BHRR’s Royal Blu
February 23rd, 2020

He arrived February 22nd and based upon what our two transport Volunteers plus what we saw, we had him booked into our Vet Hospital for the very next day

1) He has severe entropion in both eyes – upper and lower lids and that need to be surgically corrected.
2) He also has a cherry eye
3) We did a fluorescein eye stain to look for scratches and ulcers
4) He has eye infections in both eyes & is now on antibiotics
5) We sedated him to do x-rays on both front legs & they were emailed to Dr. Philibert, one of our ortho specialists to advise – re: his extreme valgus deformity
*Dr. Philibert is away on Vacation until the beginning of March. We will be posting copies of the x-rays we took in this album too.
6) We did a nail trim while under sedation as his nails were overgrown
7) We did his anal glands – they were full
8) We did bloodwork – He is negative for Heartworm and Tickborne diseases & his Pre-op plus Wellness profile are normal
9) We are doing a fecal sample and he has now been de-wormed
10) He has been placed on Deramaxx for pain & inflammation
11) His coat is dry, flaky and brittle, so we are changing up his diet
12) He has a bit of a cough that shall be closely monitored
13) He is overweight – he weighed 65.5 kgs(144.1 pounds) and so we will be working on that

AND he is 100% amazing!!! This picture was taken as he was waking up from the sedation given during his time at Eagleson Veterinary Clinic

He is now scheduled for his eye surgeries on March 10th, 2020 and we are ISO: Auction Items for between BHRR’s Coupe and BHRR’s Royal Blu, we are in huge need of financial support to get them healthy!

If you have any item(s) that you may like to donate, please do email

Donations to his Vet Bills can be made direct to Eagleson Veterinary Clinic 613-383-8381

OR via PayPal to

OR via Email Transfer to
*Please let us know the password

With two big medical cases on our hands, our doors remain closed for intake…..

We will continue to think of creative fundraising ideas to raise much needed funds for both of these incredibly fabu pooches!!!!

My last post of my night!

BHRR’s Sleet!
One of our 3 deaf/blind mice!
February 23rd, 2020

My sight as I was getting ready to leave for work this AM.

1) I was SO jealous that she was still sleeping AND
2) She may be blind/deaf yet, look at her ‘listening’ so well to the ‘no couch’ rule! 
3) My couch used to be dark brown and is now wonderfully riddled with white hairs! 

She is such a doll!!!! 

I will update tomorrow re: BHRR’s Royal Blu’s Vet visit tonight at Eagleson Veterinary Clinic.

From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, warmest good night wishes are being sent!


Got him!

On my way home!

Welcome to BHRR Royal Blu!  So thrilled to finally get to meet you and even more touched to get to assist you!!

I am hoping to get him right into our Vet tomorrow.

Will post more soon!!!


Lucie picked BHRR’s Royal Blu several hours ago and now he has safely been transferred to Michele’s loving care!

I will be on my way shortly to meet her… safe!

I always say the world is a small place….However, I must be getting ‘old’ as it took me up to just a few days ago to click in to just who this Great Dane was. 

It was not until I received his previous Vet Records and when the Rescue that first had him mentioned a name associated with his time with them, that I truly clicked in.

Turns out, that we know who he is…..and we are well aware of his journey to Canada in 2017 and quite a bit of time while in Canada from when he first arrived. The Dane world is very small.

That, we were approached to assist him and that he is now in our care, has made me one of the happiest people in the world!!!! 

I cannot wait to meet you and I am glad that we have spruced up your name to be BHRR’s Royal Blu for per Lucie:

‘He traveled wonderfully well. He is calm and very regal (the royal Blu moniker is a very good one).’

My last post of my night….

This handsome man arrives tomorrow!

BHRR’s Royal ‘Blu’ – his name is ‘Blu’ and we are making him royalty!
~5.5 year old Special Needs Male GD

He was adopted out almost 7 months ago by another Rescue.

They performed two surgeries on his front legs as he was born with a congenital deformity – they remain abnormal yet, his mobility has greatly improved. We will have our own ortho specialist exam him also. Maybe there is more that we can do, most likely not as the Rescue that had him has taken amazing plus excellent care of him.

We have been informed that he ‘gallops around like your typical happy Dane’. BHRR’s Mavie, Our Ironman can relate to that having had four surgeries on his own front legs.

We are told that he love kids and is good with other dogs, people etc. and was adopted to a home with two children, 5 & 8.

Unfortunately, recently, an incident occurred in the adoptive home.

