My last post of my night as I have much still left to prepare for what we hope is a wonderfully busy day at PV Hazeldean – Our last community education event of 2015!!!

This is BHRR’s Potter, one of our BHRR Haven Dogs – our DEAF tripod Honourary GD/Giant of BHRR! He has not only survived yet thrived against all odds and is now a miraculous 6 years of age!

He wants to thank his super special Secret Santa’s – Annette and Cathy – for spoiling him this Christmas!

Sean could not wait until XMAS before giving him his pressies!

THANK you again to everyone that is participating in our 13th year of hosting this wildly successful AND deeply touching program!



BHRR does not adopt out during the XMAS season due to our position that it is not in the best interest of any new addition being added during such a busy, exciting and somewhat stressful time for many.

Quite a few other Rescues, Shelters, Pounds etc. have also begun to follow a similar protocol to what we have been doing for so many years.

Our XMAS Shut down period for this year is from Thursday December 17th, 2015 to Tuesday January 5th, 2016 inclusive.

Any applications received during this time will be processed/reviewed on Wednesday January 6th, 2016!

During this time, BHRR is available 24/7 as always for requests for assistance of animals in need and will do intake.

Thank you for your continued understanding – The BHRR Team

We are receiving some inquiries on BHRR’s Steam AKA Steam Boat and we are making this blog post so that everyone who is following her story can be made aware again that she is NOT AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION at this time. It clearly states in her first blog post made on November 9th, 2015 that she is not yet available.

When she is available, we will make her announcement blog post per our standard protocols and practises of the last almost 20 years of operating.

BHRR NEVER takes on inquiries or accepts applications on dogs not yet made available for adoption.

Unfortunately, we have received over the past 24 hours some extremely aggressive voice messages re: BHRR’s Steam.  This is deeply disturbing.

We take a lot of effort ensuring that blogs are as up to date as possible and detailed instructions are posted on every dogs’ blog and also on their PetFinder bio’s when they are made available for adoption as to how to read the dogs’ blog. Every dogs’ blog will answer almost all the questions you will have re: age plus history.

AND, when the dog is made available for adoption, the blog will clearly state what type of home that we are seeking to place our dogs into.

BHRR is not desperate to adopt our dogs and we shall only place per that right matched personality fit. Our adoption success rates were 100% for over 10 years of operating and as we come close to entering year 20, we are now 98%.

We are all Volunteers at BHRR and please do take the time to read all information plus details that we have taken such precious time to make readily available at your fingertips re: each of our dogs.

Someone is not so keen on beginning the day!!

BHRR’s Steam AKA Steam-Boat, one of our honorary Giants, is enjoying BHRR’s Baby Kaos’ Value Village XL stuffie. She would love to have some of her very own as they help comfort her at night and keep her warm.

If anyone is going to be near a Value Village and would not mind picking up a couple of the super huge giant sized stuffed dogs and/or bears, do let me know. I am so happy to reimburse!!! There is not one near me and my schedule right now does not allow me to get to one in the Ottawa area right now….

Miss Steam shall be with us on Saturday November 28th at Pet Valu Hazeldean(457 Hazeldean Road) from 10 am – 4 pm to visit and give out some kisses on our famous red carpet for a pooch smooch donation!

Thanks in advance and Happy Thursday!!


We are now home!

Surgery started late yet all is done and The Mavie, our true Iron Man has his ‘new’ leg!

Everything went great for BHRR’s Maverick. His temp is low yet rising and the initial thought was to send him home on IV fluids yet, the end decision was to take him off as he is doing very well.

He had a tiny bite to eat earlier and I just gave him his Hydromorphone and then I pulled his IV line.

He is settling in for the night and he makes my heart burst full with so much love……he is truly one of my hero’s!

What an incredible boy and thank you from my heart for all the best wishes for him and to the angel that donated a most generous amount to his Vet bill tonight, you have my eternal gratitude! I almost burst into tears when I was told of your beautiful heart…..

We shall continue to fundraise to pay off his thousands of dollars in bills and I will sleep well tonight knowing that he is safely out of surgery and home!

Thanks must be extended hugely to his ortho specialist that has been by his side since summer of 2013 and to my fellow team-mates at KAH, you are so wonderful!!! I am full of so much appreciation and gratitude for all that you have done!

If anyone still wishes to donate to his bills, you can call Kanata at 613-836-2848 and he has a file under ‘Maverick’ under the Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services account. We will be paying off his bills for some time to come and he is beyond worth every nickel and dime!

Good night from my home and The Mavie to all of our friends, family, supporters, believers plus extended family!!


AND someone was not happy to be asked to leave a warm bed to come into work with me!

Today is the day!

BHRR’s Mavie is having that front left leg implant removed. He developed a sudden infection and rejection of the plate/screws.

He will be in excellent hands as always and his surgery was scheduled for 1 pm yet has been moved to 3:30 pm.

