Though I am feeling bummed about missing Halloween, I am grateful to Miss Asante’s lovely foster home for sending pictures of her as an adorable ‘disco Halloween helper!’ 
Happy Halloween to all, and please keep your pets and children, plus yourselves, safe!

This is Miss Ayla(L) & Miss Maybelle Cutie(R) at their last professional photo shoot!


AND I am in my way shortly for The Bean’s next photo shoot!

They are all recovering well from their spays/neuter.

This is Miss Bev! This litter had always loved climbing on things! 

Miss Bev is coming back with me after their paparazzi photo shoot & The Beans will all be back together again!

Thank you to her amazing foster home for this hilarious photo of Miss Bev & her big foster sister River. 


Another crazy busy BHRR day!

Mr. Bruce had his paparazzi photo shoot this AM!

This is him and Mr. Jack(AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!) & very interested in what is going on the screen. 

By the end of next week, Mr. Bruce(Fawn Merle Great Dane) shall be ready to make his own special announcement!

Thank you to his wonderful foster Mama for taking him to his professional photo shoot! 

Miss Chrissy’s professional photo shoot was delayed due to rain, and then I had a bit of a gastro bug. She will get hers done soon!




The Beans had their next weigh-ins and were altered today.
I also microchipped them and tidied up their nails.
I did not get out of surgery until after 3:30 pm. 
What a way to end my last surgery tech shift at LAH!
From Friday to today, their weights have gone up more than I would have thought!
Puppy 1 – 0.38 kgs – deceased as of 8:49 AM Thursday, August 4th(passed away just hours after they were surrendered to rescue)
Puppy 2 BHRR’s Nola – (Miss Fighter Bean)
August 4th – 0.38 kgs as well
August 8th – 0.62 kgs (1 lb, 6 oz)
August 11th – 0.82 kgs (1 lb, 12.8 oz)
September 15th – 4.9 kgs (10.78 pounds)
October 21st – 11.3 kgs (24.86 pounds)
October 25th – 11.9 kgs (26.18 pounds)
Puppy 3 BHRR’s Beaver(Bev) – (Miss Explorer Bean)
August 4th – 0.48 kgs
August 8th – 0.71 kgs (1 lb, 9 oz)
September 15th – 4.7 kgs (10.34 pounds)
October 21st – 9.7 kgs (21.34 pounds)
October 25th – 10.4 kgs (22.88 pounds)
Puppy 4 BHRR’s Albar – (Mr. Warrior Bean)
August 4th – 0.46 kgs
August 8th – 0.79 kgs (1 lb, 12 oz)
September 15th – 5.2 kgs (11.44 pounds)
October 21st – 10.9 kgs (23.98 pounds)
October 25th – 11.7 kgs (25.74 pounds)
Puppy 5 BHRR’s Maybelle Cutie – (Miss Diva Princess Bean)
August 4th – 0.56 kgs
August 8th – 0.99 kgs (2 lbs, 3 oz)
September 15th – 5.3 kgs (11.66 pounds)
October 21st – 11.3 kgs (24.86 pounds) – same as Miss Nola
October 25th – 11.8 kgs (25.96 pounds)
Puppy 6 BHRR’s Ayla (Miss Busy Mobile Bean)
August 4th – 0.64 kgs
August 8th – 0.79 kgs (1 lb, 12 oz)
August 11th – 1.03 kg (2 lbs, 3.6 oz)
September 15th – 4.7 kgs – same as BHRR’s Bev (10.34 pounds)
October 21st – 11.2 kgs (24.64 pounds)
October 25th – 11.7 kgs (25.74 pounds) – same as Mr. Albar
*We know that she was ‘chill’ due to still battling aspiration pneumonia, yet is now a busy bean!
I barely had time to have a pee break and take a few sips of water. 
Now, I am home, and the pups are tucked in, and I am going to forage for some dinner!

Their vet bills today were a smidge under $3,000 as I brought my own microchips, saving over $500, and tax plus, I have pain meds at home, saving another several hundred dollars.

The Beans are expensive yet so worth it!


