BHRR's Porridge is long overdue for an update. I was waiting for all findings and testing to be back before posting. He is officially diagnosed with Inflammatory Nasal Disease. One of the things I felt he could have. I was not 100% convinced(LOVE my Vet team) re: the nasal tumor and yet, also did believe them that this could have been a nasal obstruction situation. They have been all on board and supportive with me looking for second and third and more in respect to opinions and, expertise to help me and, in turn, possibly help him.

Unfortunately, the IND is due to auto-immune reasons and I could move on to all sorts of biopsies and tissue samples and surgeries(IF he would even survive the anesthetic) and, knowing that there is nothing that can resolve his situation(I did not think by going down this further route of investigation that there was going to be some miracle cure or treatment yet, I wanted to know if there was something missing in the equation that could give him a longer better qualify filled life). Sadly, not really….he remains on the Pred with 50 mg SID and, we continue to love him, have play dates and spoiling visits with family and friends and tons of his fans!

The terrible part in all of this is, that with the warmer weather, he is struggling further and, my promise has always remained to him quality of life…qualify of life, no matter how much I am dying inside of pain over the inevitable and all too soon loss of his amazing presence.

With him struggling more when it is quite humid, he is at high risk of laryngeal paralysis, or polyneuropathy complex. He panics when he cannot breathe quite right(his right nostril is completely blocked), mostly in the middle of the night, AND, only on the extreme humid nights, even with a/c blasting. I was going to let him go this week, as, no way, did I want to see him in that state….through these two nights though, he has eaten(he has been off the mirtazapine for ages now), drank, played, rested(in his special resting position and, doing great!), energy level is pretty much back to normal and he has put on much of the weight he lost…still a wee bit spiny yet, he is now over the age of 6 and getting 'old man' spread as we call it. To watch him zip and zoom is like nothing is wrong with him…..

Then, the temperatures dropped again, and, he was all back on track…so, then, I did not bring him in to let him go. I have the three 24/7 emerge hospitals at my fingertips to bring him in on a moment's notice if need be for, we are facing a time clock that as much as I would like to turn to the fall, winter or even earlier spring, I cannot. So, as summer approaches, it is killing him and, while so many of us look forward to summer, to me, it is a death sentence for him and, for me, my nightmares coming closer to reality………… 🙁 🙁

The one and only 'acceptance of peace' that I have in my heart and soul is that I have covered all medical ground that I felt I needed to, and left no rock unturned to give him all that he deserves and, that is a peace that I did not have before…..

To be better informed of his condition, to know that aryngeal paralysis, or polyneuropathy complex is highly possible for him and, to know that there is nothing more than quality of time, tons of spoiling love and lots of treats, is all that I can give him is the only gift I have to cherish. He has been through enough and, the rest of his time is going to be ALL the things he loves and, all the people that he loves and that love him……what I tell many of my behavioural clients, is what I am going to embrace now….'no glass bubble' and 'do not mourn him as if he is already gone in the time I have left as, that time cannot be taken back and re-lived'….'live in the moment and to the fullest'…

AND, no one can believe that he is still with us and looking mighty fine!!! So, please keep him in your best of blessings, thoughts and well wishes…..he is one HECK of a special dog…..LOVE you BHRR's Porridge….I remember holding you in the palm of one hand and fighting for a month to save you and the rest of your litter plus mom from the freezing outside weather of March/April…..and, watching you put MegaE in its place – the specialists said you would die long before your reached adult hood! We watched you stare IS in the face AND, we watched you grow up to be 178 pounds of uber fantastical love. 🙂 🙂 You have given us so much….I can only hope in turn, that we gave back to you on iota of the heart, soul, joy, laughter and care that you bestowed upon us………..

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Porridge’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Porridge Angels  $955.50* donated to date & Bills are close to $5,000
*Before PayPal fees
PV Stittsville Nail Trim/Grind Event
Pam – PayPal took $0.59 in fees
Bob & Hazel – Pred donated on behalf of their RIP dear Eddie
BHRR's April 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House – Donations and 50/50 (split between BHRR's Porridge & BHRR's Coach
Wendi – 'Vegan Cupcakes To The Rescue' Easter Fundraiser

We were contacted on April 28th from a very lovely rescue soul re: an EM that was only 16 months of age and has severe HD. She is utd on vaccines, spayed and, is palliative……
BHRR has been saving our next spot for her. We have only brought in two dogs into BHRR to date in 2014 – April 5th with BHRR's Leroy and April 27th with BHRR's Ethel.
BHRR's Zayna will be the third and, with good blessings of more pending adoptions, we can bring her into BHRR for June 22nd.
She is safe at this time with a great foster via the rescue group that originally contacted us for assistance with her.


