BHRR Koop weighed 39.80 KGs(87.78 pounds) when Sean dropped him off this AM. Unfortunately, the poor soul had diarrhea in his run. πŸ˜₯ Additionally, he did not want to go under with our new anaesthetic machine yet after switching him to our old one, he went to la la land just fine. One of our BHRR Volunteers, dropped by KAH to pick up her winning baskets plus to drop off the baskets they put together to donate to this Basket Raffle Fundraiser and she was able to witness his whole neuter! πŸ˜€ If she had stayed longer, she could have helped me as I moved to the back to assist with IV lines, Urine via Cysto/US and SubQ fluids! Maybe she will come back another day! πŸ˜‰ Now, he is home resting and within the next couple of weeks should be placed up for adoption. Those that met Koop when I first got him and then again today, were really impressed with how far this boy has come in one week. We have virtually ‘zero’ pulling on the leash now! πŸ˜‰ I wish to also thank profusely the two people that are sending donations for BHRR’s Koop as they feel that what Julie Lebrun has done was just shameful plus dishonourable. They wish to not see BHRR stress out any more over this and to avoid having to put any more costs into this situation than has already been incurred. This is in the hands of our legal and I leave it up to them to make the ‘right’ call yet as many know, we at BHRR are not impressed and though we still maintain the status quo for assisting shelters, pounds, SPCA’s etc. with no fees charged as they are as desperate for funding as BHRR yet we will no longer waive the o/s fee for owner surrenders.

I called today to confirm BHRR’s Koop’s neuter for tomorrow and to obtain his heartworm results. He is negative for heartworm and we are confirmed for tomorrow. Sean will bring him in and I shall be there to take him home once my own shift at the Hospital is over. While he is under anaesthetic, he shall have a manicure plus pedicure! One of my Vets called to say that she agrees that he is most likely parasitic and that his why his bw came back the way it did with elevated levels plus due to him being a young growing dog. With proactive deworming he shall be fineI will bring in a fecal sample for testing after he finishes his next round of deworming in two weeks time. Once he is healed from his neuter(couple of weeks) and that I have more training put into BHRR’s Koop, he should be good to be placed up for adoption. NOTE that the training that is done at BHRR for all of our dogs does not exclude any of our approved homes from meeting the obedience clause they sign as part of their contract with BHRR. I am also microchipping him tonight when Sean arrives home.

M. Miller, ON, CDA

Hi Gwen,

Thank you for updating Potter’s blog. What a brave soul he is. I really do not know how you handle everything…there will be a very special place in heaven for you …. but not for a looooooong time.

I have put BHRR’s Ava Marie on antibiotics. Her side ‘marks’ have begun to really itch and bother her as they are healing and she wants to lick and scratch at them. πŸ˜₯ She is not very receptive to BHRR’s Koop’s amourous advances and good for her to stand strong! She is truly such a dream! The 2010 Spring Fever Basket Raffle Fundraiser ends tonight, Monday at 9:00 PM EST and we still have tickets available so please consider supporting BHRR’s Ava Marie!!!! All monies raised are going to her ‘Action Assistance’ Fundraiser. He next weigh-in day is Wednesday March 31st and GO AVA MARIE GO! Truly such a ‘dream’ Great Dane. Cannot say it enough! She almost ‘took’ me out a few days ago as she was so excited to see me and swiped at me with her paw and then leaned into me! LOL. BHRR’s Mr. Parker Paws would have been so proud of her for that move! LOL What I have to keep telling people is that while she might be a large girl, she is all puppy still! You should see their eyes widen when I say that! πŸ˜› In this damp weather, her right leg has been troubling her a lot and while the left leg is not great either, it is bearing the most weight as she is straining on that right leg. πŸ˜₯ She still has great days for eating and not so great days and we have been trying a few different types of food and she seems to like the fish and potato brands the best. I have to head out to purchase more Glucosamine plus Omega’s for her as due to her size, she goes through a significant amount. πŸ™‚ She is now taking herself out to the fenced in yard most of the time. Night times seem to make her a bit hesitant yet with us putting all of the lights on, she then trucks on out. She is so feminine and not keen on getting those paws muddy! She enjoys me wiping off her feet when she comes in for her facial expression says it all ‘EWWWWW! ICK! DIRTY!’ Just enjoying Ava Marie sooooooooo much as she stays here with us!

We had major success last night! I was settling down to watch a wee bit of TV and wondered where BHRR’s Koop was, for he usually is bustling about the house and when I went to the sunroom, he was lying in his OPEN crate having a snooze! YAY! Later on in the evening, he came to see me and was almost ‘pouting’ and I followed him and he went back to his crate and BHRR’s Dana had been lying in it with CH. TAIN! LOL Koops’Β  nose was a wee bit out of joint over that. πŸ˜› AND then not long after, I go to take a look and Koop is lying all snuggled up with BHRR’s Ava Marie in the colossal crate. For those that ‘think’ that crates are a punishment, unless you are abusing your dog, it could not be further from the truth! It is their ‘den’, ‘safe’ spot and often a ‘quiet’ spot and BHRR’s Koop LOVES his crate!!!! Crates can be the best of corrective aids plus training tools. πŸ™‚ When I take out a treat before bedtime to give him, he runs to his crate, his butt can barely stay touched to the floor(we have already mastered the ‘sit’ command) as he is so excited. I wish to also mention that he is fully housebroken. As for Julie Lebrun residing in Gatineau, Quebec, his previous owner, still no word and all has been left in the hands of our legal for possible handling. Most unfortunate as she was told and legal has her address plus phone number to follow-up on if they believe it to be necessary for our focus needs to be on the animals here and we have made our position clear that should they decide to take her to court over her ‘breach’ in contract, we want our legal fees sued for as part of our settlement. We have not yet lost a case in court in the 4 times over the 14+ years we have gone and it would have been so much easier if she had just honoured her signed o/s contract with BHRR. AND yes, we are well aware that she is reading BHRR’s Koops blogs and as we believe in full disclosure, we need our public supporters to be made aware that the o/s fee was waived and that no funds have come in at all to assist us with her surrendered Dane(Cooper AKA now BHRR’s Koop) per her signed agreement. Last estimate is over $1,100+ (as we are now deworming him in addition to all the expenses previously listed in one of his other blogs) to ready him to be placed up for adoption. Moving forward, based upon this negative experience, we shall not waive any fees in ‘lieu’ of a donation on o/s and the monies will need to be paid before BHRR physically takes possession of their dog. This was not an ‘urgent’ shelter dog on death row with the shelter also ‘hurting’ for much needed funding to keep their program operating. This was a Great Dane that she decided to get despite her signed contract(another breach) with her landlord that she could not have pets in her residence. BHRR was very supportive plus flexible in helping her ASAP(within the 48 hour) timeline she was given by her landlord. She was made aware how much every bit helps our program and why we even have an o/s fee and that with 22 Great Danes awaiting their court case set for today PLUS that we have done 2 leg amputations since last fall PLUS that we are now working so hard to assist BHRR’s Ava Marie with her 2 blown cruciates; finances are beyond strained in our reputable/quality program(s) at BHRR.