If anyone may consider his cause and a donation to his mounting Vet Bills you can contact Kanata AH directly at 613-836-2848.

He has an account set up there under ‘Maverick’ under the Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services account.

We will update as we can!

Keep him in your best of thoughts!



C. Currie, ON

Hi Gwen:

Thank you for all the wonderful work you do for the big pups.  You give a better life to our “best friends”.

God bless you and your family.

Best regards,

BHRR’s Scooby is such a solid, stable plus well balanced Dane that he was fully integrated with all the dogs by the time our BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ Mini Open House(our last one of 2015) happened today!

Such a WOW dog! Incredible! Made so many fans and stole quite a few hearts today! He is even fabu with our honourary GD/Giant, BHRR’s Steam AKA Steam Boat. All 19 pounds of her!

He is going to make a home an outstanding addition!

He is coming to work with me on the 3rd of December to do bloodwork – T4 plus Accuplex(HWT and Tickborne Disease Testing), microchip him, exam him and give him boosters. He is already being de-wormed and is on revolution as part of our proactive plus preventative vetting done at BHRR.

Super dog….he is also going to be coming to our last BHRR Community Education and Public Awareness Event on Saturday November 28th at PV Hazeldean.

What an absolute dream boy!

Two more pictures of BHRR’s Scooby Do(we are keeping the name that he has always had and he knows this name also) on his transport to BHRR.

Isn’t he gorgeous?! He is a tall and big boy(even without the excess weight that he will lose at BHRR, he will still be a big boy).

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Here are two photo’s of BHRR’s Scooby on his transport to BHRR! He traveled with 20 cats and a Rabbit!

I am hearing how amazing he is! Cannot wait to meet him!

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BHRR’s Steam AKA Steam Boat loves her new coat thanks to Auntie Rachel and Auntie Bernie! She looks so adorable!

AND, thank you to you both for the extra hands today for the prof photo session with her, BHRR’s Miller and BHRR’s Crème Brûlée!

I think Sean also has a final appreciation for all the training that goes into the dogs prior to being placed up for adoption!

Thank you to Melissa for her precious time again in taking some prof photo’s of these dogs in preparation for some time in the future when they are ready to be placed up for adoption!

BHRR’s Steam also was at work with me on Thursday and is now 18.26 pounds! So up a wee bit! Charmed the whole Hospital and did so well there for the day!!!

Happy Saturday to all! May it be happy safe and healthy!


BHRR’s 8th ANNUAL ‘JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS’ Online Auction has now begun!

Runs through to Thursday December 3rd @ 8 PM EST!

Over 50 items listed to date and some more to come!

Please consider helping us help BHRR’s Mavie!

If anyone has any items that they would like to donate, please do email FOR we would be so appreciative. We only host 5 planned Fundraisers a year and BHRR’s Mavie is going to deeply benefit from all money raised in this auction.

He has his surgery scheduled to remove that left front leg implant on Tuesday November 24th with his wonderful ortho specialist. He had a sudden rejection/infection to that left implant recently and now that the Baytril(almost $600 for 16 days worth of treatment) has worked its magic on the infection, he is ‘good to go’ for surgery!

On Friday November 20th, we were asked to take in a Merle Male GD, age 7 whose 31 year old Owner was dying of cancer and had brought him to a high kill shelter.

In watching the video’s sent, he is quite overweight(we will do a T4) and also have him on a proper diet/exercise regime. He is lacking muscle tone / mass in the hind end yet, that could be, because he Owner may not have been able to give him proper exercise lately with his terminal illness. I was told how sweet he is and an angel took him home overnight from the shelter so that he did not have to stay there until we could get him to us. THANK YOU!

His nails are also quite long yet, with continued regular nail trims, he is going to be fine.

My heart goes out to his dying owner…..this had to have been so hard on him. 🙁

We of course, stepped up to assist and transport is arranged for tomorrow.


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BHRR’s Bell was grabbed by a coyote today. Thanks to my Big Blue Bronson and to BHRR’s Oakley, they saved her. BHRR’s Oakley received some marks on his face yet is going to be completely fine and my Big Blue killed the coyote by grabbing it by the back of the neck and gave a big shake.

I was at work at the time and Sean called me to let me know….this is the second coyote Big Blue Bronson – he is now 8.5 years himself – has killed over the past several years.

BHRR’s Bell is also going to be fine. She is on heavy pain meds and antibiotics including Baytril. We have not had any big issues with coyotes in a couple of years. 🙁

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BHRR’s Skye!
~2-3 year old Neo

She is ready to make her own special announcement!

She has walked an incredible journey of rehabilitation during her time with us.

With a patient, kind and understanding hand, she has relaxed so much since she came into Rescue. No longer confused, scared or feeling lost, she has come out of her shell and is affectionate, playful, goofy and a real ham!

She is eager to please, and sometimes a bit too eager with her mouth taking treats!

