BHRR's Bobby is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!!!

I will update his blog as I can.

So many of us want to focus and hold dear to our hearts the wonderful and greatly rewarding success and happiness of what r/q Rescue brings our way. Yet, sadly, tragically and unfortunately, this is not always what happens in r/q Rescue. R/q Rescue is full of dark and deep pain plus anguish and the level of heart wrenching devastation that hits us, more often than we would wish, is crushing………..

Today, I am finally ready to discuss and share my failure….and to all that know me, I will be haunted to the end of my days over the ones that I could not save in the end…… 🙁 🙁 This sweetie is even more hard to take the loss of having to let her go as I finally positively thought and felt with all my soul including her Vet Team of many, that we were going to be able to make her journey through a successful rehab to her forever loving adoptive home, happen. I wanted this so badly for her, I wanted this so much for her…..and, I feel like I failed her. Does not matter what the specialists has told me towards the end with the latest in findings, I will forever fell like I let her down in some way or manner. 🙁

This dog adored me and I had sincerely hoped and wanted with all that love, to in turn, give her the world…..For, I adored her no less. I would fundraiser and scrimp and save all I had to, to do what she needed as long as she had the will and desire to fight and go on. QUALITY OF LIFE ALWAYS!

On Tuesday October 9th, I received the following request for assistance for a GD, female, Harlequin, about 15 months of age. With the heartwrenching loss of dear BHRR's Concert, we have the spot to help another animal in need of BHRR. We mobilized fast and she was expected to arrive to BHRR on Sunday October 14th, 2012.

We called her ‘BHRR’s Autumn’. AND, here is her blog….. I have tried to keep it updated(still think I needed those one round of u/s photos to post)….there are photos, and stories and video and I do not know when, if ever, I will be ready to visit her blog again with such anquish in my soul… month later and the pain is as raw as ever. 🙁

Per a post that I did make the day of her arrival, she was in a very bad neglected state…I called her my ‘hot mess’ with SA – two blown cruciates, food allergies, suspected possible seasonal allergies, ear and eye infections, growths/lumps, emaciated(2/10), overgrown nails, over-bred, FAD, UTI, in a false pregnancy and the medical list goes on. We battled continuous weight issues and she visited specialists and had a dedicated Vet team that in numbers would rival any baseball or football team! AND, her fan club….no one could have wanted more in quality and heart and dedication!

With the BHRR army of our village surrounding her, she began her rehab medically and emotionally……

AND, as I keep saying…. that one reason why she had survived for as long as she did…that backbone of steel that these dogs that are emaciated, neglected and terribly emotionally and physically not done right by those that should have treated them with respect and love, is what makes these dogs such survivors!

We conquered together, her SA, all infections with eyes, UTI and ears etc., her food allergies, her possible hormone issue via spaying, her nails, all growths/lumps addressed and were working on her seasonal allergies AND FINALLY FINALLY, we were getting a slow yet steady upward weight gain…..finally……the cheers rocketed from the rooftop!! YES! This girls future, finally was more than promising, it was THERE! IT was going to happen. Just more time…and, I was patient and committed to her forever. I was already thinking about the things we could do to fundraiser (we were already almost $8,500 in bills and rising and another $8,000 expected to come her way with two more surgical procedures with those cruciates) and I had a couple of folks on her Autumn’s Adventure Team to help raise more funds with our creativity!

We spared no effort or test or procedure to help her become healthy and the best dog that she could be AND the healthier she got, the more that already bigger than life personality came out!!! She was feeling so much better and was so much happier! She was beautifully stubborn and obstinate and I LOVED it! I could not get enough of those flews and jowels and the way she looked at me, just made my insides turn to mush every time……NOT much I would have ever denied her yet, Gwennie’s Doggie Boot Camp remained in full swing FOR she well knew her charm and body weight – even emaciated!

When we discovered that she had a positional hm, she had a cardiac u/s to rule out any DCM etc. She had x-rays and u/s of almost her whole body other than her brain was the running joke! We ruled out cancer and Cushing’s and Addison’s and everything in-between to be sure that she was receiving everything she needed. We jumped up and down and up and down when we were told that she was a candidate for her cruciates! We were seeing a horizon stretching forever for her….bright and full of sunshine… step at a time….

Sadly, On June 14th, very shortly after being placed in her approved temp foster home(to see if we could get the weight coming on more steadily), she had a bad fall on some wet grass. I told the foster home that this could have happened to her anywhere and do not blame themselves. I rushed her in and x-rays were performed. It appears that not only were her cruciates affected prior to arriving to BHRR(one of them so bad, it was chronic and not sure if it could even be helped in the end – yet, we would cross that bridge when necessary), her PCL was now blown. This was devastating news for both her back legs were already bad and she had put so much strain on her front end already in trying to compensate. I was told with her not so best stability due to her two blown cruciates, the chances of additional injuries was not uncommon

Per my June 14th blog: “This is a huge step back as due to the pain, her weight gain is going to stall yet, I am at least happy to know what is happening….
She will be a million dollar dog when all is said and done and her worth is priceless!!!
BHRR's Autumn came to us with two blown ACL's. She now has a blown PCL. We have done many TPLO's and Extracapsular surgeries and have had wonderful success. BHRR's Autumn's situation is not the norm with this positional HM, her continued unanswered medical question of the lack of weight gain plus that she does not recover from sedation and anaesthetics well.”

