UPDATE: BHRR's Autumn is with me at work today and good news; she has out on more weight – she is now 110.22 pounds yet, the bad news the weight that she has put on is 1/3 of what she should have put on…. 🙁

So, we are now going to proceed with further investigation on that positional hm found during her spay for we need to know if she has any underlying heart disease and if that could be the reason why she is not weight gaining….

That means we remain in a 'hold' pattern for her knees yet, am still waiting to see what DP thinks of the latest findings found by LAH during her spay……

Poor sweetie yet, she is as happy and stubborn as always!!

I have BHRR's Abby scheduled to come with me to work on the 7th of January for a recheck.

She still has that cough…………….

BHRR's Autumn is coming to work with me tomorow to get a new weight. EVERYTHING crossed!

On Thursday December 19th, Dr. Philibert had called to discuss BHRR's Autumn and indicated that he would review the x-rays and get back to us on the 20th.

I did a gentlte follow-up note to her Vet when I was at work on Saturday the 29th re: this.

Will update as I can.


HERE is the album on FB that I have been creating for BHRR's Concert and her incredible life of adventures and dreams fulfilled!

With how much I have on my plate these days, it is going to be very hard for me to post a blog here and posts/updates there, so I shall keep the link to her photo album current on her blog for people to virtually be a part of her living LIFE to the fullest!

This is BHRR's Concert's 11th journal entry of her my wish for her 'warmth and love from caring people', a celebration of the life that she is going to be living for as long as we can give it to her in quality!

On Friday October 5th, BHRR's Concert came to do a Home Visit with an approved BHRR Volunteer. Below are some photos taken during that home visit.

This home was AMAZING! Even made her a Birthday Cake AKA Celebration of her Life Cake! I shared with the home that BHRR's Concert's time was drawing ever nearer and it made the night, one of smiles and some tears.

I let them know that I had scheduled to let BHRR's Concert go the next day. The Cancer had spread to her brain and spine.

Front Door when we arrived & the decorations in their home for BHRR's Concert

BHRR's Concert sporting her CBC(that she was buried with) chilling on their deck and then enjoying her cake!

HERE is the album on FB that I have been creating for BHRR's Concert and her incredible life of adventures and dreams fulfilled!

With how much I have on my plate these days, it is going to be very hard for me to post a blog here and posts/updates there, so I shall keep the link to her photo album current on her blog for people to virtually be a part of her living LIFE to the fullest!

This is BHRR's Concert's 10th journal entry of her my wish for her 'warmth and love from caring people', a celebration of the life that she is going to be living for as long as we can give it to her in quality!

On Thursday October 4th, 2012 BHRR's Concert had a spectacular Day! 🙂 We started off at WAG on Bank and moved to the park, 25 degrees in the sun!
We had an incredible afternoon of hugs, pounces, leaf romping, running and trotting plus kid loving AND that was just BHRR's Concert! 🙂

I had really wanted Gloria to see and visit with her one more time. I wanted to be face-to-face with Gloria to let her know that I had scheduled BHRR's Concert to be crossed over on the Saturday and I wanted to give them an afternoon – WISH I could have given them weeks – of enjoyment of each other's company.

For without Gloria, this beautiful creature never would have crossed my life………..and heart and then shared with a world! She was so loved from near and afar and we traveled over 4,500 KMs in the time we had been together.

BHRR's Concert spent every day of sunshine outside basking in the love of the sun and those that loved her…that is where she felt the most incredibly alive and it really make her sparkle! Gloria was able to see that she just did not come alive in the same way when inside and so, I was so thrilled to see such a glorious day dawn for all of us to enjoy. It was threatening rain for a bit and I am so happy that it passed!

AND ever since she was first rescued, I and all the others that adore her and are inspired by her, tell her how gorgeous she is ALL the time!!

Gloria & BHRR's Concert – BHRR's Concert is wearing her very special CBC collar donated to her – WAG on Bank Street

BHRR's Concert with Gloria at the Park across from Billings Bridge – Sean & I had our engagement photos done here!

She was so determined to visit with two kids and she made me boot after her to get her BUT she won in the end as the grandparents brought the two kids over and they sat and petted her. She would have made an AMAZING Therapy Dog for she provide much therapy to so many during her miraculous 42 days with us!

BHRR's Concert AT the Part across from Billings Bridge in Ottawa, Ontario

BHRR's Concert on our way to have our play date – AND her foot as of October 4th, 2012

BHRR's Dana – April 2008(~) – December 19th, 2012

Sean & I shall post more later yet, I wanted to say that @ 3:46pm on Wednesday December 19th, I let BHRR's Dana go. 40% of her stomach had gone necrotic and though she fought that great fight for just over 18 hours, this was not a complication anyone thought or expected. Her amazing compassionate ICU/Emergency Vet(one of THREE) had a specialist even take a look when she was on the table.

I said my good-byes to her on the table, held her close told her that that Sean & I adored her when she first came to us years ago, broken and emaciated at barely 64 pounds(she was around 125 pounds at her death) and adored her to this very day that I was letting her go and that I know Sean would have wanted to be with her too and passed along his love. We were so patient waiting for that right match forever loving home to find her to adopt yet, she lacked for nothing in fans and believers plus supporters as clearly shown today with all the incredible warmth given to her. Thank you all!!!

I told her that a whole legacy of mischief makers are here, because of her and that she fought such a great fight for 18 hours. We thought she won too…until 10:37 am Wednesday when it was clear that she was experiencing some medical complication.