We have been told that this boy has always been a ‘bit iffy’ around food & has demonstrated past behaviours of some food resourcing issues.

He was in the kitchen when food was being prepared and one of the children was also in the kitchen, petting/touching him.

To be honest, let me state that if this Dane wanted to cause damage he could have and did not. He snapped and as the child is as tall as he is, a connection was made – and I have seen a picture of the bite. Bruising, teeth grazing with one spot from the angle of the picture that I can see broken skin. A scary moment for all involved. 

This was not an easy decision for this home who adopted him to return him to the rescue. In turn, the rescue reached out to BHRR to see if we could safe harbour him.

We are here to 100% support the rescue and this adoptive home during this truly heart-wrenching time.

The wonderful rescue does not wish to see him put to sleep and asked if we could step up to assist.


Due to our financial situation being extremely tapped with the further unexpected Vet Bills for BHRR’s Coupe, we have had had a delay in bringing him in and once he arrives, our doors will remain closed.

As no one wished to see him put to sleep, we are honoured to be here.

We thank this Rescue for all that they have done to date for him and we remain keeping his previous adoptive home in our hearts and thoughts. It is a tragic situation……just tragic.

From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, the best of good night wishes are being sent!

BHRR’s Singe
2014 – February 20th, 2020

As those who followed my previous post about losing not one yet two beloved BHRR dogs in the space of 8 days; I am finally ready…not really ready though; yet, am doing it anyway, posting what I hope is a somewhat fitting memorial to the first of these two amazing dogs.

BHRR’s Singe was lost to us due to a stroke.

To think that this dog overcame so much…he was emaciated and it took forever to figure things out for him to get that weight on him.

Many will remember his condition and many still will remember how amazing he finally came to look

Those flews, the drool, his eyes that reached deep inside of you, the way he would gently roll slightly off of his side and lift up his left front leg to get me to rub his chest more….

His chest and belly were so soft…just so incredibly soft as was BHRR’s Singe’s personality.

The way he came to love food..the way he would bounce and trot awkwardly with his wonky hind end back and forth to his feeding area to the bowls…..

His soft stunning brown eyes….the way he spoke volumes without making a sound.

That even with how bad his back end was and the strength plus muscle mass that we developed in him; would allow him to jump our hinged door just because he chose that he did not want to be in the hallway any longer…that he never realised that this gate was never locked is beside the point!

The way he would greet me when I got up or arrived home…that big ol’ noggin of his pushing under my elbow, nudging right up under my armpit blowing his hot wet breath!

The pleasure he took settling in by one of the fireplaces plopping down after much circling with the biggest sigh of contentment, rocking the pictures on the wall!

The way that you would romp and run; it truly was like watching Bambi! Those long model legs, so un-coordinated and the memories of witnessing your joy as you believed that you were running as fast as the wind!

You could look so regal and noble standing still yet, we well knew that you were one big puppy goofball in personality and movement!

The bumping into me as you had zero judgement of spacial awareness making me teeter…well, maybe not so much fun!

All of these things and more shall I forever miss about you dear BHRR’s Singe…My Singey……

I continue to often question the universe why bad things happen to such good people and animals etc., and to date, I have never received an answer back….

With each loss comes more heartache and pain and questions…..

The final gift that I could give you dear man is to hold you close to my heart and soak your soft fur with my tears of anguish crossing you over.

I adore you, I miss you from your nose to your tail and the soft and not so soft chewbacca sounds you would make…..

That my hand could be engulfed into your mouth as you gently took a treat leaving my hand and fingers dripping with slime/drool is also an experience, I would dearly love to have a million more times…

RIP my dear man… are visited each night with so many others in my dreams and until we meet once more; I will continue to visit you there…..

BHRR’s Coupe

We met with Dr. Philibert on February 14th and sadly, yet, honestly, it is truly in BHRR’s Coupe’s best interest that he will not have his bone debridement and removal of the anconeal process and elbow arthroscopy to assess the rest of the joint surgery that had originally been scheduled on February 21st.

We need him to heal and get stronger from this surgery and therefore, he will remain on the strong antibiotics of the Clindamycin for the next 9 weeks. He will continue on his pain medication and NSAID regime too.

At that time, Dr. Philibert will do the removal of the anconeal process and elbow arthroscopy to assess the rest of the joint on not one yet both front legs. 🙁 Dr. Philibert will determine at that time if he shall also have the bone debridement surgery and will repeat x-rays. It will depend how the deep penetrating bone infection is doing.

