TODAY is the DAY! I cannot believe it is here!
BHRR's Maverick's SECOND leg surgery! Sean dropped him off an as the car drove away, all the dogs began to howl….it was a bit of an unsettling moment….
SO, please, everyone…..can, I ask for extra special positive vibes and thoughts sent his way for a great successful outcome?
HE is in the best hands with Dr. P……

Will update as I can………….

UPDATE: he is prepped and surgery shall begin shortly….as those who know me can say, I am not a nervous sort….this surgery has me worried…he put on over 30 pounds before his first one, lost almost all of that in recovery/rehab and we have battled to get him back up and my stomach is anxious. That type of howling we have heard only twice before…..
I love all my dogs….BHRR's Mav is a really super special boy to so many of us. He is in the best of hands….he has been told how much I love him….will update more as I can….

UPDATE: HE IS OUT OF SURGERY! OMG! YES! I cannot recall the last time I was this 'unsteady'….and uneasy….EVER!
There is no external fixator this time as Dr. P. put in a larger plate from when he did his first surgery. SO, IRON MAN he definitely is now!

He is just waking up……………photo's and copies of x-rays to post shall come soon!

THANK YOU everyone for being there today!!! My hands are trembling in relief and sheer gratitude!!!

UPDATE: 10:30 PM
I have him home and he is now resting….the dogs howled in a very similar way when Sean was helping me get him inside the house….very goosebumply…..
He was given at my request some buprenorphine before heading home. Dr. P. was so supportive in my desire to have him have stronger meds than he did the first time around. Cannot say enough about Dr. P. and all my lovelies at KAH! I truly work with some of the best of the best! Thank you from my soul and beyond for any possible consideration to his care……even a $1 donation is super!! His Bills shall be extensive! Yet, he is as deserving as any other dog out there of a helping hand.

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Maverick'. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

BHRR's Maverick's Magnificent Angels  $6,599.12 donated to date & Bills $11,836.90
Rachel – Plus a Collar

TTP Basket
June 15th TTP donations from Lemon-Aid Stand by Chew-That
June 22nd, BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House
PV Stittsville Nail Trim Fundraisers x 2
July 14th 6th ANNUAL BHRR/KAH Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser
Kristin – PayPal took a fee

BHRR's Maverick – PRE & Post-Op – September 26th, 2013
*first photo courtesy of L. Smith
BHRR's Maverick – September Post-Op @ Kanata Animal Hospital

UPDATE: So, DOBIE DOLL AKA BAMBI BABY BHRR's Reese came to KAH with me today! She is our blind, hearing impaired and Neuro sweetie!

We have not yet crossed the 30 lb mark YET, she has put on another 3.3 pounds in just 8 days! She is now 29.04 pounds!
She looks FANTASTIC! She is such a 'teacup' Doberman for most, healthy Dobermans at 5 months DO NOT weight just 29.04 pounds.
She is super tiny, all bambi legs and I got a great new video of her today in the grass!

Her bw from the 19th came in as normal! YAY! YAY! YAY! YET, the Von Willebrands testing was not done and so, I brought her back today, AND, the wonderful compliments she has received for being EVEN that much better than even 8 days ago, is so heart warming!

We did another mani/pedi and TONS of loving!

In doing her nails, it was noted that a tiny growth was found by one of her back nails on her right hind leg. I had the Vet take a peek and it is suspected to be a possible Histiocytoma yet, there is virtually nothing to try and FNA or puncture biopsy at this time.

IT was not there until just recently and I will monitor for changes.

AND, we will try and biopsy it during her spay….

AND, the one concern is how vascular it is and we are all anxiously waiting to see what her Von Willebrands testing results will bring in…..