On June 16th: UPDATE: BHRR's Autumn is not doing well. Crate Rest and lots of meds are not greatly assisting her at this time. She is understandably weight bearing all on her other leg and with that having also a torn ACL prior to coming to BHRR, it is just not able to keep trying to compensate for both back legs now. She is not eating well nor drinking normally. I am worried. I am very concerned. I have conversed with one of her Vets and so, a new pain management schedule is in place and I said I would give her another 24 hours yet, would be bringing her in as I am worried…..The swelling plus edema is so bad. Icing and massaging as per the treatment plan too. Please, may I ask that all her fans and friends send her positive thoughts and energy. I adore this dog as much a life itself and I committed from day 1 to her wellbeing and she has come so far in her journey to date and she has a long way still to travel and my wish is for her to be able to travel that journey to a success chain of success chapter one day…..

On June 19th: UPDATE: My last post before I go to bed for a couple of hours is an update on BHRR's Autumn. As shared with a couple over the last 24 hours, I talked to two of her Vet team plus one of her specialists on Tuesday and I needed to converse about quality of life. To have even uttered those words on a GD that came to me such a 'hot mess', broken and emaciated with many medical conditions, to have come through over 8 months of a miraculous journey with her, telling her daily that she is DESERVING and that she is WORTHY, to adore this dog the way I do…..uttering those words through the huge lump in my throat and the sickness in my stomach was just the worst feeling ever…..I have promised to each and every dog that crossed my door and heart that they will lack for nothing, that I will always do 'right' by them and it is about quality of life…..BHRR's Autumn's blog is very detailed with all her updates, photos, videos and the friends and fans she has captured with her paws and heart since we were first contacted to assist her….Her journey from the States to us was just the beginning….and to be at this point over a bad fall she took slipping on wet grass, is crushing…..something that could happen to any dog, yet, to have happened to her, with her already broken body….was more than devastating. She has not used her leg in a week, she had been sedated to try and keep her more quiet to get the swelling and edema to go down and to give her time to try and get some healing in, she was off her food, limiting her water intake and that 'almost violent in her affection' Autumn was fading like a beautiful sunset…..I said that I would bring her back in on Thursday to re-evaluate and on my way home, I called Sean and I told him I need to ask Autumn what she wants….We had changed her pain management protocol as she was just too doped up and we were having to put two slings on her to help her go outside and she was just not 'her'……I could see how glazed her eyes was, the pain, the weight loss…..and, I needed to try and keep being objective….very hard, when you are so subjectively attached to her…..People say that a dog will let you know when they are ready…I have had that experience….yet, I have had equally as many experiences that *I* needed to speak on behalf of the animal and do the humane thing…the right thing, the hardest thing ever…..When I came home, I crawled into her colossal crate and I looked at her….I just sat and asked her what did she want…that, I did not want to be selfish and it was hurting me to see her hurt…..not to see her bigger than life personality just lighting up our home….her happiness, her joy, her everything….As crazy, as it sounds…4:30 AM and being up almost 21 hours, can make the brain a wee bit fuzzy, yet, her eyes were clearer than they had been in almost a week…..the heavy dose of meds were finally leaving her system, she actually sat up…..and, then she laid a paw on me and put her head on my shoulder and sighed…..and nuzzled me….When she moved away, I knew what she wanted…..and, I am going to give it to her….she wants more time….She ate the most that she has done in days….she was almost at her normal water intake and when she peed, she was actually putting her 'bad' foot down to give herself more balance and I only needed one sling to assist her in and out of the house….I am keeping it 'real'….I know that she is nowhere close to being out of any 'woods'….yet, I am taking it day by day and continuing to try and do things right for her…..quality of life….quality of life….AND, you know what is the best sound in the world….hearing her snore for the first time in almost a week! She is actually having a good rest…..

Day by Day…….

On June 20th, she had a re-evaluation and we repeated x-rays and I had a very long talk with one of her specialists. Her x-rays and case would be sent off by review by yet, another specialist and team of experts for additional consultation. In my heart, I was terrified… my stomach, I was quite nauseous and I was trying so hard to ‘listen’ to her…..I could see myself what was in these x-rays….we did back and front legs this time. The swelling in her front legs was alternating and I knew it was not just from the seasonal allergies and not being on the Vanectyl P.

On June 22nd, she was loved on by so many at our BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ Mini Open House and she was somewhat feeling still sedated from her meds and several of us had a very open and honest discussion. AND, every time, I was around her, that head would tilt in my direction, those eyes would reach out to me and she was determined to be near me. She was eating, and drinking and yet, she was not quite my ‘Autumn’.
I was determined that quality of life always first and foremost and I began to give her as many more visits and memorable experiences as I could for her.

On June 24th, a 2+ hour consultation was had and the news was crushing….the x-rays were confirmed that this was one tough and amazing dog. I already knew she was a miracle and it was said that when her cruciates blew back when she was in Ohio, that she had managed in only using her front legs until they ‘healed’ as they could on their own and she could work through the pain and being so poorly bred, plus having been bred quite a few times herself, plus being a giant breed dog(and still growing), plus having been given such poor nutrition, improper exercise AND neglected, her front legs were full of healed small fractures from all that weight bearing she had done back then. AND, now that both her back legs were going under this new stress of an added PCL, she was back to using her front end as much as possible and you could begin to see all these tiny little lines of new fratures appearing.

Per the specialists, they told me and tried to assure me(like that was even possible… 🙁 ) that we would have walked down this road ‘if’ we had tried to do her cruciate repair and she had not blown her PCL. They said it was like a ‘blessing’ and I found it to be anything but. Yes, medically I ‘got it’, emotionally, I did not and wanted to scoop her up and run away…far away…. 🙁 They said, that with the shifting in weight that she would have had to do through her healing process of the cruciate repair, she would have likely blown her PCL anyway by taking some fall then and/or, yet mostly likely both, had fractures appear in her front legs as she compensated.

I just felt my knees crumple as I gathered her into my arms and wept into her neck and she licked my face and kissed my tears… the very end, she tried to comfort me and be there for me….I kept telling her over and over and over and over again, that I am sorry…so sorry, that I would not see her suffer and that I have failed her…..that she gave me the best of everything over the last 8.5 months and I am sorry that I could not give her everything back in turn…..

