BHRR’s Mr. Romeo!
This is Mr. Romeo’s own loving first Christmas too.
That right-matched forever-loving home has not yet found this WOW dog! Crazy!!!
He is just awesome. Means that he/I get to still hang out, and have naps together!  He comes to my workshop in the barn, he helps with horse chores, and he keeps me moving….fast! 
He will forever have my heart and I know that I am very much ‘his person’.
Thank you VERY much to Hazel Tal for being this fantastic young dog’s special Secret Santa in 2021!

BHRR’s Miss Rosie!
Her very first spoiling loving Christmas too!
In the New Year, she shall begin her vaccine protocol now that we have her healthier, and then shortly after that, she will be ready to make her own special announcement.
Thank you to Tracey Popham Todd for being her wonderful special Secret Santa in 2021!

My favourite time of night!
Snow lightly falling outside, Christmas tree lights on, fireplaces on, kids and Sean all tucked into their beds. I can then be found studying with a cup of mint tea surrounded by such amazing animals snoring happily away on new beds! 
In this photo, we have BHRR’s Miss Olive, my Skor, BHRR’s Miss Giselle, My Apex & BHRR’s Mr. Symba. 
From our home to all of our friends, family & supporters, the warmest of good night wishes are being sent!
AND Yup! – you can see the hole that BHRR’s Mr. Granite dug through the wall by the tree that Sean has to now fix….sigh! Giant breed dogs, giant breed damage can be done. Mr. Granite decided that he wanted to go into the master bedroom to lay on the bed while we were bringing in groceries this past week……Clearly, it was too hard to go through the actual open door, so he had to create his own entranceway.

Time for some BHRR Traditional XMAS Eve Photos!
This year we did it on December 25th yet, close enough! 
This is BHRR’s Gravel!!!
He will turn 11 years young in April 2022.
Can you believe that this was the Dane that no one could touch back in 2017 and was slated for euthanasia at the pound?!
He was so stressed and confused, the poor Dane. 
What I have posted before re: Mr. Gravel:
This boy had been dumped over 4.5 years ago in a high kill shelter – emaciated, undersocialised and terrified. He was dumped as the home has kids.
He had four days in which to get out and we were contacted to assist. Unfortunately, as transport was being organized, he was so scared that no one could get near him…..the shelter said that they had been ‘poling’ him to get him to where they needed him to go.
I will be forever grateful to Danya, the original person who reached out to us for assistance who dropped everything at her work nearby the shelter and with the assistance of cheeseburgers; managed to get him leashed – he was beyond reactive at this time.
The transport was quickly re-arranged and Daniele(just one driver) drove all the way from the shelter to KAH where I had an appointment set up for him to be seen.
If he had not gotten out of the shelter that day, the shelter made it clear that this was his last day and would be ‘destroyed.’
He is such a wonderful boy…..just lovely! He loves young teenage girls the best!
Thank you for blessing our hearts and home Mr. Gravel! You are an incredible Dane and as promised you will never know another day of fear, an empty stomach nor hurtful hands, etc.
You are safe, happy & still remarkably healthy! 
Thank you also to Kendel, Dawkin & Tyler for being his special SS this year. 

Happy Boxing Day!
BHRR’s Brutus! (~8.5 year old American Bulldog).
He was back at the Vet on December 24th as we are still battling all of his skin, eye, ear issues.
Poor boy.
He came to us in such terrible shape, and we have made incredible progress yet he is still a long way from being ready to be considered healthy.
Great news his weight is now 55.9 kgs(122.98 pounds). He has put on just over 10 kgs (22 pounds) since he arrived.
He is a powerhouse of a happy friendly boy! 
He loves people, cats, dogs and it saddens me to think how many are scared of him.
He does not hear or see well and he is so social plus affectionate.
He was placed on yet more Apoquel(1.5 tablets daily), more antibiotics for his skin plus ears/eyes, and a new shampoo. He remains on his fish-based diet and gets only specific treats.
We have learned that he has a contact allergy so are very careful about collar wearing – no metal ‘o’ or ‘d’ rings etc., what his blankets and dog coat are washed in etc. We do not have carpets in our home so that is excellent and all dirty pawprint rugs are washed regularly.
BHRR does not place up for adoption unhealthy dogs. We are patient!
Thank you to all of the Christmas Eve/Day Santa helper angels who donated funds to help us pay off – ~$750 – what we owe by end of the year. 
We still owe almost $250….yet we are so close now thanks to your caring hearts!!!
PS: yes, Mr. Brutus is wearing a feminine collar – borrowed from one of the other BHRR dogs – as we do not have one for him. He still looks so Uber handsome! 