VIDEO#1 ReeseSeptember25th, 2013
VIDEO#2ReeseSeptember25th, 2013

UPDATE: On September 24th, BHRR's Flint came with Kinsley & I to visit – end up being ALL too short – with Tanya and Natasha at the Timmie's in Kemptville. HE woofed in the car a bit and only slightly out of the car and did FABU! 🙂

Day by day……

On Saturday September 21st, I took BHRR's Flint after work to PV Stittsville to hang and have some more good experiences! He is doing well! He is a HUGE HUGE HUGE hit with all! I had people give him treats and, he sat for them so nicely. I put him into the hands of others that were there – THANK you Lesley and Martin – in helping get him feel more comfortable and, realizing that not all hands are going to hurt him. 🙁

He has a TON of potential, is uber sweet, and has bonded so fast to me.

06 07
BHRR's Flint – September 19th @ KAH & September 21st, 2013 @ PV Stittsville

Andrea McGeown, Ontario

BHRR has always amazed me with everything that is accomplished through all your efforts and with all these amazing dogs.

If you are not familiar with this incredible breed, here is some information:


nee-uh-PAH-luh-tuhn MAS-tif


The Neapolitan Mastiff is a serious, powerful dog. The body of this massive, rather rectangular looking dog has abundant, hanging wrinkles and folds on the head and a very large dewlap. The wide, flat head is large in comparison to the rest of the body. The muzzle is 1/3 the length of the head and is as broad as it is long with a well-defined stop. The large nose has well-open nostrils and a color that coordinates with the coat. The teeth meet in a scissors, pincer or slight undershot bite. The deep-set eyes are almost covered by the dropping upper lids and come in amber to brown, depending on the coat color. Puppies begin life with blue eyes, which later darken. The ears may be cropped or left natural. Many owners opt out of docking and cropping, preferring the natural look, as it is painful for the dog. The tail is carried straight up and curves over the back. In dogs that are shown in the AKC front dewclaws are not removed. The round feet are large with well-arched toes. The straight, dense, short coat comes in gray, blue, black, chocolate, mahogany and tawny, sometimes with brindle and white markings. A little white is permitted on the chest and toes. No white should be on the face. Chocolate dogs are rare.


The Neapolitan Mastiff is not a breed for everyone. This breed looks a bit intimidating, but is actually affectionate, calm, peaceful and loving. They enjoy family and friends. This breed is a heavy drooler, particularly in hot weather or after getting a drink. Males may drool more than females. They are very keen to their owners’ commands. Intelligent, very protective, courageous, serious and mild-mannered. Generally quiet, they tend to only bark when necessary. They can be reserved with strangers; socialize them well with people, places, sounds and animals. These dogs are usually very loving with children, provided the children know how to display leadership skills. A Neo can get along well with non-canine pets if raised with them from puppyhood and/or properly socialized. Obedience training is very important. Teach them to heel on a lead and to go in and out door and gateways after the humans. This breed needs a dominant owner who understands and is capable of controlling them properly. They will be easiest if this is established when the dog is still a puppy, but it is still possible to communicate with an adult Neo that the human is in charge. Children should be taught how to be pack leaders. Socialize this breed while they are young. This is a natural guard dog and protection training is not necessary. You cannot breed out the guard in the dog, no matter how submissive they become. If they sense there is a threat to the home they will react unless the owner is there and tells them everything is OK. Be sure you are consistent in approach and do not keep repeating commands the dog has failed to obey. If they are not listening, try a different approach, making sure you are in a confident state of mind. Neos will not listen to meek owners. These are not dogs for beginners, but it is an exaggeration to describe them as difficult in their association with others. A calm handler with natural leadership will achieve the best results. With comprehensive training and an experienced, dominant owner, the Neapolitan Mastiff can be a wonderful family pet. This breed has a high pain tolerance. Neos that do not have a firm, confident, consistent owner who provides them with daily pack walks to release mental and physical exercise will become willful, over-protective and dog aggressive. When correcting this dog, the owner's correction must match the dog's level of intensity, and the timing of the correction must be precise.

Height, Weight

Height: Males 26 – 30 inches (65 – 75 cm) Females 24 – 28 inches (60 – 70 cm)
Weight: Up to 165 pounds (74 kg)
The largest male Neapolitans may be nearly 200 pounds (90 kg)

Health Problems

Prone to cherry eye, hip dysplasia, bloat, pano-ostiosis (joint pain from growth can occur at 4-18 months and usually goes away on its own). Pups are usually born via caesarian section.