BHRR’s Miss Agatha is moving under a PENDING Adoption status.
We shall update as we can!

Soooooo, this happened tonight!
BHRR’s Titan has moved to an ADOPTED status!
This fam photo is a bit different, yet no less awesome – Miss Hazel(BHRR’s Whisper ADOPTED November 12th, 2018) is the white Great Dane & Mr. Titan is with his forever loving adoptive Mama! 
As is said, the best failure is a foster failure when it is a right-matched personality fit!
As BHRR’s Titan’s adoptive mama says, ‘foster success!’ 
I am so happy for all of them, and thank you to Sean for coming to do this home visit with me!
AND thank you to my family for watching The Beans while I had to step out for this home visit.
My heart is bursting with happiness for him and his wonderful, forever-loving adoptive home!
You have come far, my dear boy, and you are very loved beyond measure by so many!

The Beans had their re-weighs today and their next DAPP boosters – they also received their first Lepto & Lyme vaccines – plus picked up their next flea/tick & hw meds.
Their weights range from 9.7 (Miss Bev) up to 11.3 kgs(Miss Nola & Miss Maybelle Cutie). Mr. Albar was 10.9 kgs. Two of the girls were 11.3 kgs & the other was 11.2 kgs.
Thanks to Amanda and Jen for their assistance ‘lugging’ the beans, as the parking lot was insanely busy!
We had Miss Nola’s heart checked again, and she still has her Grade 1-2 HM, which is not uncommon and often can be completely harmless, and they often can outgrow them. We shall continue to monitor. Miss Nola and her Bean siblings got the big thumbs up at their Vet visit!
The unfortunate part is that three of the beans vomited twice post vaccines, and four were very subdued. This is most likely from the Lepto booster in a combination with the excitement of the day.
All temps were high normal, and they are being closely monitored in case they may need some dex or Benadryl.
All are resting quietly – getting some sun rays…..
On a side note, I was deeply overjoyed to see my Miss Bevie!  I have dearly missed her, and she was so happy to see me too!
I love the picture I have posted of BHRR’s Chester – ADOPTED May 3rd, 2022 – and Miss Bev!

The Beans turn 3 months old Sunday! The 23rd of October.

First Picture: Mr. Albar behind Miss Maybelle Cutie & Miss Ayla to the left lying down & Moss Nola to the right lying down.
Second Picture: BHRR’s Maybelle – head on Miss Ayla’s back & Miss Nola lying down. 
Third Picture: Miss Bev with BHRR’s Chester – ADOPTED May 3rd, 2022.

Puppy 1 – 0.38 kgs – deceased as of 8:49 AM Thursday, August 4th(passed away just hours after they were surrendered to rescue)
Puppy 2 BHRR’s Nola – (Miss Fighter Bean)
August 4th – 0.38 kgs as well
August 8th – 0.62 kgs (1 lb, 6 oz)
August 11th – 0.82 kgs (1 lb, 12.8 oz)
September 15th – 4.9 kgs (10.78 pounds)
October 21st – 11.3 kgs (24.86 pounds)
Puppy 3 BHRR’s Beaver(Bev) – (Miss Explorer Bean)
August 4th – 0.48 kgs
August 8th – 0.71 kgs (1 lb, 9 oz)
September 15th – 4.7 kgs (10.34 pounds)
October 21st – 9.7 kgs (21.34 pounds)
Puppy 4 BHRR’s Albar – (Mr. Warrior Bean)
August 4th – 0.46 kgs
August 8th – 0.79 kgs (1 lb, 12 oz)
September 15th – 5.2 kgs (11.44 pounds)
October 21st – 10.9 kgs (23.98 pounds)
Puppy 5 BHRR’s Maybelle Cutie – (Miss Diva Princess Bean)
August 4th – 0.56 kgs
August 8th – 0.99 kgs (2 lbs, 3 oz)
September 15th – 5.3 kgs (11.66 pounds)
October 21st – 11.3 kgs (24.86 pounds) The same as Miss Nola
Puppy 6 BHRR’s Ayla (Miss Busy Mobile Bean)
August 4th – 0.64 kgs
August 8th – 0.79 kgs (1 lb, 12 oz)
August 11th – 1.03 kg (2 lbs, 3.6 oz)
September 15th – 4.7 kgs – same as BHRR’s Bev (10.34 pounds)
October 21st – 11.2 kgs (24.64 pounds)
*We know that she was ‘chill’ due to still battling aspiration pneumonia, yet is now a busy bean!


