This is an extremely painful blog post to make…..the dark days of r/q rescue and, my already heavy and pained filled heart is shattering even further. 🙁 I have just not been able to bring myself to make the final blog post on her life….I did inform the BHRR BOD team and, from there, my family has just been in deep mourning………. 🙁 🙁

On February 20th, we lost BHRR's Zara. She had begun to have seizures recently and, some clustering and, we were working hard to get them under control plus investigate if there was an underlying mass/tumour/cancer/other disease that could be causing them or was it idiopathic. The common side effect for many seizure dogs is confusion and fear and, in the case of a dog that was so scared and fear aggressive from her history/past, just so heart-wrenching to witness.

This lovely dog had a known bite history prior to coming to BHRR and, when we were contacted to assist, all, I could think about was helping her be the best dog she could be. She has been with us since June 22nd, 2013. She should have had years with us. She has traveled so far in her rehab journey AND, to see her on February 1st here with the people/friends that missed the cancelation notice of our BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' mini Open House slowly going from one person to another(they did not pressure her, gave her time and showed lots of understanding and patience) and she was even nudging for loving! EVEN more massive progress from our September DINE WITH THE BHRR Doggies Event plus December 21st Annual "CHAIN OF SUCCESS' THANK You Potluck!

Below is a VIDEO of her on February 20th, – a short one as BHRR's Angel Noelle video bombed my taping and my iPhone shut off. AND, she was happy and playing and snuggling with me.

Then, I have two photo's of her later that day almost 20 minutes after having another severe seizure, confused and scared and, I have a leash loosely looped over her, so have some contact with her as she was so scared and wanted to be close to me yet, also was so confused and, like many dogs was trying to bash through windows to get outside or drink copious amounts of water, and, so I have found that the loosely looped leash, gives us contact and closeness without making her feel claustrophobic and, when she is ready, she comes to snuggle deep and close to me….

Just so devastating is that we have not been able to get control of her seizures and, her level of disorientation/confusion escalated and her fear mounting and, knowing that I could not save her or protect her or make it all go away…………breaks my heart………

BHRR's Salma came over and laid by her side and nuzzled her…..and began a very small and long crying sound…… 🙁 HQD is a very special lady….she, also went over and snagged one of her special blankies and, brought it back over and then, she left and grabbed another blankie and brought it back…she took one and placed it over BHRR's Zara and, the other she squished and squashed until it was just right and laid upon it herself. From there, they lay in quiet until the next seizure came on….. 🙁

There were so many more experiences that I wanted to give her…we were finally mastering the car – getting there was very worrisome for her, yet, once she was in, she settled and even would sit and, look out the window, yet, loved most was putting her head down on the armrest and snuggling into my side. She learned to trust me enough so, that I could do almost anything with/to her – bathing, ears, teeth, nails were still a bit scary for her BUT we were getting there – I could hold her feet and look between her toes and, with much patience and time, we got the job done. Even putting a collar on, while was a very big moment for her, I could do it and, hooking a leash on and off was no problem. Taking collars and leashes off was once a huge show of bravery on her part and, no issues at all any longer. She loved me…and, gosh, I loved her………

I find myself still calling her name for 'sleepie time', pulling out a bowl to feed her, looking down by my side to smile at her, checking to make sure that the tv remote was picked up – she has gone through a harmony remote and several other electronics….she likes to take things outside…not to chew them, yet, to take them outside.

The memories, the smiles, the laughter, the 'ZARA – just what did you take now?!', the 'stop pulling the blanket out of BHRR's Flint's crate', the 'you have to move sweetie, as I cannot breathe with how close you are cuddling' and 'Sean, I need my glasses adjusted again as BHRR's Zara head bopped me again in love' and…..and…and….

This dog was made for agility. She would jump over and over and over again, the half door to our sunroom just because she could. Especially during feeding time as she kept waiting to see if it was' her' turn and, back and forth….

I miss her……….I miss them all….. 🙁 🙁 I am so sorry I could not save you…………I am so sorry that I failed you…………..I am so sorry that someone in your past bred you wrong and that you were undersocialised and, I am sorry that someone set you up for failure and hugged and squeezed you too tight, not once but twice and, you had to use your mouth to say 'I am scared, please let me go' for no one was listening to your body language. I am sorry that you were poled yet, I am not sorry that we were contacted to take you in and I am NOT sorry for the just shy of 8 months that you gave to my heart and home and the joy and bursting with pride that my soul felt with each blossoming moment of trust and bravery you did………

I love you, I will miss you, I have cried a river and more and, come spring, we will plant a special 'ZARA' flowering plant in your eternal resting place. You are now free of all demons and, I know that we shall meet again…

Life is just so unfair………..why her?!!! 🙁

Zara VIDEO February 20, 2014

BHRR's Zara – February 20th, 2014 – In our almost fully renovated sunroom

Lindsay Barbosa, Ontario

Here is a truly lovely 'PAY IT FORWARD' VIDEO Entry made by a lovely soul who adopted BHRR's Apollo from BHRR. I added it to his 'Reality' section on our website also. I have shared it with his approved temp foster home that took such wonderful care of him when he was ready to be temp fostered post surgery/rehab.

Deeply touched, humbled and moved daily by the support that continues to be given to BHRR from new and old incredible believers daily!

THANK You Lindsay Barbosa for opening up your heart plus home to a BHRR doggie in need of one to call their very own!

