Health Status: HEALTHY!
She is on Thyro-tabs 0.5 mg BID
She will require a small blood test – T4 every 6 months – to see what her thyroid levels are doing
Age: ~5.5 years old!
Weight: 80.96 pounds at last weigh-in and continues to lose some much-needed weight plus continue to slowly tone up.
Type of Home Ideal For Miss Rosie: She is an overall lower energy dog. She can be in a home that works ft, pt, works from home, is semi-retired or retired, etc. She is another versatile BHRR dog! She will ONLY go to a home that is prepared to ensure that she receives the balance she requires with proper exercise, socialisation, etc. She does not necessarily need to go to a dog-experienced home yet; she does need to go to a home that is prepared to remain committed to her obedience, structure, consistency and be patient, kind, understanding, and are not hermits. She loves home, yet; she also likes small outings to pet stores and other dog-friendly store visits, plus short visits to see friends. We are not advocates of dog parks. She needs a home that shall keep giving her new positive and great memorable experiences. We have worked so hard to build up her confidence and for her to learn to love walks, car rides, and new things!
Personality/Temperament: Loving, affectionate, calm, quiet inside the home – yet does have that hound voice and is not hesitant to use it when she feels it is warranted. She needs to be appropriately emotionally/physically stimulated, uber-sweet, social, even playful, become so much more active as her endurance has been built up, gentle, kind. If not handled properly – she has the propensity to develop SA behaviours. She can be a bit shy in new situations and settings and needs a home that will be patient understanding while at the same time will not baby her. Just give her a bit of time; she warms up SO quickly and is truly a character!
Previous Dog Experience: Previous dog experience is not required per the above. While we would ideally like to see her in a home that already has at least one right-matched personality fit dog, it is not a deal-breaker. Her best friends are BHRR’s Romeo and our son’s GSP, Tango. So, it remains essential for her to have a good level of physical activity. It is equally important that she has a strong doggie network as she needs friends too – she is going to be that dog that will make and want only a few close friends and shall be ok having a multitude of hundreds of acquaintances! She has been fantastic with all of the dogs here.
Good With Cats: Unknown – yet, we would not recommend it
Good with Pocket Pets: Unknown.
Good with Children: She has been good with children, and we will consider homes that have children 12 and up and no more than two children in a home. No small children.
Grooming: She is good to wash, doing nails. We take a soft brush and brush regularly, and this is a great bonding time between us – along with treats! She has a special shampoo that we use – Canadian Medicated Shampoo.
Car: She is excellent in the car. We have worked for her to have a positive association with car rides and that it is one of great fun and loving experiences.
Housebroken/Crate Trained: She is housebroken and Crate trained. She has been 100% trustworthy in our home. Yet, we never recommend for any new addition to be given too much freedom to start. It can be very overwhelming plus stimulating to them.
Obedience: Her leash manners have come a long way. Overall, her leash manners are good! She can still pull if distracted, so a properly fitted and comfortable harness is recommended in addition to the martingale. She can be a bit of a flight risk – she has a great nose and will follow scents.
Activities Suited For Her: She is calm plus has fantastic manners when it is expected of her, and to us, she is very low maintenance. Her days start at 5 AM and typically end around 10 PM – physically plus emotionally plus mentally, so when she goes to bed, she crashes and sleeps soundly. Outside, she loves hikes, walks, runs, zips, zooms, and can she actually move now that she is a lot more fit! She can also jump. To others, she may be considered high maintenance, and if you are not the person to ensure that when you come home, her physical needs are met and only hope to chill, relax, read a book or watch a movie, she is not meant for you. She needs the physical plus emotional stimulation, and then she is your best cuddle bud in the home – quiet and chill. She likes to surpervise me when I am working on my computer!
She would excel in obedience, therapy work. Maybe even trying some scent work. We know she excels in dog bed hogging.
Loves & Bad Habits: She has a mind of her own, and must be handled with patience, consistency, structure, plus a good sense of humour! Can be vocal when she is excited – howls. She can be over eager with her mouth with treats. We have been working on the ‘gentle’ command. Additionally, her food is a high-value item. No animal should ever be teased with food. She knows that she is going to be fed enough food – she always wants more!, be fed on time, and that no one is going to take her food.
She also likes to stand on my tiny window ledge, as seen in many pictures in her blog!
She must go to a home that has a very solid fenced-in yard. Looking for new adventures, a wonderful small hike, strolling partner, she is your companion.
She is an early bird – up around 5:00 AM, does her thing outside comes in, wants a small treat(benny bully liver treat), and tends to go right back to bed until around 8:00 AM and then it is back out, in, breakfast, rest and then her day starts – with whatever that days adventures the day will bring! She is up to exploring and having some fun! She is affectionate and learning every day how to ask for love on her terms.
She loves treats and loves to be around her humans.
Like any dog, she is not perfect. She is perfect in all of her imperfections, though! NOT to mention so beautiful!
She really is such a wonderful girl!!!
Anxieties/Worries: She can develop SA behaviours, and we have worked extensively to set her up for success. She has learned to like and love her own company and know that we are coming home. It is integral that the right matched personality fit home does not spend 24/7 with her. During this pandemic, we still need groceries; we should still go out and walk about; we should still get in our cars and go for a small drive to go somewhere to do something!
As we have stated for over 26 years now, we will NEVER rush any dogs’ rehabilitation journey, we do not flip dogs, and we are not desperate to adopt them out.
We will always place up for adoption the dogs that are able to be adopted and have any others that, due to medical and/or behavioural reasons, are not able to be placed up for adoption.
We do not take in hundreds of dogs yearly; we only took in 6 dogs in 2021 as it is about helping the next in need of us, giving them top-quality care, and not about taking in numbers. In 2022, we have ONLY taken in 3 dogs to date.
After 26+ years, we remain knowing that we cannot please everyone, which means that BHRR is clearly not the rescue to be followed, supported, believed in by everyone. We remain small plus mighty, and as we go through this next transitional stage for BHRR, we shall continue to operate with a zero-tolerance approach, plus providing up and beyond care to the animals.
Our mandates have never changed, and they will remain the same as long as we are around; the animals shall always be done right by as our priority.
Our adoption success rates remain second to no other group out there – 100% for over 10 years of operating, and now 99% as we go through year 26, and we are excited as we go through this slow transition for BHRR!
We are over the moon excited for you Miss. Rosie.