Miss Jamila!
*Deaf/Blind Great Dane
Merry FIRST loving spoiling Christmas to her!
Thank you again to the Markell Read family for spoiling her this XMAS as her special Secret Santa!
We removed her eye sutures several days ago from her bilateral eye enucleation, and her healing is almost complete.
This girl has stolen my heart plus soul. I know the feelings are very mutual.
Miss Jamila can ‘speak’ volumes without even saying a word! 
She is a thrivor, which means she has the backbone and strength that has ensured her survival from hell.
She is very honed/tuned into Gwen. She may not see or hear, yet she knows that Gwennie is taking this picture. Her scent training is excelling.

BHRR’s Miss Gretta!
She turned 11 years young in November 2011.
The last of the FREEDOM Danes from the Paws R Us Seizure.
We have rescued many Danes from this line over the past 20+ years – even her maternal grandfather, great relatives, aunts, uncles, siblings, cousins, mother, etc.
Cameras make her nervous, fans, plus doorways, hoses, sometimes too. Rarely these days……but, those nightmare memories/experiences are still a part of her dark past.
We first rescued her with her mother along with one sister back in September 2011. We also brought in two unrelated Danes from that same seizure – over 600 dogs, Gwennie worked with for over 3 months with hundreds of other dedicated folks.
We also assisted a momma Airdale with her five puppies along with a Chinese Crested – that Kinsley stole from us and is now ‘her’ boy! 
Miss Gretta is battling thyroid issues and some Degenerative Myelopathy, yet is going strong. So much love and support surround her too! 
Thank you again to Kendel JF, Dawkin, plus Tyler for being her special Secret Santa in 2021!

BHRR’s Miss Lilly!
Deaf/Visually impaired Great Dane.
She will turn 4 years young in January, and remains AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!
She is super sweet with a side of sassy! She is a higher energy Great Dane and has been a true hoot to have with us!
She has learned to share, have manners, and can be a real lady when she wants to, and a true tomboy when she wants to also!
Adore her! She lives life to the fullest each and every day! No half measures for this big-hearted Dane.
Thank you to Melody & Barrhaven & Area Empties for being her special SS in 2021!
With their incredibly generous/kind donation, we were able to purchase a new XL Costco Dog bed for her, an amazing huge bag of treats, plus some toys for Miss Lilly. 
Heading into 2022, she will require a new Wiggle Bumz collar, and we will be posting over the next week, our annual Collar Angel Event!
Isn’t she stunning?!

Though, it may seem like our XMAS tree is ‘giftless’ again in 2021, in reality, the best gift is sitting in the other picture! – BHRR’s Chester! 
The giving of gifts to each other is so not important compared to saving a life in urgent need!
This is a picture that I took when he arrived for his busy day at the Hospital on Tuesday, December 21st. He weighed 35.9 kgs(78.98 pounds). 
Thanks to SO many joining us in surrounding wee 16 week old Mr. Chester with such a strong BHRR village, we have been able to pay for his vetting on Tuesday.
What all of us have done by coming together is to give this handsome WOW young man a Christmas Miracle! 
Another post to come with testing results, an update, etc….right now, it is traditional fam time at the Boers home after another very long day at work. 
I am filled with tears of gratitude, my heart is bursting with so much warmth thanks to our beautiful rescue angel network that has been showing him the best in caring kind wonderful helping hearts plus hands……..
In the New Year, we will begin our snuggle cuddle fundraiser to continue to raise monies for his vetting needs…..this boy is simply a piece of heaven!
From the Boerskins home to all of our friends, family and supporters, may your Christmas EVE/Day be safe and filled with immense happiness plus health.

