I just wanted to add a photo of BHRR's Freedom from December 18th, 2011. HAVE to get more photos up of this incredibly gorgeous boy yet cameras plus videos can make him nervous; so I have to do the 'subtle' approach.

BHRR's Freedom – December 18th, 2011 – about 4 years of age

Here is a VIDEO I took earlier tonight of BHRR's Veteran AKA Peter Pan and BHRR's Veteran! On Bleach's couch. šŸ˜‰

I am really loving this video thing! šŸ˜€

BHRR's Goliath has been developing into the BESTEST dog ever! He is superb!

BHRR`s Adele is having a bit of a play date today – for just a couple of hours; so as to not flood her and I am looking forward in obtaining a new weight on her! šŸ™‚

I am so happy that she is going to have some extra special loving time just for her.

Will post an update on how things go for her and the home!

This blog is a LONG time in the making, I know! My priority is always to continue to be hands on with the dogs in need of BHRR and we have several right now in very big need and I do apologize that my blogs and photos take a 'back seat' during such times. šŸ™

Re: BHRR's Veteran; he is doing great! His bff is BHRR's Goliath! A sweetheart that is also awaiting his own forever loving adoptive home still.

They will play so well together and have a lot of fun! He also loves playing with my bluez boyz and my mantle boy these days along with BHRR's Goliath and the 5 of them are a very close group of pals. šŸ™‚

He had a great play date at the end of December and if I do receive any photos from that play date, I shall post some. šŸ™‚

I am going to post three photos below from the community education and awareness event we did at B&F at the beginning of December for their Angel Tree and added quite a few more of those photos to his slideshow.

He is great with kids and his obedience has just come so naturally to him.

The only time I have ever seen him nervous was when we saw a native american walking out of Timmie's one day and by our car and I thought he might actually urinate, he was so worried. I just told him it was 'ok' and he settled down and we continued on our way through the drive through of the bank. Considering where he was taken from, understandable behavour and how I handled it was how he thus responded. He did belong to a drunk person when the 275 dogs were assisted last November by ARC in Quebec in the first nation community and he clearly has memories that still affect him. THIS is the only person I have ever seen him react to and his reaction was fear. Poor thing…..yet, onward and forward we went and he liked the treaties I gave him and the pat plus calming word and settled right back down; trusting that I would not let anything harm him.

His temperament is a very solid and stable one and he continues to reside in harmony with the dogs here and he continues to keep BHRR's Atlas going should BHRR's Atlas have a bad day or moment. GOSH! This dog is amazing!!!

He really is going to make a home a fantabulous addition with his affection, heart and love to give! NOT to mention how handsome of a silver merle GD he is!

December 2nd, 2011 – B&F Community Education & Public Awareness Event




Today's FREEDOM Dane update comes from 'Freedom'. Sean and I have been seriously wondering if some of these dogs have a voice. We have yet to hear a peep from Gretta and Peanut and only recently have we heard a sound from Adele( that was when BHRR's Riley thought she would make a great 'jump' obstacle and had jumped over her once and was headed back to try it again and he tripped in typical Riley fashion and bumped the 'Queen'. She made her first ever grumpy sound).

Well today, I was doing a bit of training with Ms. Dynamite aka Bloom and I heard this sound from the kitchen. Never having heard that voice; I went to investigate and here was Freedom wagging his tail slightly( that is so exciting unto itself!!!) looking at the dishwasher and doing a playbow!!! A real playbow and he was barking! AND just what exactly was he barking at! His reflection in the dishwasher! He was really hoping that the handsome dude he saw was going to play with him!

When I came in, he looked over his shoulder and was happy! Like he found a new friend!
We will work on the barking….BUT he does have a voice and was comfortable enough to use it!!! AND some tail wags AND a playbow. Those are the important things!!!

Another good day at BHRR! šŸ™‚

BHRR's Journey was spayed today.

UPDATE: Journey is now out of surgery from her spay! Everything went great!! In the last week+; the dogs have been showing interest in her; both boys and girls; even those that have already been neutered and spayed and that confirmed more than anything that she had not been spayed. So, Journey is now officially detwinkies! :)-

Sean shall pick her up on his way home from work; around 3 pm and so happy that all went fantastic!!! Have I mentioned lately how awesome those that I work with at KAH are!!! šŸ™‚

UPDATE: #2: She is still hanging around 100 pounds and this bounce-back recovery is going to take her a bit. She is at home, resting with a warm dog bed and a heater. She has had a couple of small spit-ups and is still quite groggy BUT the surgery went well!
The Vet confirmed that she was quite immature and has not had a heat or puppies in her past.

From here, once she has more weight and recovers from her spay; gets some vaccines; she is sooooooo close to being 100%! We have only had her since December 22nd and her 'journey' has been beyond words fantabulous!!! Give her a couple of months and she will NEVER even remotely resemble the dog she once was THANKS to all of your efforts of support from donations and words of belief plus care!!

AND 1,665 dozen 'BHRR's Journey Heart Biscuits' now sold!

Anna's e-mail or you can call her at 613 993 2738 to order – ONLY 5 days left to order yours!  Anna also has a Hypo recipe for those that have sensitive tummy doggies!

A post made by Anna Gray-Henschel on the BHRR FB Fan Page:

"To raise funds for BHRR's Journey, I am baking smokey bacon with cheddar heart shaped dog biscuits at $3/dz. Happy to deliver them in the Ottawa area or bring them to BHHR's open house for those attending. I will also ship them at no charge within Canada. Please let me know before the end of this month so that you'll have them in time for Valentine's Day. Made with love, bought with love and every penny sent to BHRR with love to Journey."


January 26th, 2012 – post-op from spay

If you want to be a Special Santa Help Elf to BHRR's Journey:

IF anyone wishes to donate to be a BHRR's Journey's Santa Elf '; you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and under the name of  'Journey' and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal – gwen@birchhaven.org

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

I know that I have said this before and I shall say it again; I am not above or below begging and pleading for the animals in need. AND I am doing so now, so soon after XMAS; yet I am asking on my knees if need be; for people to consider donating to her vast medical bills.

ALL I can give you in turn at this time; is my deepest and most heartfelt and sincerest of thanks along with those of BHRR's Journey; for she would have died out there; and soon. Be it from a car hitting her; starvation or her wounds or a coyote attack or even from some person shooting her; she would have died and it would not have been long before it happened. There is nothing to her body right now….absolutely nothing but skin and bones. There is not even a lot of hair.

BHRR's Journey's Angels:             $6,456 Donated to date        REMAINING OWED ON HER BILLS AT THIS TIME: $1,198.40

Ginnete – Critter Jungle
Karen – PayPal took $3.35 in fees
Erin – PayPal took $6.10 in fees
Audrey – PayPal took $0.74 in fees
Brigitte – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Penny – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Marie – Sophie
Jayne – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
Ishie Hilton Hernando
Dorothy – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
ANNA & Her 'BHRR's Journey's Heart Biscuits' Fundraising Supporters
The Bakers
Ryan & Andie

I want to publicly send out a BIG warm and deep thanks of the best kind to Laura and The Greyhound Supporters (National Capital Region).
I received a very lovely and touching letter from them in respect to Journey. In addition to their beautiful letter, they sent a check for $250 to go to her rehabilitation bills.
To see so many reach out in support and kindness and belief plus understanding for Journey; has been incredible. THIS is what Rescue is about; working together, not against to make positive differences to animals in need; animals that did not ask to have such cruelty done to them!
THANKS GSNCR for your part of being such a strong link on that chain of success for animals like Journey!
BHRR believes in assisting where and when we can to other people, animals and groups and so does GSNCR! Please, if you have a moment, do email or call them to tell them how special and important they are to the community!!!