I shared so much with this amazing girl during her time in our hearts and home and she had not one mean bone in her body, was so full of mischief and a brilliant Great Dane that kept me on my toes from day 1 and dear sweet doll face, Wednesay, when you crossed over, a huge piece of my heart and soul plus life crossed over too.

When we buried you at 6:10 pm Wednesday, I buried that same large piece of my heart, soul and life….

You were the GD that was to live to 25!! You taught me so much over the years and all those lessons I shall hold dear to my heart.

To her Vets plus specialists and Vet team at Alta Vista, thank you for your compassion and putting quality of life ahead of all else. Thank you for allowing us to have a payment plan to pay off her bills, thank you for showing such respect after she crossed over in helping me to load her into my vehicle to give that final car ride to her.

Thank you to that special person who surprised me in showing up just as BHRR's Dana headed in surgery and worked to give me smiles and company and looked past my swollen eyes and strained presence and was just 'there'.

Thank you to KAH for covering my shift Wednesday so I could be where I needed to be at Alta Vista.

Thank you to Sean, my rock and my kids for the love; dear friends for the kicks and punches.

BHRR's Dana – your forever loving home turned out to be ours in the end I guess and you shall forever rest in one of your fav spots and I sincerely hope that you truly felt how much adoration we had for you…..

For I feel at this time a true failure in not being able to save you in the end…..

Doll face, you have listened to so many of my deepest pains and the best joys/experiences and accepted me, tested me and proved that there are no limits to what what can do…..you just have to be creative!!

I have asked for a list of all those that donated to her bills today, so that I can personally thank and show my most humble of thanks in believing in this amazing dog. I have also had a meeting with supervisors plus their accountant and after that meeting, we have a credit on her account and I have been busily contacting all her donators offering them up a part of that credit should they so desire or leave it on the account for another BHRR dog in need in the future.

I have been doing the same with Interac and PayPal payments as it feels like the right thing to do in offering back these funds donated after her loss to us……….

I wish I had better news to share and I apologise for all my rambling…..

My heart is shattered…just trying to breathe in and out and take each second as it comes…..

If I have forgotten to thank anyone in this post, I deeply apologise…..

If I could give back to all of you one bit of the support you have shown her and us, I would…..and one day, I hope I can demonstrate to each of you how special you are for want you do to help others.

Everyone please hug your love ones…..and spare a thought to BHRR's Dana. RIP my WOW doll face…..

BHRR lost a HUGE part of themselves on Wednesday December 19th, 2012

I like to think of her playing with the big ice cube maker machine in the sky AND teaching all the doggies about paper towels, toilet paper, how to 'leave' the scene of a crime BEFORE getting caught and the joys of the delights that came be found counter surfing NOT to mention how effective it is to get a dog bed if you sit on another dog's head!

AND gosh, who could ever forget that HAPPY tail of hers! She should have had that licensed as a 'weapon'! She wagged with her whole butt and tail  plus heart and everything in between, so affectionate and almost 'violent' in that tail love! There was never any half measures with BHRR's Dana…she was all in or nothing kinda gal!

HERE is something Betty posted on my personal wall:

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them, and every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they. Anonymous""It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them, and every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they. Anonymous"

BHRR's Dana's DARLING LIFE PLUS MEMORIAL RIP ANGELS: CREDIT: $516.14 remains on her account as of today
*from those who wished to have their donations remain & also those that put on her account to help the next BHRR dog*

Gwen/Sean & Family
Caren +(12 Days of Giving & Pumpkin Biscuit Sales)
Lucie – PayPal took $1.75
Anonymous to KAH
Paula – PayPal took $3.20

Here are her three MERMORIAL LINKS – THIS dog was soooooooooooooo loved by so many:


**IF I am forgetting any ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

UPDATE: 11:00 AM:

Gwennie is rushing in to be with BHRR's Dana. She has turned for the worse. We are trying to see if we can get her back in for surgery. They know that quality of life is the first and foremost thing we want for her.

We also learned of another kind donation made this AM and Gwennie has also emailed them to thank them plus all the other of Dana's angels immensely.

They need 50% more in payment and the specialist is going to talk to the Hospital Manager while she is driving in to see if we can work out some kind of payment plan after that. What a kind Vet to try and help us as their procedures are not normally this way. Full payment.

We need another $800 in donations to be able to have any chance of proceeding further with her care.

We have no right to ask and we know it…..yet, we are trying…..her Vets believe she still has a good prognosis, we just need to act fast.

We have no time for an emergency Fundraiser, so, all we can do is ask………….on her behalf. (613) 731-6851 is their number 'Dana' Boers or under (613) 725-4279

Thank you.

2:00 AM update, BHRR's Dana's vital were stable and she was hanging in strong.

Sorry, that I have not been able to get on here much to thank from my heart and soul plus beyond for all the love shown to us and BHRR's Dana. AS so many know, this GD is a very special girl and I ADORE her! JUST adore her!

AND Sean tells me that $232 has been donated to her care to date. OMG! The tears that I have been holding at bay could just spill over with such generous and kind hearted reaching out to assist her. Christmas is so tight financially for all and this means the WORLD…….AND I know that this very special BBBBB would be smacking all with her happy tail if she could.

Will be getting another update shortly to post.

THANK all of you again for the strength and caring flowing her and our way.

