BHRR’s Cagney(l) & BHRR’s Lacey(r) – the two 8 month old Saints – had their professional photo’s taken today.

Thank you to Gayle & Neil for the extra hands to love on them and I know I sound like a broken record yet it is always so important to get the dogs into as many hands as possible to keep helping to make them as well rounded plus balanced as possible. Thank you both for giving them yet more positive and wonderful experiences.

They are great puppies and we want them to become the best dogs they can – assets to home and community.

Thanks to Liz for her time plus talent once more!

BHRR’s Cagney rocked her session and BHRR’s Lacey demonstrated further that she is still a bit of a diamond in the rough!  She was so distracted by the man banging around with recycle bins that it took a bit of time before she could settle plus focus on the task at hand.

While both pups did not like all of the rectal temperature taking they have had to have done during their recovery, BHRR’s Lacey was the most displeased and she is still is sensitive around her rump and so we have been working on lots of touching, gentle pushing on her hind end etc….she did so well today with all of that!

Both also showed that while they would walk quite well with me….listening to others with leash manners not so much….this is why our obedience clause is so important in our adoption contracts. Just because they listen to me does not mean they shall to others and having them handled by different people is important as shall be the obedience classes.

BHRR’s Lacey is scheduled to be spayed on September 5th and once I have their professional photo’s, both will be ready to make their special announcements!

Going to miss them….they will only be approved to right matched forever loving homes that are equally outgoing and publicly social for these two pups love everyone and everything!  They are not home-bodies and couch potatoes….they are happy, active, young, healthy and fit pups that are going to be such gifts to some wonderful homes.

To state again they shall NOT be adopted together. That is not in their best interests.


This is how special Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson is….

The BBBBB that is with him was once known a D211 – Dane #211. Yup…just a number to track how much money was made off the babiesthey forced her to pump out. 

She is safe now and while D211 was her identity to her horrific puppymillers, to us we have called her *BHRR’s Gem*. For she is one…precious and valuable.

Terrified, not even 100 pounds, covered in wounds – you can even see some of them along her side, chest and neck, oozing infection, horrible overgrown nails plus riddled with parasites (we will post more on her story on our Facebook page shortly). We will share with everyone just how special this girl is and that Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson knew instantly how special she was….for he is super special himself!

Terrified and ranging from catatonic to major flight mode, Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson has not left her side since I made the 20 hour round trip toassist in this bust and then took her home with me as she needs us so badly right now….AND after two days, she finally rested. He is her GuardianDane and he is going to help her heal a lot…..

Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson wishes all a good night…..he is so fabu!

BHRR’s Sambuca – Almost 10.5 years of age

Passed away peacefully in his sleep August 23rd and I still cannot bring myself to type a proper honourable memorial for him…. 

For now, some Gwennie words and photo’s shared from his blog of a most inspirational, outstanding special boy….

In the time that he came into rescue, he went from head down, weak in the hind and scared – of feet and raised voices in particular to head up, telling me exactly how he felt with the best sounds ever, developing strength and muscle tone that he could run and race! We would do 2 x 1.5 km walks daily and he loved those walks…he loved them best wth my own 10 plus year old Dane and Wolfie by his side…he would trot and prance!

He went from not being able to poop without pain and avoiding going to the bathroom to comfort and ease once that horrible mass was removed.

He went from having the worst teeth his Vet and dental surgeon plus myself had ever see in our combined 56 plus years around rescue and bad teeth to once he had 22 removed, a great dental cleaning and months of antibiotics being able to eat more than just wet yet almost exclusively high quality kibble.

BHRR’s Sambuca did not have a mean bone in body. He was so quiet – until he saw me coming home! – and stoic and had an almost defeated look about him when he first arrived to being so happy and healthy and fit and asking for love plus knowing he was so worthy…..

Why he chose me as his human, I shall never know yet what an honour and privilege it was to have such a gift of him giving me such love and trust and saucy ‘tude!

Having not had time to grieve the loss on August 11th of my own amazing Double Digit Dane fabu boy – and I have not yet shared my boys tragic loss with many nor can do his own deserving tribute yet – as I have been so busy getting the Saint Ladies healthy again….now I have even more grief and pain tearing through my heart plus soul with BHRR’s Sambuca’s own loss….  Both you and my boy shared so many of the most noblest of gentleman qualities ever existed and neither one of you are now around for me to hold any longer, talk to, love on and to have you gently paw at me to keep rubbing your chest when I stop etc…..

BHRR’s Sambuca – choosing just one photo to honour you is not possible……it is not fitting for such an awesome boy.

I will post several in your facdebook thread and I decided on this picture (already is in your blog) for this post for you found the biggest pleasure out of the simplest of things that so many others take for granted…prior to rescue you had so limited time outside over the past 18 months at least….extreme little to none in fact that just being able to bask in the warm rays of the welcoming sun brought you so much joy. ?You and I would sit for as long as you wanted to in beautiful companionable silence…no words or sounds were ever necessary….

Car rides became a delight and you would become almost indignant when I went to assist you getting in for once you became strong and healthy, you loved your independence.  So proud you were of so many things you could now do and I was proud of you and so happy for you!

You would come to work and brought much peace to the hearts of others at the Hospital.

I knew you and My Wolfie Brogan were so sad when my Big Blue Bronson tragically died and you are both in heaven for I do have to believe there is one and one day I will see you both again….and, as I say always when we have a loss… for now, I will meet and see you in my dreams….

May I one day be able to do a tribute worthy of the truly superb Dane you are…..for now, my tears blurr my eyes and sobs threatened to pour forth from my soul as I am deeply and immensely shattered over losing two of the most WOW dogs ever….

As Mason said, ‘ one in a million’ for my own 10+ year old Dane Bronson and for you and so, we really did win the lottery having both of you grace our lives….