BHRR's Reese had her first 'solo' play date on Friday February 21st. She weighed 18.2 KGs(40.04 pounds) @ 10 months of age. Yes, a nicely petitie Dobi-Doll AKD Bambi-Baby! The Vet that saw her one day after her arrival to BHRR last July was able to see her again on Friday and, thinks she looks marvelous and is so impressed with how much progress she has made at BHRR! 🙂 She really is an inspirational girl!!!

Below, is a photo of her play date/visit and a write-up from the home. 🙂 The next step of this possible gradual transitional adoption is a sleep-over.

I also showed the home how BHRR's Reese knows words like 'door' and, what she does when you say that word to her. This is ONE very smart dog! She travel wonderfully in the car. You just have to make sure that the wheel wells in the back seat are filled up with blankets or dog beds, so she does not fall into them .

BHRR’s Reese’s Solo Visit

So after a 2 hour drive where BHRR’s Reese slept calmly in the car, we pulled in the driveway.  Now I had to put the logistics that I had been pondering on the way into action.  I left BHRR’s Reese in the car for a few moments and got my dogs organized so they weren’t all waiting to mob her as she entered- 2 in the bedroom and 1 out to start.

I carried her up the front steps although I knew she could do them because the rain had left everything pretty slippery underfoot and set her down inside the door.  Off she went re-familiarizing herself with the house.  Without Gwen, she was a little more nervous for longer than the last 2 visits and, of course, this was the point that I realized that I hadn't fully paid attention to how Gwen calms her down!!  What I did know is that it was by reassuring her by touch so between that and the rope toys to play with she settled in.

After some time playing and exploring, BHRR’s Reese settled on the dog bed with my youngest son and a cover and took a little nap.

The one thing was that was a little different without Gwen was that she seemed to pace the house a little more but not in a nervous way.  On reflection, I wonder if she was looking for her……

My dogs still have not quite got her figured out yet- one seems to get it, when BHRR’s Reese walks towards you step aside because she will walk into you.  My other female who is 11 can’t quite understand why she continuously enters her space and is a bit cranky with her.  My Male, for the most part, is fine because she is a girl but got a little worried when she tried to walk over him while he was lying on the dog bed.

After a very pleasant 4 hour visit, it was time to head back to Gwen and needless to say BHRR’s Reese was extremely happy to see her!! 

BHRR's Reese – February 21st, 2014

Hazel T, Ontario

Hi Gwen, 

Just sent Birch Haven an email transfer to celebrate my birthday and 2 years with Handsome Holden!   : )

It was 2 years ago on Feb 17th that he came to stay and he is now an extrovert!  😉

Thanks so much for saving our boy!  He is amazing!

Dörte Mayer


First of all I like to take my hat off for the special work you and your Volunteers are doing and if I would live closer you might consider me a Volunteer as well

With the impending bad weather system approaching, BHRR's Aslan is going to his temp foster home tonight. He has been such a great dog to have here! He has come way way way far in his journey of rehab and, such an affectionate boy!


Please consider heading to PV Stittsville to participate in our FIRST EVER(Annual or Bi-Annual – not decided as of yet) $5(Five) 4 Food Fundraiser – February 1st to February 28th inclusive!
$1,518.00 DONATED To Date as of February 22nd, 2014!

I want to thank PV Stittsville immensely for being so open and supportive for BHRR to have our unique and creative Fundraiser at their lovely store! All money donated is being used to buy Dog Food from their store. As the generous, kind and extremely thoughtful donations are coming in, the incredible staff at PV Stittsville are using the funds to buy dog food as we are in our food crisis now. Sean has already gone in to pick up what food has been bought to date and, I will be in on Saturday to pick up the next bags that thanks to the community's big hearts, more is continuing to be able to be purchased.

We are hoping that this Fundraiser shall be successful! We are so happy to be showing our own hearts in turn to the store that is making this all possible and to buy all the food we can with the monies that come in. THANK YOU to the village that is surrounding BHRR and, PV Stittsville!!

AND, the 2nd annual PV Stittsville Secret Admirer Sweetheart Knuckle Bones Event is in full swing! 11 have already been purchased to donate to the animals(each BHRR dog has a photo attached to one bone) of BHRR! TY! TY! Be sure to visit PV Stittsville, while BHRR DOGGIES LAST! 🙂
**As OF FEBRUARY 15th, 2014, ALL BHRR DOGGIES HAVE A Secret Admirer Sweetheart Knuckle Bone!**

AND thank you to BHRR BOD member Barry Cole for working with me again on this fabu poster!

feb five for food-3b

BHRR's Reese is going to have a very special play date/visit on Friday! This is going to be her very first one sans moi. 🙂 I am extremely excited for her PLUS the home. 🙂

The BHRR Flower Girls' are headed to their temp foster home on March 4th! 🙂 THIS is going to be a really great experience for them! 🙂

BHRR's Abby's HWT is negative! YAY!

I am not quite sure where to start in expressing thanks and gratitude for Saturday February 15th, 2014 shall forever be marked upon my heart and soul as one of the most touching, supportive, kind, generous, thoughtful, giving and full of amazing surprises EVER of days!

To all the wonderful souls that have shared, cross-posted, came out, or sent lovely emails/texts etc., I wanted to also make a BIG and personal THANK YOU on this blog post for BHRR's Angel Noelle. WHAT has been done for BHRR's Angel Noelle BY each of you, plus for the other BHRR dogs is massive!

