BHRR's 4TH ANNUAL 'JUST IN TIME' FOR XMAS Online Auction shall begin Saturday November 19th @ 7 AM EST and shall run through until Thursday December 1st @ 9 PM EST.

If anyone has any items they would ike to donate inluding services, gift certificates or gift cards; please EMAIL. We will take donations right up until the day the auction shall end. BHRR only hosts three planned Fundraisers a year and every penny goes back to the animals!

We have many bills coming up for some very special animals including BHRR's Bloom and your support would be so appreciated!

Click on the poster for more information!

PERMISSION TO CROSS-POST and if you would like a poster to put up at your work, local businesses etc., please email us for one!


BHRR's Veteran is DOING amazing!! Below are two photos; one taken after he was here for one week and one taken on November 27th, after he had been here for two weeks.

He is soooooooooooooo affectionate, becoming more confident and playful and as more time goes by, he is becoming 'younger' and younger. I would say that he is closer to 2 years than anything at this time. It is almost as if through time, he is shedding the weight of much worry from his back and shoulders; as cheesy as that may sound.

HE just loves my 16 month old GD Sir Maestro and he is soooooooooooo free with his kisses. He almost will 'hug' you with his head on your shoulder.

His obedience is coming along very nicely. I truly can not get over how gentle he is about taking treats. For a dog so starved and neglected, he is very gentle about taking treats from you and if something falls on the floor, he does not resource.

He has been fully integrated with everyone here other than BHRR's Atlas and they tend to worry each other still. AND he loves to try and 'push' BHRR's Atlas's buttons, knowing that BHRR's Atlas is not so fond of him either. They are soooooooooooo much better around each other yet it still comes across that there is some form of 'history' between them. They sleep in crates near each other, they eat in their crates near each other without any issues yet if one makes any sounds even remotely that could be misconstrued as being anything negative; then the other grumps back. AND BHRR's Veteran LOVES to go up to BHRR's Atlas' crate and 'tease' him which sets off BHRR's Atlas.

BHRR's Veteran has a very deep sound to him and if one did not know him better, one would think that he might be growling but he is all typical GD noises.

He is learning about toys and gosh, rope toys delight him to know end or things that he can toss. The playbows that he makes is so heartwarming.

He still does not quite understand about many things and you have to be careful of flightly movements or hands that come from above wtih items in hand.

I am looking forward in getting a new weight on him yet I do believe that in about three weeks time(our mandate is to keep all animals at BHRR for at least 5 weeks); before placing them up for adoption so that we can really get to know them and learn what type of home is in their best interest.

BHRR's Veteran is just so grateful for the love and attention he is getting and in a way that makes me sad FOR he should have been getting that all along yet that was not what his past held for him.

We are attending a humane education event on Saturday for a few hours and I am thinking of bringing BHRR's Veteran with me. I will see how the rest of this week goes.

BHRR's Veteran had the BEST time at our recent BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House. It was so wonderful for people to see how far he has come in such a short time! He is a very special boy all unto himself and he is going to make his right matched home a most wonderful addition! We do feel that he should go to a home with at least one other right matched personality fit dog, someone experienced with Great Danes is great yet not mandatory; a home that is going to continue to enrich him and be there for him and not only give him love but structure, guidance and consistency with a very patient hand.

BHRR's Veteran November 20th & BHRR's Veteran November 27th, 2011*He loves Sean's earring and will gently nibble it!

NOTE: BHRR's Veteran was being 'known' as 'Kingston' for the short time he was under the expert care of ARC. We changed his name for a couple of reasons – one; we already had a 'Kingston' in our own home. Two; this was around Rememberance Day and that BHRR's Veteran has gone through his own battles/war and bears the scars of his 'time' in the trenches. This could not have been a more perfect choice for him!


From her temp foster home tonight:

"She's indescribable.  She is such a funny and beautiful girl, and everyday she makes us so happy."

Photo below is from our July 31st, GD & Honourary GD Walk/Hike at Conroy! It was a really HOT day yet we had her cool coat and she had a blast!

To make a quick post to address a comment or two made on the recent photos posted of BHRR's Veteran and BHRR's Atlas on our BHRR FB FAN page. Both of these boys were neutered by the amazing efforts of Animal Rescue Corps(ARC) before they came to BHRR.

The method that the wonderful Vet there chose to use to alter them was using a vasectomy procedure and not neuter them via the actual taking out of their testicles. Yet, you can be assured they were both neutered! Both have gone on antibiotics for when they arrived to BHRR, they both wanted to lick at their incisions/sutures and I have been tending to their surgical sites up to three times daily to make sure they heal properly.

Many times after a dog is neutered; we see it often in Giants; there is a lot of swelling/edema and this will pass.

These dogs would never be placed up for adoption if they were not neutered.

BHRR's Bloom's bw was scheduled for November 21st at the Animal Health Clinic.

Her Surgery has been scheduled for December 2nd, at the DMV.

Love your name

saw you site on – well fb really, so accessed the site to tell you I LOVE your was my Mother’s family name…a large group of Birches are my Cousins


This boy is going to make a home a VERY special addition!!!

While he did not eat well for us last night, today he had 12 cups of food sans problemo! Let's keep it going!!! Right now he is flaked in the main area all content and sleepy from a very busy day of getting 'back into the BHRR groove!' 🙂

Below are two more photos of him! BHRR's Beau was SOOOOOOOOOOO excited to see BHRR's Lincoln come home!

BHRR's Beau & BHRR's Lincoln – November 2011

BHRRs Benjamin went on a roadtrip today with two of BHRR's approved Volunteers to assist in a homevisit for a possible future adoption of one of the GD's in our program.

From what has come my way; he once again BEYOND proved that he has manners and that he could be trained and he has now been dubbed 'Prince Benjamin' by one of the Volunteers. This boy makes my heart throb… he is so very dear to me.

AND per our obedience clase, any new adoptive home shall be required to bring him to a full round of obedience classes; regardless of how much training I have given him during his time at BHRR.

More than one person has pointed out since his arrival to BHRR how much he watches and keeps an eye on myself to know where I am at all times. He is happy to romp and play and yet 'checks in' often with myself. He is one that if I felt he needed me, we would have dearly loved to call one of our own. Yet, he does not need me any longer…he just thinks he does AND perhaps I think I do need him a bit still too! 😉 Perfectly normal…. 🙂

I remain patient that his right matched forever loving home shall come along and like all of our dogs, he shall only go to the one meant for him.

The boy was great with the humans, the two cats there and the 80 year old parrot during this hv. He allowed the parrot to peck at his muzzle without any concern or issue.

THANK you again to the two Volunteers who did this hv on my behalf as I still am unable to drive or be driven for yet another week.