Thank you BHRR’s Sambuca for your gifts, your sense of humour, your slightly defiant bouncy ham movements when you wanted to go one way and the Boerskins wanted to go another! 

Thank you for the laughter and the enrichment you have given to my home….though our time together is measured not in years but months, that precious time proved that it did not matter how long we had known you…that love was instant and solid and is forever….

RIP Sammy AKA Sam-Sam…..

Thank you to all of his beautiful comfort angels in giving him such quality of life for the time he did have left. I can assure all that he lived each day as if it was his last….and passed away peacefully sleeping by my side……


BHRR’s Cagney(r) & BHRR’s Lacey(l) – (8 month old Saints) are at Global Pet Foods – Hintonburg today to 4 pm!

They are here to love on and thank everyone for helping to save them!!

Thank you Kayla and Global Pet Foods Hintonburg for this unforgettable and special opportunity to be here!! What a beautiful day we are having!

We have already gotten to visit with so many wonderful people and their pets! We have even gotten to love on BHRR’s Limerick and BHRR’s Sapphire also today!!

Grand Total Raised Today:
$298.30 – this includes a most generous online donation from a home that could not make it today
$5.00 USD
$9.45 Canadian Tire Money 

We are really humbled by today and there is now less than $400 remaining owed on their Bills. So touched by all that rallied so strongly around them when they were rushed into emerge. 

I also will be making a separate post re: BHRR’s Sambuca and I did not wish to post before having the chance to talk to so many of his fans in person today…having the ability and opportunity to share him with quite a few people today face-to-face meant a lot….what an incredibly inspirational Dane that has so many of his own Comfort Angels. 

Kayla & To Your Great Team – please accept my heartfelt thanks once more in having us at your beautiful location. 

Dawn, thanks for coming out and hanging with The Boerskins today. You are such a great person to have as part of our BHRR team/family.

Thank you to all of the awesome people – we had cars stopping, people crossing the road etc… – who dropped by to visit. 

Thank you to all of the fabu animals that came by too! BHRR’s Cagney had the best play with Stan and she says she would love a play date! ?

The Saint Ladies proved/showed to so many just how bomb proof they are – air brakes, sirens, strollers, wheelchairs – two were motorised, skateboards, bikes, people of all ages and kids and dogs, screams and car tires squealing and motorcycles plus more fazed them NOT one bit. The roads plus side walks were so busy and they did not have a care in the world other than hoping for some love from folks….and a play moment with another dog or twice or three!

They are rock solid – from wee babies to the very elderly, they were kind and gentle and so calm plus quiet. 

I even asked Kayla to do their nails this time so that they continue to be in the hands of others and BHRR’s Cagney stellar and BHRR’s Lacey once I had her lay down and go on her side – she actually began dozing off! 

These two girls deserve homes that will continue to let them shine…they are extremely social beings and when they are ready to be placed up for adoption, they will only be approved to right match forever loving homes that will ensure they get to be in the public loving and being loved on by others…..they are exquisite. 

BHRR’s Whisper
Available For Adoption!

I picked her up after our event today from her overnight play date and my RIP PPSS(Soul) would have been so proud of her!  She discovered the sunroof! Finally! LOL That was always my Souls’ ‘thing’ and he taught so many the joy of the sunroof….and it also brought back some really great memories from the almost 9 years we had together. He passed away three years ago.

BHRR’s Whisper had a great time from what I have been told and thank you Mandie & Justin once more for giving her a super experience and for all of your flexibility plus understanding in organizing this date! 

Anyone who knows me, knows my vehicles must have a sunroof for the Danes/Giants! 

My last post for tonight!

AND Auction Date #19 – an overnight one! – is now on!

BHRR’s Whisper! 
Available For Adoption!

We have a total of 23 dates scheduled for 2017!

We also look forward to seeing many visitors tomorrow – Sunday August 27th at Global Pet Foods – Hintonburg from 11-4 pm

The two 8 month old Saint Ladies shall be on hand at Global Pet Foods – Hintonburg to love on people and to say a BIG Thank You for everything done by the community to help us pay off their Vet Bills.

We still owe just over $700 and we remain humbled by so many that have stood by their sides!

Tomorrow – Sunday – we will be collecting Empties plus Canadian Tire $ and also towels, laundry soap, blankets, XL garbage bags plus Pinesol should anyone consider our cause.

From our home to all of our supporters, family and friends….wishing all a good-night.

*Photo is from BHRR’s Whisper’s other recent overnight auction play date in another home*

BHRR’s Daffodil’s mature spay and mass excision is scheduled for September 13th, 2017.

ISO: an extra set of doggie loving hands to help hold/love on the two 8 month old Saint pups – BHRR’s Cagney & BHRR’s Lacey for their professional photo shoot!

Date: Tuesday August 29th
Time: 2:45 pm – for about 20 minutes
Location: Nepean, Ontario

This is for their professional photo shoot and I just need a loving pair of hands to hold one girl while I get the others pictures taken and vice versa. I can guarantee that you will fall instantly in love with them!!

If you can assist at this photo session, please do email over posting here as we may miss your generous offer!

BHRR’s Lacey is doing fabu and is now scheduled for her spay for Tuesday September 5th and about two weeks after that should be ready to make her special announcement. She is already up to date on vaccines, microchipped, pre-op bloodwork is done, latest fecal is negative, de-wormed etc.

BHRR’s Cagney is not far behind BHRR’s Lacey in her own journey to complete health and she also should be ready over the next few weeks to make her own special announcement. She is already spayed plus pexied and up to date on vaccines, microchipped, de-wormed etc. We will be running a repeat fecal shortly.

Both Saint Ladies will be at Global Pet Foods – Hintonburg on Sunday August 27th from 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM as part of our THANK YOU Event!

