We are finally here! After a five+ hour drive! 

BHRR’s Gus had an amazing drive down!! I am so proud of him! We have worked extensively to make him feel safe and comfortable in the car as he has anxiety and abandonment issues.

He chomped on his new smoked knuckle bone, snoozed, snored, put his head on my shoulder to help supervise my driving and looked out the window. He was the best of travel companions! WTG Gus-Gus!! 

The only anxiety he showed was when Kinsley & I were apart – such as when I was filling up the car with gas or we took turns going to the bathroom. He settled down great with a positive reinforcement assurance correction and then passively ignored. He loves his ‘pack’.

He had a huge pee when we arrived, drank and slobbered water, ate his supper and has crashed on the bed and is only half on! LOL

Love him…so much…

Tomorrow, we will determine if this home is that right matched home meant for him. He needs patience, understanding, consistency, a home that will not Baby him yet will properly provide the quiet calm signals/words/touches he needs and then passively ignore. He is not to be man handled, he positive corrects beautifully. He is so special and such a big personality! An adolescent Giant who is still learning and needs his obedience. He is not for the faint of heart and he makes me laugh daily with his antics!! 

We shall update as we can tomorrow!

From all of us to our friends, family & friends….good night wishes being sent!

Posted in Gus

AND we are on our way!

Road trip to Barrie, Ontario! This is for the home-visit for BHRR’s Gus’ potential approved adoption.

We shall update as we can!

I already miss my Bakers Dozen!  They are in excellent hands with Sean yet I still miss them….

Posted in Gus

September 12th: Birth weight: 400 g(0.88 pounds)
September 20th: 1 week old: Weight 1 pound 4 oz
September 25th: Weight: 0.9 kg(1.9 pounds)
September 29th: 2 weeks old: Weight: 2 pounds

Happy HUGE Milestone Birthday to BHRR’s The Bakers Dozen!

2 weeks old!  Happy Birthday!!

They are enjoying one of the last days of late summer in the rays/warmth of the setting sun getting some vitamins.

We remain taking it one feeding at a time….one step at a time….one breath at a time….

So many to thank, so many that we are deeply indebted to for the donations of everything from fitted flannel sheets, blankets, paper towels, laundry soap, Pinesol, towels, pee Pads, stuffies, toys, powdered Esbilac and monies to help us purchase what we urgently need.

We have a long road still to travel and I remain exhausted yet so dedicated/committed to doing all that needs to be done. Having been doing 12 loads of laundry a day for the last two weeks nonstop(we usually do 5-7 daily), our washer and dryer – not even that old – decided to die and to us, it is just one more thing thrown into our path as another obstacle that we shall overcome and keep going forward….we will not just lay down and give up…

This weekend, if all goes well, we can begin to introduce some soupy mush to the stronger babies.

They are currently drinking anywhere from 70 mls(wee baby black girl) to 140 MLS per feeding and I am now feeding every 2.5-3 hours with each feeding lasting about 1-1.5 hours. This means Gwennie gets to eat with the family, take a shower and nap….oh, those naps are so awesome! 

They are quickly outgrowing their latest sleeping tote and by Friday, we will have them 24/7 in their stimulation pen as they are beginning to really motor around – some more wobbly bobbly than others.

Most have at least one of their peepers now open and three remain on eye drops.

3 boys also remain on polysporin for their privates from their litter-mates sucking on them. Dr. Liston did say that this should stop once all of their eyes are open.

The one boy who is on Clavamox antibiotic drops plus yogurt as he had an aspiration during a feed on Monday is doing well. So easy for them to aspirate and develop pneumonia.

Their next Vet visit Road Trip has been booked and I shall post our Volunteer needs for it will be a wild adventure at that visit! 

AND in two weeks, we hope to do their first professional photo session with the uber wonderful Melissa and from there do our Name Game Fundraiser to help raise much needed funds for their care.

We still have URGENT Needs….

1) Powdered Esbilac 
2) PVD Essential Care canned Puppy – Vet Food
3) PVD Essential Care Kibble Puppy – Vet Food
4) Giant Breed puppy appropriate toys – we are going to need a lot!

Puppymill Mama GD Gem is eating a bit better now and drinking quite well and hopefully we can get the weight coming on her soon. Such a pretty wee thing and the little black female pup looks just like her Mama. 

Accounts are set up at both Kanata AH 613-836-2848 & Liston AH 613-591-0966 and

Email transfer or PayPal consideration can be sent to gwen@birchhaven.org

I am still slowly getting back on track with emails etc., so thank you to all that have been patient and so understanding! All urgent and emergency requests and calls etc., are being promptly handled and the rest I am addressing as I can.

From The Bakers Dozen and their Mama Gem, good night wishes being sent from our home to all of our friends, family & supporters. Please know how truly grateful I am to all…..

URGENT: I know I am a broken record yet we urgently need more Powdered Esbilac. We only have 9 days left at the current rate they are eating and that amount increases daily…..

Please consider helping us! 

Sadly, puppymill Mama Gem rejected them shortly after birth and we have had to go from tube feeding to dropper and bottle feeding with powdered Esbilac. 

9 days sounds like a lot yet it is not…they need to be on the Powdered Esbilac via bottle and then in their mush until they are on straight Kibble around 7 weeks of age. 

We need 5 weeks more of Powdered Esbilac to fill their needs….

Thank you for any consideration…..

The Bakers Dozen also thanks you…..this photo is of 12 of them on Wednesday September 20th. 1 week of age. Late summer warmth of the setting sun getting some important vitamins.

BHRR’s Capone is moving under a Pending Adoption!

We will update as we can…


The Bakers Dozen – first road trip!

They will be turning 14 days old on Tuesday/Wednesday of this week! Big milestone. 

Off to Liston Animal Hospital!