UPDATE on his emergency visit yesterday:

He does have a UTI & is on Clavaseptin 750 mg BID. His bills were $438.09, and thanks to an anonymous Titan angel, they generously paid his bill. Unbelievably kind and heartwarming. 

Eagleson Veterinary Clinic recommended a recheck in about four weeks’ time, and if the adoption is approved, this is something the approved adoptive home can easily manage.
I was told he was a ‘star’ patient, and I would have expected nothing less!

Miss Asante has now been safely handed off to her lovely fosters.
Thanks for meeting up with me partway!
I will see her on Tuesday at her vet apt., and now that we have her, we can start moving on her rehabilitation to health and new eyes!
Super sweet, super stinky, yet super sweet!

I got her and am now on my way to meet up with her foster family.
Not the best pics! Sorry!

Miss Asante is still travelling great!
She is travelling with cats & kittens and 6 other dogs on this transport. Lots of tandem driving going on as each leg is done.
I am being told her hair is like ‘velvet’. 
A massive hit with all!
She is so tiny in this pic!! We got you, sweet baby…soon, I will meet you soon!

Miss Asante began her journey early this AM & I will be meeting the transport in a few hours, then will drive to meet up with her temp foster.
The thing I do not have right now – I am recycling collars/leash/harness so she is ok on that for now, and I thought I could snag the brand new bed I had bought(not yet used) for one of my own dogs – an XL Costco dog bed.
Appears that the bed has been pulled down and loved – from the faint mud/dust pawprints evidence! 
If anyone may consider being a bed angel for her, please let me know!
She has her first vet appointment with us on Tuesday. We will get those eyes repaired ASAP. The shelter had done the right eye, yet it failed. Very common with the ‘new’ technique, especially with Danes and Newfs.
When she is ready and settled in a bit, too, we will have a professional groom done for we want all of our dogs looking and feeling their best.
I have been told she is ‘super sweet and very, very, very easygoing.’
From these pics, I see single-bred Newf, yet we will see what the intake paperwork says, etc.
It does not matter to us!

Mr. Titan is at Eagleson Veterinary Clinic. I was able to get him in there to be seen today for his bloody urine.
I am waiting for an update, invoicing, etc., and please keep him in your thoughts.
It is really hard when a cherished dog is at the Hospital without you there…he & I went through so much together when he first came into rescue & he is adored….he was so sick upon intake in emerge back in early July – to the point that the difficult conversation re: if he went into cardiac arrest had to be had.
I slept on the floor beside him and was with him 24/7 in those early days….
The reality is that he went through so much on his own, needlessly and neglectfully, before he was rescued. I never want him ever being alone again…..
He has his foster mama with him today and hoping it is an easily treated UTI situation.

When it rains, it pours.
We had worked to schedule the home visit for BHRR’s Titan’s possible approved adoption and finally got a date booked, and today, I am notified by his foster home that he has blood in his urine.
Poor boy…..
When we first rescued him at the beginning of July, he had severe untreated urinary issues. He was placed on both Zeniquin and Clavaseptin.
So, everything is now on hold as we address this concern.
Sean/I are going to stop checking emails and texts and picking up the phone……just when you think you are going to get ahead of the rescue vet bills. 
Yet, we will continue to ensure that he and all of our dogs get everything they need and go up and beyond. 
On a side note, we are getting one step closer to having BHRR’s Asante arrive. I also have her first Vet appointment booked for Tuesday at 3 PM.

BHRR’s Titan is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!
We shall update as we can.

One of my new all-time fav photos!
BHRR’s Chester (Adopted May 3rd, 2022) with his wee foster sister, Miss Bev Bean! 
The Beans are back at the Vet for their next boosters on October 15th!
I am also now looking at getting their 12-week professional photo’s booked. 