I spent the next few days, loving on her, and giving her all that I could yet, the one thing I could not give her, haunted me….a forever loving home of her own….. 🙁 🙁

On June 26th, as we watched the sun set on top of one of the hills on our property(one of her fav spots), she rested her head in my lap and looked at me…..I knew….I knew what she was asking and wanting….I knew it was coming and I knew I was going to have to make the decision myself soon and I bawled again…..I hugged her close….told her how much I adored her and always would and once again, told her how sorry, I was….

On Friday June 28th, just 24 hours after letting our beloved Guinness go, Sean & I held this magnificent being of BHRR’s Autumn in our arms and kissed and stroked her soft fur and said, that it is ok…to go and be free and know a world without pain. I asked for her forgiveness and told her that with each of my tears, that it was a measure of my bottomless cup of love for her and that she taught so many so much and was completely inspirational and that no one could ‘land swim’ like her nor drink water and sharing it so well with others at the same time! I smiled as I told her that I was so amazed that she could store so many kibbles in those cheeks of hers for later! Just as the light faded completely from her eyes and she crossed over, she put a paw over my arm and kissed the back of my hand……

While I feel that she may forgive me for failing her, I will never……

One month later, I am still thinking about all the ‘what ifs’….the ‘what could I have done’…..the ‘was there something else for her’……

I know this is a HUGE Gwennie novel yet, I almost feel that if I stop writing, BHRR’s Autumn’s journey ends and that crushes my heart…she was suppose to live…she was suppose to have a forever loving home of her own…..she was suppose to have a great future for she sure as heck was not given a good past and I can only hope that in the ‘present’ of her time with me, she did live…..and, had fun and enjoyeda wonderful quality life…..

RIP my incredible ONE of a KIND priceless ‘almost violent with her loving affection’, full of heart, nothing half measure done dream girl!

My heart just bleeds and bleeds….


He can go to a home that works ft, pt, from home, semi-retired, retired as once again, another very versatile BHRR Dog! 🙂

I made two other new blog posts on him – June 16th & June 22nd are the dates I posted for those blogs and he is going to make a home an INCREDIBLE addition!

He travels great in the care, rarely barks now – he had this 'excitement' thing of barking at other dogs when we were out sometimes when he was 'not allowed' to say hello – he does not care if the other dogs like him or not, he still wants to play….

SO, a home needs to stay up on the positive correction of any behavour of this type and then passively ignoring.

I have tested and re-tested him with bikes and I have had no reaction at all….only mild interest at best and yet, I want to continue to keep that in the 'zone' for anyone wishing to consider to adopt him as this is what his previous owners told me he had a fetish for – A lot better than he was fetish – yet, still a fetish.

He could care less about runners or skateboarders and is great with all dogs, guinea pigs, horses to date too! AND, people! 🙂 He goes quite willingly to others (keeps his eye on my and he has been known to give a bark or two of displeasure if I go too far away from him! LOL) and is very obedient…some testing going on at times, yet, very mild!

Great with kids, all sizes and shapes and ages of humans and still can get a bit 'grabby' taking some treats yet, overall an 'A'!

Nails are what we are still working through…he has no issues in the taking of his feet and he is not a fan of nails….yet, his previous owners were also very honest about that too! 🙂

A great dog….just a great dog!

MY only thing is that he needs more weight….he is SOOOOOOOO active here that he is barely maintaining…he would rather play and be active than focus on eating and so, we have been working on that…..he loves the treats though…eating, is not as tasty I guess to him! 😉 I really would like to see him close to 87-88 pounds.

AND, if anyone can recommend at GREAT groomer, please EMAIL! The place I wanted to take him will not do Giants at this time.

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BHRR's Bobby – July 26th, 2013

My Dobie Doll, BHRR's Reese! July 27th, 2013 She is blind, hearing impaired, limited smell capabilities and has neuro issues AND, 100% proving the world how inspirational and incredible she is!!!!

She is more and more responsive as time goes on! I have had her since July 13th, 2013 and she has just make HUGE HUGE HUGE strides! We are connecting and reaching each other and so beaming over here!

AND, no matter how much my own heart may be hurting in agony right now, she can always make me smile big and feel such joy!


One of my Hobbits of BHRR's Baggins was ADOPTED tonight!!!!

So happy for him and my heart already has that twinging of missing him….

Adoptions are always so filled with happiness and some heartache for me YET, this is what it is about!! Helping those in need and then bring able to help the next one and the next!!

Two photos I took tonight at his forever loving forever home!

BHRR's Baggins – July 26th, 23013 & his new forever loving family!

BHRR's Spice is FINALLY ready to make her announcement! Well….actually she has been ready from some time yet, as with the same thing that I wanted with BHRR's Abby, I was waiting for some professional photo's to be done – THANKS AGAIN Liz!!! 🙂 – and due to bad weather we had to reschedule twice! 🙁 Her sister BHRR's Spice has been in her own home for many months now, yet, then again, her sister did not have four surgeries on those eyes. 🙁

She is healthy now and you can see from the photo's below that her eyes have done very well! 🙂

WELL, wait no longer! SHE is now AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!

ALL around 90 pounds of her! AND, still growing!

She has come SO far with her worries and nerves of places and people AND, she is even not minding getting into the car any longer! Very social, playful and special girl!

She can go to a home that works pt, ft, from home, semi-retired or retired!

She can go to a home that has children – no younger than 7 please and I would LOVE to see her in a home with at least one great matched fit dog that will continue to help her come into her own AND I have to say, that she ROCKED today! She went fairy willingly with one of my approved BHRR Volunteers for a bit of a walk away from me AND that never would have happened months ago.

