UPDATE: Miss Valour is in recovery….

It has been a very long day for her and I! I had an over 13 hour work day….

Miss Valour has now had her emergency pyometra surgery, her bilateral entropion surgeries and had the mass removed from her head. The mass will be sent to the pathologist for review.

I gave her a much needed nail trim while she was under plus thoroughly cleaned those infected ears. We also looked at her teeth to be sure that nothing was broken or that there was anything that needed immediate attention/surgical intervention.

Her bills shall be extensive, she is WORTH every nickel and she really needs your support…..If anyone has even $5 to spare, please know how grateful we shall be for the consideration.

She was the victim to anothers greed……she was never given proper proactive/preventative Vet Care, she deserves so much love, caring hands, kindness and support….

Please from our hearts thank you SO much for your love and kindness to date. When I had the opportunity to check the BHRR emails, tears were threatening to spill over to see ALL of the love in words and financial support sent to Miss Valour so far.

She remains in need of donations to help pay for her extensive yet truly excellent vetting – will post a copy of her bill once all of the billing has been completed.

Her Vet said her surgeries went really well and that is such great news!

Donations can continue to be made direct to her account at Eagleson Veterinary Clinic 613-383-8381

OR PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com
*please let us know the password

Will post another update ASAP…..AND on behalf of one really withdrawn, shy worried sweet Dane that has truly gone beyond hell in her life prior to rescue; please know that ALL of you are her rescue angels…..YOU are making a lifesaving difference to a dog that deserved so much better than she received in her life up to her rescue….

Miss Valour needs your help!! Urgently….

As indicated I had her in to the Vet after her arrival to BHRR as I had some serious concerns. She is very ill.

She is shortly heading into emergency surgery.

She has Pyometra. 

Her temperature was 40.3 and she does also have infections in her ears and eyes plus her skin and will be having a lump removed from her head too.

She also needs bilateral entropion surgery.

She desperately needs your assistance…

She is the Dane that has gone through hell and she needs the BHRR village to surround her with support. This girl has not known any kindness in her life prior to Rescue.

If anyone has even $5 to spare, please know how grateful we shall be for the consideration.

Donations can be made direct to Eagleson Veterinary Clinic – 613-383-8381

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com
*please tell us the password.

Will update as I can….and please keep this sweet girl in your thoughts for despite everything, and despite being shutdown with worry; she is so sweet.

UPDATE: She has an apt. tomorrow night at 10 PM at work…will post as we know more.

BHRR’s Valour(what we are calling her)
~2.5 years of age

When I got home with her, we did a thorough examination and she will not be able to wait to get into the Vet based upon our findings.

I had hoped to let her settle in a bit – she is quite shutdown and nervous, yet, seems super sweet. Tail tucked right up to her belly the poor girl.

I also experienced the fear panic pull and have ended up with one smashed knuckle in having it get caught up in the leash. Poor thing…..

She does have eye infections and her own serious entropion concerns. I have not yet looked into her mouth so as to not stress her out any further than needed. She has a bleeding wound on her chin too.

She needs a good grooming, to be de-wormed, to have blood work including for heartworm and tickborne diseases and pre-op. She has never had any of this done and what vaccines she had are long over due.

She came from Texas almost 1.5 years ago – bought from a kennel there at about 11 months of age – and in learning more, it was this home that drove her all the way back on an open trailer…how terrifying for her.?

In this picture, if you look; you shall see just one of her enlarged teats on her mammary chain. I can also secrete a purulent and serosanguineous fluid from them too.

She has had her share of litters the poor girl. Her poor elbows are all calloused too.

I have reached out to work in re: to seeing if I can get her into them after my work shift ends tomorrow.

For those wishing to send donations to her care; that is so loving and generous yet, please wait until she sees the Vet as we will have a much better idea of her needs, including urgent at that time.

Welcome to BHRR, Miss Valour!


Got her!!