BHRR's Shiva has been scheduled to have her annual on February 11th, 2012 and here is an

Update from BHRR's Shiva's Temp Foster Home:

As for the lovely Shiva the Diva, she is doing just grand…like a true Diva, lol.  We are all having such a great time.  She has been granted total freedom when we leave the house.  The first two days of freedom were had a few minor glitches as she decided to investigate 'X's shaving kit by emptying everything within and spreading throughout the house.  I was quite surprised upon the discovery but yet impressed as she did not destroy anything.  She just needed to entertain herself to remedy her SA that day.  The other little event is tearing the head off one of my snowman decorations.  Again, nothing major and I had a little inside chuckle at this.  Since then, nothing.  A perfect house guest!!! šŸ˜‰
Something that is cute about her is that she will not jump up on any furniture in our presence.  BUT, leave her alone and our home becomes her palace!!!!  She's been busted a few times on the couch, the bed and the futon!  She is just hilarious….I have a smirk on my face as I'm writing, lol.
We've been continuing our daily walks and playdates, weather permitting of course.  She is adapting more and more to the sounds of the city and meeting people on the street.  She loooooves her playdates.  We always choose a park or area that we mix up the on and off leash walks.  Everyone we meet is so impressed by her and how she behaves on and off leash.  She sure makes me proud.
Since the weather has been a bit less cooperative lately, we have been cooped up in the house during the cold snaps.  One of her favorite toys here is a orange ball hockey ball.  It's pretty much indestructible and we play fetch with it in the family room.  This is sooooo funny as she is limited in space but we figure it out.  She fetches and returns the ball to me, again….l'm so proud of her.  She galops and trips over herself while throwing the ball around on her own.  This is quite funny to watch.
Also, I due attest that doing her nails is so easy.  She is such a trooper.  She remains calm and shows no tendency to pull away.  Proud! Proud! Proud!  She rocks!!!!!
Well, enough for tonight.  I know that she is missed at BHRR but rest assured that she is she is doing great and very happy in her "palace", lol.
Have a good night Gwen!
PS  X has been home sick for the last 2 days.  These two have become the bestest of friends during my time away.  They've finally bonded and HE is quite taken by her!!!! šŸ˜‰ and vice-versa! HA!

BHRR's Atlas has his first CWW – Canine Water Wellness Session today and I am sooooooooo proud of him!

He came readily out of the house and it was not until we got close to the car that he began to become worried. My safe word for him is 'trust' and with some major trust on his part and a bit of tough love on my part; he got into the car and we had an uneventful trip into CWW; which is about an hour away in good weather.

I deliberately parked far away and we had a nice leisurely stroll to CWW. We passed cars and people and BHRR's Atlas took it all in stride. He even showed off by lifting his leg to pee on a bench! cheeky

When we arrived, he did not want to walk through the door and I used his safe word 'trust' and he then walked into CWW. The trust that he has given me over the short time he has been with us is humbling. Just humbling.

On a side note; he has put on almost 40 pounds of weight plus muscle mass since he first arrived to BHRR last November.

When we arrived, he had the 'rejected' look – head down, averted, tail down and it is his 'If I cannot see them, they cannot see me and hurt me' stance. So, we took about 15 minutes, talked and both Jen and Lianne touched him and we let him relax. When Lianne stopped loving on him, he moved a bit closer and stood still. This is his sign and that he is very quietly hoping that he will be petted some more.

I then used the 'trust' word and he followed me to the swimming area; never minding the two dogs belonging to the owners and he was fitted into a lifejacket and after using the 'trust' word again; up the ramp we went and in the water he went.

No big build up of stress or anxiety for him and it was not long before he found his balance and rhythm.

I was his 'motivation' to want to swim and so my video is not the best…SORRY! I was trying to video tape, go up and down the wet ramp, stay balanced and encourage him PLUS I was just so excited for him!!! šŸ™‚

BUT, here is the short VIDEO! By the end of the session, he was swimming unaided.

He has a long way to go to build up endurance BUT that is one reason why we are here, that and to continue to work on his mental plus emotional state. His next session is Thursday February 2nd and I hope to bring him every 7-10 days. If anyone wishes to assist with his hydrotherapy bills; you can contact Canine Water Wellness directly.

I am also going to post a few pictures below of his session! He showed some interest in their treats plus water bowl yet was not quite ready to take any but by the time we left; he was wagging his tail and taking treats from Lianne!! WTG Atlas!!!

It was a good session. I had no expectations other than that we would arrive and see how things went.

He was so tired at the end that he just was standing on the bench; literally falling asleep as they massaged him!!!

He was very relaxed as we walked back to the car and after a bit of a 'moment' with getting into the car; he then got in and settled down for a good ride home. šŸ™‚

I stopped at McDonald's and he had his own Chicken McNuggets. šŸ™‚

January 24th, 2012 – Canine Water Wellness


BHRR's Journey went on some antibiotics not long after her dental as one of her extraction site's became a bit infected. ALL is much better now though!

She has been scheduled for her second surgery – Thursday January 26th – for her spay.

From there, she will need vaccines and another fecal.

KEEP her in your thoughts and blessings!!! This is one AMAZING girl!!! šŸ™‚


If you want to be a Special Santa Help Elf to BHRR's Journey:

IF anyone wishes to donate to be a BHRR's Journey's Santa Elf '; you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and under the name of  'Journey' and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal – gwen@birchhaven.org

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

I know that I have said this before and I shall say it again; I am not above or below begging and pleading for the animals in need. AND I am doing so now, so soon after XMAS; yet I am asking on my knees if need be; for people to consider donating to her vast medical bills.

ALL I can give you in turn at this time; is my deepest and most heartfelt and sincerest of thanks along with those of BHRR's Journey; for she would have died out there; and soon. Be it from a car hitting her; starvation or her wounds or a coyote attack or even from some person shooting her; she would have died and it would not have been long before it happened. There is nothing to her body right now….absolutely nothing but skin and bones. There is not even a lot of hair.

BHRR's Journey's Angels:             $5,956 Donated to date                Vet Bills $7,460 and rising

Ginnete – Critter Jungle
Karen – PayPal took $3.35 in fees
Erin – PayPal took $6.10 in fees
Audrey – PayPal took $0.74 in fees
Brigitte – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Penny – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Marie – Sophie
Jayne – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
Ishie Hilton Hernando
Dorothy – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
ANNA & Her 'BHRR's Journey's Heart Biscuits' Fundraising Supporters
The Bakers
Ryan & Andie

Today's FREEDOM Danes update has been so sweet. For the first time since she arrived; Adele is actually showing happiness about me coming home and coming to greet me!!!

AND it happened!!! My patience with bated breath has given me a HUGE reward plus gift!!! Freedom actually took his first not one; but two treats from my hand when he was outside of his 'safe' spot of a crate and ate them right there!!! My heart just melted…..

Their rehab paths are being very slowly travelled at their pace and their steps of beginning to trust and love make me feel honoured and very proud of their bravery!!! One cannot undo a lifetime if neglect and abuse overnight or change their history yet; we can give them a future of warmth, caring and kind spoiling love; that is their right!

AND yes, it was Anna's amazing 'heart' biscuits!!! šŸ™‚

Another great day developing at BHRR thanks to these amazing dogs!!!


From Anna – 1,538 dozen 'BHRR Journey Heart Biscuits' now ordered. Most humble of thanks being sent to everyone plus Anna…Thank you!!

Her  e-mail or you can call her at 613 993 2738. Up to 1,538 dozen orders taken to date!!! Anna also has a Hypo recipe for those that have sensitive tummy doggies!