I would consider a home without any other dogs yet, they must have a strong doggie social network in place so that BHRR's Spice has her own friends. SHE loves playing and has come a LONG way even learning what play was!

She is 100% housebroken and has had full run of our house for many months and is 100% trustworthy here.

She LOVES all kinds of toys and a Kuranda bed is her favourite place to sleep. 🙂

Spice's Rescue Pawtraits - Message (HTML) _2013-07-27_00-50-01 Spice's Rescue Pawtraits - Message (HTML) _2013-07-27_00-52-09 Spice's Rescue Pawtraits - Message (HTML) _2013-07-27_00-52-36 Spice's Rescue Pawtraits - Message (HTML) _2013-07-27_00-52-57 Spice's Rescue Pawtraits - Message (HTML) _2013-07-27_00-53-14
BHRR's Spice – July 26th, 2013 – AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!

Thank you sooooooooooo much to Ginnette & CJ for having us back again this year!!!
I absolutely LOVE this event! LOVE LOVE LOVE!
Saturday July 27th
Time: 10 AM – 3 PM
Min. $10 Donation
*Microchips $40 includes registration, merchandise AND Nail Trims too!
*Thanks to BHRR BOD member Barry for working with me on this poster!

dirty dog**


BHRR's Kaden was in for his re-weigh today and he is now 122.10 pounds!! Wahoo! He had his DAPP booster and rabies! He is still nervous and scared at times yet, I also had BHRR's Ani with me for her own annual and that really boosted him up. He is slowly getting there and when he trusts you, he is putty in your hands! Gorgeous soft putty!!

BHRR's Ani weighed a fabu 103.18 pounds herself! She has lost some weight as she was snacking a wee bit too much on Kinsley treaties, so, we had to have a 'chat!' She had her vaccines updated and rock starred her own exam!
Yes, many blogs still to update and slowly getting there!

I had a wonderful moment sharing BHRR's Reese's videos to the Vet who looked her over at our Microchip Fundraiser and she was in delighted awe over her progress!!

BHRR's Reese(12 week old Dobie Doll)!!! She is blind/hearing impaired(we originally thought she was deaf YET, she had a bad ear infection and was so withdrawn into herself that she was unresponsive), has limited smell plus neuro issues YET, even, in the past week, much progress has been made on 'honing' her senses! 🙂

She LOVES hanging out in the horse barn while I tend to the horse water and hay. 🙂

She is playing with a tug rope lead. She and I had a break through and she is playing! 🙂 🙂

SOOOOOOOOOOOO proud of her! SO proud! 🙂

MY Inspirational POST for today!

BHRR's Reese played!!!!!! An actual play and she even 'interacted' with me for play! OH YES! YES! YES!


We are beginning to gel!!! She is teaching me and I am teaching her! TEAM BHRR's REESE is going strong!

Just had to share!!!

VIDEO HERE – BHRR'sReeseJuly202013

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BHRR's Reese – July 14th, 2013 @ our 6th ANNUAL KAH/BHRR Micrcochip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser
*second photo courtesy of S. Jacklin

BHRR's Titus has his first CWW session on the 20th of July! THANKS again Auntie Margaret for been so wonderful to come with us! We could not do any sessions earlier has he came to us with eye infections and we have been battling them.

Lion King BHRR's Timon wanted to share this announcement on Sunday yet, as it was a big Fundraiser Event for BHRR, he decided to wait…. 😉

He wants to shout and howl to the world that on the 14th of July, he blew another miracle milestone out of the water!!!

He has now reached 5, YES! FIVE miracle months of living life to the fullest!!! AND, gosh, is he ever living!!

He loves car rides, hogging the a/c Vent, playing with all the dogs, is mesmerised by Mason's Ball python, spends hours sitting and watching the gpiggers, gives the best snuggles and is eating and drinking and snoring and the only thing that dampens his day is that he cannot play with his bff(other than his brother) BHRR's Mav…..

He will take naps outside of BHRR's crate and brings toys to him….

I am going to try and get a video yet, I kid you not….they will touch paws at the edge of the crate and snuffle and grunt and I know they are having a grand time conversing.

I like to humanise in this situation and say that BHRR's Timon is sharing all of the life he has been experiencing and entertaining his friend and telling BHRR's Mav all the great things he has to look forward to again! I like go think that he is keeping his friend cheered!

Have I mentioned today how much I love what I do!?!!

Happy five month anniversary miracle boy!!

Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Timon'. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

BHRR's Timon's "DREAMS DO COME TRUE" Angels: Donated to Date: $607.06 & Bills To Date: $2,487.75
Fiona's Mummy – A Collar and a Blankie
Caren – A Dog Bed
Pet Valu Event February 16th – $187
Hazel & Bob
Dog Haus Montreal Fundraiser – $285.06 for BHRR's Pumbaa too

**IF I am forgetting any ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

Thank you from my soul and beyond for any possible consideration to his care……even a $1 donation is super!! :)

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

Arrival to BHRR: February 14th, 2014
Miracle Journey: 16 weeks and going strong!

**IF I am forgetting any ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

YOU CAN FOLLOW our four MAGICAL MASTIFFS journey on our BHRR FB Page where they have their own Album – HERE

MUCH to update….as always, yet, for now, I am going to post my inspiration for the day or week, if not for life!

BHRR's Reese…..

I am working on becoming the best team mate I can for her, so that I can best help her have the most quality filled life ever.

I am doing so much in observation, drawing upon 25 years of experience, almost 15 years of education/degrees and what has been aiding me the most, my instinct/gut feeling. There are times where/when you just have to go inward and just 'feel'.

To all that met this amazing miraculous little girl yesterday at our 6th ANNUAL Fundraiser Event @ KAH, you will agree with me that she is simply amazing and inspirational, will make a great teacher, and a miracle girl she truly is!