I have added new pictures #9 – #14 to BHRR’s Koop’s slideshow and I am also adding two below. It has been very hard capturing the best shots of him but I have a couple of his cute mug! LOL He has mastered the ‘sit’ command as of today and this boy is SMART! He goes into his crate without any fuss now yet still can bark a bit when he is first in there or when I get up in the AM. He is learning that when he is quiet, he can come out. WE are getting there! BHRR’s Koop also likes to hump and we are working on that behavour too. BHRR’s Ava Marie is one of his most fav of targets along with BHRR’s Porridge and neutering is going to greatly assist in this area. He is really responding well in wearing one of CH. Dycemans’ previous nylon show collars too. He is walking so much better on leash! Still no word from his previous owner and I sent out yet another email today.

BHRR’s Koop(6 months of age) – March 28th, 2010

BHRR’s Koop has been fully integrated with all the dogs and sure enough, night #2 was worse than night #1 and we shall see how the rest of tonight goes(it is now after 4:00 AM)! I have not heard word back from my email follow-up with his previous owner in regards to their committed PayPal donation at this time. Thanks to everyone who has emailed their feedback on this matter and we are in total argreement that we will not be making any ‘exceptions’ moving forward and before physically taking any dog from another like this previous owner; any fee will be collected first. I am awaiting to also hear back from legal. It is always that ‘few’ that tend to make it difficult for others. Regardless of the outcome, BHRR’s Koop is scheduled to be neutered next week if all goes well, he has had his second round of Panacur treatment and will receive his third today and I will repeat the cycle in two weeks, he is on Sentinel now and nothing will be spared for his wellbeing. He has been almost half-wild until today with his behavour, not wanting to be touched, directed and held. That is quickly changing. He is now sporting a show collar and he is even coming up to me for some loving. He needs focus, direction and a ‘job’ and he is beginning to actually ‘listen’. I find him responsive to his name at times and others, completely clueless that I am addressing him. His is reacting positively to the structure, routine and consistency at BHRR with Gwennie’s Doggie BootCamp and as he is understands more and more what is expected of him and what is not acceptable; he is going to be one really nice boy. If encouraged, I know he would jump on me and that is not a good Giant Breed behavour to have. I still have to take his height. His closest buds right now seems to be CH. Tain and of course, the ever popular PPSS and we shall see how things fall into place moving forward. πŸ™‚

FINALLY! For BHRR’s Hamilton The New Fans the wait is over!Β  πŸ˜› I have added pictures #25-#35 in Hamilton’s slideshow and am putting two below! Those that have been following BHRR for years are aware that we take pictures every XMAS in front of our XMAS tree with the dogs. πŸ™‚ They date from June 2009 – March 9th, 2010. It is not that we are not taking pictures, it is how hard it is to get them posted!!! I cannot believe that Hamilton is going to be 3 this year. His hips are heart are doing as well as can be expected and we enjoy every day as it comes! Hamilton has really been coming along with his comfort zone outside of the house and we continue to work on that too. He has a huge fan base that is for sure and though he has his ‘turkey’ moments, he is a really good boy! πŸ˜› He is one happy dog as you can tell from the one picture posted below.

BHRR’s Hamilton The Newf – August 31st, 2009 & with our THDR’s Kona(Turning 11 years in April 2010) – December 24th, 2009

I have added 2 new pictures to BHRR’s Ava Marie’s slideshow #18 & #19 and am putting them below. They are from March 24th, 2010! She is a wee bit better mobile since she has begun her weight loss regime and it makes my heart heavy to see her in such chronic pain. Thanks on behalf of BHRR’s Ava Marie for everyone that has been supporting her in our 2010 ‘Spring Fever’ Basket Raffle Fundraiser. Ticket sales end Monday March 29th @ 9 PM and all funds raised shall go towards BHRR’s Ava Marie’s Action Assistance Fundraiser. We are also working on a special May Canine/Movie event to also help raise much needed monies for BHRR’s Ava Marie and stay posted! Those on our BHRR FB Group already have a bit of the ‘inside’ scoop on this!Β  πŸ˜‰

