BHRR’s Skye(Neo) – October 31st, 2015

It is her turn to be our Cover Girl!

On October 30th, she weighed 106.48 pounds.

On October 31st, she had her professional photo shoot and thank you again to Wendi for the extra hands to give her more positive experiences and thanks to Melissa for the great talented photo’s of this stunning gal!

BHRR’s Skye felt so comfortable with Wendi, just as she did with all the staff, at KAH on the Friday.

She was worried of the photographer at first, even before the camera came out yet by the end of the session, she was sitting, focused, intent and happy to be friends with Melissa! Treats are a great ‘ice breaker’.

She will always need careful integration with strange dogs as they can and do worry and stress her out yet, she lives in complete harmony at BHRR with all the dogs thanks to the patience, and understanding of her fear. AND, the more that she has careful integration, the less time she is going to need each time for that integration to become fast friends with other dogs……

If she just has a bit of time to soak up all the sounds, sights, smells etc. around her, she relaxes and is so affectionate, playful, loving, kind, will sing you a song if you are lucky! and when she gives you her heart and trust… will feel so humbled…….

I love this photo so much for she is looking at me as Melissa is taking her photo….she makes me feel like I am the luckiest person in the world….she has given me her trust and loyalty and I would never betray that…..

She knows that I would never hurt her, put her in a situation of harm and in turn, she has gifted me so much…..those eyes of hers, have so many untold stories behind them and incredibly gorgeous they are!

She has a ways to go yet before she is ready to be placed up for adoption yet for a dog that lacked so much in socialization with both humans and dogs, she is a ROCK star…… just has to understand that she is scared about being hurt…..she was poled in the shelter she came from and that did not help at all….yet, she is leaps and bounds away from the broken, confused, scared girl that first arrived to BHRR……

She is getting more and more comfortable in her own skin and learning to love herself and gosh, she makes me beam with so much pride and warmth over how awesome she is!!!

Obedience with leash manners…..well, we are still working on that!

You humble me BHRR’s Skye….you make me a better person, owner, trainer and behavioural person……thank you for your gifts…

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