She has to be reminded sometimes to be gentle as she does become excited and then will want to ‘mouth’ the other dogs.

With careful and patient integration, she does not feel stressed or worried about other dogs and gets along in complete harmony plus balance.

She has many good friends and besties at BHRR!

Strangers of both dogs and people, can still stress her out sometimes yet treats and a calming word/touch settle her wonderfully!

All she needs is a home that shall continue to build on the strong foundation that we are building here and keep giving her structure, consistency, obedience with so much love and heart and caring loving hands.

She will continue to thrive as she learns more and more about helping hands and that they are not there to hurt her.

She can go to a home that works ft. pt, from home, semi-retired, retired etc. as she is so versatile!

She is a hoot to wash, eats well, sings a song when it is dinner time – yours or hers! and is crate trained and has proven 100% trustworthy in our home alone up to 2 hours.

She is no longer worried about car rides the way she once was, loves walks and hikes and her leash manners are slowly but surely coming along!

She can go to a home as an only dog yet, would do wonderfully in a home with one or two other right personality dogs as they will keep showing her that life has so many awesome things to experience plus enjoy!

Her coat is so soft to touch and I am always ‘loving’ on those ears….

She perfect in all her imperfections and for that right matched personality matched home, she will be appreciated and enjoyed!

I am very proud of this lovely beauty…to go from losing her owner – she was killed by a truck while on her phone – to being poled in the shelter, further scaring an already lacking in socialization dog that had been uprooted from all she knew and was so confused – to entering our rehabilitation program and blossoming like a beautiful flower…..just a couple of thorns here and there!

Thank you to all the angels involved in getting her saved from Karen and Jane to all her transport lovelies!

Thanks to Wendi and Melissa also for the help getting this fabu prof photo!

Please consider sharing this post in the hopes that her right matched forever loving home is out there waiting to find her!

GOOD for you lovely lady! You did it!!

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My last post of my night!

Someone is settling in extremely well!

Sean has chosen a name: BHRR’s Steam AKA “Steam Boat”

AND, one young human lady is also loving her!

BHRR’s Steam began playing for the first time last night, with one of my own special needs Great Danes – “Salt”.

She is eating well, and we are ISO: the following items if anyone may have something they may consider donating.

1) Durable toys – KONGS, Rope Toys etc. suitable for an 18 pound 11 month old pup
2) XL Stuffies from Value Village as she does some crying in her crate and she loves to snuggle with ‘Salt’s’ and ‘BHRR’s Baby Kaos’ yet, they use theirs at night also.
3) A small leash for an 18 pound dog – she came with one yet I always like to have a back-up
4) a dog coat – she is so skinny and in these quickly cooling temps
5) a soft bristle brush for an 18 pound dog – mine are uber huge!

Thanks so much in advance!


My heart is so full of so much happiness!!

Today, BHRR saw BHRR’s Bishop, The Bish be ADOPTED!!

My heart is just bursting……

He is another absolutely amazing Great Dane that has waited so patiently for so long, all of us also for that that right matched home to find him!

He was overlooked for so many reasons, being a Merle – some are as equally scared if not more so of the Merle Giants, others were ‘scared’ off as he is an ‘old’ in body Great Dane even though he is 4-5 years of age, others were not interested as he did come to BHRR very ill and it took thousands of dollars to figure things out for him. Then, you had the people that did not even ‘notice’ him at our open houses etc….while being a dog that ached and craved and wanted love and attention, The Bish always was not sure how to go about asking strangers for it and was worried about being hurt by them….a more quiet and shy guy, the strong silent kind, he lacked confidence for so long in letting people he was not sure of know he had such a big heart inside and wanted them to ‘see’ him….

When he was successfully rehabbed, he was placed up for adoption in 2013 and he waited and waited and so did we…..

Well, the tears did well up yet, I held them in check for today, he is now ‘home’…..where he is meant to be and while my journey and final chapter of such a beautiful emotional book comes to a close with him, his new book is now going to begin with the future of a wonderful life with a really nice couple.

Love you Bish… much….sleeping at night shall never be quite the same without your cold wet nose mischievously nuzzling me under the blankets to get my attention! 

Typing on my computer will have less spelling errors as your head will no longer be there to bump me telling me it is time to take a break and go for a walk or snuggle!

I am going to miss so much about our time together yet, I could not happier with the home you ended up with…..

Thank you to this home for ‘seeing’ him and believing in him and falling in love with him long before you even actually met him.

Thank you Alex for the extra eyes, hands – especially with BHRR’s Raven….the giggles!! – and for your valuable input and insight as not only a BHRR Volunteer yet as a BHRR adoptive home yourself. Priceless input imparted….

BHRR’s Raven was a great fit also…..yet, their current home set-up is better suited to The Bish and he was their first heart choice from the very beginning of this adoptive process. BHRR’s Raven, how much farther you have come since the last home-visit you helped with in September!!

Your own forever loving home is out there and, you are a precious gem that will be forever cherished when that home does come along…….