We remain truly grateful to every angel out there that has stepped up to donate, shared our urgent request for donations to assist them when they needed a helping hand and has kept them in their best wishes!

It has been 24/7 care for 1 day shy of two weeks since they were rushed from their foster home to emerge and though, I am exhausted, I am now so happy that they both are doing great…..

Donated To Date: $2,693
Bills To Date: $3,365.02

You can call Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848

OR via email transfer to

OR via PayPal to

Image may contain: dog and outdoor

Special picnic snack auction Date #18 is now happening! 

I am told the ‘no couch rule is going strong’ – same home having this date as they did with BHRR’s Granite yesterday and my response was ‘I can see that!’ 

Thanks for the evidence….I mean photo Elizabeth White! 

I think Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson(he is blind and can only hear 11% between both ears) believes that if he makes himself as small as possible, no one shall notice!  

He is doing really well and has learned the touch and also louder verbal signals for right/left/straight and I have been teaching him sensitivity training via a long leash and we are now up to two long leashes connected. He is a rock star!! 

He also knows ‘car’ & ‘stairs’ & ‘door’ and of course he knows his name and ‘no’ and ‘good’ and ‘boy’ and so many other wonderful words!!! He also knows ‘final pee’ before bed and is proud of himself!! AND we are so proud of him! 

So many Brazilian Angels came together to help save him and try to save his two remaining litter-mates – all special needs and dumped on the streets. 

Here is the group link detailing his journey/story and our continued efforts in now working to try and save another special needs there.


AND special picnic snack dates #16 & #17 are now in full swing!

This is Haven Dog BHRR’s Granite – one of the GD Puppy Pile x 7

Per his lovely date – ‘technically his feet are on the floor’ in re: to the no couch rule! 

Thanks for the great photo of him, Elizabeth!

BHRR’s Steam aka Steamboat (Available For Adoption) is also on her own special day date today and from what I am being told she is having a blast!

Tomorrow we have another special picnic snack date – #18 for 2017 – Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson! 

Special Auction Date #17 – BHRR’s Steam AKA Steamboat
Available For Adoption 

This is her and *Sailer*. They had a great day together!! Apparently, she loves his lampchop stuffie! 

Thank you Brooke once more in giving her this fabu experience!

UPDATE: BHRR’s Cagney & BHRR’s Lacey – the two 8 month old Saint pups.

Donated To Date: $2,398
Bills To Date: $3,365.02

Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848

OR email transfer to

OR PayPal to

BHRR’s Lacey:
Almost normal! 
Eating and drinking well
Stools are slightly soft yet formed
Urine is normal 
Energy level is playful and affectionate 
Remains on famotidine, sulcrate, metronidazole, S250 and will start Panacur tomorrow
Off the cerenia 
Eating 5 small meals a day of Gastro wet/dry and will be transitioning over to her regular food as of tomorrow
Still eating the Forti Flora daily

BHRR’s Cagney(in photo)
Catching up to her sister slow but sure!
Eating and drinking much better!
Some diarrhea noted yet her stools are most often soft yet formed
Urine is only slightly concentrated 
Energy level is alert, she has small bouts of playful!
She tires more easily than her sister and then likes to settle done with my own Wolfie Brogan in his custom made bed now that they are home with me. 
She is not 100% yet getting there!
Remains on Cerenia, famotidine, sulcrate, metronidazole, S250’s and will start Panacur shortly 
She is eating so well her own five smaller meals per day of gastro wet/dry plus a/d
She will remain on this food for awhile before transitioning over to her regular food

I cannot express enough thanks and warmth of appreciation to so many that have stepped up to our desperate cry for assistance to help them…..all of you are Saints…Saint Angels! 

Tanya & Frank – your foster babies are doing great.

We still have almost $1,000 to pay off in bills since August 12th and even $5.00 is huge to us if you may consider helping us with their emergency bills…

We have our already planned Vet bills of BHRR’s Ryder’s neuter/Cherry eye surgery coming up on August 31st – he saw the surgeon today and we have had to delay a bit BHRR’s Daffodils’ own spay/mass removal etc. as we get The Saint Ladies emergency bills paid off. 

From our home to all of our supporters, family and friends, we wish all a good night!


BHRR’s Gus – ~18 month old Neo

BHRR’s Gus is ready to make his own special announcement! He is ready for adoption!

He can go to a home that works full time, part-time, works from home, is semi-retired etc. Another versatile BHRR dog.

He can go to a home that already has a right matched personality fit dog in it or as an only dog yet what he must have is a strong dog social network for he loves his friends! Doggie friends with help also with his emotional, mental and not just his physical stimulation.

He is an amazing boy! This stunning blue bomber boy needs a home with a sense of humour and lots of patience for he will make you laugh every day with his antics yet also needs consistency with his obedience. Plenty of fun to be had and needed during his training sessions and he is eager to please….himself first to try and get what he wants, then others next.  However, he has become much more balanced in that regard. ? He is a real huge ham and a character and needs a home that shall take the time to continue to build upon the strong foundation we have given him with his manners.

He can still be a freight train on the leash and a home that is going to use proper positive balanced training with an accredited facility is required per our mandatory obedience clause. He does not have a mean or bad bone in his body and we will not see a home approved for him that will become frustrated. No dog ever deserves to have someone that will not be dedicated to their wellbeing and remain patient and consistent and committed.

He sits, stays, lays down and is wonderful with all of his commands but he becomes distracted easily at times. He has learned a lot re: focus and self-control yet he is very much a young boy still and has had so much to learn and is still learning.

To him the world is full of so many wonderful discoveries…he is like a child at Xmas or a kid in a candy store…so curious….he makes me smile so much with the absolute pleasure he takes out of so many things! 

