BHRR’s Jaxson is doing amazing! He completely ‘stole’ everyone he met on Saturday at our BHRR’s Mini Open house to ‘heaven’ as I knew he would! He is such an incredibly brave and strong boy. He has been healing just wonderfully and within the next day or so, I shall remove his pain patch plus his drain. The staples plus sutures can come out within another week. The Vet did say as the leg was completely ‘dead’ that Jaxsons’ recovery could be much better than other dogs who have leg amputations and though it is easier to physically remove a back leg and is also better on the dog to have a back leg removed(I have had several in-depth conversations with a couple of Vets on this topic) for mobility and balance; Jaxson is kickin’ major tush! We have had to switch over to a stronger antibiotic for his cold and now we are working hard to keep him ‘busy’ and calm for he is bored and last night, he had a small case of the zoomies in the house with Sean hot on his heels trying to ‘catch’ him to stop him. I have to admit it made me *giggle* a bit for Jaxson’s face was full of puppy glee with a facial expression of ‘I am free! I am free! You cannot catch me!’. Unfortunately, for him, Sean did ‘catch’ him and back to the X-Pen set-up we have for Jaxson he went. We have a double bed plus a twin in the X-Pen area and have been giving Jaxson nice dinosaur bones to chew and Kong toys with treats inside to work at getting out but he wants to be more physically active and we cannot let him overdue things. He is still very much in the early stages of healing and has a long way to go yet to Jaxson after having such a terrible leg with injuries like that; he feels like he is ‘on top of the world’. I have received quite a few inquiries in regards to if we shall be placing Jaxson up for adoption and the answer is ‘yes’. There is no reason why Jaxson cannot be adopted and when he is ready; we shall move his status to adoptable. As with any of the dogs under our care; should he never be adopted, he has a place to call home with us. I know that Sean is completely enamored with him and WHO would not be. This boy ROCKS! I am still debating about whether he shall come to the BHRR Boat Cruise Fundraiser this Saturday October 3rd and when I go to pay for the catering on Thursday; I shall see if the Captain is there to discuss this possibility. I do not feel overly comfortable having Jaxson be by himself that long. Up to now, he has been watched 24/7 between myself and Sean and at our Open House; by a wonderful Volunteer Suzanne. We still need to raise about $800.00+ more for his ‘Jaxson’s Journey’ Cause to pay off his Vet Bills and as always, we thank EVERYONE for their continued support of Jax. We shall continue to accept donations until his Vet Bill is paid off. We continue to plead to the public that with your kindness of monetary gifts; we can continue to help Jaxson on his journey to a much better life than what he had before coming to BHRR. I am also attaching two pictures below of Jaxson from the BHRR Mini Open House that was held on Saturday September 26th.

BHRR’s Jaxson – September 26th, 2009 – One day after left front leg plus shoulder blade amputation
*photo courtesy of A. Bennett & photo courtesy of C. Desjardins

BHRR’s Mazda proved to us at our BHRR Mini Open House on Saturday that she is truly not quite back to her ‘normal’ self. She was all excited and happy when people and dogs first began arriving and then she went into the one bathroom to stand there. She was just a wee bit overwhelmed. 🙁 Sean then took her down to our Recreation room, which is still her #1 most favourite place to be as she continues to mourn her BF KB/JB. This is her ‘safe’ place to be and she was feeling more comfortable shortly afterwards. I am hoping that she will still continue along her slow path to healing and moving forward and I have posted new playdates for October for our approved BHRR Volunteers to possibly take her out for some extra loving and attention. She did show her ‘monkey’ self when she continued to get on our leather couches and as soon as I got her off one, she would plunk right up on the other and when I pulled out the spray bottle, she gave me that ‘old’ Mazda look of ‘mulish’ behavour! OMG! I tried hard not to laugh at her antics as she exhibited some of her old spirit AND she can be so persistent when she wants to be! I have also uploaded two new pictures of her #28 & #29. We did have three homes interested in Mazda for a possible adoption after meeting her on Saturday and the one application received; unfortunately, cannot be considered at this time and we are awaiting to see if any more applications shall be sent for her. We are really rooting for Mazda for a great forever loving home. Our home at this time, retains far too many memories of KB/JB. 🙁 Those that met her, just adored her on Saturday and people continue to be stunned that she has not as of yet been adopted. She is not only a stunning looking GD; she is also a real dream dog with her lovely personality.