October 17th – October 21st  – Pancakes for sale up to 3 PM EVERY DAY!
Sunset Grill, Brockville, ON

Miss Chrissy, one of our Three’s Company pups, was spayed Tuesday, October 4th.
She weighed 15.8 kgs(34.76 pounds).
We did pre-op bloodwork and microchipped her, and her nails did not need to be done – very proactive on that!
The surgeon – the same one that did Mr. Jack’s neuter & I discussed in depth a premed protocol as Miss Janet is having IS & Mr. Jack was very dysphoric upon waking.
As with all of our dogs, we give trazodone the night before and the AM of to ensure they are as stress-free as possible.
I was her surgery tech, and she was stable throughout & woke up smooth, she had a wonderful stay at the Hospital too.
Her paparazzi photo shoot is booked for next week – I believe! – and shortly after that, she will be making her own special announcement.
This is her in post-op….all snuggled up in warmies & blankets. 

Miss Janet, one of our Three’s company pups.
She is on Pheno & Keppra now. Hoping we are finally on the good end of this IS fight. 
Her head has been healing beautifully!
I cannot believe they are six months old now.
Such social, happy, wiggle-butt Aussies!

BHRR’s Bruce was at the Vet yesterday.
He weighed a very thin 50.6 kgs(110.66). I would like to see at least another 15-20 pounds of muscle mass and weight on him and then re-evaluate. I want him lean, not overweight. Too many obese dogs out there….
He had his boosters – DHPP, Lyme, Lepto, was dispensed deworming, hw, flea/tick meds. I was thinking Nexgard Spectra, yet when I was at work, I began thinking more Nexgard and Interceptor Plus. Thanks to the Vet for ‘poking’ fun at me for writing down Nexgard Spectra in the apt. notes! I know what I wrote and thought it over!
I drew blood – such a good boy to sit nicely for me to take from his jugular – and ran a hw/tickborne disease test – negative, and I took extra to see if the Vet wanted to run a panel. They did not feel it necessary, and unless I wanted to run it for a baseline for Mr. Bruce, they were not concerned.
I took the blood I was holding for the possible blood profile and spun it down to get serum to freeze to help others with eye ulcers. Dane blood can be so universal!
He was friendly, lovely to finally get to meet him, and when he is ready, he will seriously make a home an INCREDIBLE addition! He is stunning inside and out!
He loved everyone at the clinic! No interpersonal space issues or respect from this boy! Right up in your face with happiness/love! LOL
He resides in a foster home with two other dogs: Mr. Jack(AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION), cats, and bunnies! It was great to see Mr. Jack again too!
Miss Chrissy is having her spay, microchip, bloodwork, etc., on Tuesday.
Will monitor Mr. Bruce’s small skin issues, is it behavioural? Environmental and behavioural? Environmental? – he had eye/ear infections when he was dropped off at the shelter. Resolved now.
Per the foster, he is having some SA issues in his crate at night. They still have some trazodone on hand and will use that to help ‘ease’ Mr. Bruce to be ok with his own company.
So, hard on these big sensitive dogs! You will get there, Mr. Bruce. It has only been nine days today since your arrival.
Thank you to his foster home for being open to fostering him until at least December 1st. It saved his life……
AND for those asking re: his colouring – he is a Fawn Merle.


The Beans(LabX) went up for fostering to adopt on October 1st!
*~75% lab*

We are also open to approved Volunteers to foster them until they are adopted by a right-matched personality fit home.

*Adoptions will not be finalized until after their spays/neuter
*This is in addition to our mandatory obedience clause
*They can go to homes with responsible children as young as 10+
*No more than two children in a home
*They can go to homes with cats
*We prefer homes with at least one right-matched personality-fit dog, not a deal breaker for that right home that has a great social network set up for The Bean!
*Homes must be within 2 hours of our location & be willing to take them to their October 15th booster apt. & their alter apt at the end of October – booked at Liston Animal Hospital
*Foster-to-adopt homes must then be prepared to commit to their final puppy boosters around November 15th (post-adoption), including rabies, dhpp, Lyme plus lepto
**The above clauses will be in the foster-to-adopt contracts in addition to all other requirements found in our standard adoption application contract**

They are ready to be fostered by an approved Volunteer AND they are ready to be fostered to adopt to homes seeking to adopt. The adoption application contract must be completed.

