wears her lovely lampshade as needed. She is sleeping a good 5.5 hours each night before having to go out and zero SA issues. She is hanging out at work with me today and, other
than some initial whining and barking, has settled down for a nap.

I chipped her today and picked up a dose of Revolution for I keep the dogs in year round
as we are a rescue. We did her nails and she rocked starred that also.

I am just waiting for a fresh fecal sample to test.

She is doing really well with her obedience and, is a busy active plus smart girl.

While she loves playing with my own 5 month old Deaf/visually impaired Dane pups, she has made a fast
friend with an emaciated GD that we brought in on the 30th, that we named Kricket. One of her other best friends is a Haven dog we have, an almost 11 year old Dogo!

Already, I know she shall do best in a home that is active yet, not too busy for over stimulation and, flooding to occur and, then she just would love to focus and, become a bit overwhelmed. A home with at least one other right match personality
fit dog(male or female does not matter as long as it is a great fit), older kids are fine – 8 plus years of age and, a home that will give her a job – obedience, rally, or, even as she matures, therapy work.

She will love to have a good sized hard, plenty of dog friends and, love nice steady long walks. She is going to make a home an incredible addition as long as they understand to ensure that she needs her 'own' time to keep liking herself and, to learn to self-soothe and amuse when needed.

She has been off all SA meds since her arrival plus the 'bits' and, is thriving. I, professionally, truly do not feel that she requires any medication and, any right matched home will do 'right' by her also. 

Great puppy!!!

She wants me to tell all of you at the hospital, thanks for saving her and, being so kind and generous.

No picture I can take will ever do this girl justice on how absolutely lovely she is!!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is also set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘’Ivy"

They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Ivy's Angels  $0.00* donated to date & Bills are $189.67


Posted in Ivy

We were contacted at the end of November re: a severely under socialised and fearful Male, Harle, 'similar' in colour to our BHRR's Treasure and, asking if, we may wish to assist as we were told that he really needs us….

While we did not have a photo of what we knew to be a Harlequin GD(if the colouring was similar to BHRR's Treasure), we committed. As he was just recently o/s to the high kill shelter, he had not yet been evaluated/assessed. 

I sent a courtesy follow-up on Wednesday December 3rd to check the status as, I had not heard back(I understand how busy everyone is!).

We were then passed along some very unfortunate news. They were not able to handle him at the Shelter and, could not assess him as they were scared of him and, the staff refused to vet him. 

He is extremely undersocialized and staff at the shelter were not comfortable working with him and, he had to be 'poled' to be handled. 
Said to be aggressive with humans and other dogs. Was slated to be pts on Friday December 5th and, we were able to get in to do an assessment/evaluation Friday AM and, he was able to be walked without concern. He was relaxed when he saw other dogs in runs and, appears that men more than women make him scared. 

He is deserving of a chance and, we are going to give it to him………

We do not profess to be miracle workers yet, we understand fear aggression, how dogs do not present well in a shelter environment and, that if people are not comfortable or are scared, dogs can 'mimic' and 'react' to that…..We know that not all dogs can be saved yet, we are prepared to give him what he deserves…the opportunities and structure and best set up for success that we can!

We understand and are experts with Danes, and, this is one of the big reasons why BHRR exists! 

ETA to BHRR Monday December 8th, 2014

He would love a SS of his very own if anyone is interested…guaranteed that this dog has not had ONE moment of love or kindness in his life to date……

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Braveheart’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Braveheart's Angels  $o.oo* donated to date & Bills are $0.00



BHRR's Stafford's X-Rays Below from December 5th, 2014
He had had a recheck appointment on the 4th plus was updated on all outstanding boosters and, was given the clear for his dental on the 5th. The Vet he saw felt he was great to go…..h
However, on the 5th, another Vet, that was to do his actual dental was not comfortable and, felt, that he was demonstrating some signs of increased congestion and, took x-rays of his chest.
His chest x-rays showed up clear with no signs of pneumonia and, the Vet recommended that, The Lord stay on the Doxy for another 10 days or so as a precaution, and, then do the procedure.
He is now scheduled for his Dental at Dr. Liston's office on Thursday December 18th
After he recovers, he will go into an approved Temp Foster and, in the New Year, make his special announcement! 🙂

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is also set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Stafford’. He has almost $2,000.00 in bills alone at Kana(Kanata Animal Hospital) right now.