He is not ever to be man-handled. This was done in his past and that is not how any dog is ever to be handled. He was confused when he arrived, not knowing what he should or should not be doing and all he needed was someone to communicate with him in clear openly positive plus supportive ways. How unfortunate that someone would ever wish to hurt any dog out there…..

He is so proud of himself in listening once he understood what was/is being asked of him. He is a total teddy bear mushball boy.

He still can get mouthy yet not to be mean and he rarely does that now, yet, he can still forget himself and mouth to get attention…not hard but it happens. Lots of drool can be involved!

He is great with other dogs and people and is so excited to go places. He is a lot better about relaxing and chilling in the car. He is always just so thrilled to go places and experience things!

He is so loveable and people will want him because he is so handsome, yet he will only be approved to be adopted to a home that will do right by him with his obedience and give him structure, consistency, time and has loads of patience. Not to mention, giving him oodles of love!

To me, he is awesome….to many others, he would be way too much of a dog and that is fine. He is not meant for everyone.

He is a boy that you will know when he walks/lumbers into a room! A presence plus heart as big as the world! He greets every day with the biggest joy and happiness.

His is mischievous and so honest about what he wants and has become so much better in being patient.

He drools and boy, does he snore! 

He did have SA upon arrival and he has learned that his own company is ok. A calming word and/or touch and then passively ignoring any inappropriate displays of behaviour is important. In the wrong hands, this behaviour would resort right back to where he started from or worse.

He requires a large/giant breed dog experienced home. One that is not necessarily a Neo experienced home.

It is unknown how he is with cats.

He is fine to wash and to do nails. He is not a jumper.

He is cratetrained and has not yet proven himself 100% reliable unsupervised.

He is quiet and the only sounds he tends to make are when it is food time!

This boy is fabu!! Absolutely fantastic…..

Proud of all that you have accomplished BHRR’s Gus and you are going to make that right matched forever loving home the most incredible of family member additions. 

Thanks Liz again for the gorgeous photo’s! He is extremely photogenic!

Posted in Gus

UPDATE: Test Results Are Back:

BHRR’s Granite’s Heartworm results were negative yet he tested positive for Lymes. He was on Revolution last year as he was too young for Bravecto and then placed on Bravecto for 2017. 

We are moving to doing a UPC test as the next step and ensuring that he stays on preventative in our efforts to prevent further exposure. 

Dynamo’s results were all negative.

UPDATE: Look at BHRR’s Lacey(l) & BHRR’s Cagney(r)?! 
The two 8 month old Saint Pups!

Donations To Date: $1,565 
Bills To Date Between Alta Vista, Pharmacies, KAH etc.: $3,190.09

Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848

OR email transfer to
OR PayPal to

BHRR’s Lacey
*on a great upward path
*still having some loose stool yet mostly formed now
*putting on weight 
*continues on meds like sulcrate, famotidine, metronidazole, cerenia, S250’s etc. 
*on Forti Flora
*eating small meals of Gastro wet/dry & a/d
*drinking well and urine is only slightly concentrated
*no vomiting or nausea 
*energy level almost normal and she has many periods of playful behaviour 
*bright, alert and is so happy  This lovely lady is a ‘gentleman’s girl’! She loves all humans yet the males she is drawn to even more like a magnet!

BHRR’s Cagney
*amazing turn upwards
*no vomiting or nausea 
*putting on much needed lost weight 
*still having some bouts of diarrhea yet stool is firming up
*continues on meds like sulcrate, famotidine, metronidazole, cerenia, S250’s etc.
*she is eating small frequent meals of a\d with Gastro wet/dry
*drinking well and urine is only slightly concentrated
*energy level is alert, bright and she has playful moments 
*she is so much happier and uber affectionate – so bonded to me. Loves everyone!

I have remained in constant contact with their temp foster home and The Ladies are going to remain with me at this time. I am much closer to an animal emergency hospital if needed(1 hour drive over their almost 1.5 hours) and as we do not know what they were exposed to, safest for them to stay here.

We wish to be clear that throughout this whole nightmare over the past week, their temp foster home and we have worked closely together and have had the same goal in mind, the welfare of these two Saint pups. They are wonderful people, not new to dogs or puppies and have operated their own responsible/quality rescue for 7 years now.

Casting blame or pointing fingers serves no purpose and all of us have worked wonderfully together to attempt to figure out what the Saint pups got into and why BHRR’s Cagney also had a partial obstruction.

I want to publicly thank Tanya and Frank for stepping up to temp foster them when a foster home was urgently needed for them in July to be able to assist them.

We also remain so grateful to all that have donated and/or shared to date and we still have a huge vet bill that we need to get paid off.

Any consideration to their cause would be beyond touching and we would be so incredibly filled with gratitude… 

With two already planned spays, a neuter, a mass removal and a cherry eye plus now BHRR’s Granite’s Lyme’s disease diagnosis/treatment on our upcoming schedule, any assistance with The Saint Ladies emergency bills would truly be so appreciated…..we really would be thankful for anything….

From our home to all of our family, friends & supporters AND on behalf of The Ladies, good night wishes being sent…..


Reminder! We are at Global Pet Foods – Hintonburg on Sunday August 27th!

From 11-4 pm!
BHRR’s Sambuca will be on hand to sincerely thank all of the Visitors for what has been done to assist him in becoming happy & healthy! ??

Kayla shall be doing Nail Trims and we will also have ear cleanings plus some merchandise for sale!

We shall be collecting Empties and Canadian Tire $ that day too!

BHRR’s Sambuca, the 10+ year old inspirational and uber handsome boy and us are so appreciative to so many for standing by his side!

Thank you to Gail for the beautiful poster!

Cookie Dough Dynamo & BHRR’s Granite had their Annual today!
They are two of the BHRR Great Dane Puppy Pile x 7 born April 14th, 201

She weighed 50.3 kgs(116.6 pounds) & he weighed 60.5 kg(133.10 kgs).