A post made by Anna Gray-Henschel on the BHRR FB Fan Page:

"To raise funds for BHRR's Journey, I am baking smokey bacon with cheddar heart shaped dog biscuits at $3/dz. Happy to deliver them in the Ottawa area or bring them to BHHR's open house for those attending. I will also ship them at no charge within Canada. Please let me know before the end of this month so that you'll have them in time for Valentine's Day. Made with love, bought with love and every penny sent to BHRR with love to Journey."

FINALLY! BHRR's Atlas was comfortable enough for me to get a short VIDEO of him AND it was SOOOOOOOOO worth the fall on the ice to get it! cheekyI keep saying it over and over and it is so true, he just makes my heart THROB with love! šŸ™‚ His first CWW hydrotherapy session is this Tuesday as the weather was so bad this past Tuesday and had to be rescheduled. I cannot wait! šŸ™‚

BHRR's Atlas makes me laugh and smile and he is doing some zipping and zomming with that nice wagging tail….it is a great day! šŸ™‚

I hug him every morning and night; along with the others here and whisper in their ears to TELL that they are not only worthy and deserving of the best in love BUT that it is their RIGHT to have all the super things life has to give. šŸ™‚ it is part of my daily regime with the dogs and horses and given with treats and kisses too.

I could scream from the rooftops about his TAIL!! I am just beaming for him. šŸ™‚ Just beaming….

Not even 10:00 AM and I know it is going to be a great day!

Major break through in the treat department with four of the FREEDOM Danes and also BHRR's Atlas!!!

Adele is now actually taking treats from my hand and eating them. With the amazing 'heart biscuits' that Anna made and were donated; Adele is understanding what treats are!!! This is huge!
Freedom is now eating the 'Journey Heart Biscuits' in his crate; he is not yet brave enough to take them from my hand but getting there!
Gretta is now also taking the 'Journey Heart Biscuits' from my hand
Atlas – who has learnt a bit about treats since his arrival but was rare for him to like any one kind; gets very excited over the 'Journey Heart Biscuits'

AND last but not least; Peanut will now follow me around looking for the 'Journey Heart Biscuits'.

For those who know these dogs; this is a huge breakthrough! Time, patience and the right treatie made with extra love; is rehabbing these dogs from their own lives of hell.
NONE of them knew what a kind touch or loving word or what treats and good food were BUT they are learning! The only experience they knew were that hands were for pain and hitting and smacking and rejection and cruelty. NOT any more!!! NEVER again my sweeties shall a hand be raised in anything but care and love.

'Tis a good day indeed! šŸ™‚

From Anna – 1257 dozen 'BHRR Journey Heart Biscuits' now ordered. Most humble of thanks being sent to everyone plus Anna…Thank you!!

Her  e-mail or you can call her at 613 993 2738. Up to 1,002 dozen orders taken to date!!! Anna also has a Hypo recipe for those that have sensitive tummy doggies!

A post made by Anna Gray-Henschel on the BHRR FB Fan Page:

"To raise funds for BHRR's Journey, I am baking smokey bacon with cheddar heart shaped dog biscuits at $3/dz. Happy to deliver them in the Ottawa area or bring them to BHHR's open house for those attending. I will also ship them at no charge within Canada. Please let me know before the end of this month so that you'll have them in time for Valentine's Day. Made with love, bought with love and every penny sent to BHRR with love to Journey."

Here is a VIDEO of BHRR's Bloom as we got ready to head to KAH for her splint removal and re-visit. šŸ™‚

She was a really good passenger, did not help me drive once this time and only rarely decided to voice her opinion of the occasional peson we drove by RIGHT into my ear! She is so social that she is not impressed that she is not being greeted by all!

She weighed 36.1 KGs today ( 79.42 pounds), so slowly getting there. Once she has that opportunity to get the muscle tone and mass on her; she should be around 90 pounds or so. People kept asking at KAH, what is she mixed with and if she will get any bigger and the answer is; she is 100% pure backyard bred dog and nope, she is not going to get much taller. She is that 'teacup' 'Giant' in that wee package of 'dynamite.' We nicknamed her 'Boom Boom', just as dynamite would explode, so can she with the biggest personality!

I wish I had my camera out as she layed sprawled in one of the KAH staff members laps! My dogs just WUVS her!

This poor thing has had to be on enforced crate rest for 6 weeks and has another 2 to go at the minimum(we see Dr. Gatineau on February 8th for more X-rays and another follow-up) and she has been a trooper but that is a lot to ask of anyone, let alone; a young dog. She makes up for lost time when she can be out and it took three people to hold that wiggly body still for the Vet to take off the splint and examine her.

People need to understand that she is not mean, she is full of young puppy energy that has been asked to be contained and to think how frustrated she could actually be and is not; is amazing! Yes, she is a high maintenance dog yet she is also an awesome dog and is going to make a home an awesome addition!

BUT, she is not for the faint of heart, small 'teacup' body or not. She is brilliant and a thinker and so busy!

That will change as her obedience can be more focused on(she was already better for me in the car and in trying to 'walk' with her! LOL) and it will only get better and better. AND she will improve as she matures and also gets proper exercise.

I took some photos of her leg. As the splint was being unwrapped, we could begin to smell what was underneathe. Yes, her toes are a bit swollen and in-between them is very raw – from her licking and the rubbing. The actual surgical incisions look really good and she is healing well but that one area from when she had her cast cut into her leg and though it was healing from the cast; the splint really aggravated it when it was covered by the splint. It is raw and oozing and you can tell that she has managed to snake that tongue of hers down the splint to lick it for it has that lovely raised edge look indicative of lovely doggie salivia! šŸ˜‰

So, she was all cleaned up and I have hibitane cream for her, 1,000 mg of Cephalexin to give BID for 7 days and I left with an empty IV bag for her foot plus a cone. BY the time, I reached the car, the IV bag was off the foot and the cone had been busted…YUP! That is my dynamite girl for you! Sigh…………….

So, the challenge is going to try and keep it dry and from her licking it. We put YUK all around the IV bag and gauze to no avail but I now have the taste of it in my own mouth,..YUK is right!

The Vet had talked about possibly re-splinting it yet with the open sores/areas, it is best to keep it aired and within a couple of days, should look much better…AS long as we can keep her behaving! šŸ˜‰ The Vet felt the leg was healing well and you could feel the pins through her skin. We just need to get on top of the cast/splint complications. I was a bit concerned and with just cause as we took that splint off and now we can be proactive about treating her!

She continues to keep me challenged and on my toes and I LOVE dogs like her. She is honest and open and very clear about what she feels at all times. I could not ask for a dog to communicate better with me.

BHRR's Bloom's right front leg – January 18th, 2012



Today; I am going to tell you all JUST how much I love Journey! I love her as much as I would have my almost 2.5 pound pot roast that she swiped from moments after I put it into my slow cooker!!! I put it in and had just put the timer on and went three feet to grab the peppers, onions and other goodies to go into the pot and I turned back mere seconds later and she had swiped the pot roast clean out of the cooker that was at the back of the counter to boot! I got it back but we have now having pasta tonight instead!! Love you Journey but that was not your pot roast!!! :)- The NO to counter surfing continues to be a work in progress…. šŸ˜‰

I was not angry….she is worth a million pot roasts!!! šŸ™‚

Journey is now very angelically snuggled up to my daughter having a nap, tired are her AM adventure. Kinsley is still quite ill and both are snoring MOST
unladylike! :)- Journey is going to make someone's home a very enriched one….she is that precious!

From Anna – 1257 dozen 'BHRR Journey Heart Biscuits' now ordered. Most humble of thanks being sent to everyone plus Anna…Thank you!!

