ISO: Auction Items!

Our popular Annual one-of-a-kind unique ‘Dine With The BHRR Doggies’ is coming up in September!

We are in need of auction items for both our live & silent part of our evening. Gift Certificates, Gift Baskets etc., would be so appreciated!

We are also seeking draw prizes and items(40 of each) to place in our surprise loot bags.

Please do email if you may consider our cause to donate to. Please do not post here for we may miss your most generous offer. 

This is always a SOLD out night and one that we love hosting! BHRR has only five planned fundraisers each year and this is #4 for 2017.

All monies raised in this year’s event will go towards helping another deserving Dane in need of our highly specialised programs. I will post more about her shortly.

She is a puppymill Dane, riddled with so many wounds and scars. She is emotionally and physically beaten. Even after almost 22 years assisting in busts and helping these beautiful animals, I am still shaken to my core with how cruel and neglectful people can be.

Where once she was just a number to produce as many babies as possible to line the greedy pockets of others, to us we have called this lovely girl – BBBBB ‘Gem’. She has an identity now and she will learn she is important and valuable and not disposable trash.

In honour of BHRR’s Sambuca and my beloved Bronson, we will help the next one in need of us. She is only the 15th dog we will have been able to assist in 2017. We remain about quality not quantity with our efforts.

She is precious as is the special ‘cargo’ she is carrying. In just less than 2 years, we have now been asked three times to help a New Mama with her surviving pups(BHRR’s Eve) or a Mama-Soon-To-Be(BHRR’s Marbles) and now BHRR’s Gem. Breaks my heart as to how so many animals are used for profit instead of being altered and cherished as beloved family members…. 

Your donations enable us to continue in these rescue trenches, helping those that have no voice and cannot step up to protect themselves.

We hope that you may help us assist BHRR’s Gem by donating an item to our upcoming Fundraiser. We would truly be so grateful…..