Look who is also doing great in her own foster home!

BHRR’s Rain!

Thanks so much to her fantastic foster fam for sharing this photo our way! They have now fostered 6 BHRR dogs to date helping these fabu dogs become that much more well rounded plus balanced!

They love her to bits and is so wonderful with their cats and own dog.  I heard the two dogs love to snooze in the sun beams together….

Guess who just ran around outside playing for the last half hour….YUP! BHRR’s Gravel!

Oh yeah! Yay! Yipppeee!

BHRR’s Baby Griffin is now home!

He did great! All of the rehab and training and patience has led us to this moment! All successful home-visits take anywhere from 2.5-3 hours and we just left!

Baby Griffie – your heart and personality are just huge, massive! You light up a room!

You are eager to please, obedient and so proud of yourself when you accomplish what you once thought was a big deal….

You are handsome beyond words, so loyal and affectionate!

You are extremely smart and while your trust is hard won, once earned is incredibly humbling. That really is a precious gift to be handled with care.

You are going to be dearly missed….you are a ham, BHRR’s Kaden taught you all about the ‘joy’ of de-stuffing Costco dog beds and you liked to keep us on our feet never knowing when that imp inside you took root and another bed bit the dust!

I adore you, I already miss you yet you chose them to be your forever loving adoptive family, letting them in slowly to your world and we are so happy……

Thank you to this lovely home in going through this process with us and opening up your heart and home to an ever so deserving dog…..

Thank you to Jan for helping out and to Sean too! Sean rarely does home-visits and it is always a treat when he comes.

Congratulations to all!

I think someone is settling in very well at his foster home!! Danes and couches…..make the perfect Dane bed in his mind LOL

Though his foster mom said that after she came back from a meeting today, he had been a good boy and was laying on his dog bed….. She did put chairs on the couch to help deter him.

Things are going really well per his fabu foster mom! We are working on getting him to eat more than a few nibbles but he has not even been there 24 hours and has had a lot of change happen since Monday.

His bloodwork came back negative for Tickborne diseases and Heartworm – YAY!

AND his T4 for thyroid is normal so he is just obese due to improper diet and inappropriate level of exercise and he will be monitored not to overdue things for those hips right now. I was told he had a great short 10 minute walk this AM and then flaked out on the floor afterwards. He has now had another 10 minute walk and is loving them.

His fostermom says the same thing his Vet did yesterday, that he is one friendly boy. I know I found him to be a real love too.

So happy for him and he is in really wonderful hands.


AND we are off!

Off for the home-visit for BHRR’s Griffin’s possible approved adoption.

We will update as we can.

Thanks Jan & Sean for coming with me to do this hv for Baby Griffie.

I so love this boy…to all that are part of his trusted circle for set up for success, he is happy, friendly, goofy, and so loving. Eager to please and such a big personality.

AND someone is now safely dropped off at his emerge temp foster home!

StIll nameless!

He weighed 80.1 kgs(176.22 pounds) and needs to lose significant weight. Tall boy and super handsome!

At KAH today, we did Heartworm/Tickborne disease testing, and he is now on Heartworm meds and will start flea/tick meds plus de-worming tomorrow as he is not eating right now. Understandable.

We are also testing his thyroid to determine if he is grossly overweight due to his thyroid and/or is it just too many treats/wrong food etc. and not the appropriate level of exercise. We were told they did not walk him very far as he tired out and panted heavily.

Drinking well and his heart plus lungs sound good! He is lacking serious muscle tone/mass and is now on a weight reduction program. Both his back legs shake as he has so little muscle/strength.

Per his Vet re: hips – it is observed that his right side is worse than his left and once he loses much needed weight, develops better muscle tone/mass they can better assess at that time. Being stronger may eliminate the appearance of his hips, especially the right side appearing to be this way.

Being healthier shall also make it easier to sedate for possible x-rays. His Vet was not overly concerned with his cruciates at this time and I also showed them the video that had been sent my way and at his next vet visit shall be re-assessed for hips/cruciates. His Vet does not believe he has cruciate issues yet will re-assess when he comes back and is more relaxed/settled in. He is extremely straight angled in the hind end plus butt high so, perhaps the video made it seem like things were worse than they are.

His teeth were in great shape and the Vet did feel that he is easily only 3 years of age. Just out of shape.

The vet noted that he was a really nice dog! Would give one paw and then another when asked and responds so well to commands in French. He was excellent in the run at KAH today and so well behaved.

Thanks again Christine for temp fostering him.

BHRR’s Rickards is moving to a “HOLD” Pattern Status right now. We will update his blog as we can.

UPDATE: BHRR’s ??? has now been picked up and will be in safe hands until transport to us happens on Thursday.

I have a Vet appointment set up on Thursday for a thorough exam, blood-work including Heartworm, Tickborne diseases plus T4. He will be weighed for flea/tick meds plus to begin de-worming etc.

I saw a video and his hips are bad, especially his back right and I suspect he is also quite possibly bilaterally affected with cruciate issues. We will begin a pain management program, proper diet will be implemented and if the Vet deems him healthy enough for vaccines – for he has no paperwork surrendered with him to prove any current utd Vaccine status.

He will have to lose significant weight prior to any necessary/required surgery and thanks to Christine again for emerge temp fostering him until May 18th for BHRR.

Yet, one step at a time!

UPDATE: Request Filled! Thanks Christine!