Her  e-mail or you can call her at 613 993 2738. Up to 1,002 dozen orders taken to date!!! Anna also has a Hypo recipe for those that have sensitive tummy doggies!

A post made by Anna Gray-Henschel on the BHRR FB Fan Page:

"To raise funds for BHRR's Journey, I am baking smokey bacon with cheddar heart shaped dog biscuits at $3/dz. Happy to deliver them in the Ottawa area or bring them to BHHR's open house for those attending. I will also ship them at no charge within Canada. Please let me know before the end of this month so that you'll have them in time for Valentine's Day. Made with love, bought with love and every penny sent to BHRR with love to Journey."

Due to bad weather – 15 cm of snow and freezing rain headed our way; we have rescheduled BHRR's Atlas' CWW session to next Tuesday January 24th @ 2 PM.

Cannot wait!!! A special date for him and I! šŸ™‚

I have been watching the weather very closely this past 24 hours or so for BHRR's Atlas is scheduled for his very first hydrotherapy session at CWW and the forecast has not been looking to positive.

We have gone from a projected forecast of  15-20 cm of snow and 15-20 mm of freezing rain to 20 mm of freezing rain and 1-3 cm of snow. ICK! šŸ™

I have been soooooooooooooo looking forward to this for ages with and for BHRR's Atlas! I am not going to cancel until I have to though. Something may change. I can remain hopeful!

I did a manicure and pedicure on him tonight and WHAT a dream he is!!! WOW! This boy just makes my heart throb with adoration! AND he is so happy when he sees me…he has become a whole butt wagger, not just the tail! I have to get a video of him! I just have to and share with all! šŸ™‚

AND the other break through is treaties! FINALLY, a treatie that he will be excited about; Anna's 'BHRR's Journey's Heart Biscuits' made with cheese and tons of love! Some were donated our way and he WUVS them! I have put some aside to bring tomorrow as a very special yummy for him.

For those that might consider being an angel for him; he could use monies towards his Canine Water Wellness Hydrotherapy sessions. We are going to see if the harness that was donated for BHRR Apollo's own CWW sessions shall fit him.

If the weather holds out; I want to bring him to KAH afterwards to get a new weight on him. In looking over his records, he was not even 90+ pounds when he first arrived to BHRR.

BHRR's Atlas – November 29th, 2011
JUST 2.5 weeks after arrival to BHRR

**After some baths plus major TLC he is looking so much better! Sadly, physically the results on his hips are not great BUT he shall be moved to our BHRR Haven Program and ADORED for all the time that he shall have with us! May it be for a very long time that he shall grace/bless the lives of those around him! HE has become so very near and dear to my heart this boy!**

BHRR's Atlas – November 29th, 2011 – LOOK at his coat!

*He has been one of my 'doctors' while I have recovered from surgery and in this photo is is watching over all the online auction goodies AND wants to thank everyone for donating, crossposting plus bidding! The monies raised shall help him and others like him in need of BHRR.*

Update 3:39 pm:

Journey is now out of surgery! She actually had all four canines quite badly broken. šŸ™ Two were pulled; at least five other teeth were restored and the Vet was iffy on one; yet; the Vet decided to take a conservative approach and restored it. They would like to see repeat X-Rays in about 6 months to check the viability of that tooth and go from there. She also had a thorough dental cleaning.
I shall bring her home after I do a hv for BHRR tonight and after she recovers; we shall look at spaying and then some vaccines.
Thanks for all the well wishes for Journey!! šŸ™‚
I shall update more as I can!!

Update 11:20 pm:

She was under for over 4 hours today, so is very exhausted. She was sooooooooooooo happy to see me and I her! šŸ™‚
She will need about 10 – 14 days to heal and get some strength back and then we shall look at her second surgery.
In reviewing her x-rays today; she is even younger than 18 months. We went from guessestimating her around 18 months – 2 years and now in looking at those teeth x-rays, 15 months – 18 months is about right.


BHRR's Journey – Post-op January 16th, 2012


Gentle Reminder: Here is a JOURNEY FUNDRAISER that Anna is doing for BHRR's Journey! She is another beautiful angel reaching out with kindness to support BHRR's Journey! Humbled as always by everyone's support!! THANK YOU!

Her  e-mail or you can call her at 613 993 2738. Up to 1,002 dozen orders taken to date!!! Anna also has a Hypo recipe for those that have sensitive tummy doggies!

A post made by Anna Gray-Henschel on the BHRR FB Fan Page:

"To raise funds for BHRR's Journey, I am baking smokey bacon with cheddar heart shaped dog biscuits at $3/dz. Happy to deliver them in the Ottawa area or bring them to BHHR's open house for those attending. I will also ship them at no charge within Canada. Please let me know before the end of this month so that you'll have them in time for Valentine's Day. Made with love, bought with love and every penny sent to BHRR with love to Journey."


On Saturday January 14th, BHRR's Shiva went back for another blast of a time temp foster experience! This time she will be returning around February 2nd, 2012 and we are already missing her! šŸ™‚

I know that she shall immensely enjoy herself! šŸ™‚

Thanks so much

Hi Guys, I was just looking at your website and all the wonderful work you guys do. We, that's my Wife, Oakley our Great Dane/ Akbash mix, 1.7 years old, and me just want to say thanks. You guys are miracle workers. You speak for those that cannot talk. Some of the photos and info you have on the neglected animals are truly heartbreaking, and evoke a mix of emotions from me, anger, hate, sadness, pain, etc. I really cannot understand how anyone could treat a animal like that. Our big ole lug sleeps on the bed with us, goes everywhere with us, loves us, hugs us, plays with us, and pretty much everything else with us. We have always loved our dogs like this. Our last guy went to the rainbow bridge Nov 30th 2010, and we think of him every single day. We have his cremains on our mantle which we walk past everyday. But, that's life, and unfortunately our best friends don't live like us. We quickly rescued our Big Lug Oakers from a couple who only had him for a few months as a puppy, which they could not provide the care for him he needed due to another animal in the house. He very quickly became a BIG part of our family, and has turned out to be a AMAZING dog, both in and out of the house. We just want to say thanks so much for providing your time, money and love for these animals. Your miracle workers, even if you cannot see it.

P.S we are located in Renfrew County, just a hop skip and a jump away. You might even come across one of his brothers or sisters, as he was originality from Lanark area. Maybe we could stop in sometime to take a look around and talk a little more about your operation. Thanks so much, and keep up the great work!

As BHRR's Journey rests before her first of two surgeries tomorrow – x-rays, dental, possible extractions, reconstruction etc.; she wanted me to post this short JOURNEY Video of how well she is doing THANKS to each of you!

You are a HUGE part of her survival journey of a thriving future and THANK YOU!

If you can spare her a well wish or thought for tomorrow; all of us would be grateful. I cannot wait to learn of her new weight yet I will be most happy; as always; when I bring her home.

This video is 24 days POST ARRIVAL to BHRR! She needs about another 10 pounds or so in weight/muscle mass but WOW! Looking great sweet Journey!

AND that is Sean that is loving on her and see her tail???!!! WAGGING! šŸ™‚

She has survived SOOOOO much; from starvation to pneumonia to gas bloat to parasites to dehydration and hypotherima, a broken tail, nasty wounds and the list goes on BUT never once has she been anything less than divine as she has had to go through medical and emotional rehab.

This girl is a heavenly creature that has pulled so many kind and like minded people together all across North America and I continue to only think of 'move forward' for her. She deserves great things in her life and I am determined with so many others that also believe and have been touched by her and love her like we do; that she is going to have it. šŸ™‚

She makes my soul sing with her beautiful heart and strength to want to live.