All had thorough exams 
3 puppies are going on eye meds for a slightly goopy eye – eyes are just starting to open.
1 puppy is going on antibiotics & plain yogurt for he aspirated during a feed and is now sounding a bit raspy 
2 puppies weights are on the lower end of where all of us would like to see yet considering how emaciated they were when born….
All puppies were de-wormed 
A fecal was done on one of the puppies – clear at this time yet per their Vet, things like roundworms will not be found at this young of an age. If one puppy had something, all would as they share the same environment.
My wee black female that FPS has been trying to steal from me also was given a positive review today.  I am fighting hard as is she.
3 of the males need a bit of polysporin on their privates as their litter-mates have been sucking in that area. Dr. Liston said that will stop once all of their eyes are opened.

Here is a picture and as I have posted before those who have been stolen from our loving embrace all too soon, will never be forgotten and remain forever honoured as they are all part of The Bakers Dozen – a miracle birth story of survival for them and their puppymill GD Mama Gem.

Our URGENT NEEDS remain:

1) Powdered Esbilac – when I started to feed them, I was feeding 5 scoops per feeding and as of today, they are now getting 20 scoops per feeding. Mama rejected them shortly after birth so we have been hand rearing them. 
2) PVD Essential Care canned puppy – Vet food 
2) PVS Essential Care Kibble puppy – Vet food

Their is an account set up at Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966 as well as Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848 under Mama Gem

Email transfer or PayPal gwen@birchhaven.org


BHRR’s Leroy had his special picnic auction Day Date today.


Lucky special handsome boy had one in July and now another one today.

BHRR had 23 dates for 2017 and we only have one left to do! BHRR’s Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson has another special picnic snack day date to come.

Thank you to so many in giving our BHRR dogs extra special loving and time plus experiences in your hands….truly does help them become even more well rounded and balanced and live up to their full potential.

BHRR’s Lacey – 9 month old Saint Bernard – born December 3rd, 2016
She is the second of the two Saint Ladies – sisters!


She is as lovely, beautiful and as special as her sister!

She is great with all people of all ages and dogs of all sizes and nothing fazes her either! She is rock solid! She has proven good with cats also and integration is always key.

Strollers, wheelchairs, sirens, traffic including motorcycles, air brakes she takes all in stride! She is bomb proof, which is so rare.

She travels wonderfully in a car yet it is best not to have her travel too soon after a meal. She has had the occasional/rare puke in the car so I no longer have her fed within two hours prior to going anywhere.

She loves going to visit new people and places and also to visit old friends and great familiar haunts. She will only go to a home that is social and will take her to have new public experiences and meet new people and animals etc. She is calm in the house with appropriate indoor play and loves her outdoor time too – she does wonderfully with her present 3 x 1.5 km walks a day and also plenty of free run time in our 3+ acre fenced in yard!

We will consider right matched homes with children as young as 5 for her as long as all of our other child policies and adoption criteria are met. Homes that allow their children to lay on, sit on or ride dogs NEED not bother applying. That is totally inappropriate behaviour.

While our preference is to see her in a home with at least one other right matched fit dog, it is not a deal breaker. That right matched forever loving home must have a strong doggie social network in place for her though. She loves to play chase and is so dog social.

She adores all humans of all ages, sizes as mentioned above her yet if you are male, you may get a tiny bit of a slight edge over everyone else for men are just a tiny slight more of an attraction for her.

She can go to a home that works full-time, part-time, from home, is semi-retired, retired etc., for she is another versatile BHRR dog!

She has not proven 100% reliable in our home unsupervised as of yet but she is a mere baby still. She is a smaller female Saint, weighing ~90 pounds and will not be done growing until close to 3 and then her brain will be mature by age 5. She ‘may’ make 115-120 pounds when done growing and that is at a lean, healthy weight. Not fat or obese with no waistline. Dogs are not meant to have protruding stomachs or be one straight line. Huge pet peeve of mine…..we want her and all of the dogs to live long, happy, healthy lives and being at an appropriate weight is deeply beneficial to have said wonderful long life!

She is easy to wash, do nails and clean ears. She is crate trained and house broken.

She is eager to please, quite obedient overall and her leash manners have come a long way! She truly is an asset to home and community!

She, like her sister have been an absolute joy to have assisted!

She would also make a truly amazing certified therapy dog.

As always, as my time with her also comes to a close, I am filled with mixed emotions yet mostly such happiness plus excitement as she gets ready to enter a new awesome chapter in her life!


Good AM! Or is it Good-Night?! 

The days and night are all blended into one! 

This cutie is Blue Fawn Girl – Born September 12th @ 10:56 pm. She was the second pup born out of The Baker’s Dozen. She weighed 460 g(1.03 pounds). 

All but 1 pup are reliably on the bottle now. BB – Brindle Baby Girl remains on the dropper.

Puppies are fed every 2-2.5 hours and feeding now takes me just under two hours each time. So, in doing the math…..I am always feeding. BB is offered food every 45 minutes to an hour….

So, there are times that I push the next feeding to the 2.5 hour mark so I can get a power snooze. Today, I am going to take a shower….Gwennie Goal #156 for the day to accomplish! 

Thank you to Sean for making me the best sandwich last night that I could munch at my leisure. Sean also ran out to Pet Valu Kemptville to pick up their remaining nursing kits. 

Puppies are eating anywhere from 15 MLS – 60 MLS per feeding. BB is about 5 MLS each time. She is feisty, vocal at times as she does have a bit of a mind of her own and continues to pee and poop and as long as she has fight, so do I. 

Mason and Kinsley feel that with each feeding, the puppies are getting bigger! They would be right. Three puppies were born really late on the 12th making them shy of five days at the time I type this. The remaining 10 puppies are just in the 4 day old range now. 