Today, she came with me to help fill the water up for the horses and I put her down in our sweet smelling shavings barn – no horses around – and after ensuring that the horses had their stock tank all full, I sat and watched her(I have to get a video).

I then began counting as she moved…..I then started over every time she went back in the same direction and then turned and went in the other direction. I counted over and over as she went from side to side of the barn corridor and from back to front….

I then started timing and I began to get a 'light bulb' moment….HQD BHRR's Salma would be proud! :)-

BHRR's Reese was 'exhibiting' OCD behavour and yes, she does have some yet, what she was doing by all her repetition over and over and over again was counting herself!!!

It is exactly 6.5 'BHRR's Reese' long reach paw stretches from one side of the paw to another AND exactly 21 paw stretches from one end to where I have the ladder set-up on its side(I do not want her tripping or bumping the water or feed buckets on the one end)!!!

Once, she figured that out, she was running and doing her little happy baby deer jumps and twists and turns and yes, every once in awhile, she would run and bump – one side more than the other – yet, for almost 20 minutes she played and ran and hopped and skipped!

She tends to 'feel' light and the warmth it gives her and so is attracted to it and I have to see how to 'teach' her 'coolness' so that she does not overheat.

She is very 'inside herself' and the eating has been better figured out….she will put her foot in her bowl to hold it still, I put water mixed in with Beef or Chicken stew(her tongue is further back in her mouth so, she cannot lap water the way other dogs do) and she has a bit of a hard time 'grabbing' food, so the Performatin is PERFECT for her! The water mixed in gives her extra hydration.

One of the Vets at the Event yesterday took a quick look at her and agrees with me that she has neuro concerns and so, supports my wish to see her visit specialists.

I am still working on how to 'reach' her….to communicate to her…If you touch her on the top of the head or back, she slinks and shy away. If you touch her on her side, she will tend sometimes to lean into you.

I am working on the vibration(NOT a vibration collar) yet, banging the floors and ground to get her attention.

Her smell is minimal…..

I need to make that inner 'connection' with/to her….to give her all that I want to give her and show her and open up a big beautiful world to her, I need to get that connection.

She seems to 'sense' me over smelling and she 'feels' with that sense when I am there over someone else, yet, I need to reach her…one of the Volunteers at our event yesterday mentioned the word 'autism' and yes, it is very much like that. AND, over-stimulation, especially with touch – can 'set her off' – she becomes further withdrawn and unapproachable. She will then pace and circle and air paw with stress.

So, after 25 years of working and owning and rescuing blind/deaf amazing souls, I am in a bit of new territory here(she has minimal smell, limited in her eating capabilities – yet, got that one figured out!) and my promise to her is that I will give her the world… piece at a time!

I do worry about quality of life for if she does have a tumour or possible life threatening medical reason for things, it will be devastating.

AND, I know that everyone is entitled to their opinions, YET, no, I am not putting her down….not unless it is in her best interest. AND, I think that ALL those that met this inspirational miracle 12 week old Dobie Baby yesterday, will agree that SHE is living and has made such a miraculous journey to date for the pup that was believed to be visually impaired, is in fact, much more than that and she has not just survived, she has made it her mission to thrive and ALL of us saw her joy of living outside……

She wags her tail, she gives kisses, she feels and has heart AND her soul is that of an angel's…….

So, before anyone sends me an email or message or posts about how this is unfair to her….my mission when I founded BHRR back in 1996 was to help the special needs and to save those that we can….AND, in order to do that, she needs a chance…..and, so many of us can say THAT she is more than deserving of that chance!

AND, I go into this journey, determined to help her be the best dog she can be, not into something she is not….AND, she is one mighty fine wee lady ALL on her own!!!

BHRR's Dyson is very aptly named….HOLY! He reminds me of BHRR's Henry and all his 'hoover' desires…..He is almost fully integrated and what a nice young man he is. A wee bit nervous here and there, yet, bonded fast to me.

BHRR's Trouble/Mischief AKA Treasure has finally been fully integrated with all here….OH my! WHAT a gooberhead! Gwenne/Salma's BOOT camp is in full swing and he is learning to share and Mason plus Sean are looking for body armor suits for when this boy plays….LOL

BHRR's Zara GAVE me my first kiss recently…Sean says, that he got one before me….I do not believe him! :p

COMING UP ON Sunday July 14th, 2013! Our 6th ANNUAL KAH/BHRR Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser!
8:00 AM – 4:00 PM

In 2012, we did 56 MICROCHIPS(ALL by qualified Veterinary professionals) & 94 nail trims!

We shall have our silent auction table again, human plus doggie baked table, draws, facepainting, caricatures AND so much more!

NO APPOINTMENTS necessary! For more information, please visit HERE:

OR follow all the exciting updates on our BHRR/KAH Facebook EVENT PAGE!


Thank you in advance for any consideration!!


1) More volunteers to put up posters in their local community including training facilities
2) People open to emailing and promoting this event poster at their work and with friends, family and neighbours. I can email the poster to all willing to assist. 🙂
3) Donations of pop, juice, bottled water & hotdogs/buns & hamburger/buns
4) NEED MORE DRAW PRIZES! Please email
6) NEED MORE Silent Auction Items
7) Gift cards – please email
8) We need people to assist us with cross-posting this event and getting the word out! We have some huge Vet bills right now and more in the pipe.

PLEASE EMAIL if you can assist with any of the above!

***This event is such a great time!***

THANK you again to BHRR's Cosette's fabu mom for working with members of the BHRR BOD on this poster!

Here are some photo's of his transport to BHRR. Photos' are courtesy of one of his transporters, BHRR approved Volunteer Rachel.

He was a really good boy….a bit nervous, yet, a really good boy! 🙂

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On July 11th, @ 11:13 AM, I received confirmation that the transport was on its way and that they forgot to send along his Vet Records.