They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Stafford's Angels  $2,154.25* donated to date & Bills are $3,401.13
Vegan Cupcakes to the Rescue(Wendi)
The Twaddles
Gracie Honalulu's Mom
Several Anonymous Donators – We make not know who you are, BUT, we thank you SO much for being there!
Micheline of Helping Ottawa FurKids
3rd ANNUAL 'GIVE It UP 4' Autumn -$580 and counting – 8 participates left to donate their pledges
BHRR's last "EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House of 2014
PV Hazeldean 'Pooch Smooch' with Rose/Red Carpet & Community Education & Public Awareness Event $446.25

 {030D07C1-492A-41BE-B287-818035973F1E} (Medium){B965FC0C-2D66-4029-A961-A8C044D41F27} (Medium)

BHRR's Stafford was at Kana(Kanata Animal Hospital) with me today. His weight was 19 KGs(41.8 pounds). He looks great between 19.1 KGS and 20.5 KGS, so, we shall up his food just a tad. On Saturday at PV Hazeldean, some time was spent with a few people educating them properly on what a Bulldog, any dog really, should look like as an 'ideal' weight. Dr. Bruce in his consult report marked BHRR's Stafford's body condition down as 'ideal' and said, that he is one of the most fit and great looking weight-wise bulldogs he has ever seen.

So many think that they need to have stomachs as wide or wider than the dogs hips. This is of no benefit and in fact, shall worsen and breathing issues and, leg problems for a dog. I asked these same people if they saw ribs on BHRR's Stafford and, very faintly they could barely see his last two ribs, barely…and,to be at a proper weight, the last two ribs on non-hairy dogs should be faintly seen. To whomever adopts this magnificent boy, his weight will be monitored so, that he does not become obese(we as humans control their dog food and treat intake). Fat dogs are one of my pet peeves. We address it on our detailed adoption info. packages.

The Vet looked over him closely and, says his lungs sound good and clear and, he will be ok'd for his dental with possible extractions tomorrow at Kana(Kanata Animal Hospital). He had his DAPP Booster plus his Rabies and, once he heals from his dental, he shall be ready to be placed up for adoption! 

Both of his Vets at Kana reviewed the report from Dr. Bruce at Alta Vista AH, of his airway evaluation/assessment.and concur that, there is nothing urgent from a r/q rescue perspective that we should be doing prior to him being placed up for adoption. The report clearly indicates that no more than a 5.5 size endotracheal tube is to be used. Dr. Bruce felt that a 7 or a 7.5 initially would fit for the evaluation for a dog his size and, it turns out that the size that is often used for a large cat, is what BHRR's Stafford requires.

For anyone that wishes to donate to his dental with possible extraction procedure at Kana(Kanata Animal Hospital) tomorrow, you can do so via the contact info. found below. We are looking at another ~$1,500 yet, we will post a final total when we know what is actually found in his mouth.

We also microchipped his Lord tonight!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is also set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Stafford’. He has almost $2,000.00 in bills alone at Kana(Kanata Animal Hospital) right now.

They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Stafford's Angels  $2,154.25* donated to date & Bills are $3,010.71
Vegan Cupcakes to the Rescue(Wendi)
The Twaddles
Gracie Honalulu's Mom
Several Anonymous Donators – We make not know who you are, BUT, we thank you SO much for being there!
Micheline of Helping Ottawa FurKids
3rd ANNUAL 'GIVE It UP 4' Autumn -$580 and counting – 8 participates left to donate their pledges
BHRR's last "EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House of 2014
PV Hazeldean 'Pooch Smooch' with Rose/Red Carpet & Community Education & Public Awareness Event $446.25

BHRR's Ichabod Crane was at Kana(Kanata Animal Hospital) with me today – he ended up not going last week with BHRR's Maverick's sudden reaction to the one plate/screws in his right leg.. He weighed 33.1 KGs(72.82 pounds). He had his pre-surgical bw done in preparation for his neuter when he is more healthy. His hiops appeared fine and, they will be investigated further when he is under anesthetic for his neuter.