ISO: BHRR Approved Volunteer For EMERGENCY Temp Foster for 3 weeks

Owner Surrender: Home is splitting up.

Starting April 27th to May 18th for a 3 year old Male neutered Great Dane, good with cats, good with dogs, good with people. Affectionate, house-broken. Said to be up to date on vaccines and we shall ensure that he is plus that he is properly de-wormed with all proactive/preventative vetting.

He is severely obese and can barely walk.

BHRR provides all of the food, bowls, dog beds, collar, leash etc., and we shall pay for all the Vet Bills while in this emerge temp foster.

Location: Ottawa and immediate surrounding area.

If we have any of our BHRR approved Volunteers able to assist – remember if you are an approved BHRR adoptive home, you are also an approved BHRR Volunteer and can temp foster if your circumstances allow for it – please do email contactbhrr@gmail.com

ETA: April 27th to BHRR’s Care. He shall be #7 that we have been able to assist to date in 2017.

Gail & Maira – BHRR’s Sambuca says he loves that you both have ‘money’ jars started for him! He is worthy of a bid war!!

Our 6th Annual 1 of a kind, unique and creative Date Auction is NOW Closed!

What a finish!

I will be in touch by end of night Sunday to ALL winners via email to confirm their wins with the Master log made by wp.

Please bear with me and be patient as I have 24 Dates plus the Dine Tickets to reach the Winners about!

Do not send money until I have contacted you. Thanks!

Thanks everyone for sharing, and/or participating and I look forward to scheduling these dates with the winners.

NOTE: BHRR reserves the right to decline any winner(s) on a date bid

Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson says after this exciting finish, he needs to go to bed!!


UPDATE: Tonight was a big step backwards yet that is also not abnormal or unexpected. I am the only one that can now handle him and he is suddenly depressed.

If he is not back to being more perked up tomorrow AM, I will have to stress him out somewhat as I do not want him getting dehydrated and will bring him into work with me. The poor boy does not have much in ‘spares’ in his body and as long as he was eating and drinking even some….those were positive ‘move forward’ signs….

When I pet him, even his shoulder blades are prominent.

As has been my motto for years, tomorrow is another day. He and I took a small stroll outside and he is resting in his crate now.

Sean has made a decision!

He has named him BHRR’s Gravel!

AND the fecal that I ran was negative yet we still de-worm as that does not necessarily mean his parasite free.

Still nameless and the push is on o get him named by end of today. A NEW name befitting his new amazing future!

UPDATE: He had another good night! Easy to take in and out of his colossal crate, no issues with collar handling – we are gentle and slow, goes outside, comes back inside, and eating plus drinking is still very minimal.

Not uncommon and the more settled and safe he feels, the more he will relax and begin to eat/drink.

He has been out in the 3+ fenced in yard twice so far this AM and the second time, he felt most comfortable with me near him – YAY! Yet, what I do not desire to happen is SA behaviours, so will find that right happy medium as we move forward.

AND, I got a small tail wag this AM. Very small BUT it was there, a little more than the tip….YAY!

Danya & Mel  – he is doing thumbs up, all things considered! What a rescue this was and thanks to you both plus Daniele again.

I am hoping to be able to bring him to work with me on Monday to start his full proactive/preventative vetting protocol yet we will see how he feels by then.

Another day together and getting to know each other!

He will get there…..and I have all the time and patience with love in the world for him. This is what we do!

BHRR’s Latte is ready to make her special announcement!
~4 year old Neo

She can go to a home that works ft, pt, from home, is semi-retired or retired! Another amazing versatile BHRR dog!

She travels wonderfully in a car, is good with most dogs! She can be an only dog in the home or be with a right matched personality fit dog – male or female. She loves to play with my own 2 year old Dane, Salt and is a hoot! She can and has been selective with dogs outside our home as to whether she wanted to like them or not….so she has a quirky side to her re: some dogs. 

She is an amazing companion keeping me company while I work on the computer or folding laundry. Almost a foot warmer!

She is excellent to do nails and ears and bathing is coming along nicely. She tolerates it.

She has fairly good leash manners now. She is still coming along and our mandatory obedience clause shall deeply assist with this plus for her to bond.

She is a calm and confident dog and only becomes nervous if someone rushes into her space/face. She may take a few moments to warm up to strangers as she is diva female and treats are a fantastic ice breaker.

She loves to goes for strolls and lay in the shade on a sunny day enjoying all the sights, smells and sounds about her. She is an excellent Picnic partner.

We would prefer a home with children aged 10 and up, and if not mature kids, 12 and up.

She drools! Be warned! She likes to hide bits of treats in her lips, take a big drink of water and then share parts of it with her human….in this case, she has chosen ‘me’ as her main focus of such affection!

She is really loving to her human family and loyal, almost to a fault. She would truly lay her life down for her family. Humbling.

If you give her reasons to trust and respect you, you will have earned it in spades…..

Her trust is a gift to be treasured and her right matched forever loving adoptive home will nurse this and cradle this trust forever.

This dog is truly da bomb! Gorgeous to boot and if a home is looking for a low maintenance, outstanding companion to be a cherished member of their home, she is the one!

Her eyes are so soulful and one needs to remember to not fall for her charm or you shall be in hook, line and sinker as you will find yourself with a wee devil on your hands….a delightful one!