BHRR’s Mazda – September 26th, 2009 – BHRR Mini Open House
*Photo Courtesy of C. Desjardins

Here are the October ‘PlayDates’, ‘DayTrips’ & ‘PlayTrips’ for our approved BHRR Volunteer Homes. Please email Gwen if any or our approved BHRR Volunteers are interested/available in taking a BHRR doggie out and about for some extra spoiling pleasure!

Monday October 5th – 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Wednesday October 7th – 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Saturday October 10th – 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Wednesday October 14th – 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Friday October 16th – 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Wednesday October 21st – 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Saturday October 24th – 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Wednesday October 28th – 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Friday October 30th – 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM

At this time, I am going to put BHRR’s Lil Linus adoptatble status ‘on hold’ for inquiries and applications until such time as it has been determined if he shall or shall not be adopted.


Here is a picture of BHRR’s Lil Linus at our September 2009 BHRR’s Mini Open House.

BHRR’s Lil Linus – September 26th, 2009 – BHRR’s Mini Open House
*Photo Courtesy of C. Desjardins

After a really ‘rough’ start to the night that would have weakened the soul of even the most emotionally hardened invididucal, and, after the Hydromorphone(A narcotic that is 5-7 times stronger than morphine) that I gave to Jaxson around 12:30 AM, he rested fairly comfortably until around 8:00 AM today. Understandably, he peed on his blankets and is all cleaned up. The difference between last night and today is UNBELIEVABLE. The Vet did say that he would be doing much better this AM, but HE did not say that Jaxson would be ready to ‘run’ a marathon! HOLY! This boy is up and ‘at ’em’ like nobody’s business. It is all we can do to hold him back. When I called the Vet with an update, he said that it is amazing what happens in that 12 hour period with a young dog having his/her leg amputating. He does not know why it does but WOW! Jaxson had another HUGE pee outside this time and a fairly normal poop. He has yet to drink anything and the Vet said perhaps by this afternoon, he might. He ate a very small breakfast, took his antibiotics plus pain meds and now he is in his crate missing Sean. He has really really really bonded with Sean and we need to ensure that he continues to socialize and be around tons of other people to continue him along his already wonderful social disposition path. I am attaching a couple of pictures of Jaxson from last night and as much as I have seen in almost 25 years of Rescue work; I can still be surprised by how terrible people can be. For Jaxson to have been just dumped at a Shelter in the condition he was; is deplorable. These pictures are why BHRR exists. TO continue to help those that cannot help and speak for themselves for as clearly told to us by the Shelter, no one else stepped up to help Jaxson and if this handsome sweet boy had been put to sleep, what a loss it would have been to the world. He is incredible!!!! These pictures are graphic yet it is the reality, JAXSON’S REALITY. We continue to plead to the public to please open up your hearts to continue to allow us to assist Jaxson. He has a LONG way to go yet on his ‘Jaxson’s Journey’. He is nowhere near to being ‘out of the woods’ yet….

BHRR’s Jaxson – September 24th, 2009 *Full left leg amputation including shoulder blade

