We have been asked to assist a smooth coat Saint Bernard from the USA. He is from KY. They is going to be a big ‘pull’ from shelters in these three States with a transport being organized into Toronto and we have stepped up to accept the request for him as he is in an ‘urgent’ situation(would have been euthanized September 3rd) and as BHRR’s Banzai has been returned to the ‘legal’ owner at this time(and not to whom had him before he was picked up as a stray and sent to BHRR); we would like to help another one in need. He is young and male and just terrified in being at the shelter and he was on a list of 58 animals slated to be pts by end of this week AND that does not include all the puppies that were also on the list pleading with reputable/quality Rescues to help out where/if they could. 😥 BHRR has found reputable/quality rescues for all the requests that have been sent our way up until this one and now that we have a spot available; we are going to help this boy if we can for he is the next one in need. We do not know if he is HW+, unaltered, exact age etc. and if he is a PB Saint and it honestly just does not matter at this time. What matters most is getting him into a stable, safe environment and BHRR is that place. We have been told that he is very sweet yet shy and so very scared at the Shelter. We are going to call him BHRR’s Bart and when we know the logistics of his organized transport to TO, we will put out a request via our BHRR Facebook Group(please come join us there) for possible temp fostering and help with his transport to BHRR. NOT YET AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!!!!