Obedience, structure, consistency, patience and a big dosing of love has ensured that the SA she had upon arrival has been squelched. She likes herself now and can self-soothe and self-comfort and a home has to be aware that should they not handle things properly and spends all their time with her, they will bring this SA bubbling to the surface and it will spill over.

She is a wonderful dog, truly magnificent and we want her to keep being the best dog she can be!

WTG beautiful girl!

Thank you again to Elizabeth White for the extra hands at this photo shoot and to Liz Bradley once again for her talent plus time to take these photo’s!

On a side note: BHRR’s Black Diamond began playing on the weekend for the first time and my 9 month old Wolfie Brogan is like ice cream, chocolate plus a whole desert buffet in her mind! An update for another post!

I shall not share the video’s taken of him in the pound. We need to look towards his future and give him the present he deserves. He is extremely fearful and I now have to give him reasons to trust me….I need to earn that from him and the other dogs here will help him too with that.

BHRR was founded to help the dogs just like him……and we shall…..

AND I now have the newest addition to BHRR, the ~7 year old male Merle Dane.

Thank you to Danya – for rushing to the pound to safely get him out of the run and Daniele – for driving him all the way to KAH as I was working – to get him to me. This would have been his last day if it were not for you both today. I am forever grateful and indebted.

This boy still needs a name and he is almost a mirror image to BHRR’s Black Diamond in terror, lack of socialisation plus handling. This boy is also pretty close to being emaciated and I would say it is a fair statement to say he is. All hips, ribs and spine really showing. I was not able to capture in pictures truly how painful he looks.

I was told that he had also not eaten in three days…..

Nails, bath, exams, vaccines, blood-work etc., shall all have to wait for he needs to settle in first. He did provide me with a fecal sample out of fear – he also did that at the gas pound – and so we are sending it to the lab to test.

This is a photo of him & I are our way home. Not a great photo as he is so scared.

I am in urgent need of high quality canned dog food. For him and BHRR’s Sambuca. If anyone may consider assisting us in filling this need, please do let me know.

Thank you in advance for any consideration.

This boy is seriously emotionally broken….yet, as with BHRR’s Diamond, tomorrow is a new day. One step…..one day….at a time.

Welcome to BHRR you dear sweet boy…….This boy was dumped as the home has kids….he was skinny before he was even dumped….undersocialised and lacking training.

All that white hair and drool is from BHRR’s Sambuca! Car to be detailed again soon!



BHRR’s Baby Griffin is moving under a Pending Adoption!

We will update as we can.

BHRR’s ????
As always, so many in need and never enough spots.

This 7 year Male Merle GD has ended up in a high kill gas pound and had only four days to get out. We were contacted to assist and the rest shall soon be history.

He is said to be skinny, not up to date on vaccines, and was dumped as the home has kids. He is undersocialised and fearful.

To those that question many groups position re: their child adoption policy, here is another recent drop off to a high kill place – BHRR’s Rickards is another example. Homes having kids is one of the top five reasons why dogs are given up, especially for Giants and the child adoption polices that groups have in place are there for excellent reasons.

Lack of obedience and socialisation are other top five reasons for a dog being dumped.

This boy is a poster dog for no less than three of these top reasons.

How could we turn away from him in his time of need?!

ETA to BHRR being worked on.

He shall be #6 for BHRR to be able to help this year.

Thank you to the angel that donated towards his pull fee. I was in surgery yesterday with BHRR’s Sambuca and offered to pay it all yet saw a posting later with this person’s generous contribution and when I was able to, I paid the remaining $50 owed to get him out of the pound.

UPDATE: BHRR’s Sambuca’s surgery began at 3 pm and he was out about half an hour ago.

He is such an awesome dog!

He was quick to sedate and slow to wake up……and is now recovering with both hugger and iv fluid warmer on as his temp is low. It is now up to 35.5 degrees yet still low.

Everything went well. That mass was super vascular, holy! So many bleeders. About 1/3 of it will be sent off to pathology. While his surgeon was in the general area, he was also neutered…

Once he was sedated, it could be determined that it was not growing from his rectrum. However, it sure did interfere with his ability to have bowel movements the poor soul.

We did nails and I got one ear cleaned and will do the other when he is on his other side.

We will remain on Anitrobe every 12 hours for another 7 days and continue his daily Deramaxx regime of 150 mg once daily.

In today’s surgery, BHRR’s Sambuca’s mouth/teeth could not be touched to attempt any dental work. The pictures in the thread show just how bad they are – this is only the left side of his mouth. His right is equally brutal.

The worry is that the bacteria that would be released into his system from any dental procedure would be disastrous when he is already under for a mass removal/neuter. He will see a surgeon who specialises in dental issues. This poor dog’s breath is truly horrible and that pain he must be feeling.

Yet, only so much could be done today with the neuter and mass removal. We cannot compromise his welbeing for the sake of trying to get everything done in one surgery. We will find ways to raise the monies for his second surgery and make the second surgery possible for him!

As he recovers and we wait to get the pathology back on the mass, we will figure out the next best steps for him for that mouth.

To say that we are grateful to so many for being his Comfort Angels is putting it mildly. I am deeply appreciative and thankful more than anything for you are helping to give him the life he should have always had…..one free of pain and one full of quality!!

He is such a wonderful boy!!



BHRR’s Sambuca’s ‘new’ tail! It is wrapped up to help prevent fecal matter getting on it to avoid infection.