I just talked to the Vet. Jaxson was out of surgery by 3:00 PM and the Vet is very pleased with how things went. I was told that the nerve damage went deep into his chest and further than where the Vet was operating on and so most likely an injury deep into the spine that has resulted in Jax’s leg being the way it was. Apparently, he had no sensation or feeling in that leg from the chest downward(as per the findings of one other Vet that I work with of Jax having only ‘deep’ pain felt in some areas). The nerves were completely ‘dead’. Sometimes, when legs are being amputated and nerves are being cut; the leg will twitch, yet Jaxson had nothing. I talked a bit with the Vet as to his own expert view as to how this could have happened and it could have been 1) A Person(s) or 2) Jax culd have ‘possibly’ hurt himself yet regardless; shortly after he was hurt; he was dumped. That much is very clear. Poor Jaxson. 😥 BUT we care about Jaxson and his health plus happiness is a huge priority to us. So, after being seen by 4 Vets(two at the Shelter and two of my own), they are all in agreement with myself too; that this leg needed to come off NOW…. The next hour will be our next ‘worry’ point for sometimes they come out of leg amputations very dazed and disoriented. The Vet did say that due to all the nerve damage, that Jaxon might fare better coming out of the anaesthetic due to all the lack of feeling that he had previously. From there, we need to see how his pain management is going(he is on a Duragesic Pain Patch). The Vet is not overly worried about him not being on fluids in coming home yet we need to ensure that he is as comfortable as possible. We shall touch base in another hour to better determine the possible ‘go home’ plan for 6:00 PM tonight. After that, the following 72 hours will be our next ‘goal’ for Jaxson. Infection and shock are huge. The neuter went well too. Please please please consider helping us with Jaxson’s Journey Fundraiser, every little bit helps. I will update his blog as I can.

Jaxon’s was prepped for surgery around 11:00 AM today and the Vet is also going to be taking off his shoulder blade in addition to the leg for it will be better for Jax. We continue to thank everyone that has been donating plus supporting Jaxson by cross-posting his ‘Jaxson’s Journey’ Cause. $577.02 raised to date and though we still have a ways to go to reach $2,000; we shall continue to collect funds until he bill is paid for. Continue to send your well wishes plus positive energy Jax’s way. Jax’s fecal did come back NSF and his bw was ok. WBC was slightly elevated yet he is on antibiotics still for the cold. His chest was also clear upon exam today for his surgery.

Congratulations Abbi

So happy that Abbi has found her forever home and that she can continue to grow and develop! What an awesome girl she is!!


BHRR’s DBB Abbi shall be going to her new forever loving adoptive home on Friday October 2nd! GOSH! I think we are just going to bawl when it is time to say good-bye to her.

I ended up taking Jaxson to work with me last night for I wanted to have him examined by my own Vet soon. I brought in all the notes sent with him and we await the disc with the actual digital x-rays on them. Jaxson weighed 32.8 Kgs(72.16 pounds) and the general consensus is in agreement that he should be around 85 pounds right now. I did bring in a fecal and we are running some bw for the decision is that this leg should really come off sooner rather than later. He is going to be so much happier(AND he is one happy boy!) without it and the Vet agrees that the leg is just ‘strange’ in many ways. He has ‘deep’ pain yet nothing surface related and you can see when he lies down how that growth plate on his shoulder just moves and appears to be disjointed. It appears that we are looking at several possible issues with that leg and it is ‘injury’ related and what a shame that he was dumped at the shelter in this condition. So, I have made an appointment for this Friday; September 25th to have this leg removed and we shall neuter him at the same time. I strongly suspected from the moment that I saw him myself and examined that leg that it should be amputated and I am feeling better about having my own Vet (the third Vet that has now examined Jaxson and has suggested amputation) concur for it is only going to cause him more angst and medical problems leaving it the way it is. He also has that nasty pressure sore on the back of that pad from how he moves and rests on his leg at times. BHRR focuses on the SN’s and takes in animals that others will not or cannot and we are pleading to the public to please help us to continue to help Jax….

The cost of his surgery is going to be $2,000 and while we can do a payment plan on the leg; we need to put down some money on Friday.

We are begging and pleading to all that support BHRR and have become fans of Jax; if you could assist us in anyway with a donation to his Vet Bill, so that we can take this leg off this Friday September 25th(it has to come off, it is posing a danger to him); you can donate by PayPal(button found in the top left corner of our homepage) OR you can write a check out to ‘Liston Animal Hospital’ and mail to:

Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR you can call Liston Animal Hospital at (613) 591-0966 to pay on Jax’s Bill directly by Visa or M/C – Jax’s bill is under the account name of ‘Boers’

Please help us with ‘Jaxson’s Journey’ as we beseech you to help us raise the funds needed to help Jax!