Thank you Rachel!! Thank you for your assistance once more to help me get her!!

She definitely has an eye infection and will need her own bilateral entropion surgeries.

Now to make the almost 4 hour drive home!

Rachel has her!!!

The terrified Great Dane that has gone through unimaginable hell….

We are calling her BHRR’s Valour.

Looks like she has an eye infection too….we will get her seen by our Vet ASAP.

I am now on the road to meet up with them. Will post an update when I get her…

Drive safe and see you both soon!

BHRR’s Miss Volt says…’psst….lean close….closer still and look deep into my eyes!’

She says that she will finally make her own special announcement very soon!!!

This is her hanging out at work after her special play date on July 17th!

BHRR’s Devaney, 5 month old black lab(Deaf/Visually Impaired) and her foster family older big ‘sister’!

I cannot say why or express in words how much this picture touches my heart!

From almost 24/7 crating, wearing a prong and a shock collar that burned and created lesions/wounds on her neck prior to rescue to living her best life!! This picture just screams freedom and contentment.

She loves the water!!

She remains seizure free with not having had one seizure since her arrival into rescue. Stress and trauma based remains the biggest suspicions to why she may have had them prior.

She is scheduled for her pre-operative bloodwork plus spay August 11th at which after she heals, we will work on her having make her own special announcement!

I remain greatly enjoying hearing about all of her adventures plus antics with her foster home!

She is such a typical lab puppy!

Thank you to her incredible foster Family for all that they are doing for her! They have not allowed me to pay for food or treats for her either…unbelievably generous!


hanks to Cassy, BHRR’s Nimbus(what we are calling him) is safe with me now!

He weighed 38.7 kgs (85.14 pounds) at work and we did bloodwork for heartworm and tick borne diseases – negative – as well as pre-operative bloodwork in preparation for being neutered.

He is scheduled for August once he has had more time to settle in.

He is a 13 month old lacking serious manners and boundaries. He and I had a couple of ‘talks’ at work re: getting on the scale and then getting blood.

It is not ok to pull and yank and it is not ok to jump, mouth, try to bite and to not do something by attempting to throw your weight around. It is not ok to try and intimidate and threaten either. This was how he was running the home he came from.

This is the Giant Schnauzer that has serious resource issues and one of his previous owners went to take a high value item away and he snapped. He made contact and the Male owner ended up with two punctures. He did not require sutures yet, is on both oral and IV antibiotics.

He was quarantined and now that the health inspector has done their inspection; he could come to rescue.

Welcome to BHRR & Gwennie’s boot camp Mr. Nimbus!

I already know that you and I are going to have quite a few ‘conversations’ in our journey together!

Thank you also to Michelle and Cody and Jocelyn for their assistance at work tonight with him!

As we continue to receive inquiries and/or applications re: adoptions, we are making yet another blog post – there is one also made on June 8th – on all of our adoptable dogs’ blogs re: our current positioning. Our Facebook page and Petfinder also state our present closure for adoption applications.


Please note that we are NOT reviewing nor approving any new applications for approved adoptions until at least August.

We will re-evaluate this closer to that date as to if we need to extend that date.

We will not be accepting any applications or any non-refundable applications fees during this time. 

This is for several reasons:

1) BHRR requires a Vet Reference and as someone who works in animal medicine, I know how absolutely insanely busy we are at this time with our staff/hours. We are NOT going to jam up the phone lines doing vet references when people are trying to get through to make urgent appointments, asking for refills of lifesaving meds, needing prescription food etc.

Additionally, the government has only recently announced that Vet Hospitals can now open up to do non-essential appointments and not only operate on an urgent basis. The backlog to the Vet Hospitals is incredible.

People answering the phones at Vet Hospitals need to be answering the phones for many other reasons. Not for Vet references.

We need to focus on patient care at the Hospital and we respect and understand that other Hospitals need to do the same. We are an essential service and need to be able to provide that service to the best of our abilities and checking Vet references does not fall under that criteria.