BHRR's Jetta's hv for her possible adoption is on Sunday. Here are some photo's of her from May 20th, 2014.

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BHRR's Aslan has his special picnic date on Saturday May 24th, and, below are some photo's courtesy of the extremely lovely family that had him for the day! AND, a bit of a blurb about their time with him!

I met up with his foster dad after he had his date and, mentioned to his foster dad what an absolutely wonderful job they were doing with him and, to just cut down his food slightly to get him less plump. He has been garnering some interest this past week and, we remain patient for that right matched forever loving home to find him!

Thank you for bringing Aslan by today.  We had a great visit.  As promised here are a few pics. I’ll send a few more in another email.  
He was a bit anxious after you dropped him off, but we brought him out to the backyard and he was distracted by his mission to pee on all of the plants (and BBQ) 🙂  He had one moment where he was a bit nervous when Andrew came down stairs after his shower, but after about 2 seconds he was fine.  We took him for a few walks today and he had fun sniffing around the neighbourhood and making a few new friends. He was a really good boy and a lot of fun to have for the day.  
Thanks again, Katy & Andrew

IMG_0932 (Medium) IMG_0926 (Medium)BHRR's Aslan May 24th

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BHRR's Flint has been ADOPTED!

***I held him close, whispered into BHRR's Flint's ear and told him just how proud I am of him, that he deserves nothing but the best and, to keep being such an incredible asset/ambassador to his breed!
I told him how brave he was, thanked him for making me a better person and enriching our home plus heart and, that I would miss him dearly yet, he does not need me any longer…….LOVE you so much BHRR's Flint! CONGRATS!

photo 3 photo 1Flintadopt1BHRR's Flint – May 25th

I now have BHRR's Aslan back under my care. I met up with his approved temp foster dad earlier tonight. It was so nice to see him again! I have not seen him in months!!! I have heard from the foster dad and three others that, my boy apparently, went on a walk organized by another person who had adopted from BHRR two years ago and did very well. Very proud of his temp foster home for continuing to build upon the strong foundation built at BHRR and, this dog has continued to prove how great he is with cats! AND, lovely to have our outstanding temp foster homes continue to give of themselves again and again to temp foster. This wonderful home has temp fostered three dogs for us to date! 🙂 I updated the temp foster dad on a dog that they temp fostered for us and had been adopted in December of 2011. 🙂 It is always nice to keep our foster homes in the loop on how the dogs they have helped are doing. 🙂

Below are four photo's that my daughter snagged with my iPhone in the car on our way home.

When we arrived home, he was once again nervous of Sean and Mason yet, settled down wonderfully with Mason and, not long after with Sean. AND, the two of them are 'bunking' it tonight! BHRR's Aslan has been glued to my side since I arrived home and with these temps, it is like having a 'fur' blanket….is he ever warm!!

BHRR's Aslan has his special picnic date on Saturday and after that, I will meet back up with his temp foster dad to have him go back to the home to be temp fostered. I gave the home three more bags of food for this sweet boy. He is looking great…a wee bit plump, yet, nothing terrible and, we have dogs in our own home that are also plump and it is a work in progress. As, long as we work to get the weight off and be cognizant of the weight gain, all will be fine. I am constantly managing even my own dogs' food intake etc. to try and keep them at an ideal weight. I am so grateful to BHRR's Aslans' temp foster home for everything!!

I could tell how much he cares for his temp foster dad and vice versa. That is so warm to see…… 🙂 Knowing that our dogs are in the best of hands, is so important and heart touching. 🙂

I know his special picnic date home is excited about seeing him on Saturday!!! He remains available for adoption, and, we remain patient!

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BHRR's Aslan May 23rd, 2014

BHRR's Angel Noelle had her special picnic date on Wednesday May 21st! 🙂 A lovely time was had by all! Below are some photo's of her and some words from the home. I had sent them an email in the afternoon just to touch base and, see how things were going. 🙂 Thank you SO much for giving her this wonderful positive experience. She was still very worried when I left yet, settled faster this time than, her first time without me and, with three children and, another dog(close in age) to play with this time around, she did so well!!! She was over the moon ecstatic to see me and, I missed her too BUT, she does not need me any longer and, hoping that her right matched forever loving home shall find her soon. 🙂 If not, we remain patient.

I did explain to the home that when BHRR's Noelle settles in, she is a lot less quiet and loves to play and interact. 😉 Photo's are courtesy of the home – Cherie M. Thank you!