BHRR’s Jaxson – September 20th, 2009 *Pictures courtesy of P. Tops

I brought Porridge with me last night to work to have his nails done. Ever since the VT Student in the spring cut his one nail way back to where it comes from his toe; he; understandably has been very nervous about his feet and nail trimming. Part of what we do at BHRR is humane education and we often have groups of students out to learn how to properly groom, restrain, do nails, bath and take care of horses plus giant breed canines and unfortunately, Porridge was given a traumatic experience by a student that unsupervised cut his nail that bad. I have since brought Porridge in a couple of times, put him under a light sedation and have trimmed his nails. Last night we used a slightly different ‘cocktail’ for him as the last one we did in July(Hydro); just put him right on his tush for the whole day and made him quite ill to boot. It is not uncommon for some nausea and/or vomiting to occur on Hydro yet this just really set Porridge down for the count and in the sedation department; he was given quite the low dose. Everything went well and I took him home yet when I went to bring him into the bedroom approximately 45 minutes later to feed the dogs and to give Porridge about 1/3 of his own normal portion, Porridge began to not act nor look normal. After being in the bedroom for a very short period, I rushed him outside and the poor boy had terrible diarrhea and the drooling began. I then decided it was time for GasX plus Zantac for I did not like how he began to ‘crunch’ up on me. We then began to walk and keep him moving. I think Porridge and I must have down 15 laps down our extensive laneway and back and thank god, it was making a difference. In bringing him back inside, he was ‘ok’ for a bit and then began to drool again and nip at his sides; so in went more GasX etc. and I tubed him. The gas that came out of him was significant. Throughout all of this, I could palpate Porridge without much discomfort to him and his stomach did not swell once. I then took Porridge for some more walking and Sean slept with him in the main area so that he could be supervised one-on-one all night. Porridge kept wanting to come into the bedroom yet with how the ‘pack’ wanted to be with me for I had been away working all night; it was easier to do things this way. It was also a great ‘bonding’ moment for Porridge and Sean who have had their moments of ‘not’ quite seeing eye-to-eye since Porridge came to us as a mere 6.5 week pup. For me to attempt to determine a possible ‘trigger’ for Porridge’s ‘gas’ bloat is truly impossible to define. Yet, I am not so keen on signing on for the same ‘tranq’ cocktail we did last night for Porridge. I am going to converse more with the Vet when I am in today to see if any of the meds that we did give Porridge could possibly have had the side effect of ‘gas’ build-up. On the other hand, being sedated, slows down things as is and we were a bit more cautious over putting him under due to his recent seizure. So much to discuss with the Vet and the fantastic news is that while Porridge is a wee bit still under the weather this AM, he is almost back to normal. He had a good night with Sean, once he settled down and realised that it was ‘ok’ to be just with Dad and not with Mom too. For those that are very worried about bloat etc., the one thing to continue to bear in mind is that you can read all the ‘classic’ symptoms of bloat all you want; yet there are cases where they do bloat and the symptoms are not there as you might expect them to be. Just know your dog’s behavour and what is ‘norm’ for them and be vigiliant. We have had several Danes(Zane, KB/JB and now Porridge) that have ‘gas’ bloated on us over the years and it is key to begin treatment ASAP to get that gas out before other complications can arise. Porridge weighted 63.8 KGs(140.36 pounds) last night yet I believe he is more for he had a foot resting on that wall. 😉

Nikki, Kingston, ON

Looking forward to meeting both of you, your work is truly altruistic.



*If all goes well, BHRR’s DBB Sister Abbi could be in her new forever adoptive home by mid-October.


Wahoo…so proud of you girl…..keep it up!!