Pictures of the left side of BHRR’s Sambuca’s mouth. In 28 years of rescue I have never seen a whole mouth look this bad. The same for his Vet surgeon today in her ~30 years of being a Vet.

We knew they were bad when I got him in first thing on Monday yet this… this is truly horrific.

It was not safe for him to have his mouth addressed today in addition to his mass removal/neuter.

He has several loose teeth right now and will need those extracted at minimum plus a cleaning yet until the dental surgeon gets a good exam on his mouth plus they will do dental x-rays, we shall not know how many teeth need to go…..and what the overall treatment plan may be…..I am pretty sure a lot more antibiotics are on the agenda too.

All I know is that this is bad, deeply painful for him, smells awful and we are going to consult a dental expert for advise plus recommendations as we take that next step for him.

This poor dog….no animal should suffer….this just breaks my heart.

This poor dog…….

BHRR’s Sambuca getting ready for surgery and his mass.

*Paypal did take $11.90 in fees*

BHRR’s Sambuca’s Comfort Angels:
Alex & Karen – Collar, 2 Costco Dog Beds & Towels + Donation Direct to KAH
Lucie -*PayPal took $11.90 in fees
Mrs. Milne
Karen M.
Margaret G.
Unique Custom Design Boutique

BHRR’s Sambuca and I are off shortly for his urgent surgery at KAH.

I will post updates as I can. Please keep this fine gent in your best wishes and thoughts!

Donations to his urgent emergency surgery can also be made direct to Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848 under his name under the Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) account

or via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

or via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

Thank you TO all of his Comfort Angels that have surrounded him with so much love to date!

Thank you very much for helping us to give him a future free of the suffering he is currently experiencing with that horrible huge mass and his painful mouth/teeth.

Even $5 would mean so much…..thank you!

Amidst the rain coming down, BHRR’s Latte & Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson had professional photo’s done!

Sunny at home and on the way in, the rain decided to come as I arrived!

Thank you again to Elizabeth for her loving hands as I had their photo’s done and also to Liz for her wonderful patience and time once more!!

As soon as I have the photo’s BHRR’s Latte shall be ready to make her own special announcement!

Time to also get the car detailed again!!

It is OFFICIAL! BHRR just approved Adoption #396!
BHRR’s Ani – ADOPTED April 12th, 2017

We have always said that if a right matched forever loving home came along and all fell into place, that we would adopt out one of our Haven Dogs. We have never said it would never be or ever happen and here we are!

We have had dogs move to our Haven Program and then moved to our Adoptable Program for they wonderfully defied so many odds yet this is a first to have an actual Haven Dog adopted and we could not be more thrilled, touched and excited….for home and BHRR’s Ani!

This home first heard about BHRR in 2010, they then first adopted from us in 2012 and since that time, have been truly caring to the BHRR animals.

They became in my opinion, the beautiful Fairy GodParents to BHRR’s Ani. They have provided for her in love, donations and being her special SS more than one year since 2012.

I truly do believe that some things are meant to be and I feel that I have been this gorgeous BBBBB’s Guardian Mama over the years and now she is right where she is meant be…..into the arms of this home!

From Fairy Godparents to her Adoring Mom & Dad!

They are prepared to take on and continue as needed her mouth surgeries – BHRR’s Ani has had three now since she was first diagnosed with fibromatous epulides of the periodontal ligament in April 2015.

I know they will be committed and dedicated to her proper wellbeing as they were with their previous BHRR adoptive GD(sadly passed away in March 2017) for they have stood by BHRR’s Ani & BHRR since fall of 2012 in so many ways!

As Approved Volunteers, they took BHRR’s Ani for an extended play date on Saturday April 8th and she stayed with them until her adoption was finalised tonight!

I am touched from my nose to my toes and to my soul to make this post about BHRR’s Happy Ani’s Adoption!

Congratulations to her parents and to her and yes, I do have tears yet they are mostly of the great kind….I shall miss her….very much, how could I not?! Yet, I know I shall see her again and I am in complete peace in knowing that this is her right matched forever home with two adoring humans and a handsome cat named Rusty to call ‘brother’!

Her adoption fee will go towards helping another incredible BHRR dog, BHRR’s Sambuca.

Posted in Ani

*Paypal did take $11.90 in fees*

Signing off early tonight! Has been a busy & glorious day here AND tomorrow BHRR’s Latte plus Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson are having their professional photo shoots!

Soon, BHRR’s Latte will have her own special announcement to make!

Please do not forget about our one of a kind unique and creative 6th Annual BHRR Doggie Date Auction going on until April 20th @ 9 pm EST! Link below…..


For now, I leave our dear family, friends and BHRR fans the following picture and a big deep appreciative thanks is being extended again to all of BHRR’s Sambuca’s Comfort Angels….donations to his urgent emergency surgery on Thursday can be made direct to Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848 under his name under the Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) account or via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org or via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org Thank you for making it possible for this sweet ol’ gent to have a future free of the suffering he is currently experiencing with that horrIble huge mass and his painful mouth/teeth. ?Even $5 would mean so much…..thank you!

Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson would approve of this photo! Monkey see, Monkey do!

BHRR’s Sambuca took several tries to get up, but he did it and has sunk deep into the softness of the one couch and is snoring….I mean sleeping!

When he has his urgent/emergency surgery on Thursday, I will trim back those long nasty nails….a true fine gent this 10 year old man is!