Per Dr. Philibert and what we have posted before, BHRR’s Coupe also has a lesion in his other leg along with arthritis.

So, the rehabilitation journey for Mr. Coupe continues and shall for some time to come.

We also need to do a Dental as he has broken/cracked teeth from his days of trying to survive as a stray and eating what he could find.

The good news is that he is now 40.3 kgs(88.66 pounds!) thanks to Shauna Stewart and her partner Billy! They have been emerge fostering him for us when he could be released from the Hospital. He was going to their home overnight and spending his day at EVC. Shauna works with me at Eagleson as a Vet Tech. THANK YOU to her for offering to step up to provide excellent post op care for him which enabled me to work on a cruelty case situation! 

As many can attest, he is AMAZING! Just a dream of a dog!

Here is his online fundraiser that Sean created! Now, that we have the final confirmation that he will still have further surgeries YET now surgery on both front legs plus a dental, the bills will continue to rise……

We are continuing to work on fundraising ideas for him as two leg surgeries and a dental with extractions is going to bring his current bills up even many many many thousands of dollars higher…AND that is not even addressing the two bullets we found in him to date…as his whole body has not been x-rayed, he may have more….

BHRR’s Sleet
Born October 21st, 2018
*candid photo I snapped tonight*

My last post of my night!

One of our three deaf/blind mice. 

She does this EVERY night with Sean. She and BHRR’s Glacier really love to be held and snuggled.

AND when BHRR’s Sleet becomes overstimulated or overwhelmed – which is so rare these days as we have worked hard to ensure that she is set up for success – what works best is holding her close & rubbing her chest. It is the only thing that soothes her.

She is the smallest of the 3 blind/deaf mice and she was the one that we were most worried if we could successfully rehab with her severe level of specialness.

Yet, out of the three, she is the most solid now. She is exceptional! Just exceptional!

She keeps her ‘big’ sibling brother Summit in line and always has! 

She is incredibly lovely and though, nothing shall ever replace BHRR’s ‘tude special needs tripod boxer supreme Potterman, Miss Sleet has forged her own enormous place in Sean’s heart plus soul. Yet, as he says ‘he has no favs!’

Their relationship is really precious, adorable and truly is one that is deep plus clearly mutual.

She has excelled herself with her scent plus touch training and had a double eneucleation too, exactly one year ago today. She no longer lives in severe pain from eyes that pained her deeply and eyes that she could not even see out of.

Completely blind and deaf, she navigates with her own confidence and calmness. She is extremely gentle in taking treats from your hand, is housebroken, is crate trained, playful, affectionate and is a great ‘supervisor’ of Sean while he is on his computer. 

She makes Sean pause and realise that it is important to ‘stop and smell those roses’ AKA take the time to enjoy all that is around you…..

To live in the present, to make the most out of everything, take delight in the smallest of things and not just the big things and that a loving heart/touch can help heal some things that are hurting/broken….

THANK you again to all that came out today to support our Nail Trim Event at Eagleson Veterinary Clinic!

Thank you to all that have made a donation to date to help us with BHRR’s Coupe’s mounting Vet bills.

THANK you to all of the Special Valentines that stepped up to make donations of a monetary gift and a toy and/or treat! Humbled…..

From our home to all of our friends, family plus supporters, the warmest and truly indebted of thanks are being sent!

Caring For Coupe Facebook Fundraiser!
(Please click on the above to make a lifesaving donation!)
Mr. Coupe is an ~3 year old NewfX.

As many know, the giants have my heart, the special needs even more so!

He comes from a really terrible past – a stray that was picked up. Skinny, hit by a car and upon doing further investigation, he was determined to be heartworm positive, had a deep penetrating bone infection – actinomyces canis 1+ and we also discovered no less than two bullets in him. 🙁

Amputation is not an option for the one leg as he also has a lesion plus arthritis in his other leg. His ortho specialist recommended a bone debridement surgery and also discussed doing removal of the anconeal process and elbow arthroscopy to assess the rest of the joint to greatly improve his mobility.

Surgery was scheduled for February 21st.

Unfortunately, this past week, he presented to Eagleson Veterinary Hospital with vomiting, was bringing up brown liquid, was unsettled and refusing to eat.

Further x-rays, a barium series plus an ultrasound indicated that exploratory surgery was required as the concern was raised that a possible Foreign Body or masses within his intestines could be the cause.

Emergency surgery discovered that he had two sizeable pieces of material connected via a long string stemming from his colon to his small intestine.

He has spent three nights at the Hospital and today is his fourth day.