Saturday's Event Raised:
$315 in nail trims
3 bags of Dog food were donated ($149.97)
$50 in other donations for Food purchases
$107 in BHRR's Angel Noelle's KISSES 4 KASH!
Grand Total: $472
Breanne Jacklin & ALL of the amazing supportive, caring and giving folks of PV Stittsville, THANK you for contacting us and asking, if you could hold this event for BHRR!
On a side note, the $5(Five) for Food Fundraiser runs right through until the end of February!
This wee 'giant' will be obtaining her booster in a few weeks, and, then shall be ready to be placed up for adoption! Her Vets have stated that she has healed so beautifully, that she will not require alternative therapy such as CWW! WTG! 

With her not having to go to CWW, her final final bills are estimated to be over $5,000. We have to have another exam, her boosters, more revolution etc. BHRR does not have any Fundraisers planned until April. That shall be our Third Annual 1-on-1 Special Date ONLINE Auction! We hope that the community/village of BHRR may consider making a donation to her care!

Some photo's of Saturday below! 🙂 What a beautiful day….smiles, laughter, great conversation, some tears(YUP!) and, we were even informed by a wonderful PV lovely, that we helped a man through his fear of dogs! There were so many people that came to visit this amazing 'wee' giant, that we literally took over the store and, I kept apologizing to Bre at PV Stittsville.

I am so glad that BHRR's Angel Noelle also had a great time at the Vet with me on Saturday(we headed over to PV Stittsville, once my shift ended so that she could visit and thank as many people as possible for helping her AND gave Kisses 4 Kash!). To have had a Vet visit without being poked, prodded, having a surgery etc., was very important. We did trim up her nails…I sound like a broken record, yet, it is very important to me for these dogs to get into the hands of others to keep making them well rounded plus well balanced. So, I had one of the lovelies I work with trim up her nails and, she rocked as always! She was only mildly nervous of a few people at KAH and at PV and, as the day went on, she was better and better…she is a food/treat hound!

She also had lost .5 of a kg(1.1 pounds)! YAY! YAY! Just a wee bit more to go and, she will be fabu! Obese dogs are one of my huge pet peeves. Breaks my heart….

AND, at PV Stittsville, only one man made her nervous yet, he was wearing a hat, and, had his hands in his pocket and he did reach over her head….ONCE, BHRR's Noelle realised that all of this attention and loving was for her, she was soaking it up, exploring the store, AND, she LOVES LOVES LOVES kids….from the moment, she arrive to BHRR, she has loved children. We would love to see her in a home with children. She is more than making leaps and bounds…she is stunning the medical profession and, the compliments again, on her gorgeous shiny coat both at KAH and at the event, was heartwarming…all about great nutrition/Vet care, proper exercise and love! 🙂 Something that we have to know a great deal about at BHRR to do what we do and have the success that we have!

A lot of people also commented on how bonded she was with me….that she is…..and, when a friend of mine comes back from her Vacation, she is going to take her for a weekend to help give her good experiences and to keep building upon the strong foundation that has been built at BHRR.

Quite a few people have asked why am I not keeping this dog that is so focused  on me and adores me and, this will be a very hard one for me…they are all in their own ways, yet, she will not need me much longer and, if I do my job right, that best matched fit home for her, will keep building upon what I have done with her here and worked so hard to so for/with her AND, will stay in touch. 🙂 We would not fundraise and, have others pay for a dog that we would be keeping ourselves. I go back to Matrix, the GD hit by a hammer. Not one fundraiser was done or one penny donated to his bills. That was all out of my own pocket. We believe in full disclosure and, shall continue being an open book.

The other wonderful compliment received was her obedience. As a properly qualified/certified trainer and behavoural expert – of 26 years  and counting – , obedience and behavoural modification is an essential part of BHRR – 'Rehabilitation' is in our name for a reason. This does not mean that any right matched forever loving home is not required to take her to the mandatory obedience classes.

I do have to giggle at the number of people that exclaimed how 'small' she was. Yup! A 'wee' giant of BHRR, yet, a special needs one and such a WOW dog at that! Her photo's etc. make her appear a lot larger than people thought and, her personality is LARGER than life. AND, small or not, she sure has take a HUGE hold on a lot of folks hearts/souls out there…below is one very special guest post entry from a really amazing person that came out to visit her. This person is one of BHRR's Angel Noelle's army of angels!

"It was such an honour to meet Angel Noelle. I had to go outside and cry privately my tears of joy. She is an amazing spirit and a true testament to what BHRR does best. There must be some magic at the Boer's house.
Dawn S"

BHRR’s Angel Noelle even has her own Fundraising Page on You Caring!
*PayPal is taking fees. :( :(

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Angel Noelle’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Angel Noelle’s Christmas Miracle Angels  $4,390.60* donated to date & Final Bills are now estimated at over $5,000+
*Before PayPal fees
Andrea – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
Anna – From her choosing BHRR as one of her selections on a Postcard Draw she hosted
Evan, Sevia, Alexa & Liam – PayPal took $2.04 in fees
Anne – PayPal took $3.20 in fees
Auction Winners from an online Auction that Anna hosted and BHRR was the benefactor on those items
Colin – PayPal took 1.17 in fees
Jillian – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Dawn S
The Beach Group – PayPal took $1.03
Jan – lovely pink leash
Tianna & Kiki – Party – PayPal took $3.20 in fees
PVAR through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
Anonymous through YouCaring -PENDING
Rosa through YouCaring – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Carinne though YouCaring – PENDING
Anonymous through YouCaring – PayPal took $0.45 in fees
Kassie & Kailyn through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Alice through YouCaring – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Anonymous through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Anonymous through YouCaring – PayPal took $3.20 in fees
Luanne through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Anonymous through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
DawgBlogger through YouCaring – PayPal took $0.53 in fees
Sandra through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
Skittles and Potter – PENDING
Geoffrey – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Anonymous through YouCaring – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Simone – PayPal took $4.65 in fees
Mason – Allowance
Kinsley – Allowance
Wendi  through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Brian through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
GDR through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
Anonymous through YouCaring – PayPal took $0.59 in fees
Barbara through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
Heather H. through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.46 in fees
Samantha through YouCaring – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Mylene through YouCaring – PayPal took $3.20 in fees
Jacqueline & Dantry Danes
Dawn Again
Millie, the Newfoundland Dog through YouCaring – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Breaking Bills Bake Online Auction – $789.00
Tianna – special blanket
Online Auction on FB by Winners/Donators on Anna's Page
Wendi – Spare Change
PV Stittsville February 15th Nail Trims/Grinds & BHRR's Angel Noelle's 'KISSES 4 KASH'