"Actually, it is going really well.  My girls really love Angel Noelle.  Her tail is finally up and wagging!  🙂  (when she first got here, it was a little wag and tight to her bum)  Right now, the pups are outside.  Angel Noelle seems to be keeping X calm!!  🙂  At one point, I think X was jealous with all the attention Angel Noelle, so X flopped down in the hallway and gave a big sigh.  Angel Noelle went over and touch noses with her.  (like to say "what's wrong?")  Very cute. We are having such a great time.  She is such a lovely dog and so quiet!"

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BHRR's Flint's hv has now been scheduled for Sunday May 25th. Will update his blog as I can.

A. Thornback

Love the work that you do, so thankful that there are loving/caring people like you and all of your volunteers out there.  My partner and I are animal lovers who have taken in many rescues over the years we've been together. Will send you a pic of my four legged furballs.  Best wishes to you and your organization!

BHRR's Flint is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION! We will update his blog as we can. Everything crossed that this is that right matched forever loving home meant for him.

BHRR's Groves is AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION again as, the home did not pass their Vet Reference. For any home considering to adopt from BHRR, please do note that all current and past pets MUST be proactively and preventatively vetted. This means, spayed/neutered, utd on vaccines, heartworm testing, heartworm preventative, fecals, any required vetting as in surgeries – ie dentals, cruciates etc.

To spend all the dedication, commitment, love, heart, soul and finances on our dogs to successfully rehab them, we will not consider placing them into any home that does not also believe in proper preventative plus proactive vet care.

I had BHRR's Leroy scheduled to come into work with me on Wednesday yet, his one ear – right – seemed to be 'flaring' up on the outside, on Sunday and, I monitored and, decided that he should come into work with me today. We did an ear cytology on both ears yet, no yeast in either ears were found and, just some few cocci on the outside of the right ear. We are going to put him on Burrow's for the next while and, I plus his Vet are wondering about possible seasonal allergies.

The Vet did find his eyes to be very slightly 'weepy' and, in one of his arm pits, fairly red and when rubbing his back, seemed to really enjoy the rub. I have some medicated shampoo to help with any possible Seborrhea  brewing issues.

He is eating very well – he was up another 14.3 pounds and weighed 58.4 KGs(128.48 pounds) today. I would like to see another 10 on him or so. I am still feeding him three times a day.

He showed the Vet how he could sit, lay down, give one paw and, stay. He also showed all that if he really wants to visit, he still wants to just 'go' more often than staying focused! LOL His leash manners continue to improve!

He also had a mani/pedi today! 😀 AND, I think the hi-light for him was having Auntie Margaret come and visit him…me too! 😉 He was loved on and snuggled and cuddled and smooched by her!

I had wanted to place him up for adoption after the Vet visit tomorrow, and, with the reschedule and, now perhaps needing to determine if he 'may' have some mild seasonal allergies, he is going to stay unavailable for another week or so. I just want to be sure that we can give any possible future right matched home the best medical full disclosure we can. We are not like other groups for we are very proactive plus preventative in our Vet care. We do heartworm testing, put the dogs on heartworm preventative, de-worm, give vaccines including boosters and rabies and, not just the first set, we spay/neuter, we do all necessary and emergency surgeries that include amputations and dentals and cruciate repairs etc. We also do proper behavioural and temperament assessments/evaluations plus start obedience training so, we are not pumping the dogs in and, out. We want the best for each and every dog that comes under our authority.

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Leroy’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Leroy’s Angels  $105.00* donated to date & Bills are $674.90
*Before PayPal fees

I am WAY overdue on photo's for BHRR's Canvas. Here are two taken today! We continue to be patient for that right matched forever loving home to find him. AND, if any of our approved BHRR Homes would like a playdate/playvisit with him, PLEASE EMAIL

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BHRR's Canvas – May 20th, 2014

BHRR's Maverick ended up not having a play date on April 19th yet, he did on April 26th. He was up another 3.3 pounds upon weigh-in that day! That is close to 30 pounds now since he first arrived yet, we still need more weight. Yet, YAY! YAY! for him! He was taken to PetSmart and CocoMutts and, had a nice walk with the kind people that took him out. He was a BIG hit yet again with all that met him. What a ham! 🙂 Apparently, he drew quite a big crowd at PetSmart as soon as he walked in the door and, nobody could move for some time.

Below are a few pictures of him in the car from that day! This is the bed that I gave to BHRR's Reese the day that I dropped her off for her last transitional adoption play date/sleep over. Special bed for special dogs!