Now for the drive home!!

Happy gorgeous Sunday to all!!


AND, she is here! Sean picked her up while I was in Cambridge doing BHRR’s Bishop’s, The Bish’s adoption home-visit. He teased me all day with photo’s and tidbits about how lovely she is.

BHRR’s ????
*Sean is still thinking! What incredible name suggestions made to date! WOW!*

AND, I concur with what everyone that has met her has said to date, she is awesome! A wee firecracker indeed yet sweet and so portable!

AND I also concur with what has already been said about her, she is painfully thin, quite underweight. Hips, ribs and spine protruding under her fur.. She probably weighs 60-70% of what she should be weighing…..18 pounds is way too little for her….that will change though!

Sean has already fallen head over heels in love! Photo below is blurry yet it is of Mason and her……….I think he is already in love also!

Welcome to BHRR our honourary Great Dane/Giant! She may not be a Great Dane in size, yet her spirit and heart, watch out, she is ‘bigger’ than the world! She is going to be taking names!!! She is a bit hand shy and flinchy yet, she is going to settle in just fine. We will work on her startle reflex.

Thank you to Karen and Jane in having her entrusted to our rescue that has a huge focus on the special needs. For those not yet aware, she is DEAF and Visually Impaired. Yet, none of that holds her back and that is what I love about these incredible dogs, this is her ‘normal’ and she is living life, taking it by storm!

Cannot wait until I see her real personality blossom and come out……she is going to be a hoot! Watch out world!

Thank you to all that helped get her to BHRR safely and also to Elizabeth White in being her Special Secret Santa. With BHRR’s Bishop, her current SS being adopted today, she is being so kind and wonderful to be this little cutie’s SS!

She is also going to need some Value Village XL stuffies to call her own to snuggle with! We are down to only three here now…..BOO!


Testimonial from the one angel that overnight her November 13th on her transport:

“I overnighted this darling on Friday night, she is sooo sweet, got up in my lap on the sofa and fell sound asleep.  She was a delight to have for the evening. I knew she was going to make someone very happy.


Testimonial from someone who saw her on one of the transport legs:

“That Fergie is a little firecracker !  I saw Fergie at one of the transfer points, wow, what a great looking and social dog, was very curious about the other dogs, and was walking around the stop etc… like it was nothing!  Maybe a bit overwhelming for her due to limited sight and hearing, but seemed to be doing great!”

Testimonial from another one of her transport angels:

“Hi! We transported X and Fergi tonight. Such quiet and lovely girls, both were sweethearts. If I didn’t have 3 dogs already, I might have kidnapped them for me! Whomever adopts these two beauties will be very lucky indeed.”

Testimonial from the angel that overnight her on November 14th on her transport:

“Fergi is with me for the night.  She had a good explore of the backyard. 
She is skittish, was very unsure of the bubbles in my bubble bath. She would come forward to explore
and as soon as the bubbles moved, she would jump back.
Wants to be with people,
 she is thin but did not dive into her dinner bowl.
She took her treat around the corner out of sight of the other dogs
(even though they are gated outside Fergi’s area)
She took her treat very gently.
very curious and will rise up on her back legs to check things out.
She had not gotten over the regular height baby gates yet, but I think she could if she put her mind to it.
Definitely has some sight, maybe some hearing of certain pitches.  I thought she reacted to the 4 doxies barking at her tonight.
A really sweet girl

Here is a photo of her on today’s transport legs….we hear that she is a firecracker!! Love it!
Photo courtesy of her transport angel Kim. 🙂

UPDATE: Her overnight mom said that she seems unsure, needs weight and we can understand how she may be nervous….


Phewwwwwww….we are finally here!! Tucked into our ‘usual’ hotel haunt in Cambridge when we head this way to do home-visits!

What a long, busy yet wonderful day in so many ways…..worked to 2 pm, our gorgeous BBBBB Senior Great Dane, Hailey went to her forever loving adoptive home AND I did not bawl…. and then drove home, picked up BHRR’s Bishop and our beautiful BBBBB Raven and then Mason and I made the drive to SWO.

The dogs traveled so well! BHRR’s Raven can sometimes be a curious George when we travel and she looked out the window and then had a great nap! I shall never tell her that she snores though….

‘The Bish’ as we affectionately call him, so so so proud of him! He is a home body and though a bit nervous getting into the car, he readily went in and I think BHRR’s Raven’s uber outgoing personality relaxed him and he enjoyed looking out the window.

He was calm and relaxed everywhere we stopped – gas, pee breaks and even through the drive-thru as both Wendy’s and Timmie’s – I think the timbits handed to him by the lovely staff ‘won’ his heart over big time!!

Such an ‘old’ soul he is, so affectionate and attentive to his circle of success network and I was really proud of him coming out of his comfort zone and showing interest and enjoying himself. Strangers can worry him, especially men in baseball caps and he is a very brave boy!