BHRR’s Angel Noelle’s Wish List:
$ towards Vet bills
Dog Bed
Packing Blankets/Sleeping Blankets
Smoked Dino Bones
Dog FOOD – FROMM Whitefish or Salmon
Bolster/Tube Pillows
Bath Mats

**IF I am forgetting any of her ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

NoelleFeb151Noellefeb152 Noellefeb153NoelleFeb152014
BHRR's Angel Noelle – February 15th, 2014 – PV Stittsville – NOW, is that not a happy dog?! ONE deserving dog too! 😉

BHRR's Torque has his recheck on Friday February 14th and he has put on 4.7 KGs(10.34 pounds!) since his last visit! WTG! 🙂 He now weighs 25.8 KGs(56.76 pounds) at 5 months of age.

He had a thorough exam, and, his lungs sounded good and, we did a repeat on his bloodwork. The results came back on Saturday the 15th and, he is high normal on the WBC and, so, per the Vet, they would like to see him continue the Antirobe plus Doxy for another 14 days. Just to be safe.

His Vet on Friday felt he was healthy enough to be given his first DAPP booster. We will repeat this booster and then, give him his rabies later on.

Once, he is older, he shall then be neutered. From there, after he heals, he can make a very special announcement! 🙂

I asked one of the lovelies that I work with at KAH to do his nails as, I like to get these dogs into the hands of others as much as possible to help make them as well rounded plus balanced as possible AND, to keep giving them good experiences, in the hands of others. He was a bit wiggly yet, rocked it! 🙂 He is such an easy keeper……I can do his nails all by myself at home.

By the time, I left work on Friday, he was visibly more relaxed, asking people for love and, received many compliments on how gorgeous his coat is plus how far he has already come with his nervousness. He had no qualms about sticking his head into the treat/food bags that one of the Vets has under their desk for a snack or two!

On the way into KAH, he had his first ever vomit in my car. Has never done that before and, he has not had a vomit since then and even, went to Brockville, on Saturday with Sean to meet-up with a BHRR approved Volunteer for a visit and to pick up some goodies for the BHRR animals! They have not seen him since December 14th, and, so this was a lovely treat for both of them! 🙂

Below is a photo(not the best) of him at KAH on Friday.

BHRR's Torque – February 14th, 2014 – You just want to smooch that nose!

BHRR’s Treasure is scheduled for his x-rays on Friday February 21st. My stomach is so worried on him. BHRR’s Jetta’s hips is another GD that came to BHRR with not the best hips and, she has not worsened at all yet, I am quite worried about BHRR’s Treasure right now…I pray I am wrong! 🙁 Please keep him in your thoughts!

Angel Noelle

It was such an honour to meet Angel Noelle. I had to go outside and cry privately my tears of joy. She is an amazing spirit and a true testament to what BHRR does best. There must be some magic at the Boer’s house.
Dawn S

Per my blog post on December 4th, 2013 that indicated BHRR’s Treasure was now available for adoption, I made a statement about his hips. Well, the weather has proven to be quite bad/hard for him and to continue to be proactive with our mandate on every animal not lacking in anything, I am going to get x-rays done on those hips. His is having increased discomfort and mobility issues. He has begun to take Deramaxx 100 mg SID and, that is helping and we can ‘add-on’ Gabapentin if need be yet, I do not want to be ‘masking’ any underlying issues and not be aware of what is going on…..

Could his hips have been one of the reasons why he was dumped??? Was his past O. aware of something and, never disclosed it. He has always been a bit stiff and he has very little rear angles and with those straight legs/knees, he has never moved to a high level of quality, BHRR’s Jetta is similar(not as bad!) In his exams, his Vets were never overly concerned that, there could be a huge problem going on yet, I am not liking what I am seeing this past week. So, off for x-rays(we sure are doing our share of these of late), to see what is going on in there…………just, what has been manifesting itself… 🙁

I have BHRR’s Torque coming to work with me later today and BHRR’s Angel Noelle on Saturday, yet, I am going to try and get him squeezed in. If not, maybe, bump BHRR’s Torque or scheduled BHRR’s Treasure early next week. I am really not feeling good in my gut over those hips of his….and, what, may be going on with those knees now that we are in the depth of winter and it, certainly has been a cold hard one. I need to know….

In the meantime, here is BHRR’s Treasure’s December 24th, Christmas Eve photo as part of our tradition!