Another picture from December 11th of Miss Jamila

BHRR’s Miss Jamila!
December 11th, 2021
Four days post-op – from her mature spay, two lump removals plus bilateral eye enucleation. We also did another ear cytology and a great nail trim.
She went on more ear medications for chronic ear infections that we first began treating when she was still in Egypt.
While you see dried blood in these pictures, you mostly see bruising plus swelling with her eyes.
Her surgeries lasted 3 hours and 2 minutes. Those last several moments in surgery with her were very tense.
She came home on antibiotics along with a great pain management regime and as with Miss Rosie, Miss Jamila was touch and go post-op.
Round-the-clock care, trying to get her to eat, trying to get her to drink was a very worrisome time. Trying to get her up on her feet to move was equally concerning. The lack of urination and bowel movements were also troubling as she was just not eating or drinking much.
As of this week, she is FINALLY drinking back to her normal drinking levels, and while not eating back up to her normal, she is eating. I am getting my tail wags back – love how they start so low and her tail gets higher and faster as she expresses her affection!
I have also been working on her not developing SA behaviours as we have been spending a LOT of time together – most nights, I was lucky to get 3 hours of sleep.
Her scent training is zooming along, her touch training – one can tell that she has not felt a lot of loving caring hands as her skin is very sensitive and while she no longer flinches, she still startles. We are continuing to work on that startle reflex with her and she is responding one small step at a time.
On Tuesday, Sean helped me remove the sutures on her two lumps, on Wednesday(2 weeks post surgeries), we removed her spay sutures and today, I will remove her eye sutures.
This amazing girl is such a mixture of strength with vulnerability, and she has bonded very closely with me, and I have to say, I adore her right back a million times over! 
That first week of December was a brutal one for BHRR financially – almost $12,000 in bills, and we remain owing just under $750 which we need to pay off by end of the year.
Any consideration to our outstanding bills would be deeply appreciated. Donations can be sent via PayPal to
OR via email transfer to
Thank you also being sent out to the Markell Read family for being her wonderful special SS!!!

This will be Miss Jamilas first XMAS full of so much love, proper shelter, food, water, kindness, and warmth!  She resides in our home, one that cherishes her each and every day.

It is hard to get pictures of her as she literally wants to be part of me!














Chester’s x-ray

Mr. Chester was at the Vet – my work – today, and I got some serious loving!!
So nice to see him again!! 
More soon!

Mr. Chester (4 months old) had a great night according to his wonderful foster mama! 
AND per his foster mom, BHRR’s Maxwell(ADOPTED November 23rd, 2021) found a new source for getting his water!! Ewwww! 
I noted some blood on the one blanket that he was laying on when I was transporting him.
I also asked his foster mom if they could pick up some unscented baby wipes and peneten.
His foster mama says that he does have redness/rash on the inside of his thighs, and we do want to avoid any further urine scalding.
Tomorrow he is at the vet at 11:30 am and we will post as we can!
Thank you again to everyone that has surrounded him with so much love…we want to give him a Christmas miracle….

Miss Rosie 1, Gwennie 0
For such a sweet, low-maintenance quiet gal; she ‘speaks’ volumes with her actions about her desire to be on this particular window ledge!! 
She is looking for Sean….he is off doing some errands while I try to study….
My Dane Ice is oblivious to the ‘war of the ledge!’ 
On a side note, I am taking her sutures out today. It has been 14 days and she is finally doing great again!

BHRR’s Granite!
He looks graceful yet is anything but! 
Waiting patiently for Gwennie to put down the beds after sweeping. A multi-day occurrence at our house.

Mr. Chester is being shown the yard by his ‘big’ foster sister River! 
His ‘big’ brother, BHRR’s Mr. Maxwell(Adopted November 23rd, 2021) is probably inside where it is warmer! 
Mr. Chester has been in the caring shelter since November – at least the 29th – and now seeing him in a wonderful foster home is very heartwarming! 

Got him, now dropped off at his foster home! 

Beyond precious!

I will see him again on Tuesday for the beginning of his medical rehab journey.

Everything crossed that he can be rehabilitated successfully. He is just so lovely!

We will keep everyone posted! We are deeply indebted to many that have come together to surround him with a strong BHRR village of support!