Barry and Trice

I brought Dana in with me last Tuesday to have her sutures removed and had the Vet recheck her foot and the Vet was incredibly impressed with how things have healed. YAY! I think those first 5 days after her amputation aged me 10 years! LOL Dana is a challenge that is for sure in keeping her quiet and calm. I still have to work really hard to ensure that she does not overdue it as she will be healing for some time yet. Despite having that toe removed, that pain of healing was so much better to her than that pain of her broken toe and she just wanted to go, go, GO! I then took her to do a home visit with me and though this couple had met her before; they were able to see Dana in all of her glory yet again and they loved her and vice versa! She was very respectful of their small dog who was not very happy about this ‘puppy’ intruder in his house yet both integrated really well and we are very pleased to have this new home onboard with BHRR in an official capacity now.

Abbi had a fantastic day on Saturday. She went with some of our approved BHRR Volunteers for a playdate and I was so jealous! I learnt that she had a snooze in the sun in their yard with their other dog too! WISH I could have done that. From her playdate on Saturday, she came to me to B&F to pick up some items very kindly donated by Amanda for our upcoming BHRR Boat Cruise/Dinner/Auction Fundraiser being held on October 3rd and FROM there, we headed off to Conroy Pit for some training with her two DDB Sisters that were adopted. Abbi also made a complete liar out of me for she went into my car(she has come a long way with her comfort zone with cars again) plus our BHRR Volunteers Vehicle like no tomorrow(she was trying to get around them to get into theirs she was quite excited) and then in respect to her obedience with me at Conroy; she decided that after her first amazing recall; that she would rather be ‘free’….LOL Back on zee leash for you young lady! She had an incredible day and impressed all with her beauty, grace and leash manners. I am hoping for great things for Abbi in the future as more and more people see how amazing she truly is. Abbi also did so much better at the Animal Hospital. She only had one small drop of ‘sub’ pee and was quite loving to everyone. I think the patience, time, consistency and support has finally begun to pay off.

I arrived home close to midnight last night with ‘Jax’ and I have decided to make his ‘formal’ name Jaxson…it is so befitting of him! He is not deaf(as some have asked) and he is LUVBUG Heaven! He travelled really well with the Volunteer who pulled him from SWO and then his transition to another Volunteer went great in Scraborough and I met them in Kingston last night to bring him back to us. I noticed that he is presenting with nasal discharge and has had a few sneezes….sigh….so, I am proactively treating him for that. I had an appointment set for tomorrow night for Jax. I have also read his folder and the finding of ‘lateral shoulder possible mild fracture at cranial aspet of physis. non displaced-can’t rule out growth plate’ was read. There is quite a bit of information sent in the folder and I will add as I can. His Rabies plus DHPP are not due until February 4th of 2010. His HWT was negative. He was given a dose of Revolution on September 14th and in October, we will switch him over to Sentinel. The same day, he was de-wormed with Strongid T and we will do a de-worming with Panacur and I will bring a fecal sample in for his stools are diarrhea and very smelly(especially when he does it in your house!). On September 11th, he was given Bordetella Intra nasal. His birthday is listed as December 18th, 2008. I can confirm that while he is crate trained he is NOT housetrained. He has peed all over my dining room chair and has had three bouts of diarrhea in my home. He was also microchipped at the Shelter before he left. He travelled amazing(only once did he try to get into the front seat and that was most likely because he was hungry and I had his bag of food there from the Shelter) and has loved everyone and every animal that he has come into contact with. I have some pictures from one of our Volunteers with her two boyz and will post as I can. He also has been fully integrated with Tain, Parker, Abbi and Potter at our home. He is playful, gentle with taking treats and food, does not resource, listens quite well, leash manners are not bad etc. He did a few little cries when I put him into his crate last night yet settled down beautifully. He ate his supper last night(gave him only about 1/3 of his food) well yet today, he has not eaten much of his breakfast. He has been drinking well and is alert, active – despite that leg(the one pad on the back of his leg is raw….the poor thing) and so affectionate!!!! He was a little bit nervous last night in the dark when first meeting Sean, yet quickly warmed up and came into the house with curious puppy abandonment! Only a couple of times has he exhibited some handshyness and he is VERY VERY VERY people oriented. Right now, he is lying behind my chair. He does not seem to fully understand the ‘comforts’ of the Kuranda bed and nor the soft doggie beds and we will work on that! I think I am in agreement with the first Vet who believes that his left front leg should be removed. It is not known if this is from something his previous owners did or from getting caught up in something himself; but the paralysis is very apparent and the muscle wasting going on is clear to anyone’s eyes. He lets me hold that leg, examine it and touch it all over and is not in any obvious discomfort and he likes to use that leg(he moves it from the shoulder) to ‘paw’ or ‘hook’ you for some loving or to get your attention. He is quite adept at moving around without that leg and it is very much a hindrance to him the way it is right now. I am not sure if hydrotherapy or Physio is going to help in his situation. There is a pulse, the leg and foot is warm, good circulation is happening yet he cannot utilize it. He is painfully thin, not neutered and that tail is nonstop wagging! He really needs a new collar and his body needs a lot more muscle. The Vet records state that he is about 63 pounds and I would like to see him closer to 80-85 right now. We are going to begin a fundraiser for Jax called ‘Jaxson’s Journey’; whereby any funds sent our way for Jax will be used for his Vet care. That leg amputation alone is going to cost thousands. AND for BHRR, rescuing is about helping that next one in need and he is just as deserving of a great forever home plus life as any other dog in need. BHRR’s Potter seems to instinctively know that Jax cannot quite play the way he should be able to and has been just magnificent to watch him interact with Jax. Parker on the other hand with those big ol’ clubs, is working on the ‘just a baby’ and ‘gentle’ words again when using those paws of his. I will update his blog as I can. I cannot wait for those attending our upcoming BHRR Mini Open House to meet him. He head and jowls on this boy are very irrisitable in addition to his charm AND he is just going to steal you right to heaven this one!!!!