If you want to be a Special Santa Help Elf to BHRR's Journey:

IF anyone wishes to donate to be a BHRR's Journey's Santa Elf '; you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and under the name of  'Journey' and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal – gwen@birchhaven.org

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

I know that I have said this before and I shall say it again; I am not above or below begging and pleading for the animals in need. AND I am doing so now, so soon after XMAS; yet I am asking on my knees if need be; for people to consider donating to her vast medical bills.

ALL I can give you in turn at this time; is my deepest and most heartfelt and sincerest of thanks along with those of BHRR's Journey; for she would have died out there; and soon. Be it from a car hitting her; starvation or her wounds or a coyote attack or even from some person shooting her; she would have died and it would not have been long before it happened. There is nothing to her body right now….absolutely nothing but skin and bones. There is not even a lot of hair.

BHRR's Journey's Angels:             $4,431 Donated to date                Vet Bills $5,500+ and rising

Ginnete – Critter Jungle
Karen – PayPal took $3.35 in fees
Erin – PayPal took $6.10 in fees
Audrey – PayPal took $0.74 in fees
Brigitte – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Penny – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Marie – Sophie
Jayne – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
Ishie Hilton Hernando
Dorothy – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
ANNA & Her 'BHRR's Journey's Heart Biscuits' Fundraising Supporters
The Bakers


So…..Sorry it has been a while, but I rarely can fight the family for the computer these days !! LOL

But I can see that the *Special Angels /Gwen & Sean are hard at work as usual.

Wonderful group of Dogs on your site, and Riley & Hailey look like a certain BJJ/H here at home in the Big Smoke !!

I am sort of Partial to that Irish/*Goliath-(BEAUTIFUL)-!!

-> Always LOVE –ALL– Your BHRR/Names as Well !!!

Last time we visited Animal Services we saw Our mutual/friend Chelsea, back hard at work , & what a Precious Daughter she has…..

***Listen Folks -Who have Wanted- a Great Dane -ALL- your LIFE ??

That was me back in 2006…..But Sean & Gwen made my Dreams become a REALITY with my Prize Possesion which my wife calls my SHADOW !!!

I really don’t know what I would do without Him or our other Rescue ??

I am completely pre-occupied with our Danes daily and hate being apart when I am on the night shift.

I’m told the rest of the family hold the fort -well- I’m at work, but -they- are chop liver once I return home to my rescues !! -> Particularly my BHRR/Harle LOL

So…..There is No Time Like the Present !!!

Don’t Delay any Longer ??? Allow Gwen & Sean to change your LIFE for the BETTER !!!

Adopt Immediately , or *HELP out with a Donation, because
–ALL– their Rescues are WORTH It !!!

–> You Will NOT –Regret– It !!!

Once again from Our Family to the *BHRR-Family….

Nothing but *BEST*WISHES* for -2012- & “Always“ !!!!

I will try to send Gwen , Sean & Children some pics` if I can get on the computer again in the future !! LOL

Give -Everyone- a Huge *KISS -( Dogs -Too- !!)- along with



Take Care,


Love – Mr. Arthur(V)Zane. & B-J Joker Heath.

— plus — Rodgers Family.

*P.S. – !!!! Don`t Forget to ADOPT a -BHRR- Dog Today !!!!


BHRR's Barbie is now moving under an ADOPTED STATUS! She is going to her new home on Sunday January 15th!

I have so loved my time with this sweet doll of a girl!

BHRR's Riley is having his one-on-one special date on Saturday! I will be out tomorrow for a wee bit doing picnic shopping! How exciting!

I hope to also obtain a new weight on him.

He continues to be a huge gooberhead in many ways, yet he is so treat and praise motivated that his butt can sit in a nanosecond in attention!

He also felt recently that he wanted to try and do another door jump and this time in the opposite direction and managed to clear all but one foot and down he went and then right back up he went and on his merry way he wanted to go. I had to stop him to go over him to make sure that he did not get any booboos.

He is still a huge ladies man and he loves BHRR's Dana and BHRR's Journey the most. BHRR's Dana has matured a lot since her arrival to us and just gives him the 'look' and then saunters away! HA!

BHRR's Journey can play in short bursts with BHRR's Riley and that thrills him to no end. BUT, it puts BHRR's Goliath into a pouting mood for he wants to be BHRR's Journey's 'main man'…..the soap opera!

He is so much FUN! AND is settling down really well and there are only rare moments of house rumbling between him and BHRR's Lincoln for I just tell them 'take it outside' and off they go! What a pair!

He is thriving under the calm effective leadership here and has so much potential!

I have added photos to his slideshow and am going to add three below. One of his 'true' ham personality and two of how 'serious' he can be for the right motiviation – TREATS AND PRAISE! He is very eager to please and as he better understands more and  more what is and is not appropriate, my goodness; he is such a fantabulous boy all around!!! I never wish to see him lose that ham side of him! It makes him so special. šŸ™‚

The way he leans into me with such affection almost takes me off balance and you have to brace to be able to fully appreciate all the love he has to offer and not end up on your rump! šŸ˜€

BHRR's Riley – December 24th, 2011 – Our traditional Christmas Eve Photos! Isn't he bootiful! šŸ™‚


Debbie Miller

thank you for helping all these canines.
‘the more people i meet, the more i love my dog!’
wishing u the best for 2012! hoping i can help in some way


Hi I am just writing here becasue i stumbled across your page while looking for a dog for myself. after reading on almost every dog that you have posted and balling my eyes out becasue of the pain and suffering that they have been through i have decided to wait and adopt a dog from somewhere.Everyone seems to be looking for a puppy and i was one of them. Not any more. The work that you all do it amazing and im sure that it brings you so much joy to help these animals out. I have always wanted to get a great dane since i was younger. you are all certainly angels with all the work that you do.
take care


Journey's Heart Biscuits Fit for the Queen's Dog (see attached link of the Queen's gift of a gorgeous labrador retriever to the RCMP)! Susanna lives at the RCMP Training Academy in Regina and her commanding officer, Assistant Commissioner Roger Brown, has purchased Journey's Heart Biscuits for her to enjoy. Roger is a former dane owner himself and was touched by BHRR Journey's story.

We have received orders for 576 dozen biscuits, including re-orders! You have 20 days left to treat your dog like royalty

ALSO, due to a scheduling change, her dental work is now scheduled for Monday January 16th. I will not stop worrying until she is home again. BUT, I am looking forward to seeing what her new weight is 9 days after her last one was taken.


BHRR's Atlas has a very special date next week!

On Tuesday January 17th, now that he is stronger and healthier; shall have his very first Canine Water Wellness session with some very special women! I cannot speak enough about the benefits of hydrotherapy and in BHRR's Apollo's case, if it were not for his CWW sessions, we know that he would have lost that leg of his.

I am so happy for Atlas and cannot wait for the lovely owners to meet him and for him to have some extra special loving JUST for him! šŸ™‚

As of January 9th, 2012; BHRR's Barbed Wire (Barbie) is under a PENDING ADOPTION!


As of Monday January 9th, 2012; BHRR's Barbie is officially AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!

She would do well either in a home with no other dogs or in one with another like minded plus personality fit pooch; male or female is of no matter. She is very versatile that way.

She has come a long way during her settling in period here! She is a strong woman as they say and had to learn that we all live in harmony. She seems to have a wee bit of a 'Napoleon' complex for she likes to get on top of BHRR's Lincoln and he just stands there, looks over his shoulder with a 'what? huh?' look. AND she is quickly corrected and taken off him.

She used to do this to BHRR's Beau and BHRR's Maggie May as well yet no longer.

She shares the water bowl without any issues and continues to eat good meals.