That all 13 were born alive and are still here is a miracle in so many ways….so many things can go wrong in such a large litter and also born without Mama having any proper prenatal care until we got her and Mama having rejected them quite fast. Yet, all are still here and I hold no false illusion that at any moment, one or more could devastatingly pass away. For now, I fight the great fight with them and can only express again my thanks to those who understand why we do not want all of these pairs of loving yet also very much stranger, germ hands here. They are so fragile, tiny and need quiet, calm and stability and they know my touch and scent and are feeding very well, reliably so. 

I know how each one wants to be held when feeding, I know how each one likes their Formula temperature-wise – some like it warmer then others and others like Brindle Boy born #13 could care less! As long as it is food, he is happy! Others like theirs cooler or even on the cold side. 

I know how much pee and poop each one is producing and which puppy tends to want to aspirate when feeding and how each puppy likes to be burped. Sean has become an expert burper and he is offen now doing that role for the harder pups so I can move to feeding the next one.

By having absolute control and consistency as to who is doing the feeding, any minute changes can caught fast and handled appropriately. Having people not love and hold them and try to assist in feeding has nothing to do with us not wanting to share! 

For those that know anything about me, they know just how much importance I stress on our dogs getting into the hands of others. Our popular and well copied play visitation and play date programs attest to that! Believe me, when they are ready, I shall be sounding the bell and pleading for people to handle them, love them, spend time with them etc. They just need time…time to get stronger and healthier. 

Feeding them is like a roller coaster…hi-lights and low-lights. My heart stops and my breath catches every time I look into their tote and does not start again until I know all are breathing and alive…..so stressful as I adore them all so much already and would give my left arm if it meant they would all thrive….

I know I sound like a broken record yet taking care of 13 vulnerable babies puts us into a position of having urgent needs….a few of them are below and vet files for Mama GD Gem 
& The Bakers Dozen are set up at:

Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966 – first Vet visit is on the 25th! Sean, Kinsley & I have this visit all covered yet their 4 week one is going to be all hands on deck! We will post for Volunteers when that date/time has been booked. 

AND also set up at Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848

Email and PayPal donations can be made to gwen@birchhaven.org

Properly Vetting & caring for them shall cost easily $15,000-$20,000+ for we do not cut corners at BHRR. They all shall have proper de-worming at 2,4,6,8 weeks etc., Exams at 2,4,8,12 weeks etc., vaccines at 4,8,12 & 16 weeks, fecals, and all shall be spayed and neutered – courts wanted by 8 weeks of age and once again based upon my excellent long standing relationship with the authorities, we shall be able to alter this litter as we did with the Puppy Pile in 2016 closer to 10-12 weeks. Food, Esbilac, treats and more shall also add to their care bills. 

Everything I beg and plead for is for the animals….everything donated goes to them…and some our URGENT NEEDS are below:

1) POWDERED Esbilac 794 g containers if possible – I am going through 2 x 340 g containers a day. They are eating more and more with every feeding and at the present, this means I only have 6 days left of Esbilac. They will be on it until 7-8 weeks of age between now, in their mush and until they are consistently eating kibble well. 

2) Pee Pads

3) PVD Essential Care Canned Puppy – Vet Food

4) PVD Essential Care Kibble Puppy – Vet Food 

5) Pet Valu Gift Cards OR Costco Gift Cards(thanks Amy for the great idea!)

6) Pinesol 

As always, please know how much every email or text of support means, every phone message, every donation of every nickel sent our way and every item! 

My worry and stress is lessened with each kind and caring gesture shown…we are the little guys doing big things for special Giants and we cannot do it alone…

BHRR’s Chain Of Success links are being proven strong thanks to so many in our village!!  We are only at the beginning of this miraculous journey with The Bakers Dozen and not to be forgotten about Great Dane Mama Gem. I sincerely look forward to doing it with our supporters, family plus friends walking by our/their sides….

I am humbled and feeling so many blessings….

BHRR’s Gus, the 18 month old Neo is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!

We shall update as we can!

Posted in Gus

Note: I am going through 340g – one small container – of powdered Esbilac every 6 feedings. That means two small containers a day right now for they feed every 2 hours and as they get stronger and bigger, that shall greatly increase. 

They will be on Esbilac as a milk replacer and then in their mush & then kibble for up to 8 weeks of age.

My last post for tonight! Gwennie Novel Style! 

I am working hard to respond to people’s messages ASAP and please forgive for taking longer than usual for I am 24/7 on puppy duty right now. Thank you. 

We are still ISO: the items below as well as auction items, draw prizes and surprise loot bag items for our upcoming popular Annual Dine With The BHRR Doggies fundraiser coming up super fast! This year may be more about dining with the BHRR Baker’s Dozen! Please do email gwen@birchhaven.org if you have an item for our cause. All money raised will be going to the Puppymill Great Dane Mama Gem and her 13 puppies born between September 12/13th. 

Sean and I had our 21st wedding anniversary yesterday and we said to each other that the best celebration would be seeing all 13 babies thrive. No time for flowers, cards or dinner yet what was most important and special, we were both together last night doing something truly needed and amazing….helping Mama Gem & Her Babies. 

As promised, I am going to share the birth details and posting some of the same information shared earlier today. 

This photo is of BB – Baby Brindle Girl – #6 born weighing only 276 g(9.7 ounces) 

While Mama Gem will not feed them nor does she even have enough to feed 13 puppies even if she did….she will at least let 5 of them snuggle around her now for a bit of time. This is great for the babies. 

She is not the best herself, not eating well nor drinking well yet she just had 13 babies in under 12 hours. 

1:00 pm today was their first attempt with the bottle from tube feeding and I got at least 1 ml into each Baby with the stronger one getting 15 ml. The whole process took 2.5 hours. 

The next feeding, more progress was made and fast forward onward and I now have 9 babies strong on the bottle – I always worry re: aspiration- and 4 still not faring as well.

The more time passes, those getting stronger are pulling farther away from those not thriving as well.  I am not giving up….as long as they have fight so do I!