Other than, Jackson teaching him fast about ignoring the no couch rules, BHRR’s Sambuca is a model in excellent behaviour….for now!

Goodnight from our home to all of you…..sweet dreams……

BHRR’s Sambuca’s Comfort Angels:
Alex & Karen – Collar, 2 Costco Dog Beds & Towels + Donation Direct to KAH
Lucie -*PayPal took $11.90 in fees
Mrs. Milne

It is just a FEEL good kind of day in so many ways! Gwennie Novel…again…run while you can! 😀
My heart is floating……..
Talk about a HUGE step forward with BHRR’s Black Diamond today with me.
We have gotten into this rhythm together that when she comes out of her crate – the door is left open other than eating and sleeping and she has free run of the sunroom or more, it is up to her – that as she quickly raced out, my hand would just lightly float along her back. Then, I would open up the front door and do the same thing with my hand as she would almost slink out the door.
Throughout this past week, the time of her rushing out and my hand gently gliding along her back has increased until today!
Today, she did not just pause, she stopped. She actually stopped let me gently stroke her from back of head to tail and more than once heading out the door! YAY!
AND, what is truly exciting and wonderful and melts my heart is that when she came in, she did not run to a corner or into her open crate. She stopped, looked at me with those beautiful dark eyes of hers and I mean looked at me At my face.
I took a careful step towards her and while her head lowered a bit, her body did not tremble and shake like has been her habit.
I took another careful step towards her, making sure my body was angled sideways yet what I have learned not long after she arrived to BHRR is that she needs to see people’s faces and eyes. She becomes really stressed if she cannot. She wants to see people, so I have always looked around her face area and then briefly in her eyes and then back around her face as I do not want to make her further uncomfortable by staring into her eyes.
I reached out my hand every so softly, knuckles first as she feels less intimidated than with an open palm.
I gave her a few back of neck to lower back touches and stopped….what happened next is what is truly beautiful.
She moved her heads towards me and I gently ran my hand again along her lovely black fur.
When I stopped, she moved her head again towards me and took a side step. I then quietly took a step closer to her and repeated the petting.
Soon, I was right by her side and she did the Dane lean! She did the Dane lean!! YES! YES! Right into my side!
We spent several cherished moments of leans, love and looks exchanged between us. She always made sure that she had at least a corner of an eye looking at me and I made sure my head was craned back so she could see my face.
OMG! We have made a massive break through her and I! Massive, huge, enormous and she has given me that first show of trust and man, was it a big show!
When I would go to take a small step backwards, she would lean a bit more…..her tail while not in a normal relaxed position was almost flat, the tail tip tucked under a bit. Her body did not flinch with each touch and her body was more relaxed.
When I felt that her body seemed to tense, I whispered what an amazing girl she was and let her go…..she then did not scurry into her crate, she walked, almost normal and turned sat down and the look I was given…..I will never forget….I had tears spring to my eyes.
IT is the first sign of true ‘life’ I have seen in her eyes since she arrived. She fully was registering the moment we shared….
Oh YES! So proud of you Black Diamond! So so so proud…..
All of our the time, patience, consistency, structure and being there for her, passively ignoring when needed and not leaving when needed, is finally paying off….
May her and I reach this place again soon…..may there be less steps backwards and more forwards yet as always, if there are, no worries…we have all the time in the world……..

The photo below is of this BBBBB from when Maira/Tom helped transport her closer to me.

Happy Tuesday!


*Paypal did take $11.90 in fees*

This was my response on our fb page when someone thanked me for helping him.

I think he is equally helping me…..all dogs teach me things, give me gifts, life lessons plus reminders and in his case…he has the special ability to make one feel at peace, an almost healing feeling…..that what matters the most is what is happening right now, in front of you…that do not sweat the things one cannot change, find enjoyment in as many things as possible. He has the beautiful aura of calmness about him. You feel yourself taking pause, tsking a deep breath and feeling better when you did not even know you needed to feel better! 🙂 He makes me smile.

He is not in a rush. He is already telling me & giving me that excellent reminder to slow down, smell the spring air, feel the spring grass between ones toes, take pleasure in all the beautiful things spring can bring, the sights, the smells, the sun rays with the sunroof open and car rides! We took the scenic route home yesterday just soaking up the gorgeous day plus experience!

He looks at me and I am reminded that we only have one life…..live it to the fullest, no regrets.

This boy is a gem and this rehab journey with him is going to be a long one to get him healthier and he is ready and I am right by his side.

I cannot wait for people to meet him. They are going to come away after being around him having felt touched….magic…he is so wise and going to share so much wisdom with so many!!

Yup! He is helping me too!

BHRR’s Sambuca’s Comfort Angels:
Alex & Karen – Collar, 2 Costco Dog Beds & Towels + Donation Direct to KAH
Lucie -*PayPal took $11.90 in fees

My last post of my night is short and ever so sweet…..well, Gwennie Novel Style short! 😉

When I came inside from doing poop patrol and other chores tonight, I looked over and BHRR’s Sambuca stood up(not a fast or easy feat with his current lack of muscle mass/tone and arthritis) and he looked right at me with those amazing eyes of his….

Soft, wistful, still a bit confused and nervous yet, he was looking at me with his head up…..he has been half mast with his head since he arrived yesterday….