2) We cannot nor will we do home-visits. I put my life and my family’s life at risk every day that I go to work to take care of other people’s pets. Doing a home-visit is not responsible nor does it follow the policy set forth from the government that we need to be practising self-isolating to flatten the curve.

Doing a home-visit is not urgent during this COVID-19 pandemic.

At this time, I go to work, utilize the ever dwindling supply of PPE available, I go home, I buy groceries, get gas and that is it for my public appearances. I am thinking NOT only of my dogs, yet, my family and you…I am thinking of all of the other people out there….

3) It does greatly concern us with the number of inquiries coming our way over the past few months with the vast majority being for the wrong reason(s) from people now wanting to adopt.

On a ‘good’ day, we get almost 1,000 emails and about 50 phone calls.

These past several months; we are up to almost 2,000 emails and almost 125 phone calls a day.

People telling us that they now have time on their hands. If you did not have time before you stopped working; what makes you think that you will have time once you go back to work?

Additionally, even with people going on EI; the monies coming in are not the same as if you were working and if you feel that you are struggling to pay bills, buy groceries, how do you feel that you can take on the costs of having a Giant Breed dog?

The average cost – and I have been tracking this since 1996 – of owning a giant breed per year, PRIOR to emergencies is $2,400.

All of this to say; we will not be processing any applications until it is ideal plus safe to do so.

If you send us a completed application along with the non-refundable application fee, we will be responding that we are not accepting nor reviewing applications and when we do feel that it is safe to do so, we shall begin to slowly open up. 

Our Petfinder and home websites as posted are kept up to date and all details re: said dogs are on their individual blogs. Once, we do open up again for new applications, we will remain ONLY responding to completed applications. You would be welcome to re-submit your application along with the non-refundable application fee at that time for members of the BHRR BOD to consider. We will NOT be holding on to your applications nor the non-refundable application fee from now to then. 

**EXCEPTION: We shall no longer be covering the cost of any banking or PayPal fees should people send this non-refundable fee. In May/June, we were out of pocket almost $100 as people were not be mindful. This is much needed money being taken away from the animals as we are covering the fees out of our own pockets and that is money that we would have used for the BHRR animals.**

Asking us what the cost to adopt is or asking to meet a dog; is all information found on our websites. We are not a pound, shelter or facility and no, you cannot just visit a dog or make an appointment to visit a dog. We are an all Volunteer organization that operates from our own home and that of our approved Foster homes. 

AND yes, we are not other groups – we are NOT going to take chances that our dogs could be set up for failure – and as it is the prerogative of other groups to adopt out during this extremely difficult time, it remains our prerogative to not do so. Our adoption success rates are second to no other group out there – 100% for over 10 years of operating and now 98% as we go through year 24. We will not compromise on our policies, procedures and processes.



Next in need of BHRR!

I year old unaltered Male Giant Schnauzer. Born June 11th, 2019

Owner surrender. He is way too much dog for them, lacks manners/training, has resourced the female owner and also toys or anything he feels is high value since they got him at 7 weeks of age..

Mr. was already very nervous of him and went to take a high value item away and dog snapped; made a connection and Mr. got two punctures from the dogs canine teeth. Mr. did not require sutures yet, is on oral and IV antibiotics.

Breeder will not take back. Breeder said to put him to sleep, Mr. wants him put to sleep and Mrs. feels he has potential. Her deep love for him prompted her to reach out for rescue assistance.

As a GD/Giant Breed strongly focused special needs rescue – medical and/or behavioural; he represents 100% the kind of dog we are here to assist.

BHRR has assisted many Giants Schnauzers over the past 25 years and look forward to his arrival.

This is a strong breed and in the wrong inexperienced hands, not the setup for success for home/dog.

ETA being worked on.


My last post of my night is an update on BHRR’s Devaney!