He is on Doxycycline 1.5 tablets of the 100 mg BID for the next week and, then shall be recheck, re-weighed and, the dosing adjusted as, tonight, he began to pass some lovely nasal discharge. 

We also microchipped him today!

He will get his DAPP booster and rabies(was done prior to coming to BHRR) when he is more healthy also. 

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Ichabod Crane’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Ichabod's Angels  $155.00* donated to date & Bills are $289.78

We continue to be patient, as does BHRR's Cherry for her right matched forever loving home to find her!
She is such a ham! Full of personality and remains a big fav BBBBB for many here! She is great with all dogs she has met to date(and, she has met many! 😉 ), good with cats, children and, all people she has also met to date. She has proven to be 100% trustworthy in our home yet, as always, we do not recommend that for any right matched approved home to give any dog too much freedom to start in a new environment.
This gorgeuos photo below was taken by BHRR approved Volunteer M. Aris when we went off on a road trip to do a hv in November 2013 with her and BHRR's Jetta!


Testamonial from BHRR BOD Member B. Cole:

"She really did steal a piece of my heart….

During my recent visit to BHRR I had the honor of meeting many of the new additions (since I had last visited – a few years back) as well as getting reacquainted with some of the older dogs.  One dog that just stood out a little more then all the others was Gretta.  When I first met Gretta a couple years back she was very shy and aloof.  I remember her just curling up and really not engaging with me.  Oh how things have changed!! 

As all the dogs were inspecting the 'fresh meat' Gretta was right there along side poking her head in and seeking attention.  Throughout the following two nights she would come over to me and just love interacting with me!  Gone was the shy, fearful dane that first came to BHRR she was confident and brave – not even hesitating to see me and asking for attention.  Boy is she gonna make the right matched home complete! Gretta has come so far and I can't wait to see her continue to grow and bloom once that right matched forever home finds her! They are gonna be one lucky home and a part of me will be jealous at them receiving all she has to give!"

BHRR does not adopt out during the XMAS season due to our position that it is not in the best interest of any new addition being added during such a busy, exciting and somewhat stressful time for many.
Quite a few other Rescues, Shelters, Pounds etc. have also begun to follow a similar protocol to what we have been doing for so many years.
Our XMAS Shut down period for this year is from Monday December 15th, 2014 to Tuesday January 6th 2015 inclusive.
Any applications received during this time will be processed/reviewed on Wednesday January 7th, 2015!
During this time, BHRR is available 24/7 as always for requests for assistance of animals in need and will do intake.
Thank you for your continued understanding – The BHRR Team

So many to thank for making our last community education and public awareness event of 2014 so successful!
Thank you to PV Hazeldean for being so gracious, accommodating and wonderful to us!
Thank you to Bruce, Doogie and Margaret for being extra hands and arms and, voices!
Thank you to Tracy for lending her loving arms to BHRR's Mav as needed!! He is just a wee bit bonded to me….. 
Thank you to all that came to visit and chat and, spoil The Lord and made donations for the other animals in need of BHRR.
Thank you Sasha for the surprise visit from Costa Rica! 
Lord Stafford's smooch pooch sessions on his red carpet raised $160.85! He had a line up at times. He was such a flirt and, thank goodness his chaperone of Doogie was there to make sure he behaved himself!!  I got to be his slave and hand out the pretty roses!
We did two microchips, ensuring that one more cat(the beautiful Athena) and, one more dog(the gorgeous GD Gambit) would have the best of chances finding their way back to their loving homes should they go MIA.
Thank you to Nevenka for the bag of FROMM and, so sorry that your SS (BHRR's Treasure) was adopted and, you missed out in spoiling him, this XMAS. Yet, his forever loving adoptive home shall instead.
Thank you to Sabrina for her own kind and generous donation of two bags of dog food!
Thank you for the SS gifts Lianne and Cliff for BHRR's Gretta and BHRR's Merlin. They are going to be out in public in style!
Thank you to the Savages for your donations that Margaret has in her great care and, I will connect with her later to collect. You are so giving! 
Thank you to Bob for visting us with BHRR's Holden and BHRR's Torque to many(his new special name is now Neo!).
Thank you to all the great people that took time out of their own precious weekend to come and spend some time with us!
Noelle, seeing you again was really nice and, knowing that even almost 6 years later, your son still loves Danes from being so captivated by my now RIP CH. TAIN, CGN when he met him, touches me deeply….
Any and, all omissions made for any appreciative thanks that should be sent, all totally mine and, please forgive me….. 
The photo below is of FREEDOM volunteer Cindy who drove all the way from Metcalfe to smooch with the Lord! Some may remember her as she assisted in getting BHRR's Triumph to me this last summer when we were contacted to assist him. 
As exhausted as I was from several really stressful and worrisome days and virtually zero sleep with The Mavie, Saturday's warmth brings home to me, as to why I do what I do and, that each and every animal under our care is done right by. Thank you all for discreetly looking the other way as the tears welled up and some spilled over when we were talking about him and, how close it came to losing him….thanks Margaret for your touching my knee in strength as I worked to collect myself….. 
To all our strong links in that BHRR CHAIN OF SUCCESS, you have helped raise $446.25 for BHRR's Stafford's Vet Bills on Saturday!
We are still working on fundraising for The Mav and, as things fall into place, we will post! 
Gwennie Novel!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is also set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Stafford’. He has almost $1800.00 in bills alone at KAH right now.