He was to have his special picnic date on Mother's Day and, we had all picnic made(special Mother's Day treaties made also for the home) and, he hurt one of his toes. 🙁 He is back up and running, literally now and, so we will reschedule the picnic for June. I was hoping to do the picnic date prior to his special announcement yet, may make it earlier. 😉

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BHRR's Maverick – April 26th, 2014


We have a date for a hv, finally scheduled! YAY! Sunday June 1st! I shall be taking BHRR's Jetta and BHRR's Dyson with me to this hv. The home had been here at our November BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House and, they have always loved Jetta and, were happy to see that she was back safe with us and, they also enjoyed BHRR's Dyson. Will update her blog as we can!

Here are three photo's from right now taken of her in our still almost fully renovated sunroom! Sean hopes that we can finish it off this long weekend. I hope so as we have a couple of other big projects planned for 2014. We are renovating the rec room downstairs, now that we have our cottage shed (taking out the old solarium and putting in new doors and closing up the current door area) and, putting up a new wooden fence down most of the one stretch by the pond to the barn etc. We have also almost fully renovated the third bathroom, the powder room downstairs – we used the left over porcelain tile from the sunroom. I also need to put down more gravel and grade the laneway(done every two years) and, cut the horse pastures again(done yearly). 🙂

We are really excited for our upcoming June BHRR "EXPERIENCE" Mini Open House to have people 'experience' the latest renovations. 🙂 With the nice weather, I now have the screened in porch all set-up for summer, the pool is pretty much open and the, gorgeous ceramic tile fire-pit that Mason/Sean gave to me for XMAS is all ready to go by the pool for the enjoyment of our guests. New solar lights have also been put in from an auction item that I won in supporting another rescue. New solar lights also upfront on the walk-way, from another auction item that I won to support another group. 🙂

We continue to save up to get the whole main floor area re-done. Wear and tear from dogs and kids alike, is not good on the floors! 😀

photo 1 photo 2 photo 3BHRR's Jetta – May 16th, 2014

I touched base with BHRR's Aslan's temp foster home recently to see how things were going and, if they needed anything plus to make arrangements to get him to his special picnic date. 🙂 I will take some photo's at that time to update his blog. 🙂

Here is what they sent back on May 10th:

"Will be sure to give him an extra good bushing.  He has been shedding like crazy along with the other two here. Gotta love spring lol We are good to temp foster him again after his date, just let me know around what time and we can plan to be home. Thanks"


Here are some photo's of BHRR's Treasure from the PAWS event weekend in April! I still think I should have called him 'Trouble'! 😉

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BHRR's Treasure – April 13th, 2014
*Photo's courtesy of AMB Photography

Nevenka Rene

Thank you for everything you're doing. I know how much time and love giant breeds do request. I lost my Dane in February, this is my way to honor his memory and our ten years together.

Thank you again for all the amazing work you and yours are doing.



BHRRs' Groves is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION! We shall update his blog as we can, and below are two photo's from our BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House in November of 2013.

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BHRR's Groves – November 23rd, 2013
*Photo's courtesy of L. Evans

BHRR's Bloom refuses to be 'outdone' by HQD AND, so, here are her own photo shoot photo's from today! 😉

She remains available for adoption and, is a big hit for all those that come to BHRR yet, most homes have cats or are not in a position to take on a Dane that is a bit more on the 'diva', high maintenance side. 😀

She is a charmer!!!

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BHRR's Bloom – May 15th, 2014


HQD wants to share some photo's just taken! 🙂 Well, she may not want them even taken but, they are awesome, so, I am posting! She continues to go on strong and, I am keeping my eyes peeled for more special blankets for her. That is her biggest pleasure plus comfort and after being denied almost 9 years of her life from spoiling and loving care, she is going to get them! So, please, if, anyone, knows of where I can find some 'Salma' blankets, let me know!

At the age of now over 10, the Dogo that we thought we were going to lose late last year, has bounced back from what I discovered was a nasty UTI and not her Cancer and, she is looking great, doing great and, making me proud. Well, maybe, not for the 'Boot Camp' part! LOL She now has BHRR's Ethel trying to get up on the couch…sigh….LOL

We keep working on those long nails and through time, they are getting much shorter plus, the years of abuse of her licking her feet and legs are slowly beginning to lessen with the stains of her saliva. Underneath is a beautiful soft and glorious coat of a clean white dog. 🙂

The first photo is of her sleeping and the next is when she opened her eyes as I 'disturbed' her rest with my iPhone to snap the pictures. HEE! She is SOOOOOOOOOOOO expressive without even saying a word or making a sound.