Making my drive home to have a late supper with Sean! See you in ~1 hour!

Mr. Chester is hanging in so well from all the wonderful reports coming in from the angel drivers!
There are a lot of animals on this transport including Guinea pigs and a rabbit.
The rabbit (a male named Maggie!) comes from the same shelter as he does.
The transport is running almost an hour behind yet slow but sure.
We are being told by many just how much fun he is – sweet, timid, and did I say everyone thinks he is sweet yet?!! 
Once I get him, I will be driving him with bags of food, etc., to his foster in Kanata.
Going to be a late-night! Yet, a truly rewarding one. 

Mr. Chester is travelling well!
He is super sweet per all of his transport angels – very timid about getting into the vehicles (cannot blame him) – so folks are lifting him in.
Wee Giant! ~70 pounds of fluff! 
Thank you to all that have come together to make lifesaving donations for him to see several specialists…..
This photo is the credit of Norma – one of his rescue drivers!

Wee 16 week old Chester is on his way!!
The first angel transporter said he is a sweetheart all the way!! 
I will be meeting the last of his rescue angel drivers for 6 pm tonight, then making the drive to his foster home.
It is a big day for him.
This is another pic of him while at the shelter last week when I asked for a few more pics.
The ‘bed head’ hair is awesome!!

UPDATE: we are working on 16 weeks old Mr. Chester’s transport for tomorrow.
I asked for some new pics to post and this one just captured my soul.
I also asked the shelter if they were sure he was a Saint/Newf as he looks so much like a Leonberger baby. 
The shelter said the Owner stated a Newf/Saint and my contact there also thought possible Leonberger too!
I am aware of several litters of Byber Saint/Newfs in that area that were born over the last few months…
Regardless, he is 100% stunning and deserving.
Thanks to the incredibly generous hearts of so many, we are just shy of $500 of our goal to raise for him.
We also have him booked in on Tuesday to begin his proactive/preventative vet care.
Donations can be sent via PayPal to
OR via email transfer to
Save your Empties to donate is another amazing way to support him!
AND yes, he does have a fabulous foster home that will be loving on him!
Soon wee dude, soon! You will be here soon!

**UPDATE: $715 Raised To Date* 

We were contacted last night about this urgent medical 16 week old Saint Bernard/Newf Puppy.

He needs a Christmas miracle.

Euthanasia was one of the recommendations on the table by the Vet, and we felt he deserves the opportunity to determine what his diagnosis and prognosis may be. The wonderful Shelter felt the same as they reached out for possible rescue assistance per the additional recommendation made by the Vet to consider rescue as another possible option as long as the rescue remains dedicated to doing what is in his best interest.

He was an owner surrender to a shelter as the owners could no longer afford his vet bills.

From the shelter vet:

“I am suspicious he has ectopic ureters causing urinary issues but wouldn’t be able to confirm without extensive testing at a referral facility. Even with that diagnosis if he does have this congenital abnormality that may or may not be able to be corrected by surgery (depending on defect) and even then surgery may still not be successful (no guarantee).

Options would be to try and find a rescue. I would consider euthanasia a reasonable option as well. ”

His name is Chester, and we need to raise ~$1,800 – $2,100 for a CT scan.

Only 16 weeks old and he desperately needs a village to surround him…..

We are already financially strapped yet that face, so young….he deserves a chance…..and hoping others may feel the same….

This condition(if that is what he has) is common in certain breeds – Newfs being one. Ectopic Ureters are more common in female dogs over males. Success in males can be 25-50%, ‘if’ this is what he has. No one knows without further diagnostics being done.

He has been a big fav of staff & volunteers at the shelter and everyone would like to know for sure before seeing a puppy euthanised if it is truly in the pup’s best interest.

What if he can be successfully rehabilitated? We have dealt with ectopic ureters before. 100% success rate yet we go into this with our eyes completely open and aware.

The Boerskins are foregoing again this year in the giving of gifts to each other so funds can be redirected to this puppy.

If anyone has even $5 to spare, we remain humbled by your show of support.

This is an extremely urgent situation and looking at an eta for his arrival on Sunday.