This is her hanging out at my work after her Vet Visit.

She is doing FABU! She has not had one seizure since she arrived into Rescue.

She is the deaf/slightly visually impaired 5 month old Lab Puppy – Born February 10th, 2020 – that we took in that also had burns/wounds on her neck from being in a prong and electric shock collar 24/7.

She is keeping her foster Mama on her toes as she learns some manners! 

She is learning signs, to walk nicely, LOVES the water so we are looking at some water activities for her and perhaps even agility.

She is such a happy girl and living each day to the fullest! We are not sure if she will ever be a little lady yet, she does make an adorable ‘bull in a china shop!’

In about a months time, we will do pre-operative bloodwork and she will have her spay. We will microchip her at the same time and once she heals; she should be ready to make her own special announcement.

She has been a real hoot to follow her hilarious antics via her Foster Mama!

From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, warmest good night wishes are being sent!

“UPDATE: We have had a generous donation of $100 to go towards Miss Olive’s August sponsorship. PayPal took $3.20 in fees so she now has $96.80 towards her care for the month of August!
She would dearly love to receive sponsorship for August and for September and her bills are $700/month.
THANK you to anyone that may consider her deserving cause to support!!!”

This beautiful girl is back on Friday for her next recheck from her bilateral eye surgery plus a nail trim. The are healing very slowly and she continues to have eye irritation.

We have begun the Proin to see how it is helping her occasional overnight urinary incontinence.

The sad news – yet, we had 100% awareness going in that this could well be the case based upon the x-rays we took – that THREE ortho specialists have confirmed that Miss Olive does not qualify for FHO surgeries nor Hip Replacement surgeries.

Dr. Philibert has been conversing with myself and believes that with a continued proper med regime, we can give her quality of life for some time.

As she has now been moved to our Haven Program – a HUGE part of what we do at BHRR for behavioural and/or medical case animals – we have also moved her to a new foster home. She is now on palliative care.

She will be seen for regular rechecks as required; she will continue to enjoy professional groom sessions, she will continue to go on car rides to experience adventures; small walks so that she can enjoy people/animals and we are setting up alternative therapy options for her too.

She will have the best in food, treats and medication, not to mention LOVE! We will keep her lean and build up; her muscle mass and tone.

She will not be closeted away from the world. She will be given everything so that she will have the best of lives for as long as possible. She is now 18 months of age.

Her monthly bills for palliative care is just shy of $700 at this time and if anyone is wishing to sponsor her; donations can be via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.conm

OR direct to Eagleson Veterinary Clinic 613-383-8381

You are loved Miss Olive and we got you, your Village is right here by your side!!! 


My last post of my night!

It has been an extremely busy week for us at BHRR and personally for The Boerkskins too!

We are preparing for BHRR’s Valour’s(that is what we are calling her) arrival tomorrow night – she is the terrified Great Dane.

We have moved BHRR’s Miss Olive to a new foster home – we will post more on that shortly.

We are working on the Giant Schnauzer’s arrival – ETA to be announced.

We have been working very hard behind the scenes on the rescue of there more Giants – we will post more on them when the timing is right.

We had Miss Devaney in to the Vet last Sunday as part of of our intake protocols and she will be moving from her own emerge temp foster to her temp foster soon.

This is BHRR’s Miss Volt! We have been holding off on her own new special announcement as she is going on a special play date tomorrow. We shall await to see how that goes prior to posting further re: her!

This was a play date that had to be postponed awhile back.

I will also be following up on those that have not yet paid for their DAY and/or OVERNIGHT Dates. Once they have been paid for, we will move to scheduling your dates! Once again, we are NOT moving forward with any dates re: BHRR’s Miss Olive and have not collected any monies from said winning bids and will not be collecting any monies. This is for a number of reasons and per the above, we will be posting more re: her shortly.