UPDATE from Shelter on X-Rays taken today on Jax’s leg:

 So our vet today feels that perhaps there is some tendon or nerve damage causing him to not use the leg. She recommends physio at this point to see if his level of use increases. If not, amputation recommended. There is more detail in his medical record and as I mentioned I will send the xrays as well.

We were contacted earlier this week about an ‘urgent’ ABD(American BullDog) in SWO that needed a Rescue. We waited to see if Bullies in Need could assist and when they responded saying sorry, that they were not in a position to help him; BHRR stepped up. With the help of two very wonderful BHRR Volunteers; BHRR’s Jax shall be here on Sunday night. It was most concerning to learn that our first message to our network asking for help with Jax was not received by many and yet our second request got through – thank goodness- and I have been working almost nonstop over the past 24 hours to try and save this boy. He will not be available for adoption anytime soon. Here is the information that was sent to us on this boy and I have posted two pictures of him below. The shelter is doing X-rays today and will let me know their findings. He is utd on shots and is on flea preventative. I do not know at this time if he is neutered.

Jax is a 9 month old American Bulldog, surrendered to by owners who only had him 1 month claim they do not have time to care for the dog. The dog presented here non weight bearing on the right front leg. After exam our vet feels there is paralysis of the nerve and thinks that amputating would be the best option for this dog (radial paralysis). However we are not equipped for this sort of surgery on such a large dog (65lbs and growing, very tall!).

The following is information from the previous owners:
– lived with a cat (in an apartment) was playful but could be rough
– seemed good with other dogs but did not live with any
– good with their 10 month old child
– had pancreatitis a few months ago on gastro diet
– housetrained
– was allowed to sleep on bed but was also crated when away
– seemed to bark a lot when no one home (neighbors told them)
– knows some basic commands

BHRR’s Jax – 9 month old American BullDog

For those not familar with the breed; here is some information on the American BullDog:

The American Bulldog is a loving gentle family companion, good with children and other pets, yet at the same time, fearlessly determined. It has been known to display heroic acts of courage in protecting its master.  Height: Males: 22 – 27 inches; Females: 20 – 25 inches. Weight: Male: 75 – 125 lbs.; Female: 60 – 100 lbs.