We pulled BHRR's Rain out of her temp foster home last night and have moved her to our BHRR HAVEN DOG program at this time. SHE IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION. 

Sean picked up BHRR's Lincoln this AM from his now former temp foster home to bring to KAH for a re-weigh and a recheck and he weighed….wait for it…..179 pounds!!!!

Everyone thought he looked FANTASTIC! JUST fantastic! No longer is he that emaciated 138.60 pounds(and in fact it was less as he had not been weighed for three days post arrival to BHRR) boy.

He has put on 34.9 pounds since he went to his temp foster home five weeks ago.

This means that he has put on 40.4 pounds since we first weighed him when he came to BHRR!!! AND per my one blog post on July 28th, 2011, I wanted to see him around 175 pounds and per the Vet and in having now gotten my hands on him myself, once he now loses about 5 pounds(I cannot believe that we are saying that he actually needs to lose a few pounds now!!! WHAT a great thing to say!); he shall be the ideal weight for him at this age/time.

As I told his temp foster mom, she gets the 'TEMP FOSTER OF THE YEAR AWARD!'

He was being fed 14 cups a food a day – 7 cups BID and we are going to cut him down to 12 cups – 6 cups BID. 

We shall feed him 75% of FROMM Salmon or FROMM Whitefish and 25% of the D/D Salmon.

He had been switched to eating RAW at his former temp foster home at one point and thriving. So any future adoptive home as that as a great feeding option for him too if they do not wish to feed the only kibble meant for him. 🙂

In regards to his Pred of 25 mg EOD; we obtained some more and we are beginning to wean him off to from 25 mg EOD to 15 mg EOD for 14 days and the work off to zero meds. As mentioned in another blog, BHRR's Lincoln's future adoptive home whomever they shall be will have to realise that he could possibly need a lose dose in the future should he have seasonal allergies. The dose is so low that for a 179 pounds dog; it is virtually non-existent in efficacy level yet we shall wean him off slowly to minimalize any possible side effects.

His coat is Fantabulous! Soft, full and healthy looking and he is SOOOOOOOOOOOO happy!

He has come back into our home happy, relaxed and as if he never left! He has been romping in the fenced in yard and he was so happy to see me….that made my heart just thump!

Now, our job is to ensure that he does not lose more than 5-7 pounds and hopefully, this shall not happen as our home is even more busy and full of lots of the most delightful distractions than before he left.

The only thing that did not happen is that he did not receive his second booster for his DAPP. Somehow, that was missed. I shall get him in for that second booster ASAP.

Sean has just taken some stunning photos of him and two are below and BHRR's Lincoln has some very special news to share very soon! 😉

Deeply indebted to his temp foster home for taking such great care of him these past 5 weeks. THANK YOU!

BHRR's Lincoln – November 19th @ BHRR


Update sent November 15th, 2011 from her awesome temp foster home:

“As for BHRR's Lily Belle, she is still a goof ball and loving life.  She is not as into playing fetch as X but she does enjoy the squeaky sounds and playing hide the toys under the couch LOL  I'm thinking fall has now become her new favourite season.  Lots of yummy pumpkin, squash and the cool weather is great for running around at the dog park. Such a cutie!“

BHRR`s Lily Belle – November 2011

BHRR's Riley was neutered today and weighed 109.12 pounds(49.6 KGs).

BHRR' Riley's Previous Records

Please find two new photos of him below.

I have a copy of his vaccination history and other medical history now(attached above) and written out below.

September 24th, 2011:

Sept 24/11-1st vaccines/deworming given…DAPP injectable, bordetella intranasal and strongid T

September 28th, 2011:

Sept 28/11 – PE – thin, rec feed BID, rec to rescue; vaccinate Rabies RH SQ EA
Rabvac 1, Serial# 1213194A, Rabies Tag# 11-158

October 4th, 2011:


His vaccines are good for one year and therefore are due September of 2011.

He has been dewormed again at BHRR plus has been given Revolution.

Since his arrival on November 2nd, 2011 to BHRR he has put on 14.12 pounds in just two weeks time. This is very much on track for what we would like to see a dog in his very painfully thin state to be putting on. He needs another 20-25 pounds at this time to go for as he is growing, he is needing to put on more weight to stay in line with what he should be weighing at his age/body structure.

This boy is not going to be a wee thing when he is done maturing.

We still believe he is between 12 months and no more than 15 months of age.


BHRR's Riley – November 2011



Here is a very well put together  VIDEO of the work that ARC has done for the community in Lac Simon and for all the animals there. It is just shy of 10 minutes long yet so worth the viewing.

My deepest respect plus admiration extends immensely out to ARC and their supporters/volunteers for this historical lifechanging event they have done!

They left 'no one behind', educated and saved SOOOO many lives! I am deeply humbled to have been a small part of this HUGE amazing heartwarming experience! KUDOS to the community for taking a 'take charge' forward approach to finding a better resolution to the overpopulation of animals in their community

Thanks for sharing! BHRR's Veteran and BHRR's Atlas; some of the dogs feature in the above video; are also very grateful to everyone….they have the gift of life as I have said before thanks to ALL of you!

BHRR's Veteran & Atlas with Karla – from ARC saying her good-byes before they head to their rehab journey @ BHRR

From Karla in respect to BHRR's Veteran posted on a photo of him on our BHRR FB FAN PAGE:

"This gorgeous dog has maintained a steadfast spirit despite his former neglect. I will never forget the Animal Rescue Corps truck driving past him and screeching to a halt when we saw his statuesque figure watching us from 30 feet away. I got out of the truck and walked a few feet slowly towards him. As soon as I kneeled down and extended my hand he came bounding happily towards us. He couldn't believe his luck. He rode with me in the back seat (because we couldn't fit him anywhere else!) on his way to safety and eventual to the exuberant embrace of BHRR. He is destined for greatness."

From Karla in respect to BHRR's Atlas posted on a photo of him on our BHRR FB FAN PAGE:

"I remember the first time I saw Atlas on the streets. Animal Rescue Corps couldn't believe the state he was in. We picked up his hunched, crumbling figure, because he just didn't have the energy to walk, and carried him to transport to our emergency shelter. Within a few days of good food, medical care, some r&r and love, he was bounding around with us in the grass. Atlas is going to make a lucky family wonder what they ever did without him".



To help raise the last funds we need to schedule BHRR's Bloom's surgery, Bloom has some special postcards that she would like to offer to any supporters to consider purchasing!


There will be 30 available of  'Type' 1 and 20 available of 'Type' 2 for a total of 50 for sale!

Update: November 17th, 2011; there is ONLY 24 of 'Type'  1 and 14 of 'Type' 2 LEFT!