BHRR’s Ava Marie – March 24th, 2010 – 2 years of age

BHRR’s Koops bw results were in today when I went into work yet his heartworm test results were still pending. His bw indicates that he has parasites and I already began to de-worm him with Panacur as is per our protocol at BHRR. His monocytes, eosinophils and alkaline phosphatase levels were all slightly elevated. As a young puppy and being parasitic, this is fairly explainable. I will discuss these results with my Vet to obtain her expert opinion. I emailed his previous owner this AM about the PayPal donation they were suppose to be making in lieu of the o/s fee and no response. I also received an email from a friend of hers today, who had originally contacted BHRR to see if we could be of assistance to this Dane and they were also told that we have not as of yet received the support promised to BHRR. This puts us into another difficult position that we shall not make any exceptions moving forward and possibly involving our legal as a legal contract had been signed with the specifics of this o/s being laid out in clear. The previous owner stated verbally on her own last night upon surrender that she would be making a PayPal donation and we have email documentation. I have also scheduled BHRR’s Koop’s neuter tentatively for March 30th. Within a few weeks after his neuter, he should be ready to be placed up for adoption. As I get to know him, I will have a better idea of what type of forever loving home would be best for Koop. Right now, at least one other dog in the home for sure, male or female is not of import. BHRR’s Koop has now been integrated with all but 5 of the dogs here and that should happen within the next 24 hours or so.

I have added 2 new pictures to BHRR’s Porridges’ slideshow #6 & #7. One is from our 2nd Annual Microchip Fundraiser July 12th, 2009 and one is from December 24th, 2009 with Sean. I am also adding them below as I LOVE them both! I continue to struggle a bit with Porridge’s nail trimming since that one tech student really hurt him about a year ago and the last time I trimmed his nails, I was able to do the back ones all by myself yet had to mildly sedate him for the front ones. Last night, I attempted to do his nails and he was ‘having’ none of it, he was so panicked; so I will have to sedate him. Such a shame that what was done to him has caused him such distress and I have been handling his feet and putting the clippers out for the past year and the progress is slow with his rehab. We will get there yet I no longer open up BHRR to students at this time. That might change moving forward. We have our lives together to get him feeling safe again around nail trimmers. For those that have been asking our 3rd Annual Microchip/Nail Trim/BBQ Fundraiser will be on Sunday July 18th, 2010 at Kanata Animal Hospital! At this time, I am not sure who will be the 2 ambassadors representing BHRR, yet I believe that BHRR’s Ava Marie shall be one most likely and possibly BHRR’s Potter. We will know closer to the time who will be in attendance.

Hulk with BHRR’s Porridge & BHRR’s Mr. Parker Paws & CH. TAIN – July 12th, 2009 & Porridge with Sean – December 24th, 2009

BHRR’s Ava Marie’s new weight is 84.2 KGs(185.24 pounds)! That is another loss of 1.32 pounds in one week. GO AVA MARIE GO! This is a total weight loss since March 7th of 10.96 pounds. πŸ˜€ THUMBS up to you Ava Marie!!!!

BHRR’s Koop had a GREAT night! If I left the sunroom or came into the sunroom, he would become a bit upset and bark yet once I was settled, either in or out of the sunroom; he became quiet. I went to bed around 3:30 AM or so and he slept well and did not even bark when Sean was up a couple of hours later to go to work. He is passively ignored when he barks and I have now introduced him to the 1+ acre of fenced in yard and he is busy exploring that. He was a bit worried when I left for the few moments it took to put my kids on the bus this AM and was happy to see me when I got back. He has now been successfully integrated with BHRR’s Albert, BHRR’s Ava Marie, BHRR’s Potter and Guinness. Albert made him a wee bit nervous as Albert was very excited to see a new friend and I was so proud of Albert for he has not tried to hump a dog in ages and ages!!!! YAY! Yet no one is more excited to meet new dogs than BHRR’s Potter!!!! His whole body just quivers as he meets new play buddies! BHRR’s Potter is now outside showing BHRR’s Koop the ‘ropes’ so to speak and later on today, I will work on integrating him with others. Once he comes back into the house, I will let him rest for a bit and feed him breakfast. I fasted him last night. He is not fond on going into the 45″ collosal crate yet it is getting better. I have added three new pictures to his slideshow(man, once he starts to move, I cannot get a good shot! LOL) #6 – #8 and have put one below of him and BHRR’s Potter, greeting each other this morning!

BHRR’s Koop(6 months) & BHRR’s Potter(19 months)- March 24th, 2010

Wednesday is BHRR’s Ava Marie’s weekly weigh-in day! Everything crossed that she has lost more weight. I really love this girl. SHE is just so girly and feminine and affectionate!