Well, as I took a step towards him, his head went up higher and I began to hear the sound of a soft *thump*….another step and another soft *thump* and so the pattern went until I was right near him and guess what he was doing for the very first time?!!!?

He was very slowly, and not a full all heart in tail wag yet he was wagging his tail for me!!! Not a lot yet more than enough to make my heart flip and flop and yup….I looked deep into those stunning eyes and was ‘gone’….sunk.

While I loved him from the moment we were asked to help him, sight unseen, no idea what he looked like, no idea what his personality was like for none of it mattered, we are here to help the next in need of us, when I first saw him in the photo Alex & Karen sent my way after they picked him up….my heart began to patter and when I met him for the first time in Kingston my heart began to thud….his personality is incredibly precious.

At work today, while we poked and prodded and he was so brave and tolerant yet had to be in pain as he was examined and a plan formed on how best to proceed plus treat him, my heart began to pump harder….he was so amazing. Just a truly special boy.

In the car on the way home, my sunroof open(a must for me in any car!) and the sun streaming in and seeing him then stretch out on his side, sigh with contentment and put his four feet way up on my back seat, my heart began to race seeing his sheer joy of a simple pleasure he has not had in a heck of a long time, if ever?….being able to lay in the warmth of sun!

Yet, after the thumps of his tail and seeing him lift his head up, search me out and look at me, not around me or in my general area but at me….well, my heart thudded with so much more love and he has my number!! Gladly so! 😀 He is a charmer, with a mind of his own yet a true gent overall and uber dignified and I am so so so so happy we were asked to help him. I cannot wait to see all the layers that make him, him….I just feel there has to also be a monkey side in there somewhere…I really do!

I cannot take away his past yet with the help plus love of his Comfort Angels, I can promise him a much better today, an even better tomorrow and while no one knows how his urgent emergency surgery shall go on Thursday or what the histiopathology report will say, I can promise him that he will lack for nothing. I can promise that he shall only know kindness, love, as many sunbeams and car rides as he wants and that he will be given as many great experiences plus moments that the world has to offer….quality my dear man….tons and tons of quality living and loving is to be yours!

*Paypal did take $11.90 in fees*

Goodnight from BHRR’s Sambuca to all of you!!


BHRR’s Sambuca came to work with me today as it was a priority for him to be seen, the poor old man.

He weighed 64.5 kgs(141.90 pounds) and his heart plus lungs sound good.

His temperature is normal which is so surprising as his mouth is the worst that I have ever seen in almost 28 years of rescuing and also in his Vets almost 30 years of experience. Almost all of his teeth that he still has are black, broken/chipped and his gums….bloody. The smell is just atrocious.

That huge mass on his hind end (photo again posted in thread) was investigated and what a amazing boy. The pain he has to be in from his mouth and that mass.

We did a needle biopsy on another much smaller lump on his penis. It is a sebaceous cyst.

This 10 year old gorgeous boy needs some serious love…..

We are doing pre-op bloodwork – including Heartworm and Tickborne disease testing. He is going on antibiotics – Antirobe 300 mg BID – for his mouth and his mass in preparation for his urgent emergency surgery now scheduled for Thursday. He shall remain on antibiotics post-op too.

We began de-worming him last night and he will start Heartworm/flea/tick preventative also.

When he gives me a fresh stool sample, we will also run that through the lab.

In our opinion, just because he is an older gent does not mean that he does not deserve to have a life of dignity and quality plus one free of this awful pain he is in. Breaks my heart.

He is such a sweet boy…so sweet. He is going to steal many people’s hearts, he is just that precious….

He is also going on 150 mg of Deramaxx daily to assist in making him more comfortable.

What BHRR’s Sambuca really needs are Angels of Comfort….his Vet bills today were over $400 and he is heading into urgent surgery on Thursday. While he has this large mass removed and sent to histio, and his surgeon is in the same general area, they will neuter him.

If anyone would please consider helping BHRR’s Sambuca, they can donate directly on to his bills at Kanata Animal Hospital – 613-836-2848 and he has an account under ‘Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)’ under his name *Sambuca*.

OR people can donate via email transfer gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

Thank you in advance for any consideration to his very worthy cause…..his bills will be in the thousands….

BHRR’s Sambuca’s Comfort Angels:
Alex & Karen – Collar, 2 Costco Dog Beds & Towels
Lucie -*PayPal took $11.90 in fees

Got him! On our way home.

Thanks for the visit Alex & Karen, the donations of towels and two Costco dog beds and for driving him! Gorgeous day to have met up with you both….

Plus, thank you for the stunning collar for him!

I was told this home had him 6-9 months and this home told Alex & Karen they had him about a year.

I shall be bringing him into work with me tomorrow for a full work-up and to address the large mass(pic in the other post) he has. His mouth also smells horrible, the poor dog.

Welcome to BHRR Sambuca!

AND he is on his way!

BHRR’s Sambuca, the 10+ year old Harle Male Dane.

Alex & Karen have been on the road since ~9:30 AM and I am well on my way to meet up with them in Kingston. Photo courtesy of Alex & Karen. 🙂

I have been told he is nervous and is quiet yet doing ok.

Drive safe and thank you SO much again for picking him up and helping to get him closer to me….

Cannot wait to meet him…..

Will post more as I can.

This gorgeous BBBBB is having a very special play date visit!

BHRR’s Ani!

She weighed 48 kgs(105.60 pounds today) at KAH.