From the place that had him:

"Thanks :). Poor boy was shaky and nervous, with movers and everything going on here it was a lot for him. He also in a full blown run collided with my Mastiff :s Nothing broken, but is a little sore on the hind right this morning. If you could let me know when he arrives safely I'd really appreciate it 🙂 Thanks again!"

Photo below is also of him from the place that had him.

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On July 9th, @ 4:34 PM I received the following message on fb by an approved BHRR Volunteer:

"Hey Gwen,

I know BHRR is swamped with requests these days but still wanted to check if you or another rescue might be able to take this girl. She's a free 3 month old Doberman that's visually impaired. I sent an email to the person who giving her away to find out if she was still available. Let me know!"

@ 4:43 PM, I responded that I would take her.

@ 4:53 PM, I received the following:


I just called the owner…she has a couple of people coming by tonight to visit but I explained to her BHRR would be the perfect option if she wants to make sure this puppy will have a good future.

I told her that you had loads of experience working with blind dogs (she's pretty sure the dog is blind, maybe she sees light and shadows,…she's taking her to the vet tmo to find out what the deal is)

She got the puppy from one of her friends that had a litter…she fell in love with this puppy because it was blind but the boyfriend is not happy with the situation and wants the puppy to go."

@ 5:00 PM, I received the following:

"I told her that this would be the best case scenario for her dog. I said that you have many dogs that are visually impaired therefore you know how to deal with it. Also, I told her that by placing the dog with you she would KNOW that the dog would end up in a good home. I told her about how thorough your adoption process is and that this puppy would end up in a fantastic home."

@ 5:01 PM, I received the following:

"The puppy is apparently super friendly and sweet…I really hope it works out!

She seemed interested…she loves this dog and wants what's best for it, she's just not able to give it what it needs…"

@ 10:12 PM, I received the following:

"Gwen, great news, she decided to surrender the dog to Birch Haven and would like to arrange for pickup as soon as possible."

We made transport arrangements to bring this special needs Doberman puppy to BHRR on Saturday July 13th. One photo of her below.

Photo courtesy of her previous home.

On Monday July 8th, BHRR's Maverick was back to have a check on that leg and we removed the bandages . OMG! IT looks fabu!!!! Just fabu!

I am so impressed with how straight it is and how well it is healing! Just a couple of small areas that are still oozing. Yes, it is swollen but WOW! Looking great! 🙂

Will remove the staples in about another 10 days or so.

you can call Kanata Animal Hospital directly to talk to the Call Centre (613) 836-2848

OR Via Paypal 'gift' to

OR email transfer to

He has been so taking hearts with his paws today!!

Thank you from my soul and beyond for any possible consideration to his care……even a $1 donation is super!! His Bills shall be extensive! Yet, he is as deserving as any other dog out there of a helping hand.

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Maverick'. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

BHRR's Maverick's Magnificent Angels  $6,499.12 donated to date & Bills $5,502.02
Rachel – Plus a Collar

TTP Basket
June 22nd, BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House
PV Stittsville Nail Trim Fundraisers x 2
July 14th 6th ANNUAL BHRR/KAH Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser
Kristin – PayPal took a fee

BHRR's Maverick – July 8th, 2013

On Sunday July 7th, BHRR's Maverick came to the WAG Pet SHOP 'GRILLING FOR GIANTS' Fundraiser. He is sporting a t-shirt as he has been really botherd by the shaved area on his shoulder and leg. He is more occupied with that, than he is of the surgical site.

BHRR's Maverick – "GRILLING FOR GIANTS" Fundraiser – Sunday July 7th, 2013
*Photos courtesy of M. Aris

AND, no night would be complete without a BHRR's Salma story!!!!

Just as Sean was helping me get BHRR's Maverick settled, and, I am all bent over almost completely inside the colossal crate, I fear hot air breathing on me…..

I take a peek over my shoulder and there is BHRR's Salma – no word of a lie! – with one of Vivian's special made with sheer love and talent blankets AKA Rupert Wrap – in her mouth.

I am thinking fast and the light bulb goes off and I am like ' NO way, you want me to put it on BHRR's Maverick…NO way!'

So, I reach out to go and take it(Sean is my witness!) and she backs away. I reach back a bit further, contorting my body half in and half out of the crate and she takes another step back.

I then begin that thinking rush pattern again 'Think, Gwennie….THINK'. 😉

I could only think of one thing, she wanted to give BHRR's Maverick the blanket herself…..I did not want her walking in and accidentally stepping on him and I was almost going to just go back to settling in BHRR's Maverick and let her be and well, I KNOW HQD….very well! 😉

So, I untangle myself from the crate, straighten up a bit(yet, still in full alert mode to make a dive if needed to save BHRR's Maverick) and just give a sweeping motion of my hand, bend my head and say "OK, YOUR QUEENSHIP DIVINE…do your thing."

GOD! The looks this dog can shoot my way…OMG! LOL

As she walks past me, she gives one more 'parting shot look' at me, she steps very carefully into the crate and I am now thinking 'where is my phone…where is my phone, I have to tape this' and she pulls the blanket in and she pulls it over as gently as can be(with me hovering like a mother hen) over his operated leg….as one last measure, she used her nose so softly to push the sides of the blanket at his foot to make it closer to his leg….I guess she does not want him having drafty toes….

She then backs out, gives me THAT priceless SALMA LOOK and yup, you got it….walks right over in her wobbly bobbly way and climbs up NOT on the doggie couch yet, the human one and lay down with one sheer sigh of contentment… LOL

AND, just to add more HQD flavour/style, she did not USE one of her own blankets, she had snagged BHRR's Promise's donated so lovingly to her when Vivian transported her last week my way! LOL LOL

Oh, Salma…let me count the ways that I love you…'denture chatter mouth' and all! 😀

HERE is a VIDEO of BHRR's Maverick on our way home from KAH after his surgery.