Gearing up for the next feeding and staying positive. Thank you to Sean and Kinsley for being the best wingmen ever in helping me! 

**’NOTICE: For those seeking to drop-off items, unless Gwennie has put you in direct contact with exact details of where items can become be dropped off to, no other place/s are approved. This is a public page for all to see. Unbeknownst until just now is that we have had someone taken advantage of and now much needed items & $225 cash has been stolen by another. Please email Gwen directly at contactbhrr@gmail.com OR gwen@birchhaven.org if you have anything to donate.**

URGENT NEED FOR DONATIONS: BHRR’s Mama Gem & The Baker’s Dozen Pups

We shall need so much and we are already incredibly grateful knowing that there are a lot of beautiful folks wanting to step up at a moment’s notice!! We promise to update as we can, when we can on their progress. 

Here is a list of our current urgent needs and we remain forever indebted to anyone that may consider our cause. Every puppy shall have their own individual blog page too. NONE of them are available for adoption at this time and will not be for a long time.

May we also ask for people not to just drop by with donations. That is equally stressful on puppymill Mama Gem and if we are feeding at that time, greatly disrupts the stability we are trying to keep here. We have a super person in Ottawa – Brenda(lives near Bayshore) that generously offered up her home for donation drop-off, Dawn in Kanata has also kindly offered up her home and if people email us at contactbhrr@gmail.com, additional arrangements can be made. Please DO not drop off items/monies to anyone that we have not put you in touch with….

Mama Gem does has a file set-up at both Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848 and also at Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966 for anyone that may wish to donate direct to the Vet Clinics for the care of her and her babies. 

gwen@birchhaven.org is for email transfers AND
gwen@birchhaven.org is for PayPal Donations 

1) Flannel FITTED Sheets – Queen or Twin
2) Pet Valu Gift Cards 
3) Pee Pads
4) POWDERED Esbilac – 794 g is the better value
5) Large to XL Stuffies
6) Pinesol
7) 7 cases of PVD Essential Care Puppy canned food – Vet Food
8) 9 bags of 8 kg PVD Essential Care Puppy Kibble – Vet Food 
9) Dane sized durable/appropriate puppy play toys 
10) Auction items for our September 23rd Annual Fundraiser 

From our home to all of our supporters, family & friends, good night wishes being sent! Someone get a wee bit of sleep for me too please! 

**’NOTICE: For those seeking to drop-off items, unless Gwennie has put you in direct contact with exact details of where items can become be dropped off to, no other place/s are approved. Unbeknownst until just now is that we have had someone taken advantage of and now much needed items & $225 cash has been stolen by another.  

Please email Gwen directly at contactbhrr@gmail.com OR gwen@birchhaven.org if you have anything to donate.**

We have 13 babies born and with Mama rejecting them, all are tube fed. 5 will be ready to go to bottle soon.

URGENT NEED FOR DONATIONS: BHRR’s Mama Gem & The Baker’s Dozen Pups

First and most important, we really want to take a moment to thank those that have reached out to us after learning that the puppymill Mama Gem gave birth to 13 puppies.  Angels! Just so many wonderful people in the community! I truly do have tears in my eyes for the love that is pouring out our way in messages of well wishes etc.

Please know that each and every offer/message has been appreciated and touches our hearts more deeply than you shall ever know.

I do want to explain why we cannot have strange hands coming in – as kind as I know they would be – and handling these really small babies – wee pup #6 BB girl was born at only 9.7 ounces and her litter-mates not a heck of a lot bigger. Average Dane puppies should be a birth weight of 1-1.5 pounds. That we had all 13 born live is a miracle unto itself considering the conditions Mama came from prior to rescue. Big thanks must again be shouted out to my 17 year old son Mason who stood solid by my side from mere moments after I whelped the first pup – a gorgeous BBBBB girl – and if it were not for him helping to tag team with me – we know that at least 6 babies may well not have survived much past birth. We had puppies coming as fast as every 6 minutes at one point and three puppies in a row were not good upon birth and need much stimulation.

Thank you Mason! We have 13 babies still alive and while none are even remotely out of the woods, all 13 are still here and we are working so hard to ensure their thrival.

We just cannot have these babies exposed to germs and the stress of outside hands plus smells. They need stability and quiet/calm and to be handled by so very few people right now to give them the best chances of survival. They are extremely vulnerable and fragile right now and I hope that people can understand that we all should want what is in their best interest. 

The Boerskins are not new to Danes or whelping rescue puppies, dealing with round the clock feedings – tube feedings at that and while we do not have a crystal ball to say how many or if all of these puppies will surivive, we have almost 22 years of experience through BHRR with rescue litters and in particular litters born to Mama’s that have had no prenatal care. We want to ask to please understand and let us do what we are experienced/knowledgeable at and know that as these babies age and get stronger plus healthier, we are going to need your kind, caring plus loving hands SO much as we did in April of 2016 and December of 2015 for example for other rescue litters we have assisted. ?

Prior to the litter being born, I had already lined up the fabu Melissa Roy for their professional photo’s development journey’s like we did with Mama Marbles’ litter. We shall need many hands to make that magic happen at 4, 6 & 8 weeks etc.

We will need an army of kind souls to help me get them to their Vet visits starting at 2 weeks of age! That is always an adventure unto itself! 

We will need our community to help us socialise and expose them to the fabu wonders of the world when it is time.

We shall need so much and we are already incredibly grateful knowing that there are a lot of beautiful folks wanting to step up at a moment’s notice!! We promise to update as we can, when we can on their progress. 

I am sharing this picture of the BHRR’s Bakers’s Dozen taken last night. A bit blurry as they were moving!

Here is a list of our current urgent needs and we remain forever indebted to anyone that may consider our cause. I will update on the litter and have pictures, birth weights etc. later today. Every puppy shall have their own individual blog page too. NONE of them are available for adoption at this time and will not be for a long time.