Living Conditions

The Neo will do okay in an apartment if it is sufficiently exercised. It is relatively inactive indoors and a small yard will do. Take extra caution in warm weather to provide shade, water and a cool place to lie.


They should be taken on daily walks at least twice a day.

Life Expectancy

Up to 10 years.


These giant, shorthaired dogs are easy to groom. Remove loose, dead hair with a rubber brush. This breed is an average shedder.


All European mastiffs are descended from the Tibetan Mastiff, the most ancient member of the canine species. The first Asian mastiffs were probably brought to Greece from India by Alexander the Great around 300 BC. The Greeks introduced the dogs to the Romans, who adopted them enthusiastically and used them in circus combats. The word "mastiff" derives from the Latin word “masssivus,” meaning massive. English experts, however, have another theory. They contend that the mastiff was brought to Britain by the Phoenicians in about 500 BC and spread from there to the rest of Europe. In any case, the Neapolitan Mastiff is a direct descendant of the Roman Molossus. While the breed became extinct throughout the rest of Europe, it continued to survive in Campania, despite the perils of weather and war. One can therefore say that the Neapolitan Mastiff has existed in Campania for two thousand years, even though it was not officially recognized until 1946, and its standard was not set until 1949. The Neapolitan Mastiff was bred for use in war and in bloody Roman arena spectacles. Today this powerful breed has a well-deserved reputation as a formidable guard dog. Neos have been used by the Italian police and army and by that country's farmers, business establishment and estate owners to protect people and property. Though the Neapolitan Mastiff was first shown in Italy in 1946, the breed is still quite rare in the United States. The Neapolitan Mastiff was recognized by the AKC in 2004.





BHRR's Flint as we are calling him arrived safely to KAH today. As soon as I picked him up, and, drove out of the parking lot, I knew that I had to take him to public venues ASAP. He had been taken from the shelter, driving to us, put into a run at KAH until I could arrive and get him. What a stressful day, EVEN if it was all to get him into a good place and, to have a great future! We drove to PetSmart in Kanata and walked the aisles……..he was SOOOOOOOOOOO scared and had, wicked fear aggression in the car, made worse in the dark. Poor thing. He is such a sweetie and so gorgeous so, lots of socialization in his future!!!

As we walked up and down, it was nice and quiet and, the few people we saw there, were very understanding plus respectful and supportive, you could see him visibly relaxing. We needed to get into a lighted venue/arena area and it was working. We did not stay long…..just enough for him to have a chance to catch his breath and settle.

Below are some photo's of him at KAH and at PetSmart!

photo 1 September192013
BHRR's Flint – @ KAH September 19th – three photo's and last photo is at PetSmart Kanata
September192013 September1920131

On September 18th, we received the following email @ 3:49 PM about a Neo puppy from two people:

Person 1: "Male fixed not yet 4 months old. Bit hand shy at first, warms up quickly. Any chance dog could get out on the weekend?"

Person 2: "I need to get this puppy out ASAP.  Would you be interested?  He was dumped at the shelter….No issue puppy but does show cage aggression.  Just needs a little socializing."

At 4:02 PM, I said 'yes, we would commit to him.

040 048
BHRR's Flint – ~ 3 months of age

Yet, this time, 'I' have not been the object or subject of her disapproval!! Or, so, I am thinking!!

This time, here, I think I finally have been 'accepted' in all my glory of faults (HQD thinks I have many it seems…..)…..or maybe, she is just taking some pity on me……hmmmmmm…..regardless, I am going to take it and embrace it! OR, so, I think?!!! LOL

I have been quite ill stating on Saturday, and, with one trip to the Hospital behind me; today, has become a flat out bed day and as I lay here with book unread in one hand, unable to rest yet, feeling exhausted, eyes red plus blurry and nose running, sinuses blocked and sounding like a gaggle of geese honking when I cough, chest rattling when I breathe…..HQD strides right into the bedroom as ONLY HQD can do and….and….wait for it!!!

Guess what she has in her mouth and trailing behind her???