Thank you Alex for stepping up to assist me at the home-visit we are doing tomorrow for a possible Great Dane adoption!! See you then ….

We are now going to settle in, snuggle – BHRR’s Raven has figured out Mason’s bed already! – and try to go to bed early….

We will update as we can and gentle reminder that the flash auction ends tomorrow night at 9 pm EST! All monies raised to go towards the $1,200 surgery deposit needed to remove BHRR’s Mavie’s left front leg implant that he developed an infection/rejection in…..

BBBBB Raven! A puppymill GD Mama no longer!! She is so gorgeous!! She has had a miraculous transformation in rehab.
She has a great spot on Mason’s bed at the hotel and loves her comforts!

Goodnight wishes to all!!


Phewwwwwww….we are finally here!! Tucked into our ‘usual’ hotel haunt in Cambridge when we head this way to do home-visits!

What a long, busy yet wonderful day in so many ways…..worked to 2 pm, our gorgeous BBBBB Senior Great Dane, Hailey went to her forever loving adoptive home AND I did not bawl….  and then drove home, picked up BHRR’s Bishop and our beautiful BBBBB Raven and then Mason and I made the drive to SWO. 

The dogs travelled so well! BHRR’s Raven can sometimes be a curious George when we travel and she looked out the window and then had a great nap! I shall never tell her that she snores though…. 

‘The Bish’ as we affectionately call him, so so so proud of him! He is a home body and though a bit nervous getting into the car, he readily went in and I think BHRR’s Raven’s uber outgoing personality relaxed him and he enjoyed looking out the window and this photo is of him after he had a drink of water and was settled with great comfort on the centre console…. 

He was calm and relaxed everywhere we stopped – gas, pee breaks and even through the drive-thru as both Wendy’s and Timmie’s – I think the timbits handed to him by the lovely staff ‘won’ his heart over big time!! 

Such an ‘old’ soul he is, so affectionate and attentive to his circle of success network and I was really proud of him coming out of his comfort zone and showing interest and enjoying himself. Strangers can worry him, especially men in baseball caps and he is a very brave boy!

Thank you Alex for stepping up to assist me at the home-visit we are doing tomorrow for a possible Great Dane adoption!! See you then ….

We are now going to settle in, snuggle – BHRR’s Raven has figured out Mason’s bed already!  – and try to go to bed early….

We will update as we can and gentle reminder that the flash auction ends tomorrow night at 9 pm EST! All monies raised to go towards the $1,200 surgery deposit needed to remove BHRR’s Mavie’s left front leg implant that he developed an infection/rejection in…..

Goodnight wishes to all!!


My last post of my night as I am going to spend the rest of it loving on and cuddling our BBBBB Hailey as it is our last sleepie together! This stunning Senior GD shall be heading to her forever loving adoptive home tomorrow! My heart is so happy yet, I am also going to well up in letting her go…..

Gentle Reminder that the Flash Auction of the one-of-a-kind limited edition BHRR ‘CHAIN OF SUCCESS’ Key Chain to help raise the $1,200 we need for a surgery deposit for BHRR’s Maverick to have the implant removed from his front left leg(he developed an infection and rejection of the plate), ENDS Sunday November 15th @ 9 PM EST

To view the details of this beautiful item, the auction rules and to bid, please scroll down this page to the item…should be three posts down the page!

Current High bid is to Annette for $50!

Good luck, good night and the BHRR and Boerskins Clan are keeping Paris in our hearts tonight……

UPDATE: so she was taken to the Vet earlier this week in prep for her transport and her flea infestation has now been treated and her weight at 11 months of age is only 18 pounds. She is quite underweight. She has also begun to be de-wormed, had a Heartworm plus tickborne panel done etc….

We will have a copy of all of her Vet records for documentation of her medical status, receipts for payment made and all proactive plus preventative medicine that has been done.

If all goes well, she shall be at BHRR Sunday!


BHRR’s Waffle – Bloodhound/Great Pyr

She is ready to make her special announcement!

This dog has made immense progress during her time at BHRR.

She came to BHRR with serious social issues with other dogs and now lives in complete harmony will all the dogs here!

She will require a home that will do careful integration with strange dogs for the feeling of not being in control and safe makes her stressed.

If you just let her take her time to ‘warm’ up, relax and feel things out, she is totally wonderful with strange dogs.

Her first reaction to feeling worried, is to keep her distance, yet, if a dog ‘pushes’ the issue, she will communicate that she is not comfortable.

With patience, consistency, and with a calming word/touch, she settles quite well.

She can go to a home as an only dog or with a right matched personality fit dog. She enjoys the company of other dogs and can be quite playful…a bit rough at times and has to be reminded of her manners.

She is loving plus goofy to all humans when she is in her ‘bloodhound’ mode. When she decides to be a Pyr, she is more aloof, independent and will make people work for her attention. Have to love her honesty!