May we also ask for people not to just drop by with donations. That is equally stressful on puppymill Mama Gem and if we are feeding at that time, greatly disrupts the stability we are trying to keep here. We have a super person in Ottawa – Brenda(lives near Bayshore) that generously offered up her home for donation drop-off and if people email us at contactbhrr@gmail.com, additional arrangements can be made. ?

Mama Gem does has a file set-up at both Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848 and also at Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966 for anyone that may wish to donate direct to the Vet Clinics for the care of her and her babies.

gwen@birchhaven.org is for email transfers AND
gwen@birchhaven.org is for PayPal Donations

1) Flannel FITTED Sheets – Queen or Twin
2) Pet Valu Gift Cards 
3) Pee Pads
4) POWDERED Esbilac – 794 g is the better value
5) Large to XL Stuffies
6) Pinesol
7) 7 cases of PVD Essential Care Puppy canned food – Vet Food
8) 9 bags of 8 kg PVD Essential Care Puppy Kibble – Vet Food 
9) Dane sized durable/appropriate puppy play toys 
10) **Very Urgent: 4 x New Born Nursing Kits For Milk Replacers – PetSmart – picture in post**



Please know I am not ignoring calls, emails, messages etc.  I have been up since 5 AM Tuesday and after whelping puppies throughout the night/early AM then had to go to work for 8 hours, pick up some wonderful donations for the pups afterwards and have since been back home with family and puppies etc. I also spayed BHRR’s Daffodil! 

I am hoping that tonight I can get some rest between feedings and will post more re: our needs and on the pups plus Mama Gem tomorrow. 

We will be having a flash auction to help raise urgent funds for their care. 13 Giant Breed puppies to properly vet which includes de-worming from 2 weeks onward, their vaccines plus boosters, spays/neuters, fecals, food, etc…shall cost thousands upon thousands upon thousands of dollars. We do not cut corners at BHRR. Each puppy plus Mama Gem will receive everything they need plus more. 

I will say that right now all 13 puppies are hanging strong as can be.  Wee brindle baby girl born at only 9.7 ounces too.  Mason and I had spent a lot of time on her when she was first born and almost as much time on 5 other of the 13 babies to help them survive plus thrive. 

I leave all with a picture of the BHRR’s Baker’s Dozen taken a couple of hours ago. 

A bit blurry as they move about!

Update: another puppy born 9:29 AM 

That makes 6 girls and 7 boys and 13 puppies so far.

This is a Baker’s Dozen and they are going to need their village as are we to help ensure their survival. 

Mason and I had to spend some working on 6 of the puppies born and the smallest is only 276 g and so tiny….all the puppies are small. 

I am worried about all surviving….. 

UPDATE: we are now at 10 puppies and this photo is of when we had 8. 
FINAL PUPPY COUNT: 13! & all born alive!

Individual pictures and weights to come later.

Mama is doing well….Mama Gwennie also and to think I have to be up in a few hours to go to work! This was not the night I wanted them to be born! 

Do not think Mama Gem is done and the smallest is only 276 g a wee female

Puppy #7 Black Male Born 12:45 AM

Weight: 360 g

Puppy #6 Brindle Female born 12:35 AM

Weight: 276 g

Puppy #5 Black Boy born 12:21 AM

Weight: 450 g

Puppy #4 Blue Fawn Male Born September 13th @ 12:15 AM

Weight: 515 g

Puppy #13 Male Brindle Born: 9:29 AM

Weight: 475 g

Puppy #12 Blue Fawn Boy Born: 4:04 AM

Weight: 450 g

Puppy #11 Brindle Female Born: 3:03 AM

Weight: 410 g

Puppy #10 Blue Male Born: 2:45 AM

Weight: 501 g

Puppy #9 Black Female Born: 2:10 AM

Weight: 370 g 

Puppy #8 Blue Female Born 1:24 AM 

Weight: 480 g

Puppy #3 blue fawn male Born September 12th @ 11:26 PM

Weight 450 g

Puppy #1 black female born 10:13 pm

Weight 400 g

Mama has rejected her. 

Puppy #2 blue female born 10:56 pm

Weight 470 g

BHRR’s Gem Update:

The stunning BBBBB once known a D211 – puppymill Dane #211 and we have called BHRR’s Gem is getting closer and closer to giving birth.

Yup…she was just a number to track how much money was made off the babies they forced her to pump out. 

She is barely picking at her food, nesting and Annette – one of the toys you sent our way, a Stuffie Penquin has become her ‘baby’.

She is finding it harder to get comfortable, doing some pacing, a little panting from time to time and has decided that instead of the 8 x 5 x 4 custom whelping box Sean & Mason made for her comfort( BHRR’s Marbles was made 6 x 5 x 3), she wants the futon bed I have beside her whelping box and have been sleeping on to be by her side. I am trying to have some casual dialogue with her that this would not be my preference! 

BHRR’s Marbles had wanted to have her own rescue litter in April 2016 under my desk and she & I had a few conversations about that not being ideal!

BHRR’s Gem’s wounds have been healing wonderfully yet her spirit, soul and heart shall take much longer to heal. While she still does some flinching when my fingers trail gently across her mid-back when she walks by me – she will now want to be around me, not too close yet she does watch me – she no longer drops to the ground or cowers. I just go about my day and passively ignore her and she is getting used to me being around and the trust earned is slow yet rewarding….

She really feels comforted with the three night lights to help her feel a little more safe at night.

Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson still ‘watches’ over her and she does derive peace in having him around.

Per a couple posts made, we have been busy working quietly behind the scenes as we ready everything for the litter of babies she is expecting soon.

She is only the 15th dog for us to assist in 2017. She most likely shall be the last we can assist in 2017 along with her unborn babies for we have to remain about quality, not quantity. Unless, we have more approved adoptions, our doors shall remain closed for intake until 2018.