Hoping that other animal loving people may consider his cause to support to make a donation towards his mounting Vet Bills. He did not ask for all that happened to him. He is the sweetest, most loving, gentle, calm and wonderful of boys.

Thank you in advance from our hearts for any assistance, even $5! and for also keeping him in your best thoughts!

BHRR’s Glacier running with total confidence and you can see his brother Summit right behind them, equally running with purpose!

These are two of our three deaf / blind mice. All siblings.

Both picked up my scent from the moment they left the house and immediately headed right to me…without hesitation or fear. They are not timid, they meet the world head on!

They make my heart sing with so much joy!

BHRR’s Glacier – one of our three deaf/bind mice!
February 13th, 2020
Born: October 21st, 2018

Look how wonderful he looks! Yes, he is deaf and blind and his tail is wagging, his head is up high, his body posture is confident! He feels comfortable in his ability to navigate in a world that he cannot see/hear and he does this with exceptional skill/ease having been a star pupil with the scent training.

Just because he is deaf/blind does not mean that he is stupid nor does it mean that he does not have a heart/feelings, wants or needs.

He honed right in to where I was in the 3+ acre fenced in yard and once he found me….he stopped and ‘looked’ right at me.

We may have had to do a bilateral eye eneucleation on him a year ago yet, he was already blind, in brutal pain from the severe microphthalmia which caused entropion plus chronic eye infections.

He was born this way. He was born this way. The product of a merle to merle breeding.

He did not ask to be born. Yet, he was…..and that he was, he deserves to live his best life each day and we are doing that for him and other special needs Danes/Dogs.

He does not feel sorry for himself. We do not feel sorry for him and you can see that he is not suffering!

Education is so important and he is ‘normal’ to him and to all that love him. He is housebroken, he is crate trained, he is gentle about taking treats from your hand, he knows commands via touch training(we do not use shock or vibration collars) and scent training and he is 100% amazing!!!

He is a gift and one that we treasure along with his siblings and the other awesome special needs Danes we are so blessed to be here for.

If you know of a special needs Dane that could use a safe spot to land, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We have been the local Great Dane Rescue since 1996 and care deeply to what may happen should these beautiful creatures end up in the wrong hands….

BHRR’s Royal ‘Blu’
~5.5 year old Special Needs Male GD

He was adopted out 6 months ago by another Rescue.

They performed two surgeries on his front legs as he was born with a congenital deformity – they remain abnormal yet, his mobility has greatly improved. We will have our own ortho specialist exam him also. Maybe there is more that we can do, most likely not as the Rescue that had him has taken amazing plus excellent care of him.

We have been informed that he ‘gallops around like your typical happy Dane’. BHRR’s Mavie, Our Ironman can relate to that having had four surgeries on his own front legs.

We are told that he love kids and is good with other dogs, people etc. and was adopted to a home with two children, 5 & 8.

Unfortunately, recently, an incident occurred in the adoptive home.

We have been told that this boy has always been a ‘bit iffy’ around food & has demonstrated past behaviours of some food resourcing issues.

He was in the kitchen when food was being prepared and one of the children was also in the kitchen, petting/touching him.

To be honest, let me state that if this Dane wanted to cause damage he could have and did not. He snapped and as the child is as tall as he is, a connection was made – and I have seen a picture of the bite. Bruising, teeth grazing with one spot from the angle of the picture that I can see broken skin. A scary moment for all involved. 

This was not an easy decision for this home who adopted him to return him to the Rescue. In turn, the rescue reached out to BHRR to see if we could safe harbour him.

We are here to 100% support the rescue and this adoptive home during this truly heart-wrenching time.

The wonderful Rescue does not wish to see him put to sleep and asked if we could step up to assist.


We are now working on an ETA for him as our financial situation is extremely tapped with the further unexpected Vet Bills for BHRR’s Coupe.

Yet, no one wishes to see him put to sleep and I know that the Rescue that he is currently with would not see that ever happen and we are honoured to be here.

We thank this Rescue for all that they have done to date for him and we remain keeping his previous adoptive home in our hearts and thoughts. It is a tragic situation……just tragic.

Please join me in expressing those sentiments…..


Fox Red Lab

He says it is time!

He is finally ready to make his own special announcement!

He will only be approved to be adopted to a home that is going to be proactive with his seasonal and food allergies.

It has taken close to $4,000 to successfully rehabilitate this gorgeous boy and he needs to remain on a fish based food plus Apoquel.

A home that is going to be committed plus dedicated to ensuring that he never has his health and happiness compromised ever again.