Please indicate Type #'1 and/or Type #2 along with how many you would like to purchase.

ONLY $3 each or 3 for $5 and Gwen from BHRR will pay for s&h to anywhere in the world!

You can pay by:

Paypal to or email transfer to or bank draft to 'Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)' and mailed to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
c/o Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

Great to use as a thank you, send that special note to someone while at the same time supporting a great cause for BHRR's Bloom!

Postcard photos are below and should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email:

TYPE #1                                                                                                      TYPE #2


"Bloom was found as a stray in Huntington (QC) in September 2011. The couple who found her were not able to keep her so her now temp foster home offered to take her in and take on the task of finding her a good h…ome. Upon meeting Bloom, she discovered that it might be harder to find her a home than she originally thought. It was obvious that something was wrong with her so she took her to see an orthopedist and it was confirmed that she suffers from Radius Curvus Syndrome and will need a $3,800 surgery plus need to be spay for another $150-$200 for a total of $4,000 required."

BHRR was contacted to assist and she was then signed over to BHRR's authority in October 2011.


We cannot schedule her surgery until such time as we have the $80 and we are imploring to our supporters for some support. Please….please help us give her a life without pain.

You can donate by paypal to or email transfer to or bank draft to 'Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) and mailed to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
c/o Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

Expected ETA from her temp foster home to surgery and then direct to BHRR is Monday December 17th, 2011

BHRR's Bloom's Angels:

Bloom's Carnival Fundraiser Angels
Global Pet Foods – Kanata – We are donating the funds raised by their October 30th photo and nail trim event that 50% came to BHRR
Genesis Dog Rescue
Alex & Karen
Charles & Sherry
Lynn & Al

Total Raised To Date: $3,370
Total Needed to Raise: $4,000

BHRR's Bloom – October 29th, 2011 at the 'Bloom Carnival Fundraiser'
*Photos courtesy of S. O'Bready

November 8th, 2011 UPDATE:

"Bloom is doing well. We are still working on getting her house trained. It has been difficult since she we had to scratch the crate idea because of her anxiety. She is now good when left alone, I guess it's hard to complain when you're sleeping on a bed! 🙂 Also, she is very pushy and tends to keep trying until she gets what she wants. We are trying very hard to set limits but I'm thinking it might take a while as she is a very determined gal!'"

BHRR's Riley is scheduled to be neutered on Friday November 18th. IT is time!

AND the more time I spend with him, the more I think that he is a relation to BHRR's Mr. Parker Paws. The mannerisms the both of them share is so uncanny!

He seems to have a bit more brain power than BHRR's Mr. Parker Paws has but barely. 😉

Now, if the day ever comes that he demonstrates BHRR's Mr. Parker Paws famous or rather infamours 'paw' swinging' then I am going to know without a doubt that they are related somehow! LOL

He is such a goof! Better with the humping yet when he gets all excited with the playing(he has been integrated with most of the dogs here); he just starts feeling the 'urge' to love! 😉 PPSS and BHRR's Porridge are not very happy to be the recipients of that love and BHRR's Holden has made it VERY clear he is not going to be BHRR's Riley's 'special' friend! LOL

He is corrected each and every time, he acts like a gooberhead.

The most incredible thing that Sean saw him do; that I was not witness too is that he came running into the the sunroom from outside and actually did a flying leap through the other door spot where we used to have a window….HOLY! AND to ruin the whole spectacular event that it could have been with impressiveness; he caught his two back feet on the edge and well, that is a lot of dog to crash to the ground. AND the monkeyman got right up and wanted back out to do it all over again! OMG! Are you kidding me???? I cannot believe he made it through once, let alone trying to do it twice. The precision that took to do what he did….and obviously he was not too precise for he did not quite clear the edge with his back feet/toes.

My 8 year old daughter said she gave him a 9! HA! HA! My 11 year old said that he would give 10 for originality yet a fail for the execution part. OH my!

BHRR's Veteran had a good night.

He has not made a peep in respect to growling, lunging or barking at BHRR's Atlas nor any other dog.

He is eating well yet is now on antibiotics for his neuter incision is slightly infected. I will always remember fondly getting the call from one of the wonderful Volunteers who went to pick him up saying that he and BHRR's Atlas had not yet been neutered. I mentioned that what often can happen is that there is a lot of post-op swelling and the dogs can look very well endowed afterwards. Well, BHRR's Veteran is definitely very swollen and several of his sutures have let go and I am sure that he has done some liking of the area too.

So, he is a 'cone' head and on antibiotics right now. He is taking it all in stride.

In the daylight of Monday, I could see him so much better and his hair is so dry and so lacking in oils. He is missing a lot of hair in many areas too. He needs a bath plus a nail trim and just as with BHRR's Atlas we shall get there.

Just as with BHRR's Atlas, he has had four walkabouts on Monday on his own and has done well. He is weak yet not as weak as BHRR's Atlas and his mental plus emotional state is also better. He tends to not have as much of an 'exhaustion' rest as BHRR's Atlas does.

I feel that he is much closer to 2.5-3 years and am giving things the benefit that as life has treated him so unkindly that he might not even be a bit older. ON the other hand, he could well be closer to 2 and due to it being such a hard life, he looks older. So, we are officially having him listed as 2.5 years of age for now.

For those that have expressed an interest in him, he is not going anywhere for a very long time. We are on his schedule and when/if he is ready to be adopted, he will then be done so. I cannot say for sure that it will be in a month or two months or….or…

He just arrived to BHRR. We are still getting to know him and learning how to best give him what he needs and build him up emotionally and physically. These things cannot be rushed and we won't let them be rushed.

I know that as a 'survivor' this dog is going to have personality and inner strength so when that honeymoon period is over, I am sooooooooo looking forward to experiencing and learning about who is really is inside and how his life experiences have shaped him and yes, even how his genetics will have shaped him to make him 'who' he is today.

Just as with BHRR's Atlas he often can be found in a tight ball with his back to the outside of his crate. If you are with him, he will lay a different way and watch you. He wags his tail more than BHRR's Atlas yet is also quite submissive in many ways.

Below are two photos taken of him. They honestly do not really show how badly his ribs, hips and spine show. He will need a good 35-40 pounds of muscle mass and weight on him.

He is sleeping on a pile of blankets right now and thanks to the generous heart of a special angel an XXL Kuranda bed is headed his way! We shall pile dog beds and blankets on top of that for his joints, elbows and hips plus for pressure sores.