In going through the list of items we still need for her and her puppies, I am posting an update of what we still need in case someone may have what what we are looking for or may consider our cause: 

1) Flannel FITTED Sheets – Queen or Twin
2) Duvets/Comforters/Sleeping Bags
4) Pet Valu Gift Cards 
5) Pee Pads
6) POWDERED Esbilac – 794 g is the better value
7) Large to XL Stuffies
8) Pinesol
9) 7 cases of PVD Essential Care Puppy canned food – Vet Food
10) 9 bags of 8 kg PVD Essential Care Puppy Kibble – Vet Food 
11) Dane sized durable/appropriate puppy play toys

BHRR’s Gem has a file set up at both Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966 as well as Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848.

Email Transfer: gwen@birchhaven.org 
PayPal: gwen@birchhaven.org

We will keep everyone updated as we can….

Thank so in advance to all for any consideration as always! 

BHRR’s Cagney – 9 month old Saint Lady! Born Dec. 3rd, 2016
Available For Adoption!
She is ready to make her own special announcement!

She is such an amazing girl! One of those extreme rare bomb proof dogs. She is fantastic with dogs of all sizes and ages. She is excellent as well with people/kids regardless of age and health – wheelchairs, crutches, strollers bother her not one bit.

BHRR will consider homes with children as young as age 5 for BHRR’s Cagney. Homes that allow children to sit or ride on dogs, please do not bother applying. This is completely unacceptable behaviour.

City life and country life are both in her elements! Busy traffic, air brakes, sirens or crickets, horses, cows nor barking dogs bother her.

She travels wonderfully in a car, is great at the Vet and is incredibly well balanced plus solid.

She is extremely reliable in her obedience – sits before eating and before the leash goes on etc.

She is eager to please me, is deeply affectionate while at the same time independent to simply also loving being around her humans and not always on top of them!

She loves her walks plus hikes and is perfect about proper inside play vs. proper outside play. She is not high energy yet as a puppy she has puppy exuberance and sometimes forgets her spacial awareness and our knees get bumped/taken out in play.

She likes to play chase with other dogs yet loves the tug and war plus wrestling the most type of play.

She is crate and house trained and has not yet proven 100% reliable in our home unsupervised yet as a baby – Giants grow up for two years, fill out in year three and then the brain by five – understandable.

No issues to bathe, do nails, clean ears etc.

She is a smaller female smooth coat Saint – ~95 pounds – and we will not see her adopted to a home that does not understand what a dog should look like and have her become obese. As so many are well aware, one of my biggest pet peeves is people getting their dogs overweight and obese. There is no excuse for this. Even our thyroid dogs are all in great weight health.

Dogs are not meant to be one straight line or to have protruding stomachs. They are to have waistlines. These Saint Ladies are lean and muscled and look amazing. To have them become obese, is more weight and tear on their hearts and joints etc. We want BHRR’s Cagney as with all of our dogs to live very long, happy and healthy lives.

We would prefer BHRR’s Cagney to be placed in a home with at least one other right match personality fit dog. This is not a ‘deal breaker’ yet our strong preference. Being such a social creature, she deserves and needs to have all of the right matched doggie friends possible. If the right match fit home does not have any other dogs in their home that are perfect for BHRR’s Cagney, they must have a thorough regular doggie social network in place.

Same with people. She will be approved to be adopted to a home that is social, outgoing and will not allow her to be a couch potatoe home body. She loves home too, that is not the point I am making. ?She also super loves people and places and new experiences and dogs and fun and going out and we want to makes sure she has a home that can do this for her!

She also does not require tons of exercise and is so satisfied with our three walks per day of about 1.5 kms each. This is in addition to her play time throughout the day!

Cats are not 100% known yet she has not had an issue with any that she has met at work nor when we have been out visiting friends and family. Integration is always key.

She is respectful and so bonded to me. I am head over heels impressed with her! She and her sister have been a positive delight to have had with us.

She can go to a home that works full-time, part-time, works from home, is semi-retired or is retired. Another great versatile BHRR dog!

She would make an outstanding certified therapy dog.

BHRR’s Cagney, as our time together comes ever closer to an end, let me tell you once again how absolutely magnificent you are. You have brought so much sunshine and stars, not to mention smiles, the best face washes and cuddles to my life!!

You are the candy, the gorgeous wrapping and beautiful bow all in one stunning package!

So BHRR’s Ryder was back at Liston Animal Hospital (613-591-0966) today for his eye as a post op check to his surgery on August 31st as it is no better and in fact, looks worse post op.

Sadly, as per our other post, the repair of what was not Cherry Eye as we know it yet, was eversion of the cartilage of the nictitating membrane was not successful. As you can see in the photo taken today on our way in to see Dr. Liston, his eye is not good.

Today, to see what may be going on, Dr. Liston put a local freezing on his eye and pulled up the third eyelid yet the one corner with every attempt made kept rolling back down within moments and the cartilage pops back up and is exposed. 

Dr. Liston will operate again at the end of the month – when he also has his first opening and if the surgery fails again, he shall do a third surgery and remove the third eyelid. We discussed the long term effects of having the third eyelid removed and I was told that ‘he could be more prone to eye infections in his future.’ No crystal ball. He would not need eye drops as the tear duct would not be affected.

We will do whatever is in his best interest.

He is healing well from his neuter though – also done on August 31st – and is now almost 103 pounds! Where once he was an emaciated barely 48 pounds at 10 months of age, is now lean and muscled and has a fabu glossy shiny healthy black coat. 

He will not be making his special announcement until we can get that eye of his properly repaired.

I shall update on Puppymill Mama BHRR’s Gem tomorrow and I know we have a Saint Lady excited to make her special announcement tomorrow too. 

From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, we wish you a good night!


BHRR’s Gus! 
Available For Adoption!