He can go to a home that works part-time, full-time, from home, is semi or even fully retired. Another BHRR versatile dog!

He is crate trained, wiggly to do nails, fine to bathe with his special shampoo and his leash manners have greatly improved yet, he can still be that bulldozing boy. A diamond in the rough! 

His amazing foster Mama has been working so diligently on his worry re: stairs and he is so proud of himself when he does them! We are EQUALLY proud of you Mr. Percival! 

He can still exhibit some car anxiety and passively ignoring after a reassuring word is so important.

He wants to love everyone yet, still becomes worried over meeting people once in awhile and giving him some space, not looking so tall and offering a treat, then passively ignoring greatly helps him. That he may not take the treat is not what matters. What matters is the positive experience that he is getting and seeing that he is ok.

He is super friendly, affectionate, a true ham of a personality fun filled boy…..he just lacked the proper socialization as a puppy and the home that turns out to be his right matched forever loving home will see that their patience will pay off in huge dividends.

He does not need to be babied. That is setting him up for failure.

His foster mama has been showing him what a wonderful world it can be and he is thriving!

He is great with other dogs plus cats and has come a long way in learning how to play with toys! Such a hoot to watch him in action!

Thank you again to Josée Lavoie Pet Photography for the stunning pictures of this gorgeous boy.

Thank you once more from our hearts to his fabu foster home for all that they have and are doing for him!

We will not adopt him to a home with children under the age of 12. Small children are fast, flighty and unpredictable and he needs stability, consistency plus structure. We want him to be treated like the prince he is.

We would love to see him adopted to a home that has at least one right matched personality fit dog and/or cat residing in it. We will consider homes that do not have any other pets yet, they must have a strong doggie network in place for him to have friends to play plus socialise with. He was so alone prior to rescue and he needs friends just as we do!

He is a healthy happy active plus affectionate boy and settles down in the home when it is time to relax and chill. Great for long walks and in turn, watching movies by the fireplace type of boy.

The healthier he has become, the happier he has become and his Foster Mama has been working on his manners and he is such a good student!

BHRR’s Pervical, we will never regret stepping up to assist you despite the back lashing we took and your successful rehabilitation reinforces why we do what we do and why we need to stand strong for those who have no voice!

Congratulations to you and we are beyond excited for your future!

BHRR’s Coupe(NewfX)

Post-op incision site

I also pexied him at the same time.

He had a brutal foreign body – two large pieces of material – is it stuffie, blanket, who knows what – yet, they were connected together throughout his colon and lower intestines by a very long thread – that was what the ultrasound was picking up as being bunched up loops in his intestines as possible masses.
*picture of one of the pieces below*

He had a stomach tube placed in during his surgery to remove all of the nasty stomach contents as his stomach motility had come to a stand still.

We remain incredibly touched by all of the well wishes sent his way and equally touched by all of the life saving donations sent to date towards his ever mounting Vet bills.

I was paid today and put down another $500 on to his account and right now, we have covered just under 50% of this surgery. It will easily be over $3,000 between the surgery/critical care. He was on his third day/night at EVC today, 2nd night post op.

If anyone may consider even $5 to his cause, you can donate direct to Eagleson Veterinary Clinic 613-383-8381

OR via PayPal to

OR via Email Transfer to

We are continuing to work on fundraising options for him and are immensely humbled by all support shown!

We are now getting in touch with his ortho specialist, Dr. Philibert to obtain his own professional thoughts for on February 21st, BHRR’s Coupe was to have his bone debridement surgery along with removal of the anconeal process and elbow arthroscopy to assess the rest of the joint.

Dr. Philibert shall not have another opening to around June and it breaks our hearts to have to see BHRR’s Coupe wait yet, if that is what is in his best interest, it is what we shall do.

BHRR’s Coupe is now in emergency surgery.

X-ways this AM and again this afternoon revealed no movement of the barium.

An abdominal ultrasound then done indicated that he may have some possible masses or be a possible foreign body and he had swollen lymph nodes.

Thank you to everyone that has kept him in their thoughts and also to all that have made lifesaving donations to date to his cause.

Donations can continue to be made direct to Eagleson Veterinary Clinic 613-383-8381

OR via PayPal to

OR via email transfer to

Every bit helps and his bills are running into many thousands of dollars since his rescue. AND he is worth every nickel!! 

He has stolen the hearts of so many at my work.

Will update as I can…..

UPDATE: BHRR’s Coupe will remain in the Hospital at Eagleson Veterinary Hospital overnight. 