She is not a winter snow/cold or rainy outdoor lover though! HA! HA! Not like BHRR's Maggie May, the Pyr; who is more active than I have ever seen her and will spend quite some time tripoding in the almost 2.5+ acre fenced in yard  and laying so delightfully in the snow.

BHRR's Barbie is all 'business' when she goes outside. She does her 'thing', takes a quick jaunt and look around and is right back inside to enjoy the comforts of humans, warmth and soft beds!

She is a bit of a 'princess' that way. She does not look overly impressed when he tootsies get wet and one almost feels 'honoured' to be the one to have to dry her feet! LOL

She is soooooooooooooo affectionate to people. I have never seen a Pyr wag her tail as much and as high as she does in her enjoyment. She is not aloof in that manner at all. She is also not stubborn in the same manner as many Pyrs. Do not get me wrong, she is all Pyr yet not as 'I know you are calling me but I am not ready to listen or come in or do as you say and if I look the other way; you can't make me' kinda 'tude. OR BHRR's Maggie May is notorious of turning around and giving your her rump and tripoding off very methodically in the other direction! OH MY! BHRR's Holden is very Pyr himself in this manner.

BHRR's Barbie is a bit different in that way. Stubborn yet 'softer' and like any Pyr, loyal to a fault. She bonds so strongly and deeply and she would lay her life down for her family, if ever she felt she had to. It is that strong in how she feels about her family. She will give her forever loving home all of her, not half or a part, but all of her love and heart and soul. It is extremely humbling and touching.

She is a bit of a 'dog snob' and is going to always be particular about who is going to feel privileged to be a friend of hers! šŸ˜‰ She will need a good leadership home, one that is firm yet fair and positively continues to guide her in the right direction.

She almost rolls her eyes at the antics of gooberhead's like BHRR's Riley and BHRR's Goliath! HEE!

She does not mind when it is time to brush and is ok with nails. She is completely housebroken, crate trained and has proven 100% trustworthy outside of a crate for up to 3 hours at a time. SHE is getting there. Not long now before she has free run of the house.

She is very quiet, low maintenance over all and those beautiful dark eyes of hers, surrounded by the black is STUNNING!

She is a beautiful female Great Pyr and would do well in a home that works from home, works pt, ft, flex hours, semi-retired or even retired.

She has no lingering effects from the cruelty done to her back foot. The dewclaw is no longer in the position it was before she was deliberately wrapped up in barbed wire yet that is no big deal. She is 100% healthy and ready for her new forever loving home!

Her leash manners are really good and she has been flying through obedience here with me. This does not exclude our mandatory obedience sessions per our application contract.

She really is a sweetheart and sooooooooooo soft to touch!

Update January 9th, 2012:

bw back today; HWT = negative( YAY!); other bw indicates she is still battling parasites; which would make sense as she begins her second round of treatment for roundworms later this week. She will then have a fecal re-test.
Other parts of her bw values per the vet seem to confirm that she is battling mouth issues. šŸ™ So, she has now been scheduled for her first of two surgeries -this one for January 18th – for x-rays of her mouth; a cleaning; to look closer at those two broken teeth and see if there are more in there plus possible extractions.

This surgery bill could be as high as $1,500; if not more; depending on how much is needed. BHRR will receive a 20% discount off the grand total.

From there; she will have to recover; before we can consider spaying and the Vet was in support of us not giving her any vaccines, anytime soon.

So much more that she has to go through in order to become healthy and whole and please keep her in your thoughts!!!

If you want to be a Special Santa Help Elf to BHRR's Journey:

IF anyone wishes to donate to be a BHRR's Journey's Santa Elf '; you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and under the name of  'Journey' and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal – gwen@birchhaven.org

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

I know that I have said this before and I shall say it again; I am not above or below begging and pleading for the animals in need. AND I am doing so now, so soon after XMAS; yet I am asking on my knees if need be; for people to consider donating to her vast medical bills.

ALL I can give you in turn at this time; is my deepest and most heartfelt and sincerest of thanks along with those of BHRR's Journey; for she would have died out there; and soon. Be it from a car hitting her; starvation or her wounds or a coyote attack or even from some person shooting her; she would have died and it would not have been long before it happened. There is nothing to her body right now….absolutely nothing but skin and bones. There is not even a lot of hair.

BHRR's Journey's Angels:             $2,900 Donated to date                Vet Bills $4,000+ and rising

Ginnete – Critter Jungle
Karen – PayPal took $3.35 in fees
Erin – PayPal took $6.10 in fees
Audrey – PayPal took $0.74 in fees
Brigitte – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Penny – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Marie – Sophie
Jayne – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
Ishie Hilton Hernando
Dorothy – PayPal took $1.03 in fees

Update January 7th, 2012 @ 1:30 PM:

On December 23rd, 2011; BHRR's Journey weighed 74.58 pounds. In being weighed today; 16 days post arrival to BHRR…..94.38 pounds!!! WTG!!! That is 19.8 pounds!!!

She has another 15 -20 to go and so much more in muscle yet YAY!

We did more bw today too. We are awaiting the results.

She was able to meet three of her angels today! Margaret, Caroline and Steve! Hoping to try and connect with one of her godmommies too, Sarah! šŸ™‚
This girl is the bomb!!!
We now need to address her teeth issues for now that her initial starvation hunger is passing; she is finding it painful to eat on the one side. We needed to get her healthy enough to even begin to address her next medical concern and to think about spaying or any vaccines.
I think this girl is beyond inspirational!!! Go Journey Go!
So many are pulling for you and love you!
So much further to go yet look how far you have come in just 16 days!
Her Vet bills are now over $4,000 yet your kind hearts have seen $2,685 donated! It makes me so choke up with emotion for such love to be sent to her!!! She is worth every penny, dime that has been sent and Thank all of you again!!!

If you want to be a Special Santa Help Elf to BHRR's Journey:

IF anyone wishes to donate to be a BHRR's Journey's Santa Elf '; you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and under the name of  'Journey' and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal – gwen@birchhaven.org

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

I know that I have said this before and I shall say it again; I am not above or below begging and pleading for the animals in need. AND I am doing so now, so soon after XMAS; yet I am asking on my knees if need be; for people to consider donating to her vast medical bills.

ALL I can give you in turn at this time; is my deepest and most heartfelt and sincerest of thanks along with those of BHRR's Journey; for she would have died out there; and soon. Be it from a car hitting her; starvation or her wounds or a coyote attack or even from some person shooting her; she would have died and it would not have been long before it happened. There is nothing to her body right now….absolutely nothing but skin and bones. There is not even a lot of hair.

BHRR's Journey's Angels:             $2,685 Donated to date                Vet Bills $4,000+ and rising

Ginnete – Critter Jungle
Karen – PayPal took $3.35 in fees
Erin – PayPal took $6.10 in fees
Audrey – PayPal took $0.74 in fees
Brigitte – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Penny – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Marie – Sophie
Jayne – PayPal took $1.75 in fees

In the wee early AM hours of Friday January 6th, BHRR's Journey had a gas bloat incident. When I arrived home; from doing BHRR's Benjamin's adoption on the 5th; I noticed that Journey's belly seemed not the normal 'round' from after she eats.

Sean also mentioned that for the first time since her arrival to BHRR; she did not eat all of her food. That was the second red flag. She still is at the stage of eating almost 8 small meals a day and is cleaning her plate each time. She is not yet out of the worry of not getting enough food, being fed consistently and that no one else is going to try and take her food. This was not a good sign.

Mason calmly went and got the GasX and Zantac for me and Sean stayed with her while I went to get my lube/tubing from my medical crash kit.