One of 'her' Rupert Wraps – well, it belonged to another once yet, she has laid claim to all that she could….

She had the look of 'determination' her face, walks right up to me and begins to nose the wrap under my hand….

I think 'oh, how lovely….she wants me to have it as she sees I am not well. This is so sweet and on and on, I blather and thank her and….here it comes…

HQD sits down and I get that look…my brain is now thinking….uh oh….what am I missing?!!! Clearly, it is NOT my comfort HQD is concerned about….

Then HQD begins that sighing of hers….and my foggy meds filled brain is chugging along trying to piece what she wants together…

Then, I take a good look at the Rupert Wrap….a really good look…..the light bulb begins to brighten in my brain….

I look over at HQD and say 'Oh! I get it!! You want ME to WASH it!' For, in looking at the wrap, it has a very long nasty drool streak on it, most likely courtesy of one of The Lion Kings and clearly this does not impress HQD one bit!! Drool has grass and diet mixed in for added 'texture'.

In her mind, I am home, the wrap has drool on it and it must be cleaned right this instant! I mean, what better time than the present, right?!!

So, for those that know HQD, you do NOT just passively ignore her….I drag myself out of bed and stumble to the washer and behind me is HQD every step of the way pulling her dog bed behind her and I then pick that up for I know what is coming and we head to the washer….she does not do stairs well, so, it is outside, down the hill, around the house and in the walk-in basement and to the washer….wheezing and huffing and puffing I am.

I put the wrap in the washer, get HQD all tucked in her bed by the washer – for, she does not leave them alone when they are being cleaned – and ask if she is happy now….

AND, her response??? – I get a snort and she turns her back to me and lays down…and, promptly falls asleep…tiring work for sure it is to teach 'The Gwennie'!!

Yup!! She is filled with thanks and gratitude and appreciation for sure!!

Oh! BHRR's Salma….let me count the ways I wuv you!!

All can be assured that HQD's bootcamp is going strong….I am clearly not ready to graduate according to her….

Time for another cup of mint tea after all that!!

BHRR's Dobie Doll of Bambi Baby Reese(our blind, hearing impaired and neuro baby) is at KAH today and we have not yet broke the 30 lb mark! She weighed in at 25.74 pounds!!! ALL legs!

Thank you to Auntie Caren for coming out and giving her some lovin' and thank you for the compliments on HOW far this miraculous wee angel has come since she arrived into my care on July 13th, 2013.

She is a HUGE hit at KAH and was swarmed by all! LOVED all the comments on how beautiful she is and how much progress she has made!!! It makes my heart feel so warm for Reese!!!

We did nails and bloodwork(NOT something that could have been even attempted when she first arrived without sedation!!) and she was a rockstar and even took a treat afterwards!

She will have her rabies and in a few weeks, she will be spayed and my intent is to place this very inspirational girl up for adoption once she tells me she is ready AND even, if her right matched forever loving home never comes along, SHE is living a great quality filled life at BHRR!

She is fully integrated AND all the dogs, even BHRR's Dozer plus BHRR's Cancun(the big scaredy cats of wee dogs) watch out for her!

They are her eyes and her guidance and it does bring tears to my own eyes with how they all work together to show her the ropes!

This wee girl is FEARLESS FOR we have never once treated as if she was not capable of doing things and she has been treated as NORMAL and she is! NOTHING that she will not try or do, as long as she trusts…..



BHRR's Zara-Bean – September 14th, 2013 – ignore the really dull commentary in the video below! IT was uber super early…. 😉

She is still brutally terrified of collars and leashes yet, day-by-day…..when she is ready, she will tell me….never any rush.

Patience pays off…..

LOVE her! GOSH! She is just so unique in her specialness.

She is also worried about strangers yet, she is better and better!


BHRR's Jersey and her story was the feature story on Veronica Sutherland's rescue segment on Jack FM last night!!

AND, AND, AND………….our small rescue of BHRR did ADOPTION #10 for 2013!!!!

BHRR's Promise was ADOPTED tonight!!!!!!!!!!

Just home now! Thank you to Allison for assisting on this HV!