Thank you again to the puppy wranglers that came out to help at their paparazzi photo shoot! VERY appreciated!

Thank you again to Liz Bradley for the gorgeous photos!


















*As this is a foster-to-adopt puppy, all homes must be within 2 hours of our location AND willing to drive him to his scheduled Vet appointments in Kanata, ON *
**NO Exceptions**


2nd boosters are booked for October 15th, his neuter is scheduled for the third week of October, and he will require his third boosters by November 15th(the approved foster to adopt home can take care of the third boosters, and it will be in the signed foster to adopt contract that they agree to do so – Rabies, DAPP, Lepto & Lyme.

BHRR’s Albar – male – Labx(Predominantly Lab ~75%) – ten weeks of age(born July 23rd), utd on vaccines, will be microchipped, good with other dogs & good with people, Has been good with cats – integration is key!

*We will consider homes with responsible children 10+
*No more than two children in a home

Has had some obedience(this does not exclude our mandatory adoption clause of a full round of obedience being required – NO EXCEPTIONS!)

NOTE: All blogs(scroll to the very bottom and then read upwards) and our PetFinder animal lists are kept utd so yes, he is still available.

Almost all of your questions will be answered in his thorough blog. READ the blog from the bottom up once on the blog.

Please familiarize yourself with BHRR’s adoption mandates, processes plus policies before contacting us about a BHRR animal.

Our PetFinder and our websites will answer most of your questions. Therefore, do not contact us asking us what our policies are, what our adoption area is, or what his adoption fee is. BHRR is a federally registered NPO operated solely by Volunteers.

We are NOT a shelter or a pound.

You CANNOT just drop by to visit him. He resides in a loving foster home, not a kennel, and BHRR has a thorough adoption process to determine if any home is a right match personality fit.

When submitting your completed adoption application contract – found on our home website – for BHRR’s Albar, please include a short introduction regarding your home, etc.

We DO NOT respond to inquiries to adopt via Petfinder, our website nor any emails/phone calls. We ONLY will consider completed applications along with the non-refundable application fee.

NOTE: WE also will not respond to any emails that only ask a one-liner or re: adoption fees.

The adoption cost(from a r/q Rescue) or purchase cost(if you purchase from a reputable/quality Breeder is the LEAST that you shall pay over the lifetime of proper care of your pet)



*As this is a foster-to-adopt puppy, all homes must be within 2 hours of our location AND willing to drive her to her scheduled Vet appointments in Kanata, ON *
**NO Exceptions**


2nd boosters are booked for October 15th, her spay is scheduled for the third week of October, and she will require her third boosters by November 15th(the approved foster to adopt home can take care of the third boosters, and it will be in the signed foster to adopt contract that they agree to do so – Rabies, DAPP, Lepto & Lyme.

BHRR’s Nola – female – Labx(Predominantly Lab ~75%) – ten weeks of age(born July 23rd), utd on vaccines, will be microchipped, good with other dogs & good with people, Has been good with cats – integration is key!

*We will consider homes with responsible children 10+
*No more than two children in a home

Has had some obedience(this does not exclude our mandatory adoption clause of a full round of obedience being required – NO EXCEPTIONS!)

NOTE: All blogs(scroll to the very bottom and then read upwards).

Please familiarize yourself with BHRR’s adoption mandates, processes plus policies before contacting us about a BHRR animal.

Our PetFinder and our websites will answer most of your questions. Therefore, do not contact us asking us what our policies are, what our adoption area is, or what her adoption fee is. BHRR is a federally registered NPO operated solely by Volunteers.

We are NOT a shelter or a pound.

You CANNOT just drop by to visit her. She resides in a loving foster home, not a kennel, and BHRR has a thorough adoption process to determine if any home is a right match personality fit.