He was at KAH tonight for his annual. He sure made his presence known that we were there! 

He is now almost 120 pounds of solid lean muscle mass. He is a power house of a boy with not one mean bone in his body. Exhuberant and not happy when dogs and people alike did not flock immediately to his side for him to be loved on. 

He still is a bit mouthy when he is asked to do something and he does not want to. We work through it and he resorts back to being an eager to please and demonstrating his excellent sit, lay down and stay plus gentle commands in manners. He still has moments where he will almost throw himself on the floor, swim a bit with his legs and be quite dramatic. When he realises that we are not going to entertain or cater to his wee bratty moments, he settles beautifully. Kudos to him for continuing to try and keep me on my toes here and there to see if he can wear me down. 

He was complimented on his really nice shiny healthy coat and received a thumbs up on his Vet visit. 

His anxiety in the car while greatly lessened is still somewhat present and I give him a smoked knuckle bone to chew on while we travel. Going home is always a breeze…The going out is what is hard on him. Gets into the car no issues and is happy to go for a ride yet once we are on the road longer than about ten minutes, you can still witness his anxiety levels and we give him a calming word and then passively ignore. He goes from then having periods of some whining to being happy to look out the windows or chomp on his knuckle bone. Good boy! Huge progress!

He had similar anxiety moments in the waiting room at KAH for all in close range to hear.  Being quiet to then whining and then settling well and then whining a bit again. He has his abandonment issues.

Thank you so much to one Vet for taking a few precious moments to love on him before BHRR’s Gus went into his apt. with another Vet. BHRR’s Gus soaked it all up and was so happy!

He loves attention – in his mind it should always be about him! – and he received lots of positive attention when he showed us proper displays of behaviour. More than one client at the Hospital wanted to visit with him and I only asked them to please wait until he was exhibiting the right behaviours and then they could love on him all they wanted.  So many kind people in the world so open and willing to help us set the dogs up for success and thank you to each and every one of these wonderful souls tonight!

We remain wanting to see BHRR’s Gus in an extremely experienced dog home. One that is not going to cater to his negative seeking behaviours and know how to properly handle his still sometimes mouthy behaviour with a positive balanced approach plus understand his SA moments and will be patient, understanding and effective with that plus his freight training leash manners that still crop up in distracted moments.

He was ‘babied’ in his past and that shows big time in how he works to manipulate a situation with his weight and mouth and in his SA moments.

He is such a nice boy. A mush and so affectionate and with the right continued directed guidance is going to keep reaching his full potential. Just a really amazing boy that is just a wee bit rough around the edges.  Aren’t we all in our own ways?! 

Posted in Gus

BHRR’s Ryder! He was supervising me getting gas on the way in for his surgery consult. 

He had his neuter and eye repair done on August 31st.

Per his surgeon, once he was operating, he told us that it was not Cherry Eye as we know it. What BHRR’s Ryder had was eversion of the cartilage of the nictitating membrane.

This was repaired and his surgeon told Sean upon pick-up that his eye would look bad for at least five days. Sadly, we have seen zero improvement in these five days and BHRR’s Ryder has been getting his eye drops every 8 hours plus wearing a cone. 

He is scheduled to go back to the surgeon on Thursday for a recheck.

In other BHRR news – BHRR’s Lacey was spayed today and charmed all as these Saint Ladies tend to do!  Once she has recovered, she will be ready to make her own special announcement. She is such an adorable patient! 

This now leaves us remaining to do BHRR’s Daffodil’s own Spay and mass removal and this was originally scheduled for September 13th yet we are now on active baby watch with BHRR’s Gem at this time too so, day by day!

We do remain ISO: auction items, draw prizes plus surprise loot bag goodies(40) for our upcoming annual popular and incredibly unique BHRR ‘Dine With The BHRR Doggies!’ We only host 4 planned fundraisers a year and this year’s monies raised shall go towards BHRR’s Gem and her unborn babies.

Any consideration as always would be so appreciated…..

From our home to all of our supporters, friends & family, good night wishes being sent…

This stunning BBBBB was once known a D211 – Dane #211. Yup…just a number to track how much money was made off the babies they forced her to pump out.  

She is safe now and while D211 was her identity to her horrific puppymillers, to us we have called her *BHRR’s Gem*. For she is one…precious and valuable.

Terrified, not even 100 pounds – and this is while heavily pregnant, covered in wounds/scars – you can even see some of them along her side, chest and neck in the one photo I will post in her thread, oozing infection, horrible overgrown nails plus has Giardia and is petrified of the dark.

She now has three night lights to help her feel a little more safe at night.

Yesterday, we were finally able to trim her nails back – her first nail trim in her life. Yesterday, we also managed to give her her very first ear cleaning.

Scared and ranging from catatonic to major flight mode, Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson has not left her side since I made the 20+ hour round trip to assist in this bust and then took her home with me as she needs us so badly right now….AND It took two days before she finally rested. He is her Guardian Dane and he is going to help her heal a lot.

She paces a lot less now than she did upon arrival and depending on the time of day, either wants to stay outside or refuses to go outside.

Per another post, we have been busy working quietly behind the scenes as we ready everything for the litter of babies she is expecting within 7-10 days. The object you see to the right is her custom whelping box that Sean’s & Mason made – 8 x 5 x 4. The one made for BHRR’s Marbles was 6 x 5 x 3 and BHRR’s Gem needs more room to feel comfortable.

We did an u/s the day after she arrived and I quickly saw ~5 babies and the Vet when they looked up, caught at least 3 before she became overwhelmed and we understandably stopped. We also attempted after giving her a break to get x-rays to gauge just how many babies she is expecting & to get a better idea of due date so we could best prepare yet in her fear, this was not possible. She lost control of her bowels, anal glands and urinated herself and I asked for the x-ray attempts to stop as nothing is worth seeing any dog that way. We know she is pregnant and will have to take things as they come. The x-rays that they managed to take were not useful and so be it. Her stress level needs to be lowered not further raised. I worry about her needing a c-section as she is so tiny yet her belly is so huge. Yet, one step at a time….I have been lining up my ducks in a row and several Hospitals, depending on time of day are aware that we may be calling upon them for their surgical assistance. We would also Spay her at the same time she had the c-section.

