**’NOTICE: For those seeking to drop-off items, unless Gwennie has put you in direct contact with exact details of where items can become be dropped off to, no other place/s are approved. Unbeknownst until just now is that we have had someone taken advantage of and now much needed items & $225 cash has been stolen by another.

Please email Gwen directly at contactbhrr@gmail.com OR gwen@birchhaven.org if you have anything to donate.**
We have 13 babies born and with Mama rejecting them, all are tube fed. 5 will be ready to go to bottle soon.
URGENT NEED FOR DONATIONS: BHRR’s Mama Gem & The Baker’s Dozen Pups
First and most important, we really want to take a moment to thank those that have reached out to us after learning that the puppymill Mama Gem gave birth to 13 puppies.
Angels! Just so many wonderful people in the community! I truly do have tears in my eyes for the love that is pouring out our way in messages of well wishes etc.
Please know that each and every offer/message has been appreciated and touches our hearts more deeply than you shall ever know.
I do want to explain why we cannot have strange hands coming in – as kind as I know they would be – and handling these really small babies – wee pup #6 BB girl was born at only 9.7 ounces and her litter-mates not a heck of a lot bigger. Average Dane puppies should be a birth weight of 1-1.5 pounds. That we had all 13 born live is a miracle unto itself considering the conditions Mama came from prior to rescue. Big thanks must again be shouted out to my 17 year old son Mason who stood solid by my side from mere moments after I whelped the first pup – a gorgeous BBBBB girl – and if it were not for him helping to tag team with me – we know that at least 6 babies may well not have survived much past birth. We had puppies coming as fast as every 6 minutes at one point and three puppies in a row were not good upon birth and need much stimulation.
Thank you Mason! We have 13 babies still alive and while none are even remotely out of the woods, all 13 are still here and we are working so hard to ensure their thrival.
We just cannot have these babies exposed to germs and the stress of outside hands plus smells. They need stability and quiet/calm and to be handled by so very few people right now to give them the best chances of survival. They are extremely vulnerable and fragile right now and I hope that people can understand that we all should want what is in their best interest. 
The Boerskins are not new to Danes or whelping rescue puppies, dealing with round the clock feedings – tube feedings at that and while we do not have a crystal ball to say how many or if all of these puppies will surivive, we have almost 22 years of experience through BHRR with rescue litters and in particular litters born to Mama’s that have had no prenatal care. We want to ask to please understand and let us do what we are experienced/knowledgeable at and know that as these babies age and get stronger plus healthier, we are going to need your kind, caring plus loving hands SO much as we did in April of 2016 and December of 2015 for example for other rescue litters we have assisted.
Prior to the litter being born, I had already lined up the fabu Melissa Roy for their professional photo’s development journey’s like we did with Mama Marbles’ litter. We shall need many hands to make that magic happen at 4, 6 & 8 weeks etc.
We will need an army of kind souls to help me get them to their Vet visits starting at 2 weeks of age! That is always an adventure unto itself! 
We will need our community to help us socialise and expose them to the fabu wonders of the world when it is time.
We shall need so much and we are already incredibly grateful knowing that there are a lot of beautiful folks wanting to step up at a moment’s notice!!
We promise to update as we can, when we can on their progress. 
I am sharing this picture of the BHRR’s Bakers’s Dozen taken last night. A bit blurry as they were moving!
Here is a list of our current urgent needs and we remain forever indebted to anyone that may consider our cause. I will update on the litter and have pictures, birth weights etc. later today. Every puppy shall have their own individual blog page too. NONE of them are available for adoption at this time and will not be for a long time.
May we also ask for people not to just drop by with donations. That is equally stressful on puppymill Mama Gem and if we are feeding at that time, greatly disrupts the stability we are trying to keep here. We have a super person in Ottawa – Brenda(lives near Bayshore) that generously offered up her home for donation drop-off and if people email us at contactbhrr@gmail.com, additional arrangements can be made.
Mama Gem does has a file set-up at both Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848 and also at Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966 for anyone that may wish to donate direct to the Vet Clinics for the care of her and her babies.
gwen@birchhaven.org is for email transfers AND
gwen@birchhaven.org is for PayPal Donations
1) Flannel FITTED Sheets – Queen or Twin
2) Pet Valu Gift Cards
3) Pee Pads
4) POWDERED Esbilac – 794 g is the better value
5) Large to XL Stuffies
6) Pinesol
7) 7 cases of PVD Essential Care Puppy canned food – Vet Food
8) 9 bags of 8 kg PVD Essential Care Puppy Kibble – Vet Food
9) Dane sized durable/appropriate puppy play toys
10) **Very Urgent: 4 x New Born Nursing Kits For Milk Replacers – PetSmart – picture in post**