So happy for BHRR's Promise……have to admit, always a bit misty-eyed to let them go YET, sooooooooooo filled with happiness!

Joy & Debbie!!! Another one of your amazing dogs is now with their right matched forever loving home!

With it being so dark, they said they would send me some photo's!

AND, my inspirational post for today! IT IS all about BHRR's Dobie Doll BHRR's Reese – our blind, hearing impaired & neuro adorable BAMBI Baby!

As has been posted previously, she has been getting her water with her food as her tongue positioning is not quite where the normal would be.

Well, I have been working with her with small bits of peanut butter and other yummies, to get her to reach out her tongue for her to become aware of her tongue more and to get her comfortable with the motion and building up some strength…..

WELL, as of a last night, she is going to the water bowl(she knows where it is AND will even paw it if she finds it empty – she uses her foot as a visually impaired person will use their own finger or thumb to 'test' how high the level of fluid is in a cup etc.) and lapping up some water. It is still quite awkward for her yet, she is 'getting the concept' and while she is still fed water mixed in with her Performatrin canned and now some kibble(YAY!), she is actually able to consume some water with her tongue on its own.

THIS girl is BRILL! Just BRILL! I just have to keep 'listening' and work on being the best assistant for her to guide her along this journey to a great future!

She is a HECK of a lot more normal than so many gave her credit for!

She makes me smile BIG everyday! SHE makes a bad day turn into a GREAT one!

UPDATE: With deep regret, this is not the right matched home for our Hobbit. HE IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION AGAIN!

A really good home for some lucky dog out there though! Sonyia and I provided several other r/q groups to try once, they are ready.

While he is not a giant, he is too big for them plus their lovely cute smaller home and he is still growing (once, they had the actual visual, they could see) and their fencing needs some work (to adopt from anywhere ) and so, they will be trying to possibly address.

They loved him, gosh, they loved him, so much about him – temperament, manners, looks etc., and he was quite comfortable – even jumped up on their bed! – in their home yet, the decision to not adopt him was mutual between all of us and I know that right matched dog is out there for them!!

Without knowing just where BHRR's Bilbo will stop in the growing department, their ages, his own age and their fencing right now plus another area of their yard, he just is not the right matched dog.

Thank you Sonyia for coming to do this with me, your eyes and knowledgeable input and helping!!! Thank you Mason and thank you to this home for giving my Hobbit another great experience!!

Video and some photos' below


He had only one puke on the way down AND that was because he managed to 'sneak' in some breaky of another dog and he puked it up before we even hit the 401. After that, he had a great trip!!! He is a great travel buddy! 🙂 What works best of him when driving anywhere is a late lunch the day before you go and no supper and go on the road first thing the next AM. HE is an absolute perfect car companion then! 🙂

One of the photo's below is of a string of drool which is amazing AS he is not a big drooly kind of boy BUT, when I stopped in Kingston on the way home to buy my son some late lunch, he saw the seagulls and was so fascinated by them! He sat still as a statue and stared and drooled! LOL

The Hobbit – BHRR's Bilbo – September 8th, 2013

BHRR`s Promise is under a PENDING ADOPTION!

Her blog shall be updated as we can!


She can go to a home as an only dog OR she can go to a home that already has a right matched personality fit dog, male or female.

She can go to a home that works pt, ft, works from home, semi-retired or retired. ANOTHER versatile BHRR canine! 🙂

She is 100% housebroken, good leash manners, quite obedient and the one thing I wish for her is LOTS of space to run…for she LOVES running….and, to watch her is truly a delight! She will make you laugh and smile and even well up with a tear with how emotional she is in her sheer joy of being free! 🙂 She is a wonderful travel companion too! Short VIDEO of her below. She much rather have checked out the car than pay attention to the camera! LOL


She has become so outgoing, affectionate and loving….curious too! 🙂

She is going to make someone a very special addition! She is truly stunning, both inside and out!

HER REALITY SLIDE is below of her rehab journey at BHRR!


UPDATE: At this time, we will not be posting any more public updates on our BHRR's Nessie.