Alta Vista Animal Hospital
2616 Bank Street, Ottawa, ON K1T 1M9
(613) 731-6851


It is the XMAs season and we have no right to ask, beg, plead or grovel for assistance with her mounting Vet Bills and as always, I have no pride when it comes to these BHRR animals and if anyone wishes to consider donating to her mounting Vet Bills, please do call Alta Vista Animal Hospital directly at (613) 731-6851 and her account is under the name of 'DANA' Boers or you can have them look it up under the phone number of (613) 725-4279, which is the Rescue phone number. You would have the very tearful gratitude of myself, Sean plus BHRR's Dana's happy tail wags…….

OR PayPal 'gift' to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

BHRR's Dana's DARLING ANGELS: $1,332 donated to date & Bills $5,987.34 and climbing
Caren(12 Days of Giving & Pumpkin Biscuit Sales)

At 9:15 PM last night BHRR's Dana was her normal self. She had her supper between 8:15 – 8:30 PM and nothing out of the abnormal noted.

At 9:35 PM, Dana walked over to me very oddly and was then quickly frothing and her belly was very distended and getting bigger.

In looking at her gums, she was pale and she could then barely stand, she was crashing fast.

Mason/Sean grabbed the Gasx for me and by 9:39 PM, I was on the road with BHRR's Dana headed to Alta Vista Emergency Animal Hospital. I had Sean call ahead with the situation details.

Alta Vista Animal Hospital
2616 Bank Street, Ottawa, ON K1T 1M9
(613) 731-6851

Despite the bad weather and road conditions, I made it there within 40 minutes safely.

She was x-rays and confirmed as having partially torted. Also confirmed that it was a food bloat.

We were not able to tube her at this time as the risk of perforating was high and food could block the tube. We would also not be able to induce vomiting via apo-morphine as vomiting could cause her to perforate or tort more.

The original estimate given was just under $6,000

Her vitals were stable and as she had been given the Gasx at home, she had very little gas left inside of her upon arrival. THIS save her life to at least be able to get to the Emerg for medical treatment. THIS was not a case of being able to tube at home. SHE needed to get to the Hospital ASAP and I was out that door, dressing as I was going in 4 minutues flat. Time means life…………….

It is the XMAs season and we have no right to ask, beg, plead or grovel for assistance with her mounting Vet Bills and as always, I have no pride when it comes to these BHRR animals and if anyone wishes to consider donating to her mounting Vet Bills, please do call Alta Vista Animal Hospital directly at (613) 731-6851 and her account is under the name of 'DANA' Boers or you can have them look it up under the phone number of (613) 725-4279, which is the Rescue phone number. You would have the very tearful gratitude of myself, Sean plus BHRR's Dana's happy tail wags…….

OR PayPal 'gift' to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

For Sean & I and we have done this in the past when there has been an emergency around XMAS, we are foregoing any XMAS pressies and putting down all monies personally that we can to pay for her bills.

I ADORE this dog! ADORE her and while her right forever loving home has not yet found her, I am not giving up on her…..she is a fighter and as told to Marge(LOVE this VET), if there was every a DANE to survive bloat/tort, it is this very special girl.

I also told Marge that I hope that BHRR's Dana begin to test and push for that means that she is getting better!

I put down a $600 deposit right now and they will not put through the final bill and leave all procedures/treatments as unposted yet documented under her account until she is discharged. Yet, they gave me an estimate plus I signed one for their records and I hope it is upon me taking home a feeling better and healthy BHRR's Dana and not my sweet dear girl to bury at BHRR. 🙁 They will be keeping me updated regularly and they are great in encouraging Clients to call for updates. So, the high end would be $6,000+ for her. I will be asking for regular costs updates to keep her blog updated and any fans/supporters plus believers updated as to what is left to pay off.

EVEN $5.00 if not too little as always….yet, Sean & I do understand that money is tight everywhere and the funds that are coming in from the Photo Shoot that was done by Chuck Desjardins Photography and Pet Valu Innes & Belcourt $620(which we were planning on using for BHRR's Bishops own mounting Vet Bills as we try to figure out what is going on medically), shall instead to go her bills. I can carry a balance at Kanata Animal Hospital for a bit on BHRR's Bishop's bills. I do not have the same luxury of doing so at Alta Vista Animal Hospital.

It shall be a very long night….will update as I can.

Please pray for her……………….I am concentrating on beathing in and out and holding my family strong together in staying positive for BHRR's Dana.

As I keep telling everyone, KNOW your DOG! Behavour can often be the very first and sometimes only sign you shall see for bloat/tort. AND dogs can die just from bloating, they do not need to tort.

I also sincerely wish we had an emergency Hospital closer to us BUT I am also happy that there is at least one for me to take my dogs too if need be.

I meant to ask for digital copies of her X-Rays and shall do so later today.

I want to thank my team mates at KAH for covering my shift today so that I can be with BHRR's Dana.

My house is quiet right….very….eerily and wrongly so. 🙁 🙁

BHRR's Dana's DARLING ANGELS: $600 donated to date & Bills $1,289.43 and climbing

UPDATE Wednesday December 19th, 2012:

THEY HAVE RESTARTED THE FOOD VOTING CONTEST from scratch AND it began Tuesday December 18th, 2012 @ NOON AND shall END Thursday December 20th @ NOON!

PLEASE CONSIDER VOTING! You do not need to enter your email address or register, just one click of a button! AND please consider sharing. WE are in FIRST place by only TEN VOTES!




BHRR could use your DAILY Vote, yes, DAILY Vote up until Sunday December 16th before midnight to help us win some dog foodfor the BHRR animals.


