BHRR’s Latte, our beautiful Neo had her recheck last night!

She is now 45.8 kgs and at an ideal weight for her.

She had a recheck on her eyes and they are so much better…infections gone! The one eye that has the tiny growth per her Vet can remain as long as it does not ulcerate, change in size, bother her etc…

Her eyes do not need surgical correction either as with the infections gone, they are looking good.

Her foot is also so much better! Now healthy pink over inflamed and nasty. Same thing, as long as it no longer bothers her, no more needs to be done.

Her teeth are not lovely as they are so short in many areas and do have tartar yet her Vet said that it is an elective at this time, nothing urgent – Her Vet stated that in her future she will would benefit from a dental cleaning. We are making sure this is in her file at the Hospital and in her blog for any possible future approved home to be aware of.

Did her nails again and she was completely over the top awesome at the Vet!!

Ears look great, heart and lungs are normal and her skin/coat is lovely…

Here is a picture on our way in…she is wet from having to go outside to pee in this horrible downpour (50+mm of rain!) yet we also gave her a fresh bath while she did not appreciate, she at least tolerated! LOL

I am now going to schedule her professional photo shoot and from there after I get them, she will be placed up for adoption!

A huge huge huge hit at the Hospital she was!

My one Great Dane Salt has taught her how to play and she is a hoot to watch! He is so wonderful with the dogs….teaching them so much!

Stay tuned for BHRR’s Latte will hopefully be making her own special announcement in a couple of weeks!