When submitting your completed adoption application contract – found on our home website – for her, please include a short introduction regarding your home, etc.

We DO NOT respond to inquiries to adopt via Petfinder nor our website or any emails/phone calls. We ONLY will consider completed applications along with the non-refundable application fee.

NOTE: WE also will not respond to any emails that only ask a one-liner or re: adoption fees.

The adoption cost(from a r/q Rescue) or purchase cost(if you purchase from a reputable/quality Breeder is the LEAST that you shall pay over the lifetime of proper care of your pet).



*As this is a foster-to-adopt puppy, all homes must be within 2 hours of our location AND willing to drive her to her scheduled Vet appointments in Kanata, ON *
**NO Exceptions**


2nd boosters are booked for October 15th, her spay is scheduled for the third week of October, and she will require her third boosters by November 15th(the approved foster to adopt home can take care of the third boosters, and it will be in the signed foster to adopt contract that they agree to do so – Rabies, DAPP, Lepto & Lyme.

BHRR’s Maybelle Cutie – female – Labx(Predominantly Lab ~75%) – ten weeks of age(born July 23rd), utd on vaccines, will be microchipped, good with other dogs & good with people, Has been good with cats – integration is key!

*We will consider homes with responsible children 10+
*No more than two children in a home

Has had some obedience(this does not exclude our mandatory adoption clause of a full round of obedience being required – NO EXCEPTIONS!)

NOTE: All blogs(scroll to the very bottom and then read upwards).

Please familiarize yourself with BHRR’s adoption mandates, processes plus policies before contacting us about a BHRR animal.

Our PetFinder and our websites will answer most of your questions. Therefore, do not contact us asking us what our policies are, what our adoption area is, or what her adoption fee is. BHRR is a federally registered NPO operated solely by Volunteers.

We are NOT a shelter or a pound.

You CANNOT just drop by to visit her. She resides in a loving foster home, not a kennel, and BHRR has a thorough adoption process to determine if any home is a right match personality fit.

When submitting your completed adoption application contract – found on our home website – for her, please include a short introduction regarding your home, etc.

We DO NOT respond to inquiries to adopt via Petfinder nor our website or any emails/phone calls. We ONLY will consider completed applications along with the non-refundable application fee.

NOTE: WE also will not respond to any emails that only ask a one-liner or re: adoption fees.

The adoption cost(from a r/q Rescue) or purchase cost(if you purchase from a reputable/quality Breeder is the LEAST that you shall pay over the lifetime of proper care of your pet).



*As this is a foster-to-adopt puppy, all homes must be within 2 hours of our location AND willing to drive him to his scheduled Vet appointments in Kanata, ON *
**NO Exceptions**


2nd boosters are booked for October 15th, her spay is scheduled for the third week of October, and she will require her third boosters by November 15th(the approved foster to adopt home can take care of the third boosters, and it will be in the signed foster to adopt contract that they agree to do so – Rabies, DAPP, Lepto & Lyme.

BHRR’s Bev – female – Labx(Predominantly Lab ~75%) – ten weeks of age(born July 23rd), utd on vaccines, will be microchipped, good with other dogs & good with people, Has been good with cats – integration is key! She is presently in a foster home that has a feline.

*We will consider homes with responsible children 10+
*No more than two children in a home

Has had some obedience(this does not exclude our mandatory adoption clause of a full round of obedience being required – NO EXCEPTIONS!)

NOTE: All blogs(scroll to the very bottom and then read upwards).

Please familiarize yourself with BHRR’s adoption mandates, processes plus policies before contacting us about a BHRR animal.

Our PetFinder and our websites will answer most of your questions. Therefore, do not contact us asking us what our policies are, what our adoption area is, or what her adoption fee is. BHRR is a federally registered NPO operated solely by Volunteers.

We are NOT a shelter or a pound.

You CANNOT just drop by to visit her. She resides in a loving foster home, not a kennel, and BHRR has a thorough adoption process to determine if any home is a right match personality fit.

When submitting your completed adoption application contract – found on our home website – for her, please include a short introduction regarding your home, etc.