As many know, BHRR goes through 120 pounds of dog food in ONE single day. YOUR DAILY vote for Birch Haven Rescue once a day until Sunday just before midnight, could help us win some food for the dogs. SO, please do consider voting and do remember to come back daily to vote!!!!

The incredible folks at La Maison Du Chien have kindly offered to donate $1100 worth of pet food to a deserving area rescue!

BHRR is currently in FIRST place by ONLY ONE VOTE…….AND as always, we would share with any other r/q groups in need……ALWAYS! We believe in working together to help as many animals as possible!

We do not have a regular food sponsor for donations of food and the cost of food per month can be over $4,000.

Thank you in advance for any consideration………

UPDATE Wednesday December 12th, 2012:

There seems to be a voting 'glitch' and some can and others cannot vote more than once YET, please do keep trying to vote DAILY and do share as BHRR could really really really use your assistance!

UPDATE: Friday December 14th, 2012:

You need to clear your cache/cookies on your iPhone(go to "Settings", then "Safari", then 'Clear Cookies/Cache' to be able to vote again daily AND you need to clear your cache on whatever browser you are using on your home or work computers to be able to vote again daily.

BHRR has slipped to SECOND place and this contest end Sunday just before Midnight! Please vote and share! 🙂

UPDATE Sunday December 16th, 2012:


As many are aware from the public blanket statement posts I was making, as soon as I understood what was able to really occur with the voting in the food contest, I contacted MDB. This was not resulting in a fair contest to all r/q Rescues involved.

We have been in conversation for the last few days re: this contest and per the positioning of BHRR, we will only wish to operate with continued integrity plus honesty and no food is worth any compromising of that.

Either we all are able to vote once a day, only ever once, or multiple times daily. What was happening was not equal or fair to all involved. BHRR and it was so important that MDB be made aware of what was happening.

I am aware that they did a reset a couple of days ago to try and have people being able to only vote once every 24 hours and some could and others still could not vote again.

We have continued to support MDB in any successful resolution they felt was necessary and per their public post today, they have decided to do a reset from scratch – starting over.

I thank EACH of our supporters and believers that have campaigned so hard to assist the animals of BHRR and in sharing! 🙂 No words can tell you how much this has meant to BHRR for we do go through 120 POUNDS of dog food PER DAY.

AND good luck to all participating for round two!

BHRR's Autumn had her 'special' Date on Saturday December 15th from her offer of a date with her to help raise funds in her EMERGENCY ONLINE AUCTION AND loved it!

Apparently, she most enjoyed taking over their couch and having a good long sleep with plenty of snoring with one of their children! LOL

She let them know when she had to go outside and LOVED spending time with them. She even helped me make(did not taste test though! LOL) the homemade picnic including special dessert for the home!

I forgot to get a photo! DARN!!!

I am also updating her donation angel posting below as I forgot one in my last update…..all donations mean the world to BHRR and to the animals and I try to ensure all is reflected accurately and in double checking and cross-referencing my emails to the donations, I realised I left one donation off. ALL should be better reflected now! 🙂 It is soooooooo important for us to have things properly and fully disclosed.

AT this time, we have a remaining bill of ONLY $226.84 on her current bills to pay off at Liston Animal Hospital and any TPLO surgery(ies) shall be determined as to which Hospital we shall be using. Will post as I know more…….including any echo needed on her heart.

AND this small remaining bill is THANKS to each of you that have given of themselves to help us take the best of care of her!! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 OR Liston Animal Hospital (613) 591-0966 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Autumn'. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

BHRR's AUTUMN's AWESOMEFIED Angels  $4,226.81 donated to date & Bills $3,999.97
Anna & Peter

Maggie/Derek – bag of FROMM Whitefish dog food
Kathryne – microchip & to purchase a bag of FROMM Whitefish Dog Food
Liza/Kelly + Gracie – 3 bags of FROMM Whitefish Dog Food

Andrea – PayPal took $0.74 in fees
Lucie – PayPal took $3.20 in fees
Alice – PayPal took $3.20 in fees
BHRR's Autumn's Emergency Online Fundraiser
BHRR's GIVE It 'UP' 4 Autumn
RCMP's Roll Your Own fundraiser
Anna in honour of her brother George's birthday

BHRR's AUTUMN's WishList:
$ towards Vet bills
Dog Coat – XXL
FROMM – Salmon Dog Food
Dino Smoked Bones
Oatmeal Shampoo
TONS of positive thoughts and vibes

Packing Blankets
BHRR's Journey Heart Biscuits

**IF I am forgetting any ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**


BHRR's Kringle came with us to the charity animal XMAS photo shoot on Sunday December 9th at Pet Valu Innes & Belcourt.

She has a ways to go health-wise – we are trying to figure out if we should wait longer for the eye or have a third surgery AND as we were walking through the store on our way to do the pet photos, she reacted to something and her left eye just puffed up. Went down a bit before the photos yet, she was 'reacting' to something.

We continue to work through allergy possiblities with her and she continues to be FABU with cats. The store had two cats free roaming and she LOVED them!

Below are two photos of her from December 9th, taken by Chuck Desjardins Photography. She is such a 'SPICEY' girl!

We are going to owe another $400+ at Liston Animal Hospital if any of her fans and believers would like to donate to her bills directly:

Liston Animal Hospital by calling (613) 591-0966 or in person @ 4055 Carling Av Kanata  Kanata, ON K2K 2A4

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

BHRR's SPICE'S 'SPECIAL SAVING' Angels  $409 donated to date & Bills $2,589.33

BHRRs Adele, Zeus and Her Binkyness to BHRRs Spice with love!