They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Stafford's Angels  $2,154.25* donated to date & Bills are $2,807.15
Vegan Cupcakes to the Rescue(Wendi)
The Twaddles
Gracie Honalulu's Mom
Several Anonymous Donators – We make not know who you are, BUT, we thank you SO much for being there!
Micheline of Helping Ottawa FurKids
3rd ANNUAL 'GIVE It UP 4' Autumn -$580 and counting – 8 participates left to donate their pledges
BHRR's last "EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House of 2014
PV Hazeldean 'Pooch Smooch' with Rose/Red Carpet & Community Education & Public Awareness Event $446.25


Introducing BHRR's Kricket! 
December 1st, 2014
Thank you SO much to Karen and Sean for helping to get her to BHRR as, I ran into a time conflict on Sunday with the hv for BHRR's Treasure possible(and now approved!) adoption having to be scheduled then.  
This was the ONLY photo I could get of her early this AM before I headed into work….
To think that she has been off the roads for two weeks and, looks this emaciated, brings home JUST how emaciated she had to have once been when she was first saved.  
For those who may not remember her story…she was dumped by her owners on the streets and, she was feeding off scraps as she could for many weeks before someone decided to pick her up…………
She is a real delight! Just as I knew she would be…I giggled so much in watching her evaluation video! 
I will try to get body shots later today and, thank you to all her rescue angels and, it remains an absolute privilege to continue to be a rescue partner to this shelter, helping to save animals in need!


(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Kricket’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Kricket's Angels  $0.00* donated to date & Bills are $89.00


BHRR's Angel Noelle, BHRR's Gretta & BHRR's Bloom

November 23rd, 2014

Our last BHRR "EXPERIENCE' of 2014!

Original photo by S. Dowler and, I revised the colouring. 

HQD's rules of the 'couch' continue to be followed quite closely by the dogs! Sigh…. LOL

These three beauties are still AVAILABLE for adoption!

BHRR fun Nov 23, 2014 059

BHRR's Treasure was adopted!! – Sunday November 30th!
After over 12 hours on the road in addition to a four hour hv, this amazing dog has now moved to an adopted status!
Going to miss you 'Trouble!'
Thank you again Bruce for coming with me to do this hv and being a great go-pilot!
Congrats to his new MOM!


BHRR's Mav UPDATE: Here is a photo I took last night(December 2nd) of his leg. He is back on Friday December 5th for a recheck at Kana(Kanata Animal Hospital) and, we will remove the penrose drain at that time. 
The antibiotics are working their magic….for now, and, we will be booking that plate/screw removal in about another 2.5 weeks time. 
For anyone that is seeking to donate to his mountingVet Bills: We are a grand total of $13,920.23 since his arrival into Rescue and SO, worth every penny! AND, for all of his fans, they will equally agree he is very deserving. We will be pulling him off the 'AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION' status at this time, until he has been successfully rehabbed…again…. 

AND, his bills shall continue to rise as we move towards his next surgery for his body has begun to reject the one plate in his leg. 