Have a lovely time you filled with sparkle and personality girl!! Such a ham!

Posted in Ani

BHRR’s Rickards says ‘I am ready to make my special announcement!’
~2 year old English Mastiff


BHRR’s Rickards was dumped a very rural pound as his owners were having a baby.

BHRR’s Rickards is such a great dog! He is housebroken, crate trained and very obedient. His leash manners are now outstanding.

He is affectionate, loyal, kind and uber handsome!

He has such a big head for his body yet it only makes him more adorable plus endearing. He is lean, muscled, happy and healthy and we do not want to see him become fat like so many dogs of his breed and what we see happen to many dogs out there.

He travels beautifully in a car, is great with cats, excellent with dogs of all shapes and sizes yet we feel it best that he be either an only dog or be placed with a right matched personality fit female dog or with cats. He has mostly been indifferent to the males here and yet, still likes to sometimes get pushy with my now 9 month old male Wolfie, Brogan. He seems to almost flirt with the ladies though! He corrects well and we think he would be happiest as either an only dog, in a home with a right matched cat or two or with a female fit dog. He loves the companionship of the dogs and is such a low maintenance boy!

He is amazing to do nails, wash and go to the Vet. He is pretty darn close to being bomb proof. He is extremely well balanced and rounded. His temperament is rock solid.

A smaller EM yet to that right matched forever loving home, it will not matter. He can go to a home without or with kids(prefer 10 and up if the home does have children). He is calm, quiet – except when I come home and he has these amazing wee squeals of ‘she’s home! Gwennie is home!’ and truly a well adjusted kind gentle giant.

He can be adopted to a home that works ft or pt, or works from home, is semi-retired or retired. He is another ever so versatile BHRR dog.

He has been a gem to have with us. Makes us miss our own two EM’s dearly and he is going to make a lucky home a fabu addition!

BHRR’s Rickards, I cannot believe that someone would dump you…you are a treasure….a true fine specimen of model behaviour and goodness and that home did not deserve you. You deserve a home that will demonstrate to you daily just how special and worthy you are!!

I love you so much and thank you for being you!

Thank you again to Liz Bradley for her time and talent on April 5th to do these professional photo’s! Thank you also to Elizabeth White for your extra loving hands so that I could get his and BHRR’s Giselle’s pictures done!

SNEAK Peek Photo’s!
Taken April 5th, 2017

BHRR’s Rickards (EM) shall be making his special announcement later tonight – April 7th, 2017!

Stay Tuned!

Thanks to Elizabeth White for helping me get these professional photo’s done on April 5th AND to Liz Bradley for all of her talent, patience and time for doing these incredible Rescue Pawtraits!

He is looking at me waiting patiently for his treat for being such a good boy!


BHRR’s Latte, our beautiful Neo had her recheck last night!

She is now 45.8 kgs and at an ideal weight for her.

She had a recheck on her eyes and they are so much better…infections gone! The one eye that has the tiny growth per her Vet can remain as long as it does not ulcerate, change in size, bother her etc…

Her eyes do not need surgical correction either as with the infections gone, they are looking good.

Her foot is also so much better! Now healthy pink over inflamed and nasty. Same thing, as long as it no longer bothers her, no more needs to be done.

Her teeth are not lovely as they are so short in many areas and do have tartar yet her Vet said that it is an elective at this time, nothing urgent – Her Vet stated that in her future she will would benefit from a dental cleaning. We are making sure this is in her file at the Hospital and in her blog for any possible future approved home to be aware of.

Did her nails again and she was completely over the top awesome at the Vet!!

Ears look great, heart and lungs are normal and her skin/coat is lovely…

Here is a picture on our way in…she is wet from having to go outside to pee in this horrible downpour (50+mm of rain!) yet we also gave her a fresh bath while she did not appreciate, she at least tolerated! LOL

I am now going to schedule her professional photo shoot and from there after I get them, she will be placed up for adoption!

A huge huge huge hit at the Hospital she was!

My one Great Dane Salt has taught her how to play and she is a hoot to watch! He is so wonderful with the dogs….teaching them so much!

Stay tuned for BHRR’s Latte will hopefully be making her own special announcement in a couple of weeks!

Aren’t they both so freakin’ fabu!?!? AND stunning?!

BHRR’s Rickards and BHRR’s Giselle when they caught sight of the kids when they got off the bus!!


AND we are on our way! Professional photo time for BHRR’s Rickards and BHRR’s Giselle!

Here I am all super excited and BHRR’s Rickards is like all chill and calm!

Stay tuned for BHRR’s Rickards special announcement over the next week or so once I get his professional photo’s back!

BHRR’s Giselle was back at KAH tonight and weighs a healthy just under 121 pounds now!

She was so outstanding! Stepped without issues on the scale, curious, social, outgoing and had the Dane lean going on strong! 😀 She has also become a dream to do nails. Lots and lots of handling and patience and time and consistency and effort to get her to this point. I make sure I am not the only one trimming her nails so that she keeps getting handled by others to help make her that well rounded plus balanced dog!

She minded her manners beautifully when I said she could not romp and rumble with the Golden also waiting to be seen by another Vet and laid down at my feet, crossed her pretty feet and looked like the Queen she is! She is not always the bull in the China shop now!