BHRR's Spice – December 9th, 2012

BHRR's Kringle came with us to the charity animal XMAS photo shoot on Sunday December 9th at Pet Valu Innes & Belcourt.

Yes, this was only two days after arrival to BHRR, yet, let me tell you……once he puts on that weight(we also need to do bw for HWT etc.) and graduates from Gwennie's DOG BOOT Camp, he is going to be bomb proof! OMG! He is divine!!!

AND we now know he is good with cats FOR there were two free roaming ones at Pet Valu and he could have cared less. 🙂

Here are some photos taken by Chuck Desjardins Photography of him! They captue him PERFECTLY! 🙂

BHRR's Kringle – December 9th, 2012


I just wanted to take a moment to share my enthusiasm for all the work that you are doing. I met a couple who allowed me to swoon all over their Great Dane. To make a long story short, they told me she had come from Birch Haven (I believe her name was Ava). Since then, I have visited your site often. We currently have a 13 year old border collie (with something mixed in) who is the centre of the universe. I have, so often, thought of adopting a Great Dane, but am terrified of the impact it would have on our guy. Then, I thought of fostering to “try it out”. I can’t help but think I’m still being selfish…. Our fabulous vet has Great Danes & I think I’ll chat with him a bit next time we “visit”, particularly given the predisposed health problems Great Danes have. All this to say, please carry on with your awesome work !!

BHRR's Maggie May has moved under a PENDING ADOPTION!!!

We will update her blog as we can.

UPDATE: BHRR's Autumn weighed only barely half a pound more than she did over her last weigh-in. Her spay was over by 11:00 am at Liston Animal Hospital in Kanata, Ontario.

Per Dr. Liston, her ovaries and uterus were normal and her spay went well. This is where things go south…. 🙁

After receiving Dr. Liston's vm, I went back to talk to him in person and checked on her in recovery. She was hav

ing a hard time waking up, just as she did post sedation back in October for her x-rays. One possible reason why…..yet, nothing untoward was noted back in October but, if he came and went depending on positioning, maybe when we were listening to her heart, it was missed. Being hooked up on the monitors in prep for spaying brought all of this to light.

Per Dr. Liston, there was a heart murmur when she was sedated and depending in the position she was placed in, it would come and go. Though, her heart x-rays back in October did not show anything abnormal, he is suspecting possible and this is a 'possible' underlying heart disease. As her uterus/ovaries were normal; this could be the 'new' explanation for her lack of weight gain in addition to the false pregnancy/lactating.

Also, when she was completely under, Dr. Liston had a really good and close look – he had been one of the vets/specialists that reviewed her x-rays – at her knees and manipulating them.

After having his own thorough hands on exam; he feels that the right leg due to lack of drawer/sliding movement would not achieve much benefit from extracapsular surgery and most likely not from a TPLO either. 🙁

For the left knee, there is also very minimal drawer/sliding action and so, he also feels that doing the extracapsular surgery would not really benefit her yet, a TPLO via Dr. P. could provide noticeable improvement.

So, I have talked to her Vet at KAH and now all three Vets are conversing again re: her knees. Looks like January for the TPLO with Dr. P. at KAH to start……but and all of this is a but….all remains contingent on her putting on weight post-spay and if not, we need to echo that heart.

AND want to mention that if there is a marked improvement in the left TPLO – TPLO's also a lot more expensive yet whatever she needs!! – in the left knee than we should consider the right knee too. Yet, ONLY if there is significant improvement.
We are monitoring her heart right now and my poor girl…..

Will update as I know more….

It was all I could do not to well up…. 🙁

AT thie time, we have a remaining bill of just over $500 to pay off at Liston Animal Hospital and TPLO surgery(ies) shall be determined as to which Hospital we shall be using. Will post as I know more…….

People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 OR Liston Animal Hospital (613) 591-0966 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Autumn'. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

UPDATE Wednesday 3:34 PM: I have her and am now driving home! Everyone at LAH is thinking of her.

UPDATE WEE HOURS OF THE AM ON THURSDAY: I have just tucked her in for the rest of the night. Gave her another pain injection, wrapped her up in her fav 'smiley' face thick throw, fireplace is on and she is resting more comfortably. No interest in food, took two BHRR Journey Heart Biscuits and I had to wipe water with a cloth over her lips and tongue to get rid of some of the pasties. She has had a couple of pees and a poop and lots and lots and lots of snuggles and love. Yup! My heart is taken – another hook, line and sinker sweetheart – stubborn one yet, a sweetheart. I shall update her blog and when I hear back from Dr. P as to his own professional thoughts in the newest developments. She did well today in her spay surgery and that was a huge plus. Going to focus on all the positive and quality and possibilities for her right now. AND her skin is so much better as we work through the food allergies, her ear infections are gone, still battling off and on with the eyes yet….better too! Her ears are no longer crusty, nails are getting lovely and short and she melts our hearts!!