The barium is moving very slowly and his wonderful Vet will be repeating the x-rays tomorrow AM and afternoon and go from there. 

THANK you to everyone that has made a lifesaving donation today!

We have $695 raised to date for him!

Donations can continue to be sent direct to Eagleson Veterinary Hospital – 613-383-8381

OR via PayPal to

OR via email transfer to

Tomorrow, we shall also know more re: his leg debridement surgery scheduled for the 21st of February and if that will be a ‘go’ based upon what is currently happening with him.

AND please keep this sweet precious boy in your thoughts…..


BHRR’s Coupe(Newfx) is currently at Eagleson Veterinary Clinic. 

BHRR’s Coupe was rushed into Eagleson Veterinary Clinic last night. He had vomited no less than 5 times, was then bringing up brown liquid and was uncomfortable/unsettled.

We did x-rays as bloat was the big concern and while he did have gas in his stomach and colon plus was filled with stool, bloat was not occurring at that time.

Two of his x-rays looked like something may be going on with his lungs and so we repeated further x-rays to rule out anything going on with his lungs.

It was discussed that perhaps the extremely strong antibiotics he is on for that brutal bone infection was a possible cause and added to the Forti Flora he was getting, Sulcrate was dispensed to help coat his stomach and he was given a cerenia injection to help with his nausea.

Unfortunately, per his Foster Mama, this AM he was not better and in fact worse and remained not eating, nauseous, subdued, has not had a bowel movement, was uncomfortable and he was rushed back in.

More x-rays were taken and the gas pattern and stool were still there. 

Eagleson has now admitted him and we are doing a barium series study as the next step. He will have repeat x-rays around 4 pm and again at 8 pm.

He is in big need of your best thoughts and if anyone has even $5 to spare towards his ever mounting vet bills – he was already scheduled for his bone debridement surgery with Dr. Philibert on February 21st & that may have to be postponed – we would be so so so appreciative.

Donations can be made direct to Eagleson Veterinary Clinic 613-383-8381

OR via PayPal to

OR via email transfer to

It would mean the world to us!!

AND if you cannot spare anything financially, may we please ask for best thoughts and wishes for him and also for his Foster Mama as she is equally as worried as we all are!

BHRR’s Coupe, you were to be that simple ‘hit by car’ and we now know that you have no less than two bullets in your body, are heartworm positive, have a horrible deep bone infection etc., and it breaks my heart that in your short life to date, you have had to endure so much.

Yet, throughout it all, you have been the sweetest and most affectionate boy!

Thank you to everyone for the consideration to his cause. We have had to temporarily close our doors to intake as BHRR’s Coupe needs all of our available resources sent his way for we will never compromise on the high standard of care each and every BHRR dog needs and deserves. 

The biggest thank you’s are once more being sent out to my fellow work colleague and dear friend Trina for staying to do x-rays with me etc. AND also to Dr. Ammar for coming in immediately when I called him. I work with some really amazing people! 

Bell(Deaf/Blind on left side)
February 1st, 2020

I truly do not know why I even bother trying to put xpens around my desk to try and get some work done  – working to put winners in touch with the donators from our recent 7th Annual Breaking Bills Bake Auction!

I feel like I am being ‘watched’ AND when I turn around and see not one, not two, not three yet four stunning white beauties honed in on me!

So, time for a walk, a few treats and a break from my computer!

For those still waiting for their auction funds to be collected and to then be put in touch with the donators of your beautiful winnings, you are now going to have to blame the 3 Blind/Deaf Mice & BHRR’s Bell for the further wait! 

I live a blessed life and when they need me, I must go and be with them!

Will continue the auction communications ASAP and for those that have not yet paid, please do check your emails!

I truly shall never get tired of seeing all of these gorgeous special needs Dane mugs!

THIS came on my radar last night!

Nicki is making handmade bracelets to benefit our Giant Breed Rescue & Rehabilitation Programs!

100% comes to BHRR and she is doing this indefinitely!

HOW creative, thoughtful and generous is this?! 

I already bought mine!

CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS & to purchase yours:


“This bracelet is to support the Ottawa Birch Haven giant dog breed Rescue and Rehabilitation centre. (BHRR).

The unakite beads are a stone that is believed to help with feelings of abandonment and separation issues – very fitting as a representation for dogs that have lost their homes for various reasons. The cost of feeding, medicating, and housing giant breed dogs is much higher than rescues for smaller breeds so every little bit helps.

Paw print charm is made of brass”