She has come a long way also with her comfort level on floors that are wood over being tile. Very proud of her for conquering that fear!

She is 100% housebroken, unknown with how she is with cats, can go to a home that works full-time, part-time, from home, semi-retired, retired etc.

She has also come miles with her obedience and leash manners. She can still pull when she loses focus yet, that is getting better and better.

She is both crate trained and has proven 100% trustworthy in our home.

This does not stop her from taking advantage of an opportunity if one presents itself! The honest thief! Very rare and far between.

She is a gorgeous girl, loyal and vocal at times to express her feelings of ‘yay, you are home!’ or ‘YES! DINNER time!’ 

I could look into her eyes forever…really gorgeous…..

Pictures are never really going to capture how magnificent she looks yet, Melissa, you should did a fabu job! Thank you again for this amazing photo’s of her!

BHRR’s Waffle! YOU did it! Now, for that right matched forever loving home to find you!

Please consider sharing her photo so that others may find her and perhaps, one of those people may end up being her forever loving right home!

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Today’s post of immense thanks is extended to Lianne for continuing to be the Doggies bed angel! She donated a Costco Dog bed for Ms. Creme Brûlée and Mr. Miller! Thank you so much and also for the Pinesol!!

Thanks has to also be shouted out to the Maracle Family, Uta, Kim and Lianne for the offer of auction items to our upcoming – starts November 21st! – 8th Annual ‘JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS’ online Auction.

All monies raised shall go to help our dear BHRR’s Maverick, who is back again to KAH today to visit with his ortho specialist who emailed me last night(so appreciate him) saying that it does sound like an infection / rejection from the implant put in July 2013 and wants to see Mavie today.

If anyone else may consider making a donation for our auction, please do email

Thanks in advance!

Feeling truly blessed to know such kind and considerate people that love these dogs of BHRR as much as we do!!


Sean and BHRR’s Mavie ‘hamming’ it up at KAH while we wait for our appointment!

Two special ‘men’ in my life!

Weight today is 51.5 KGs! Yes….we are back up….

UPDATE: he has now started Baytril 3 x 150 mg Every 12 hours and is in tomorrow to see an ortho specialist and I will update his regular ortho specialist tomorrow with the findings of tonights’ visit to KAH.

It does appear that I may well be correct t
hat after 2 years and four months plus from first having the original leg surgery, he is now rejecting this implant. He had this leg first operated on in July 2013. frown emoticon

Here is a photo of his foot tonight. The edema is all over the leg, into his chest and his one lymph node is huge. The vet reviewed his x-Rays taken on Friday and saw a darker area on the one bone, not the one with the plate/screws and wants the ortho specialist to take a closer look. 

He will move up to a higher dose of Tramadol 100 mg x 2 TID and throughout everything he was goofy and being a ham with Sean! AND, the Vet found that he had a swollen area on his other foot in one of his toe areas. We are also running bloodwork and thankfully, he still does not have a fever.

If anyone wishes to consider donating to his bills, please do contact the wonderful folks at Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848. His antibiotics alone are close to $300 and he will need more. 

We are also still in search of auction items for our last planned fundraiser of 2015, our ‘JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS’ online auction and all monies raised shall go direct to BHRR’s Mavie. Please do email us at

We would be so appreciative……beyond appreciative! 

AND we are also using BHRR’s Haileys’ adoption fee of $250 to go towards his rising vet bills. 

AND so important is our wish to all to keep him in their best wishes!

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ISO: Auction Items! For our last planned Fundraiser of 2015!

Our 8th ANNUAL ‘JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS’ Online Auction!

Begins Saturday November 21st!

All monies raised shall go towards BHRR’s Mavie’s, our true Iron Man’s Vet Bills, that are accumulating rapidly again.

He is back tomorrow to the Vets tomorrow as his leg is much worse. Everything has also been sent to his ortho specialist for review and advisement.

Picture in the thread below of how his leg currently looks……..he remains on his medications and is back to eating well, no fever yet is not weight bearing on that leg and it is even more swollen….

BHRR’s Mavie, for those who are not familiar with his journey has had two surgeries on his front legs, ended up reacting to the fixator on the left front leg, then last November rejected the implant in the right front leg and now, is having symptoms very similar on the left front leg.

His Vet Bills are close to $17,000 and rising and to all that know this incredible Great Dane, they shall also state how worthy, deserving and wonderful he is……..

Any consideration of items for our Annual Fundraiser would be deeply appreciated….we only host 5 planned fundraisers each year and we have faced some unexpected emergencies such as almost $6,000 in bills trying to save BHRR’s Porridge in October.

If you may consider a donation of a dog, cat, human item, gift certificate etc., please do email us at

We humbly thank everyone for reading this post……….

AND, please keep this incredible BBBBB in your thoughts and well wishes……

Photo’s of his foot and leg just taken now.

He is back at KAH tomorrow for a 4:10 PM appointment.