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BHRR's Salma – May 15th, 2014


Once he figured out the 'use' your other senses more and what little eyesight he has, less; he has bombed along with his scent, touching and hearing training! 🙂 I had to blindfold him for he was trying to hard to use what very limited sight he had and, it was greatly delaying his development. He was bumping into things and, scaring himself and, setting himself up for failure and, really shaking his confidence, especially in new venues/arenas. He was also stressing himself out and becoming frustrated. NOT any longer!!! YAY! 🙂

He still does some head bobbing and head shaking yet he is so much more stable now, that he has honed his other senses and is 'aware' of his surroundings via those other senses and, is more comfortable and confident. He still is unsure in strange situations yet, his sister tends to give him the confidence he lacks in those settings. I would like to see him in a home with at least one other right matched personality fit dog. Special Needs, great. Not Special Needs, great. Matters naught. Male or female, as long as it is that right fit, that is what is most important.

Once he is comfortable, he is so much more brave and outgoing and, now takes on the 3+ acres with nary a worry. He does like to try and be one of the 'big boys' and, it is cute to witness. He likes to hang with the big guys, sauntering along, especially with my Big Blue Bronson, who is so tolerant and mindful of the 'wee' giant! He does have a bit of an 'excitement' drive with the BHRR Flower Girls as, they like to be fast and flighty. He also likes to chase the dogs as they are running in the field AND, he is sharpening up those stalking skills for, he is not far behind them now. He is tracking incredibly well and, I am very proud of him.

He does not like being alone and, so I really would like to not see him being an only dog. He has learned to like his own company yet, loving it is not there and, that is fine. I like my friends and, it is important for dogs to also have their own social friend/buddy network. He and his sister remain close yet, each has developed their own relationships with other dogs as they should for they are individuals and have had to be taught how to strengthen their weaknesses instead of relying on each other for that. He is great with all dogs of all sizes and, people too. He can even go to a home that has older – 7+ in age children.

He is so chill and calm and, loves to snuggle and can do that for hours and hours. On the couch, would make him even happier! 😉 He is so precious and a real piece of gold and, makes me feel quite protective of him(no glass bubbles though!) and, though, he is active, he is not a delightful handful of high maintenance like his sister. 😀

I want any home to understand that though, he does not require any medication for his heart at this time, ventricular arrhythmia, he may require some in his future or, he may never require any medication.

He is yet another BHRR versatile dog and can go to a home that works from home, pt, ft in or out of the home, semi-retired or retired. 🙂

Like his sister, BHRR's Coco Chanel, he can still test me with the leash yet, his is more that he is not comfortable and he loves his routine, structure and patience is necessary to keep him building on the strong foundation of him being the best dog he can be!

He travels like a pro on the car and, is housebroken, crate trained and has proven 100% reliable in the house(would not recommend that to any forever loving home to do that in the beginning) and, like his sister, his 'weakness' comes in with threads of throw rugs.

He likes to 'stalk' me when I am on the couch just, like his sister does and 'save' me from the blanket I try to use. LOL

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BHRR's Purse Puppy, Coach – May 13th, 2014

BHRR's Chanel is NOW AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!!! I was waiting for a day that was not so rainy so, that we could take some wonderful new utd photo's! AND, I was not disappointed by the wait!!! Absolutely incredible photo's of both of the BHRR Purse Puppies were taken.

I would like to see her in a home that will continue to work with her as she is blind. She has excelled with scent plus touch training not to mention her listening skills. 🙂 She is a busy active feisty wee 'giant'! Sean continues to say that, if we did not have our own dogs, that she would be one that he really would love to have. THAT speaks volumes. I almost worry about her as she is such a big risk taker, no fear and, she would do wonderfully in obedience, or other active mentally stimulating activities. Physical activities, as long as they are adjusted to her visual impairment, is a thumbs up also! She needs a 'job'. She is a wonderful and delightful handful as I am known to say and, on the higher end of maintenance. 😀

She is a girl with a mind and no telling her that she should be slowing down! She can still 'test' me with the leash manners BUT, you want to see a stop, turn and recall on a dime motion, well, that is here. She can be in the 3+ fenced in acreage and, one single call and, she is BOOM! On her way back to me and, planting herself for a very solid 'sit' at my feet! THUMBS up BHRR's Purse Puppy! 🙂

She has developed this very high almost 'shriek' when she is over the top excited and oh, lord, thank goodness, it does not go 'off' too often!!! cheekyShe is crate trained, housebroken and, great with dogs of all sizes and people. She has also proven reliable outside of a crate yet, not recommended for any forever loving home to do that until she earns that trust for freedom. Her one weakness seems to be rugs with threads that she and her brother, BHRR's Coach can 'unravel'…. She is excellent in the car.

