November is ADOPT-A-SENIOR-Month!

Meet BHRR’s Hailey, one of our BBBBB’s – she turned 8 years young in October.
*Please consider sharing her photo/blog*

National Adopt a Senior Pet Month, which runs through the end of November, has so many rescues hoping that those looking to adopt a new canine companion will consider adding a senior pet to their home.

Senior pets tend to spend the longest amount of time at a shelter or rescue before finding their forever home — if they find one at all, that is. Older canines and felines of advanced age have higher euthanasia rates than their younger counterparts.

BHRR’s Hailey has been patiently waiting since May 23rd, 2013, as have we and all of her fans for her right matched forever loving home to find her. BHRR’s Hailey has a sad added disadvantage, she is also black….the Big Black Dog Syndrome, a well known phenomena comes into play for her also. While we love our BBBBB’s – black dogs, especially BIG or Giant black dogs, are the hardest colour to adopt.

She is affectionate, patient, kind, loving, calm yet more than active/energetic enough for wonderful walks and strolls and has had many years to perfect that Dane Lean and Bed Hogger plus Foot warming skills!

When people meet her, they are quite surprised to know that this gorgeous BBBBB is now 8. Age is but a number, really….senior pets have so much to give and share in loyalty, love, heart plus soul. You can truly be saving a life that someone else turned away from…..

When you adopt an older pet, you know pretty much what to expect. Senior cats and dogs are already fully grown/mature, their personalities have developed, and many are already trained. But, that doesn’t mean you can’t teach an old dog new tricks! Senior dogs are often easier to train than puppies due to their calm demeanor and prior interactions with human companions. Older pets can be great matches for so many homes.

Here is what one of person who had a special picnic play date had to say about BHRR’s Hailey:

” She has wowed everyone she has met today. Just got back from another walk and she is snoozing away again 😀 ”

Here is a testimonial from M. Wright from her experience with  BHRR’s Hailey at the end of September 2015:

“When I met her at Dine with the Dogs I completely fell in love with her! She came to quietly sit in front of me during all the excitement and would softly put her paw on my leg if I stopped petting her, asking for more loving 🙂 . She would be the perfect dog to cuddle with on the couch for a movie 🙂 “