Any donation consideration can be sent to PayPal

OR via email transfer to

Wee Chester needs a Christmas miracle…. 

Thank you in advance for your consideration. 


Well, our plan is not going as well as we had anticipated….so, on to plan B to keep her off the window sill….no access at all!!!

Thank you Miss Rosie for the adventure!! 

She is such a calm mellow dog – just has a mind of her own! 

Now I get to also clean all of her nose smears off of the window!!


I do believe that Miss Rosie is not a redbone black & tan hound…..yet, more of a billy goat!
She insists on standing on the window ledge to get the best advantage to see outside – that one can see a substantial distance by not standing on the ledge is moot in her eyes!
We have now taken to padding that area as Miss Rosie is only 8 days post-op surgery, and we do not want her hurting herself….
She is the sweetest darling of a dog yet when she puts her mind to something, she becomes very determined! 

On December 8th, Miss Jamila had her own surgeries. She now weighs 53.1 kgs(116.82 pounds). She has put on over 10 kgs(22 pounds) of much-needed muscle mass/weight pous toned up since she arrived into our rescue.
The pics are bloody – heads up.
Miss Jamila had her mature spay, had two lumps removed, was microchipped, plus had a bilateral eye enucleation. She also had her nails – they were so overgrown upon arrival into rescue and we have been working hard on getting them under control. They were affecting her ability to walk on certain surfaces.
An ear cytology was also done and more medication was dispensed as she has battled chronic ear infections, which we first addressed while she was still in Egypt , then several times after her arrival to Canada.
Her surgeries were 3 hours and 2 minutes.
Per Gwennie, was her surgery tech that day, she was very stable right up until the end of her second eye enucleation. Her BP then began to drop. As vascular as her mature spay was – my god this poor girl had been bred so much – her eyes were even more so. Surprisingly so per Gwennie/the surgeon.
Her eyes, as is extremely common with the special needs (double merle Great Danes) were deeply recessed – the right more than the left plus she had a condition called Microphthalmia, which is a birth defect in which one or both eyes did not develop fully, so they are abnormal. This is also very common in the special needs Great Danes.
Miss Jamila suffered from chronic eye infections, cataracts, and we had been so worried about her getting glaucoma. The number of eye medications along with meds that we were using to keep her pain under control until we could get her healthy enough for these surgeries was not just costly yet vast.
Her surgeon had worried prior to doing her mature spay that her other surgeries may have to be aborted for that day depending on how bad it was yet, Miss Jamila proved herself to be a continued thrivor.
As with Miss Rosie, Miss Jamila has battled her own post op complications…..Gwennie will address those shortly.
It has been a week full of long days for us, and even longer nights for Gwennie to get Miss Rosie, and now Miss Jamila on their feet.
Gwen, you remain my hero. I cannot function well on less than 8 hours of sleep, and you are working on barely a couple of hours each night as you are so dedicated with a heart so big.
Double Merle Danes are not ‘rare’, they are very common, and if anyone knows of any that are in need, please do not hesitate to reach out to us….this is what we do, and have for close to 30 years now. There is no reason why these incredible animals cannot live amazing quality-filled lives in the right hands yet, they need their physical, medical, emotional, behavioral, training needs properly addressed.
In preparation to continue to set up Miss Jamila for success, Gwennie had been working on her scent plus touch training – Miss Jamila is deaf and was pretty much blind upon arrival.
After paying off our Vet bills last week which included a big porcupine encounter for Mr. Fred – close to $12,000, we are still just under $1,100 owing for Miss Rosie & Miss Jamila. We have scrimped, we have saved, we have been blessed with donations on fundraisers, and we are almost there!
If anyone would like to assist two very deserving Dogs with a Christmas wish, donations can be made direct to Liston Animal Hospital at 613-591-0966
OR via PayPal to
OR via email transfer to
We would be humbled…..we have until the end of December to clear our accounts, and are not able to assist any more deserving dogs in need until our financial situation is stronger…..

To expand upon the earlier post, Miss Rosie did not have an easy recovery.

I had assistance in loading her up to take her home the night of her surgery. She was quite ‘flat’ and to help with pain management, Gabapentin was added to her pain regimen. A long night was then spent with her…..