Who one thing remains is that she loves to be around you, touching you sometimes yet, DOES NOT like to be restrained for anything…nails, bw etc., makes her a wiggle worm monster. She has come a long way yet, still it is almost all hands on deck to do what we need to do. She is not aggressive, she is just not wanting to do anything like that unless it is on 'her' terms.

She is affectionate, loyal, sweet and, like several of the dogs that we have been blessed to have at BHRR she does nothing half measure. It is all in or nothing for this gem! I love that about her. Lack of eyesight does not hinder her at all. She is one of the most fearless dogs I know. As soon as she is comfortable, she is off and going. Does not take her too long to warm up in strange situations and, then, it is go, go and go.

She sleeps like a log at night and, please do not tell her yet, she does do some soft snorting in her sleep! I would like to see her in a home with at least one other right matched personality fit dog, male or female is not what is important. That best fit is what matters the most. She likes her friends.

If you can win over this young lady's heart, she will give you her soul and, work on giving you the stars plus moon. This is the kind of dog that, seriously would lay down her life for you. Without hesitation if she felt she had to. It humbles me immensely to think, I have earned that kind of trust from her.

I have photo's of her and her brother in a 'pointer' stance and, they both definitely love to 'stalk' and retrieve. I have been 'saved' from many a toy and blanket thanks to their diligence in making sure that they were snatched away from me just at the point of me being comfortable. LOL One, never knows when a blanket or toy may cause me serious harm as I sit on a couch. They will 'tag' team and, I have a photo of both of them on the stalking prowl on the lawn. They 'prey' was Mason!

She can go to a home with older children, a home that works from home pt, semi-retired, retired, a home that works ft in or out of the home…once, again, another very versatile BHRR dog.

When it is her turn to be adopted, gosh, she is going to leave a massive hole in our home and in Sean's heart…….

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BHRR's Coco Chanel – May 13th, 2014

BHRR's Reese has had a great few days with her potential new forever loving home. I am so filled with the best of tears and warmth to say that she is ADOPTED!!!

In my almost 30 years in these trenches, each dog has touched me in a special way….then, there is BHRR's Reese. There are almost no words to express what all of this means to me, and to me for her.

This is is the completely withdrawn, uncommunicative, almost 'autistic' dog that came to BHRR in July of 2013. Many that attended our 6th Annual  "JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS' Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser the day after her arrival witnessed firsthand how emotionally unavailable and unresponsive and closed in a world of her own, one of darkness she was.

NO longer! This is the Dobie Doll AKA Bambi Baby that counts, and can recall, and 'check-ins', that is crate trained and house broken and leash trained and, travels beautifully in a car…this is the amazing wee 'giant' that knows 'front feet up' 'door', 'stay close', 'wait' and 'come' and many many many more words! 😀 She could climb on the couch and HQD would tuck her all in.

The puppy that once was deaf and blind, had a smell impairment in addition to neuro issues has become the dog that is well balanced and quite social and while blind, she does hear 'tones' and 'sounds' and, as her inner ear infections cleared up, she was hearing more and more and, her smell is more focused – except when it comes to food and treats! The, she is in 'piggy' land! 😉 She can focus and she is not as OCD and she, does not resort back to stress behaviour of lip licking and, air grabbing…..

This girl is inspirational…I remember once thinking 'how do I help her'…and 'can I even help her'…..well, she helped me to help her….people say, I am to thank for saving this girl…well, you know what, she was equally if not more, the 'teacher' than I! She was an excellent teacher, and, I her pupil in so many ways…

Simply put, this dog is magnificent and, in doing a transitional adoption over the past few months, it has set her and the home up for success.

I am going to deeply miss my feisty, spunky monkey! AND, her play buddies(YES, she plays!) of the Purse Puppies, BHRR's Groves & Mr. Bubbles are sure going to miss her!!! AND, yes me too…..

I well up and spill tears of so much happiness for this incredible dog!!!! Through, those tears, I am beaming….just beaming…..

THANKS you BHRR's Reese….thank you for touching me so deeply, for being my instructor, for being a mentor, for helping me to help you and for being YOU!!! Thank your trust……I am humbled……….

My wish for her one day, would be to see this gift of a girl, be a therapy dog for, she has an aura about her….that is truly magical and soothing….yet, at the end of the day, my biggest wish of all has come true….a forever loving home of her very own to call 'family'……..

Below is a photo of BHRR's Reese on Saturday May 10th from the home, called 'nap time'. I sent off a new bed with BHRR's Reese, now, to get her to lay on it! One of her big 'siblings' is another BHRR dog and, blessed are we, that we could place another dog in this lovely home. Yes the photo is blurry yet, isn't it still precious!?!