The Boerskins also want to express thanks to everyone – word has been traveling slowly and now faster – for passing along words of support and kindness re: my mother. It has been appreciated and your kindness is touching. She is receiving excellent care and from our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, warmest of good night wishes are being sent!

NEXT IN NEED – Picture quality is poor!

Female – Great Dane – ~2.5 years of age

Mrs. was visiting in Texas, when she got this Dane in March 2019 from an ad from a kennel they had been following – was in the back of an open trailer – two hours tied up on the highway and had been sprayed/traumatised with a hose while tied up in the open trailer, when they met somewhere to pick her up.

The O. originally sold her – unspayed female, needs eye surgery – cherry and entropion surgery, EXTREMELY FEARFUL, not vetted etc. The Dane came back to her three days later.

Spouses are fighting over what to do with her – Mr. wants her gone now or killed, Mrs. was trying to do the right thing and sold her but she is now back with them and more fearful then ever.

She has now been signed over to BHRR.

ETA to BHRR: Friday July 28th

Thank you to Elaine for hosting and to all of the really amazing dogs/owners that came out in support of our latest Drive-way Event!

This is BHRR’s Devaney, our newest Rescue! She loves the water at her fosters cottage! She was at work yesterday and weighed a chubby 15.8 kg(34.76 pounds).

She just turned 5 months old and we are working on that waistline of hers.

She is the deaf, visually impaired, IS, neuro plus has a history of having had a vaccine reaction puppy. The home was not treating her for her IS nor pursuing further diagnostics.

Since her emerge temp foster Mama, Lindsay picked her up last Tuesday, she has not had one seizure.

Her foster mama has been working on signs with her and she is one smart puppy!

She was de-wormed, put on flea/tick plus hw preventative and we are waiting to see if her seizures were related to stress and have a move forward plan should she have any now that she is in our Rescue.

She is your typical busy, active, curious, bouncy puppy that has not received proper physical and emotional stimulation or training – she was being trained with a prong collar and also a shock collar that caused serious burns to her neck.

It is also suspected that she spent way too much time in a crate and all of that has changed now.

Her future is big and bright AND once she settles in more, she will be spayed over the next 4-6 weeks, microchipped, we will do blood work and keep working on her training and showing her how amazing and kind this big world is!

All of this to say that thanks to the support shown at our events like tonight, we can continue to keep fighting that great fight to remain open to help dogs like her!

Total raised tonight: $497.85

Humbled and filled with such incredible warmth!

We are at our next Drive-way Event for nails & ear cleaning on Wednesday July 15th @ 37 Dressler Drive in Kanata!

*No appointments necessary
*Social distancing is easy to do
*We can take cash, debit or credit card

BHRR’s Walter!

He is ready to make his special announcement!

He has made an amazing recovery from when he first arrived to us in March!

He will need a home that will ensure that he remains on his meds required for his environmental/seasonal allergies, for his thyroid AND on his special fish based diet for his food allergies. Cost per month: ~$350

He is housebroken – being on the prednisone does make him drink and wish to eat more so he does ask to go outside a bit more than other dogs, no big deal, he is crate trained, he is wonderful in the car, ok to bathe and do nails and is a big goofy, affectionate boy!

He has this streak in him that when he does not want to do something, he will lay down as he clearly was used to ‘throwing’ his weight around in the past and this is so rare these days. He has come to trust and understand that what is asked of him is in his best interest and if speaking to him in English does not get his attention; he is fluently bilingual and speaking to him French works great!

We do not wish to see him in a home with children under the age of 15. He has been completely fine with people of all ages, sizes, both men and women – yet, was a bit more nervous of men in the beginning.

We want to ensure that any right matched personality fit home is not full of fast, flighty, spastic, unpredictable, loud activity – which kids are naturally!