Monetary donations to do bloodwork including a heartworm test, to purchase flea/parasitic/hw preventative meds & food
*One can donate by PayPal or email transfer to or by mailing a bank draft to 'Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) and mailed to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
c/o Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

He now has a file set-up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and people can donate to the 'Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services' account for him under 'Veteran'

BHRR's Veteran – November 13th, 2011

Tracy – Genesis Dog Rescue

We are very dedicated to helping rescues in our area when in need and you are truly amazing as a person and BHRR is
amazing so we take every opportunity we can to help you 🙂

Its been great to spend the little time we have together even if just during a home visit and Dane Walk with my non Danes lol 🙂
We can only strive to be remotely close to how great BHRR is but we are happy to have your support in our new journey.

We are always here if you are in need of transports, home visit help, food donation or funds or even Secret Santa gifts 🙂

Hope you are getting better from surgery and doing well.

Im here if you need anything. I will pass on your thanks to the team, we all love the BHRR team!


BHRR's Atlas had a good night.

He is understandably 'worried' about the other dogs and most specifically BHRR's Veteran. For a dog that has been so neglected, he does not eat his food as fast I had thought he might and there has been no need to put a large stone or object in his bowl to get him to slow down. That is good as in his poor shape, bloat is a concern. The Saint Bernard was #2 behind the Great Dane for bloat statistics.

It also gives me great hope that the minor growling his does over his food or when mostly BHRR's Veteran goes by his crate; will dissipate over time as his 'worry' lessens in respect to him not knowing when he shall be fed next.

He and BHRR's Veteran are being fed three times a day and are eating well. As I got my hands on him more today(yes, out of bed…shhhhhhhhhhhh do not tell Sean..wait, he was here!) I could see in the daylight what I could not see well last night. He hair is virtually non-existent on his inner back legs, belly and lats.

He has scars and healing lacerations over a fair amount of his body and what does worry me a bit is his swollen lymph nodes that I can feel on his neck. Will get that checked out.

He is very submissive to humans and will lower plus turn his head away from me when I pet him. He will wag his tail slightly when he feels a gentle touch and he looks so hopefully and wags his tail a bit more when he sees bowls. It is really sad that he might think that bowls of food/water are not for him. 🙁

His hair is so dry, coarse and dull. That will change! He is now getting yogurt plus raw eggs/shells in his food.

He is in sore need of a nail trim and a bath and we will get there.

I have started giving him some Deramaxx for the swelling in his neuter site plus for his hips. He is laying on a pile of blankets right now and thanks to a special angel a Kuranda bed is headed his way!!!

When he was doing a walk about in the fenced in yard; he came across a basketball that some of the dogs play with and he had NO idea what it was and it made him a bit nervous. HOW tragic is that. 🙁 All toys have since been picked up outside and remain on the deck so that he does not feel so nervous doing a walk about. AT least he is comfortable to actually walk the fenced in area and he will come into the house when he is ready. We do not have to go and fetch him. When he is ready, he comes in; allows me to give him a soft pet on his head and very gently on his side and he goes into his crate to rest.

He has had 4 walk abouts on Monday and he was exhausted. So little strength.

His mental health is a deep concern for me. I sit and keep him company as I am not exactly mobile myself and I talk and sometimes he will shift his head and look at me briefly and sigh and half close his eyes. When I get up to leave, his eyes will often become wide and then he will turn his back and put his head into his side into a ball. 🙁 BHRR's Veteran does the same thing. 🙁

I cannot wait to be able to get back on my main computer FOR his crate, BHRR's Riley's crate and BHRR's Veteran's crate are in the sunroom and I keep them company and they, I and we 'chat'.

It has only been just over 24 hours…baby steps…or rather, infant steps. I am not GIVING up on him and am trying to find and give him the thing or things that shall get him to want to try and fight to live. Food and water are the first great items. Companionship, calm and stable environment, a safe place to eat and sleep and just the right amount of love that he can stand right now, consistency, patience and I hope he will give me the time that is needed to show him that people care and that people really really really care about him and his happiness, that HE matters and IS important.

Just want him to 'stay' with us….mentally and emotionally; well; actually; I want HIM to be there mentally and emotionally. I know 'he' is in there…I know he is. After almost 25 years of working, owning and rescuing animals, possessing a Master's degree, working on my PHd etc, BHRR's Atlas is up there as being one of the most 'special'.

Two pictures below  from his first AM at BHRR. WELCOME to BHRR my dear man!

Monetary donations to do bloodwork including a heartworm test, to purchase flea/parasitic/hw preventative meds, X-rays of his hind end, antibiotics & food
*One can donate by PayPal or email transfer to or by mailing a bank draft to to 'Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) and mailed to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
c/o Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

now has a file set-up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and people can donate to the 'Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services' account for him under 'Atlas'

BHRR's Atlas – November 14th, 2011 – you can see the lack of hair on his right ear.

Note: BHRR's Atlas was being known as 'Bernie' during his short time under the expert care of ARC. We changed his name as he is very much carrying the dead weight of the world (of his neglected past) and also survival on his back/shoulders. Every day, he moves forward to a 'new' lighter and happier world/life and it is one that is not heavy upon his shoulders/back yet one that carries him when he needs it and supports him when he needs it and one that is filling his heart plus soul with happiness and health. A 'world' that will lift him up and hold him tight with nuturing love plus care.

Should all go well BHRR's Shiva shall be temp fostered from December 4th to December 22nd, 2011 and then again from January 8th to February 4th, 2012 should she not be adopted. YAY! For her to have some extra time plus spoiling JUSt for her!

BHRR's Atlas has a story of  'hell' inside of him and all the chapters of that story have caused him to be almost completely shut down. 🙁

I worry really strongly about him right now. He has virtually nothing left to give and you can tell that almost all has been taken away from him.

He is full of scars, healing lacerations and his coat is so coarse, dry and just falling out. He is bald in many places, red hot to the touch on his inner legs and elbows and lats. His body is literally shutting down around him and his mind….god, I look into his eyes and there is such agony in his recessed eyes….if I look really deeply(and I got out of bed to spend some time with all the dogs including him and BHRR's Veteran; the Dane he was picked up with) into those eyes, I think I see a glimmer of hope. He is really drawn into himself and has had so much rejection in his life.

He was given a body score of 4/10 and had been placed on IV fluids and given Baytril. His ARC neck band has the words 'ill' on it. This is one unhealthy boy and is going to require much time in the way of medical and emotional rehabbing. He is so sad….. 🙁

He has entropion much worse in one eye over the other and you just want to scoop him up and hold him close to tell him that he shall not be neglected again.

When you go to touch him, he lowers his head and is quite submissive. He will wag his tail slightly as I pet him gently on his head. You can tell how much his body pains him. 🙁

He is not an overly large male Saint yet when he is healthy and it is my determination to make sure he is done right by and become healthy; he will be a glorious handsome man!