BHRR's Leroy shall be coming into work with me one day within the next week or so, for a re-weigh, re-exam etc. He is putting on the weight really nicely and, it shall not be long now before he will have his own special announcement to make! 🙂 His lymph nodes etc. have all checked out clean to date! YAY!

He is down to eating three meals a day.

He also has the best in 'selective' hearing other than HQD that I have experienced in some time! LOL What a goofball!

Here are a couple of photo's from him the PAWS event on April 12th with Sean at the BBQ right by the truck. When he was tired, he just went into the back of the truck on the pile of dog beds and 'supervised'. What a ham!!! He is fully integrated with everyone here and, for a dog that was suppose to have severe SA, I have had no issues and, in fact, really should take a video of him 'pawing' and 'scratching' to get INTO his crate! LOL

Sean and I were just talking about that yesterday. In the right hands, this dog is going to make a home very very very very lucky! He still has a tendency to want to 'watch' over all of his friends at BHRR, especially BHRR's Angel Noelle and, she just thinks he is 'cramping' her style! LOL

AND, this Dane is no more than 3 years of age….no doubt!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Leroy’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Leroy’s Angels  $60.00* donated to date & Bills are $423.17
*Before PayPal fees

BHRR's Leroy – April 12th, 2014 – photo's courtesy of AMB Photography

Here are a couple of photo's from today. She is going to keep getting better and better as she is fed a proper balanced diet, receives the top notch Vet care she had been denied in her life before r/q Rescue AND, good exercise with lots of fresh air, grass and trails! Cannot forget the large dose of love and spoiling that is a must 'add' for any successful ingredient of making her whole and happy!

Her leash manners are slowly coming along. She is a strong girl!

The only thing I am looking for her right now are pillows and fuzzy/soft bath mats with the good underside that 'sticks' for her balance. Please do let me know if you may have any to spare/donate her way. 🙂

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Ethel’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Ethel's Angels Donations to Date: $233.17 & Bills To Date: $989.07
*Before PayPal fees
PV Hazeldean Community Education/Awareness Event(50/50 split with BHRR's Nessie)

photo 2photo 4
BHRR's Ethel – May 8th, 2014
**In the first picture – her waist is by my shoes – bottom of photo. That is how skinny she is. 🙁
**In the second photo, her head is where my son's bare foot is


Unfortunately, we could not successfully close off on the Vet reference for the home that had applied to be considered as a possible forever loving adoptive home for him. I have enjoyed conversing with the home over the past almost week, and do sincerely wish them nothing but the very best.

One more sleepie and BHRR's Reese is off to spend three nights back with her potential future adoptive home AND, if that goes well, to stay. 🙂

Below are some photo's of BHRR's Reese enjoying the outside on our front brick deck as I was pressuring washing it to keep getting rid of all that spring thaw/mud away. ISN'T she beautiful??!! So inspirational!!!

I just love her shiny healthy glossy coat AND, that she has her head up high, confident and comfortable! 🙂 Just how she has always met the world, head on yet, she is now relaxed and, happy for she knows how to to communicate and she, knows that she will be 'heard' and 'listened' to and, so she is not withdrawn the way she once was. She is not shutdown the way she once was. She is not OCD the way she once was. She is that feisty and spunky girl with some 'tude!

She is still battling the hygroma from her slip at this home yet, with proper continued management, it will heal fine.

It is BBBBB time for I see BHRR's Ethel, BHRR's Abby & BHRR's Jersey also! 🙂

photo 2 photo 1
BHRR's Reese with my almost 10 year old Cherokee & BHRR's Reese with BBBBB's! May 8th, 2014

BHRR's Nessie had all bw come back normal, she still is not battling a fever, her UA was normal and below are two of her five x-rays taken.

Her culture results came back on Friday May 2nd and, as we all thought, her chronic cellulitis was not responding to the cephalexin and the infection that ensured because of that resistance/ not sensitive to the cephalexin.

The culture results indicate that the bad beastie bugs are responsive to the Doxy and the Clav and, so, she remains on both for another 3 weeks at least. I should take a photo of the bill of 480 Doxy x 100 mg (she receives 7 BID) that I just picked up from the pharmacy – it was $350! NOT to mention how many hundreds of dollars her Clavamox of 375 mg of 3 BID costs. She still gets her Deramaxx daily also. 

I will also take a current photo of her poor foot/leg. While her other back leg has a very minor infection, the one leg she has normally had be affected is so sad. 🙁 Moving forward, for any future bouts of chronic cellulitis, she may have to go straight to the Clav/Doxy combo.