BHRR’s Treasure – December 24th, 2013

BHRR's Abby had her annual today and when, I picked her up from her temp foster home, her fostermom said, 'I think she is a tad bid porky'. She was right! 😉 BHRR's Abby is no longer uber skinny for sure…she had put on over 30 pounds of muscle mass/weight since she first arrived in our BHRR program, and has put on 5 of these pounds since she was placed in her really thumbs up approved temp foster home! She is now 117.70 pounds(53.5 KGs) and really needs to lose a good 5-7 pounds.

Thank you to her temp foster family for taking such great care of her! She had her vaccines updated today, a repeat HWT and we took some plaque/tartar of her teeth(AMAZING DOG!) and, on the left side of her mouth, she has a very old old old crack….that happened long before she came to BHRR. Something, that while she is with us at BHRR, should it need any attention, we shall fix yet, it is not bothering her and she eats(apparently really well!). Yet, we want any prospective approved adoptive home that finds her, to be aware of this one tooth and, that it 'could' require attention in the future.

She had a great day at KAH and do not let the age of 5 fool you! This is one playful and full of character GD when she wants to be. She has perfect leash manners now and her house manners are heaven and to do nails, OMG! She would rival BHRR's Storm(The best ever dog we have had to do nails!) in a pinch. She is so delightful to do her nails. AND, how great her nails now look. The backs ones especially. 🙂

She likes to sit on you and 'bat' you with her one paw.

We cannot believe that she is still with us, yet, she is another BBBBB that remains very patient in waiting for that right matched forever loving home to find her.

Below are two of her December 24th, pictures from our traditional XMAS Eve Photo shoot! 🙂 LOVE her frosting! It has now spread down her front legs. The masking gene is a beautiful thing on Danes! 🙂

I must emphasize again that she cannot go into a home with cats. She proved once again, that she is not reliable with cats. We have a picture of a cat on the wall in one of the exam rooms and she immediately 'knew' it was there and she was fixated and extremely interested in that 'cat'. Some animals notice the picture, most do not and BHRR's Abby most certainly did! She also was very interested in the almost 3 kg Pom that was at KAH.

She has come a long way in leaving our three gpiggers alone, yet, I would not trust her and, when Mason does his weekly clean on his crate, BHRR's Abby is in the masterbedroom, far away from them. Great dog, yet, no pocket pets for her!

IMG_3294 (Medium)IMG_3301 (Medium)
BHRR's Abby – December 24th, 2013

I am still slowly catching up on blogs from 2013 and, so, am now on BHRR’s Dyson’s blog! 🙂 For the blogs that you see ‘new’ beside, you may have to scroll way down to see all updated blog posts as, I am trying to make them date appropriate/relevant.

Below is a VIDEO that was sent my way of when BHRR’s Dyson was at the PV Hazeldean event on August 10th, 2013. 🙂

AND, here is his XMAS photo from December 24th, 2013 as part of our tradition at BHRR!

HE is doing great and while, there is a lot of interest in BHRR’s Dyson, it is all the wrong interest….only the right matched forever loving home for him and, for any of our BHRR dogs. Our success rate was 100% for over 10 years of operating and, now that we are in year 18th, we are 99%. That speaks volumes to how our well our adoption processes are working.

BHRR’s Dyson AUGUST 10th, 2013 VIDEO

IMG_3208 (Medium)
BHRR’s Dyson – December 24th, 2013

Here is me trying to work on my computer February 10th, 2014! The BHRR purse Puppies, Torque and Angel Noelle took up residence and I could not get near my computer – that is the chair leg that BHRR’s Chanel’s foot is on! 🙂 BHRR’s Maverick took the one crate and, can be seen laying on his side.

february 102014
February 10th, 2014

A lovey note from one of BHRR’s Mav’s fans! 🙂

“I just wanted to send some congratulation hugs to you and Maverick!  Such awesome news!” J.


!!! CONGRATS !!!





Keep On Charming The Top of The MORN !!

*Gwen & Sean/Family !!!

–> LOVE – BHRR’s/ZANE etc…

So, DRUMROLLLLL……….BHRR’s Maverick got the BIG THUMBS up from Dr. Philbert on that leg! YES! YES! YES! Gold stars given to him! 🙂 WHAT a journey! Per, his specialist, there is no reason to think that he cannot live a normal and happy, healthy life….!!!! 🙂 YAY!

So, after he receives his boosters PLUS puts on a more weight, he will have a very big special announcement to make! THANK YOU to all that have stood by our side as we worked to rehabbed him so successfully AND, stood by his side, and were there for him!!! THANK YOU!

I will do his before and after reality slide for posting!

CONGRATS big boy!

BHRR’s Aslan shall be going to his own approved Temp Foster home as of the 21st of February. 🙂

I just wanted to send the news that just past 10 am today, this amazing dog crossed over. That is all that I can choke out right now as my heart is just shattering into a million pieces…..

Below are two photo’s from our last walk together…

4 months and one day is all I had with him….

Not enough time….just not fair….

Thank you everyone for what you did to ensure he went to rescue…..I wish I could have saved him…. 🙁

Poor dog did not deserve to have two blown cruciates, severe bilateral HD, a fractured Right hip and bilateral elbow dysplasia….

I just cannot place into words my sorrow much more at this time… heart and soul is just so heavy. 🙁 I had just purchased 180 more capsules of Gabapentin for him as I was trying to stay so positive that we could give him more quality time. 🙁

The Vet commented on how nice he smelled and how great his coat now looked over when she first saw him upon arrival to BHRR….just heartbroken.

He was incredible.

