BHRR’s Sambuca – Almost 10.5 years of age

Passed away peacefully in his sleep August 23rd and I still cannot bring myself to type a proper honourable memorial for him…. 

For now, some Gwennie words and photo’s shared from his blog of a most inspirational, outstanding special boy….

In the time that he came into rescue, he went from head down, weak in the hind and scared – of feet and raised voices in particular to head up, telling me exactly how he felt with the best sounds ever, developing strength and muscle tone that he could run and race! We would do 2 x 1.5 km walks daily and he loved those walks…he loved them best wth my own 10 plus year old Dane and Wolfie by his side…he would trot and prance!

He went from not being able to poop without pain and avoiding going to the bathroom to comfort and ease once that horrible mass was removed.

He went from having the worst teeth his Vet and dental surgeon plus myself had ever see in our combined 56 plus years around rescue and bad teeth to once he had 22 removed, a great dental cleaning and months of antibiotics being able to eat more than just wet yet almost exclusively high quality kibble.

BHRR’s Sambuca did not have a mean bone in body. He was so quiet – until he saw me coming home! – and stoic and had an almost defeated look about him when he first arrived to being so happy and healthy and fit and asking for love plus knowing he was so worthy…..

Why he chose me as his human, I shall never know yet what an honour and privilege it was to have such a gift of him giving me such love and trust and saucy ‘tude!

Having not had time to grieve the loss on August 11th of my own amazing Double Digit Dane fabu boy – and I have not yet shared my boys tragic loss with many nor can do his own deserving tribute yet – as I have been so busy getting the Saint Ladies healthy again….now I have even more grief and pain tearing through my heart plus soul with BHRR’s Sambuca’s own loss….  Both you and my boy shared so many of the most noblest of gentleman qualities ever existed and neither one of you are now around for me to hold any longer, talk to, love on and to have you gently paw at me to keep rubbing your chest when I stop etc…..

BHRR’s Sambuca – choosing just one photo to honour you is not possible……it is not fitting for such an awesome boy.

I will post several in your facdebook thread and I decided on this picture (already is in your blog) for this post for you found the biggest pleasure out of the simplest of things that so many others take for granted…prior to rescue you had so limited time outside over the past 18 months at least….extreme little to none in fact that just being able to bask in the warm rays of the welcoming sun brought you so much joy. ?You and I would sit for as long as you wanted to in beautiful companionable silence…no words or sounds were ever necessary….

Car rides became a delight and you would become almost indignant when I went to assist you getting in for once you became strong and healthy, you loved your independence.  So proud you were of so many things you could now do and I was proud of you and so happy for you!

You would come to work and brought much peace to the hearts of others at the Hospital.

I knew you and My Wolfie Brogan were so sad when my Big Blue Bronson tragically died and you are both in heaven for I do have to believe there is one and one day I will see you both again….and, as I say always when we have a loss… for now, I will meet and see you in my dreams….

May I one day be able to do a tribute worthy of the truly superb Dane you are…..for now, my tears blurr my eyes and sobs threatened to pour forth from my soul as I am deeply and immensely shattered over losing two of the most WOW dogs ever….

As Mason said, ‘ one in a million’ for my own 10+ year old Dane Bronson and for you and so, we really did win the lottery having both of you grace our lives….

Thank you BHRR’s Sambuca for your gifts, your sense of humour, your slightly defiant bouncy ham movements when you wanted to go one way and the Boerskins wanted to go another! 

Thank you for the laughter and the enrichment you have given to my home….though our time together is measured not in years but months, that precious time proved that it did not matter how long we had known you…that love was instant and solid and is forever….

RIP Sammy AKA Sam-Sam…..

Thank you to all of his beautiful comfort angels in giving him such quality of life for the time he did have left. I can assure all that he lived each day as if it was his last….and passed away peacefully sleeping by my side……