Both are lean, healthy and received thumbs up at their Vet visits! Hard to believe they are 16 months old now….

The photo makes it appear that Dynamo is the same height as her brother yet he has a good 3.5-4″ on her in height. He is just holding his head lower than normal in the photo’s. 



Stay Tuned!

BHRR’s Gus will be making his own special announcement shortly!

Thank you again Liz for the positively stunning photo’s of this goofy loveable blue bomber boy! He is an absolute hoot!!!

Posted in Gus

UPDATE: BHRR’s Cagney & BHRR’s Lacey – the two 8 month old Saint Pups

Donations To Date: $1,495
Bills To Date Between Alta Vista, Pharmacies, KAH etc.: $3,012.71

Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848

OR email transfer to
OR PayPal to

BHRR’s Lacey(in picture)
*was on a great upswing until last night and then had a big vomit at just past 11 pm
*still having diarrhea
*continues on meds like sulcrate, famotidine, metronidazole, cerenia etc.
*refuses to eat the progut, so back on Forti Flora
*after a bit of a rough night, this afternoon is back to eating small amounts of Gastro wet/dry & a/d
*drinking yet urine is still concentrated
*energy level goes from being almost normal to quiet and subdued

BHRR’s Cagney
*passed a 5″ block of stool that had bits of tree pieces like twigs – long and narrow and a small irregular shaped object that is either a stone or piece of cement/concrete.
*explosive and now slightly bloody diarrhea
*after not vomiting since Saturday at Alta Vista Animal Emergency vomited once late last night – 11:30 pm and then again just before 12:30 AM
*continues on meds like sulcrate, famotidine, metronidazole, cerenia etc.
*does not like the progut yet also did not like the Forti Flora
*as of this afternoon, she is back to eating tiny amounts of a\d with a sprinkle of Gastro dry
*IV fluids required as she is not drinking well and urine is concentrated
*energy level is flat

I have dialogued in depth and many times over with their temp foster home re: possible causes of the toxin exposure and the partial obstruction and the Vets continue to treat the pups the best that they can….

The way they wag their tails slowly when they see me, shows me both how crappy they feel yet that they are also happy to see me…

We remain so grateful to all that have donated and/or shared to date and these pups really need their BHRR village/community to rally round them….they really do…

I have had so little to no sleep for some time now and I know I will not be able to rest until they are healthy again….breaks my heart…

This last week has truly been a nightmare in several ways yet I wanted to take a moment to share a warm photo…..does not take the stress, worry for the Saint pups nor the painful heartache of a personal loss away yet just seeing this photo gives me a moment to experience something happy during a horrendous time.

Mason fell asleep watching TV and when he woke up, this was the scene he faced….a no couch rule all the way here and they are listening so well aren’t they?!!! 

Thanks Mason for the photo….. 

UPDATE: On BHRR’s Cagney & BHRR’s Lacey – the two 8 month Saint pups. 
URGENT NEED For Donations! 

Both have been transferred to under Kanata Animal Hospitals care this AM.
613-836-2848 for donations

OR email transfer to
OR PayPal to

Donations To Date: $1,000 – Tears of sheer gratitude being sent out!
Total Bills To Date: $2,852.73

BHRR’s Lacey – in picture 
*fecal smear done
*had fecal done last Thursday so was not repeated and was negative
*recheck exam
*remains on Famotidine, Sulcrate 
*prescription special ordered for more meds 
*will be de-worming yet again with Interceptor & Panacur once stomach/gut settles
*Progut will be started and she will be taken off of Forti Flora 
*she is eating Gastro wet and dry and doing well
*she has gained weight since Saturday – now 39.2 kgs
*her Vet @ KAH also believes a toxin exposure is the cause of her being ill
*she is being taken off the Benadryl from the allergic reaction she developed in hospital at Alta Vista Emergency 
*Vet does not want her to be on clindamycin for her mouth – the Vet has found three of these granulating wounds in her mouth – there was 2 noted by Alta Vista on Saturday – cause is not known – inflammed, some pus yet with all the stomach/gut issues, feels it is too much for her right now. Her Vet at KAH says that one is a puncture wound. Fostermom did say that one of their own puppies they own has grabbed her on the mouth. 
*has not vomited since Saturday and is drinking some. Urine is concentrated.
*still has diarrhea

BHRR’s Cagney – not doing as well as her sister
*recheck exam
*fecal smear
*had fecal done last Thursday so was not repeated – was positive for Coccidia
*remains on Famotidine and Sulcrate
*repeat x-rays done to confirm is partial obstruction and is moving and yes….deep in colon now and no longer in cecum area – will continue to be monitored and surgical measures taken if necessary 
*prescription meds special ordered 
*will be de-worming yet again with Interceptor and Panacur once stomach/gut settles
*Progut will be started and she will be taken off Forti Flora – which she has not eaten as is
*as of late last night, she has begun to nibble at some wet a\d food and now today she has eaten some wet a\d food twice and now some dry Gastro kibble has been offered around 1 pm and she ate that too.
*she has lost weight since Saturday – 37.6 kg now 
*her Vet @ KAH also believes that there has been a toxin exposure 
*she is being taken off of Benadryl from the allergic reaction she developed while in hospital at Alta Vista Emergency 
*is drinking some, urine is concentrated 
*still having diarrhea
*has not vomited since Saturday. Did have one small nauseous moment on Sunday late afternoon yet only a small amount of drool noted 
*subdued and quieter than her sister

We truly would be so humbled and forever filled with appreciation for any consideration to their bills…..

One other thread link is below of their story…..and I promise to update as I can.

Another picture of BHRR’s Big Ben at his special picnic play date. Apparently, this was how Sean & Mason saw him when they went to pick him up! Looks like he had a fabu day! 