BHRR’s Koop arrived tonight. He was originally named ‘Cooper’ yet I am going to call him ‘Koop’. He is a 6 month old (Born August 30th, 2009), Merle(almost a chocolate hue to his coat yet he does not have the dudley nose or pads), male, intact(for now!) Great Dane Puppy. He is utd on vaccines(I will need to confirm his rabies for he did not have a rabies tag nor could I or one of my Vets see ‘rabies’ really tagged off on the paperwork sent. There is a faint mark in the area of the word ‘rage’ and we just need to verify this). His other vaccines are due December 19th, 2010 for sure. I did a heartworm test plus pre-surgical bw on him tonight for preparation to neuter him within the next while. This boy is from a woman who was given 48 hours notice to either move or find a home for him. Her contract with her landlord in Quebec states no pets and she had obtained a Great Dane puppy and there were complaints from people that he was barking. Apparently, there were a number of run-ins with the police and by-law. I need to determine now that he has arrived if his barking is from boredom, temper tantums and/or SA. When he was put briefly in the run at work, he barked up a storm and he did the same when he was put into one of the collosal crates at home yet he is now resting quietly as I type. I find that the second night is always the worst and by the time we hit the third night, most dogs ‘get it’ and begin settling into the ‘Gwennie Doggie Bootcamp’ regime. His paperwork indicates that he is fine with kids, cats and other dogs. In lieu of waiving the $150.00 owner surrender fee(it will cost us almost $400 to neuter him, $150.00 with heartworm testing/presurgical bw, another $200 a year in Heartworm preventative, $49.00+ for a fecal test, $63.00+ for at least one exam and $40.00 to microchip him let alone feeding, obedience costs etc.) that a ‘helping’ donation to BHRR for his care would be given. We were told this would arrive by PayPal and hopefully it shall shortly for we are looking at over a $1,000 just to get BHRR’s Koop ready to be adopted and we have much on our plate with BHRR’s Ava Marie’s own Vet/Rehab Vet Bills. As he needed to be out of the home within 48 hours and we did not wish to see him put into a HS or pts, BHRR committed to his welfare. Koop is definitely not lacking in confidence that is for sure, another reason to neuter him and his leash manners are ZERO! By the time I got him home, he was a wee bit better in the hands of an experienced person yet at 39.6 Kgs(87.12 pounds), he is not a small boy and most likely will top off around 120-125 when fully grown. He is also fairly tall and I will get a height on him later. I am not worried about his integration with the other dogs either and he will be neutered shortly. He has already been intergrated with BHRR’s Cherokee and I think that in a few days, he is just going to settle in like no tomorrow! He is full of spirit and personality and I as many know, I love those types of challenges. He is also very francophone and we will work on his bilinguism. BHRR’s Shiva and BHRR’s Albert came to us very francophone too and I speak to them both in French and English now. I really am looking forward in getting to know this boy and I am hoping that within a month, he can be placed up for adoption after his neuter and after getting to know him better and determining what home is best for him and also what his ‘barking’ issue is and stems from. Right now, as mentioned, he is quiet as a lamb in his crate and I know that when I leave the sunroom, he will begin to bark and let the ‘tough’ love begin. He needs to learn to love his own company and the mental plus physical stimulation that he is going to obtain at BHRR will keep him more than tired and occupied. This boy is smart, that much I can tell already and he is eyeing me up and testing me as much as I am doing the same to him!Β  πŸ˜› I am adding two pictures below of him tonight and I apologize that they are not the best yet it was very dark when I arrived home and I am keeping him segregated from others at this time for with all the young ‘uns here it would be quite the flurry of activity if I began the full integration tonight! Sean would not be getting much sleep at all yet I look forward to tomorrow and the next few days and I think he is going to have a blast here. WHO does not love a puppy!!! LOL Though, I would have been more than happy to know that he was that incredible Senior at 7, 8 or even 9 years of age too! I just love all the Great Danes, no matter their ages! πŸ˜‰ NOT YET AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!!!!

BHRR’s Koop – March 23rd, 2010 & BHRR’s Koop(6 months) with BHRR’s Cherokee(5.5 years of age)

BHRR’s Ava Marie’s new weight is 82.80 KGs(182.16 pounds). YAY! Since Ava Marie has arrived to BHRR on March 7th, she has lost 9.64 pounds. Since March 10th, she has lost 2.64 pounds in one week.

Today is weigh in day for BHRR’s Ava Marie. Will update her blog when I can!

I have taken a height measurement on BHRR’s Albert and he is around 31″. I have added new pictures of BHRR’s Albert to his slideshow – #9 – #14 from February 17th, 2010, exactly 4 weeks to the day that he first arrived to BHRR! Some of these pictures have been posted for sometime on the BHRR FB Group yet I am finally getting around to adding them here! LOOK at that hind end in just 4 weeks! He continues to just get better every day and he is doing a great job on my own stay healthy regime!Β  πŸ˜‰Β  We are walking, well, ok, trotting up to 5 kms most days together now. LOL The big bonus was that today he layed in his crate while I was working on my computer in the sunroom and he munched on a beef jerky treatie! YAY! YAY! AND other dogs were around too! BHRR’s Albert has regular zoomies and though I have not yet posted this, he has been fully integrated with all the dogs here; successfully. This once byber Great Dane is living in complete harmony with 17 other dogs, including my own two show intact Great Danes. He has not attempted to hump a dog in ages either. My only concern for BHRR’s Albert is how well he is going to integrate into another home. When it is just the kids plus myself and Sean here(though he is still a wee wary of Sean at times); he is a completely different dog than when others come. Strangers just terrify him and he shuts down and goes to lay in his crate. I am planning on organizing another Great Dane hike/walk later this month and he is my dog of choice that shall be coming out with me to continue to try and get him into the ‘land’ of the living. He is so bonded to me and all I have to say to him is ‘I love me some Albert’ and he comes zipping up to me and boy, this ol’ man can move! LOL In the last few days, I have also begun to see that the ‘honeymoon’ period with this joyous boy is ending! LOL As I keep telling others, these dogs are ‘survivors’ for a reason and that means he has backbone and not just personality yet strength of character! Thanks to BHRR’s Dana(sigh…LOL) he thinks that he if makes sounds in his crate, we will come running and let him out…nope…not here! So, after a few days of this, this behavour was nipped in the bud. He has now gone from just taking one or two items belonging to me into his crate to making a game of taking an item from the shoe shelf – be it a shoe, glove, sock stuffed into a boot from one of the kids etc. and running into his crate and as we take that one out, he is right behind us, snatching another item and running into his crate. AND back and forth we go and when you tell him ‘no’, he sits and looks at you and then goes off as fast as he can to do it all over again! LOL Monkey! He has also taken to pooping in our sunroom if he is not happy about not getting something his way. OMG! ICK! πŸ˜› He still rarely has the occastional leg lifting pee in our home yet outside he now squats to pee and does not lift his leg. He is almost always wagging his tail these days for me and the difference in him is HUGE HUGE HUGE! I continue to just adore this boy to bits and yet remain concerned about his abilities to be integrated into anothers home. I worry somehow that he will think that I have betrayed him and broken the trust that he is giving to me daily and those eyes, gosh, they are so deep and full of emotion of past horrors. I worry about if someone is going to be prepared to just take it one day at a time and work with him patiently, consistently and lovingly yet firmly and that they treat him with the right mixture of everything that he needs. I worry that he might go back into his shell and this time, never come out. I remain convinced that he would make someone a fantastic companion for he is just so awesome yet not yet at thie moment in time. So, at this time, I am still going to keep BHRR’s Albert status as NOT being yet available for adoption.