BHRR's AUTUMN's AWESOMEFIED Angels  $4,148.81 donated to date & Bills $3,999.97
Anna & Peter

Maggie/Derek – bag of FROMM Whitefish dog food
Kathryne – microchip & to purchase a bag of FROMM Whitefish Dog Food
Liza/Kelly + Gracie – 3 bags of FROMM Whitefish Dog Food

Andrea – PayPal took $0.74 in fees
Lucie – PayPal took $3.20 in fees
Alice – PayPal took $3.20 in fees
BHRR's Autumn's Emergency Online Fundraiser
BHRR's GIVE It 'UP' 4 Autumn
RCMP's Roll Your Own fundraiser

BHRR's AUTUMN's WishList:
$ towards Vet bills
Dog Coat – XXL
FROMM – Salmon Dog Food
Dino Smoked Bones
Oatmeal Shampoo
TONS of positive thoughts and vibes

Packing Blankets
BHRR's Journey Heart Biscuits

**IF I am forgetting any ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

UPDATE: I know I have much to update in BHRR's Autumn's blog and before I go to bed in the wee hours; I shall update her blog plus add photos from her x-rays – taken of both legs, chest, back, legs, heart etc. on October 24th, 2012 and you can find them below! 🙂

YET, today is a very special day for her…..SPAY day! She is still thin, no doubt about that yet, we are in that catch twenty-two….due to the hormones, she continues to lactate and be in a state food going to produce milk instead of putting in weight. YET, being thin, makes it more risky to spay. 🙁 She needs to gain weight yet, cannot really well as she is in this false pregnany hormone out of balance state. So, we are about 10 or so more pounds that we were with her weight and the go ahead has been given to spay.

I am dropping her off between 9-9:30 am at Liston Animal Hospital and shall not rest until I have her again…..the will take über great care of her, I just worry about all the dogs in surgery….YOU can call Liston Animal Hospital should you wish to make a donation direct on her bill, there is still almost $800 owing there! (613) 591-0966

THANKS to all of your support, enough funds have been raised to date to pay off her almost $3,500 in bills and we can also spay her with all monies there to cover her complicatrd spay costs.

From there, we are putting our creative hats on as she will need two cruciate surgeries – $6,000-$7,000+ – and the specialist is still looking at those eyes and what is going to be best….

We are taking it one step at a time for her YET, this was the dog that almost did not make it and she is just literally bull dozing her way through rehab as she works to become 100% healthy!! She still eats like ick….yet, the FROMM SALMON is going so much better!

I remain eternally humbled and touched by all the love given to her!!

AND the monies that shall come our way from the Poochini photo day and the Pet Valu/Chuck Desjardins photo shoot will also go direct to her bills!!
Please think of her tomorrow…..there is nothing 'routine' about this spay. 🙁

She has three surgeries ahead of her – a spay and two separate cruciate surgeries and this is in addition to her almost $3,000 bills to date that have been racked up.


4055 Carling Av Kanata  Kanata, ON K2K 2A4 (613) 591-0966


and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Autumn'. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

BHRR's AUTUMN's AWESOMEFIED Angels  $4,148.81 donated to date & Bills $3,497.98
Anna & Peter

Maggie/Derek – bag of FROMM Whitefish dog food
Kathryne – microchip & to purchase a bag of FROMM Whitefish Dog Food
Liza/Kelly + Gracie – 3 bags of FROMM Whitefish Dog Food

Andrea – PayPal took $0.74 in fees
Lucie – PayPal took $3.20 in fees
Alice – PayPal took $3.20 in fees
BHRR's Autumn's Emergency Online Fundraiser
BHRR's GIVE It 'UP' 4 Autumn
RCMP's Roll Your Own fundraiser

BHRR's AUTUMN's WishList:
$ towards Vet bills
Dog Coat – XXL
FROMM – Salmon Dog Food
Dino Smoked Bones
Oatmeal Shampoo
TONS of positive thoughts and vibes

Packing Blankets
BHRR's Journey Heart Biscuits

**IF I am forgetting any ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

On December 11th, 2012, I received the additional information on BHRR's Cancun and I also knew and was told that he would have been around very few if any Giants for they are not that common Mexico:

Oh yes, as for the Sanson and other dogs… they are not sure how he really is with other dogs because they were unable to socialize him because he was not vaccinated.  I believe he mirrors other dogs.  So if the dog is barking at him, he will bark back.  He spent about 6 months on the streets so they do get accustomed to having the street dog mentality.  BUT, there are many dogs that I have rescued from the streets here, who quickly learn they do not need to defend their territory or themselves.  Once they realize they are safe and the other dogs are not a threat and will not attack them, they really mellow right out and play like the pups they are.  If you need to, I can put you in contact with Andrea and she can explain more.  

Have a great day and thank you again for helping us with Sanson.  We really cant wait to get the photos of him running through the snow! 


BHRR's Bishop came to work with me today for a recheck and he now weighs 49.7 KGs(109.34 pounds)!

Two new and separate biopsies were done on that growth/lump on his foot and nothing but skin and blood were noted. No signs of bacteria and could have been an abscess at some point, who knows. Why it is bigger is a mystery and he is being put on doxy for his URI and to see if that may also help the lump.
He has some conjunctivitis right now so meds for his eyes, his chip was added to his file, we did blood work including hwt, full exam and he had TONS of loving!!

There will be no vaccines until he is a lot healthier and SUPERSTAR he is!

He is a wonderful boy, not a peep all day and accumulated his share of hearts today at KAH! 😉

Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Bishop'. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

BHRR's Bishop Beautiful Angels  $741 donated to date & Bills $934.59
Anna & Peter

Packing blankets
Oatmeal Shampoo
Dog Bed
Dog Coat – size L
Cool Coat from Aaahpaws

**IF I am forgetting any ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

On December 10th, 2012, I received the 'story' on him. He weighed 77 pounds upon being picked up, came to BHRR at 108 pounds and still has another 25-30 pounds to go.

Below are some photos of when he was picked up.