BHRR’s Rubble is on his own special picnic date! This is date #15! We have four more special picnic dates scheduled for July. We have a total of 23 planned for 2017! 

Thanks Gail & Lisa for giving him a wonderful day!

Looks like he has been settling in well! 

BHRR’s Rubble is Available For Adoption!

While I have been at Alta Vista Animal Emergency with The Ladies, BHRR’s Big Ben had his own special picnic snack date on Saturday, the 12th.

This was Auction Date #14 and thank you to Sean & Mason for making sure he got to and from his date location.

Thank you to his special date for giving him a most wonderful day and for these sweet photo’s!

BHRR’s Rubble(special auction picnic play date #15) is today, the 13th.


UPDATE: BHRR’s Lacey & BHRR’s Cagney, the two 8 month old Saint Pups

Donations To Date: $880.00
Alta Vista Emergency Animal Hospital Bills To Date: $1,051.15 – Invoice Attached & Posted on FB also
Additional Bills – Special Gastro Food, Forti Flora, Pharmacy for Benadryl & Famotidine To Date: $267.14
Further Treatment & Diagnostics Estimate – 12-24 hours $1,300 – $2,000 per Pup

Donations can be made via email transfer to or via PayPal to

Picture of the girls as we wait for the Vet after our arrival at Alta Vista and the one invoice.

BHRR’s Cagney – weight 38.5 kg
*Subdued and quiet and vomited 6 times in hospital before Cerenia injection was given. 
*Has not vomited since the Cerenia and zero interest when offered a small amount of Gastro wet food about five minutes ago. ?
*x-rays cannot rule out a FB – possibility of a foreign body
*possible toxin ingestion
*no concern re: bloat at this moment
*was given Benadryl injection shortly after demonstrating that she was having an allergic reaction some time after arriving at Emerge 
*Sulcrate, Famotidine and Forti Flora also part of her treatment plan
*Given fluids 
*monitoring and not doing as well as her sister 
*urine is normal and had one soft yet well formed stool and then has been back to diarrhea again

BHRR’s Lacey – weight 38.3 kgs
*Quiet and subdued
*Vomited three times in hospital before Cerenia injection was given 
*Has now eaten a small amount of wet Gastro food with Forti Flora and doing well
*no worry at this time re: FB(foreign body)
*toxin exposure cannot be ruled out
*no concern re: bloat at this moment
*was given Benadryl injection shortly after demonstrating that she was having an allergic reaction some time after arriving at Emerge 
*Sulcrate, Famotidine and Forti Flora also part of her treatment plan
*Given fluids 
*small granulating yet inflamed with some pus wound found in her mouth – on Antirobe/Clindamycin antibiotics now
*urine is fine and no diarrhea had – has not had a bowel movement at all

Thank you on behalf of their temp foster parents – Frank & Tanya, the Saint Ladies and myself for all of the beautiful well wishes and most generous and caring donations to date.


UPDATE: BHRR’s Cagney & BHRR’s Lacey, the two 8 month old Saint pups are still at Alta Vista Emerge Animal Hospital 

DONATED TO DATE: $290 – Thank you… very much! 

While both were here they developed an allergic reaction while in Hospital. Both have been treated with Benadryl, Cerenia and are being given fluids. X-rays also have been done. No obvious FB yet cannot be ruled out. I have dialogued with the Vet re: toxicity as a possibility too.

Sadly, their condition has deteriorated since we first arrived – lots of retching and vomiting and then both of them are having this allergic reaction. Needless to say, Foster Parents are incredibly distressed as am I. 

We would be beyond grateful for any donation to their cause. We really would be so grateful.

Alta Vista Emergency Animal Hospital Number:


File for both of them is under our Rescue name and the phone number of 613-725-4279.

Donations can be made direct to the Hospital by credit card or via email transfer to or via PayPal

I am so sorry to be begging for funds yet we are in huge need and I promise to post an update as I learn more and also costs of their Vet visit….

Please keep them in your thoughts….

If you click on the picture you will learn more re: why we rushed in……

URGENT: we are in need of any immediate donation consideration. 

BHRR’s Cagney & BHRR’s Lacey, the 8 month old Saint pups are both being rushed off to Alta Vista Emergency Animal Hospital.


I received an email and vm from their temp foster home that BHRR’s Cagney was vomiting, bringing up bile, burping and was restless plus whining. Then, now I have been told BHRR’s Lacey is also doing the same…

I am now enroute to Alta Vista Emerge Hospital to meet their temp foster mom/dad there – Tanya & Frank (of Poet’s Vision Aussie Rescue) -and I have called and set up files for both of them under our Rescue name and phone number of 613-725-4279.

Donations can be made direct to the Hospital by credit card or via email transfer to or via PayPal

I am so sorry to be begging for funds yet we are in huge need and I promise to post an update as I learn more and also costs of their Vet visit….

Please keep them in your thoughts….

BHRR’s Gus! The 18 month old Neo!
NOT Yet Available For Adoption!

Today he had his own professional photo shoot! He knocked it right out of the park!! His manners were amazing….sitting, laying down, staying and I cannot wait to see his photo’s from the truly talented Liz! He listened to Liz beautifully and not only Mason & I.

His leash manners are still a work in progress. He is like a freight train when he forgets himself. So much better than he was upon arrival though! Big difference yet he still needs a lot of work. Lots of consistency and patience and time. He loves his training sessions and even today he began showing off as he thought it was a fun game and moved between sit and lay down and putting his head down and standing and doing it all over again in various ways. He was so pleased with himself! He makes me smile….a lot! 

He is very praise motivated and so happy when he knows he has done a good thing. ? Treats are a huge hit too and we do not give him treats every time. It is completely random these days as to when he is given a goodie so it remains a truly special item.