BHRR’s Albert – February 17th, 2010 – 4 weeks to the day after arrival to BHRR – LOOK at that hind end plus his body posture now!

BHRR’s Ava Marie’s HWT came back negative and her bw is good! I have asked to have these results faxed to LAH. I will be bringing her into work with me on Wednesday so that I can obtain a current weight on her. Her eating and drinking seems to go in spurts. Great and not so great and I still have to escort her out into the fully fenced in yard yet once she is out there, she is fine.

I am so proud to say that Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) has met all the pre-approval compliance requirements for PayPal as a registered non-profit/charity organization!!!! I faxed over 40 pages of documentation including CRA forms, Banking and Legal information plus contacts last Saturday March 6th and today, I have heard back that all is in order from their extensive review and BHRR is now PRE-APPROVED as we move to our next status level from our registered non-profit to registered charity with the CRA to continue to collect much needed funds/donations via PayPal (account is

Additionally, per their User Policy Agreement; their policy includes a restriction on activities that involve an entry fee and a prize, such as raffles, drawings or lotteries. Therefore, just a HUGE reminder that for our upcoming Spring Fever Basket Raffle; please note that we will NOT accept payment for these raffle tickets via PayPal. BHRR will ONLY take Visa/MC/Amex/Cash/Email Transfer to or Check/MO/Bank Draft to β€˜Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services’ for this raffle that shall commence on Friday March 19th.

Just before PPSS and I go find our bed(I should think about dinner too!) as it is now 3:30 AM and we both have been up since 7:30 Tuesday AM; I wanted to also update BHRR’s Ava Marie’s blog in respect to those red marks under her arms. As soon as I showed them to the Vet, he said the same thing; it looked like she had been ‘branded’ or ‘burned’ and that it could be possible that it was from a harness. If it is a reaction to metal on a harness; they are so deep and she will be scarred even when the areas heal, they are that bad. What we are going to do is try different pieces of metal on her skin to ‘test’ to see if she is reacting to copper or stainless steel etc. for the clamps that are used in the surgery for her cruciate repair are metal. With how bad this looks to be of a reaction and we do not know how long the exposure was and we are, of course, just making the best judgement call we can as to it even being a ‘metal’ reaction to something like a harness; we will need to experiment to see if we duplicate the reaction. We do not wish to see her in surgery and being clamped off with metal clamps and having a reaction. So, per her Vet, we are going to do some testing. They are not infected and I will take better close up pictures of them later today. I wish she could tell us about these marks. I do remember seeing a Dane that had reacted to the buckles on his doggie coat as it criss-crossed under the underarms and had metal buckles when I was out and about one day and we see many dogs that have reacted to metal tags on their collars(rabies, license) as well as the metal leash loop or fastener on their collars yet I have never seen such a nasty reaction to a harness, if that is what it is. We looked so closely throughout her hair to see if we could find other traces of the use of a harness yet I did not see those on Sunday and I still do not see them today, not did her Vet. Puzzling for sure yet they are not bothering her(however, with the pain that she is in with those cruciates, anything else is secondary) and I am keeping them clean and dry to heal as best as they can. With how big she is, she is getting some rubbing with the skin on the arms but as she is not very mobile, she is getting minimal irritation from her weight and the rubbing.

Later today, my focus is to get BHRR’s Potter and BHRR’s Alberts Blogs updated plus I have CRA Paperwork to complete. AND for those that are still considering donating to BHRR’s Ava’s Action Assistance Fund; I really hope you would do so. We need to raise another $4,700 and she has a very long road to travel ahead of her. Any help to make her road better travelled means the world! AND thanks so much again to everyone for the caring words, financial support in not just believing in what BHRR does YET believing in BHRR’s Ava Marie AND that she is worth every penny that comes her way to make her healthy again!

I took BHRR’s Ava Marie in to see Dr. Liston today and he agrees that the right one is the worst one right now and should possibly be the one considered to be repaired first. When it is time to do her first surgeyr, he will re-evaluate then. In looking at the X-Rays, one can see the calcification and bone spurs that have already been occuring and from the X-Rays; the left cruciate appears to have been injured well before the right for that one had more bone spurs, calcification plus more arthritis setting in. The right cruciate rupture is more recent and there is less bone spurs, calcification plus arthritis and clearly causing her the most pain at this moment and she is in a lot of pain. The Deramaxx continues to be given to Ava Marie daily. The move forward plan of attack is for me to draw blood and we will do her presurgical bw plus a HWT and we need her to lose at least 30 pounds within the next 8 weeks to schedule the cruciate repair on the right leg ASAP. So, our timeframe is the first week and a bit in May of 2010. It is just not feasible to do it before then and honestly it is not safe either. In talking to the Vet, we discussed that she is getting 6 cups of food within 3-4 meals a day and we talked about reducing her even further to get her down to 4 cups of food a day to get her where we need to by the May timeframe for the best chance of this surgery working for Ava Marie. I had originally looked at 4 cups yet felt that was too drastic so soon after her arrival and we will work on transitioning her down even further to 4 cups. Her weight today was now 184.80 pounds(84 KGS) – yet she was a waggle butt on the scale – and I know that she has lost weight since her arrival for she did not even begin to eat until last night nor drink well.Β  I am going to weigh her weekly and stay in regular touch with the Vet to keep them updated on her progress. As we cannot really exercise to assist in the weight loss needed; this will be a challenge. One we must face and overcome in order to truly save her life. The Vet and I will re-visit that left cruciate once she is under for while he could not feel any displacement today; she was tensing that leg making it hard to really examine it. The right leg is not only obvious in watching her yet the Vet could easily feel the damage upon manipulation. We know that the X-Rays are from February 5th and even in those, the leg knee has undergone much transformation from when it had to have been first hurt and we shall see what it feels like when she is under for her right cruciate repair by the Vet. AND then again 4 weeks after her right side has undergone surgery. I told the Vet that if he feels that he might have to take more X-Rays at the time of her surgery, to please do so. It might not be possible to do surgery on that left leg at all by then due to all the time that has past before she even came to BHRR and now that she is at BHRR, the right one is in far worse condition and how it has begun to ‘heal’ and ‘scar’ even before those X-Rays were taken a month+ ago.Β  πŸ™ Yet one step at a time. AND as we believe in full disclosure at BHRR and I did mention it above, BHRR’s Ava Marie does have the beginings of arthritis in her knees and this is not something that is going to go away. She is on Glusosamine plus Omega and if anyone wishes to donate any of these items to her cause; please email Gwen. She goes through a lot in a day!Β  πŸ˜‰ Should BHRR’s Ava Marie rehab well; I also see no reason that she could not be placed up for adoption BUT she will not go to a home that does tons of hiking and hills and other types of activities that would not be of benefit to her size, arthritis and past history of having two blown cruciates. SHE was a huge hit at the hospital and travelled great in the car! One man thought she was the largest Dalmation he ever saw and when I said ‘no, sorry, she is a Great Dane’; he went….’oh yeah, right lady’… LOL LOL I do not think he believed me!