The $67.18 that had been donated to date that had not yet been used for BHRR’s Breen will go towards BHRR’s Bloom’s Vet Bills

BHRR’s Breen’s Beautiful Angels: Donated to Date: $3,274.70 & Bills To Date: $3,207.52
Anna & The Auction items in the 12 Days of Thanksgiving Around the World From A to Z
Sue Breen
Clo – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Dawn – PayPal took $3.20 in fees
Andrea – PayPal took $0.59 in fees
‘GIVE IT UP’ Annual Fundraiser

**IF I am forgetting any ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Breen – February 8th, 2014

BHRR’s Coach and BHRR’s Chanel, the Purse Puppies came to work with me on Tuesday January 28th, 2014.

BHRR’s Coach was 9.9 KGs(21.78 pounds) & BHRR’s Chanel(Coco) was 8.6 KGs(18.92 pounds) @ 15 weeks of age. As BHRR’s Chanel was tons more healthy and doing so much better, she had her first vaccines. BHRR’s Coach has his boosters. In the next three-four weeks, I will get their Rabies done and BHRR’s Chanel’s next boosters. I also did pre-surgical bw(results indicate that things are low normal for both and, with more muscle mass/weight), they should be in the higher normal range of parameters. The one other possibility for a low normal reading was a fighting off infection response. Yet, both are eating and drinking quite well. Energetic – LONG gone are the days where they played for 10 minutes and then slept for 2 hours! They go nonstop for hours now…..and only take power naps! They were both de-wormed and put on revolution.

Their eyes sight re-exam has not changed. Their eyes are not better yet, not worse and a possible toxin exposure is still believed to be the cause for all the four puppies and the momma’s own poor health; in conjunction with poor nutrition for all of the pups/mom for them being so skinny and malnourished.

BHRR’s Coach is resolving on the bowed legs as we felt he would with proper nutrition.

The concern was the this time around BHRR’s Coach was having an irregular heart rhythm. 🙁 So, when we are back, we will re-examine and, if need be see a cario specialist. Will post updates as we go along.

They will be altered(if all goes well) by the time they are 6 months and then, be placed up for adoption. Below are some photo’s from December 23rd, 2013 when they came to hang at KAH and have a Vet Visit. 🙂

I can carry one in each arm still….barely! 😉

Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Chanel’ or ‘Coach’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option)

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

BHRR’s Purse Puppies Beautiful Angels: Donated to Date: $40 & Bills To Date: $1,590.34
Anna & Her FB Auction

**IF I am forgetting any ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

Thank you from my soul and beyond for any possible consideration to their care……even a $1 donation is super!! :)
CoachandchanelDecember 232013CoachDec2320131
BHRR’s Coach(left) & BHRR’s Chanel(Right) & BHRR’s Coach on his own. – December 23rd, 2013

BHRR’s Gretta is doing quite well. 🙂 She is staying with me still at this point, over heading back to her approved temp foster home. She has a tiny bit of an infection, and, so, we have changed up her antibiotics. Dr. Asselin did not put staples right to the end of her laceration to give it ‘room’ to drain and so that we could avoid having to put in a drain. Yet, the corner was not healing as well as it should. She has been so good to not lick yet, it has not stopped my PPSS from trying! 😉 GOOBER!

Always a ‘Sean’ Dane, she has really become more and more of one of my bookends – just like her sister, BHRR’s Peanut was with me. 🙂 She is so special and sweet and we continue to be patient for that right matched forever loving home to find her. Yes, it may be easier to get your Great Dane from some other groups out there, yet, our adoption processes plus procedures have proven to be second to none for adoption and, we do not want to fail any of our dogs.

Since her arrival to BHRR for vettting and successful rehabilitation, she has put on almost 25 pounds of muscle mass and weight! WTG! 🙂

Donations can be made via PayPal ‘gift or ‘family and friends’ option or by email transfer to

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

**IF I am forgetting any of her ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Gretta’s Great Angels:  $30.00* donated to date & final Bills are over $1,000
*Before PayPal fees
Maggie on behalf of FREEDOM DANE BHRR’s Adele – Mama to BHRR’s Gretta

BHRR’s Bloom is doing well! She is a bit more quieter than normal yet, she is eating and drinking and beginning to get that ‘spunk’ back….when we start to hear that ‘food cry’ at dinnertime, we know she is for sure doing better! 😀

I have added her statistics to the bloat/tort article I have written. 26 years of tracking bloat/tort with the Giants of BHRR, be they with us, in foster homes or adopted. It truly is scary to witness the increased number of Giants out in the community too that are bloating/torting. Very scary….
AND here is a copy of that article that I call “KNOW YOUR DOG”. AND, just because a dog is pexied DOES NOT mean they still cannot bloat.

Thank you everyone for the continued donations towards paying off her Vet Bills!!! Now, that we are into February, sincerely hoping for better times….though, we were contacted about a poor Saint Bx, that had been hit by a car and left untreated with two broken legs for months. 🙁 Very sadly, BHRR is not in the position to assist and it, was a hard email to write back for, we know that in the doing so, we were sentencing her to death for no other group could help her either. AND, it was not that we did not want her at BHRR…we just cannot take on more Vet Bills right now. 🙁 R/Q is so hard. 🙁 🙁

Donations can be made directly to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Bloom’.

They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario; I would be as always, so grateful. There are no words for how much the support given to BHRR means…..

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

**IF I am forgetting any of her ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Bloom’s BIG & BEAUTIFUL ANGELS:  $420.00* donated to date & final Bills are over $6,000
*Before PayPal fees
Mason – Allowance
Kinsley – Allowance
Friends of Rescue Network
Clo – PayPal took $0.88

Feb. 3rd(TODAY) is Gwennie’s Birthday!
Please consider a donation to help with one of the most precious of things to Gwennie! – DOG FOOD! FOOD = LIFE!
I asked her what she wanted for her Birthday and, as always, she said, nothing for herself.