He rests as if he was in complete exhaustion. He must have always felt he needed to keep one eye open when he was out there trying to survive and honestly, this dog would not have lasted much longer. He had pretty much given up even trying to live.

I say all of this not for the 'drama' effect but to state the clear reality of what this sweet man is going through. He has had a really bad time in life… bad that he is quite 'broken' in mind, body and spirit and I am truly honoured to have him come to BHRR for we focus on those special needs and my heart is so drawn to this boy.

He would melt the heart of anybody out there who has one iota of feeling in their body. He is a beyond 'urgent' case.

When he is stronger, I shall bathe, do his nails plus clean his ears.

To those that wish to give to his cause, what BHRR's Atlas most needs are the following:

1) Costco Dog beds or a Kuranda (XL) bed  to call his own

2) He needs blankets for cushion. His hair is very thin and nonexistent in many places plus he is literally a rack of skin/bones.

3) He needs a collar 26" and a leash

4) He needs 24" Rawhide bones or Smoked Dino Bones or Smoked Knuckle bones – I still need to get into his mouth to see how his teeth are doing.

6) Monetary donations to do bloodwork including a heartworm test, to purchase flea/parasitic/hw preventative meds, X-rays of his hind end, antibiotics & food
*One can donate by PayPal or email transfer to or by mailing a bank draft*

He shall also have a file set-up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and people can donate to the 'Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services' account for him under 'Atlas'

Great news for tonight is that he had half his normal ration of food and a full bowl of water. He had no resourcing issues whatsoever BUT it was he that did growl at BHRR's Veteran when BHRR's Veteran walked by his crate a couple of times. That is the most 'alert' he became when he saw BHRR's Lincoln. Maybe, he was not impressed that BHRR's Veteran barked at him earlier as they were loading them up? 😉 Only time shall tell how things will fall into place. His crate is beside another Danes and across from yet another and there are no issues.

There is something very wrong with his hind end and not just the lack of muscle mass. It is suspected he might have HD yet until we do X-rays we shall not really know. He has been through enough right now and he needs to get some strength into him and not be moved yet again so soon. He is weak. When he sleeps and breathes, it worries me slightly. I sat with him until Sean pulled me away to get back to my own bed. I did not want to leave him. This is after sitting with BHRR's Veteran for about 30 minutes before sitting with him.

The journey this boy is going to take me on is going to be full of ups and downs with scares for his health and welbeing. I feel it already. I want him to know that I want him to live, that he needs to live, that there are so many rooting for him and to please trust….just one more time…please…just give one more chance to us as humans to show you how wonderful life can and should be for you.

It was felt that this boy was around 3, he could be younger, he could be older….we will better guesstimate when he is healthier and I am not going to think that he is going to get anything but healthier. 

I ask each person to hug their pets today and tell them how much you love them for you might not think they need to hear or feel it; but they do and should hear and feel it.

THANK you to ARC again for everything and to Jennnifer plus Brenda for the trust and to Charles and Sherry for assistance with their transports.

BHRR's Veteran has settled in beautifully. HE has made not one peep other than a few groans to let us know that he had to go outside. He has not growled, barked or lunged at any of the dogs. He shall not be integrated for some time to be sure that he is not contagious in addition to how he is in a weakened state.

In the daylight, we shall get some good body shots of him yet wanted to clarify to those wondering, he is not a Harlequin yet a silver merle. This is often a colour that bybers promote as 'rare' and 'unique' yet it can come with its share of medical issues including deafness and skin problems.

He was fed a half ration for supper and had a good bowl full of water to drink. His crate is beside one other dog and across from BHRR's Riley.

We have begun a de-worming protocol with him and he shall receive his next Multi Advantage on Tuesday November 22nd and then another one on December 22nd.

His elbows are so red and hot and his coat is very dull and coarse. We shall begin putting raw eggs with shells plus plain yogurt into his meals.

BHRR's Veteran is VERY friendly. He is a bit unsure as to how other people are going to react to him yet my initial assessment is a good stable temperament. We shall see what happens when the honeymoon period ends.

For those looking for wish list items for BHRR's Veteran; here are things that he most needs right now:

1) Costco Dog beds or a Kuranda (XXL) bed  to call his own

2) He needs blankets for cushion. His hair is very thin and nonexistent in places plus he is almost literally a rack of skin/bones.

3) He needs a collar 26" and a leash

4) He will need a winter coat

5) He needs 24" Rawhide bones or Smoked Dino Bones or Smoked Knuckle bones

6) Monetary donations to do bloodwork including a heartworm test, to purchase flea/parasitic/hw preventative meds & food
*One can donate by PayPal or email transfer to or by mailing a bank draft*

He needs about another 40 pounds of weight and muscle mass. The wasting in his hind end is really tragic. Not sure if he has spent quite a bit time tethered for this to be the cause of such wasting, that and the clear lack of proper nutrition.

It is really hard right now to pin down his age as life has treated him most unfairly. He seems like such a 'veteran' in many ways for sure….an 'old' soul yet I think at this time, around 15 months is a good guessestimate. We will see what he is like as he settles and rehabs.

His eyes…I know…back to eyes…BUT they almost haunt you with their sadness and pain revealed in those gorgeous eyes. 🙁

He needs a lot of TLC and patience, time and surprisingly enough, his leash manners are not that bad.

I was not exactly overjoyed to hear that people had him jumping up with his front legs on their shoulders for a number of reasons! 😉 This is not good on his rear end and that is a LOT of dog and he is going to be even more DOG once he is heatlhy and also finishes growing. We do not want Giant Dogs thinking they can jump up on people.

Below is a picture of him taken by his transporters. THANKS again to ARC for entrusting him to us; thanks to Jennifer and Brenda for the vote of confidence in us and thanks to Sherry & Charles for making the drive and meeting up with Sean so that he could bring back to BHRR.

Thanks to ARC for all that they do and for the crate they donated AND for being there for these animals in need. I am just so impressed by your efforts and honoured to be a part of your efforts!!

BHRR's Veteran – November 13th, 2011 -enroute to BHRR
*photo courtesy of C. Barr


Paula L., Quebec

Also, I do want to say thank you for the blogs on Veteran and Atlas today.  Specifically, Atlas' blog was so touching and moving.  Through your words, I could feel their pain but mostly the love that you have for these beautiful dogs.  I am very thankful that they have you in their lives…as pitiful as their lives have been to date.  I am a strong believer that every being has a guardian angel and you are definitely theirs.  Thank you!!!
Have a great night Gwen.