I also wish to take this opportunity to publicly thank EVERYONE that has donated, cross-posted and supported BHRR since we committed to assisting her! I have sent such deep thanks in person, emails and in phone calls all that I am aware of who have donated and to those that donated anonymously via directly to Liston Animal Hospital for BHRR’s Ava Marie; I wish to THANK all of YOU as well and will have to do so via Ava Marie’s blog; for I cannot do so in another means as I do not know who you are.Β  πŸ™‚ BUT you are equally so special to our hearts with your kindness shown and I want you to know that your contributions mean the world to BHRR’s Ava Marie to give her a quality of life that she should be living. I do not think I have had a moment in the past almost 24 hours that I have not felt a tear in my eye with PPSS and then with the continued warmth from everyone to date that has helped BHRR’s Ava Marie. Every single person who has helped is what makes BHRR so special and successful and may one day, I be able to meet you in person to express my feelings of gratefulness.

I almost brought BHRR’s Ava Marie into work with me yesterday as she was really pushing my comfort zone of new arrivals to BHRR with the not eating well nor drinking yet I decided to give her a bit more time and she ate her supper well Tuesday night! She wants to drink out of the water bowl yet for some reason cannot bring herself to do it as much as she wants. Progress slowly made though! Also, when I came home from work, she was so happy to see me! She almost knocked me over as she leaned into me! LOL She makes these small ‘sounds’ in her throat to express herself and it is really sweet!!!! She is very interested in the chairs leading to Mason’s room plus the recreation room yet there is no way that she is going to be allowed to do any steps, not with those legs of hers. She seems to have some good moments with her mobility yet often she is very lame and in constant pain. We keep giving her the Deramaxx and I have to say that Ava Marie has the softest of ears that I have ever felt in ages. They are so soft and long and I just love to carress them. She does not seem to mind me bugging her so often just to love on them and her.Β  πŸ˜› I will post an update on her Vet visit to Dr. Liston later today. I have also managed to pick up an extra 8.5 hours of work myself at the Hospital next week to have extra monies to go towards her impending Vet & Rehab Bills. I will also see how many more I can obtain come the month of April. I meant to bring in blood today to do a HWT yet will try to do that on Friday. Thanks so much once again to all of her supporters for their donations and as it is going to be ages for BHRR’s Ava Marie to be able to be placed up for adoption, if ever; she is one of the animals that we are seriously considering being one of the BHRR ambassadors at our 3rd annual Microchip/Nail Trim plus BBQ Fundraiser on Sunday July 18th. we need to get her to lose a considerable amount of weight before she can even have the first surgery. May many of you get the opportunity to meet her then for I know that she would love to pass along her own thanks of gratefulness with leans, drool(do not tell her that I said she drools though for despite her large size, she is all girly!!!) and kisses. One look into her beautiful soft eyes and you, too will become completely enraptured by not just her beauty but her charm. She is such a delight!!!!

BHRR’s Storm is now booked for her spay on April 6th, 2010. Everything crossed that she does not cycle into another heat by then. πŸ™

Ava Marie

She is a big girl and what a sweet face. I know she is in the best place she can be and you will have many stories to share.
Thank you for what you and Sean do for all the rescues that come into you home.
I will watch her progress via the website.Take care,

Sean just called me from KAH when he went in to drop off Storm for her spay and she was no longer in the schedule. This appointment had been booked since February 10th and I confirmed when I was in last week, so not sure what happened. However, I will reschedule for a new date when I am in later today working. Will update her blog as I can. πŸ™‚

We only need $100 more to raise by Wednesday March 10th @ 5:00 PM EST. PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! We are so close to being able to put down a ‘good’ faith deposit to have her cruciates fixed. Please consider supporting BHRR’s Ava’s Action Assistance Fundraiser. We are also hoping that our first ever Spring Fever Basket Raffle will bring in enough to pay for a good portion of her one surgery in addition to the deposit that we are looking to put down this Wednesday. As many know, I am not above begging or pleading to help out an animal in need and I truly am imploring the public to seriously please please please to consider donating, even $5.00 to help her. She is such a wonderful dog and I am also trying to pick up extra shifts myself at the Hospital to bring in more monies for her. Ava Marie is so kind, gentle and just positively one of the sweetest creatures ever and we want to give her nothing but the best that life can offer!!!!