I am just off the phone with legal and the police after a very threatening conversation made to myself by someone who contacted BHRR re: BHRR's Nessie today. I have also been in touch with the Vet Hospital Management & Vet Team that has been overseeing her top notch vet care.

BHRR's Nessie is being moved even, as, I type this to a very private safe location and her care shall continue to be managed as we mobilize to address this situation as needed.

This dog was going to be pts on August 28th(9 day ago) and we stepped up to assist her, she was legally signed over and she would not be alive today if it were not for the Volunteers of BHRR.

The Hobbit's HV is scheduled for Sunday September 8th! Will update as I can.

BHRR`s Bilbo – MY last Hobbit!!! is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!!!

Will update his blog as I can. Over the last 24 hours, we have had three other inquiries on him as well and we are not accepting any applications on him until it is determined if this is or is not his right matched forever loving home!

UPDATE: please keep BHRR's Nessie in your thoughts and well wishes!

I am bringing her back to work with me today as she is still having discharge from her nose, she is still more uncomfortable that she really should be at this stage of healing and I do not like her continued lack of energy level…..even for a Wolfie!

5 month old, BHRR's Dobie Doll Reese was to come with me to work today for a re-weigh and her rabies plus to do pre-surgical bw yet, she will stay home and come another time as I really want to have BHRR's Nessie re-checked……


When I had conversed with one of the Vets on Tuesday, the recommendation was to monitor BHRR's Nessie for a couple more days just to give her a chance to progress.

Today, in bringing her in, she is down 3 pounds since Saturday, drinking more than normal, is pot bellied and 2 Vets can witness her pacing, restlessness and desire to want to drink all the time plus that she cannot quite get comfortable.

Both Vets have listened to her lungs and stomach and are concerned that she is making a ton of effort to breathe yet, there is little air flow.

Her incision looks good, she was not painful to palpate and we are just doing more x-rays…..

KEEP those thoughts flowing for her!!!!

Her x-rays still show that she is battling aspiration pneumonia and so, she remains on the Baytril 3x 150 mg SID for that.

We are now doing a resting cortisol for Addison's testing and though, she did not have any indications in her bw done last week, we need to rule it out based upon other signs/symptoms.

We are also going to be giving her some cerenia drops up her nose to try and assist with the inflammation and hopefully, to get the bloody discharge to stop.
She does have WOBBLERS and we will rule out diabetes. 🙁

NEW TOTAL RAISED TO DATE: $1,081.47 FOR her care!! AND, NEW TOTAL of best healing wishes sent her way to date: PRICELESS!!!


Her Vet Bills for BHRR to date are: $4,790.32 AND we are still rising……

THANK YOU! THANK YOU! So grateful to ALL of you!! Never, would I ask or beg or plead for myself, yet for dogs like Nessie, anything….I have no pride or ego and want to do the very best for her!

BHRR's Dobie Doll AKA Bambi Baby Reese! –
She may be Blind, Hearing impaired & have Neuro issues YET, 100% INSPIRATIONAL and AMAZING!
August 4th, 2013 with Mason Ross Boers
15 weeks old!
THE proof that I posted about that SHE does stop and relax now! She and I are making so much progress together AND, yet, Mason is THE ONLY one before our 'special guest' of four legs arrived THAT could actually get her to really just stop and enjoy cuddling for any length of time…..
He may be young BUT, he is gifted with a touch that makes her feel safe!!!

Dobie Doll AKA Bambi Baby BHRR's Reese with Mason

BHRR's Dozer had his own special picnic date on September first and HUGE mummyitis is what he had! 🙂

Two photo`s below of his day! He was great with their other dog, complimented on his good leash manners and there was only one minor moment for him when the home had guests over and while he was fantastic with the male, the female had bent down straight in front of his face and that stressed him out and he barked.

When all were reminded to just passively ignore him and do not take an intimidating or possibly considered threatening stance, he was back to being just fine.

I want to THANK the home soooo much for giving him this amazing experience!!!

DozerSeptember12013DozerSeptember12013 (2)
BHRR`s Dozer – September 1st, 2013