So, thank you to her village for being there for her and, the consideration for even $1 to her Vet care.

Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Nessie'. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services C/O Gwendilin Boers 2425 Totem Ranch Road West RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option)


BHRR's Nessie's LATEST Angels and Donations to Date: $178.18
*Before PayPal fees
PV Hazeldean Community Education/Awareness Event(50/50 split with BHRR's Ethel)

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BHRR's Nessie's right back leg – hock and toes x-rays – April 24th, 2014

Here is a blog post made recently made by the kind person who won the special date with BHRR's Angel Noelle's from her Breaking Bills Baking online auction. This picnic date was held on March 2nd, 2014.

Post can be read HERE!

She was at PV Hazeldean on Saturday for our 2nd Community Education/Public Awareness Event of 2014 and, as always, a very popular girl! She just keeps getting better and better AND, this time, she had very little worries about leaving with either one of the two BHRR approved Volunteers that came to assist that day! OR, with another person who visited, who had adopted from us in the past.

Next up for her is the special date won by the family from our 3rd ANNUAL 1-on-1 Date Auction! The family drove all the way from Orleans on Saturday to visit us at PV Hazeldean and, were so wonderfully surprised to find that BHRR's Angel Noelle was also in attendance. What a lovely family! Just lovely!

I still have a couple of blog posts with some photo's to add from November and December of 2013 yet, his blog journey is almost all utd now! 🙂 BHRR is very different than other groups, for you shall not find just a short bio on each dog. You will have as many photo's, video's and updates that we can post on their journeys' plus CHAIN OF SUCCESS stories here!

On Saturday May 3rd, BHRR's Groves came to PV Hazeldean with me to help with community education plus public awareness. He had not been to an event since November 30th, so TIME! 🙂 GOSH! Another immense hit with the public! OMG! Immense! He really impressed many with his manners, and his kindness plus gentle soul. 🙂 NO longer that terrified baby that first arrived to BHRR.

He is now 9 months of age.  AND, the topic by a couple yesterday was 'just what is his breed or breeds?' AND, I continue to say 100% adorable…GD, most likely with those legs, boxer? yup, possibly….Neo?, with that neck, sure why not…Cane Corso?, yup, another possibility. It honestly does not matter to me. What matters most is that the right home is out there for him and, finds him.

He had a very busy weekend for today, he had his special picnic date with the generous soul who won a date with him from our annual 1-on-1 special BHRR date online auction. He had a nice walk, was nervous of their stairs to the yard yet, the home got that all figured out and, had a nice long lazy rainy day nap. 🙂 He helped me make the picnic lunch and, thank you to the HOME for giving him this very positive experience and, being part of his CHAIN OF SUCCESS story! 🙂 He did fabu with their other dog, yet, as most are aware, dogs are very social when coming from BHRR! 😉

He remains available for adoption and we will only place him in that right matched forever loving home. A home that shall not enable him and, one that shall not let him slide on his manners and excellent behaviour. A patient, consistent, loving and dog experienced home.

Below are two photo's from his date today!

photo 3 photo 4
BHRR's Groves – May 4th, 2014 with Bentley & Isabelle

BHRR's BW is normal, her HWT is negative! 🙂 We are still waiting results from her Culture.

We did change her over to the Baytril – 1 x 150 MG SID and also put her on Deramaxx for comfort.

Her hearing is still something I am trying to figure out more – She is pretty much clueless that anyone is talking to her. Is this a) because she is deaf 2) because no one has ever addressed and 'talked' to her and she has no clue that life is now ABOUT her? 3) selective hearing 4) any combo of the first three.

I know she 'feels' vibrations for when you 'boom' your voice from the diaphragm, her ears will twitch.

The way she looks so intensely at me with those 'boston terrier' eyes, the most you feel that she is looking deep into your soul. She is quite visually impaired YET, that does not hold her back! She is like a wee giant ram in a china shop when she wants to go somewhere or go someplace.

She is a tough cookie and she and HQD are VERY much alike. They were either going to be like bosom buddies or, they were going to 'repel' each other and, to date, they are a sign of solidarity! UH OH! Another boot camp for me to figure out who is in whose!

She is learning to share. Water bowls are slowly getting better. 😉 She is eating better and, I am now feeding her five smaller meals a day.

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Ethel’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Ethel's Angels Bills To Date: $989.07
*Before PayPal fees

BHRR's Flint is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!

I will update his blog as I can.

Below are two photo's from the PAWS event he attended on Saturday April 12th. He is always so popular no matter where he goes! AND, did fabu!

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BHRR's Flint – April 12th, 2014
*Photo's courtesy of AMB Photography