What we know to date on the Great Dane – Male, now neutered, body condition given 3/10, sweet/gentle tempered to all to date yet did bark/lunge at the Saint when loading up – could be stress – not overly worried at this time, mole on back biopsied – benign, skin scraped for possible mange(results inconclusive), alopecia areata, vaccinated on Advantage Multi and weight given as 50 KS(110 pounds) and age believe to be about 12-15 months.

We have been passed along the info. that he was once owned by a man and authorities needed to step in to assure the o/s as his body condition and state is so poor. He most likely would not have survived another winter.

BHRR's Veteran – November 7th, 2011 with ARC Hero Karla & November with ARC Hero Patty

What we know to date on the Saint – Male, now neutered, very poor body condition, age believed to be about 3 years, sweet/gentle temperered with people/dogs, leg wound and other lacerations, skin scraped for possible mange(results inconclusive), alopecia areata, bad hips, vaccinated and on Advantage Multi. Weight given was barely 90+ pounds. 🙁

Was picked up as a stray. He most likely would not have survived another winter.

BHRR's Atlas – November 7th, 2011 with Scotlund and Karla (ARC Heroes!)

As I type this, BHRR's Veteran and BHRR's Atlas are enroute to BHRR!

Deepest gratitude extended again to Jennifer, Brenda, Karla for everything AND deeply indebted to Sherry & Charles for making the drive to Brome, Quebec to the ES to then meet up with Sean to get these two boyz to BHRR.

Both of these special boys have an album on our BHRR FB FAN PAGE and you are welcome to follow their journey from when they were first rescued by by Animal Rescue Corps(ARC). This Album i the link below shall be dedicated to their rehab journey at BHRR.

ARC has also done a video interview today with one of the BHRR Volunteers – Sherry – when they were there to do the pick-up and they have requested to do a 1 monthly follow-up sucess story on the Great Dane (at the time known as BHRR's Veteran).

Animal Rescue Corps(ARC) – Operation Anishnabe Dogs: A Lasting Solution!

Animal Rescue Corps

Operation Anishnabe Dogs: A Lasting Solution! Video

Their Photo Album on the ARC Page 

BHRR was asked to assist with the GD and the Saint – the Saint was picked up as a stray and the Great Dane was an o/d – over 200 animals have been assisted by this historical and moving event!

We are so grateful for the trust that has been extended our way to have this privilege and opportunity to help these two very special boys.

More Information:

"Operation Anishnabe Dogs: Information is being provided in a number of ways: video, updates, press release, photos and more to come. To answer directly some of the common questions: Animal Rescue Corps is here at the official request of the governing council – Conseil de la Nation Anishnabe du Lac Simon. There has been a significant free roaming dog population here for more than 30 years. It …reached a critical point where the suffering among the dog population was massive and a public safety issue for the children and adults of the community. We are providing vaccinations and free sterilization to the claimed dogs and vet care and relocation to placement partners of the unclaimed animals, more information will be provided on the placement partners as soon as it is available. Many dogs have untreated medical conditions, matting and emaciation. All dogs are exposed to the extreme elements here, most with no shelter. There are many dogs living outside that are not appropriate for this climate. ARC is proud to be working with several Canadian groups on this project and our amazing Canadian volunteers. Thanks to ARC’s generous partners and you, our Corps supporters, we are able to bring expertise, equipment, and financial resources to a community that did not possess them – a community that would have resorted to another large “culling” of the dogs, because their previous requests for help with a humane solution had gone unanswered. ARC is here responding to that call for help before the coming winter. We are here because compassion knows no borders. Thanks to our supporters for all the wonderful and supportive comments and feedback."


BHRR's Rain went to her temp foster home yesterday and it did not take her long to settle in at all! New photos added to her slideshow and two of them are below.

She was a bit worried about their hardwood(newer and shinier than ours) and the stairs(we are a bungalow built into a hill with wide sweeping stairs up to the house) yet in taking my suggestion re: treats and then moving forward like it was 'no big deal' – SUCCESS!

Small update from her temp fostermom this AM:

"Rain did so well her first night here, great idea with the treats and getting her up the stairs! She slept in the ensuite bathroom off the master I'm assuming because the floor were cold, when I woke up she was snuggled beside our bed on one of the dog beds!!
Off for a little walk!
Have a great day.

BHRR's Rain – November 12th, 2011 & BHRR's Broker(ADOPTED) with BHRR's Rain November 12th, 2011


This is another blog LONG in the making!


We were originally thinking that he could possibly be ready back in August yet he began to enter a 'goober' stage of not listening and forgetting all the great manners he had learnt! LOL So, we held him here at BHRR and continued to work on NILIF and Gwennie's boot camp! 😉

This boy is now back in the game with his brain!!! It seemed to have left him for a wee bit but his brain has now been found again…. 😉

ONLY when BHRR's Beau just as with all of our animals; was ready would he be placed up for adoption. NOW, he is ready!

He and his sister have been a real pleasure to have around and this boy is a FAR cry from the one that first came into BHRR! He has just made huge progress in his rehab journey and I am proud of him!!

He LOVES kids of all ages and sizes and all adults and seniors! He gets along with other dogs and no longer has a need of a crate here. Often, he and BHRR's Rain(his sister) could be found resting in a crate together yet he has been eating and sleeping outside of a crate plus when we have to leave the house.

He can be a bit of a mischief maker in his own right. He is not one to 'start' things going rowdy in our home yet he is happy to participate at times and often likes to try and get one last poke or play shove in before the action stops.

He also LOVES when BHRR's Dana decides it is 'ice' time and is one of the first to sit in front of the fridge as she gets the ice maker going.

This boy is FANTABULOUS with puppies! OMG! The abuse he has taken from both JS and some puppy guests we have had here and also Brick as they loved to pull on that gorgeous bushy tail of his and how he has been so patience with them earns him a title of MR. SAINThood indeed!!! Magnificent he has been!!

He is playful when it is time and very well behaved in the house overall. He barely makes a sound and has become such a low maintenance boy.

Sean and I are going to miss this boy and his sister….we still call them our 'SAINT babies' even though they shall soon be one.

BHRR's Beau has made nothing less than a miraculous rehab journey with his mental and emotional rehab. THIS is the boy that took me over 1 hour to even touch when I first went to get him and you show him a treat and he is a friend for life to whomever drops by now. PROUD of you my 'beaubeau'. Just full of oozing pride for the giving of your trust and willingness to let people get close to you. He can be sooooooooooooo affectionate and he is no longer afraid to ask for loving.

He can still be a bit worried with the brushing yet has come to enjoy it for the most part and doing his nails no longer terrifies him. Not his most favourite thing in the world yet he tolerates it well and really enjoys his treats afterwards. There is no issues washing him either. He is very accepting of many things that once frightened him deeply.