We DO NOT respond to inquiries to adopt via Petfinder nor our website nor any emails/phone calls. We ONLY will consider completed applications along with the non-refundable application fee.

NOTE: WE also will not respond to any emails that only ask a one-liner or re: adoption fees.

The adoption cost(from a r/q Rescue) or purchase cost(if you purchase from a reputable/quality Breeder is the LEAST that you shall pay over the lifetime of proper care of your pet)



*As this is a foster-to-adopt puppy, all homes must be within 2 hours of our location AND willing to drive her to her scheduled Vet appointments in Kanata, ON *
**NO Exceptions**


2nd boosters are booked for October 15th, her spay is scheduled for the third week of October, and she will require her third boosters by November 15th(the approved foster to adopt home can take care of the third boosters, and it will be in the signed foster to adopt contract that they agree to do so – Rabies, DAPP, Lepto & Lyme.

BHRR’s Ayla – female – Labx(Predominantly Lab ~75%) – ten weeks of age(born July 23rd), utd on vaccines, will be microchipped, good with other dogs & good with people, Has been good with cats – integration is key!

*We will consider homes with responsible children 10+
*No more than two children in a home

Has had some obedience(this does not exclude our mandatory adoption clause of a full round of obedience being required – NO EXCEPTIONS!)

NOTE: All blogs(scroll to the very bottom and then read upwards).

Please familiarize yourself with BHRR’s adoption mandates, processes plus policies before contacting us about a BHRR animal.

Our PetFinder and our websites will answer most of your questions. Therefore, do not contact us asking us what our policies are, what our adoption area is, or what her adoption fee is. BHRR is a federally registered NPO operated solely by Volunteers.

We are NOT a shelter or a pound.

You CANNOT just drop by to visit her. She resides in a loving foster home, not a kennel, and BHRR has a thorough adoption process to determine if any home is a right match personality fit.

When submitting your completed adoption application contract – found on our home website – for her, please include a short introduction regarding your home, etc.

We DO NOT respond to inquiries to adopt via Petfinder nor our website or any emails/phone calls. We ONLY will consider completed applications along with the non-refundable application fee.

NOTE: WE also will not respond to any emails that only ask a one-liner or re: adoption fees.

The adoption cost(from a r/q Rescue) or purchase cost(if you purchase from a reputable/quality Breeder is the LEAST that you shall pay over the lifetime of proper care of your pet).

This evening I dropped off Miss Bev to her foster Mama.

It was a massive step for us both!

My wee beans have been a massive part of my life since they were not even ten days old.

She knew something was up – sadly had her first ever bm in the car & then even puked in the car as we arrived – yet, with some assurance, then passively ignoring, she & I got through the brief hand-off to keep stress to a minimum.

This is what she now needs. She is a very, very, very special girl, and as protective as I am about all of them, I am even more so with her.

I want each and every dog we are entrusted with to become the best dogs they can be, and it is time for them to go to this next step. I have worked incredibly hard to give them a strong foundation, to get them healthy, and they are well-adjusted solid baby beans!

She is ready to fly and spread her wings…she just needs to know this herself, and it will come fast. 

Miss Bev needs patience, understanding, and people to show her things, yet do not push her nor cross her clear boundaries, gently push them to show her how wonderful the world is….from day 1, she has been this way – even with nursing, etc., – and if you give her the time to size things up, and be patient, she will emerge as the explorer bean she is and step forth with confidence, excitement, a bounce in her step & comfort. AND expresses herself with her adorable sounds.

She needs to size things up; first, she is quiet and sweet, and the others tend to want to push her and boss her around.

Yet, she has boundaries, as easygoing and submissive as she can be, when her siblings cross them, she will take a stance, it is far coming, though. She tolerates a lot. Yet, she has backbone!

My five beans are no longer with me…I now have four.

I am so full of mixed feelings…yet all are entering the next wonderful chapter where each shall go on to continue to spread their wings and thrive.

I shall forever be their mama Gwennie and remain incredibly proud of them! 

Tomorrow, they will make their official special announcements!

They turned ten weeks old today….