AND, no night would be complete without a BHRR's Salma story!!!!

Just as Sean was helping me get BHRR's Maverick settled, and, I am all bent over almost completely inside the colossal crate, I fear hot air breathing on me…..

I take a peek over my shoulder and there is BHRR's Salma – no word of a lie! – with one of Vivian's special made with sheer love and talent blankets AKA Rupert Wrap – in her mouth.

I am thinking fast and the light bulb goes off and I am like ' NO way, you want me to put it on BHRR's Maverick…NO way!'

So, I reach out to go and take it(Sean is my witness!) and she backs away. I reach back a bit further, contorting my body half in and half out of the crate and she takes another step back.

I then begin that thinking rush pattern again 'Think, Gwennie….THINK'.

I could only think of one thing, she wanted to give BHRR's Maverick the blanket herself…..I did not want her walking in and accidentally stepping on him and I was almost going to just go back to settling in BHRR's Maverick and let her be and well, I KNOW HQD….very well!

So, I untangle myself from the crate, straighten up a bit(yet, still in full alert mode to make a dive if needed to save BHRR's Maverick) and just give a sweeping motion of my hand, bend my head and say "OK, YOUR QUEENSHIP DIVINE…do your thing."

GOD! The looks this dog can shoot my way…OMG! LOL

As she walks past me, she gives one more 'parting shot look' at me, she steps very carefully into the crate and I am now thinking 'where is my phone…where is my phone, I have to tape this' and she pulls the blanket in and she pulls it over as gently as can be(with me hovering like a mother hen) over his operated leg….as one last measure, she used her nose so softly to push the sides of the blanket at his foot to make it closer to his leg….I guess she does not want him having drafty toes….

She then backs out, gives me THAT priceless SALMA LOOK and yup, you got it….walks right over in her wobbly bobbly way and climbs up NOT on the doggie couch yet, the human one and lay down with one sheer sigh of contentment… LOL

AND, just to add more HQD flavour/style, she did not USE one of her own blankets, she had snagged BHRR's Promise's donated so lovingly to her when Vivian transported her last week my way! LOL LOL

Oh, Salma…let me count the ways that I love you…'denture chatter mouth' and all!

BHRR's Maverick, TTP – June 15th, 2013 & BHRR's Maverick – July 4th, post-op surgery
*first photo courtesy of B. Element

AND, here are his x-rays!

{39AAD867-1515-45C7-AB4E-B3E6A6099FDF} (Medium){0999C709-AB4A-4D87-B89B-670BB9A372E4} (Medium) {C01D2651-2436-4612-B9ED-DA7FCC3B0B66} (Medium)

On July 4th, we made transport arrangements to get him – Calling him BHRR's Dyson(the 'Hoover' Vacuum theme) on July 11th, 2013.

Two photos of him below. These are from the place that had him and they had him listed on PetFinder and in the first photo, he looks quite thin.

BHRR's Dyson

This is the response I received on July 1st, @ 3:54 PM:

"That's great Gwen, thanks so much!!!! He's a huge sweetie, ended up here because his owners had had enough by the third foreign body surgery……..Rather than pick up their socks, get rid of the dog. He's had no issues since he's been here, but we have muzzled him if we couldn't be watching him ( We live on a farm, and stuff turns up everywhere ) But have not had to do that in a while :)"


UPDATE: BHRR's Maverick's surgery was a THUMBS up! I have copy of x-rays to post when I get home from work and took a couple of post-op photos. He is so freaking adorable and amazing! 🙂
As soon as he became 'aware' that I was there, he was working to pull his head up and move. I WUV him so much!
THANKS Auntie Margaret for dropping by KAH and for giving him some special loving! He will be your 'date' for Sunday and I may put another approved BHRR Volunteer with him too to ensure he stays quiet.
Per DP, he did the most deformed leg first and as he is such a big dog, and still growing, he put an external stabilizer bar to help keep things in place and that he does not exactly have another great front leg to help him out right now. He has a plate and pins on the inside once DP performed the osteoctomy surgery.
He was so scared at reception when he was first dropped off, yet, fared better as time went on…..
I will take his bandages and packing off in about 5 days time(unless I need to re-pack and re-bandage before that time) and going to keep him on fluids until just before I leave tonight.
ALL those well wishes are working!!!
NOW, he needs healing vibes….he has a LONG road ahead and I will bring him back in 8 weeks for post-op x-rays, first post-op follow-up and to possibly remove the external stabilizer then too under a light sedation.
I am sooooooooooooooooooooo relieved and thanks everyone for the blanket donations and Fiona Cousineau those homemade 'pads' are going to be great for drainage.
For all those that have been texting, emailing plus calling as to what he needs – his biggest thing is time….quiet time and the obvious is donations to help pay off his thousands and thousands and thousands of Vet bills, yet, my priority and biggest worry is to just take it one day at a time to get him back up on his feet, healing well and moving forward in his rehab!
I will be looking into possible massage and hydrotherapy if he proves to be a good candidate.
In 12 weeks time, hopefully, we can do the second deformed leg!
SOOOOOOOOOO appreciative and feeling blessed by our BHRR village today! SUCH good folks standing beside us!!
AND, Lion King BHRR's Timon is going to be JUST thrilled to see his best bud tonight! THEY are two peas in a pod!

AND, BHRR's Maverick put on another 9.24 pounds!!!! 😀

**Though, there is a photo below from July 8th and the blog post is for July 4th, I wanted to do a before and after shot for all to see! AND, I am including Fundraising monies that have come our way after July 4th on this post too….