We would love to see him in a home with a right matched personality fit dog; yet, that is not mandatory. He would be fine as an only dog yet, having worked so hard to demonstrate that other dogs are not out there to hurt him – per his previous O. he has not had outside contact with dogs other than the other dogs they owned; since he was 18 months of age – we want him to have friends! Therefore, a good solid doggie social network of a few close doggie friends n the community would be lovely for him to have!

He loves the companionship of a right matched personality fit dog. He still worries – his reaction is to move away – about strange dogs and we are extremely proud of how brave he has been!

He has been fine with cats and even rabbits!

He can go to a home that works out of the home or in the home, ft, pt, is semi-retired or retired. Another versatile BHRR dog!

His leash manners have improved significantly. He can sometimes still be a bit of a freight train yet, WOW has he gotten a million times better.

We have worked hard to build up that muscle mass and tone in his hind end so going for strolls and small walks for proper mental and physical stimulation is perfect yet, he is not a go for a 8 km walk/hike boy. He is a low energy/activity Dane compared to so many that we have assisted over the past almost 25 years in our Great Dane rescue.

He is a great companion! The best in reading a book, watching a movie or sitting on the porch watching the deer drink from the spring fed pond.

He is the ‘strong silent type’, just quiet and a big handsome blue Great Dane with a heart that is pure, honest and loving!

He has been so low maintenance for us and is going to make that right matched forever loving home the most amazing of family members.

He has a mischievous side and he makes me giggle when I know that he does not want to do what is being asked of him and you can see the brain just working overtime!

I love him so much in all of his true gentle giant representation of the Great Dane breed.

I am bursting with happiness over your awesome rehabilitation with us and I have sadness in my heart for our time together is drawing ever nearer to a close in this chapter that we have had together.

All of our adoption processes, policies and procedures are found on our home website for anyone that may feel that they may qualify to adopt him.

Between all of that information and his detailed blog; no questions that any home may have be left unanswered.

YOU DID IT BHRR’s Walter and thank you again to Josée of Josée Lavoie Pet Photography for these stunning photo’s. Thank you again to Elaine, Bob and Hazel for their extra hands during his professional photo shoot on July 3rd!

My last post of my night!

This gorgeous gal is also getting ready to make her own special announcement over the next few days!

BHRR’s Miss Volt!
July 3rd, 2020

Thank you immensely once more to Josée of Josée Lavoie Pet Photography for donating her incredible talent plus time to capture BHRR’s Walter and BHRR’s Volt in a professional photo shoot!

Thank you to Elaine Giles, Bob Levesque & Hazel Talangbayan for lending their wonderful hands at this photoshoot too!

Miss Volt, the rehabilitation journey to happiness and health has been a really long one – from coming to us due to an untreated electrocution and when I picked you up, I noted your vulva conformity issues and all of the ensuing surgeries and rehabilitation has been an amazing journey to have walked with you.

YOU have been a model patient and one of the most awesomeness of canines that BHRR has ever been so blessed to have been asked to assist.

We have remained steadfast in our mandate to see you done right by; we have taken our share of abuse from people who wanted to see you killed and those monies raised for your bills to go to others; we have put up with email after email from folks that felt that Rotties were dangerous and mean bad dogs and throughout it all; we have stood strong and firm in doing everything that we needed to do for you.

YOU are the most social, friendly, affectionate, playful, smart, loyal, hilarious, loving, kind, gentle, goofy, fun loving without any meanness of adorable canines! 

We work to educate and inform people that there are not bad dogs; just bad breeders and owners. Rotties, Dobermans, Boxers, Pitties, German Shepherds etc. are all outstanding dogs. We need to stop blaming these breeds and get to the root of the ‘evilness’ in the world. For it most certainly is not these dogs.

BHRR’s Volt, while it saddens me to see so many people ‘cross’ the street, avoid you when all you want is to get and give love and while it equally bothers me to see people want to adopt you to be a guard or a fighting dog – yup, people have said that; what makes me happy is that NO ONE will be approved to adopt you that does not deserve you for the beautiful gift that you are.