She showed no interest in eating and very little interest in drinking any water. No urination either. The lack of bm is not surprising due to having fasted plus anesthesia slows down the digestive system.

She was having some incision site leakage after surgery plus at home – more than I would like, yet not abnormal. The area around her eye was naturally swollen. She is given Isathal applied every 8 hours for her eye.

The next day I went to work, and Sean monitored her closely.

Her bloodwork came back that her T4 was high normal(58), and so we are going to continue on her current dose of 1 x 0.5 mg of Thyrotabs every 12 hours.

Sean then sent me the following two pictures, from her. Her incision site was intact, with no sutures pulled or ripped out.

I discussed with her surgeon, and more antibiotics were added to her regime, and when I got home after work, we did what we used to do way back when in veterinary medicine, binded up her abdomen.

She ate a bit of food, drank some, urinated plus had a very small bm.

By Wednesday AM – two very long nights with her by me and two long days with Sean – she was a lot more ‘perky’, and there was no more active bleeding to be had from her incision site.

Wednesday was then the day Miss Jamila was having her own surgeries – 3 hours and 2 minutes in fact was the length of them. Posts shall be made shortly re: Miss Jamila.

Miss Rosie is now doing very well. Some complications, lack of sleep, tons of worry, oodles of love plus round-the-clock care given!

Once she is healed, she will have her vaccines and from there, she can make her own special announcement – sometime towards the end of January we think.

I am exhausted but happy as there is nothing routine about surgery in my books……anything can go wrong.


Post-op recovery

Waiting to be extubated

On Monday, December 6th, Miss Rosie had her mature spay plus cherry eye repair.
She was scanned and a microchip was found so, we are now in the process of getting that changed over to our name.
We had the surgeon look over her skin as it is extremely flaky plus dry. He felt that this is most likely the residual of her thyroid issues, and now that she is on proper medication, her skin shall continue to improve. We continue to also wash her with a medicated shampoo.
She has areas on her body – especially on her hind end plus tail that may never see hair growth.
A urinalysis was done as her urine was very dark plus strong-smelling when her bladder was expressed prior to surgery – Nothing abnormal to report.
Vaccines are behind held off as she went through enough on her surgery day.

She had an antibiotic injection given – Depocillin – and Gwennie gave her a good nail trim.

The surgeon also looked closely at her teeth. He did not feel that any of them needed to be extracted. He probed several and was confident that all of her teeth – some wear plus tear – were in quality shape. Therefore, at this time – the future could be different – a dental was not necessary.
Her weight is now 37.9 kgs(83.38 pounds). This is down from the very obese weight of 41.3 kg(90.86 pounds) that she arrived into our Rescue at. She still has a ways to go yet, we are on the right track!
Gwennie also drew blood to run a T4 to see how her thyroid levels are doing since she began the thyro-tabs.

It has been a big surgery week for Miss Rosie & Miss Jamila!

Will post as we can yet here is Miss Jamila & me in the surgery suite! Ready to go this AM!

Got her!

Miss Rosie and I are now on our way home!

Thank you Tracey Popham Todd for loving on her as her emerge temp foster!! 

Miss Bell says that all winners have now been contacted from our 14th annual ‘JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS’ Online Auction!

She is so happy to feel all of the love plus support!

For those who do not yet know, Miss Bell (almost 8.5 years old) was diagnosed with cancer – MCT’s – earlier this year and she is hanging strong!

Running from December 1st to December 18th, 2021 inclusive!

Miss Gretta – who is now 11 years old AND one of the last surviving FREEDOM Dogs of the Paws R Us seizure in September 2011 thanks to everyone that has donated and/or shared our annual Fundraiser to help raise much-needed funds for special dogs just like her!
*it is hard to get a great picture of her for even after all of these years, cameras, lights, flashes, fans, doorways can still scare her….while no longer terrified, she can still be nervous.

BHRR’s Rocket, BHRR’s Giselle along with one of my own Danes, Salt (sandwiched in-between) just could not stay up until our 14th Annual ‘JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS’ Online Auction ended! 

AND we have had a bit of excitement with some quick bids coming in! However, these three are completely oblivious!

BHRR’s Symba is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!

We will update as we can…..