Instead what Gwennie asked for people to consider is to make a $5.00 donation to a cause near and dear to their own hearts. Be it a r/q animal rescue, human or environmental etc. To make a group/organization have a much better plus brighter day thanks to said donation and also, for those that benefit from the work that the  group/organization does!

BHRR’s Maverick went in for his next round of post-op x-rays on that right leg on Friday January 31st(it had to be rescheduled). He is still battling ‘skinny’ issues yet, hoping that with good x-rays results and, then, being able to have more freedom, he will be even happier and eat better and pack that weight back on and then some. His coat is so shiny, glossy and black now(not auburn!).

He was such a brave boy again heading into KAH and, this boy deserves a medal for his heart and courage!

As he was being x-rayed under sedation, I held my breath as, I was so worried that his leg would not have healed and, it would be like it was back on November 13th. I did not want more surgery for him….

Well, DRUMROLL! All of the patience, consistency, time and dedication on his part and ours, has paid off! I am waiting for the final word from Dr. Philibert, the ortho specialist, yet, the Vet that did review them at KAH and myself – we think it looks good and he can begin to have more freedom and play time with other dogs etc. 🙂 YAY! So, I should hear back this week the ‘final word’!

Below are two of his x-rays taken on Friday! LOOKING Good BHRR’s True IRON MAN!

In going through his blogs, I have some of his x-rays and other photo’s – posted on our now unpublished FB page – that have yet, to be added here and, I cannot wait to do his before and after slide ‘reality’ capture. AMAZING dog! Thank you Dr. Philibert for your expertise in giving this boy a wonderful quality filled future AND, thank you to ALL of those that have stood by him!!! STRONG and proud and filled with love for this BBBBB!

BHRR’s Maverick’s right leg – 2nd round of post-op surgery x-rays – January 31st, 2014


(You do not need a PayPal account either)

People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Maverick’. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option)

BHRR’s Maverick’s Magnificent Angels  $7,294.12 donated to date & Bills $13,345.27
Rachel – Plus a Collar
TTP Basket
June 15th TTP donations from Lemon-Aid Stand by Chew-That
June 22nd, BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ Mini Open House
PV Stittsville Nail Trim Fundraisers x 2
July 14th 6th ANNUAL BHRR/KAH Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser
Julie/Sable – Anna’s “Where in the World Wedding Quiz” and selected BHRR to receive the $25 prize.
Kristin – PayPal took a fee
Nairn Again
Rachel – SS


cynthia graham

I am not sure about this section
I have been on your site many times so I thought I should
sign in the guest book
Gwen .. I had spoken to yu on the phone about
Aslan (I am not ready emotionally yet)
so… I am just signing guest book


Feb. 3rd(TODAY) is Gwennie’s Birthday!
Please consider a donation to help with one of the most precious of things to Gwennie! – DOG FOOD! FOOD = LIFE!
I asked her what she wanted for her Birthday and, as always, she said, nothing for herself.

Instead what Gwennie asked for people to consider is to make a $5.00 donation to a cause near and dear to their own hearts. Be it a r/q animal rescue, human or environmental etc. To make a group/organization have a much better plus brighter day thanks to said donation and also, for those that benefit from the work that the  group/organization does!

BHRR’s Angel Noelle is doing well on her meds and, she shall be headed in for a recheck later this week. If she is is on top of the infection, she will have her first vaccines and, from there, 3-4 weeks later, her boosters(At BHRR, we are not like other groups, we give all the animals their full course of vaccines to get them utd prior to be adopted…..we do not pass along that expense to any future adoptive home). After another two weeks, she will then be placed up for adoption. 🙂 YAY! So, in about 7 weeks time, should all go well, she will be ready to make a very special announcement!

We continue to work on getting her bills paid for and THANK YOU again to all that are standing strong by her side as her village to make this miracle happen for her! 🙂 THANK you to those that contacted myself after my last blog post for her and expressed their support and also, their shock that anyone could say the things they have about this special girl, especially by ‘that’ home. It is appreciated!

We continue to fundraiser to get the rest of her bills paid for and, on Saturday night, for the guests that stayed for dinner and to visit, she even asked one of them(a man to boot! – so, we are working wonderfully through this terror she once had), to be picked up. She has never asked anyone other than myself to do that and yup! I was so excited plus happy yet, also a tiny bit jealous in my heart and freely, admit it! 🙂 AND, no, she is not staying with me as one of my own. I would never approach our community to help pay for her extensive vet bills and then, keep her for myself.

With Matrix(my turtle), for example, I paid for everything for him out of my own pocket and he is one of mine dogs that though, I initially took him into our home(NOT as a BHRR dog as we did not have space), and, thought, he could have ended up a BHRR dog when there was a spot, we kept him for us AND, not one penny donated to BHRR went his way. To ask our village to take on bills for a dog that we would keep as one of our own, is not ‘right’ or ‘proper’ and, we would never do that. 🙂

BHRR’s Angel Noelle looks forward to visiting PV Stittsville from 2:30 PM – 5:00 PM on February 15th! 🙂 She hopes to see many of her fans and believers there! AND, for a donation you can smooch her or if you are really really really lucky, she will kiss you! 😉 🙂

photo 3photo 1
BHRR’s Angel Noelle – February 2nd, 2014 – 20 days post-amputation surgery

On February 15th, 2014 – from 10 AM – 5 PM PV Stittsville(1250 Main Street in Stittsville) is hosting a ‘Sweetheart’ Nail Trim Fundraiser
All Nail Trims/Grinds(minimum $10 donation for trim & $15 for a grind) will go to help with BHRR’s Angel Noelle’s bills

On February 15th from 2:30 pm – 5 PM BHRR’s Angel Noelle will also be at PV Stittsville to offer ‘Kisses 4 Kash
Any donation gets you a smooch of BIG sweet thanks from her and all monies shall go towards her Vet bills!