I am going to tell you the story of Sanson. We found him at the end of Punta Sam in Cancun on the 29th of September, I was on my car with my dogs and so this beautiful but amazingly skinny giant crossing the street, I got out of the car to call him and with no hesitation he ran to me and kissed my hands. Obviously I had no heart to leave him there so I opened the back of my van and he jumped in with his front legs but didn’t have enough energy to put up his back legs so I helped him up and he just fell asleep. I was on my way to a spaying and neutering campaign Petopia and Tierra de animales had organized so I took him with me with the hopes we could neuter him, once I got there we checked him and he was way too skinny to go through surgery so we fed him and gave him water. In the afternoon I got him back in my car and brought him to Petopia where we cut his hair and took of all the ticks, he was very infested but we were able to clear him after a few hours. His weight at the time was 35 kg (77 pounds) 55 pounds less than what a St. Bernard should weigh. We took him in and started getting him better, we had to measure his food since his stomach was so small we couldn’t just give him much food, so we fed him many times a day but small portions, we did exams to see how he was and obviously he was anemic and also had anaplasmosis and ehrlichiosis so we started treating him. We so a difference right away he is a great dog always thankful and playful with everyone and loves to be pet. We didn’t socialize him much since he had no shots and we had to wait for him to get better, now it seems he does ok with some and not so good with other, he doesn’t seem as an aggressive dog but maybe from the street he created a character to protect himself, if a dog barks at him he barks back, if a dog wags his tail he will wag his tail. Now Sanson has been neutered and has all his shots, and we couldn’t be happier that he is having a new start in Canada! Thank you so much to everyone who helped to make this possible! Now Sanson weighs 49 kg (108 pounds) and he is ready to be adopted and loved by a family, he is approximately 2 years old. He still has a way to go but he has passed the critical days he just needs to keep eating!

(For now he has finished his treatment for the ehrlichiosis and anaplasmosis but tests should be done in six months to make sure he is completely free and needs no more treatment.)

We actually found his first owners when we started posting him on facebook, they had given him in adoption to a woman who had a big garden but what they told us is that after a few weeks this woman called them to give him back and they had no room to take him back, they tried to contact her again after this and she never answered her phone again, she lived very far away from where I found him so the only theory even the family has is that she abandoned him there at least 6 months before I found him. He is a warrior!

BHRR's Cancun – I called him 'Cancun' as he is form Cancun, Mexico and in honour of Petopia CANCUN who saved him!


BHRR's Kringle(Kris Kringle) in my truck just after I got him and was ready to head home!
December 7th, 2012!


I cannot say enough about how WOW this boy is! JUST WOW! WOW! WOW! Almost fully integrated with the dogs and having a blast! This boy used to live in an apartment and boy! DOES he ever have a lot of living and exploring to do at BHRR!

He really is going to truly as I said enrapture a nation and beyond! LOVE LOVE LOVE HIM! Such a pleasure and a delight and of course, NO manners! LOL

He pulls, mouths, yanks, jumps and bull dozes his way through everything and I am loving every minute! It will come…they all learn….

Such a joly fellow indeed and he needs a good 20+ pounds and I would give him a body score of 3.5/4 out of 10. Such a happy boy despite that!!! KAH weighed him today and he was 50.7 KGs(111.54 pounds).

Thank you to the saving angels that met me today and for the stunning collar given to him plus the leash! 🙂

Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Kringle'. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

BHRR's Kris Kringle's KARING Angels  $45 donated to date & Bills $213.39
Fiona's Mummy & Gma

BHRR's Mr. Kris Kringle! – December 7th, 2012


BHRR's Jetta's Ear – December 7th, 2012 – Right after the bandages came off

From a recheck today.

Antibiotics have been changed and she only allowed me to be the one to remove that bandages and clean her ear. It is now going to stay un-bandaged for now and her Vet was worried about one part that may need to have some surgery on.

Over all, the Vet was fairly pleased and thought she was a really brave and exceptional girl to have all that needed to be done and was a model patient.

BHRR's Jettta – December 7th, 2012

BHRR's 5th ANNUAL "JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS" Online Auction is ON NOW UNTIL Thursday December 6th @ 9:00 PM EST!

We currently have 122 very exciting items up for grabs! MORE being added throughout the last day of this auction! 🙂

All monies raised shall go to the care of animals in need of BHRR and also assist the two new Saint Bernards headed our way!

I have a super duper and I mean super duper announcement to make! BHRR's Abby ate! She ATE! ATE! ATE! 🙂 Sigh…..I could just feel my knees almost buckling with relief. This is the first food she has really eaten since last Wednesday.

Going to keep her on IVF overnight again BUT she ate! Did I mentioned yet, that she ATE?!!!!

Oh, BHRR's Abby, you had me so worried…..so worried….

I brought BHRR's Abby back to work with me yesterday as I knew that she was not getting better.

She is down another 5 pounds(38.2 Kgs – 84.04 pounds). We did a PCV and it was 51%. Repeated her bw and her WBC is even more elevated.

We put her on IVF and added Baytril to her antibiotic armor and she has not had a proper meal since last Wednesday now. She has eaten bits here and there and we added an appetitie stimulant Mirtazapine yet, she is just picking at her food. She was still drinking some and her dehydration level was at 7% yesterday.

I took her home on IVF(160 over night) and dropped down to 135 this AM and I still have her on fluids.

Have talked to a specialist and they are thinking possible pericarditis due to a bacterial infection that has gone from lungs to heart. They feel that she was in survival mode for so long that her body is now just worn down and she is not able to battle well.