He is such a handsome loveable ham! Friendly, happy, social and not at all pleased when people go by him and do not give him attention! A man went by on his bike and the back yard gate to the man’s home was nearby where we were having the photo shoot and BHRR’s Gus was really good at the beginning. He observed, was curious and as the man got closer, he became excited yet never broke his lay stay position – good boy! – and as the man walked behind Liz taking the pictures, his tail began in overdrive wag mode and then the whine started and when the man paused as he was going through his back gate, BHRR’s Gus realised it was not all about him and began to make some small barks. The man smiled at him and went into his yard.

He corrected well and we do not wish to see him rewarded for inappropriate attention seeking behaviours.

He is such a good boy. He really is. Just had been treated and spoiled as a ‘baby’ and never taught manners. He is still mouthy, not a mean bone in his body yet we continue to discourage that attention seeking behaviour also.

He did clearly have some SA behaviours when he arrived and still has a bit in the car or when we are out in public as he has a deep worry about being abandoned and left alone. He will do some crying and whining yet takes to a calming word/touch well and from there passively ignored. We continue to work on him liking and loving his own company and that he does not need his humans always around to amuse, stimulate and comfort him. He has been rocking this part of his rehab journey and will need an experienced home that will not cater to this behaviour or it will set him up for failure.

I am in the process of finding some play dates for him and I to visit people’s homes to hang and build up his confidence so that he learns that he will not be left behind when it is time to leave. He clearly was traumatised being left at the pound….from being sold to one home from another and then only a month after that put into a pound…poor boy.

If any of our approved BHRR Volunteers are open to a blue bomber tail wagging life loving Neo coming by for a small visit, please let me know! ?

He is crate trained and loves to go into his crate each night for bed and as Mason says ‘he is asleep before his body hits the bed’ 

The right matched personality fit forever loving home that is meant for him is going to have to accept that this boy snores….OMG! LOL We have been rescuing dogs for almost 29 years and have owned them for even longer and BHRR’s Gus has to be a top five snorer!! He is a champion snorer!

We are anticipating that within the next few weeks, he shall be ready to make his own special announcement!

He is such a solid boy….a real treat of a dog! Friendly, good with dogs and people and so social!

His big vice….drooling as one will see what my shoulder looks like in the photo’s I shall post in the thread. ?

Love this boy….he is incredibly full of huge heart and soul plus his personality is a hoot and a dream!

Posted in Gus

BHRR’s Gravel

He is ready to make his own special announcement and I could not be more proud of him or happy for him!

He came to us reactive to humans – note: a reactive dog is not trying to give us a hard time, they are trying to tell us that they are having a hard time – and almost did not make it out of the pound as no one could get near him, he was so fearful. Well, someone special did manage to get near him and we are forever grateful to them for not only asking us to assist yet jumped right into action and went straight to the pound to get him to us! 

Dogs like BHRR’s Gravel are common and he needed structure, consistency, patience, love, time and obedience to help him realise that he was not alone, could like himself, to build up his confidence in the correct manner, give him the tools he needed to learn self-control, that it was ok to trust, that we understood him and would not set him up for failure…..

Fast forward several months later and look at this boy now! Relaxed body, calm, happy, head up and so unbelievably handsome! No longer skinny and stressed.

He is wonderful. From degrees of being shutdown to fearful to asking for attention and taking treats and even at the Vets, though nervous, he is super brave and no longer as stoic as he once was.

All he wanted was to be left alone when he first came in….the videos I was sent of him at the pound, curled up either in a tight ball on the hard floor or crammed tightly into a corner of the run really broke my heart. He worked so hard to communicate and kudos to the people that listened…heard his need and ensured he would be safe! 

He travels great in a car!

He is quiet other than at dinner time as he gets so adorably excited and goes back and forth between the Xpen where he eats and us and that butt of his is up and down and up and down as he works hard to stick his sit.

He is crate and xpen trained and now has earned the trust to have freedom in our home yet as always, we never recommend a home giving any dog too much freedom to start. It is important for a dog to feel comfortable in a crate or xpen should they ever have to be on crate rest for injury or sickness and a great safe spot for them too!

He is great with other dogs and can go to a home as an only dog or to a home with an already right matched personality fit dog. Cats are unknown!

He is fine to do nails, ears and bathe and his leash manners are still a work in progress yet greatly improved.

He is wary yet curious in new surrounding now. We have worked to encourage him to make new friends and to check out new things.

Where once he would not take treats from strangers, he will upon occasion…rarely but it does happen these days. He does not growl or bark at strangers. He watches and observes.

He needs a very experienced, knowledgeable dog home, not necesssarily one that is also Dane savvy. We have earned his hard won trust and he must never be set up for failure. That would see him take huge steps backwards.

We do not find him a high maintenance dog. One just has to be educated on nonverbal body language and understand when he is getting uncomfortable. We deliberately stop to talk to people when we are out and just ask people to not touch or talk to him….just be around him and let him just soak up the positive safe vibes and BHRR’s Gravel will actually look for people now. 

He is learning about so many amazing things this world has to offer and that we do not expect anything from him that he is not ready to give. We do not want to make him into a dog he is not. We want to help him be the best dog he can be and truly, he is something pretty special!

While he loves kids, we do not feel that he should be in a home with them. Fast flighty unpredictable movements are not what he should be surrounded by. Yet, he really adores kids and young teens. He does cry as he wants to see them. He did come from a home with children and he adores my own two teenage kids.

He can be adopted to a home that works full-time, pt, from home, semi-retired, retired etc., as he is another fabu versatile BHRR dog.