The GasX and Zantac 75 went in and I took her TPR(vitals) including looking at her gums(normal pink) and all was fine. I then began to walk with her. Her behavour was fine and there were no other changes to her condition and if they had downgraded; we were heading in to emerg yet we also know that the stress of going; could also make her condition worsen and/or tort. What many do not realise is that dogs do and can die from Bloat. We wanted to go in if needed and prepared ourselves for just that  possibility.

I also called one of my closest friends who is a Vet. Upon reviewing her condition; it was recommended to tube to assist BHRR's Journey in getting the gas out and not to rely just on the GasX AND Zantac 75 plus walking as she is not 100% healthy. It was also recommended that I have an IV line with fluids ready to go in case.

While, it was a long night of monitoring and no small amount of worrying, Journey proved that she was going to beat this too.

We know that she was at high risk of this to happen and we continue to remain vigilant.

UPDATE: WEE hours of the AM on January 5th, 2012:

14 days post arrival to BHRR

JUST ignore our scuffed floors – we were to redo them over XMAS yet in getting the call to rescue Journey and that she needed round the clock care; WAS more important than sanding and putting a new finish on our floors! šŸ˜‰
**I was able to finally get a really good look in her mouth and she has two badly broken teeth on the left side. That will be addressed ASAP once she is stable.
This Saturday shall bring a re-weigh and a much needed manicure plus pedicure plus bw! I also took her height tonight and she is hovering around 34" at the whithers.

Today, she shall receive her second dose of treatment for her flea infestation and mange. AND next week; she begins her second round of 5 days of treatment for roundworms. She is a real doll! Never complaining!
So much that she still needs yet day by day….as she gets stronger; we can begin to address her other medical concerns that had to take a backseat as we helped her fight to live.
Our hearts are so wrapped up in her adorable self and may each of you have the opportunity to meet her for I know that she shall equally touch your souls like ours!

14 days post arrival to BHRR
*I think she is liking the 'comfy' lifestyle that we expect her to live here! šŸ˜‰

If you want to be a Special Santa Help Elf to BHRR's Journey:

IF anyone wishes to donate to be a BHRR's Journey's Santa Elf '; you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and under the name of  'Journey' and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal – gwen@birchhaven.org

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

I know that I have said this before and I shall say it again; I am not above or below begging and pleading for the animals in need. AND I am doing so now, so close to XMAS; yet I am asking on my knees if need be; for people to consider donating to her vast medical bills.

ALL I can give you in turn at this time; is my deepest and most heartfelt and sincerest of thanks along with those of BHRR's Journey; for she would have died out there; and soon. Be it from a car hitting her; starvation or her wounds or a coyote attack or even from some person shooting her; she would have died and it would not have been long before it happened. There is nothing to her body right now….absolutely nothing but skin and bones. There is not even a lot of hair.

BHRR's Journey's Angels:             $2,485 Donated to date                Vet Bills $3,900 and rising

Ginnete – Critter Jungle
Karen – PayPal took $3.35 in fees
Erin – PayPal took $6.10 in fees
Audrey – PayPal took $0.74 in fees
Brigitte – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Penny – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Marie – Sophie
Jayne – PayPal took $1.75 in fees

BHRR's Bloom went to the DMV on Tuesday January 3rd, 2012.

She was a really good traveler. She only tried to 'help' me drive a couple of times and also thought it was grand to 'alert' me to a pedestrian or two as we drove to the DMV! šŸ˜‰ Such a social butterfly she is with humans!!

I am going to post photos of her leg from her surgery on December 2nd and then I am going to post 2 photos from her 4 week post-op visit.

She weighed 35.2 KGs( 77.44 pounds) and when she gets her muscle tone and mass back; she should weigh around 90 pounds at her age.

She had her cast removed, new x-rays taken and they were reviewed by one of the surgeons on staff that day(Dr. Gatineau is still away). From there, she was put into a splint and the move forward plan put into place that shall require that this splint remain on her leg until January 17th. Now, she has had some different ideas and we have already had to repalce the elastoplast on her toes. šŸ˜‰

She has a follow-up with Dr. Gatineau on February 8th to take more x-rays, re-examine and from there determine what the next 'best' move forward plan shall be.

She is healing well and at this time, there does not seem to be any concern about her being made available for adoption at some point in the future.

We are limited in the amount of obedience that we are able to do at this time, due to her restrictions and those needs will be further addressed when she is ready.

We know that it would be lovely to see her in a home with a right matched personality fit dog; yet not mandatory as long as her new home has a good strong social network in place via family and friends with dogs that compliment her.

She is fine in a home that someone works pt, ft, semi-retired, retired, flex hours etc.

We do not want a home that will 'baby' her and enable any SA types of behavour. That is not in her best interest.

We also want a home that is going to remain aware of her leg and not to make her into a dog that she is not. She is not a running or jogging partner(we strongly believe Danes are not meant for this purpose as is).

We want a home that is going to keep her safe and this means a suitable sized crate or appropriate dog proofed room until she has proven trustworthy for the full house. She is NOT ready for total freedom and this is not good for her leg either and will not be that way for some time to come.

Too many people misunderstand the importance and benefit of crates and it is is not a punishment. It is a great and safe corrective plus traiing tool/aid plus if ever you dog has to go to the Vet to stay for any length of time; be it a few hours or days; then the dog is not stressing out or stressing other dogs out that are also at the Vets. Additionally, if you dog is sick or injured and needs to be on enforced rest at home.

BHRR will not consider a home that is not like-minded to ourselves on this topic. BHRR's Bloom has had so many people reach out to support her in their belief of how deserving she is; and we are not going to put her in a home that is not going to ensure her continued safety plu;s future welbeing.

She is 100% housebroken and will let you know if she has to go out at a time other than when you are taking her out.

She has been dubbed a piece of 'dynamite' by several and I guess that is as good as expression as any to describe her fireball personality wrapped up into a wee package!  LOL

AND THANK you again extended to Karen, her lovely daugther and my own 8 year old daughter for assisting that day! šŸ™‚ With BHRR's Bloom's lower level of gravity plus her sheer joy/excitement to visit folks; her pulling is whoa right now; and that I am still under a 'weight' restriction(now 15 pounds); the extra loving hands were so appreciated! šŸ™‚

December 2nd, 2011

January 3rd, 2012 – 4 weeks post-op

BHRR’sĀ  BIG BEN(AKA Benjamin) was ADOPTED on January 5th, 2012!


Here is a JOURNEY FUNDRAISER that Anna is doing for BHRR's Journey! She is another beautiful angel reaching out with kindness to support BHRR's Journey! Humbled as always by everyone's support!! THANK YOU!

Her  e-mail or you can call her at 613 993 2738. Up to 105 orders taken to date!!!

A post made by Anna Gray-Henschel on the BHRR FB Fan Page:

"To raise funds for BHRR's Journey, I am baking smokey bacon with cheddar heart shaped dog biscuits at $3/dz. Happy to deliver them in the Ottawa area or bring them to BHHR's open house for those attending. I will also ship them at no charge within Canada. Please let me know before the end of this month so that you'll have them in time for Valentine's Day. Made with love, bought with love and every penny sent to BHRR with love to Journey."


More later today with a blog update and photos! šŸ™‚


More later today with a blog update and photos! šŸ™‚


He has done most wonderfully with his rehab at BHRR.

Any new home MUST understand though that he has had a bad life of hell before he was seized as part of the 547 dogs from PRU in September.

He needs a firm yet gentle hand for guidance. He needs a leader who is fair, keeps up with his obedience and can instill trust and respect and understands that this trust plus respect works two ways. HE does not need corporal correction and we do not tolerate or approve homes that act in such a manner.

He can be vocal in his displeasure of anyone taking his collar to quickly by giving a worried soft sound; so; slow and calm is the way to handle him.