She has the Vets stumped and me deeply concerned. She was completely fine at our BHRR "EXPERIENCE" Mini Open House on the 24th and the Vets plus Specialists are wondering if possibly one of the guests brought something in…. 🙁 If this is the case, we are seriously going to have to review our processes/policies at our events. NONE of the other dogs at BHRR are sick and we continue to monitor.

Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Cherry'. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)

BHRR's Abby's Angels: $120 donated to date & Bills $1,661.41
RCMP Employess

BHRR's Abby – December 4th, 2012

I sent back another response confirming that we shall assist and the following came my way:

Thank you so very much!  It will make a lot of people down here very happy to hear he is going to Canada!!  I cant wait to see the photos of him in the snow!  All our mexi rescues seem to just LOVE it!  He should love it even more since that is where he is meant to be.  As for the dogs on that page with petopia, most of those dogs are owned and are brought to the doggy daycare often for socializing, exercise and good ol love.  (the lucky ones!!!)

A lot of people are going to be so happy for him!!!

Thank you again!!



On December 4th, 2012, I sent a response saying that BHRR would commit and asked some more questions and received the following in turn:

Hi Gwen, 

Thank you so much for responding!  

He is no more than 2 years of age, great with people and children.  He is ok with most other dogs, if he is introduced well but he will probably need some help with socializing.  They are unsure how he is with cats, as they are a doggy daycare.   He had ehrilichia, but was fully treated and is clear.  He is clear of heartworm, has been neutered and is fully vaccinated.  He has not biten anyone that we are aware of… and they say is just a charmer that loves the people.  He is a little under weight due to the ehrlichia, but will add on more pounds now that he is clear of that.  Anything else that you need to know, please ask and I will be sure to answer quickly!!!



On Tuesday December 4th, 2012, I received the following about a Saint Bernard Male in Mexico, yes MEXICO!

My name is Pamela X and Im a Canadian living and working in Cancun Mexico.  I spend most of time here saving street dogs and work closely with islaanimals.org as well as CANDi (Cats and Dogs International), both organizations started by amazing Canadian women, doing much needed free spay and neuter campaigns for the street population as well as to pet owners who cannot afford it.

We currently have a pure bred Saint Bernard here who was rescued by Petopia Cancun.  He had ehrlichia, but was treated and is now clear.  He is currently getting neutered, dewormed, and all his vaccinations and should be able to travel as early as December 11th.  We are trying to locate a rescue in Canada that can help facilitate his adoption as he is not meant to be down here in the tropical climate.  They have had many people interested in him here, but they do not want to adopt him out here as pure breds are more exploited than anything else and as soon as they find out they are neutered, they turn them back out because they cannot make money breeding them.  

I look forward to speaking with you.  Please feel free to call me, and if Im not home, just leave a message and Ill call you back a.s.a.p


BHRR does not adopt out during the XMAS season due to our position that it is not in the best interest of a new addition being added during such a busy, exciting and somewhat stressful time for many. Our XMAS Shutdown period for this year is from Saturday December 15th, 2012 to Monday January 7th, 2013 inclusive.

UPDATE: I just finished changing BHRR's Jetta's bandage again, cleaned up her wounds and everything looks so awesome! It really looks great. Far better than all of us expected to see. She continues with her antibiotics, has plenty of pain meds and I cannot stress enough how amazing this dog is to allow me to do all that I need to do and nothing more than a wee cry here and there, which if it were me, I would want to scream.
She is going to make one forever loving home an outstanding dog for I always knew she was fabu yet, she is fabu extreme really and so brave….just so brave…..
Thanks for everyone's well wishes, caring words and support for her! The poor thing…..

AND Drift refuses to leave her side……..he is such a caring boy!

Sending out a warning to all in our neck of the woods…as some are already aware, BHRR has experienced two coyote attacks on two dogs and today – early AM, we had our third… 🙁 BHRR's Jetta took a bad grab through the fence…. 🙁
Sean and I have had tall gaming(smallish slats) and page wire fencing(larger slats) for the last two to three years and now have been madly replacing it with even smaller slats(2×4) and even taller fen
cing to keep the dogs safe. Even with us humans out in the fenced in yard, the coyotes are very bold. 🙁 Sean was right there when it happened and screamed for me to help…

We have lived here since 1999 and never ever had this kind of coyote problem and now, three dogs have been hurt over the last three weeks and even in the last year+, I have had to save our pony who had three coyotes attacking him one night. 🙁
Please everyone, be super vigilant and careful.
I am not even taking the dogs on the trails these days as this is a big worry re: attacks. 🙁
Think of poor BHRR's Jetta who is now missing a significant part of one ear and her poor nose. Kingston and Drift have healed well from their own grabs from coyotes….

BHRR's Kringle:

15-18 month old male rough coat Saint Bernard – Owners moving back to China and surrendered to a shelter
*weight about 100 pounds, great with other dogs, calm, does mark(being neutered), told he is 'AMAZING', fully vaccinated.

ETA coming to BHRR December 7th, 2012

Here is a VIDEO of him! We are going to call him BHRR's Kringle as he is just going to be arriving before XMAS! 🙂 AND he seems to be a jolly nice fellow indeed! 🙂

Once he is here, I shall post what he needs, yet a collar and leash for sure, doggie bed and lot of welcoming to BHRR wishes! It has been awhile since we brought in a Saint – there was a period of time ALL we were doing is bringing in Saints and cannot wait to meet him. 🙂

BHRR's Kringle