We did run a fecal and she is on treatment for Giardia and being proactively de-wormed. She is on antibiotics for her wounds.

She is only the 15th dog for us to assist in 2017. She most likely shall be the last we can assist in 2017 along with her unborn babies for we have to remain about quality, not quantity. Unless, we have more approved adoptions, our doors shall remain closed for intake until 2018.

In going through the list of items we still need for her and her puppies, I am posting here in case someone may have what what we are looking for or may consider our cause:

1) Flannel Fitted Sheets – Queen or Twin
2) Pillows
3) Blankets/Duvets/Comforters
4) Pet Valu Gift Cards
5) Pee Pads
6) Powdered Esbilac – 794 g is the better value
7) Large to XL Stuffies
8) Pinesol
9) 7 cases of PVD Essential Care Puppy canned food – Vet Food
10) 9 x 8 kg bags of PVD Essential Care Puppy Kibble – Vet Food 
11) XL Costco Dog Bed
12) Dane sized durable/appropriate puppy play toys 
13) Laundry Soap
14) Fabric Softener

BHRR’s Gem has a file set up at both Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966 as well as Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848.

Email Transfer: gwen@birchhaven.org 
PayPal: gwen@birchhaven.org

We will keep everyone updated as we can….

Thank so in advance to all for any consideration as always! 

She is naturally camera shy so pictures are not easy to get….

UPDATE: we now have an 8 panel plastic playpen to arrive Thursday(2 panel extension) & the 6 panel play pen to arrive Friday!  Thank you again Brenda! 

We are still ISO: wire/metal xpens in height from 34″-44″. 

ISO: a 10-panel Super Yard Play Pen.

We have one that we bought 17 years ago and it is done. Sadly, it will not stand another pack of rescue Dane Babies! The BHRR Puppy Pile x 7 did it in!

We truly did not expect that 18 months after assisting Mama Marbles, we would be asked to assist so soon another cruelty/neglect case pregnant Dane. 

We are working hard behind the scenes to get everything in order for the puppymill Mama Dane and her soon to arrive Babies.

The cost for a 6 panel pen at Babies R Us is $139.99+ tax and so we are hoping someone may have one they no longer need and would consider our cause for a reasonable price.

Seeking a 10 panel one preferably yet 8 panels would be ok.

We are also seeking wire/metal xpens in height of anywhere between 34″ – 44″ in height once the puppies are big enough.

Please do email gwen@birchhaven.org if you can help us out with either request above.

We are in the big countdown…puppies should be arriving within the next 7-10 days max. Mama Dane Gem is doing well…getting some weight on her and building up much needed muscle mass and tone to help her become as strong and healthy as possible for her sake and her unborn babies.

Her awful wounds are healing as she remains on antibiotics and today we were actually able to do her nails. The very first time they have been done in her life. She also let me clean her ears which is also the first time they have been done in her life.


Another Photo!

BHRR’s Cagney(l) & BHRR’s Lacey(r)

Sneak Peek! 

One of the absolutely gorgeous photo’s Liz took of the Saint Ladies at their professional photo shoot last Tuesday! ??

I asked Liz if we could grab some pictures of the ladies together and here is one of them!

Stay tuned! 

BHRR’s Cagney(l) will be making her special announcement shortly and after BHRR’s Lacey(r) recovers from her spay – scheduled for Tuesday September 5th – then she will have her own special announcement to make! They turn 9 months old tomorrow. 

Thanks again to Gayle, Neil and Kinsley for the extra hands and love at this photo shoot. 

Happy long weekend wishes being sent from our home to all of our friends, family & supporters.

ISO: Auction Items!

Our popular Annual one-of-a-kind unique ‘Dine With The BHRR Doggies’ is coming up in September!

We are in need of auction items for both our live & silent part of our evening. Gift Certificates, Gift Baskets etc., would be so appreciated!

We are also seeking draw prizes and items(40 of each) to place in our surprise loot bags.

Please do email gwen@birchhaven.org if you may consider our cause to donate to. Please do not post here for we may miss your most generous offer. 

This is always a SOLD out night and one that we love hosting! BHRR has only five planned fundraisers each year and this is #4 for 2017.

All monies raised in this year’s event will go towards helping another deserving Dane in need of our highly specialised programs. I will post more about her shortly.

She is a puppymill Dane, riddled with so many wounds and scars. She is emotionally and physically beaten. Even after almost 22 years assisting in busts and helping these beautiful animals, I am still shaken to my core with how cruel and neglectful people can be.

Where once she was just a number to produce as many babies as possible to line the greedy pockets of others, to us we have called this lovely girl – BBBBB ‘Gem’. She has an identity now and she will learn she is important and valuable and not disposable trash.

In honour of BHRR’s Sambuca and my beloved Bronson, we will help the next one in need of us. She is only the 15th dog we will have been able to assist in 2017. We remain about quality not quantity with our efforts.

She is precious as is the special ‘cargo’ she is carrying. In just less than 2 years, we have now been asked three times to help a New Mama with her surviving pups(BHRR’s Eve) or a Mama-Soon-To-Be(BHRR’s Marbles) and now BHRR’s Gem. Breaks my heart as to how so many animals are used for profit instead of being altered and cherished as beloved family members…. 

Your donations enable us to continue in these rescue trenches, helping those that have no voice and cannot step up to protect themselves.

We hope that you may help us assist BHRR’s Gem by donating an item to our upcoming Fundraiser. We would truly be so grateful…..