I am going to post two more pictures on BHRR’s Ava Marie’s slideshow #16 & #17 from March 9th, 2010 and I am also going to post them below. One is a great comparison shot with PPSS and part of our own EM Guinness and another is a face shot for that was what I was taking tonight of some of the dogs. Those that have met my PPSS, know that he is not a small boy at around 150 pounds himself yet you can see that he looks so small next to BHRR’s Ava Marie and Guinness’s head does not look all that large anymore either. AND great success today for we have her lying on a dog bed yet even the dog bed looks tiny. Later this week, we are going to tackle her nails too. Thursday is what I have dubbed ‘conveyor nail trimming belt’ day at our home and we shall see how Ava Marie handles this experience.

BHRR’s Ava Marie – My GD PPSS & EM Guinness – March 9th, 2010

As per my post in BHRR’s Mindy thread; I was taking some face shots and I am going to also add 2 to BHRR’s Dana’s slideshow #29 & #30 plus put one of them below. This girl continues to keep me on my toes and I not only respect her for that but LOVE her dearly! She is a high maintenance girl in so many ways yet her affectionate, passion for life and sheer brilliancy in how she continues to try and stay one step ahead of me is nothing less than to be admired!!!! She also is still waiting for her forever loving home and I remain firm that I would like to see her in a home with at least one other dog; preferably a male as she always worries when new females comes in as to whether or not they will be a partner in crime mischief maker or a diva queen that playing and being sheer outgoing seems to be a crime. πŸ˜€ Her coat is so black and shiny and she is so far removed from the poor 64 pound creature that came into BHRR so emaciated and full of anxieties plus stress.

BHRR’s Dana – March 9th, 2010 – Almost 2 years of age

Today before going to bed, I decided to do some ‘face’ shots of some of the BHRR Dogs. As I have not posted any new pictures of BHRR’s Mindy since her arrival to BHRR, I am adding two new pictures to her slideshow, #5 & #6 plus I am going to add one of those below. This girl is just so booootiful! She is extremely low maintenance these days now that the house rules are in place and Gwennie’s Doggie BootCamp went into full swing and she has come along really well with the sharing. You will often see her drinking at the same time for a dog bowl with at least one or two others now. YAY! She is also learning to not be so disgusted in her looks with how the antics of the young ones can be and she is really close to BHRR’s Shiva and they play a LOT together. Just do not tell Mindy that we can see her while she is playing like this! LOL It might upset her ‘princess’ tudness! πŸ˜› Once she had order in her life, she just has settled down really well and is no longer as unsure or nervous about things. Like all animals, she needs structured, routine and consistency plus training to giver her strong foundations to be built upon. She knows what is expected of her and she has responded wonderfully. She still is a bit handshy and will squint her eyes shut sometimes yet has gotten a lot better. She has discovered my kingsize bed and can often be found just lounging there. She continues to have full run of the house and has not destroyed or touched anything she should not. May her right matched home come along and she will be missed as she is a really lovely Great Dane!!!

BHRR’s Mindy – March 9th, 2010 – 4 years old

BHRR’s Storm is scheduled to be spayed tomorrow and I cannot wait to see what her new weight is! Barring any complications, Storm should be ready to be placed up for adoption within the next couple of weeks. May her forever loving home come along to give her the most wonderful of lives! She has been just a real treat to have here.

So, I took at height on BHRR’s Ava Marie last night; she is about 36″ and one of the tallest females I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. I would like to see her weight around 150 yet as she loses weight; I will get a better idea with that incredible bone/substance that she has; where she should fall and 150 pounds is my target for her at this time. I will adjust as necessary. She is going to be fed 4 smaller meals a day so that she does not feel hungry; and bringing her food total of cups to about 6 cups a day. She did not eat her supper well last night and that is not surprising and after one ‘moment’ of her resisting going into her 45″ in height collosal crate(THANKS again Theresa!); she has been fine going in and out. She has not yet peed or pooped that I have seen and today, we shall work on the comfort level going into the fenced in yard. She has been fully integrated with all and other than BHRR’s Dana still trying to determine if Ava Marie could possibly be a new Dane friend to make as one of her mischief making protege’s and corrupt or if Ava Marie is just too ladylike for her ‘liking’ all has been quiet! LOL LOL Dana just cracks me up! For some reason, Ava Marie will not lie on one of the Kuranda beds(she will walk across them) or a dog bed. She will lie on our hardwood floors and I do not want that. As with BHRR’s Albert; we would love to have any donations of gently used comforters/duvets; any sizes; to have on hand for her now and after her surgeries. We would be happy to meet anyone in the area for pick up or contact one of our Volunteers to possibly connect with someone in your area to hold on to for us until we get a chance to hook up. Within the next day or so, I am hoping to get a video posted of her and I really hope that our supporting public will become a fan of hers and open up their own hearts to considering to assist her with even a donation of $5.00. With your kindness and those of others, we will get closer to that $6,000 mark!!! We have promised to make Ava Marie the best that she can be and give her the most quality filled life she deserves and we continue to rely on that ‘chain of success’ that makes BHRR the stellar program it is; in order to do this for Ava Marie. We can not do this all alone and she is in need of much right now. Her personality is sweetness personified and I am truly looking forward in getting to know her better and to see what she is like once she loses weight, comes out of her honymoon period and is not living in chronic crippling pain/lameness.