He has so soaked up the comforts of Costco dog beds!! More than once, you can see him drag over a bed to put on top of another Costco Bed! LOL

We do not wish to portray him as being a dog that lunges, barks or snaps at people. He has never barked at me and the only lunge and lip curl I ever got from him was when I was trying to get him out of the run at work that day he arrived. I was able to take him without any issue from the car of the angel who helped transport him to me and put him in no problems into the run for the final 15-20 minutes it took to get ready to leave. Once he was in the run, he was terrified again and that took patience and understanding to get him out and once he was out, no more lip curling in fear.

He has never done any of these behaviours to anyone else throughout his whole rehab journey and we would never want him to ever experience the level of terror he has felt in his past. The fear growling is long gone too. That is why we want him in an experienced dog owner home. We never want him to ever feel that scared again.

Love this boy….I really do. He is a smaller male yet full of so much affection and those eyes….whenever he comes over to me when I am on the computer and gently bumps my elbow, I stop whatever I am doing….praise him softly and give him all the time he wants for he finally realises that he is worthy and it is ok to ask for what he wants! 

I know that this post shall chase away a lot of homes that may well be a great match for him yet I want to ensure with all of my heart that he is only set up for success.

To my home he is really a wonderful boy and has been no trouble in our home…..he is perfect in all of his imperfections which is no more than the flaws many out there have!

I adore you BHRR’s Gravel and we are all hunkering down to be patient for that home that is meant for you to find you!

Thank you Liz yet again for the gorgeous photo’s!

BHRR’s Flyn

She is ready to make her own special announcement!

This gorgeous BBBBB is such a delight. Low maintenance, calm, quiet, social and where once she was so nervous, she is now cautious yet curious.

In her time with us, she has only met two men that have made her nervous and we just asked them to give her some space. One was the Vet that spayed her and that is already an emotionally charged situation. The other was when she was at the Vet Hospital for her boosters. A large tall man wearing a hat came into the Hospital and was quite loud along with his female counterpart. We wanted to post these two experiences for people to be aware.

She likes to size things up first and nothing wrong with that. Just give her a few moments to take in new surroundings or people…..she will then feel right at home. She is not an in your face as soon as you get in the door kinda gal.

When we come home you can see how happy she is to see us yet she is not the jumping all over, noisy ‘where have you been!’ Dog. She comes over and graces us with a tail wag and a sniff and loves a gentle touch or two and then she wants to just be around her humans.

She is a true mysterious BBBBB! She has so many lawyers and depths that we are still being cautiously allowed into her most inner soul. She is beauty, brains and many may think what you see is all there is to her, but you could not be more wrong.

This lovely girl is deep….and full of so much character and heart plus soul.

It is almost hard to describe into words just how filled with depth BHRR’s Flyn is.

She is not complicated. She is not difficult. She just has an incredible intangible to her that is fascinating, compelling and so endearing along with that mysteries allure! She has a way and means about her to just make those in her presence relax and feel good. That is a special gift that she possesses.

She is great to travel in a car.

Patient and gentle with dogs of all sizes and people. We do not feel that any dog should be tightly hugged or see humans hang off their necks and that is so not for her. It would make her so uncomfortable….would make me uncomfortable if anyone did that to me!

She is good to bathe, clean ears, do nails and is crate-trained and has earned trust in our home that she has free rein these days yet our approved adoptive homes are always strongly recommended to not give any dog too much freedom to start. She still goes into a crate here and there to make sure that she feels good.

She is a good eater and has put on over 20 pounds of muscle mass & weight since she has arrived.

She has had no issues sharing the communal water bowls and has a playful side that is adorable.

She can go to a home as an only dog or be placed in a home that has a right matched personality fit dog already in it. As long as she has a proper doggie friend social network, that is what is most important.

She can go to a home that works pt, ft, from home, semi-retired, retired etc. Another versatile BHRR dog!

Her leash manners have greatly improved and her biggest vice – and to many they feel would not be a problem – is constantly climbing on the couch. We discourage couch dogs  and she has become a lot better.

She has been a real sweetheart of a Dane to have with us and to that right matched forever loving home, she is going to be a precious jewel!

AND I cannot say enough about those ears!! This picture has one of her amazing ears in action and in the comments, I will post a photo of both of her ears! They are the best!!

Her coat is nice and glossy and sleek now and I am over the moon excited for all the wonderful things her future shall hold for her!

Thanks again Liz for your amazing talent with the professional photo’s!

Please consider sharing this post in the hopes that her right matched adoring home may find her! Thanks in advance!

Tonight’s good night wishes are from BHRR’s Gravel!

He shall soon be making his own special announcement! Still working on getting a few more pounds on him and his rehab progress has been truly inspirational. What a really wonderful dog!

As soon as he arrived and he knew we understood that he was reactive and was not aggressive, he has just made huge leaps with his journey….as I have typed many times, a reactive dog is not trying to give us a hard time, they are trying to tell us that they are having a hard time.

He is reactive no longer for we worked to set him up for success and not have him set up for failure. We do not leave him alone in situations with adult humans that do not wish to learn to understand him and how nervous and uncomfortable he may end up feeling. His first reaction is to shut down….to then avoid and walk away and if feeling that no one is listening to him, to lip curl/growl in his escalating efforts to communicate his level of anixety, fear and nervousness.

He has learned to relax, trust and is so stoic in some ways….such a brave boy. He had to truly been pushed to his limits of his comfort zone to have been so reactive upon arrival, the poor thing. He does remain enthralled with kids, young teenage girls in particular yet with his nervous tendencies, we prefer a no kid home. He is so solid in our home….Great with the dogs and with us.

At dinner time, he is a complete goof! Bouncy all the way to his xpen and long before his bowl is placed in front of him, he is sitting in the most awesome attentive sits!

Danya & Mel – look at this magnificent boy now!!

Liz – thank you again for such stunning photo’s. 

BHRR’s Gravel is sending good night wishes to all of our friends, family & supporters!