If anyone wishes to contribute to this stunning BBBBB, they can do so by calling Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848….the account is under his name ‘Maverick’ under Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)

Or via email transfer

Or via PayPal (please consider using the friend and family option)

Tears freely flowing of deepest gratitude to all of his angels, ours too!!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: Maverick under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

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On November 8th, we received a request to assist this wee cutie – mini aussie, female, 11 months of age, not yet spayed, not utd on vaccines, needs de-worming etc., has a flea infestation, super skinny and is also DEAF / VISUALLY IMPAIRED.

As we approved BHRR’s Hailey’s Adoption and being a special needs rescue, we stepped up immediately to assist.

She was on her way to an uncertain future and being sent to a shelter by her Owner and a kind angel intervened, contacted another beautiful angel that then reached out to us asking if we could take her into our programs.

BHRR is a Great Dane and Giant Breed plus Equine Rescue and, our focus since our inception in 1996 has been on the special needs and with BHRR’s Hailey’s approved adoption, we were so happy to step up to assist this wee honourary soon to be Giant of BHRR. We have assisted a number of Aussie’s over the past shy of 20 years and are excited to meet her!

ETA to BHRR November 15th, 2015.



BHRR did an extremely wonderful and emotional APPROVED ADOPTION today!!

BBBBB Hailey, our senior black gorgeous Great Dane that we posted about earlier this week will be heading to her forever loving adoptive home next week.

I am so so so so happy for her. She and we have waited so patiently for that right matched forever loving home to find her and ‘see’ her for who she is and I am welled up with tears I am so happy…..the best of tears possible…..

This stunning inside and out gal has waited since May of 2013 to be adopted yet, no more… are going to have such a beautiful life!!

She may be 8 in years yet she has so many gifts to give others and lessons to teach so many….

Never enough thanks and appreciation being sent to this wonderful home, who has also adopted from us in the past for opening up their hearts and home to her….

They called her a ‘sweetheart’ and they are so right!!

Congratulations to her new family and to her!!!

BHRR’s Hailey, you are going to have what I always wanted for you, a special amazing home to call your very own…..

Going to go grab another tissue now…..all my fellow team-mates working with me at KAH today are equally so thrilled!


Someone is heading for a play date today!

BHRR’s Hailey! Our senior stunning BBBBB!

Not the best photo!

She weighed 50.7 kgs (111.54 pounds) today at KAH and we also did an Accuplex – Heartworm and TickBorne Panel as she was due this year. 🙂


BHRR’s Mavie – Everyone’s fav ‘Iron Man’
November 6th, 2015

Sadly, BHRR’s Maverick began to suddenly favour the left front leg that has the remaining implant in it last night. As of this AM, he was not weight bearing and though he did not have a fever, it was a bit warm and swollen and he was brought into KAH.

As many are aware, in November of 2014, BHRR’s Maverick, had a violent aggressive reaction to the implant in his right front leg and had to spend several months on strong antibiotics, had to have an emergency surgery to remove the plate/screws and was treated for a terrible abscess from reacting to the implant. His ortho specialist even cultured the implant to see what may be brewing on it…..

How it started with his right leg is how his left leg is now ‘appearing’ to be.

Needless to say, I was and am worried and a thorough exam was done, x-rays under sedation – HENCE, this lovely snoring sleepy photo of BHRR’s Mavie on the x-ray table!

At this time the integrity of the plate and leg look good, he is stil not running a fever and he will be on Tramadol and Deramaxx for pain and inflammation.

The concern for all is ‘if’ there is something possibly brewing in the leg….for he is favouring it and at times not even weight bearing at all.

Also, he was down 4.2 kgs from the last weight I had on him…. Poor man cannot afford to lose any weight. He was 103.84 pounds today. The last weight I had for him was over 51 KGS and gaining….

If anyone wishes to contribute to this stunning BBBBB, they can do so by calling Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848….the account is under his name ‘Maverick’ under Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)

Or via email transfer

Or via PayPal (please consider using the friend and family option)

Tears freely flowing of deepest gratitude to all of his angels, ours too!!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: Maverick under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

He is our over $16,000 BHRR boy and rising.

Any consideration to his bills would be so appreciated……..

We also did ears and nails while he was under.

Love this boy….just love him….

Please keep him in your best wishes plus thoughts….


BHRR’s Salem had her annual tonight and she truly charmed the pants off everyone! What a difference time, patience, obedience, consistency and lots of love have helped her blossom into the dog she now is!

Social is such a beautiful word to describe her now!

Unfortunately, her weight has ballooned up and she is now 63.1 KGS(138.82 pounds) and so, she is now eating back in a crate for clearly she is sneaking others food! Sneaky opportunistic girl!

I knew her waistline had disappeared somewhat and losing 10 pounds is going to be a good start for her!

She is young and still maturing yet this is too much weight for her at this time/age.

All of us continue to wait patiently(HER also!) for that right matched forever loving home to find her.