FOR those that have been inquiring about making donations, his bills for today were $3,265.77 and you can call Kanata Animal Hospital directly to talk to the Call Centre (613) 836-2848

OR Via Paypal 'gift' to

OR email transfer to

He has been so taking hearts with his paws today!!

Thank you from my soul and beyond for any possible consideration to his care……even a $1 donation is super!! His Bills shall be extensive! Yet, he is as deserving as any other dog out there of a helping hand.

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Maverick'. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

BHRR's Maverick's Magnificent Angels  $6,489.12 donated to date & Bills $5,502.02
Rachel – Plus a Collar

TTP Basket
June 22nd, BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House
PV Stittsville Nail Trim Fundraiser
July 14th 6th ANNUAL BHRR/KAH Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser

BHRR's Maverick – TTP June 15th, 2013 & BHRR's Maverick – July 8th, 2013(Post bandage removal)
*LOOK how straight that left leg looks now!!*

MORE info. that came my way:

"….is a very happy, outgoing puppy.  He gets along very well with other dogs but can play rough so a home with larger dogs is preferred.  He seems to be fine with cats as well….is currently living on acreage and gets along wonderfully with horses and his best friend is a miniature donkey.

…came to us as he has had three foreign body surgeries….will swallow just about anything he can put in his mouth.  He will need to be placed in a knowledgeable home …"

My last post of the night – my night – is to please ask everyone to keep BHRR's Maverick in their positive thoughts and blessings…..

He has the first of two very invasive surgeries today(July 4th) and it has been a long road to reach the point of him being healthy and strong enough since he arrived to BHRR to undergo surgery.

Being the Momma Gwennie that I am, I am worried that he has not put on enough weight and that he keeps getting taller and worried about those growth plates and then…..I just take that deep breath and trust in his specialist and our Vet Team and hoping that his BHRR village of friends, fan and family shall surround him with all their best energy and healing vibes…..

Dr. P believes continues to believe that while he cannot completely straighten his legs(victim of neglect, improper exercise and nutrition), he can give him significant improvement. He is going to do repeat ostectomies in both legs and use plates and pins. His second surgery, should all go well, will be in about 12 weeks time.

So much heart ache and sadness to our hearts and home this past week and I would be so devastated should something also happen to BHRR's Maverick. I love them all…heart, soul and beyond….

His bills shall top $8,000 before he is successfully rehabbed and BHRR remains committed to him being deserving of nothing but the best! ALWAYS!

He and I are going to watch the sun come up shortly and snuggle and though, he cannot have food nor treats, I am going to keep giving him the best in kisses and hugs to fill him up!

Will update as I can and the page shall be a wee bit quiet July 4th…..apologizing in advance!


They are still sleeping in a crate at night, have a very rare accident in the house(This could digress should they be adopted soon) AND they will NOT be adopted together!

They shall be adopted to separate homes.

They are good with all other dogs, cats, people etc.

They both still do get car sick and if you fast them the night before travelling, they do not get sick and if they have both been very healthily mentally and physically stimulated, they also shall not get sick. They seemed to be limited to a 35 minute drive before the puking begins…..still something they could outgrow.

They sleep well throughout the night and both are quite quiet. BHRR's Bilbo sometimes uses his voice to say 'I am ready to go' when it is the morning.

BHRR's Baggins loves laying around your feet and to be near you.

They can go to a home that works ft(as long as the home comes back at lunch to let them out), pt, from home, retired or semi-retired. Their leash manners are FANTASTIC!

My consistency, time, patience, dedication to their obedience regime has paid off. The compliments that I get when they are out is WOW!

Both attended the Take The Plunge Event on the Sunday in June – until we were rained out and so many did not even know we had them with us in our booth for they were so well behaved! 🙂

Baggins' Rescue Pawtraits - Message (HTML) _2013-07-02_23-38-05Baggins' Rescue Pawtraits - Message (HTML) _2013-07-02_23-37-38
BHRR's Baggins – June 27th, 2013
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BHRR's Bilbo – June 27th, 2013


The reason why it TOOK so long is that I had scheduled professional photos for her and twice the date had to be canceled due to bad weather! 🙁

We finally were able to have the rescue PAWTRAITS done on Thursday June 27th AND they were SOOOOOO worth the wait! OMG! LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM! Thanks again Liz! 🙂

BHRR's Abby was a bit nervous of the airbrakes on the buses(big surprise right BHRR approved adoptive homes and approved temp fosters! 😉 )

She is 100% trustworthy in the home, has recovered from her emergency pexy beautifully and can go to a home that works pt, ft, from home, semi-retired, retired etc.

I will not place her in a home that has cats AND she is not good with exotics – ie guinea pigs. She has a prey drive.

She gets along with every dog in our home and that greying masking gene on her face makes her look stunning!!! She will do well in a home with older kids – no less than 8 years of age. She deserves to be the 'baby'. 😉

Abi's Rescue Pawtraits - Message (HTML) _2013-07-02_23-17-13Abi's Rescue Pawtraits - Message (HTML) _2013-07-02_23-18-17
BHRR's Abby – June 27th, 2013


Katoby Distribution is having their FIRST even Campaign For Rescue Voting Contest!

This contest was created via nominations and on Monday July 1st, BHRR received an email regarding this voting contest and what a surprise PLUS honour to note that we were one of the organizations chosen to participate!

They have 4 prize packs totaling over $4000 in valuable food and products to give to the rescue groups you think deserve it! Top 3 dog rescues and the top cat rescue will each win a prize pack (as determined by votes). One lucky voter will also receive a price pack worth over $250!

Voting ends July 15 at noon – one vote per day per person!

On July 1st, I was one person contacted in regards to bringing in one on a list of dogs for the person that had them was in-between places and could not take them all with them.

As we had a spot, we offered to take the Great Dane. We had been told the following:

"1 year old , male, neutered fawn with merle on his face Great Dane"