Bulldogs in England were originally working dogs who drove and caught cattle and guarded their masters’ property. At one time, the breed was used in the grueling sport of bull baiting. With the outlawing of the sport in England in 1835, the original type of Bulldog disappeared from Britain and was replaced with the less athletic dog we now know as the English Bulldog. Yet the original Bulldog was preserved by immigrants who brought their working dogs with them to the American South. By the end of World War II, the last remnants of the working English Bulldog were disappearing in the U.S. Thanks to the breeding programs of John D. Johnson and Allen Scott, the breed was brought back from the brink of extinction. The American Bulldog was recognized by the United Kennel Club in 1999 in the rare, working class.  Information from

Abbi playdate

Please feel free to send her to NS for a playdate:) My landlords would love her!! And all these new places to explore!!
I’m sure Trice wouldn’t mind sharing his stuff..
Please give them all an extra hug today from us..

Barry and Trice….

Abbi was in to for her annual check-up and she still remains very nervous at the Vet Hospital, the poor thing. While she deeply enjoys all the loving from the people, she is not comfortable in being in that environment. She weighed about 85 – 90 pounds(wiggly on the scale) and is looking marvelous! She is such an nicely conformed Dane! A clean bill of health given and she enjoyed her Timmie’s visit. I hope to continue to get her out and about more and more with daytrip/playdays/playtrips as she truly does enjoy them.

After 5 really ‘rough’ days, we finally got a handle on Dana’s foot complications and she is doing really well. Limping some and wanting to do more than she should yet I am pleased. I will be removing some of her sutures within the next 24 hours and shall be bringing her in for another Vet Recheck on Tuesday. At this time, I am also going to move her back to ‘AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION’ so that we can begin to take inquiries on her again and possible adoption applications. As the application process can take several weeks(depending on amount of time required to complete references plus do a home visit); Dana should be completely back up on her feet or at least almost there. I am also planning on doing some hydrotherapy with her just to help that foot and leg. Her Vet bills to date are close to $1,500 and I am so relieved to be where we are now, knowing that she is going to be ok. I was very worried and concerned about her. Hopefully, we can get Dana back up and out for some playdates/day trips and play trips too soon. I know that she has deeply missed her special outings with our approved Volunteers.

Jeff G., ON, CDA

Also, may I tip my hat in acknowledgment of the work being done at BHRR – well done! Warmest regards,


I just received word back on Bart. He was put to sleep before he could be pulled. I am just devastated. He was not scheduled to be put to sleep until the 3rd, as soon as we received the urgent notice on the 2nd; we stepped up to help him. Not sure what happened with the communication yet we ‘lost’ him and I am just crushed for him. I feel so helpless over the loss of his life. RIP beautiful Bart. I am sorry that we could not get you out in time. 😥

I took a new height measurement on Porridge today and he is 39″. I am not sure if he shall surpass our beloved RIP Frost “T” who was just under 41″ and I hope not. Being overly tall is not a good thing and I hope that Porridge does not grow very much more in height. The good news is that he has not had another seizure at this time and everything crossed for him.

Dana is having the very common problem of bandage complications from her amputation last Wednesday. I brought her in on Saturday for a recheck and shall be bringing her in again oday for another recheck. I am quite worried about her. She continues to eat and drink well and has become quite sneaky about not taking her antibiotics and pain meds. I can tell that even though she is going through this pain at this time; it is much better than what she was going through with her toe before amputation. As happy as she always is, she is just that much more happy now. She is also very flexible and continues to try and get at her toe and bandages. We have taken to putting on socks over her foot and she has taken to trying to get them off at every opportunity. Sean continues to sleep with her at night and I have completely revamped my day schedule so that she is watched almost 24/7. Keep her in your thoughts!

I sent out yet another follow-up request for a status update on Bart this AM. We have not heard anything since September 2nd after being told that he would be pulled for BHRR and what vetting we would like done before transport. We remain quite concerned.