When you ask him to get off a dog bed etc;, he will also be vocal in sassing you back and he will also give a version of this soft gruff sound when he is content(almost purring).

He needs very careful correction – soft yet kindly firm for if you overdue it with him; you shall only terrify him and that will ruin him. He has no need of a strong tone or voice.

He is just a really softie inside who had tried to develop a strong exterior in his efforts to try and survive at PRU. Some of the older boyz here have figured him out pretty fast and want to try and push him and we will not allow that. Even BHRR's Freedom, another FREEDOM DOG will now try to body bump and almost bully him and that is not going to happen. Each dog will be shaped and guided to build up their self-esteem and self-confidence in appropriate manners and behavours; not by being bossy and a 'boob' to other dogs to make themselves feel higher or better.

He is a baby who nobody cared about until he was rescued back in September and  began his rehab journey at the ES. His story is WHY people should not give dogs away for free, WHY they should alter any dog before selling them; WHY homes should be screened and home visits should be done etc. OR surrender your dog to a r/q Rescue if you do not feel that you are able to keep your pet or cannot show due diligence in altering etc. before selling. He is a victim amongst thousands and thousands yearly that fall into the wrong hands. šŸ™

From the moment he was seized in September, caring people have told him how much he means to them and since his arrival to BHRR; we have worked hard on his confusion, fear and sense of loss and belonging in a world that had been most unjust to him to date.

BHRR's Cobalt can be a bit particular about his friends – male in particular. He finds BHRR's Riley a bit too much in goofy and energetic movement plus antics.

He would do wonderful in a home with a like minded and personality fit other dog and it does not have to be a female; and he has loved all ladies to date here. Males from where he came from were competition around all those females in heat and some males; do worry him. He resides in complete harmony here; even with clown head BHRR's Goliath and our Sir Maestro; yet as mentioned BHRR's Riley is a wee bit too much for him and even BHRR's Benjamin causes him to look at him sideways as if to say 'are you for real?' LOL

So, any new home must understand that this about him. We do not want him ever feeling threatened by another dog. We do not want him stressing and worrying about things that he should not be.

We calmly reassure him, redirect and re-focus and passively ignore and our calm and comfortable/confident demeanor makes him realise that dogs like BHRR's Riley and BHRR's Benjamin are harmless, even if they are static, flighty goofy boyz!

BHRR's Cobalt is more of a 'serious' boy and that is tough to see in a way. He is so young and should be romping and running carefree yet he does not. He is a thinker, sometimes too much and needs plenty of exercise and a good strong stable social network of friends both human and canine that are great personality fits to keep him continuing on this excellent journey he has begun.

He has also discovered the joy of cuddling!!! šŸ˜‰ Photos below are from January 1st, 2012 with Sean. šŸ™‚

BHRR's Cobalt – January 1st, 2012


She has done really well with her rehab here. She is eating better – prefers to eat out of the food bin over a bowl in a crate and eats much better that way. She eats out of the bin – just as in the video we posted for BHRR's Gretta – as we fill up the other bowls for the dogs and then she is filled up a bowl at the end and goes into a crate.

If you put her just in a crate to eat, without allowing her to eat out of the food bin; she will not eat.

At her age and what she has gone through in her life; if she wants to eat that way; GO FOR IT! šŸ˜€ As long as she is putting on weight and is eating; it matters naught to me!

Emotionally, spiritually and mentally; she is ready to be placed up for adoption. Physically, I would like to see some more weight on her yet not enough to hold her back from being placed up for adoption. She can continue that weight gain here until her right forever matched loving home finds her. šŸ™‚ I would like about 10 more pounds but she LOOKS so much better than she did when she first arrived.

See a photo below from December 24th, as she waits for this mysterious 'Santa Clause' that she has been hearing so much about! šŸ™‚

BHRR's Adele – Shortly after her arrival to BHRR in November 2011 & then on December 24th, 2011

BHRR's Benjamin's hv for his possible adoption is scheduled for this Thursday!

Below is a photo I took on December 24th of BHRR's Windsor and he just had to get his goofy face in too! šŸ™‚ LOVE him! LOVE HIM! LOVE HIM!

December 24th, 2011

BHRR's Journey is doing quite well! Since her wound was debrided to clean up the edges and in having her antibiotic switched, she is doing better. Slow but sure.

Her best friends are Brick and BHRR's Goliath(she knows he wuvs her and she likes to make him 'work'!) LOL. She has been fully integrated with all the dogs here and BHRR's Dana put her complete 'stamp' of approval on her and once BHRR's Dana does that to a dog; all other dogs know not to tease or poke at the new dog at the house. BHRR's Dana is very motherly and has been watching over BHRR's Journey and does not hesitate to step in to put herself between dogs if she feels that they might want to play a bit rough with her. I cannot believe that BHRR's Dana still has not been adopted!!! She is the best!

Since my last update; she had a very huge puke in her crate and in it contained pieces of tube plastic and small round sizeable chunks of what we and the Vets believe look like a type of small bush branches, twigs or trunks.

When Sean and I first saw it; we knew that there could possibly be more in there from her past of trying to find things to eat and that some things can sit inside of a stomach for awhile before becoming motile. With her emaciated state; her whole digestive system was not working.

X-rays have shown that she has 'debris' still inside of her yet there is no abnormal gas patterns. She is eating and drinking well and the Vets did not feel there was a need to do surgery(I was worried for she is not all that strong as of yet but they felt it was not necessary right now.) and felt that she should pass what remains inside of her at this time. I was worried about more vomiting as I do not want to see her to become dehydrated as she is still not drinking up to norm. I would also hate to see her hurt herself in puking up some things like plastic. šŸ™ I am aware that there is no guarantee that she will not puke yet we will monitor her closely and watch for any signs that she might obstruct. The Vets were not overly concerned, suggested monitoring yet Sean and I are her 'mom' and 'dad' right now and do not want anything bad happening.

So, we have been on 24/7 watch with her between us both(she has become so much better with Sean and wuvs the kids); over the last few days.

She has not puked since and nor have wee discovered any 'surprises' in her poop and is only getting stronger and stronger at this time.

I need to take new photos and within the next couple of weeks; we should be able to look more at her teeth – that one canine in particular; I want the Vet to have a closer look at.

Then we have to figure out this spay situation of if she or is she not and take care of spaying her if it is needed when she is in a much better physical and mental state.

Then we have to begin her vaccines.

She has a long ways to go yet has made it through some of the biggest milestones of survival to date and I am continuing to look forward and not think about her not being here for everyone to love her!

We put her age still between 18 months – 2 years.

If you want to be a Special Santa Help Elf to BHRR's Journey:

IF anyone wishes to donate to be a BHRR's Journey's Santa Elf '; you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and under the name of  'Journey' and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal – gwen@birchhaven.org

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

I know that I have said this before and I shall say it again; I am not above or below begging and pleading for the animals in need. AND I am doing so now, so close to XMAS; yet I am asking on my knees if need be; for people to consider donating to her vast medical bills.

ALL I can give you in turn at this time; is my deepest and most heartfelt and sincerest of thanks along with those of BHRR's Journey; for she would have died out there; and soon. Be it from a car hitting her; starvation or her wounds or a coyote attack or even from some person shooting her; she would have died and it would not have been long before it happened. There is nothing to her body right now….absolutely nothing but skin and bones. There is not even a lot of hair.

BHRR's Journey's Angels:             $2,415 Donated to date                Vet Bills $3,500 and rising

Ginnete – Critter Jungle
Karen – PayPal took $3.35 in fees
Erin – PayPal took $6.10 in fees
Audrey – PayPal took $0.74 in fees
Brigitte – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Penny – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Marie – Sophie