I went to NY, USA to pick up BHRR’s Ava Marie today(I am calling her Ava Marie!) and so much to update yet it is time to get all dogs settled in, fed and other chores plus responsiblities to be taken care of first. Sean took some pictures for me of her today and thanks so much to Theresa for some crates including 2 HUGE collosal ones. We have set one up for Ava Marie. She let me manually give her her Deramaxx and Sean is going to take some video of her on his BB for me to upload and I hope that people will begin to make a connection wtih her and then want to help her! SHE is a dream of a girl. She just melted my soul when I first met her and as per the revised blog I made earlier; she is just over 2 years of age. A mere pup of a Great Dane and I have her last recorded weight of 191.80 pounds. While she is most assuredly a big boned girl; she needs to seriously lose a good 40 -50 pounds to start. It is a rare dog indeed that makes our own 206 pound English Mastiff Guinness look small!!!! I was also given her X-Rays from February 5th and have taken a good look at them myself. While she is mobile, that right leg is definitely the worst and will need to be repaired first. For those wanting to help BHRR’s Ava Action Assistance Fundraiser yet feel that their $5 or $10 might be too small, it ISN’T! Yours will add to another kind person and then with another and so on and together we can all make the biggest difference to Ava Marie so that she is not living in chronic pain and can be the puppy she is again, playing and romping! I also wish to say that it is a rare person that I want to comfort and hug when there is an o/s of a dog to our program yet in saying good-bye to my friend from Animal Control; I hugged the young man who was surrendering Ava Marie to us and told him how sorry I was. He was truly heartbroken to see her leave and I wish that owning a Giant Breed Dog was not so expensive; yet unfortunately; it is not and the costs can run up extremely high when they are sick or injured.Β  My heart was heavy. I told him to please stay in touch, ensured he had our website information and that there would be tons of pictures plus updates on our site. Small comfort I know in this situation to him. πŸ˜₯ The love he feels for her is so much that he wanted better for her and let her go to us instead of keeping her untreated with him or having her put to sleep. That is the ultimate in love and Ava Marie is a ‘dream’ of a Dane! Not just in looks yet I am loving what I am seeing to date of her personality! She is already integrated with BHRR’s Albert and BHRR’s Potter plus Guinness. When the other dogs went filing past her crate in the sunroom; all was great. Dana was her usually ‘mischief’ self and went right up to her crate and did her ‘bluff’ routine of ‘I am queen.’ πŸ˜› I am completely not worried about full integration with Ava Marie and just want the younger ones to be careful/mindful of her back legs yet they do great with PPPSS(with his one hip and then the knee on the other back leg) plus Guinness with his own knees and Kona plus BHRR’s Hamilton the Newf with their HD etc. The look on Potter’s face in seeing her though was priceless. He was in ‘girly heaven’! OMG! LOL I will do a HWT on her for I did not see one and I have yet to find the paperwork for her Thyroid testing yet shall look more closely. My only issue bringing her back across the border was that her HC was not in my/BHRR’s name and I had to pull on to the side of the road after getting her to be sure that I had all supporting documentation with me from BHRR with registration number, CRA paperwork etc. so that things would run smoothly at Customs as the HC was not in our name. I am going to add two pictures below from after her arrival to BHRR today and also to her slideshow. She shall be seeing Dr. Liston on Wednesday March 10th, 2010 and we still have $255.00 to raise for a deposit to put down for her surgeries, of which the right one will need to be done first and then we shall see about the left one within 4-8 weeks after that if necessary. You can donate by PayPal (account is or email transfer to or even mail a check witten out to ‘Liston Animal Hospital’ or ‘Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services’ and mail it. I will also have Dr. Liston take a look at what appears to be some of rash under both of her underarms. Not sure if it is a reaction to a possible harness yet we shall have that looked into. I will post a picture below where you can clearly see the one side of this – almost looks like a ‘brand’ it is so red, bumpy and rasied on the left side. I have added slides #2 – 15 to her slideshow. WELCOME TO BHRR AVA MARIE!

BHRR’s Ava Marie – March 7th, 2010 – Day of Arrival to BHRR – 2 years of age

BHRR’s Ava Marie – March 7th, 2010 – You can see the ‘rectangle’ of redness under her arm

We have learnt that Ava is just over 2 years of age – born November 21st, 2007 per her Dog License information with the NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets – Division of Animal Industry. She was spayed March 11th, 2008 and she was given a 3 year Rabies on March 25th, 2009(Due March 25th, 2012) and DHLPPC was given on November 17th, 2009(Due November 17th, 2010). At exam on November 17th, 2009; she was 191.80 pounds.

L. Crawford, ON, CDA

I can’t tell you how much it’s appreciated that you do what you do. You contribute your whole LIFE to these guys. Such a special lady you are!


Ava’s Action Assistance Fundraiser Page has been created and will be an ongoing fundraiser until her Vet + Rehab Bills are paid off – Updated Total: $495.00 Raised To Date
*Goal to raise $750 to put down a deposit by Wednesday March 10th for the 2 surgeries she shall require ASAP

OR you can call Liston Animal Hospital at (613) 591-0966 to pay on Ava’s Bill directly by Visa or M/C – Ava’s bill is under the account name of β€˜Boers’ Dr. Liston was the Vet that did both BHRR’s Jaxson’s and BHRR’s Potter’s leg amputations in 2009.

Our initial plan of attack is to get BHRR’s Ava here and I will put her on 1.5 -2 tabs of 100 mg Deramxx SID and Ava has an appointment booked for Wednesday March 10th for Dr. Liston to evaluate. We discussed that we most likely will have to get her to lose significant weight before her first cruciate repair surgery(we will not do both at once on such a large dog) and schedule that within 3-4 months from her arrival. At the weight she is, she could easily re-injure herself by ‘weight’ bearing. About 4 weeks – 6 weeks after that, we would do the second cruciate. Per Dr. Liston, this is a very difficult situation for successful treatment for BHRR’s Ava in respect to finances, recovery plus rehab and I appreciate his honesty. BHRR has been done this road before and we thank everyone in advance for their consideration in helping us with Ava.Β  We shall see what Dr. Liston’s professional opinion is on the sucess of treating BHRR’s Ava.