You are not the first nor shall be the last dog that people turn their back on and also BHRR for working so hard to save you. We are and always shall be a special needs Rescue.

We are proud of you, we are thrilled – bittersweet time too – that you are one step closer to spreading those gorgeous ‘wings’ of yours and taking flight into the next what shall be fantastic chapters of your life……

It has been a true honour Miss Volt, a true honour to have been here for you. We never rushed, we remained patient, never were desperate and we never cut corners to get you healthy.

Some groups boast on their high turnover of dogs in and out of their programs. That is not BHRR. NO dog shall ever be placed up for adoption or adopted unless they are ready and it is their time……it is about doing it right each and every time for each and every dog.

To all of our friends, family and supporters, the warmest – well, maybe coolest in this heat wave! – of wishes are being sent from our home to all of you!

BHRR’s Walter
July 3rd, 2020

This stunning photo was taken by Josée of Josée Lavoie Pet Photography!

Stay tuned for BHRR’s Walter has his special announcement to make over the next couple of days!

CAN you believe that this NOW very healthy, strong, vibrant, goofy, affectionate, incredibly handsome boy has made such a fast miraculous rehabilitation journey since he first arrived to us in March 2020?!

YOUR support and believe in our efforts have enabled us to give him the best of the best of care, which is part of our mandate for every BHRR dog that we are entrusted with. THANK YOU!

He deserves to be our next Cover Boy!

Thank you Josée once more for your time and talent AND to Elaine Giles, Bob Levesque plus Hazel Talangbayan for the extra loving hands for him and Miss Volt to experience more caring support!

Both of these dogs ROCKED their photo shoots!!!!!

I cannot believe that this boy was mere hours from being euthanised when were were contacted….we mobilised fast and thanks to Bob for stepping up to transport him to my work where we immediately began vetting him.

Lindsay now has her!!

Per Lindsay they are now shopping for a pupacino!

The just shy of 5 months(Born February 10th), Black Lab, DEAF, IS & Neuro puppy

We are going to call her BHRR’s Devaney. 

We also suspect some possible vision concerns and will assess that. It is clear when you see her eyes that there are neuro issues. She had encephalitis when she was about 6 weeks of age. At 10 weeks, she began having seizures.

We will be getting her into our Vet ASAP as the only thing the previous O.’s were having on hand was Diazepam (rectal use). They declined at their Vets to take any seizure meds.

We may have to move towards a MRI as this was something the O‘s own Hospital had discussed with them.

We are waiting for all of her prior Vet records to be able to properly review with our Vet & Specialist Teams.

She is going to bunk down with Lindsay for now and we could not be more happy!

We are deeply relieved to have her for on Sunday, I had received a voice message that we needed to get her sooner than we had originally had planned/was agreed upon with the home. They wanted her gone that day or she was going to be put to sleep per the husband.

I called the owner during my break and then went to work mobilising. Lindsay offered to pick her up yesterday first thing in the AM, yet, the Owner went on radio silence and the stress level increased tenfold as I worked to make contact.

It was a very worrisome time thinking that she may have been killed.

Yet, now she is safe and we will take it one step/day at a time figuring things out for her.

First thing is going to be getting her out of that ill fitting half check Martingale! She is way too young for that type of training collar.

Thank you Lindsay and if anyone wishes to be a rescue angel to her, she does need a new collar, leash and a Costco Dog Bed to call her very own!

When we know more re: her medical needs, we will post those.

Welcome to BHRR baby Devaney!!!


This was her face prior to surgery. You could not properly see her eyes. Her entropion was so bad, that she had developed corneal ulcers and it has made her visually impaired. The chronic pain and infections that she had…..

BHRR’s Miss Olive!

It was a busy Monday for BHRR!

BHRR’s Olive was in for a recheck on her eyes – and has to go back in another 10 days to see the Vet again.