BHRR’s Skye(Neo) – October 31st, 2015

It is her turn to be our Cover Girl!

On October 30th, she weighed 106.48 pounds.

On October 31st, she had her professional photo shoot and thank you again to Wendi for the extra hands to give her more positive experiences and thanks to Melissa for the great talented photo’s of this stunning gal!

BHRR’s Skye felt so comfortable with Wendi, just as she did with all the staff, at KAH on the Friday.

She was worried of the photographer at first, even before the camera came out yet by the end of the session, she was sitting, focused, intent and happy to be friends with Melissa! Treats are a great ‘ice breaker’.

She will always need careful integration with strange dogs as they can and do worry and stress her out yet, she lives in complete harmony at BHRR with all the dogs thanks to the patience, and understanding of her fear. AND, the more that she has careful integration, the less time she is going to need each time for that integration to become fast friends with other dogs……

If she just has a bit of time to soak up all the sounds, sights, smells etc. around her, she relaxes and is so affectionate, playful, loving, kind, will sing you a song if you are lucky! and when she gives you her heart and trust… will feel so humbled…….

I love this photo so much for she is looking at me as Melissa is taking her photo….she makes me feel like I am the luckiest person in the world….she has given me her trust and loyalty and I would never betray that…..

She knows that I would never hurt her, put her in a situation of harm and in turn, she has gifted me so much…..those eyes of hers, have so many untold stories behind them and incredibly gorgeous they are!

She has a ways to go yet before she is ready to be placed up for adoption yet for a dog that lacked so much in socialization with both humans and dogs, she is a ROCK star…… just has to understand that she is scared about being hurt…..she was poled in the shelter she came from and that did not help at all….yet, she is leaps and bounds away from the broken, confused, scared girl that first arrived to BHRR……

She is getting more and more comfortable in her own skin and learning to love herself and gosh, she makes me beam with so much pride and warmth over how awesome she is!!!

Obedience with leash manners…..well, we are still working on that!

You humble me BHRR’s Skye….you make me a better person, owner, trainer and behavioural person……thank you for your gifts…

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I have been promising BHRR’s Oakley’s previous home photo’s for a LONG time! It is so hard to snag photo’s of him…he is one active busy blurry dude outside in trying to capture him in film! Video is not much better!

Yet, here are two from today!

Still wanting to see more weight on him(those hip should be a bit more rounded) yet, I am pleased with how he is eating. He was one of the dogs deeply affected by the contaminated food donated our way in January by another group and he is monitored closely and continually.

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November is ADOPT-A-SENIOR-Month!

Meet BHRR’s Hailey, one of our BBBBB’s – she turned 8 years young in October.
*Please consider sharing her photo/blog*

National Adopt a Senior Pet Month, which runs through the end of November, has so many rescues hoping that those looking to adopt a new canine companion will consider adding a senior pet to their home.

Senior pets tend to spend the longest amount of time at a shelter or rescue before finding their forever home — if they find one at all, that is. Older canines and felines of advanced age have higher euthanasia rates than their younger counterparts.

BHRR’s Hailey has been patiently waiting since May 23rd, 2013, as have we and all of her fans for her right matched forever loving home to find her. BHRR’s Hailey has a sad added disadvantage, she is also black….the Big Black Dog Syndrome, a well known phenomena comes into play for her also. While we love our BBBBB’s – black dogs, especially BIG or Giant black dogs, are the hardest colour to adopt.

She is affectionate, patient, kind, loving, calm yet more than active/energetic enough for wonderful walks and strolls and has had many years to perfect that Dane Lean and Bed Hogger plus Foot warming skills!

When people meet her, they are quite surprised to know that this gorgeous BBBBB is now 8. Age is but a number, really….senior pets have so much to give and share in loyalty, love, heart plus soul. You can truly be saving a life that someone else turned away from…..

When you adopt an older pet, you know pretty much what to expect. Senior cats and dogs are already fully grown/mature, their personalities have developed, and many are already trained. But, that doesn’t mean you can’t teach an old dog new tricks! Senior dogs are often easier to train than puppies due to their calm demeanor and prior interactions with human companions. Older pets can be great matches for so many homes.

Here is what one of person who had a special picnic play date had to say about BHRR’s Hailey:

” She has wowed everyone she has met today. Just got back from another walk and she is snoozing away again 😀 ”

Here is a testimonial from M. Wright from her experience with  BHRR’s Hailey at the end of September 2015:

“When I met her at Dine with the Dogs I completely fell in love with her! She came to quietly sit in front of me during all the excitement and would softly put her paw on my leg if I stopped petting her, asking for more loving 🙂 . She would be the perfect dog to cuddle with on the couch for a movie 🙂 “

I think someone is a wee bit excited to go for a car ride!!

I have a sign for ‘car’ and BHRR’s Bell LOVES her car rides now!! Loves!! She is hearing and visually impaired.

AND I love her!!

Not yet Available for Adoption….