She even rocked her obedience! Leash manners are almost to perfection. Sitting when asked, laid down when asked and even rolled to her side when I asked so her Vet could take a good look at her skin on her belly and inner legs!

She is a far cry from the extremely painful, full of infections, lacking manners girl that was battling so many issues when she first arrived in September.

Her hair has been growing in shiny and soft and gorgeous! However, she does have a few area’s on the back of her neck/head that her Vet agrees with me that so much damage had been done to her skin/hair follicles that she most likely shall never have the hair come back. The skin is now such a nice healthy pink and to that right matched forever loving home, it will not matter if she is missing some hair.

She was able to get her vaccines tonight now that she is healthy enough and from here, in about a months time, we shall have surgery to look for that ovarian remnant plus fix her one eye – entropion. We had wanted her eyes done in January when she was in to be spayed yet her surgeon did not believe that it was that bad to require surgical intervention but her one eye in particular bothers her still and I want her in complete comfort. Her regular Vet is in huge support of us doing so.

She is still a bit yeasty – the damp weather does not help with her feet yet the Malecetic wipes works wonders for her and we keep her feet as dry as we can.

I am proud of all our dogs yet some dogs have to take an even bigger rehab journey than others. BHRR’s Giselle was so medically a ‘hot mess’ that she was in such awful pain plus discomfort not to mention lacking trust & obedience, had misdirected confidence and really did not know a lot regarding how lovely a caring touch could feel…..that touching did not have to painful and to me, this almost 7 months with her has made me beyond proud of her progress.

This is one unforgettable Girl!

I need to shout out to her Vet team that has been by her side, pretty much at least once a month since September….you have helped her not just medically but emotionally as well. Thank you for being part of her set-up for success team for every time I asked if you could do her nails this time over me doing them, give her a treat, ask her do do something, pet her….you have helped her realise that she is awesome! This dog has so much potential!!

Flaked out waiting for her turn to see her Vet! Not a care in the world and look at her beautiful fur!!

Wish I could have snagged photo’s of her on her back with her legs up in the air, almost snoring!


*Sambuca* – 10+ year old Harlequin Male Great Dane
**Do not have an actual photo to share**

As is the case in rescue, there are always so many more dogs in need over spots in rescue.

As mentioned to BHRR’s Limericks forever adoptive home yesterday, her approved adoption will allow us to assist another in need and this boy is the next in need of BHRR.

This is what I was told:

Sambuca’s original owner died – Sambuca was used for breeding – and Sambuca was posted all over Facebook about 9 months ago as the parents whom his Owner lived with, in their 80’s were not in a position to care for Sambuca.

A friend of a friend of the now deceased Owner stepped up to take Sambuca and has had him for about 9 months.

I was contacted by a recommendation made to this new Owner by one of the wonderful Humane Societies in the SWO area that we have assisted throughout the many years.

This home has moved to a new place and it does not have a fenced in yard. With the Owner having M.S., they are not able to walk him and he will not go outside without her and is not getting the exercise and stimulation he needs.

He has also begun to urinate all over their carpets(their other home did not have carpets), his dog bed plus the dog bed of their other dog, a female standard poodle.

When asked if we could assist Sambuca, there was no hesitation. There are always groups to step up to take the puppies and the already healthy out there….our focus is to be there for the ‘underdogs’! The sick, the injured, the senior, the palliative, the deaf and/or blind, the neuro, the behavioural etc. We are here for the next in need of us regardless of age, sex or colour.

Sambuca shall be only the 5th dog we have been able to assist in 2017 and we remain about quality, not quantity.

Sambuca’s ETA April 9th, 2017

BHRR’s Limerick is ADOPTED!

Thank you again to this really great home in hosting us today and to their four feline family members also! 🙂

Thank you to Elizabeth for her assistance at this home-visit too!

BHRR’s Limerick! You are night and day from what you were like when you first arrived! You are now a pleasantly ever so slightly plump 99.88 pounds, curious, social, playful, affectionate, not much fazes you and you are so dear to so many! I love your quirkiness!!

You rocked your obedience and today you proved that the busy streets and buses are truly nothing to worry about! You did not have one care in the world as you sniffed your way around all of the fabu smells the city has to offer!

You are gracious, gentle and you took a crime of opportunity to show your incredible mischievous side by stealing an oatmeal waffle!! 😀 :p You are a stunning blue beauty girl inside and out!

I love your big personality! I love your heart and how you slowly let me into your world of fear, anxiety and stress plus confusion so we could walk together showing you that you can like yourself, self-soothe, that hands are here to help and that you can trust & love again…..

Thank you for gifting me with your deep loyalty, big beautiful heart and giving me the trust that allowed me to help you so that you can now stand in your forever loving adoptive home and say ‘I am worthy…..I am deserving and I am important!’ For you are! You are so deserving and worthy of all the best this vast world has to offer! You are very important!

You hold your head up, you tilt your head as you tend to do with that endearing ear of yours and you shine!!

A big light has now left my home yet you are going to bring so much happiness to your adoptive home!! You will keep them on their toes, give them adventures and experiences and in turn they will protect you, love you as much as we do plus give you your own adventures!!

Miss you already yet gosh….I am beaming! Took 6 months but that right matched forever loving family found you! They were smitten with you at our February BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ mini open house and in mid March they applied to adopt you and you are now home!!

Congrats to all!!



AND we are on our way! BHRR’s Limerick’s home-visit is today!

We will update as we can!