Please consider her cause. :) :) Cannot wait for her to meet and thank as many people as she can in person for EVERYTHING that is being done for her!

1. Her first emergency Fundraiser is asking to see if people may consider placing a ‘cuss jar’ at their desk, place of work, home etc. I did this for a dog in another rescue before XMAS and in just several weeks, we raised $50. If we could ask people to leave this jar up for a month to help us help BHRR’s Angel Noelle, I would be so grateful! -’Curse For An Angel’ – January 13th – February 13th, 2014 would be the dates!

2. Her second emergency Fundraiser is asking if people may consider just dropping their spare change into a cup, jar for a month to try and raise much needed funds for BHRR’s Noelle. – ‘Adding Up For An Angel’ Fundraiser – January 13th – February 13th, 2014 would be the dates!

3. BHRR’s Angel Noelle even has her own Fundraising Page on You Caring!
*PayPal is taking fees. :( :(

1. Curse For An Angel Fundraiser
2. Adding Up For An Angel Fundraiser
3. She even has her own Fundraising Page

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Angel Noelle’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Angel Noelle’s Christmas Miracle Angels  $3,520.60* donated to date & final Bills are now estimated at over $5,500+
*Before PayPal fees
Andrea – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
Anna – From her choosing BHRR as one of her selections on a Postcard Draw she hosted
Evan, Sevia, Alexa & Liam – PayPal took $2.04 in fees
Anne – PayPal took $3.20 in fees
Auction Winners from an online Auction that Anna hosted and BHRR was the benefactor on those items
Colin – PayPal took 1.17 in fees
Jillian – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Dawn S
The Beach Group – PayPal took $1.03
Jan – lovely pink leash
Tianna & Kiki – Party – PayPal took $3.20 in fees
PVAR through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
Anonymous through YouCaring -PENDING
Rosa through YouCaring – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Carinne though YouCaring – PENDING
Anonymous through YouCaring – PayPal took $0.45 in fees
Kassie & Kailyn through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Alice through YouCaring – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Anonymous through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Anonymous through YouCaring – PayPal took $3.20 in fees
Luanne through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Anonymous through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
DawgBlogger through YouCaring – PayPal took $0.53 in fees
Sandra through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
Skittles and Potter – PENDING
Geoffrey – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Anonymous through YouCaring – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Simone – PayPal took $4.65 in fees
Mason – Allowance
Kinsley – Allowance
Wendi  through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Brian through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
GDR through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
Anonymous through YouCaring – PayPal took $0.59 in fees
Barbara through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
Heather H. through YouCaring – PayPal took $1.46 in fees
Samantha through YouCaring – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Mylene through YouCaring – PayPal took $3.20 in fees
Jacqueline & Dantry Danes
Dawn Again
Millie, the Newfoundland Dog through YouCaring – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Breaking Bills Bake Online Auction – $768.00
Tianna – special blanket

BHRR’s Angel Noelle’s Wish List:
$ towards Vet bills
Dog Bed
Packing Blankets/Sleeping Blankets
Smoked Dino Bones
Dog FOOD – FROMM Whitefish or Salmon
Bolster/Tube Pillows

**IF I am forgetting any of her ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

Kinsley and I are home recently from a second play date/visit with a home that could/may be a right matched potential fit as her forever loving adoptive home.

As soon as I parked, BHRR’s Reese was out of the car and trotting up their driveway(IT is as if she remembered being here on December 31st!!). She did the first two stairs without much assistance from me and I put my fingers under her chin and used the ‘touch’ to signal the last step and to go up.

We stayed just over 2.5 hours(another time flew moment!) and, I so enjoyed that cup of mint tea! 😉 Made my sinuses/chest/stomach feel so much better. 🙂 Thank you for having that for us to enjoy! 🙂

BHRR’s Reese was even more comfortable…she was exploring even more and she loves the two tugs ropes there(thank you X for sharing them with her! 😉 ) and, she even fell asleep in my arms as we sat talking in cushy chairs and, the home could pet and stroke her face to their hearts content. She made one attempt to even play with one of their dogs.

We are all on the same page about having another play date/visit and this time it shall be sans me….the home wanted me to promise that I would be just a ‘text’ or ‘call’ away! YET, I think they shall be fine! 😀

Below are two videos I took before we left home to go visit! BHRR’s Reese loving the snow! 🙂

Reese 2Feb2 2014 VIDEO
Reese2Feb2014 VIDEO #2


My name is Megan.  I feel that because I have just spent the better part of my day perusing your site and looking at your dogs and all the fine work you do, that I should do more.   I am absolutely in love with Bishop 😉  (and many others!!) 

I think what you are doing is so amazing!  I would like to help in some way with food, etc.  I'd like to make some donations…may not be much, but I see there is a huge need to keep things running.  Please let me know if there is anything other than just monetary contributions that I can send or if I can help in some other way.  

I look forward to hearing from you…and maybe someday I'll get to meet the Bishop!!

Thanks for your time, 



Megan B