I have needed to add photos for some time to his album and please find 5 more photos recently taken of this gorgeous boy!

He will do best in a home that has at least one other right matched personality fit dog(male/female does not matter), responsible / affectionate children are a bonus, a home that is prepared to spend quality time with him to continue him being social and interactive, a home that is going to make him a priority, one that is NOT going to leave him outside as all of our dogs are indoor ones(the amount of times I hear how a Saint Bernard should live outside is incredible….AND wrong…they are pack animals and should be with their families INSIDE), a home that works part-time, semi-retired, works from home, full-time(NO more than 8.5 hours away), a home that likes long nice walks or some hiking and will ensure to his mental stimulation needs.

NOT a lot to ask of the right matched home at all! 😀

He is good with cats too!

BHRR's Beau – November 11th, 2011

BHRR's Broker was ADOPTED today! Congrats to his new adoptive home and to him!

Should all go well, BHRR's Benjamin shall be going to his temp foster home on Friday November 18th!

BHRR's Riley arrived to BHRR on November 2nd and we were told that he had been given his Rabies at the shelter. Unfortunately, his paperwork did not come with him and we did ask twice to have it faxed over. At this time, we are unaware of what else he received at the shelter yet we shall not be given him any more vaccines or altering him until he is at a much better weight.

He has been given sentinel and has begun a routine deworming protocol that all the dogs that come to BHRR go through with Safeguard or aka Panacur for many.

This boy is at least 25 pounds underweight and I estimate him to be about 15 months of age.

How to sum up his personality, well………..he is a lot like BHRR's Parker Paws and BHRR's Benjamin yet is is very much uniquely BHRR's Riley at the same time! He is a goofy, stick fetching/carrying, thrilled to be digging and humping all the dogs ball of hormones boy! cheekyThere is not one mean bone in this dog's body that I have discovered to date and he has learnt to like his crate. 😉 They all do!

NILIF and Gwennie's Doggie Boot Camp are in full swing! 😉

He is completely housebroken and does not mark in the house. He makes some low whining types of sounds as he is asked to go back into his own crate to learn to love his own company plus to know that his own company is 'ok' in that he does not have to rely on others to comfort and soothe or keep him company. He settles down really well in mere moments.

He is sleeping in a crate at night and we are feeding him up to 5 small meals a day due to his really poor body condition. He has collapsed pasterns and his coat was really dull and flaky upon arrival. Eggs with shells and  some plain white yogurt are serving him very well. He is also getting some wet canned food mixed into his kibble to keep him interested in eating.

He plays a bit rough and has very little manners yet that is because NO one ever spent the time to train him. He will get there.

So much more to update yet after a 15 hour work day, time to get a wee bit of shut eye myself. THANKS for everyone's patience as I recently went through surgery on November 4th and my recovery time over the next 6 weeks minimum shall be time to focus on updating blogs and adding photos. We are still looking into video capabilities to add videos of the dogs to not only our website yet our PetFinder website too. Stay tuned!

We are still plugging away on online adoption and volunteer form options as well plus the ability to view our adoptables on facebook and to download an application. 🙂

Below are two photos to demonstrate JUST how painfully thin this boy really is AND bear in mind that these photos were taken ONE week after his arrival to BHRR. He was much worse upon arrival to BHRR and with other things on our plate; we were unable to get the 'first' photos as we normally try to take of all new arrivals.

Additionally, taking photos of dogs that are dark often do not show up well. This boy is all ribs, hips and spine…. 🙁

BHRR's Riley – November 9th, 2011 – one week after coming to BHRR



BHRR's Hailey shall go to her temp foster home for a two week playdate beginning on Saurday November 12th. I have much to update on this lovely black beauty plus to add photos and as soon as I can get back on my main computer, she is a top priority to blog about!

She remains AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION and we remain patient as always!

Should all go well, BHRR's Broker shall be adopted on Saturday November 12th. Will update as I can. This shall make adoption #313 for BHRR.

BHRR's Rain shall be headed to her new temp foster home on Saturday November 12th!

Below is a photo of her and Brick on Bleach's couch.

BHRR's Rain with Brick – November 2011

‘Spare a Loonie for Bloomy’

Hello Everyone!!

We are now launching the ''Spare a Loonie for Bloomy'' campaign, starting November 1st, 2011 (11-1-11) and running until December 1st, 2011 (12-1-11); We would like to encourage everyone to invite their family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, etc. to donate $1.

Even if you think that $1 won't make a difference, one thousand loonies certainly will! You can drop off the money at DögHaus (5671 Sherbrooke West) in Bloom's piggy bank or donate directly to Bloom's file (100861) at by calling the DMV (514-633-8888).

OR you can donate via Paypal ( or by email transfer to (make sure you send the pw) or by mailing a bank draft out to 'Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabiltation Services(BHRR)' and mail to:

Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

Many places have 'casual' Fridays and considering choosing BHRR's Bloom's cause for one of those office days!

Please share this message with everyone you know, we can use all the help we can get to reach our goal!

Let's make a change with change!!

**Keep in mind that it costs the DMV money every time they process a credit card transaction, and many companies enforce a $5 minimum rule.***

BHRR's Bloom's Angels:

Bloom's Carnival Fundraiser Angels


Total Raised To Date: $965
Total Needed to Raise: $4,000

Robyn Guest, Stratford, ON

Subject: Just a quick thank you…

For doing what you do.

I regularly peruse your rescue, as someday I hope to be able to provide a permanent home to a Saint in need.  We were lucky enough to be home to a rescued Saint Bernard for just under two years before he passed of cancer, but that was long enough that I have fallen in love with the breed, and can't wait to share our home with another. 

I've made a small donation, not much, but hopefully it helps a little.

Thank you again – your work is so important, and so appreciated.


We are moving BHRR's Lincoln from our 'BHRR HAVEN DOG' program to back under our 'Available Canines' program for the last time I saw him at his temp foster home, he definitely was putting on weight and once his temp foster home is down to about 28 tabs of Pheno(getting 25 mg EOD still); we shall do a re-weigh and if his weight is up to where we would like to see it(he is eating up to 13 cups a food a day right now! WAHOO!); then he shall be placed as being available for adoption. 🙂

Update from his temp foster home on October 12th, 2011:
"He now runs up the steps and places his face on my stomach and looks up with the best look ever!!!!! And then when you rub his ears he groannnnssss. Lol."