*BHRR Contacted to assist him as he was found on the road & owner located

We have been asked to assist a smooth coat Saint Bernard from the USA. He is from KY. They is going to be a big ‘pull’ from shelters in these three States with a transport being organized into Toronto and we have stepped up to accept the request for him as he is in an ‘urgent’ situation(would have been euthanized September 3rd) and as BHRR’s Banzai has been returned to the ‘legal’ owner at this time(and not to whom had him before he was picked up as a stray and sent to BHRR); we would like to help another one in need. He is young and male and just terrified in being at the shelter and he was on a list of 58 animals slated to be pts by end of this week AND that does not include all the puppies that were also on the list pleading with reputable/quality Rescues to help out where/if they could. 😥 BHRR has found reputable/quality rescues for all the requests that have been sent our way up until this one and now that we have a spot available; we are going to help this boy if we can for he is the next one in need. We do not know if he is HW+, unaltered, exact age etc. and if he is a PB Saint and it honestly just does not matter at this time. What matters most is getting him into a stable, safe environment and BHRR is that place. We have been told that he is very sweet yet shy and so very scared at the Shelter. We are going to call him BHRR’s Bart and when we know the logistics of his organized transport to TO, we will put out a request via our BHRR Facebook Group(please come join us there) for possible temp fostering and help with his transport to BHRR. NOT YET AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!!!!


Just want to put out an ‘official’ word that our blogs are updated regularly with new pictures when possible and all animals listed are ‘current’ in their status be it as a Haven Dog or Available For Adoption. Not sure where the confusion is lying for we received another vm today from someone who was ‘not’ sure if the animals listed here were current in their ‘status’. BHRR is always open to feedback and if we could be doing something better with our website, blogs etc., please do let us know!

She is OUT of surgery as of 5:30 PM or so…finally! YAY! It went well….OMG! This had me concerned…phewwwww I shall bring her to work with me on Saturday to have the Vet take a quick peek at it and then bandage changes for the next 10 days or so, will remove her pain patch around Monday and antibiotics, antibiotics, antibiotics in addition to lots of love…I have…SOOOO missed her today. BHRR’s Dana is so very unique and full of personality! When she is not here; something is very much not ‘right’…that and it is very quiet without our Dana/Alvin mischievous goober around making us laugh! She is going to make a home very lucky one day. Just a beautiful girl and THANKS very much for the well wishes and thoughts today for her AND me…. Dana weighed 51.60 KGs(113.52 pounds).

OK! As promised and requested 😉 , I am posting dates for our approved Volunteers for possible playdates, daytrips and playdays. Please contact Gwen if you might be interested! As we head into the fall with the beginning of the school year plus the return of many of our ‘Summer’ Break Volunteers; we should be in a much better position on this front yet BHRR can always use more Volunteers for our animals including our Therapy plus Humane Education visits plus speeches. A Volunteer/Foster Application can be downloaded, completed and returned to BHRR. We are always in need of more approved Foster homes. The more approved homes we have, the more animals we can continue to assist.

Saturday September 5th(anytime between 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM); Tuesday September 8th(4 PM – 8:00 PM); Tuesday September 15th(4 PM – 8:00 PM) & Saturday September 19th(anytime between 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM).

We are also looking for approved BHRR Volunteers that might like to come out on Friday September 25th, 2009 as part of the Ashbury College Leadership Through Volunteering Day. We shall be doing Humane Education plus having hands on time including grooming with the Giant Breed Canines and Equines at BHRR. If you are interested, please contact Gwen

BHRR’s Parker had a GREAT visit, albeit a short one with his very special guest last week! I am delighted that she is very happy with his progres and how much he has changed since he first came to BHRR. THANK you as well for the donation of collars for him too! I know how ‘special’ they are to you and for you to send them along to BHRR’s Mr. Parker Paws is truly touching… BHRR’s Mr. Parker Paws weighed close to 155 pounds(wiggle butt he is). He continues to really not like that scale!!! That means he has put on 58 pounds since he first came to BHRR back in May.