We are committed to him and, shall be for life as we are with each of our BHRR dogs! 
People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Maverick’. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:
Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0
OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ or 'friends & family' option)


Here is the response I received back from the very lovely Vet that I had been conversing with and, met in Kingston last Monday:

"Thank you so much for the wonderful update!  It made me smile this morning to know that Ivy (beautiful name, by the way) is in such loving and capable hands!  I have passed along your e-mail to the girls I work with, along with your thanks.  

All of us at the clinic immediately knew what a special girl Ivy is, and it makes us so happy to hear that she is doing so well already!  We feel blessed to have found your rescue and we are beyond grateful to you for taking Ivy into your home.

It was a pleasure meeting you, and we look forward to following Ivy's progress on your blog!

Thank you so much again!


Posted in Ivy

Here is an update that I sent off to the Acton Vet Hospital that took such great care of her!

She is doing great! Making friends after being carefully integrated with a few dogs – including two of my own – my five month old deaf/visually Impaired Danes 🙂

She has romped and stomped and raced and zoomed and, had a blast and, I had her two separate times into two separate crates and, she did wonderfully. 

She is now settled down for the night in yet another crate in a different spot to assess/evaluate her levels of SA and, she is snoozing away.

One of the crates I only put a carabeener on to see what she would do and, she lay there most calmly.

I am not going to use the adaptil collar yet thank you and, I shall keep the clomicalm on hand yet, I am pulling her off the meds to really get to know her and, to see if she really needs it as we work to get her to love her own company and to, enjoy her alone time and be able to amuse herself in appropriate ways. 

I am not getting any vibe at this time that with the correct level of exercise and mental stimulation that also includes structure of obedience, consistency, patience and time with stability that she shall require any medication. She is just not presenting as a dog that will require it under the right set of set up for success.

We shall see how things fall into place as she settles in and the honeymoon period ends. 🙂

She is a love and a real character! 

Thank you so much for entrusting her to us and, please tell all of your staff what an amazing group of people they are!! Thank them for the bssket and donations that includes the Pinesol and laundry detergent! 

I feel truly honored to have been asked to assist her by all of you.

Each of you are really special people!

What a pleasure to have met you and your husband and thanks for everything! 

PS: she is called 'Ivy' after a very special woman no longer with us….

Posted in Ivy

BHRR's Ivy is now in the HOUSE! Named after a very beautiful lady, no longer with us….
Thank you's extended to Dr. Butzke and her lovely husband for meeting me in Kingston tonight. 
Wish I felt better! Been ill all day. 
Thank you's must also be sent out to her previous Owner for loving her so much to let her go. 
For those not familiar with her story…..she was picked up as a stray after trying to fend for herself and, was then adopted out.
Unfortunately, the home was not aware of prepared for the severe level of this Danes SA(she is about 7.5 months). She also had a tail injury that was not healing and, underwent a partial amputation. 
She was surrendered to the Vet in Acton and, the amazing staff there continued to take the absolute best care of her with the assistance of her previous owner contributing to her mounting vet bills. The staff there deeply loved her and, generously donated a gorgeous basket of goodies for her plus, a large bottle of Pinesol and Laundry Detergent.
Thank you has to also be extended to Lorraine of Speaking of Dogs for referring the Hospital our way. We are not only a GD Rescue yet, experts in the handling successfully of severe SA issues. 
We shall remove her staples later this week….
We are always so humbled when entrusted with an animal to do right by……our promise to her is to equally do right by her….
I just love seeing a community come together to help an animal in need!
Not the best photo yet one taken as she settled into our sunroom before entering the special world that is known as BHRR!
Welcome and Elizabeth this is your SS!

What is extremely special about this photo is that the Dane greeting her(now has had his own nails nicely trimmed short as of last night!  ) is my own piece of 'Ivy'. That is one of my DEAF Danes, Drift. 

He was the very first to greet her…it was a very goosebumply moment! Very special! 

For all that know my Drfit, this is so NOT in his character…he 'knew'…this was a really special dog in honour of a beautiful lady, that he once knew himself….. 

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is also set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘’Ivy". He has almost $1800.00 in bills alone at KAH right now.

They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Ivy's Angels  $0.00* donated to date & Bills are $89.00


Posted in Ivy