We are doing a Urinalysis on her and will send to the lab as she has been having some incontinence issues, especially at night after she was altered.

AND I will be following up with the specialists in Montreal re: her hips to see if she is a possible surgical candidate as we have not heard word.

We understand and appreciate that everyone is extremely busy though.

Someone was groomed today.

BHRR’s Miss Mollie(Saint Bernard / Standard Poodle Mix).

Unfortunately, during COVID-19 her temp foster was not keeping up with her grooming needs and today, that was addressed.

Thank you to Melissa of Groomingdale’s and to Bre of PV Stittsville for being so incredible in getting her in so fast! 

She also was seen at work today, weighed 35.6 kg (78.32 pounds) and had her repeat blood work to be sent to the lab (quant C6) as she tested positive for Lymes when she first arrived to our rescue. At that time, she was given a round of Doxycycline for treatment based upon her blood work results.

Her Vet requested to have the bloodwork repeated in the spring, yet COVID-19 interfered with that.

So, we did it tonight.


Deaf/IS/Neuro, almost 5 month old female black Lab Puppy (Born February 10th, 2020)

This is an owner surrender and as I have stated so many times since 1996; good owners do have to let their beloved pets go.

This girl has had seizures since she was 6 weeks of age, had Encephalitis which caused her to be deaf and we also suspect some vision impairment.

She has also developed neuro issues and when overstimulated she becomes focused and will prey drive due to the intensity of the level of excitement.

Owners worked so hard to do right by her, consulted a ‘trainer’ who advised to use an e-collar and it was kept on her 24/7 and she developed burns on her neck.

The use of the e-collar has made her behaviour worsen and with four small children in the house, this puppy has escalated due to the poor owners not being given the proper direction, support and guidance, to having bit two of their four small children twice- their son when she was 10 weeks of age(he was 2) and then recently, ther almost 6 year old daughter. She had taken the half check martingale, took the puppy off of the couch and then not long afterwards went to kiss the puppy.

Labs make great family pets and this home is no stranger to labs.

They have done SO much for her and now, with the love that they have for her; they want what is best for her and will surrender her to our strongly special needs focused rescue.

She has lived with four small children, another dog, a cat and she was loved beyond measure.

ETA to BHRR being worked on and once again, please join us in surrounding this lovely home – I spent almost 45 minutes talking to the one O. myself today – in support and caring kindness.

They are doing the right thing as the only other option is to have her put to sleep and they know that she is a wonderful puppy that needs more than they can give and their children’s safety has to be a priority.

We look forward to welcoming her to BHRR.

On my way soon to have these gorgeous beauties get their professional glam photos!

BHRR’s Walter & BHRR’s Volt.

From there, once we receive them, both will have special announcements to make!

Thank you to Josée Lavoie Pet Photography for their talent plus time to capture these BHRR dogs in all of their stunning glory!


BHRR’s Percival!
Fox Red LabradorToday, we were in for our Quant C6 blood-work recommended by his Vet to be sent to the lab as he tested Lymes positive when he first came to our Rescue.

This test will determine if he needs to be on Doxycycline or not.
His wonderful Vet also felt that the lesions between his toes were so much better since we switched him from Apoquel to Vanectyl P and that it was the long term use of Apoquel that caused his lesions. Apparently, this is a possible side effect complication for some dogs in being on long term continual use of Apoquel.

He will remain on two tablets every second day.

He remains on monthly heartworm/flea/tick protection plus his special prescription fish food.

He weighed a muscled lean solid gorgeous 35.1 kgs(77.22 pounds). We have worked hard building up that muscle mass and to tone his body.

He was fantastic in the car, with all the puppies/kitties he saw at work and with all staff.

BHRR’s Percival, we are so very proud of you!!

He remains under a PENDING ADOPTION status.

Next, Miss Mollie will be in for her own repeat blood-work as she also tested positive for Lymes disease when we first rescued her. She has already had a course of Doxycycline.