BHRR's Lincoln – October 12th, 2011 – look at his lovey soft coat and nice ear and elbow!
*photo courtesy of T. Vaive

BHRR's Lincoln is eating 75% FROMM whitefish and salmon right now and 25% D/D Salmon. Too much of the D/D Duck was making his stomach wonky. Good to have some as a bit of variety yet duck cannot be part of his staple. We are going to try and get him to 100% FROMM WhiteFish and FROMM Salmon within the next while and after his next recheck that shall include a new weight; see if we can get him completely off the pred too. My gut tells me that we can do this just as I figured that we could get him on to a high quality kibble from an allergy food once his immune system was boosted.

His temp foster home and I are in complete agreement that this boy needs KIDS in his life! He loves his 'kids'. I have two and the temp foster home has two.

The temp foster home also was able to experience first hand during their own Thanksgiving festivities that when things are really busy, he becomes distracted and loses his focus to eat. So, any new home shall have to be aware of this. He has doubled his food intake from BHRR to his temp foster home and actually looks forward to eating his food and then some more! LOL If he is too interested in all that is going on around him, he loses the desire to eat for he is trying to play and do all the other great things he was deprived of in his past.

So, any future approved adoptive home is going to have to be aware:

1) that he needs a quiet place to eat and watch busy family times – Holidays, Special occasions such that BHRR's Lincoln does not suffer and they do not make an extra effort to get him to keep eating

2) that their home cannot be too busy – he is thriving in a home with two children and one other dog and some cats yet cannot be more busy that this!

3) that their home must have a right matched personality fit dog for him to play with, at least one; no more than two preferably

4) that the home works pt, works from home, sem-retired or has flexibility to work at home some days throughout the week or is gone from home no more than 8-8.5 hours per day.

5) that is going to honour the obedience clause in our adoption contract – bonding is not just about affetion building between O. and dog

6) that is going to understand that BHRR's Lincoln could have a flare up of seasonal allergies in his future

7) that BHRR's Lincoln CANNOT have any food other than FROMM Whitefish or FROMM Salmon or D/D Salmon EVER!

8 ) would be nice to see the home have at least one child for BHRR's Lincoln as he LOVES his kids – no less than 8 years of age should the home not have experience with Saints and over the age of 5, if the home has experience with Saints.

9) THAT he is an indoor dog ONLY and shall never ever ever ever again live the life he was being given in his past.

10) a home that shall brush him daily (he loves being brushed!) and wash his neck and lower jaw so that the drool(yes, he drools when he sees food, treats and after drinking) does not crust up and cause him sores

11) that he will be given many soft beds to lay upon – Cosco or Kuranda


Below is a photo of BHRR's Broker taken at a Fundraiser held at Global Pet Foods – Kanata on Sunday October 30th, 2011. Once we know the final total raised from Global Pet Foods – Kanata, we shall post BUT we want to send out our immense thanks to everyone that showed up for nail trims plus photos! 🙂

New weight taken on BHRR's Broker on Thursday November 3rd, was a slightly plump 58.3 KGs(128.26 pounds). He shall be cutting back on a bit of the food. 😉

BHRR's Broker remains under a PENDING ADOPTION at this time. We will update his blog as we can.

BHRR's Broker – October 30th, 2011 – 16 months of age


BHRR’s Rain will be going to her temp foster next week if all goes well!

BHRR’s Harley went to his his new adoptive home on Friday November 4th!

BHRR’s Broker is being placed under a ‘Pending Adoption’. Until such time as it can be best determined if this is/is not the right matched home for him; BHRR shall not be taking on any more inquiries or applications for him.

More info. on BHRR's Bloom – Female, Blue GD, about 15 months of age.

What we know of from her current guardian angel on October 12th, 2011 when BHRR was first contacted to assist:

"Bloom was found as a stray in Huntington (QC) about a month ago. The couple who found her were not able to keep her so I offered to take her in and take on the task of finding her a good home. Upon meeting Bloom, I discovered that it might be harder to find her a home than I originally thought. It was obvious that something was wrong with her so I took her to see an orthopedist  and it was confirmed that she suffers from Radius Curvus Syndrome and will need a $3,800 surgery."

October 16th, 2011 UPDATE:

"Since we've had her, she's looking a lot better. The curve in her spine was really bad at first and I would say it's improved 80%. Bloom wasn't interested in food (kibble) at first so we switched her to a raw diet and she LOVES it! We also take her out for a run in the forest a few times a week and the exercise seems to be good for her even though the vet advised us to minimize her physical activity. She seemed very sore when she first arrived (she would cry when going up and down the stairs or by just getting up from her dog bed) and now we rarely hear her cry.  

We just started raising funds last week so we're probably far from our goal! The article in the NDG Free Press came out today so we're hoping people will donate.

Her surgery date hasn't been set yet as we are still waiting to raise the money. She has been seeing Dr. Gatineau at the DMV and this is where the money is being donated to. 

Bloom is wonderful with other dogs. We've taken her to dog parks (enclosed and off-leash trails) and she's never had any issues. She is very young and silly….. Bloom is also good with EVERYONE she meets. She LOVES people!! She's good with strangers, kids, etc.

Overall, she has amazing potential and I would love to see her reach it. She hasn't been spayed yet."

October 23rd, 2011 UPDATE:

"Dr. Gatineau told me that Bloom should be able to lead a normal life after her surgery and that is what I wish for her. She is SOOOO happy and loves to run and play, I want her to be able to do so without having to take pain medication and still be in pain for a couple of days. I'm convinced you will do an amazing job helping her recuperate from her surgery, your knowledge and experience will make all the difference!"

October 24th, 2011 UPDATE:

"From the moment I picked up Bloom, I made a promise to her that I would do everything to get her the care she needs and I intend to keep my promise no matter how much time and work it takes, she deserves it! I cannot thank you enough for having agreed to take care of Bloom's recovery and adoption, I couldn't have dreamed of a more perfect place for her to go to."

NDG Free Press Article on BHRR's Bloom – October 16th, 2011

HELP 'BLOOM' Blossom – 15 month old Great Dane diagnosed with Radius Curvus Syndrome – $4,000 Vet Bills & $805Donated to date

Please consider donating to:

Dr. Gatineau at the DMV in Lachine

Cal 514-633-8888 and donate to the file # 100861 – Bloom
Her surgery is estimate at $3,800 plus we need to spay her


You can donate by email transfer to (just ensure we have the password) or by PayPal(account is OR you can write a check/MO or Bank Draft out to ‘Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services’ OR to ‘Gwendilin & Sean Boers’ for her Vet Bills with BHRR’s Bloom in the memo section and mail to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Service(BHRR)
C/O Gwendiln Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

Keep up the good work

Hi I’m a St bernard lover who currently has 3 saints and a saint bernard/ newf cross which was rescued…I wish everyone would do more good for these large takes a certain kind of person to do what you are doing..keep up the good work
a true st bernard lover as well